HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-86-0860J-06-324 10/23/86 RESOLUTION NO,�i`-Q A RESOLUTION APPROVING, IN PRINCIPLE, "SOUTHWEST 27TH AVF•N[iF - A C-�TFYAY TO COCONUT GROVE: A PLANNIING ST[TDY OF DF.VF ,OPMFNT AND TRAFFIC IMPIACTS°" DP,TFD hPC-t7ST, 19R5, AS A GUIDE FOR ZONI N(= ACTI OINIF AND TPAN =`PORTATION IMPROVEMENTS- IN THE APFA POUNDFD RY SOUTH DIXIE HIGHWAY TO SOUTH PAY=HORS DRIVE FROM -- APPROXIMATEI.FY 350 FEET FIST TO 350 FEET WEST OF SOUTHWEST 27TH AVENUE, INCI 3DING THE AREA FROM SOUTHWEST 2.7TH AVENUE TO VIRGINIA STREET, 200 FEET NORTH AND SOUTH OF COCONUT AVENUE. WHEREAS, the City Commission requested that the Planning Department study the existing zoning and transportation pattern for the area surrounding 27th Avenue, south of South Dixie Highway and north of. Tigerta.il Avenue, in order to organize the growth and development of that area; and WHEREAS, the Planning Department has held two neighborhood meetings, on September 5, 1985, and November 19, 1985, in order to discuss with residents and property owners of the area, the preliminary findings and recommendations of the department; and WHEREAS, the herein proposal. takes into consideration the presence of changing elements located in the study area; and WHEREAS, the Coconut Grove Metrorail Station area, the centers of activity, the degree of stability of the residential areas located east and west of 27th Avenue and the reconstruction of 27th Avenue, create the need to respond with zoning districts and designations which are oriented to protect the character of the residential area located east of 27th Avenue, as well as upgrade the housing stock for the area west of 27th Avenue and connect the station area to the rest of the activity centers along 27th Avenue, thereby transforming it into a pedestrian link; and WHEREAS, the Miami Planning Advisory Board, at its meetings of May 14, 1986, Item No. 1, following an advertised hearing, ('- adopted Resolution PAB 14-86 by a 7 to 1 vote, RECOMMENDING CITY COMMSION METING OF �x OCT 23 1986 WWWON tip. fair_ --w-J1 ? . N APPROVAL, as amended, in principle, of the herein study, as amended, but recommended deferring intersection improvements until after completion of a traffic studs*; and WHEREAS, proposed ame-ndrrent.s to t-he Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Flan which are set: forth the herein study have been transmitted to the Florida Department of Community Affairs for comment pursuant to State law* and City Commission Resolution No. 86-63, dated January 23, 1986; and WHEREAS, the City Commission, after careful consideration and due deliberation of this matter, has determined that it is in the best interest of the general welfare of the City of Miami to approve, in principle, the herein planning study; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The planning study entitled "Southwest 27th Av...nuP - A Gateway to Coconut Grove: A Planning Study of Development and Traffic Impacts", dated August, 1985, is hereby approved, in principle, as a guide for zoning actions and transportation improvements in the area bounded by South Dixie Highway to South Bayshore Drive from approximately 350 feet east to 350 feet west of Southwest 27th Avenue, including the area from Southwest 27th Avenue to Virginia Street, 200 feet north and south of Cocoanut Avenue. Section 2. It is the intent and mandate of this City Commission that any widening of Southwest 27th Avenue between South Bayshore Drive and South Dixie Highway, which is a consequence of the subject study, result in a paved roadway not more than 70 feet in width including curbing, plus an additional 15 feet of related landscaping and sidewalk area on each side of the roadway, for a total right-of-way not to exceed 100 feet in width. Section 3. A copy of said "Southwest 27th Avenue - A Gateway to Coconut Grove: A Planning Study of Development and Traffic Impacts" is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. I -2- 1 PASSED AND ADOPTED this _23rd. day of ATTEST ` /AV City Clerk �OCQb!-er . 1986. R Tom. CUB ,7 Mayor PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: APPROVED AS TO FORM AND 4ZI CORRECTNESS: L E. MAXWELL/ LUCIA A. DOUGHERTY sistant City Attorney City Attorney JEM/wpc/bss/pb/ab/N012 Attachment -3- s Sir 27M AVENUE - A GATEMAT TO COCWR f MOVE A PI MIND STUDY OF DEVELMMM AND TRAFFIC DIPACTS A Prelinfoary Report of FixMsp and recamendatians for the SM Uth AMenw Corridor. betrten U.S. I/ South Dixie Hig%M and South deWme Drive 0 3 H 1. Introduction 1.1. Purpose The City Commission requested (at the urging of various property owners and neighborhood groups) that the Planning Department study existing land uses, zoning designations and traffic movements for the SW 27th Avenue Corridor (between U.S. 1/South Dixie Highway and South Bayshore Drive) and develop a land use and transportation plan due to changing conditions. 1.2. Status of Study Preliminary recommendations have been formulated. The Department has now undertaken two informal neighborhood meetings with area property owners (over 900 letters sent) in order to review these recommendations prior to public hearing. 1.3. Procedures for Study Approval, Generally The Planning Department presents completed studies to the Planning Advisory Board (PAB) (public hearing) and requests that the Board recommend approval, in principle. The Planning Department then presents the study, accompanied by the PAB"s recommendation, to the City Commission for approval in principle (requires one reading only). If approved in principle, the City Commission then instructs the Planning Department to implement the recommendations. When studies recommend rezoning actions, all such actions require rezoning hearings and two readings by the City Commission. APPROVAL, IN PRINCIPLE, OF THE STUDY DOES NOT IMPLY AUTOMATIC REZONING r ALL CHANGES IN ZONING MUST BE.DONE THROUGH ADDITIONAL PUBLIC HEARINGS. • INT. Aja 0 m 2. Present Conditions 2.1. Stu Area The primary area has the following approximate boundaries: South Dixie Highway to the north, South Bayshore Drive to the south, Mary Street to the west and varying street boundaries to the east including Jefferson, Abaco to Washington to Inagua to Aviation to Trapp to Blaine Street (ending at Tigertail Avenue). Secondary study areas lie east and west of the primary study area. (See Map - Area of Analysis). 2.2. Land Use The primary study area encompasses approximately twenty blocks, • most of which is residential in character. In addition, there are neighborhood commercial services and office uses north of Bird Avenue along SW.27 Avenue; office uses from Tigertail Avenue to South Bayshore Drive, and neighborhood commercial services at South Dixie Highway together with the Coconut Grove Transit Station. (See Map - Centers of Activity). 2.2.1. Residential The study area supports several different types of dwelling units, ranging from single family, duplex unit , and a few luxury townhouse/PUD's to the east and/or west of SW 21th Avenue to moderately priced apartment units on SW 21th Avenue. Although a few remaining duplex and single family housing units still exist directly on SW 27th Avenue, the majority of single family housing stock can be found to the east and west of the primary study area. These single family areas consist of well maintained homes and high numbers of owner -occupied structures (in excess of 75% as compared to a 30% city-wide rate of owner occupancy). What appears to be of primary concern to the residents in these particular areas, as suggested by comwnts at several public hearings, is th, spread of high rise office buildings into the low density residential areas and the related non-residential traffic that accompanies such expansion. Extending westerly from the primary study area, there is a low rise residential neighborhood but of a different character. For the most part the hosing units are less well -maintained, with fewer owner -occupied units (approximately 40 percent). There is a mixture of duplex and single family units -- many of which have seen little maintenance as they have only been purchased in recent years, in all likelihood by non -owner occupied investors. Of course, there are exceptions to both the level of maintenance and the high number of renters - particularly with the high quality townhouse -like developments that have been constructed in the last 10 years. (See Map - Existing Land Use). 2.2.2 Multi -family Most of the multi -family dwelling units in the study area are situated along SW 27th Avenue and in the triangular area to the south bounded by Day Avenue, Tigertail and Mary Street. Many of the apartment buildings along SW 27th Avenue are two and three stories in height and were bui,t in the early 1950's. As with the triangle to the south, these buildings support one of the`, few remaining concentrations of moderate income multi -family housing resources left in this portion of Coconut Grove. But a unlike the triangle portion. the SW 27th Avenue segment has seen little new development or remodeling except for two townhouse -like clusters. 2.2.3. Retai 1 Most retail services in the study area are confined to those portions of SW 27th Avenue at South Dixie Highway and Bird Avenue (with retail services continuing along Bird Avenue for a few blocks). Beauty parlors, dry cleaners, gas stations, an antique store, a small grocery stone and a fast food restaurant currently comprise the majority of commercial services in these neighborhood centers. 2.2.4. Office Development in recent years along SW 27th Avenue has concentrated on offices. Although most have been small scale and limited to one or two client firms, a 70,000 sq. ft. office building is nearing completion and another two are under construction. Other office projects have been proposed in the area. 2.2.5. Do,* I pment Susceptibility The Planning Department has evaluated the potential for change in the primary area, considering existing devel op► ent patterns, �. development pressure and recent changes and the investment in existing buildings.. The planning Department finds that there is a high susceptibility for changes extending from SW 27th Avenue westerly within the primary study area. L 3. Existing Zoning Districts Within the twenty block primary study area, there are several different types of zoning with varying degrees of uses and intensities. (See Map - Existing Zoning). 