HomeMy WebLinkAboutO-102435, �31 57 ORDINANCE NO. 1024 � - AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 35-46 or THE CODE OF THE CITY OV MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED; BY PROVIDING THAT. THE CITY ,MANAGER SHALL REVIEW PROPOSED METERM PARKING ZONES AND THAT PROPOSED PARKING METER INSTALLATION l AND, FINAL DESIGNATION OF SAID. 9ONES AND ,!NSTALLATIMI OF SAID METERS -SHALL BE SUH JECT TO THE CITY MANAGER'S APPROVAL; FURTHER PROVIDING TRAT ALL EXISTING METERED PARKING ZONES SHALL BE SUBJECT TO REVIEW BY THE CITY MANAGER AND THAT MODIFICATIONS THERETO, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ADDITIONS, REMOVALS AND RELOCATIONS SMALL BE SUBJECT 'TO THE APPROVAL OFTHE CITY MANAGER;, CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABIttTY CLAUSE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1 Section 35-46 of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended, is hereby amended in the following particulars: "Sec'. 35-46. Designation;'installation of meters. The director of the department of off street parkitig is hereby _ authorized 1 to determine and designate metered parking zones and to install and maintain upon any of the streets or parts of streets as many parking meters as necessary in such metered parking zones where it is determined that the installation of parking meters shall be necessary .to aid in the regulation, control and inspection of the parking of vehicles. Prior to final designation of and proposed' metered zone' and/or the installation of paring meters therein the proposed zones a d the proposed installation of parking meters therein shall first be submitted to the city manager for approval thereof All existing metered parking zones shall be eject to review by the city manager and modifi'cations thereto including but not limited to additions removals and relocations shall be subject to the approval of the city manager." MIIAMI REVIEW F'uhiishf. d t?aeh erxc< c'. 5atu day. S nciav and', 1_ (jal wu i;l r}s Miami. Marie Gf>un'�. I ;nrida _ STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Sookie Williams, who on ,oath says Ghat she Is the Vice president of Legal Advertising of the Miami Review, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and ,Loyal Holidays] newspaper, published at Miami In Dade County, Florida: that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice In the matter of CITY OF I TANT DADE COUNTY, VL LEGAL . NOTICE ORDINANCE No (:s) , 10231 10232, 10234, 10235, 10236,.10237, 102.38, 10239; 1024U, 10241, 10242,, 10243. xxx Court, in the was published in said newspaper in the issues of Mardi 24, 1987 MIAMI t�Af�� �4���i'��� I�Ir;t�'�►i�l1� L;OAL NOTIOPE Ail interested persons will t'akA rttttice that 6h thr.; lath deY Of Match. i987, the City C'yCYri1111iSSj0r fsf .Miarrii, Fle7rida, adoplei tf+t ft)liowing titled ordinances: t�fl;b111AN�E NO. 1623i AN 'EMERGENCY ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 1852.2t3I43I OF THE CODE OF !HE CITY OF MiAMI, FLOni- OA, AS AMENDED, TO PROVIDE THAT tHE CITY NDU CT ER'S DESIGNEE SHALL BE AUTHOR'IZEQ,TO CONDUCT RE.OUIRED INTERVIEWS WITH PROVIDERS OF PROF'ES- SIONAI. SERVICES. CONTAINING A.REPEALE.R PROVISION AND A SEVERABILTY CLAUSE 01110INANCE No. 10232 AN EMERGENT Y ORDINANCE AMENDINGI SECTION 22�10 r�F TwF. CODE OF 'THE,CiTY'OF 101AMI, FLORIDA.