HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 1986-12-11 Marked AgendaMANOR XAVIER L. SUAREZ VICE MA1OR 1.1. MUMMER, IR. CO�IM155lOtiFr (OE CAROUO Cl)�.1MIS�rC. •;R At!;IERI Dk►hPINS CONAMI5SIONI R ROSARIO kENNEDI w I N C 0 P Z Ni A'E, 18196 cop.13 Cin' MANAGER CESAR H. ODIO CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: December 11, 1986 CITY HALL 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE CITY ORDINANCE NO.10087, ADOPTED MARCH 18,1986, GENERALLY REQUIRES ALL PERSONS APPEARING IN A PAID OR REMUNERATED REPRESENTATIVE CAPACITY BEFORE CITY STAFF, BOARDS, COMMITTEES AND THE CITY COMMISSION TO REGISTER WITH THE CITY CLERK BEFORE ENGAGING IN LOBBYING ACTIVITIES. A COPY OF SAID ORDINANCE IS AVAILABLE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, CITY HALL. 9:00 AM until adjourned Ci ty Hall PARKING SYSTEM REVENUE BOND ITEMS Items 1 a 2 have been scheduled to be heard at 9:15 AM. CONSENT AGENDA Items 3 through 31 have been scheduled to be heard in the numbered sequence or as announce y e ommiss1on. GENERAL LEGISLATIVE ITEMS Items 32 through 62 may be heard in the numbered sequence or as announced y the Lommission. PUBLIC HEARING Item 63 has been advertised to be heard at 10:45 AM. UDP PUBLIC HEARING Item 64 has been advertised to be heard at 11:15 AM. PERSONAL APPEARANCES Items 65 through 74 have been scheduled to be heard at 3:00 PM. DISCUSSION ITEMS Items 75 through 85 are discussion items. Item 86 (a resolution) is related to item 85 and may be considered at this time, with said .terns 75 through 85 being scheduled to be heard at 3:30 PM. CITY COMMISSIOR AGENDA MEETING DATE. December 11, 1986 PAGE NO 2 SPECIALLY SCHEDULED PUBLIC HEARINGS Items 87 and 88 have been advertised to be heard at 6:00 PM. 9:00 AM INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE A. Approving the minutes of the Planning and Zoning Meeting of July 24, 1986. PRESENTATIONS a PROCLAMATIONS NOTE: Source of all legislative history references is in the City Clerk's Office. 9:15 AM PARKING SYSTEM REVENUE BOND ITEMS 1. EMERGENCY ORDINANCE - W-86-1079) Authorizing the issuance of Subordinated ar 1ng System Revenue bonds of the G1ty of Miam1, F I or1 da 1n an aggregate principal amount not exceeding$?,UUU,UUU or the purpose of acquiring land to bF used for the purpose of erecting an constructing thereon put) 1c par k i n g facilities within the corporate limits o the City of Miami; providing for t o payment of s u c h bonds and the interest ereon from amounts on deposit 1n thF beneral Reserve Accounts created pursuan o Urdinance No. 1 U 11 b of the City ommisslon of the Lity of Miami; settlng forth- the rights and remedies of the holders of Such bonds; making cer a1n tnerewltn; ana provlaing tnat tnls ordinance be effective immediately upon enactment. NOTE: Ite■ 2 is a companion to item 1 and may be considered at this time. 2. RESOLUTION - (J-86-1080) - (AUTHORIZING BUNU FUR ASE ) Authorizing the negotiated sale of y Of 1am1, F1 or1 a Subordinated Farking System Revenue Bonds, Series ; awarding the sale thereof tU William R. Watts and Northern rus an , subject to the terms and conditions of t e bond purchase contract and the purchase and sale agreement; appointing a registrar an paying agen ; au or1ling f7e delegation of authority to execute certain documents, including a letter of cre 1t, and other actions in connection w t t o issuance of said on s; prove 1ng or certain o er matters in connect ion w1 the issuance and delivery of such bonds; and providing an effective a e. APPROVED EMERGENCY ORDINANCE 10186 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY ABSENT: CAROLLO R-86-969 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY ABSENT: CAROLLO Cf� �ICQ CITY COMMISSION ACFWDA MEETING DATE. December 11, 1986 PAGE NO. 3 CONSENT AGENDA Unless a member of the City Commission wishes to remove a specific item from this portion of the agenda, Items 3 through 31 constitute the Consent Agenda. I h e s e resolutions are se I f - exp ana ory and are not expected to require additional review. or discussion. Each item will be recorded as individually numbered resolutions, adopted unanimously 'by the following motion: "...that the Consent Agenda comprised of items 3 through e adopted..." The Mayor or City Clerk shall state the following: "Before the vote on adopting items included in the Consent Agenda is taken, is there anyone present who is an objector or proponent that wishes to speak on any item in the Consent Agenda? Hearing none, the vote on the adoption of the Consent Agenda will now be taken." (CA) 3. RESOLUTION - (J-86-1036) - (AUTHORIZING ALLOCATI 1, OF FUNDS) Allocating an amount not to exceed $45,000 rom the L)epartment of Conferences an Conventions f un d in support Of e upers ars for said a oca ion being conditioned upon one or more everts being held in the City of Miami; the ity of Miami being recognize=ano namea as a sponsor; the City of Miami having an equa role in the dptprmination of all publicity and releases prepared for na Iona broadcast; matching or greater amounts eing contributed Dy the ureater MiaFT onven ion and -Visitors ureau. (CA) 4. RESOLUTION - (J-86-1004) ALLOCATT OF FUNDS) Allocating funds in an exceed from the budget for the continuati specia i co n orcemen`t oara. WM - (AUTHORIZING amount not to operating on of services by ne y s Code (CA) 4.1. OLUTION - (J-86-1076) - QF FUNDS) Allocating 150,000 from rograms and ACCont two (Z] 1`000 program rov (AUTHORIZING the Special Fgent Fundo l,ommiss1on; further authOng t e Lity Manager to enter- into —an agre with approved agencies, in a Torm accep a o the City Attorney. R-86-988 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS ABSENT: CAROLLO R-86-989 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PLUMMER ABSENT: CAROLLO R- 86-990 