HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-86-0075J--86-126 RLbULU` .Lui,4 i4u. 86--'I4 ti M',bOLU'i'iUN CUNCLRNiNG '.rill; 811f iiWNUAL I:UCUNU'i GiWVL t3LD w11C:L, WHICH iS TO lit; HELD PINY 16, 198ki, CO-SPUNSOR�u 13Y THL; PIUbCULtllt L)Yb'I'RUPtIY )166UUL,*'TiUN AM) THE Cl'1'Y (A' mliugj., DEPIkl<'i'HENT OF PARKS IUA) Rt:CRLtii iUN; CLOSING CLRPAi.k :.i` I(LLTS TO 'iHkUUG1i ViAliCULAR tlttlt't'1C UN ThAT DALE DUR-,k4U hoLiko .iND L6T,-,iliLibHiNG A PLLLL)TRiI AN HALL bU13J L' CT TU L bSUiiNCE OF PL;i- 11-i.'b BY PuLiLL AND Fitts; UL'1'r1R'-lLLgT6; FURTHER t-�LLOOiNG THL SALL (it' BEER A_vD WiLiL, FUR A ULJI. k .L) U(iY PLRiuD UPOLd THL ,L ijbUANC L UI:' A `l'U1iPUMRY PLiOliT BY THL FLOltiDri Dr�Piki<iblLL4T OF L'USii4ESs REGULt�- 'i'iON, DiVio-LUN OF i�LCUtiui iC BLVERAGES AND TJWt CCU; Ai4u ALJT1iURLz LNG TIE C.LTY NiI Nt-.GLR TO L,'XliC:UTF� ii ULvi, DAY CONCESSWN tiGRLLMLi`J'i 6 LLT H THE ill. D.A. iN 5U13S`PANTit-ILLY C HI; FORM ATTAC ULD ti1;RL:t'0; SAilt AU'CHUlt-Luti` .TUN i,LgU /&PRUVALS 13EiNG CON`i' .NGENT UPON COMPLIANCE WiTh 6UC.il I.:ULdDITLWi 6 hLi L) Llbl.,. `iiTiONb AS MAY UL; PRESC R-LBL;D BY THE Ci TY UL' PilAldl . W1ILRLAb, tilt: i!usl:Uicli DySL.Cup ly riSSociatloll, a dull -profit corporation uncier Lrit_a laws of the State of LJeIv York, with Oi-)trutlolls la Flor.Ldu, 11us L"e.lue5ted A..sisr-anct: from -LliL. C:icy or Miami In connection wir-li tilt.: dtl-i tilinuui Coconut Grove Led Race to br, ileid on McFt.lri.ince kuad atld 60Llt11 daysllore Drive from 6:Uu a.m. to :3:UO p.m. on May ib, 1966; and Wt1L'Rt t», Lurtain stcLtuL:, should be closed to throuyn vehlcuiar Lrafrlc on May 18, J98u during specified Hours to 111SUru LlltE- Safety of till: purL1c11�a11LS utid SpuCtclCoeti attending 3 the 6th i,nnuai Coconut Grovt.: Lied Race; and WH1 RlrAS, `i'nu Muscuiar Dystrophy ASSOCiuLion has requested permission to soil bear arid wine for a one day period on May 18, i98u, in conjUnc:L1011 W.LL11 LiW dtil i11111Ual Coconut Grove tied Race; r arld WHLRL:AS, Ordinullcu Nu. 9o.LL; of trill , 1984, iluLhorizQd the Y a City Commission to permit ciispuilsiny of beer or wine ill soft ' C01ltd11lc:r5 111 ally C:1Ly P"rK upoll Such conditions allu limitations 4 as the city commission should prescrine; urld W ILREAS, Lne Clty of Niami Uepui Lnwnt of ParKS and Recreation nas co-spunsored this event uilrlually since 1979; and crrY COMMISSION ---- - MEETING 4F l`1'ne 3cronyni us�u ioitills �,yellcy 1S M.11.ta. FEB 13 11986 LUS01UTIUN 141) 86MP(l+� 5 REMARK: L J* WHEREA6, the City of 141ami Fianance Department, Risk Management Division has provided that street closures and `i particular special events ttecc-ssitate that the sponsor obtain c ` certain liability insurance covurage; NOW, THEREFORE, BL 1'r RESULVEU By THE CUMMISSIUN UP THE CITY, i OF MIAMI, FLORIDA-. i Section 1. in order, to establish a temporary pedestrian i ttiall on May 18, 1986 from 8:UU a.m. to 3.00 p.rn. for the 8th I Annual Coconut Grove iced Racy:, co -sponsored by the Muscular i Dystrophy Association <Lnd the City of Miami, Department of Parks and Rucreation, the follOW.Lng streets are heruby closed to i i through vehicular traffic for the specified date and times: (a) McFarlane Road from Main highway to South Bayshore i Drive; (b) ;ioutll LsaysttoLe llrlve from McFarlane Road to S.W. 27th Avunue; (c) All strut:is and avenues intersecting the area listed in i subsections (a) and (b) hereof. 