HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 1986-07-24 Marked Agendar Ulu �_'�'1�'�� MAYOR XAVIlN L S VICE MAYOR MILLER I.0 COMMISSIONER 1011 CAROL COMMISSIONER 1110SAR10 09 COMMISSIONER ).L PLUMM CIW MANAGER CKAR N.0 CITY COMMISSION ABEND MEETING DATE. July 24, 1986 CITY HALL 3500 PAN AME RICAN DRIVE THE AGENDA FOR THIS MEETING WHICH COMMENCES AT 9:00 AM CONSISTS OF TWO PARTS: PART A PART B NOTE: 9:00 AM NOTE: LION -PLANNING A ZONING ITEMS BEGINNING AT 9:05 NM: ITEMS L AND 2 BEGINNING AT 9:15 AM: ITEM 3 BEGINNING AT 9:25 AM: ITEMS 4 THROUGH 6 BEGINNING IN THE NUMBERED SEQUENCE OR AS ANNOUNCED BY THE COMMISSION: ITEMS 7 THROUG6 55 BEGINNING AT 11:00 AM: ITEM 56 BEGINNING AT 2:30 PM: ITEMS 57 THROUGH 59 BEGINNING AT 3:00 PM: ITEMS 60 THROUGH 67 BEGINNING AT b:00 PM: ITEM 68 BEGINNING AT 6:15 PM: ITEM 69 PLANNING A ZONING ITEMS BEGINNING AFTER 4:00 PM: ITEMS PZ-1 THROUGH PZ-6 BEGINNING AFTER 5:00 PM: ITEMS PZ-7 THROUGH PZ-10 PLANNING & ZONING ITEMS ARE PUBLIC HEARINGS EXCEPT AS VOTED INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PRESENTATIONS A PROCLAMATIONS NON-SCHEDULED AGENDA ITEMS Source of all legislative history references is the City Clerk's Office. DELIVERED SEE. SUPPLEMENTtiL AGENDA n(y) CITY COMMISSION AGENDA ova r MEETINGDATE: .July 249 1986 PAGE NO: 2 PART A VON -PLANNING i ZONING ITEMS 9:05 AM CO -DESIGNATION PUBLIC HEARINGS 1• Discussion regarding co - designation of S.W. 28th Terrace as S.W. 28th Terrace and Middle Street. 2. Discussion regarding co - designation of S.W. 4th Avenue between S.W. 8th Street and S.W. 2nd Street as Juan Gualberto Gomez Boulevard. 9:15 AM MIAMARINA UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT PROJECT UDP PUBLIC HEARING 3. RESOLUTION - (DECLARING UDP PROJECT Declarina that the most advanta eous method to eve o Mar ne-or anted improvements or the use of the City -owned Miamarinalocated at and a acent to Bayfront Park and the Ba s de Specialt Center s y means Of n i fte"d Deve o ment Project (UDP); authorizing the Issuance of a request for ro osals or a UDP or the Development Teas ng and manaaement c lm rovements for Marine- orien—Fe7 uses at M amar na; se act ng a Certified Public Accounting Firm; and appointing members'to a review committee to evaluate proposals and report findings to the City Manager as required by City of Miami Charter Section 53(3)• R- 86-598 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY ABSENT: CAROLLO R- 86-599 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY ABSENT: CAROLLO SEE RELATED M- 86-600 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS I F. I AGENDACITY�TY COMI�INSION �< MEETING DATE July 24, 1986 PAGE NO. 3 9:25 AM PUBLIC BEARINGS (PH) 4. RESOLUTION - (AUTHORIZING AN R- 86-601 INCREASE IN CONTRACT AMOUNT- MOVED: CAROLLO 4/5THS VOTE) SECOND: KENNEDY Authorizing an increase in the ABSENT: PLUMMER contrdet amount of $430,52d in the contract between the City of Miami, Florida and PNM Cor oration dated January 24 1986 for the construction of Bayfront Park Redevelopment Phase II, said funds to be provided from Bayfront Park Redevelopment Project funds already allocated to the project; further ratifying the City Manager's written finding that the herein increase resulted from emergency circumstances by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the memDers of the City Commission, and adopting the findings and conclusions set forth in the preamble of this Resolution. (PH) 5• RESOLUTION - (WAIVING FORMAL R- 86-602 BID PROCEDURE A AWARDING A BID- MOVED: DAWKINS /5THS VOTE) SECOND: KENNEDY Waiving the requirements for UNANIMOUS ormal sealed bids by reducing the oiddingtime and accepting the bid o Ehsarv-Foundation in the proposed amount of $63,500.00 base bid of the proposal, or "Sli Mooring Pile Instal ation , with monies therefor allocated from the "Miamarina - Miamarina/Watson Island Major Maintenance" Account and the Parks and Recreation Department General Operation Budget in the amount of $63,500.00 to cover the contract cost; and authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with said firm. (PH) 6. RESOLUTION - (APPROVING UDAG R- 86-603 APPLICATION MOVED: DAWKINS Approving in principle the SECOND: KENNEDY application of Project UNANIMOUS Developer 1469 N.W. Park Plaza Corp' for the construct on of a ICivic Park Plaza Professional Office Building" with a 56 arkin e space basement and direc- tins the City Manager to proceed with the s app cation or an UrDan Development Action Grant from the U.S. Depart►aent of Housing & Urban L: CITY COMMISSION AGENDA 1P n() a c�t. 1wr� MEETING DATE: July 24, 1986 PAGE NO. 4 NOTE: Items 7 through 55 may be heard in the numbered sequence or as announced by the Commission. - CONSENT AGENDA Unless a member of the City Commission wishes to remove a specific item from this portion of the agenda, Items 7 through 23 constitute the Consent Agenda. These resolutions are self. explanatory and are not expected to require additional review or discussion. Each item will be recorded as individually numbered resolutions, adopted unanimously by the following motion: _ "...that the Consent Agenda comprised of items 7 through 23 be adopted..., - The Mayor or City. Clerk shall state the following: "Before the vote on adopting items included in the Consent Agenda is taken, is there anyone present who is an +a objector or proponent that wishes to speak on any item in the Consent Agenda? Hearing none, the vote on the adoption of the Consent Agenda will now F n be taken." (CA) 7. RESOLUTION - (AUTHORIZING PURCHASE Authorizing the purchase of agproximately 4,000 linear feet of ductile iron nine and Yw fittings under a Metro o itan r Dade County Contract from the Miami -Dade Water and Sewer t AuthoritDe artment or tne Department of Public Works; at a total est mated cost of h s 120, 000; a ocatintt funds •09AWS-WAus- &rum tine --ginner Key. Marina Renovation Ex ans on" Account; and authorizing the city Manager and the purchasing agent to issue purchase orders for these materials, R- 