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PLUMMER ABSENT: CAROLLO M- 86-990.1 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PLUMMER ABSENT: CAROLLO ■ r CITY COMMISSION AGEN MEETING DATE. December 110 1986 PAGE NO. 4 CONSENT AGENDA CONT'D (CA) 5. RESOLUTION - (J-86-1074) - (FORMALIZATION) Aliocati g from General Fund, Special Programs and Accounts, Contingent Fund, an amount not to exceed o partly underwrite e nnua I Buaweiser Unlimited y rop ane Regatta" and an additional amount o as a grant in support of said ega a, say a a a a 7T Iona amount beiFg allocated in consi eration o Entertainment Sports Froqramminq Network kcZ�rN) or oiner television coverage or the event which will enable the Regatta to be seen on closed circuit television; further conditioning said ailocations w is are o e considered as seed money upon substantial compliance w Lity of Miami Administrative Fo ficy No. APM-1-84, a a Mr anuary e4, (CA) 6. RESOLUTION - (J-86-1012) - (AUTHORIZING EXLCU T I U17OF AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT) Authorizing the City Manager to execute an amendment o agreement dated ugus , in a form acceptable t o the Ci ty Attorney an d Prie e- a gwi ck Inc., thereby exten ina the term of sai agreement rom one year to wo years in conjunction with the eve opmen o a compre ensive storm drainage master p I an and increasing from $183,000 to , e maximum total compensation allowed or professional services, with funds ere or previously appropriated or the projec . (CA) 7. RESOLUTION - (J-86-1064) - (AUTHORIZING LXLLUIIUW-OF USE AGREEMENT) Authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement, in SUDStantially the form attaChea, wi ing Productions, Inc. or the mu t p a use of the i ami a ri ne to sum for a one-year perio or t he - purpose o f conducting ten musics concerEs an a 7 or other en er ainmen events. R-86-971 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: KENNEDY ABSENT: CAROLLO R-86-972 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: KENNEDY ABSENT: CAROLLO R-86-973 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: KENNEDY ABSENT: CAROLLO CITY COMMISS19-Fra ACEPRA MEETING DATE December 11, 1986 PAGE NO. 5 CONSENT AGENDA CONT'D (CA) 8. RESOLUTION - (J-86-949) - (AUTHORIZING EXECUTICITI—OF AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT) Authorizing the City Manager to execute an aqreemenr in.5 form acceptable to e, y Attornev. -amenainq the agreement authorized on Marcn L1, tytl5 oetween the Real state Research Corporation and the City of Miami for the preparation o appraisals of parcels of property within e Southeast Overtown/Fark West Redevelopment rojec ass I area and f57r technicalassistance and property acquisition whereby e term of said MarcF agreement is extended from February o December J1, 1986 an the compensation under said agreement is increasefrom o w1tF un d s therefor allocated from lZth Y ear ommunity Development 91 ock Grant un s al located —to the Southeast uvertown/Par-F' West a eve opmenProject an ousing Bond F un d s. is i"f em was deferred from the meeting of November 13, 1986.) (CA) 9. RESOLUTION - (J-86-1035) - (AUTHORIZING OF AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENTS) Authorizing the City Manager to amend the Economic Development agreements with thF Allapatta business Development ut orlty, Inc., and Wynwoodommuni y Economic Uevelopment Lorporation, In a form acceptable to the City Attorney, for the purpose of extending the contrac agreement from Uecember il, 19bb to June and to provide an additionaT twenty-five thousand do]ars3z!)IUUUT from Twelfth Illeth) Year ommuni y Vevelopment Blockran un s for each organization for the accomplishment o sir a ministrati ve and programmatic objectives. R-86-974 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: KENNEDY ABSENT: CAROLLO R-86-991 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PLUMMER ABSENT: CAROLLO 0 4`JFI:?•. CITY COMMISSION AGEX2,kq MEETING DATE. December 11, 1986 PAGE NO 6 CONSENT AGENDA CONT'D (CA) 10. RESOLUTION - (J-86-1046) - (AUTHORIZING OF AGREEMENT) Authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement in, form acceptaFle to the City orney, between a minority appraiser, oses orence, an individual, an e City of Miami for the preparation o appraisal s of property located wi in e �—Ottheast uvertown7Farkes a eve opmen Project Phase I area, for an amount not to exceed witF funds al I oca a rom Year Lommunity Development SIM- Funds allocated to the Southeasf 0vertown/Park Westproject an ousing bond Fund. (CA) 11. RESOLUTION - (J-86-1049) - (AUTHORIZING ILRMIRATTITN OF AGREEMENT) Authorizing the City Manager to terminate an agreement dated July ZU, 1983 between e Souorida tconomic Vevelopmen Corporation, Inc. and the City o ,1am1; said agreement is t e r m 1—n-57 a a in accordance with contract provision number further authorizing the City Manager o direct the City Attorney to collect e principa I amount of sai d I oan a I ong wi th any interest ue trom South FTBT—Ma conomic Development orpora ion, nc. (CA) 12. RESOLUTION - (J-86-1047) - (ENDORSING FUUNUATI 'S EFFORTS) Endorsing and encouraging the General Antonio Maceo, oun a ion, nc., in s Tuna -raising a or s Tor the eve opmen ana operation of General Antonio--M-aceo Park, a CTTy property located at 5TT5-TW7 ree ormer y blue Lagoon ar . (CA) 13. RESOLUTION ccepti- g orpora is acsimie (J-86-1071) the bid or urns mac Ines or a rtmen t o (AWARDING BID) of Saxon-Nuco ing twenty TZUT Pi y wide use o ent and budget-7a a total Proposed cost o ; a ocating un s therefor trom e opera ting u ge of the using epar men s; au orizing the i y anag r o Instruct e ie Procurement icer to issue purchase or ers for.this equipment. R-86-975 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: KENNEDY ABSENT: CAROLLO