HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 1987-03-13 Advertisementv f If SI APAI: OF FLOMDA . I COUNTY OF DADE I Personally appeared before me the undersigned, Jorge h. Consuegra, to me well -know`, who being duly sworn deposes and says that he is Credit Kanager of Diario Las Americas, newspaper of general circulation, published daily except Mon4ay, in Miami, Dade Coonty, Florida. Affiant further says that the above naa.ed ncwspaper has continuosly published daily except tiondays in Dade County, ` Florida, for more than one year immediately preceding first puklication of said Legal Notice or advertisement ano was during all such time and now is entered as second class mail matter in the United States Post Office in Miami, Dade County, Florida, and that the Legal Notice or Advertisement, all copy of which is here to attached, was published in DIAMO LAS ANERICAS on the following days: c Signed / I Z121(11171- a Sworn and subscribed befo me this U,f,{�. day of 19 c? l , in Miami, Dade County, rlorida. P.O. 11 41 PA ordered ty invoice i a o Notary I Invoice Amount • TLNMIXLT ATTACLED I STA cot B, he i F1ar A and wee Flor tisej cour new SW, NOT[ AT L T P.O. it ljt-1 PA ordered invoice I Invoice sar i Yi PUBLICO Todas las personas inte- resadas favor tomar nota qua la reuni6n ordinaria de la Comisi6n de La 'Ciudad de Miami,. ,fijada para el dia 12- d6'�i. tarxo, 190 a sido pouesta para a sp�' a las 9:00 a.m. en las C6maras de La Comisi6n de La Ciudad, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida. (4140) go Matty Hirai City Clerk City of Miami, Florida EXAMENES MIA111 13EA(J1 Especialistas en audifonos en- trenados por la f6brica estardn en estas oficinas para hacer los ex6menes. Si usted tiene alguna dificuitad al oir o entender, est6 invitado a hacerse un examen, completamente gratis, usando el equipo electr6nico mcis avanzado para determinar el tfpo de pdrdida y la correc- c16n necesaria. Se recomienda que se revise la audici6n por to menos una vez al ano aunque s6to se tenga una minima difi- cultad al oir o entender. Aun aquellas personas a las que se les ha dicho que su problema no tiene soluci6n, deben exa- minarse para descubrir los 61timos metodos para corregir estas p6rdidas de audici6n. Los ex6menes sin costo ni obligaci6n se haran en las oficinas de Beltone Hearing Aid Service, 245 S.E. 1 St. #235, Miami y en 407 Lincoln ' Rd. #11 A, Miami Beach, Aste Martes, Miftoles y Jueves. Por favor flame para concertar una cita. En Miami al: 3/3-1212 'y en Miami Beach al: 673.1111. EXAMENES EN SU CASA, Y no necesita pat En el Republic Bank, defende#i intereses. Fuimos el primer bir estado de la Florida en bajar I interes en tarjetas-de cr6dito` Y ahora le ofrecemos la lined I al interes mas bajo del mercal 4.9% hasta el 30 de abril Usted.puede usar el dine'.6 q, con The One & Only Equity Lin que usted quiera:. un qutonu' ■ 0 {� uC011 0 jY F`0�0 NOTICE TO`TNE PUBLIC All loterested person: 'WO tabs notice: that the =ao of Miami .cmf Co�is" Meetingled for March 12, 19971 has been rescheduled to take place on 11wsh*49;-1W at 9W a.m. in the Cky, Commission Chambers, 3W Pan Anherkan Drim—MIW Florida. (Ad No. 414M MaWNkw ft Cleric Ckrof Miami, Florida u rr= , Anwd Miami TWO 900 N W 541h STREET • M IAM I, FLORIDA 33127 (3051757-1147 Published Weekly Miami, Dade County, Florida STATEOFFLORIDA7 SS COUNTY OF DADE PROOFOF PUBLICATION Before the undersigned authority personally appeared MOHAMED HAMALUDIN, who on oath says that he is the Managing Editor of THE MIAMI TIMES, weekly newspaper published at Miami, Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement was published in said newspaper in the