HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 1986-03-18 AdvertisementI 4�Y . ref= i ;L f S9A9'G OF FLORIDA • i COWTV OF DADE i Personally appeared before me the undersigned, Jorge h. Consuegra, to me well-known, who being duly sworn deposes and says that he is Credit Manager of Diario Las Americas, newspaper of general circulation, published daily except Monc:ay, in Mian►i, Dade Coonty, Florida. Affiant further says that the above named newspaper has continuosly puLlished daily except tlondays in Dade County, Florida, for more than one year innediately preceding first publication of said Legal Notice or advertisement and was during all such time and now is entered as second class mail matter in the United States Post Office in Miami, Dade County, Florida, and that the Legal Notice or Advertisement, all copy of which is here to attached, was publishes in DIARIO LAS AP ERICAS on the following dakys : 1.91 A 9C/ Signed Sworn t and subscribed be re me this 19_.&(Q , in Miami, Dade County, rlorida. a P.O. # Ad ordered kvr >wi Invoice t 6 e,�- 3 D Invoice Amount $ 6 S� TBARSMT ATTACIMD day of i Notary Public AUG 2 5193b WS I" S� 1 PAg. 2-B-DIARIO LAS AMERICAS MWING0,17 19#6 AVISO A TODAS LAS PERSONAS --Cos 910 "' INTERESADAS La Ordenanza No. 10087 de to Ciudad de Miami, adoptada el 19 de Marzo, 1986, requiere que todas ias personas que aparezcan en capacidad de representantes del cuerpo de ad- ministracibn, juntas, comites y el Consejo de La Ciudad, se inscriban con el City Clerk antes de tomar Porte en actividades del cabildo. Una copia de ,esta Ordenanza estA disponible en la Oficina del City Clerk, ^o—= _ Y _ u O%rld%A h— -- A --- — --' — — -- n--!- - — L r n.9 x:,ati o PAg. 2-B-DIARIO LAS AMIERICA$ imm1wo'io It AGOSTO t*. � i AVISO A TODAS r LAS' PERSONAS q w INTERESADAS La Ordenanza No. 10087 de La Ciudad de Miami, adoptada el 18 de Marzo, 1986, requiere que todas las. j personas que aparezcan en capacidad de representantes del cuerpo de ad- �. ministraci6n, juntas, comit6s y el Consejo .de La Ciudad, se inscriban 'con el City Clerk antes de tomar parte en actividades del cabildo. Una copia de esta Ordenanza estA disponible en Is Oficina del City Clerk, '.Hall,, City 3500 Pan American Drive, :.Pinner Key, Miami,; Florida 33133.' NAM NRYI tin Of MUMI, "RM . MR 1M - r { P'Ag.4-8 -DIARIO LAS AMERICAS AVISO A TOQAS = LAS PERSONAS er ,rea► an . INTERERAdAS La Ordenanza No. 10087 de La .Ciudad de Miami, adoptada el.18 de Marzo, 1986,. requiere 'que todas las _personas que aparezcan en capacidad de representantes del cuerpo de ad- ministraci6n, juntas, comites y el Consejo de La Ciudad, se inscriban con el City Clerk antes de, tomar parte en actividades del cabiido. Una copia de esta Ordenanza • esta disponibie en la Oficina del _ City Clerk, City Hail, 3500 Pan- American Drive, Dinner Key, Miami, Florida 33133. 1/4056) MATTY HIRAI CITY CLERK' CITY OF MIAMI. FLORIOA 4 MR 144 . . . . . . . . . . . S2ATL DIP FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE Personally appeared before me the undersigned, Jorge I:. Consuegra, to me well-known, who being duly sworn deposes and says that he is Credit Manager of Diario Las Am'ericas, newspaper of general circulation, published daily except Mornay, in Miarktij, Dade Coontyl Florida. Affiant further says that the above named newspaper has continuosly puLlished daily except Mondays in Dade Countyp Florida, for more than one year immediately preceding first puLlication of said Legal Notice or advertisement ana was during all such time and now is entered as second class mail matter in the United States Post office in Miami, Dade