HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 1986-09-04 AdvertisementA ESTADO DE LA FLORIDA ) Litu of �Cimi CONDADO DE DADE ) s t Ante la abaj o f irmante AVISO AL PUBLICO autoridad aparece en persona ' Maria F . Nunez , quien ba j o REUNION ESPECIAL DE LA juramento, dice ser la Super- COMISION DE MIAMI visora de anuncios de "LA VERDAD" , una publicacion Se lies comunics a tmbs les personas in- semanal que se publica en do, quo a CornWft de le Ciudad Miami, Fla; y que la muestra itls rauniri air somi6n sw de anuncio aqui adjunta, siendo un anuncio con relacion a to siguiente: CITY OF MIAMI PUBLIC HEARING SEPTEMBER 4, 1986 p. 0. # 4066 fue publicada en dicho perio- dico en la edicion de la siguiente fecha: �- MARIA F. NUNEZ. Jurado suscrito an mi, este dia de 198 a iam Fla. (SELLO) MART "km STAR 9 0' o= IT co"185104 tip. CAI 1141019: sWa Tay a+rat !" ds Muni, Floc , se pecisl, an In direction: quo se indicsn debejo, pars discutir Ios squientes asuntos: ASUNTO No. 1. Existm in de cros datariorades, a inicis- tives sobre vivkmdas en e! Arm de Fwha: nwoodSaptiembrs 4, 1966. Lupsr: Robert E. Lee Jr. Hight School. Diraoci6n: 3100 N.W. 5 Ave. Hors: 6:00 - 7:30 P.M. ASUNTO 'No. 2. Crimen an to calk, an particular ventes de drops - on o alrededor de los from de Little River, Edison y Little Halt(. Represententes de b oficins del State Attorneys y de ks ofickm del Chief Judp, as In pediri quo tsetifique aobre ei problems de criminMes *quo vuelven a co - meter ofaroas. Feft: Septiornbre 4, 1986. Lugar: Drake Mamoriel Baptist Church. Dirooci6n: 58M N.W. 2 Ave. Hors: 8:00 - 9:00 P.M. No. 4066 CITY OF MIA!MI� FLA. MATTY HIRAI CITY CLERK } r� s ti v is WTT c1 - 1 � f• �F . jl t��t A v } W _ } 1 d I L A V E R D A D ESTADO DE LA FLORIDA ) CONDADO DE DADE ) Ante la abajo firmante autoridad aparece en persona Maria F. Nunez, quien bajo juramento, dice ser la Super- visora de anuncios de "LA VERDAD", una publicacion semanal que se publica en Miami, Fla; y que la muestra de anuncio aqui adjunta, siendo un anuncio con relacion a to siguiente: CITY OF MIAMI PUBLIC HEARING SEPTEMBER 4, 1986 p, 0, # 4066 fue publicada en dicho perio- dico en la edicion de la siguiente fecha: MARIA F. NU Z. Jurasuscrito an mi, estedo dia de 198 er 4iami, v Fla (SELLO) 1 1 L itu Q Ifiiautt 1 j AVISO AL PUBLICO REUNION ESPECIAL DE LA COMISION DE MIAMI eatAky Malt "Avg • nark n tonlisla UP. JAI 11.1091 Iwo VON a.K+At ", Se in coniunice a tubs ks personas in- taresedes, que is Comisibn do Is Ciudad do Miami, Floride, so rsuniri an waft w pecial, on in dirsociones que in Indian dabsjo, para discutir los situientes owntos: ASUWO No. I. Existoncis do cases deterioredes, a inicia- tives sobre vivisndes an al Mee de �Fachn: Saptiernbn 4, tv86. Lugar: Robert E. Lee Jr. Hight School. Dirsccibn: 3100 N.W. 5 Ave. Hors: 6:00 - 7:30 P.M. ASUNTO 'No- 2. Crimen an d cello, an particular ventes de droves - an o alrededor do las frees de Little Riwr, Edison y Little Hait(. • Reprasentantes de Is oficine del Stete Atsornay's y do ices oficina del Chief Juddp, so les pediri que todifque MAW@ e1 problems do arimbWas 'que vuelven a co - meter ofw=L Fades: Septienlbre 4, 1986- Lugar: Drake Memorial Baptist Church. Direocibn: 5600 N.W. 2 Ave. Hors: 8:00 - V:00 P-M. No. 4066 CITY OF MIAMI. FLA. MATTY HIRAI CITY CLERK •,+ t� .. r `� . T M..n R� t J 4 w;,���! }� � .,'' Y� '�'r � � - Y F t � 3 7(�s�.b ,que ... t •t �/ � i y �' i �x �'�y k{��€ ,f� — - P _ p M1 .kg `�. 4 b'}.3 '� C � # Y "1 A } � i i "'Y p .� � �. ♦ �+F�f��y.�f' S1 ,' _- :.+t°y ` `�xG - w r Lkt� '�, a7.� S - ..._ .. .r:}.�s�i .1'� •F. '�"', iwiu..s 5 F., k4 �G M ' r�y Y � " d'& i�'r �?n fi- •+-+n +� -.r. �}:# � _ ! (tit :.�%n1,U*k45. � � �Yi`Qy!`Y�: 'zt'�-. I .. tr''kiA�.'wi� ���:i. '���35Y�.