- AS i MF 1 C), COD i:R F Pitc:,VlGt'.NlG THAT T'HF OEFiNITION, JF R- r1E''..i ?LN'i f, 1, UNt r ii`v'.::LU,11 �'„�1IiUCTU,RE M0051• r�.t,ED OR ADOPikn FOR RESIDENTIAL USE AND PROVID- ING THAT. FOR PURPOSES OF MUNICIPAL GARBAGE COL. . LECTfON. A STRUCTURE CONTAINING TWO (2I OR FEWER RESIDENTIAL UNITS THEREIN BE CONSIDERED A RESI- DENTIAL UNiT, CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE OROWHANCIr NO, 10233 — AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 1 OF.. ORDINANCE NO. 9743, ADOPTED N,OVE-MBER 16 1983, AS AMENDED,, WHICH ESTABLISHED A NEW SPECIAL REVE•. NUE FUND ENTITLED "PARK, DEVELOPMENT FUND", BY INCREASING RESOURCES AND APPROPRIATIONS IN THE AMOUNT OF S16,000 COMPOSED OF PRIVATE DONATIONS: CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABIL- ITY CLAUSE., ORDINANCE NO. 1234 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS i AND 6 OFORDi• .'NANCE NO. 10150;-ADOPTED SEPTEMBER 25i 19K AS AMENDED, THE ANNUAL, APPROPRIATIONS ORDINANCE . FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1987, ARE, ; HEREBY FURTHER_ AMENDED, BY MAKING CHANGES LT SAID ANNUAL APPRO,PRiATIONS ORDINANCE AS A RESULT . . I OF A REORGANIZATIONAL ORDINANCE ADOPTED BY THE CITY COMMISSION AT ITS NOVEMBER,25, 1986 CITY: COM• MISSION, MEETING; ORDINANCE NO.;t0184; ELIMINATING ! THE APPROPRIATION FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF PLAN j, NING AND ZONING BOARDS ADMINISTRATION, iNCREAS. ING :THE' APPROPRIATIONS AND REVENUES FOR THE: BUiLQING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT, AND INCREASING . THE APPROPRIATION F,OR SPECIAL PROGRAMS' AND A REPEALER PROVISION AND A Apffiant further says that the said Miami Review is a and that the said newspaper has he etofore been continuousler published at Miami in said Dade County; y published in sold Dade County, Florida, each day (except Saturday. Sunday and Legal Holidays) and has been entered as second class marl matter, at the post office in Miami in said Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy ol_advertiromised and afflant further says that she has neither paid, nor promised any orrrefurtdr orotheopurpose ofns curing nthiseadvinrtisemenisilor publication in the said newspaper.: ,¢*:.. j,fr,.iltNf:/Trr� .S�JprAlto;4F4ttobscribed before me this 24.t1t.day,gt arcli'9 ,, r ' s Cheryl H. fearmer NbtarV, PubLc, State ot:Florida at Large (SEAL) ° My Commis4i%pzpires,April 12y,19?90;,-Z ACCOUNTS; CONTAINING I SEVERABILITY, CLAUSE, 'i - ORDINANCE NO. 10235 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING. SECTIONS 1 AND 6 OF ORDI- NANCE NO; 10150,; ADOPTED SEPTEMBER 25, 1986 AS '. ! AMENDED, THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATIONS ORDINANCE, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 31), ;1987, ARE:" HEREBY. FURTHER'AMENDED, BY INCREASING THE ,. APPROPRIATIONS IN THE ENTERPRISE FUND, PROPERTY . AND LEASE MANAGEMENT ENTERPRISE FUND: IN THE ; PROPOSED AMOUNT OF $14,900 FOR THE PURPOSE OF f PAYING APPRAISAL FEES, IN CONNECTION WITH THE CITWS POSSIBLE ACOUISITION OF PROPERTY FOR DEVEL- OPMENT OF A 250,000 SQUARE FOOT BUILDING FOR LEASE;. TO THE UNITED STATES GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRA TiON, REVENUE IN THE LIKE AMOUNT BEING AVAILABLE FROM PROPERTY AND:LEASE MANAGEMENT'S,1985.1986 RETAINED EARNINGS CONTAINING A. REPEALER PROM.':'.. i SION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE ORDINANCE NO.'10236 : ,AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A SPECIAL REVENUE FUND ENTITLED."RECREATION ACTIVITY 1986.87", AND o OUN T PRIATING FUNDS FOR ITS OPERATION .IN. THE AMOUN OF,$100,000 COMPOSED OF. REVENUES' COLLECTED FROM PARTICIPATION FEES; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVI;, SION AND SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. ORDINANCE NO, 10237 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 19 QFTHE CODE OF THE CITY Q.F. MIAMI,,FLQRIDA, AS AMENDED, BY ADDING SECTION 1915 ENTITLED SPECIAL OFF-DUTY.FIRE RESCUE:, SERVICES, TO PROVIDE THATA .FeF BF' COLLECTED BY THE CITY IN ITS. ADMINISTRATION OF: THE. PROGRA. M,, WHEREBY EXCEPTIQNAL AND NQNROUTINE' SERVICES. OF .OFF-OUTY FIRE"RESCUE PER.SONNEL'ARE ASSIGNED PY THE CITY AND PROVIDED TO PERSONS QR BUSINESSES REQUESTING THE.SAME; FURTHER RECOGNIZING. SY..THE. HEREIN AMENDMENT THE CiTY'S ON•GtJING.?RESP?NSi {81LdTY TO ITS :EMP.t-OY.EE5 .SY .PRQV1D-ING'SEtF, INSURANCE CfJV.ERAGE'F.OR. TORT I iIAPILITY AND WORKERS COMPENSATION CI .MMS ARISING OUT; OF AND IN THE COURSE AND SCOPE OF 6UCH.OFF-DUTY FIRE RESCUE.PERSONKV6 _PERFORMANCE OF. .FIWSAFETY-; DUT:iES IaURJ,NSa..THE':I?ER!OD.QF:.