issues of: February 26, 1987 Affiant further states that THE NIIAMI TIMES is a newspaper published in Miami, Dade County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Dade County, Florida each week and has been entered as second class mail matter at the U.S. Post Office in Miami, Dade County, Florida for a period of more than one year next preceding date of publication of the attached copy of adver- tisement; further affiant says that he has neither paid nor promised any firm, person or corporation any dis- count, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in this newspaper. Managing Editor Sworn to and subscribed before me on this, the 26 day of _ Feb . A.D. 19 87 a `� a IR lam- ,�• pp - N T ST Y PUBLIC TE. F 2 107 AT LARGE. My commiss(on expires: j4.�ty?SAS PSI^�'"' ,..T :�' FLORIDA 6E,at , , ►�� 'c BNIS! "c, :.':.r ii »s7 PR0CUREE(1:ki !�.; 6E°.,1I (i•..\U CA-'%w r L INSUP-ONCE UND r n i ;y1Y S9A9'L: dF FLORIDA • � • rMaTY OF DADE i Personally appeared before me the undersigned, Jorge li. Consuegra, to ale Well-known, who being duly sworn deposes and says that he is Credit Kanager of Diario Las Americas, nevspaper of general circulation, published daily except monGay, in Manzi, Dade County, Florida. Affiant further says that the above nan.ed newspaper has eontinuosly published daily except tlondays in Dade County, Florida, for more than one year immediately preceding first publication of said Legal Notice or advertisement ano was during all such time and now is entered as second class mail matter in the United States Post Office in Mjiami# Dade County, Florida, and that the Legal i:otice or Advertisement, all copy of which is here to attached, was published in DIMUO LAS W:EF.ICAb on the following days: S iy ned U sworn A.nd subscribed efore me this _� day of 19 Y/_ , in Miami, Dade County, i'lorida. P.O. # 414 3 Ad ordered ty d 6 e Y / Invoice i 1 d 0� Invoice :.mount TLi%RS=T ATTACHED i 1.._ ;fin•. .r•;� )�o� 1<a�� �;�Ir.:.. ''.:.' ) Notary rub _f - • Y/I ,1t INIYINYIY 4AYY4 Awl Ml/ YII,YIIYY\V lwr•r.•www N.• .,• _r,wuw wr •w . •..• w A� V • • (timine qie owns el 31 do JWe,1111110. que las fEchas no fuerc rt in tcl pdblico y « libi orrse, ptotesionales y citadinan que tengan lnteres'en v de Biranden's de hoy die; — conocimlanto. ibn histb►ica ylo embientel eatEfn.atentados a agar c al City Clark, ; Dinner Key, Miemi, Plaids, 33133, plenillas de t Mar etrxites, indicsrwo al nombra, direcc16n v celificaciones de personas a LA INFORMACIONCO f E 59 A91: deradas oomo i signadot patencieles a La Junta do Conwvaci6n de Patrimonio. P« b memos cinco dies antes de dicks asignaci6n p« parts de La Comisi6n do "COMPRE EL DOMINGO°DE: La Ciudad (probabtemente on Is Reuni6n corrlantemente fileda pare el dia 9 de LU N ES A SABADO 9:3V =A ' QOIidT! abril,1987), lot nombres y celificacionea•do let► personas entregodas el City Clerk, - junto Ciud d, esteri diispa,i� pa�ra enobnemsci& publics enas ofiicinade U s duel C'ty PRECIOS VALIDOS DAL°.1 ° Clark. SABADO 7 DE MARZO" _ } Todas las pplIaanillae de nomineci6n deben eeeel� recibidss on o antes del martes 20 de marm, 1967, a In 5:00 P.m... PIanllbs oticislbs de nornir�ecibn esti n dispon►'Al • on Is OFicins del City Clerk. Mat1� 8irai Lamentamos cualgll to me tr.� 104148) 0. F�• incoveniencia que of Di_ Horv;a ._.