HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-86-0169a J-86-250r 2/ 27/86 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI COMMISSION APPROVING THREE LOCATIONS, PRESEN,rED TO THE CITY COMMISSION BY DEVELOPERS IN CONNECTION WITH MODERATE. AFFORDABLE INCOME HOUSING DEVELOPMENT OFF CLAUGHTON ISLAND, AND IDEN`l'IFIED AS FOLLOWS: "(1) THE SHELL CITY SITE, (2) THE EAST LITTLER HAVANA SITE, AND (3) THE V.IZCAYA METRORAIL SITE," PURSUANT TO R-85-812; ACCEPTING SAID SITES SUBJECT rU TENDER BY CLAUGHTON ISLAND DEVELOPERS OF THREE MILLION TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($3,200,000) IN CASH, TO BE EQUALLY DISTRIBUTED BETWEEN THE SHELL CITY SITE AND EAST LITTLE HAVANA SITE DEVELOPMENT TEAMS; FURTHER, REQUIRING CLAUGHTON ISLAND DEVELOPERS TJ ASSUME THE OBLIGATION TO PURCHASE AND SUBSEQUENTLY SEE OR RENT, AS LOW/MODERATE INCOME AFFORDABLE HOUSING, UPON DELIVERY FROM THE CONTRACTOR, 104 HOUSING UNITS AT THE "VIZCAYA METRORAIL" SITW,; PROVIDING FOR RELEASE OF DEVELOPER'S OBLIGATIONS UPON FULFILLMENT OF ALL PH PREVIOUSLY STATED OBLIGATIONS. WHEREAS, the City of Miami through enactment of Resolution No. 75-135 did enter a Development Order for the development of Claughton Island; and WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 75-423 the City Commission did approve the execution of a stipulation for settlement of an appeal taken by the South Florida Regional Planning Council (SFRPC) of that Development Order and made additional provisions for the construction of 200 units of low-income housing on Claughton Island; and WHEREAS, by the enactment of Resolution No. 85-812, the City Commission did extend the time for performance of said obligations by Claughton Island Developers, and allowed the developers certain options to provide for development of. said 200 units on the Island or, alternatively, 225 moderate -affordable housing units off of Claughton Island at certain sites within the City of Miami, subject to City Commission review and approval of such sites; and WHEREAS, Claughton Island Developers have requested site location approvals pursuant to Resolution No. 85-812 and said sites were approved, in principle, subject to certain conditions by the passage of Motion No. 86-61 of the City Commission on the 23rd day of January, 1986; and ('fft CONNISSION M'eETIF: C; ti.. • . FEB 27 1986 A AYTION ito mlp-nae 14 WHEREAS, the Commission wishes to formalize said approval by the enactment of this Resolution: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAM I, FLORIDA: Section 1. The Commission hereby approves the following sites as are more particularly described in Claughton Island Developers' letter and exhibit submittal dated January 16, 1986, which was part of the record before the Commission for the construction of moderate -affordable housing units as set Eorth in Resolution No. 85-812: ( a) The Shell City Site; (b) The East Little Havana Site; and (c) The Vizcaya Metrorail Site. Section 2. Claughton Island Developers' obligations to provide such housing shall be released by the City for the number, of units planned for such sites as follows: (a) Upon Claughton Island Developers' transmittal to an escrow agent for the benefit of the particular site's Community Development Corporation (CDC) $3.2 million to be earmarked for the development of such units on the Shell City Site and the East Little Havana Site (50% of said monies for each site) and held in trust by the escrow agent subject to disbursement to the particular developers of said units on said sites upon satisfactory assurance, acceptable to the City Commission, that said monies will solely be used for the above -noted intended purpose and subject to: (1) the approval by the City Commission, within fifteen days, of a construction disbursement schedule that will be submitted by each CDC for the funds earmarked for construction of such units; (2) twenty percent of such funds being withheld from disbursement to each CDC by the escrow agent until the completion of said units to the satisfaction of the City; and (3) the interest earned on such funds shall be payable to the City of Miami. (b) As to the Viscaya Metrorail Site, Claughton Island Developers shall only be released from the obligations set forth in their above - noted proposal upon submission to the City Manager and City Attorney of such documentation evidencing Claughton Island Developers' commitment and obligation and contract with the proposed developers of said site for the acquisition of said site and 104 housing units planned therefor, upon completion, and for the marketing for sale or rental of the proposed units on the site by Claughton Island Developers. -2- SC-10" S. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 27t-h day of FFD,RLIARV ► 1986. XAVIER SUARE I, MAYOR A'P S MA Y HIRAI CITY CLERK PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: I. ," 7 ),- /'., ( ;JOgL E. MAXWELL ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY J APPROVER AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: L IA A. DOUMPTY j CITY ATTORNEY JEM/wpc/ab/P009 86-169- 4 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA �� W r INTEk-OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO Matty Hirai City lerk FROM err D. Ge eaux, Director no ing Co serva ion and Deyelopmen Age cy DATE March 17, 1987 FILE suBJECT Claughton Island Housing Project REFERENCES Rio Plaza �• Condominiums EN _-I.OSLfRFS In February of 1986, the City Commission through Resolution No. 86-169, designated Tacolcy Economic Development Corporation and the East Little Havana Development Corporation as project sponsors for the development of approximately 235 units of housing affordable to low and moderate income families in the Model City and East Little Havana neighborhoods. Pursuant to Resolution No. 86-341, Section 1(c), all construction contracts are to be awarded by the developers only after compliance with the City's competitive bidding procedures including the submission of all bids to the City Clerk. This memorandum serves to inform you that sealed proposals for the furnishing of all labor, materials, and equipment.for-the . above referenced housing development are scheduled to be' -----,,, submitted to the City Clerk's office on March 24,19$7-,. Transmitted herewith is a copy of the Invit i-on o Submit��' Proposals which appeared in the Miami Review on March-,--398-7-.---- If you have any questions regarding the above mentioned subject, please contact Jeff Hepburn, Assistant Director at extension 3336. JDG/jr Attachment cc: Jeffery B. Hepburn, Assistant Director 4: r,IAMI REVIEW • MARCH 2. 1987 .38 spl revolver undercover, sin NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION NOTICE OF ACTION NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION el sect, I sl 624442, 1 Glenfield, rifle, mod. 25, IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR ublir vem: IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR /B No. 404281 � p .22 cal , sin 19702925, 1 Rohm, 38 DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE DADE COUNTY. FLORIDA Courlhou o cal special, revolver, sin 132849, PROBATE DIVISION ELEVENTH JUDICIAi. CIRCUIT PROBATE DIVISION ! the 27 day 1 Marlin Glenfleld, mod 75, rifle, File Number 87.489 IN AND FOR DADE COUNTY,' Fite Number 87 1062 Noon, prnv IRAT10N 22 cal, sin 25297625 were seized Division PROBATE FLORIDA I Division 02 Ing real w., IRT FOR in Dade Co • FL for violation of IN RE ESTATE OF FAMILY DIVISION I IN RE ESTATE OF ; being in tht IIDA Title 18 USC• Chap y per. EUGENE S. FRANKEL CASE NO 87.08860 — 16 44 An LIPPMAN BERKOWITZ of Florid i son claiming an interest In the Deceased IN RE The Marriage Of I Deceased desc.rit,od Said property may file a petition The administration of the estate ARCHANGE CHARLES, The administration of the estate 3• HYDI Pt lot remission ormitigation of for. of EUGENE S. FRANKEL, Husband, of LIPPMAN BERKOWITZ• Ing to the I feiture, or file a claim and deliver a deceased, File Number 87.489, is and deceased. File Number 87.1062, in Plat Boos cost bond, with the undersigned, pending In the Circuit Court for ANDREA M BROWN, is pending in the Circuit Court for Public Recc Dade Count DADE County, Florida, Probate Florida The on or before 411187, otherwise the Y. Florida, Probate Wife. I property will be forfeited and dis. Division, the address of which is TO ANDREA M. BROWN Division, the address of which is to satisfy it he estate posed of according to law Surety 73 West Flogler Street, Miami, Residence Unknown 73 West Flogler Street, Miami, FL judgment en Ised, File for the claim and cost bond should Florida. The names and addresses YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED 33130. The names and addresses l with intere Ing In the be made payable to the Clerk of of the personal representative and that a petiton for dissolution of of the personal representative and costs of it i County, the United States District Court the personal representative's marriage has been commenced the personal representative'slapproximate ;Ion, the and mailed 10 the Bureau of Alco• attorney are set forth below. and filed in this Court and you are attorney are set