2.3.1. SPI-11 Directly across from South Dixie Highway and the Coconut Grove transit station, in the northwest portion of the primary study area, is the SPI-11 district. This district, entitled Coconut Grove Rapid Transit district, allows a floor area ratio (FAR) of approximately 1.86 (with all bonuses considered). Bonus provisions are based on the close proximity to Metrorail and requires the developers to provide a pedestrian overpass, generous amounts of pedestrian open space, underground parking and specified retail services. This rezoning was adopted in November 1983 (Ord. 9751) and requires design review by the Planning Department. 2.3.1. CR-2/7 with SPI-3 Overlay The underlying district in the northeast portion of the study area is CR-2/7 allowing a maximum FAR of 1.72 with commercial and residential uses including multi -family homes, offices, retail stores and restaurants. With an SPI-3 overlay, there is a height limit of 40 feet and sit@ plan review by the Planning Department is required. 2.3.3. RO-2.1/5 This district allows residential and office uses as permitted uses In addition to neighborhood comercial services. Such neighborhood comercial services include specified retail 86- 0 Ii establishments (including drug stores, newsstands and bakery stores) and service establishments including shoe repair, barber shops, dry cleaning and restaurants. The district was previously zoned RO 2.1/4 allowing for similar uses with a .49 floor area ratio. Currently, this district is RO 2.1/5 with a .75 floor area ratio. As with the CR 2/7, there 1s an SPI 3 overlay, limiting the building height to 40 feet, and site p1;.1 review by the Planning Department is required. 2.3.4. SPI-12 Overlay District On the corner of Abaco and Aviation Avenues, and within the primary study area, there is an SPI 12 overlay district which provides floor area bonuses when architecturally and historically significant buildings are preserved. Not only is there a modification of the RO 2.1/5 floor area requirement but the SPI 3 overlay is also modified to allow a 45 foot height rather than 40 foot. Planning Department site plan review and other considerations are required. 2.3.5. SPI 2 - Coconut Grove Central Commercial District This district, located on Bird Avenue from SW 27th Avenue to Mary Street, promotes comercial retail and pedestrian activity. As with its sister -district in the village center, several conditions, including site plan review, apply and there are numerous bonus provisions allowing for a maximum FAR of 2.0. 2.3.6. RG 2/5 with SPI 3 overlay. South of Bird Avenue, along SW 27th Avenue, there is a four block area zoned RG 2/5. This district permits multi -family (as well as ♦E a •• P W ' 4 . t . 11 single family and duplex) units in the district with a maximw FAR of .75 and the SPI 3 height limit of forty feet. 2.3.7. RS 2/2, RG 1/3 Districts To the east and rest of SW 27th Avenue there are low scale residential districts for single family and duplex housing units. The RS 2/2 designation signifies single family housing while the Effi- RG 1/3 designation is duplex. 2.4. Recent Zoning Changes Within the RG 2/5 area, two zoning changes were recently approved by the City Commission. One involved an increase in sector number (to RG 2/6). a removal of the SPI 3 overlay, and an application of a Planned Development -Mixed Use (P.D.M.U.). PD-MU applications and all officially designated planned developments require the filing of approved concept plans and adherence to such plans. (The Planning Department recommended denial of the application, requesting that the item be postponed until the results of this study were completed.) There was another rezoning application, involving SW 27th Avenue and 3 lots along Center Street, requesting a change to RO 2.1/6. The Planning Department also rec nded denial of this application because of the intensity proposed. It was the Planning Department's opinion then, as it is now, that district lines as currently drawn (separating office from low scale residential at rear yards) are appropriate and any extension of office uses into the adjoining residential area would threaten the `- integrity and vitality of the residential neighborhood. ( See Map - Recent Zoning Changes/Development). ` `7 i 13 n 2.5. Traffic S SW 27th Avenue is classified as a minor arterial facility, and is presently improved to two traffic lanes, plus turn lanes. The Metro -Dade Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) lists the improvement of this roadway to four lanes plus turning lanes in - 1990-1995. This type of improvement, as normally built by the County, would require a 70-foot right-of-way, most of which is now available. An alternative would be to acquire the full 100-foot zoned right-of-way, permitting construction of a divided highway with landscaped median and side strips. The residential area on the east side of SW 27th Avenue between S.W. 28th Street and Tigertail Avenue has a gridiron pattern of streets at about 45-degrees to SW 27th Avenue. This produces awkward intersections along the minor arterial, together with _ inefficient land use patterns and hazardous vehicular entrances and exits. The diagonal streets introduced by this pattern also encourage traffic infiltration through the residential neighborhood by drivers seeking to avoid congested intersections on SW 27th Avenue. No current traffic counts are available for SW 27th Avenue, but spot checks indicate the facility is carrying in excess of 16,000 vehicles per day -- equaling or exceeding its nominal capacity. 2.6. Existing Sewers s 4 As currently zoned, the sanitary sewer capacities are adequate in the area. The City of Miami Public Works Department, in conjunction with the Miami -Dade Water and Sewer Authority, is F #�N a in currently reviewing the rezoning scenarios in order to determine the potential impact on the water and sewer systems in the area. Should improvements to the systems be required the Planning Department would recommend that such costs be borne by the developers. 3. Issues Identified Regarding the SW 27th Avenue Corridor, several issues of concern have been identified including: 3.1. Impact of proposed SW 27th Avenue Widening (to 4 lanes) in terms of existing development, increased traffic, and future land use. The facility must be designed to improve the corridor's aesthetic appearance while minimizing traffic intrusion into the residential areas. 3.2. Relationship of the Coconut Grove Transit Station, future development of air rights on t+._ station site, and proximity to Metrorail along corridor. 3.3. Growth pressure and its impact on community support systems (e.g., traffic carrying capacities, water and sewer facilities). 3.4. Scale of existing developments and appropriate scale of proposed development in terms of height of structures, lot coverage, open space, bulk of structures as it affects light and air, compatibility with adjacent low density neighborhoods and the provision of suitable buffers. 3.5. Housing impacts. Replacement of housing units on SW 27th Avenue and redevelopment of poorly maintained housing stock should occur through an increase in density in the area west of SW 27th Avenue 4 4 and provision for a minimum percentage of housing in the mixed use developments. 3.6. Economic Impact - The cyclical nature of housing/office/comercial markets, the imbalance in land values between adjoining districts; the spillover pressure onto residential neighborhoods; the future of neighborhood cmwrcial services; displacement of growth to areas with better infrastructure (closer proximity to CDB, transit station); the long terra economic stability of quality developments and improvements in tax base. 4. Recommendations The Planning Department recommends several simultaneous rezoning actions and transportation improvements in order to effectively address the aforementioned issues. The proposed changes address many of the concerns confronting the SW 27th Avenue Corridor. The suggested changes provide appropriate transitions in both densities and uses while insuring that low and moderately scaled isidential areas may continue to thrive in close proximity to a growing office corridor. (See plans - Proposed Rezoning and Proposed Intensities). 4.1. Amend the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan The plan should be amended from moderate to high density residential designation to residential/connercial designation on SW 27th Avenue from Bird Road to Tigertail Avenue and from low to moderate residential• designation to moderate density residential designation east of Center Street, from Bird Road to nay Avenue, and west of SW 27th Avenue from Coconut Avenue to approximately.. 100 feet north of Bird Avenue. Is S 4.2. Increase existing RO 2.1/5 to RO 2.1/5.5 and rezone RG 2/5 lots fronting on SW 27th Avenue to RO 2.1/5.5, Modify Uses The Planning Department rec nds that 4 new land use intensity sector be created entitled 5.5. Currently there is a Sector 5 with an FAR of .75 and the next sector number is 6 with an FAR of 1.21. While the sector 6 is not recommended for the area, a 5,5 allowing a 1.0 FAR (and restrictive light planes so as to provide step -back to the residential area, etc.) would be appropriate for the area given the widening of SW 27th Avenue and the proximity to MetroraiI. Such a sector would recognize appropriate and realistic developmat potentials while addressing the impact of such -development on the neighboring residential areas. It is also important to note that many rezonings to Sector 6 (FAR 1.21) both establish a precedent, while failing to utilize the full FAR because no midpoint is available between Sectors 5 and 6. Also needed is a review of commercial neighborhood services allowed under this zoning category with possible modifications. 