�._.:.y podido carusar. named ` Flori AVISO DE Legal _; AUDIENCIA PUDLICA ijN0 deje qFloue` attar se la coman. Todas las personas interesadas favor tomar note de que una audiencia publica se Ilevari3 a cabo en la I O S I m p u est 7' Reuni6n de La Comisi6n de Le Ciudad•.de Miami del ' "' �:8,dW Marwi -1987, a las 5:00 p.m.; en las Cimaras de - la Comisi6n de La- Ciudad, 3500 Pan American Drive, para discutir una proposici6n de ordenanza que,. •t. ilegal vender o comprar materiales de construcci6n en on t los Ilmites de La Ciudad sin prueba de que un permiso ' ,.o v6lido de construcci6n exists. . (41431 • z. r Marty Hirai City Clerk O~ n. x f•, �E• i dr City of Miami/ Florida Sig) Swo : L01 • F, DES. PESC1l' = ;t H� ,• r, .p EM su HOG YA� �.. 0 S UP , GUTA E. �8 Hastai un 50. /Q bE COMO L111Ai - 4 Duldnes puede�usted declarer' us p �a !! led Pegs , Como dependientes ti TWIN SET Ouo giinanpoas y �� c rdldasti ; i .... ..... se reportan • Cbm0 4deducif lo>< gait de - pd FULL`ST..... .:..:. ...` — viafeo;unamudanza ;QUEEN' SET .. ... ... , .. ..11i • Our3 gasto' da flattspone o ` in1 inii�etenimiento pueddtl� KING SET... ....... .... Int` QRTOPEQICOS y '`-Cpatevwsonautventi�ati I usted Paps ales cj.071Q�p10; adividuhl .F �:R'`"F+' x: s�ftr+�f r..rc'R`E ti•}-'•3•c..• C TWIN SET` .. , .........� ....:....!8�� -� w --� FULL:SET, t rr of-T!r t�, to P�C 4l1EEN SET a ` u y KING,SET-.,.-;. • • • • • • „ • • • • . • • • h �:t: r t f .,Y—a�fs_ sr 2{�#1 t r's�`� . ' l i. > �, . .:ti, ai: •.-��,a•` A � :� , r fY , ,�.AM�o�rap "''E`Z,'� ATTES e a p�, .•1. f.: : � -���lr Mif 7f• i ''� h y F = Y , < s •�.�Ii _ '9W1 ,V•1 •�.40 }rMIle �' ,f rr .f•r ! r r•nl�.•++�Yp+n�•. f i ] .. , , 11f.�11rY•r j Abiertos loss donnirtgoss OWti is 0 3�87.' .1-r�w•ra�r�rr-ai/T . 1 y c - ~rrr i. N4r IWO t { Yi b SIA91E OF FLOIRWA • i ' COWTY OF DADE Personally appeared before me the undersigned, Jorge I:. Consuegra, to s►e well-known, who being duly sworn deposes and says that he is Credit manager of Diario Las Americas, newspaper of general circulation, published daily except Monc:ay, in Mian►i, Dade County, Florida. Affiant further says that the above nan.ed newspaper has eontinuosly published daily except tlondays in Dade County, ` Florida, for more than one year inmediately preceding first putlication of said Legal Notice or advertisement ana was during all such time and now is entered as second class mail matter in the United States post Office in Miami, Dade County, Florida, and that the Legal Notice or Advertisement# all copy of which is here to attached, Was published in DIARIO LIAS A?Mr%ICAb on the following days: Signed i Sworn to Vhd subscribed before a this ay of 19 �.1_ , in Miami, Dade County, rlorida. P.O. i 414T Ad ordered ty 1?'ObtrT /' #t ,X y invoice I fo % -73 0 O� Invoice lemount $ 06 a TBARSIXLT ATTACLED . ?�1; C.�arss;i.,�, tn���,.; •a, � ii..a J�o lnm roy Fan;-AIm once,/ud., R E ry t•.".n 1 r�" `ftC'�`K �• kK. r ENONCIAMIENTO MI=11110 -1 GRAVANb1 Iri1NAlAf �� NANITAW lENEA ►,'� . } Todes In persons itieeneadea tonwin >, r n to que an uns retrribn de V CwrWn de La Chided de MWK s ser tbvels TM a cabo a In 11:00 A.M. del vimrea,' 4; i en lee CA"W" de Le a Ciuded, 35W. Pan t American Drive, .Miami, Florkl4, son .7 . t ot►jeciones ser8n escuthades pare le confirmacidn del Enunciami m Prs- nn limlrrar Gravamen pars el coato de . r.,� N� „d mejoras de doom saniteries on at fires a circundada por West Flagler Street, y 1 G. N.W. 7 Street, de N.W. 42 Avenida a ,7 N.W.' 47 Avenida, deaigneda cones KINLOCH SANITARY SEWER IM- PROVEMENT SR-640&CttS. I Dicho Enunciamiento Preliminsr Gra- vamen esti abieno pets inspecci6n publice en la oficina del City Clerk, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida. Malty Wall Corre en it Grand Prix c1tvemit � velos aatomw Prix de Miami este tin de semana alternl;ndose en �h Miami, Florida � 1 lat4al . parte en el Gran el timbn con AUredo Car ne . o National de E.U. ?,p.m. do 9 P.M. d7e7cer Lugar dboro 5 „ Ak , .':• J ',:• '.