R-86-976 MOVED: DAWKINS SECONS: KENNEDY ABSENT: CAROLLO R-86-1002 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS ABSENT: CAROLLO PUBLIC HEARING SET FOR MEETING OF JANUARY 8, 1987 R-86-977 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: KENNEDY ABSENT: CAROLLO �•y :ITY COP. MISS104 ArYEHMA, MEETING DATE. December 11, 1986 PAGE NO 7 CONSENT AGENDA CONT'D Ir- (CA) 14. RESOLUTION - (0-86-1013) - (AWARDING BID) ccep i g the bid of Alfred Lloyd b Sons, Inc., a minority contractor, in thF propo sed amoun t o o a I Base i a o e .proposa or NW 19 Avenui ant ary Sewer Replacement Project; wit monies tnereTor aiiocarea Trom -,Lixywiae Sanitary bewer Lxtenston improvements account in the amount o , o cover th a contract cos an authorizing the Ci ty Manager to execute a contract with said irm. (CA) 15. RESOLUTION - (J-86-1081) - (AWARDING BID) ccepting the bid of Tree Masters, Inc. at a tota I proposed cost o an Juelle, Inc. at s total proposed cos o 528,212.00 or the demolition of various structures o the Department of Building and Z oning at a total proposed Cost o ; allocating funds t ere or from e Community Uevelopment Program wt recovery by normal ten holding proceedings; authorizing the ity anager o instruct a Lhiet Procurementicer o issue purchase orders for this service. (CA) 16. RESOLUTION) - (J-86-1056) - (AWARDING BID) ccepting the bid of Information anagement of Florida/Canon for the rental of three micro t m micro i s a rea er printers on a contract asis for one year, renewable annually, to thF Department of Police at a tQtal propose first year cos a oca ing tunas therefor from the opera ing budget; authorizing tha i ty manager to instruct a Chlet Procurementicer o issue a purchase order for this service. (CA) 17. RESOLUTION - (J-86-1055) - (AWARDING BID) Accepting the bid of Temptrol Air Londi toning Inc., a mtnort ty con rac or, or furnishing air con d t t toning maintenance for the Folice Department ui 1 d i n g on a contract asis for one year, renewa a annually, to e Department o-General ervices Administration at a total propose irs year cos o ; allocating un s therefor from the opera ing budget; authorizing the City anager to instruct the Chief Procurement Officer to issue a purchase order for tRis service. R-86=978 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: KENNEDY ABSENT: CAROLLO R-86-979 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: KENNEDY ABSENT: CAROLLO R-86-1029 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS R-86-993 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PLUMMER ABSENT: KENNEDY 9 E I I i } ;Q •• •it$ CITY COMMISSION 0 ACEHUA MEETING DATE December 11, 1986 PAGE NO 8 CONSENT AGENDA CONT'D (CA) 18. RESOLUTION-.(J-86-1058) - (AWARDING BID) ccepting the bid of Power Federal e ec ive ureau, a minors y ven or, or furnishing security guard service at thF Manuel r ime Lommunity Center to the Department of Community Development on a contract asis for one year, renewable annually, at a total proposed first year cost Of allocating un s therefor from t h e I -bl opera Ting budget; authorizing the Ci ty M anager o instruct the Chief Procurement icer o issue a purchase order Tor is service. (CA) 19. RESOLUTION - (J-86-1009) - (ORDERING HibHWAY PROVEME NTS ) Ordering Morningside Highway Improvement and aesignating the property against which special assessments sfi­57=e made for a portion of the cost thereofas orningst a Highway Improverient Uis rict (CA) 20. RESOLUTION Authorizin Davment collars Company connect OT-7 a n uJune_J (J-86-1048) - (AUTHORIZING the City Manager to approve n the amount or seventeen Dne hundreandsixty-seven o bliarpton, Brunson an or its services rendered in on with the loan p apt a eve opmer turtner au rtro I i o auai nc. as o sai G Tunu5 De aiiocatea Trom IwelTtn ear ommunt y Development BIRT Grant un s previous y appropriated or its _Fiscal Tear 1986-87 AdminiStrative xpenses. R-86-980 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: KENNEDY ABSENT: CAROLLO R-86-981 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: KENNEDY ABSENT: CAROLLO R-86-996 (AS AMENDED) MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS - - - - - - - - SEE RELATED M-86-995 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS f y CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE. December 11, 1986 PAGE NO 9 CONSENT AGENDA CONT'D (CA) 21. RESOLUTION - (J-86-1068) - (AUTHORIZING FLE06L 17f REVENUES FOR PARK CAPITAL PROJECTS) Identifying . and designating special revenues proauced from special assessmen collections as a pledge o secure special oblioation bonds issuedthe Buroose o t u n a i n 9 capita improvement projects in city parks, said pledge o replace a previous p I edge o T Esayside Spec,a I Ty Center and Parking Garage evenues; erecting that bond proceeds be equally a] locatea forlocate reco s ruc ion ot Bayfron a rk an d for renovation of neighborho0 parks. (CA) 22. RESOLUTION - (J-86-1051) - (AMENDING SE IT t 7) Amending Section 1 of Resolution No. 86- y changing the designation and amoun. o f f un d s needed o comply with the settlement cost to the Lity for payment o e settlement o f I r i a I Lourtan Appellate Court proceedings ,nvo I ving con emnat,on proceedings of ZI parcels o property acquired and needed or thF ver own Urban Initiatives Project. (CA) 23. RESOLUTION - (J-86-921) - (ESTABLISHING ANU IMP EAlENTING PE.PFORMANCE AND BID BOND PROGRAM POLICY) j Authorizing the City Manager to establish and implement a performance an on program policy relative to the requirements for minority and female---fl�rms and for the procurement of goods an services and public works cons ruc ion projects amounting to orless; ur er rescinding Resolution No. - andealing with performance- an bid bondpolicies. R-86-994 (AS AMENDED) MOVED: KENNEDY