86-604 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS P 3 Uy7 . on J CITY COMMISS � coo ���r ION �OENDa MEETING DATE• July 24, 1986 PAGE NO. 5 CONSENT AGENDA CONT'D. (CA) 8. RESOLUTION - (AWARDING A BID) Accepting the bid of Robert McIntyre dba M & B Lawn Service Company for furnishin of clearing services at 4 b1 N.W. 7th Street to the ueparLmenL or Solid Waste at a total proposed cost of *59500.00; allocating funds therefor from the 1986 Operating Budget; authorizing the City Manager to instruct the Chief Procurement Officer to issue a purchase order for this service. (CA) 9. RESOLUTION - (AWARDING A BID) Accepting the bid of Jim Prosser Enterprises, Inc. for furnishing one 1 AAladin 45- 5� OD Heavy Duty pressure cleaner trailer and hot water tank to the Department of Solid Waste at a total proposed cost of $10,835.00; allocating funds therefor from the 1985-86 Operating Budget; authorizing the City Manager to instruct the Chief Procurement Officer to issue a purchase order for this equipment. (CA) 10. RESOLUTION - (AUTHORIZING EXE- CUTION OF AGREEMENT) Authorizing the C ty Manager to execute the attached agreement, in substant ally the form attached hereto with the Board of Directors of Medical Arts Training Center Inc. M.A.T.C. , for coordination Of services in connection with an Emergency Medical Technician Paramedic Training Program to be conducted substantially in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in said agreement, also authorizing the City Manager to execute su63equent agreements for renewable two (2) year terms as specified in said agreement. (?his item was withdrawn at the July loth Meeting). R- 86-605 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS R- 86-606 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS R- 86-607 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS i t A_ n(i) CITY COMMISSION MEETING DATE: Ju1Y 24, 198b PAGE NO: 6 CONSENT AGENDA CONT'D. (CA) 11. RESOLUTION - (GRANTING, SUB- JECT TO STATE APPROVAL, REQUEST TO SELL BEER & WINE) Granting; upon the issuance of a temporary Permit by the Florida Department of Business Re ulation Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco, the request of radio station W.Q.B.A. to sell beer and wine for two 2 one -day periods in connection with the Super-Q beacn parties to be held August 1U and September 7, 198in Virginia Key Park; subject to the issuance of all permits required by- law and compliance with such conditions anc limitations as may be prescribed by the City of Miami. (CA) 12. RESOLUTION - (RATIFYING PRO- CUREMENT OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICES) Ratifying, approving and confirming the City Manager's employment of Ellis -Synder Associates, Inc.for additional Professional Services within the original scope or services but for 1 unforeseen additional work on the Dinner Key Marina Renovation and Expansion Project plans in connection with the November 69 19 agreement with said -firm for a fee -of $8,04; allocating funds therefor from the Dinner Key Marina Retained Earnings Fund. (CA) 13. RESOLUTION - (AUTHORIZING CON - TINUANCE OF LICENSE; To continue the annual license or the Co en Software ac u red from Software Clearing House per Resolution No. d3-705 dated June 2d, 19d3 at a proposed annual cost of $8,000 for five years and the conversion license fee or X en Software at a proposed one t me cost o $5,000 to be acquired and paid for from the Department of Computers annual Budget. R- 86-608 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS R- 86-609 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS R- 86-610 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS n(q) jeffy COMMISSION AGENDAWe PAGE N0: 7 MEETING DATE July 2 4 , 1986 CONSENT AGENDA CONT'D• (CA) 14. RESOLUTION - (AUTHORIZING ISSUANCE OF RFP) Authorizing the issuance of a request for proposal in substantially the attached form, to furnish towing and wrecker services on an as needed basis to the Department of Police Department of Off -Street Parking and Department of Solid Waste. (CA) 15. RESOLUTION - (ACCEPTING GRANT) Authorizing the City Manager upon approval to accept a $b15,000 Urban Development Action Grant from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for the acquisition, substantial rehabilitation and conversion of the 21-story Congress Building into an office and commercial building and negotiate the necessary mplement contracts and agreements with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and Samuel and Associates (Developers). (CA) 16. RESOLUTION - (ENDORSING PROJECT Endorsing the Development of the florida Hi h Speed Rail Project, w to a terminal complex to be developed witnin the downtown area of the City of Miami, linking this system with the Metrorail and etromover Transportation Systems, and instructing the City Manager to provide the necessary administrative assistance of the City to the Florida High Speed Rail Trans ortation Commission in P anning, evaluating and mDiement n►t the Project. SEE RELATED M- 86-616 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: CAROLLO UNANIMOUS R- 86-611 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS R- 86-612 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS CITY COMMISSION AGENDA GV 0c, � ruw, MEETING OATS. July 249 1986 PAGE NO. 8 CONSENT AGENDA CONT'D. (CA) 17. RESOLUTION - (AUTHORIZING EXE- CUTION OF AGREEMENT) MOVED:62DAWY.INS SECOND: PLUMMER Authorizing the City Manager ABSENT: CAROLER to execute the negotiated & KENNEDY agreement, in a form acceptable to the City Attorney, between the City of Miami and David Plummer and Associates,_ Inc., to provide necessary professional and technical services to assist in preparation of a development of regional im act application for development approval and subsequent development order for the Southeast Overtown/Park West Redevelopment Project, using funds previously appropriated to Southeast Overtown/Park West. (CA) 18. RESOLUTION - (AUTHORIZING R- 86-613 RENEWAL OF LEASE