HomeMy WebLinkAboutO-10129tl"86-524 1/01/86 ORDINANCE NO.y AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 1 O ORDINANCE No, 7864, ADOPTED MAY 13i 1970r THEREBY PROVIDING, SUBJECT TO APPROVAL BY THE ELECTORATE AT AN ELECTION TO BE HELD ON SEPTEMBER 21 1986, THAT THE SEVEN ANb ONE-HALF PERCENT (7-1/2%) PER ANNUM MAXIMUM INTEREST RATE PAYABLE ON $7,000,000 POLLUTION CONTROL AND INCINERATOR FACILITIES BONDS OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, PREVIOUSLY AUTHORIZED TO BE ISSUED UNDER SAID ORDINANCE NO. 7864, BE MODIFIED TO ALLOW INTEREST TO BE PAID ON $4,000,000 OF SAID BONDS REMAINING UNISSUED AT A RATE OR RATES NOT EXCEEDING THE RATE PROVIDED FOR BY STATUTES OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA BUT NOT TO EXCEED TEN PERCENT (10%) PER ANNUM. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI', FLORIDA: = Section 1. Section 1 of Ordinance No. 7864, adopted May 13, 1970, which authorized the issuance of $7,000,000 Pollution Control and Incinerator Facilities Bonds of the City of Miami is hereby amended in the following particulars:l "Section l For the purpose of paying the cost of pollution control and incinerator facilities in The City of Miami, including constructing, reconstructing, expanding and improvingincinerators,' establishing intermediate trash storage and collection points and acquiring any necessary land and equipment, there shall be issued under the authority , of the City Charter, as amended, subject to the election hereinafter provided for, bonds of The City of Miami in an aggregate' principal amount not -exceeding Seven Million Dollars ($7,000,000), such bonds to be issued at one time or from time to time and to mature as follows: Years after Principal Years after Principal Date or Dates Amount - Date or Dates Amount 2 $370,000 12 $370,000 3 370,000 13 370,000 4 370,000 14 370,000 5 370,000 15 365,000 6 370;000 16 365,000 7 370,000 17 365,000' 8 370,000 18 365,000 9 370,000 19' 365;,000 10 370,000 20 365,000 11 370,000 Words and/or figures stricken through shall be deleted, Underscored words and/or f igures shall be added. The remaining provisions are now in effect and remain unchanged. it being estimated and declared by the City Commission that the probable life of said incinerator improvements is more than twenty (20) years after the completion of construction of said improvements. Such bonds shall. be in the denomination of $5,000 eachr and shall bear interest at a rate or rates not exceeding 4eve�n aMd -e, ►. �_ .. �. m •�. r , e the rate .rovided for bytstatutes of the State of Florida but not to exceed`` ten` er centum annum, such interest being payable semi-annuallyt and the principal of and the interest on such bonds shall be payable at a hank or trust company '.n the Borough of Manhattan, City and State of New York, or at a bank or trust company in the City of Chicago, Illinois, or at a bank or trust company in the -City of Miami, Florida, at the option of the holder or registered owner. The City Commission reserves the right to make all or a part of such bonds redeemable prior to their respective maturities at such times and prices and under such terms and conditions as may be fixed by resolution prior to the sale of the bonds." Section 2. A special municipal election is hereby called to be held September 2, 1986, for the purpose of submitting to qualified electors the question of whether the interest rate modification provided in Section 1 of this ordinance shall be approved as said modification applies to $4,000,000 of previously authorized and presently unissued Bonds.