$IJCH..A$SIf;.aNMENT,; CQNTAININO A. Fir EPEALER ,PRpVIiQN AND c1�; Sl*VERAEI� ITY C1-AUSE• �Sgt�iNANCE N13. it523ti `" T,ION (A)(1} OF SEC AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SUBSEG TION 30-53, ENTITLED "GREEN FEES", SUBSEC,TIONS {A}jt}(a} AND (bj OF SECTION 30-54, ENTITLED "DART FEES". AND SUBSECTION fat OF SECTION 30.55, ENTITLED "SPE• CIAL RATES", OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORA IDA; AS AMENDED, SY REVISING.THE FEE SCHEDULES = I FOR CITY OF MIAMI GOLF COURSE'S, 'CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND.A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE.. OgF`JINANCt NO. 10g39 = AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 55 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA. AS AMENDED, ENTI: TLED 'TAXATtON", BY AMENDING, SECTION 55.11,. ENTI. TLED, "DEFINITIONS BY,ADDING LANGUAGE TO THE PAR AGRAPH DEFINING THE 'TERM -WATER . SERVICE CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION' AND A' SEVERABIL ITY CLAUSE. ORDINANCE NO. 10240 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A NEW REVENUE FUND' ENTITLED "1987 DANCE PROGRAM IN THE AMOUNT OF - $12,900 CONSISTING OF.A GRANT FROM THE DADE COUNTY .COUNCIL OF ARTSAND SCIENCES FOR THE AMOUNT OF $6,450 AND A CASH MATCH OF $6,450 FROM AVAILABLE FUNDS IN THE FY 1987 GENERAL FUND BUDG.: ET, SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND, ACCOUNTS, MATCHING FUND FOR GRANTS TO SPONSOR A SERIES OF DANCE PERFORMANCES: CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. ORDINANCE NO. 10241 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 38.49.1 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI. FLORIDA, AS .AMENDED, ENTI TLED "SPECIAL EVENT WINEIBEER PERMIT' FOR PRO• GRAMS IN CITY PARKS," BY AUTHORIZING, THE CITY MAN- AGER TO PERMIT THE SALE OR DISPENSING OF BEER _ AND/OR WINE IN SOFT CONTAINERS IN ADDITIONAL CITY PARKS ON SPECIAL OCCASIONS AND. FOR -SPECIAL.. EVENTS. OR PROGRAMS WITHIN PRESCRIBED LIMITA, TIONS;.CONTAINING'A REPEALER PROVISION AND SEVER. ABILITY CLAUSE.. ORDINANCE NO, 10242 AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION, 1 OF ORDINANCE NO, 10187; AS AMENDED, ADOPTED DECEM. BER 11, 1986,:THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT APPROPRIA TIONS ORDINANCE, BY INCREASING THE APPROPRIATION TO THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ENTITLED "'MIAMARINA RENOVATION, PROJECT", PROJECT,NO. !, 413007, BY $100,000, RESULTING IN A TOTAL APPROPRIA TION OF $1,600,000; SAID FUNDS TO BE LOANED FROM,, THE GENERAL FUND, SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND. — ACCOUNTS,- AND APPROPRIATED FROM MARINA REVE- NUE BOND FUNDS; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION } AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE, ORDINANCE NO. 10243 I AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 36 46 OF THE: CODEL OF .THE, CITY OF MIAMI,FLORIDA, AS :AMENDED, -BY. PROVIDING THAT THE CITY MANAGER SHALL REVIEW PROPOSED METERED PARKING ZONES AND THAT PROPOSED PARKING .METER, INSTALLATION - AND FINAL DESIGNATION OF SAID ZONES AND .INSTAL I LATION OF SAID METERS SHALL BE SUBJECT TO THE, CITY MANAGER'S APPROVAL; FURTHER PROVIDING THAT ALL EXISTING, METERED, PARKING ZONES.SHALL BE SUB. JECT TO REVIEW BY THE CITY MANAGER AND THAT MOD- IFICATIONS