PURCHASE) MOVED: PLUMMER Authorizing the renewal of the SECOND: KENNEDY lease purchase with the UNANIMOUS Burroughs Corporation for one hundred B-20 microcomputers and seventy-five printers at an annual cost of $1170 for the B-20's $15 2 for color graphics B-201s $7 0 for expansion devices, and $ 50 for printera acquired under the existina State of Florida Contract for various Cit Departments authorizing the City Manager to instruct the Chief Procurement Officer to issue purchase orders for the equipment; allocating funds therefor from the Departmental Operating Budget of the various departments. (CA) 19. RESOLUTION - (AUTHORIZING EXE- DEFERRED TO CUTION OF AMENDMENT) NEXT MEETING Authorizing the City Manager to execute the second amendment to lease agreement, in substantially the form attached, between tue City and bayside Center Limited Partnership for the Bayside Specialty Center Paricinj Uara$e Parcel to clarify certain terms and conditions and to Incorpbra 8 cer aln additions. 3 I 1; eiTy anmmiss I N AGENDA n() wc"� rid w4r MEETING DATE July 24 o 196b PAGE N0: 9 CONSENT AGENDA CONT'D. (CA) 20. RESOLUTION - (AUTHORIZING EXE- CUTION OF AMENDMENT) Authorizing the City Manager to execute the first amend to amend and restated lease agreement, in substantially the form attached, between the City and Ba side Center Limited Partnership for the Bayside Specialty Center Retail Parcel to clarify certain terms and conditions and to incorporate certain additions. (CA) 21. RESOLUTION_- (AUTHORIZING EXE- CUTION OF AMENDMENT) Authorizing the City Manager to execute the first amendment to Miamarina Agreement, in substantially the form attached, between the City and ea side Center Limited Partnership Ba side to provide for the preparation by bayside of certain plans and specifications relatea to repair woric to be performed by the City at Miamarina. (CA) 22. RESOLUTION - (AUTHORIZING EXE- CUTION OF AMENDMENT) Authorizing the City Manager to execute the first amendment to supplemental agreementagreementg in substantially the form attached, between the City, Miami Motorsports, Inc. and ba side Center Limited Partnership, to reflect the Fe -location or the Grand Pr x Race Course outside of Bayfront Parx. R- 86-614 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS WITHDRAWN R-86-615 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS 0 r n(v CITY COMMISSION AGENDA C.V00? MEETING DATE July 24, 1986 PAGE NO. 10 CONSENT AGENDA CONT'D. (CA) 23. RESOLUTION - (AUTHORIZING EX- R- 86-60 MOVED: DAWKINS TENSION OF AUHEEMENT) SECOND: PLUMMER Autnorizing the City Manager NOES: SUAREZ to extend the term of the existing Professional Services Agreement with Vincent E. Grimm Jr. from August 1, lytlb through July 31, 1987 for professional consultant services primarily in connection_ witn the world Trade Center Project at the same fixed monthly payment as provided by said an agreement allocating_monies therefor rompreviously appropriatea funds. END OF CONSENT AGENDA -CITY COMMISSION AGENDA CW Conrul. MEETING DATE: July 249 1966 PAGE NO: ORDINANCES - EMERGENCY 24. ORDINANCE - EMERGENCY 4 5_THS VOTE Authorizing the issuance of $40,000,000 principal amount of General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series, 19b6, of the City for the purpose of refunding certain of the City I s Fire Fighting, Fire Prevention and Rescue Facilities Bonds, Housing Bonds, Storm Sewer Improvement Bonds and Street and Highway Improvement Bonds all dated June 19 19 4 declaring an emergency to. exist ; providing that such General Obligation Refunding Bonds shall, subject to certain limitations, constitute general obligations of the City, and that, subject to such limitations, the full faith, credit and taxing power of the City shall be irrevocably pledged for the payment of the principal of and the interest on such General Obligation Refunding Bonds; making certain covenants and agreements in connection therewith; approving the form of an escrow deposit agreement; authorizing the negotiated sale of such General Obligation Refunding Bonds; approving the form of and authorizing the execution of a bond purchase agreement; authorizing the City Manager to award the sale of the bonds and approving the conditions and criteria of such sale; approving the form of a Preliminary Official tatement; appointing a paying agent, co -paying agent and bond registrar; authorizing certain officials and employees of the City to take all actions required in connection with the issuance of said bonds; and providing an effective date. EMERGENCY ORD. 10134 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS n4) CITY COMMISSION AGENDA C Vc PL nu- L INMING DATE. July 24, 1986 PAGE NO 12 ORDINANCES - EMERGENCY CONT'D. 25. ORDINANCE - EMERGENCY ADDrovina the acquisition by the City of Miami of ee_r_tain property by lease -purchase; authorizing the preparation, execution and delivery of a lease purchase agreement between an equipment lessor and the City, as lessee, pursuant to which such acquisition shall be accowplished; authorizing the preparation, execution and delivery of an agency agreement among the City, the equipment lessor and an agent, pursuant to which the equipment lessor will issue certificates of participation in said lease - purchase agreement; authorizing the preparation, execution and delivery of a certificate purchase agreement among the City, the equipment lessor and certain underwriters, pursuant to which the lessor will sell such certificates of participation to such underwriters, who in turn, will make a public offering of such certificates; authorizing the preparation, execution and distribution of a Preliminary Official Statement and a final official Statement, each to be used in connection with offering said certificates of participation to investors; ratifying and confirming the selection of underwriters; approving the negotiated sale of the certificates in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed 125,000 000 to the underwriters at effec an tive interest