County, Florida, and that the Legal Notice or Advertisement, all copy of which is here to attached, was published in DIARIO LAS M-,ERICAS on the following days Signed Swor to and subscri ed before me this day of At—, in Miami, Dade county, rlorida. Ad ordered ky 6—ec r�4 Invoice t It 0 Invoice: Amount $ 9� - 4 " 7-1 * TLhRSIXET ATTACLED MR I" - 161Y C)rn-mlsicn Exp-..,cs May 26,1988 T';, f1k," - Inswance, Inc. f da4-oha Notary rublic 51 0 243 j�4 V Pig.4-B-DIARIO LAS AMERICA ARZo OEI586- r n(y AVISO AL PUBLICO iTodas lag personas interesadas favor tomsr note, qua lag asi9- n clones pare lag Juntas Consejbras de Planificacion y de Zo- nifcacion previamente fijadas pars Is Reunion Ordineria de La Comision de La Ciudad deli die 11 de marzo, se resumirii n on le nueva fecha de Le Reunion de La Comision de La Ciudad, quo % 1 B f Mt 1986, comenzando a lag 9:00 A.M: an punto an la Camara de. La Comision de La Ciudad,. 35M Pan American . Drive, Miami, Florida. NAM NIRAI #3827 WT OF, pW11NiA .r— MN 1M 4� n 10 9 STATEOFFLORIDAI SS COUNTY OF DADE I The Miami Timo 900 NW 54th STREET • MIAMI, FLORIDA 33127 -- (305) 757-1147 Published Weekly Miami, Dade County, Florida PROOF OF PUBLICATION Before the undersigned authority personally appeared MOHAMED HAMALUDIN, who on oath says that he is the Managing Editor of THE MIAMI TIMES, weekly newspaper published at Miami, Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement was published in said newspaper in the issues of: March 6, 1986 Affiant further states that THE MIAMI TIMES is a newspaper published in Miami, Dade County, Florida, ;l and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Dade County, Florida each week and has been entered as second class mail matter at the U.S. Post Office in Miami, Dade County, Florida fora period of more than one year next preceding date of publication of the attached copy of adver- tisement; further affiant says that he has neither paid nor promised any firm, person or corporation any dis- count, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in this newspaper. { Managing Editor Sworn to and subscribed before me on this, the llth day of _ Mar. A.D. 19 86 I 0 T LARGE.' My commissi6n expires: NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF FLORIDA MY COMMISSION EXPIRES JULY 11 19B7 ION= THRU GENERAL INSURANCE UND �y A f MAR 1 41986 WIN 1" - 0 10 Aliami Timm; 900 NW 54th STREET • MIAMI, FLORIDA 33127 -- (305)757-1147 Published Weekly Miami, Dade County, Florida STATE OF FLORIDAI COUNTY OF DADE j SS PROOF OF PUBLICATION Before the undersigned authority personally appeared MOHAMED HAMALUDIN, who on oath says that he is the Managing Editor 'of THE MIAMI TIMES, weekly newspaper published at Miami, Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement was published in said newspaper in the issues of: March 6, 1986 Affiant further states that THE MIAMI TIMES is a newspaper published in Miami, Dade County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Dade County, Florida each week and has been entered as second class mail matter at the U.S. Post Office in Miami, Dade County, Florida for a period of more than one year next preceding date of publication of the attached copy of adver- tisement; further affiant says that he has neither paid nor promised any firm, person or corporation any dis- count, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in this newspaper. Sworn to Managing Editor before me on this, the llth day of _ Mar • A.D. 19 86 RofAR1? PUBLIC STATE OF FLORIDA MY'COMMISSION EXPIRES JUEY 11 1987 Or'NDED"fHQU CINER,E INSURANCE UND MA I" n>; STATE OF FLORIDAI SS COUNTY OF DADE I goo NW 54th