HomeMy WebLinkAboutM-87-01592-e.? 1110" ;z l : Z 1 M G T & B U D a E T F-. ►-3 1 t;,IT7 OF MiAMI.. P66RICA INT9R•OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission fRO161 Cesar H. Odio f City Manager RECOMMENDATION: DATE FEB } 198 ri►f jusiECT Resolution establishing a Visions 2000 Committee 111'ffAfNC[fl ENCLOSURES It is respectfully recommended that the City Commission adopt the attached resolution establishing a Visions 2000 committee, pursuant to the visions 2000 Act of 1986, to consist of ten members. BACKGROUND: The State of Florida enacted House Bill No. 1360 on July 1, 1986 authorizing each county and municipality to establish a Visions 2000 Committee. The act provides that grants up to $ 50,000 can be made by the Florida Department of S a e o 1ocaT governments on ' a doll ar-for-doll ar basis to fund expenses incurred by the Committee in carrying out its responsibilities under the Act. The purpose of the Committee is to provide a forum to facilitate discussion of and provide a community consensus for the proper sense of direction for the future. of the municipality. The. Committee members must be appointed by a majority vote of the members of the legislature representing the municipality. The grant application deadline Is February 27, 1986. The application mustcon a n a Localovernmen esolution establishing a Visions 2000 Committee and a document designating appointment of members to the Committee, signed by a majority of the State Senate and House delegates representing the City, signifying their approval. Please be erepared to nominate members at the February 12th Comm ss on meeting. This will allow our Office the necessary leaa time to contact the Senate and House Delegates to obtain their approval of the appointments. Attachments: Proposed Resolution House Bill 1360 54 CHAPTER 86-221 House bill No. 1360 An act relating to local government; authorizing each county and municipality to establish a Visions 2000 Committee; providing powers and duties of such committees; providing for grants to committees administered by the Department of State; providing for reports; providing an effective date. Be it Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: Section 1. Short title. --This act may be cited as the "Visions 2000 Act of 1986." Section 2. Legislative intent. --It is the purpose of this act to encoura a counties and municipalities to establish committees which will rovi e a lorum to facilitate discussion of,and provide a community consensus for the proper sense of direcEion for the future o the county or municigality, and to provide financial assistance to such committees, includinS any committees which ma have alread been established. Such committees shall formulate goals and develop comprehensive short-term, inteime sate -term, and long-term policies or achieving such goals. These goals and policies shall re ate to e social, econo_m ct and physical makeup of the county or municigaiity cc assure tnat aii citizens nave access to the necessities that make life valuable, fulfilling, --and useful-. Further, it is the s eci is a is ative intent that the goals--a-0 Policies shall rov a overall guidance to local Sovernment, publis andgr vate institutions, and the business community. The goals an policies shall not be inconsistent with guidelines in 'the state, regional, or locali an. The purpose s thus not to provide plans which will be a blueprint bX which the future shall be be rather, IT is intended toprovi a public statements o goals and oo icies reclecLinq Lne ae5ires anc wiil or the peopie, Section 3. Establishment of committees. -- I Each county and municipality is authorized and encouraged by the Le is ature to establish resolution a Visions 2000 Committee. uc committee may be established oint y By as county and one or more municipalities within. Eac committee shall consist of no more than 25 members appointed a majorityFnajority vote of the members of the Legislature representing the county or munici a it . The members shall nc u e a broad cross-section of communit - ase representation nc u n but not limited to nei no groups an organizations, Civic c u s, PoIrtical action roups, and all-intereateA citizens. e members or t e Legislature re resentin the county or mun c pa tv s a appoint the chairperson ot the committee 2 within 2 weeks after appointment, or, if a grant is applied for under section It within 2 weeks of -approval or denial thereof, t e committee snail o an organizational meetin an —shall meet at east ever mont s thereafter. The members or the Le-51slature representing the county or municipality shall provide a time an p ace tor the comet ttee s tirst meeting. The committee shall meet as long as necessarX in order to complete its duties, but -for no longer than z Zearso Prior to holding its final meeting, the committt e shallfthall make a report to the county and municipalities affected and to the members of the Legislature representing the county or munici a it , inc u in , at a minimum, an n inas an recommendations made- A copy of the report snail e su mitte to the Department o State i a grant asbeen awarde3 under section 5, an 1 CODING: Words 9trieken are deletions; words underlined are additions. ')*-4^. 