3 Section 2. Such closing of streets is subject to the issuance of permits by the Department of Police and Fire, Rescue and irlspz:ution 5u1 vices . Sans pe11111L from the; Department of Police is to be issued upon the full approval of the Chief of Police: after giving all due: considerations to the safety and traffic needs of residents, businesses, and religion institutions in the area fur entering and crossing through said arterials and upon the favorable exercise of the City Manager's judgment predicatt!d upon all factors sot forth Herein. Section J. Upon the issuance of a temporary permit by the i jFlorida State Department of Business Regulatiun, Division of Alcoholic beverages and Tobacco, to sell beer and wine, and . pursuant to the city Code, ttte rayuesL of Muscular Dystrophy Association to sell beer and wine for a one; (1) day period in connection WIL11 Lhe 8L1'i tanrtu-zLi Beu Race on May lb, 1986 is thereby granted in compliance with Ordinance No. 9618, further subject to the issuance of all permits reyuiced by iaw. Section 4. The City Manayer is hereby authorized bo 3 excecute a one -day agreuim-aft with the M.U.A. In substantially the torm attached. ) Suction J. 'fill.- ctl )C'21lt_11L-Lon d ,uLnuri;;,ttiuils duct ul��)LUVU1.5 cAru subjecL W ulld t.'0I101-LI011ed UlJoll LilrfMUSCUIa1- UlstroPlly ASSoCluLIOII ubL•alilltly L(IL. Lll-,III rl_' t-.UVc_l,-tiju _lo rt.yUlrt-d by Lllu Ci ty Of Mlanu, F.Lnunvu Ut1�c1L CIiII Cli:., h1Sk DIVI-Sloll alld Upoll CUlIi(-)i1:.t11CU W1Lft lily OL&Wi i1-)t)liU•.iult_ .6li(1r1j.SLL�1L1.Vc: J11:".!CLlVU6 FEBRUARY_^.�_� iyt�u. �^ AVIER L . SU EZ , MAYOR :lty PREPARED iiND eiPl'hUVEL) BY: J " Roburt Y. C:i,4ri�' Lrllef u`,t)U-L CiLy :�ttornuy APPRuVLD CU CUIiA z%.yD 7 Lucl- t- UOuytlurty, C.1Ly HLZ.UrIlt'y SG-75 1 � � AGREEMENT a fills iiyLeumunl- Uilt%1�u it1LV tlli:i`J-_- cXuy of___--_-^,__,, lyt'sU, i i by and between the t-ity of LL\tiami, a municipal corporation of the state of Flor.16U, tttre:ina LUI 1e:icr.L:CUJ to aLj "C;i'1'1'" and the hiusculz.t Uystruptly Association, Inc. ("MDA") a State or New York nol-tar-i�roii� cor.No.:a(:iorl, Iker`itiaftur referre;:d Lo as "IrONCE5Si0WAtRL•'"' . RL•'C I TAL : Wr1EREAS, toe Ul P,aYkS aiW kesC.reutlon is ve st`d with jurisdiction over and control. ur ali C-TY parks and is responsible: for the: operuLlon of variaus concc:ssiorls as may be ue:cussary, desirable ur cunvetllent for the: use of tree public foe neaith ul rec:r`aLion; arLd WhERL;tiS, COWLESSiONAIRE Stlail USU the= ptOe eedS to lnci:a ase- the availability or direct therapeutic services for citizens with the dlsabiing conuition of Nusc:ular uyszrophy. WHEREAS, tiler City Conanission by Resolution NO. of authorizud tho ClLy Manager to enter into an agreement with COLXESSiuNAIRE; NOW, THEREFURE, e:-LTY Ulu mutually agree: as follows: 1. TERM: ,his Agreement shall giant cun.:ussion privlieges for a otic: (i j day period of May 16, 1986, during tnc: flours of the scheduled 8th Annuui riuscuA ar Dystrophy Bed truce= . Should inulelnunL v✓either or any unforeseen reason cause tltt: reschuduling of said 'event, the City rianagur or his appuinted deslgne.: shall autriorize approval for said rignLs to be In full force and effect for the agreed upon ruscheduled date. 1 86-- 7'a C, r 2. SCOPE OF SERVICES: A) C0N(7E1")'6I!_)NAi1?E is hereby the t'-'ll owi►-,g lords cf busir.::sses arcs to pr wing kIn61S ,,f (i) items f',r salc by CONCE:)SIU-:iAlHE - r-shi-ts and mats; ;jnd vending by local business coneessiCrs, assignees '-:f the ('ONCE5SlO14AIR)✓, froS`i0ijA1RE will receive a cortributiG!'.. 3) il, is expressly understood l.hat. ,,ii prcp:sed (2'-'n0essi'-)r, acLiv- itv must be submitted L'-, the Deportment (�f Parks and Recreal ior, fc" app"oval n,- LIC'e' thin ( l � l f i ftcen pri -,r to the event, and that no such iteLivity snrjli c.,.nf'lict with the existing nG!'- t -i' l' 7J%l 5igneG arU dated Februory 1!1 1_;3'1 i:�ee itt-3ctied Exhibit r?). C) Psuant t'-- lles-lUt.i b'1e' ar.d lJl'',e tiriy be sold by assigned ver,dv~s. tv� ii:,u'-r, r Lri r coh-,lic beverai;es of ary kind shall be sold, fi'.'rf%', ,r g vf,r awry by authorized concessions in Peacock and Myers Paris, 'Jo gambling shall i;aKe place, inclutding any drawir.E; fcr All c ,rcessit:ns shall have current licenses nc,rnal.ly required by the City or State for such crr.cessions as by the :'iLy Code. ))) CONCESSIONAIRE shall be solely responsible for any and all expenses related to Fire, Police, Sanitation and any other services related to this Agreement. . COMPENSATION: A) CITY shall pay C01KES f0llAiRE no o�-iipensati',n it connection with this Agreement. G) C014CE',)'S1Jf4AiRE sh.iii pzz CITY c,,;r!pt�n_ati .r. in c'-nr.ecti-•n with this Agreement. 