HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-86-0820, t- 3-86-828 RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BID OF CAMPANELLA CORPORATION, IN THE PROPOSED AMOUNT OF $61,955,00, FOR "BICENTENNIAL PARK WATER & SEWER SERVICE 1986", WITH z MONIES THEREFOR ALLOCATED FROM THE "MIAMARINA - MIAMARINA/WATSON ISLAND MAJOR MAINTENANCE" ACCOUNT IN THE AMOUNT OF $61,955.00 TO COVER THE CONTRACT COST; AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH SAID FIRM. WHEREAS, sealed bids were received October 7, 1986, for BICENTENNIAL PARK WATER & SEWER SERVICE 1986; and WHEREAS, the City Manager and the Director of the Department of Public Works recommend that the bid of Campanella Corporation be accepted as the lowest responsible and responsive bid; and WHEREAS, the Capital Improvements Appropriation Ordinance No. 9939, as amended, was adopted on December 20, 1984, and monies are available for the proposed amount of the contract, t project expense, and incidentals from the account entitled "M ama ri na - Mi ama ri na/Watson Island Major Maintenance" account, as -set forth under Section 3.Mari nas.6.1 of said ordinance; V �NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: 1 Section 1. The October 7, 1986, bid of Campanella Y Corporation, in the proposed amount of $61,955.00, for the project entitled Bicentennial Park Water & Sewer Service 19869 for the total bid of the proposal, based on unit prices, is hereby accepted at the price stated therein. f i; Y ` 1 �31 .'. :,rb,,rn,s-.X.,,... ».'.( .Ate. ,. .r ...✓.3,.��,. . ,. .s _:: .r._..r...,�,Tt;.,,,,u,.:.r....k�1�4n'3i%:«:5ih.ii}i§:i .s ht._`ezt.l. .. t.r. ., . -. » t Section 2. The amount of $61,955.00 is hereby allocated from the account entitled "Mi ama ri na - Mi ama ri na/Watson Island Major Maintenance" to cover the cost of said contract. Section 3. The City Manager is hereby authorized to enter into a contract on behalf of the City of Miami with Campanella Corporation, for Bicentennial Park Water & Sewer Service 1986, total bid of the porposal. APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: Z--Z-t _ .. BID SECURITY #Tguaicentennia,k Park Water a 'PAKeL V. PA'TR D REC ev!® i� �.� a.h 85-86-141 HYPE OF SECURITY si RR Campanella Corp L540 N. Powerline Road ?ompano Beach, F1 'IQIAx, $61,955.00 "OWT 'PAO BB Voucher ?.N.M. Corp 3780 N.W. 22nd Avenue iiami, F1 $63,802.50 5% BB 4. Vila & Assoc. Inc. 1395 Palm Avenue 3ialeah, Fl $72,962.50 5% BB 3oys Engineering, Inc. 3171 N.W. 91 Terr. #1--C 4edley, Fl $88,590.00 5% BB Toe Reinertson Equipment Co. Z027 N.W. 7th Avenue 2iami, F1 $98,305.00 5% BB OV RECEIVED o 1f aG DIV . /PtTBLIC W envelopes. SIGNED:DATE: / 7pc; ki A Bid No. 85-86-141 Tt'I 2: 32 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Sealed bids for construction of BICENTbNN,�t 0' ,!0w., WATER AND SEWER SERVICE - 1986 B-5536 will be received by' th6'i' z_ and t Clerk o�r, t e Cit of Miami, Florida at :00 a.m. on th da o c _a in the City Clerk's Of Ce; _r o e am - - a 1, 3500 Pan American Drive, Dinner Key, Miami, Florida, 33133, at which time they will be publicly opened and read. The work will consist of construction of approximately 590 lineal feet of 8" poly -vinyl chloride (PVC) sewer pipe at a maximum cut of 8 feet; approximately 50 lineal feet of 6" poly -vinyl chloride (PVC) pipe lateral; 2 manholes; approximately 260 lineal feet of 4" cast iron water main and approximately 100 lineal feet of 2 1/2" galvanized steel water main and other appurtenances.. The engineer's total estimated construction cost for the project is less than $75,000. City regulations will allow bidders to furnish a performance bond and a bid bond in accordance with Resolutions No. 84-423 and No. 84-873. For technical questions regarding the plans and specifications please contact James J. Kay, P.E., Sewer Design Engineer, at (305)579-6865. All bids shall be submitted in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders and Specifications. Plans and specifications may be obtained from the office of the Director, Department of Public Works, 275 N.W. 2 Street (4th Floor), Miami, Florida, on or after September 18, 1986. There will be a $20 deposit required for each set. Deposits will be refunded onTy upon return of plans and specifications to the Department of Public Works, unmarked and in good condition within two' (2) weeks after opening of the bids. Prospective bidders are alerted to the provisions of Ordinance No. 10062 regarding allocation of contracts to minority vendors. The City will expect prospective bidders to submit an Affirmative Action Plan, as defined in said Ordinance, and as required in the Instruction to Bidders. Those minority or target area contractors/small businesses interested in submitting bids are advised to contact Contractors Training and Development, Inc.; 5800 N.N. 7 Avenue, Suite 212, telephone (305)754-4903 if they require assistance in preparing their bid packages. Proposal includes the time of performance, and specifications contain provisions for liquidated damages for failure to complete the work on time. The City Commission reserves the right to waive any informality in any bid, and the City Manager may reject any or all bids, and readvertise (B-5536, Req. 3650). Cesar H Odio City Manager . - LICITACION N0. 85-86-141 AVISO DE LICITACION Propuestas selladas pare HICMrmNIAL PARK WATER AND SEXIER SERVICE - 1986 SR- 5536, serbn recibidas por el Administrador y el Secretario de la Ciudad de Mimi, Iflorida.. a mfis tardar a las 11:00 a.m. el dia 7 de octubre de 1986, en la Oficim del Secretario, primer piso, Ayuntamiento de Miami, 3500 Pan American Drive, Dinner Key, Miami, Florida, 33133, a cuya Nora seran publica►mente abiertas y lefdas. Este proyecto comiprende la construcci6n de aproximadamente 590 pies lineales de tuberia PVC de 8" a una profundidad m6xxima de 8 pies; aproximadamente 50 pies lineales de tuberia lateral de PVC de 6 pulgadas; 2 registros (manholes); aproximadamente 260 pies Uneales de tuberia de ague de hierro fundido de 4 pulgadas; aproximadamente 100 pies lineales de tuberia de acero galvanizado de j 2 1/2 pulgadas y otros aditamentos. E1 estimado de construccibn es de menos de $759000. Regulaciones mnnicipales pennitiran a los licitadores presenter un bona de cumplimiento y un bono de licitaci6n de acuerdo a las Resoluciones No. 84-873 y No. 84-423. Para preguntas tecnicas acerca de los pianos y especificaciones Ilame a James J. Kay, P.E., Ingeniero de Disefio de Alcantarillados, al (305)579-6865. Todas las licitaciones seran sometidas de acuerdo con las Instrucciones a los Licitadores y las Especificaciones. Los juegos de pianos y especificaciones podran obtenerse en la oficina del Director de Obras Publicas, 275 N.W. 2 Street (4to Piso), Miami, Florida, a partir del 28 de agosto de 1986. Se requerida un dep6sito de $20 por calla juego. Estos dep6sitos se reembolsaran unicamente si los pianos y las especificaciones son devueltos sin marcas y en buen estado, dentro de un plazo de dos (2) senanas siguientes a la aperture de las licitaciones, al Departamento de Obras Publicas. Se avisa a los interesados de las provisions