4.3. Modify SPI 3 zoning to allow an increase in height limit for the CR, RG 2/5 and RO 2.1 underlying districts from 40 feet to 50 feet To accompany this modification, the Planing Department also reconimends that specific design guidelines be developed for signage, walls, outdoor displays, loading, screening and placement of trash enclosures/service areas and hours of pick-up to insure that residential areas are not inconvenienced. 4 �1 • i i• i E s s 4.4. Rezone designated areas to the wctt of S. W. 27th Avenue from RG 1/3 to RG 2.1/3.3 There are several soft areas requiring improved levels of maintenance or new development. The RG 2.1/3.3 district would provide an incentive for new developments ( townhouse in nature) and address a market trend for smaller units while still providing a compatible scale for those single family and duplex units remaining in the area. 4.5 Rezone the area north of Coconut Avenue from RG 1/3 (duplex) to RG 2/5 (multi -family) directly behind RO 3/6 and extend the SPI-3 to include this area The Department recommends this appropriate buffer between the 6 and 7 story office buildings to the north and the low/moderate density to the south. This increase in zoning would also help to offset some of the housing being lost on SW 27th Avenue due to changing market conditions, high land costs and development pressures for office. 4.6. Combine the SW 27th Avenue transportation improvements with measures to deter infiltrating traffic Unlike the duplex and single family residential area to the west, there are only a few "soft areas" to the east requiring increased levels of maintenance. This is a solid single family area whose main threat appears to be that of traffic intrusion and the spread of office uses. By developing an effective transportation plan, any traffic infiltration of non-residential uses will be prevented. A 0 Closures of angled minor street intersections with SW 27th Avenue will be evaluated in the Comprehensive Grove Traffic Study. 4.7. Widen SW 27th Avenue; acquire full 100-foot zoned right-of-way Acquisition of the full 100-foot zoned right-of-way should continue. Improvement to four moving lanes plus turn lanes and a landscaped median and side strips with pedestrian walkways should also be established. s a i 1 �j BISCAYNE J BAY I m m �9 r 11 4 H a T. 3 a I (' J W J.. ' IL 1 U. - I ���J' C r r rr rr 'r 71Q!3so.000 crooi ` Croat 1...._� fro" CRat/ -with SRt-11 ZQ O00 to SR!-11 (ne SPt-�) (f97st, aov. 921 Of few 00.2.1/4 (with SPI-i) 1571,� . � to 40-2.1/S (with SP!-]) a `wt�tM J � (ff7t�. iS) From NG-vs (with S►I.3) to 1&3/i ON s►l-t) Q �r' (full. soft. 11) Grove onft �I Rt) S.7No e.. froe -2.1/S (-with SPl-3) MISht lt"!t ctan4N fro" to 04-2.1/9 (with SRt-it_ 40 ft. to so ft. hatoeui (9721. Nov. 63) (f9%9.1. Oct. 94) 40.000 IR Ni • w �c�ir L 1 few: S-2/2 (no s to M0-2.1/s (with M-t) F� • (im. f.►. es ) [71 Fr" AC-1/3 (No SPI-t) Ark-2/3 (with SPI-]) to NO.2.1/6 (f SPl•S) ly(010M. Rus. as) exo NO-1/6 (he SPl-7) to NO-]/f (with SPl•17) (19954. Jan. 85; a aad&H rr _ Lf. (re-w ,26) Plhte Fl e Conter 101.000 ems a€a-9/5 (with sRt•71 (010012; Juno OS) _ 1 BISCAYNE . ®AY COCONUT GROVE RECENT ZONING CHANGES /-DEV a 4 mill 111111111111 son mill Ill.. MIN -mm li"s 0 MIN 10101 a BISCAYNE SAY I Elm i min r 0 Moo BISCAYNE ®AY COCONUT GROVE a" p1survaE0 ��' IN`I'ENSITIE C I • CITY OF MIAMI. FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission .Row Cesar H. Odio I� City Manager PZW 5 DATE July 11, 1986 Fief SuuEc� RESOLUTION! - R ECOMMEND 'APPROVAL, IN PRINCIPLE - "SW 27TH AVENUE - A GATEWAY TO COCONUT GROVE" RUEREHCES ENCLOSuRES COMMISSION AGENDA - JULY 24, 1986 PLANNING AND ZONING ITEMS It is recommended by the Planning Advisory Board that the "SW 27th Avenue - A Gateway to Coconut Grove: A development study of development and traffic impacts" (August, 1985), which proposes certain zoning actions and transportation improvements in the area bounded by South Dixie Highway to South Bayshore Drive from approximately 350 feet east and west of SW 27th Avenue; and generally from 27th Avenue to Virginia Street 200 feet north and south of Cocoanut Avenue be approved, in principle. The Planning n g Advisor Board, at its meeting of May 14, 1986, Item 1, follow n� g an advertised nearing, adopted Resolution PAB 14-86 by a 7 to 1 vote, recomending a2proval , in r_i n�cii pl e, of the "SW 27th Avenue - A Gateway to Coconutrove: development eve t study of development an traffic impacts - (August, -which proposes certain zoning actions anU Iranspor at on improvements in the area bounded by South Dixie Highway to South Bayshore Drive from approximately 350 feet east and west of SW 27th Avenue; and generally from 27th Avenue to Virginia Street 200 feet north and south of Cocoanut Avenue. Thirty-nine objections received in the mail; fifteen opponents present at the meeting. Thirty replies in favor received in the mail; eleven proponents present at the meeting. Backup information is included for your review. A RESOLUTION to provide for the above has been prepared by the City Attorney's Office and submitted for consideration by the City Comission. AEPL:111 cc: Law Department NOTE: Planning Department recommends: APPROVAL in principle PLANNING FACT SHEET APPLICANT City of Miami Planning Department: April 18, 1986 PETITION Consideration of recom m ding approval, in principle of RSW 27th Avenue - A Gateway to Coconut Grove: A development study of development and traffic impacts"' (August, 1985), which proposes certain zoning actions and transportation improvements in the area bounded by South Dixie Highway to South 8ayshore Drive from approximately 350 feet east and west of SW 27 Avenue; and generally from 27th Avenue to Virginia Street 200 feet north and south of Coconut Avenue. REQUEST To recommend approval of the proposed study, in principle. dACMROUiD The City Cormaaission recriested that the Planning Department study the existing zoning and the transportation pattern for the area surrounding 27th Avenue, south of Dixie Highway and north of Tigertail Avenue in order to organize its growth and development. The Planning Department has held two neighborhood meetings, on September 5, and November 19, in order to discuss with residents and property owners of the area the preliminary finding and reconmrendations. ANALYSIS The proposal takes into consideration the presence of changing elements located in the study area. The Coconut Grove Station Area, the centers of activity, the degree of stability of the residential areas located east and west of 27th Avenue, the reconstruction of 27th Avenue, create the need to respond with zoning districts and designations, which are oriented to protect the character if the residential area located east of 27th Avenue, upgrade the housing stock for the area west of 27th Avenue; and connect the station area to the rest of the activity centers along 27th Avenue and transforms it into a pedestrian link. HISTORY OF RECOMENOATIONS` AND ACTIONS PA8 5/14/86 Item #1 Pam 1 '-2 PLANNING DEPT. Approval of the plan and report. PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD At its meeting of December 18, 1965, the Planning Advisory Board adopted Resolution PAB 69-85 by a 5 to 3 vote, recommending approval, as amended, of the above deferring .intersection improvements until after completion of a traffic study. CITY COMIISS ION At its meeting of January 23, 1986, the City Commission adopted Resolution 86-63 directing the City Clerk to transmit proposed amendments to the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan 1976-1986 for certain properties as recommiended in the "SW 21th Avenue - A Gateway to Coconut Grove: A Planning Study of Development and Traffic Impacts" (August, 1985) to the Florida Department of Community Affairs for cownei t and further established public hearing dates for the above. PLANNING DEPARTMENT Withdrew the item at the City Commission Meeting of April 22, 1986 for improper notice. Filed a new, corrected application. RECOMMENDATIONS PLANNING DEPARTMENT Approval PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD At its meeting of May 14, 1986, the Planning Advisory Board adopted Resolution PAB 14-86 by a 7 to l vote, recommending approval, in principle, of the above. CITY COMMISSION At its meeting of May 22, 1986, the City Commission continued action on the above. At its meeting of July 24, 1986, the City Commission adopted Motion 86-644 deferring the "SW 27th Avenue Study" until a traffic study, presently being conducted by the Planning Depart- ment, is completed within the next 90 days. PAB 5/14/86 Item #1 ., Pa M, MY OF '86 OCT 15 All *6 it T Q TRAFFIC IMPACT OF PROPOSED ZONING ALTERNATIVES S.W. 27TH AVENUE IN COCONUT GROVE Summary of Significant Conclusions * Existing (1986) capacity of S.W. 27th Avenue is based on the existing 3- lane roadway section. Future capacity is calculated based on the five - lane section programmed for approximately 1992. * Peak hour traffic volumes on 27th Avenue in 1986 average approximately 542 vehicles per lane, or about 90.3%, of capacity. * If the zoning along 27th Avenue is unchanged and properties are built out to practical maximums, peak hour traffic volumes will average approximately 354 vehicles per lane, or about 59% of capacity. * If the proposed rezoning is approved, and buildout maximizes a residential/commercial mix, peak hour volumes will average approximately vehicles per ane, or about 65.7% of capacity. * If the proposed rezoning is approved, and buildout maximizes a office/comm ercial mix, peak hour volumes will average approximately 395 vehicles per aT ne, or about 65.8% of capacity. * The reduction in per -lane peak hour volumes and the creation of excess capacity on 27th Avenue will reduce pressures that now foster traffic intrusion in adjoining residential neighborhoods, irrespective of the zoning alternatives adopted. The following pages contain the detailed assumptions, methodology, counts