HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-86-0764J-06-810 RESOLUTION NO. G '764f, A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING THE NOMINATION OF DR. EDUARDO PADRON, TO THE OFF-STREET PARKING BOARD OF THE CITY OF MIAMI AND RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COMMISSION THAT THIS NOMINATION BE CONFIRMED FOR A TERM EXPIRING ON DECEMBER 2, 1988 r WHEREAS, a vacancy exists on the Off -Street Parking Board due to the resignation of Mr. Arnold Rubin whose resignation was reluctantly accepted by the Off -Street Parking Board; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to fill this vacancy for an unexpired term of office ending December 2, 1988; and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Off -Street Parking Board met on September 10, 1986 and, subject to confirmation by the City Commission, nominated Dr. Eduardo Padron to fill the unexpired term of Arnold Rubin for a term expiring December 2, 1988; and WHEREAS, the above individual fulfills the qualifications for Board membership as set forth in subsection (b) of Section 23-A.1 of the City Charter; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The nomination of Dr. Eduardo Padron as a member of the Off -Street Parking Board of the City of Miami, Florida, for a term expiring December 2, 1988, is hereby confirmed. PASSED AND ADOPTED this.2= day of ptember, 1986. XAVIER L. SUIAVa MAYOR ATTEST: NATTY HIRAI, CITY CLERK PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: APPRO FOR AND CORRECTNESS: RK, CHIEF DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY FROM: Roger M. Carlto SUBJECT: APPOINTMENT OF NEW OFF-STREET Director PARKING BOARD MEMBER Department of 0 uauuk� Please find attached a transmittal letter from Off -Street Parking Board Chairman Leslie Pantin, Sr. confirming the nomination of Dr. Eduardo Padron to the Off -Street Parking Board. On behalf of the Chairman and Members of the Off -Street Parking you are requested to place this item for consideration by the City Commission on the September 250 1986 agenda. A resolution is attached. Att . 3 Roger M. Carlton Director _. September 12, 1986 i Honorable Xavier Suarez Mayor City of Miami _ 3500 Pan American Drive Miami. Florida 33133 - Dear Mayor Suarez: It is a pleasure to inform you that Dr. Eduardo Padron was unanimously nominated to the Off -Street Parking Board on September 10# 1966. Dr. Padronos nomination followed an exhaustive process in which the following candidates were reviewed: Cary de Leon Oscar Goetan Arthur Hertz Gene Marks Carlos McDonald Eduardo J. Padron • Garth Beeves, Sr. J. "Skip" Shepard Horace Jerome Traylor On behalf of the members of the Off -Street Parking Board,, your confirmation of this nomination as per City of Miami Charter, Section No, 23- ,1 is recommended. - Sincerely, .r Leslie Pantin Chairman Off -Street Parking Board Att. NOTE '. WENT TO EACH OF THE CITY COMMISSIONERS Department of Off Street Parking 190 N.E. Third Street Miami, Florida 33132 305-579-6M "W4 K, RESOLUTION NO. 86-773 A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING THE NOMINATION OF DR. EDUARDO PADRON, TO THE OFF-STREET PARKING BOARD OF THE CITY OF MIAMI AND RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COMMISSION THAT THIS NOMINATION BE CONFIRMED FOR A TERM EXPIRING ON DECEMBER 29 1988 WHEREAS, a vacancy exists on the,Off-Street Parking Board due to the resignation of W. Arnold Rubin whose resignation was reluctantly accepted by the Board; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to fill this vacancy for an unexpired term of office ending December 2, 1988; and WHEREAS, Dr. Eduardo Padron, Vice President of Miami Dade Community Oollege - Wolfson Campus is acquainted with Miami's growth and has Interested himself in community affairs; and WHEREAS, Dr. Padron is considered by all segments of the community to be a leader; and WHEREAS, Dr. Padron is familiar with parking needs of the community, is an outstanding citizen of exemplary character, and will be an asset to the Off -Street Parking Board: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE- OFF-STREET PARKING BOARD OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. Dr. Eduardo Padron is hereby nominated as a member of the Off -Street Parking Board of the City of Miami, Florida, pursuant to Section 23-A.1 of the City of Miami Charter, to fill the unexpired term of Arnold Rubin, ending December 2, 1988. Section 2. The Board hereby recommends to the City Commission that the nomination of Dr. Eduardo Padron be confirmed. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 10th day of September. 1986, « p CurtiCalus Vitae sDUAAD0 J. PADSOU brl j 601 S.W.6inrsntb itreet. suits 49 x1mi9 llorM 33129 (305) 854-0305 (dme) ' (305)-447-3393 (Office) • a Rduarde J. 7'ad ran Curriculum Vita* Graduate Studies: IDUCAT_ IONAI. BACKGROUND IIn� �rs_iq og Florida • Deco6sr 1970 Ga nneesvI e. florida Degrees PhD. !Majors Bc000®ics (School of Business Administration) OF Certificate In Latin American Affairs Qniversiti�®f Tlori a - Decesher 1%7 6a ein svi� . liorida Degree: master of A� . Major: Bco mics Qniversit of MiIaei. Department of Inter -American Affairs � cra it amourn in graduate level courses Wagraduate SMILE Florida Atlantic UnIvOrsilla August 1966 Boca Ratons KLOTIA& Degrees Bachelor of Arts Majors Economics 1A Surma ga Lauda; mbsr One in College graduating elan ►'"'14t' 1980 - present PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Commtinity College. Kitchell Wolfson Academic r�ak: Professor. Wlant-Dada or Campus. Job Res bilitios: Chief administrative and academic officer of the eexqpus. Oversews all operational aspects. Maintains quality educational programs developed in consultation with faculty. academic staff. and students. Serves ss spokesperson for the c=Vue on policy matters. Provides leadership In long-range mad strategic planning. Plans the campus resource development and fund-raising program. Provides leadership in institutional and state-wide planning. Directs• the development and administration of the campus budget. Directs a coMrshensive program of equal opportunity/ affirmative action. 1973-80 Dean of Acadmic Affairs. Miaai-Dade CousunIty College. Now World Center Campus. Associate Professor of Economics. Job Re onsibilities: Chief academic officer and dean of the faculty under the Vice -President. primary responsibility for the development and supervision of academic programss the hiring of faculty@ providing intellectual leadership, and overseeing long-range academic planning. 1972-73 Director. Division of Special Programs and Continuing ucatioA. Miami -Dade Community College. Now World Center Campus. Assistant professor of Economics. 1971-72 Chairverson# Institute of Culture and Language !raining. Mimi -Bade Community College. New World Center Carpus. Assistant professor of Economics. 1970-71 Assistant Professor,, Miami -Dade Community College. Now World Center Campus. Served as a consultant to governuntal agencieso private industry* and educational institutions in .a variety of fields Including: economic studies; banking; foreign trade; economic development; budgeting; management/ organisation; academic planning; ludershIp training; .multicultural education; •anpover training; housing; employant; race relations; and criminal justice. continued Eduardo J. Padron 4 Curriculum Vitae The following is a partial list of agencies which have used my professional services: Colombian Institute of Administration; Comeunity Action a Research. Inc.; CONAC IC; Dade County Personnel Doparrtment; Dade County Public Safety Department; R1 Pasco CommmIty College; General Federal Savings A Loan; International Medical Centers; gallon Foundation; Meridian Rouse International; Montal. Inc.; Ponce do Leon federal. Sav1sgs A Doan; 'Texas Education Agency; U.S. Agency for International Development; U.S. Department of Health. Education i Welfare; U.S. Department of Labor; U.S. Education Department; University of Southern California; and others. Lectured at several foreign and American universities and served as speaker$ panelistg and preseozntor at may nationalp state, local. and foreign conferencess seminars, and workshops on a ride variety of topics. Regularly quoted in local -and national printed media. Participated in several foreign,, national and local television and radio shows. 