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CC 1986-09-11 Advertisement
AND DAILY AFC0111) �** Publlr!hacl Daily owrmpt s•+tturd,y, Sunday and t.a��+t Hnttdayr Miami, Q.d"t Ceunty, Flortdm. STATE OR F110R10A COUNTY OF PAPS: ffetnf a tftr, twdgmtIVo d aut"orlty pwraonally appetneet Octsfnsn 1• vwfso, s s ttte of L"al Adt erftalntl of thIs MI Lavt Hand Daily Rocoedt a daftly(t w" ' -*` a orldays) pub"0110e111 at Mom, In D*d* Cowdy, a; that the attached copy oll of Notice t. tsei+sg in the rnathr of CITY OF MIXII Re: Notice of Proposed Ordinance In the ............ X.. X.. :K ................... Cowt. wag pubtlahsd In said newspepefr In the Iuu" of Aug. 29, 1936 AffUM further saps that Me sold MI In � ��nN. Raaard is a naVNRW r pubtfelted fhe ICoefdiContinuously �ished n said 00ld an 0 County. Florfdeach (sltospt satueday, Sunday and L"111 Holidays) and has Man ontered M teoond clogs M#A atatter at Ing post offke In mtopi t prMirtid�h lhhee first kstion of County. Rorlodn. the attache0 copy�° ad ent"ttwrtt and slffaM testtwr says that see hat neither paid nor ponlaW commission or fund « of =nq this said for N%% I,it f •• S10qt) sj subperibtd Mfas me this • ug41�� . A.D. ifl.. 86 1pi(1. l ..... • ,� , �bI F at Large (BEAU O c � s� My Corttmisaton as fgr><iMA, MR 141 29 CA DO 06UWV9 ,6 Notice is bomby psvvan thmil the City Cnmmlftelon of the City Of Miami, FlorIO, on 9h=As1emb#r 11. 1 , ar=4nmwsc)ng At >1:04 A.M. in the City Cnmtnteel*n Ctsarn"r, City, "All, 35M Nin American Dr.; Miami, Florid.N will corssicW the following Ordlnassd-fin) on fire read- ing end the ndoptlon thenreof ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING fS£CTIONIS 35-01, AND 3M OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF WAf+Mi, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED, BY ESTABLISHING RAMS: AT CERTAIN ONWREET PARKING METERS AND CEFI--: � TAIN OFF-STREET LOTS; ESTABLISHING RATES AT ; MUNICIPAL PARKING GARAGES; FURTHER PAOVID- ING AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF OCTOBER 1, i90t3 FOR. THE HEREIN RATE INCREASES; ( 01PYiNG -ANO' CONFIRMING ALL ACTS OF THE OFF-&TA15Et AMWN a BOARD AND ITS DIRECTORS AS TO RATES 'HE F c ED; ff . , ER �►tiTH t PA `lid A116 6 OMLOP EXPER)M i TAL RATE STRUCTURES AND TO INITIATE RATES Fib NEW; FACILITIES" DURING THE FISCAL YEAR: CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. Sold proposed ordinanc e(e)*may be Inspected by the publics at the office of the City Clerk, 35M Pan American Drive, Mlaml, Florida,. Monday through Friday, excluding holidays, during the hours of &,00 ! A.M. to 5:00 P.M. All interested parties may appear at the meeting and be heard with respect to the proposed ordinance(e). Should any person desire to appeal any decision of the City Com- mission with respect to any matter to be considered at this meeting, that person shah ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings Is made Including all testimony and evidence upon which any appeal may be based. MATTY HIRAI CITY CLERK CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA (Mlantl Logo) IN29 162910M,., Sworn to and Subscribedof before Ire thisY Ot�Q,a� A.D.4-to, , • 0 �lic (Seal i/ 0511/ ` MDitty YU91.I0 511.1E Of FLOAI04 my COf01IFSI0M Exr. AUii ;4,1990 p @OWED yVpo CE%TF.AL ,,*%-• _ •}�'! +� i MIAMl REVIEVP AMP RAit y Ac. onn Published Dolly AxcApt SAturdwy, Sunday and Leago.l Holldays Miami, cAda county, Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADF- Before the undorefgn*f futhotty personally appeared Bootie W"anres, uvfso out vent aeya :rne he the llloa Pis fldarnf of Legal Ant Iaing of the Miami nestrsw and Daily Record, a dWy (except Saturclyy, Sunday end Lc" HofWays)l nawepapa' pubNat! at MI& M In Dogs County, Flortdt that the #Morltfd am of nt In am ntafNr of baing a L0pai Astafrttas?rrertt of Nolks CITY OF MIAIAI Re: Notice of Proposed ordinance In the ............... X.. X.. X ................ Court, ww publfshed In said nempapsr in the Isaues of Aug. 29, 1986 Afftart tWOW says that the fall Mlawd Review and as" Moord Is a petutletuad at MIarM in said Dade CM-dy, FtorWf, and t said newspaper has heretofore been ooMMasovely pub *hod in sots Dads County. Florida, each day lirsd N teCQtid etass matt Lmihas been � at olWap1 post office In Mim " in Dade County, Flortds, for a portod of one year neat the rest puhikatfon of tie attached espy of ow� offlent father says that she has neltlras Paid OW Pecan. Mnn or capastton any discount, for pubiof kstlon I the sold newspaper. refund for the purpose of Securing dnlf Sw m to and afore me We .29. t� .�. .. UguSS�.t .A.o.19.,.$6 tj +�� • N SIl6e� at Logs ly Confntlssiosl wla to rartuni.til' Notice .te 114" iy 414 16i to t Clty'Coi4►rhlsiloh of itte to y MIM4, Fk 9ldel,' oh'tApttttttbilt T,i, 1t , T fmidm;irw Its 9:ild'XM )f1 i IN City'Commistlton' C6400elr, 'City Hall, M Pen AMft Ml+aml, Florins, will Conatdtilt the Glowing Ordinafte(s) on tidal rea Ing and the adoption theteof ORGIOANYCE NO. _ AN ORDINANCt ADDING A NEVY SECTION 2309, t811-. i TLED "FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE", TO CHARTER Z OF 'AMEFID .ICA FENAA' '` , PROWSit'SN ANp A RABILITY CLAUSE. Said proposed ortf niins�IrQ.mmsy be itiltpeetec! ny tits pabllo set tttl'; office of the C11y.Gfoo-3�bb Pah�Amerfcmn Drive, Mltaml, Floritl�, Monday through. Friday, eateluding holidays, during the aunt of 8p0. A.M. to 8:00 AM.* . All tnteteated pitoltela mW s*pear at the meeting and be heard with respect to the pro drdlitanidiMe). Should arnr ergo ti"' to appeal any decision of the City Con" mission with rbat to any matter to be considered at this meeting, that person shall ensure .that a itert:lt IM record of the proceedilhos ls., ; made Including alt:'teetimony and evidence upon which any rapped ; may be based. MATTY HIRAI - - ciTY.cLERK .. CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA (0�� i (Miami Logo) Sworn to and Subscribed to before me this � day of o�a� A•�., to 0 Public (Seal) M• L. B ouin MOTARV FUSLIC STATE OF FLORIDA KV COWN19SION EXP. AUi i4,1920 EOlIOED TkPU CESFfil1i ;�, •AIM. t�' p �, OCT � ,7 i ._;1 fill►.. he MiamiOct-Rib WF, MIAHi F.ws A KNIGHT-RIDDER NEWSPAPER A COX NEWSPAPER Two oditorisiiy indm"nO*nt taring#. eoest Ant di+Atributp.d by TIME MIAMI HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY 1 HERALD PLAZA, MI^Mt. ELCRtt A 33UM • (AREA CODE 305) 350-2111 &db r+e the undersigned authority peraolwlly appeared M. L. Blouin who on oath says that he is. the. South Area Manager of The Miami Herald and The Mimi NMj, daily newspaper (s) published at Miami in.Dade County, Florida. He further says that the advertisement for CITY OF MIAMI (4065) was published in the issue or*isam of on SE@'1'MER 1st, 1956....................... or a e pu t -& s as per the attadied invoice. . Af f iant further states that tles rid T#g? MUM tiE1tMINE WS are ' newspapers published at Miami, in said Dade County, Florida, and that the said newspapers hm here -to -fore been continuously published in said Dade County, Florida, each day, and have been entered as second class MU batter at the Post Office in Miami, in said Dade County, Florida, far -a, PuiW of one year next pceceding the first publication or the advertisement. WM,B4 SMortu to and Subscribed to before @e this 13 JIM- day of A.D. �O WIRY PUKIC STATE OF FLOAM4 QY COMISSI01 EIP. AUb 24.I2" 201DED TERV CESERAL 11. P.0 r lip OCTf�6 tseal 2 7 I, no 0 y � VUBLIC CE TO TITIfE `. ,All i oresto-d, jwsons will take n®tic� that ,:fie a rr missl6h Of the City of Mi&mi, Flor- ft .Will held ublic He6ringO on the`: r ` M,'86 '81'04 Of iVpi l Budget-,' Y. n 66 fvllowin0 de tes: ICMM6 RBI. ber 11,1986; ox ci Bell pityorrrinhtir ,. Pan`: 'I m c : Dr , : Niiimi �= FIoricl* ; i fi 7: : wr IIIAIII Flt?RI©A . iS t { _ 900 NW 54th STREET • MIAMI, FLORIDA 33127 (305) 757.1147 Published Weekly Miami, Dade County, Florida