rate not to exceed 9_ per cent ( 912%) in one or more maturities, none of which shall exceed 20 years; authorizing appropriate officers of the City to take such incidental actions as shall be necessary and appropriate to accomplish the lease -purchase financing of such property, including but not limited to the establishment of reserve funds or the procurement of credit enhancement to secure such certificates of participation; repealing -inconsistent ordinances; providing that tnis ordinance shall go into effect immediately upon enactment; and dispensing with the reading of this ordinance on two separate days by a four -fifths vote of the Commission. EMERGENCY ORD. 10141 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS n() UTY COMMISSION AGENDA' _ MEETING DATE- July 24 f 190 PAGE NO. 13 ORDINANCES - EMERGENCY CONT•D. 2b. ORDINANCE - EMERGENCY 4/5THS VOTE Establishing a New Special Revenue Fund entitled: Overtown Job Training and Development Pro•ram" appropriating funds for its operation in the Amount of $24,000 from the United States Department of Labor, and authorizing the City Manager to accept the grant award from the United States De artment of -Labor and to enter into the necessary agreement with the South Florida Employment and Training Consortium to accept the grant and implement said program, containing a repealer provision ana a severability clause. 27• ORDINANCE - EMERGENCY 4 5THS VOTE Providing that, commencing effective October 1, 19db, an annual fee be assessed against all commercial establishments; said fee to offset the cost of trash and street cleaning services provided by the City; containing a repealer provision and a severability clause. EMERGENCY ORD. 10135 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS EMERGENCY ORD. 10136 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS fit — i I i i { a. �i F nR) CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MMING DATE: July 2 4 , 1986 PAGE NO: 14 - - ORDINANCES -_SECOND READING 28. ORDINANCE - SECOND READING ORDINANCE 10137 Amending Ordinance No.. 9939, MOVED: DAWKINS adopted December 20, 19b4, as SECOND: KENNEDY amendea, the Capital UNANIMOUS Improvement Appropriations Ordinance, by establishing a New Project entitled: =Preliminary Bond Expense" and appropriating funds for its operation in the amount of $1101000 from General Obligation bonds-19bb issues; containing a repealer provision and a severability clause. (This item was passed on First Reading at the July 10th Meeting. It was moved by Comm. Kennedy and seconded by Comm. Plummer. 29. ORDINANCE - SECOND READING ORDINANCE 10138 Amending Ordinance No. 99399 MOVED: CAROLLO adopted December 20, 104, as SECOND: KENNEDY amended, the Capital ABSENT: PLUMMER Improvement Appropriations Ordinance, by establisning a new Project entitled: "Miami Stadium Roof Repairs", and appropriating funds for this project in the amount of $475,000 from Capital Improvement Fund -Fund Balance; containing a repealer provision and a severability clause. (This item was passed on First Reading at the July 10th Meeting. It was moved by Comm. Kennedy and seconded by Comm. Plummer. 30. ORDIAANCE - SECOND READING ORDINANCE 10139 Amending Ordinance No. 9939s MOVED: KENNEDY adopted December 20 1 d4 as SECOND: CAROLLO amended, the ap al ABSENT: PLUMMER Improvement ApproRriations .Ordinance, by estabilaning a New Capital Improvement Project entitled: Coconut Grove Exhibition Center - Telesco c Seatin a ro r atin un s for tnis project in the amount of $17U, UOU from Capital Im rovement Fund - Fund Equity; conta n ng a repealer provision and a severability clause. (This item was passed on First Reading at the duly 10th !Meeting. It was moved by Comm. Plummer and seconded by Comm. Kennedy). r r.9 <1 9h j� ciry COMM 1 & ON AGENDA (MEETING DATE Julv 24. 1986 PAGE NO: 15 ORDINANCES - SECOND READING CONT'D- 31- ORDINANCE_- SECOND READING Appropriating funds from the Special Revenue Fund Entitled: Special Revenue Fund -Cable TV Contributions: Project 107001 in the amount of $3009000 for the purpose of purchasing equipment and making necessary improvements to the city Commission Chambers to enable cablecasting of City Commission Meetings on the City's Municipal Cable Television Access Channels; containing a repealer provision and severability clause. (This tiem was passed on First Reading at the July 10th !Meeting. It was moved by Comm. Plummer and seconded by Comm. Kennedy). 32. ORDINANCE - SECOND READING Amending Sections 19 29 µ and 5 of Urainance No. 10086 aaopted March 18, 19 6 which created the City of Miami Youth Advisory Council', to provide that such council may be informally referred to as the "Youth Advisory Council" or "Council"; providing that council members at the time of the appointment be between the ages of 1b and24 years; further providing that all officers be selected from among council members; creating a new Office of Treasurer and the Office of Sergeant -At -Arms, who shall also serve as Parliamentarian; authorizing the City Commission to appropriate funds for council expenses and that strict fiscal accountability be maintained as may be contained in City administrative directives or policies as established by the City Manager or the Finance .Director; containing a repealer provision and a severability clause. (This Item was passed on First Reading at the July 10th Meeting. It was moved by Colo. Plummer and seconded by Comm. Kennedy). CONTINUED TO SEPTEMBER 11, 1986 5:00 P.M. ORDINANCE 10140 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY ABSENT: DAWKINS SEE RELATED R- 86-618 MOVED: KENNEDY SECOND: PLUMMER ABSENT: DAWKINS I U, t n() CITY COMMISSION • MEETING DATE: July 249 1986 PAGE N0: 16 ORDINANCES - FIRST READING 33• ORDINANCE - FIRST READING Amending Chapter 4 Alconolic Beverages, Article I in General of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida b changing Section -1 from Sod to Consumed • and b adding a new paragraph to Section - a which defines a Waterfront Specialty Center; by amending