forth below Dollars ($70 73 West hol, Tobacco and Firearms, Chief All interested persons are required to serve a copy of your All interested persons are conditions o Florida Planning and Analysis, ATTW required to file with this court, written defenses, if any, to it on required to file with this court, follows a T ddresses SEIZED PROPERTY, 1200 Penn. WITHIN THREE MONTHS OF THE HARRY E. GEISSINGER, III, Alloy WITHIN THREE MONTHS OF THE sold as a w alive and sylvania Avenue NW., Washington, FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS ney for Husband, at Suite 201 at FIRST PUBLICATION OF THISi parcels at itative's DC 20226, The amount of the cost NOTICE: (11 all claims against the 415 West 51st Place, Hialeah, Flor• NOTICE: (1) all claims against the; County Court ow. bond Is $2,500, unless the prop- estate and (2) any objection by an Ida — 33012, and file the original estate and 12) any objection by an within wh+ct one are arty is a vehicle, vessel or aircraft interested person to whom this with the Clerk of the above enti• interested person on whom this , thereof is loy s court, seized under Title 49 U S.C., Chap notice was mailed that challenges tled Court on or before April 3, notice was served that challenges I States may t OF THE ter 11, and then the cost bond the validity of the will, the quali• 1987; otherwise a default will be the validity of the will, the quali- i its judgment IF THIS should be In the amount of $2.500 fications of the personal repre• entered against you for the relief fications of the personal repre-; on, plus co: rjnst the or 10 percent of the value of the sentative, venue, or jurisdiction of prayed for in the petition. sentative, venue, or jurisdiction of without tend m by an claimed properly, whichever is the court. This notice shall be published the court. j vided by Till, om this lower• but not less than $250. (I.N. ALL CLAIMS AND OBJECTIONS once each week for four consec• ALL CLAIMS AND OBJECTIONS I Code, Sectioi sllenges 13222.83.2556V) NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOR. utive weeks in the MIAMI REVIEW. NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOR. of sale as to . ie quali• 312.9.16 87-030204M EVER BARRED. Witness my hand and seal of EVER BARRED j parties bidden I repre• Publication of this Notice has said Court at Miami, Florida, this Publication of this Notice has successiul b ction of NOTICE OF ACTION begun on March 2, 1987. 27 day of February, 1987 begun on March 2. 1987. chaser" here - CONSTRUCTIVE SERVICE Personal Representative: RICHARD P. BRINKER Personal Representative Ito deposit wit CTIONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE BLOSSOM K. FRANKEL As Clerk, Circuit Court ETHEL PINCUS , Marshal cash E FOR. ELEVENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT 204 Poinciana Island Drive (Circuit Court Seal) 5 Pudding Lane cent (200.) of OF FLORIDA, IN AND FOR DADE Miami, Florida By: T. CASAMAYOR Dix Hills, NY 11746 I diately upon I ice has COUNTY. Attorney for Personal As Deputy Clerk Attorney for Personal struck off and CIVIL ACTION NO. 87-07614 (05) Representative: 3/2.9.16-23 87.030281M Representative I the highest an Ive IN RE: THE MARRIAGE OF RONALD E. TEMKIN Michael A. Drlbin j the remainin N BARBARA DIAZ, 800 E. Hallandale Beach Blvd., Ma NOTICE FL BAR NO. 205656 1(8000) of the vi Petitioner, Hallandale, FL 33009 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Broad and Cassel be paid to the and Telephone: (305) 947.2726 ELEVENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT One Biscayne Tower steal within Ihirt• JOSE EVER DIAZ, 312.9 87.030283M 2 S. Biscayne Blvd. notice to put Respondent. IN AND FOR DADE COUNTY, y NOTICE BY PUBLICATION FLORIDA Miami, FL 33131 l U n i t e d S1,I r TO: Jose Ever Diaz NOTICE Off ACTION FAMILY DIVISION Telephone (305) 371.9100 , received a G,-+r Residence Unknown IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NO. 86.54961 FC 11 312 9 87.030214M Order Confirmlt YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED ' 11TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN IN RE. THE MARRIAGE OF -pared to deliv, 84 that a petition for Dissolution of AND FOR DADE COUNTY, ELOUISE A. BELL, INVITATION TO deed to the prn: IMarrlsgs has been filed and com• FLORIDA Petitioner SUBMIT PROPOSALS :place speciftetf )277M menced in this court and you are CASE NO 87-03236 (24) and I shall be liable f required to serve a copy of your IN RE: THE MARRIAGE OF JOE A. BELL, Sealed proposals for furnishing purchase mot TION Irequi a defenses, It any, to it on Nohra Lasprilla Bradley Respondent all labor, materials and equipment i attents and ter FOR BRAD I. SCHAes. It a ESQUIRE, Petitioner, YOU JOE A. BELL, Residence for the following project will be ; such time and p attorney for Petitioner, whose and and Mailing Address UNKNOWN received in the Office of the City! case he neqler address Is or P S.W. Petitioner, 104tStreet, Jose Fernando Suarez are hereby notified to file your Clerk. City of Miami, Miami City deed and pay I address Florida 33178, and file the Respondent. Answer to the Petition for Dtsso• Hall -First Floor. 