and projections supporting these conclusions. { J a SUMMARY OF PROJECTIONS OF TRAFFIC VOLUMES AND CAPACITIES UNDER THREE ZONING ALTERNt.TIVES S.W. 27TH AVENUE IN COCONUT GROVE Alternative 1 -- Buildout under present zoning regulations Projected ADT (24-hour) 21,570 Percent increase over 1986 volume 8.7% Peak hour volumes per lane, 1986 542 (90.3% of capacity) Peak hour volumes per lane, buildout 354 (59.O0o of capacity) Alternative 2 -- Buildout under proposed zoning regulations: Maximum resien is commercia mix Projected ADT (24-hour) 24,000 Percent increase over 1986 volume 20.9% Peak hour volumes per lane, 1986 542 (90.3% of capacity) Peak hour volumes per lane, buildout 394 (65.7% of capacity) Alternative 3 -- Buildout under proposed zoning regulations: Maximum office7commercial mix Projected ADT (24-hour) 24,110 Percent increase over 1986 volume 21.4% Peak hour volumes per lane, 1986 542 (90.3% of capacity) Peak hour volumes per lane, buildout 395 (65.8% of capacity) � M • • • 0 i. a a a S.W. 27TR AVENUE ZONING ALTERNATIVES Tigertail to S.W. 28th Terrace Future Build -Out Scale Measurements Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Section Use Units Existing Resid/Comm Office/Comm South Tigertail Resid. Dwelling Units 481 193 0 To Comm. 1,000 s.f.GLA 0.0 115.5 115.5 Bird Office 1,000 s.f.GLA 0.0 0 111.2 North Bird Resid. DU 211 128 128 To Comm. 1,000 GLA 71.9 95.2 95.1 SW 28 Terr Office 1,000 GLA 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Tigertail Resid. DU To Comm. 1,000 GLA SW 28 Terr Office 1,000 GLA 692 321 128 71.9 210.7 210.7 0.0 0.0 111.2 M-- 0 s 19 s 3 • S.W. 27TH AVENUE ZONING ALTERNATIVES Tigertail. to S.W. 28th Terrace Two -Way Daily Traffic enera i on -Traffic At Buildout- A1 ternati ve 1 Alternative 2 Section Use Existing Resid/Comm Office/Comm South Tigertail Resid. 3180 1280 0 To Comm. 0 6520 6520 Bird Office 0 0 1520 Subtotal 3T8Q 7M SUM — North Bird Resid. 1390 840 840 To Comm. • 4060 5380 5380 SW 28 Terr Office 0 0 0 Subtotal STM_ rim - Total Tigertail Resid. 4570 2120 840 To Coma. 4060 11900 11900 SW 28 Terr Office 0 0 1520 Total 1 909 - TMO nm Increase From Existing at Buildout and % South Sector 4620/145% 4860/15% North Sector 770/14% 770/14% Total 5390/62% 5630/65% a S.W. 27TH AVENUE ZONING ALTERNATIVES Tigertai► To -,.W. zatn ►errace Peak Est SW 28 Terr Period Factored 1 Sums 1985 ADT 3236 19,700 AA _ 53`7 % fi A� :34L PAA' It rd Rd pm, 4$ZL proq= i-f'I i f AI►S= iuo P �4Xf p^q+4S1 3013 18,400 Qyt: �� 4 ��� 4ftgertail �► 14M=��� � J4�OA= ft�f Qat =167 1846 119234 AYr- II,Z*3'V (Act) APO 1Y� = t* f 4mr.I At' `: 8ayshore oA April 1985 AWDT and T.M. Counts Ac tua l Al - 8-9 AM PM - 5-6 PM Est 1986 ADT 20,500 19,200 115700 i a S.W. 27TH AVENUE ZONING ALTERNATIVES, Existing (1986) S.W. 27th Avenue Daily Volumes: , South Sector: 19,200 North Sector: 20,500 Average: 19,850 Assume 1/2 of full buildout under existing zoning is in place, and traffic distribution is 5/8 to/from North along 27th Avenue (toward South Dixie Highway), 3/8 to/from South (toward South Bayshore Drive). Existing non -development background traffic: South: 19,200-(1/2) 5/8 (3100/2) - 3/8 (5450/2)-17,700 North: 20,500 -(1/2) 5/8 (5450/2) - 5/8 (3100/2)-18,700 Average 18,200 Future traffic at buildout of zoning (ignoring background thru traffic growth) - Zoning Category - Existing Alternative 1 (Comm/Resid) Alternative 2 (Comm/Off) South 20,740 22,460 22,550 North 22,390 25,520 25,660 Average 210570 24,000 24,110 i A 4 S.W. 27TH AVENUE ZONING ALTERNATIVES FUTURE VOLUME COMPARISON OF ALT. 1 & ALT. 2 TO EXISTING ZONING AT BUILDOUT Sector Alt. 1 Alt. 2 Increase over So. 1720 1810 raffic with Existing No. 3130 3270 Zoning Avg. 2430 2540 % Above Existing So. 8.3% 8.7% Zoning No. 14.0% 14.6% Avg. 11.3% 11.8% Comparison to current traffic on S.W. 27 Avenue Existing Alt. 1 Alt. 2 Current (199200) Increase So. 1540 3260 3350 (20,500) Involume No. 1890 5020 5160 (19,850) Avg. 1720 4150 4260 So. 8.0% 17.0% 17.4% % Increase No. 9.2% 24.5% 25.2% Avg. 8.7% 20.9% 21.5% 86r860 12, 3 a 4 S.W. 27TH AVENUE ZONING ALTERNATIVES Ca1c. Future Traffic Estimates: At Buildout: A. Existing Zoning: 1. South Sector = 17,,700 + (112) (5/8) (3,180) + 3/8 (5,450) = 20,740 2. North Sector - 18700 + (1/2) (5/8) (5450) + 5/8 (3,180) = 22,390 Average: 21,570 B. Alternative 1: (Residential & Commercial) 1. South Sector: 17,700 + (1/2) 5/8) (7,800) + 3/8 (6g 20) = 22,460 2. North Sector: 18,700 + (1/2) (5/8) (6,220) + 5/8 (7800) = 259520 Average: 24,000 C. Alternate 2: (Office/Commercial) 1. South: 17,700 + 1/2 (5/8) (8p40) + 3/8 (6,220) = 22,550 2. North: 18,700 + 1/2 (5/8) (4220) + 5/8 (4040) = 25,660 Average: 24,110 s Assumptions A. Residential: a 1. Multi -family tow rise 2. Gen 6.6/du B. Commercial 1. 1/2 Specialty shops 40.7/GLA 1/4 Restaurants 74.9 Gross (GLA/Gross 90%) 1/4 Equiv. small shopt ct. 117.9 GLA 2. 20% overall internal, on -street and/or auxiliary use equiv. 3. Overall - [0.5(40.7) + 0.25 (74.9/0.9) + .25 (117.9)10.80 = 56.5 C. Off ice 1. Gen at 12.3 GLA GLA/GBA 0.9 * 12.3/0.9 = 13.7 GLA rate D. Half of uses under existing zoning are in place. E. Coment AWDT - 25,200 F. 1/2 of existing zoning increase (1/2 of total) is representative distribution of related uniform district along 27th G. Other uses: Future AWDT 27 Ave typ = AWDT Existing + 1/2 Future Zoning - 1/2 (1/2 Existing Build) W�86e %q il 44. 27TH AVENUE - A GATEvAY TO COCONUT GROVE REPORT ON RESULTS OF WORKSHOP MEETINGS WITH OWNERS AND RESIDENTS OF THE AREA. DULY, 1986 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. Purpose The existing conditions of development and the quality of the buildings located along 27th Avenue make it necessary for the Planning Department to create, through planning and zoning instruments, an environment suitable for growth congruent with the importance and role of the Grove within the City of Miami. - These proposals have to take into consideration the characteristics that everyone wants to retain in the area, and at the same time create incentives to generate quality developments along the main access to Coconut Grove. 1.2. Status Several informal meetings and formal hearings had been held with the attendance of owners and neighbors in order to receive input and to give information as to the process of the studies. During the City Commission meeting of May 22, 1986, the Commissioners decided to take a final round of discussions, a workshop, between • interested parties and the Planning Department to try to reach areas of agreement in as far as the land use and intensity proposals. Now, the Study is ready, after the last three workshops, to be considered by City Commission. If approved, the Page 1 86-860 t_ 2. 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. rezoning actions must take place with a public hearing before the Zoning Board and two public hearings before the City Conwission. PRESENT CONDITIONS Stud Area The analysis was undertaken on a large area from 27th Street to the Bay and from 22nd Avenue to 32nd Avenue, with a concentration on the 27th Avenue axis and its immediate surroundings. Land use and existing zoning. The pattern of land use and existing zoning is complex, better explained in the plans included at the end of this report. Traffic This is a problem today, there is traffic infiltration through the residential districts, there is a pattern of intersections on the east side of 27th Avenue that reduces capactity to move present traffic loads, and what is more improtant, 27th Avenue can not be used by pedestrians because there are no sidewalks that lead you anywhere. Infrastructure As currently zoned, the sanitary sewer capacities are adequate for the area. The City of Miami Public Works Department, in conjunction with the Miami -Dade Water and Seer Authority, is currently reviewing the rezoning scenarios in order to determine the potential impact on the water and serer systems in the area. Should improvements to the systems be required the planning Department recommends that such costs be bonne by the developers. Page 2 136-860 0 3. ISSUES Regarding the S.W. 27th Avenue Corridor, several issues of concern have been identified including: 3.1. Impact of proposed S.W. 27th Avenue Widening (to 4 lanes) in terms - of existing development, increased traffic, and future land use. The facility must be designed to improve the corridor's aesthetic appearance while minimizing traffic intrusion into the residential areas. 3.2. Relationship to the Coconut Grove Transit Station, future development on and around the station site, and proximity to Metrorail. 3.3. Growth pressure and its impact on community support systems (e.g., traffic carrying capacities, water and sewer facilities). 3.4. Scale of existing developments and appropriate scale of proposed development in terms of height of structures, lot coverage, open . space, bulk of structures as it affects light and air; compatibility with adjacent low density neighborhoods and the provision of su.table buffers. 