0ften interviewed by the major networks including ABC. CBS. HBC. and SIR. CRANTSNAYSAIP AND FM RAISING Experienced `rant writer. Created the to sting grant approach on the Wolfson Campus. resulting in a cadre of over fifty experienced grant writers with expertise in each of the academic areas served by the campuse as well as a grant incentive allowance for tease participants. Excellent funding record -- aver $13.0009000 funded over the past five years from federalg state and local agencies including the Department of Labor. Department of Education. Department of Health and Human Services. Governors Discretionary Fund. South Florida Employment and Training Consortium, Florida Endowment for the Humanities. FIPSE. Realth and Rehabilitative Servicea. Florida Arts Council. Dade County Council a_` Arts i Sciences. State Department of Education. State Board of Community Colleges. State Division of Cultural Affairs. United States Institute of Museum Services. Community Action Agency. Dade -Miami Criminal Justice Council. Agency. for International Development. Administered the operation of all grant funding projects. All projects bave consistently met or exceeded Seals and have been successful in refunding proposals. One grant project. the Specialised Training Institute for Progress (STIP),o is presently entering its 9th year of refunding. Experienced in Foundation and Endowment Fund Raising. Successful record in attracting millions of dollars from private foundationss corporations, and Individuals in support of the College academic programs. In the 1985-86 academic year. over $1.3 million has already been committed to the campus frost outside private sources. continued 86--" 64, Selected for ambership is the following highest national honorary scholastic organizations: Phi Data Kappa (scholastic) Osicion Delta Epsilon (economics) Matta Case Si _ (business odadnistration) hODMERSSIP IN PAOPESSIaIQnI CAACADEKIC ORGANIZATIONS American Council on Education • American Association for higher Education Inter -American University Council for Social and Sconostic Develops"t American Association of Junior and ComunIty Colleges American Economic Association Southern Economic Association Florida Association of Commity Colleges Tlorida Staff and Proaras Develooaent Association X&MV40 J. I'adron Curriculum Vitae FROFESSIONAL/ACADEMIC ACCOMPLILMMS 6 NATIONAL LVn Served in an advisory capacity to former U.S. secretaries of education Mary D. Berry and Shirley M. Ruufstedler during the Carter Administration. Called to testify before the U.S. Congress an educational related Issues. Prasentor at several national/international educational organizations,, Includinf, the American Association for Higher Education (AARE), Association of Governing Boards of Colleges and Universities. (ACB), and the Inter rican University Council for Economic and Social Development (CUIDES). Served on a twelve er blue-ribbon committee that drafted the education platform for President JIMY Carter. Serves an the Labor/Higher Education Council established by the American Council on Education and the AFL. -CIO. Active on several committees of the American Association of Cosmunity and Junior Colleges. Served as a consultant to a variety of colleges, universities and the D.S. Department of Education. STATEA VEL Helped formulate the educational policy for the !rivals Industry Council and the State Zoployment and Training Council. Sewed as a board member on both councils. Appointed by Education Secretary Ralpb Turlington on an advisory capacity. An a board member of the Florida Endowment for the Bumanitiu and the State Art Mduseun, provided direct input and assumed responsibility for college and university-ssiated programs in the State of Florida. Presented expert testimony before the Florida lost-Secoudary Education Commission and joint sessions of Board of Regents/State Board of Community College*. Represented the educational interests of Dade County before the state legislators. Testified several times to both Senate and Rouse subcomsxietsas. Served as an advisor to several state legislators. eontimued t ` lduarde J. lAdrm � curricult.m. Vitae LOCAL LBVIL Appointed by the lifth District