HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication and Supporting DocumentsCity ofMiarli PlanningDeparhnent & Office of Zoning Exception http//w"hv.»Dantigov.con-421annu Application * IXCIIP IIAIFI * 1ttny/WWW.1nia1ni8Qy.Co111�ZO11111E &mall:Qlal ll�cullvanrigov.com < <� R Planning: (305) 416-1400 Zonings (305) 416-1495 First Name: Gabriel Last Name: Brito Email: gbrito@ riamgov.com I , i . 1 First Name: Gabriel Last Name: Brito Corporation: CityofMiarliDREAM Address: 444 SW 2nd Ave City: Miarri State: Florida Tip: 33130 Email: gbnto(cilnialligov.com Phone: (305)416-1460 First Name: 0 Last Name: 0 Corporation: CityofMiani Address: 444 SW 2nd Ave City: Miani State: Florida Tip: 33130 Email: abustanrante@niar v.com Phone: (305) 416-1436 Project Name: Virginia Key Boat Ramp and Trailer Parking Project Address: 3501 RICKENBACKER CSWY Unit Number. 0 City: Miami State: Florida Tip: 33149 Master Folio Number. 0142170000110 NOTICE Thissubmittalneedsto be schedui d bra public hearing a."ana.A brnell— set forth in the City Miami Cotle. The appUud, dmislon-making bWy mil renewihe InformaAon at the pebk hearing to modes a sec. --lotion or a final d-i— PZ-21-11532 11/04/22 /AC That under the penalty ofpepuay, I declare that all the information contained in this pernit application is accurate to the best of my knowledge. • Tbat NO work or installation will comrence prior to the issuance of a building permit and that all work will be perfonred to mreet the s regulating construction and zoning in this jurisdiction • I wi0, in all respects, perform work in accordance with the scope of the peril, the City of Miam i7s codes and all other applicable laws, ordinances. • That all information given will be accurate and that all work will be done in compliance with all applicable laws regulating construction and • That separate penmts may be required unless specilically covered with the subrnittal of this application • That there may be additional permits required from other entities. • Fees shall be paid prior to the review and issuance of the peril, as necessary. • Pen -nit fees are non-refundable NOTICE Th, submittalneedsto be schebude b, s p0k hewing ccorl— wkh tlrnellnes set forth in the City W Miami CWe. The appliud, dsision-making bWy will re'ew the intormaAon at the pabk hearing to —dtl , a rec.--lotion or s final d-i— PZ-21-11532 7�\ 11/04/22 First Last First Last Name: /y2 i F(✓ Name: &i tC% Name: Name: 7JZQ�l Signature: Signature: Date: 1. � �i Date: KCT TECHNOLOGIES KCI ENGINEERS I PLANNERS I SLIENTISTS I CONSTRUCTION MANAGERS June 18, 2021 MIAMI MARINE STADIUM/ARBORIST REPORT Scope of Work: Arborist Report, Photo Report, Disposition Chart and Plan showing existing vegetation in immediate vicinity of proposed construction work. Arborist report and photo report by: Gerald Behan ISA Cert FL 6234A, TRAQ, LIAF, FNGLA WAMI NOTICE This submittal needsbbeschetluiee hipublicneahng ine�o�tlen�wip ti de d i—n nang eirim Miami CWe.The appliwdle decision -making bony will rewewiheinbrmation at the pu b,cheaidrentler re�ommene aation o�ennal eeud.,on. kPZ-21-11532 11/04/22 SITE OF� SURVEY LOCATION SKETCH (NOT TO SCALE) The trees included in this report were evaluated by KCI Technologies Inc. on a visit to the site performed on June 11, 2021. The approximate locations of these trees and palms can be found on 'Specific Purpose Survey' by KCI Technologies, Inc. dated March 25, 2021. The Tree Disposition Chart includes tree number, botanical name, common name, measurements, condition, and recommended radius of tree protection zone of trees that are greater than 10" in dbh. Trees and Palms were rated Good, Fair and Poor. The individual tree assessment and recommendations is included on the photograph section. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have questions or need additional assistance Regards, Gerald Behan — ISA, FNGLA, LIAF ISA Cert FL 6234A Landscape Inspector KCI TECHNOLOGIES INC. 6S00 N. Andrews Ave. - Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309 gerald.behan@kci.com o:9S4.776.1616 m:9S4.234.1002 www.kci.com MIAMI MARINE STADIUM BOAT RAMP, 3501 RICKENBACKER CAUSEWAY MIAMI, FL 331, DISPOSITION CHARTx'CANOPYOTICETREE w: veTREE dsto � scheduled tors p0kN0. im timelines se[ torah in the c(APPROX.) applicude e�ision-eaaking baatinn M the public hearing to nT-1 L BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME DBH (IN.) (FT.) SPREAD (FT.) (APPROX.) CONDITION DISPOSITION CONOCARPUS ERECTUS GREEN BUTTONWOOD 8.75 11 10 GOOD REMOVE enda., orahna I deci—T-2 CONOCARPUS ERECTUS GREEN BUTTONWOOD 8.5 13 10 GOOD REMOVE -2 1-1 1 532 T-3 CONOCARPUS ERECTUS GREEN BUTTONWOOD 9 12 15 GOOD REMOVE T-4 AVICENNIA GERMINANS BLACK MANGROVE 2 10 6 GOOD REMOVE 1 1/04/22 &4 T-4A LAGUNCULARIA RACEMOSA WHITE MANGROVE 2 6 3 GOOD REMOVE T-5 AVICENNIA GERMINANS BLACK MANGROVE 17 13 17 GOOD REMOVE T-6 COCCOLOBA UVIFERA SEA GRAPE 5 12 15 FAIR REMAIN T-7 CONOCARPUS ERECTUS GREEN BUTTONWOOD 18 20 22 FAIR REMAIN 70 FT RADIUS ON THE WEST SIDE ONLY T-8 LAGUNCULARIA RACEMOSA WHITE MANGROVE 20 22 30 GOOD REMAIN 110 FT RADIUS ON THE WEST SIDE ONLY T-9 CONOCARPUS ERECTUS GREEN BUTTONWOOD 19 22 30 FAIR REMAIN 15 FT RADIUS ON THE WEST SIDE ONLY T-10 AVICENNIA GERMINANS BLACK MANGROVE 10 10 20 GOOD REMAIN 20 FT RADIUS ON SOUTH SIDE T-11 CONOCARPUS ERECTUS GREEN BUTTONWOOD 21 23 30 GOOD REMAIN 20 FT RADIUS ON SOUTH SIDE T-12 CONOCARPUS ERECTUS GREEN BUTTONWOOD 9 21 15 GOOD REMAIN T-13 COCCOLOBA UVIFERA SEA GRAPE 24 18 18 FAIR REMAIN 20 FT RADIUS ON SOUTH SIDE T-14 CONOCARPUS ERECTUS GREEN BUTTONWOOD 21 17 30 GOOD REMAIN 20 FT RADIUS ON SOUTH SIDE T-15 AVICENNIA GERMINANS BLACK MANGROVE 21 20 32 GOOD REMAIN 20 FT RADIUS ON SOUTH SIDE T-16 AVICENNIA GERMINANS BLACK MANGROVE 5 19 15 GOOD REMAIN T-17 AVICENNIA GERMINANS BLACK MANGROVE 12 19 20 GOOD REMAIN 20 FT RADIUS ON SOUTH SIDE T-18 AVICENNIA GERMINANS BLACK MANGROVE 6 22 20 GOOD REMAIN T-19 CONOCARPUS ERECTUS GREEN BUTTONWOOD 16 22 35 GOOD REMAIN 20 FT RADIUS ON SOUTH SIDE T-20 CONOCARPUS ERECTUS GREEN BUTTONWOOD 37 18 25 GOOD REMAIN 20 FT RADIUS ON SOUTH SIDE T-27 SABAL PALMETTO CABBAGE PALM 18 22 11 GOOD REMAIN T-22 COCOS NUCIFERA COCONUT PALM 8 25 15 FAIR REMAIN T-23 SABAL PALMETTO CABBAGE PALM 8 20 5 POOR REMAIN T-24 COCOS NUCIFERA COCONUT PALM 6 20 12 POOR REMAIN T-25 SABAL PALMETTO CABBAGE PALM 11 9 6 FAIR REMAIN NOTE: REMOVALS ARE ACCOUNTED FOR IN THE FOLLOWING PERMITS: FDEP: ERP 13-306513-011-E1, USACE: SAJ-2011-01666 (SP-NML), DERM: CLI-2019-0015 KCI TECHNOLOGIES INC. �p pu NOTICE 11/04/22 REVrew cod` . C n S ti m. ♦. O j i..fib t Y W_3�_o_ ..✓ ��,�. "-tea. _ ifi--� 'l 3� F. ; �`s.,. t'6 .:- � ,�4:. mot• � `��', - xtwi­ 33149 a �l NOTICE ms s�nm uai �eeas « be s�nea�iee w� a P�eu� nea�m9 p 11/04/22 -U : ,c• Q i e 3 - ti } MIAMI MARINE STADIUM BOAT RAMP, 3501 RICKENBACKER CAUSEWAY MIAMI, FL 33 TREE # 8 Laguncularia racemosa, White Mangrove, DBH = 20" , Height = 22, Canopy Spread = 30', Condition = Good, Disposition = REMAIN. Multi trunked small tree. This tree needs to be pruned on its west side to 10' from the trunk to remain inside the tree protection zone. This should give construction activity plenty of room and avoid damaging the trees. TREE # 10 Avicennia germinans, Black Mangrove, DBH = 10", Height = 10', Canopy Spread = 20', Condition = Good, Disposition = REMAIN. Multi trunked small tree. NOTICE This sabmitlal needs.. schetluiee for a p0fic hearing �oreen� wkh t—lin. set ronh in he cry nr Miamiod Ce. Theappliud, Jsi n- making bWy will re'ew he infM-atlon at the pab4c hearing to render a rtxommentlation or a final eeciaon. PZ-21-11532 11/04/22 Aj TREE # 9 Conocarpus erectus, Green Buttonwood, DBH = 19", Height = 22', Canopy Spread = 30', Condition = Fair, Dispo- sition = REMAIN. Multi trunked small tree. Tree has been topped at approximately 18" height and regenerated with multiple branches. Multi trunked small tree. TREE # 11 Conocarpus erectus, Green Buttonwood, DBH = 21", Height = 23, Canopy Spread = 30', Condition = Good, Disposition = REMAIN. Multi trunked small tree. KCI TECHNOLOGIES INC. MIAMI MARINE STADIUM BOAT RAMP, 3501 RI TREE # 12 Conocarpus erectus, Green Buttonwood, DBH = 9", Height = 21', Canopy Spread = 15', Condition = Good, Disposition = REMAIN. Multi trunked small tree. TREE # 14 Conocarpus erectus, Green Buttonwood, DBH = 21", Height = 17', Canopy Spread = 30', Condition = Good, Disposition = REMAIN. Multi trunked small tree. TREE # 13 Cocoloba uvifera, Sea Grape, DBH = 24", Height = 18', Can- opy Spread = 18', Condition = Fair, Disposition = REMAIN. Spreading small tree, canopy intermingled with surround- ing tree canopies. TREE # 15 Avicennia germinans, Black Mangrove, DBH = 21" , Height = 20', Canopy Spread = 32, Condition = Good, Disposition = REMAIN. Multi trunked small tree. KCI TECHNOLOGIES INC. MIAMI MARINE STADIUM BOAT RAMP, 3501 RI( TREE # 16 Avicennia germinans, Black Mangrove, DBH = 5" , Height = 19', Canopy Spread = 15', Condition = Good, Disposition = REMAIN. Multi trunked small tree. TREE # 18 Avicennia germinans, Black Mangrove, DBH = 6" , Height = 22', Canopy Spread = 20', Condition = Good, Disposition = REMAIN. Single trunk small tree. TREE # 17 Avicennia germinans, Black Mangrove, DBH = 12" , Height = 19', Canopy Spread = 20', Condition = Good, Disposition = REMAIN. Multi trunked small tree. I TREE # 19 Conocarpus erectus, Green Buttonwood, DBH = 16", Height = 22, Canopy Spread = 35, Condition = Good, Disposition = REMAIN. Multi trunked small tree KCI TECHNOLOGIES INC. MIAMI MARINE STADIUM BOAT RAMP, 3501 RI( TREE # 20 Conocarpus erectus, Green Buttonwood, DBH = 37", Height = 18', Canopy Spread = 2S', Condition = Good, Disposition = REMAIN. Multi trunked small tree. TREE # 22 Cocos nucifera, Coconut Palm, DBH = 8", Height = 25', Canopy Spread = 15', Condition = Fair, Disposition = REMAIN. Thin trunk and small canopy TREE # 21 Sabal palmetto, Cabbage Palm, DBH = 22", Height = 22', Canopy Spread = 11', Condition = Good, Disposition = REMAIN TREE # 23 Sabal palmetto, Cabbage Palm, DBH = 22".Height = 22') Canopy Spread = 11, Condition = Poor, Disposition = REMAIN KCI TECHNOLOGIES INC. MIAMI MARINE STADIUM BOAT RAMP, 3501 RI TREE # 24 Cocos nucifera, Coconut Palm, DBH = 6", Height = 20', Can- opy Spread = 12', Condition = Poor, Disposition = REMAIN Thin trunk and small canopy, Chlorotic, Potassium deficiency TREE # 25 Sabal palmetto, Cabbage Palm, DBH = 11", Height = 9', Canopy Spread = 6', Condition = Fair, Disposition = REMAIN Recommendations: Remove all invasive exotics such as Australian Pine, Washingtonia Palm, Scaevola, Portia Tree (seedlings) and Brazilian Pepper. Remove existing riprap seawall around trees by hand where possible to not destroy roots. Under an ISA certified arborists supervision, prune the west side of tree #8 to 10' from trunk to keep within the tree protection zone. Remove boats and trash from tree protection zone. Any roots severed by construction activity must be cut cleanly with a saw and 12 inch long sections of the cut roots, showing the clean cut, are to be retained inside the tree protection zone. KCI TECHNOLOGIES INC. LANDSCAPE LEGEND / uio �sHEo Ta. No..DO EXIST TREE/PALM PROPOSED TREES TO REMAIN n ,BD.. DUCK A'A Ee xlSr. RIP RPP WALL T / DEMOLISHED LET oTx )� + O / —L NY HAND N 115 LOCATION _ o.ECTI.N NOTTFR EETpR ErOND TP0 TrP. - - - - -- \ /EDGE Of WATER /\ IND \ IC \ \ r - \ Q \ O \ / nsvHNLT AGE i 2 2 L PC.TE (TYP 5 / ShND \ ELECTEIC CABINET H 3501 RICKENBACKER CAUSEWA 0 2 - CRZ \ �J 0 \u' Qj�j +\ \ + J \ Note: Details and mitigation calculations were shown on sheets 1 and 2, but have now been removed due to current information. \ 1 / LANDSCAPE TABULATION OF QUATFITIES s D rRE ,rNED GTr lens E N BENANxs , FEEF I \\ - TREE DISPOSITION TREE/PALM ## EXIST TREE/PALM EXIST TREE/PALM LEGEND NUMBER TO REMAIN Y' TO REMOVE \\\,</\ 7- -1.,F ROD, 4-W T D_ EA1ST. EDGE / RIP -RAP —L TO BE DEMOL15HED(ByOTHERS) HE RECOMMEND TOREMOVE RIP -RAP WALLBYHAND INTHIS LOCATION a. NOTE: REMOVALS ARE ACCOUNTED FOR IN THE FOLLaVINC PERMITS: FDEPERR 13-306513-.011-Et. USAGE: SAT-2011 -01666 (SP-NMLJ. DERM: CLI-2019-0015 `AgFVTFW GG� y�A� Pe°DTHE°5YG NS BEAT RAMP T-10 T-13 T-9 T-12 i�_ T-15 T-S T-11 T-14 T_7 T 7 TE (TFP) 2x2 55U1 EICKENBACKER CAU­EVIAY ee TAN DETAIL °TREE BANDING DETAIL° �� ThIO ACCall is mmmmcnACA In skuaUono wfiero otM1er Cree cowcFree proeeceimdeNcescen notbe uerd. ° WGOD BARRIER DETAIL ° E w N owe o Vl C7 3 W ¢ ya a No W= DC U z N 3 rc wOss� U AWN Bo D.0 F �a rTi Ci z 0 F o v cq - 00. 