HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-86-0589J-86-556 r RESOLUTION NO. 86-589 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE 8I0 OF OCEAN BAY CONST., INC. IN THE PROPOSED AMOUNT OF $84,995.00, BASE BID OF THE PROPOSAL, FOR FORT DALLAS PARK PLAZA - PHASE I; WITH MONIES THEREFOR ALLOCATED FROM "FORT DALLAS PARK DEVELOPMENT" ACCOUNT IN THE AMOUNT OF $84,995.00 TO COVER THE CONTRACT COST; AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH SAID FIRM. WHEREAS, sealed bids were received June i 9R6 r F� Dallas Park Plaza - Phase I; and WHEREAS, the City Manager and the Di t e tment of Public Works recommend that the b' received om cean Bay Const., Inc. be accepted as the low r nsible d responsive bid; and WHEREAS, the Capital I opriation Ordinance No. 9939, as amended, wa dop on Oecember 20, 1984, and monies are available the opo amount of the contract, project expense, a incidentals m the account entitled "Fort Dallas Park Devel eJ,aset forth under Section 3.Parks & Park Facili 2,dinance; NOW, HERE�E IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF M Pn June 17, 1986, bid of Ocean Bay Const., Inc. Z amount of $84,995.UU, for the project entitled rk Plaza - Phase I, for the base bid of the on lump sum prices, is hereby accepted at the ted therein. MEETING OF aim JUL to Igoe pppp ESOLUTNNI No. �V�`a7C7a7: EMARKS. Section 2. The amount of $84,995.00 is hereby allocated from the account entitled "Fort Dallas Park Development" to cover the cost of said contract. Section 3. The City Manager is hereby authorized to enter into a contract on behalf of the City of Miami with 0cea ay Const., Inc. for Fort Dallas Park Plaza - Phase I, ba id the proposal. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 10th day of PREPARED AND AP "�`-- ORNEY 0 FORM AND CORRECTNESS: - 2 - i i 86-58� Rescindedib -R-&6- BID SECURITY �TW Bid-84-85-64 FORT DALLAS PARK JUNE 1', 1986 11 am DATE DiOt RECt1vtD 77PE OF SECLM 77 eI DDEIt iOS.AI. BASE BID: 84,955 AM DUN I CHECK #139508 $4.250.00 OCEAN BAY CONSTRUCTION CO. 44 OCEAN BAY FT. LAUDERDALE CENTRAL FLORIDA TURF INC. 47 LAKE DAMON DRIVE NO BID • BUILD ALL CONSTRUCTION INC 10742 S.W. 165 Ter MIAMI,FLORIDA ' BASE BID: 91,856.00 ggpoNNpp BbOUCHER FINISHES UNLIMITED INC. 10212 SW 20 Terr BASE BID:109,750.00 BID BOND VOUCHER MIAMI,FL. ANROD BUILDERS INC. 230 S.W. 135 St. MIAMI,FL. BASE BID:105,000.00 CHECK#3370075 $5,250.00 P.N.M. CORPORATION 3780 N.W. 22 Avenud MIAMI,FLORIDA BASE BID:117,450.00 BID BOND 5q HOMESTEAD PAVING 14550 MABLL ST. NA RANJA FL. BASE BID:144,750.00 BID BOND 51 RECEI On behal ._ envFalnnoc SIGNED. DATET-� sotoiV �• Rio• 814P14 �d sb.ek� Kt� r�r 01 iL,� E Southeast Bank, N.A. No. 13 9 5086 REGION I ` Miami, MoNda , 17 REMITTER ocean Bay Construction, Inc. June 19 86 e3-5e PAY �,. , ! , . $ 4 , 250. 0 0 an TO THE ORDER ****City of Miami**** , t�:h�K•tClt�ck O r �VCRGLADE�� 01139 50860a 1:066000 58 11: 090 10 5008119 INKING CENTER ;.a i i- —AMERIFIRSTMiami, 834018 337007552 2660 FioNda —Federal Salinas and Loan Association a I Void 90 da)=after date'�v6 • a PAY �k r e` h' :. v 1 s o The OLDEST a . i+* o order CITY OF MIAMI . - t 1�f CASHIERS CHECK • a 1: 2660 ?01881: 0 003 9 3 3 ?00 309 4P Bid No. 84-85-84 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS '! �c of Sealed bids for construction of FORT DALLAS PARK - PLAZA - PHASE I wi l l be received b the C'_Ly_._M a gr and the Ci tt Clerk of the City of Miami, Florida at 11:00� a.m. on tfie 37th day of June, 9 D at the City Clerk's Office, first floor of —the l iami �ii--- Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Dinner Key,. Miami, Florida, 33133, at which time and place they will he publicly opened and read. The project consists of installing a paved walkway topped with keystone, benches, lighting and landscaping. The project is located at S.E. 4 Street and 1st Avenue. The Engineer's estimate for this project is less than $100,000. New requirements permit bidders to furnish performance and bid bonds in accordance with Resolutions No. 84-423 and No. 84-873. For technical questions regarding the plans and specifications please contact Enrique Nunez, Structures Section, at (305)579- 6865. All bids shall be submitted in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders and Specifications. Plans and