O.S. Court to the Desegregation Cosminittee for Dade County Schools. • Served on several 04VIMOTY comittates to the locs,I school systow. • An active Gabor of the higher Education Committee of the Greater Miami Chamber of Comore*. Chaired the Education Cowittee of the Inter —American Business Association. Serves as educational advisor to the -Dade Chamber of Commerce and the Latin American Chamber of Commerce. Authored feasibility studies for local banking institutions. j Provided leadership for a number of academic reforns and academic policy fonulation at -Dade Community College. i Directed self -study committees for accreditation. The initiator of award programmes aimed at serving the business community and the public sector. These include the Center for Business and Industry (CBI) —an affiliate of the Greater Miami Chamber of Commercee and the Urban Consortima for Learning Alternatives (UCLA) —a continuing education program involving over sixty community t agencies and organisations. l i, Co-founder of the Educational Development Canter and Center for Migration and Etbnic Studies • joint programs of Florida International University and Miami -Dads Community College. Active In the educational programs of community organisations such as Crutar Miami United and the Metro-Kiml Action Plan. Eduardo J. Padron Curriculum vitae XWER. DIRECTOR, • DIRECTOR, . TRUSTEE, MMER, • XDMZR, WMER. �0-CBAI�AA. CBAIRtiAI�. TRUSTEE. DIREMR, DIRECTOR. COVERNOR, a APPOINTMENTS AND LEADERSRIP POSITIONS Labor/Ai her Education Councils American Council on E uc tlon. presents Board of Directors, General Federal Savings S Loan Association, 1984 present Board of Directors, Meal Dalside Minority Foundation. Inc. t, 1986 - present Board of Trustees. South Florida Better Du®iness Bureau Educational roundationo 98 9 present South Florida Mission to Hon Kong and Korea, high level cosmarcia Y mission -let--by -let--bythe Florida Secretaryof Cosmeress 1985. Steering Comittee, Dabbl �Foundation Institute, 1985 - seeeiisew ie^ a�a present a Board of Directors, Greater Maul United, 1981 - present Juvenile Justice Co'ittes and Tice Chairman of recut Board of Trustees. State Art Kuseum. appointed by Governor Bob Grahss. 1984 - present Board of Directors. Downtown ?Miami Business Association. 1984 - present Board of Directors. Local Initiatives Suyport Corporation. 1994 - present Board of Governors, Greater Miami Chamber of Cowerce, 1972-82. =duardo J. Padroln 9 Curriculum Vitas • TRUSTEE, Board of Trustees. Vaned Wav of Dads Colaua, and MMER. Log Ran a Planning Cosaaittee, 19 - present • DIRECTOR, Board of Directors, Mi i_.Velcholosicsl ll@O@grch Center. 1982 - preas at • TRUSTEE, Board of Trustoas. 'T.''.r"a.nsItIonj Inc.. 1985 n^ Present • TRI-CHAIR, slack on Black Crime Program. 1985 - present 11�1E1lARRR®RlRSRRRRlRER!ffi.@ Ra RR! !E RIE ! I . DIRECTOR. Board of Directors, miss ®Collegiate—, Buck America, Inc., 1985 - present . DIRECTOR, Board of Directors, Greater Miami and the Beaches Festival Association. 1986 - present • upmER, Downtoen Miami AdvisO Comittes. City of Miami. Appointed Ey City Manager Casar Olio, 1986 - present . wan, Advisor' Boards Pluma de Oro, 1985 - present 18CHBER, Steering Co=JLtteop �No Casinos. Inc.. 1986. MEKBER, U.S. Conuressional Citizens Council, 1983 - present DIRECTOR. Board of Directors, Private InduatEX Council of South Florida. Appointed by City o Miami Co�3,sioa. 1953- present DIRECTOR. Board of Directors, Dade CounjZ Fair CaRaisg Practices Coainlesions 1985 - present VICE-CHAIRNO Board of Directoro, National Hispanic Comity Collese Cowell, 1985-86 MEMBER, Dade County Commission on Discipline, 1985 - present OItECTOR, Board of Directors, Worldwide Reference Publications, Inc., 1985 - present CBAIRHW, Qmality of Lifa Committees Rediscover Miami Beach Council, 1985 - present HEMMER, Executive Cosmittee, Dade Clean, Inc.. 198S - present MEMBER, Executive Cowdttee, Metro MIMI' Actin, 1983 Present eoatinued e • AOL J. pagdron 10 /Eduardo Curricul,,�,► �1��� • State of Florida to to ent and Training Council. AV,,,Z;ted by Governor Ruben Askewt 1974-78P lteappointe y Covernor R.D. Graham for the period 1979-83. CONKISSIONER. Eleventh District Judicial nominating C ission. 