6 Q o w Q O w LL v) > Q W Z oAA o F U o �w< o� z�m o Q �aFY aW� as w oxo Q UD Q W SHEET NO, OF PROJECT NO 512100916.00C Table of Contents (PZD-0) Virginia Key Boat Ramp and Trailer Parking 3501 RICKENBACKER CSWY 1�J L11Y'f]F� NOTICE rni..obmmtl[ ­e. m —h.&e dmr. pabk h.,,,g In arcortlana wM1h tlmei —set forth in the City & Mi"I CWe. Theapphwhle decision -ma i,g bWy will rewewihe inbrmation at the pabc hearing t. —dtl , a ,ecommenda ., o, a final eecivon. PZ-21-11532 11/04/22 PAP-1..........................................................................................................................EXCEPTION APPLICATION PZD-1.......................................................................................................................................LETTER OF INTENT PZD-3..................................................................... MIAMI DADE PROPERTY APPRAISER SUMMARY REPORT PHO-1................................................................................................................................ BOAT RAMP PHOTO 1 PHO-2................................................................................................................................BOAT RAMP PHOTO 2 PHO-3................................................................................................................................BOAT RAMP PHOTO 3 04-11-tia FRANCIS SUAREZ Mayor Y Op It$I Matt 811T11 # It tt l O R �9 May 13, 2022 Via ePlan Lakisha N. Hull, AICP, LEED AP BD+C Planning Director City of Miami 444 SW 2nd Avenue, 3rd Floor Miami, Florida 33131 NOTICE This au bMdal needs te he scheduled br a p ne hewing In.—d—.M1 ti mellnee set forth in the City of Miami CWe. The appliu de deeision -rna i,g body will renew the l ntormat at the p le. hearing to renders recom dtion Urzfinal d-idon. PZ-21-11532 11/04/22 Re: Virginia Key Boat Ramp Launch & Trailer Parking, D2 / 3501 Rickenbacker Cswy / Letter of Intent for Exception Submittal Dear Ms. Lakisha Hull: The Department of Real Estate & Asset Management (the "Applicant") respectfully submits the enclosed Exception application for your review and approval for the development/construction of a boat ramp and trailer parking area at the property located at 3501 Rickenbacker Cswy, (the "Property"), as depicted in the enclosed site plan, prepared by TY LIN International (the "Plans" or "Project") dated 06/03/2020. We are seeking an Exception for the ingress into the Historic Marine Stadium Basin and/or other requirements of Miami 21 and the Virginia Key Master Plan. Please be advised that the Exception requested has not been reviewed through the pre -application process. Specifically, this letter describes the following: • Property address, folio number, and description of the property. • Existing and proposed uses on the property. • Proposed square footage of the exterior area and include aggregated square footage. • Temporary parking area and future development of the parking area in conformity with the 2019 Master Plan. 0 The requirement of HEPB Board Approval per HEPB-2008-56 Virginia Key Boat Ramp / Trailer I. PROPERTY INFORMATION NOTICE rni.need. m—Ihedwed m, a pabk heeling h .�o�aan� wim iimehn1ld fl& m the Citym Mlami CWe. The apphwd' decision -making bwywill rewewthe inbrmation at the pabc hearing t. —dtl , a recommendation or a final eecivon. PZ-21-11532 The Property is located on waterfront property, fronting the Virginia Key B 1 vo4t22 of Historic Ralph Middleton Munroe Marine Stadium owned by the City of T i "City"). The stadium facility was designed by Hilario Candela and it was built 19ft ' land originally donated to the City of Miami by the Matheson family. The stadium was built for the purposes of hosting powerboat racing and other special events. The Property sits on a waterway parcel located between the Rickenbacker Marina and Marine Stadium; it is accessible through Rickenbacker Cswy. Under Miami 21, the Property has a zoning designation of CS (Civic Space). Pursuant to the City's Future Land Use Map, the Property has a land use designation of Civic. The Property is composed of 2 folios: Folio# 01-4217-000-0030 with a lot area of 892,457 square feet, and Folio# 01-4217-000-0110 with a lot area of 348,480 square feet, for a combined lot area of 1,240,937 square feet or 28.49 acres. The Project consists of an existing boat ramp and surface parking located within the Property. The Property is located along Rickenbacker Cswy (See Figures 1 & 2). Source: Miami Dade County Property Appraiser - �gc nE t! ��. ` Virginia Key Boat Ramp / Trailer ""'"' t .. rya � n l w NOTICE This su bmMal needs to be sche Wee for a pubk hearing w'kh timelines set forth in the City of Miamccoreance Coee. The applicade bxon-making body nnll Figure 2 renew Mh fannalion at the pubc hearing to renders recon,menaation or a anal eer.ison. PZ-21-11532 11/04/22� � Im aerial Photography 600ft Source: Miami Dade County Property Appraiser II. THE PROJECT The Applicant is proposing to construct a boat ramp and parking facility on the Property with a project consisting of (2) main components: Component l: A) Demolition of the existing boat ramp. B) Construction of a new boat ramp/ with asphalt reconstruction, upland grading and rip -rap. C) The installation of two (2) fixed docks and two (2) floating docks with gangways. Component 2: A) Construction of two (2) provisional boat trailer parking areas with a total of five (5) disabled parking spaces, twenty-seven (27) regular parking spaces, and seventy-two (72) trailer parking spaces, including the installation of markings and signs. Virginia Key Boat Ramp / Trailer The boat ramp and temporary parking area will be constructed on to located at 3501 Rickenbacker Cswy. The boat ramp will be located within fo NOTICE T 1, submittals d,b be a[h.&W d b, a pubk healing r<ortlana wM1h tlmelln1 let torah in the City & MJ_J Cwe.The appliwh' decision-mahing bwywill rewewihe inbnnation at the pabc hearing to n do ,a nzommentlation or z final Decivon. PZ-21-11532 000-0030 and the parking component will be located within folio: 01-4217-000- 11/04/22 Project is currently in progress pursuant under permit # BD20-006509-001 (See Fig "Component 1" of the project consists of the demolition of 4,350 square feet of an existing boat ramp and the redevelopment of the same area with the addition of two (2) docks, each 119 ft in length / 5-8ft in width. The docks will extend approximately 89-feet and 10 inches from the Mean High -Water Line into the Marine Stadium Basin (See Figure 4). The width of the Marine Stadium Basin is —1,560 feet. Figure 3 — I 1 . /} \y\\�\yam\\�`'{•� — 4EIFJtM1L Ig5E5[[[cxr Mni n[w.'i[[�ulcai m[vxi r�� w ,F�r/�/�!f "'" r — [ct]Tn J.ndl rvJ,Rx ¢R[YI iIWNRm2V Yil.x�uaF iP_llw -LE I FEET � 1 � — . [mvwnxucxTuocv[xaau�[[rtxmwm�s �x.[a y�' [� � r,ti _ F[a �eN RTJIu •[FFnm LSRI iavaarn wrwwweewac.wra�irexw.wxuc usuaw ww.ee Ti T cmxswl aagnot7sa�casrmw ueT[ac,wFm[[v4 nmrl.wx Iw�rt w cxar. IJIF F t Ji .. aaw . - - - m I I J . ................. ----------------'_ -'_'_--_,T_;1--------------------------------.��.- -- - - - -- _ - -- ----_-- - - Source: TYLin Parking Plans "C-1 " F. REN - N ATUPAL RESGt RCES DIVISION NIELHAAA11Y APPROML NAM[ AlaxaimJvi CirbwE FrJ#T. FLRAi NG OATS OV29-2021 T mcr NKUK Ho Na* U. +/- RAW N E3= fl.9g NM N Demtlon 1 7d' � r PfhrDSm DONC. ow NF1oP, TYP, MCK PEWMENT Y ?� N 513575M REFER TO SHEET C1J-a.4 FCR ::PA.AN: R.W. E 228756.79 1. SL.B N:ITEF F U FNI . PD9 S[A:;E 5 FFV,ADD TNT HUNT f:.ELIENi As REVuhm MR IIFlING PA1Tv1� SUFFYIEM HUIST EVHi5 k dFULRG T.] .A4:MC at}tINC "REtdSf SW HFBDNINC'.. i. C T U TING NiERTS FLUSH Mf CCNCRE-E AFTER iNFUL ATIM AND C'AT W/ EP07171, a. FRWDE h' V-CRWfE FlN5H ON SLAEG. 4, uNwuLt MM19 5V5'MIRTH SHs.IL # Virginia Key Boat Ramp / Trailer • t nta� NOTICE T 1..ebminel need. m t Ihedeied m, a pabk heeling i�.�o,aan�whn iimeRn.s dh,Hh mthe City& Mlaml CWe. Theappliwde decision -ma i,g bwy will rewewihe inbrmatiran at the pabc hearing to rentle, e recommendation o, a final Decivon. PZ-21-11532 11/04/22 aP,5E3 CLEATS 12' GC. CSii ° ®b TH siDF, Fir. ALINK111R LVDEB,. TIP. uxv: r-av FqUPUSUD DUPE p• ETLC TTP. PA . �r .Trp- •.., — - J W o W WAMY AdAR&E - - a MAT P"F 7B-0'3v-D'ER � � d / MIAC PPLT '# •� IRR� D F1XEJ rti 7-` C I o L'OKC. DCCN TrF, RhE� T N 51 ME4-w P SIM AWYE S EELP. +'xo'j II, II, iLlTYP,. ?' E 928912,Oi Y CUANTITY TABLE W C.IF. C[7Ne.� TITAL i71N+AP XL.UYE 8.l CT A;ra�w �s—>Yz,9.9XW m�rs ur _fYH TMAI 109M 6F FJPW 7PRCf1 245 IF FIXED DUCK AREA 6" WATER OE % F1 �R own anus jF FLCA7INC DCCK AREA 96U 9Z FT CAM Source: TYLin Parking Plans "A-]" As depicted in the Plans, "Component 2" will include a split parking area located east and west of the Historic Stadium structure. The "west trailer lot" (See Figure 5) will include three (3) boat trailer disabled parking spaces and fourteen (14) 10' X 45' boat trailer parking spaces. The "east trailer lot" (See Figure 6) will include two (2) disabled parking spaces, twenty- seven (27) regular parking spaces, thirty (30) 10' X 45' boat trailer parking spaces, and twenty- eight (28) 10' X 60' boat trailer parking spaces. The proposed parking design is of a temporary nature and will only incorporate paving and marking and no subsurface work. This will allow for the reconfiguration of this space to accommodate future flex park/marine stadium space plans, complying with the Virginia Key Master Plan. The proposed design considers existing site conditions and ensures that existing paved/asphalt areas could be utilized with only paint striping, markings, and signs. The number of spots, turn radii, and width of driveways was chosen to accommodate trucks and boat trailers and to control traffic -flow from and to the boat ramp, while the site is not occupied by host special events at Historic Ralph Monroe Marine Stadium. Virginia Key Boat Ramp / Trailer NOTICE rni..I,bminal need, m—Ihe&l dm,. pabk h.,,,g h .�oraas,� whn t1,[ ,1ld fl& I the Citym Mi"ITheappliesd, bsi.io a i,g bwywill review the inbrmation at the pabc hearing t. re dtl , a The applicant is requesting a non -conforming site improvement waiver PZ-21-11532 existing non -conforming parking lot to integrate a temporary trailer parking are , 11/04/22 e�lao Article 7, Section 7.2.8(a): "Nonconforming Site Improvements". The rationale is and make minor modifications to existing paved/asphalt areas to allow trucks and be to park in the historic Commodore Ralph Middleton Munroe Miami Marine Stadium. The applicant is requesting an exception under process # PZ-21-11532 for the proposed Boat Ramp docks and Piers pursuant to Article 6, Table 13: "Extension of docks and Piers into other waterways is limited to 10 feet or 10% of the width of the waterway, whichever is less. However, by Exception further extension may be approved, subject to approval from all applicable agencies." (See Figure 7). The applicant is requesting a Certificate of Appropriateness for the proposed demolition of the existing boat ramp, construction of a new boat ramp, and installation of two (2) fixed docks and two (2) floating docks with gangways (See Figure 4) pursuant to Chapter 23 of the City of Miami Code of Ordinances. The entire aquatic basin area was designated as a condition to the designation of the Commodore Ralph Middleton Munroe Miami Marine Stadium, per resolution HEPB-2008-56. Please note that the boat trailer parking falls outside the designated area and would not require a Historic and Environmental Preservation Board review. Figure 5 .a scx Ono / J} .0 wos ��k�l c,•ielti'. •:,.v'I':+: oA 5614 ff .. czmc. �+ u � +sxarw,a � _` sevsa s n.nerm ' ua.fvr. .li ]lfll ,i s�.0 nrec;ml crwnu 1[11 f! H! t}1• !' Ilihi!f. swu c camwu .ter 9Hfg C5: 5r..u..a cy cssasass _ �. �s s� Ls Y ®^'�'� � L. urn• � cvsrm euen..x .sBmum .mwxa mm.a Source: TYLin Parking Plans "C-2 " Virginia Key Boat Ramp / Trailer • t nta� NOTICE On October 7, 2008 by Resolution No. HEPB-2008-56, the City of Mia TM1. `n d`m.