- Section 3. Pursuant to Section 58 of the Charter of the City of Miami, Florida, this ordinance shall go into effect immediately upon its passage and shall not be subject to the right of referendum. PASSED ON FIRST READING BY TITLE ONLY this 26th day of June , 1986. PASSED ANDADOPTEDON SECOND AND FINAL READING BY TITLE ONLY, this nrh , day of 1111 r 1986. y OrR AVIER L. SUA Z_ MA. R — ATT T: -MATTY HIRA1 _ CITY CLERK .,, 0 i P 0 CITY, Y, OV 0.1tM,tf. i'I-OR10A I CesV.bougher July ] 1986 �. Cit b Ruder Rond tftterest Modification Ordinances FROM Lucy City Commission Agenda City Attorney Jury 10, 1986 (4) At its June 26th Meeting, the City Commission amended the subject ordinances which were submitted by Carlos Garciat the Finance Director. The Commission imposed a maximum interest rate of ten percent (10%) and mandated language on the ballot which would inform the voters of the fact that the unissued Pollution Control` Bonds were in the amount of $4000,000 and the unissued Street Improvements Bonds were in the amount of $2,375,000. The attached tour ordinances each contain the City Commission's amendments and are being forwarded for placement and for second reading at the July loth Meeting. LAD:RFC:bss:M004 cc: Matty Hirai, City Clerk Carlos'Garica, Finance Director 10129 r Now low I dItY CP MIAMI. PL61*IbA 37 IW 104,6PPIC MlrMORANDUM Ta. CCesarir9. C1 cats July 1, 1985 City Mana a SUBJECT A t: b E`b Ruder Sond interest Modification Ordinances ��tbM Luca i bougheY y REFERENCES: City commission Agenda _ City Attorney duly 10, 1985 ENCLOSURES (4 ) At its June 26th Meeting. the City Commission amended the subject Ordinances which were submitted by Carlos Garciar the Finance Director. The Commission imposed a maximum interest rate of ten percent (10%) and mandated language on the ballot which would inform the voters of the fact that the unissued Pollution Control Bondswere in the amount of $4,000000 and the unissued Street' Improvements Bonds were in the amount of $2,375,D00. The attached four ordinances each contain the City Commission's amendments and are being forwarded for placement and for second reading' at the July loth Meeting. LAD:RFC:bss:M004 cc: Matty Hirai, City Clerk Carlos Garica, Finance Director 1 01 29 1 CIVY 6 P MIAM1, P461410A INtt=A-6PP1dR MtMOAANOUM . The Honorable Mayar an d 6Aft: June 17, 1986 Members of the C i ty Commission gas taT Agenda Item Meeting of June 26, 1986 PROM: Cesar H. O d i o �EFERNZEs City Manager ENdLOSUAES: It is recommended that the attached Ordinance amending Section 1, of `Ordinance No. 7864, adopted May 13, 1970 thereby providing, subject to approval by the electorate at an election to be held on September 2, 1986, that the seven and one half percent (7 1/2%) per ann um maximum interest rate _ payable on $7, 000, 000 Pollution Control and Incinerator Facilities Bonds of the City of Miami previously authorized to be issued under said Ordinance No. 7864, be modified to allow interest to be paid on said bonds at a rate or rates not exceeding the rate provided for by Statutes of the State of Florida, be approved, Ordinance No. 7864, adopted in May, 1970 ; approved the issuance of $7,000,000 PollutionControl Bonds with an interest rate limit of 7.5%. Due to increased interest rates the City has not been able to market the remaining $4,000,0,00 of this authorization. Even. in today' s low interest environment, A rated municipal ' bonds sell for approximately 8%. The *at'tached Ordinance changes the interest clause in compliance with State law that allows interest rates < to be tied to market rates. The