HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-86-0952J-86-998
WHEREAS, the City Commission by Resolution No. 82-755
approved, in principle, the Southeast Overtown/Park West
Redevelopment Plan; and
WHEREAS, the City Commission by Resolution No. 84-893
authorized the City Manager to issue a Request for Unified
Development Project Proposals for Phase I of the Southeast
Overtown/Park West Redevelopment Project; and
WHEREAS, proposals were received and evaluated by a
certified public accounting firm and by a selection review
committee appointed by the City Commission; and
WHEREAS, the City Manager considered the findings of the
certified public accounting firm? and the evaluations of the
selection review committee and recommended development entities
and proposals for acceptance for the Phase I development parcels;
WHEREAS, the City Commission by Resolution No. 85-393
approved the City Manager's recommendation of Can -American Realty
Corporation as the development entity to develop Parcel No. 37 of
the Phase I Redevelopment Area in accordance with the development
proposal submitted and in compliance with the Unified Development
Project procedures as set forth in the City of Miami Charter,
Section 53(c); and rcm Colo
Page No. 1
WHEREAS, the City Commission by Resolution No. 85-393
directed the City Manager to negotiate a land disposition
contract with the aforementioned development entity and to
present the negotiated contract to the City Commission for its
consideration and approval; and
WHEREAS, the City Commission has been presented with the
aforementioned negotiated land disposition contract and finds the
terms acceptable; and
WHEREAS, the City Commission has also been presented with
evidence confirming that the aforementioned developer has secured
firm financing commitments for all funds needed to initiate
construction in accordance with the provisions of said land
disposition contract; and
WHEREAS, the developer has agreed to provisions for annual
land lease payments that are consistent with a land residual
reuse appraisal conducted by Real Estate Research Corporation;
Section 1. The City Manager is hereby authorised and
directed to execute the attached Development Agreement with Can -
American Realty Corporation, in a form acceptable to the City
Attorney, for the development of Parcel No. 37 of the Phase I
Redevelopment Area of the Southeast Overtown/Park West
Redevelopment Project, subject to a satisfactory residual reuse
appraisal specifying that the rental payments due under the
Agreement are not less than fair value for the uses in accordance
with the Redevelopment Plan.
Page No. 2
Section 2. Said Agreement shall require that the Can -
American Realty Corporation shall initiate construction within
one year from Commission approval of the Development Agreement by
actually commencing the construction of physical elements at
Parcel No. 37.
PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 25th day of November=_. 1986.
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Honorable Mayor and
To: Members of the City Commission
FRoM: Cesar H. Odio hO
City Manager
It is respectfully recommended that the City Commission approve the
attached resolution authorizing and directing the City Manager to
execute a Development Agreement in a form acceptable to the City
Attorney with Can -American Realty Corporation for the development of
Parcel 37 of the Phase I Redevelopment Area of the Southeast
Overtown/Park West Redevelopment Project.
The Department of Development and the Law Department have analyzed
and reviewed this Development Agreement. The Agreement includes all
the terms necessary to allow this development to proceed in
accordance with the accepted proposal. The City Commission selected
Can -American Realty Corporation to develop Parcel 37 of Phase I in
accordance with Can -American's development proposal, which called for
a complex of 350 rental housing units and 30,000 square feet of
commercial space, on April 11, 1985.
In June 1986, Can American Realty Corporation was awarded an Urban
_ Development Action Grant (UDAG) by the Department of Housing and
Urban Development (HUD). The UDAG award certifies Can -American as
having firm financing commitments thus facilitating a groundbreaking.
The agreement binds the developer to not only complete the project as
proposed but also to adhere to a minority participation goal calling
for 25 percent Black hiring, 25 percent Black contracting and 25
percent Hispanic contracting.
The contract requires lease payments to the City as follows:
For years
for years
lease term
payment of
percent of
10 percent
one through five an annual payment of $1.00;
six through the termination of the original
and applicable renewal terms, an annual basic
1/10 of 1 percent of project revenues and 100
all net cash flow in excess of cumulative of
return on developer equity.
Honorable Mayor and
Members of the City Commission
Page 2
The developer is bound by a $100,000.00 performance bond to complete
the project. The site, will be transferred to the developer upon
commencement of construction.
Rental rates for the units to be developed are proposed at $400.00
for a one -bedroom unit and $575.00 for a two -bedroom unit.
Parcel 37 was acquired with General Obligation Housing Bond Funds
allocated to the Southeast Overtown/Park West Redevelopment Project
as part of the City's Affordable Rental Housing Program.
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November 17, 1986
Section 1.1.
Section 1.2.
Exhibits .................................
Defined Terms
Section 2.1.
Lease of Leaned Property to Developer...
a. Premises ...........................
b. Original Term ......................
o. Renewal Term .......................
d. Possession of Leased Property......
e. Conditions Precedent ...............
f. Developer Obligations Prior to
Possession .......................
Section 2.2.
Restrictive Covenants ...................
a. Use Prohibitions of the Leased
Property .........................
b. No Discrimination ..................
o. Permitted Uses for Leased
d. Enforceability .....................
Section 2.3.
Easements ...............................
a. Existing Easements .................
b. Easements Granted to Developer.....
o. Limitations on Basements Rights....
d. Duration of Easements ..............
e. Confirmatory Instruments...........
Section 2.4.
Title of Leased Property ................
Rental ..................................
a. Rentals Payable ....................
b. Payment of Rental ..................
o. Adjusted Annual Rental .............
d. Task of Appraisers .................
e. Ad Valorem Taxation ................
f. Additional Income ..................
g. Developer's Records ................
Section 2.6.
Covenants for Payment of Public
Charges by Developer ..................
Section 2.7.
Approvals and Consents ..................
Section 2.8.
Security and Police Protection..........
Section 2.9.
Condition of Leased Property............
r * ''"
Section 3.1.
Seotion 3.2.
Seotion 3.3
Seotion 3.4.
Seotion 3.5.
Seotion 3.6.
Seotion 3.7.
Seotion 3.8.
Seotion 3.9.
Seotion 3.10.
Seotion 3.11.
Seotion 3.12.
Seotion 3.13.
Seotion 3.14.
Seotion 3.18.
Conformity of Plans .....................
Preliminary Plans .......................
SoopePlans .............................
Construotion Plans ......................
Faoilities to be Construoted............
Maintenanoe of Leased Property..........
A00e88............ ..................:..
Construotion Period .....................
Progress of Construotion................
Certifioate of Final Completion.........
Conneotion of Building to Utilities.....
Permits and Approvals ...................
Complianoe with Lags ....................
Eztension of Time Requirements..........
Alterations and Renovations .............
Land Uses ...............................
Charaoter and Operation of
V -
Definitions ................:............
Purposes of Restriotions on
Transfers.. ..............................
Notioe of Transfer, Information as
to Shareholders .......................
Effeotuation of Certain Permitted
Transfers .............................
Transfers of the City's Interests.......
Subletting ..............................
Minority Partioipation in
Ownership .............................
VI -
Seotion 6.1. Leasehold Mortgage.... .... 0
Seotion 6.2. No Waiver of Developer's Obligations
Of City's Rights ......................
Section 7.1.
Events of Default - Developer...........
a. Failure - Payment of Money.........
b. Failure - Performance of Other
Covenants, Ito ...................
c. eank uptoy, Ito ....................
Section 7.2.
Remedies for Developer's Default........
Section 7.3.
Events of Default - City ................
a. Events of Default ..................
b. Remedies for City's Default........
Section 7.4.
Unavoidable Delay .......................
Section 7.8.
Obligations, Rights and Remedies
Section 8.1. Mechanics' Liens and Payments of
Obligations ........................... 79
a. Developer to Discharge Mechanics'
Liens............................ 80
b. Payment of Materialmen and
Suppliers........................ 81
Section 8.2. Indemnity ............................... 81
Section 9.1.
Insurance Coverage .................•.....
a. Property Insurance .................
b. Rental Value Insurance .............
o. Automobile Liability Insurance.....
d. Liability Insurance ................
e. Worker's Compensation......... ... 6.
f. Copies .............................
Section 9.2.
Responsible Companies - Blanket
Insuranoe Permitted ...................
Section 9.3.
Named Insureds - Notice to City of
Cancellation ..........................
Section 9.4.
City May Procure Insurance if
Developer Fails To Do So ..............
Section 9.5.
Insurance Does Not Waive Developer's
Obligations ...........................
Section 9.6.
Loss or Damage Not to Terminate
Rental or this Agreement ..............
Section 9.7.
Proof of Loss ............................
section 9.8. Property Insurance Proceeds .............
a. Authorized Payment .................
b. Disposition of Insuranoe Proceeds
forReconstruction ...............
o. Lenders and Lender/Landlords May
Have Benefit of Insurance Fund
for Reconstruction ...............
Section 9.9. Covenant for Commenoement and
Completion of Reoonstruotion..........
Section 9.10. Developer's Rights In the Event of
Uninsured Major Casualty ..............
Section 10.1. Entire Leased Property Taken by
Condemnation .... .... ....... ........
Section 10.2. Partial Taking of Leased Property
byCondemnation .......................
Section 10.3. Adjustment of Rent Upon Partial
Taking ................................
Section 10.4. Taking for Temporary Use or of
Leasehold Estate .......................
Section 11.1. Quiet Enjoyment .........................
Section11.2. waste ...................................
Section 21.3. Maintenance and Operation of
Improvements.... .......................
Section 11.4. Ownership of Improvements During Lease..
Section 11.8. Surrender of Leased Property............
Section I.I.S. City and Developer to Join in
Certain Actions .......................
Section 12.1.
Section 12.2.
Section 12.3.
Section 12.4.
Section 22.0.
No Partnership or Joint Venture........
Recording, Documentary Stamps...........
Florida and Local Laws Prevail..........
Conflicts of Interest; City Represen-
tatives Not Individually Liable.......
a. Developer ..........................
b_ Davainnwr*a TtAnnrda_____________
Estoppel Certificates... ...............
Provisions Not Nerged with Deed.........
Titles of Articles and Sections.........
Counterparts ............................
Non-Disturbanoe and Attornment ..........
Non -Discrimination and Equal
Successors and Assigns ..................
Exculpation .............................
Entire Agreement ........................
Amendments ..............................
Panel ...................................
Actions. Hearings and Decisions.........
• :fix
Exhibit A-1
Survey and Plat
Site Plan
Exhibit A-2 `_-_ Legal Desoriptioa
Exhibit B Form of Performanoe Bond
Exhibit C List of Approved Conoept Plane
Exhibit D - Development Sohedule
Exhibit E Development
a Agreement'
Kinority Partioipatio
Exhibit F Eaiatenanoe Responsibility Site plan
Exhibit G "
IRIS LEASE AGREEMENT, made this _ day of ,
19_.., by and between Park hest, Ltd., a Florida Limited
Partnership (aereinafter referred to as "Developer"), and the
City of Miami, a munioipal oorporation of the State of Florida
(hereinafter referred to as "the City"), aoting by and through
the City Manager (hereinafter referred to as "the City Manager"),
with the prior approval of the City Commission of Miami.
The City is owner, in fee simple, subjeot to oertain rights
of others, of all that oertain land looated between North Miami
Avenue, Northwest lot Avenue, Northwest 8th Street, and Northwest
9th Street, in the City of Miami, County of Dade, State of
Florida, whioh is oolleotively referred to herein as "elook 37."
Hlook 37 is shown on the Survey and the Plat attached hereto as
E=hibit A-1.
By authority of the City of Miami Charter, the City on
July 31, 1984 authorized the publioation of a request for
proposals for the unified development projeot to be known as
Southeast Overtown/Park Nest redevelopment Projeot Phase I
Developer submitted a proposal to develop a residential
projeot to be known as "Park Nest Plaoe" ("Projeot"), vhioh will
oonsist of the following improvements generally shown on the Site
Plan attached hereto as Sshibit A-8 and hereinafter referred to
as "Developer Improvements":
• i tilfit��,4 r ,` _
g �y
Sighrise apartment building containing 380
units and adjoining parking ramp containing
390 spaces and 40,000 square feet of
commercial space in separate structures.
Developer shall build the residential and commercial
structures in two stages with the residential structure and
adjoining parking ramp comprising the first stage.
It is the mutual desire of the parties that Blook_=37 be
•� !
leased and demisedr by the City to Developer for the purpoges_eet
forth in the request for proposals advertised by the City and the
proposal submitted by Developer, subject to and upon the terms
and conditions contained herein.
The Statement of Background and Purpose is a description of
the current intent of the parties with regard to development and
construction of the Project and is intended to be an aid to the
understanding of this Lease, but it is not intended to limit the
rights or the obligations of the parties except to the extent
that it contains definitions and terms which are used elsewhere
in this Lease. The square foott;es and descriptions in this
Statement of Background and Purpose are for illustrative purposes
only, and as to such matters the approved Construction Plans
prepared by the parties shall control. Certain tetras defined in
the Statement of Background and Purpose are more particularly
defined in Section 1.2, to which reference is hereby made.
In consideration of the foregoing and of the rent,
covenants, and agreements hereinafter set forth, the parties do
hereby covenant and agree as follows:
Section I.I. w:�d. Attached hereto and forming a part
of this Agreement are the following Rib' its:
Exhibit A-1 -- Survey and Plat
i it A-2 -- Site Plan
Exhibit -- Legal Description
Exhibit C -- Form of Performance Bond
Exhibit D -- List of Approved Concept Plans
Exhibit B -- Development Schedule
Exhibit F -- Minority Participation Agreement
Exhibit G -- Maintenance Responsibility Site Plan
Section 1.2. Defined Terms. As used herein the term:
•AoAe�table QRerater" means any person, firm, corporation or
other entity possessing the experience, qualifioations, good
reputation, financial resources and adequate personnel necessary
for the proper .performance of all of Developer's obligations
under• this Lease in a manner oonsonant with the quality,
reputation and eoonomio viability of the Project. inoluding
(without limitation) the obligation of Annual Base Rental
theretofore payable by Developer under this Lease. Specifically,
an Acceptable Operator shall be selected based on the following
i. The entity must presently own or manage at least
five hundred (500) rental housing units, of which
at least one hundred (100) must be in a single
� f .
8. There must be no outstanding building code
violations against any residential property owned
or managed by the City.
3. There must be no discrimination complaints (with
respect to renting or employment practices) which
have ever been resolved against the entity.
4. The entity must have been in the business of owning
or operating rental housing for at least three
It is understood that any wholly owned subsidiary or any
affiliate of Developer and any other entity that meets all of the
criteria shall be automatically deemed an Acceptable Operator.
However. fifteen (15) days prior to the Acceptable Operator
assuming Developer's obligations, Developer shall notify City in
writing of suoh assumption.
The qualifications of all other entities that do not
automatically qualify as an Acceptable Operator shall be
submitted in writing by Developer to the City Manager for his
review sand approval. If no written response from the City
Manager is delivered to the Developer within fifteen (15) days
after the submission of such qualifications the proposed
Acceptable Operator shall be deemed approved.
"Aoeevtahla 92erator Agreement" has the meaning ascribed to
it in Section 6.1(o)(iv).
"AeoeutabIn Purohaser0 has the meaning ascribed to it in
Section 5.3(d) and shall qualify on the same basis as a;n
*Acceptable Operator".
"Addi�,�,onai Rental" means any and all payments required of
Developer to the City by the terms of this Lease other than
"Ad justed Dates" has the meaning asoribed to it in Seotion
"This Agreement" or "this Lease", mesas this Lease
Agreement, as the same may be modified or amended from time to
time. .,
"Annual $asio�Rental " has the meaning asoribed to it in
subparagraph (i) of Seotion 2.8(a).
"Audited Finaneiai Statement" means a Finanoial Statement
oertified by the Auditor to have been prepared in a000rdanoe with
Generally Aooepted A000unting Prinoiples and Generally Aooepted
Auditing Standards as promulgated by the Amerioan Institute of
Certified Publio A000untants.
"Auditor" means Prioe Waterhouse or suoh other nationally
reoognized firm of oertified polio a000untants as may be used
from time to time by the Developer for the purpose of oertifying
the annual reports of its finanoial oondition required by law.
"�vit� al Turevements" means any addition to the Projeot or
the oonstruotion of any additional portion of the Projeot or
other oonstruotion in, upon or oonstituting part of the Leased
Property 000urring subsequent to the date on whioh the entire
Projeot is "open for business."
"fiertifieate et Final Cemrier, tinn" has the meaning asoribed
to it in Seotion 3.10.
"The City" has the meaning asoribed to it in the opening
paragraph of this Agreement, also referred to as Lessor, City or
"Citg_ n-rovemente" has the meaning ascribed to it in
Section 3.8.
"CLIS Maintenance ,area" has the meaning asoribed to it in
Section 3.6.
"The City Qer" has the meaning ascribed to it in the
opening paragraph of this Agreement.
"Completion Date" means that date on which the City Manager
shall be required to issue the Certifioate of Final Completion
pursuant to Section 3.10.
"Coastruotion Plans" has the meaning ascribed to it in
Seotion 3.4.
"Debt Service Pavmenta" means all principal and interest,
rental and other sums and amounts paid or payable for or during
the applicable or pertinent period or in connection with any
Leasehold Mortgage or any Sale-Subleasebaok Transaction for the
Developer e' estate in the Leased Property and Developer
Improvements and on borrowing to finance Capital Improvements;
provided, however, that in the event of a foreclosure of any
Leasehold Mortgage or the conveyance of Developer's estate in the
Leased Property and Developer Improvements to the holder of any
Leasehold Mortgage (Or the nominee of any suoh holder) by deed in
lieu of foreclosure, or in the event of the termination of any
lease or sublease arising out of a Sale-Subleasebaoi Transaotion
for suoh estate, the term "Debt Service Payments" shall
thereafter inolude all prinoipal and Interest, rental and other
sums and amounts which would have beoome payable pursuant to or
In connection with such Leasehold Mortgage or Sale-Subieaseback
Transaction but for suoh foreolosure, deed in lieu of foreclosure
or lease termination.
"Defer It Rate" has the meaning asoribed to it in
subparagraph (b) of Seotion 2.8.
"Developer" has the meaning asoribed to it in the opening
paragraph of this Agreement, also referred to as Lessee, Tenant
or Sublessor.
"Developer JZUtg" means an amount, to be determined
periodioally, equal to all sums of money of every kind and nature
oontribute. to the Projeot by Developer, for the oonstruotion and
development of the Projeot, inoluding, but not limited to, any
and all expenditures by the Developer to fund: (1) oosts of
oonstruotion of the Projeot; (ii) liabilities or obligations
resulting from drays on letters of oredit posted by the
Developer; (ILL) reserve funds funded from souroes other than
Project Revenues, or (iv) fees paid to any entity for servioes
rendered, in oonneotion with the development,. finanoing,
oonstruotion, initial rent -up or management of development of the
Projeot, inoluding funds provided to oover operating defioits.
•DevalajMant Costs" means an amount, provided in reasonable
detail to the City by an exeoutive offioer of Developer and
aooeptable to Developer's Leasehold Mortgagees or
Lender/Landlords, equal to the aggregate of all oosts and
expensed aotually inourred direotly or indireotly by Developer
for the purpose of and properly allooated to the initial
development and oonstruotion of the Developer improvements on the
Leased Property.
5 ry
"Develaper T�nrovementa" has the meaning ascribed to it in
the Statement of Background and Purpose.
"UM -taper an Area" has the meaning asoribed to it
In Section 3.8.
"pnyeloper Utility 8aaement" has the meaning ascribed to it
in the subparagraph (i) of Section 2.3(b).
"Development schedule" means the construction timetable for
the Developer Improvements. The Development Schedule is attached
and incorporated herein as S:hibit E.
08nvironmental Taros" has the meaning ascribed to it in
Section 3.12.
"Nyente of the city'a Default" has the meaning ascribed to
it in Section 7.3(a).
"gventa of Develoger's Default" has the meaning ascribed to -
it in Section 7.1(a)(b) and (c).
"Fair ;Market Value" means the price, as of the date in
question, which a Boller, villing but not obligated to sell,
would accept for the City's reversionary interest in the Leased
Property and,the Improvements or the Developer's estate in the
Leased Property and the Improvements (as the oaso may be), and
which a buyer, villing but not obligated to buy, vould pay
therefor in an arm's length transaotion.
"Final subatrueture Plane" has the meaning ascribed to it in
Section 3.4.
"Finaneine snbieaee" has the meaning ascribed to it in the
definition of "Sale-Subleaeebaok Transaction
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"Improve antno shall mesa all existing and future structures
at the Leased Property.
"ram■�+ ++++i nil Investor" has the meaning ascribed to it in
subparagraph (b) of Section 6.1.
"r11�11+_•a en Trustee" has the meaning ascribed to it in
Section 9.8(a).
"Leaseable Area" means the aggregate of the actual number of
square feet of leaseable area in the Leased Property designed for
the exclusive use and 000upanoy of rent paying Subtenants,
excluding common areas, mezzanine storage areas, areas used for
management and promotion offices, mechanical equipment penthouse,
and truck loading areas.
"Leased Property" has the meaning ascribed to it in
Subparagraph (a) of Section 2.1.
"Leasehold Mortgage" has the meaning ascribed to it in
Section 8.1.
"Ls=sx" shall have the meaning asoribed to it in
subparagraph (b) of Section 6.1.
means a lender, and any successor,
assignee, transferee or designee of such lender, to which, in
connection with the providing of financing to the Developer under
this Lease, Developer's leasehold interest in this Lease has been
conveyed and which has thereafter entered into a Financing
Sublease with Developer.