` Ih.&d° , °pbkh. iago de .k —lil.e e fMh m the citym Mla,I Co The aPPLi Ue decision -making bWY will Environmental Preservation Board designated the Commodore Ralph Mid a"eW"e� mernanapabeckd,° dati t zfinal Decid,id,t, Miami Marine Stadium to the Miami Register of Historic Places. As the entire Pz-21-1 1s32 area was designated as a condition to the designation, applicant has applied l if 4/22 Certificate of Appropriateness to be reviewed and approved by the Historic and Envir • Preservation Board (HEPB). Lastly, it is important to note that the construction of the Boat Ramp will impact (removal) approximately 2,759 square feet of seagrass, 486 square feet of mangrove scrub, and 385 square feet of mangrove canopy. On February 17, 2021, the Miami -Dade Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources (DERM) issued a "Notice to File" on permit CLI-2019- 0115. On this notice, the Environmental Resources section noted the difficulties of mitigating these impacts due to "current site conditions". As such, DERM accepted a contribution to the Biscayne Bay Environmental Enhancement Trust Fund for the creation of enhancement of a marine habitat located within Biscayne Bay. Furthermore, a $7,200.00 mitigation bond is held by DERM. J'ource: Z Y Lin Parking Plans "L'-5 - Virginia Key Boat Ramp / Trailer Figure 7 1t s Source: TYLin /Maxar Images NOTICE mi. s�bm�nal �eeasm to Ih.&wd m,a pabk h.,,,g h a�o�aa�� whn umen�es se<tonh m the Citym Mi"I CWe. The apphwd' decision-mahing bwywill renewthe inmrmation at the pabc hearing to —dtl , a — mends ., or z final Decivon. �PZ-21-11532 11/04/22 `11Y flp� Virginia Key Boat Ramp / Trailer • .SnnTaF III. EXISTING USE & PROPOSED USES The current property services the following: • "Free to use" public boat ramp • Paid major event space • Paid event space (codified) (small to mid -size events) • Historic Marine Stadium Parking • Atlantica Seafood Restaurant & Market customer parking • Key Biscayne Marine Station customer parking • City of Miami Marine Stadium Marina customer parking • City of Miami Park & Recreations (Flex Park) shared parking • Other/Visitor Public Parking The property is anticipated to service the following uses in the future: • Redeveloped public boat ramp • Parking area in conformance with the "2019 Master Plan" • Paid major event space • Paid event space (codified) (small to mid -size events) • Virginia Key Visitor Center Parking and shared space • Redeveloped Historic Marine Stadium Parking • VK Marina customer/tenant parking • City of Miami Park & Recreations (Flex Park) shared parking • Other/Visitor Public Parking If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our Senior Staff Analyst, Gabriel Brito at 305-416-1460. Thank you, Digitally signed by Lorenzo Lorenzo, Jacqueline Jacqueline 14:56: 0-04'019 14:56:05-04'00' Jacqueline Lorenzo, Interim Director Department of Real Estate & Asset Management City of Miami NOTICE rni.need, m t Ihedwed m, a pabk heeling In arcortlana wM1h tlmelln1ld froth in the City & Mlaml CWe. The apphwhl' decision-mahing bwywill rewewthe inbrmatiran at the pubc hearing t. re dtl , e recommendation o, a final eecivon. PZ-21-11532 11/04/22 OFFICE OF THE PR( Summary Property Information Folio: 01-4217-000-0010 3501 RICKENBACKER CSWY Miami, FL 33149-0000 CITY OF MIAMI 444 SW 2 AVE 2FL MIAMI, FL 33130-1910 Property Address: Owner Mailing Address PA Primary Zone 9101 PRESERVATION Primary Land Use 8080 VACANT GOVERNMENTAL: VACANTLAND- GOVERNMENTAL Beds / Baths / Half 0/0/0 Floors 0 Living Units 0 Actual Area 0 Sq. Ft Living Area 0 Sq.Ft Adjusted Area 0 Sq.Ft Lot Size 281,816 Sq.Ft Year Built 0 Assessment Information Year 2021 2020 2019 Land Value $281,816 $281,816 $281,816 Building Value $0 $0 $0 XF Value $0 $0 $0 Market Value $281,816 $281,816 $281,816 Assessed Value $281,816 $281,816 $281,816 Benefits Information Benefit Type 2021 2020 1 2019 Municipal Exemption 1 $281,816 $281,8161 $281,816 Note: Not all benefits are applicable to all Taxable Values (i.e. County, School Board, City, Regional). Short Legal Description 17 54 42 6.47 AC M/L GOUT LOT 1 IN SEC LESS PORT LEASED TO UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI & LESS BEG AT SE COR OF SE1/4 OF SEC TH N 89 DEG W 125.20FT Taxable Value Information 2021 2020 2019 County Exemption Value 1 $281,816 $281,816 $281,816 Taxable Value $0 $0 $0 School Board Exemption Value $281,816 $281,816 $281,816 Taxable Value $0 $0 $0 City Exemption Value 1 $281,816 $281,816 $281,816 Taxable Value $0 $0 $0 Regional Exemption Value 1 $281,816 $281,816 $281,816 Taxable Value $0 $0 $0 Sales Information Previous Sale Price OR Book -Page Qualification Description The Office of the Property Appraiser is continually editing and updating the tax roll. This website may not reflect the most current information on record. The Property Appraiser and Miami -Dade County assumes no liability, see full disclaimer and User Agreement at http://www.miamidade.gov/info/disclaimer.asp Version OFFICE OF THE PROPERTY APP Summary Report Property Information Folio: 01-4217-000-0110 3501 RICKENBACKER CSWY Miami, FL 33149-1021 Property Address: Owner CITY OF MIAMI DEPT OF P & D ASSET MANAGEMENT DIVISION Mailing Address 444 SW 2 AVE STE 325 MIAMI, FL 33130-1910 PA Primary Zone 8002 PARKS & RECREATION Primary Land Use 8940 MUNICIPAL: MUNICIPAL Beds / Baths / Half 0/0/0 Floors 1 Living Units 0 Actual Area Sq.Ft Living Area Sq.Ft Adjusted Area 2,837 Sq.Ft Lot Size 892,457 Sq.Ft Year Built Multiple (See Building Info.) Assessment Information Year 2021 2020 2019 Land Value $44,622,850 $44,622,850 $44,622,850 Building Value $114,675 $115,869 $111,061 XF Value $26,021 $26,290 $26,560 Market Value $44,763,546 $44,765,009 $44,760,471 Assessed Value $5,470,342 $4,973,039 $4,520,945 Benefits Information Benefit Type 2021 2020 2019 Non - Homestead Assessment $39,293,204 $39,791,970 $40,239,526 Reduction Cap Municipal Exemption $5,470,342 $4,973,0391 $4,520,945 Note: Not all benefits are applicable to all Taxable Values (i.e. County, School Board, City, Regional). Short Legal Description 17 18 54 42 20.487 AC M/L BEG 1709.52FTW & 1954.40FTNW OF SE COR OF SEC TH N 45 DEG W 3075FT S 00 DEG W 650FT 45 DEG E2620FT N 44 DEG E 460FT TO POB nki e NOTICE rni..obn,idal needs m ­Ih.&wd mr. pabk heeling In—rd—wM1h tlmellne. set forth in the City of Mlami CWe. The appdwde decision -making body will rewew the information at the pabec hearing to rend,, recommendation or a final decison. PZ-21-11532 7\\ 11/04/22 /�[ Taxable Value Information 2021 2020 2019 County Exemption Value 1 $5,470,342 $4,973,039 $4,520,945 Taxable Value $0 $0 $0 School Board Exemption Value $44,763,546 $44,765,009 $44,760,471 Taxable Value $0 $0 $0 City Exemption Value 1 $5,470,342 $4,973,039 $4,520,945 Taxable Value $0 $0 $0 Regional Exemption Value 1 $5,470,342 $4,973,039 $4,520,945 Taxable Value $0 $0 $0 Sales Information Previous Sale Price OR Book -Page Qualification Description The Office of the Property Appraiser is continually editing and updating the tax roll. This website may not reflect the most current information on record. The Property Appraiser and Miami -Dade County assumes no liability, see full disclaimer and User Agreement at http://www.miamidade.gov/info/disclaimer.asp Version G F Summary Report Property Information Folio: Property Address: Owner Mailing Address 01-4217-000-0030 3501 RICKENBACKERCSWY Miami, FL 33149-0000 CITY OF MIAMI/ASSET MGMT 444 SW 2 AVE#325 MIAMI, FL 33130-1910 PA Primary Zone 8002 PARKS & RECREATION Primary Land Use 8940 MUNICIPAL: MUNICIPAL Beds / Baths / Half 0/0/0 Floors 1 Living Units 0 Actual Area 8,791 Sq.Ft Living Area Sq.Ft Adjusted Area 7,750 Sq.Ft Lot Size 348,480 Sq.Ft Year Built Multiple (See Building Info.) Assessment Information Year 2021 2020 2019 Land Value $12,721,500 $12,721,500 $12,721,500 Building Value $261,044 $262,859 $251,815 XF Value $196,608 $199,594 $202,582 Market Value $13,179,152 $13,183,953 $13,175,897 Assessed Value $3,851,635 $3,501,487 $3,183,170 Benefits Information Benefit Type 2021 2020 2019 Non -Homestead Cap Assessment Reduction $9,327,517 $9,682,466 $9,992,727 Municipal Exemption $3,851,635 $3,501,487 $3,183,170 Note: Not all benefits are applicable to all Taxable Values (i.e. County, School Board, City, Regional). Short Legal Description 171854428AC A PORTION OF CITY OF MIAMI OWNED LAND ON VIRGINIA KEY AND LEASED TO MARINE STADIUM ENTERPRISES INC IDENTIFIED AS LEASE A REAS 1-A 1-B NOTICE rni..obn,idal needs m ­Ih.&wd mr. pabk heeling In—rd—wM1h tlmellne. set forth in the City of Mlami CWe. The appdwde decision -making body will reWew the information at the pabec hearing to rend,, recommendation or a final decmcn. PZ-21-11532 11/04/22 Taxable Value Information 2021 2020 2019 County Exemption Value 1 $3,851,635 $3,501,487 $3,183,170 Taxable Value $0 $0 $0 School Board Exemption Value 1 $13,179,152 $13,183,953 $13,175,897 Taxable Value $0 $0 $0 City Exemption Value 1 $3,851,635 $3,501,487 $3,183,170 Taxable Value $0 $0 $0 Regional Exemption Value 1 $3,851,635 $3,501,487 $3,183,170 Taxable Value $0 $0 $0 Sales Information Previous Sale Price ORBook-Page Qualification Description The Office of the Property Appraiser iscontinually editing and updating the tax roll. Thiswebsite may not reflect the most current information on record. The Property Appraiser and Miami -Dade County assumes no liability, see full disclaimer and User Agreement at http://www.miamidade.gov/info/disclaimer.asp Version City of Miami Planning Department Pre -Application Meeting Summary Pre -Application Meeting ePlan ID.: PREAPP-21-0231 Tuesday, March 8, 2022 General Information Project Manager Name: Maria Adeyefa Title: Planner II Email: Madeyefa@miamigov.com Telephone No: 305-416-1463 Meeting Participants Meetinq Attendees: NOTICE Thls su bmmtl[ needs t be scheduled br a pubk nearing Ina rdansew'kh timelines setfodh inthe City of Miami Code.7he applicade bx_ making body vnll reneavthe iWannation al the public hearing to render a ­mendadon or a final d-ieon. �PZ-21-11532 11/04/22 Name Email Telephone number 1. Maria Adeyefa madeyefa@miamigov.com (305) 416-1463 2. Gabriel Brito gbrito@miamigov.com (305) 416-1460 3. Jacob Keirn jkeirn@miamigov.com (305) 416-2643 4. Fabiola Dubuisson fubuisson@miamigov.com (305) 416-1755 5. Sarah Gutekunst sara.gutekunst@tylin.com N/A 6. Loraine Rosado - Pietri Irosadopietri-c@miamigov.com (305) 416-1448 7. Hector Badia hbadia@miamigov.com (305) 416-1236 8. Pedro Alvarado palvarado@miamigov.com (305) 416-1220 9. Spencer Crowley spencer.crowley@akerman.com N/A iwo t the Property Property Information: Virginia Key Rickenbacker Marina and Marine Stadium Applicant /Pro ert Owner: City of Miami lContact Info: KeithNg@miamigov.com Owner Representative: Pedro Alvarado lContact Info: 305.416.1220 Commission District: D-2 Commissioner Ken Russell Neighborhood Service Center f/k/a NET District): I Downtown/Brickell Svc Area Properties involved: 1. 3501 Rickenbacker Cswy Rev. 5/19/2021 City of Miami Planning Department Pre -Application Meeting Summary Information to review for Alai Applications Do any of the properties involved fall within the following areas? (Select Yes/No) 1�J L11Y'f]F� NOTICE rni..obmmtl[ ­e. m ­h.