STREET + MIAMI, FLORIDA 33127 (305)757-1147 Published Weekly Miami, Dade County, Florida PROOF OF PUBLICATION f Before the undersigned authority personally appeared MOHAMED HAMALUDIN, who on oath says that he is the Managing Editor of THE MIAMI TIMES, weekly newspaper published at Miami, Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement was publish4<< in said newspaper in the issues of: February 13, 1986 Affiant further states that THE MIAMI TIMES is a newspaper published in Miami, Dade County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Dade County, Florida each week and has been entered as second class mail matter at the U.S. Post Office in Miami, Dade County, Florida for a period of more than one year next preceding date of publication of the attached copy of adver- tisement; further affiant says that he has neither paid nor promised any firm, person or corporation any dis- count, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in this newspaper. I n Managing Editor Sworn to and subscribed before me on this, the 26th day of Feb. A.D. 19 86 ,NOTAIJY PUBLIC S ATJ� OF FLQ)D. AT LARGE. My commisAon expires: ROTARY PUBLIC STATE OF FLORIDA MY COMMISSION EXPIRES 3ULY 11 1987 BONDED THRU GENERAL INSURANCE LIND NOTl�E TO`YIIE NIA_ a � R 51986 1W 'IE-CITY'WWI AMI _ ftldlltilla�­_W' � ;1 T% Tsm � " � " thate trip►.�i11be efke tt}W tWezb► rTiB) Da>ra>1ti+0oi ti" ` 14 to are at a: for w4 by Wat+di_f, (No. Saw) MATTY HIRAI City Clerk City of lltiami, Florida nni� C° (.ut. r. 51A'TL OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF DADE ) Personally appeared before me the undersigned, Jorge li. Consuegra, to me well -knows,, who being duly sworn deposes and says that he is Credit Manager of Diario Las Americas, newspaper of general circulation, published daily except MonClay, in Mian►i, Dade Coonty, Florida. Affiant further says that the above named newspaper has continuosly published daily except Mondays in Dade County, Florida, for more than one year immediately preceding first puL-lication of said Legal Notice or advertisement ana was during all such time and now is entered as second class mail matter in the United States Post Office in Miami, Dade County, Florida, and that the Legal Notice or Advertisement, all copy of which is here to attached, was published in DIARIO LAS AI.XRICAS on the following days: /9OV, Signed v / r- ��1X. Sworn to and subscribed before me this ! day of 19 tD , in Miami, Dade County, rlorida. P.O. Ad ordered Ly (e 0,-# 1- a Invoice C 61al9 //,, Invoice Mount $ / � .. � * TEARSIli.M WMACIM Notary Public �- FEa 121�6 MR 144 MM f Mot 144 Pdg,2-13 -DIARIO LAS AMERICAS`; �..�. AVISO AL PUBLICO ((11!10NAGION DE MIEMBROS A LA JUNTA CON8EJE11A BE PLANIFICACION DE LA CIUDAD DE MIAMI VALA JUNTA ;DE PLANIFICACION DE LA CIUDAD DE MIAMI De acuerdo a la Secci6n 6$46, 6247, 62-48, 62-49, 62-60 y 62-51 del C6digo de La Ciudad de Miami, Florida, pot medio de la pre- sehte se avisa qua Is Comis16n de La Ciudad de Miami, no antes de lreirtta (30) dfas a partir de esta feche, considerar6 Is asignaci6n de un (1) miembro a tiempo completo a la Junta Consejera de -Planificaci6n de La Ciudad de Miami y un (1) miembro a tiempo completo a La Junta de Planificaci6n de La Ciudad de Miami, pot un t6rmino de tres aflos cede uno: y qua las organizaciones poblicas o profesibnales y citedinas dentro del Brea qua tengan inter6s y conocimiento de los procesos de planificaci6n a implementacibn de planificeci6n se les invite y pide de someter al C►ty Clerk, City Hail Dinner Key, Miami, Florida, pot escrito, nombres y diremiones de personas (qua seen electores de La Ciudad de