"get each naw" means the amount of funds obtained for each
Rental Year by substmoting Project Expenditures from Project
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611=14-na Date" means the date on which the first residential
unit is occupied by a tenant.
"Original Term" has the meaning ascribed to it in
subparagraph (b) of Section 2.1.
"erieinal Investors" shall mean for the purpose of this
Lease Can American Realty Corporation, Northport Development
Corporation, Garrett G. Carlson and Richard S. Kahn.
"Owner" has the meaning ascribed to it in subparagraph (b)
of Section 0.1.
"Droner whose shares are vab�Y traded" has the meaning
ascribed to it in subparagraph (c) of Section 8.1.
"Possession Date" has the meaning ascribed to it in
subparagraph (d) (vi) of Section 2.1.
"Print ual Partner" means initially Can American Realty
Corporation as the managing general partner of the -Developer and
its permitted successors, assigns, or transferees.
"Project" has the meaning ascribed to it in the third
paragraph of the Statement Background and Purpose.
"Project Sznenditures" means all expenditures of every kind
and nature incurred by the Project or by the' Developer in
connection with the Project in any single Rental Year, including,
but not limited to, (i) all costs and expenses associated with
operation, maintenance and repair of the Project; (ii) all debt
service payments, fees, and expenses due on or in oonnection with
loam incurred by the Developer in connection with the
construction, development, operation. maintenance or repair of
the Project, including, but not limited to any leasehold
mortgage; (iii) expenditures for the acquisition or construction
of replacements and improvements not normally chargeable to
current operations; (iv) management fees, including, but not
limited to, incentive management fees; (v) a return, not
exceeding fifteen percent (15%) per annum, on the Project's
Developer Equity; (vi) sums deposited as required by Leasehold
Mortgagee for the operation or maintenance of the Project; (vii)
finanoing fees; (viii) real estate taxes; and (ix) such other
expenditures as may be reasonably necessary in connection with
the operation, maintenance and repair of the Project.
"Proleot Revenues" means in any single Rental Year, all cash
generated by the Project less (i) any proceeds from sale or
refinancing of the Project; less (ii) any proceeds resulting from
a syndication of the Project or the Developer; less (iii) any
capital contributions of the Developer contributed to the Project
or the Developer; lees (iv) any and all Developer Equity, of
every ]rind and nature, contributed by the Developer, in such
Rental Year, for the construction. operation or maintenance of
the Project, and less (v) any insurance proceeds resulting from
damage to or destruction of the Project.
"ftblio charges" has the meaning ascribed to it in Section
"Beoonstruotien WQXW has the meaning ascribed to it in
- subparagraph (b) of Section 9.8.
"�ovai Ontien" has the meaning ascribed to it in Section
"jai Term" has the meaning ascribed to it in
subparagraph (o) of Section 2.1.
"Rent Commencement Data means the date described as "Rent
Commencement Date" on Exhibit F attached hereto, subject to
extensions or adjustments thereto for a period equal to any delay
in the occurrence in the Completion Date due to Unavoidable
Delays, as defined in Section 4.4.
"Rawl" has the meaning ascribed to it in subparagraph (a)
Section 2.3.
"Rental Year" means a calendar year consisting of twelve
(12) consecutive calendar months beginning on January 1 and
ending on December 31 of each year of this Lease. The first
Rental Year during the term of this Lease shall oommenoe on the
Possession Date and and on December 31st of the same calendar
year in which the Possession Date occurs, and the Rental and
Additional Rental shall be apportioned therefor. Any portion of
the term remaining after the end of the last full. Rental: Year
constitutes the final Rental Year, and Rental and Additional
Rental shall be apportioned therefore.
"S1a,eaefkback Traneactien" means Developer's sale to a
Leader/Landlord of all or a substantial portion of Developer's
interest in this Lease, and the subsequent ezecution of a
sublease ("Finanoing Sublease") between Lender/Landlord and
"Been Plan=" has the meaning ascribed to it in Section 3.3.
" " , 01101% eeotien" 0 "parara h" 0 "�" ,
001AUBa" , or " a" followed by a number or lett�erl means the
section. subsection, paragraph, subparagraph, olauee or subolause
of this Agreement so designated,
"Southeast Avertown/P rk Vast Redeyelov ent Zroj t Pbase S
CIRROPT." has the meaning ascribed to it in the Statement of
Baokground and Purpose. `
"Stages of Develo=gam" means the two aspeots of the
Developer Improvements to be constructed, with the residential
structures and parking ramp comprising the first stage and the
commercial structures comprising the seoond stage.
"SubleaeS" means any lease, sublease, license or other
agreement by which Developer or any person or other entity
claiming under Developer (including, without limitation, a
subtenant or sublicensee) demises, leases, subleases, licenses or
sublioenses to or permits the use or occupancy by another person
or entity of any part of the Leased Property and Developer
Improvements excluding individual residential tenant leases to
nonrelated parties.
" means any person, firma corporation .or other
legal entity using or occupying or entitled to use or occupy any
part of the Leased Property or the Developer Improvements under a
Sublease.'also referred to as Subtenant or Sublessee.
"Qrba*+ DeyeleUIDent Action Groat (UDAG)" means the funds
provided by the O.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
C"80D") in the amount of $4.5 million to pay for Project costs
during the construction period.
`--AgXWR=1" means that certain agreement ezeouted
between City and Developer.
Section 2.1. Lease of Loaned PrOR rty to Developer.
Subject to the conditions set forth in this Agreement, to the
payment of rental provided herein, and the performance of the
parties hereto of the duties and obligations on the part of each
to be performed hereunder:
(a) PsealAm. The City demises and leases to Developer,
and Developer takes and hires from the City, all of the area
specified on 8zhibit A-1 and more particularly described in the
legal description attached hereto as Exhibit B, and subject to
the restrictions, conditions, covenants and easements hereinafter
mentioned, reserved or granted (the "Leased Property"). The City
and Developer recognize that the boundaries of the Leased
Property may require minor adjustments to accommodate the
Developer Improvements' contemplated pursuant to the Construction
Plane. Should the parties agree a modification is required,
Szhibit 3 to this Lease shall be amended accordingly.
New structures shall be limited to a mazimum of forty
percent (40%) commercial usage of Leasable Area. Buildings on
the Leased Property shall not ezoeed a total of 450,000 square
feet of Leaseable Area of New Construction, ezoluding square
footage required for parking.
(b) Original Term. To have and to hold the Leased Property
for a term of fifty (00) years, commencing on the first day of
the month next following the Possession Date. Within thirty (30)
days after the Possession Date, the City manager and Developer,
upon request of either party, shall execute one or more written
nemoranda in such form as will enable them to be recorded among
the Land Records of Dade County setting forth the beginning and
termination dates of the Original Term, determined in accordance
with this Agreement.
(o) Renewal Term. Developer is granted, an option to renew
this Lease from time to time upon the same terms and conditions,
except as otherwise expressly provided, for up to two (2)
additional terms (each called a "Renewal Term") of twenty five
(25) and twenty four (24) years each respectively, commencing at
the expiration of the Original Term or the previous Renewal Term,
as the case may be, and termination on the twenty fifth (25th)
and twenty fourth (24th), anniversary respectively, of such
expiration, by giving the City express written notice of a
renewal notf less than eighteen (18) months before the date on
which such Renewal Term is to oommenoe. At the City's option, if
within ninety (90) days from reoeipt of Developer's notice to
renew. City provides written notice to Developer of City's intent
to exercise its option, such renewal request shall not be granted
If at the expiration of the Original Term or the immediately
preceding Renewal Term, as the case may be, an event of
Developer's Default shall have occurred and be continuing within
one hundred eighty (180) days before commencement of a Renewal
Tern. provided Developer has been given an opportunity to once
suoh default and has failed to do so.
The City Manager and Developer, upon request of either party
shall execute one or more written memoranda in.suoh form as will
enable them to be recorded among the Lund Records of Dade County
setting forth the beginning and termination dates of the Renewal
Term, determined in accordance with this Agreement.
(d) Peeaesaion of Leased Property. The City shall deliver
possession of the Leased Property to Developer, and Developer
shall take possession thereof within two (2) days after the
following shall have occurred:
(i) The City Manager shall have approved the
Preliminary Plans and, Scope Plans for the Developer Improvements
to be constructed on the Leased Property, as provided in Sections
3.2 and 3.3;
(ii) The City Manager shall have received and approved.
the oommi"ent or commitments for the construction and permanent
finanoing of the Developer Improvements to be constructed at the
-Leased Property, or such other evidence as may be reasonably
satisfactory to the City Manager that such finanoing has been
oommitted or is available which approval shall not be
unreasonably withheld. The City Manager must approve such
financing if same is on terms prevailing in the then current
market place in the United States. Developer may, at its option,
self -finance all or a portion of the Developer Improvements
provided, however, that Developer may not charge the Project an
interest rate in excess of Developer's cost of borrowing.
Upon receipt of the financing commitment or commitments the
City Manager shall review the same and shall promptly (but in any
�y r
event within fifteen (15) days after such receipt), give
Developer written notice of his approval or disapproval setting
forth in detail his reasons for any disapproval. If no written
response from the City manager is delivered to Developer with
fifteen (18) days after the submission of such financing
oommitment or commitments, they shall be deemed approved, except
that no violations of applicable ordinances, codes, laws.
regulations or of this Agreement shall be deemed waived thereby.
(iii) All governmental permits and approvals required
to oommenoe oonstruotiba shall have been obtained by Developer;
(iv) The City Manager shall have reoeived from
Developer a one hundred thousand dollar ($100,000) Performance
Bond as a means of insuring the prompt and faithful performance
and observance by Developer of all of its obligations hereunder
with respect to the construction and completion of the Developer
Improvements to be constructed on' the Leased Property. The City
shall release the Performance Bond if any of the following
- No other BBOPW Development is under construction
within one (1) year after Developer has taken
possession of the Leased Property.
- There is a substantial increase in crime or the
perception of crime within a one (1) mile radius
of BROPW over lose levels.
- Lack of support in the Project by the City
Commission as evidenced in their official acts
or refusal to act in 88OPW matters.
Continuing detrimental public statements by City
officals that have a material effect on the
marketing of the Project and/or SROPW.
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A form of the Performance Bond Mhioh shall be acceptable to
City is attached hereto as 8ahibit C.
(v) The date that the City delivers possession of the
leased property to the Developer in a000rdanoe with this
subparagraph (d), by notion in writing, is herein oalied the
"Possession Date".
(e) Conditionm Preoedent. Notvithstanding anything in
d i .
gVbseotion (d) above to the oontrary, Developer shall not be
obligated to take possession of the Leased Property or to perform
any other obligations under this Lease unless and until the
following shall have 000urred or have been obtained:
(1) the City Manager has approved all the Soope Plans
for the Developer Improvements; and
(ii) Developer has obtained all governmental approvals
and permits necessary for oommencement of oonstruction of the
Developer Improvements; and
(iii) the City Manager shall have reoeived the
authorization neoessary for the oonstruotion of the 9th Street
Mall and mandated to prooeed with the same in a form satisfaotory
to Developer. Furthermore. the City Improvements, oonsisting of
infrastruoture improvements shall be substantially oompleted; and
(iv) Developer shall have obtained a oommitment or
oom itaents. on terms and in a form satisfaotory to Developer.
vithia the sole disoretion of Developer. from Institutional
Investors or Lender/Landlords for construotion and long term
financing of the Developer Improvements and the Leader has
approved the terms of this Lease; and
(v) Developer shall be satisfied that the development
of the Project will not violate the Environmental •Laws
(hereinafter defined) .
(vi) City shall have executed a UDAG agreement with
MM satisfactory to Developer and Developer shall have executed
VDAG Agreement with City.
(vii) Developer shall be satisfied that
representations made in Section 2.4 are accurate.
(viii) Developer shall be satisfied with the test and
inspections provided for in Section 3.9.
(ix) Any other preoonstruotion conditions set forth in
this Lease have been satisfied.
Developer and the City shall use good faith efforts to
promptly satisfy all of the aforesaid conditions precedent. It
is recognized•by the parties hereto that it is not the intention
of either *wty to encumber the Leased Property with this Lease
for an indefinite period of time during the period of
satisfaction of the aforesaid conditions precedent and that
therefore either party shall have the right to terminate this
Leave if ali of the aforesaid conditions precedent are not
satisfied or waived on or before one (1) year from the date of
execution of this Lease by all parties.
No waiver of any of the foregoing conditions precedent shall
be implied by any conduct of Developer. including (without
limitation) any election by Developer to proceed with any
development activity prior to the satisfaction of all of such
condition precedents, it being agreed that any waiver by
Developer of any such condition preoedent shall be effeoted only
by Developer's express Written statement to that effeot delivered
to the City or the City manager.
No Waiver of any of the foregoing oonditions preoedent shall
be implied by any oonduot of the City, it being agreed that any
Waiver by City of any suoh oondition preoedent shall be effeoted
only by City's express Written statement to that effeot delivered
to Developer.
standing anything herein to the oontrary, until possession of the
Leased Property shall have been delivered to Developer pursuant
to the provisions of subseotion (d) and (e) of this Seotion 2.1.
Developer Shall not be required to perform any of its obligations
hereunder With respeot to any portion of the Leased Property as
to Which possession shall not have been so delivered to the
extent that such possession shall be reasonably required for the
performance Of such obligation.
Seotion 2.2. Restrietive Cenenanta. The restriotive
covenants contained in paragraphs (a) through (o) of this Seotion
2.2 are intended and designed to bind the Developer and the City {'
and their respective suooessors and assigns and bind upon and run
with the Leased Property throughout the entire term of this
Lease, inolud4ng any Renewal Term and any new lease exeouted
Pursuant to the provisions of Beotioas 8.1 and 8.2. The parties
reoogasae, however. that the development and operation of the
Leased Property, the Developer Improvements and the City
Improvements in a manner vhioh is in the best interests of both
�a za •
parties may from time to time require the oonfirmation,
olaritioation, amplifioation, or elaboration of this Agreement in
order to deal adequately with oiroumstanoes whioh may not now be
foreseen or antioipated by the parties. The parties reserve unto
themselves the right to enter into suoh interpretive,
implementing or oonfirmatory written agreements from time to time
as they mutually deem neoessary or desirable for any suoh purpose
without obtaining the oonsent or approval of any person or entity
not a party to this Agreement exoept as may be expressly
otherwise provided in this Lease or by law.
(a) Sloe Prohi + ti o a of the LgaaeA Prop ertZ. The Leased
Property hereby demised shall not be knowingly used by Developer
nor shall Developer knowingly permit the use 'of same for the
(i) Coinbox entertainment (pinball, video games,
moving piotnres operated by ooins); or
(ii) Any unlawful or illegal business, use or purpose,
or for any business, use or purpose whioh is immoral or
disreputable (including without limitation "adult entertainment
establishments• and •adult" bookstores) or extra -hazardous, or in
suoh manner as to oonstitute a nuisanoe of any kind (public or
private). or for any purpose or in any w&y in violation of the
oertifioates of 000upanoy (or other similar approvals of
applicable governmental authorities).
(b) No , No oovenant, agreement, lease,
oonveygnoe or other instrument shall be effeoted or executed by
Developer, or any of its sucoeseore or assigns, whereby the
s J
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Leased Property or any portion thereof is restricted by
Developer, or any successor in interest, upon the basis of race,
color, religion, sea, national origin, or handicap in the sale,
lease, use or occupancy thereof. Developer will comply with ail
applicable state and local laws, in effect from time to time,
prohibiting discrimination or segregation by reason of race,
color, religion, sex, national origin, or handioap in the sale,
lease or occupancy of the Leased Property.
Developer agrees that it shall not discriminate as to race,.
sex, color, oreed, national origin, or handicap in connection
with its use of the Leased Property. Purthermore, Developer
agrees to mate reasonable accommodations for the handicapped and
that no othetvise qualified handicapped individual shall solely
by reason of his or her handicap be exoluded from participation
in, be denied the benefits of. be denied access to facilities, or
be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity
allowed under this Lease Agreement.
(0) Permitted Uses for Leased Property. The only uses
permitted on the Leased Property are:
Owner or renter-000upied housing, oommeroial
space, and related parting for both, subject
to the limitations that the residential
structures shall comprise sixty percent (60%)
of the total leasable area, not including
parting, with fifteen percent (15%) of same
priced to be affordable to families whose
income is eighty percent (80%) or less to one
hundred and twenty percent (120%) of median
(d) 11113. It is intended and agreed hereby that
the restrictive covenants contained in this Section 2.2 shall be
binding upon the City and the Developer, their suooeseors and
assigns, and are oovenants running with the land and sucoegsors
in interest, as the Case may be, and shall be for the benefit and
in favor of, and enforoeable by the City and Developer
respeotively, as the Case may be; provided, however, that suoh
oovenants shall be binding on Developer, and the City, and their
respeotive euooessors in interest and assigns, only for suoh
period as eaoh shall have (i) fee title to the Leased Property,
as to the City, and (ii) the leasehold estate herein demised to
Developer, as to Developer. It is further understood that suoh
covenants shall not be enforoeable by any other third party.
Seotion 2.3. The following easements presently
ezist or are hereby granted.
Ca) ting RAMementa. There are no existing easements on
the Leased Property.
(b) WARAMAntB Granted to Developer. The City grants unto
Developer, its euooessors and assigns the following:
(i) the non-ezolusive right and easement (the
"Developer Utility Saeement") to install, maintain, repair and
replace utility facilities suoh as water, gas, eleotrio, and
telephone lines and storm and sanitary sewers underground within
portions of the Leased Property, and any other property owned by
the City whioh is not a dedioated street, in the looation shown
therefor on the approved Construction Plans or in suoh other
locations as may be approved by the City Manager from time to
�` s-
(ii) the non-exclusive rights and easements for
installation, maintenance, repair and replacement of utility
facilities and for pedestrian and vehicular access to and from
the Leased property, at such locations as may be approved by the
City Manager from time to time; and
(III) any other right or easement reasonably necessary
to accomplish Developer's purpose.
It is the intent of this Agreement that the Developer
Improvements be confined to the limits of the Leased Property.
(0) Limitations en Basement Rights. The rights and
easements granted or'reserved in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this
Section 2.3 shall be limited as follows; however, no provision
stated herein shall add to or detract from any existing easement
presently encumbering the property by any other governmental
entity or service district:
(1) The party having the benefit of any such easements
(A) shall carry on any oonstruotion, maintenance or repair
activity with diligence and dispatch and shall use its diligent
efforts to complete the same in the shortest time possible under
the circumstances, and (3) shall not carry on any construction,
maintenance or repair activity in the easement area in such a
manner as to unreasonably interfere with the use and enjoyment of
the servient tenement. and in carrying on such activities, will
do so in such a manner as not to unreasonably interfere with
business or businesses then being conducted in the Improvements
or on the Leased Property by Developer or its Subtenants.
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(2) Rxcept in the event of emergency, the party having
the benefit of such easement shall not carry on any construction,
replacement, maintenance or repair activity at any time in such
easement area unless such party notifies the other of its
intention to do so.
(3) Promptly upon the completion of any such
construction, repair or maintenance activity, the party having
the benefit of such easement shall, at its expense, restore the
surface of the easement area as nearly as possible to its former
condition and appearance.
(d) ents. Unless a shorter term is herein
provided, each of the rights and easements granted or reserved in
paragraphs (a) and (b) of this Section 2.3 shall be for the
Original Term of this Lease, for each Renewal Term, and for the
term of.any new lease made pursuant to the provisions of Sections
6.1 and 8.2.
(e) tarZ Instruments. Each party covenants and
agrees that from time to time at the request of the other party,
it shall execute and deliver such additional documents or
instruments confirming the rights and easements granted and
reserved in this Section 2.3 or more precisely fixing their
location as such requesting party shall doom to be necessary or
desirable. The City Manager is hereby authorized and empowered
on behalf of the City to execute and deliver. from time to time,
any such confirmatory documents or instruments.
section 3.4. Title e# Leased Pro.VArjY. The City
represents, covenants and warrants that it has good and
marketable fee simple title to the Leased Property and all of the
improvements thereon, which title is free and clear from all
covenants, easements, liens, clouds of title or other
If title is found defective, thereby rendering title
unmarketable City shall have one hundred and eighty (180) days
from reosipt of notice of such finding to remove said defeot(s),
and if City is unsuooessful in removing them within said time,
(i) Developer shall accept the title as it then is or (ii) City
and Developer shall mutually agree to be released, as to one
another, of all further obligations under this Lease; however,
City agrees that it will, if title is found to be unmarketable,
use diligent efforts to correct the defeot(s) in title within the
time provided therefor, including the bringing of necessary
Seotich 2.5. ReaUi.
(a) gentala Pay&biQ. Developer oovenants and agrees to pay
the City during the lease term as rental ("Rental") for the
Leased Property, an Annual Basic Rental equal to the following,
as applicable: .
(i) An Annual Basic Rental of one dollar ($1.00) per
year for each of the first five Rental Years following the Rent
Commenoement Date of the Lease; and
(Li) An Annual Basic Rental of one tenth of one
percent (0.1%) of Project revenues and one hundred percent (100%)
of all net cash flow in ezoess of a cumulative ten percent
(10.0%) return on Developer's. Cash Equity beginning in Rental
Year 8 and terminating, at the and of the Original Term and
applicable Renewal Term(s), pursuant to the terms and provisions
of Sections 2.1(b) and 2.1(o) of thin Agreement.
