HomeMy WebLinkAboutM-86-0861CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA a2 INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO. Cesar H. Odio OATE7 Octobe_r 7, 1986 •'tLE City Manager 1 SUBJECT Withdrawal of Agenda Item No. 9; Award of Bid for Meals for FROM. J Day Care Programs H . C . Ead REFERENCES Assistan ity Manager ENCLOSURES. It is recommended that Item No. 9 be withdrawn from the Agenda for the October 7, 1986, City Commission meeting. This item, a resolution awarding a bid for the provision of meals to participants in City of Miami Day Care and Pre -School Programs, requires the prior approval of the State Department of Education per the terms of the grant which funds the food program. It is expected that the approval will be received prior to the October 23 Commission meeting and the item should be rescheduled for that time. cc: Walter E. Golby, Director Parks, Recreation and Public Facilities Department ,. s a RF"SC'I.•t.�t � ON �?�. A RESOI_•CTTION TtCCF.FT I1JC- i't F. PIP OF GPEATER _ MIAMI CA7EF.FPS, INC. FOP FURNISHING MEALS TO FARTICIFA.1.7S IN THE CITY'S DAB' CARE • AND PRF!;CF OO[., fiR0=Rr<,I'S 01" A CO1�'T RA CT BASIS FOP CF F. (I) TAF TO 7F1- PEPAR.TN;NT OF FA.RVS, FF-CRFATj0N- A'�TP PUBLIC FACILITIFS AT A T07AI.• ESTI1'?ATFFi COST OF $81, 6QI.. 20; A_i_•[_•OCI+TING FUNDS THE-REFOR FROM TF-E IIP ] T F D STFa T ES- DFFA R T I;F:17 T OF AGRICULTURE GRANT THR0UGH THE FLORIDA STATE DCPART[;ENT OF EDUCATION; AUTHORIZING THE CITY KANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE CHIEF PROCUREMENTT OFFICER. TO ?SSUE A PURCHASE ORDER FOR THIS SERVICE. WHEREAS, pursuant to public notice, sealed bids were received July 21, 1986 for the furnishinq of meals to participants in the City's Day Care and Preschool Programs to the Department of Parks, Recreation and Public Facilities; and WHEREAS, invitations were mailed to twenty one (21) potential suppliers and two (2) bids were received; and WHEREAS, funds for this purchase are available in the United States Department of Agriculture Grant through the Florida State Department of Education; and WHEREAS, this service will be used by the Department of Parks, Recreation and Public Facilities for the. purpose of supplying meals to participants in the City's Dade Care and Preschool Programs; and WHEREAS, the City Manager and the Director of the Department of Parks, Recreation and Public Facilities recommend that the bid received from Greater Miami Caterers, Inc.. be accepted as the lowest responsihle and responsive bid; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF HIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The July 21, 1986 bid of Greater Miami Caterers for furnishing meals to participants in the City's Day Care and Preschool Programs on a contract basis for one (1) year to the Department of Parks, Recreation and Public Facilities at a total proposed cost of $81,691.21 is hereby accepted with funds therefor hereby allocated from the 1986-87 Operating Budget. '4 5 2. e Ci t y Manager is heI-C- atttttori7-pa to Section instructed the Chief Procurement Officer to issue a Purchase Order for this service. PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of , 1986. XAVIER L. SUAREZ MAYOR ATTEST: MATTY HIRAI, CITY CLERK PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: lJ ROBEI{T F. CLAF'K CHIEF DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY APPROV DS TO -. OfiM AND CORRECTNESS: UCTA `K. DOUGHER CITY ATTORNEY x- M I CITY OF MIAM1, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission FROM Cesar H. Odio City Manager DATE October 23, 1986 FILE r Award of Bids For Meals SUBJECT. for Day Care Program REFERENCES: ENCLOSURES - The award of bid for meals for the Day Care Program was withdrawn from the October 1, 1986 City Commission agenda. Subsequent to that withdrawal the City Administration reviewed Dietcraft, Inc.'s objections t� the bid award. During this process Dietcraft was given an opportunity to review all City records that were utilized in the development of staff recommendations. Dietcraft has objected to the City Administration's recommendation on the following grounds: (1) The temperature standards set for the delivery of meals (40-45 degrees fahrenheit) are guidelines and not requirements. Comment: The City of Miami is under contractual obligation to the State of Florida Department of Education for the Day Care Lunch Program. That contractual obligation specifies temperature requirements and requires that the vendor deliver meals in a refrigerated truck. That contractual requirement is incorporated in the City's contract with Day Care food vendors. At the request of Dietcraft, Inc. the City contacted Walter Livingston, local Director of Environmental Health for the State of Florida. During that conversation he indicated that the establishment criteria of 40-45 degrees as required by the Department of Education was acceptable. He further stated that meals can be delivered below that temperature but not above 45 degrees. Subsequent review of Dietcraft's performance with the City found 3229 meals were delivered above 30 degrees. (2) Allegation about the presence of rat feces in a sandwich. Pubs :., with 4'F aqCitY Clerk i Comment: Dietcraft acknowledged that rat feces was present in the sandwich and suggests that they buy the sandwiches from another vendor and cannot be held responsible. (3) Delivery of breakfasts. Dietcraft suggests that during FY84-85 delivery of breakfast foods to Day Care Centers was accomplished the day before consumption except Monday. Comment: The practice of delivering meals a day ahead of time ceased prior to FY84-85 contract and all meals are delivered on the day of consumption. (4) Dietcraft suggests that complaints of contract deviation were not brought to their attention. Comment: Routine City practice provides for deviations to be not^d on each delivery invoice by each Day Care Center. This is accomplished in a duplicate manner as the yellow delivery invoice is —_� retained by the Dietcraft driver. Instances where the discrepancies do not appear on the vendor's copy are a result of the driver leaving prior to those notations being made. (5) Dietcraft suggests that in instances where a delivery was made in a private vehicle rather than refrigerated trucks was a one time occurrence where the truck broke down. Comment: That explanation is accepted by the City Administration. Our concern is primarily with the ' temperature of the food delivered to the site and not with the need to use ur:refrigerated delivery vehicles on an emergency basis. Summary: The City Administration's recommendation remains constant. We have given every consideration to Dietcraft, Inc. to -rebut the findings of staff. Additionally, we have received communication from the Department of Education State of Florida recommending rejection of the low bid, "reject the low bid based on poor performance by the vendor and to approve the next to low bid", a cooy of which is attached. The City Manager recommenas the contract 'or meals for the Day Care Program be awarded to Greater Miami Caterers, Inc. RECOMMEND LV cp a y t d'rney RALPH D. TURL►NCTON COMMISSIONER STATE O. �L.17A i=; 1�t J.