ara ra hs 2 3 and 5 of Section 4-3 c to provide an exception for Sunday sales, and estab,lisg hours Of o erat on for Waterfront Specialty Centers; by adding a new subsection e) to Section 4-14 to provide an exception from distance requirements, limit the number of establishments and restrict signs, for and in Waterfront Specialty Centers; containing a repealer provision and a severability clause. FIRST READING MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY ABSENT: CAROLLO & DAWKINS I t,- n itnt CITY COMMISSION AGENDA cval rum: MEETING DATE July 24, 1986 PAGE NO: 17 RESOLUTIONS NOTE: These items are categorized by the originating department. City Commission 34. ON - (APPROVING Implementing Resolution No. -525 L adopted June 26, 19 6 which provided for submission to the electorate at a Special Election on November 4, 1966, o a Charter Amendment prohibiting the City Commission's favorable consideration of the sae or lease of City -owned real property unless a there shall have been, 90 days prior to the date of such consideration, an advertisement soliciting proposals for said sale or lease published in a daily newspaper of general paid circulation in the City, said advertisement to be no less than 1/4 page and the headline in the advertisement to be in a type no smaller than 18 point and (b) there shall have been at least 3 written proposals received from prospective purchasers or lessees; however, if there are less than 3 such proposals received, and the City Commission determines that the contemplated sale or lease will be in the City's best interest, then, subject to the approval of the electorate at a referendum, the sale or lease may be consummated; further rescinding, in its entirety, Resolution No. 86-337, adopted May 7, 1986, which concerned this subject. MODIFIED R- 86-656 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY ABSENT: DAWKINS & CAROLLO C on) CITY COMMISSION AGEN MEETING DATE: July 24, 1966 RAGE NO. 18 RESOLUTIONS CONT'D. City Commission cont•d. 35. RESOLUTION - (APPROVING Implementing Resolution No. 6-5929 adopted July 10, 1986, which provided for submission to the electorate at a S ecial Election on November 4, 1986, of a Charter Amendment providing for an increase in annual compensation to be paid to individuals holding the Office of Commissioner to $17,500 with a $79500 expense allowance and an increase to the• individual holding the Office of Mayor to $24 500 with a $ ,500 expense allowdnce, said amendment to contain an automatic cost -of - living adjustment provision with the increased payments becoming effective for all such individuals whose term of office begins in November, 1987• City !tanager's Office 36. RESOLUTION - (ESTABLISHING PROPOSED MILLAGE RATE Authorizing the City Manager to establish a proposed millage rate for the City of Miami, Florida, for the fiscal year beginning, October 1, 1986 and ending September 30, 1987. NOTE: It would be appropriate to conaluer this item from the Downtown Development Authority at this time. 37. RESOLUTION - (AUTHOR Authorizing the Executive Director of the D wo mown Development Authority to establish a ��ro osed� hill e rate or the Downtown Development Diitric-t—or the City of Miami, Florida, the fiscal Year --beginning MODIFIED R- 86-651 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS ABSENT: CAROLLO R- 86-648 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: KENNEDY ABSENT: CAROLLO M- 86-649 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS ABSENT: CAROLLO R- 86-650 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: SUAREZ ABSENT: CAROLLO moer_30, 19d7. CIiY COMMISSION AGENDA n(y) o mu�sr MEETING DATE July 24,_ 1986 PAGE NO: 19 RESOLUTIONS CONT'D. Department of Community Development 38. RESOLUTION - MENTATION GU Approving mplementati Source H: PROVING IMPLE- guidelines ror )n of the First ring Ordinance adopted September12, 19 5, and providing for application of the ora nance during the next six months to contracts requiring City Commission approval and/or loans granted by Miami Capital Development Corporation. Department of Public Works 39• RESOLUTION - (AWARDING A BID) Accepting the bid of Tree Masters. Inc. in the proposed amount of $88,444.00 , base bid of the proposal, for Main Library - Demolition; with monies therefor allocated f o "Bayfront Park Redevelopment nPHL account in the amount of $ 88,444.00 to cover the contract cost; and authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with said firm. 40. RESOLUTION - (AWARDING A BID) Acceptingthe bid of Dosa a, Inc. in the Rroposed amount o �1,049,600.00 base bid of the ro osa for Miami Baseball Stadium Press Box Renovation; with monies there or allocated from "Miami Stadium" Account in the amount of $1,049,600.00 to cover the contract cost; and authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with said firm. R- 86-655 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY ABSENT: CAROLLO & DAWKINS R- 86-646 MOVED: KENNEDY SECOND: DAWKINS ABSENT: CAROLLO & PLUMMER R- 86-647 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS ABSENT: CAROLLO t CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: July 24, 1986 'AGE NO: 20 BOARDS AND COMMITTEES 41. RESOLUTION - (APPOINTING MEMBERS Appointing certain individuals to the City of Miami Heritage Conservation Board. 42. RESOLUTION - (APPOINTING A MEMBER) Appo nting an individual to the City's Code Enforcement Board to serve a term expiring February 100 1989• DISCUSSION ITEMS ROTE: Legislation way result from the City Commission consideration of any Discussion Item. 43. Discussion concerning Request for Proposals (RFP) for Municipal Garage No. 5 (Government Center) Daycare Center Project. 44. Discussion regarding Flagler Landmark Associates' Proposal for Redevelopment of the Olympia Building and Gusman Cultural Center. 45. Discussion concerning attendance at the U.S. Olympic Festival in Houston, scheduled July 26 through August 3, 1986. 46. Discussion regarding the retaining of a Consultant/Grantsman. 