(b) Payment of Rental. Annual Basic Rental shall commence
to aoorue on the Rent Commenoement Date. Annual Basic Rental
shall be paid annually in arrears commencing on the second day of
January in the year succeeding the end of the first Rental Year
and shall be paid to the City at the Office of the Director of
Finance, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida 33133 or at such
other place as the City Manager shall designate from time to time
in a notice given pursuant to the provisions of Section 12.5.
Any late payment shall automatically aoorus interest at a rate
equal to two (2) percent above that rate charged by the Citibank,
N.A. of New York to its best commercial customers, generally
referred to as its prime rate ("Default Rate") from the date that
payment wa�i due until
paym , paid. Any overpayment of Annual Basic
Rental at the end of each Rental Year shall be paid.to Developer
within thirty (30) days of receipt of the Audited Financial
Statement or, at the option of Developer, the Developer shall be
credited with such amount to the Annual Basic Rental due in the
nest accruing Rental Year. If there is an under payment of
Annual Basin Rental. Developer shall pay the City the amount of
the deficiency within thirty (30) days of the City's receipt of
the"Audited Financial Statement.
(c) Ad3,Nted r""Al Rental - At the termination dates of
the Original Term and the first Renewal Term ("Adjustment Dates")
the Annual Rental shall be adjusted as set forth in this Section
2.8(o) (the "Adjusted Annual Rental`), which shall continue to be
paid as set forth in Section a.d(b) herein. The Adjusted Annual
Rental shall be determined by competent and disinterested KAI
certified (or substantially equivalent licensed appraisers if ;CAI
certified appraisers no longer exist), one of whom shall be
Selected and paid for by the City and one selected and paid by
the Developer such seleoti-On`to1odaur no later than one hundred
eighty (180) days prior to any Adjustment Date. If the Adjusted
Annual Rental as determined by each of the foregoing appraisers
differs by five (e) percent or less, then the average of the two
Adjusted Annual Rental appraisals shall be utilized. In the
event the two Adjusted Annual Rental appraisals differ by greater
than five (5) percent, the two appraisers so selected shall
select a third appraiser not later than one hundred twenty (180)
days prior to any Adjustment -Date, the expense to be born equally
by the City and the Developer, and the three appraisers so
selected shall determine not later than ninety (90) days prior
to any Adjustment Date the Adjusted Annual Rental to be paid by
the Developer for the ensuing Rental Years. In the event that
either the City or the Developer shall fail to appoint an
appraiser prior to one hundred eighty (180) days before any
Adjustment Date, or in the event the first two appraisers shall
fail to select a third appraiser within thirty (30) days after
they have been selected, then the appraiser in question shall be
appointed cot later than one hundred (100) days prior to any
Adjustment Date by the Senior Judge (in length of service) of the
United States District Court for the Southern dndiOial District
-. a
Of Florida (acting in the judge's discretionary and not judicial
capacity) , on request of either party or of either of the first
two appraisers, as the case may be. It is the purpose of this
Section 2.6 to have the Adjusted Annual Rental determined not
later than ninety (90) days prior to any Adjustment Date. In the
event the Adjusted Annual Rental is not so determined by the
Adjustment Date, the Annual Rentals shall continue at the Annual
Rental for the immediately preceding period until a determination
of the fair rental value of the teased Property is made pursuant
to Section 2.e(d) hereof; however, once the Adjusted Annual
Rental determination is made, the difference between the amount
the newly determined Adjusted
amount of
Annual Rental actually paid
for the
from the
last Adjustment Date to the time such determination is made shall
become Additional Rent which shall be paid within thirty (30)
days of suo� determination and notice of such determination. In
no event shall the Annual Rentals for any period during the
Rental Year be lose than the Annual Rentals actually paid for the
immediately preceding period. Notwithstanding the foregoing
provisions in this Section 2.5(o), the City Manager and the
Developer may mutually agree to an Adjusted Annual Rental that is
less than the Adjusted Annual Rental no determined by _the
appraisal process set forth in 8e0tion 2.5(0 and d) herein.
(d) Task of a . The appraisers when selected shall
be instructed that they are to determine the fair rental value of
the messed Property herein demised based on it's highest and beet
use at such time. The Adjusted Annual Rental appraisal shall be
" writing and copies thereof shall be given to the City and the
Developer ninety (90) days prior to the nest ensuing Adjustment
Date. The amount of the Adjusted Annual Rental shall be the
Adjusted Annual Rental for the remainder of the Rental_ Year,
payable monthly in advance, until the occurrence of the next
Adjustment Date (the "Annual Rental" and the "Adjusted Annual
Rental" shall be collectively referred to as "Annual Rentals").
(e) Ad Valorem Taxation. In the event there is a legal
determination made by a court of competent jurisdiction that the
Leased Property is to be subject to ad valorem taxation then such
tazes shall be paid by the Developer when due and payable. The
City covenants to join with the Developer as a oo-party to oppose
the imposition of such ad valorem taxation by any governmental
entity. The City may elect to retain its own counsel in which
event it shall bear its own counsel fees; the Developer shall
bear all other costs and fees of Developer and City in contesting
the imposition of ad valorem taxation hereunder.
(f) Additional income. In the event the Developer
Improvements (either the residential or commercial structures)
are converted to condominiums and sold by Developer, City shall
receive five percent (5%) of the gross sales price of each unit
sold and conveyed. The City intends to use the income received
to establisha, loan program for oondominium owners. As security
for said loans. City shall be given a second mortgage on the
condominiums. All loan repayments shall be revenue to the City.
(g) Develelver's Records. For the purpose of permitting
verification by the City of any amounts due on account of Annual
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Basic Rental, Developer will keep and preserve for at least three
(3) years in Dade County, Florida, at the address specified in
Section 12.6, suditable original or duplicate books and records
for the Project which shall disclose all information required to
determine Annual Basic Rental, and other information necessary to
comply with the terms of this Agreement. After seven (7) days
advance notice to Developer, the City through its City Manager or
his designee, shall have the right during business hours to
inspect such books and records and make any examination or audit
thereof which the City may desire. If such audit shall disclose
a liability for Rental in exoess of the Rental theretofore paid
by Developer for the period in question, Developer shall promptly
pay such additional Rental and if such audit shall disclose an
overpayment of the Rental theretofore paid, the City shall
promptly return the excess to the Developer.
Developer further covenants and agrees to deliver to the
City commencing as of the Rent Commencement Date within 'sizty
(60) days after the close of each Rental Year and after the
termination of the Lease, a statement showing, in reasonable
detail, the computation of the Annual Basic Rental for the
preceding Rental Year. The annual statement shall be signed and
verified by an appropriate, authorized officer on behalf of
Principal Partner of
Developer stating specifically that
offio>er has examined
the report, that such officeros examination
included such teats
of Developers books and records as
Officer considered necessary under the circumstances, and
such report presents
fairly the Rental due with respect to
preceding Rental Year. If Developer shall fail to deliver the
foregoing statement to the City within said period. the City
Shall have the right to either conduct an audit itself or to
employ an independent certified public accountant to examine such
books and reoorde as may be neoessary to certify .the amount of
the Rentals due with respeot to such Rental Year. Developer
shall promptly pay to the City. as Additional Rental, the cost of
any audit performed by or for the City in the event the City Is
audit Van in lieu of an annual report by Developer or if the City
audits the annual report on its own initiative and demonstrates a
discrepancy of more than three percent (3%) in the amount of
Annual Basic Rentals due to the City. If the audit report
discloses that the amount of Rental paid by Developer exceeded
the amount due to the City by more than three percent (3%). City
Shall bear the Cost of such audit.
Developer shall provide the City with an annual Audited
Financial Statement, certified by an independent Certified Public
ACOountant. within ninety (90) days after the close of each
Rental Year which shall be subject to the audit provisions of the
previous subparagraph.
Section 2.8. Covenants faX Payment of Public Cbar,Qee
D"AILDS&P. Developer. in addition to the Rental, covenants and
agrees to pay and discharge, before any fine, penalty, interest
or cost may be added, all real and personal property taxes, all
ad valorem real property taxes. all taxes on rentals payable
hereunder and under subleases. public assessments and other
Public Charges including but not limited to electric, water and
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sewer rents, rates and oharges (all suoh taxes, publio
assessments and other publio oharges being hereinafter referred
to as "Publio Charges") levied, assessed or imposed by any publio
authority against the Leased Property, inoluding all improvements
thereon in the same manner and to the same extent as if the same.
together with all improvements thereon, were owned in fee simple
by Developer; provided, that Developer's obligation to pay and
disoharge Publio Charges levied, assessed or imposed against or
with respeot to Leased Property shall not oommenoe until the
Possession Date; all suoh oharges shall be prorated if the
Possession Date is not at the beginning of the oalendar year.
Notwithstanding the provisions of this Seotion 2.6, Developer
shall have the right to oontest the amount or validity, in whole
or in part, of any Publio Charges by appropriate prooeedings.
The City agrees to oonsent to and/or formally join in any suoh
prooeedings• to the extent it may be allowed by law, if suoh
oonsent and/or joiner be required by law for the proseoution
thereof. Developer shall pay all oharges for metered water.
sewer servioe oharges and other fees or oharges lawfully imposed
by any publio authority upon or in oonneotion with the Leased
Property. The City agrees that it will not impose any speoial
assessment or other Publio Charges (other than ad valorem real
property taxes) against the Leased Property or the Improvements
with respeot to the oonstruotion, operation, repair and
saintenswe of any improvements the City is obligated to
-oonstruot pursuant to this Lease. The City retains all its
rights to impose nondisoriminatory speoial assessments or other
publio oharCan for all other purposes.
_ a
Developer, upon written request, shall furnish or cause to
be furnished, to the City Manager, official receipts of the
appropriate taxing authority, or other proof satisfactory to the
City Manager evidencing the payment of any Public Charges; which
were delinquent or payable with penalty thirty (30) days or more
!4 Y
prior to the date of such request.
Section 2.7. A pr_ovals and Consents. Wherever in this
Lease the approval or consent of any party is required, it is
understood and agreed that such approval or consent will not be
unreasonably withheld or delayed.
Section 2.8. Beotr+ty and Police Protection. Developer
shall have the responsibility for providing all security and
protection for the Leased Property.
The City shall provide the same security and police
protection in the Leased Property, as is afforded all other City
open spaods with appropriate augmentation in the exclusive
judgment of the City Manager during periods of high pedestrian
activity including (without limitation) during special publio
Section 2.9. Cendi_tien et Leased PronertZI. On the
Possession Date the City shall deliver to the Developer
possession of the Leased Property, free of any and all liens or
eaoumbrances or tenancies or other rights or claims of rights to
its use and,000upanoy. Prior to the Possession Date, the Leased
Property shall be maintained by the City and delivered to
Developer in good serviceable condition, ordinary gear and tear
excepted. The City agrees not to adversely or materially alter
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the Leased Property prior to the Possession Date without
Developer's prior written approval. The City shall without
expense to Developer or public assessment against the Leased
Property, provide for the abandonment of all public streets and
rights of way within the Leased Property. The City shall
cooperate with and assist Developer in the termination or
transfer to the Developer, of all existing rights with respect to
water mains, sanitary sewers, storm drains, conduits, gas and
electric or steam distribution lines and fire alarm, traffic and
phone systems, if any, in the Leased Property. The City shall
also transfer to Developer all easements and rights of way on the
p g
• Leased Property within its control. All termination,
abandonment, transfer and relocation, as applicable, to be done
shall be done or performed in accordance with provisions of this
Agreement with respect to the Leased Property as rapidly as
praoticabletand in a manner which will 000rdinate in a reasonable
manner with the construction of the Developer Improvements. The
City shall perform at its sole expense, all necessary relocation,
demolition, and. clearance with respect to the Leased Property
prior to the Possession Date including but not limited to
clearing of foundations, basements, and abandoned underground
utility lines.
Section 3.1. Conformity of Plane. Preliminary Plans, Scope
Plans, and Construction Plans and all work by Developer with
respect to the Leased Property and the construction of Developer
Improvements thereon shall be in oonformity with this Agreement,
the Miami Charter and Code, the South Florida Building Code, and
all other applicable state, county and local. laws and
Section 3.2. Preliminary Piano. The City acknowledges that
prior to the ezeoution of this Lease, Developer has submitted to
the City and the City has approved the concept plans (the
' f
"Concept Plans") for the construction of the Developer
Improvements, a list of which is attached hereto as Exhibit .1. f`
Developer shall submit to the City Manager at the times
hereinafter set forth, two sets of plans (the "Preliminary
Plans"). For the purpose of this Lease, "Preliminary Plans" F_
shall consist of site plans and structure elevations and
sufficient detail to show site planning, arohiteoturai design and
layout, materials, building construction, landscaped design,
a006e80 streets, and sidewalks. The City acknowledges that, in Y-
order to•seet the schedule for construction, the Developer shall
be eubnitting Preliminary Plans in stages for approval. The City`.
Shall not be required to issue permits or other formal �
governmental approvals to Developer for a particular stage until-
the City Manager has approved a Site Drawing depicting all stages
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of the Development and has approved the Preliminary Plans for the
particular stage for which a permit or other formal governmental
approval is requested.
The Preliminary Plans for all stages of the Developer
Improvements to be oonstruoted shall be submitted to the City
Manager on the date set forth on 8zh4bit H. Upon reoeipt of eaoh
set of Preliminary Plane representing a oertain stage of
oonstruotion, the City Manager shall review the same and shall
promptly (but in any event within fifteen (15) days after suoh
reoeipt). give Developer written notioe of his approval or
disapproval setting forth in detail his reasons for any
disapproval. The City Manager's right to disapprove the
Preliminary Plans submitted shall be limited to matters depioted
in the Preliminary Plans for Developer Improvements whibh do not
oonform substantially to the Conoept Plans or previously approved
Preliminary Plans for other stages of the Projeot or are new
elements not presented in the Conoept Plans, or matters which are
violations of this Lease or of applioable governmental
ordinanoes. oodes, plans, laws or regulations.
If no written response from the City Manager is delivered to
Developer within fifteen (ld) days after the submission of suoh
Preliminary Plans, or any resubmission thereof as hereinafter
provided. they shall be deemed approved, e=oept that no
violations of applioable governmental ordinances, oodes, plans,
laws, regulations or of this Agreement shall be deemed waived•
thereby. In the event of a disapproval, Developer shall, within
fifteen (15) days after the date Developer receives the written
notice of such disapproval, resubmit such Preliminary Plans to
the City manager, altered to meet the grounds of disapproval.
Any resubmission shall be subject to review and approval. by the
City Manager, in accordance with the procedure herein&bove
provided for an original submission, until the same shall be
approved by the City manager, provided, that in any event
Developer shall submit all Preliminary Plans for_the
construction of Developer Improvements which meet all of the
ground !or disapproval of which the City Manager has given
written notice not later than the first anniversary of the date
of this Lease. City and Developer shall in good faith attempt to
resolve any disputes concerning the Preliminary Plans.
Section 3.3. sense Plane. For the purpose of the Lease,
wSoope pl&mxo shall consist of such plans and specifications an
shall be sufficient to enable the general contractor, retained by
the Developer to oommence construction of the Project on a so-
called "fast -track" basis. It is contemplated that such Scope
Plans will consist of working drawings and specifications that
are at least 30% complete. Not later than One Hundred Twenty
(120) days after the Developer has received a firm financing
commitment for & particular stage of the PrOJOOt. Developer Shall
submit to the City Manager two gets of Scope Plans for the same
stage. Upon receipt thereof, the City manager shall review the
same and shall promptly (but in any event within fifteen (15)
days after such receipt) give Developer written notice of its
approval or disapproval, setting forth in detail its reasons for
any disapproval. The City Manager's right to disapprove the
Scope Plans submitted shall be limited to matters depioted in the
Soope Plans whioh do not conform Substantially to the approved
Preliminary Plans or previously approved Soope Plans for other
stages or new elements not presented in the approved Preliminary
Plans or are violations of this Lease or of governmental
ordinanoes, oodes. plans or regulations. If no response from the
City is delivered to Developer within fifteen (15) days after the
submission of suoh Soope Plans, or any resubmission thereof as
hereinafter provided, they shall be deemed approved ezoept that
no violations of applioable laws, ordinanoes, oodes, regulations
or of this Agreement shall be deemed waived thereby. In the
event of a disapproval, Developer shall within thirty (30) days
after the date Developer reoeived the notioe of suoh disapproval,
resubmit the Soope Plans for that stage to the CXty Manager,
altered to most the grounds of disapproval. Any resubmission
shall be subjeot to review and approval by the City Manager, in
a000rdanoe with the prooedure hereinabove provided for an
original submission, until the same shall be approved by the City
Manager. provided, that in any event Developer shall submit all
Soope Plans for the oonstruotion of Developer Improvements which
meet all of the grounds for disapproval of whioh the City Manager
US given notioe not later than six (6) months after approval of
all of the Preliminary Plans. The City and the Developer shall
in good faith attempt to resolve any disputes regarding the Soope
Plans. 8o approval by the City Manager of any Soope Plane or
Preliminary Plans pursuant to this Artiole shall relieve.
Developer of any obligation it may have at law to file suoh Soope
Plans with any department of the City- or any other governmental
authority having jurisdiotion over the issues or to obtain any
building or other permit or approval required by law.
Developer aoknowledges that any approval given by City
Manager pursuant to this Artiole III shall not oonstitute an
opinion or agreement by the City that the Plans are structurally
suffioient or in complianoe with any laws, oodes or other
applioable regulations, and no such approval shall impose any
liability on or waive any rights of the City.
Developer agrees that it shall provide the City with oopies
of all plans and speoifioations used in the oonstruotion of the
Developer Improvements. Developer agrees to use its diligent
efforts to obtain the oonsent of the Leasehold Mortgagee and the
Arohiteot to the vesting in the City of all rights, title and
Interest in the piano and speoifioations if this Lease is
terminated by reason of any Event of Developer Default.
Seotion 3.4. Qonetruotion Plane. For the purpose Of this
Lease, "Construction Plans" shall oonsist of final working
drawings and specifioations inoluding (without limitation) the
following information, (a) definitive arohiteotural drawings; (b)
definitive foundation and struotural drawings (the "Final
Substruoture Plans"). (a) definitive eleotrioal and meohanioal
drawings including (without limitation) plans for all lighting
faoilities affecting the exterior appearance of the Developer
Improvements; and (d) Final speoifioations, but exoluding
drawings and speoifioations relating to subtenant improvements.
Not later than one hundred and eighty (180) days after approval
of Scope Plans for a particular stage of construction, Developer
shall submit to the City Manager two nets of Construction Plans
for.the same stage. Upon receipt thereof, the City Manager shall
review the same and shall promptly (but in any event within
fifteen (15) days after such receipt), give Developer written
notice ot;ita.approval or disapproval, netting forth in detail
its reasons for any disapproval. The City Man gar Ia right to
disapprove the Construction Plans submitted shall be limited to
matters depicted in the Construction Plans which do not conform
substantially to the approved Scope Plans or previously approved
Construction Plans for other stages or are new elements not
presented in the approved Scope Plans or are violations of this
Lease or of governmental ordinances, codes, plane or regulations.
if no written response from the City is delivered to Developer
within fifteen (15) days after the submission of such
Construction Plans, or any resubmission thereof as hereinafter
provided, they shall be deemed approved except that no violations
of applicable laws, ordinances, codes, regulations or of this
Agreement shall be deemed waived thereby. In the event of a
disapproval, Developer shall, within thirty (30) days after the
date Developer received the written notice of such disapproval,
resubmit the Construction Plans for that stage to the City
Manager, altered to meet the grounds of disapproval. Any
resubmission shall be subject to review and approval by the City
Manager, in acoordanoa with the procedure hereinabove provided
an original submission,
same shall be approved by
City Manager, provided,
any event Developer shall
submit all Construction Plans for the construction of Developer
Improvements which meet all of the grounds for disapproval of
whiOh the City Manager has given notioe not later than nine (9)
months after approval of all of the Soope Plans. The City and
the Developer shall in good faith attempt to resolve any disputes
regarding the Construotion Plans. No approval by the City
Manager of any Construotion Plans or Soope Piano pursuant to this
Artiole shall relieve Developer of any obligation it may have at
law to file such Construotion Plar►s with any department of the
City or any other governmental authority having jurisdiotion over
the issues or to obtain any building or other permit or approval
required by law.
Developer aoknowledges that an approval given by City
Manager pursuant to this Artiole III shall not oo4stitute an
opinion or agreement by the City that the plans are struoturaily
suffioient or in oomplianoe with any laws, oodes or other
applioable regulations, and no suoh approval shall impose any
• liability on or waive any rights of the City.
Developer agrees that it shall provide the City with oopies
of all plans and speoifioations used in the construotion of the
Developer Improvements. Developer agrees to use its diligent
efforts to obtain the oonsent of the Leasehold Mortgagee and the
Arohiteot to the vesting in the City of all rights, title and
interest in the plans and speoifications if this Lease is
terminated by reason of an Event of Developer Default.
Section 3.5. Pao?{tiee to be Conatruoted. Developer
agrees to ereot the Projeot on the Leased Property, at its sole
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cost and expense, containing the facilities more particularly
described in the Construction Plans which shall conform to the
covenants contained in Section 2.2 and *which are referred to
throughout this Lease as "Developer improvements".