Miami) y sus calificaciones pare set considerados como asignados potenciales para dichas juntas. Pot to menos cinco dfas antes de la decisi6n pare dichos asignados pot La Comisi6n de La Ciudad (probable- mente on la primers Reuni6n de La Comisi6n de La Ciudad, a flevarse a cabo el 13hr dfa-der' marm) los nombres y calificaciones de las personas entreaedas al City Clerk estar6n disponibles pare revisi6n poblica on la oficina del City Clerk. Todas las aplicaciones deben de set recibides en o antes del 5 de marzo, 1986, a las 5:00 P.M. Planillas de nominaci6n est6n dis- ponibles an la oficina del City Clerk. NATTY HIRAI V3817) CITY CLERK CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA 317 kl r The Miami Heralb THE MIAMi NEWS A KNIGHT-RIDDER NEWSPAPER La 0A COX NEWSPAPER Two editorially independent newspapers, printed. sold and distributed by THE MIAMI HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY 1 HERALD PLAZA, MIAMI. FLORIDA 33101 • (AREA CODE 305) 350-2111 Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Bill Jesson r who on oath says that he is the Retail Advertising Office Manager of The Miami Herald and The Miami News, daily newspaper (s) published at Miami in Dade County, Florida. ' He further says that the advertisement for CITY OF MIAMI (#3817) was published in the issue or issues of THE MIAMI HERALD on FEBRUARY 11 1986........ ` for the above publication (s) as per the attached invoice. Affiant further states that the said THE MIAMI HERALD/NEWS are newspapers published at Miami, in said Dade County, Florida, and that the said newspapers have here -to -fore been continuously published in said Dade County, Florida, each day, and have been entered as second class mail matter at the Post Office in Miami, in said Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the advertisement. Sworn to and Subscr ed to �efore me this day of Afz A.D., 19 Notary Public ' (Seal) NOYAR► PUBLIC SPATE OF FLORIDA N► CONNISSION EXP. AUG. 1119£B B;NCE.O rHRU GENFRAL INS. Uk% Bil sson <rvr MR I" s Tuesday, February 11,1996 / The Miami Herald 3D NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS TO THE CITY OF MIAMI PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD AND THE CiTY OF'MIAMI ZONING BOARD Pursuant to Section 62-46, 62-47, 62-48, 62-49, 62-50 and 62-61 of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, notice is hereby given that the City Commission of the City of Miami, not earlier than thirty (30) Days from this day, will consider the appointment of one (1) full -term member to the City of Miami Planning Advisory Board and one (1) full -term member to the City of Miami Zoning Board, for three year terms each; and that the public and profesional or citizen organizations within the area having interest In and knowledge of the planning and plan Implementation process are encouraged and solicited to submit to the City Clerk, City Hall, Dinner Key, Miami, Florida, in writing, names and addresses of persons (who are electors of the City -of Miami) and their qualifications forconsideration as prospective appointees to said boards. At least five days prior to the making of said appointments by the City Commis- slon (probably, at the first City Commission Meeti In March, now scheduled to take place on the" 13th"day:brIA ch) the names and qualifications of persons' submitted to the City Clerk will be available for public review in the office of the City Clerk. AN applications must be received by March 5, 1986, at 5:00 P.M. Nomination forms are available in the City Clerk's Office. ITY SEAL) MATTY HIRAI (#3S17) CITY CLERK ! ,.