4. GENERAL CONDITIONS: A) All rGtices which 5hall or lnay be giver. pursuant to this Agreement shall Le in writing and shall be delivered by personal service, or by registered mail addressed to 2 86-7 � f ;A Lhe other party ,t the address in:iicated her,2ir. or as the same may be changed from time to time. Such notice shall be deemed giver or, Lhe day on which pei l.y slc`ved; Or if by mail, on the fifth day after being posted or the date 'f �-Ictual receipt, wtlicIle ver is e 3rii::'". I'15. Ritchie Dorrier, District Director 6151 Miramar Parkway Suite 310 Miami, Florida 3302; CITY OF MIAMI - 2600 South Bayshore Drive Miami, Florida 33133 B) Titles and paragraph headings are for convenient reference and are r,:t a part of this Agreemert. C) in the event of, conflict betw,�en the Lerms of Lhis Agreement and any terms or conditions contained in documents, the terms in this Agreement shall rule. D) No waiver or breach .t' 6v pr�visi�:n ,f this Agrcemer,' shall r. constitute a waiver of any subsequent breach of the same or any other provision, hereof, and n,-, waiver shall be effective unless made in writing. E) Should any provisions, paragraphs, senterces, words ;r phrases contained in this Agreement be determined by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, illegal or otherwise unenforceable under the laws of the State of Florida or CITY, such provisions, paragraphs, sentences, words or phrases shall be deemed modified to the extent necessary in order to conform with such laws or if not modifiable to conform with such laws, then the same shall be deemed severable, and in either event, the remaining terms and provisions of this Agreement shall remain unmodified and in full force and effect. 5. DEFINITION OF CONCESSIONAIRE: It is expressly understood and agreed that no part, panel, building, structure, equipment, r space is leased to CONCESSIONAIRE, that this privilege is that of a concessionaire, 3 864w7Q . n ,t and r,-,L a Lessee, thaL CONCE.):;10NA1RE11-') right to operate Lhe Ti concession(s) shall cortirue ,r.ly s It-,ng as the cone(--ssior,'s operation; complies wish 0, agreements' suipulacions and cnrditiors of this Agreetner.t. 6. CO -PARTNERSHIP: N ;thing herein, 2,;ntaired shall c"'l'ace or be constrUetd as c-eaLirg a co -partnership between CITY and CONCES)IONAIKE as to constitute CONCESSIONAIRE as r)n agert cf CiTY. 7% CUSTODIAN SERVICES AND MAINTENANCE: CONCESSIONAIRE agrees L, service and mLjintain the area, via a volunteer clear -up crew or contracted services, paid for• by CONCESSIONAIRE, so as t,• leave th+� area it the same cleanliness and condition in which it was accepter. 8. UTILITIES: CONCESSIONAIRE shall herebv be resper,sible for all utility requirements of crrcession operation(s) other than those currentiy available at the park site and shall obtain the approval of the City Manager ;r his designee prior to t installatior of any such requi-ement. 1 9. RIGHT TO INSPECTION OF PREMISES: 3 CONCESSIONAIRE agrees that the concession facilities and premises may be inspected at any time by authorized representatives of CITY or by any other state o- county office or agency having ! responsibility for inspection of operations. CONCESSIONAIRE i agrees to undertake immediaLely Lhe correcLlon of ary deficiency s i cited by such inspectors or to immediately remove said concession from the site. 1O. INTERFERENCE: CONCESSIONAIRE hereby waives all claims f,r eomper.satior.'for loss or damage sustained by reason of interference by any public agency or official in the operacicn of this concession; any such 4 8s-7" - interference sha1L not relieve CONCES'3iONAiRE from any obligation hereunder. 