3.5. Housing Impacts. Replacement of housing units on S.W. 27th Avenue and redevelopment of poorly maintained stock should occur through an increase in density in the area west of S.W. 27th Avenue and provision for a minimum percentage of housing in the mixed use developments. r Page 3 �� 4. CONCLUSIONS The workshop proved to be very beneficial and yielded consensus on the majority of important issues. * Improvement on 27th Avenue - Evoryone agreed that the existing conditions on 27th Avenue should not remain without a serious attempt for improvements. * Pedestrian Character - Those improvements must include a pedestrian atmosphere in order to connect the Metro Station to Dinner Key and the Village Center. * Traffic Restrictions - Existing traffic intrusions and possible future increases of it must be dealt with deterrents in order to preserve the residential character of the neighborhoods. * Land Use - Land .use must remain unchanged from the existing regulations, except for the four lots located between 27th Lane, 28th Street, and 26th Avenue, and for those lots fronting generally .on 27th Avenue, south of Bird Avenue to Tigertail and Day. The mixed use would follow a jagged pattern on its eastern boundary due to ownership lines. * Intensity of Use - The intensity should be increased along Cocoanut Avenue and on the east side of Center in order to create incentives for redevelopment of delapidated housing stock; also along 27th Avenue, within certain restrictions that will not affect the stability of sound residential areas. * Edge Condition - The most sensitive area is that comprised by. lots abutting proposed changes; appropriate buffers should be implemented with no transitional uses. Page 4 8-0 W i It - S. 5.1. * Perspective Views and Scale of Development on 27th Avenue - Height limitations and adequate light planes should be part of the design restrictions. * Special District - The relevance of this sector of 27th Avenue makes it necessary to create a special design with very specific conditions of development. * Traffic Study - This study is to be complemented by a traffic study to measure the degree of intrusion into the residential areas. * Cross Section of 27th Avenue - In order to take full advantage of the opportunities offered by the programmed widening of 27th Avenue, the City should prepare a cross section design congruent with the quality of expected development. * Areas of differences in opinion: Time of implementation of traffic study Payment of cross section design for 27th Avenue by the City of Mi ami - Resident on Cocoanut Avenue, disagrees on am• changes. RECOMMENDATIONS Land Use and Intensity Along 27th Avenue from 28th Street to approximately Tigertail, � 1_ except for what is already zoned SPI-2, a unified mixed use district, similar to the RO-2.1/5.5 designation, but with additional conditions, which will open the following alternative: Page 5 t Two levels of retail and or service establishments and one level of offices or residential for a maximum of three levels, or * One level of retail and or service establishments and up to three levels of offices or residential for a maximum of four levels. * The maximum intensity would be an FAR of 1.0 * Setbacks - Front yards 0' ft Side yards 0' Rear 15', of which 10' shall be generously landscaped. Light planes - Maximum height (Plane III) of 50' ft Side and rear light planes as per Zoning Ordinance 9500. Tables 2 and 4 of Schedule of District Regulations. Front plane II of 24' and light plane of 630 * Parking, Open Space, Livability Space, Recreation Space as established in Zoning Ordinance 9600 through LUI system and tables 1 and 3 of the Schedule of district Regulations. North side of Cocoanut Avenue, from Virginia to 27th Avenue, except for those lots which are already zoned ROW2.1/5, a me 6-3 development potential as established by the RG-2/5 zoning designation with an SPI-3 overlay and an additional restriction of height to W . South side of Cocoanut Avenue, from Virginia to 27th avenue, except for those lots fronting the latter, a townhouse district (RG-2.1/3.3) with a potential FAR of .40 and height limitation (Plane I1I) of 25' and an SPI-3 overlay. East side of Center Street; from Cocoanut Avenue to approximately Day Avenue; the same characteristics as for the south side of Cocoanut, except for those lots already zoned SPI-2. Lots in Block 2, bounded by 27th Lane, 28th Street and 26th Avenue. (RO-1/4). 5.2. Traffic Intrusion Stop signs in appropriate locations as a first measure. If it does not work a more radical proposal, use of a one way street system, except for service and emergency vehicles. Both actions to be analyzed jointly by the Public Works Department and the Planning Department, and the first one implemented by the time any rezoning is granted for the specific area. Proposal of closure of Inagua between 27th Avenue and Aviation. 5.3. Traffic Study This study is to be undertaken in order to measure traffic intrusion and to analyze the measures already mentioned. Pae7 4 86-0 _ � k i 5.4. Cross Section of 27th Avenue A design taking full advantage of the designated 100' R.O.W. with 15' side walks to provide for predestrian traffic and projection of a bike path. Page 8 86-860 err j 0 wM.-"wTA �Y 1Sl ' '��t.� a s 4 "DEDICATED TO PROTECTING AND PRESERVING THE UNIQUE LAND AND LIFESTYLE OF COCONUT GROVE." THE ASSOCIATION 'tic 3100 JEFFERSON STREET, COCONUT GROVE, FLORIDA 33133 305 858 6600 22 July 1986 Dear Mr. Mayor and Commissioners& Since our letter of June 22, 1966 concerning the S.W. 27th Avenue study the Department of Planning held another workshop on July 10, 1986. Because this was an afternoon session those atten- ding showed a disproportionate number of commercial land owners compared with resident -property owners in the Grove area and the — results reflect this imbalance. First, we wish to commend Mr. Guillermo Olmedillo for his patient efforts to arrive at a solution to this difficult problem in which the department is caught between the desires of landowners who wish to have the zoning of their properties changed as to use and greater density and the large body of residents in the area who are convinced that such changes will affect adversely the residential quality of life in the Grove. The report of the results of the workshop meetings prepared by the Department states that concensus was reached on various items, but incorrectly includes in these items the matter of land use be- tween Bird Avenue and Tigertail and Day Avenue. :'re position of this Association is as follows: 1. It is of the opinion that from Bird Avenue to U.S.1 the cur- rent RO-2.1/5 and CR 2/7 is adequate to make development of under -used land attractive and that the proposed increases in density are not necessary. However, they do not radically change the land use and are tolerable. 2. It is of the opinion that the existing RG-1/3 on either side of Cocoanut Avenue permits feasible and desirable re--develop- went and that the proposed re -zoning is bath unnecessary and undesirable. However, should the Commission desire to approves an in- crease in density, such re -zoning should apply only to the north side of Cocoanut Avenue. 3. It is adamantly opposed to the proposed changes from Bird to Lincoln and Day which would replace the president residential character with R/O that would also allow retail and service ��; L] r] Tigertail 2 41 establishments. There is existing zoning for commercial use near U.S.1 and at Bird and S.W. 27th Avenues which has not been utilized to the full. There is no public need for additional such facili- ties between Bird and Lincoln and Day. Because the ownership of lots in this sector is in several hands and redevelopment of many of the existing structures does not appear to be desirable or economically feasible now, even under the proposed zoning, those lots that may probably be re -developed under revised zoning would have narrow fron- tages and the resulting street facade would be a hodge-podge of commercial store fronts, residential and office buildings, rather than the elegant city boulevard envisioned by the De- partment. Bhis boulevard could be achieved only if large frontages were developed by a single developer as contiguous units. It appears to be unlikely that this will happen. Moreover, there are approximately 12 landowners with va- cant lots or rental units and 27 condominium owners in the Bird to Lincoln and Day section. There are approximately 210 living units in these buildings. Not all the landowners are likely to use the proposed land use change, except to at- tempt to sell their property for an increased price. Their taxes will go up as will those for the condominium owners, the value of whose property will go down. Vide: the proper- ties near Grove Professional Building and Grove Forest. Most of the 210 residential units will be removed from the housing inventory, decreasing the amount of affordable housing in the Grove. The present RG-2/5 in this sector should be retained. 4. It supports the clean-up and beautification of S.W. 27th Ave. --but not to the standards north of U.S.1, and we believe that such improvements will"increase the residential desira- bility of the Avenue and desire to see this residential charac- ter retained. 5. In order to achieve a high quality in buildings and re -deve- lopment along S.W. 27th Avenue we support the idea of an S.P.I. district to control the underlying zoning districts. The provisions of such an S.P.I. district need careful study and details of it should not be adopted at this stage. We urge you to support the desires of the majority --the resi- dents of the Grove --over those of the few commercial land owners I 4 a Tigertail 3 who wish to profit at the expense of the majority. We also urge that a final decision on the plan be withheld until the promised traffic study has been made and analyzed. President Tigertail Association cc: Sergio Rodriguez --Planning Department Miami Civic League Zoning Board C.G. Civic Club Miami Herald C.G. homeowners & Renters C.G. Home owners Association t 4o 92- 00 July 15, 1986 Mr. Cesar Odio City Manager ' ' City of Miami Y 'IA. 500 Pan American Drive Miami, Fl. 33133 Dear ter. Qdioc We represent the owners and residents of the Treehouse Townhouse Complex 3020 through 3060 SW 27 Avenue, which as the address indicates, fronts directly on SW 27 Avenue, south of Bird Road, in Coconut Grove. We strongly oppose the present zoning proposal (aka "Gateway to the Grove") now before the Planning Commission. By attendance at multiple City Planning Commission meetings and workshops, our opposition has been voiced. Indeed, the local resident property owners in this affected area, by majority, oppose the proposel plan, which as you are aware, is without a sufficient traffic engineering study. The proposed change in zoning will result in: Increased density. Increased non-residential traffic. Increased parking problems. Increased crime. Increased noise. Increased pollution. We support improvement in our community, not zoning changes which will adversely effect our neighborhood and quality