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LAW OFFICES 17 GREENBERG, TRAURIG, ASKEW, HOPrMAN, L)POFF, ROSEN & OUENTEL, P. A. JEFFREY P AGRON FERNANDO C.ALONSO CESAR L. AWAREZ RUDOLPH r ARAGON RICMARD A. ARKIN REUStN O O. ASKEW KERRI L. BARSM HILARIE BASS ALYSSA M BAUMOARTEN RICMARD O BAXTER NORMANJ BENFORO MARK O BLOOM LEONARDO r BRITO BURT BRUTON STEVE BULLOCK ROBERT K. BURLINGTON LILIANA CANO J. PHILLIP CARVER Sue M. COBB KENDALL B. COFFEY DIANE M CONNIFF JEFFREY D. OtCARLO OSCAR G• Ot LA GUARDIA ALBERT A. OEL CASTILLO ALAN T. DIMOND CHARLES W. EDGAR.M JEFFREY L. FOPMAN ROBERT J. FRIEDMAN ROSERT C. GANG LAURA A. GANGEMI MARLENE GARCIA RICMARD G. GARRETT BRIAN K. GART BRUCE H. GILES-KLEIN ROBERT S. GINBERG RICMARD J. GIUSTO LAWRENCE GODOrSKY JULIE K. OLDEHOFr MIAMI OFFICE ALAN S. GOLD STEVEN E. GOLDMA CEIVED r�DEBBIE M ORSHErs" +&a" ,,. 1 1 �=CMMAN —�� • BRICKELL CDN.O PS 1 r� Ia01 BRICK'T E Uk STEVEN M GOLDSMITH STEVEN J PARDO MIAMI. rLO++I A 33131 LAWRENCE S. GORDON OLGA E PARRA, r.. MATTHEW B. GORSON114 7 T V N ,'fj PA �� TELEPHONES ►TOWARD W GREEN. JR�Y• A MAt R. PASTE NACK MIAMI (3051 579-0500 DIANNE GREENBERG BYRON G PETERSEN BROWARO (305) 523.8111 MELVIN N. GREENBERG ALBERT O. OUENTEL TELEX 80 •3124 ROBERT L. GROSSMAN JOEL REINSTEIN TELECOPY (305) 579.0718 • 579.0717 KENNETM C. HOFFMAN MARK J REISMAN LARRY J HOFFMAN LUIS REITER WEST PALM BEACH OFFICE JANET L. HUMPHREYS CONSTANCE M RIDOEP 00 AUSTRALIAN AVENUE , SUITE 201 DONALD J• JANET ANDRES RtVERO. BZ MARCOS D- JIMENEZ KENNETM B ROBINSON WEST PALM BEACH. FLORIDA 33a0a MARTIN KALB NICHOLAS ROCKWELL (305) 683.8611 JOEL J KARP RAOUEL A. RODRIGUEZ TELECOPY (305) 683. 8447 JUDITH KENNEY MARVIN S. ROSEN TIMOTHY E. KISH RICMARD A. ROSENBAUM BROWARO OFFICE STEVEN J. KRAVITZ RONALD M ROSENGARTEN goo EAST BROWARD BOULEVARD • SUITE 1350 STEVEN A. LANOY DAVID L. ROSS FORT LAUDERDALE. FLORIDA 33394 ALLEN P. LANGJAHR ROBERT D. RUBIN (305) 765.0500 ALAN S. LEDERMAN JEFFREY E. LEVEY KAREN O. RUNOOUIST CLIFFORD A. SCHULMAN TELECOPY (305) 765.1477 NORMAN H. LIPOFF MARLENE K. SILVERMAN CARLOS E. LOUMIET STUART H. SINGER ORLANDO OFFICE JUAN P LOUMIET TIMOTHY A. SMITH III NORTH ORANGE AVENUE • SUITE 1550 PEDRO A. MARTIN DAVID R. SOFTNESS ORLANDO, FLORIDA32801 JAY A. MARTUS LAURA P. STEPHENSON (305) 641.2222 3O5 JOEL D. MASER GARY P. 7tMIN TELECOPY (305)422.2766 WILLIAM LEE MCGINNESS ROBERT H. TRAURIG JOHN T. METZGER JERROLD A. WISH LOUIS R. MONTELLO. JR. TIMOTHY D. WOLFE WRITER'S DIRECT NO: ALICIA M. MORALES SHEILA WOLFSON JANET L.OBRIEN 579-0700 ANTHONY J. O'OONNELL. JR. ZACHARY M. WOLFF (RETIIIED) PLEAac REPLY TO: MIAMI OFFICE February 10, 1987 ^;. cn Honorable Mayor Xavier L. Suarez and Members of the City Commission City of Miami, Florida y _3500 Pan American Drive -r-Iiami, Florida 33133 Dear Mr. Mavor and Commissioners: Enclosed are copies of a letter to the undersigned from the President of the Bayside Resident's Association, as well as my response. The property to which reference is made in Ms. Chittum's letter has been targeted for acquisition by the City, but delays have resulted due to an inability of the owners to reach agreement with the offices of the City Attorney and