&e dmr. pabk h.,,,g In arcortlana wM1h hme1—set forth in the City & Mi"I CWe. Theapphwde decision -ma i,g bWy will rewewthe inbrmation at the pabc hearing t. re dtl , a - mends ., or z final eecin., �PZ-21-11532 11/04/22 1. A DRI area: No 2. Urban Central Business District : No 3.An Historic designated area: Yes 4. Residential Density Increase Areas: No 5. A High Hazard Area: No 6. Edgewater Intensity Increase Area: No 7. A CRA: No 8. Health/Civic Center District: No 9. Miami River: No 10. Wellfield Protection Area: No 11. Little River: No 12. An Arch. or Environmental Protected Area: Yes 13. Regional Activity Center: Buena Vista Yards or Health District Regional Activity Center (DHRAC): No If the answer to any of the above is yes, consider if there are any special considerations relative to the above. Submitting applications/pre-applications into ePlan. - Be mindful of the City's online checklists. These provide guidance as to specific requirements, especially important administrative requirements for successful applications. Important updates are made from time to time. Be sure to use the checklists that are accessed online and avoid saving checklists locally so that you avoid relying on outdated information. - Become familiar with the naming conventions that are referred to on the checklists. Failure to comply with these naming conventions will significantly delay your application. Use the Pre -Application meeting time to ensure there is clarity on naming conventions. - Access information on checklists here: https://www.miamigov.com/Services/Building- Permitting/Permitting-Forms-Documents About the Request Application Type(s) (List All): ®Exception ❑Waiver ❑ Warrant ❑Warrant Modification ❑Variance ❑Special Dist. Permit ❑Rezone ❑Special Area Plan ❑Future Land Use Map Change []Minor Modification ❑Temporary Use on Vac. Land ❑Interim Parking ❑MUSP Modification ❑Class II Modification ❑Special Appearance ❑ Other, explain r'rovide brief explanation here I. Special Permit Request Detail Is project expected to involve 200,000 square feet of floor area or more? No If the answer to the above is yes, this project requires a referral to the Coordinated Review Committee. Rev. 5/12/2021 `11Y flp� L�1. OTICE City of Miami ,tlsmIl'Id,W�ero„Pabgfhea, g d, hm I h.etforth inthe h ,,ppllwdetlsisio a i'g bfmy will Planning Department allhePabgehea,Ingle rcntle,adthbkh—i'gtZ-21-11532 Pre -Application Meeting Summary 11/04/22 -A. What are the zoning Transects for the subject project and the approximate area for each Transect? Transect Approximate Area Proposal (Use, Design, Other)* CS (Civic Space) 348,480 sq. ft Boat ramp improvements and parking facility on Property. Is there a site plan to review? Yes Site Plan Feedback The following feedback includes consideration from Planning staff and, as applicable, staff from Zoning, Resilience and Public Works, and other departments. Comments below provide references to relevant sections of the Miami 21 Code and the City Code, as applicable. Provide phasing and approval from the necessary agencies. Covenant / Unity of Title Will a covenant or Unity of Title be proffered? No The earlier an applicant involves City staff in the covenant or Unity of Title, the more efficient the review of the document will be. Covenants and Unities of Title require separate applications in ePlan, now. Be sure you and the applicant know how to proceed during the Pre -Application process, if applicable. Comments from Utner Uiscipi nes If staff from other City Departments have reviewed materials provided by the applicant for this Pre -Application Meeting, the Project Manager shall present all comments here, as applicable. NOTE: All comments are merely provided for consideration for an eventual application submittal and they do not construe any approval nor do they imply future approval. Rev. 5/12/2021 City of Miami Planning Department Pre -Application Meeting Summary 1�J L11Y'f]F� NOTICE rni..obmittal ­e, m t Iheae�e m,. pabk h.,,,g h .�o�aa�� wim t1,[ 11ld fl& I the Citym Mi"I CWe. The apphwd' decision -making bwywill rewewthe inbrmation at the pabc hearing t. re dtl ' a - mends ., or z final Decin., �PZ-21-11532 11/04/22 Department Status r Notes, if applicable Paste from Project Dox Environmental See Notes A certified arborist report will be needed in order to verify the species Resources identifications and tree sizes. Approval for any mangrove trimming and / or removal will require separate approval from Miami Dade County DERM. Planning See Notes Provide DERMs Preliminary Approval for the dock extension into the Department waterway. In addition to DERM, the Applicant must secure a permit from the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). Provide a letter from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection allowing of the dock into the waterway. Plans need to clearly identify waterway width to verify if you are exceeding 10% extension. Provide clarification and explanation of phasing. Include rational for the parking space implementation which is a deviation from the VK Master Plan. Provide a mitigation plan for the impacted seagrass and mangrove. Historical information needs to be associated with this exception, collaboration with HEP to request this information. Zoning See Notes Dimension all curb cuts, drive ways, access aisles and parking spaces. Department Ensure compliance with Article 4, Table 5. The Project will require an exception for the new proposed dock. The project will also require a non -conforming site improvement waiver in order to modify the existing non -conforming parking lot. Historic N/A Preservation Resilience and N/A Public Works Building N/A Department Rev. 5/12/2021 vC NVr . NOTICE City of Miami mis: nmmalneedsm�scAedulee brzpun cAeanng uo�ean«wim em�line�se<tonnmme ciry or Planning Department Miami CW,.7he applicade tleeision-rna king body will wewMeinb�atipnallhep flkMd.dd., mntlera me mentlatioho p, fins leecieon. Pre -Application Meeting Summary PZ-21-11532 11/04/22 Additional Discussion ana Special Recornmenaations—ALL REQUES TYPES Additional Discussion Planner should detail any additional information discussed during the meeting here. Be sure to include any questions raised by the prospective applicant and any requests for additional information that may need to be provided after the conclusion of the meeting. Special Recommendations Planner should detail any special recommendations that were made during this meeting. Recommendations may include the provision of additional information from the prospective applicant, the application of additional permits, changes (i.e., in the event a prospective applicant has assumed a specific permit is needed to accomplish a desired outcome, if a different approach may accomplish the outcome, that information should be detailed here). Recommendations for correspondence from other agencies or neighborhood associations should be detailed here. N/A Planner Certification of Pre -Application Meeting The signed copy of this form certifies that you, Pre-App Meeting Requestor Name, have attended a Pre - Application meeting to discuss your interest in Name of permit/Application Request. If you are eligible for the permit you seek, you may qualify for a $250 credit toward the application fee if you submit your application within 90 days from your Pre -Application Meeting. Failure to submit that application within this time period will result in the forfeiture of any credit due to you from this meeting toward your application fees. Please note. neither vour attendance to this meetina nor the comments here construe the Citv of Miami's approval of your request. Be sure to include this document with your application submittal to ePlan as your Pre -Application Form. If you have additional questions, please contact me at the email address listed on the front page of this document The City of Miami looks forward to working with you on this application and we are happy to assist you in any way we can. Sincerely, Maria Adeyefa Planner II Rev. 5/12/2021 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Arthur Noriega, V City Manager FROM: Suzanne Hollander, Director Department of Real Estate & Asset Management DATE: October 29, 2021 Data OF 4i+ P X se, V T NOTICE This sutmittal needs m be schadukd for a puboc nearing ccordanen with timelines se[ forth In the City d Miami Code. The applies be declsler -ma ping body wil eve— Inamn-1 at the publln M1earing to rertler a ommendation or a final deciaon ��PZ-21-11532 11/04/22 SUBJECT: Exception Application Fee Waiver REFERENCES: ENCLOSURES: The Department of Real Estate & Asset Management respectfully requests your approval to waive the $500 service fee assessed by the Planning Department to process exception applications submitted for Departmental Capital Improvement projects. Should you approve the request, please indicate by signing below. Thank you for your consideration regarding this matter and please contact me if you have any questions or concern Approved: Arthur Norieg ty Manager 1/ ., SH/ABS/GBt,�j IG�t�1 Cc: Nzeribe Ihekwaba, Ph.D., P.E., Deputy City Manager Fernando Casamayor, Chief Financial Officer/ Assistant City Manager Cesar Garcia -Pons, Director, Planning FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF Environmental Protection Southeast District 3301 Gun Club Road, MSC72104 West Palm Beach, FL 33406 561-681-6600 Project Name: Miami Marine Stadium Boat Ramp Permittee/Authorized Entity: City of Miami c/o Daniel Rotenberg, Director DREAM 444 SW 2nd Avenue Miami, Florida 33130 Email: DRotenbergkiniamigov.com Authorized Agent: TYLIN International c/o Sara Gutekunst Email: sara.gutekunst(cTtylin.com Environmental Resource Permit - Granted State-owned Submerged Lands Authorization — Not Applicable s.CO Ne9v NOTICE i , submittal need,..r• h.dul d b, a public hearing reord ante with timelines set forth in ore City of Miamied Ce. The appk.de decion is -making belly nnll renew tiie information at the public hearing t. render a mcomrnentlalion or a final decieon. PZ-21-1 Z32 11/04/22 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Authorization —Separate Corps Authorization Required Permit No.: 13-306513-011-EI Permit Issuance Date: November 28, 2018 Permit Construction Phase Expiration Date: November 28, 2023 Environmental Resource Permit Permit No.: 13-306513-011-El 1�J L11Y'f]F� NOTICE rni.need, m t Ihedwed m, a pabk heeling h .�o�aan� wim iimehn1ld fl& m the Citym Mlami CWe. The apphwhl' decision -making bwywill rewewthe inbrmation at the pabc hearing t. re dtl ' a recommendation or a final eecivon. PZ-21-11532 PROJECT LOCATION 11/04/22 The activities authorized by this Permit are located within Biscayne Bay, within the Bisc Preserve, Outstanding Florida Waters, Class III Waters, adjacent to 3501 Rickenbacker Caus i, (Section 17, Township 54 South, Range 42 East), in Miami -Dade County (Latitude N 25' 44' 34.35", Longitude W 80' 10' 10.43"). Offsite mitigation will occur at various locations within Biscayne Bay Aquatic Preserve. PROJECT DESCRIPTION This permit authorizes the installation of two fixed/floating dock finger piers totaling 1,481 sq. ft, installation of a 60 ft. by 86 ft. (5,160 sq. ft.) boat ramp, and 218 In. ft. of riprap that extends 6 ft. waterward of MHWL. A portion of the boat ramp is located within the footprint of a previously existing non-functional boat ramp and will be expanded from the historic location. This permit authorizes 4,211 ft' of work in surface waters. The bottom substrate consists of a sandy, silty muck bottom layer with scattered shell and rock along with submerged aquatic vegetation, including seagrass and macroalgae. Mangroves were also present along the shoreline including three white mangroves (Laguncularia recemosa) and two black mangroves (Avicennia germinans). Seagrass was present within the project area varying from mostly sparse (1 %-20%) to moderate (21% - 60%) coverage of three different species including shoal grass (Halodule wrightii), turtle grass (Thalassia testudinum), and manatee grass (Syringodium filiforme). Shoal grass was present in moderate densities (20% - 60%) compared to the percent cover of the other species. Adverse direct and secondary impacts to 0.03 acres (1,400 sq. ft.) of seagrass habitat shall occur as the impacts could not be further reduced or eliminated by decreasing the waterward extent of the boat ramp due insufficient water depths for boaters to off-load/load their boats landward of the proposed extent. Mitigation will be provided to offset these adverse direct and secondary impacts to seagrass habitat. The five mangroves will be relocated to a previously permitted mangrove restoration site on the west side of the Marine Stadium to avoid adverse impacts to these mangroves. To offset unavoidable adverse