^ lh CiTY OF MIAMi. FLORIDA d7.Ni-r tl i i.. 317 I LA NACION, Vilemn 14 de hkm de 1986 / 17 VY ff LMN n@) ATM AL MLIOO IN UIUABNOS A LA JWTA W;UA. MDE"FLAWICACM K LA CNWAD BE NMI 'ALA . iton K PLAwmAcm OE LA cium OE mumi Do scuorda a Is Soccl6n 6346, 6247. 62-48, 62-49, 62-60 V 6261 del C6cNgo do La Ciudad do Miami, Florida, Oor mad io do Is pre- ss -to so svim quo Is Comlsl6n do Lo Ciudad do Miami, no antes clb.troin (= dims partircle astafeft, con siderardlesAyuci6n do un (1) miambro a tiorr—k oomplato a Is Junta Cbneej n, do PwAcocke do La Ciuda 'Miami y un (1) miambro a dompo complow a La Junto do Plat dficaci6n do - La Ciudad do Miami, por an ainnino ishoo-ceft uno: y quo be aigs, burin ine p Mlicen 6 p"�l dtsclirw"v" del Area quo tongen intords y conocimisift do Im pros . do plan ificed6n a implemorad6n do planificoWn as We invite y pide do someter a[ City Clerk, City Hal Dinner Key. Miarru, Ron OW mom ito 'KH'"as y dreccion" do personae lque soon dectoras do La Ciudad do Miami) y sus colificaclones *a ser considocaclas am, a asignaclas potoncialas pars dishes Juntes. Por b .. w chm dies -antes do In clociei6n pore `dichos i nodw par Ls Comisl6n do Lis CiudadWobable- mento on IM 1PAuni6n do La ComW& do La Ckded,. a Nevorse a cebo M6Clark ) lw Hombres y calfficeciones do be porsonse ontrogsdas astarAn ftw*W pars wAsi6n P�600= own 16 oficina del City Clark. Toclas bas'aplidtcbnes dehsn do ow recibides on o antes. del 5 de marzo, 19W, a lss' WX P.M. PkAn -do nominsci6n satin dis- pw-411ps on Is ofi6ns del City Clerk. INATTV ate- . 9" . FL GM GLINK t La Verdad, Febrero 13 do 1985 / Pag. 11 is n&V(W gum () AVISO AL FUSLICO ASIONACION BE MIEMBROS A LA JUNTA CONSEJERA BE PLANIFICACIOW BE LA CIUDAD BE MIMI T LA JUNTA BE PLANIFICACIOA N BE LA CIUDAD BE MIAMI De acuardo a Is Secdl6n A 62-47, 62-48, 62-49, 62-60y 62-51 del VWO do- tA-CiWbd'& ollitmi- Rdridt,"Por- 'di I -a' lie• Santa m avisa nua la Comisi6n de La Ciudad de Miami. no antes do un (1) miernbro tionr pleto a Is JuntaCon*m do Planificad6n de La Ciudad iami; y un (1) miembro a tiernpo completo a La Junta do P6ficacibn do La Ciudad de Miami, por un tGrrWm do t= W%9 cede uno: y qua las organwcionos p"cos a- profesionsles y citadines dentro del Area que tengan inter6s y co a c miento do los - muum" do planificaci6n e Implemantod6n do *nfficacft so les invite y pide do someter of City Clerk, City Hell -Dinner Key, MiamL Florida, por es Tito, nombres y dirsoclones c* personas. (quo sun electores de La Ciudad do Miami) y sus calfteclones pare ser consideraclos como asigneclos powiciales pace didiss juntas. Por'lo, rnenos cinco dfas antes do I& decisi6n pare dichoe so;naclos por Lo Comisi6n do U Ciudad (probable- rnente on. la. primers Rouni6n do La Comisi6n de La -Ciudad, a Nevuse *a 2! ".vw db m do wzD) los nornbres y calificaciones :do,Ws persohni vwsrfl' al Y Clerk esterin disposables pare mMft p0ica en IS a W"mm del City Clerk. T do ver recibides, an o antes del5 do ..Phnllas do norninsci6n estfin di& Clerk. NAMUM AM GLM Ow, 7) ISITV OF NMI, FLNINA 317 M19 MR I" - La Verdad, Margo 6 de 1986 / Pag. § o inn AVISO PUBLICO 00 Do Todim I -as personas40 interesedas sfrvanse tomar nota a que la Rouni6n Ordinarla de La Comisi6n do La Ciudad, 40 previamente f1jada pare el 11 do marzo, se Ilevar6 a or.cdwsCgo w 1986, a las 9:00 A.M. 0O 46-%M6 en la Camara"U" - Comisl6n de La Ciudad, 40 O 3600 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida. O NAMNUM Gffy OLM 3833 GrFT OF WON, RMU 40 317 f 2 IANLMN, 7 de marzo de 1986 cftw" a _v •;y .