de la Ordenanza No. 10062, la coal Be refiere a la otongacion de contratos a minorias. La Ciudad requerira de los interesados un Plan de Acci6n Afinmtiva, segun definido en dicha Ordenanza, y segu'n sea requerido en las Instructions a los Licitadores. Aquellos contratistas/pequefios negociantes de minorlas o de zonal objectivas que ester interesados en presentar sus propuestas pueden comunicarse con el Contractors Training and Development, Inc., 5800 N.W. 7 Avenue, Suite 212, telefono (305)754-4903 si requieren asistencia para preparar sus licitaciones. Las propuestas incluyen el tiampo de ejecuci6n, y las especificaciones eontienen provisos para dafSos liquidados incurridoe por falta de completar el proyeeto a tiempo. La Coaisi6n de la Ciudad se reserve el derecho a descartar cualquier inforrmalidad en cualquier licitaci6n, y el Administrador de la Ciudad puede rechazar cualquiera o todas las propuestas, y reanunciar (B-5536, Req. 3650). .. ,.?:.:;: ,.� a•t§�'i *� r -rr,:_ . ; _._ . .. .�:.-^'."""F n:..i!,„` „'��r�t: � °°�'� 'r:; cj -r. zts r k f i ��--- 10J11 11 ;s REQUISITION FOR AIi�VER T'ISEMENT This number must appear i Public Works in the advertisoment. DEPT/DIV. 0 AC:COUNTCODE Project 013003 Ttitiex t14'oe 40010?--287 Bid No. 85—$6--t4J_ DINE PHONE 68rAPPROV BY: PFI EPARED BY f"�t'° AVr7r: DIRECTOR OF ISSUING DEPARTMENT i One Publish the attached advertisement times. (number of times) Type of advertisement: legal X classified display (Check One) I Size: Starting date 9 / 8 / 8 6 First four words of advertisement: Sealed bids for construction i Remarks: Bicentennial Park Water and Sewer Service 1gn6 5536 p. DO NOT TYPE BELOW THIS LINE. FOR USE OF FINANCE DEPARTMENT ONLY. r LINE( PUBLICATION DATE(S) OF ADVERTISEMENT INVOICE AMOUNT 0 A-1 i B-2 c,3 ,D-4 E-5 F3 i F4 F5 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12 LINE ;TRANS VOUCHER DUE DATE YY MM DD Adv. Doc Reference Referen VENDOR INDEX CODE OBJECT PROJECT 11 13E 1 11718 1 125.34 39,42 145 50 51 56 57 62 71 1 2 4 1 VIP1210121 MrEl 1 J0 2 34 7 8 V P 12 314 15 DESCRIPTION 36 DISCOUNT 72 AMOUNT 80 5 2 10 0 12 10 1 1 ;I INTMR-O TICK MIRMORA1" D UM TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City C mission Cesar H. Od1 FR"'City Manager suuccT: Resolution Awarding Contract BICENTENNIAL PARK WATER A SEWER SERVICE 1986 REFERENCES: ( For Commission Meeting eNcLosuncs: of October 9, 1986) It is recommended that a resolution be adopted accepting the low bid of for BICENTENNIAL PARK WATERW • �SEY V 'E 1986, received October 7, 1986 in the amount of S authorizing the City Manager to ente�ntu a contract on behalf of the City. s Amount of Bid: $ % of Cost Estimate: % r Cost Estimate/Budgeted Amount: $75,000.00 Source of Funds: C.I. Ord. 9939, as amd., Sec.3.Marinas.8.1, "Niamar na - Mamarina/Watson Island Major Maintenancen" Account. ;`' Minority,Repres_entation: 137 invitations mailed contractors picked up plans A specs ( Hispanic, Black, Female) contractors submitted bids ( Hispanic, Black, Female) i FF Public Hearings/Notices: Bid notice published as required. Assessable Project: No Discussion/Back round: Bids were received on October 7, 1986; the f , owesresponsible and responsive bid, in the amount of S total bid, was received from a non-minority/minority controlled corporation. This project is part of the City s effort to provide berthing facilities for navy ships H_ at Bicentennial Park. OWC : EMP : emp 'fig Resolution attached cc: Albert Ruder Recommended by: is Adrienne -Macbeth, rec or Minority & Women Business Affairs Procurement - '. .... x rig