impacts to 0.032 acres (1,400 sq. ft) of seagrass habitat, the permittee provided a mitigation plan that includes offsite seagrass restoration through the removal of derelict vessels within the Biscayne Bay Aquatic Preserve. The selection of derelict vessel sites will be conducted after permit issuance, but prior to construction, and will be monitored to ensure seagrass recruitment is successful. The attached standard manatee conditions (version 2011) shall be adhered to during all in -water work. Prior to construction commencement, weighted floating turbidity curtains, extending to within one - foot from the submerged bottom shall be utilized around the project area to ensure that any turbidity resulting from construction activities will be contained within the project boundaries. All water bodies, including any adjacent submerged aquatic vegetation outside the specific limits of construction authorized by this permit shall be protected from erosion, siltation, sedimentation, and/or scouring. Project Name: Miami Marine Stadium Boat Ramp Permit No.: 13-306513-011-EI Page 2 of 13 `11Y flp� . v.0 nTav NOTICE AUTHORIZATIONS This submittal needs m bee a pb.c heng n� ume[11l<&mme cirim Resource Permit ml�pp°aae°�w--m,ing°°„,i'Environmental athe pbcheingretlere The Department has determined that the activity qualifies for an Environmental mmati°n onnei eee°, Pz-21-11532 Therefore, the Environmental Resource Permit is hereby granted, pursuant to Part IV 1 v04/22 Florida Statutes (F.S.), and Chapter 62-330, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.). a ' Sovereignty Submerged Lands Authorization As staff to the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund (Board of Trustees), the Department has determined the activity is not on submerged lands owned by the State of Florida. Therefore, your project is not subject to the requirements of Chapter 253, F.S., or Rule 18-21, F.A.C. Federal Authorization Your proposed activity as outlined on your application and attached drawings does not qualify for Federal authorization pursuant to the State Programmatic General Permit and a SEPARATE permit or authorization shall be required from the Corps. You must apply separately to the Corps using the appropriate federal application form (ENG 4345). More information about Corps permitting may be found online in the Jacksonville District Regulatory Division Sourcebook. Authority for review - an agreement with the USACOE entitled "Coordination Agreement Between the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers (Jacksonville District) and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, or Duly Authorized Designee, State Programmatic General Permit", Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbor Act of 1899, and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. Coastal Zone Management Issuance of this authorization also constitutes a finding of consistency with Florida's Coastal Zone Management Program, as required by Section 307 of the Coastal Zone Management Act. Water Quality Certification This permit also constitutes a water quality certification under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act, 33 U.S.C. 1341. Other Authorizations You are advised that authorizations or permits for this activity may be required by other federal, state, regional, or local entities including but not limited to local governments or municipalities. This permit does not relieve you from the requirements to obtain all other required permits or authorizations. The activity described may be conducted only in accordance with the terms, conditions and attachments contained in this document. Issuance and granting of the permit and authorizations herein do not infer, nor guarantee, nor imply that future permits, authorizations, or modifications will be granted by the Department. PERMIT The activities described must be conducted in accordance with: • The Specific Conditions • The General Conditions Project Name: Miami Marine Stadium Boat Ramp Permit No.: 13-306513-011-EI Page 3 of 13 `11Y flp� NOTICE • The limits, conditions and locations of work shown in the attached dr Th1. need,bm Ih.&o db,apubdc„ea,,,9 In.c da .M1 tm[l,ee setfMh h the City& • The term limits of this authorization rew.'m b�e o'atthe°pbkha;,,'9, ,d,wil recommendation ore finzI decivon. PZ-21-11532 You are advised to read and understand these conditions and drawings prior to 11/04/22 3%40 authorized activities, and to ensure the work is conducted in conformance with conditions, and drawings herein. If you are using a contractor, the contractor also should re understand these conditions and drawings prior to beginning any activity. Failure to comply with these conditions, including any mitigation requirements, shall be grounds for the Department to revoke the permit and authorization and to take appropriate enforcement action. Operation of the facility is not authorized except when determined to be in conformance with all applicable rules and this permit, as described. SPECIFIC CONDITIONS- PROJECT FORMS & ATTACHMENTS (1) The attached project drawings (sheets I through 13); the Standard Manatee Conditions for In -Water Work, 2011, which can be downloaded at can be downloaded at http://myfwc.com/media/415448/Manatee_StdCondIn_waterWork.pdf; and DEP forms 62-330.310(1); 62-330.310(2); 62-330.340(1); and 62-330.350(1), which may be downloaded at http://www.dep.state.fl.us/water/wetlands/erp/fonns.htm become part of this permit. If the permittee does not have access to the Internet, please contact the Department at (561) 681-6600 to request the aforementioned forms and/or document(s). SPECIFIC CONDITIONS - PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION (2) After selection of the contractor to perform the authorized activities and prior to the initiation of any work authorized by this permit, the permittee (or authorized agent) and the contractor shall attend a pre -construction conference with a representative of the Department. It shall be the responsibility of the permittee to contact the Department's Compliance Assistance Program, by email SED Compliance(cr�,FloridaDEP.gov, or by phone (561) 681-6600, to schedule the pre -construction conference. (3) Prior to the initiation of any work authorized by this permit, floating turbidity curtains with weighted skirts that extend to within one foot of the bottom shall be placed around the project site, and shall be maintained and remain in place for the duration of the project construction to ensure that turbid discharges do not occur outside the boundaries of the floating turbidity screens. The permittee shall be responsible for ensuring that turbidity control devices are inspected daily and maintained in good working order during all phases of construction authorized by this permit until all areas that were disturbed during construction are sufficiently stabilized to prevent turbid discharges. (4) Prior to construction of the in -water portions of the project, the mitigation plan for the Miami Marine Stadium Boat Ramp shall be implemented, as described in the attached document entitled, "Seagrass Mitigation Plan, Derelict Vessel Removal". SPECIFIC CONDITIONS — MITIGATION (5) FDEP shall be notified prior to each vessel removal and be provided the vessel location(s) and size. Project Name: Miami Marine Stadium Boat Ramp Permit No.: 13-306513-011-EI Page 4 of 13 Y•� f1Tav NOTICE (6) A "Time Zero" Monitoring Report shall be submitted within 30 days of �„­dsm I„.&de ,apbkh-,,9 rr°rtlana with tm 111. set forth h the City & each mitigation site. The report shall include the following: re„w,e�emeaPP°aae°�bk- 1,gt. d�, CW,. r ppUat thepubs°hearingt°Wywe re�°onme�a�a°� or � nr,ai eeue°�. a. Location map (with gps coordinates) Pz-21-� 1532 b. Size of the vessel removed vo4122 c. Size of the mitigation area - length and width of the halo ' d. Surrounding seagrass community (species and percent cover) e. Color photographs to provide an accurate representation of each mitigation area. The photographs shall be taken from fixed reference points and directions, which are shown on a scaled plan view. (7) Subsequent Mitigation Monitoring Reports shall be submitted annually for five years and shall include the following for each mitigation area: (Data shall be submitted in tabular form; subsample number and size shall be determined by a statistically valid method) a. Color photographic prints taken from the reference points established in the Time Zero Monitoring Report. b. Detailed description of statistical methods used, which must include the following: i. Subsample method and map of sampling locations. ii. Method used to determine percent cover and growth. ill. Statistical analyses used. c. Total percent cover by recruited seagrasses. d. Seagrass species composition with estimates of the contribution of each species to percent cover. e. Data documenting the hydrologic regime (seasonal high and normal pool; ordinary high; or mean high and low water elevations). f. Photocopy of the field notes depicting the raw data collected. (8) The mitigation shall be deemed successful when all of the following conditions are met at three years: a. The functional gain determined by UMAM for each mitigation site is achieved b. The percent cover of seagrass within the mitigation area must match the percent cover of the surrounding seagrass community determined and described in the "Time Zero" Monitoring Report. (9) The responsibility to assess if the mitigation is meeting the permit -specified success criteria shall not fall solely on the Department. In the event the permittee becomes aware mitigation is not meeting the success criteria (based on either site observations or review of monitoring reports), the permittee, no later than 6 months before the permit construction phase expiration date, shall be responsible to submit an alternative mitigation plan to the Department for review and approval. The permittee shall Project Name: Miami Marine Stadium Boat Ramp Permit No.: 13-306513-011-EI Page 5 of 13 `11Y flp� NOTICE implement the alternative restoration plan no later than 60 days after rec Th,,,ohmtla,�eedsmba,�heee�em,apabe�heeh�g In arcoe _ __ hmellnee set froth in the City & Department approval. awy wil pbkh""'gt'"d"' recomme�aatio� o� � nFlei eeueo�. PZ-21-11532 11/04/22 SPECIFIC CONDITIONS — CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES (10) All watercraft associated with the construction of the permitted activities sha- operate within waters of sufficient depth (one -foot clearance from the deepest draft of the vessel (barge) to the submerged bottom) so as to preclude bottom scouring or prop dredging. (11) There shall be no storage or stockpiling of tools and materials (i.e., lumber, pilings, debris), along the shoreline adjacent to waters of the state. All excess lumber, scrap wood, trash, garbage, and any other type of debris shall be removed from wetlands/waters of the state within 14 days of completion of the work authorized in this permit. All construction equipment/tools and materials shall be transported to and from the site via upland roadways and barges and all equipment/tools and materials shall be stored on the construction barges or uplands. (12) The riprap shall be fully constructed, prior to the placement of any backfill material. Any fill material used behind the bulkhead shall be clean fill and free of vegetative matter, trash, rebar, garbage, toxic or hazardous waste, or any other unsuitable materials (13) The installation of the riprap will be performed as per the attached permit drawings. Riprap shall consist of unconsolidated boulders, rocks, or clean concrete rubble without exposed reinforcing rods or similar protrusions. The riprap shall be free of sediment, debris, and toxic or otherwise deleterious substance. The riprap shall have a diameter of 12 to 36 inches. (14) The slope of the riprap shall be no steeper than 2H:1V (horizontal:vertical). The riprap shall extend a maximum of 6 ft. feet waterward from the toe of the boat ramp. Filter cloth shall be placed under the riprap to prevent shoreline erosion. SPECIFIC CONDITIONS — MONITORING/REPORTING REQUIREMENTS (14) Turbidity levels outside the construction area shall not exceed 0 NTU's above background levels. The following measures shall be taken immediately by the permittee whenever turbidity levels within waters of the State surrounding the project site exceed ambient turbidity levels of the surrounding Outstanding Florida Waters: a) Notify the Department at (561) 681-6600 or SED.ERPcompliance(cr�,dep.state. fl.us at the time the violation is first detected. b) Immediately cease all work contributing to the water quality violation. c) Stabilize all exposed soils contributing to the violation. Modify the work procedures that were responsible for the violation, install more turbidity containment devices, and repair any non-functional turbidity containment devices. Project Name: Miami Marine Stadium Boat Ramp Permit No.: 13-306513-011-EI Page 6of13 `11Y flp� . v.0 �Tav 71 NOTICE d) As required, perform turbidity monitoring per Specific Conditions.t-1.hm�a,need,mm Ih.