3500 Pan Amen. I purchase money original with the clerk of the above TO: Jose Fernando Suarez lution of Marriage with the Clerk can Drive, Dinner Key. Miami, Flor- United States A styled court on or before April 3rd, Residence Unknown of the Court and mall a copy to Ida 33133, up to 2 00 p.m. Local the option of eit 1987; otherwise •default will be YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an the Petitioner's Attorney CINDY Time, March 24, 1987 the property anc relief action for dissolution of marriage D. SACKRIN, LEGAL AID SOCIE• or of proceedin entered against you for the reli state preyed for in the complaint of has been filed against you and TY, DADE COUNTY BAR ASSN., DESCRIPTION: Rioplaza Purchaser to cc or ised, petition. you are required to serve a copy III N.W. 151 Ave., Suite 117. Condominiums, 2 six story build• chase. and in tho of Miami, Fla. 33128 on or before the i^ s, 114 condominium units S W. if property shzi rding This notice shell be published Your written defenses, it any, 9 :oun• once each week for four consec• to it on Nora Lasprilla Bradley, 3rd day April 1987; or this Petition 1st. Street and 51h. Avenue, Miami, sum that the for the olive weeks In MIAMI REVIEW AND Petitioner, whose address Is 8875 for Dissolution of Marriage filed Florida. and expenses. it Meat DAILY RECORD. B Fontainebleau Blvd. Apt. 101, against you will be taken as be held liable fo irlda WITNESS my hand and the seal Miami, Fla. 33172, on or before confessed. ARCHITECT: Rodriguez Khuly but if it should 1 sses of said court at Miami, Florida on April 3rd, 1987. and file the origi. DATED this 26th day of Feb. Quiroga Architects, 4440 Ponce sum than the tort and this 26th day of Feb., 1987. nal with the clerk of this court 1987. de Leon Blvd., Coral Gables, Flor• and expenses, IN ve's RICHARD P. BRINKER, either before service on Petitioner RICHARD P. BRINKER ida (305) 448.7417. Contact Tony not receive any As Clerk, Circuit Court or immediately thereafter; other. CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT Quiroga for any questions, e. The bidding w are Dade County, Florida wise a default will be entered (Circuit Court Seal) between the hours of 9:00 a.m after the properl Wit, (Circuit Court Seal) against you for the relief By BARBARA RODRIGUEZ and 12:00 noon. until the success THE By BARBARA RODRIGUEZ demanded In the petition. Deputy Clerk pletes the certifi HIS As Deputy Clerk DATED this 26th day of Feb., 312.9.16.23 67-030242M The proposal shall be placed in to this Notice of ' the Attorney for Petitioner: 1987. a sealed envelope in accordance Its twenty percer I an BRAD 1. SCHANDLER, ESQUIRE , NOTICE O/ ACTION RICHARD P. BRINKERClerk with the provisions described in bid price with IN this 10725 S.W. 1041h SlrNt ) CONSTRUCTIVE SERVICE (Circuit Court Seal the Instructions to Bidders, and Marshal in the lot lies Miami, Florida 33176 BY BARBARA RODRIGUEZ shall be entitled Proposal for tilled check t ce (NO PROP[RT1l) rail• DEPUTY CLERK "RIOPLAZA CONDOMINIUMS". the event that the (Phone) (305) 274.2100 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT IR THE to Comply 3!? 9 16.23 87-030229M P Y with my ors 3l29 t623 87-030240M ELEVENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT DADEEOUNTY. One set of documents may be terms of the sat NOTICE 0/ ACTION NOTICE O/ ADMINISTRATION D 01FLORIDA, IN AND FOR obtained between the hours of Slates Marshal, at MIS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR CIVIL ACTION NO. 87-08832-27 9:p0 a.magain immediate . the Architect after and 5:00 p.m., al the the premises for sale )R• ELEVENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA FAMILY DIVISION office of OF FLORIDA. IN AND FOR PROBATE DIVISION IN RE: THE MARRIAGE OF noon March 2, 1987 by depositing bids had yet been r, tss DADE COUNTY File Number 87.281 JANINE CABAJ, $100.00 in check or money order i announce that tht GENERAL JURISDICTION Division03 Petitioner, made payable to East Littlelbe readvertised an DIVISION IN RE: ESTATE OF and Havana Housing Venture. Deposit I for sale at a later ci CASE N0. 