SECOND: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS SEE RELATED M-86-997 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS R-86-982 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: KENNEDY ABSENT: CAROLLO R-86-983 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: KENNEDY ABSENT: CAROLLO CITY COMMISSION AGERDA MEETING DATE December 11, 1986 PAGE NO. 10 CONSENT AGENDA CONT'D (CA) 24. RESOLUTION - (J-86-1065) - (AUTHORIZING TEMPUKART—STREET CLOSURES) Concerning the Three Kings Parade to -be conducteCI DY WQBA Radio Station on January , authorizing the closure o esigna e s ree s to t-hrough ve icu ar traftic Subject o the issuance of permits y e Departments of Foli—ce and Fire, escue and Inspection Services an assurances that the city wTTT be insure a gains any potential —is i y; conaitioned upon the organizers paying Tor necessary costs Of ity services associated w - ith said event beyon3 fFe- costs allocate (CA) 25. RESOLUTION - (J-86-1077) - (AUTHORIZING TEMPORARY —STREET CLOSURES) Concerning the 1986 King Mango Strut Parade an d Festivalsponsored y thF Coconut rove Jaycees, to be lield December 26, o in Peacock Parkan d DowntowF Coconut Grove, authorizing the closure o certain streets o through vehicular trattic, su b j e c t to the issuance o permits by the Departments of Police an Fire, Rescue and Inspection ervices; further restricting the area to re ai peddlers during said hours; subject to an contingent upon compliance with such conditions and limitations as may be prescribed y the i ty. (CA) 26. RESOLUTION - (J-86-1078) - (ESTABLISHING FLULSIRIAN MALL AND AUTHORIZING SALE OF BEER AND WINE) Concerning the 1987 Coconut Grove Art estival ro be held February 14, M-576-d in Peacock and Meyers Parks anEr in Downtown Coconut Grove, authorizing the closure of certain streets o througF vehicular traftic and creating a temporary pedestrian ma I I , subject o the issuance of permits by the Departments of Police ana Tire, Rescue ana inspection Services; restricting said area to retail peddlers wring the scheduled hours ot the event; granting the request ot the sponsors to sell beer and wine during the event. - subject to the issuance of a temporary permit by the State of Florida epar men ot Business Regulation, Division o Alcoholic beverages and lobacco; sai authorizations further subject to ana contingent upon compliance with such conditions and limitations as may be prescribed by the City o Miami, including payment for all City services associate with the event. R-86-984 (AS AMENDED) MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: KENNEDY ABSENT: CAROLLO R-86-985 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: KENNEDY ABSENT: CAROLLO R-86-986 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: KENNEDY ABSENT: CAROLLO .' CITY rJaMI 'SSIT.1, par--rm.a MEETING DATE. December 11, 1986 PAGE NO. 11 CONSENT AGENDA CONT'D (CA) 27. RESOLUTION - (J-86-1016) - (AUTHORIZING R-86-998 PLACEMENT —OF NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING) MOVED: PLUMMER Directing the Administration to begin SECOND: DAWKINS placing certain required City UNANIMOUS advertisements n the Miami News, with the exception of those advertisements w is are determined by the, y Manager to be placed in the Miami Herald in the besT interests of the City. (CA) 28. RESOLUTION - (J-86-1045) - (AUTHORIZING R-86-999 1-bUANCE—UF RFP) MOVED: DAWKINS Authorizing the City Manager to request SECOND: PLUMMER Tor proposals from minority and women- UNANIMOUS owned an k s f or the establishment o special bankaccounts for a period ot tw5' years. (CA) 29. RESJLUTION - (J-86-1038) - (AUTHORIZING R-86-1025 __ E AND ISSUANCE OF RFP'S) MOVED: DAWKINS Authorizinq the use of the Civic Center SECOND: PLUMMER site or the development of I ow- ensity ABSENT: CAROLLO sale housing within the affordable imi is - - - - - - - - of low and/or moderate income families; SEE RELATED further directing the Lity Manager to M-86-1026 prepare a request or proposals for such a MOVED: PLUMMER development. SECOND: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS (CA) 30. RESOLUTION - (J-86-1006) - (ACCEPTING FLAT) WITHDRAWN Accepting the plat entitled Solomon Traders bubdivision, a subdivision to thF Lity of Miami; and accepting the dedications shown on said plat; an accepting the covenant o run with e land postponing the immediate Cons ruc ion of certain improvements until require y e Department Of u is Works; an Er au orizing and directing the LIETRanager an i y Llerk to execute the plat an providing for the recor a ion of said p a in the u !c Kecords of US de Lounty, Florida. i f 0 .-!1 ^►'fit � r� �_ CITY COMMISSION AGERSA MEETING DATE. December 11, 1986 PAGE NO 12 CONSENT AGENDA CONT'D (CA) 31. RESOLUTION - (J-86-1007) - (ACCEPTING Accepting the plat entitled Lainey Lane Subdivision, a subdivision in the City o Miami; and accepting the dedications shown on said p a ; and accepting the covenant o run with the land postponing the immediate construction of cer ain improvements until required by the Department Of u is Works; an authorizing and directing--"e city anager and city Clerk to execute the pi at anff providing for the recordation of said plat in the Public Records of Uade-7ounty, ort a. NOTE: Items 32 through 62 may be heard in the numbered sequence or as announced 'by the ommission. ORDINANCES - EMERGENCY 32. EMERGENCY ORDINANCE - (J-86-1050) Amending "Division 2, City of Miami Firefighters'an d Police icers etirement rust of Article IV entitleEr ension and RetirementPlans" of Chapter Personnel", of the code of the t ty ot Fliami by adding a new section to be known as ection 4U-21.3.1 COST-of-LivMg owance Benefits"; containing a repealer provision and a severs i i y clause. 