&� dro,ap�ddn„ea,,ng c dmwM1h tm[l,ee setfroth inthe City& e) Resume construction activities once turbidity levels outside turbidit�°°°Theap°°�ae°fib"h C. w a�� wywa ai mmfmaoonet mep ne t.-d�^�� m below background levels. recommendation" a final decinon. PZ-21-11532 11/04/22 (15) Water turbidity levels shall be monitored outside the limits of the requi • �--- control devices. Samples shall be taken every four hours until turbidity subsides foot above the bottom, mid -depth, and one -foot below the surface at monitoring stations located as follows: a) Approximately 100 feet up -current of the work sites and clearly outside the influence of construction activities. (This shall serve as the natural background sample against which other turbidity readings shall be compared.) b) Directly outside the turbidity curtains surrounding the work sites and within the densest portion of any visible turbidity plume. (This sample shall serve as the compliance sample.) (16) During dock, boat ramp, and rip rap construction activities, the permittee or permittee's contractor shall collect the following turbidity monitoring data at the frequency and water depths directed by the Specific Condition above: a) Date and time of sampling event b) Turbidity sampling results (background NTUs, compliance NTUs, and the difference between them) c) Description of data collection methods d) An aerial map indicating the sampling locations e) Depth of sample(s) fl Weather conditions at times of sampling g) Tidal stage and direction of flow Data shall be collected in a turbidity log and shall include a statement by the individual responsible for implementation of the sampling program attesting to the authenticity, precision, limits of detection, and accuracy of the data. The turbidity log shall be scanned and sent on a weekly basis to the ERP Compliance Assurance Program via email at SED.ERPcompliance(cr�,dep. state. fl.us. The subject line of the email shall include the project name, permit number, and the title "Turbidity Monitoring Reports." SPECIFIC CONDITIONS - OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE ACTIVITIES (14) There shall be a minimum 12-inch clearance between the deepest draft of the vessel (with the motor in the down position) and the submerged bottom at mean low water. (15) This permit authorizes 8 temporary wet slips and 90 dry slips. SPECIFIC CONDITIONS - MANATEE CONDITIONS (16) The Standard Manatee Construction Conditions for In -water Work (2011) must be followed for all in -water activity. Project Name: Miami Marine Stadium Boat Ramp Permit No.: 13-306513-011-EI Page 7 of 13 �ti1z nr a N t li NOTICE (17) Temporary signs concerning manatees shall be posted prior to and d Tnia,abm�alneedstones,„�e dmraPabucdeehn9 ,n arco d—w„h tlmellnee set it rth in the City & Miami Code. The ppd. de decision-maXing body will project activities. signs are to e remove y the permitted up „ew�e�nb�ationatthepubGch_"gt'. e de reommenaation oennal eeueon. the project. Awareness signs that have already been approved for Pz�11/04/22 2111532 Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) must be measuring at least 3 ft. by 4 ft. which reads Caution: Manatee Area must second sign measuring at least 8 1/2" by I V explaining the requirements Speed/No Wake" and the shutdown of in -water operations must be posted in a location prominently visible to all personnel engaged in water -related activities. Please see the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission website for information on how to obtain appropriate signs: http://www.myfwc.com/docs/WildlifeHabitats/Manatee EducationalSig_n.pdf GENERAL CONDITIONS FOR INDIVIDUAL PERMITS The following general conditions are binding on all individual permits issued under chapter 62-330, F.A.C., except where the conditions are not applicable to the authorized activity, or where the conditions must be modified to accommodate project -specific conditions. (1) All activities shall be implemented following the plans, specifications and performance criteria approved by this permit. Any deviations must be authorized in a permit modification in accordance with Rule 62-330.315, F.A.C. Any deviations that are not so authorized may subject the permittee to enforcement action and revocation of the permit under Chapter 373, F.S. (2) A complete copy of this permit shall be kept at the work site of the permitted activity during the construction phase, and shall be available for review at the work site upon request by the Agency staff. The permittee shall require the contractor to review the complete permit prior to beginning construction. (3) Activities shall be conducted in a manner that does not cause or contribute to violations of state water quality standards. Performance -based erosion and sediment control best management practices shall be installed immediately prior to, and be maintained during and after construction as needed, to prevent adverse impacts to the water resources and adjacent lands. Such practices shall be in accordance with the State of Florida Erosion and Sediment Control Designer and Reviewer Manual (Florida Department of Environmental Protection and Florida Department of Transportation June 2007), and the Florida Stormwater Erosion and Sedimentation Control Inspector's Manual (Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Nonpoint Source Management Section, Tallahassee, Florida, July 2008), which are both incorporated by reference in subparagraph 62-330.050(9)(b)5., F.A.C., unless a project -specific erosion and sediment control plan is approved or other water quality control measures are required as part of the permit. (4) At least 48 hours prior to beginning the authorized activities, the permittee shall submit to the Agency a fully executed Form 62-330.350(1), "Construction Commencement Notice," [October 1, 2013], which is incorporated by reference in paragraph 62-330.350(1)(d), F.A.C., indicating the expected start and completion dates. A copy of this form may be obtained from the Agency, as described in subsection 62-330.010(5), F.A.C. If available, an Agency website that fulfills this notification requirement may be used in lieu of the form. Project Name: Miami Marine Stadium Boat Ramp Permit No.: 13-306513-011-EI Page 8 of 13 NOTICE (5) Unless the permit is transferred under Rule 62-330.340, F.A.C., ork bm�aineadsm�eehede�em,ap,bkheahng cortlanre wM1h tnilnee set it rtb in the City & operating entity under Rule 62-330.310 F.A.C. the is liable to comply witCWc.The ppli.Utt dw�sion-ma,�ng bwywI permittee the inbrmatimn at the pebc hearing t. —der e and conditions of the permit for the life of the project or activity. recommendation or a ffinal eecinon. Pz-21-11532 11/04/22 A. (6) Within 30 days after completing construction of the entire project, or any portion of the project, the permittee shall provide the following to the Agency, as applicable: a. For an individual, private single-family residential dwelling unit, duplex, triplex, or quadruplex — "Construction Completion and Inspection Certification for Activities Associated With a Private Single -Family Dwelling Unit" [Form 62-330.310(3)]; or b. For all other activities — "As -Built Certification and Request for Conversion to Operational Phase" [Form 62-330.310(1)]. c. If available, an Agency website that fulfills this certification requirement may be used in lieu of the form. (7) If the final operation and maintenance entity is a third party: a. Prior to sales of any lot or unit served by the activity and within one year of permit issuance, or within 30 days of as- built certification, whichever comes first, the permittee shall submit, as applicable, a copy of the operation and maintenance documents (see sections 12.3 thru 12.3.3 of Volume I) as filed with the Department of State, Division of Corporations and a copy of any easement, plat, or deed restriction needed to operate or maintain the project, as recorded with the Clerk of the Court in the County in which the activity is located. b, Within 30 days of submittal of the as- built certification, the permittee shall submit "Request for Transfer of Environmental Resource Permit to the Perpetual Operation Entity" [Form 62- 330.310(2)] to transfer the permit to the operation and maintenance entity, along with the documentation requested in the form. If available, an Agency website that fulfills this transfer requirement maybe used in lieu of the form. (8) The permittee shall notify the Agency in writing of changes required by any other regulatory agency that require changes to the permitted activity, and any required modification of this permit must be obtained prior to implementing the changes. (9) This permit does not: a. Convey to the permittee any property rights or privileges, or any other rights or privileges other than those specified herein or in Chapter 62-330, F.A.C.; b. Convey to the permittee or create in the permittee any interest in real property; c. Relieve the permittee from the need to obtain and comply with any other required federal, state, and local authorization, law, rule, or ordinance; or d. Authorize any entrance upon or work on property that is not owned, held in easement, or controlled by the permittee. (10) Prior to conducting any activities on state-owned submerged lands or other lands of the state, title to which is vested in the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund, the permittee must receive all necessary approvals and authorizations under Chapters 253 and 258, F.S. Written authorization that requires formal execution by the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund shall not be considered received until it has been fully executed. Project Name: Miami Marine Stadium Boat Ramp Permit No.: 13-306513-011-EI Page 9 of 13 .. NOTICE (11) The permittee shall hold and save the Agency harmless from any and al Thi,nbmMa[ ed,bbee ded��dmrepbdnheehng r<oeda .M1 tlmellnee set iodh in the City of or liabilities that may arise by reason of the construction, alteration, operation, main M—i CWe. Theappii h, decision-maXing body will mew inb atioo at tha public hearing is render® abandonment OT use Of any project authorized by the permit. recommendation Ur a final decidon. Pz-21-11532 11/04/22 (12) The permittee shall notify the Agency inwriting: N 54= _a. Immediately if any previously submitted information is discovered to be inaccurate, b. Within 30 days of any conveyance or division of ownership or control of the property or the system, other than conveyance via a long-term lease, and the new owner shall request transfer of the permit in accordance with Rule 62-330.340, F.A.C. This does not apply to the sale of lots or units in residential or commercial subdivisions or condominiums where the stormwater management system has been completed and converted to the operation phase. (13) Upon reasonable notice to the permittee, Agency staff with proper identification shall have permission to enter, inspect, sample and test the project or activities to ensure conformity with the plans and specifications