1980-83. • ME?OIER, Dade County Coordinating Comcil. 1981-83. DIRECTOR, Board of Directors, Dade CountZ CommunitZ Relations Board. Appointed by Dade County Board of Com esioners, 19 . CHAR, Hoard of Directors, S antah-American League_ A ainst 'Discrimination, 197842. txecutivs Committee Member, 1982 - present . DIRECTOR. Board of Directore, Florida Endowment for the Humanities, 1979-82. . DIRECTOR, Board of Directors, United nations International Children's Educational fund UNICEF , 9 1 - present . DIRECTOR, Board of Directors, Dade CounSZ CommunItZ Action AgencZ. Appointed by Dade County Soard of Commissioners, 19 0- . DIRECTOR, Board of Directors, Urban League of Created. 1972-76. . TRUSTEE. Board of Trustees. Miami Dental Health Center, 1978-84. . CMMSSI01"29 U.S. District Court Bi-racial Tri-Ethnic Dese re atioa Commission. Appointed By Chis Judge CO Clyde At nee . 19- 7�1985 MElO)ER, Advisory Board. Miami Citizens Against dim. 1982 present XDMI1e Advisory Boards Miami -Dade Chamber of Commerce, 1983 ' present • DItEC7019 Board of Directors, South Florida Girl Scouts Councils 1977-80. DIRECTOR• Board of Directora, United family and Children•a Services, 1979-63. . 'MIIMERO ?anal of Judges, The Miami Herald's Spirit of Excellence • Avg ards, 1985 . CBAILW, Education Committee, Inter -American Business Association, 198i-8S. y Eduardo j. radron curriculum vltao . DIRECTOR, . DIRECTOR. • DIRECTOR, • MUMER, • DIRECT+OR. DER. NDMER. CO-CRAIRW CL41RHAN, • DIRECTOR, • XWER. • DIRECTOR& xwn. • xwn, xxon, CHAILW Kwn, 11 board of Directors. East Little Havana Economic Development ,Cotporatiioon, 1984 - present Board of Directors, !tied book Fair International, 1984 - present Board of Directors. Mimi Film Fostival. 1983 - present Beacon Council. Image A Quality of Life Tank force, 1984 - present Board of Directors, JOBS FOR 1f AKI, Inc. 1983 - present Dade County Council of Arts i Science, Commmity Grants Panel. 1984 - present Now World Center Action CommIttes, Greater Mlaal Chamber of Co rce. 9 1 - present Waal Centennial Celebration Committeal, 1983 - present Juvenile Alternative Services Protect Policy Committee. ® 1983 - present Board of Directors. Florida Coalition of Hispanic Educators. 1983 a present Advisory Board, TWCA, 1983 - present Board of Directors. Cuban Museum of Arts and Culture. 1983 - present Advisory Councils, Cable Wteas, Inc.. 1981-83. Euaitive Council. Dade CounjZ Kan r Area Planning Council. Appointed y a County manager i. Goods. - . Dade ComnjZ ?ran ortation Adviso Board. Appointed by Dade County Board of Cossilssloners. 1971-75, Board of Directors, Southeast Regional Leadership Tralrina Center, 1980-82. con tiaued Ranarao jA Padre, Curriculum Vitae 0 • 12 DIRE, HEMMER. MEb n, CUIRM. . CHAIRMAN. CO-CBAiRrlAti. DIRECTOR, Board of Directors, Little Ravana Daveloasent Authority, Blue Ribbon Committee on Overtoxn. Appointed by Miami yor Maurice Ferse, Downtown �Trangortation Pol -Committee, 1962 - present Board of Directors# Action C nity Center, 1970-74. L OR1AleC '-"1-'L�+ I Board of Dirtiectors. Little Ravens Ne hborhood Advisor? Board, 1970-72. Dade County piaster Plan Review Comittee. 1972-74. Greater Miami Coalitions. Housing ®pgortunitl Council, 1972. Board of Directors. Childrents Ps chistric Institutes, 1972-76. CHAIRMAN. Dade County Juvenile Crime Prevention 'cask Force, 1976-77. NDMER. O.S. De artment of Education Ri anic Educational Networks 1978 - present 0 Dade Count' Minority► Business Enterprlsee Poi— icy Committee. TRUSTEE. CBAIRNO Appointed by Dade County Manager Kro stierttesm. ivio-ov. Dade Counterer aerty Advisoa Council, C.A . 1979 - 1983. Board of Trustees. EM SOO, 1982-1992. liemanic Committee Atainst the Tax Referendum. 1979. Chaos and �s 0 l�ER. United Fund's Voluntary Action Proar_ae. 1972-75. DIRECTOR. Board of Directors. Spanish American Coalition. 1974. • XMIR. Panel of Judges, The Miami Berald•s Silver Kniaht Awards. 1979 - present -- • DIRECTOR. Board of Directors. Cuban American Democrats, 1976-7e. . Mmns Dade County Police -Community telatlona Board. 