HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 1986-10-23 AdvertisementI At Miami Veratao ., THE MIAMI NEWS A KNIGHT-RIDDER NEWSPAPER A COX NEWSPAPER Two editorially independent newrpPpere, printed, Eold and dietributod by THE MIAMI HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY 1 HERALD PLAZA, MIAMI, FLORIDA 33101 . (AREA CODE 305) 350-2111 Before the undersigned authority personally appeared M. L. Blouin who on oath says that he is the South Area Manager of The Miami Herald and The Miami News, daily newspaper (s) published at Miami in Dade County, Florida. He further says that the advertisement for CITY OF MIAMI 44083) was published in the issue or issues of THE MIAMI HERALD on OCTOBER 11th, 1986. ............. or the above publication s as per the attached invoice. _• Affiant further states that the said THE MIAMI tUR41IMEWS are newspapers published at Miami, in said Dade County, Florida, and that the said newspapers have here -to -fore been continuously published in said Dade County, Florida, each day, and have been entered as second class mail matter at the Post Office in Miami, in said Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the advertisement. Sworn to and Subscribed to before me this 10 th day of November A.D.9 1986 • . Not u .ic (Seal ouin NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF FLORIOA NI/ COMMISSION EXP, AU6 74,1990 101111OE0 TWU 6ENERAI 113. UND, RECr- p r- (.11'1' DEC ' 1996 6EyERAI Stittili;k5 r?G!,flt�ISTRATION r Nov, R-\n�Yf ZZi _ _ r h �. .r ;• i { i nterastar S 1 w�V f i { z VICItol41, a r� ZMr� .,iy%a ,iiU, F� 5 H 4:, �? - may" i toLyethe' r to donate ' Nd,, other at Red Cr(!�,�� ,D�5�r �t to be hitting it off tM well. eior .lames ` ors ris, 30, "id � ?? �Q � En the evening h David, 55, rpid i't'try Rrntiry One womanhacl iurt Mr. -A, �qQ' ��� ,�. � os.it t74 people had In't responding. ►>ltashviile from i.o� Ar,,'% htoo±t. tries! to meet her ba!t she t� as war. looking for�4 Frai �r,Q h ���c�`�� emendnu� resl+onse. For difficult," David sa►d. somc. nrta friends. L�`4,'�' t k V dRnrsrs at am drive it: e asked rnf* if he coaetat c tl me "I've hecn taunting to .� L `� � ,utoy wonderful," she said. i said, 'No,"' Retitle}', 44, said, stir; I'm singie Fnd new .,ding this wAs the fir€t singles Q� hiocsd drive the national head uar- hing. But the couple K'as ft.ill vide." Said Y,aren Fit'man, _ ,� Q nR half an hour trier. had a cold so the Red k ters hid heard about. t people said they donated wouldn't let her give Mood, but T-here seemed to be about the on a regular loafs but heard she stayed anyway to talk 1.0 some same numhcr of men and women t the event on a radio station F"Mo5 lopir she met' in the crowd. thought it would he more fun Most of the donors came in, Larr out to the }• fisrrelt, 32, a health it. g to the center on singles atriumve �ytlbbhen } where ssoft rock Side Hospitar at l c fd���After 1 donate music was playing and some 50 or blwu d. F think I'll go out and see if thought it would he an 60 people were talking. F can rind some €ympathy'." ¢rtunity to most people," bach. Get away from it all. Travel shows you how, (rofn budget JMdean Weekend trips to'round the world cruises. W's psychology department. ►vas named dears of the College Science at Michigan State ty, before coming to UM 7. t. McQuitty enjoyed his role as ' and sciences dean, Woodford but he missed the close tnent with students he ati a teacher "That direct oashtp with new minds," she 1972, Mr. McQuitty stepped �t from the position of dean to bore jt research professor. J h was always his love," Woodford. "All of his thought t ktto that " f+Etfred in 1975. ;.: tt+me. Mr. McQuitty pursued Jo s, golf and gardening. He tended a small vegetable in his back yard, where, ter said, he could collect poll to Woodford. survi- his wife, Myra; one C; and two brothers, ;mod dallies. witl be at t t a.m. at the Church in Lake _ Syr, tht[e.