33. EMERGENCY ORDINANCE - (J-86-973) (415THS VOTE) Pledging revenues from the utility service tax on water and gas to the Fliami Sp-o-rTs- and Exhibition Authority to secure a subordinate o iga ion no e, eries 1985, OT the Miami 5 port. s -a n Exhibit -ion ut on t y; containing a r e p e a I a provision and a s e v e r TF7177 c ause; and waiving the requirement o rea ing same on Z separate days by a vote of not less than TTur- i tths s o T"Fe mem ers of the Commigsion, R-86=987 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: KENNEDY ABSENT: CAROLLO WITHDRAWN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE 10189 (AS AMENDED) MOVED: KENNEDY SECOND: PLUMMER NOES: DAWKINS NOTE: Item 34 is a companion to item 33 and may be considered at this time. rIA . il$ CITY C9MM!SS10W AGENDA MEETING DATE. December 11, 1986 PAGE NO. 13 ORDINANCES - EMERGENCY CONT'D 34. RESOLUTION - (J-86-967) - (AUTHORIZING DEFERRED. EXECUTIR—OF AGREEMENT) Authorizing the City Manager to execute e negotiated agreement, in a form acceptable to the i y Attorney, Defween e LItY ot Miami and Fullerton an Associates, rc i ec s- anners, o provide professional planning an desigliT services for tne conversion of existing retai I space, adjacent mal I and --service areas at the City of Miami niversi y o iaml, ames L Rnig n erns Iona Center, into ex i i ion space, s -withun a oca a from a su ordinatenote he y Sun Bank of Miami, W, to cover the costs of said services. ORDINANCES - SECOND READING 35. SECOND READING ORDINANCE - (J-86-609) DEFERRED BY o ing a new Section 2-309 en itIed M-86-1001 7inancial Disclosure o Chapter Z oT MOVED: CAROLLO the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, as SECOND: KENNEDY amended; setting torth requirements of NOES: SUAREZ a n n u a I disclosure by City otticials an employees of information rel ated to the i n a n c i a I status ot said o f t i c i a I s an employees; containing pens I ties, a repealer provision an d a severabi I ity c I ause. rT_r_sTTeading: 13 Nov '86 Moved Comm Plummer Second Comm Carollo (Y) Suarez, Dawkins (N) Kennedy CITY COMMISSION AGEKOA MEETING DATE. December 11, 1986 PAGE NO. 14 ORDINANCES - SECOND READING CONT'D 36. SECOND READING ORDINANCE - (J-86-823) Establishing appropriations for City Capital improvements; continuing anEr revising orevious v aDDrovea sc e u e capital improvement Projects, ana es t a b I is ing new CaDital I morovemen Projects to Begin auring riscai rear ivbo- containing a repealer provision an a severa i i y clause. First Reading: ov '86 Moved Comm Dawkins Second Comm Plummer (Y) Suarez, Kennedy (ABSENT) Carollo 37. SECOND READING ORDINANCE - (J-86-981) s a is ing a new specia I revenue fund entitled "Unsafe and Blightedtruc ures Demolition Revolving Trust Fund for the purpose of appropriating funds for thF demolition Of unsafe an d b I ig h t e structures on a City wide b a s i s wit revenues in the amount ot 55uu,uuu anticfpated as b e i n 9 a v a i 1 a b I e f rom collection of demolition iens; containing a repealer provision an a a severa i I i ty c ause. First Reading: 13 Nov '86 Moved Comm Dawkins Second . Comm Plummer Vote Unanimous ORDINANCES - FIRST READING i } 38. RST READING ORDINANCE - (J-86-881) me ng ap er b4 Article V1 of tFe Code of t o ty o iami,Florida entitled ewa s y adding new areas to e inc u e u r cafe zones in ec ion , by amending SectioF i -Standards riteria for Application eview an c ionb4-116 orm an d Conait-ions o Permit"; containing a repealer provision n da sever at) 11ity c— aT—Use. ORDINANCE 10187 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PLUMMER ABSENT: CAROLLO ORDINANCE 10188 MOVED: KENNEDY SECOND: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS SEE RELATED M-86-1003 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS CITY COMM!"3SION At-F-419A MEETING DATE. December 11, 1986 PAGE NO 15 ORDINANCES - FIRST READING CONT'D 39. FIRST READING ORDINANCE - (J-86-1019) Appropriating t Re amount of s5M,761.64 made available as a resu I t Of t F7e settlement of tRe ity s ispute witH Dade County over -the oun y s assumption o control over theMiami- a e Water an Sewer Authority as a special revenue funEr in the Community Vevelopment Blockran und (C ) Account EleventhYear, w is amount is also being transferred rom sai fund o the Cubu EleventhYear ContingencF Budget Fund; containing a repealer provision and a severability clause.' 40. FIRST READING ORDINANCE - (J-86-1067) EstablisMing a new Spec ia I revenue fund en i t I e is oric Preservation: Education',and appropria ing f un d s foF e operation of same in the amount o , consisting of a gran from the 5tate of Florida: Uepartment o State; and $14,ZZ5 from fisca year - 61 eneral I`und and Community UevelopmeFrt ock G ran t : Ci tywi de Hi5 oric reservation and Planning ministration; containing a repealer provision and a severaoi I i ty c I ause. 41. FIRST READING ORDINANCE - (J-86-1066) EstablisFing a new s p e c i a I revenue fund en it I a is oric Preservation: uena is a , and appropriating funds for I tHF operation of same in the amount o $11,000, consisting of a 35,500 grant froff e State of Florida: DeDartment o btate; ana ib,buu from fiscal year Community Development Blockran : r—Itywide Historic reserva ion an anning A d minis t ra t ion; containing a repealer provision an a severa i i y c I ause. 42. FIRST READING ORDINANCE - (J-86-1060) LstablTshing a new Spec ia I revenue fund en i e "Handicapped ivision un aising rogram , appropriating un s or i ts operation in the amount of $15,C1 composed of monies generated roug un raising erforts o e City of Miami's Handicapped ivision an a priva e ,donation s; con aining a repea I er provision and a severability clause. FIRST READING MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS SEE RELATED M-86-1005 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS FIRST READING MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS FIRST READING MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS FIRST READING MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS �j CITY COMMISSIGH AGENDA MEETING CATE, December 11, 1986 PAGE NO. 16 NOTE: ORDINANCES - FIRST READING CONT'D 43. FIRST READING ORDINANCE - (J-86-1070) FIRST READING Amending Section I of ordinance o. 0096, MOVED: DAWKINS aaopted April, by C anging the SECOND: PLUMMER name of the 5pecial Revenue Fund entitled: UNANIMOUS "Pre-school rogram o it Pre-school Program - onso i a e and appropriating a itiona un s for tHe operation of same in the amount of sb8,zjj composed o program par t icipa t ion f ees, d esignate ld ood reim ursements, and carryover f un balance trom the lscal Year - re- st oo rogram; containing a repealer provision and a severability clause, 44. FIRST READING ORDINANCE - (J-86-1053) FIRST READING ppropriating Federal Urban eve opment MOVED: SUAREZ Action brant Funds or use as a SECOND: DAWKINS subordinate loan to C r u z DevelopmenT UNANIMOUS ompany as p a r t i a I f i n a n c i n g for t h e c onstruct ion of a 415-unit rental ousino aRartment complex on Parcel 24 of the Phase I Redevelopmentarea Of e outneast overtown/Park Westa eve opmen Project. Item 45 is a companion to item 44 and may be considered at this time. 45. RESOLUTION - (J-86-1052) - (AUTHORIZING R-86-1035 EXECUTION OF GRANT AGREEMENT) MOVED: DAWKINS Authorizing the City Manager to execute on SECOND: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS e alt ot the C,ty a grant agreement, in a form acceptablp to the City Attorney, with e United states uepartme-nc ot H ousing and Urban eve opmen or an Urban Development Action Grant (UDAGr which wi provide S5,643,uu to the l y ot Miami to e use as a s ub or-diate I o a n t o Cruz eve 10pmen ompany for the Cons ruc ion of a 4ID-unit r e n t a I nouslng apar men complex on Parcel z4 ot thease Redevelopment rea Of e Southeast ver own ar es ommuni y e develop Project, and -further authorizing the City manager To accept the and execute a oan agreement With Cruz- eve opmen ompany based upon the terms o e gran -between agreement the lty and HUD. 0 sibs CITY COMMISSION AGENUL. MEETING DATE. December 11, 1986 PAGE NO: 17 46. ORDINANCES - FIRST READING CONT'D FIRST READING ORDINANCE - (0-86-1069) Appropriating Federal Urban UeVeTopment Action brant Funds or use as a subordinate oan to un-American Realty Corporation as partial inancing Tor the construction of a -unitrental ousing apartment complex on Parcel 31 of the Phase I Redevelopmentarea Of e NOTE: Item 47 is a companion to item 46 and may be considered at this time. 47. RESOLUTION - (J-86-1026) - (AUTHORIZING LALCUTION OF GRANT AGREEMENT) Authorizing the City Manager to execute on behalf of the City a grant agreement, in a form acceptable to t e City Attorney, wi t e United States Department o ousing and Urban DeVelopment or an UrSan Development Action Grant tUDAG) which wiTT provide 54,bUU,UUU to the Lity ot Miami to e used as a subordinate I o a n toCan-- American Realty Lorporation for the construction ot a JbU-unit rental musing apartment complex on Parcel J7 o e ase I RedevelopmentArea Of e boutheast Uvertown/Parkes ommunT T y Redevel opment Froject, and furtheF buthorizing the Lify Manager to accept e and execute a loan agreement witF Can -American Realty Lorporation based upon e terms of the grant agreement Between e Lity and KUU. 48. FIRST READING ORDINANCE - (J-86-858) Lstablishing a ive-year funding program using the sZUU,UUU from 507ecial Programs and Accounts, Contingent Fund,or e purpose of funding' eig communi y cu I t u r a I events; f ur er prove ing that, using the first year's funding amounts as a b ase, fun ing for each event for eac succeeding year s a I be ecrease y a east ZUw,, from the base year's allocation or a maximum f un 3 ing period of f Ive years; ur t hTr containing a r e p e a 177 provision and a severs i y c ause. NOTE: Item 49 is a companion to item 48 and may ____.. be considered at this time. FIRST READING MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS R-86-1036 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS FIRST READING MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS CITY COMMISS', [ON AGENDA MEETING DATE. December 11, 1986 PAGE NO. 18 ORDINANCES - FIRST READING CONT'D 49. RESOLUTION -- (J-86-1021) - (ALLOCATING Allocating an amount not to exceed from Special -Programs an ccounts, Contingent Fund, in support o six community cultural even s; sai al I oca ion being condi tione upon su7stantial compliance with Administrative Policy No. APM 1-84,a T-e7 January Z4, 1984. RESOLUTIONS NOTE: These items are categorized by the originating department. An additional Resolution appears on the Agenda as Item 86. City Manager's Office 50. RESOLUTION - (J-86-1018) - (AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF RENEGOTIATED LABOR AGREEMENT) Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a renegotiated co ec ive bargaining Agreement between the i y of Miami an e Miami General Employees/AFSCME,Local AFL-LIU, for the period of UctobeF through ep em er Ju, 19819 subject o the terms and conditions se tortn in the attacneo renegoiiatea a t is I es ot the Collective bargaining Agreement in effect rom October 1, 1984 through ep em er , pursuant o Resolution No. 84-111IJ, adopted Uc o er R-86-1007 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS R-1008 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS CITY cc A G E06 N wn P6 MEETING GATE. December 11, 1986 PAGE NO. 19 RESOLUTIONS CONT'D 51. WITHDRAWN Department of Finance 52. RESOLUTION - (J-86-1054) - (RATIFYING EMERGENCY —PURCHASE) ) (4/5THS) Affirming the payment of $14,170.12 to eview Financia I Printers f or emergency p r i n t i n g services provided in connection with the printing