THERETO, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ADDITIONS, REMOVALS AND RELOCATIONS SHALL BE, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE CITY MANAGER; . CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABIL I ITY. CLAUSE. Said ordinances may be ,Inspected by the public at the Office of a the City Clerk, 3560 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida, Monoay through Friday, exclryding holidays, between the hours of '8:00 A.M. {and 5:00 P.M, 3:�� MATHIRAI r V `+s: CITY CLE 041,56) RK {a ;} CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA 3124 87; 03248?M 2 of, 2 ltdAMIAMI' bAbIft OUNTY POAW, . All +nterested pbrsoris :4ill take, nrrlrrp fhwat on the 13th ;lay f- hAatch, i087, the City C omrnissj{<rl of fAiamt, rlo6da. adbP11f J thr>: !cAtriwirlg toled Ordinances! OAMNANice No. 10231 AN EMFRGFNCY opbINAN(;F AMENWNG SEC`TiON tFi••52,21al(3't OF 'tHE. CODE OF THE G{F! OF M!AMI. LOi r DA, AS AMENDED. TO pRbVit)!~ ,THAT THE CITY MANAG EWSDESiGNEE SMALL. 6F A1.1THORIZ.ED TO CONDUCT" ' r EOUiRFD INTERVIEWS WITi•! PROVIDERS OF PROFESS SIGNAL SERVICES: CONTAINING 4, REPEALEI"{ PROVISION zottl 9£ iCooI g l,)stalcga 9aiaa gB M I A M I REVIEW i .,..., ` ' -' - , j I .; 1i .2'„ ':0.4.'i i j 1 i '! t+w '; ! .. ,.� ;t { • s. „f. i ., Pu#;!:cnrf# D;Oy rv:..?;'r ".;i!t; -.,._; t7'.+,,', .i':•', 1't a1 I ,+ r,, Z£trt 9B 101t,Z'9$'Pue L8 96691 9B - '<, , u7{l:P'; t,,t4 ", yf ;i! - i' •i'P.YL ';,:J{p4"d '1+. ,! U ' tv ria'r:f- Da,f'. 1k • E60L=9B t.: 1 , e;u;7 :. ;�,i ;fp, " B9g91 g8' STATE OF FLORIDA {Itr> :uOu!,;!(7 s- rl igMs afitis un=tE'rilHtUi lira i 'CY � Srilf, 45 "IA .,rsi'.,UH .:h, Y,t" ,n ua,.:i..d, Jrri u.' d 10SOS1 COUNTY OF DADE: -fi u� s ; 7fta,ty 1' anfirw 1a6Z-9B afurvbi SA i ;,ud fii a . '99 Before the undersigned authority personaltv appeared as'y>'rpiic 'iawitPly a au:3 p;nnuar tS ; :djic prAi,! uidre j Av,S;nd t,aoou t%n,6 . Octelma' V,, Perbeyre, who on oath says that she is the Supervisor of Legal Advertising of the Miami Review, a daily s f Sr n,uo,ieu,alu: n arih,rl4 - Lb615 5B ` sA udasor' SL6El 98 �A;te. (except Saturday. Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper. published at Miami In Dade 'County, Florida; that the attached ttit-'iaPue{ai j- + aan,a sauA na,ew 'Auadtijol weueig j 6,cr) aaua; d t! i ',auu�srry ua.+a15' s+Iiairy ;. Hre1q ,1ue8 anal i Inuor") Sr, uasurgc1r :. copy ofadvertisement; being a Legal Advertisement of Noticee aul'sA NA'H � auoiew--'LZ605-99 ` %At I autialtiPI av u[!UIPN -' Sbl£1'' g8 in the matter of - 1e uttliq sal,ew) aaiu aaua,Mp'I ¢±'hued ( 9Ai1P'ISInHWU,1041,a16ej_- too(' 'a0w t)aly 5A aueolS - Est6 gB CITY OF 'MIAMI '• nuieA.sA U0115WAo;l t?Sfl S6SLV SB SA1iIt ORDINANCE NO ., 10243 ., sAui% ewe? wei!uM 'saliintiiew aan,@ . a4fd . tiAgUasseM P;eQary '2!ie•,{ uanalS 'aPiid S.1Jow sA a6Pligwal5 avf jN __ SV6$ 9B Aqued qr. uetusfotj ur`a t - 990E6-9111 s6a1P a IrsAd P,e,aS p,olpaH Pl!iag n60A SAue 'iadwrooiy ionucyl Salo¢$ sA JazeteS - OLZOS SB - +.,eJ 'a!i'ig iiage!} ..11;eay'aAOJg Inu SAue JallU3awo,ar'zuMogan: 0103 SA 5e0ap,e3 01.1441V -. 9£9Z4-S8 y rew 'Uuil uuor 'ulalSiaAdg pieMoH !e 18 XXX SAIte'Sa+f1fMS V uaS68 'zi,eMuaS r l NIA JolAei V i sA Aafo3 uuor - SEVEE 58 'uewn�aN In the. Court, _'t!aulaisod 1,a;ew sA ziuoS Aae1S'-- 9985E-58, stille E 1101S'AIW13aauaimel'Aud,nyy,jaeuarW was published in said newspaper in the issues of sAlie, -up iaetiaryy Iwbyy uauueg $n'eg5eJ0 - Z9SlE SB 4seig'sawer'-'66nr uanalS yauplV sAlte'Jeutoe,4 WIN ISiagou uagnH 'UoaS TIDrCII 24 1987 ,edse3 .SA eiamtj 4Sor '-- 669ZC-99 'UialSplaD Owif sA 6unionii V'8 3 - 6LOl£ SB - .. - _ 4At1e UaAaIS �saa ImS liagod ', SAIIe ' 10MAH p!APQ 'aJnt33iN - 'fiiagstaM pwiw Aueduio3, aauein5u) UQof, JapuaS'AneH ia6iamunee 50ng3 leia09 sA uiwV e11e1113 - 660ZE-98 '.agal?g 6ai,9 'aafAJaS g sales Jolean!3 Atfiant further says that the said Miami Review is it newspaper sAlle:,eQej•zai!d lan6ip -wayuzuag l,aglV.'punoJV aWgr0UZ s,jal'jgeq I 'sn zlierAeyaS eiAtAS=-YE80E SB ' sAlle'piolpospleia0 published at Miami in said Dade County. Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously 5A iatln43S 5awer - CZ91£ SB,' 'uewiaH ined `sui66iM lUagou 'uoiuiogj published in said Dade County, Florida. each:' day (except SApe 'Gg o epuiiaw 'Ooluoyy sA OsuolV - E95S gB Saturday, Sunday, and Legal, Holidays) and has been entered as 'class uaauieN-J0uUO3,0 UiAaH'Umoia uagdaiS 5Alli 'peiuo3 second mail matter at, the post office in Miami in said Dade County- for a period of one year next preceding Ut?6iowsetiioui'povellal$Ua1e}(.Sgaji4 - ,ad 'UUnO p�epalu 'uollnS ugor.'uDo oij the first publication o the attached copy of advertisement: and -owolnV 5aa!AiaS pauun 9EeoE-SB -e,oiiio3 lepdsoH sA Agnl -�-' bBSZ 5B further says h afffant further says that she has Heil paid nor promised any SAlle 'ueuilloH Pieya!y';ue6Jow sewoui SARe 'ue de ip 3i ssn Mla te, I N P U 8'' H d.' person, firm or corporation any cou t, rebate, commission - or, Wr nd for the a4-e�la0 olsoui3'wtnutwopuo3 91103SIG to uolsn6ia3 p(euou SA USSV-ueol g s6u! - purpose, o .curing this advertisement for pyfiij�tion in I said new et Ita11)u9 SA UOSUii!iV Nor = L800£-S8- SAlle '6jagplog' -AeS'JPJepad -Isi!l!Jawtl'-, 8091E £8 - i uanalS 'SoXIfMS 1J0g0y :6JagsfaM 9 t HDHVW d0 H33M ! !aeuaiw 'Auedwo3' aaueinsui /¢ia • f �Swbrn •uag sA zaPueuiai Jelid fiLO6Z S8 (8Z) CINi01S3Sd `N~,y 9 e me this t -and, subscribed before ' ` M'9'=ulalsu a Pio,uegSApe:ytawo3 u 5aiJlsnpui ariinto 39anr 24t17 a �1arC11 87 d y '° A119,4 SA leige3 oiva6n3 - E9E51-S8 sAtie'iioling r A.D, 19 uyop"sv,,el1 uen3 :UggeJodio3 eueueg SAIle UaRaiiJ SAue } SaiJeU3 'A037w sa's!id.iaiu3 iapueiuPS d 18Ml Owiadny Cheryl H,Marmer Notery Public. State of Florida at Large zi%eH uusyaer 'zU{flags g V ituaJPd laey9!w) . s t*uPpaS Sr, e6af, 5tp,euV -, 009117,98 'GMG!@ ' �• k, a'j 5a;imrj 6,aquinja pJeMpd telid, SAue Ia01 Sp,!!Mp j (SEAL) '` '-' My Cortimi5 iop expires, Aptil',12, t908. saH siolao0 sn juJaj i�,ai _ £81L SB ,' t sAlle ',lauJeg laaa l 'usng { u, u,iord ,xef oitayy' j uvq)('DawuV vie4y , sr r,,ia�Ji,w g ,af,)uvt%-, - Z690P '99 giauuak, Ilaiv,tueo AIPA -eijeS urAtayy t' sAlie'llaule8liagou sA zauuei ,a sawia 1( t1 - 6PQLb YB' J{ aouln!) xad ainl33w uuor., d io3 ppai3, 'j sti'AaiiP nt` ty o aauoiiai j ,a!SAig3 ,A a 3su d , 1 u¢aiiawy aaissai6a SauGw la,ue0 zaPleA $A , SA SaiMOUX uesnS UMeilS ,� 6E2BE 98 .. ,.elurwJOH aui sie3,sliods Ja1ueS -- E£19Y PB SAue AQP uyor uabrH j, .Allp's1;aQoy Aet3: H'Zan&JPoij opa,p!AA' laPgaiw .03 Sul aptiowolnV LeninW uT,ej (04000140008 - aui lai6ejj a0 Grid 03 atp)S SA uuiolQuasod ePtIH - ZZ¢LZ 9@: f sA.aiddeiaaMS V IJaQot(- @L9PP-P@ SAlia 'ullms i( d uaJIPM:Sagio:j sAue'.uooyq PiAeO Ja!41p'eg 49a50r' aultanA puauf' i l,agiv .soiex AJe j :af!e,0 0100 Iieusiew tsaq Ixpu pU iaylolu'leJnleU Jay 46noi4l I sA"Jaw!uow auolspel9 OCZPP-98 Pue.Aq 0141AP9 tigasor awtaaiew'V ,- still¢ . uewie3 /ueg Ja(ylneg 40Sol• auheAA '-• 96P9i 99, ia6uooiad uaealS 'zat¢zuo l a6dor 'loyalA SAue 'sew041 opleuiad'gAeaAaN Wild 6PPZE P8 uuV. `owuJl.p.Ined 'UPW06411'liagod .. sAtle ,Ao3aw -salouV'olsauJ3 g sal6uV,,3 uenr sA ola!N uower '.ivaau}( laeya!yy . sti:w weilliM f',)anew p olaiN V ¢!Atha' - ?EE$Z 98 po qg g uo4doig 'Aueduioa oluesuoyy' sAlie' sA ua1we0 0a3u!A SEPS&'PQ ' . 111`100H uelV''za)ezuo9 o6ior Jeipuf'43. SAue 'Molddoa Pfeuoy ;awl'I , le to euad snsar sA 31.11 IeuoOeu alual lanueyy Auedw03 puetl-IlosJa6u, Jalul salliad(Iid PiwelAd -- 919£Z'ij SA ol'nieuon6 eauuj'.