• �SyI, 7'T. 16 r' ; 16 ma "tar:' 1.0 ma Wedini ev.'per cigarette. FTC Ripal FOWIS ': V,=; ADVERTENCIA: DEL CIMANO GENERAL:, Fujde, `Causa Cancer del Pulm6n, Enfermed�dW Corazbn, �Entisema, y Puede Comp'l r el Ember z, 7 .. vr%i• e nrAn v l Mt Published Daily except Saturday, , y and Legal Holidays Mlaml, Dade County, Florida. STATQ OF FLORIDA t:'OUNTY OR OADIL-- gotbne the undwelgned authority personally appeared SPre@Wft Of ootde VAltlanta, who on oath says that she Is the Vice � Sa�y, �y and of the MI HOW Renew, a daily �a0hed at Illlantl In Dada Comfy, t�i� attached In tM natter o"t' � a Legal �asemant of Notice CITY OF MIAMI PUBLIC HEARING SOLE —SOURCE CONTRACT In the 3= Was publlslad In said rt Court, �paf� In the issues of Feb. 26, 1987 ANlant CITY OR MIAMIt FLORIDA NOTICE OF PUBLIC NEARIMa Intent To Award A Sole•Source.Contract A public hearing will be held by the Commission of the City of,. Miami, on Vamh,l8,A984at 11:05 A.M. in the City Commission Chambers at City Hall, 3W Pan American Drive,-Miami,,Flolida for the purpose of oonsidering a waiver of the requirements of obtaining seated bids for the procurement and. installation of the Enhanced 911 (E911I, Automatic Location Identification Feature, solely provided by Southern Bell, for use with the City's existing -Emergency 911 sys- tem. This item must be of a variety that allows application to the City's current Emergency 911 system. -tnquines•froto othw pol"I,l...Leel that they might be able to satisfy the.City's requirements'la theiEg0ral tion may -contact Julio Femandez.at the Communication Services Division, at telephone number 5794211. I All Interested parties are invited to appear and may be heard Cconcerning such. proposed waiver and sole -source purchase. Should. any person desire to appeal any decision of the City :Commission with respect, to any matter considered at this hearing, that person shall ensure that a verbatim record of the proceeding Is made, Includ• Ing all testimony and evidence upon which any appeal may be based. MATTY HIRAI V , CITY. CLERK MIAMI, FLORIDA (4147) _t 2126 87.022824M MIAMi REVIEW Published badly except SaturdM ' , and �9N Holidays Miami, Dada County, Florida STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADiI: aalota go wMusla+ad WN+a1111 POMOnsft *Pwb So" Wfiltmg, wft on oath a&" that she Is thVMS p SO* of Leo Adm*ft of thO MWM Review.a daily (bpi bowday, WHIM and Lspai HoNdap) nawttached iW ►• paabNMaad at Mlsad inDada County. Fl eAm that the a copy of adrsaNsanasn4 b*q a Level Adrsrtis l of NOUN N 1!N Batty of CITY OF MIAMI MIAMARINA RENOVATION PROJECT Nthe ................ )= .................. COIA wq "low In said newsPapar In tM Issues of March 2, 1987 My Con MR 106 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA 110TICt OF PUBLIC ""HONG A public hearing will be held by the Commission of the City of Miami, Florida on. Mawh 13;190W*00 p.m. In the City Commis- sion Chambers at City Hall, 3500 Pan American Dive, Miami, Florida, for the purpose of considering the ratification by the City Commis• sion of the waiver of the reaiulrementrof obtaining sealed competitive bids for increases In the' contract cost for the following designated public works or Improvement: ' BAYSIDE SPECIALTY CENTER•MIAMARINA RENOVATION PROJECT Ali tnbrease�o� 1 0,000 in the contract with McNew Maitne Con- struction inc. to cover the'cost of utility renovation and additions an Pier A and enlargement of lalndside water mains which will supply the fire lines on piers A; % and C. All interested persons are invited to appear and msy be heard concerning such proposed waivers and increases. Should any per, son desire to appeal any