- DEPARTMENTipiFi, E-.-DUCATION October 14, 1986 Mr. Cesar Odio City Manager City of Miami 2600 S. Bayshore Drive Post Office Box 330708 Miami, Florida 33233-0708 TALLAHASSEE 32301 DODGLA8 W. CRAWFORD 01RECT+OU 01V1910N of MDUC SCHOOIA Re: Agreement f1576 Food Service Contract 1986-97 Dear Mr. Odio: This letter is to approve the extension of the 198546 food service contract through October 31, 1986, to allow for the awarding of a new food service contract for 1986-87. A new food service contract, approved by our office, must be in place before the new 1986-87 Agreement can be processed. Failure to approve a food service contract immediately could jeopardize the reimbursements for your sponsoring organization effective October 1, 1986. The total reimbursements for last year were approximately $42,500. This will also confirm our. recommendation to reject the low bid based on poor performance by the vendor and to approve the next to low bid. It is the responsibility of the sponsoring organization to admnisister the Child Care Food Program in accordance with the federal regulations. Federal regulations 226.6(cX7); 226.21, Food Service Management Companies; and 226.22, Procurement Standards outline these responsibilities. Please let me her from you as soon as the award for the 1986-87 Food Service Contract is recommended. Approval by this office is necessary before acceptance. Sincerely, Elsie T. Miller Director Child Care & Summer Food Programs Food and Nutrition Management ETM/rs cr. Carmen Evans Ariette Seale ' Ruth Waskey .71 r Memo to Honorable Mayor and Member of the City Commission Page 2 Discussion/Background The United States Department of Agriculture provides -funds to the Florida Department of Education for contracting with local public and private agencies to provide meals and or snacks to children partici- pating in day care programs. Greater Miami Caterers is the current Food vendor for 085-086 Fiscal Year. Satisfactory service has been provided by this firm, with no substitutions or deviations from the contract or specifications dur- ing the entire contract year. The bid from Greater Miami Caterers Incorporated for $81,691.20 pro- vides for the purchase of Lunch, and all non 'food expendable items such as plastic forks, spoons, napkins, cups, plates, garbage bags, to the used in serving meals. We anticipate having at least 255 children participate each day, in the program. In addition bids were sent to nine (9) Hispanic, seven (7) Black and six (6) Non -minority Firms. Two Hispanic firms responded, with Diet - craft Incorporated submitting the lowest bid. It is the recommendation -of the Department of Parks, Recreation and Public Facilities that the bid from Dietcraft, Inc., be rejected for failure to perform in accordance with the terms and conditions of previous contracts; failing to maintain delivery time limits provided in the contract during their last service period, Fiscal Year 084- *85, and because of their performance during the 1986 summer lunch program. (Documentation is attached) Therefore, we recommend that the bid from Greater Miami Caterers be accepted. CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA 131D NO. 85-86- j6: BID SHEET Menu Meal Estimated Estimated Cycle Type Servings number of per day days Unit Price Extension For the following Day Care Centers: Eaton, Lettion City, Moore, and Shenandoah: #1 Lunch 173 260 1. 