- 18691*£Q SA1.16')res!d$ k)PH J8400 'item ikau pue Joulw S41e 7autaM .ulaluaH 'yaA 9 - uaii!yy:Aauligmweifnlyt a1t'1Qu8s04Aaiuels ay1 10 aeyle) Iem)eu k +Jl!8_R YOA uisea( 41!a>a "zllr000 f i W PJeuo9i (Jar:' ueu@ sA :AlepoH V alilij . " '��►4Z 88 . ' ruaa I931peN mops 41JON) VI?jN$94VIN sA }IV osaay'weitlei uaapun3'S)eq 4eddell043 SA ¢lied aw!rar :_ . 9Z6'.SQ Slii(y u�!r `e Sllim 4N Wer sA 81Pi¢il! . sANe', puftuPa V XuiJCJH.glnd __ ¢S161 .66 ' S,vm V :'i1gQdwe9 Owl '.P11 'Pull e) l V ; Sfille -ie to •Haul 0 i}ouS 'm6yeV4 1P eoUi) lsMA' 5A11e 'uoptaM l,ogiLEebIPoiollJodikHe 1`6laglAiJ �e3sjJ&t g1'E0e0i JQPpS. 11t9 (' !uivaieyy upstaty Aiia1 laigaPIS pIA90 1f 03 41vuloput a(W11 -5 649 #,A aul 5all Wd aJIPd _...S9EZ1.le �..:....;.�...�.,..,.,,.�.�r SA;1g `iayae� lJaaob:'; 99aMStuuap .ti3p9aan1r4>n3�t!Ad3,6A,. COA MUM/rY IN ACr/6N Vol. 2 No. 12 rtbruary 1g85 i ACY'EtSS I PI LT'I Y I SSUE5 Btr' fii: 'COMM TSSI ON C:ommissiuner lldrVey Ruvin .sponsored three,prol:,osals on accessibility .for the handicapped at the Febr> uary Dade County Commission meeting. The prbposal� would, (1), increase' reserved harking for the handicapped at private businesses,.(2) require stores With entrance thresholds less. thanenine.inches in height to provide wheelchair accessibility (3j eliminate curl) -cuts tFat intersect pedestrian, traffic. A publ?c, hearing: on'the proposals vi11. bra hclrl l.�t-hr. A7 III:t 1. OPERA IIPP!''trkflANCI Psri. HANDICAPPER 'lle (.1oater_Miami Opera As�;ociation invites people with disabi litie s, to be its gue:;t at a English performance of PuLcini's "Madame Butterfly," 2:0U I).m:, March 10,'at the Dade , County Auditorium, C70Nt`'E;CTIONS FOR THE E I DEPIS AT HOML. If you'r6 FQ, 70, 80 or alder and are confined to home.for any reason --illness, disal:ilit}, I,rcl;, of trap port..itioil, bir: ct:eps too. high, ,traffic signals tc�c, fast--a1: other rva�e.n:a, we %vaht to hear, from you'. .If interested, please contact Dr. Estelle Witzlinq Moskowitz or Audrey Honingi'yan, Miami-l7ede Library, 65-Clul,, 1 Risca rlr E31vt3 . , Miami; FL 31132 .- 579-50g1, 1)15ABIJ, D,WQhILN 51•LAK MARCH 1`3 PoscArin (;odfrey i%,i11. present a panel on "Disable Women in the -Eighties--Their Urii:ruE. C.oilcQrns during National Women'Is History Week. The panel wi11 convene at 1O:00 a.m.- t"r at •the Miami Da6e New World Campus. .DISABLED PICKET SUPERMARKET . i ,r!++ i !•. ;?':, ,?It:.l? I+vl +'lt l:',l',nF !11i' 1'eturnlne4 tr't, e.nfr r fit�nt.itihrl 1c71itir,,, iwer ,! ch>r+r1 ,r_r:•,c,r,:, rn whe.,1+.i,,�1:,, 11•I!,rescntincl tfic''I'1c�.rida iaral>leyic As�c�ci,it.icin, IFic}:ctecs thy, Pantry I'ri•le, t:ky bake I.1+:a11 store .in protest of I)arr.iers' to their wheelchairs. Some years a !r, the stare had instal lecl vertical boles placed 18" apart.. The gays were wide enout,h Isar po, Ubpb,., tc, walk; Orecl..they prevented cus,t.omers f rom ute al i ng. shopl incl -a rts,. Tic. L,oles,' howl-'Ver; hlockod, customers in wheelchairs. Moreover, the l oles, :not only barred: their use cif t.l a :,t_ore; I;ut they barred their access to the sidewalk. forcing .them into the. strc et. Dane t'aitnty enforcement of. ficals` had: already 'ordered stores to remove 'the Y arrier, ley December 10, but the picketing brought 'immediate attention to the, coml�la.int. some of . tlle; Boles were rc=moved while picketers watched. Some of the picketers were: . at:a Tr-d,Bri+lis, Eugorie trybel, ,.loAnn Elder, Virginia Evans,.Mildre:d Levenson,` LaverneSlanf,foIrcl, I:i 11 'I'ac_•title# Denny Wratac? aild Sol Y,i tter. Phblished, 'by' .OFFI CEIMERoonae OF HANDICAPPED OPPOPTU NITIES 90Sw 8 St Pm...30 Miami., FL 33130 * (305) 57 -356 Rom.