City Manager on price. ale urge that you place this matter on the earliest possible Commission Agenda for discussion, as we are well aware of the concerns of the Bayside residents and desire to be cooperative. Very truly yours, ROBERT H. TRAURIG' RHT/blr Enclosure cc: Bayside Resident's Association A1071,0W S'7--2041 LAW OFFICES GREENRERG, TRAURIG, ASKEW, HOFFMAN. (_1POFF, ROSEN & ©UENTEL, P.A. -,CPFPEY P AGPON LAWRENCE GOOOrSKY rERNANOO C. ALONSO ALAN S. GOLD CESAR L. ALVAREZ STEVEN E GOLDMAN 000OLPH r ARAGON STEVEN M GOLDSMITH ZMANO A. ARKIN LAWRENCE S. CORDON REUSIN O'D ASKEW MATTHEW e. GORSON KERRtL 8ARSM HOWARD W GREEN. JP HILAWE SASS DIANNE GREENBERG ALYSSA M BAUMGARTEN MELVIN N GREENBEPG RICHARD O SAKTER Po8tPT L. GROSSMAN NOPMAN J SENFORD KENNETH C. HOFFMAN MARK 0. BLOOM LA,RRY J MOrrMAN LEONAROO r eRITO JANET L. HUMPHREYS BUR? BRUTON DONALOJ. JANET STEVE BULLOCK MARCOS D. JIMENEZ ROBERT K. BURLINGTON MARTIN KALB LIL'ANA CANO JOEL J. KAMP ,I PHILLIP CARVER JUDITH KENNEY SUE M COBe TIMOTHY E. KISH KENDALI B. COFFEY STEVEN J KRAVITZ DIANE M CONNIrr STEVEN A LANOY JErrREY 0 OECARLO ALLEN P LANGJAHR OSCAR G. of LA GUARDIA ALAN S. LEDERMAN ALBERT A otL CASTILLO JEFrREY E. LEVEY ALAN T OtMONO NORMAN H LIPOrr CHARLES W EDGAR. M CARLOS E. LOUMIET JEFrREY L. FORMAN JUAN P LOUMIET ROBERT J. FRIEDMAN PEDRO A MARTIN RODCAT C. GANG JAY A. MARTUS ,AURA A GANGEMI JOEL D MASER MARLENE GARCIA WILLIAM LEE MCGINNESS RICHARD G. GARRETT JOHN T METZGER eRIAN K. GANT LOUIS R. MONTELLO. JR BRUCE M GILES•KLEIN ALICIA M MORALES RODENT a GINBERG JANET L. O'BWEN RICHARD J GIUSTO ANTHONY J. O DONNELL. JR JULIE K OLDENOFr MIAMI OFFICE DEBBIE M ORSNErSKY eRICKELL CONCOURS MARK A PACHMAN '401 eRICKELL AVENUE STEVEN J PARDO MIAMI, FLORIOA 33131 OLGA E. PAPPA TELEPHONES STEVEN R.PARSON MARSHALL R PASTERNACK MIAMI (305) 579 • 0500 BYRON G PETERSEN noowARD (305) 523 - 8111 ALBERT D. OUENTEL TELEX 80 • 3124 JOEL. Rt'NSTE,N `ELECOPY (3051 579.0718 • 579.0717 MARK J REISMAN LUIS REITER WEST PALM BEACH OFFICE CONSTANCE M RIDDEN IQO AUSTRALIAN AVENUE • SUITE 201 A NNR KENNETEN a 009QaIIIINSON WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33406 NICMOLA9 ROCKWELL (305) 683-sell RAOUEL A. RODRIGUEZ TELECOPY (305) 683 • 8447 MARV'N S ROSEN RICHARD A ROSENBAUM SROWARD OFFICE RONALD M POSENGARTEN 500 EAST BROWARO BOULEVARD . SUITE 1350 DAVID L ROSS ROBERT 0 RUSIN FORT LAUDERDALE. FLORIDA 3339A KAREN C. PUNOOUIST 3051765.0500 CLIFFORD A. SCHULMAN TELECOPY (305) 785.1477 MARLENE K. SILVERMAN STUART M SINGER ORLANDO OFFICE TIMOTHY A SMITH III NORTH ORANGE AVENUE • SUITE 1550 DAVID R. SOFTNESS ORLANDO. FLORIDA 32801 LAURA P STEPHENSON (305) 841.2222 GARY P TIMIN ROBERT M TRAUPIG TCLECOPv (305) 422.2766 JERROLD A. WISH TIMOTHY 0 WOLFE WRITER'S 010ECT NO: SHEILA WOLFSON 579-0700 ZACHARY H. WOLrr(METINCO) PLEAS[ REPLY TO: MIAMI OFI•ICE February 10, 1987 Liz Chittum, President Bayside Resident's Association 880 N. E. 69th Street Miami, Florida 33138 Dear Ms. Chittum: Thank you for your letter of February 3, 1987, concern- ing the property at N. E. 70th Street and Biscayne Bay. We agree that positive steps are needed for better main- tenance of the property. I am