24 s 55,775. zo For the following Pre -School Centers: Robt. King High, Douglas Park, Grape land Park, West End Park. #2 Lunch 110 190 2jF- 2� I ro. 00 j Q L Bidder has attached current State of Flci`ida—o-r local health - Certificate copy: yes no Issuing governmental agency: Bidder is registered with State Food Service Management Company:, yes Lf A no -Social Security or Federal Employer Identification No.51 /Q -,'7* 0IDDEft:GjRirA-rErL MAN CATE RER5..] NC 40 (company name) Signature: CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA BID NO. 85-86-106: BID SHEET Menu Meal Estimated Estimated Cycle Type Servings number of per day days Unit Price Extension • For the following Day Care Centers: Eaton, LerLion-City, M 0 and Shenandoah: #1 Lunch 173 260 0 For the following Pre School Centers: Robt. incr-Hich, Douglas Park, Grapeland Park, West End Park. ;/ /7q / #2 Lunch 110 190 49 Bidder has attached current State of Florida or local Health Certifica copy: no Is'suing governmental agency: Bidder eg yistered with State Food -Service Management Company: ers no 4S2 Social Security or Federal Employer Identification'No. BIDDER:' Signature: pang me) < !LEC0v._4ENDED.'."1JK "rLwvt%j. . 4 REFERENCE BID NO. 85-86-106 CRTLD DAY CARE idlTE =14M RY - DAY CARE FY ' 84 - ' 85 • DATE CENTER ACTION + 10-22-84 Shenandoah Arrived late 8:40 10-23-84 Shenandoah Arrived late 9:01 Only 40 Boxes of lunches instead of 45 10-30-84 Shenandoah Arrived late 9:10 2-12-85 Lemon City 5 Muffins missing, 20 Breakfast not 25 3-11-85 Shenandoah Only 13 French Toast instead of 25 3-20-85 Shenandoah Arrived late 8:45 4-18-85 Eaton No Biscuit 5-9-85 Lemon City :turn Breakfast, late 8:55 5-16-85 Moore No Banana 5-24-85 Shenandoan Return Breakfast, late _ 9:20 5-28-85 Eaton Return Breakfast, late 7-16-85 Lemon City Banana, Return too green 7-16-85 Shenandoah Breakfast late 9:00 7-17-85 Shenandoah Breakfast late 8:55 = 7-18-85 Shenandoah Breakfast late 8:50 7-19-65 Shenandoah Breakfast late 8:53 7-24-85 Eaton Return Breakfast, late 7-24-85 Shenandoah Breakfast late 8:40 7-30-85 Eaton Return Breakfast, late 9-25-85 Lemon City Return Breakfast, late 9:00 9-26-85 Lemon City Return Breakfast, late 9-27-85 Lemon City Return Breakfast, late 9-30-85 Lemon City Return Breakfast, late SUPPORTING DOCUMMENTATION FOR DIETCRAFT LAST YEAR OF SERVICE TO THE DAY CARE PROGRAM FISCAL YEAR '84-'85. s REFERENCE BID NO. 85-86-106 CE7LD DAY CARE 0 FOOD ITEM SUBSTITUTIONS FOR DAY CARE FY '84-'85 DATE CENTER ITEM 10-18-84 ALL (4 Sites) Banana for Orange 1.0-25-84 ALL (4 Sites) Pears Crisp for Peach Crisp 10-29-84 ALL (4 Sites) Apple for Orange 11-01-64 ALL (4 Sites) Banana for Orange 1.1-02-84 ALL (4 Sites) Pears for Plums 11-05-84 ALL (4 Sites) Rice Pudding for Fruit C(-'!ktail 1.1-13-84 ALL (4 Sites) Apple for Banana 1.1-15-84 ALL (4 Sites) Banana fcr Orange 11.-26-84 ALL (4 Sites) Apple for Orange Wedge 12-13-84 ALL (4 Sites) Banana for Orange Wedge 12-17-84 ALL (4 Sites) Grapefruit Wedge for Orange Wedge 1-..2-85 ALL (4 Sites) Fruit Cocktail_ for Banana 1-24-85 ALL (4 Sites) Corn Flakes for Cherrio 1-25-85 ALL (4 Sites) Tuna for Egg Salad 2-04-85 ALL (4 Sites) Dinner Roll for Corn Bread 2-06-85 ALL (4 Sites) Pineapple Juice for Apple Juice 2-07-85 ALL (4 Sites) Orange Juice for Pineapple Juice 2-08-85 ALL (4 Sites) Saltines Crackers for Peanut Butter Cookies 2-14-85 ALL (4 Sites) Apple for Banana 2-19-85 ALL (4 Sites) Fruit Mix for Banana & Strawberries 2-26-85 ALL (4 Sites) Apple for