decision of the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at this hearing, that person shall ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, Including all testimony and evidence upon which any appeal may be based. MATTY HIRAI CITY CLERK 1(4149) MIAMI, FLORIDA 312 87-030208M ,1 ' .Af MIAMI REVIE S Published Daily except Saturday, ay and Legal Malldays }. Miami, Dads County, Florida STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE: Before the wtdarslgned authority Personally apPGwW Sookle WIIUsm% who on oath as" that she Is the Vice Pfseldsfil of Logal Advertising of the Miami Review, a daily + (eimp xfIf Sattfrday, Sunday and Legal Motldays) newspaper. publlshad M Mland in Dede County, Florida: that the attached copy of adrertlaen+wit being a Leo Advertlsantent of Notice In the nwtto of CITY OF MIAMI CITY OF,MIAMI, ' DAM COUNT% FLORIDA NOTICE OF PUBLIC REARING 03/ 13/87 NOTICE ofi'tl MUM HEARING - •e P.O. #4143 All interested persons will pleate take notice that a public hearing will be held at the Miami City Commission Meeting of 14118%,"30OX. at 5:00 p.ff-in:the City Commisslon.Charribers; 0500 Pan Amer!.. In the ................ = ................... Court, Drive to discuss a proposed ordinance which would make it,uniaw0 ' urea pmablisltad In sold newspaper In the lesuae of to sell andlor purchase materlats'or Upptles for conshill;tt, withlfti,' the city limits without pftf that a V�id building perfitt Bid 1 Y Matty Hirai ' March 2, 1987 'City;Clerk Miami; Florida Affent further sale that the sail UAlami Review Is a (4143) published al MIarni In uld Dane County, Florlda, 8t D30209M and _the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously 312 Saturday, 1 aoa� Ho Florida, each day eyed s .aaoma class mall matter at the t�office In has been i Inssa i Deft Coun Florida, for a perloa of one yen next preeedln0 hed the first 69;; of the attaccopy of advertisement: and - aftiaM am that she has neither paid nor promised any or eompomaman n any discoum rebaW commission a for the purpose of securing this edvedisemsnt for in the am newspeW. .�. .14nfi6r4.Q.ra.+.t.rA. before me the ....... D. 1e... 87 .. A ... V. Fimbml N tali of Flat H t.args `t BL1 (SF Alu1\ , MY teDO. MR 105 D f MIAMI REVIEK Published Daily except Saturday,. Ay and Legal Holidays MIAMI, Oade County, Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DA00 111101M the undersigned authority imam ally appeared Sookie Wllllams, who on oath as" that ohs Is the Vice President of Lpd Advertising of the Miami Review, a daily (except Satuiday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, pubNdW at MIsnM In Dade County, Flofldei that the attached copy of advertisamernt. bill" a LAW Advertisement of Notice In the matter of CITY OF MIAMI NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMPUTER AIDED DRAFTING AND DESIGN SYSTEM In the ..............XXM ..................... Court. WAS published In said newspaper In the Isaacs of Feb. 24, 1987 Affiant further Ssye that the sold Miami Review Is a IS &rtl publlStred at Miami In said Dade County, Flo*46 Mat the said nswapsper has henlolora been eontlnuousyr Alshed in seid Dads eaunty. Flsrlda. aaeh d.r r.,eesr uaoe wunfy. rwr o& for a psnoo of one year next pncsdlnp the firot publication of the attached copy Of advin I ent; and stHaM hlrffnr says that she has neither paid not promised any person, thin or corporation any dlseount. robsts. commission ~InIn the saw nest fp this edfsrtboment for A _aaa_ei—d--�_ �I9Mf{rr[ , , Abed before me this . yy F .CIAa 14.....87 �rtIptary'irelkb ofat Larps J (SEAL) nd ' / �� • ; My Comv>r eii ulyIt190. MR 108 '�---� CITY OF MIAMI$ FLORIDA