86.40084 (14) BETTY MALTZMAN MICHAEL CABAJ, left with architect will be refunded the same condition IN RE: FORFEITURE OF THE Deceased Respondent upon return of documents in good inal purchaser shal FOLLOWING DESCRIBED The administration of the estate NOTICE FOR condition within seven days all for any deficiency PROPERTY: of Betty Maltsman, deceased, File DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE receipt of proposal. receive the bey THIRTY-THREE THOUSAND, Number 87.207, Is pending in the TO' MICHAEL CABAJ increased bid 1. Th. ONE HUNDRED FORTY-NINE Circuit Court for Dade County, , Set Soulhi►lew Circle Proposal shall include all items "he", "his", "him". DOLLARS ($33,149) IN U-S Florida, Probate Division, the Fayetteville. N.C. 28301 listed on the Form For Proposal, Purchaser shall be CURRENCY address of which is 73 West YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED furnished by the Architect. to one or more Ind THREE THOUSAND, SIX HUN• Flogler Street, Miami. Florida that a petition for Dissolution of or female, or a corm DRED DOLLARS ($3,600) IN U S 33130. The names and addresses your Marriage has been filed and The Owner, East Little Havana porations g. The pi M CURRENCY of the personal representative and commenced in this court and you Housing Venture, retains the right be liable for any and — TO: Maria Machado the personal representative's are required to sere a copy of to waive any Intormaltlies and to Lary stamps that m;., A. Residence Unknown attorney are set forth below. your written defenses, if any, to it accept or reject any or all bids, by any law h. It no of L. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED All interested persons are on L.AWRENCE C. RICE, ESO., regardless of dollar amount of bid been tiled in writing in that a forfeiture action has been required to file with this court, attorney for Petitioner, whose 312 67.330206M with the Clerk of the :o filed against the above -described WITHIN THREE MONTHS OF THE address is Stifle 509, I Paton Can. mfifteen t15i rip.,. " property by Metropolitan Dade FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS ,.. e.nntr• 1-- ---------- -�-- `0"l Mr. Cesar Odio City Manager -o..Miller J . Dawkins Vice -Mayor CITY OF MIAMI. FLOMIOA IPIT3?-Ct'FICZ" hIZMCRAN:)'J%A February 3, .1986 AGENDA ITEM FOR 2/27/86 COMMISSION MEETING REFERENCES: ENCLOSURES: i Please schedule the Claughton Island housing issue to be revisited on the February 27th Commission meeting. At that time, I would like for the two groups that were awarded 51.6 million to build the housing units to report on the progress made by each of them, so far, in obtaining the additional monies needed to fund the building of the housing units proposed. I will be sending a memorandum to my fellow Commissioners stating my concerns about the deal offered by the Claughton Island group which does not ensure that any housing units will be built. gf cc: Honorable Mayor b Commission (Members Robert Traurig Otis Pitts East Little Havana Community Development. Corp. 0 SC-110 10 - -- - - FWW CITY OF WA,W. FLOR10A N ADDITIONAL INFORMATION �T�R CF=1C� NIENIOPANCUvI AGENDA ITEM #10 ro Honorable Miller J. Dawkins February 24, 1986 `- Vice Mayor SU.3-E_- Response to Clauchton Island inquiry FRo:Cesar H. Odic) City Manager er /=rctiosuQEs. This responds to your request for information on the specifics of the agreement reached on ianuary 23, 1986, between the Clauchton Island =nterests and the City Commission with respect to the develo_ment Oi affordable housing in the City of Miami. The es-:Lmated development costs, debt service, and, rent (or mor-aace payment) requirements or the two housing developments to be sponsored by Tacolcy Economic Development Corporation and the East Little Havana Development Corporation are as follows: A) TACOLC`: ECOtTOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPOF.ATIOU PROJECT 1. Type of Project: Rental 2. Number of units: 121 3. Unit mix: One bedroom units: 90 ' Two bedroom units: 31 4. Unit rents: One bedroom units':*.$335 Two bedroom units:. $360 5. Total development cost: $5,682.822 6. Debt service recuirements: $251,094 The Tacolcy Economic Development Corporation has advised that the above cost projections are preliminary pending the completion of project design and financing arrangements. Tacolcy Economic Development Corporation's project will be financed through loans provided by Equitable and the Ford Foundation. Project debt financing requirements will be reduced through the provision of 1.6 million dollars by Swire Biscayne as per the' January 23rd agreement. 