47• Discussion concerning City's participation in the Metro - Miami Action Plan. NOT TAKEN UP NOT TAKEN UP R- 86-627 MOVED: KENNEDY SECOND: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS M-86-628 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS M- 86-630 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY ABSENT: CAROLLO M- 86-631 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PLUMMER ABSENT: CAROLLO R- 86-620 • MOVED: SUAREZ SECOND.-.PLUMMER UNANIMOUS C CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEET1W DATE: - PAGE N0: Juiv 24, 1986 21 11:00 AM DISCUSSION ITEMS CONT'D. R- 86-626 48. Discussion concerning the MOVED: KENNEDY Waterfront Property presently SECOND: PLUMMER leased by Merrill Stevens. UNANIMOUS .... M- 86-632 MOVED: PLUMMER 49. Discussion regarding status •• SECOND: CAROLLO report on proposed Impact Fee _ABSENT:- DAWKINS - _ Ordinance. •. •„ M- 86-633 MOVED.* PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY 50. Discussion of recent •• NOES: ABsENTs SUAREZ DAWKINS legislative enactments affecting City litigation. ;DISCUSSION 51. Discussion concerning status report on the disposition of cases in City Attorney's Office - June, 1985 - June, 52. 53- 54. 55- 19b6. Discussion concerning Miami..•' Capital Development Inc. 1"" DISCUSSION ....M- 86-638 MOVED: KENNEDY SECOND: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS M- 86-634 Discussion regarding potential ••.• •••• MOVED: PLUMMER Tax Increment Financing SECOND: SUAREZ District for the Omni/Venetia UNANIMOUS - Area. ... ...... R- 86-645 ' MOVED: DAWKINS Discussion regarding proposed ••' SECOND: KENNEDY settlement of Replevin Claim NOES: PLUMMER against City for return of ABSENT: CAROLLO monies seized by Police ,,, ...... M- 86-623 Department. MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS Discussion regarding Interim : _ Exhibition space. _ _M_ 86-624 .••• """""""""""""'• MOVED: CAROLLO SECOND: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS ..-."R- 86-625 MOVED: CAROLLO SPECIALLY SCHEDULED DISCUSSION SECOND: KENNEDY ITEM UNANIMOUS 56. Discussion concerning source ----- of funding for 8ayfront Park Project. ..•..•• R- 86-619 MOVED: CAROLLO SECOND: KENNEDY NOES: PLUMMER & DAWKINS t U noo CITY COMMISSION MEETING DATE: July 24, 1986 _ _ _ PAGE NO. 22 2:30 PM 12TH YEAR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDING PUBLIC HEARING. 57. RESOLUTION - (AUTHORIZING SUB- MISSIuN OF ADDENDUM TO GRANT Authorizing the City Manager to submit an addendum to the Approved Grant Program Final Statement to the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development HUD requesting increased funding in the amount of $2,030,000 for the City s proposed Community Development Program during 1986-87 further authorizing the City Manager, upon approval of said request, to accept the grant and negotiate the necessary implementing contract and agreement. NOTE: Items 58 and 59 are companion to item 57. Item 59 has been advertised as a Public Hearing at this time. 58. ORDINANCE - FIRST READING Amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 10112 adopted June 12, 1986 by appropriating the additional sum o $2,030,000 for the execution of a New Trust and Agency Fund entitled Community Development B ocK Grant (Twelfth Year . containing a repealer provision and a severability clause. 59• RESOLUTION - (INCREASING Amend nSections 1 and 2 of Resolution No. - b1 ado tea June 12 19d6t by increasing the allocation of 12th Year Community Development Block Grant Funds oy $30 ,5UU i previously appropriated by Ordinance ado tea July 24, 19 to the herein named social serviceagencies k or a2proved social service projects from $1 7 902 to $1 02 and urther author zing the City Manager to enter into agreements or amend existing agreements with said agencies for said projects in a form acceptable to the City Attorney. �j —il t SEE RELATED R- 85-629 MOVED: SUAREZ SECOND: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS R- 86-636 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY ABSENT: DAWKINS FIRST READING MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS R- 86-621 AS AMENDED MOVED: CAROLLO SECOND: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS YF' 1. C CIiY COMMISSION AGENDA n 4np eve mum-.1 MEETING DATE' PAGE NO: 2 July 24, 198b_ 3 3:00 PM PERSONAL APPEARANCES NOTE: Legislation may result from the City Commission consideration of any Personal Appearance. 60. Jorge L. Pedraza, Member, City of Miami Planning Advisory Board, to discuss the provisions of the City Code Section 62-54 which requires the removal of a board member who misses more than five (5) meetings in a year. 61. Representative(s) of the Associated Builders and Contractors Incorporated concerning the construction of the City of Miami Sports Arena. 62. Representative(s) of the Black Archives, History a Research Foundation of South Florida, Inc. to discuss plans for the Clean-Up/Capital Improvement Campaign for the Historic Overtown Folklife Village. 63. Representative(s) of Catholic Community Services, Inc. to discuss curve and gutter requirements on N.E. 2nd Avenue for the Overtown/Notre Dame Day Care Center. 64. Representative(s) of Spiritual Assembly of the Haha'is of Miami to make presentation concerning "The Promise of World Peace". DISCUSSION M- 86-639 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS M- 86-654 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY ABSENT: CAROLLO & DAWKINS DEFERRED WITHDRAWN DISCUSSION CITY COMMISSION MEETING DATE July 249 198b PAGE NO. 24 PERSONAL APPEARANCES CONT'D. 65. Representative(s) of Mothers Against Drunk Drivers (MADD) to discuss Federal Grant for the City of Miami Police Department's Driving Impaired Unit. b6. Representative(s) of the Park West Association Inc. to discuss current status of land acquisition of the Camillus House. 67. Representative(s) of the Inner City Children's Touring Dance Company to request funds for its Program. 6:00 PM SPECIALLY SCHEDULED PUBLIC HEARING 68. Discussion concerning Bay Heights and Natoma Manor Traffic Flow Modification. 