NOTICs OF PUBLIC NEARING A Public Hearing will be heid by the Commission of the City of Miami, Florida 9{„IA��ar 11:00 a.m. In the City Commis — slon Chambe t y all, an American Drive, Miami, Florida, for the purpose of cOMWering waiving the requirements for formal -- sealed-bids by the City Commission. COMPUTER AIDED DRAFTING AND DESIGN SYSTEM Waiving by a 415 affirmative vote of the City Commission, the requirellmille WWI 101111411 Sows" Nits ulsl, tion of additional equipment and maintenance and support agree-` Monts for the Clty's Computer Aided Drafting and Design System. All interested persons are invited to appear and may be head! !- concerning such proposed waivers and increases. Should any per. son desire to appeal any decision of the City Commission with = respect to any matter considered at this hearing, that person snail . ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, including all testimony and evidence upon which any appeal may, be based. f MATTY HIRAI ^�CITY CLERK 4' MIAMI, FLORIDA 1(4142) 12124 87-022497M a �CPO 0� N10DmD Z p allIt gm Co ii o n 3 �°r !"!. Ur,m -m mHat, Ut Miami 39trala THE MIAMI NEWS A KNIGHT-RIDDER NEWSPAPER A COX NEWSPAPER Two editorially independent newspapers, printed, sold and distributed by THE MIAMI HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY 1 HERALD PLAZA, MIAMI, FLORIDA 33132-1693 • (AREA CODE 305) 360-2111 Before the undersigned authority personally appeared M. L. Blouin who on oath says that he is the South Area Manager of The Miami Herald and The Miami News, daily newspaper (s) published at Miami. in Dade County, Florida. He further says that the advertisement for CITY OF MIAMI (#4140) was published in the issue or issues of THE MIAMI NEWS on MARCH 2nd. 1987.................. or the above publication s as per the at j.nvoice. ., Affiant further states that the said THE MUM HMALD/NEWS are newspapers published at Miami, in said Dade Couqty, Florida, and that the said newspapers have here -to -fore been continuously published in said Dade County, Florida, each day, and have been entered as second class mail matter at the Post Office in Miami, in said Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the advertisement. Sworn to and Subscribed to before me this S th day of APB11<A.D. , 8__ 7 Now Fub-ic (Seal) NCSARI Pli'6it ;{1T: uF P+.C.:!J.t NM CQM.N;s;lOk EN-7- gENDEO I , 4LAAL 'ghc Miamicralb THE MIAMf NEWS A KNIGHT-RIDDER NEWSPAPER A COX NEWSPAPER Two editorially independent newspapers, printed, sold and distributed by THE MIAMI HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY 1 HERALD PLAZA, MIAMI, FLORIDA 33132-1693 • (AAEA CODE 305) 350-2111 P. Before the undersigned authority personally appeared M. L. Blouin who on oath says that he is the South Area Manager of The Miami Herald and The Miami News, daily newspaper (s) published at Miami in Dade County, Florida. He further says that the advertisement for CITY OF MIAMI (#4143) was published in the MARCH find � 1997 issue or issues of ...... . THE MIAMI NEWS on or the above publication s as per the attached invoice. •_, Affiant further states that the said THE MIAMI HERALD/NEWS are newspapers published at Miami, in said Dade County,, Florida, and that the said newspapers have here -to -fore been continuously published in said Dade County, Florida, each day, and have been entered as second class mail matter at the Post Office in Miami, in said Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the advertisement. RED'—e..w "% (A M. L. B ouin APR 16 19u 1 GENERAL SERvicw . MCUREYENT MANA6:M..„ ......... Sworn to and Subscribed to before me this �j88 t^hh � day of Lii.l�.i..L.- A. ! 