specifications may be obtained from the office of the Director, Department of Public Works, 275 N.W. 2 Street (4th Floor), Miami, Florida, on or after May 29, 1986. There will be a $20 deposit required for each set. Deposits will be refunded only upon return of plans and specifications to the Department of Public Works, unmarked and in good condition within two (2) weeks after the opening of the bids. Prospective bidders are alerted to the provisions of Ordinance No. 10062 regarding allocation of contracts to minority vendors. Those minority or target area contractors/small businesses interested in submitting bids are advised to contact Contractors Training and Development, Inc., 5800 N.W. 7 Avenue, Suite 212, telephone (305)754-4903 if they require assistance in preparing their bid packages. Proposal includes the time of performance, and specifications contain provisions for liquidated damages for failure to complete the work on time. The City Commission reserves the right to waive any informality in any bid, and the City Manager may reject any or all bids, and readvertise (B-2901, Req. 3632). Cesar H. Odi o City Manager,).%`' ------- Ong - M LICITACION NO. 84-85-84 AVISO DE LICITACION Propuestas selladas Para FORT DALLAS PARK - PLAZA - PHASE I seran recibidas por el Administrador y el Secretario de la Ciudad de Miami, Florida, a m6s tardar a las 11:00 a.m. el dia 17 de junio de 1986, en la Oficina del Secretario, primer piso, Ayuntamiento de Miami, 3500 Pan American Drive, Dinner Key, Miami, Florida, 33133, a cuya hora y en cuyo lugar seran publicamente abiertas y leidas. Este proyecto comprende la construcci6n de una vereda pavimentada cubierta de "Keystone", bancos, alumbrado y jardineria ornamental. E1 proyecto est6 situado en la S.E. 4th Street y la 1st Avenue, Miami, Florida. E1 costo estimado de este proyecto es menor de $100,000. Nuevos requisitos permitirsn a los licitadores procurar bonos de cumplimiento y de licitaci6n de acuerdo a las resoluciones No. 84-423 y No. 84-873. Para preguntas tecnicas acerea de los planos y especificaciones llame a Enrique N69ez, Secci6n de Estructuras, al (305) 579-6865. Todas las licitaciones seran sometidas de acuerdo con las Instrucciones a los Licitadores y las Especificaciones. Los juegos de planos y especificaciones podrsn obtenerse en la oficina del Director de Obras Publicas, 275 N.W. 2 Street (4to Piso), Miami, Florida, a partir del 29 de mayo de 1986. Se requerirs un depssito de $20 por cads juego. Estos dep6sitos son reembolsables unicamente si los planos y las especificaciones se devuelven sin marcas y en buen estado, al Departamento de Obras L P6blicas, dentro de un plazo de dos (2) semanas siguientes a la apertura de las licitaciones. Se avisa a los interesados de las provisiones de la Ordenanza No. 10062, la cual se refiere a la otorgaci6n de contratos a minorias. Aquellos contratistas/pequeff os negociantes de minorias o de zonas objectival que est6n interesados en presentar sus propuestas pueden comunicarse con el Contractors Training and Development, Inc., 5800 N.W. 7 Avenue, Suite 212, telefono (305)754-4903, si requieren asistencia para preparar sus licitaciones. F3 Las propuestas ineluyen el tiempo de ejecuc16n, y las especificaciones contienen provisos para la liquidaci6n de dagos LINE incurridos por dejar de completar el proyecto a tiempo. La Comisi6n de la Ciudad se reserva el derecho a descartar cualquier 11 informalidad en cualquier licitaci6n, y el Administrador de la o t Ciudad puede rechazar cualquiera o todas las propuestas, y 1 2 reanunciar (B-2901, Req. 3632). 5 2 Cesar H. Odio Administrador Municipal 86--589 a . t REQUISITION FOR ADVERTISEMENT This number must appear in the advertisement. ACCOUNT CODE ;: , , i" _ t• i ICJ c= 1 l ~ DATE ' l i . ) 1 + ' �` ' ' _ PHONE —' APPROVED BY: PREPARED BY DIRECTOR OF ISSUING DEPARTMENT Publish the attached advertisement times. 