and distribution of City of Miami Official Statements for the sale of Ueneraliga ion Bonds, as prove e or in the Master bond Resolutions, -able to e paid from f un d s avail from t o proceeds of the bond sale. 53. Department of General Services Administration RESOLUTION - (J-86-1059) - (RATIFYING LMLRGLNCY-PURCHASE) (4/5THS VOTE) Ratifying, approving and confirming by a s affirmative vote of the members o e City Commission, the action at e i y manager in finding the construction 07 a 2 112 ft hi gn Da rri er wa I I at F i re a ion No. b to be an emergency purchase and in authorizing the issuance of an emergency purchase order for t e construction of said wall o Group onstruction, Inc., a minority vendor, to e Uepartment Of enera Services- ministration at a total proposed cost Of allocating un s therefor R-86-1009 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS R-86-1010 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS CITY COEIMISSICH AGERN-16 MEETING DATE: December 11, 1986 PAGE NO. 20 RESOLUTIONS CONT'D Department of General Services Administration Cont'd 54. RESOLUTION - (J-86-1013) - (RATIFYING EMLKGLNLT-PURCHASE) (4/5THS) Ratifying, by a four -fifths (4/5ths) affirmative vote ot the! ty Comnission, the City Manager's emergency provision o twenty-four hour daily. seven days per weeK, armea securlty guara services wiLn marked company cars and wi tH ra d i o s tor one month, rom November 8, 19 8 6t roug ecem er room—l'I oyd Protection orporati on, a bl ack mi nor! ty vendor, at a cost Of un d s there or eing available from the - ease roper y Maintenance und; turther authorlzing thF City Manager to extend this service for a peri od not to ex'ceed one month at a time unt!l such time as the City s o !ce !n!- statlon, currently located at the u mer ver own Lommunity Lenter !s relocated to the Overtown Shopping Center, at which time, the City Manager s h a request e Ll ty Lommisslon s approva formally advertise for bids for twe v - ours daily, seven days per week, securl,.y services. Department of Parks, Recreation and Public Facilities 55. RESOLUTION - (J-86-958) - (AUTHORIZING EXECUTIOW-OF AGREEMENT) Authorizing the City Manager to execute a negotiated agreement. in a form acc-e-517ae to the LI ty Attorney and which t-hall be in substantially the attached form, between e ! y ot Miami an * br.Qw or concession opera l'ons- at the Miami Orange Bowl a !um and the MiamiHaSPI)AIT a !um for a period of five,years. * Volume Services, Inc. R- 86-1011 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS M- 86-1012 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY ABSENT: CAROLLO R- 86-1021 (AS AMENDED) MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY ABSENT: CAROLLO DAWKINS CITY COMM11SID.R. Affy9ft. MEETING DATE. December 11, 1986 PAGE NO. 21 BOARDS AND COMMITTEES 56. RESOLUTION ADDointino term enaing was deferri 13, 1986.) - (J-86-994) - (APPOINTING one (1) individual to the n orcemen oar o serve a e ruary is item rom the mee ing of November 57. RESOLUTION - (J-86-1072) - (APPOINTING Appointment of certain individuals to fill two vacancies on the City of Miami Atfirmative Action Advisory board. 58. RESOLUTION - (J-86-896) - (APPOINTING MV Appointing_ one ( 1 ) individual to the City of Miami Audit -Advisory Committee. 59. RESOLUTION - (J-86-908) - (APPOINTING MLMbLRS)— Appointing three (3) individuals to the t y of Miami rianning Advisory -Board. 60. RESOLUTION - (J-86-907) - (APPOINTING ADaointina three (3) individuals ar.— to the 61. RESOLUTION - (J-86-1042) - (APPOINTING, Appointing one (1) individual to the ousing conservation oar . 62. RESOLUTION - (J-86-1075) - (APPOINTING Appointing three (3) individuals to the iami Ruer Coor2rinating ommittee. DEFERRED R-86-1013 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: KENNEDY ABSENT: CAROLLO DEFERRED MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS R-86-1014 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS ,..R-86-1015 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS SEE RELATED M-86-1015.1 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DXdKINS ..UNANIMOUS DEFERRED TO NEXT MEETING DEFERRED MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS q� 0t�Y t 1 Ise CITY COMMISSIOX AGEX3A MEETING DATE December 11, 1986 PAGE NO. 22 PUBLIC HEARINGS (PH ) 10:45 AM 63. RESOLUTION - (J-86-1008) - (RATIFYING LMLRLiLNLY—INCREASE IN CONTRACT AMOUNT) (4/5THS VOTE) Authorizing an increase in the contract amount of $1UU,UU0 in the contract a ween e City of Miami, Florida and Williams Paving Company, Inc. dated March or the construction of Uow--nT—own highway' Improvement - P h a s e I sai d f un d s f—o--Fe- provided from funds already a oca e o t e project; further ratifying the sty Manager's written finding that e herein increase resulted rom emergency circumstances by an aftirmative vo I e o four/fifths i s of the members of t o City Commission and adopting a in ings and conclusions set t o r t In a pream1. e of this resolution. UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (UDP) PUBLIC HLARING (PH) 11:15 AM 64. RESOLUTION - (J-86-1044) - (AUTHORIZING F UDP RFP) Authorizing the issuance of a request for proposals, in a form acceptable I o e Lity Attorney, for a unitied development project for the development ot a full- s e r v i c e boat yard aci ity, marina an ancillary marine -related re ai I use on an approxima e y acre 7777owned waterwatert ront pa rcel 1 ncl u ing 6.36 acres o u P7 and an acres of Bay bo om contiguous -To the upland oca e a out ayshore Drive, Miami, F 1 on a; s el ec ing a cer i of ed public accoun tng irm and appointing mem ers to a review committee to evaluate proposa s and report findings to the 'City Manager as require y Lity o iami Charter Section c . R-86-1016 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS R-86-1017 (AS AMENDED) MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: SUAREZ UNANIMOUS C�;'f OFF CITY C9111-11%diSION ACITHDA, MEETING DATE, December 11, 1986 PAGE NO. 23 3:00 PM PERSONAL APPEARANCES NOTE: Legislation way result from the City Commission consideration of any Personal Appearance. 