authorized in the permit. (14) If any prehistoric or historic artifacts, such as pottery or ceramics, stone tools or metal implements, dugout canoes, or any other physical remains that could be associated with Native American cultures, or early colonial or American settlement are encountered at any time within the project site area, work involving subsurface disturbance in the immediate vicinity of such discoveries shall cease. The permittee or other designee shall contact the Florida Department of State, Division of Historical Resources, Compliance and Review Section, at (850) 245-6333 or (800) 847-7278, as well as the appropriate permitting agency office. Such subsurface work shall not resume without verbal or written authorization from the Division of Historical Resources. If unmarked human remains are encountered, all work shall stop immediately and notification shall be provided in accordance with Section 872.05, F.S. (15) Any delineation of the extent of a wetland or other surface water submitted as part of the permit application, including plans or other supporting documentation, shall not be considered binding unless a specific condition of this permit or a formal determination under Rule 62-330.201, F.A.C., provides otherwise. (16) The permittee shall provide routine maintenance of all components of the stormwater management system to remove trapped sediments and debris. Removed materials shall be disposed of in a landfill or other uplands in a manner that does not require a permit under Chapter 62-330, F.A.C., or cause violations of state water quality standards. (17) This permit is issued based on the applicant's submitted information that reasonably demonstrates that adverse water resource -related impacts will not be caused by the completed permit activity. If any adverse impacts result, the Agency will require the permittee to eliminate the cause, obtain any necessary permit modification, and take any necessary corrective actions to resolve the adverse impacts. (18) A Recorded Notice of Environmental Resource Permit may be recorded in the county public records in accordance with subsection 62-330.090(7), F.A.C. Such notice is not an encumbrance upon the property. Project Name: Miami Marine Stadium Boat Ramp Permit No.: 13-306513-011-EI Page 10 of 13 NOTICE rni..obmmd [ needs m to.�hedeiee mf a pabk heeling NOTICE OF RIGHTS rW.a whnhmdinds w-Whi i,g W City& MiamiCWe. Theappliwde decision -making —dd ,. reWewthe inlcrmatiran at the pubic hearing to rentler e reemmenaatien oennei eeuden. This action is final and effective on the date filed with the Clerk of the Department Pz-21-1 1532 for an administrative hearing is timely filed under Sections 120.569 and 120.57, vo4/22 deadline for filing a petition. On the filing of a timely and sufficient petition, this actin ' final and effective until further order of the Department. Because the administrative hearing is designed to formulate final agency action, the hearing process may result in a modification of the agency action or even denial of the application. Petition for Administrative Hearing A person whose substantial interests are affected by the Department's action may petition for an administrative proceeding (hearing) under Sections 120.569 and 120.57, F.S. Pursuant to Rule 28- 106.201, F.A.C., a petition for an administrative hearing must contain the following information: (a) The name and address of each agency affected and each agency's file or identification number, if known; (b) The name, address, any email address, any facsimile number, and telephone number of the petitioner; the name, address, and telephone number of the petitioner's representative, if any, which shall be the address for service purposes during the course of the proceeding; and an explanation of how the petitioner's substantial interests are or will be affected by the agency determination; (c) A statement of when and how the petitioner received notice of the agency decision; (d) A statement of all disputed issues of material fact. If there are none, the petition must so indicate; (e) A concise statement of the ultimate facts alleged, including the specific facts that the petitioner contends warrant reversal or modification of the agency's proposed action; (f) A statement of the specific rules or statutes that the petitioner contends require reversal or modification of the agency's proposed action, including an explanation of how the alleged facts relate to the specific rules or statutes; and (g) A statement of the relief sought by the petitioner, stating precisely the action that the petitioner wishes the agency to take with respect to the agency's proposed action. The petition must be filed (received by the Clerk) in the Office of General Counsel of the Department at 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, Mail Station 35, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000. Also, a copy of the petition shall be mailed to the applicant at the address indicated above at the time of filing. Time Period for Filing a Petition In accordance with Rule 62-110.106(3), F.A.C., petitions for an administrative hearing by the applicant must be filed within 21 days of receipt of this written notice. Petitions filed by any persons other than the applicant, and other than those entitled to written notice under Section 120.60(3), F.S., must be filed within 21 days of publication of the notice or within 21 days of receipt of the written notice, whichever occurs first. Under Section 120.60(3), F.S., however, any person who has asked the Department for notice of agency action may file a petition within 21 days of receipt of such notice, regardless of the date of publication. The failure to file a petition within the appropriate time period shall constitute a waiver of that person's right to request an administrative determination (hearing) Project Name: Miami Marine Stadium Boat Ramp Permit No.: 13-306513-011-EI Page 11 of 13 (�O�Mel OTICE under Sections 120.569 and 120.57, F.S., or to intervene in this proceeding and par emmI,hedwedmrep�bd�„-,g tht—Mee setforthmthe City& pp[,c U, decision-m !,,,g hotlywill to it. ny su sequent intervention in a procee ing initiate y anot er party w tion et the pubk Aearing to enderenfinal d-idondiscretion of the presiding officer upon the filing of a motion in compliance with-21-11532 F.A.C. 1/04/22 AA4 Extension of Time -%*AL Under Rule 62-110.106(4), F.A.C., a person whose substantial interests are affected by the Department's action may also request an extension of time to file a petition for an administrative hearing. The Department may, for good cause shown, grant the request for an extension of time. Requests for extension of time must be filed with the Office of General Counsel of the Department at 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, Mail Station 35, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000, before the applicable deadline for filing a petition for an administrative hearing. A timely request for extension of time shall toll the running of the time period for filing a petition until the request is acted upon. Mediation Mediation is not available in this proceeding. FLAWAC Review The applicant, or any party within the meaning of sections 373.114(1)(a) or 373.4275, Florida Statutes, may also seek appellate review of this order before the Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission under section 373.114(1) or 373.4275, Florida Statutes. Requests for review before the Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission must be filed with the Secretary of the Commission and served on the Department within 20 days from the date when this order is filed with the Clerk of the Department. Any Party to this Order has the right to seek judicial review of the Order Pursuant to Section 120.68, F.S., by the filing of a Notice of Appeal pursuant to Rule 9.110, Florida Rules of the Appellate Procedure, with the clerk of the Department in the Office of General Counsel, 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, Mail Station 35, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000; and by filing a copy of the Notice of Appeal accompanied by the applicable filing fees with the appropriate District Court of Appeal. The Notice of Appeal must be filed within 30 days from the date this Order is filed with the clerk of the Department. Judicial Review Once this decision becomes final, any party to this action has the right to seek judicial review pursuant to Section 120.68, F.S., by filing a Notice of Appeal pursuant to Rules 9.110 and 9.190, Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure, with the Clerk of the Department in the Office of General Counsel, 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, M.S. 35, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000; and by filing a copy of the Notice of Appeal accompanied by the applicable filing fees with the appropriate District Court of Appeal. The Notice of Appeal must be filed within 30 days from the date this action is filed with the Clerk of the Department. Project Name: Miami Marine Stadium Boat Ramp Permit No.: 13-306513-011-EI Page 12 of 13 `11Y flp� NOTICE Executed in West Palm Beach, Florida. TM1.,obmtlalneed,bb Ihede�ero,apabkhea,,,9 In arcortlana wM1h tlmelln1 let froth in the City & Mlami CWe. The apphwhl' decision -making bwywill rewewthe inbrmatiran at the pabec hearing t. re dtl '. recommendation or a final d-in., STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Pz-21-11532 11/04/22 Diane Pupa Program Administrator — Permitting and Waste Cleanup Southeast District CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE The undersigned duly designated deputy clerk hereby certifies that this permit and all copies were sent on the filing date below to the following listed persons: FDEP — Diane Pupa, Christopher Weller, Katie Lizza, Juliana Gomez, Richard Ohnmacht FDEP - Biscayne Bay AP, Biscayne.Bay(cr�,floridadep.gov Lisa Spadafina, Miami -Dade County RER, spadaL2(c�r�,miamidade.gov Sara Gutekunst, TYLIN International, sara.gutekunst(a,tylin.com Colin Henderson, TYLIN International, colin.hendersonk!ylin.com FILING AND ACKNOWLEDGMENT FILED, on this date, pursuant to Section 120.52, F. S., with the designated Department Clerk, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. November 28, 2018 Clerk Date Attachments: Project Drawings and Design Specs., 13 pages Standard Manatee Conditions for In -Water Work, 2011, can be downloaded at http://myfwc.com/media/415448/Manatee_StdCondIn_waterWork.pdf Seagrass Mitigation Plan, Derelict Vessel Removal, 6 pages As -built Certification and Request for Conversion to Operational Phase Form 62-330.310(1)* Request for Transfer to the Perpetual Operation Entity Form 62-330.310(2)* Request to Transfer Permit Form 62-330.340(1)* Commencement Notice Form 62-330.350(1)* *Can be downloaded at: https://floridadel2.gov/water/submerged-lands-environmental-resources- coordination/content/forms-environmental-resource Project Name: Miami Marine Stadium Boat Ramp Permit No.: 13-306513-011-EI Page 13 of 13 M IAM 1-DADEKIIIJ NOTE TO FILE Permit Number-: CL1-2019-0115 Project Name: City of Miami Project Address: 3501 Rickenbacker Causeway, Miami Date: February 17, 2021 Project Manager: Rocked Alhale Mitigation Bond: $7,200.00 BBEETF Contribution: $20,672.57 t� )A s.0 O N LO°'n NOTICE This submittal needs to be sah.dWed for a pobL nearing a:ordan with timelines set forth in the city of Miami Cede. The appk.de decision -making body will renew bie information at the pub4c hearing to render a mcomrnentlalion ar a final decison. PZ-21-11532 11/04/22 In order to mitigate for the loss of habitat and for water quality impacts associated with the maintenance dredging of benthic resources, 255.1 cubic yards of riprap (approximately 344 tons) are required. In order to provide habitat for a variety of invertebrates and protective cover for small fish, 80 cubic yards of riprap (approximately 108 tons) shall be placed on -site around the perimeter of the ramp as indicated on the DERM final approved plans. The riprap shall consist of natural limerock riprap boulders ranging in size from 1 to 3 feet in diameter. Riprap shall be installed in a manner which prevents it from shifting or relocating. Since it is not feasible to place all of the mitigation on -site due to site conditions, DERM is willing to accept the valance of the mitigation as a contribution to the Biscayne Bay Environmental Enhancement Trust Fund for the creation or enhancement of marine habitat located within Biscayne Bay. DERM will hold a $7,200.00 bond and a $15,759.00 contribution to the BBEETF. 