•;�A AVISO AL PUgl_ICO, Se Its comunica a todas laa personas intere. silos, quo la reuni6n regular de la Comiaibn de Is `Ciudad que se celebratig eik Mario 11, ha sido trasladsda pars el :martw 1t'. di Mar. zd, 1986, a lag. 9:00 a.m. en la C4mara de Is. Comisibn de Miaml, 3300 Pan American Drive, Miami, Fla. MATTY HIRAI (City Seal) City Clerk No. 3933 City of Miami, Florida. I LA NACION, viernes 7 de matzo de 1996 / 17 AVISO AL PUBLICO. 8e le comunica a todas las personas intere- sadis, que la citaci6n pars Is reun16a del Plan- ning Advisory Board y el Zoning Board, que serian celebrados en In Reun16n de Is " Coml- sib ; de 1a Ciudad de Miami. el dia 11. de Mar. eD,'• telfiia celebradaa en Is Reuni6n de Is. Co- miaibn de Miami, que se celebrarii_jWt`,�31ei t ; -,_de:..Marzo, a las 9 a.m. en Is Cimira de Is Coadsibn de Miami, 3SOO Pan American Drive, r Miami, Fla. (city Sad) Matty HbW No. 3834 City Qeh4 City of Miami, Florida.. 3/7 5U_U3UTUr+.•- La Verdad, Marro 6 do 1986 / Pag. 6 M, lw lw lw 'w V, 'w lww V, w W'W W W'Wl W.,Vr IW IW W wwww W'w VP AVISO' L PUBLICO Todes In personas Intereades -fww tonw note quo In SWO- rddones pore In 'Juntas Cwmejom do ftifted6n Y'do Zo- rAkad6n V&vWnmft %Wn pars Is Reunl6n Ordineria-do La .CmiWn do, LA Ciudad del dis -11 do ism . so rommkin an b mma faft do Laftson de Ls Comisl6n do Le Ciudad, quo - an puM en Is C6rnere do La Cw"6n do La Ciudad, 36W Pon Anwican Ddn, MWW, -Rodft. MAT"am MUM 03834 CffT,SF MIA1M. RMW MR I" - MIAMI REVIEW CITY 0�!0111#111111, FORIDA. AND DAILY RECORD I Published Oally except Saturday. Sunday and NoTii2iii op pusUC-NKAK111111111 Leo Holiday* A public hearing will be hold by Miami, Dade County, Florida. the Commission of the City ,Of Miami, Florida, for the purpose of COUNTY STATE OF FLORIDDADEA considering1L.8 waiver Of the two OF - year prohibition against the City's. Before the undersigned suVorlty perm ally appeared entering into a contractual Ovisk to Y. Fabeyrer who onoolhoeyethe( she lethe Supervisor ship with; Robert N. -Sechen -for of LegalAdvertising of the MierM Review and Daily Record, a legal serv;Idej to be provided by daily (s=W Saturday, Sunday &W L"al H~) "0101111111m, said Robert N. Sechen, when publIeW at Mimd In Dade County, Florida; it* the attached needed and requested by the City aMo(Wmilsernei beings Legal AdmfternentolNotice Attorney, in -, connection with the In the matter of performance of leglil, services, CITY OF MIAMI lncludinjg. but not limited to the acquiring of a Development Order Notice of Public Hearing for the southeast OvertOwn/Pa rk West Redevelopment projeck as a. March 18, 1986 Development of Regions. ITPact atio ' jit'141 puring Re: Purpose of considering and wpart!ol q h 1pl; for, t 0 conderring4n*prow.. 0 a- , o A 4-irkMest a waiver, etc. South ja t 49 Owls P 131`�AAW to pro - In the ............. X. X..X..X ............... CourL vide assistance Ahe tooting was pubUWW In said newspaper In the Issues of of a Development for the DOWn', town D"0,1Pof loner March 7, 1986 N. Sricfteri W of an an,, the City Afflant hodisi says OW an "M Mi" kvww and i)wty Raeord is a neompapas I I Il Iie I at Word In said Daft Cox". Fkmf"—&w ad ON said newspaper 11411 "reloh" been asly publielismil in wN Daft County. Florida, *aft say SahmW% 3untlay and Legal 4~) Will hft been Na 40 appiw W'D ""-a, MUM In SM Dade County, Rlorl" for a pedo of one Vow MUD is the nod as second aim mall metier at the post *fro@ in i the rod pulidestim of the stisolsed copy of and -.1101" kw#w says that Use has neither P paid net is a" person, fine any dimosint, 10.04`1011" 0N. o0wamseloss or "WAM Of securing this wo M. for. %W r fill/ the ... . .. . ....... CIO wo" swan to an'd- before me this 041A Should. any 7th. CW ; . . cc ' )".;..IS-,Aoi9..86. , - "oft . ......0 cwl "y &W at Large Por%:Od _y #,oil list%, opp!pj F-7 j on 11611 - ,W THE MIAMI NEWS , Tht ana Hcratb ' _ A COX NEWSPAPER *A I -... A KNIGHT•R,IDDER NEWSPAPER Two editorially independent newspapers, printed, sold and distributed by THE MIAMI HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY 1 HERALD PLAZA, MIAMI, FLORIDA 33101 • (AREA CODE 305) 350-2111 Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Bill Jesson who on oath says that he is the Retail Advertising Office Manager nof The Miami Herald and The Miami News, daily newspaper (s) published at Miami in Dade County, Florida. He further says that the advertisement for CITY OF MIAMI (3833) was published in the issue or issues of THE MIAMI HERALD on MARCH 8th, 1986...... for the above publication (s) as per the attached invoice. Affiant further states that the said THE MIAMI HERALD/NEWS are newspapers published at Miami, in said Dade County, Florida, and that the said newspapers have here -to -fore been continuously published in said Dade County, Florida, each day, and have been entered as second class mail matter at the Post Office in Miami, in said Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the advertisement. -- Bil J sson Sworn to and Sub i ed to re me this bay of A.D., 19 4Nota y Public (Seal) NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF FLORIDA NY CONRISSIOR UP. A06. 1.199R ADIND NEU SERERAI IRS. URO. 1 a _ `.r �x .''��"'x'!!+:.):��`t ...s?��..r.-_.s,. ��•3 Y�..i_�' � a.>6 ` � . r �{t :. ...,j .::_ � .�k -.4 ...' �'��'i �`z..,.11�- s �K u' �;� -}� Y !}�I � I� p I IV IV- M F-2 SfiturdaY, Umb 8,, ION/ The Miami Herald 38 NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC All interested . persons please take notice that the hequlmr­ City 'ddmimnlsslo n meeting previously 'sic-fibduked, idi 11th will Old on , Tuesda y -11.9" CPO 0N.110,ok'A.M., in the City 'Corn m lesion a birs."'3500 Pan American Drive, MATTY HIRAI C." CLERK:. CITY OF MIAM4 FLORIDA JAI THE MIAMI NEWS A KNIGHT•RIDDER NEWSPAPER A COX NEWSPAPER a Two editorially Independent newspapers, printed, sold and distributed by q}E.: THE MIAMI HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY `s 1 HERALD PLAZA, MIAMI, FLORIDA 33101 • (AREA CODE 305) 350-2111 Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Bill Jesson who on oath says that he is the Retail Advertising Office Manager of The Miami Herald and The Miami News, daily newspaper (s) published at Miami in Dade County, Florida. He further says that the advertisement for CITY OF MIAMI (#3834) was published in the issue or issues of THE MIAMI HERALD on MARCH 8th, 1986........ for the above publication (s) as per the attached invoice. Affiant further states that the said THE MIAMI HERALD/NEWS are newspapers published at Miami, in said Dade County, Florida, and that the said newspapers have here -to -fore been continuously published in said Dade County, Florida, each day, and have been entered as second class mail matter at the Post Office in Miami, in said Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the advertisement. Bil esson Swotn to and SubpV ,Zhed to qre ,me this %% ay of A.D., 19�• or Notary Public (Seal) NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF FLORIDA MY COMMISSION EXP. AUG, I1I988 BONDED TNRU GENERAL INS. UND. s W r 3n:4b Z�1¢ iami¢ral� THE MIAMi NEWS A KNIGHT-RIDDER NEWSPAPER - A COX NEWSPAPER Two editorially independent newspapers, printed, sold and distributed by THE MIAMI HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY 1 HERALD PLAZA, MIAMI, FLORIDA 33101 • (AREA CODE 305) 350-2111 Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Bill