HomeMy WebLinkAboutM-87-0207CITY OF MIAMI. FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM FEB TO. The Honorable mayor and Members DATE: 1 �•�v` RILE: of the City Commission FROM Cesar H. Odio City Manager 0 RECOMMENDATION: Recommendation for Resolution & SUBJECT Award of Bid No. 86-87-039 Auto Rental Contract REFERENCES: ENCLOSURES: It is respectfully recommended that an award be made and a resolution be passed accepting the most responsive bid as received from InterAmerican Car Rental, Inc. for furnishing approximately sixty (60) full-size automobiles on a monthly rental basis for one (1) year, renewable annually, at the rate of $447 plus 8C per mile over 2000 miles per vehicle per month for a total proposed amount of $321,840. BACKGROUND: The Police Department has analyzed the bids received on January 26, 1987 for furnishing sixty (60) automobiles on a Rental Basis for one (1) year renewable annually. The department has found InterAmerican Car Rental, Inc. bid to be the most advantageous and responsive bid. On January 7, 1987, forty-three (43) invitations for sealed bids for automobile rental were sent to prospective vendors. Bids were opened on January 26, 1986, with four (4) vendors responding. The Department of Police will utilize these vehicles for undercover operations. It is necessary to use rental vehicles as they can be exchanged when their identity is compromised. Ms. Adrienne MacBeth was contacted reference to Minority Participation and she concurs with the department's recommendation. 0 A/ t37-OWW 7� 401t The Honorable Mayor and Member of the City Commission Page 2 Bid No. 86-87-039 It is therefore, recommended that the award of bid be made to InterAmerican Car Rental, Inc. The department's specifications have been met and funds are available, in the amount of $93,870.00 from the Fiscal Year 1986-87 Police Operating Budget, Index Code 290201-610, $93,870.00 from the Law Enforcement Trust Fund, Index Code 290905-610 Project #69001 as authorized by Resolution Number 86-702 and the remaining $134,100.00 to. be allocated in the amount of $67,050.00 from the FY 87-88 Police Operating Budget and $67,050.00 from the Law Enforcement Trust Fund. Amount of Bid % of Cost Estimate: $321 ,840.00 100% Cost estimate/Budgeted Amount: $93,870 1986-87 Fiscal Year $93,870 Law Enforcement Trust Fund (LETF) $67,050 FY 87-88 Police Operating Budget $67,050 Law Enforcement Trust Fund (LETF) Source of Funds: General Fund and Law Enforcement Trust Fund Minoritv Revresentation: Non -Minority Vendor Public Hearings/Notices N/A Assessable Proiect: N/A CHO:sl 87-20'7 AWARD OF BID Bid No. 86-87-039 ITEM: Vehicle Rental Contract DEPARTMENT: Police TYPE OF PURCHASE: Contract for one (1) year renewable annually REASON: These vehicles will be utilized for undercover operations POTENTIAL BIDDERS: 28 BIDS RECEIVED: 4 FUNDS: 1986-87 Operating Budget Index Code #290201-610 and Law Enforcement Trust Fund Index Code 290905-610 Project # 69001 1987-88 Operating Budget MINORITY PARTICIPATION: Invitations to bid were sent to one 1 Black, four 4) Hispanics and one (1) Woman -owned firms engaged in the vehicle rental business as located in the following sources. 