11. INDEMNIFICATION: CONCtES610NAIRE shall indemv:ifv and save CITY harmless from yard against any and all claims, 12_abilities, lr-sses, and cause of action., which ►nay arise out of uctivitiO.s under this Agreement, including all other acts or ommissions to act or, the part of CONCESSIONAiRE, including any person acting fc-r or on his/her behalf ana, f'rcm and against any orders, judgements or decrees which may be entered, and from and against all costs, attorney's fees, expenses ar,d liabilities incurred in the defense of any such claims, ,r in the inv:astigarion therec,f. 12. INSURANCE: CONCESSIONAIRE shall prrvide a Comprehensive General Liability Policy including Products and Completed Operations coverage in the amount of -,ne million dollars ($1,000,000) combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage liability. CITY shall be named as an Additional in,su-ed on such policy. A Certificate of insurance for said coverage, for the approved event date, shall be delivered to CITY nc, less than five (5) working days prior to the event. Workers Compensation Coverage shall be provided in accordance with Florida Statutes. 13. COMPLIANCE WITH FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL LAWS: Both parties shall comply with all applicable laws, ordinances and codes of federal, state and local governments. 14. LIMITATION ON USE OF FACILITY: CONCESSIONAIRE shall not use, nor suffer or permit any person to use, in any manner whatsoever, the assigned concession facilities for any improper, immoral or offensive purpose, or for any purpose in violati,:�n, of any federal, slate, ccurLy or municipal ordinance, rule, order or regulation or of any other governmental clause, Mule or regulation, r,r.w in effect heoeafter er acted or x; adop ed. 15. CONSTRUCTION OF AGREEMENT: This AgreeraerL shall be c-,r,st.ruc d and �_r.fDrced ,Cccrding to the laws of the State of F1c',rida. 16. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR: CONCESSIONAIRE ,and iLs uinpioy-ees ;nd agents shall be deemed to be independent contractors, and rot agents or employees of CITY, ar;d shall r.oL attain any rights Jr benefits under the Civil service or Persior. Ordinances ..' CITY, or any rights generally afforded classified o- unclassified employees; Further its employees and agents shall not be deemed entitled to Florida Worker's Compensation ben`fiLs .;is an employee of the CITY. 17. NON-DELEGABILITY: The obligations undertaker, by CONCESSIONAIRE pursuant co this Agreement shall not be delegated cr assigned to any other person —s or firm unless CITY snali fir5L conserL ir. writing to the i A performance or assignment of such services cr any part thereof by another person or firm. ! 18. NON-DISCRIMINATION: CONCESSIONAIRE agrees that there shall be no discrimination, as to race, sex, color, creea, national origin, or handicap in connection with any operations under this Agreement. 19. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS: ' This Agreement shall be binding upon, Lhe parties herein, their heirs, executors, legal representatives, successors, and assigns. 20. AMENDMENTS: Nc amendments to this Agreement shall be binding on either party fi unless in writing and signed by both parties. T 86m- n- 4> 21. ENTIRE AGCEEMNT: This instrument: anti its ilttriCII,1UIILs c:onsLiLuLe the sole and only tAgreemunL of the parties iieieto and correctly scat forth the rights, IULIUS, arlci obligEltiGliti of to the otllEr :s Of its uate . telly pi for dgreemunts, promises, lieyotia Lions, 01:• rtriesontuLions 110L eXpl:03 4iy SiuL f0l Lil ill t }lls i�yiCsumunL dre2 of no force or effect. iN WiTNES:i Wffi;RLOF, thu parties Hereto E1._ive CLIA ;06 tills t�greemt liL- to be: executed in their namQs by Uluir uuiy authorize(( offi0Li8 4nd tile: c.orputuLe sells Lo be all as of the day aIid year first iabovu written. ATTEST: MatLy hirai, ,. City c:leck ATTEST: LORPORATL Sh;I -R- TAI )Y APPROVED AS TO INSURA&CE REQU I RL HEN T S : Division of Risk Management: APPROVED AS TO FOILl tii�L' CURRE'L:'1NL6 S: Lug