Banana 3-08-85 ALL (4 Sites) Rolls for Brown Bread 3-25-85 ALL (4 Sites) Mashed Potatoes for Rice 3-28-85 ALL (4 Sites) Graham Crackers for Cornbread 4-11-85 ALL (4 Sites) Apple for Banana 4 -19-85 ALL (4 Sites) Apple for Orange ; 5-01-85 ALL (4 Sites) Applesauce for Plum 5-16-85 ALL (4 Sites) Corn Flakes for Cheerios 6-06-85 ALL. (4 Sites) Apple for Banana 6-13-85 ALL (4 Sites) Cherrios for Corn Flakes 7-16-85 ALL (4 Sites) Whole Wheat Bread for Raisin Bread 7-24-85 ALL (4 Sites) Pineapple Juice for Apple Juice 8-08-85 ALL (4 Sites) Bread for Rolls 8-09-85 ALL (4 Sites) Apricots for Plums 8-19-85 ALL (4 Sites) Graham Cracker for Cheese Biscuit 8-21-85 ALL (4 Sites) Cheese Biscuit for Graham Cracker Apple Ring for Plum 8-23-85 ALL (4 Sites) Saltine Cracker with Peanut Butter for Peanut Butter Cookies 8-29-85 ALL (4 Sites) Pineapple for Pear 9-10-85 ALL (4 Sites) Apple for Banana 9-18-85 ALL (4 Sites) White Bread for Raisin Bread 9-19-85 ALL (4 Sites) Apple Sauce for Peaches 9-25-85 ALL (4 Sites) White Rice for Yellow Rice •. �7�`�. `�i � -_ �I- •(/-+��. - � �f � ."•-' .' - .ter :-i4 •��r�r,,l..�'•�1 , � • •� Y�.1n'f r ••fNE + •• -+:� is •+- '. _ "��� � 't? .'r. '1'-'•`'- T;,'y.''' o _•a�.es� w!Z.-F r'j. TATE.. OF FLQRt D!A DEPARTMENT QE FQC1CATION a '+. o, - TALLAHASSEE 32301 AALPN O. TM1lINOTON - - ._. - . • . COPAWSSION(11 July 23, 1986 - . _ REFERNCE BID NO. 85-86-106 CHILD DAY CARE Mr. Rudy Pittaluga SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION Dietcraft , Inc. FROM 1986 SUMMER LUNCH PROGRAM 8775 N.W. 13th Terrace Miami, FL 33172 Dear Rudy: _ We are continuing to receive numerous -•complaints !tome• Metro -Dade and the City of Miami about your performance as vendor for the Summer Food Service Program in Dade County. The majority of the problems seem to be centered around "1 the timing of the truck deliveries to each of the sites.. Also, there have been reports of no deliveries to some -sites and/or deliveries made too late in the day for ser vice. Some sites have been forced to purchase lunches on the outside so that their children could have something to .eat. You will, of course, be billed for.these outside ;purchased lunches by the sponsor. 'After the first week of the program, we expect the delivery schedules to become routine.' Daily deliveries to sites 'should not vary more than.15 to 20 minutes each day. 'You gave me a truck delivery schedule during my last trip to Miami (July 8 - 11, 1986) and assured me that you had ' 8 trucks -and 8 truck routes operating and your list indicated the time of deliveries to each site. Is this schedule still accurate? It is absolutely crucial to the success of the Dade Summer Program that your deliveries •of meals be made 'at the specified and agreed upon times. I would recommend that you take immediate steps to assign additional supervision over your truck drivers (supervisors should possibly accompany the drivers on their runs) to insure that your times are adhered to and that you are receiving accurate feed back from your drivers. Deviation from your contractual obligations with the spon- sors involved can result in your not being registered to Athlrtwtive action/equal opportunity enl0ovp ' ,`, J.�'- _ ' ..' • ••' ii'.. Sri• ; '-� _ -••. :. � s, • �l-. Y +Ke�ip!'�� :JI y•' - ••.{Lr .i 9',. ,i'• •,i{. e" �'.;. ., _ •'�,+� y. -� r i-��, :... 4 .+ i �r`: eY .. .. ... r.• •, .`.y•�r �•.•►rt�s,•,•s.,,1� rr .t•. _�..,�r. ^••s.•Y y'%„�i•Piie 2 -; ,.::�-s`.�wr•+_'-`FF" �� _ `• ~ .23, 1986 •. .'�.�'i" •'r,:L:�:ct _. - r{.' ;. -+5, -.