Section 3.6. a of Leased Property. The City
without cost or expense to Developer or public assessments
against the Leased Property or the Improvements, at all times
during the term of this Lease, (including any Renewal Term and
any new lease executed pursuant to the provisions of Sections 6.1
and 6.2) shall maintain and keep or cause to be maintained and
kept in good order, repair and appearanoe, commensurate with the
quality of maintenance found in the area shown and designated as
"Developer Maintenance Area" on Exhibit G all of the property and
improvements including, without limitation those portions of the
Leased Property shown and designated as "City Maintenance Area"
on Szhibit G. if the City fails to maintain the "City
Maintenanoe Area" as required by this Lease, Developer may
provide such maintenance after giving City written notice of its
intent to do so. Developer shall be given credit towards the
nezt aooruing Annual Basic Rental payments and Additional Rental
Payments equal to the amount of the aotual cost Developer
ezpeaded for the maintenanoe.
The Developer, without cost or ezpense to the City, at all
times during the term of this Lease, (including any Renewal Term
and any new lease executed pursuant to the provisions of Sections
6.1 and 6.2) shall maintain and keep or cause to be maintained
and kept in good order, repair and appearanoe all of the property
and improvements located. in that portion of the Leaned Property
shown and designated as "Developer Maintenance Area` on
WM4 it 8.
Section 3.7. A02M. Prior to delivery of possession of
the Leased Property or any part thereof to Developer, the City
shall permit Developer access thereto whenever and to the extent
necessary to carry out the provisions of this Agreement. The
City shall also permit, including (without limitation) the
placement of construction trailers and staging area on or
adjacent to the Leased Property at no cost to the Developer. The
provisions of this pbragraph shall not take effect until
Developer, at its sole cost and expenses shall have secured or
caused to be secured comprehensive general public liability
insurance as required in Article I8 of this Agreement. !
Section 3.8. Construction Period. Developer shall oommenO.e
construction of the Developer Improvements not later than thirty
(30) days after the Possession Date or as soon thereafter as
weather permits (but not earlier than the approval of the Scope
Plans) and shall complete the same substantially in accordance
with the Developer's approved Construction Plans in accordance
with the Development Schedule attached hereto as Exhibit E. The
City agrees to submit Preliminary Plans and Construction Plans
for City Improvements to Developer for review and oomment for any
City Improvements to be designed and constructed by City. At the
request of either party, the parties will execute and deliver
from time to time such certificates, documents or instruments as
may be appropriate to confirm the dates of commencement or
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oompletion of construction as above provided, whioh certificates,
documents or instruments may be recorded by the party requesting
the same at its ezpense.
Section 3.9. Progress of Construction. Subsequent to the
delivery of possession of the Leased Property to Developer, and
until construction of the Developer Improvements has been
oompleted. Developer shall keep the City Manager apprised of the
progress of Developer with respect to such development and
oonstruction. During suoh period the work of Developer shall be
available for inspeotion by a full-time, on -site representative
of the City Manager. The Developer shall provide suitable work
space and utilities for the representative at Developer's cost.
Developer. by ezeouting this Agreement. represents it has visited
the site, is familiar with -local oonditions under which the
oonstruction and operation is to be performed, will perform all
test boringw and subsurface engineering generally required at the
site under sound and prudent engineering practices. and will
correlate the results of its test borings and subsurfaoe
engineering and other available otudies and its observations with
the requirements of the construction and operation of the
Project. The Developer shall restore the site to its original
condition after all testing, and shall provide the City with a
oopy of all results. The City makes no warranty as to subsoil
oonditions. Developer shall not be entitled to any adjustment of
Rental or of any applioable time requirements in the event of any
abnormal subsoil oonditions unless the subsurface conditions are
so unusual they could not have been reasonably anticipated.
Section 3.10. 1 f oate of Final Gomn e ion. Promptly
after completion of each stage of the Developer Improvements and
Developer's receipt of a Certificate of occupancy on the Leased
Property in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement, the
City Manager will furnish Developer with an appropriate
instrument so certifying (the "Certificate of Final Completion").
The Certificate of Final Completion shall be in such form as will
enable it to be recorded among the Land Records of Dade County.
If the City Manager shall refuse or fail to provide such
certification in accordance herewith, the City Manager shall,
within fifteen (15) days after written request by Developer,
provide Developer with a written statement indicating in adequate
detail in what respects Developer has failed to complete the
Developer Improvements in accordance with the provisioner of this
Agreement, or is otherwise in default, and what measures and
acts, in the opinion of the City Manager, are neoessary for
Developer to take or perform in order to obtain such
certification. The Certificate of Final Completion shall certify
that Developer has satisfied all of its obligations. which are
capable of being satisfied with respect to specific stages during
the construction phase, to the City.
Section 3.11. Connection of Ht1141-no to Utilities.
Developer, at its sole cost and expense, will install or cause to
be installed all necessary oonneotions between the Developer
Improvements constructed or ereoted by it on the Leased Property
and the water, sanitary and storm drain mains and mechanical and
electrical conduits whether or not owned by the City and/or the
Miami -Dade Water and Bever Authority. Developer shall pay for
the additional cost, if any, of locating and installing new
facilities for sever, water, eleotrioal, and other utilities as
needed to service the Leased Property. City, at its sole cost
and ezpense, will install or cause to be installed up to the
property line of the Leased Property all necessary utility
Section 3.13. pesmitA and A93;Xpy&IB, Bzoept as otherwise
provided i7 this 8eotion 3.12, Developer shall secure and pay for
any and all permits and approvals necessary for proper
construction and completion of the Developer Improvements and
Developer shall secure any and all permits and approvals required
to perform any and all of the work or operations contemplated to
be done or performed under any of the provision z of this
Agreement including, but not limited to, any alterations and
renovations made pursuant to Section 3.1e hereof, and shall pay
any and all fees and charges due to and collected by the City in
connection with the issuance of any such permits and approvals.
If the City ,tanager's office shall be vacant or if the
authority of the City Manager shall change such that the City
Manager shall not have the full authority to perform the
obligations imposed on that office envisioned under this Lease,
than the City shall, promptly upon request of the Developer,
designate such other officer or department as may be appropriate
to perform the City Manager's obligations.
Developer shall secure and pay for any and all permits and
approvals necessary for proper aonstruotion and completion of the
Developer Improvements with the exception of the permits and
approvals required pursuant to Section 380.08, Plorida Statutes
and/or Chapter 33A of the Dade County Code, (the "Environmental
Laws`), if any. specifically, Developer shall secure any and all
permits and approvals, required to perform any and all of the
work or operations contemplated to be done or performed under any
of the provisions of this Agreement including, but not limited
to, any alterations and renovations made pursuant to Section 3.1E
hereof, and shall pay any and all fees and charges due to and
collected by the City in connection with the issuance of any such
permits and approvals. Developer shall also pay for any impacts
or ezaotions for which it is responsible.
In connection with the satisfaction of any requirements
imposed by the Environmental Lava the City agrees !to pursue a
Binding Letter of interpretation or other Dade County Development
of County Impact process for any portion of the Leased Property,
the City shall be financially responsible for filing and
processing any necessary documentation submitted in connection
therewith, provided, however, that nothing herein contained shall
be construed to require the City or Developer to take any act or
expend any funds in order to comply with any of the conditions
oontained within any Development Order, or other official action,
issued as a result of these pursuits. Developer shall have the
right to review and approve any such documentation prior to its
submission to the relevant governmental agency, and shall be
notified of all meetings with governmental staff or officials
related to the processing of any of the aforesaid administrative
proceedings so that Developer or its representative shall have
the option of attending such meetings. Developer agrees to
cooperate with the City to the maximum extent possible in these
administrative proceedings, including, but not limited to,
providing such technical assistance and information as Developer
may have reasonably available to contribute to the City's
Section 3.13. Cemplianoe math Laws. Developer will comply
in every respect with any and all federal, state, county and
munioipal laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, orders and
notioes now or hereafter in force or issued which may be
applicable to any and all of the work or operations to be done,
performed or carried on by Developer under the provisions of this
Agreement including alterations and renovations pursuant to
Section 3.15 of his Agreement. nothing herein shall limit the
right of Developer to contest the validity or enforceability of
any statute, law, ordinanoe, rule, regulations, order.or notice
with which Developer may be required to comply hereunder.
Section 3.14. Rxtension of Time Rev�iremente. The times
within which Developer must submit Preliminary Plans, Scope
Plans, Construction Plans and evidence of equity capital and
commitments for mortgage financing, and the times within which
Developer moat oommenoe and complete the development of the
Leased Property and the construction of the Developer
Improvements thereon as specified in this Article may be extended
in writing by the City Manager in his sole discretion. subject to
Section 7.4 which otherwise provides an extension, for such
periods of time as he deems advisable, for good and suffioient
oause shown by the Developer to the reasonable satisfaotion'of
the City Manager. Any suoh extension of time shall be in writing
and in suoh form as will enable it to be reoorded among the Land
Reoords of Dade County.
Beotion 3.15. A Renovations. After the
oompletion of oonstruotion of the Developer Improvements,
Developer from time to time may mate suoh alterations or
renovations thereof as it shall deem desirable when suoh
renovations cost less than ten thousand dollars ($10,000). 80
renovation or alteration whioh affects the exterior appearanoe of
the Developer Improvements or substantially affects the overall
oharaoter and appearanoe of the Projeot or whose oost is ten
thousand dollars ($10,000) or more shall be made until suoh time
as the renovations are permitted by the Building and 2oning
Department and, when exterior, as approved by the Planning
Department. Any renovation or alteration of the Developer
improvements whose oost is fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) or
more shall require the City Manager's approval of definitive
oonstruotion plans and speoifioations therefor, whioh written
approval or disapproval to be given within thirty (30) days of
reoeipt of the request or be deemed approved. Developer must
also secure and pay for any and all permits and approvals
required to perform any of the oontemplated alterations or
Section 4.1. Land trees. Developer and the City agree, for
themselves and their successors and assigns, to devote the Leased
Property to the uses specified in this Agreement and to be bound
by and comply with all of the provisions and of this
Section 4.2. Character and Ogera •ion of Improvements . The
parties recognize and acknowledge that the manner in which the
Leased Property and Developer Improvements are developed, used
and operated are matters of critical concern to the City by
reason of the eoonomio development of the downtown area of the
From time to time Developer will establish.suoh reasonable
rules and regulations governing the use and operation by
Subtenants of their premises as Developer shall deem neoessary or
desirable in order to assure the level of quality and character
of operatioof the Improvements required herein, and it will use
all reasonable efforts to enforce such rules and regulations.
In the event the Developer Improvements are converted to
condoainiums. Developer shall prepare oondominium documents
establishing such reasonable rules and regulations governing the
oocupancy of Condominium units by owners of those units. Said
documents are subject to the approval of the City Attorney and
the rules and regulations included therein shall be in accordance
with the provisions not forth in Chapter 718, Florida Statutes
governing condominiums and shall not conflict with this Lease or
City's interest.
Section 5.1. As used herein, the term,
a) "Transfer' means:
W any total or partial sale, assignment or
conveyance (other than by a Leasehold Mortgage or Finanoing
Sublease) or any trust or power, or any transfer in any other
mode or form of or with respect to this Lease or of the leasehold
estate in the Leased Property or any part thereof or any interest
therein, or any contract or agreement to do any of the same; or
UQ any transfer of the stools of tho Principal
Partner; or
any merger, consolidation or sale or lease of
all or substantially all of the assets of the Principal Partner
or of any Owner, other than an Owner whose shares are publioly
traded; or
(iv) any Sublease of over fifty (50) percent of the
Leaseable Area of the Project to a single Subtenant or Subtenants
who are related in their ownership, except for a Finanoing
Developer Shall be allowed to syndicate the Project
thereby creating additional limited partners with its investors
without Such syndioation.00nstituting a transfer or requiring the
approval of the limited partners by the City Manager.
Furthermore, any sale of the Developer's or Owner's interest in
the Project to the Principal Partner or any subsidiary or
affiliate of the Principal Partner in permissible and shall not -5
constitute a transfer. x
(b) "Owner" means:
(i) any person, firm, corporation or other entity
which owns, directly or indirectly, legally or beneficially, one
percent (1%) or more of the stook of the Principal Partner of
Developer (exoluding any shareholder of an owner whose shares are
publicly traded) or other form of ownership interest of the
Principal Partner; and
(11) any person, firm, corporation or other entity
which owns, directly or indirectly, legally or beneficially, more #
than fifty percent (50%) of the stock of the Principal Partner of j
Developer or other form of ownership interest of any entity
. i
described in clause (i) or this clause (ii), but shall not '
include any shareholder of an Owner whose shares are publicly
(o) "Owner whose shares are publicly traded" means an
(i) who, as a Principal Partner has filed an effective
registration statement with the Securities W Exchange Commission
(or its successor) with respect to the shares of pray class of its
voting stook or of all classes of any other form of ownership
interest which includes voting rights; and
(ii) whose voting stoop as a Principal Partner and
other form of ownership interest described in clause (i) is
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listed for trading purposes on a securities exchange subjeot to
the regulatory jurisdiotion of the Securities W Sxohange
Commisxion (or its suooessor) or is publicly traded over the
Seotion 5.2. Purfle2e2 of ReatriQtionA en Transfer. This
_ems+ Lease is granted to Developer solely for the purpose of
_ t..- L
development of the Leased Property and its subsequent use in
accordance with the terms hereof, and not for speculation in
landholding. Developer recognizes that, in view of,
(a) the importance of .the development of the Leased
Property to the general welfare of the oommunity;
(b) the substantial financing and other public aids that
have been made available by the City for the purpose Of mating
such development possible; and
(o) the fact that a transfer of the stook of the Principal
Partner or a substantial part thereof, or any other act or
transaction involving or resulting in a significant change in the
ownership or distribution of such stook or with respect to the
identity of the parties in control of Principal Partner or the
degree thereof, is for practical purposes, a transfer or
disposition of the leasehold interest in the Leased Property then
owned by Developer.
The. qualitioations and identity of Developer and any Owner
are of particular concern to the community and the City.
Developer further recognizes that it is because of such
qualifications and identity that the City is entering into this
Lease with. Developer, and, in so doing, is further willing to
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accept and rely on the obligations of Developer for the faithful
performance of all undertakings and covenants by it to be
section 5.3. Developer, on behalf of itself and
any and all' Owners, represents and warrants that neither
Developer nor any owner has made, created or Buffered any
Transfers. Bsoept as permitted pursuant to subparagraphs (a)
through (i) hereof, no Transfer may be made, suffered or created
by Developer or any Owner. The following Transfers shall be
permitted hereunder:
(a) Any Transfer by Leasehold Mortgage to an Institutional
Investor or to an agent, designee or nominee of an Institutional
Investor which is wholly owned or controlled by an Institutional
Investor or pursuant to a Financing Sublease, pursuant to Article
(b) Any Transfer directly resulting from the foreclosure of
a Leasehold Mortgage or the granting of a deed in lieu of
foreclosure of a Leasehold Mortgage or any Transfer made by the
purchaser at foreclosure of a Leasehold Mortgage or by the
grantee of a deed in lieu of foreclosure of a Leasehold Mortgage,
provided that such purchaser or grantee is an Institutional
Investor or an agent, designee or nominee of an Institutional
Investor which is wholly owned or controlled by an Institutional
Investor, and that such purchaser or grantee within two (2)
months after taking possession of the Project shall have entered
into an Acceptable Operator's Agreement as described in
subsection 6-1(c)(iv) of this Agreement.
(a) Any Transfer directly resulting from a conveyance to a
Lender/Landlord of the Developer's interest provided that such
Transferee, within thirty (30) days after taring possession of
the Project, shall have entered into an Acceptable. Operator's
Agreement as described in Subsection 8.1(0)(iv) of this
(d) From and after the date that the Project has been in
operation for three (3) years after the Opening Date, any
Transfer to (i) an Acceptable Operator consented to by the City
Manager or one who has automatically qualified as an Acceptable
Operator or (ii) a purchaser who has automatically qualified as
an Acceptable Operator, or has entered into an Acceptable
Operators Agreement with an Acceptable Operator, or who in the
City Manager's opinion is qualified to own the Project (an
"Acceptable Purchaser").
(e) Any Transfer to a joint venture, general or limited
partnership, syndicate, joint stook association or Massachusetts
business trust, a substantial interest in which is held by
Developer and the other interests in which are held by an
Institutional Investor or by such other persons, firms.
corporations, or other entities as to which the City Manager
shall have given his approval in his reasonable discretion,
provided that, within thirty (30) days after gaining possession
of the Project, the Transferee shall have entered into an
Acceptable Operator's Agreement as described in
8.1(0)(iv) of this Agreement.
tf i
(f) Any Transfer to an entity which in not an Owner, all of R
the stook or other form of ownership interest of which is caned
by an Owner.
(g) Any Transfer of a limited partner or the admission of
additional limited partners.
(h) Any Transfer resulting from the death or dissolution of
an Owner provided that same does not result in the dissolution or
termination of Developer or any general partner of Developer.
(i) Any Transfer by an owner who is a limited partner of
Developer into a ob itable trust, a blind trust or for estate
planning purposes for the immediate family.
Any consent to a Transfer shall not waive any of the City's
rights to consent to a subsequent Transfer. Any Transfer made in
violation of the terms hereof shall be null and void and of no
force and effect.
Section 5.4. Notion of Transfer _ Information as to
With respect to any Transfer which must be approved by
the City,
Developer shall give or cause to be given to the City
written notice that the criteria established for approving such
has been oomplied with (including all information
for the City wanager to mate an evaluation of the
Acceptable Operator according to the requirements of
this Agreement) of any Transfer of which Developer or its
shall have knowledge, not less than thirty (30) days
prior to
any such proposed Transfer and the City Manager shall
within, fifteen (15) days of its receipt of such information,
advise Developer if it shall consent to sane. If the City
Manager shall not consent to a Transfer. the City Manager shall
state the reasons for such disapproval in his notice to Developer
withholding his consent. It the City is not required to consent
to a Transfer pursuant to the terms hereof, Developer shall
notify the City in writing of same within fifteen (18) days after
the date of Transfer.
(b) Developer shall from time to'time throughout the term
of this Lease as the Cityshall reasonably
y request, furnish the .
City with a complete statement, subscribed and sworn to by the
President or Vioe-President and the Secretary or Assistant
7M Secretary of the Principal Partner, setting forth the full names
Is and address of holders of partnership interests in Developer, or
any Principal Partner or the stook of any Principal Partner and
the extent of their holdings, and in the event any other parties
have a beneficial interest in such stook, their full names and
addresses and the extent of such interest as determined or
indicated by the records of Developer, by inquiry which such
offioers shall make of all parties who on the basis of such
records own a one percent (1%) or more ownership interest in
Developer or by such other knowledge or information as either of
such offioers shall have. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the
information required by this subparagraph (b) shall not be
required to be furnished with respect to the shareholders of any
Owner whose shares are publicly traded.
Section 5.5. gffeetuatien of certain Permitter Tr nnfern.
No Transfer of the nature described in subsections (d) and (e) of
. �Y.
2 .
Section 5.3 shall be effeotive unless and until the entity to
which such Transfer is made► by instrument in writing
satisfactory to the City Manager and in form recordable among the
land records, shall, for itself and its successors and assigns,
and especially for the benefit of the City, expressly assume all
of the obligations of Developer under this Lease and agree to be
subject to all conditions and restrictions to whioh Developer is
subject; provided, however, that any Lender, Leasehold Mortgagee,
Lender/Landlord transferee shall not be required to assume any
personal liability under this Lease with respect to any matter
arising. prior or subsequent to the period of such transferee's
actual ownership of the leasehold estate created by this Lease
(it being understood, nevertheless, that the absence of any such
liability for such matters shall not impair, impede or prejudice
any other right or remedy available to the City for default by
Developer); and provided further, that the fact that any suoh
transferee of, or any other sucoessor in interest whatsoever to,
the leasehold estate in the Leased Property or the Improvements,
or any part thereof, shall whatever. the reason, -not assume suoh
obligations or so agree, shall not (unless and only to the extent
otherwise speoifioally provided in this Lease or agreed to in
writing by the City) relieve or aooept such transferee or
euooessor of or from such obligations, conditions or
restrictions, or deprive or limit the City of or with respect to
any rights, remedies or oontrols with respect to the leasehold
estate in the Leased Property or the oonstruotion of the
oonstruotion of the Developer Improvements.
Section e.e. TranaIarm of the ntivIa Interests. The City
represents and agrees for itself, its successors and assigns,
that the City has not made or created and that it will not during
the term of this Lease. make or create or suffer to be made or
created any total or partial sale, assignment, conveyance,
mortgage, trust or power, or other transfer in any mode or form
of or with respect to the City's reversionary interest in the
Leased Property or any part thereof or any interest therein or
any contract or agreement to do any of the same, to any
Purchaser, assignee, mortgagee or trustee unless such purchaser,
assignee, mortgagee or trustee shall have the authority and the
ability. in.the Developer's opinion, to assume the obligations of
the City under this Lease and the purohaser, assignee, mortgagee
or trustee shall expressly agree to assume the obligations of the
City under this Lease, in a form satisfactory to Developer and
any Leasehold Mortgagee.
Notwithstanding any such transfer and assumption, the City
shall not be released from its obligations pursuant to Sections
2.8 and 3.6. whioh obligations are personal to the City and shall
remain in effect during the term of this Lease.