A. Dougherty, City Attorney CITY OF HIAM-L, a municipal corporation of the State of Florida By _ CESAR H. OLIU CITY MANAGER CONCESSIUNAIRE: 13y PRLSiULNT ( 5Ei-,L ) 86w* 7S CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO The Honorable Mayor and DATE: FEB 6 1986 FILE: "a Members of the City Commission SUBJECT Resolution Authorizing the Closing of Streets A� and Agreements for the FROM Cesar H. OdiO Muscular Dystrophy Bed REFERENC S City Managerta c e . ENCLOSURES. IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT A RESOLUTION BE PASSED CONCERNING THE MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY ASSOCIATION BED RACE ON MAY 18, 1986 AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO CLOSE CERTAIN STREETS TO THROUGH VEHICULAR TRAFFIC FROM 8:00 A.M. TO 3:00 P.M.; AND FURTHER ALLOWING THE SALE OF BEER AND WINE FOR A ONE (1) DAY PERIOD AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A ONE DAY CONCESSION AGREEMENT WITH THE M.D.A. IN SUBSTANTIALLY THE FORM ATTACHED, SUBJECT TO THE ISSUANCE OF ALL PERMITS REQUIRED BY LAW. BACKGROUND The City of Miami, Department of Parks and Recreation has co -sponsor- ed this event annually since its inception in 1979. A temporary pe- destrian mall will be established by closing said streets below, sub- ject to the issuance of permits by the Police and Fire Departments: a) MacFarlane Road from Main Highway to S. Bayshore Dr. b) S. Bayshore Dr. from McFarlane to S.W. 27th Avenue, including all intersections. Last year (1985) the Seventh Annual Coconut Grove Bed Race provided a wholesome recreational activity for an estimated 40,000 people while assisting in raising ninety two thousand dollars ($92,000) to fight Muscular Dystrophy. It is also recommended that pursuant to Ordinance 9818 of April 5, 19'84, M. D.A. be allowed the sale of beer and wine for this date; and further that a temporary one day concession agreement be authorized between the City and the Muscular Dystrophy Association, for vending, as assigned by the M.D.A., and approved by the City, with all proceeds to be donated to the Association. Vending areas shall in- clude the perimeters of the closed streets and Peacock and Myers Parks. We believe that the Bed Race is a worthwhile cause for and recommend continued support of this public health which fosters research and promotes higher standards of our citizens. the community organization health among h`" =1 r January 10, 1986 Carl Kern COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Diof Parks Di and Recreation Department BOJANGLES: City of' Miami Laura Rosar 2600 S . Bayshore Drive Rick Bell Coconut Grove, F1 33133 BUDWEISER: AI Cueto Dear Mr. Kern:, Julio Rebull CITY OFMIAMI: By way of this letter, I would like to address a few Kevin Smith items regarding the upcoming 8th Annual Coconut Grove FOUR WAY STREET: Bed Race. Barry Perlman Billy Rudnick At this time, on behalf of the Bed Race committee, I MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY would like to request the use of Peacock Park and Myers ASSOCIATION: Park along with closing off South Bayshore Drive from Andy Behrman �30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m, on Sunday, May 18, 1986 to host Patty Kane our 8th Annual Coconut Grove Bed Race to benefit the Steve Krakow Muscular Dystrophy Association. Glenn Reinhardt WSHE-103.5FM: Your cooperation in the past years on this successful Chuck Bortnick event has been great and we would appreciate your Michael Dalfonzo support -services this year, as in the past seven j Allen Stieglitz years. Again, speaking on behalf of the Bed Race committee, we will do everything to insure the success and safety of i this community event. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. Sinc ely, atty Kane 1 Program Coor n to PK/pac cc: Kevin Smith MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY ASSOCIATION i 6151 n,uramar Parkway, Suite 310, miramar, Florida 33023 Dade. 624-3714 Broward Q62.4117 r p 1 y 8676E