advised, however, that the property was cleared during the past year and the failure to engage in a regular clearance program resulted from an anticipation that the City would acquire the property and establish a park or other municipal use at that loca- tion. Unfortunately, such action has been delayed. Enclosed you will find a copy of a letter which I have written to the Mayor, City Commissioners and City Manager requesting that this matter be discussed at the earliest possible date on a City Commission Agenda. I sincerely hope that such discussion will result in some specific direction. Very truly yours, ROBERT H. TRAURIG'• RHT/blr Enclosure q 87-204► Liz Chittum, President Bayside Resident's Association 880 N.E. 69th Street Miami, Florida 33138 February 3, 1987 Mr. Robert Traurig Greenberg, Traurig & Associates 1401 Brickell Avenue, PH 1 Miami, Florida 33131 Dear Mr. Traurig: On behalf of the Board of Directors of the Bayside Resident's Association, I am writing to convey our growing concern over the lack of maintenance exercised by the owners, who we understand you legally represent, of the two acre parcel of vacant land situated on Biscayne Bay at the eastern terminus of N.E. 70th Street. Several months ago, we were advised by you that the property owners agreed to maintain the property in compliance with the ' provisions of the City of Miami's weed and debris control ordinance. We were also informed by the former President of this organization that the owners intended to erect temporary barricades for the purpose of preventing access to the property. Instead, the owners have failed to properly which is overgrown and littered with trash by those who use the property at all hours for everything from petty drug transactions mess that exists on the property could have owners at a minimal cost by simply erecting access points to the site, as was promised. maintain the property and debris, discarded of the day and night to prostitution. The been prevented by the barriers at the three 3 87-204r The Board of Directors and membership of the Bayside Resident's Association, are working hard to maintain and improve the neighborhood. The total disregard for our neighborhood shown by the poor maintenance practices of the owners of the property and their legal representative is, at best, appalling. Undoubtedly, if the property, in its present state of maintenance was located in your neighborhood, you would be equally disgusted. We trust you will remedy this situation immediately. Sincerely, �~ Liz Chittum, resident Bayside Resident's Association CC: Mayor Suarez Miami City Commissioners Miami City Attorney Board of Directors G 87-2041 ■1Y• City to buy 2-acresite oil tile b-cly, A weed -filled lot on 69th Street. the last piece of undeveloped bayfront land in northeast Miami, may be turned into a marina and minipark if the openers agree to sell it to the city., The Miami City Commissiun voted Thurs�da • ni ht to authorize, the a aurcha o t e two -acre ot. It The vote way 4- , watt} commis- sioner -Joe Carollo not votin . ie comnuss on to d t e Depart. ment of Parks and Recreation to have the land appraised and to look into ways of financing its