1. Dade County Minority Register 2. Yellow pages telephone Directory 3. Previous bids on file in Procurement Management Minority response consisted of one (1) bid from a hispanic firm BID EVALUATION: Following is an analysis of the Invitation to Bid: Number of Bid Number of Category Invitations Mailed Responses Prior Bidders Black American 1 .0 Hispanic American 0 0 Woman 0 0 Non -Minority 2 2 New Bidders Black American 0 0 Hispanic American 4 1 Woman 1 0. Non -Minority 20 1 Courtesy Notifications 15 0 "No Bids" - 8 Late Bids - 0 Totals 43 4 Page 1 of 2 87--207 W AqN RECOMMENDATION: IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT THE AWARD BE MADE TO INTER AMERICAN CAR RENTAL, INC. FOR A FIRST YEAR ESTIMATED AMOUNT OF $321,840.00. hief Procurement Officer Date The Minority & Women Business Administrator concurs with the above .recommendation. V Minority & Women Busi ss Administrator T—A. la, jq�-7 Dale Page 2 of 2 87-207 y on N VA TABULATION OF BIDS FOR Bid #86-87-039 City Manager, City Clerk A. M. Received by the City Commission, City Clark, City of Miami, Florida at P. M. Bidder Inter -American Car Rental Avis Rent-A-Car Licensed fl Insured as Per City Code b Metro Ord. Lease/Rental Mileage Allowanci Excess Mileage Lease/Rental iileage Allowance Excess eage Bid Bond Amount ate Per Vehicle(Per Vehicle) Rate Per Vehicl Rate Per Vehicle Per Ve is a ante i'er Vehicle Irregularities Per Month Miles Per Month Per Mile Per MOnth 4iles Per Month Per Hi le Optio 11 No. DESCRIPTION unit Pace Total Unit Price Total Unit Total Unit Total Unit Total - Unit Total Price Price Price Price A Full Size Vehicles - Inclusive of I:2aintenance Services, Insurance !Coverage with $100.00 Deductible for Comprehensive/Auto Physical Damage (Approx. 60 Vehicles). 1 Monthly Kate 467.00 28.020 2000 120,000 8 - No Bid - No Bid _ No Rid - 2 Weekly Rate 159.00 9,540 Unitd - NICNo Bid 3) Daily Rate 34.00 2 040 Unitd _ N/C -No No Bid- Hid No Bid No Bid Annual Total (60 vehicles) 336,240 Delivery One Day No Bid IRREGULARITIES LEGEND. DISTRIBUTION: A — No Power -of- Attorney IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT B — No Affidavit as to Capitol S Surplus of Banding Company C — Corrected Extensions D — Proposal Unsigned or improperly Signed or No Corporate Seal E F_ BID G — lieIta eirlLd Bond H — Corrected Bid J_ peep. By- 010604 SOB HO. U TABULATION OF BIDS FOR Bid #86-87-039 City Manager, City Clerk A. M- Rece,ved by the City Commission, City Clerk, City of Miami. Florida al—P. M. A. Atlas Rent-A-Car hertz Cor ol'ation Bidder Licensed 6 Insured as Per City Code S Matto Ord. Bid Bond Amount Irregularities l c Per Month Mileage Allowance Per Vehicle Miles Per Month Excess Mileage Rate Per Vehicl Per Mile Lease/Rental Per Vehicle) Miles Per Month Mileage Allowance Rate(Per Vehicle Per Milo oi-ti0 DESCRIPTION No. Unit Total Price Unit Total Pace Unit Total Price Unit Total Price Unit Unit Price Unit Total Price A I Full Size Vehicles - Inclusive of , ;Maintenance services, Insurance ICovera a with $100.00 Deductible for Con trehensive Auto Physical Damayte (Approx. 60 Vehicles) 1) Monthly date Weekly Rate 3) Daily Rate 445.00 165.00 31.00 26,700 91900 1,860 Unitd Unitd Unitd - - - C N C N/C - - - No Bid No Bid No Bid - - - No Bid- No Bid- - No Bid No Bid No Bid - - _ Annual Total 60 vehicles 320,400 Deliver One Dav No sid i DISTRIBUTION: IRREGULARITIES LEGEND • IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT No Bid Accepted A - No Power -of- Attorney B - No Affidavit as to Capitol & Surplus of Banding Company C - Corrected Eictensions D - PuWasal Unsigned or improperly Signed or No Corporate Seal BID E_ F_ G _ ImpnWw $rd Bond— H - Corrected Bid NO. t - F108 0 0 - C_ _ _ r o6g3 aL/6/A 7 Prep. By: i 'TABULATION OF BIDS FOR City Manager, City Clerk