^A. •ebLY�.v:`;9/raY:!,,:'i`Kt"�nx .R+r..,ry' f , 3 AL ANb i1V N Nfi "VINO �rtrtr ,� ��Nt�l� ��� �U�'V V VC rtAtr rr•:p.,�, �,t�ic Lill litJ"i'}t't)FtI`IfES 51' i�K t�'FuC'/Si�1W,; Mf:3'JCA1, r ,tt1l' w14 1 tt}�itiintr.; orl the ` me Atni9 frt,m rrztt,�l';il ii;]tir,Tt 1,rt'fr=cr ir..nalr: nick tit t},rir dslts in thr' - f'at.-f lofty CdrticY�; of the sL,ltr wtittuh,�ftihxatts, C`, E'iti the ."Medical ttspoc�ts of 1;i�;alt)i Iitie4," held at thr }7ricF:e1'1 F'ci.int Hr.1>day Tnri was a huc}e e'uE'cr;ss . SF)eakerE; were bad S tq.: f l.i rht: medical Cox} c�z i s • I f , you're iitit�Yess�d by names, the conference had theta. hIcre ifhpl rtant, .thrr sjtedkXrs were interesti.hclr relaxed, pei-sonahle-�-neVer stuffy. . They pt'esented wc114c)ryanirrc3 fnfrsrmati_rin with claYity. . 5tuffy? "Closbd Head Tnj;uYir was anc.? of the tot ics, �ilc3n.1 ,with multilale'sc1'erbsis., rmrs.c'tr7;rr r;y!�t trt3 h}', c r.ri'i rill }ralr:} , t rr.�kE t~ai in<int'r;s , and d(Nlftle" C7.osed Need Injuries, r.;an're7%nr from fall.:;, autt_, 'te`i•idents, ote_, No m�lt:tE t where ttu- iTtad is hit, it's almEl r�lWayr, the frnnt,ll rsi" t:rm},r7titl lobe's, that ilre iniurr ., t+llr'rttir,ns cab include the ]cuss Of il)hiHtirtrl.;. nut Or nviwiierc• iticiivitttlol:.'Wllc, to "N' hC�fc�tts tt;+<l }.rc3fanit}' rriCiv wit},cittt r,on- ,,, ^rlric }'ciunrt ►arty, said a psyc.hia•- r„ i r it<•nt i z,r, rt Ai t ri rnl ri3 o,z,t )r i n,t,c, a cit,nLt T r.:rt i E t t-ri­;t hart devhlbpt't3 a jrttr}tctt'tt for, pki l incj u}t hrr blouse tii r.how mr a scar. on:her chest. 3.�'rla ti.ttt� 1 talked with hrt 1 ha(I anxiet-ies that, z:litt.wClulri t }rcaz;t hersi'1f just when an aE:mitiisti"ator iI - r-I tn('m}�cr c,)f tiff far,'tiI wotIId waIk'i..n." - staffers orcjarllzr?d t}fit' E`nrlfr_ ec nrti Prima for Munselors and directors of I'it,ricra's s vc:: i Tde}ienclC?nt living r Gailter:;, : ut- they audience. was much broader' Most sessions' had a, ca} ttci.tj' audirncf• of c'nur)F telc,i advoti , trS scirirll workers, nurse�a, students- people. froT,i t,r,ti; the 1 Jl lic. Lind pr ivatE Ec tt,t , vie };:trl.vsF way to nivr rGha}.tilitation, professibn<Ils l :i .ii mtyaic',�1 1:nr>v Ittir9,.lc� .r?n thE' vcrriou cii=a};ilition and th,,t;'s`what happened. Each of the.• r,} • ,,l r>r a s}'e'ci,l,l.i5t,wltc, is , l.r,, 3c r'iri the field, discu�sc;l the r:liagnosi,s,, etiOtgcrr', }irrrtnclsis, trratmE nt, FlrevE tit ;<,t, (witerr. })ES;SiY>]C'1 and lateF;t re;t.ar.ch fi.ndi.nys. } ht't t:alkG'r:l ,F33,ttilt, t-hr. isc n} E',, theraj) y, aids;, and C(lui}•�mOrlt usrrl in r)hysical.', occ r}.,it i,3nur1 an, re:creatiohal ther,tl iey. They also taike.d al out Fain management and about the s;C?xu.11ity c5f t (tE� disa1)1eci. Tilt- krt'+mote s}�cakc;t k'1� isr...?�hn FjaWkt r, miedical- Lt.irectr.r cif Jackson memorial Hos;�i.tal Rchll�ilitatiort center, .whc, 'iir,3c'uss.ecl the rnterdisc•iplinary approach to treatment and rehabi.- litation. - F rc't,' the openirirl t� the. r3oG:C ,..c'/SAM staffers R(.pt' the'. prbq,,.,a;n. well. paced,. carefully _dined "alert" te1c�}.=hcarre calls rc�ml,tcyr,.l C}�G,ikors to leave? their offices. They wore .all on t-imp. SC'•:ilElTt Stal'tC''d and C111d6d r'111 :c'IIedIII f". Yt?t; and 't}1C?rC' k2':' r, i'7(,-cause. the: audli'nt 1 s:lY t.l n'tl? .t E>1- rllJt':,tl r!tl,Iti,'r .:-ri`:H.C't . 111+' ,AVC`Y +'I t,}t �]11C7-`;t 1 r ni iron t lie d(,)(, torS WC'rC,'„ t'C'lC}E' with t}lG . 311 �WG'YS . Ti:l s is crrtaitl.l•" whim we h,ivc been needinta, ' ar.irtYt d a group '1f rcrunselors at the c�{,Sf of nfC:'lCnf'CraiUC�r InC ci-nCw,trrli'nq jIiatit �.ome di-`a1)i11t..1.0 ��" said' an It'` e}riitl •, tt>E'f f TI c•' curt', -tin d(-)wll,' C";rtiF:1L .�taf'f inemlle•rz, looked at, each other, arld,sm.iled with satisfacti.or,: T}il] rurtfcrf-tiGe yr+i:rs Wc3rC_ }rti} } }f. All the, e.,qu 51ricrit_ had worked. Not one speaker had. canC t'l,lc<3. 