`fie.:.- "h•.t•� _ •. - .. . =.bid on Future Summer Food Service Program contracts. Naturally, we want to avoid this action, if possible. As discussed over the phone.last night, I will plan to meet you at your office at 2:00 P.M. on Monday, July 28, 1986'to -,,.,.`-.'-discuss the above mentioned problems. Sincerely y rs, _ hn Decker, Coordinator, - Summer Food Service Program . JD/es _ cc: Elsie Miller, Department of Education Ruth Waskey, Department of Education .2eggy Britt, Metro -Dade County asha. Schlazer, City of'Miami Dominick Passanante, Department of Education Jim Barhourst, :Metro -Dade County no;'I _`#. - n V V ME 0 V-7 t�� �14 i?� t r :.Op•r t - 'r .�, sa..r �' +.• .�, �"1 1 . T Pp'dJ S r�.. .sue -, CITY MiAMI, RI A It 4 INTER OFFICE MEMORAf 4D L -.."Sara Aedo OOLTEt July,J 4 .'19 8 6 Lunch Program ------- SUSJEcT: Delivery of Summer. Lunch eo South District Supervisor REFERENCES: Parks, Recreation and Public Facilities ENCLOSURES: Delivery of Summer Lunches at Douglas Park on 6/30 and 7/3 were delivered by a brown 1979-80 Camaro with no refigerator. This type of delivery of lunches has not been permitted to be used in.,previous years. Please advise if this is a common proceduke and/or is permitted. - under State or Vendor contract. LEA/sn M1 „ �. '--��'r ,�• r' �� ^n. :�. _ ram.:. �Q]cu 1,^`_fytaa.SC'�F' gaw^..V. tom•}€ +c ,.. }J.^.r'Pj� "R � +�17-��1� ti:.YiF� 4 si•`tp�t •t F t '�RLd4 -''^`e, t, f k7'�`TT T U, ...= •'� ...t 't.. Y"T.t i JJs •�.+.yYt �IH' }a.'�r ( V y R COMPLAIN t-- t _June 30 Douglas - 9 Brown Camaro delivered lunches Curtis Lunches improperly packed !. _ West End �. West End - 1:15 Kinloch - 1:20 Grapeiand. - 1:05 - Bryan - Milk 57° \ Barnyard - 600 milk _. Morningside - open and frozen lunches �... - No trash bags Moore Jul - •- • ' ' Comstock - No trash•bags - -NO trash »- Moore - No sealed packages . African.Sq. - No sealed 90° Jules: 2 . Hadley Not sealed Gibson - No trash bags Morningside - Not sealed Grapeland - Not sealed 7---West End - Not sealed R. K. high Not sealed Milk 60° twice blc temp.: Curtis - 40 short - 40 not accepted Sand. 32° N rVX KZ� July 7 Bryan -30* 1: 30 Douglas Virrick - 200 Hadley - 30 - too cold X 7 Curtis 1:30 - not sealed field trip cancelled..-. 20 kids left park b/c too late Fern Isle -..Van 1-40 - not accepted Vote: Spoke to Mr. Pittaluga about temp. of Virrick and time of Isle; said we would not accept delivery to Curtis and Fern after 1 P.M. July 7 Fruit punch delivered instead of fruite juice at the following parks: R. K. High .'45 Morningside - so Grapeland - 212 Kinloch - 100 Comstock 20 R. Clemente 131 Moore 95 Range 101 A. Square 150 Reeves 200 Gibson 150 Dorsey 140 Williams - 235 Hadley - 150 Douglas - 40 Grand Ave. 5 Virrick 75 Bryan 5 Coral Gate 75 21109 x .23 T4_85.07 Note: 230 off each juice served 50%. . 86-861 2 4',°�' alJ ! 4}.•_ Fti"r .•'MM _ i•'• ~••. •y�ZI _� .ri ti:�Zy. •< 'F�• �,.ti:. �, .,t�. ..f... '.'a. :t. •..i i.R .,'�_. ;.. .1'',;• {.. .'b•••.7..iw. '`'�. i•.: '.: •�• A. �•...A •Ci•�.X!: :i'.. •.i'• ••, ;J. - ,s:-�' . _ _- .••�•"•'• N •,Ti1.: i,2..f1`. �. w.�,.`, �.'w.i .�..r:,..;;c•'_r'-"'.frf '.h'Y .Y...• :.ti.�! July -10 .Curtis Park: 10:30 - First delivery 'rottenrsandwiches ;. 