Section 5.7. subletting. At the City's request, Developer
shall provide to the City a copy of ail Subleases, excluding
individual residential tenant and parking leases, for the
Project. Developer shall incorporate in all Subleases provisions
concerning rentals and expenses that are compatible with the
Annual Base Rental formula in this Agreement. Developer shall
have the right to enter into Subleases of any part of the Leased
Property or Improvements at any time and from time to time during
the term of this Lease with such Subtenants and upon such
oommercialiy reasonable terms and conditions as Developer ohsll,
in its sole discretion, deem fit and proper, provided, however,
that Developer shall not enter into any Sublease with any
Subtenant which does not deal with Developer at arm's length
without first obtaining the City's approval, which approval the
City may in its sole discretion withhold. If Developer shall
contemplate making any Sublease with respect to which the City's
approval is .required pursuant to the foregoing sentence,
Developer shall submit to the City a copy of such proposed
Sublease together with any information concerning the identity of
the Subtenant as the City may reasonably request. Within fifteen
days (16) days after submission of such proposed dublease and
information, the City shall notify Developer in writing whether
the proposed sublease is approved. In the event the City shall
fail to so respond within fifteen (15) days after submission of
such proposed Sublease and information, the City shall notify
Developer in writing whether the proposed sublease is approved.
In the event City shall fail to do so respond within fifteen (15)
days after submission of such Sublease and information, the same
shall be conclusively deemed to have been approved by the City.
Section B.S. Minority Partioivation in Developer
agrees that not less than ten (10%) of the ownership interest in
Developer shall be held initially by persons who are Black
Americans or Hispanic Americans or entities who would qualify as
a Minority Business Enterprise controlled by Black Americans or
Hispaaio Amerioans as the term "Minority Business Enterprise" is
defined in that certain Minority Participation Agreement attached
hereto as Exhibit F. notwithstanding any provision in this Lease
to the contrary, any transfer by any original investor of the
Developer in violation of Article V shall be null and void, but
shall not be deemed to be an Event of Developer's default.
Section 6.1. Leasehold Mortgage.
(a) Notwithstanding the provisions eat forth in Article V
hereof regarding any Assignment of this Lease, but subject to the
provisions of this Article VI, provided that an Event of Default
has not occurred and is not continuing, Developer shall have the
right at any time and from time to time to encumber the leasehold
estate created by this Lease and any improvements by Mortgage,
Sale-Subleasebaok transaction, deed of trust or other security
Instrument, including, without limitation, an assignment of the
rents. issues and profits from the Project to secure repayment of
a loan or loans (and associated obligations) made to Developer by
an Institutional Investor (as defined below) for the sole purpose
of seouring the financing of the construction of any Developer
Improvements made pursuant to the terms of this Lease or for the
long-term financing or refinancing of any such Improvements._
Developer shall deliver to City promptly after execution by
Developer a true and verified copy of any Leasehold Mortgage (as
r =
defined below), or any Financing Sublease and any amendment,
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modification or eztension thereof, together with the name and
address of the owner and holder thereof. Developer may not
encumber the leasehold estate created by this Lease as security
for any indebtedness of Developer with respect to any other
property now or hereinafter owned by Developer.
(b) For purposes of this Article VI: "Institutional
Investor" shall mean any national bank organized under the lava
of the United States or any commercial bank, or any savings and
loan association, savings bank, trust company or insurance
company organized under the lava of the United States or any
state of the United States, or any pension, retirement'or welfare
trust or fund supervised by a government authority of any state
or the United States or any such trust or fund administered by an
entity which is supervised by a governmental authority, or any
public limited partnerships or any lender life insurance company;
"Leasehold Mortgage. deed of trust or assignment of the rents,
issues and profits from the Project, which constitutes a lien on
the leasehold estate created by this Lease and on the fee
interest of Developer in any Improvements during the term of this
Lease; and "Lender" shall mean an "Institutional Investor" who is
the owner and holder of a Leasehold Mortgage. per• homever,
that the City shall have no duty or obligation to determine
independently the relative priorities of any Leasehold Mortgages,
but shall be entitled to rely absolutely upon a preliminary title
report current as of the time of any determination of the
priorities of such Leasehold Mortgage and prepared by a
generally-reoognized title insurance company doing business in
Miami. Florida.
(a) During the oontinuance of any Leasehold Mortgage until
such time as the lien of any Leasehold Mortgage has been
extinguished, and if a true and verified oopy of suoh Leasehold
Mortgage shall have been delivered to the City Manager together
with a written notioe of the name and address of the owner and
holder thereof ae provided.in Seotion 8♦1(a) above:
(1) The City sha1j'zat'agree to any mutual termination
nor sooept any surrender of this Lease (exoept upon the
expiration of the full term of this Lease) nor shall the City
oonsent to any material amendment or modification of this Lease
or waive any rights or oonsents it may be entitled to pursuant to
the terms hereof, without the prior written consent of Lender;
(ii) Notwithstanding any default by Developer in the
performanoe or observanoe of any oovenant, condition or agreement
of this Lease on the part of Developer to be performed or
observed, the City shall have no right to terminate this Lease
even though an event of default under this Lease shall have
oocurred and be continuing, unless and until the City Manager
shall have given Lender written notioe of suoh Event of Default
and Lender shall have failed to remedy such default as per Civ)
below or to aoquire Developer's leasehold estate oreated hereby
or to oommenoe foreclosure or other appropriate proosedings in
the nature thereof, all as set forth in, and within the time
speoified by this Artiole VI;
(iii) Subjeot to the provisions of Subparagraph Civ)
immediately below, Lender shall have the right; but not the
obligation, at any time prior to termination of this Lease and
without payment of any penalty, to pay all of the rents due
hereunder, to provide any insurance, to pay any taxes and mare
any other payments, to make any repairs and improvements, to
continue to construct and complete the Developer Improvements,
and do any other act or thing -required of Developer hereunder,
and to do any act or thing which may be necessary and proper to
be done in the performance and observance of the covenants,
conditions and agreements hereof to prevent the termination of
this Lease. All payments so made and all things so done and
performed by Lender shell be as effeocive to prevent a
termination of this Lease as the same would have been if made,
done and performed by Developer instead of by Lender;
(iv) Should any Event of Default under this Lease
occur, Lender shall have ninety (90) days after receipt of
written notice from the City Manager setting forth the nature of
such Event of Default, to remedy same and, if the default is such
that possession of the Project may be reasonably necessary to
remedy the default, Lender shall, within such ninety (90) day
period, either commence and diligently prosecute a foreclosure
action or such other proceeding or take whatever action to
acquire Developer's leasehold interest as may be necessary to
enable Lender to obtain such possession, provided that (a) Lender
shall have fully oured any default in the payment of any monetary
obligations of Developer under this Lease within such ninety (90)
day or longer period and shall continue to pay currently such
monetary obligations as and when the same are due, (b) Lender
Shall within six (8) months of the date that it takes possession
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at the Leased property enter into an agreement on terns and
conditions reasonably acceptable to the City with an Acceptable
Operator for the continued operation of the Protect (hereinafter
called "Acceptable Operator's Agreement"), and (a) Lender shall
have acquired Developer's leasehold estate created hereby or
comsenoed foreclosure or other appropriate proceedings in the
nature thereof within such ninety (90) day period or prior
thereto, and shall be diligently and continuously prosecuting any
such proceedings to completion. All rights of the City Manager
to terminate this Lease as the result of the occurrence of any
such Event of Default shall be subject to and conditioned upon
the City Manager having first given Lender written notice of such
Event of Default and Lender having failed to remedy such default
or acquire Developer's leasehold estate created hereby or
commence foreclosure or other appropriate proceedings in the
nature thereof as set forth in and within the time period
specified by this subparagraph (iv);
(v) An Event of Default under this Lease which in the
nature thereof cannot be remedied by Lender shall be deemed to be
remedied if (a) within ninety (90) days after receiving written
notice from the City Manager setting forth the nature of such
Event of Default, Lender shall have acquired Developer's
leasehold estate created hereby or commenced foreclosure or other
appropriate proceedings in the nature thereof, (b) Lender shall
diligently and continuously prosecute any such proceedings to
completion, (o) Lender shall have fully cured any default in the
payment of any monetary obligations of Developer under this Lease
which do not require possession of the Project within such ninety
(90) day period and shall thereafter continue to faithfully
perform all euoh monetary obligations which do not require
possession of the Project, and (d) within two (a) months after
Lender shall have gained possession of the Project, Lender shall
have entered into an Acceptable Operator's Agreement. Upon the
taking of possession of the Project by Lender, Lender shall
perform all of the obligations of the Developer hereunder as and
when the same are due except that a Lender shall not be bound by
the provisions of Section 5.8 hereof. Notwithstanding the
foregoing, the City agrees that Lender shall not be obligated to
oomplete construction of the Developer Improvements if Lender
shall succeed to Developers estate under this Lease. Any
assignee or successor in interest to a Lender that has taken
possession of the Leased Property must, however, assume all of
Developer's obligations hereunder (except as set forth in Section
5.3 hereof). including, but not limited to, the construction
(vi) If the Lender is prohibited by any process or
injunction issued by any court or by reason of any action by any
court having Jurisdiction of any bankruptcy, debtor
rehabilitation or insolvency proceedings involving Developer from
commencing or prosecuting foreclosure or other appropriate
Proceedings in the nature thereof, the times specified in
subparagraphs (iv) and (v) above for commencing or prosecuting
such foreclosure or other proceedings shall be extended for the
period of suoh prohibition, provided that Lender shall have fully
�:Si •i:.r
oared any default in the payment of any monetary obligations of
Developer under this Lease and shall continue to pay currently
such monetary obligations as and when the same fall due, and
provided that Lender shall diligently attempt to remove any such
prohibition. At any time that a Lender is in possession of the
Leased Property pursuant to the terms hereof and at all times
thereafter during the term of this*Lease or any Renewal Term, the
Rental obligation to the City shall be limited to an amount equal
to the Annual Basic Rental as defined in Section 2.8;
(vii) The City Manager shall mail to Lender a
duplicate copy by certified mail of any and all notices which the
City may from time to time give to or serve upon -Developer
pursuant to the provisions of this Lease, and no notice by the
City Manager to Developer hereunder shall be deemed to nave been
given unless and until a copy thereof has been mailed to Lender;
(viii) Foreclosure of a Leasehold Mortgage or any sale
thereunder, whether by judicial proceedings or by virtue of any
power of sale contained in the Leasehold Mortgage, or any
conveyance of the leasehold estate created hereby from Developer
to Lender by virtue or in lieu of the foreclosure or other
appropriate proceedings in the nature thereof, shall not require
the consent of the City or constitute a breach of any provision
of or a default under this Lease. Upon such foreclosure. sale or
conveyance, the City shall recognize Lender, or any other
foreclosure sale purchaser, as tenant hereunder except that all
obligations on Developer herein contained shall be binding on the
Lender only from and after the date that it shall take title to
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the Developer's leasehold estate unless otherwise provided in
this Article VI; provided, that Lender or any such foreclosure
sale purchaser must enter into an Acceptable Operator's
Agreement, within two (2) months of the date of such foreclosure,
sale or conveyance, and further, provided, that in the event
there are two or more Leasehold Mortgages or foreolosure sale
purchasers (whether the same or different Leasehold Mortgages),
the City shall have no duty or obligation whatsoever to determine
the relative priorities of such Leasehold Mortgages or the rights
of the different holders thereof and/or foreclosure" sale
purchasers. In the event Lender subsequently assigns or
transfers its interest under this Lease after acquiring the same
by foreclosure or by an acceptance of a deed in lieu of
foreclosure or subsequently assigns or transfers its interest
under any such new lease, and in conneotion with any such
assignment or transfer Lender takes back a mortgage or deed of
trust encumbering suoh leasehold interest to secure a portion of
the purohase price given Leasehold mortgage as contemplated under
this Section 6.1. Lender shall be entitled to receive the
benefit of this Article VI and any other provisions of this Lease
intended for the benefit of the holder of a Leasehold Mortgage.
Any person or entity to whom this Lease or any such new lease is
assigned must either enter into or assume Lender's obligations
under an Acceptable Operator's Agreement;
(is) Should the City terminate this Lease by reason of
any default by Developer hereunder, the City Manager shall give
written notice thereof to all Leasehold Mortgagees and the City
F 4
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Manager shall. upon written request by Lender to the City Manager
received within thirty (30) days after such termination, execute
and deliver a new lease of the Project to Lender for the
remainder of the term of this Lease with the same covenants,
conditions and agreements (except for any requirements which have
been satisfied by Developer prior to termination) as are
contained herein, prey vided, however, that the City's exeoution
and delivery of such new lease of the Project shall be made
without representation or warranty of any kind or nature
whatsoever, either express or implied, including without
limitation, any representation or warranty regarding title to the
Project or any Improvements or the priority of such new lease
(except ae to aotions taken by the City during the period
oommenoing on the date of termination of this#. Lease and
terminating on the date of such new Lease). The City's delivery
of any Improvements to Lender pursuant to such new lease shall be
made without representation or warranty of any hind or nature
whatsoever, either express or implied, and Lender shalltake any
Improvements "as -is" in their then ourrent*oondition (except as
to nay actions taken or improvements made by the City during such
time as the Leased Property were not the subject of a Lease).
Upon execution and delivery of such new lease. Lender at its sole
cost and expense shall be responsible for taking such action as
shall be necessary to oanoel and discharge this Lease and to
remove Developer named herein and any other occupant (other than
as allowed by the City) from the Project. The City's obligation
to enter into such new lease of the Leased Property with the
leader shall
be conditioned upon
Lender having remedied
and oared
all monetary
defaults hereunder
and having remedied and
cured or
has ooNmenced and is diligently completing the oure of all non -
monetary defaults of Developer susceptible to oure by any party
other than by Developer. If the City receives written requests
in accordance with the provisions of this Section 8.1(1.=) from
more than one Leasehold Mortgagee, the City shall only be
required to deliver the new lease to the'Leasehold Mortgagee who
is, among those Leasehold Mortgagees requesting a new lease, the
holder of the most junior Leasehold Mortgage, provided that such
shall, not later than the execution of such
new lease.
either (a) pay in full the sums secured by
any or all
whioh are prior in lien to the
held by
such Leasehold Mortgagee or (b)
bgree to
the liens
of any or all Leasehold Mortgages
which are
prior in lien to the Leasehold Mortgage held by such Leasehold
Mortgagee with the same relative priority as existed prior to the
termination of this Lease. If any Leasehold Mortgagee having the
right to a new lease pursuant to this Section 6.1 (ix) shall
elect to enter into a new lease but shall fail to do so or shall
fail to take the action required above. the City shall so notify
all other Leasehold Mortgagees (if any) and shall afford such
other Leasehold Mortgagee a
period of
(60) days
from such
notice within which to elect
to obtain
a new
lease in
with the provisions of this Seotion. Except for any liens
reinstated pursuant to this Seotion, any new lease entered into
pursuant to this section shall be prior to any mortgage or other
lien, charge or encumbrance on the fee of the Leased Property or
the improvements and shall have the same relative priority in
time and in right as this Lease and shall have the benefit of all
of the right, title, powers and privileges of Developer hereunder
in and to the Leased Property and the Developer Improvements. At
Developer's request, the City will enter into an agreement with
any Leasehold Mortgage granting to the Leasehold Mortgagee the
rights set forth in this Article. If such new lease is entered
into pursuant hereto, the Lender shall be entitled to offset from
the previous rentals due the City under this Lease, the net
operating profit, if any, made by the City during the period that
the City shall have operated the Project;
(z) City and Developer shall cooperate in including in
this Lease by suitable amendment from time to time any provision
which may be requested by any proposed Lender, or may otherwise
be reasonably necessary, to implement the provisions of this
Article VI; provided, however, that any such amendment shall not
in any way affect the term hereby demised nor affect adversely in
any material respect any rights of the City under this Lease;
(zi) All rights and benefits afforded to a Leasehold
Mortgagee hereunder shall also be afforded to a party providing
fiaaaoing to Developer pursuant to a rinanoing Sublease.
Section 6.2. No Waiver of nevelotier'a Ab7f"tiann or ClIzIn
Bights. Nothing contained herein or in any Leasehold Mortgage
shall be deemed or construed to relieve Developer from the full
and faithful observance and performance of its oovenantm_
conditions and agreements contained herein, or from any liability
for the non-observanos or non-performance thereof, or to require
or provide for the enbordination to the lien of such Leasehold
Mortgage of any estate. right, title or interest of the City in
or to the Projeot or this Lease.
SeotiOu 7.1. 14e11e Of WAVI t - DeveieyBz. The following
events are hereby defined as "8vents of Developer's Default`:
(a) Failure - ZATAMAS et land. Failure of Developer to
pay any Mental, Additional Rental or Publio Charges or any other
Payments of money as herein provided or required, when due and
the oontinuanoe of such failure for a period of ten (10) days
after notioe thereof in writing.
In the event that any payment or installment of Mental is
not paid to the City on the date the same beoomes due and
payable, Developer oovenants and agrees to pay to the City
interest on the amount thereof from the date suoh payment or
installment became due and payable to the date of payment
thereof, at the Default Rate. All other payments of money
required to be paid to the City by the Developer under this
Lease, inoluding interest, -penalties and contributions, shall be
treated as Additional Rent.
(b) Fad 7 ure - peof Other enyemn gI Rtn _ Failure
of Developer to perform any of the other oovenants, oonditions
and agreements vhioh are to be performed by Developer in this
Lease, and the continuance of such failure for a period of sizty
(80) days after notice thereof in writing frog the City to
Developer (which notice shall specify the respects in which the
City contends that Developer has failed to perform any such
covenants, conditions and agreements), shall constitute an Event
of the Developer's Default, unless such default was not caused or,.--
created by the Developer -and cannot be oared within ninety (90) _
days and the Developer within said ninety (90) day period shall
have commenced and thereafter shall have continued diligently to
prosecute all actions necessary to ours such default.
(c) BARkm_ Eto.
(i) If an order or relief shall be entered upon any
petition filed by or against Developer, as debtor, seeking
relief (or instituting a case) under Chapters 7, 9. 11 Or 13 of
the Bankruptcy Code of 1978, 11 U.S.C. (Sao. 10 et. seq.) or
any successor thereto; provided that Developer is given ninety
(90) days to disoharge an involuntary bantruptoy action and is
unable to do so within the time allowed; or
(ii) If Developer admits its inability in writing to
pay its debts. or if a receiver, trustee or other court appointee
is appointed for all or a substantial part of Developer's
property after Developer has been given ninety (90) days to pay
suoh debts; or
(iii) if the leasahold interest of Developer is levied
upon or attached
process of law,
Developer has been
ninety (90) days
owe such default
and has
failed to do so; or
(iv) If Developer mates an assignment for the benefit
Of Creditors or takes the benefit of any insolvency act, or if
any proceedings are filed by or against Developer to declare
Developer insolvent or unable to meet its debts, provided
Developer has been given ninety (90) days to oure such default
and has failed to do so; or
(v) If a receiver or similar type of appointment or
court appointee or nominee of any name or obaractor is made for
Developer or its property, provided Developer has been given
ninety (90) days to ours suoh default and has failed to do no; or
(vi) If Developer sha11 abandon the Leased Property
during the term of this Lease or any renewals or extensions
thereof; or
(vii) If Developer shall assign this Lease or sublet
any portion of the Leased Property, except as permitted herein.
Section 7.2. Renedlen far DeveleRer'a Defa.uZt.
Ca) If Developer is unable to oommenoe construction of the
oommeroW. struotures as the second stage of the Developer
Improvements in accordance with the Development Schedule the
property designated for such structures shall revert to City's
possession and may be disposed of as the the City deems
appropriate other than for parking purposes.
(b) If after the Possession Date of the Leased Property,
Developer is unable to complete the Project. Developer shall, in
a000rdanoe with the Development Sohedule, prior to default, offer
to sell its interest in the Project to other Developers of the
SSOPN, who have begun construction on the property in their
possession and are not in default.
�5'L. "`Rar3''3t��+�'.:.� ' v a ='.iait'- a , ` ,T a _'.,i. r ,� .". :. • �: -c'%� a.
(c) Pursuant to (b) above if the Developer is unable to
sell its interest and any of the Sveats of Developer's Default
shall occur, the City may, at is option, institute such
proceedings as in its opinion are neoessary to cure such defaults
or to compensate the City for damages resulting from such
defaults, including but not limited to the right to give to the
Developer a notice of termination of this Lease. If such notice
is given except as otherwise provided in Article VI hereof, the
term of this Lease shall terminate, upon the date specified in
such notice from the City to Developer, as fully and completely
as if that date were the date herein originally fixed for the
expiration of the term of this Lease, and on the date so
specified, Developer shall then quit and surrender all property
in his possession to the City in accordance with Seotion 11.5.
Upon the termination of this Lease, as provided in •this Section
7.2, all rights and interest of the Developer in and to the
Leased Property and every part thereof shall cease and terminate
and the City may, in addition to any other rights and remedies it
may have, retain all sums paid to it by the Developer under this
Section 7.3. Svents of Default - City.
(a) Events of Default. The failure of the City to perform
any of the covenants, conditions and agreements of this Lease
which are to be performed by the City and the continuance of such
failure for a period of ninety (90) days after notice thereof in
writing from Developer to the City (which notice shall specify
the respeotn.in which Developer contends that the City has failed
to perform any of such oovenants, oonditions ant agreements) and
unless such default be one which cannot be oured within ninety
(90) days and the City within such ninety (90) day period shall
have commenced and thereafter shall continue diligently to
prosecute all actions necessary. to oure such defaults, such
failure-sb411 constitute an `Event of the City's Default`.