�diirection of the R V UkA W*s, trardimicitse slut pry in AW. CwVA W Wl- W flow a" am was provirfs • ta€rar w 14 care. 11 TO ALL THE FRIENDS OF KATHY NORIECA AND THE NORIEGA (FAMILY This coming Sunday. October 12. 1966, et 3:00 P.M., a memorial service will be dedicated to Our beloved Kathy and to the memory of all other beloved students that attended Archbishop Curley High School and were called to the side of out Lord before graduation day. On this day, a statue of our Blessed Mother, The Virgin Mary, will be unveaed on the grounds of the High School. We take this opportunity, to invite all of you that supported oar family with your constant prayers and also those of you who supported this memorial with your generous contributions. Without you, this occasion would have never been possible. We extend a special invitation to our Archbishop of the City of Miaanl, Father McCarthy, whose presence win be most gratityfng to our entire family, and to our Pastor, Fail r Murphy who gave so much In spiritual guidance Wild r comfort to an of ..s during those long and agonizing days at Kathy's bedelde, some of which we were compelled to spend In a Court of Law defending Kathy's right to live. It seems that He only takes the good ones to HIS aide. There nyaat tie a something special he wants for them. They are, we are sure, in a better world,' a world of LOVE. HIS WILL, WiLL BE DONE ... HERE ON EARTH, AS IT ISINHEAVENI S Oa THE NflRIEGA FAMILY r PUBLIC HEAR11141G. D IND OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ala Ordrra ux* authorizing issuance of General Obligation Bonds for tells Water and Sewer Authority Department, not to exce"- $/3 t,474,000. e Ordinance authorizing Issuance of General ObIlWioa bonds for the Seaport Department, riot to exceed $153,519. e Orpinaice autilcowesg hasuance of Geasearai Obfigation bonds for tite AvWtian Department. not to exceed 5247,5W,000. e Ordiraerce repealft Coder. to Documentary Suttax Advisory Dowd. 0 O"WI ACO creating "151 ftret/Dixis3 Hiolhway Shy Sewer tm• i prof W_ rie st Project ar Ordinance eralating "135 Stmel/Siscayne Boulevard Sanitary Sewer taraprovernent Proi6ct" e Ordinance creating `t3tatphin Center Multipurpose SpeOw Taxing t�stri�t'�. a Of0i4buthorizing issuarize of not to exceed S4.700000 Ptiu tiott O;uttrol fLavemw Refunding Wads P J� • lruttscitiXiutg of r4l to $7, 000'$ t r �vre,. together to donate blood, other at Red Cross center m to be hitting it off fro well. m Daild, 55, sald Patczv P-r'ntiry Isn't responding. I tried to meet her but she wes ng difficult," David .aid. He asked me if hr- could cell Tne iI I said, 'No,"' 13er}tley, 44. snid, lghing. But the couple was -still ing half an hour later. osi people Said they donated on a regular basis but heard ut the event on a radio station ki thought it would be, more fun ng to the center on singles ht. rt thought it would be an po"unity to meet people," hach- UM des-i hoofs psychology department. was named dean of the College al Science at Michigan State diversity, before coming to UM I987. . McQuitty enjoyed his role as and sciences dean. Woodford but he missed the close olvement with students he as a teacher —' "That direct tdOnsltip with new minds," she In I97Z Mr. McQuitty stepped wet from the position of dean to r a research professor. "Regtarch was always his love," 4 Woodford. "All of his thought ant Into that." (lie retired in 1975. home, Mr. McQuitty pursued b joys, golf and gardening. He ny+s tended a small vegetable him Soci In his tacit yard, where, i�aughter said, he could collect lueeth." sddition to Woodford, survi- IwJude