of life. Please again recognize our strong opposition to the present zoning changes before the Planning Commission. Please support us as we have supported you'.. Sincerely, pse 's OFFICE 2' 21 77w Coconut Grove Azociation/Spo?uor of 77)e Coconut Grove Arts Festival 2980.11cfarlaue Road/Smite 20G; l'bst O11ce Box 330'57 Coconut Grore. Florida 33133/Telephone (305) 4470401 June 23, 1986 a The Honorable Cesar Odio City Manager, City of Miami 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Dear City Manager Odio: P As Executive Director for the Coconut Grove Association, sponsor of the annual Coconut Grove Arts Festival, I am most interested in the proposed transformation of South- west 27th Avenue into a commercial street. The Coconut Grove Association was formed in 1963 by a group of Coconut Grove residents to encourage cultural growth in the creative arts and to feature the unique character and history of the Coconut Grove area. We are, therefore, concerned that the future growth of Southwest 27th Avenue, the "Gateway to the Grove", be carried out in a well -planned and organized manner. The Coconut Grove Association endorses the City of Miami plan for the programmed development of Coconut Grove by creating a unified zoning district along Southwest 27th Avenue and urges your favorable review and approval. Since ,ely, L Teiril Ston`e����—_ Executive Director 9 M JACK R. RICE, JR. ATTORNEY AT LAW AwtA CODt 308 042-0140 N:-0360 LOCATION: a•:A N. W. RINST ST*CCT Sergio Rodriquez Director Planning Department 275 N. W. 2nd Street Miami, Florida 33128 June 11, 1986. Attention: Guillermo Olmedillo �.=.e . MAILING eDCpCS A: P. O. sox 36003/R 1► IAMI, PWIaDI SMS 1 2Z ' 12._ Re: S.W. 27th Avenue Study and Rezoning adjacent property from Bird Road to Tigertail from Moderate to High Density Residential Designation to Residential/Commercial Designation. Dear Director Rodriquez: I represent Dr. James G. Robertson who owns the apartment buildings located at 3130 S.W. 27th Avenue (Lot 2, Blk 8, PENT HOMESTEAD, PBA/45); 3148 S.W. 27th Avenue (Lot 7 less ST, CORNELIA M DAY SUB PENT HOMESTEAD, PB3-5 & 3-16); and 2710 Shipping Avenue (Tract A, MARQUEZ APARTMENTS, PB78/97); total land area 63,700 square feet t. Dr. Robertson objects to (1) widening 27th Avenue to 100 feet, and (2) rezoning the property to high density residential/commercial for the following reasons. 1. WIDENING 27th AVENUE A. The widening of 27th Avenue would place the noise and traffic immediately adjacent to the buildings. B. Would require the removal of all parking spaces facing 27th Avenue, presently utilized by the tenants. C. Would result in the building be non -conforming due to the lack of vehicle parking. D. There also would be inadequate space for the placing of trash and garbage pickup. E. Feeder traffic streets to 27th Avenue would be inadequate to serve a street of the proposed magnitude. F. Traffic in Coconut Grove presently is rated E by the Engineering Department which means it permits little or no movement of traffic; during certain periods the rating is F--no movement of traffic:. PV Director Sergio Rodriquez Planning Department -2- June 11, 1986. G. .Main Highway south of the Coconut Grove business district and South Bayshore Drive north of Aviation Avenue are designated historic roadways. This prevents the widening of these streets in excess of their present limitations --I lane in each direction. H. The Planning Department originally suggested that streets easterly of 27th Avenue be blocked to traffic, recognizing the widening of 27th Avenue would feed substantial through traffic into the residential areas. The blocking of the streets are not presently contemplated, however, the congested movement of traffic, if 27th Avenue is widened, in these areas is a certainty. I. Streets to the u�tb of 27th Avenue from Bird Road to Tigertail are further inadequate to absorb the increase in traffic that the widening of 27th Avenue would assure. J. The current traffic study of the Coconut Grove area should be completed before any action is taken concerning the widening of 27th Avenue or tl,.e construction of additional commercial. K. The study as presently contemplated will not meet the needs of Coconut Grove and would tend to further congest the area due to the -generation of additional vehicular traffic movement. L. The existing traffic patterns will require the :losing of any vehicular traffic to downtown Coconut Grove unless there is a complete re -thinking of traffic movement in the area with the probability of the widening of all throughfares. M. The widening of 27th Avenue would further induce motorists to continue south on 27th Avenue rather than utilizing U.S. #1 which would place them'in a position in entering an area with streets inadequate for additional vehicular traffic. For the above reasons, it is suggested that 27th Avenue be restricted to a 62 foot width that would provide a moving lane in each direction, a turning lane to facilitate the continued movement of traffic and the construction of curbs, gutters and sidewalks. This would insure the continuing use of parking for abutting property owners and facilities for traffic and gargabe. 2. REZONING A. Substantial amounts of property along 27th Avenue are presently improved to their highest density and it is not contemplated that my client would demolish the existing structures (3 large apartment buildings) solely to provide additional commercial useage. M Director Sergio Rodriquez Planning Department 10$- June 11, 1986. B. To the rear of the property is a narrow street that separates the apartment from development to the south. This also would apply to the property on the east side of 27th Avenue as the property to the rear of the 27th Avenue frontage is likewise fully developed apartment use. C. The enlargement of the area for residential/commercial and high density residential would further increase the traffic flow on the existing narrow feeder streets, totally inadequate for the movement of traffic for any purpose other than low density residential use. D. Prior to having hit and miss types of suggested rezoning for properties abutting 27th Avenue, there should be a more compre- hensive study of the entire Coconut Grove area from one block east of 27th Avenue to 32nd Avenue, including the business district of Coconut Grove. E. Increased commercial use is not warranted due to the existing Z5% vacancy factor in this type of development. F. The existing new construction in the area being studied is more than adequate for the present needs of the area. G. The rezoning of the property will result in an immediate increase in the land assessment for ad valorem tax purposes. CONCLUSION It is recommended that the widening of 27th Avenue be restricted to 62 feet as recited above and that the zoning of the area abutting 27th Avenue easterly of Bird Road remain in its existing classifi- cation of moderate residential designation. Note: We recognize there is existing business development on Bird Road at 27th Avenue. JRR/ f r ly, Jack R. Rice, Jr. Attorney for Dr. J G. Robertson 33 Cal F1 TFIMIMaN EO. RM7VION May 22, 1986 0 The Honorable Mayor Suarez The City of Miami Commission Ci*y Hall 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Re: Rezoning of S. W. 27th Avenue A Gateway to Coconut Grove Dear Mayor Suarez: I am the Managing Partner of the long-term Lessee of the Property described as follows: Lot 7,8,9,10,11 and 12, in Block 2 of KING PARK, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 5, at Page 112, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida; together with all improvements located thereon, including one commercial building of approximately 12,000 square feet, more or less. In regards to the above referenced rezoning, I support the Planning Department and the work they have done and I urge the adoption of this plan. Sincerely, ! Charles E. Gottlieb CEG:slm 8ubndtted into the public record in connecticn wit, item P on" Matty I- l_r J City Qjer.1C 247 S W. 27th Avenue a Miami. Fk+nda 33133 . (305) 444.5400 DON SACKMAN 2201 S.W. 27 LANE COCONUT GROVE, FLORIDA 33133 MAY 220 1986 CITY OF MIAMI BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE COCONUT GROVE, FLORIDA 33133 RE: PROPOSED 27TH AVENUE STUDY LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, HAVING BEEN A RESIDENT OF COCONUT GROVE FOR MANY YEARS AND HAVING MY BUSINESS LOCATED THERE, I WILL BE GLAD TO SUPPORT THE PROPOSED CHANGES RECOMMENDED IN THE 27TH AVENUE STUDY CONDUCTED BY THE CITY OF MIAMI PLANNING DEPARTMENT. THE PROPOSAL TO IMPLEMENT THESE CHANGES SHOWS GREAT AWARENESS OF THE NECESSITY TO KEEP A COMMUNITY GROWING. THE 27TH AVENUE AREA IS A NATURAL CHOICE FOR THE PROPOSED GROWTH AND CHANGE IN DENSITY WITH ITS NEW METRO RAPID TRANSIT STATION AT U.S. I AND 27TH AVENUE. 27TH AVENUE WITH ITS NEWLY WIDENED LANES OF TRAFFIC MAKES A NATURAL ENTRANCE WAY INTO THE HEART OF COCONUT GROVE AND CAN SUPPORT A CHANGE IN DENSITY. YOU HAVE MY FULLEST SUPPORT IN THIS MATTER. SINCERELY, DON SACKMAN Submitted into the public record in connection with, item p on 6. 2 4b _ . Matty h -i city ci0i.z 35 86-860 feonard A. Ralby & Sons May 21, 1986 The Honorable Mayor The City of Miami Commission City Hall 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Re: S.W. 27th Avenue - A Gateway to Coconut Grove Dear Mr. Suarez: I am the property owner of Lots 3,4,5 & 6 on S.W. 28th Street and Lots 19 & 20 on Andros Avenue. In regards to the above referenced, I support the Planning Department and the work they have done and I urge the adoption of this plan. Submitted into the public record in connection with item " 9 on Matty Hirai City Clerk - ��.O. 13„x .i.ic,i�= • Illiu�ni, f•1„ciil,, .i.i'.;.�-c �ii � � DAVID H. CARRINGTON, AIA 4095 LA PLAYA BLVD. COCONUT GROVE, FLORIDA 33133 MAY 20, 1986 CITY OF MIAMI BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE COCONUT GROVE, FLORIDA 33133 RE: PROPOSED 27TH AVENUE STUDY DEAR COMMISSIONERS: AS A RESIDENT AND BUSINESSMAN OF COCONUT GROVE, I AM IN FULL_ SUPPORT OF THE PROPOSED CHANGES REC- OMMENDED IN THE 27TH AVENUE STUDY BY THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT. THESE CHANGES WILL PROMOTE FUTURE DEVELOPMENT, WHICH WILL BE THE CATALYST FOR FUTURE USE OF OUR UNDER-UTILIZED METRORAIL SYSTEM. 