amended language is similar to that used in all unissued bond authorizations approved ,by the City voters subsequent to 1970. Once this amendment is approved by, the voters,' the City will be able to market the remaining $4, 000,000- Pol l ut•i on Control Bonds according to its capital projects' needs. cc: Law Department 1 01 CltY tel: WAW PL601bA INttI4,0PPICE MCMCIPANOUM TO Ronorable mayor and Metbers OAfE u:Ly 100 +v'✓ FILE of thq/ ity 06mmissiori SUBJECT t6hd Interest Modift0&ti6h ordinances, Items #38 & #40 Luca A Doug y City' Commission Agenda, Phom REFERENCES City Attorney 11/10/8 ENCLOSURES. �) In compliance with your direction, we changed the ballot question Language which appeared in the,-subjeot ordinances at the time of their adoption on 1st Reading, June 26th. Also, the maximum Limitation of 1.0% was incorporated in all. four Bond Ordinances (Items #37, #38, #39 and #40). For clarity, a further modification was made in the ballot language since distribution of the Paoket; accordin,gly, please substitute the attached ordinances (Items #38 and #40) for the ones previously distributed. LAD/RFC/rr/P247 cc: Cesar H. Odic, City Manager Matty Hirai, City Clerk Carlos E. Garcia, Finance Director REG9t:ATIONJ11P DEPARTMENT OF PU U FA�ILIT1� AND;TI �E QFF;L:OE OF";,MAF11NA,l�l�'O.�A,$INGL� pEPARTMENT; PR9YIRiNQ O THE APAQINTM NT DF A` pIRECTQR �,Y, THE QITY.<MANA�QEf*I, FAFOI�II►NG THE �RESPONSl IttTI S..F �iQTIAN AttIR IJTIES: f?F T1H pEPAFiTMT'-a'T: 13'9�JRA��'�:}���e�.Fr�x.�+s`�-z E�.�O�RQ� OURGET D .TA TIDE CI.gPAF TMENT 4�F, IVD.UOi AA Tot71E. EPARTME�I�'��1*;�'/�R ANP.R1E�if�F�TIQ� ,AM12:� ,.. tO THROFFICEW MARINA& F RThI FWAIR& A ()F10 Pj 3 IEMRFATJIA ABM VI,iE'FFJ#!�I RE.1-�T�.0 �'t1E#�IaF�iQM, ���1TAa�1�k. �►�� ��'�a � - PRQVIF#IQN ANDA' 9 F-L MR 14 OITV OF MIAMII, WE COUNTY, FLORIDA L116AL NOTICE All Interested O&Sons Witt take notfoethat on the 10th day of July; 1986, the City Commission of Miami, Florida, adopted the following titled brdlnahce(s): ORDINANCE NO, 10120. AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING "PARK FEES" TO 8E ASSESSED USERS OF THE CITY'S VIRGINiA KEY- PARK; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. ORDINANCE NO. '10 211 MIAMI REVIEW AN ORDINANCE AMENDiNG CHAPTER'18, ENTITLED" "FINANCE" OF THE CODE OF THE CiTY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED, BY AMENDING SUBSECTION (b) AND DAILY RECORD OF SECTION 18.2 OF SAID CHAPTER, PROVIDING BY SAID j Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday and AMENDMENT FOR THE FINANCE DIRECTOR'S AUTHORITY } TO PURCHASE AND INVEST IDLE FUNDS PRUDENTLY IN: Legal Holidays BONDS AND OBLIGATIONS OF AGENCIES OF THE UNITED Miami, Dade County, Florida. STATES, PROVIDED SUCH ARE GUARANTEED BY THE STATE OF FLORIDA UNITED STATES OR BY THE ISSUING AGENCY; GENERAL COUNTY OF DADE: OBLIGATION OF STATES, COUNTIES, MUNICIPALITIES, SCHOOL DISTRICTS, OR OTHER POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS; Before the undersigned authority personally appeared REVENUE AND EXCISE TAX BONDS OF THE VARIOUS Octalma V. Fwbeyrs, who on oath says that she is the Supervisor MUNICIPALITIES OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA, PROVIDED of Legal Advertising of the Miami Review and Daily. Record, a NONE OF SUCH SECURITIES HAVE BEEN IN DEFAULT daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, WITHIN FIVE (5) YEARS PRIOR TO DATE OF PURCHASE; published at Miami in Dade County, Florida; that the attached NEGOTIABLE CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT; BANKERS copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice ACCEPTANCE DRAFTS: OR PRIME COMMERCIAL PAPER; In the matter of CONTAINING A° REPEALER PROVISION AND A_. CITY OF MIAMI SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. ORDINANCE NO. 10129 ORDINANCE NO.10122 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SUBSECTIONS (A) AND (8)(1) AND (2) OF SECTION 30.53, ENTITLED "GREEN FEES" AND SUBSECTION (A) OF SECTION 30.55, ENTITLED "SPECIAL X X X RATES' OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, in the .................... Court, AS AMENDED, BY REVISING THE FEE SCHEDULES FOR CITY OF MIAMI GOLF COURSES, AND PROVIDING THAT' was published in said newspaper in the issues of TIMES FOR TWILIGHT GREEN FEES BE ANNOUNCED BY THE CITY MANAGER FOR BOTH WINTER AND SUMMER SEASONS, WHICH SHALL BE NO EARLIER THAN 2:00 P.M, J U LY 15, 1986 AND NO LATER THAN 5:00 P.M; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. Affiant further says that the said Miami Review and Daily ORDINANCE NO. 10123 Record is a newspaper published at Miami in said Dade' County, Florida; and that the said newspaper.. has heretofore been AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 38.45 OF THE CODE continuously published in said Dade County, Florida, each day (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal r atdtha) and has been OF THE; CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED,' entered as second class mail matter at the post office in AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER OR HIS DESIGNEE TO; Miami in said Dade County, Florida, for a pariod of one year ISSUE TEMPORARY. NON-EXCLUSIVE. CONCESSIONS BY next preceding the first publication of the attached copy �f advertisement; and y pert further says that she has neither PERMIT IN CITY PARKS FOR SPECIAL EVENTS;; FURTHER paid norpromisad any person, firm orcorporagon any discount, PROVIDING FOR THE CITY COMMISSION TO ESTABLISH A ' rebate, commission or refund the purpose of securing this SCHEDULE OF CONCESSION FEES AND COMPENSATION advisement for Vold* t a said newspaper. rrFOR THE GRANTING AND EXERCISE OF CONCESSION: PRIVILEGES IN THE PARKS; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. ^^�� ^^ ORDINANCE NO.10124 t`�SivdTh Vd'subsdribed before me this -I S y 4f . U 8 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A NEW SPECIAL REVENUE Y, ... A.D. 19. ... , . FUND, ENTITLED: "RECREATION ACTIVITY=1985-86", AND ' APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR ITS OPERATION IN THE p— AMOUNT OF $100,000 COMPOSED OF REVENUES 9• Notary py�,jfc`S1 or1lorida at Large COLLECTED FROM PARTICIPATION,FEES,'CONTAiNING A ' (SEAL) ��rrrr F aF E !0 \%��� REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. My Commission ezpy6V1AUg% 16, 1988. ( ORDINANCE NO.-10125 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MiAMI. FLORIDA, AS AMENDED,, CREATING A; NEW ! DEPARTMENT TO BE KNOWN AS.THE DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, RECREATION AND PUBLIC, FACILITIES, THEREBY. COMBINING THE DEPARTMENT OF PARKS.AND RECREATION, THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC FACILITIES AND THE OFFICE OFMARINAS,INTO A SiNGLE DEPARTMENT; PROVIDING FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF A DIRECTOR' ICY, THE CITY MANAGER; PRESCRIBING THE RESPONSIBILITIES, FUNCTIONS AND DUTiES OF THE DEPARTMENT; TRAN.SFERR:iNG TH,ERET;O,ALI'L PERSONNEL, RECORDS AND FUNPS..PR€VJOSISLY: SUDGET4DTO THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBI IC.,FACiI-ITIES TO THE DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND FRECREATION AND ; TO THE OFFICE OF