(bf Remadiee"lor City's Default. If an Event of the City's
Default shall occur, Developer, to the fullest extent permitted
by law, shall have the right to pursue any or all of the
following remedies:
(i) the right and option to terminate this Lease and
all of its obligations hereunder by giving written notice of such
election to the City whereupon this Lease shall terminate as of
the date of such notice;
(ii) the right to a writ of mandamus, injunction or
other similar relief, available to it under Florida law against
the City (including any or all of the members of its governing
body, and its officers, agents or representative) provided,
however, that in no event shall any member of such governing body
or any of its officers, agents or representatives be personally
liable for any of the City's obligations to Developer hereunder;
(iii) the right to maintain any and all actions at law
or suits in equity or -other proper proceedings to obtain damages
resulting from such default.
Section 7.4. Qnavoidable neiay. Notwithstanding any of the
provisions of this Agreement to the contrary, neither the City
(including the City Manager) nor Developer, as the case may be,
i�3 �ta�t2� f• 4�.ttilH�3i
not any successor in interest, shall be considered in breach of
or in default in any of its obligations, including but not
limited to the preparation of the Leaned Property for
development, or the beginning and completion of oonstruotion of
the Developer Improvements or City improvements, or progress in
respect thereto, in the event of unavoidable delay in the
performance of such obligations due to strikes, lookouts, sots of
God, unusual delay in obtaining or inability to obtain labor or
materials due to governmental restrictions, enemy action, civil
commotion, fire, sabotage, unavoidable oasualty or other similar
causes beyond the reasonable control of a party (not including
such party's insolvency of financial condition), inability to
obtain or unusual delays in obtaining site plan approvals or
other governmental approvals, or unusual delays in obtaining an
executed UDAG Agreement, it being the purpose and intent of this
paragraph that in the event of the occurrence of any suoh
unavoidable delays the time or times for the performance of the
.covenants, provisions and agreements of this Lease, inoluding but
not limited to the obligations of the City and the City Manager
with respect to the preparation of the Leased Property for
development and completion of the City improvements or of
Developer with respect to oonstruotion of Developer Improvements,
shall be extended for the period of unavoidable delay; provided, 4
however, that the party seeking the benefit of the provisions of f
this Section shall, within thirty (30) days after such party
shall have become aware of such unavoidable delay, give notioe to
the other party thereof in writing of the oause or oauses thereof
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and the time delayed. The parties hereto agree if any event
shown on 204bit ! shall not occur at the time required for ease
as a result an event of Unavoidable Delay, the Rent Commencement
Date shall be postponed to a date extended by the period of such
delay or the Opening Date, vhiohever is earlier.
Section 7.5. Obigations. Rights and RemedieA MMUJAILM.
The rights and remedies of the parties to this Agreement, whether
provided by law or by this Agreement, shall be cumulative, and
the exercise by either party of any one or more of such remedies
shall not preclude the exercise by it, at the same or different
times, of any other such remedies for the same default or breach
or of any of its remedies for any other default or breach by the
other party. No vaiver made by either party with respect to
performance, or manner or time thereof, of -any obligation of the
other party or any. condition to its ovu obligation under this
Agreement shall be considered a vaiver of any rights of the party
mating the vaiver with respect to the particular obligations of
the other party or condition to its ovn obligation beyond those
expressly vaived and to the extent thereof, or a- waiver in any
respect in regard to any other rights of the party mating the
vaiver or in regard to any obligation of the other party.
Section 8.1. l[eo rios' Liens and Pagments of Obligations.
(a) Developer to nisebaree x0obanioe' Liens. Developer
shall not be given possession of the Leased Property or
authorised to begin construction thereon prior to the recording
of this Lease and prior to Possession Date so as not to subject
the fee interest of the City to mechanics, liens. If any such
mechanics liens shall at any time be filed against the Leased
Property, Developer shall promptly take and diligently prosecute
appropriate notion to have the same discharged or to contest in
good faith the amount or validity thereof and if unsucoessful in
such contest,
Upon Developer's
failure so to
addition to
any other right or
remedy that it may have, may take such aotion as may be
reasonably necessary to proteot its interest. and Developer shall
pay any amount paid by the City is connection with such aotion,
and all reasonable legal and other costs and expenses inourred by
the City in connection therewith (inoluding reasonable oounsel
fees, court costs and other neoessary disbursements). Any such
amounts paid by the City and the amount of any such expenses or
oosts incurred by the City, if not paid by Developer to the City
within thirty (30) days after the date Developer receives written
notice from the City of the amount thereof and demand for payment
Of the sane, shall, together with interest thereon at the Default
Rate from the date
of the
by Developer of the aforesaid
written notice and
to the
date of payment thereof by
Developer, be treated as Additional Rental, and shall be payable
by Developer to the City not later than the next monthly
installment of the Annual Basic Rental beooming due.
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(b) paSan% of Yaterialman and Snvuliers. Developer shall
mats, or cause to be made, prompt payment of all money due and
legally owing to all persons doing any wort or to subcontractors
in oonneotion with the development, construction, equipment,
repair or reconstruction of any of the Improvements required by
this Agreement to be constructed by Developer on the Leased
Property. Nothing in this subparagraph (b) shall limit the right
of Developer to contest, in good faith, by legal proceedings or
otherwise, whether any amount claimed or alleged to be due and
owing to any such person is legally due and owing and to withhold
payment of such amounts pending resolution of such dispute.
Section 8.2. Indemnity. Notwithstanding any policy or
policies of insurance required of Developer, Developer shall
indemnify and save harmless the City from and against any and all
actions, claims or demands, suits at law, in equity or before
administrative tribunals, due to the negligence of Developer, its
agents, servants. employees or contractors arising out of the use
or occupancy of the Leased Property by such persons. Developer
shall defend any and all such actions, claims. demands or suits
on behb.lf of the City at Developer's sole cost and expense. The
City shall indemnify and gave harmless Developer from and against
any and all claims or demands, suits at law, in equity or before
administrative tribunals, due to the negligence of the City. its
agents, servants, employees, or contractors arising out of the
use or occupancy of the Leased Property by such persons. The
City shall defend any and all such actions claims, demands or
suits on behalf of Developer at the City'g sole cost and expense.
V, 86
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section 9.1. 2nanranne Coverage. Beginning on the Possession
Date and during the term of this Lease. Developer at its sole
cost and expense shall maintain or cause to be maintained the
following insurance coverages. The insurance provisions may be
subjeot to the leasehold mortgagee and possibly modified to
conform with reasonable requirements of Lender, but in no event
will the rights of City be diminished.
(a) Provertz Insuranoe on the Developer
Improvements against All Risks of physical loss or damage,
Including the expense of the removal of debris of such property
as a result of damage by an insured peril. Coverage shall be
written on as broad an All Risk form as is commercially
available. The insurance shall be written on a replacement cost
basis. If the policy or policies of insurance contain a oo-
insurance requirement, the policy or policies shall contain as
agreed amount endorsement. During the construction period.
property insurance may be provided on a Completed value Builder's
Risk form. The City and Developer shall be listed as named
insureds on such Builder's Risk Policy. The term "Improvements".
as used in this paragraph, shall be deemed to include all
personal property furnished or installed on the premises and
owned by the Developer, and the insuranoe herein provided shall
cover the same.
• rMy
The adequacy of the Insurance Coverage may be reviewed
periodically by the City Manager at his discretion. Any review
by the City Manager shall not constitute an approval -or
acceptance of the amount of insurance coverage. In the event
that insurance proceeds are inadequate to rebuild and restore the
damaged improvements to substantially their previous condition
before an insurable loss occurred, and the cause of the
deficiency in insurance proceeds is the failure of the Developer
to adequately insure the Improvements as required by this
Agreement. Developer must nevertheless rebuild and restore suoh
Improvements pursuant to the terms hereof and must pay the entire
cost of same notwithstanding the fact that such insurance
proceeds are inadequate.
(b) Rental value Mwmz nee. Rental value insurance, so
that Developer will be insured against loss of rental income from
the improvements occasioned by any of the insured against perils
Included in the Property Insuranoe policy during the period
required to rebuild, repair or replace the property damaged,
which policy or policies of insuranoe.shall expressly provide by
endorsement thereon that the interest of the City as lessor under
this lease shall be covered to the extent earned, in an amount
equal to the total of Annual Basic Rental payable during said
Period of business interruption. Rental Value Insurance sha,li
commence at such time as Rentals are due and payable to the City.
The adequacy of the Rental Value Insurance may be reviewed
periodically by the City Manager at his discretion. Any review
by the City Manager shall not constitute an approval or
acceptance of the amount of insurance coverage.
5 , X1.IT� TS T r�b
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(0) a a iiabtl ty i. Automobile liability
lasuranos sad equivalent policy form covering all owned, non -
owned, and hired vehicles used in connection with any work
arising out of this Agreement. Such insurance shall afford
protection to at least a combined single limit for bodily injury
and property damage liability of $1,000,000 per occurrence. The
adequacy of the automobile liability insuranoe coverage may be
reviewed periodically by the City Manager at his disoreation.
Any review by the City Manager shall not constitute an approval
or acceptance of the amount of insuranoe coverage.
(d) Liability 2neurance_ Comprehensive general liability,
including contractual liability, or an equivalent policy form
providing liability insurance against claims for personal injury
or death or property damage. occurring on or about' the Leased
Property, the Improvements, or any elevator, escalator, or hoist
thereon. Such insurance shall afford protection to at least a
combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage
liability of $1,000,000 per oocurrenoe. The adequacy of the
liability insuranoe coverage shall be reviewed periodically by
the City Manager at his discretion. Any review by the City
Manager shall not constitute an approval or acceptance of the
mount of insurance coverage. Such liability and property damage
insurance shall also be placed in effect during the period of
permitted access provided in Section 3.7 herein.
It is the City's intent that any liability insurance
provided pursuant to this Section shall be deemed primary
insuranoe coverage in the event of any loss arising from the
premises and operations covered by this Agreement.
i u
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(a) Worker's Camnenaat'on. porker's Compensation and
Sitployer's Liability insurance in oomplianoe with Florida Statute
440. For work that in subcontracted, the Developer shall require
the subcontractor to provide Worker's Compensation insurance for
all of the subcontractor's employees.
(f ) CASLaa. Developer shall furnish Certificates of
Insurance with the City named as additional insured for the
coverages specified hereunder which shall clearly indicate that
Developer has obtained insurance in the type, amount and
classification's herein required. Copies of all policies of
insurance and renewals thereof shall be furnished upon request of
the City Manager by the Developer prior to the effective date
thereof. Copies of new or renewal policies rep.aoing any
policies expiring during the term of this Lease shall be
delivered to City Manager at least ten (10) days prior to the
date of expiration of any policy, together with proof
satisfactory to the City that all premiums have been paid.
Section 9.2. $88roneible COm];a fee - Blanket Insuranae
Permitted. All insuranoe provided for in this Article IX Shall
be effected under valid and enforceable policies issued by
insurers of recognized responsibility, which are licensed to do
business in the State of Florida. All such companies must be
rated at least 'A' as to management, and at least "C1a88 X" as to
financial strength in the latest edition of Best's Insurance
Guide, published by Alfred M. Best Co., Inc., 78 Fulton Street,
New York, NY. The insuranoe required by this Article may be part
of another policy or policies of the Developer in which other
properties and locations are also covered so long as the amount
of insurance available to pay losses at this location is at least
the minimL required by this Section, and it cannot be reduced in
any manner by losses occurring at other properties or locations.
Section 9.3. Ramed =neur e - Natioe to City of r
QLUCALj&U=. All policies of -insurance described herein shall
name Developer and the City as insureds as their respective
interests may appear. The policies shall also name as insured,
it required by either party or required pursuant to the terms of
any Leasehold Mortgage or Financing Sublease, any Leasehold
Mortgagee as the interest of any such Leasehold Mortgagee may
appear. Notwithstanding any such inclusion, the parties hereto
agree that any losses under such policy shall be payable, and all
Insurance proceeds recovered thereunder shall be applied and
disbursed in accordance with the provisions of this Lease. All
insurance policies shall provide that no material change,
cancellation or termination shall be effective until at least
thirty (3o) days after receipt of written notice thereof has been
received by the City. Developer shall use due diligence tb
insure that each policy contains an endorsement to the effect
that no act or omission of the Developer shall affect the
obligation of the insurer to pay the full amount of any loss
Section 9.4.
to no se. in the event Developer at any time refuses, neglects st:
or fails to secure and maintain in full force .nd of foot any or
all of the insurance required pursuant to this Agreement, the
4 ^w" tl•e � d-�..,x ;ail e�
City, at its option, say procure or renew suoh insuranoe, and all
amounts of Money paid therefor by the City shall be treated as
Additional Rental payable by Developer to the City together with
interest therbon at the Default Rate from the date the same were
paid by the City to the date of payment thereof by Developer.
The City shall notify Developer in writing of the date, purposes
and amounts of any such payments made by it. which shall be
Payable by Developer to the City within ten (10) days of suoh
Section 9.5. Insurance Dees Not wive Develerer'a
a. No aooeptanoe or approval of any insuranoe
agreement or agreements by the City or the City Manager shall
relieve or release or be construed to relieve or release
Developer from any liability, duty or obligation assumed by, or
imposed upon it by the provisions of this Agreement.
Section 9.6. Loan er Damage Not Te TerLtMte Rental er Thin
Any loss or damage by fire or other oasualty of•or to
any of the Improvements on the Leased Property at any time shall
not operate to terminate this Agreement or to relieve or
discharge Developer from the payment of Rental, or from the
payment of any money to be treated as Additional Rent in respect
thereto. pursuant to this Agreement, as the same may become due
and payable, as provided in this Agreement, or from the
performance and fulfillment of any of Developers obligations
pursuant to this Agreement.
8e0tion 9.7. Preei At Lose. Whenever any Improvements. or
any part thereof, constructed on the Leased Property (including
any personal property furnished or installed in the premises)
shall have bees damaged or destroyed Developer shall promptly
make proof of loss in accordance with the terms of the insurance
policies and shall proceed promptly to Collect or cause to be
Collected all valid claims which may have arisen against insurers
or others based upon any such damage or destruction,Dev9loper
shall promptly give City written notice of such damage or
Section 9.8. ftaparly Insurance Proceeds.
(a) Authort2 Pant. xxoept as otherwise provided in
subsection (o) of this Section 9.8. all sums payable for loss and
damage arising out of the casualties covered by the property
insurance policies shall be payable:
(i) Directly to Developer, if the total recovery is
equal to or less than the then fair market value of Developer's
property interest, exoept that if Developer is then in default
under this Lease, such proceeds shall be paid over to City who
shall apply the proceeds first to the rebuilding, replacing and
repairing of the Leased Property and then to the Curing of such
default. Any remaining proceeds shall be paid over to Developer;
(ii) To the Insurance Trustee, if the total recovery
is in excess of the amount described in W above to be held by
such Insurance Trustee pending establishment of reconstruction,
repair or replacement costs and shall be disbursed to Developer
pursuant to the provisions of subparagraph (b) of this Section
9.8. If. at the time such proceeds become payable, there is a
Leasehold Mortgage on the Leased Property. the Leasehold
Mortgagee shall serve as the Insurance Trustee, but if there's no
Leasehold Mortgage at that time, or it the Leasehold Mortgagee
refuses to serve as Insuranoe Trustee, the Insurance Trustee
shall be suoh oommercial bank or trust oompany as shall be
designated by Developer and approved by the City Manager, which
approval shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed.
(b) Dsn oelt+en of 2neuranoe Preeeed8 for Reoonstruation.
All amounts reoeived upon such polioies shall be used, to the
estent required for the reoonstruotion, repair or replaoement of
the Improvements and the personal property of Developer oontained
therein, so
the Improvements or suoh
personal property shall
be restored
to a
oondition oomparable to
the oondition prior to
the loss or damage (hereinafter referred to as "Reoonstruotion
Work"). From the insuranoe prooeeds received by the Insurance
Trustee, there shall be disbursed to Developer such amounts as
are required for the Reoonstruotion Work. Developer shall submit
invoioes or proof of payment to the Trustee for payment or
reimbursement in aocordanoe with an agreed sohedule of values
approved in advanoe by the City Manager.
Any amount remaining in the hands of the Insurance Trustee
after the oompletion of the Reoonstruotion Work shall be paid to
(0) Lenders arm Lender/Landlords Hay Have Benefit of
jnmur�anee, Pund for Reconstruction. In the event Developer,
pursuant to any Leasehold Mortgage or Finanoing Sublease, Shall
at any time authorize the Lenders or Lender Landlords on his
behalf or in his stead to enter upon the Leased Property and
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undertake or prosecute the reconstruction or repair of any
building on the Leased Property damaged or destroyed by fire. or
other insured -against hazard or peril and to have and receive for
Developer or Leasehold Mortgagees' use for such purpose such
insuranoe proceeds, then in that case said insurance proceeds
shall be equally available to , "qh Leasehold Mortgagee as to
Developer as provided in subseo£ion-(b) of this Section 9.8, and
it shall in like manner and to like extent at the request of any
such Leasehold Mortgagee, be applied to the reconstruction or
repair of any such building so damaged or destroyed.
Section 9.9. ftvanant for Commenoement and Completion of
Reoonstruotion. Subject to the provisions of Section 9.1(b) and
Section 9.10, Developer oovenants and agrees to commence the
Reconstruction Work as soon as practicable but in any event
within six (6) months after the insurance proceeds in respect of
the destroyed or damaged improvements or personalty have been
received, and to fully complete such Reconstruction Work as
expeditiously as possible consistent with the nature of the
damage, but in any event within twenty-four (24) months from the
start thereof; provided, that if it is not practicable to
oommenos such Reconstruction Work within such six (6) month
period, or to complete such Reconstruction Work within such
twenty-four (24) month period, then such Reconstruction Work may
be commenced and completed within a longer period, provided that
such period shall be approved in writing by the City Manager
after written request from Developer. As used in the preceding
sentence, the term `available net insuranoe proceeds" means the
am actually paid by the insurer or insurers in respect of the
claim in question, lose all costs and expenses incurred by
Developer or the Insurance Trustee in the collection, holding and
disbursement of same, including (without limitation) reasonable
attorneys' fees.
Section 9.10. ney_elofler�, 's Rights In the Brent of QninRurw_d
IAinr. Casualty. In the event any part of the Developer
Improvements or the Leased Property is damaged or destroyed by
reason of any casualty which is not required to be insured
against pursuant to Section 9.1 and is not in fact insured
against, or the required coverage is not enough to restore the
Developer Improvements, then at Developers option, in lieu of
rebuilding, replacing or repairing the portion of the
Improvements or the Leased Property so damaged or destroyed,
Developer may give notice to the City, within sixty (60) days
after the occurrence of such damage or destruction, of
Developers election to terminate this Lease as to the portion of
the Improvements or the Leased Property so damaged or destroyed
and this Lease shall thereupon terminate as to such portion of
the Leased Property and Developer shall have no further
obligation hereunder with respect thereto, exoept that, if the
City shall so request within sixty (60) days after such notice is
given Developer shall, at its expense, promptly demolish any
buildings or other improvements situated on the portion of the
Leased Property as to which this Lease shall have been terminated
and shall oleai and grade such portion of the Leased Property.
The City and Developer shall, at the request of either. execute
such instruments or documents as may be reasonably neoessary or
desirable in order to &mend this Lease to delete suoh portion of
the Leased.Property from the desoription of the property demised
hereby. If the improvements or the Leased Property whioh were
uninsured or for whioh there were no insuranoe prooeeds shall be
substantially-damegge.d or destroyed on any single oasualty so that
the Improvements -or 7 the Leased Property shall be unsuitable for
restoration for Developer's oontinued use and 000upanoy in
Developer's business, then at Developer's option, in lieu of
rebuilding, replacing or repairing the Improvements or the Leased
Property as provided in this Lease, Developer may give notioe to
the City, within thirty (30) days after the 000urrence of suoh
damage or destruotion, of Developer's intention to terminate this
Lease on any business day speoified in suoh notioe whioh odours
not less than forty-five (45) nor more than sixty (60) days after
the date of suoh damage or destruotion, provided that suoh notioe
shall be a000mpanied by a oertifioate of the Developer, signed by
the appropriate offioer or general partner, stating that in the
reasonable judgment of Developer, the Improvements and the Leased
Property are eoonomioally unsuitable for Developer's oontinued
use and 000upanoy by reason of suoh damage or destruotion. This
Lease shall thereupon terminate on suoh termination date, except
with respeot to obligations- and liabilities of Developer under
this Lease, aotual or oontingent, whioh have arisen on or prior
to suoh date. Upon giving any suoh notioe of termination of this
Lease Developer shall, upon the City's request at Developer's
expense promptly demolish any building or other remaining
improvement and shall olear and grade the Leased Property.
Section 10.1. Entire Leaeed.PropArtZ Taken bow Condemnation.