Jesson who on oath says that he is the Retail Advertising Office Manager of The Miami Herald and The Miami News, daily newspaper (s) published at Miami in Dade County, Florida. He further says that the advertisement for CITY OF MIAMI (#3834) was published in the issue or issues of THE MIAMI HERALD on MARCH 8th, 1986.. ... for the above publication (s) as per the attached invoice. Affiant further states that the said THE MIAMI HERALD/NEWS are newspapers published at Miami, in said Dade County, Florida, and that the said newspapers have here -to -fore been continuously published in said Dade County, Florida, each day, and have been entered as second class mail matter at the Post Office in Miami, in said Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the advertisement. Bil esson Sworn to and Su�VQfied to re ,me this ay of A.D., 19�. Notary Public (Seal) NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF FLORIDA MY COMMISSION EXP, AUG. 1,1988 BONDED TMRU GENERAL INS. UND. d } ' 1 ,4 ��'y RO .r .. ♦.M. i 4.Y S, �, if n 4✓ � '9ETatP .. :s�'�F1i�,a�.s'�� .��3r,-.:%� .u�}s.,d�,:'s-�_.�z.. r<... .�....�:,as_�tr..::: t�ya;•:.�f9c}k'< ,.s _. ..... _..:.._�xt:+. _ 2 ok, Saturday, March 8, 1986 /The Miami Herald 38 NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC All interested persons please take notice that the Regular City Commission meeting previously scheduled., for. March 11th will be hold on Tuesday, UL& lit M. O'clock A.M. In 'the City Commission Chambers, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida. (#38=) MATTY HIRAI CITY CLERK n C9W do ELI= CITY OF MIAM19 FLORIDA NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC All Interested persons please take notice that appointments to the Planning Advisory Board and Zoning Board previou sIV . sche4td6dfoi the City .CoMmisslon 4"Ing 01 March 11th will ,es ftlreq vo at the - of 17 0*" "69 -1� � % tv 0 vc AX. e -C ty e4mmissioniChambers, 311W Pen American : Drive, Miami,, Florida. MAWTVIRAI CITY CLERK CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA ., ; r t_ ,4 SaATL•' OF FLORIDA • i i COUI4TY OF DADF Personally appeared before me the undersigned, Jorge L. Consuegra, says that Credit manager to me well-known, who being duly sworn deposes and ublishedda daily except of Diario Las Americas, nevrspaper of general circulation, p MonGay, in Miami, Dade Coonty, Florida. Affiant further says that the above paper has continuosl named newsy published daily except 11ondays in Dade County, n of Florida* for more than one year a,asinmedlduringately pallesuch timefirstding and now aisoenteredias Legal Notice or advertisement an second class mail matter in the United States Post Office in Miami, Dade County, Florida, and that the Legal 1�otice or Advertisement, all coFy of which is here to attached, was published in oii the following days: DIARIO LAS M ERICAS a IKA S qn day of Sworn to and subscribed before me this -- �9_ , in Miami, Dade County, riorida. N► P..o. 3 g22, / 6onceo lwu r Ad ordered ty 4 o rt /- 'o Invoice s� 3 3 9 Notary Public Invoice Amount S 9.Z • �AR 7100 TWISIXET ATTACt:CD Y `1 }'Jf4 Pip-4i��iC•�)� -��� � �S'.F � �� .sx n` �`i�" < tS',i+"t�'l�'�+'�'� 7 �4 ` h �' ,�.� '•$� t) Ci'' y _— Ols e--i Pdg.4-.B -DIARIO LAS AMEBIC DE MARZO DE 1986- o n.) AVISO-PUBLIGO, Todas Its pe'rso*n'as interesadas stryanse tornar note quo Is. ReunlOn.Prdinsda do Le cornisi6n do Le Ciudad, -11646 a di.". ra 61 'il de,;.,M,rzo so proWamente,...fiJO "P8. &WAM-low, ., 9-00 AM. ..a las cabo 'el' to ap'3'a;'-Td&;lsi6n-de'La Ciudad, 300 p un ie P li�mari Florida: n Ia. -DrIVO,. Miami, �ap American MAM NNW our an Of 0