27TH AVENUE SHOULD BE THE GATEWAY TO THE GROVE, WHICH CURRENTLY HAS A BAD IMAGE. THESE CHANGES WILL HELP PROMOTE RESPONSIBLE DEVELOPMENT. AS A RESIDENT OF COCONUT GROVE, THIS CHANGE IS NECESSARY, AND I SUPPORT YOU. S E i..Y, DAVID H. CARRINGTON, AIA DHC/PW Submitted into the public record in connection with item Pz� on�._ Matty Hirai City Clerk 3� —WO Ll May 20, 1986 Miami City Commission 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Dear Sirs: Interdevco, Inc. is the developer of Grove Square, a mix use development located at the intersection of Mary Street and Florida Avenue. The Grove Square project has been carefully planned to contribute to the urban progress of the Grove without depreciating its unique village flavor. Interdevco, Inc. is a firm believer of planned development as a factor of positive progress, when it is totally respectful of the inherent urban characteristics of each environment. With regard to this, I would like to give my support to the Planning Department's recommendation for the improvement of Southwest 27 Avenue, which is being presented for your approval. Cordially yours, / a r Jose Aixe riol ChieutiveOfficer JMS/mef Submitted into the public record in connection with item on E� r4 Mratty Hirai City Clerk Ni* Wcm,, jower IR i a F1 B A L DW I N :)--'d SA` VM AN. AIA :,'A, C A??ING ON A!A. S A C K AA A N MAY 16, 1986 CITY OF MIAMI BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE COCONUT GROVE, FLORIDA 33133 RE: PROPOSED 27TH AVENUE STUDY LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: oEDPODIEZ. KAT-4WN A.DRIDGE "v'ER:O"• DES­_� AS A RESIDENT AND BUSINESSMAN OF COCONUT GROVE, I WOULD LIKE TO EXPRESS MY STRONG SUPPORT FOR THE PROPOSED CHANGES PUT FORTH IN THE 27TH AVENUE STUDY CONDUCTED BY THE CITY OF MIAMI PLANNING DEPARTMENT. THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT HAS SHOWN LEADERSHIP AND FORESIGHT IN PRO— POSING THAT THESE CHANGES BE IMPLEMENTED. IT IS MY OPINION THAT THE 27TH AVENUE AREA IS A VERY LOGICAL AREA FOR THE PROPOSED GROWTH AND INCREASES IN DENSITY. I ENVISION 27TH AVENUE AS A NEW BEAUTIFUL GATEWAY TO COCONUT GROVE, AND A MAJOR FEEDER FOR THE COCONUT GROVE METRO RAPID TRANSIT STATION AT 27TH AVENUE AND U.S. 1. IT IS VERY APPARENT THAT A STREET SUCH AS 27TH AVENUE, WITH ONE HUNDRED FOOT RIGHT OF WAY, CAN AND WILL SUPPORT THE PROPOSED CHANGES. PLACING NEW OFFICES AND LIVING UNITS AT OR CONTIGUOUS TO THE METRO STATION WILL, IN FACT, DECREASE THROUGH TRAFFIC IN GENERAL. W AGAIN, YOU HAVE MY OUTRIGHT SUPPORT IN THIS MATTER. SINCERELY, GAIL B. BALDWIN, AIA PRESIDENT GBB/PW Submitted into the - "'d in cOnnecfio..: item P on �- City l p—A LD\NIN SACK M A N + ASSC?C IP. T ES PA RC H,TEC-rlz e May 16, 1986 Mayor Xavier Suarez & Commissioners Miami City Nall 3500 Pan American Dr. Miami, FL 33133 Gentlemen, We are owners of property at 2912 S.W. 27th Ave. As such, we Are in favor of the 27th Avenue Gateway to Coconut Grove Plan as presented by the City's Planning Department. Our building presently under utilizes the property and is in need of improvement. It is, however, economically unfeasible to -improve the property with its present zoned usage. Re -zoning would allow proper utilization of the area. Sincerely, rf D ne Joyce Howar eiss Principal Princi al Submitted into the public record in connection with item P2- /5 on Platty Hirai City Cleik Joyce/Snoweiss Design Group, 3315 Rice Street, Suite No. 9, Coconut Grove, FL 33133, (305) 446-7694 40 STUVNN WtsoTeKY Atroewwr At LAW 9060:8pp m Pt srwset COOOMN G wJWW r%MIUDA 231M cow 20 May 13, 1-986 Members of the Planning Advisory Board City of Miami 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, Florida Dear Board Members: 8A 8:Z6pm write to express my views on the S.W. 27th Avenue corridor proposal. In general, I think some degree of commercial development or redevelopment along 27th Avenue and Bird Avenue is legitimate, and that some increase in land use intensiey may be appropriate to accomplish that purpose. The critical question is one of balance. And I think the Planning Department is not showing very much respect for residential uses in the overall scheme of things. Let me give you some specific examples. First, the most obvious area for increased intensity is on 27th Avenue, from Bird Road to Dixie Highway. The existing residential zoning from Bird to Tigertail should be preserved, or at least mixed with office use in a way that would require - a developer to allocate a certain percentage of square footage to residential uses. We have that kind of mixed use now on Mary Street and Commodore Plaza, and there's no reason it couldn't be applied to that stretch of 27th Avenue between Bird and Tigertail. Asecond, and related point -s the traffic impact of the increased land -use intensity. People, many of them with small children, live right on Washington Street, Swanson Avenue, Aviation Avenue, Abaco, etc. Increased traffic will make it increasingly dangerous for these children to play ball or ride their bikes along these streets. Moreover, the Planning Advisory Board itself split 4-4 at its last meeting on the question whether a traffic study should be required before the 27th Avenue Corridor plan is recommended to the City Co=`ies on. It seems to me too obvious for argument that you cannot have a rational planning process that fails to take account and make provisions for the increased traffic that will result from higher land use intensities In this area. To summarize, I make.three points: 1. Preserve a mandatorresidential component along 27th Avenue dtween 'Bird and Tigertail. 2. Draw the Eastern boundary of the 27th Avenue Corridor on 27th Avenue itself. 3. Do a traffic impact study before final approval of the proposal, making sure that it contains adequate safeguards (stop signs, one-way streets) to pprotect the residential neighborhood East of 27tb Avenue. Sincerely, 41 Steven Wisotsky STANLEY H GREENE ARCHITECT 6855 edgewoter drive 2f coral gobles FL 33133 667.7705 May 9, 1986 Re: 2569 Trapp Avenue owner: Progressive Design Inc. City of Miami Planning Director Sergio Rodriguez 275 N.W. 2nd St. Miami, EL '33128 Dear Mr. Rodriguez: I own a lot on the north side of Trapp Ave. just West of Aviation Ave. and have been following the Gateway to Coconut Grove project with interest. The plan is a commendable one in that it recognizes the pressures on existing zoning and suggests a coherent plan to guide development and limit the confusion of appeals and variances. My only suggestion concerns the area roughly bounded by 27th Ave., on the West; Bird Ave., on the North; Aviation Ave., on the East and Tigertail on the South. Sketch attached. I believe this area adjacent to the high density develop- ment of South Bayshore/Tigertail and medium density 27th Ave. deserves more flexibility of development than the existing RG-1/3 allows. I propose a minimum zoning of•RG 2.1/3.3 for the area and perhaps higher along Tigertail. The result would not adversely impact the RS zone to the East and would promote more creative development and consequently more revenue to the City. I hope you will be able to consider the merits of this proposal at the May 19 hearing which unfortunately I cannot' attend. Thanks for your consideration; I await your comments. Sir�Cerely President Progressive Design Iqc. 4 40 ag� NORTH T • � 1 'Ile RS t/% 1511tv AVa. rQ� 'P'ROf ia6 E RO 2.1 • G�l-c�w�4� � - �, AREA go V=s TA 4. .�0��v i N'i %IJs rTy r 'RO 31` IX LvQIE1WT 86-Wo � `� n s � (i May 9, 1986 DALLA R IZZA & ASSOCIATES con.sld ing engineers, inc. O(*L%L NX .N11.E N II. FL XW (•XO,�RS-6(M .%A 0 City of Miami •• Planning Department +,• 275 N.W. 2nd Street Miami, Florida 33233-0708.. Attn: Mr, Guillermo E. 01medillo Chief, Neighborhood Division ' Re: 27th Avenue Metro -Rail Station and Surrounding Neighborhood Property Dear Mr. Olmedillo: We would like to take a moment to thank you for your tine yesterday, regarding our property's possible uses and the feasibility of constructing an office build- ing there. Mrs. Malver of the Zoning Department informed us that you would be pursuing the request for zoning change at your earliest opportunity, as our property does not qualify for us to request the re -zoning. We will contact you on thursday of next week to find out your assesment of the length of time this re -zoning will take and if there are any other alternatives we have overlooked. We appreciate your assistance. Sincerely, DALLA RIZZA b ASSOCIATES CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. • Juan Dalla Rizza President JDR:dlk _ ,A.A. Orrlcts 110 33 EItT N. REYNOLDS 00OrtSSIONAL ASSOC-A- O% "agav N. wtvNOLOS A"CameT AT LAW JtANNt M 40•4491L16• CLA COAL A191STA1." Orrices IN 001AM1 6 May 1966 ANC) r< LAtjOLMDALC SN1Tt 1000 • CATAAN CCNTCPi S100 SONTr. OACCL.ANO •OULCVAAD 11Is1�. ZLaSmA aaiss MUMI (305) 667.7500 OADt =51 66- 6677 900*A..D (305 t 463 . 8877 Guillermo E. Olmedillo ' Planning Director 275 N.W. 2nd Street - Third Floor Miami, Florida 3312P Dear Mr. 'Olmedillo: Re: Zoning regarding —the Gateway to the Grove Concept This firm represents Mr. David•Welsh, the owner of property located at 3151 S.W. 27th Avenue in Coconut Grove. It is Mr. Welsh's desire that his property be included in the proposed zoning changes as stet out in the proposal entitled "Gateway to the Grove". We would appreciate your notifying us of any public meetings and furnishing us with any information regarding this zoning change. Thank you for your time and assistance. Very truly yours, Robert N. Reynolds BNR: kk cc: David Welsh r ` q • � i1• • /�LAW OrrlCts R03Wj;1W--MWf 4LDB wwor[lsION��Aw�t�l�l L6 t986 MAY iww[wT N. wtrNo�ow ATVOANtt At LAW d[ANN[ N. C*N[II k, C1^ SAL AsatwTANT owlets IN NIANI 6 May 1986 AND!