A. M. Received by the Cory Commission, City Clerk, City of Miami, Florida at P. M. Bidder Inter -American Car Rental Licensed i Insured as Per City Code s Metro Ord. ease/Rental Mileage Allowance Excess Mileage Bid Bond Amount ate(Per Ve c e) (Per Vehicle) Rate(Per Month) R Irregularities Per Month Miles Per Month Per Mile Optio No. DESCRIPTION Unit price Total unit prose Total Unit Price Total * Full Size Vehicles - Inclusive of 1 maintenance Services, Insurance 1 overage with a ucti e for Comprehensive/Auto Physical 1) Monthly Rate 2) Weekly Rate 447.00 26,820 1 2000 1120,000 1 8,340 Unitd - �� nn i non Unitd 8C N/C - Bid #86-87-039 Avis Rent-A-Car Lease/Rental i4ileaue allowance Excess Mileage ite Per Vehicle(Per Per Vehicle) Per MOnthPei Per :4ile Unit Price Toed Unit Price Total Unit Price Total i 4 .00 26,640 2()0i) 120,000 104 _ 29.00 7,740 _ 29.00 1.740 Unitd Annual Total (60 vehicles) 1 321,8401 1 1 1319,680 1 1 ' 1 Delivery I I Onel Day I I I One 10ay I IRREGULARITIES LEGEND. 1 y A - No Power-of-AttorneyIT IS RECOMMENDED THAT * Option B - Later -American _W B - No Affidavit as to Capitol S Surplus of Bonding Company Car Rental, Avis Not Accepted. C - Corrected Emensoons i� D - Psaposal Unsigned or improperly Signed or No Corporate Scat 0 E- F- G - InprapwBrd Bond H - Corrected Bid _ + I - yypp 1-1-4 v , Prep.BBy- yl L.1-1- - Y060,1 %/6A7 DISTRIBUTION-. BID 1 .108 NO. f TABULATION OF BIDS FOR City Monoger. City Clark City Comm&ssion. City Clark, City of Miami. Florida at A. M. P. M. Received by the A. Atlas Rent - A - Car Bidder ease/Rental Mileage Allowanc. Excess Mileag Licensed L Insured as per City Code S Metro Ord. e c e Per Vehic a Rate Per Ve c e Bid Bond Amount ?Rate(Per per Month Miles Per Month Per Mile irregularities Unit Total Unit Total ` ptior DESCRIPTION Total Price Price Price I No. i 1 - Inclusive of Bid #86-87-039 Hertz Corporation Neas2lRentalM Allowanc a ic enthr Month TotTotal g rull Size Veh c es i;aiatenance services, insurance 1--------------- i coverage with *250.00 deductible fir Coin reitensive/Auto Physical Damage (Approx. 60 vehicles). - 650.00 39,000 Unitd - i) :•.olahl Rate 399.00 23,94U 7,080 Unitd = Unitd N _ y6U0 N 1ftU.UU Unitd - 2) Weekly kate 118.00 Unitd __ N/C — 40.(19 Z,4U0 lU0 6.0 28.00 1,680 3) Dail Rate 68,000 Annual Total 60 vehicles 287 280 pile nay One Ila Delivery IRREGULARITIES LEGEND- on i A — No Power -of- Attorney N B — No Affidavit as to Cop4101 S Surplus of Bonding Company C — Corrected Extensions r D _ plWvsol Unsigned or improperly Signed or No Corporate Saol E— F .- G — I,xpras Bid Bond H — Corrected Bid = 2I37 Pr� _ IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT No Bid Accepted DISTRIBUTION` 8 1 D Excess Mileage e er e c e Per mi Te Unit Total Price 2UC 12.00 lOt3 no. AFFIDAVIT I, Clarence Dickson, Chief of Police, City of Miami, do hereby certify that the aforementioned request for expenditures from the City of Miami, Law Enforcement Trust Fund, for the funding of The Lease of Thirty (30) Vehicles, Resolution No. 86-702, in the amount of $140,000 complies with the provisions of Section 932.704, Florida Statutes. 1 vr_�Lti CLARENCE DICKSON Chief of Police City of Miami Police Department �—) -/1 f-gr -- - - DATE S14ORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME THIS � DAY OF 1986. A'4 'Az� NOTARY UBLIC My commission expires: NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF FLORIDA NY COMMISSION EXP. FEB 27.1989 BONDED THRU GENERAL INS. UMD. %Z DATE