1,111C, ware? had IDC!k'rt rlciive rc'rl and they Mad all t.ko plays of the corif,erence; an vic.�e �:Zlpr'. for po. �tCri ty rind rrrmmur�i t.}' education. VIE3rc, ta;.ts of tl,�: r_Ciitfelrns �`rt "'` .ltc.rll f:sl,rcts c>f ltiz,ll,ilit.it.':. rrc now being colic„i z'rl: : ,rl ,ndrl 1,}' . the Gc nt er fc,i" I ndcrit;ndent I.ivinQ of Cent t'r.1 .Plori da , t~nl ;.li co-sl�onsore l t},C coilfc>re11' ('01 a Ci of the tapes:; wi 11 llcr distributed to, ttic: canters for indeprsnclent ]�Stinq ', d y n. tCirciugh lot. f'lortcla 'a I-W uiCOd f01- r:t lff trai.nint arid. comrdunzt ecluca,tio 1 U24 , - - - - - 777 Ralph Vthhufity bif°tctof , }'lorida 'Off ices of Voc.: t:i onaI Kdhrti},i l i taticih, ihdepeiidsht living Ptoytaffis: "the Medical Aspects .of Phys>ie'al tOlsabil ities conference wa , one of tht. best ttaihing J#ogtaft 'I .have attondod, I t. was wall, platined cit,el bfia:3rni;*eli and the panel of sPeakets Could riot have been better:" $atbata bethhart, Vxequtive Director, Space Coast Associat:ior of the Physically handicapped: "Bat (Crwiti) t con1ratulations to You and the C/SA.fI, satriff rand Terri Zwihk and CI'L/CF for — llen't providinq.ttie exc.eseminar on Physical Aspects of Disahilitieq," t:Mi t,r7Yl,t 0V 1,111-: WNTII ttntd(i,t, I?nt,t. Avuntura Mall'!; ttwintcnanr t clrl>art-tit ttt. hay; Vattwif t)ur• Vrili�nt int- ths;r de'Leon, Assistant 1-'aciIity Manager; is always. on the lookout f(.)r reliable, hard-Work-irig, W_�11=groom ed irid ivi: duals to do thaihtrnance work or bus tables.. "Ile has ..hired five of, our job seekers, so far.," says C/S;itil.'s Celida (3rau, "arid has been especially }Teased with -some of the deaf, t;eop,le I have recruited, for. Alin," A maihtenahce job can be hard work and you have to be very,'selective in choosing,people and evoI Lin tirig di!�aI),i 1 i t ic,s, l,ut ft?sc. (io", la,on Act a .oj)en mind -and a ,tronq desire to hire qual, i fitsd disabled peoj,lo. Why+ not? On the job thce l have provided answers ,not problems for 'him. Noy it's not an opuninq' of „bas:ebalI's sprincl .practio_e. It's the sound.of'the winter bowling lc:ac;uU for thu'hairtlicol,pod., ImAnn tia.Jt,hof.f, league: coordinator, anti C/5AiL-board member ,aj+s, "Come join us. omitthi,l holidays, we.howl at 6,:30 p.m. every 'Saturday„night at, lion c'ai-Ler,_Bowlinq Lanes in Kendall The cost is only five Oollars: and all equipment is furnished by the lanes. Them} ar.c chutes for people who have. trouble using their hands a.nri the facility is,tot ally.access il-,lt= for peoizle in;wheel chair.s." O!. Tuesday, January 29, LUAnn's le,:,(It.tu howled in the I'ro-Am "Potirnamc rit. Mandy de Norm,andi c: —_ first )lace with a scat of 771, and Rosa Jackson took second with a score of 658: Yoil car, join the:•c winners it) a fun 'league at anytime by ,telephoning LuAnn at 258-4026, filet you must bowl at least two-thirds, of a season to qualify for trophies at the end of, the -'ear That means don't dulay�. Start bowling nciw. FI-Chf: ['OR BFTTFP V1SHTNC', ' Last mcnt}i C/SAIL cast its line and hooked the fiche it wanted._ Chief J. A.-Brannock,, Of, the Metro Dade Fire Departmont, donated :a "needed microfiche. It places, C/SAIL in the. ;ru ,,i' j'ok inf„trnit i'",it ir,•ttl,it+-tl 1 t.I :i(Ii: rr t-%,I t t�tr,rr job information means mt�rr .1.�'1' Yi,�c•cru: rtt rtt: He-",r ,",; t,,,. Mitit_zc',r is t}n the lob Ioc• q'radu<ated from computer Programmer Traini.ng"Course I7. an(, iwor};inri foi- c,:tort•r Communication as a''coml.:uter oppiator aide. To find the. job I], ­ led t.l i rttc7 'on< i t s net,w,ork Debbie Marks talked with Tim Taylor. Tim used to at C /,Se:I:.:, Nt)v: 'hV, is a Sturek 5ur'ervisor.. E ier? vthing clicked anc: both i'im ar,rl ..l.ciil. s.�,a>' a11:.,is well on .the j(A, .fr'��nt. • 243 .t 10