In the event that the whole of the Leased Property and
Improvements (or such portion thereof as shall, in the good faith
opinion of Developer, render it economically unfeasible to effect
restoration thereof) in view of its intended use shall be taken
for any public use or purpose by the exeroise of the power of
eminent domain. or shall be conveyed by the City and Developer
acting jointly to avoid proceedings of such taking, the Mental
and money to be treated as Additional Rental pursuant to this
Agreement and the Public Charges shall be prorated and paid by
the Developer to the date of such taking or conveyance, and this
Lease shall terminate and become null and void as of the date of
such taking or conveyance. The award or awards of damages
allowed to the City or Developer shall be paid as follows:
First: There shall be paid all expenses if any
inoluding reasonable attorneys' fees incurred by the
City and Developer in such condemnation suit or
conveyance (except that nothing contained in this
Article shall require payment to the City of costs and
expenses it may incur as the condemning authority);
8sod: City and Developer shall be paid portions of
the balance of said award or awards which are allooable
to and represented by the value of their respective
Interest in the Leased Property as found by the court -
or jury in its condemnation award or if no such
separate awards are obtained such balance shall be
paid to Developer and the City in the same proportion
as the then Fair Market Value of eaoh party's
respective interest or estate in the Leased Property
-And the Improvements bears to the total Fair Market
Value of the interests and estates of both parties in
the Leased Property and Improvements within thirty (30)
days of the time of the taking.
Section 10.2. Partial Tang ' of Leased Propgrtj by
(a) In the event that less than all of the Leased Property
or Developer Improvements shall be taken for any publi0 use or
purpose by the exercise of the power of eminent domain, or shall
be conveyed by the City and Developer acting jointly to avoid
proceedings of such taking, and Developer shall be of the good
faith opinion that it is economically feasible to effect
restoration thereof then this Lease and all the covenants
conditions and provisions hereunder shall be and remain in full
force and effect as to all of the Leased Property not so taken or
conveyed (esoept as provided in subsection (o) of this Section
10.2 and in Section 10.3); Developer shall to the extent
condemnation proceeds are made available to it pursuant to the
terms hereof, remodel repair and restore the Developer
Improvements so that they will be comparable to the Developer
Improvements prior to the oondemnation taking into consideration
the fact of the oondemnation; provided however that in so doing
Developer shall not be required to ezpend more than the amount of
any .such award actually received by Developer less all costs and
expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees) incurred in the
collection of same.
(b) The award or awards of damages allowed to City and
Developer shall be paid to and received by the parties as
gL=: There shall be paid all expenses, if any.
including any reasonable attorneys fees incurred by
City and Developer in such condemnation suit or
BaaCnd: There shall be paid to the Developer the
amount required to complete the remodeling and repairs
to the improvements pursuant to (a) above;
XLUA: There shall be paid to the City the value of
the portion of the land so taken which land shall be
valued as if unimproved and unencumbered;
Z ux1h: City and Developer shall•be paid portions of
the balance of said award or awards if any which are
ailooable to and represented by the value of their
respective interests in the Leased Property as found by
the court or jury in its'oondemnation award, or if no
such separate awards are obtained, such balance shall
be paid to Developer and the City in the same
proportion as the then Fair Market Value of each
party's respective interest or estate in the Leased
Property and the Improvements bears to the total Fair
Wket Value of the interests and estates of both
parties in the Leased Property and Improvements.
800tion 10.3. Aid 1Ugtzant of Rant Uj en Partial Taking. In
the event a part of the Leased Property and the Improvements
thereon if any, shall be taken for any public use or purpose by
the ezeroise of the power of eminent domain, or shall be conveyed
by City and Developer acting jointly to avoid proceedings of such
taking. then Rental and money to be treated as Additional Rental
pursuant to this Agreement and the Public Charges in respect of
such part of the Leased Property shall be paid by Developer to
the date of such taking or conveyance and after such date the
Rent for the remainder of the Leased Property shall be reduced by
such an amount as may be agreed upon in writing by the. parties
section 10.4. Taking for Tempo! rary Una or of Leasehold
Sit&n• If, by the exercise of the power of eminent domain or
under threat thereof, the whole or any part of the Leased
Property or the Improvements shall be taken for temporary use or
the wb-ole or any part of the leasehold estate created by this
Lease shall be taken. all awards or other payments shall be paid
to Developer alone except that:
W if any portion of any such award or payment on
account of a taking for temporary use is made by reason of any
damage to or destruction of any portion of the Improvements. such
portion shall be applied to pay the cost of restoration; and
(ii) if any portion of an award or payment on account
Of a taking for temporary use relates to a period beyond the date
of expiration of the term of this Lease, such portion shall be
paid to the City; and
(iii) all payments, payment, or date of payment of
Annual Basic Rental by the Developer shall continue as if no
condemnation had taken place. For the purposes of this Section
10.4 Rentals payable shall be the average Annual Hasid Rentals
payable in the immediate 3 year period prior to the notice of
taking by condemnation or the period of time since the Opening
Dates whichever period is lesser. in the event the taking for
temporary use continues for over 1 year, the Annual Basic Rental
due for each consecutive year shall be increased by the
percentage increase in the Consumer Price index•, for, if not
available, such equivalent index.
;y :1, ; • ;l;la; • • � ANY
Section 11.1. Quiet Sniozzant. The City represents and
Warrants that Developer, upon paying the Rental pursuant to this
Agreement and observing and keeping the covenants and agreements
Of this Agreement on its part to be kept and performed shall
lawfully and quietly hold, occupy and enjoy the Leased Property
without hindrance or molestation by the City during the term of
this Agreement or by any person or persons claiming under the
Section 11.1. ImM. Developer shall not permit, commit or
suffer vast* or impairment of the Leased Property or the
Developer Improvements thereon, or any part thereof.
Section 11.3. ntenanoe and Aneratinn of imtirnyonants.
Developer shall at all times keep the Developer Improvements
constructed on the Leased Property and all furnishings located
therein in good and safe condition and.repair as other comparable
projects in similar usage are kept (reasonable wear and tear
expected), and in the occupancy, maintenance and operation of
such Improvements, and of the Leased Property, shall comply with
all laws, ordinances, codes and regulations applicable thereto.
Section 11.4. Ownernhiin of imvrovements during Lease.
Prior to the expiration or termination of this Lease, title to
the Improvements shall not vest in the City by rebson of its
ownership of fee simple title to the Leased Property but title
to such Improvements shall remain in Developer. If this Lease
shall terminate prior to the expiration of the term hereof and
if, at that time, any Leasehold Mortgagee shall exercise its
option to obtain a new lease for the remainder of the term of
this Lease pursuant to Article VI, then title to the Improvements
shall automatically pass to, vest in and belong to such Leasehold
Mortgagee or any designee or nominee of such Leasehold Mortgagee
permitted hereunder, until the expiration or sooner termination
Of the term of such new lease. The City and Developer covenant
that to confirm the automatic vesting of title as provided in
this paragraph, each will execute and deliver such further
assurances and instruments of assignment and conveyance as may be
required by the other for that purpose. During the term of this
Lease, Developer sha11 be entitled to claim depreciation on the
Improvements and all equipment, fixtures and machinery therein
contained for all taxation purposes.
Section 11.5. Surrender of Leaned Proparty. Upon the
expiration of the Lease term, or upon. termination of this
Agreement and the Lease term hereunder in respect to the Leased
Property, title to the Improvements shall vest in the City and it
shall be lawful for the City to re-enter and repossess the Leased
Property and the Improvements thereon without process of law and
Developer in such 'event does hereby waive any demand for
possession thereof and agrees to surrender and deliver the Leased
Property and the Improvements thereon without process of law
peaceably to the City immediately upon suoh expiration or
Section 11.S. City And Developer to Jein in Certain
A011QnB. Within ten (10) days after receipt of written request
from Developer, the City shall:
(a) Join Developer when required by law in any and all
applications for permits, lioenses or other authorizations
required by any governmental or public authority which has
Jurisdiction in connection with any worm as may be reasonably
necessary or appropriate for the construction of the Improvements
to be oonstruoted by Developer on the Leased Property; and
(b) Join Developer in any grants of, or grant such
easements or rights with respect to vehicular access, electric,
telephone, gas, water, sewer, steam and such other public
1 Y
utilities- and facilities as may be reasonably necessary or
appropriate for the construction, operation or use of the Leased
Property or any improvements to be erected by Developer thereon.
Developer shall pay all fees and charges for all such
applications and grants.
Section 12.1. No Ptrtneratig or Joint Ventura. It is
mutually understood and agreed that nothing contained in this
Agreement is intended or shall be construed in any manner or
under any circumstances whatsoever as creating or establishing.
the relationship of oo-partners, or creating or establishing the
relationshipof a joint venture between the City and Developer,
or as constituting Developer as the agent or representative of
the City for any purpose or in any manner whatsoever.
Section 12.2. eoordind . Do MAnth= GUM. This Agree -
sent, or a memorandum hereof in form mutually satisfactory to the
parties, shall be recorded among the Land Records of Dade County,
State of Florida, and either party may cause any modification or
addition to this Lease or any ancillary document relevant to this
transaction to be so recorded, and the cost of any such
recordation, cost of any State of Florida documentary stamps
which legally must be attached to any or all of said papers, and
the Cost of the applicable Dade County and State transfer taz
shall be paid in full by Developer.
Section 12.3. Fio*ids and_ Zonal. Laws prava3l. This
Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Florida.
This Agreesent is subject to and shall be interpreted to
effectuate its compliance with the Charter of the City of Miami,
the City of Miami Code and the Dade County Charter and Code. Any
Conflicts between this Agreement and the aforementioned Codes and
Charters shall be resolved in favor of the latter. if any term,
oovenant, or condition of this Lease or the application thereof
to any person or circumstances shall to any extent, be illegal,
invalid, or unenforceable because of present or future laws or
any rule or regulation of any governmental body or entity or
becomes unenforoeable because of judicial construction, the
remaining terms, oovenante and conditions of this Lease, or
application of such term, ooveaant or condition to persons or
circumstances other than those as to which it is held invalid or
unenforceable, shall not be affected thereby and each term,
oovenant, or condition of this Lease shall be valid and be
enforced to the fullest extent permitted by law.
Contemporaneously with the execution of the Agreement, the City
Attorney has delivered an opinion to Developer opining that the
execution and delivery hereof by the City is in compliance with
the Charter of the City of Miami, the City of Miami Code and the
Dade County Charter and Code.
Section 12.4. c!onf?iota of interest. City RepresentAt♦v.a
Not indiviAuAlly Liable. No member, official, representative. or
employee of the City or the City Manager shall have any personal
interest, direct or indirect, in this Agreement, nor shall any
�4.' v .. - - .. • -'.' •. � ty.. .ix`�weL��L;tl9iA"x.'� `�,Y_t
such member, official, representative or employee, participate, in
any decision relating to this Agreement which affects his or her
personal interest or the interest of any corporation, partnership
or association in which he or she in, directly or indirectly,
interested. No member, official, representative or employee of
the City or the City Manager shall be personally liable to
Developer or any successor in interest in the event of any
default or breach by the City or the City Manager or for any
amount which may become due to Developer or successor or on any
obligations under the terms of the Agreement.
Section 12.5. IDILan. A notice of communication under this
Agreement by either the City or the City Manager, on the one
hand, to Developer, or, on the other, by Developer to the City or
the City Manager shall be sufficiently given or delivered if
dispatched by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid,
return receipt requested; and
(a) nevela = . In the case of a notioe or communication to
Developer, if addressed as follows:
Richard S. Rahn, President
North Port Development Corporation
Forshay Tower
821 Marquette Avenue
Suite 1600
Minneapolis. Minnesota 55402
oo: Stuart Hoffman
Fine. Jacobson. at al.
777 8riokell Avenue
Suite 700
Miami, Florida 33131
(b) Developer's Reenrds. Developer's original duplicate
books and records in auditable form as required in Section 2.8(d)
shall be Kept and be available to the City during normal business
hours at its principal place of business in the City of Miami.
(a) City Manager. 2n the case of a notice or oommunioation
to the City or the City Manager, if addressed as follows:
City Manager
3500 Pan American Drive
Miami, Florida 33133
or if such notice is addressed in such other way in respect to
any of the foregoing parties as that party may, from time to
time, designate in writing, dispatched as provided in this
Section 12.3.
Section 12.6. MBtcvuel Certin &tea. The City and
Developer shall at any time and from time to time, within thirty
(30) days after written request by the other, e=ecute,
acknowledge and deliver to the party which has requested the same
or to any prospective Leasehold Mortgagee, assignee or Subtenant
designated by Developer a certificate stating that (i) the Lease
is in full force and effect and has not been modified,
supplemented or amended in any way, or, if there have been
modifications, the Lease is in full force and effect as modified,
identifying such modification agreement, and if the Lease is not
in force and effect, the certificate Shall so state: (ii) the
Lease as modified represents the entire agreement between the
parties AS to this leasing, or, if it does not, the certificate
Shall So State; (iii) the dates on which the term of this Lease
commenced and will terminate; (iv) all conditions under the Lease
to be performed by the City or Developer, as the case may be,
have been Satisfied and, as of the date of such certificate,
there are no existing defenses or offsets which the City or
Developer, as the case may be, has against the enforcement of the
Lease by the other party, or, if such conditions have not been
satisfied or if there are any defenses or offsets, the
certificate shall so state; and (v) the rental due and payable
for the year in which such certificate is delivered has been paid
in full, or, if it has not been paid, the certificate shall so
state. The party -to whom any such certificate shall be issued
may rely on the matters therein set forth and thereafter the
party issuing the same shall be estoppel from denying the
veracity or accuracy of the same. Any certificate required to be
made by the City pursuant to this paragraph may be made on its
behalf by the City )manager.
Section 12.7. Provision Not Merged with Deed. 'None of the
provisions of this Agreement are intended to or shall be merged
by reason of any deed (i) transferring Developer's leasehold
estate in the Leased Property and Improvements or any part
thereof from the Developer (or its suooessors.or assigns) to the
City (or its successors or assigns), or (ii) transferring title
to the Leased Property or any part thereof from the City to
Developer, its successors or assigns and any such deed shall not
be deemed to affect or impair the provisions and covenants of
this Agreement.
Section 12.8. TItIon of Articles and SAotiona. Any titles
of the several parts, Articles and Sections of this Agreement are
inserted for convenience of reference only and shall be
disregarded in construing or interpreting any of its provisions.
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8eotion 12.9. Gmurmt•A• This Agreement is ezeouted in
six (d) oounterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original,
and such oounterparts shall constitute one and the same
instrument. This Agreement shall become effective only upon
execution and delivery of this Agreement by the parties hereto
and execution and delivery of all Sthibits referred to in
Section 1.1.
Section 18.10. Mon-DistLrIMnst and Attornment. The City
covenants and agrees with Developer for the benefit of any and
all Subtenants occupying any part of the Leased Property or the
Improvements from time to time, that in the event of a
termination of this Lease. the possession of each such Subtenant
shall not be disturbed so long as such Subtenant shall not be in
default under its Sublease, provided such Subtenant shall attorn
to the City. This nondisturbanoe agreement shall be self -
operative and no further agreement between the City and any such
Subtenant shall be necessary to effect the same, however. the
City agrees from time to time, promptly upon request of Developer
or any Subtenant, it will enter into agreements with the
Developer and any such Subtenant confirming such nondisturbance
agreement. Any such confirmatory agreement may be made on behalf
of the City by the City Manager. In the event of a termination
of this Lease, each Subtenant shall attorn to the City.
Developer covenants that each Sublease to which it shall be a
party shall contain a clause ezpressly providing that the
Subtenant thereunder shall attorn to the City in the event of a
termination of this Lease. but the absence of such a clause from
any sublease shall not relieve the Subtenant from the provisions
Of this Section 12.10.
Section 12.11. -111 Dnuo� rtu�ty.
Developer will use affirmative efforts to seep and offer to
ainority-oontrolled businesses the opportunity to lease suoh
portions of the Leased Property as may from time to time beoome
available in accordance with the Kinority Participation Program
attached hereto as Ezhibit P.
. Section 12.12. Sueoeesora end Aeaigag. Except to the
extent limited elsewhere in this Lease, all of the covenants
conditions and obligations contained in this Lease shall be
binding upon and inure to the benefit of the respective
successors and assigns of the City and the Developer.
Section 12.13. Rvaill,];atinn. Notwithstanding any "provision
oontained in this Lease to the contrary, it is speoifioally
agreed and understood that there shall be absolutely no personal
liability on the part of Developer or any individual
stockholders, officers, directors, partners (general and limited)
or co -venturers of Developer olk any assignee or sucoessor-iu-
interest of Developer with respect to any of the obligations,
terms oovenants and conditions of this Lease, such exculpation of
personal liability to be absolute and without any exoeption
Section 12.14. Entire Agreement. This instrument and its
attachments constitute the sole and only agreement of the parties
hereto and correctly set forth the rights, duties, and
obligations of each to the other as of its date. Any prior
agreements, promises, negotiations, or representations not
szpressly set forth in this Lease are of no force or effect.
section 12.18. amendmoatB. No amendments to this Lease
shall be binding on either party unless in writing and signed by
both parties.
Section 13.1. panel. A panel of arbitrators ("Arbitration
Panel") shall be established when required by this Lease.
(i) The appointments to the panel shall be made in the
following manner:
(a) The City shall name one member;
(b) Developer shall name one member; and
(o) The aforesaid members shall promptly name a third
(ii) If either party shall fail to designate a member
within fifteen (15) days after a written request so to do by the
other party, then such other party may request the President of
the Florida Chapter of the American Arbitration Association to
designate a member, who when so designated shall act in the same
manner as if he had been the member designated by the party so
failing to designate an arbitrator. If the two members are
unable to agree upon a third member within ten (10) days from the
last date of designation, such third member shall be designated
by the President of the Florida Chapter of the American
Arbitration Association, upon the request of either of the two
Section 13.2. An l onn 8gUtngs andfleoi alone . All
actions, hearings and decisions of the Arbitration Panel shall be
conducted, based upon and in accordance with the Commercial
Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association. In
all controversies, disputes or claims with respect to the
evaluation of real estate referred to arbitration under the
provisions of this Lease, the Arbitration shall be conducted in
accordance with the Real Estate Valuation Rules of the American
Arbitration Association. In determining any matter before them,
the Arbitration Panel shall apply the terms of this Lease, and
shall not have the power to vary, modify or reform any terms or
provisions of the Lease in any respect. The Arbitration Panel
shall afford a hearing to the City and to the Developer and the
right to submit evidence with the privilege of cross-ezamination
on the question at issue. All arbitration hearings shall be held
at a place designated by the Arbitration Panel in Dade County,
Florida. •
A hearing shall be commenced within sixty (60) days
following the selection of the last of the three arbitrators. A
court reporter shall make a *transcript of the hearing. The
parties and the Arbitration Panel shall use their best efforts to
conclude the hearing within ten (10) days. The parties shall be
entitled to such pre-trial discovery as they may agree, or as
determined by the Arbitration Panel. The Arbitration Panel shall
have the right to question witnesses at the hearing, but not to
call witnesses. The Arbitration Panel may grant oontinuanoes for
good cause or with the agreement of both parties. The
Arbitration Panel may render a deoision at the close of the
hearing, or may request briefs on any or all issues. Any and all
suoh briefs, inoluding reply briefs, shall be filed with the
terns and on the sohedule set by the Arbitration Panel, but in
any event no later than forty-five (45) days following the
oommenoement of the hearing. The Arbitration Panel shall render
a determination within sixty (60) days from the oonolusion of the
hearing. If no determination is rendered within suoh time,
unless the parties agree otherwise, a new Arbitration Panel shall
be seleoted as desoribed above, but the new Arbitration Panel
shall render a determination solely upon review of the reoord of
the hearing without a further hearing. !
The Arbitration Panel seleoted hereunder shall agree to
observe the Code of 8thios for Arbitrators in Commeroial Disputes
promulgated by the Amerioan Arbitration Assooiation and the
Amerioan Bar Assooiation, or any suooessor oode. The deoision of
a majority with respeot to any matter referred to it under this
Lease shall be final, binding and oonolusive on the City and
Developer and enforoeable in any oourt of competent jurisdiotion.
Together with the determination, the Arbitration Panel shall
provide a written explanation of the basis for the determination.
Baoh party shall pay the fees and expenses of the member of the
Arbitration Panel designated by suoh party, such party's oounsel
and witness fees, and one-half (1/2) of all expenses of the third
member of the Arbitration Panel.
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IN WITH 88 TEMU Y, Parr West, Ltd. Developer, has caused
this Lease Agreement to be signed in its name by its President
and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed and duly attested
by its Corporate Secretary, and the City Commission of Miami, has
caused this Lease Agreement to be signed in its name by Cesar H.
Odio, the City Manager, and duly attested to by the City Clerk,
on the day and year first above written.
PARE NEST, LTD., a Florida
ATTEST: Limited Partnership
Corporate Secretary
City Clerk
CITY OF MIAMI, a munidipal
corporation of the State of
City Attorney
11/17/86 18:00 p.m.
City Manager
' • ' j.
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sc�wC,e�r� SIVISNIN f .4SAOC., INC.
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Exhibit A2
Site Plan
:: ,;:r
I SITE PLAN Wo L.60 7001
(Notes A ■ore precise site plan will be
provided prior to the November 25th
Commission meeting by the Developer.)
i F
(Note: A more precise site plan will be
provided prior to the November 25th
Commission meeting by Developer.)
Exhibit B
Legal Description
Miami. A. L.c-Rnft- on a Subd. (B-4) : Block 37N; Lots 1-24 .