+. LAVOcwoALC Cesar H. Odin ' City Manager 3500 Pan An Drive Miami, Florida 33131 Dear Mr. Odin: 36� WR[ 1000 • OATRAN CENTER 000 WU?" D^DCLANC "ULtvwwo xLFSAMMA saws "WWI (300) "00 "CC (305) 061.0077 swarA" (30w) .Aa • 66" Re: Zoning regarding the Gateway to the Drove Concept This fire represents Mr. David Welsh, the.owner of property located at 3151 S.W. 27th Avenue in Coconut drove. It is Mr. Welsh's desire that his property be included in the proposed Boning changes as set out in the proposal entitled "Gateway to the Grove". We would appreciate your notifying us of any public meetings and furnishing us with any information regarding this zoning change. Thank you for your time and assistance. Very truly yours, r obert N. eyno s RhR:kk cc: David Welsh i • 0 May 6, 1986 Anx&M3 & AISIL&M5 pVOrgi8JONAL ASSOCIATION ATTOANCTS AT LAW 334, 6ORNC4eA ORwE COCONUTO*Ovt NI"11 r7,oarDA amaa . (aos) ese • *s:a City of Miami Planning and Zoning Boards ?administration Department 275 N.W. 2nd Street, 2nd Floor Room 226 Miami, Florida 33128 j Re: Coconut Grove Gateway Petition (Southwest 27th Avenue Area) Gentlemen: Please be advised that the undersigned owners of property situated within the development area (3341 Cornelia Drive, Coconut Grove) are in favor of the City's granting the Petition for the proposed zoning actions and transportation improvements in the area described in the legal notice which the city for- warded to us and which is the subject of a public hearing on May 14, 1986. The only reservation that we have is that we feel the maximum number of trees in this environmentally sensitive area should be saved so that the City does not make the mistake of permitting paradise to be paved over with concrete, particularly in the area in which our office property is situated. The land is rich with tropical foliage, live oak trees, royal palms and rare tropical plants. For obvious reasons we would like to see as much green space as possible maintained notwithstanding the permitted new development. We feel that the growth in this area should be measured and controlled rather than haphazard. With only this reservation, we support the granting of the Petition. Sincerely yours, Ll r� m Cam+^ S�"ri "A .C=J. crLw�i —7 .rr C- DAVID POPHAM 3115 S.W. V Ave. Reoitw Amociue Coconut Grove, fl 33133 hwgr4: lMS) 252•IM CWIM: MIS) 443-M • � s+ 1 i DONALD G. SMITH, D. D.S., P.A. tuttc Sol • a" GRCIA • s CoR/►l GAes-t.s. FLORMAE 33134 ,rcLc•M09sc 445 963+ May 5, 1986 i . Dity of Miami Planning Dert. 275 NT.X. "2nd Street Third Floor Miami, Florida Re: Proposed Zoning review of property either side of S.W. 27th Avenue between South Dixie Hwy. and Tigertail Ave. Gentlemen: I am the owner (with my brother) of the two houses and property at 2961 and 2965 Aviation Avenue. These houses are very old and expensive to maintain in rentable condition. Because of this, they return only minimal rents inadequate to justify taxes, insurance and repairs. The traffic in the area has always been excessive for residential use and is rapidly getting even worse. We are in agreement with rezoning to a more suitable higher use. Sincer�.,,- D n G. Smith and Ro ert 0. Smith DGS/ROS/min r �C'1l 3111 S.W. 27th Avenue Apt. B _ Coconut Grove 11 MtNA -FR'S OFFICE Miami, Florida 33139 086 MAY -5 April 30th 1986 Mr. Cesar H. Odio City Manager City Hall 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, FL 33133 RE: S.W. 27th Avenue Development; Proposed Rezoain2 do Imarovemen Dear Kr. Odi.o: N Titer As a resident furmany years in Coconut Grove, I believe that the proposed changes for the area mentioned above would be a much needed improvement. The section of 27th Avenue from Bird Road to Ti.gertai.l is perhaps the most unsightly, depressing, low cost, multi- family developed part of the Avenue. Therefore the proposed rezoning would be of great benefit to Coconut Grove is general and to S.W. 27th Avenue in particular, by; 1. Encouraging rebuidling of attractive, commercial buildings. 2. Improving the appearance of one of the four major gateways to Coconut Grove. 3. Upgrading the calibre of residence on the Avenue. 4. Produce more income for the City from a major, relatively untapped area. The present use of 27th Avenue as a gateway to Coconut Grove necessitates improvements to the road and sidewalks, and rezoning would produce this as well as making the area much more attractive and safer. Sincere ` Louise Gross P.S. The rezoning might help discourage the use of this street by an ever increasing number of drifters and drunks. 86-6Q �' 1 • , David F. welsh i 2410 Prairie Avenue : • `' '' ' ' Miami Beach, Florida 33140 ,.,,, April 17, 1936 G'0 p � r tit r Mr. Cesar Odio City Manager a ' 3300 Pan American Drive Miami, FL 33233-0709 Reference: Gateway to Grove 27th Avenue Re Zoning Dear Mr. Odio: I wish to take this opportunity to express my views on the above referenced matter. . I have been an owner for 17 years; resident 12 years at 3151 S.W. 27th Avenue, Coconut Grove. I want to state for the record that I stand strongly behind the City of Miami Planning Board's proposal for Re -Zoning of 27th Avenue, along with their plans for protection of Residential Character for property East of 27th Avenue. This proposal shows a great depth of awareness of the uniqueness of Coconut Grove, together with realities of what 27th Avenue actually is, ie: the main entrance to Coconut Grove which cannot be denied. I strongly urge your support on this matter that is a vital link in the future of Coconut Grove. Sincerely I remain, David F. Welsh acts".. AN —4, 6. e . 9'V :,$ 0"0'1 ..�, t .s. 1 � p o tty ft Planned t3va dings alono .SW 2T • f. of, tt,ways to the Grove, Avenue, C740'�IE R GPPf�t4 Pow Pao of U.R. t i!"� 2 `t'r i LM.. �t3e±s • -.-- t/ ► tom. ft.. M'Tl�M C(9'►ftl�M :,0.1 - -� TMrocp" rt i . _, .. C•rxae GINOW Mpg51 P1,.AZA - ko. 0c CIt+ut AVE S - ft3�4$t�'UPS:t6J*i F! 7':h ;1¢ A vtt�ti t ev"'.105. I I C.FioYre P1aof E S SION A l tt .-- A0.0% zo ri, OC an I +� ' Id 2'D50 SW 2 DAY CITFIF CORP. Of?" t afoi*-- 3T.000 : c tt . f oast pA "2T01-03 Cay 4.- 4 v : T1� ltTA4 i"rc+Iesa►ory�� �V �V 60.000 rc a . 4 pueveC (or 27th Rvenv0 norllr at T1I AM. 414ortmCe;1tM— n SHIP AVE' T o� �to=•a. n.. at.nnea roe < orr a��` :•.?VA 33M 2Tlt+ Avg. � ° +� Qan►e#a+q• •�1 1 hDAY AV E +►. 4 .• Tiger Tail !•r• I: t7 RtattssWonel A OP t?M Gfove .41 ds` •, • - ^. _ M vIVItN E. �IMirlwan!I two" us -:.- Good, Ahe 'Giovel.-, : PRINCIPLES tTwo whenever the subjee + n: Broad �ezon.. in Coconut Grove • ' nothing should be done It faer • •' t •� ;: • the quaint, village -like t neighborhood -type'.: e bu made Coconut Grove round floor of, or alonII _ tlal part of South Florida. 5 0 ' or office buildings of up�6tlwt • ghat anyo,:e does. changes to Other gateways to _`'tie", occur in th.. Gr--we. wholly residential neigh It Is wrh c4ese two 1 ' tsd character trust not be, that one :niu6: consider rag area lose Its appeal. Butilslb -.. „ g proposal Or ::'th Avenue: m, a 27th Avenue -- some or th"A a Highway tc. Ti...-rtail Ave a --- already Include a mix of ` block we:: w 27th Avenuebe and office tines. Moreover.i�,� ty those points P,.-.nncrs say : r g plans to four -lane 27th .At+IV would pro,.;do ., unified en e e early I�Os. Grove wit :ol:; hip-ting itsSely: Only proper planning can prItIvesi the deatisl nei;::►b.,: hr,. �:i Grove from becoming so Boat lied Miami C :t% . n,::ttissionare Aug that it will lose its charm Thte;'�ity Basked uri'•d ;•, permit ;. miir of agencies' proposal to change the zing residential and buiidlia ow.' is of the whole 27th-to-Tigertall;tarea fronting 2 ,h e:.e and to Increas&tht rather than to permit spot riming deasi:y in t::e c..-cl. %vest of 27th Avenue makes sense. This rezoning plan would to permit :.on:: ruction of townhomes. protect the residential Grove. and -the = The 27th Avenue! r :Uning wa uld pstomit commissio, *therefore should approve It. -rIRT �.+ a• � C HOWARD V. GARY City Manager 11 August 29, 1984 Mr. Jack Rice Esq. P. G. Box 350638 Miami, FL 33135 Dear Mr. Rice: S. W. 27 AVENUE BETWEEN S. BAYSHORE DRIVE AND S. DIXIE HIGHWAY As you requested, enclosed is a copy of a sketch prepared by the City in 1973 indicating the proposed cross section of S. W. 27 Avenue between S. Bayshore Drive and S. Dixie Highway. This portion of S. W. 27 Avenue is now part of the County Road System and is scheduled for design in fiscal 1985-86 and construction in 1989-90. The County has tentatively adopted the cross sectional concept proposed by the City. Sincerely, llps� art- -� illiam E. Parkes, P.E. Assistant Director WAM:rj Enclosure: Cross Section Sketch DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 275 N.W. 2nd Street i Miami, Florida 33128 / (305) $79.68% DONALD W. CATHER, P.E. / Director( 50 IS * MCI v, �I SWIl'- PARMA)' ORIVIh/G "DRIVING LAA/D SCAPED G'1,?IVIAVG DPIVIA16 . PA.•FKW'4,y 5wk,.p LALANE. ME[7IAAI :LANE LAAIE � IP �..�P�I CC%JVC: $U�2 ASPN. MAX. SURD -'�"� •-� � tS l�it�i*,yam � I7/A" 4 3 LIM'�k'C�CK BASE CU 45 LAMEWOC;x' BASE j - CC)n/CRE 7` E F� �GU TTFr,Q CUF'5 GUTTER CUk S, IiV. 27 AVENUE DEVEL OPMEl1 T- F90M U. a. I rO W. PAY6110,- 'a VC. AJO 3CAL DATE : 8-6-73. DRAWN :J . KA . Mr. Eladio Armesto-Garcia offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption. RESOLUTION PAB 14-86 RESOLUTION TO RECC)M MiTTNT) AFFROVAL TO THE CITY COMMISSION OF AT)OPTIIN`G, IN FRiNC,IPLE, THE "SW 27TH AVEFNtTF -- A GATEWAY TO COCONUT GROVE: A DEWELOPMETU STUDY OF DFVI`LOPt`FI T AND TRAFFIC IMPACTS" (AUGUST, 19C,5), WHICH PROPOSES CERTAIN ZONING ACTIONS AND TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT; LN THE AREA POUNDED RY SOUTH DIXIE HIGHWAY TO SOUTH BAYSHORE DRIVE FROM APPROXIMATELY 350 FEET EAST AIdD WEST OF SW 27T'I AVENUE; AND GETNIFRALLY FROM 427TH AVENUE TO VIRGINIA STREET 4100 FEET NORTH AND SOUTH OF COCOANUT AVENUE. Upon being seconded by Mr. Aaron Manes, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Ms. Hadley and Spohn Messrs. Lopez, Simon, Armesto-Garcia, Gomez and Manes NAYES: Messr. Asmar ABSENT: Messrs. Benjamin and Pedraza Mr. Rodriguez: Motion carries 7 to I. May 14, 1986, :.tem 1 Planning Advisory Board <,� 86-8f G