12:30 - Mr. Pittaluga brought -fresh ones and took the rotten ones Witnesses: Caridad Faustino - Barry Friedman Tony Armaly I spoke to Mr. Pittaluga, 4:35 p.m. Told him about green meat on sandwiches at Curtis. He said he went to drop off fresh ones and picked up the bad ones. He said he contacted the sandwich company. He said sandwiches had what appeared to be mold. I told him that the health of the children couldn't be risked. July ' 10 Emma A. Square - 9:10 Range - 9 : 4 0 - i . rr• .: Hadley 9:30 - no spoons Morningside - 9:55 ; July 14 A. Square - No utensils .. Comstock - - 15 lunches .froze�i • . : ...R. 'Clemente - " - 10 . lunches frozen Moore Curtis = Same food - last 3 days turkey/cheese Hadley - Frozen 300 Bryan - 50° - 11:30 Shenandoah - 50° - 11:15 l;. Coral Gate - 50° - 11:00 • rz L j N q tw % W CITY OF MIAMI. FLORIDA -44 '.7 INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM --7,-, To- "-.Sara'Aedo, Director OATS: 'July 11 ..f-' 1986 r1L. I F: Lunch Program suBJEcT: Summer Lunches; Request of Menu geo. 9kr e u REFERENCES: ...South District Supervior Parks, Recreation ENCLOSURES: and Public Facilities it%has been brought to the attention the lack of sandwich variety being serve to all parks this year. Most sandwiches are bologna and similar process meat and cheese with the type bread only changing from day to day. Children are getting repugnant of the same*or similar meat served each and every day. A menu has not been issued like previous' years to facilitate the expected menu of the day and to keep track ....of the correct content of each lunch being received. Please advise oj bt LEA/sn 710 P API ,r - ~.`ice:- 'a,•� 'I.'�•� r4s !"• . 40 �...: �..: �_,. ,,. ..,'..�•I'?4•�.�_•Z,'�.c .l`-�..: r.:. :��JtJ;,:;=''. July 15 No kit for following parks. Grand Ave. - 85 Virrick - 100 Douglas - _ 3 80 ' . Marti - 90 ZME Hadley = 100 Williams 75 ® Dorsey - 80 Reeves - 100 Gibson - 100 : - 65 - no trash -bags. Bryan Curtis - 60 , A. Square - 91 ::.. _ Comstock - 61 Moore - 91 R. Clemente - 51 Range - .61 Kit composed of: Nap kin, strawplttalura.' uCit'ylof Miami will get Spoke to Mr. g • • reimbursed for total of•kits missing. - Y Bryan'- Milk 60°; not acceptable - 2nd delivery milk 600; returned to vendor ; - = Milk will be deducted from statement _ Purchase of milk will be deducted from statement �:£: a. •. .. .• �,- .=x•- .. .s' M 'fir' :a •w- _ -: -�•... - •:.• •• _ ✓ .Y l: ♦ ..•[ ••i'.7--: ... ' • l'•''�:'f. t.. �. `'��'i• }•t+��1-N ^ .%V,-�•f• jr 0; Y.�y�;If;l, ••Ww1/,•.•��C � ... ;:. -; - •.,. July 16. ". • Kits in separate bags: - - _ _ , _...-; .. - ..:.:`',' _ .' , • :.. . A. Square - 91- Comstock - 61 Moore_' - 91 Range - 61 - R. Clemente - 51 , ' : • .... Y No trash bags: A. Square . R. Clemente I-Virrick Barnyard '. Kinloch - Lunches refused b/c delivered at 1:17 . - R. K..iiigh - Lunches delivered from trunk of car - 45 no kits** Morningside - Straberry/apple sauce is not good - No bananas, plums, nectarines. tangerines, pears f West End July 17 .. • '. ' A. -Square'' - No trash bags R. Clemente = « « « — Comstock- -- - • . Williams '.r Dorsey _ « « « • , . — Gibson Comstock - Missing some napkins July 18 Moore - No trash bags Clemente Comstock - - nn f•' . v� W �' . ,� lfig .-i+�a ' r,• ..• .1 <� .Ltyi'.t� :,r•�cti. ^ \` t.:.ti ..t• .. f;w�.�t: ••• �' 't�. �..•y�•t :•�: 1-44,'�rc-t:•Ft '! ��,I:� -='',. .a - r ' a; �. �.'