purchase. Robert Traurig, attorney for the owners. said they would be will- ing to sell the land for the right price. The owners. headed by Miami Beach developer Marion E. Sibley. had sought to have the land rezoned for a high-rise. The 250-member Bayside Resi- dents Association have fought for more than a year to block high-rise development. Nearly 100 residents turned out for the com- mission meeting Thursday. `It's been a real campaign. We're so happy.' March 28, 1985 Cat Skubish "It's been a real campaign." said Pat Skubish, president of the association. "We were M) ecstatic. We were so happy. "We do not take it as a total victor%*" . she added. "Yes, we have won, but there are many steps to the conclusion of this." Director of Parks and Recre• ation Carl Kern said the lot. which has a 10-acre piece of bay -bottom land attached• to it, is an ideal site for a marina. "It's beautiful little site" he said. ere s room for a ma I manna an upland dockoffice and per a s a mini ar tc a of thin ," he said. Kern said there was no money left in the city budget to buy park land. lie said money to buy the lot and build a marina would most likely come from revenue bonds that would be retired with fees for dock rentals. 'We're going to go full blast and see v. a '" can come tip wit .' he said. "Marinas have historic- Uy pild iei«•ay sere in the Mimi area. 8 7-2041 41* LAW OFFICES sAlk GILLER & KASDIN, P.A. SUITE 301 GILLER BUILDING 975 ARTHUR GODFREY ROAD MIAMI BEACH. FLORIDA 33140.3342 13RIAN J. GILLER' NEISEN O. KASDIN ' Also admitted In the Dhhkt of Cokmtbk February 25, 1987 HAND DELIVERED Mayor Xavier Suarez Mayor's Office 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Re: Bid No. 86-87-039 Auto Rental Contract Our client: A Atlas Rent A Car, Inc. Dear Mayor Suarez: TELEPHONE 673.9399 AREA CODE 305 The undersigned represents A Atlas Rent A Car, Inc. My client was the low bidder on Bid No. 86-87-039. My client's bid was rejected according to memorandum dated February 9, 1987, from the Chief of Police as being "unacceptable" because "they failed to meet the bid requirement of supplying different vehicle product types". However, the bid documents did not ask for different vehicle product types. The bid specifications merely implied that different "model" types were sought. The specifications did not indicate that vehicles from different manufacturers were sought. If the City had any other specifications regarding model or manufacturer, they were not expressed at all in the bid documents. My client responded by identifying ten (10) different models for lease. Therefore, his bid proposal was responsive. In light of the foregoing, we will appear at the City Commission meeting of February 26th to request that my client be awarded Bid #86-87-039 or, alternatively, that this matter be re -bid. Very truly yours, NEISEN O. KASDIN NOK/bg Submitted into the puL- cc: A. L. Mullins Chief Procurement Officer cc: Ms. Lucia Dougherty City Attorney's office cc: Commissioner Miller Dawkins cc: Commissioner J.L. Plummer cc: Commissioner Rosario Kennedy cc: Commissioner Joe Carollo record in connection wi.: item .on. Z2-Z /-F7 87=2Q4t Matty E. City Cie___