65. Representative(s) of the Bakehouse Art Complex, Inc. to request renovation funding assistance for its project. (This item was deferred from the meeting of November 13, 1986.) 66. Representative(s) of the National Physique Committee of the USA (NPC) to request funds for the Women's and Mixed Pairs National Bodybuilding Championships scheduled to take place in September, 1987. 67. Representative(s) of the Miami Congressional Workshop to request funds for the Third Miami Congressional Workshop on the Western Hemisphere scheduled for December 28-30, 1986. 69. Representative(s) of Aeromexico to request City support for "A MEXICAN CHRISTMAS IN THE GROVE '86" to be held in Peacock Park on December 14, 1986. 69. Representative(s) of the Plumbers' Local Union 519 Pension Trust Fund to discuss proposal for affordable townhome development on Melrose Nursery site. 70. Representative(s) of the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Parade and Festivities Committee, Inc. to request City of Miami sponsorship of events. 71. Representative(s) of the Miami Dade Main Library to discuss support for the LIBERTY PROJECT, opening on January 10, 1987. 72. Representative(s) of Overtown Advisory Board to request funding for the "One Day Overtown Community Conference", scheduled for February 20, 1987. M-86-1020 MOVED: KENNEDY SECOND: DAWKINS ABSENT: CAROLLO DISCUSSION -86-1023 MOVED: SUAREZ SECOND: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS M-86-1006 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS M-86-1024 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS M-86-1027 MOVED: KENNEDY SECOND: SUAREZ UNANIMOUS M-86-1028 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS M-86-1030 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY ABSENT: CAROLLO It CITY Cott AGEHOA MEETING DATE. December 11, 1986 PAGE NO 24 PERSONAL APPEARANCES CONT'D 73. Dr. Earl Wells of the Edison Merchants' Association. 74. Representative(s) of Watts -Up, Inc. to request support for the Miami Music Celebration to be held at Bicentennial Park, April 17-19, 1987. 3:30 PM DISCUSSION ITEMS NOTE: Legislation may result from the City Commission consideration of any Discussion Item. 75. Discussion regarding erection of bus stop shelter advertising. 7E. Discussion on the proposed development and land management policies for Virginia Key and authorization to review and discuss those policies with regulatory and administrative agencies at the local and state level prior to finalizing plan. 77. Discussion regarding feasibility of refunding bonds for the support of the James L. Knight Convention Center and parking garage. 78. Discussion concerning Arena Parking Program. 79. Discussion regarding the status of the two police substations. 80. Discussion concerning start of construction, completion and first rentals for all three Claughton Island affordable housing sites. 81. Discussion concerning deployment of police in the Liberty City, Wynwood, Coconut Grove and Northeast area. 82. Discussion regarding progress of receiving more new business accounts for garbage and trash collection. DISCUSSION M-86-1031 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS ABSENT: CAROLLO NOT TAKEN UP NOT TAKEN UP M-86-1000 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS NOT TAKEN UP NOT TAKEN UP DISCUSSION NOT TAKEN UP NOT TAKEN UP CITY COMMiSSION AFF'194 MEETING DATE: December 11, 1986 PAGE NO. 25 DISCUSSION ITEMS CONT'D 83. Discussion regarding a proposal to permanently locate an internationally recognized maritime museum collection within the City of Miami. 84, Discussion regarding the Pier 5 Boatmen's Association and the proposed construction of a temporary dockage facility at the FEC slip. 85. Discussion concerning renovation and operation of Miamarina. NOTE: Item 86 is related to item 85 and may be considered at this time. 86. RESOLUTION - (J-86-1006) - (AW'ARDING BID) ccepting the bid of in e propose amount of s b a s e i d ot the propose or the baysi de pecia I ty Center - Miamarina enova ion , with monies theretor allocated from iamarina Enterprise Fund account in e amount of S to cover the contract cost; ana authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with said firm. SPECIALLY SCHEDULED PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS (PH) 6:00 PM 87. SECOND READING ORDINANCE - (J-86-431) rove d i n g that actions Of e City ommission related to the denial or approval of applications pertaining to amendments to the Zoning Lode, ompre ensive Plan, or elements ereo , shall not the subject ot a motion o reconsider which is made subsequent o e tirst regularly scheduled C-, y ommission Meeting— following the date such actions nave Deen taken; Con aining a repea er provision and a severa i i y clause. first Reading: 23 Oct Moved Comm Dawkins Second Mayor Suarez (Y) Kennedy, Plummer (ABSENT) Carollo NOT TAKEN UP NOT TAKEN UP NOT TAKEN UP NOT TAKEN UP ORDINANCE 10190 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS CITY COMMISSION AGENEA MEETING DATE. December 11, 1986 PAGE NO. 26 SPECIALLY SCHEDULED PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS Cumllv (PH) 6:00 PM 88. RESOLUTION (J-86-1001) - (CONFIRMING ESOLUTION) Confirming ordering Resolution No. 86-898 an authorizing the i ty L I erk to advertise or sea I a d bids for the construction of EastLittle Havana Hig way mprovemen - Phase 11 in L as t LittlF Havana Highway Improvemen District - ase 11 H-45ZI3. R-86-1032 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS