HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-86-0874. J~-86-873 RESOLUTION NO. ~"~~4'~ A RESOLUTION APPROVING A ONE (1) YEAR EXTENSION OF EMPLOYMI1t1T PAST THE AGE OF 72 FOR RUBEht GO?~T'I.~AJ~F7, CLERK I ~ DEPARTMENT OF PERSONNEL MANAGEt~k;T1T, 1~FFL'C`I'I\7}~ SI;PTE:MBER 10, 1986, TIiROUC11 SEPTENBk~R °, ].987, WITH THE PROVISIOtJ T}3.AT IN THE k V111.~T OF' A ROLL BACK OR LAYOFF, RIJBF'N GOte7A1~II' }'}IYSICijI, CONDITION SHALL BE REEVALUATED TO UE'1`ERI,II~E IF HIS CONDITION IS SATISFACTORY FOR COtdTII1UED EMPLOYMENT; FUkTI~k:K PROVIllItdG TIiAT ALL FUTURF, REQUESTS FOR EXTENSION OF EMPLOYMENT BE BROUGHT BEFORE: THE COMMISSION ON A YEARLY BASIS FOR ITS REVIEW. WHEREAS, the Civil Service Board, on September 23, 1986, unanimously recommended the approval of employment past the age of 72 for Ruben Gonzalez, Clerk I, Department of Personnel Management; and WHEREAS, the City Physician has determined that the physical condition of said Ruben Gonzalez is satisfactory for continued employment; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED 13Y THE COMMISSION Ob' THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. A one (1) year extension of employment past the age of 72 is hereby granted for Ruben Gonzalez, Clerk I, Department of Personnel Management, effective September lU, 1986, with the provision that in the event of a rollback, or layoff, Ruben Gonzalez' physical condition shall be reevaluated to determine if his condition is satisfactory for continued employment. Section 2. All future requests for extension of employment shall be brought before the Commission on a yearly basis for ita review. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 13th day of November . 1986. XAVIER L. REZ, MAYOR ATT s MA HIRAI, CITY CL CITY COMMISSION MEETING Off' `\ NDV YS 1986 ~. . __ { _ ,~. 3~ ~ -~ ~; i' PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: t ~~ RO$ERT F. TAR CHIEF DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY APPROy~U ~,S TO FORM AND CORRECTNESSs ~riU~.ln [~. a~vvv~ CITY ATTORNEY _ wrV' - ~r ,~ ~': CtTY af' M~FAMR, r~c41~vrs~+ . If+lT~R~!''~'lCl~ R~4~R~'~?~A!"d~T~,Fk! ;! a i~ ~ { toy '. ,~ 3. Honorable Mayor and Members of the City C c~ni s s i on -woM~ Cesar H. Odio City Manager aRrE~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~~ svu.rECr: Resolution kut:horizing Extension of Employment REFERER(CEE~ ENCIOfUREfF~ RECaMMENC~AT IoN : It is respectfully recommended that the City Commission adopt the attached resolution authorizing a one (1) year extension of employment far Ruben Gonzalez, Clerk I, Department of Personnel Management, pursuant to Sec. 40-207(b) of the City Code and the terms and conditions as set forth there- in. BACKGROUND: The Civil Service Board, at its meeting of September 23, 1986 considered the request of Ruben Gonzalez, Clerk I, in the Department of Personnel Management, for an extension of employment past the age of seventy-two (12) for a period of one (1) year, 4o be effective September 10, 1986 to Septem- ber 9, 1987. The Board Hated that Angela R. Bellamy, Director, Department of Persannel Management, recommended approval of the request and that Dr. Juan A. Milera, City Physician, found Ruben Gonzalez physically qualified to continue employ- ment for the addi*.ianal one (1) year. The Civil Service Board voted unanimously to approve the request, with the provision that in