17 S 7 • NOTOY FIN5:1C St�.tC `:" '�• � �ti MY CCPN!S:IDH Li.;'. No Pu I.ic (Seal) x FICE OE PUBLIC HEARING erested persons'. will please take notice . that a public hearing will be held at the .'Miami City Commission Meeting of Math '13��98`�at 5:00 p.m. in the City Commission Chambers, 3500 Pan American Drive,; to . discuss a proposed. ordinance Which would make, It unlawful to sell and/or purchase materials, or supplies for construction within the . city limits without proof that, a valid building permit exists. Matty Hirai . City Clerk z Miami, Florida. �► N `(CITY SEAL) w. (4143) .: t� nrruortu �wwrcu� :u aK rrt rtnr,�cr� 13 ��ncct [ en las consecuencias impre- "*: �, ►• visibles e# una confron. taci6n con agentes del �. en una' mdtada tomada y 4�r ocupada por los mismos sin Is una orden judicial. Suerte que no habia nadie en casa hasta llegar Como de cos- tumbre nuestro hijo policia. No quiero pensar. 18 fcto fus tornado d die on que Is US Impuesto una inmediatamente pusimos el caso en manos de abopa-. -distinclbh d doctor Pedro M. Canino con motivo de dos, y en esto estamos. ;oumplir 10 aiios do serviclos an al Dods County. Junto a dl, experlmemando gran satisfacci6n vemos a Richard P. Bendito Dios, incte�ble Brinker, Clark de la Corte do In quo as Diputty Clark, el Pero cierto. doctor...V nano. Esto jamaa estuvo en Is mente de nuestros padres fundadores de esta gran na-- ci6n que en ofrenda heroics nos legaron una cons• .� Utuci6n para una human- dad fibre y sin temores. Dr. Pedro M. Canino.. COMUNICACION DE AUDIENCIA PUBLIC& OFRECE MISA EL So No conNinics a toles In parwms Intermades- AMERICA RADIO CWB. quo' uno sudioncin publics sari eolebrods on Is Ia directiva del America rounibn do is combi6n de to Ciudad da Mismi, el dis Radio Club ofreceri una mi- 1`ilte""Mllrilw'Yii~'1ii 0 a in 5:00 P.M. en In Cimares ' o en memaria de los radio- do to Comid6n do Miami, 35N Pan Amaricon:Drive aficionados falleddos en el Pm dim"ir una prapuosto do Ordwwn=, Is Gus' exdio, fork eam fuera do Is lay vendor o eomprar nateriolas o 1 La miama se efectuard en wpplim pm cow dmvo do las limit" do In ' la loesia St. John vianney, ckxbd, sin prusbn do quo exists un pormiso vNido do site en 29W S.W. 87th St., o0n1"mi61L allsdo de Sin, Brenda, ma• ?_ s 1as 7:30 tCity.Sanl? - Matty lFal. ��aar�badg 141431 City Clark P.M.. re. - Invita Mike Alonso, Alf. : > �• j ✓ do Chaoy fuss Huute NY COMMISSION EXP- Gci ♦, 19e BONDED IUD 6EKRAL INS. uNu. 9 :?0 — I /01 /1.II'l I 1393 S.W. Pflmem Cie -•• P. 0. Box 350661 Rivu" Sbtion� Miami Florida Tel6fomm: 649-9952 - l�49-WMa 7 L A N A C I 0 N ESTADO DE LA FLORIDA CONDADO DE DADE. ANTE LA ABAJO FIRMANTE AUTORIDAD, APARECE EN PER SONA EL SR, JACOBO SAIF,- QUIEN BAJO JURAMENTO, DICE SER ADMINISTRADOR Y SUPER _ VISOR DE ANUNCIOS DE "LA NACION", UNA PUBLICACION SEMANAL QUE SE PUBLICA EN MIAMI, FLA.f Y QUE LA MUESTRA DE ANUNCIO AQUI ADJUNTA, ES UN ANUNCIO EN RELACION A LO SIGUIENTEt FUE PUBL1CADA EN DICHO PERIODICO EN LA EDICION a DE LA SIGUIENTE FECHA: JURADO Y SUBSCRITO ANTE M}}-�++ � ESTE - -' - DIA DE lY,�e -eJ- 198 EN MIAMI, FLORIDA, � � - E � .{• 1. � fr--- r.{ •. ;�1.-r•_-L . ARIA PUBLICOO ( SELLO ) . NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF FLORIDA NY CONNISSIGN EXP. OCT ♦, 1987 BONDED TWW 6EKUL Wo UND. L I • SPECIAL TRANSCRIPT REQUEST BY: DJ. "I .- . y Subject: Meeting Date: %3 Agenda item No. .TI 9 Label No. ?i Jr Tape No. � 'Request Date: 87 Assigned to: Completion Date: 7447 1eo/Wes; ----------------------------------------------------------- Proofread by: ';�y Corrected by: 3'Z� 30 -! s. 3v Transmitted under cover memo: Handcarried: Released though not proofread to: j`:i.