1971-72. continued 496-74t x4vaalydlo J. vandron Curriculum vitse MI�1lE1l, DIICTOR. DIRECTOR. CWRNAN I • CBAIRMAIo. . =mn, . wmn, DIRECTOR. N0lRNEE. wmn, DIlECT01, DIBEC'r01. CBAI�AN. 9IQ-CHAR, ?ICE-PaISIDIIPI, wmn, 13 Greater Miami Coalition, Comitt ,e an the quiusester Plan, 1974-75, Board of Directors. Stanish-Sneaking Democratic Caucus, 1974�73. Board of Directors, Spanish American Coalition, 1974. n•am vnnnew . Southeast Conference on the Education of Bi anics. .B.E.W. O.E.. 980.- Pansl of Judges, Rational Free Enterprise C23 etition; •®epIDg. 111ni sponsored by Phillips petroleum, 1980. Dade Coum AdvIsojZ Comittee on Refu ees. Appointed by County gar Marrett Stierbeim, 9 1. Board of Directors, Hispanic Alcohol and Tobacco Intervention Program, 1981. National Governing Board, Common Cause. 1981. National Education PolIcZ Task Force, Carter Campaign. 1976. Board of Directoraq Cuban Aparicaan Coalition.. 1978-80. Board of Directors. Association for Caribbean Development, i_. 1979-Present. Pers=el Committee, Little Ravana Action Center,, 1977-01. Cuba Lions Club. 1975-78. Cuba Ljeeum. Inc. 1974-77. T.K.C.A. International, 1976-77. Advisory Board, ?.R� .E® .® D., 1974-75. Dade_ County ?oath Registration Cemmittes_ 1476.71 _ Fduardo J. Padron Curriculum Vitae AWARDS AND 9011019 14 . !'Man of the hours" WSUA Radios Way 12. 1986. . "Good Wye Award." Floride'Wown'a Polltical Caucus, Mays 1986. . "Honorary Mention." VRRC Radio. Bay 8. 1986. . "Smile Award .. 1985 Outstanding Leader In Iducations" Downtown Magazines Januarys, 1986. "Hismi 1986 Notables.'° Miami Mensual Magasines January 1986. s'Leadership Awards" ASS. January 27. 1986. "NOnOraryAdvisor." St. Patrick'® parade and Celebrations January 15s 1986. "Certificate of Recognition® Beacon Cowell, November 13s 1983. "product Of Zxceilencep — one of three individuals recognised by the Dade County lublic Schools in its 100th anniversarys Novembers 1985. "Leadership Awards" Greater Miami United. 1985. "ParagonAwards" Rational Association of Public Relations Professiosula. 1985. "Certificate of Appreciations" Miami Beach 41et Street Associations 198S. "Certificate of Appreciations" Aspire Of Florida. 2ae.s 1985. "Honorary Awards" Worldwide Reference Publications. Ync.s 1985. "Outstanding Service Awards" Job Corps Service of Florida. 1985. "Certificate of Appreciations" United Faulk and Children's Services. February 23s 1984. "Silver Medallions National Conference of Christians and Jens. 1984. • "Honorary Members" United StatesWav . 1984. q "Congr2ssional Citizens Awards" U.S. Coasresss 1984. Nominated by Congress- man W. Lebo= 0. sduardo J. radron is Curriculum Vitae • "Award of Rovor." Dade County Mile Schools. Harch 169 1980. : r eeu i a • "Outstanding B Meritorious !Services" Ct. April 16, 1980. x "Comile ttoe from Governor Robert D. Graham. October 6. 1979. :¢ "Letter of C odatioo^ from rreal4ont J Carter, October 69 1979. "Pa'Alante Award — Outstanding Hispanic —American Leader of 1979," Rue_stro alinea national monthly mgazine. "Service Awards" Business and Professional aomn's Club. 1979. "Recognition Awards" Lincoln -Marti School, 1979. "citizen of the Day," WM Radio, July, 1979. "Outstanding Service Awards" Lions Club. 1978. "Certificate of Appreciation," Rids Club. 1978. . "8onorary Cuest," The White Douse. Waambin gton, D.C.. 1978. • Rialeah City Council has designated July 29 as "The Eduardo J. Padron Day" to the City of Rialeab for significant services rendered to the City, 1978. "Cmmndation." City®f MIMI. 1978. "Lots Perez-3spims Award," Cuban Educators Association, for outstanding achievement in the educational a d. 9 8. "Nonorary Mention," V BA. 3a 1976. 19779 and 1978. "Coaendation for Outstanding Cassunity Service," Dade Couriti Board of '+ Cosaissionera, 1976. "Leadership Award; Mimi Aerospace Acadga Jamsary, 1976. . "ftcellenea Award." Land Surveyors Association, 1976. "Outstanding Service Awards" Jose Marti Center, 1977. "Bicentennial Award for Outstanding Acbiwaasnts" T.M_�. 1976. a of the year$ " S sai®ha-Amrican Student Association. 1974. "Cor'tii'icate of APprecistiom," Dads fturoe lean oer PUtmiai_ Comcil. 1976. "Cortificate of AppreclatAcus" Dadeftros ConxortiuM-, 1974. a_ "O"sAmno- r_nnarmam Award." Himl-Dade CommultY Collets" 1976 thr€ h 1979.