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_ Exhibit D
List of Approved Concept Plans
NarIL- • I%..lace West, to be developed by Can -American Realty
Corporatibn, will be located on Block 37 of the Southeast
Overtown/Park West Redevelopment Project Area. Block 37 is
bounded by Northwest Ninth Street, North Miami Avenue, Northwest
Eight Street and Northwest First Avenue. It is situated
immediately north of Miami's new sports arena.
As envisioned Park Place West will include two residential
towers. The towers, one 16 stories and the other 21 stories,
will accommodate 350 rental apartment units. Specifically, Park
Place West will contain 105 one -bedroom and 245 two-bedroom/two
bath units. The two -bedroom units are designed to encourage
shared occupancy by roommates through dual master suites.
Park Place West's amenities will include two swimming pools,
tennis courts, a well equipped exercise room and 24-hour
security. Fifty percent of the units will have balconies
affording one bayside and downtown Miami views. The towers will
be surrounded by a stucco -covered wall with arches complementing
the buildings' facade.
The complex will also include 30,000 square feet of commercial
�.��-- --A ew.. Inc ft%%4- .Mr►S%i 1 as _
Day Number:
Exhibit E
Action to be Completed:
-Execution of UDAG Contract by
City and HUD
-Execution of UDAG Loan Agree-
ment by City and Developer
-Submission of Scope Plans
for Stage I
-Possession Date
-Construction commencement
date of Stage I
-Submission of Construction
PLans for Stage I
-Commencement of Project
leasing activities
-Completion Date of Stage I
-Submission of Scope Plans
for Stage II
-Construction commencement
date of Stage II
-Completion of Construction
Plans'for Stage II
-Completion Date of Stage iI
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This Minority Participation Agreement ("this Agreement")
made this day of , 1986? by and between the City
of Miami, a municipal corporation of the State of Florida ("the
City") acting by and through the City Manager ("the City
Manager") and Park West, Ltd., a Florida Limited Partnership.
WHEREAS, by authority of the City of Miami Charter, the City
on July 31, 1984 - author i zed the publication of a Request for
Proposals (RFP) for the Unified Development Project to be known
as Southeast Overtown/Park West Redevelopment Project Phase I
Development; and
WHEREAS, Developer in response to said RFP submitted a
proposal to develop a residential 'project to be known as "Park
West Place" (the "Project") on the land owned in fee simple by
the City located between North Miami Avenue, Northwest 1st
Avenue. Northwest Sth Street, and Northwest 9th Street, in the
City of Miami, County of Dade, State of Florida, which is
collectively referred to herein as Block 37; and
WHEREAS, the City has accepted the Developer's proposal for
the Project and the City and the Developer have executed a Lease
for Block 37 for the purposes set forth in the RFP and the
proposal submitted by Developer; and
WHEREAS, the City and Developer are particularly aware of
the efforts needed to provide opportunities for local minority
participation in development undertakings; and
r 'c1
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• _
WHEREAS, it is the mutual desire of the parties to set forth
their agreement and understanding of the goals for minority
participation in the project.
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and the
covenants and agreements hereinafter set forth, the parties
covenant and agree as follows:
Section 1.1. Defined Terms. As used herein the term:
"this Agreement" means this minority
Partic pat on Agreementj, as the same may be
modified or amended from time to time
provided that any such modification or
amendment must be consented to by a four -
fifths (4/5ths) vote of the Miami City
"the City" has the meaning ascribed to it in
the opening paragraph of -this Agreement.
"the Citx Manager* has the weaning ascribed
t it in the opening paragraph of this
"Construction Contracts" means those certain
agreements beEween t e Developer and its
general contractor for construction of the
Developer Improvements, and includes
subcontracts with respect to such work
between the general contractor and
"Department" means the City's Department of
Deve opment or departmental staff.
"Developer" has the meaning ascribed to it in
tree opening paragraph of this Agreement.
"Develo er Improvements* has the meaning
ascribed to it in the Statement of Background
and Purpose in the Development Agreement
between the City and the Developer.
"Minority" means the following persons as
de —fined. in the following definitions as
approved by U.S. Department of Housing and
Urban Development ("H.U.D.") or as may be
changed by H.U.D. from time to time:
(a) Black (all persons having
origins in any of the
Black African racial
groups not of Hispanic
origin) ; and
(b) Hispanic (all persons of
Mexican, Puerto Rican,
Cuban, Central or South
American or other Spanish
culture or origin
regardless of race).
"Minorit.x Business Enterprise* means a
corporation, partnership, in visual, sole
proprietorship, joint stock company, joint
venture or other legal entity which is at
least 51% owned by a minority or at least 51%
of the stock outstanding is individually or
collectively owned by a Minority.
"Overtown Jobs Program ("OJP")" means the
City funded jobdevelopment program or
program staff.
*Project" has the meaning ascribed to it in
t e ec tal.
"Section", "subsection", " ara ra h",
WsuMpara ra h" , "clause;; or su c ause"
fo2lowed by a nu m eer or letter means t o
section, subsection, paragraph,
subparagraphs, clause or subclause of this
Agreement so designated.
Section 1.2. Terms in the Lease. All other capitalized
terms shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Lease.
Section 2.1. Ceneral Contractor. Developer shall notify
City of its selection of its General Contractor upon consummating
an agreement with the same.
Section 2.2. Goals. Developer agrees to exert diligent,
good faith efforts to award fifty percent (50%) of the total
contract price (without duplication) of all construction
contracts to Minority Business Enterprises, as follows:
a. Twenty-five percent (25%)
to Black contractors.
b. Twenty -Five percent (2S%)
to Hispanic contractors.
Section 2.3. Developer's Obligation. The Developer's
diligent, good faith efforts shall include, but not be limited to
the following:
a. Encouraging joint ventures between
minority contractors and non -minority
b. As permitted by the project budget,
subcontracts may be awarded to qualified
Minority Business Enterprises even if that
Minority Business Enterprise is not the
lowest bid in order to meet the goal
established in Section 2.2.
c. To the extent feasible, providing for
small subcontracting packages in an effort
to obtain bids from qualified minority
business enterprises.
d. Attending meetings with . minority
contractors to provide them with an update
on each phase of construction prior to
advertising for bids.
e. Advertising for bids in the Black and
Hispanic media to include newspaper
publications and radio announcements.
f. Establishing a payment schedule whereby
minority subcontractors' requisitions for
Payment will be processed in a timely
manner so as to avoid creating a cash flow
problem. Said payment schedule shall be
included in the agreement between the
general contractor and subcontractor.
g. Advising minority contractors, who are
awarded subcontractors, who may request,
or in Developer's judgment, may need
assistance on the development of
managerial skills necessary to coordinate
their contract with other contracts in the
h. Encouraging Developer's general contractor
and subcontractors to purchase reasonably
priced materials, supplies and equipment
for work to be performed on the Project
from Minority Business Enterprises.
i. Waiving bonding requirements for qualified
Minority Business Enterprises where
J. Requiring general contractor to certify
the minority bidders prior to awarding
subcontracts, to insure that the companies
are owned, controlled and operated by said
minority. The Department shall review and
verify all such certifications. The
certification and verification forms are
attached as Attachments A and B
k. Encouraging general contractor to award
subcontracts to local Minority Business
Developer agrees that the City shall be notified of the
scheduled dates for opening all bids. The City Attorney or her
designee and a representative from the Department shall witness
the bid openings.
It is understood that the City will not transfer possession
of the Leased Property to Developer until Developer has clearly
demonstrated that diligent, good faith efforts were put forth to
meet the goals established for
participation in the Project.
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minority contractors'
Section 3.1. Goal. Twenty five percent (250) of all
construction jobs are to be filled by Blacks. Developer agrees
that where practical and with the assistance of the OJP,
Developer shall put forth diligent, good faith efforts to fill
such construction jobs with City of Miami residents before
extending the opportunity to Dade County residents.
Section 3.2. Developer's Obligation. The Developer's
diligent, good faith efforts shall include, but not be limited to
the followings
a. Utilizing the OJP as the central screening
and referral source for construction
employment. After the subcontracts are
awarded, Developer shall inform the OJP of
the number of laborers needed for each
construction trade at -least ten (10 ) days
in advance of the work commencement date
for said laborers. A copy of the Job
Order Form is attached as Attachment C.
The OJP shall coordinate its efforts with
the local trade unions in the event the
Project is union oriented.
b. In the event laborers are to be replaced
during the course of construction,
notifying the OJP for assistance in
identifying the replacements. The OJP
shall make its referral to Developer
within three (3) working days. The
construction hiring goal is not cumulative
therefore regardless of the turnover rate,
the hiring goal shall remain bonstant
throughout the construction -of the
c. To the extent feasible, assisting laborers
in upgrading their skills.
1 �
y g`.
Section 4.1. Developer agrees to use diligent, good faith
efforts to hire consultants and professional service firms, that
are either minority owned or who have entered into subcontracts
with minority owned firms in connection with the development of
the Project.
Developer has engaged the services of the following minority
firms for this Project:
a. Kimberley Parker, Esq., has been retained
as legal representative for the project as
well as urban development consultant.
b. B.R.V., Inc. a 100% Hispanic owned
Architectural firm has been engaged to
provide design and supervising services.
Section 4.2. Developer's Obligation. In pursuit of the
goal set forth in Section 4.1 Developer shall, but is not limited
a. Advertising for consultants and professional
service firms in newspapers with extensive
circulation in minority communities.
b. Encourage joint ventures between minority and
non -minority consultants and firms.
Section 5.1. Goal. Developer shall make diligent, good
faith efforts to hire a SO% Black staff for the Project's
management and maintenance operation. This goal is specifically
designed to increase the number of skilled and semi -skilled
employment positions available to Miami's Black community.
. sf
x !'
Section 5.2. Developer's Obligation. The Developer's
diligent, good faith efforts shall include but be limited to:
a. Advertising in the local minority media.
b. Notifying employment agencies throughout Dade
County of the job opportunities.
c. Utilizing the OJP as the central screening
and referral source.
Section 6.1. Construction Contracts. The Department shall
visit the Project site monthly to review Developer's progress
relative to meeting the construction contracting goals. The
Department shall have access to all records pertaining to
subcontractors on the Project. Attached hereto as Attachment D
is the form to be used during the monitoring visit.
Section 6.2. Construction Hiring. The OJP shall visit the
Project site monthly to review Developer's progress relative to
meeting the construction hiring goals. The OJP shall have access
to all employment records relative to the laborers on the
Project. Attached hereto as Attachment E is the form to 6e used
during the monitoring visit.
Section 6.3. Doper Acknowledgment. The Developer or
his designee shall be required to sign the monitoring forms,
acknowledging that the Project site was monitored. If Developer
determines that the findings of the monitor as recorded on the
forms do not accurately reflect the level of minority
participation in the Project, he shall submit a written statement
stating his objections to the Director of .the Department within
ten (10) days of reviewing the monitoring form in question.
If the disputed findings are of such magnitude as to suggest
that the Developer is not exerting diligent, good faith efforts
in meeting the minority participation goals and if such dispute
cannot be resolved by the parties to this Agreement, then the
dispute shall be resolved by an Arbitrator as set forth in
Article X of this Agreement.
On or before 1-20 days following execution of the Lease
Agreement, Developer and City will establish an ad hoc minority
advisory and assistance committee ("Minority Committee")
consisting of no more than nine (9) representatives from
community groups and government agencies. From the date of this
Agreement until the completion of the Project, Developer will
meet with the Minority Committee on not less than a quarterly
basis. The Minority Committee will (a) advise Developer on
additional means and methods of accomplishing Developer's goals
as set forth herein; (b) assist Developer in communicating
information to the Minority community concernving opportunities
for Minority participation in the construction and management of
the Project; and (c) review on a regular basis Developer's
progress with the minority participation program. The Minority
Committee shall meet at the City Administration Building located
at- 275 Northwest 2nd Street, Miami, Florida. City will maintain
minutes of the Committee's meetings to be available for
inspection by the members of the Committee upon reasonable
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Section 8.1. Florida and Local Laws Prevail. This
Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Florida.
Section S.2. Conflicts of Interest; City Representatives
Not Individually Liable. No member, official, representative, or
employee of the City or the City Manager shall have any personal
interest, direct or indirect, in this Agreement, nor shall any
such member, official, representative or employee participate in
any decision relating to this Agreement which affects his or her
personal interest of any corporation, partnership or association
in which he or she is, directly or indirectly, interested. No
member, official, representative or employee of the City or the
City Manager shall be personally liable to Developer or any
successor in interest in the event of any default or breach by
the City or the City Manager or for any amount which may become
due to Developer or successor or on any obligations under the
terms of the Agreement.
Section 8.3. Notice.
, A notice of communication under this
Agreement by either the City or the City Manager, on the one
hand, to Developer, or, on the other hand, by Developer to the
City or the City Manager shall be sufficiently given or delivered
if dispatched by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid,
return receipt requested or given by hand or other actual
delivery to such party; and
a. Developer. In the case of a notice or communication to
Developer, if addressed as follows:
Richard S. Rahn, President
Northport Development Corporation
Poshay Tower
821 Marquette Avenue, Suite 1600
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402
b. City Manager. in the case of a notice or communication
to the City of the City Manager, if addressed as follows:
City of Miami, City Manager
3500.Pan American Drive
Miami, Florida 33133
or if such notice is addressed in such other way in respect to
any of the foregoing parties as that party may, from time to
time, designate in writing, dispatched as provided in this
Section 8.3.
Section 8.4. Titles of Articles and Section. Any titles of
the several parts, Articles and Sections of this Agreement are
inserted for convenience of reference only and shall be
disregarded in construing or interpreting any of its provisions.
Section 8.5. Successors and Assigns. Except to the extent
limited elsewhere in this Leape, all of the covenants, conditions
and obligations contained in this Agreement shall be binding upon
and inure to the benefit of the respective successors and assigns
of the City and the Developer.
Section S.G. Records. Developer shall maintain at its
field office in the City of Miami records to enable the City to
monitor Developer's performance under this Agreement and will
permit the City to inspect such records upon reasonable notice.
Section 8.7. Estoppel Certificates. The City and Developer
shall at any time and from time to time, within thirty- ( 30 ) days
after written request by the other, execute, acknowledge and
deliver to the other party which has requested the same or
designated assignees by Developer, a certificate stating (i) this
Agreement is in full force and effect and has not been modified
or amended in any way, or, if there have been modifications,
identifying such modification agreement, and if this Agreement is
not in full force and effect, the certificate shall so state;
(ii) this Agreement as modified represents the entire agreement
between the parties, or, if it does not, the certificate should
so states (iii) the dates on which this Agreement took effect and
if applicable, terminated; (iv) all conditions under this
Agreement by the City or Developer, as the case may be, have been
satisfied and, as of the date of such certificate, there are no
defaults by the City or the Developer, as the case may be or if
such conditions have not been satisfied or if a party is in
default, the certificate should so state. The party to whom any
such certificate shall be issued may rely on the matters therein
set forth and thereafter the party issuing the same shall be
stopped from denying the veracity or accuracy of the same. Any
certificate required to be made by the City pursuant to this
paragraph may be made on its behalf by the City Manager.
Section S.S. Entire Agreement. This instrument and its
attachments constitute the sole and only Agreement of the parties
hereto and correctly sets forth the rights, duties, and
obligations of each to the other as of its date, Any prior
agreements, promises, negotiations, or representations not
expressly set forth in this Agreement are of no force or effect.
Section 8.9. Amendments. No amendments to this Agreement
shall be binding on either party unless in writing and signed by
both parties.
Section 9.1. Developer's Default. Failure of Developer to
perform obligations set forth herein and the continuance of such
failure for a period of ten (10) days after notice thereof in
writing from the City to Developer (which notice shall specify
the respects in which the City contents that Developer has failed
to perform any such obligations), unless such default was not
caused or created by action or in action of the Developer and
cannot be cured within ten (10) days. Shall constitute a default
under this Agreement.
Section 9.2. Remedies for Developer's Default. If a
default should occur Developer shall be fined five hundred
dollars ($900 ) a day from the date the notice of default was
received by Developer until the default is cured. Payment of the
fine may be delayed pending an Arbitrator's decision.
If a dispute shall arise between the City and the Developer
under this Agreement including, but not limited to, whether or
not the Developer has made diligent, good faith efforts to meet
the goals set forth herein, such dispute shall be resolved by a
professional Arbitrator. The Arbitration shall be conducted in
accordance with the Commercial Arbitration Rules of the American
Arbitration Association. if the Arbitrator shall determine that
Developer has failed to make diligent, good faith efforts to meet,_
the goals set forth herein, the Arbitrator may award monetary
damages to the City in such amounts as specified in Section 9.2
of this Agreement. Said amount shall be paid to the City as
Additional Rental. The Arbitrator may award the costs of the
arbitration, including reasonable attorney fees, against the
unsuccessful party to the arbitration. An Arbitrator's decision
shall be final and binding upon the parties and enforceable in a
court of competent jurisdiction.
The decision of the Arbitrator in a proceeding brought under
this provision shall not prevent the City from bringing further
proceedings under this provision arising from a continuing or
different failure by Developer to use diligent, good faith
efforts to achieve the goals set forth herein provided, however,
the Arbitrator shall not make more than one award under this
provision for the Developer's failure to use diligent good faith
efforts arising from a particular set of facts.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Park West Ltd. has caused this Minority
Participation Agreement to be signed in its name by a General
Partner and the City Commission of Miami has caused this Minority
Participation Agreement to be signed by Cesar H. Odio, the City
Manager,. and duly attested to by Matty Hirai, the City Clerk, on
the day and year first hereinabove written.
PARK WEST, Ltd. a Florida
Limited Partnership
BY :
I HARD S. K HN, Partner
City Clerk
City Attorney
11/17/86 3:40 PM
an of Bidder
Principal Address
City_ State Zip
License # - Telephone
( ) Corporation ( ) Partnership ( ) Indivisual (') Joint Venture
List of Corporate Officers, Title Race, and % of Ownership
Type of Business Years in Business
Largest Contract Completed $ Bond Capacity
Insurance Agent
(Please attach a copy of licenses,workers compensation and liability policy)
Credit Reference
Total Volume business in 198S 2984
Jobs Completed in Past 12 months:
P"Ject ROM Architect Uneral Contractor
Have you ever been certified by Dade County,DOT, or any other agency as a XSE ?
If yes what agency. when
Rey personnel on the job site:
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Page (2) of FORM A _
13. is a valid Florida Drivers' License required? Yes No
14. Are your employees in this position expected to provide any necessary tools involved in
the fob (0? Yes No
If yes, please attach an ite—mizid list of tools required or eac position.
is. Could a person with limited English speaking skills perform this job?
Yes No
16. Is public transportation easily accessible? Yes flo
17. Does the job require shift work or other than traditional hours?
Yes No
(If yes* please clarify)
The following information is" required from each sub -contractor on
1. name of Company
2. Company address
3. Telephone number
4. Owners Name
5. Current number of employees
6.- IRS Employers' ID Number
7. Nature of Business (example plumbing, electrical, etc.)
8.. Type of license License Number
9. blame in which license was obtained.
10. Legal Structure
( Proprietorship ( ) Partnership ( )Others
( ) Corporation ( ) Limited Partnership
11. dames of Partners, if applicable
12. List of current Board Directors and ethnicity, if
13. Name(s) of persons authorized to conduct business for
14. Percentage of ownership, and ethnicity.
15. Copy of Articles of Corporation and By Laws.
16. Notarized statement of ownership
17. Copy of Dade County Certification, if applicable.
IS. Amount of this contract.
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Developer 2.
3. Date
Project Title
Project location
Sub Contractor/Project Supervisor
Position Title
Nmber of Openings
Beginning Date
Ending Date
Mork Days
Wi11 union membership be required? Yes
If yes, which union and local /
If this job involves on-the-job training
to be subsidized
by the City. how long will
the training period be?
(attach specific training
Specific Duties
Skill Level of experience or training required*(include
licenses and/or certificates necessarvl
For the Month of:
MONTHLY HIRING StMMARY General Contractor:
Sub Contractor:
List all the construction personnel in the firm of that are covered
under the !firing Agreement with the City. Please provide the names and ethnicity of all
company personnel and the proposed number of new hires for each position. Return this
form to the Overtown Jobs Program within ten (10) days.
• B - Black, L - Latin. F - Female, 0 - Others.
Please return this form to Overtown Jobs Program
1600 N.M. 3rd Avenue
Miami, FL 33136
Authorized Signature
Name of General Contractors
Name of Projects
Address or Block Number of Projects
Name of Sub Contractors
Phone Numbers
On Site Contact Persons
Owners Name(Sub-Contractor)
Verified as Minority Company _yes No
Ethnicity of Company
Olack Hispanic Female
Date Job Begins Estimated Completion Date
Contractor Speciality$
Number Of Jobs Created:
Date of Site Visit I I I I I I I I I I! I I I I I I
of work completed
Miscellaneous Notes
Signature of Developer
List all the construction personnel in the firm of that are covered
under the Miring Agreement with the City. Please prov e IN namel aRrethnicity of all
company personnel and ethnicity of all new hires.
* B - Black«,L - Latin$ F - Ferrate, 0 - Others.
Please return this form to: Overtown Jobs Program
1600 N.W. 3rd Avenue
Miami, FL 33136
Authorized Signature y.
Date J<
Exhibit 0
Maintenance Responsibility Site Plan
I= IlLands within this boundary to be maintained by developer.
The public rights -of -way will be maintained by the City.
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