HomeMy WebLinkAboutM-86-0301J-86-344 4/16/86 ORDINANCE NO. AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLE VI OF CH TER 62 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMIi FLO\AS BY PROVIDING FOR A SPLIT -PAYMENT BASTHE PAYMENT OF REQUIRED FEES FOR VARAND SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS ON PROJECTS OF 00 SQUARE FEET OF FLOOR AREA OR MORZE; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION ANDRABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN VE DATE. WHEREAS, the administrative evaluation and subsequent administration and enforl-,ement of requests for variances and special exceptions involvi g large scale development projects over one -million (1,000,000) square feet is an ongoing process from the filing of an applic tion, through the public hearing process, and during the const uction stages ending with the issuance of a Certificate of Occup ncy; and WHEREAS, the initial payment f at least 50% of cost of requiring a variance or special exc tion substantially reduces the negative fiscal impact on the Cit of Miami resulting from the performance of such administrative fictions; and WHEREAS, a portion of the cost in urred by the City in administering such requests occurs in the later stages of the development project subsequent to the public Pkearing process; and WHEREAS, it has become apparent to the Cit that the cost to potential developers of such large scale projec s of paying the large fees necessary in one lump sum may cause n unnecessary hardship; and WHEREAS, it is the intent of this City Co ission to encourage and assist in the development of such la ge scale projects in any way compatible with the interest of the general welfare of the City of Miami; and WHEREAS, the time distribution of administrative ovekview and participation in applications and issuance of variances nd special exceptions lends itself to the split -fee payment basi • and Al.J -)ENI*,E PRY 96 -- 3 o1 L2 WHEREAS, the establishment of this split -fee payment basis will promote development of large scale projects and thereby promote the general welfare of the citizens of Miami; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1, Chapter 62 entitled "Zoning and Planning," of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended, is further amended as follows:l "CHAPTER 62 ZONING AND PLANNING ARTICLE VI. ZONING FEES Sec. 62-61. Schedule of fees. A surcharge will be collected at the time of application for special exception and items (2) and (3), above, equal to the initial fee, not exceed five hundred dollars ($500.00), except from agencies of the city; such surcharge to be refunded to the applicant if there is no appeal from a property owner within three hundred seventy-five (375) feet of the subject property. The fee for aaalications. for variances and special exceptions which use square footage as a basis for computation and which exceed one -million (1,000,000) square feet of floor area, shall be payable ona split -fee basis: 50% ("initial payment") at time of the filing of a application for such variance or special exception; and the remaining 50% ("final payment") prior to or concurrent with, and in addition to, the fee(s) payable for filing an application for a building permit on a project which is the subject of 1 Words and/or figures stricken through shall be deleted. Underscored words and/or figures shall be added. The remaining a provisions are now in effect and remain unchanged. Asterisk indicate omitted and unchanged material. -2- 86--301 r r the variance or special exception; should such an applicant, subsequent to a public hearing on a requested variance or special exception amend plans so that the variance or special exception is no longer necessary under the Zoning Ordinance, the final payment shall not be required, but the initial payment shall be retained by the City. Changes in plans which, because of their substantial or material nature require new board review, shall require the applicant to make a new initial payment as a condition precedent to filing for said review but in no instance shall there be more than one final payment required. The split -fee ayment basis shall not include nor be applicable to surcharges which shall be due and payable in full at time of application. * * *n Section 2. All ordinances or parts of ordinances insofar as they are inconsistent or in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. Section 3. If any section, part of section, paragraph, clause, phrase, or word of this ordinance is declared invalid, the remaining provisions of this ordinance shall not be affected. Section 4. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency measure on the grounds of urgent public need for the preservation of peace, health, safety, and property of the City. of Miami and upon the further grounds of necessity to immediately facilitate the building of large scale development projects exceeding one -million (1,000,000) square feet in building size, thereby attracting such developers to the City of Miami and increasing the tax base of the City with all its attendant benefits. Section 5. The requirement of reading this ordinance on two separate days is hereby dispensed with by a vote of not less than four -fifths of the members of the City Commission. sf;--301. -3- Section 6. This ordinance shall become effective upon reading and adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of , 1986. XAVIER L. SUAREZ, MAYOR ATTEST: MATTY HIRAI CITY CLERK PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: XEP E. MAXWELL VSTANT CITY ATTORNEY APPROVED Abe TQ/ FORM AND CORRECTNESS: Jd W%% AAf A. LVVV CITY ATTORNEY JEM:bss:P073 CITY OF MIAMI. FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE (MEMORANDUM TO Ronorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission FROM: Cesar H. Odio City Manager DATE: April 16, 1986 FILE SUBJECT Emergency Ordinance - Fees for variances and Special Exceptions REFERENCES: Agenda Item for April 22nd City Commission Meeting ENCLOSURES: ( 1 ) It is recommended that Article VI of Chapter 62 of the Code of the City of Miami be amended by providing for split -payment basis for the payment of required fees for variances and special exceptions on projects of 1,0001000 square feet of floor area or more in size be approved. The City Attorney's Office has prepared an emergency ordinance which provides for split -payment of fees for variances and special exceptions of development projects which have a building area square footage exceeding one -million (1,0001000) square feet. This ordinance provides that payments so effected will be made of two payments with f ifty percent ( 500 ) to be made at the time of application for variances and special exceptions; the balance being due at time application for building permit is made. There are also provisions for new initial payments of fifty percent (50%) if a rehearing is necessary because of substantial or material changes, only one final fifty percent (50%) payment. This ordinance is necessary to spur development activity of large scale projects within the City of Miami. Inasmuch as a portion of the City's administrative involvement occurs subsequent to the public hearing process this ordinance would serve to redistribute the payment of required fees for variances and special exceptions, consequently, providing for an enhanced development atmosphere while reserving payment to the City for its expenses at a time closer to the date of actual incurrence of same by staff. CHO:LAD:JEM%bss:PO75 Attachment 86- 30:1 1