. .i..9 . •:rah. i w. July 22 Shenandoah''- Lunches delivered in nonrefrigerated truck. X6e,... Per. State Monitor, Brett. .. July 23 Grand Ave. - 11:15 p.m. - 300 -- Not sealed Lunches were not sealer.. Individual items scattered throughout the box. Terrible mess.' July 25 Gibson - 10 oranges were spoiled 2 sandwiches spoiled: One sandwich had rat feces on outer area of seal Other sandwich had brown spots on bread These were the only sandwiches noticed; we don't know if there were others. Morningside - 30`lunches not sealed. Food loose all over box Kinloch -' 20 unsealed lunches. Food loose all over the place Range - .61 lunches not sealed Moore - 111 lunches not sealed R. Clemente - 61 lunches not sealed Comstock - 51 lunches not sealed _ Barnyard - Douglas Grand Ave. Virrick Jose Marti * When lunches are not sealed, the individual items in the unit are scattered throughout the box. - Lunches frozen - 306/320 - 11 disallowed; spoiled - M ff #21 on State form. July ?S Morningside - 2 lunches spoiled. Spilled milk throughout lunch. July 25 Barnyard - As a child was about to put mustard on sandwich, he discovered green meat. Immediately he told supervisor.. • Ms. Johnson - State Monitor took the spoiled sandwiches back to main office. Health Department was contacted _. immediately. r � `�`•�• t:�.w�•;t.'_ ,.+:.c:�t- •:. .. -`,'_ - ti !•••'♦:•�r:{+t'•}r"Y '`"i'. ftt':r"''' •r •r!y:'M`'f'` .r'•'4'L:�`r .. �` i. _ -. �..- ' •- r/'• .'"w.ii �• ti ri. rti.Y .4'. y?'c�•'yr.:• �ri ��%1�\"'h'•'�•..- T�•.�, +.�t1.. `l1 •r:.t�'s� r r =.-'.� � •--' • .. `.i , ••..t: . . .. ' - _ _ -''�:: •.;.ire:' .: � - r• • • ti; _'C•j ,.r.:+ . . - -'l:.'s�';;� ` July 29 ::.. -- ,. Gibson - No trash bags ... N• - .-. �_ : ... August 4 Barnyard - lunches delivered in,nonrefrigerated truck.: - (Mr. Pittaluga's Jaguar,.per Mr. Ferster, Barnyard..• Supervisor) Grand Ave - same asabove Douglas - same as above August-6 Shenandoah - Monday, per,Javier,'Lunch Monitor,-grey'car Coral Gate '- Nonrefrigerated truck -.:Comstock - Spoiled peaches `August 7 r West End - delivered in a hatchback Toyota truck _ Morningside - 40 spoiled peaches, per Park Monitor '.. 'August 11 , .Kinloch - 1.00 p.m. ;. 7.• _ _ ,. Douglas - 1:10 P.M. ,. r i ' Coral Gate -• • :' :. - 1 10 p.m 'Bryan - 1:15 p.m. '... . •' Shenandoah - 1:15 p.m. • August 14 Grand Ave - 1984 Impala delivered - No invoice, per Leyda. Mr. Pittaluga said he would send the invoice AWARD OF BID ITEM-. DEPARTMENT: TYPE OF PURCHASE: REASON: POTENTIAL BIDDERS: BIDS RECEIVED: TABULATION: Bid No. 85-86-106 Day Care and Pre -School Food Program Parks, Recreation and Public Facilities Contract for one (1) year To provide meals to participants in the City's Day Care and Preschool Programs 21 2 BIDDER AMOUNT Dietcraft, Inc. $1.18 per lunch (not recommended) Greater Miami Caterers 1.24 per lunch (recommended vendor) FUNDS: United States Department of Agriculture Grant through the Florida State Department of Education. MINORITY PARTICIPATION: Invitations to bid were sent to eight 8 Hispanic and seven (7) Black Vendors engaged in the catering business Ps located in these sources: 1. Previous bids on file in Procurement 2. Dade County Hinority Vendor Directory 3. Yellow Pages Telephone Book. Minority response consisted in two (2) bids from Hispanic vendors. BID EVALUATION: Following is . an analysis of the Category Prior Bidders Black American Hispanic American Non -Minority New Bidders Black American Hispanic American Non -Minority Courtesy Notifications "No Bids" Late Bids Totals Invitation to Bid: Number of Bid Number of Invitations Mailed Responses G 0 4 2 0 0 7 0 4 0 6 0 11 0 0 0 32 2 Page 1 of 2 RECOMMENDATION: IT IS BE MADE TO GRFT F.F T`T74 7 CT T F.RF,FS. 3t,TC. FOR A TOTAL PROPOSE-) AMOUNT OF _ $81,691.20. —/Chief Procurement officer / Date The Minority & Women Business Administrator concurs with the above recommendation. Minority & Women Business Administrator 3 gG Da t e