MARINAS; fVRTHER PROVIDING"THAT, ALL RI"FERENRE>31N'fHE.C9DE QF TME'C TY OF MIAMI, FLQRIRA, AS AMENDEQ, TO THE P€PARTMENT OF P41134IC. . FACILITIES, THE DEPARTMENT. OF -,PA1 S• Ai4 ' RECREATION, ANI? THE OFFICE OF MARiNASr.SI;lA4l.V-ftE DELETED THEREFROM;.COh1TA1NIitiCi°:A REPEALER PROVI$ION AND A SEVi-RA91LITY CLAUSE• ` MR 145 ORDINANCE NO. ioi26 Of~i191NANCE NO. i6132 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION i OF ORDINANCE NO 10039 ADOPTED SEPTEMBER 17, 1985, THE ANNUAL AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE HOLDING OF A APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION IN THE CITY OF MIAMI, ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1986, BY INCREASING THE APPROPRIATION FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY FLORIDA,ONTUESDAY,SEPTEMBER 2,1986WITHRESPECT TO AUTHORIZATION FOR A MODIFICATION IN THE OEVELOPMENT BY $40,000, CONSISTING OF A $20,000 MAXIMUM INTEREST RATE PAYABLE ON PREVIOUSLY GRANT FROM DANCE UMBRELLA INC., AND A $20,000 AUTHORIZED STREET AND HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT CONTRIBUTION FRONT THE City OF MIAMI'S FISCAL YEAR BONDS OF THE City OF MIAMI IN THE AGGREGATE 1985 — 86 GENERAL FUND BUDGET: SPECIAL PROGRAMS PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF $17.375,000. AND ACCOUNTS; MATCHING FUNDS FOR GRANTS, AND BY DECREASING THE APPROPRIATION FOR SPECIAL ORDINANCE N0.10133 PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS; MATCHING FUNDS FOR I S BY $20,000; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. I N AND A ADA SEVERABILfTY CLAUSE. 9939, ADOPTED DECEMBER 20, 1984, AS AMENDED, THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT APPROPRIATIONS ORDINANCE, ORDINANCE N0. 10121 1 i BY ESTABLISHING TWO NEW PROJECTS ENTITLED: i "ORANGE BOWL — CONCRETE SLAB AND JOIST REPAIR" AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SUBSECTIONS (b) AND (c). AND "ORANGE BOWL — RECEPTION/PRESS INTERVIEW REPEALING SUBSECTION (d) AND RENUMBERING AREA" AND APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR THEIR SUBSECTION ( F SECTION 4 OF THE CODER THE OPERATION IN THE AMOUNTS OF $428,000 AND $450,000, CITY OF MIAMI FLORIDA, AS AMENDED, INCREASE AM RESPECTIVELY, FROM DADE COUNTY RESORT TAX THE FEE COLLECTED BY THE CITY IN ITS ADMINISTRATION REVENUES; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A OF THE PROGRAM WHEREBY EXCEPTIONAL AND - SEVERABILITY CLAUSE: NONROUTINE SERVICES OF OFF -DUTY POLICE OFFICERS ARE ASSIGNED BY THE CITY AND PROVIDED TO PERSONS MATTY HIRAI OR BUSINESSES REQUESTING THE SAME; FURTHER, CITY CLERK CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA RECOGNIZING BY THE HEREIN AMENDMENT THE CITY'S (3893) ON -GOING RESPONSIBILITY TO PROVIDE SELF- INSURANCE COVERAGE FOR TORT LIABILITY AND WORKERS COMPENSATION CLAIMS ARISING OUT OF AND Publication of this Notice on the 15 day of July 1986 — IN THE COURSE AND SCOPE OF SUCH OFF -DUTY POLICE 7115 86.0715109M OFFICERS PERFORMANCE OF LAW ENFORCEMENT — DUTIES DURING THE PERIOD OF SUCH ASSIGNMENT; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE.; ORDINANCE NO.10128 AN ORDINANCE REPEALING, IN ITS ENTIRETY, CHAPTER 22, ENTITLED "GARBAGE AND TRASH", OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED, EXCEPT FOR - SECTION 22.12 OF SAID CHAPTER, AND REPEALING , SECTIONS 23.5 THROUGH 23.9 OF CHAPTER 23, ENTITLED "HEALTH", OF SAID CODE, AND SUBSTITUTING THEREFOR ANEW CHAPTER"'22 PROVIDING THEREBY FOR REGULATIONS CONCERNING THE COLLECTION OF WASTE MATERIAL; ESTABLISHMENT OF FEES AND ENFORCEMENT MEASURES; FURTHER PREEMPTING TO THE CITY