1 -- Dade County has tentively agreed to provide a portion of the county - owned Shell's City site to the Tacolcy Economic Development Corporation at no cost for the purpose of developing the project. The completion date for the project has yet to be determined. Tacolcy Economic Development estimates that the project will be dbmpleted within 12-18 months. B. EAST LITTLE HAVANA DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION PROJECT 1. Type of project: Homeownership 2. Number of units: ill 3. Unit mix: One bedroom units: 23 Two bedroom units: 88 4. Unit prices: one bedroom units: $37, 500 two bedroom units: $44,000 5. Monthly mortgage payments: one bedroom units: $276 two bedroom units: $295 6. Total development cost: $5,400,000 Of the total development cost (see 6 above) land accounts for $750,000. Monthly mortgage payments (see 5. above) which include principal, interest, taxes, insurance, and association fees, are the result of tandem mortgages provided by commercial first mortgage lenders and the surtax program through which deferred second mortgage financing will be provided The completion date for the project. has yet to be established. However, the East Little Havana Development Corporation has indicated that the project will be completed within 12-18 months of finalization of plans, specifications, and project financing. The East Little Havana Development Authority has emphasized that the above projected costs are approximate and subject to some degree of change pending finalization of project plans and financing. Swire Biscayne, Inc. will be contributing 1.6 million dollars to the East Little Havana Development Corporation in the financing of the project. 8G-1e21 A Both of the non-profit neighborhood development corporations have been asked to attend the February 27th City Commission meeting to answer any other questions you may have regarding the proposed developments. The Swire Biscayne Viscaya Project which you have also inquired about will be a 104 unit condominium project consisting of 80 two bedroom and 24 one bedroom units. Swire Biscayne has indicated that the total cost of developing the project is estimated to be $6,253,000 and the projected sell -out to be $5,357,000. The firm will experience an $896,000 loss on the project if these estimates are correct. Representatives of Swire Biscayne have been asked to attend the February 27th Commission meeting to answer any questions you may have CHO/JG/mc cc: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission 'QRA� sites were approved, in principal, subject to certain conditions by the passage of Motion No. 86-61 of the City Commission on the 23rd day of January, 1986; and WHEREAS, the Commission wishes to formalize said approval by the enactment of this Resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Miami, Florida: Section 1. The Commission hereby approves the following sites as are more particularly described in Claughton Island Developers' letter and exhibit submittal which was part of the record before the Commission and dated January 16, 1986 for the construction of moderate -affordable housing units as set forth in Resolution 85-812: (a) The Shell City Site; (b) The East Little Havana Site; (c) The Vizcaya Metrorail Site. Section 2. Claughton Island Developers' obligations to pro- vide such housing shall be released by the City for the number of units planned for such sites as follows: (a) Upon Claughton Island Developers' transmittal to �C ment to an escrow agent for the benefit of said CDC's $3.2 million to be ear- marked for the development of such units on the Shell City Site and the East Little Havana Site (50% of said monies for each site) and shall be held in trust by the escrow agent, subject to disbursement to the particular developers of said units on said sites upon satisfactory evidence and assurance, acceptable to the City that said monies will solely be used 7 for the above -noted intended purpos e Q� (b) As to the Vizcaya Meto it Site, Claughton Island Developers shall only be released from S� the obligations set forth in their above -noted proposal upon submission to the City Manager and Q 1 City Attorney of such documentation evincing Claughton Island Developers' commitment and obligation and contract with the proposed devel- opers of said site for the acquisition of said site and 104 housing units planned therefor, upon completion, and for the marketing for sale or rental of the proposed units on the site by �� Claughton Island Developers. In t;'rl ��101 - 2 - sc,—i k1 `.. -A �_