7 (number of times) Type of advertisement: legal :4 classified display (Check One) cf7o- First four words of advertisement: Starting date f' Remarks: ' �� �< IAA' 1 r�� I' „ i • 1_, : t - i' ; i r. • , % " DO NOT TYPE BELOW THIS LINE. FOR USE OF FINANCE DEPARTMENT ONLY. LINE PUBLICATION DATE(S) OF ADVERTISEMENT INVOICE AMOUNT 0 A-1 B-2 G3 D-4 E-5 F3 F4 F5 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12 LINE TRANS VOUCHER DUE DATE YY MM DIDAdv. Doc. Reference VENDOR INDEX CODE OBJECT PROJECT 11 13 1 117 18 25.34 39.42 45 50 51 56 57 62 63 65 66 71 0 1 2 4 1 11 VIP 2 0 2 2 8171 1 2 3 4 7 8 V P 1213 15 DESCRIPTION 36 64 DISCOUNT69 72 AMOUNT 80 5 2 0 0 2 0 1 �14 White — Purchasing Approved for Payment Yellow - Finance Pink — Department 86- 589 CITY OF MIAMI. FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO. Honorable Mayor and Members DATE: JUL 1986 FILEt B-2901 of the City Commission Iu FROM: %%� Cesar H. OdioI SUBJECT: FORT DALLAS PARK PLAZA - PHASE I Awarding Contract REFERENCES: City Manager ENCLOSURES: ( For Commission Meeting of July 10, 1986) It is recommended that a resolution be adopted accepting the low bid of OCEAN BAY CONST., INC. for FORT DALLAS PARK PLAZA - PHASE I B-2901, received June 17, 1986 in the amount of $84,995.00; authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract on behalf of the City. Bids were received June 17, 1986 for FORT DALLAS PARK PLAZA - PHASE I B-2901. As reflected in the tabulation of bids, the $84,995.00 of Ocean Bay Const., Inc. is the lowest responsible and responsive bid for the base bid of the proposal. Funds are available under "Fort Dallas Park Development" Account, and monies are available for the estimated amount of the contract, for project expense, for such items as advertising, testing laboratories, and postage. Twenty contractors picked up plans and specifications (minority contractors: 7 hispanic, 4 black); 6 contractors submitted bi ds (minority contractors: 3 hi spani c, 1 black) . The engineers estimate was $140,000. DWC . EMP gc �u Resolution attached cc: Alberto Ruder RECOMMENDED BY:. r enne MacBeth, Director Minority and Women Business Affairs Procurement 86-r589 -4 4 BID AWARD FACT SHEET PROJECT NAME AND LOCATION - FORT DALLAS PARK PLAZA - PHASE I B-2901 Bounded by S.E.4 Street and 1 Avenue PROJECT SCOPE - Construction to include installing an imitation keystone walkway, benches, lighting and landscaping. ENGINEER ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST - $140,000 DATE BIDS RECEIVED - June 17, 1986 NUMBER OF BIDS RECEIVED - Six (6) NAME OF LOW BIDDER - OCEAN BAY CONST., INC. AMOUNT OF LOW BID $ 84,995.00 Project Expense (Est.): $ 11,900.00 Incidentals (Est.): Postage S 75.00 Advertising $ 500.00 Testing $ 200.00 Blue Print & Copy $ 100.00 Sub -Total 3 97,770.00 Indirect Cost 480.00 Total $ 98,250.00 LENGTH OF TIME ALLOWED FOR CONSTRUCTION - Forty -Five (45) Working Days SOURCE OF FUNDS - C.I. Ord. 9939, as amended, Section 3.Parks & Park Facilities.A.2 "Fort Dallas Park Development" Account. Prepared By: E. M. Pelaez 6/18/86 .. • FORT DALLS PARK PLAZA - PHASE I JOB NO. B-2901 CONTRACTOR'S FACT SHEET I. Ocean Bay Const., Inc. 44 Ocean Bay Club Drive Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33308 Phone: (305) 785-0497 II. Principals: Ronald Penta, - President Nancy Penta, - Secretary III. Contractor is properly licensed and insured. IV. Subcontractors: None required. V. Experience: 9 years Dade County - 62nd Street $2,950.000 Dade County - 32nd Avenue $2,700,000 City of Miami HUD $2,300,000 VI. Not a minority contractor VII. 290 advertisements mailed out by regular mail 20 contractors picked up plans and specifications (minority contractors: 7 hispanic, 4 black) 6 contractor submitted bid (minority contractors: 3 hispanic, 1 black) 6 /18/86 86-589 TABULATION OF BIDS FORT DW Z Al S A4Re- 10L ottr . Cttr guru blssur Ltegnool o Imw*d as Per City Cods f Metro Ors. C S ot/ Mn1 AMWMt VY, b"fulwitiff MOWRY eMM/ &A 15ID Z72 of y I A IRREGULARITIES LEGEND A -Me fTHE DEPARTMENT OF lPUBLIC NO B —Me Aftlserit w to Cgdtol o owr Us of Nnun/ tyoeonr //� /C E7 C — Corroetos fatonotono r.,7. ,q , OAQ D -!spool ueutrw or ISM "a lr otenos or Me Co Poo ot* cool /.►y O i F- '=---f G — lur ow ets ems H — em i cted Sid I- J- �j Mo. or. l /' �✓ll 0 cftf TABULATION OF BIDS FOF . ct:r ci.Nc ' steer ffcw.e a 1n«ree « Par cft cam a satra are. au f " esaM�t lrra frftf« 0 G. Mfnr t am" p " � IRREGULARITIES LEGEND A — m fvr.-at-Attrw.Y B — 0 Afffewft « to arftei a aryfm of sanefna a or+r C — correct" aatanalwo D—lrosaal ffnafflMe r tgraaarff afanae or pa corwata ant E— F— G — awraw ate a«e IH — corractae ate I— J— THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ZVI, —/