THE WASTE COLLECTION FUNCTION IN THE ENTIRE CITY EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE PERMITTED CONTAINING`A ; REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. ORDINANCE NO.10129, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION' 1 OF ORDINANCE NO. 7864 ADOPTED MAY 13, 1970, THEREBY PROVIDING, _ SUBJECT TO APPROVAL BY THE ELECTORATE AT AN ELECTION TO BE HELD ON SEPTEMBER 2, 19B6, THAT THE, SEVEN AND ONE-HALF' PERCENT (7•1/2 %) PE9 °ANNUM MAXIMUM INTEREST RATE PAYABLE ON $7,000,000 POLLUTION CONTROL AND INCINERATOR FACILITIES BONDS OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, PREVIOUSLY AUTHORIZED TO BE ISSUED UNDER SAID ORDINANCE NO. 7864,,BE MODIFIED TO ALLOW INTEREST TO BE PAID ON $4,000,000, OF SAID BONDS REMAINING UNISSUED AT A RATE OR RATES NOT EXCEEDING' THE RATEPROVIDEDFOR BY STATUTES OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA BUT NOT TO EXCEED TEN PERCENT (10%),PER ANNUM. ORDINANCE NO.10130 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE HOLDING OF A SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION IN THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER'2,1986 WITH RESPECT TO AUTHORIZATION FOR A'MODIFICATION IN THE MAXIMUM' INTEREST RATE PAYABLE ON PREVIOUSLY AUTHORIZED $7,000,000"POLLUTION CONTROL` AND INCINERATOR FACILITIES BONDS OF THE CITY OF MIAMI. ORDINANCE NO.10131 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 1 OF ORDINANCE NO, 7861, ADOPTED MAY 13, 1970, THEREBY PROVIDING,` SUBJECT TO APPROVAL BY, THE ELECTORATE AT AN ELECTION TO BE HELD ON SEPTEMBER 2,1986, THAT THE SEVEN AND ONE-HALF' PERCENT (7•Yi%) PER ANNUM MAXIMUM INTEREST RATE PAYABLE ON AN AGGREGATE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF $17,375,000 STREET AND HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT BONDS OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, PREVIOUSLY AUTHORIZED TO BE ISSUED VNDER SAID — ORDINANCE NO. 7861, BE MODIFIED TO ALLOW INTEREST TO BE PAID ON $2,375,000 OF SAID BONDS REMAINING UNISSUED AT A RATE OR RATES' NOT EXCEEDING THE RATE PROVIDED FOR 13Y STATUTES OF:THE `STATE OF FLORIDA BUT NQT TO EXCEED TEN PER CENTUM (10%) PER ANNUM. CITY or MIAMI, 609 06UNtY, PLCfRIDA - k6 Fitt OF 111111160660 61111blINANCIt Notice it hereby given that the City Commission of the City of Miami, Florida, on July 10, 1986, commencing at 9:00 A.M. in the City Commission Chamber, City Hall, 3600 Pan American Dr., Miami, Florida, Will consider the following Ordihance(s) on final reading and = the adoption thereof - MIAMI REVIEW ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 1 OF ORDINANCE NO. 7864, ADOPTED MAY 13, 1970, THEREBY PROVIDING, SUBJECT TO APPROVAL BY THE ELECTORATE AT AN ELEC- Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday and TION TO, BE HELD ON SEPTEMBER 2, 1986, THAT THE Legal Holidays SEVEN AND.ONE•HALF PERCENT (71h%) PER ANNUM MAX. Miami, Dade County, Florida. IMUM INTEREST RATE PAYABLE ON $7,000,000 POLLUTION CONTROL AND INCINERATOR FACILITIES BONDS OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA CITY OF MIAMI, PREVIOUSLY AUTHORIZED TO BE ISSUED COUNTY OF DADE.