6:15 PM SPECIALLY SCHEDULED PERSONAL APPEARANCE 69. Area residents to discuss zoning problem in regard to area of 3250-3266 S.W. 23rd Street. - DISCUSSION DISCUSSION DISCUSSION M- 86-641 MOVED: SUAREZ SECOND: KENNEDY ABSENT: CAROLLO M- 86-642 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PLUMMER ABSENT: CAROLLO M- 86-643 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS ABSENT: CAROLLO CITY COMMISSION a� MEETING DATE: July 94, 1986 PAGE NO: 25 PLANNING & ZONING ITEMS ITEMS PZ-1 THROUGH PZ-6 SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED BEFORE 4:00 PM P Z-1. ORDINANCE - (J-86-10) - ZONING ATLAS AMD - FIRST READING APPLICANT S)/OWNER(S): Silvano A. A Maria Hernandez Herrera 3970 West Flagler St, #103 PROPERTY ADDRESS(ES) Approx 3900-3998 W Flagler St PETITION : Ord 9500 atlas change from •' RG-2/5 and RS-2/2 to CR-2/7. Planning Department Recommends: Denial Zoning Board Recommends : APPROVAL of rezoning Lots 1-6, zoned RG-2/5, with DENIAL of rezoning Lot 14 and the N 14' of Lot 13, zoned RS-2/2, 8-0 PROPONENTS present at meeting : One a11 rep es in FAVOR : One Mail replies AGATNST- : Nine Date( s) Continues'—" : Jan 23, 1986 CONTINUE TO SEPTEMBER 25, 1986 L {s n() CITY co�issreN UEDA MEETING DATE: July 24, 1986 PAGENO: 26 a PZ-2. ORDINANCE - (J-86-617) - ZONING ATLAS AMD - FIRST READING APPLICANTS)/OWNER(S): Nancye M. Moynahan 2901 South Bayshore Dr John H. Moynahan, Jr. 7450 Old Cutler Rd Coral Gables, FL David F. Moynahan 214 West 9 Ave Tallahassee, FL Stephen N. Moynahan 1526 Dorado Ave Coral Gables, FL Laura M. Iorio 877 Cornwall Ave Cheshire, CT ATTORNEY John H. Moynahan, Jr., Esq 2699 South Bayshore Dr, Suite 600-0 PROPERTY ADDRESS(ES): Approx 2564-2574 SW 27 Ln PETITION : Ord 9500 atlas change from RS-2/2 to RO-1/4. Planning Department Recommends: Approval Zoning Board Recommends Approval, 9-0 PROPONENTS present at meeting Two a I replies in FAVOR One Mail replies AGAR Three PZ=3. RESOLUTION - (J-86-616) - STREET CLOSURE APPLIGANT(S)/OWNER(S): Alvio 6 Julia Tarajano 195SW50Ave Francisco Villegas 201 SW 50 Ave PROPERTY ADDRESS(ES) : A portion of SW 2 St east of SW 50 Ave PETITION : Official Vacation and Closure of that portion of SW 2nd Street lying between the east right-of-way line of SW 50th Avenue and the east boundary of•FLAGLER COURT HEIGHTS (22-45) P.R.D.C. for a distance of + 59.37' as a condition of approval of Tentative Plat #F1246-B - *CHRISTINA NORA SUBDIVISION". Plat and Street Commmittee Recommends: APPROVAL with conditions Planning Department Recommends APPROVAL in accord with the conditions established by the Plat and Street Committee Zoning Board Recoammends APPROVAL, 9-0, in accord with the conditions established by the Plat and Street Committee PROPONENTS present at meeting : Six rep es in FAVOR : Six Mail replies AGAR : Two FIRST READING MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY ABSENT: DAWKINS & CAROLLO R— 86-653 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY ABSENT: CAROLLO & DAWKINS n 'CITY COMMISSION UENDA �cv r0J �m MEETING DATE: July 24, 1986 PAGE NO: 27 3 (PM) PZ-4. RESOLUTION - 0-86-629) - MIAMI COMPREHENSIVE NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN AMD APPLICANTS)/OWNER(S): Kaituma Properties, NV (Onner of Lots 26-29) Richard A. Parker, Trustee (Owner of Lots 23-25) Carlos Salmon, Trustee (Contract for Purchase) ATTORNEY : Anthony J . O'Donnell, J r, Esq 1401 Brickell Ave PROPERTY ADDRESS(ES) : Approx 3427-3523 SW 22 Terr PETITION : Consideration of directing the City Clerk to transmit a proposed amendment to the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan 1976-1986 and the proposed Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan for 3427-3523 SW 22nd Terrace to the Florida Department of Community Affairs for comment and further establishing public hearing dates for consideration of an ordinance amending the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan 1976-1986 for the subject property from low to moderate density residential designation to restricted commercial designation and the proposed Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan from low moderate density residential designation- to commercial -residential ' designation; said dates being Thursday, November 27, 1986 after 5:00 PM for First Reading, or a reconvened meeting, and Thursday, December 11, 1986 after 5:00 PM for Second Reading. Planning Department Recommends Denial Planning Advisory Board Recommends: Approval, 9-0 WITHDRAWN t t� 4,u CITY COMMISSION AGENDA n in VV. � fit. MEETING DATE: July 24, 1986 PAGE NO: 28 (PM) PZ-5. RESOLUTION - (J-86-627) - MIAMI COMPREHENSIVE NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN AND APPLICANTS)/OWNER(S): Kaufman and Roberts 7445 NW 12 St ATTORNEY : Arthur Berger, Esq One Biscayne Tower, Ste 3333 PROPERTY ADDRESS(ES) : Approx 3591 SW 22 Terr PETITION : Consideration of directing the City Clerk to transmit a proposed amendment to the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan 1976-1986 and the proposed Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan for 3591 SW 22nd Terrace to the Florida Department of Community Affairs for comment and further establishing public hearing dates for consideration of an ordinance amending the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan 1976-1986 for the subject property from low to moderate density residential designation to restricted commercial designation and the proposed Miami. Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan from low moderate density residential designation to commercial -residential designation; said dates being Thursday, November 27, 1986 after 5:00 PM for First Reading, or a reconvened meeting, and Thursday, December I'll, 1986 after 5:00 PM for Second Reading. Planning Department Recommends : Denial Planning Advisory Board Recommends: Approval, 9-0 PM) PZ-6. RESOLUTION - (J-86-585) - PLAT ACCEPTANCE APPLICANTS)/OWNER(S): Dade County School Board PROPERTY ADDRESS(ES) : NE 65 St to NE 67 St between NE 4 Ct b NE 5 Ave PETITION : Accepting the plat entitled "MORNINGSIDE ELEMENTARY SITE", a subdivision in the City of Miami; and accepting the dedications shown on said plat; and authorizing and directing the City,Manager and City Clerk to execute the plat and providing for the recordation of said plat in the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. Plat and Street Committee Recommends: Approval WITHDRAWN R- 86-652 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY ABSENT: CAROLLO & DAWKIN= i 10 t t� CITY CONISSION MENDA CLPJT VT W. MEETING DATE: July 24, 1986 PAGE NO: 29 4 ITEMS PZ-7 THROUGH PZ-10 SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED BEFORE 5:W MT_ THIS ITEM AFTER ORDINANCE - 046-325) - MIAMI COMPREHENSIVE NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN AMD - SECOND APPLICANTS) : Planning Dept PETITION : Amending the Miami Comprehen- sive Neighborhood Plan by changing the designations for the -subject prop=rties from moderate to high density residential designation to residential/commercial designation on SW 27 th Avenue from about 100 feet south of Bird Road to Tigertail Avenue and from low to moderate residential designation to moderate density residential designation east of Center Street, from about 100 feet south of Bird Road to about 200 feet north of Day Avenue, and West of SW 27 th Avenue from Cocoanut Avenue to approximately 100 feet north of Bird Avenue, and on lots fronting the south side of Cocoanut Avenue from Virginia Street to about 150 feet west of 27th Avenue, from low' density residential designation to moderate to high density residential designation for lots on the north side of Cocoanut Avenue from about 150 feet east of Virginia Street to about ISO feet west of 27 th Avenue; further, changing the designation for that property approximately 100 feet by 200 feet in size, fronting on the east side of SW 26 th Avenue, between SW 27 th Lane and SW 28th Street from a designation of low density residential to a new one of residential/commercial. Planning Department Recommends : Approval Planning Advisory Board Recommends: Approval, 7-1 Date First Reading : May 22, 1986 Moved : Comm Plummer Second : Comm Dawkins (Y) : Kennedy (N) Suarez (ABSENT) : Carollo CONTINUE TO SEPTEMBER 25, 1986 This item is tied un to PZ-8(which was continued for 90 days) . t fi n() CITY MISSION AGENDA n4 a ru- a. MEETING DATE: July 24, 1986 PAGE NO: 30 t THIS ITEM AFTER 2-8. RESOLUTION - (J-86-324) - SW 27TH AVE STUDY APPLICANTS) : Planning Dept PETITION : Adoption, in principle, of the SW 27 th Avenue - A Gateway to Coconut Grove: A development study of development and traffic impacts" (August, 1985), which proposes certain zoning actions and transportation improvements in the area bounded by South Dixie Highway to South Bayshore Drive from approximately 350 feet east and west of SW 27 th Avenue; and generally from 27th Avenue to Virginia Street 200 feet north and south of Cocoanut Avenue. Planning Department Recommends APPROVAL in principle Planning Advisory Board Recommends: APPROVAL in principle, 7-1 Date(s) Continued May 22, 1986 THIS ITEM AFTER PI-9. ORDINANCE - (J•-86-293)- MIAMI COMPREHENSIVE NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN - SECOND READING APPLICANT(S) Planning Dept PETITION Adopting the Miami Comprehen- sive Neighborhood Plan (September, 1985) which amends the existing Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan 1976-1986 approved by Resolution 77 -430; May 12, 1977. Planning Department Recommends : Approval Planning Advisory Board Recommends: Approval, 7-0 Date(s) Continued : Apr 22 A May 229 1986 Date First Reading : June 26, 1986 Moved : Comm Plummer Second : Comm Dawkins (Y) : Suarez (ABSENT) Carollo, Kennedy M DEFERRED BY M- 86-644 MOVED: SUAREZ SECOND: PLUMMER ABSENT: CAROLLO CONTINUE TO SEPTEMBER 25, 1986 11 a CITY COM SSION MENDA n() d" 00 0 M- V-S uC=Tlkl ; DATE, Jul v 24. 1986 PAGE NO: 31 THIS ITEM AFTER 11 PZ-10. ORDINANCE - (J -86-6) -ZONING ATLAS AMD - SECOND READING APPLICANT Planning Dept OWNER(S) School Board of Dade Co 1410 NE 2 Ave Alda Bliss, Trustee for Ted Allen Bliss 545 Satinwood Drive Key Biscayne, FL Dade County, R E 1401 NW 7 St, Bldg D Georjean Bartlett Putnam 5237 Alton Rd Miami Beach, FL PROPERTY ADDRESS(ES): Approx 190-240 NW 20 St; Approx 1920-1990 NW 1 P1 ( Both sides) PETITION Ord 9500 atlas change from CG-2/7 to RG-2/5. i Planning Department Recommends Approval •• Planning Advisory Board Recommends: Approval, 5-0 Mail replies AGAINST One Date First Reading June 26, 1986 Moved Comm Plummer Second Comm Kennedy (Y) Suarez, Dawkins (ABSENT) Carollo ORDINANCE 10142 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY ABSENT: CAROLLO & DAWKINS { MAYOR RA'VIER L SUAREZ VICE MAYOR MILLER I DAWKIN! COMMISSIONER JOE CAROLLO COMMISSIONER S.L PLUMMER, IR- CITY MANAGER CESAR H. ODIO CITY COMMISSION AGENDA CITY HALL 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE i SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA PRESENTATIONS Commission Meeting = July 24, 1986 Proclamation: MS Jubilee Day: Congratulating Carnival Cruise NO SHOW Lines and welcoming this new cruise ship to the Port of Miami. Proclamation: City of Miami Municipal Employees Day: In PRESENTED recognition of the employees dedication and service to the City of Miami on the occasion of the City's 90th birthday. Proclamation: Inner -City Youth Rowing Regatta Day: Presented PRESENTED to Linda J. Eads, Project Coordinator, commending all those involved in this challenging and educational project. Certificates Linda J. Eads, Nestor Carbonell, Assistant Chief of Perry L. Anderson, Assistant Chief Michael Appreciation: Mahoney and Assistant Chief Alfredo Bared: For their outstanding participation in t e coordina- tion of the Inner -City Youth Rowing Regatta. Commendations: .Officer Charles Haynes and Officer Nathaniel PRESENTED Veal, Jr.: For having been selected Outstanding Officers of the Month for June 1986. n