0-priss a copy shall also be submitted to any -other agency which provided_ financial support, (3) The governing bodies of local_ governments and other agencies within the county or municipality may appropriate funds to meet the necessary expenses of a committee. Services of personnel, use of e ui ment an office space, and other necessary services may be accepted a committee from local governments and a encies as part Of such financial support. Section 4. Powers and duties of committees. --Each committee shall have the power to: (1) Study and make recommendations to_the'c_ommunity concerning comprehensive, short-term, intermediate -term, and long-term goals and policies. such recommendations shall be consistent with the policy and intent ex r ssed in section I an shall uti ize a 20- ear 211anninq horizon. in making sucF recommendations, the committee s a consi er the of ow ng: (a) The goals and Rolicies_ of the state comprehensive plan relatin to education; children; the elderly-, housln ; health; ublic safety? rotectlon o water resources, natura systems, an recreational lands; energy conservation; hazardous And nonhazardous materials and waste; mining and rec amat on; land use regulation; public aci ities planning. ti,nancin and maintenance; historical and cultural resources andprograms; trans_Mrtation;_the economy; information resources; agriculture; tourism; and em2llo ment needs and opportunities, as they apply to the county or municipality. JbI Low- rowth, medium -growth, and hi h- rowth alternatives, what olicies would induce them, and which set o o id es are ce era e- or the area an why. c The industry -mix approRriate for the area, including the types and sizes of industries and institutions and why, (d) The role of major public institutions and their role in the future of the area. (e) Areas where_ greater cooperation among major private industries, such as agriculture, construct on, development, and banking, may_be advisable. M Areas _wher_e intergovernmental coordination is appropriate between county and municipal sovernments in areas where their interests coincidef which may include, but not necessarily be limited to: transportation, hous n utilities,land uses, recreation an protect on at natural resources. (21 Adopt bylaws desi2nating the officers of the committee and • providing for the conduct Of is business. 3 Employ a staff, consult and retain experts, and eurchase, lease or otherwise provide for such supelies, materials, a ui ment, an acilities as it deems desirable and necessary. (4) Establish committees as it deems advisable and feasible. (5) Apply for and receive funds, grants, gifts, and services from the Federal Government, the state or any of its agencies or apartments, any other governmental units, an private and civic sources. Section 5. Grants.-- 2 CODING: words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. 8727159 (1) Any __local government which establishes a committee pursuant to this act or which has established a committee which meets the requirements of this act prior_ to the effective date of this act may apply to the Department of State for a grant to unT ex enses authorized section 4(3). No grant may exceed $50,000. To be eligible to receive a rant, the local government must provide matching tuncis on a of ar- or- ollar basis. 411 The department shall distribute grants to eligible committees subject to the availability of fun—J—sappropriatedor this purpose. Application shall a made on arms promuTIra-ted by the department. The a artment is authorized to promulgate rules to carry out the rovisions o this section. Annually on or before January 1, the department shall compile the reports submitted to it under section (2) and transmit such information to the Legislature. Section 6. -This act shall take effect July 1, 1986. Approved by, the Governor July 1, 1966. Filed in Office Secretary of State July 1. 1986. *AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!lAAAA1A!lRAAAA!!AA!lAAAlRRAAAlAAAAlRAAARlAlRAARARAAA * This publication was produced at a base cost of $19.02 per page * for 1500 copies or $.0126 per single page for the purpose of * informing the public of Acts passed by the Legislature. AAAARAAAlAAAARRRRAAAIAAAARA4RARR4ARAllA•AARRAARAAAAARAAAAAAARlARMRARAR 3 CODING: Words etrieken are deletions; words. underlined are additions. y