- ER SAID ORDINANCE NO, 7864. BE MODIFIED TO ALLOW Before the undersigned authority personalty appeared INTEREST TO 13E PAID ON SAID BONDS AT A RATE OR Sookle Williams, wito on oath says that she 1s the Ace President - RATES ` NOT EXCEEDING THE RATE PROVIDED FOR ' BY' of Legal Advertising of the Miami Review and Daily Record, a STATUTES OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA BUT NOT TO EXCEED` - daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, TEN PER CENTUM (10%) PER ANNUM. published at Miami in Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice ORDINANCE NO. In the matter of CITY OF MIAMI AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE HOLDING OF A SPE- NOTICE OF PROPOSED ORDINANCE CIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION 1N THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLOP- IDA, ON TUESDAY,SEPTEMBER 2,:1986WITH RESPECT TO P.O. # 3883 AUTHORIZATION FOR A MODIFICATION IN THE MAXIMUM 1NTEREST'RATE PAYABLE ON PREVIOUSLY AUTHORIZED $7,000,000 POLLUTION CONTROL AND INCINERATOR FACIL- ITIES BONDS OF THE CiTY OF MIAMI. In the :....:..........XXXX ......................... Court, ORDINANCE NO. was published in said newspaper in the Issues of AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 1 OF ORDINANCE June 30, 1986 NO. 7861, ADOPTED MAY 13, 1970. THEREBY PROVIDING, ! SUBJECT TO APPROVAL BY THE ELECTORATE AT AN ELEC- TION TO BE ,HELD ON-'SEPTEMBER 2, 1986, THAT THE I SEVEN AND ONE-HALF PERCENT Q7 fi %)PER ANNUM MAX A111ant further says that the said Miami Review and Daily ! - IMUM INTEREST RATE PAYABLE ON AN AGGREGATE PRIN.. Record Is a newspaper published at Miami in said Dade County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been CIPAL"AMOUNT OF $17,375,000;STREET AND HIGHWAY i continuously published in said Dade County, Florida, each day Saturday, Sunday and Legal has been IMPROVEMENT BONDS OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, PREVIOUSLY ` ,(except _Holidays) and entered as second class mail matter at the post office in AUTHORIZED TO BE ISSUED UNDER SAID ORDINANCE NO, l Miami in said Dada County, Florida, for a period of one year 7861, BE MODIFIED TO ALLOW INTEREST,:TO,BE PAID ON next preceding the first "publication of the attached copy of SAID BONDS AT A RATE OR RATES NOT EXCEEDING THE adve nt; and afflant further says that she has neither pai nor, mised any person, firm or corporation any discount, RATE: PROVIDED, FOR BY STATUTES OF THE STATE OF re to, c mmission or refund for purpose of securing, this FLORIDA BUT NOT TO EXCEED TEN PER`CENTUM (10%) hthe ad eni mant for pub,cIa�y�t111•ifT�r l newspaper. ��YPr HA N PER ANNUM. ORDINANCE NO, :`> Y • �• S to..AInd�su iFribeCbefore me this AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE HOLDING OF A SPE. CIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION IN THE CiTY OF FLOR- -_ MIAMI, - ^• .T .3.0.t1by if .......... ,.UnQ...... �..,. a.D. t9... 86 IDA, ON TUESDAY; SEPTEMBER 2,[1986 WITH RESPECT TO' AUTHORIZATION FOR A MODIFICATION IN THE MAXIMUM. INTEREST. RATE PAYABLE, ON PREVIOUSLY AUTHORIZED lllgan Sri Notary ,Mole 4Af Florida at Large STREET AND HIGHWAY.,IMPROVEMENT BONDS OF THE CITY OF MIAMI IN THE AGGREGATE PRINCIPAL, AMOUNT: . ��l r�) CSC ��•.` OF $17,375,000. MyCommission expl e6, DwAmbel 23, 1988. Said proposed ordinances) may be inspected by the public at the MR 110 office of the City Clerk, 3500'Pain American Drive, i MIamI,„Florida, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays, during the hours of 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. All interested parties may appear at the meeting and be heard with respect to the proposed ord)nance(s). Should any person desire to appeal any decision ci the City Com- mission with respect to any matter to be considered at this meeting, that parson shall ensure that.Averba)im record 4.f the procd�Odlnpfi' is made Including all testimony and evide" upnh whichany RpeA! may be based. (M $3) MAM HIRAI CiT't PLOK .. ,CITY QF MIAMII, 491I0A wiiQ 84�9tiG€►I1M `