STATEOFFLORIDAI SS PROOF OF PUBLICATION COUNTY OF DADE I Before the undersigned authority personally appeared MOHAMED HAMALUDIN, who on oath says that he is the Managing Editor of THE MIAMI TIMES, weekly newspaper published at Miami, Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement was published in said newspaper in the issues of: August 28, 1986 Affiant further states that THE MIAMI TIMES is a newspaper published in Miami, Dade County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Dade County, Florida each. week and has been entered as second class mail matter at the U.S. Post Office in Miami, Dade County, Florida for a period of more than one year next preceding date of publication of the attached copy of adver- tisement; further affiant says that he has neither paid nor promised any firm, person or corporation any dis- count, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in this newspaper. a Managing Editor Sworn to and subscribed before me on this, the Q9 day of Sept. A.D. 1986 �^ R E C., ldd C'I AT LARGE. My commission 6pires: NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF FLORIDA MY COMMISSION EXPIDIS jl.ty 11 1987 BONDED THRU GEtdEkAL INSURANCE UND g�NERAt S1.;irICt3^�G����i!�i�ig tl l 0 TO THE CITY OF MIAMI.- 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE.- MIAMI,FLA.- The Undersigner ELADIO ARMESTO,Director and Publisher of PERIODICO PATRIA,Inc.hereby certifies that the orders od advertisements from the City of Miami, signed by the Clerk of the City, Miss Matty Hirai, have been advertised and pu- blished in PERIODICO PATRIA in the Spanish Language trans- lated from the English version; according to the dates or- dered and requested by the City of Miami. - Enclosed the orders,tearsheear and the invoices. AUG 1-86 P.O.#4051 AUG 8-86 P.O.#4058 AUG 1-86 P.O.#4052 ATIG:15-86 P.O.#4058 AUG 15-86 P.O.#4053 AUG 22.86 P.O.#4058 AUG 29-86 P.O.#4053 AUG 29-86 E.O.#4063 AUG 15-86 P.O.#4054 AUG 29-86 P.O.#4065 AUG 29-86 P.O.#4054 AUG 29-86 P 0.#4066 ELADIO ARMESTO,Editor Director and Publisher is STATE OF FLORIDA ` COUNTY OF DADS S.S. i.' Before me,appeared Eladio Armesto,and signed the above mentioned statement today August 30th,1986 N Y PUBLIC AT LA GE.- 5, . RECEIVED .O��► ti�ltt STATE a «��: IT cmasl3ta Err JULY n.1m 9M0 TWO GENERAL INS. U40. CITY OF PviIAM1 SEP 0 S 1986 6E#ERAI SER�'iCcS PDl;;lriiSiRAtlD;1 - PROCI+DEI�ENi f��llt►CE#IENi OIYISl�N ai_ 1VdC'%Sv:.i...'r1f.ChTx.•Lu.-:..a:w!N�hwal—•i. a i# egg\.. "ltli `s19aSel9or+de 1965 9 A w n � AVISO AL PUBLICO TODASLAS PERSONAS INTERESADAS SIRVANSit pW '4 IMAI AV�1` 99 +SUE LA COMINOi1I DE LA C1UDAOSE _I�IIIOk.kOPJDA, LLVVARX A CAEO UNA INFOi kM .; CON MOCA (PUNLIC HEARING) SOIRE EL , PM I�UEtiT�` iVli�ll #11119 WESTO' DE LA ClUbAO s OE MIAMI EN LASSI®UIENTES FECHAS: 3rNtiri�ti�°11.-INS -FIRST PUBLIC`NEARIN88:OSP'M: R` $"&ad" 26, Im -SECOND PUILIC HEARINEisSi,- 7s MIAMI RF-VIF-%% ;< ;. AND DAiI.Y RFCORO Published DAlly oxcespt SgturdAy, Sunday and legal Holidays Mimi, Dado County, Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DAOF- Before the und="rsign¢d euthaplty personally, appwN Bookie WpNam whn on aareh says JIMM aft is the We Ptawal- of Leo Adeatlsing of the futierM Review and Daly Mead, a daft' (except SSWW#y, Sim" and Legal "OkU el publie! sd at MierM in Dade County, Florida; that the attoo — copy of adver tforne nt. being a Legal Adverifeemett of No In t» Tatter of CITY OF MIA14I Public Hearing 9/11/86 Re: Orange Bowl etc. In the .............. }t.. X .. X .................. Cowl. me published In said nempaper In the Issues of Aug. 29, 1986 Afflanl twtw says that the Bald MWM Asriers and Dairy ad Is a "W had at Mini In said Deft County. Ida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been irhuoasty published in said Dade Fiorl" ea 1 day red as seooUft"ayihd T�sil LegalHal at t �t office In nl In said code County, Red" tinticatlorh ofrthepsttschdw od cr one yew and stilaTtt funhr says that she hae 01:11 the any perem itim ar corporation any Mscoun , lesion or refund for the purpose of securing this publication in the said newspaper. `,�Ihlllllt 1/ r z Gj . • swom to before me thb • r%"r A i. A public Iiftfinb 0011 be held by the Commission of the City ,of MIAMI, Ftoridd-66 ThUrp*,1'iapttrinber 11.1006; a1.11:30 A.M. in the . City Commission C� at City Hall, 3500 Ran American DFWO, Miami, Florida, for the purpbee of considering the ratification by the.., City Coirimisalori of the volvet of the requirement of obtaining sefifed competitive bids for Increases in the contract cost for the following designated 0WId worits of improvements: . ORANd BOW � JOIST 111�K.ACEMENT — 19W Aft locrA'a Wof W,0M 16 the`contra6tviih MET,-Construfltlorl; Ihc.,' 0` bov* f % bolo of the additional structural repaid work. A inttt*sted-perodns are invited to appear and may be heard.. coricOnl6q such otbittsed waivera and incirmes. Should any ter son'dtislrs 40 ,ieppeaT'any drlcislon of the City Commission with respWIto any rib Mer,-considered at this:hearing, that ;f wsoa shali ensure that a verbalitri tecord of the proceedings is made, includIng all testimony and evidence upon which any appeal may be bassd.,. MATTY HIRAI CITY CLERK ' (P.O. 1400)Y . ; Sao 860l0 11Ztr1.: i MIAMI REVIEW A_MQPart.yRcconn PublleMKt t WlY on"t Soatiudgy, sunoxy and Lpv=l f'nfldory+ Miami, R county, Florida. STATR Of M01110A COUNTY of VAoI: fAefionr the rrr is igos+xl Po"bodly appefe-d OolsMetn V. • _-,. , � soh esy� Ihl'ut sfee is dtolllrp�rlrlsor of L@W Adlnhrtweq of itm Mform tt*"4m and cwty Reoerd, a AMh ( . - - � lRrrd HoNdays) nsrrapsper, CM Of at Rf±emt M f'o+nfty, ifpM ttta aMsoflsd a In the nn�ttsr of f. �t oft OW* CITY Or MIAMI PUBLIC HEARING SEPTEMBER 11, 1986 P.O. # 4060 M tM .............. $ ......................... Cotrl, pals pubNehad In "M neMap.pK in the Issuaa of August 27, 1986 ARIan1 findw up that Me sold MoanI RsMsw and 094 Rsoord Is a nsaeppsr pullift lsd at Mlanw in Bald Dada count, lik"I a, Mid Mat the said Maapaper h" henHoton been oontlrprsaefy puO114111 d in Bald Dads T t , F ad � �, NsoePt Saturday, Ned LagN Hof !and fW beMl MMMed as Mreond dass Meg matfar at past oMce in UlMd to said Dads County, Flo"" for a pe"d of an � M� a"M tPuNics of "IS attached t psW nor pronrrsad awry pMsa4 e P that Ift� aoranr rotund of securing this for %Iloilrr • Swom'tb.Mrd 4bloabed tmfM me this = 4 2.71h. , ....Au�uat~ ....... AA. is. $ 6 x4t r�Is tp . Notsr� Aktte ofonf'fortda at Large CITY OR MIAMI, FLORIDA NOTtCK TO THR PUBLIC A public hearing will be held by the .Commission of the C)*,of Miami on September 11, 19ft, at 11:30 A.M. at City Hall, 35M Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida, for the purpose of consldetlnp a waiver of the requlfements of obtaining Sealed Ibids io the acqulel• tione'of maintenance and related supplles for the Phyrald f 6hlrol Life Support Equipment used by our Fire faescun A Inspe�.ttori Depart- ment. This equlpm'enl Is manufactured by the sole soirrt e, Physlo Control, of Atlanta, Georgia at a first year total cost of $24,0W.00. irw/01 a frMwether potential sources of supplies who feel that. they might•be eble.to satisfy the City's requlremenis,in,the acquisi- tion may contact Mr. D. W. O'Donnell, Rescue Division, Department of Fire, Rescue and Inspection Services, at the following number, 57M�41. All interested parties are Invited to appear and may be heard conebming such dfoposed waiver and purchase. The heating will be held at the time and place specified above. Should any person desire to appeal any decision of the City Com- mission with respect to any matter -considered at this heat ng,dhat person shall ensure .that a verbatim record of, the proceediflo is made, Including a11 testimony and evidence upon, which any appeal may be based. r , (P.O. N4W) MATTY HIRAi CITY CLERK CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA $l27. e' 8646270�i