his wife. Myra; one John C; and two brothers, V. and James. will be at 11 a.m. at the t Presbyteciatt Church in take (Ilcid. under the direction of the Ioltt Funeral Home. tfdlties, service. merclAWN and piths ra ettuoied In ldwiii. C invara our rxn- lets • kes how ftich eta we prod" - t" Fh pu va save. N1v�liasaa 6 is elor jpmrc Wrxris, 30, sz;id. 0"r Avoman had j,tct m^ved to Nssbville from Los iing(tcs and "•a{ looking forwrtrd to making somr- netA' friends. "I"'r twin wanting to give bland and I'm cing)e Pad new in 14psh- ville," 5t-id K2rrn liympn, 3). She had a cold so the Rnd ('rosy tvouldn't let her give bioaad, but she stayed anvway to talk to some people she met. Most of the donors came In, pave hlcxxf, then drifted out to the atrium -style lobby where soft rock music was playing and some 50 or 60 rw-ople were talking. lip1ta•av through the evening DFmorl ,Aid Phottt AM people had already glean blrrO. "Tt's a tremeridoug re5prime. ror us, 40 donors at end' drive is ahsnlutely wondrrNI. ' fihe said. , iding this was the first singles Norco drive the national headquar- ters had heard ahnut. There seemed to be ahovt the same numhrr of men and women in the crowd. tarry liarreli, 32, a health educator at Nashviile's 14CA West Side hospital, said, "After l donate bloat, l think i'll go out and see if can find some sympathy." Get away from it all. Travel shows you how, from budget weekend trips to'round the world cruises. TO ALL THE FRIENDS OF KATHY NORIEGA AND THE NORIEGA FAMILY This coming Sunday. October 12, 1886, at 3:tm F.M., a memorial service will be dedicated t0 our beloved Kathy and to the memory of all other beloved students that attended Archbishop Curley High School and were called to the side of our Lord before graduation day. On this day, a statue of our Blessed Mother, The Virgin Mary, will be unveiled On the grounds of the High School. We take this opportunity to invite all of you that supported our family with your constant prayers and also those of you who supported this memorial with your generous contributions. Without you, this occasion would have never been possible. We extend a special invitation to our Archbishop of the City of Miami, Father McCarthy, whose presence will be most gratifying to our entire family, and to our Pastor. Father Murphy, who gave so much In spiritual guidance and comfort to all of us during those long and agonizing days at Kathy's bedside, some of which we were compelled to spend in a Court of Law defending Kathy's right to live. It seems that He ortly takes the good ones to HIS side. There must be something special he wants for them. They are, we tare sure, in a better world, a world of LOVE. HiS WILL. WILL BE DONE... HERE ON EARTH, AS IT IS IN HEAViENI sir►oerely ate", THE NORIEGA FAMILY oft PUBLIC HEARING aw BOUND OF COUNTY GDMINISSNERS • Ordinance authorizing irsuante of Gainerial Obligation Sonds for the Water and Sewer Authority Department. not to exceed $13 t,474.000. • Otdlruw" authorizing issuances of CiAm ral Oblt'ge,tiOn bonds low ft Seaport Department, not to excel $153,513.rs00. • Ordinance authorizing issuarive of Gerwai Obligation Boards for Vie Aviation Department. not to exceed $247.500,000. • Ordinance repealing Code, r• 00cumanl&Y Surtax Advisory Board. • Ordinance creatiq "151 Str l/Oei€t hHighway Sanitary Sower Im- provemant Protect '. • 0rdirau" creating "135 Str6bt/Bisc6yne Boulevard Sanitary Sewer Improv sail Prod". is Ordinar" creating "Dolphin Center Multipurpose Spedal Taxing District". • Orden u" authorizing issuance of not to exceed $4,700,000 ppliu e—'r Control Revenue Refum ing Bonds (Florida pStlww $ Light C0.' ,tar" Project). • Vrdinance authodkWo issdence of not to eaxceed $7, Eroeu- teon Control Revecum ii•fwtdino fiands (Fiorl" tr.,;e, i a i-r - MIAMI REV00W Published Duly except Saturday. Sunday and Legal Holidays = Miami. Dade County. Flonda. _ STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE Before "W ur4ws*wd suthaity parsonally aPpwed - Oc%Wm V. Fwbrp who on oso up go ehs ie life SupWW@W of Legal Advwft" of the Mtami Review and OeNr 01 a a a delay fea W Sabstay, 3wKW l end Legal Molideye► neaapa W POND d at Miami in Dade County, FiMft tffal the willoW w" of elimbeenweft, being a LaW Advordswent of Nouoe _ in the RWW of CITY OF MINMI Re: Regular City of Miami City Commission :fleeting 10/23/86 in" 3 X.. X..................... Cotart. waa pubNOW M said newspaper In the Issues of Oct. 10, 1986 _= AHNM turtles sere that the said WOW Pedals and DOW Raoati M a nnrerwper 0*"%ed At Miami in said Deds cowfty, Fiends. Will "the aeb newspaper has hwe*#M beem lea 8ebedtey �0ay� Mill LOW "Jill Daft "o�►F amend bean Mtared M ee¢o+fd class M" ffim r at —_ - mum in said Dais County, Fftirid& for a pww of am "M ==and aftlara turWw sari that netgmr fief Wwolsed am or ratW ie fpitie 6i saciatSg tiftetlW ♦♦tp t�ibllrN . F{ I� Uri,r ose+dffibbaftid twksre Itgi We ...... Oc o to=........ A.O. It.. 8.6. w�i �I T ' , III of F arida at Large BEAU ��trir tN♦♦♦ = lNy Coaeralabtt ibldldw-ae 2% IN& - ka %0 NW 54th STREET • MIAMI, FLORIDA 33127 - (305) 757-1147 Published Weekly Miami, Dade County, Florida STATEOFFLORIDAI SS PROOF OF PUBLICATION COUNTY OF DADE J Before the undersigned authority personally appeared MOHAMED HAMALUDIN, who on oath says that he is the Managing Editor of THE MIAMI TIMES, weekly newspaper published at Miami, Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement was published in said newspaper in the issues of: OCTOBER 16, 1986 Affiant further stales that THE MIAhII TIMES is a newspaper published in Miami, Dade County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Dade County, Florida each, week and has been entered as second class mail matter at the U.S. Post Office in Miami, Dade County, Florida for a period of more than one year next preceding date of publication of the attached copy of adver- tisement; further affiant says that he has neither paid nor promised any firm, person or corporation any dis- count, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in this _ newspaper. Managing Editor Sworn to and subscribed before me on this the 23 day of _ Qg • A.D. 1199 6 `0 157 N T PUBLIC AT F FLOR A �, ( AT LARGE. My comails,iien expires: ROTAU1`06LIC STATE Op MY COMMi55ir)N irF'pES JULY :1 lflej ICNOM THAU GENEkij tNSU MNCE t, �.!`'IffmW, 4�m,, 69AZ2; OF FLORIDA • j i CDUNTX Of DADE Personally appeared before me the undersigned, Jorge E. Consuegra, to ate well-known, who being duly sworn deposes and says that he is Credit Manager of Diario Las Amiricas, newspaper of general circulation, published daily except Monday# in Miami, Dade Coonty, Florida. Affiant further says that the above named newspaper has continuosly published daily except ttondays in Dade County, Florida, for more than one year inrnediately preceding first puilication of said Legal Notice or advertisement ano was during all such time and now is entered as second class mail matter in the United States Post Office in Miami, Dade County, Florida, and that the Legal Notice or Advertisement, all copy of which is here to attached, was publishes in DIARIO LAS MIERICAb on the following days: Oc OBER Signed Sworn Zavubscribed be ore me this day of Oz'-� aim 19 , in Miami, Dade County, rlorida. CJ Notary Uic, State of Noildl P.O. b ?� 3 Commis, n Er.; jcs t.`4 2b, 19F� Ad ordered ty 7aArl •! / ey rau Twy fa;n ..:rasco, tnc invoice a �D �}- U ; Notary 144bl Invoice Amount S % 1,4, • TLMSIXLT ATTACI:>rD 01;� �� ► . ;0 p a�► i • AMEOCAS-Pit.S,B I'