+. _ -- W s y h-- at Sunday. August 31,1996 / The Miami Herald 118 NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC SPECIAL CITY COMMISSION MEETING All interested persons will take notice that the CoMmisslon of the City of Miami, Florida will meet In special session, at the hereinbelow indicated locations to discuss -the following Issues. k ie: No. L Deteriorated housing stock and new housing initiatives In the area of Wyn- wood. Date: September 4.1986 Place: Robert E. Lee Jr. High School Address: 3100 N.W. 5 Avenue • Timir. &W7:30 P.M. Street Crime -- in particular drug dealing -- In or about the areas of Little River, Edison and Little Haiti. Representative of the State Attorney's Office and Chief Judge's Office would be asked to testify on the problems of recidivism. Date: September 4. IM • Place: Drake Memorial Baptist Church Address: 5800 N.W. Z Avenue Time: •:00.9:00 P.M. MATTY HIRAI o CITY CLERK CITY OF MIAMI, F40RIDA (*4066) .11 f,f the Miami THE 1� IAM! NEWS A KNIGHT-RIDDER NEWSPAPER _ A COX NEWSPAPER Two editorially independent newspapers, printed, sold and distributed by THE MIAMI HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY 1 HERALD PLAZA, MIAMI. FLORIDA 33101 a (AREA CODE 305) 350-2111 Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Bill Jesson who on oath says that he is the Retail Advertising Office Manager of The Miami Herald and The Miami News, daily newspaper (s) published at Miami in Dade County, Florida. He further says that the advertisement for CITY OF MIAMI 0 4066) was published in the issue or issues of THE MIAMI HERALD on for the above publication (s) as per the attached invoice Affiant further states that the said THE MIAMI HERALD/NEWS are newspapers published at Miami, in said Dade County, Florida, and that the said newspapers have here -to -fore been continuously published in said Dade County, Florida, each day, and have been entered as second class mail matter at the Post Office in Miami, in said Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the advertisement. RF cr�•COF V L p ?IA I'll SEP 7 1986 6EMERA( SERVICES AOMINISIRAfIC,'I Sworn to and Subs cribe�E 051 MANgREy,,, xvlS,lrj before me this day of A.D., 19 Notary PtWic (Seal) %" C-40 wvw� sson ej"r'o' NY CONNISSION EXP DEC 30,1905 BONDED TNRU GENERAL INS. UND. Sunday, August 31, 1986 / The Miami Herald 118 NOTICE TO_ THE PUBLIC SPECIAL CITY COMMISSION MEETING All interested persons will take notice that the Commission of the City of Miami, Florida will meet In special session, at the hereinbelow indicated locations to discuss the following issues. It s No.1. Deteriorated housing stock and new housing initiatives in the area of Wyn- wood. Date: September 4,1986 Place: Robert E. Lee Jr. High School Address: 3100 N.W. 5 Avenue Time: 6:00-7:30 P.M. MW No. 2 Street Crime in particular drug dealing — in or about the areas of Little River, Edison and Little Haiti. Representative of the State Attorney's Office and Chief Judge's Office would be asked to testify on the problems of recidivism. Date: September 4, 1986 Place: Drake Memorial Baptist Church Address: 5800 N.W. 2 Avenue Time: 800-9:00 P.M. t MATTY HIRAI 4 rp., N.., :� CITY CLERK IMS CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA (#4066) IM M TheftliamiTimpo 900 NW 54th STREET • MIAMI, FLORIDA 33127 -- - (305) 757-1147 Published Weekly Miami, Dade County, Florida STATEOFFLORIDAI SS PROOF OF PUBLICATION COUNTY OF DADE J Before the undersigned authority personally appeared MOHAMED HAMALUDIN, who on oath says that he is the Managing Editor of THE MIAMI TIMES, weekly newspaper published at Miami, Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement was published in said newspaper in the issues of: Aligit�t 78, 1.9Rh Affiant further states that THE MIAMI TIMES is a newspaper published in Miami, Dade County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Dade County, Florida each week and has been entered as second class mail matter at the U.S, Post Office in Miami, Dade County, Florida fora period of more than one year next preceding date of publication of the attached copy of adver- tisement; further affiant says that he has neither paid nor promised any firm, person or corporation any dis- count, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in this newspaper. I A _ Managing Editor Sworn to and subscribed before me on this, the 09 day of _Sept. U-ra / E D SEP u T P BLIC STATE F AT LARGE. My commission expires: NOTARY PU"L'C STATE OF RORIDA MY COI, MASS! 4 E1 I' S I•, 1' 11 1987 BCNDED THRU GENLKAL R%SURANCE UND 4 900 NW 54th STREET • MIAMI, FLORIDA 33127 - (305)757-1147 Published Weekly Miami, Dade County. Florida STATE OF FLORIDAI SS COUNTY OF DADE J PROOF OF PUBLICATION Before the undersigned authority personally appeared MOHAMED HAMALUDIN, who on oath says that he is the Managing Editor of THE MIAMI TIMES, weekly newspaper published at Miami, Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement was published in said newspaper in the issues of: AliguGr_ 78, 19R6 Affiant further states that THE MIAMI TIMES is a newspaper published in Miami, Dade County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Dade County, Florida each week and has been entered as second class mail matter at the U.S. Post Office in Miami, Dade County, Florida for a period of more than one year next preceding date of publication of the attached copy of adver- tisement; further affiant says that he has neither paid nor promised any f irm, person or corporation any dis- count, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in this newspaper. i n . I Managing Editor Sworn to and subscribed before me on this, the 09 day of —Se p t • _��•1,35.-�/ T P BLIC STATE F AT LARGE My commission expires: NOTARY PU°L!C STATE O,- FLOROA MY COML1tSS: I�N, Eta .''S f.;tl' 11 1937 BCNDED THRU UkLKAL 64SURANCE UND v ` '110TICE'T TEE PUBLIC ECIAL CITY COMIMISSIOR ti�: MEETING .�tsons will;tatce.tiot�ce`tliat et the ty of Miami, Florida will met in apeda� Sion, at the hereinbelow indicated locations to following issues lswes�lo. t. . Deterlorated'houAQ stock aid ►iew houiing initiatives in' the at+ea of Wood Septejnber 4,'L<li88 , ' :. _ Robert E. Lee Jr. Nigh Seboot 31M-XjV.40;'li-f-00 s - Isis-7:alpan. . .. - areas of Little River, Edison and tattle Mliti� l~iePXUe* tative of the State Attorney* Offke and **df lttdl�''6 face would be asked to to ti. op t1re prolttems of __ _ 17 rl3am11ARt r - �__{}}" r2!.-#'Rr y S , m1'R, a�c4¢ t'.1 y S�i.'I.f §Fx!✓.x4� L 'L 7 ? F t r s iyM 1,�,t 5Jn"'' W 'L,'. �. n. INC AiL41 9S1 S.W. 1st. Street, Miami, Fla. 33130 P.O. Box 3078, Coral Gables, Fla. 33134 Tel. 3 24-1938 TO THE CITY OF MIAMI.- 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRiVI?.- MIAMI,FLA.- The Undersigner ELADIO ARMESTO,Director and Publisher of PERIODICO PATRIA,Inc.hereby certifies that the orders od advertisements from the City of Miami, signed by the Clerk of the City, Miss Matty Hirai, have been advertised and pu- blished in PERIODICO PATRIA in the Spanish Language trans- lated from the English version; according to the dates or- dered and requested by the City of Miami. - Enclosed the orders,tearsheear and the invoices. AUG 1-86 P.O.#4051 AUG 1-86 P.O.#4052 AUG 15-86 P.O.#4053 AUG 29-86 P.O.04053 AUG 1S-86 P.O.#4054 AUG 29-86 P.O.#4054 STATE OF FLORIDA ( S.S. COUNTY OF DADE AUG 8-86 P.O. #4058 AMT. 15-86 P.O. N4058 AUG 22-86 P.O.#4058 AUG 29-86 L.O.#4063 AUG 29-86 P.O.#4065 AUG 29-86 P 0.#4066 ELADIO A"IESTO,Editor Director and Publisher Before me,appeared Eladio Armesto,and signed the above mentioned statement today August 30th,1986 RECEIVED (:11'1' OF W(AN11 SEP 0 3 1986 CENTRAL SERViCiS A0c!fi%,ISiRA110lI FROCUREMENi MANAGEMENT DIVISLN �RYBLIC�AT LARGE. - Ip1M1 PUiLtC STATE OF FLOWMA n CmN12SION EZP JULY 29.1908 80WD 1010 GENERAL INS. UrO. .. _ _ ::.pAD'Rlil; ilirteg3D`d�bpeioilb'f986•= 3 AVISO AL PUBLICO TODAS LAS PERSONAS INTERESADAS SIRVANSE TOMAR AVISO DE QUE LA COMISION DE LA CIUDAD DE MIAMI, FLORIDA, CELEBRARA UNA SESION ES. PECIAL EN LOS AOUI INDICADOS LUGARES PARA DISCUTIR LOS SIGUIEHTES ASUNTOS: louts No.1 Deteriorated housing stock and now hous- ing initiatives in the was of Wynmod. Focha: Septiembre 4,1086 Luger: Robert E. lee Jr. High School 0ireceibn:3100 NW Avenue Time: 6:00 — 7:30 p.m. Issues No. 2 Street Crime —in particular drug dealing — in or about the etas of Little River, Edison and Littk Haiti. Representwin do la ofieine de Is Fisal EMW y to oficino del Jab do Los Jones serin rogmwos pert Contester pnguntss sabre ester aestieaes. Feclut Septiembre 4, INS Lugar: Drake Memorial Baptist Church 0lnceida:5800 fgOY 2 AVE. _ Here: 8 :00 — 9:00 P.m. a MATTY HIRAI CITY CLERK CITY OFMIAMI,FLORiOA a 's . X, _r , 1 ,F