the event of a roil back or layoff, Mr. Gonzalez' physical condition shall be reevaluated to determine if his condition is satisfactory for continued employment. Attachments: Proposed Resolution --. .. ~~ ., _ ,, ~. ~ ~ .. . s CITY of M1~lMi. R~,QRIDA ' IMT~1t~Q!'"RI~~ ~AEIrIC~R/4~l~lltai L Honorable Mayor and Members oArc: ~®~ ~ ~~ n~R: - of the City Commission svuccr: Resolution Ruthari zing Extension of Employment ~"°~' Cesar H. Odi (~ ~ R<iER[NGEEa City Manager VVV ENCLO~URE6: RECOMMENDl~T 1 Qty It is respectfully recommended that the City Commission adopt the attached resolution authorizing a one (1) year extension of employment for Ruben Gonzalez, Clerk I, Department of Personnel Management, pursuant to Sec. 40-207(b) of the City Code and the terms and conditions as set forth there- in. The Civil Service Board, at its meeting of September 23, 1986 considered the request of Ruben Gonzalez, Clerk I, in the Department of Personne~ Management, for an extension of employment past the age of seventy-two (12) fora period of one (1) year, to be effective September 10, 19&6 to Septem- ber 9, 1987. The Board noted that Angela R. Bellamy, Director, Department of Personnel Management, recomrm~nded approval of the request and that Dr. Juan A. Milera, City Physician, found Ruben Gonzalez physically qualified to continue employ- ment for the additional one (1) year. The Civil Service Board voted unanimously to approve the reques t, with the provision that in the event of a roll back or layoff, Mr. Gonzalez' physical condition shall be reevaluated to determine if his condition is satisfactory for continued emplaym>ent. Attachments: Proposed Resolution ~"~7'4' ~_ _ _ _ ~ ~ ~' _ ~ .RI~Nt{(_~'tr t i) li r •~ ~~ •~L .~ tl eE Mtt~L t=U~l~~ ' ~ . CfTY OF M1161tRl. FI.ORit)R ~aA ~~ J C a ~ ~ ~QQ~ Gf CA - INTIER-OFFICE RAF ~'MIC,?F#/IMI,~C~kE Ta Judy Cetter `q~~ c~P ~$ ~''k September. 15, 1986 Executive S r ry ~ '_ rr .- •• ' .~ ^`E' Civil Serv ce Bo rd .{ , _~:~.~ , ,. - - ContinuaCion of Active ~UIRJECT: ~etVi.Ce Beyond Age Seventy (70) FROM: ~~ ~t REEEREMCER Dire :or Depertr~ent of Fern nel Management EP1CLp~URES: The Department of Personnel Management is requesting that Ruben Ganzalez, Clerk I, active service be continued beyond the age of seventy (72) for a period of two (2) years. He reached his seventy'second (71.) birthday on September 10, 1986. This request was granted previously when he reached his seventieth (70) birthday in 1984, Mr. Gonzalez began his employment with the Department of Personnel Management on P9ay 1, 1485. Please find attached the following: 1. Memorandum from Che City Medical Division assessing Mr. Gonzalez's physical capabilities to perform his fob requirements. JTK/vv ~"~ ` '~ __ _. .,, =- . ~f"R~YkU E1 CfTY QF MtllNlt, FtARlAAe ^ S L p ~ ~T ' ''~ Lf INTER-OFFICE R~~MdRANf7-UI~t T~: A,ngela R. Bellamy, oRrE~ September 15, 1?66 n~c: D' _ector Ta'je axtmant cif Persannel Management l6USlECT f"Se'aaCBl Status I ~~.- ~ '~`..-r 'Z rR0 J ''' `~t~~~I:Fra~ M.1a. REFERENCES Ruben GOTIZdleZ~ it}- Physician Ma31 Clerk ENC~osuRr€ For your information Mr. Gonzalez was seen at the City Clinic for a medical evaluation, as per your request, on August 14,1986. Aside from his old cardiac problem his physical examination was unremarkable. Therefore I see no contra-indication :or him continuing to work in this present capacity as a Mail Clerk. PF : rw