2. 1n order to mitigate for the loss of habitat and for water quality impacts associated with the filling of tidal waters, 9.97 cubic yards of riprap (approximately 13 tons) are required. Since it is not feasible to place the mitigation on -site due to site conditions, DERM is willing to accept a contribution to the Biscayne Bay Environmental Enhancement Trust Fund for the creation or enhancement of marine habitat located within Biscayne Bay. A contribution in the amount of $897.57 is required prior to permit issuance. 3. In order to mitigate for shading impacts to benthic resources, 10.4 cubic yards of riprap (approximately14 tons) are required. Since it is not feasible to place the mitigation on -site due to site conditions, DERM is willing to accept a contribution to the Biscayne Bay Environmental Enhancement Trust Fund for the creation or enhancement of marine habitat located within Biscayne Bay. A contribution in the amount of $936.00 is required prior to permit issuance. 4, in order to mitigate for the removal of 385ft' of mangrove canopy, and because it is not feasible to mitigate the impact on -site, DERM has agreed to accept a contribution to the Biscayne Bay Environmental Enhancement Trust Fund (BBEETF) in the amount of $3,080.00 based on a 2:1 mitigation ratio and on a cost of $4.00/ft2 to create habitat. DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY PE Permittee: City of Miami c/o Daniel Rotenberg 444 SW 2r,d Ave., V floor Miami, FL 33130 Permit No: SAJ-2011-01666 (SP-NML) Issuing Office: U.S. Army Engineer District, Jacksonville NOTICE Thls submittal need —be achedui d for a p0fic hearing Cora— wkh hmerin. aet ronh in he city & Miami CWe. Theappliud, dsi n-making bWywill re'ew he int -adon at the pabec hearing to n:nde, a rtxommentlation or a final tleciaon. PZ-21-11532 71►\ 11/04/22 NOTE: The term "you" and its derivatives, as used in this permit, means the permittee or any future transferee. The term "this office" refers to the appropriate district or division office of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) having jurisdiction over the permitted activity or the appropriate official of that office acting under the authority of the commanding officer. You are authorized to perform work in accordance with the terms and conditions specified below. Proiect Description: To (1) demolish the existing 2,139 sq. ft. boat ramp, (2) install an 8,600 sq. ft (86' x 100') boat ramp with 95 cubic yards of clean rip rap around the base of the ramp and move the boat ramp location 30 feet east of the old boat ramp (3) construct two finger piers associated with the boat ramp, each one is 366.2 Sq. ft (73.25' x 5) concrete fixed pier attached to a 384 Sq. ft. (48' x 8') floating platform by a gangway plank. (4) Turbidity curtains will be installed until all turbidity from construction subsides. The work described above is to be completed in accordance with the 13 pages of drawings affixed at the end of this permit instrument. Proiect Location: The project site is located at 3501 Rickenbacker Causeway, in Section 17, Range 42E, Township 54S, Miami -Dade County, Miami, Florida 33149 (Folio 01-4217-00-0030). Directions to site: Take 1-95 to Exit 1A (Rickenbacker Causeway), continue two miles past the toll plaza, the project is on the left. roximate Central Coordinates: Latitude: 25.744123 North Longitude:-80.171028 West Permit Conditions General Conditions: Awl eea to be.hedWed bra pob-hewing b-1—� form m tna City m 1LNOTICE PERMIT NUM BER: SAJ-2011-01666�aoaaitnepubLc"n9`orenee,1,l e applieade dxis- making hotlywill eacPERM ITTEE: City of Miami Z-21-11532 PAGE 2 of 9 11/04/22 -A. 1. The time limit for completing the work authorized ends on July19,2024. If you find that you need more time to complete the authorized activity, submit your request for a time extension to this office for consideration at least one month before the above date is reached. 2. You must maintain the activity authorized by this permit in good condition and in conformance with the terms and conditions of this permit. You are not relieved of this requirement if you abandon the permitted activity, although you may make a good faith transfer to a third party in compliance with General Condition 4 below. Should you wish to cease to maintain the authorized activity or should you desire to abandon it without a good faith transfer, you must obtain a modification of this permit from this office, which may require restoration of the area. 3. If you discover any previously unknown historic or archeological remains while accomplishing the activity authorized by this permit, you must immediately notify this office of what you have found. We will initiate the Federal and State coordination required to determine if the remains warrant a recovery effort or if the site is eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. 4. If you sell the property associated with this permit, you must obtain the signature and the mailing address of the new owner in the space provided and forward a copy of the permit to this office to validate the transfer of this authorization. 5. If a conditioned water quality certification has been issued for your project, you must comply with the conditions specified in the certification as special conditions to this permit. For your convenience, a copy of the certification is attached if it contains such conditions. 6. You must allow representatives from this office to inspect the authorized activity at any time deemed necessary to ensure that it is being or has been accomplished in accordance with the terms and conditions of your permit. Special Conditions: REPORTING ADDRESS: The Permittee shall submit all reports, notifications, documentation and correspondence required by the general and special conditions of this permit to the following address: t� )A NOTICE i 1submittalneeds b 1111.dWee bra pobLc nearing re°reance with timalines set forth in the City of Miami Cede. The applicade decision -making bWy will PERMIT NUMBER: SAJ-2011-01666mew�einf°�a°naithepubLchea"n9t°�°°era n c°mrnentlali°n or a final eecis°t PERMITTEE: City of Miami PZ-21-11532 PAGE 3 of 9 11/04/22 a. For standard mail: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Regulatory Division, Enforcement Branch, 9900 Southwest 107th Avenue, Suite 203, Miami, Florida 33176. b. For electronic mail SAJ-RD-Enforcement@usace.army.mil (not to exceed 10 MB). The Permittee shall reference this permit number, SAJ-2011-01666 (SP-NML), on all submittals. 2. SELF -CERTIFICATION: Within 60 days of completion of the work authorized by this permit, the Permittee shall complete the attached "Self -Certification Statement of Compliance" form (Attached) and submit it to the Corps. In the event that the completed work deviates in any manner from the authorized work, the Permittee shall describe the deviations between the work authorized by this permit and the work as constructed on the "Self -Certification Statement of Compliance" form. The description of any deviations on the "Self -Certification Statement of Compliance" form does not constitute approval of any deviations by the Corps. 3. COMMENCEMENT NOTICE: Within ten (10) days from the date of initiating the authorized work, the Permittee shall provide to the Corps a written notification of the date of commencement of work authorized by this permit. 4. ASSURANCE OF NAVIGATION AND MAINTENANCE: The Permittee understands and agrees that, if future operations by the United States require the removal, relocation, or other alteration, of the structures or work herein authorized, or if in the opinion of the Secretary of the Army or his authorized representative, said structure or work shall cause unreasonable obstruction to the free navigation of the navigable waters, the Permittee will be required, upon due notice from the Corps of Engineers, to remove, relocate, or alter the structural work or obstructions caused thereby, without expense to the United States. No claim shall be made against the United States on account of any such removal or alteration. 5. TURBIDITY BARRIERS: Prior to the initiation of any of the work authorized by this permit, the Permittee shall install floating turbidity barriers with weighted skirts that extend to within 1 foot of the bottom around all work areas that are in, or adjacent to, surface waters. The turbidity barriers shall remain in place and be maintained until the authorized work has been completed and all suspended and NOTICE i , submittalneedsto be echedaied for a pob-nearing reordn with t"I' essetforth in the Citya Miami Cede. The applicade decision -making body will PERMIT NUMBER: SAJ-2011-01666 "`w�einf°mcomrnentlali.1aithuh°arin9t°�m°era aflcnaldecigo PERMITTEE: City of Miami PZ-21-11532 PAGE 4 of 9 11/04/22 erodible materials have been stabilized. Turbidity barriers shall be removed upon stabilization of the work area. 6. POSTING OF PERMIT: The Permittee shall have available and maintain for review a copy of this permit and approved plans at the construction site. 7. AGENCY CHANGES/APPROVALS: Should any other agency require and/or approve changes to the work authorized or obligated by this permit, the Permittee is advised a modification to this permit instrument is required prior to initiation of those changes. It is the Permittee's responsibility to request a modification of this permit from the Miami Permits Section. The Corps reserves the right to fully evaluate, amend, and approve or deny the request for modification of this permit. 8. CULTURAL RESOURCES/HISTORIC PROPERTIES: a. No structure or work shall adversely affect impact or disturb properties listed in the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) or those eligible for inclusion in the NRHP. b. If during the ground disturbing activities and construction work within the permit area, there are archaeological/cultural materials encountered which were not the subject of a previous cultural resources assessment survey (and which shall include, but not be limited to: pottery, modified shell, flora, fauna, human remains, ceramics, stone tools or metal implements, dugout canoes, evidence of structures or any other physical remains that could be associated with Native American cultures or early colonial or American settlement), the Permittee shall immediately stop all work and ground - disturbing activities within a 100-meter diameter of the discovery and notify the Corps within the same business day (8 hours). The Corps shall then notify the Florida State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) and the appropriate Tribal Historic Preservation Officer(s) (THPO(s)) to assess the significance of the discovery and devise appropriate actions. c. Additional cultural resources assessments may be required of the permit area in the case of unanticipated discoveries as referenced in accordance with the above Special Condition ; and if deemed necessary by the SHPO, THPO(s), or Corps, in accordance with 36 CFR 800 or 33 CFR 325, Appendix C (5). Based, on the circumstances of the discovery, equity to all parties, and considerations of the public interest, the Corps may modify, suspend or revoke the permit in accordance with 33 CFR t� )A NOTICE i 1submittalneeds b 1111.dWee bra pobLc nearing re°reance with timelines set forth in the City of Miami Cede. The applicade decision -making bWy will PERMIT NUMBER: SAJ-2011-01666mew�ei°'°�a°naithepubLchea"n9t°�°°era n c°mrnentlali°n or a final eecis°t PERMITTEE: City of Miami PZ-21-11532 PAGE 5 of 9 11/04/22 Part 325.7. Such activity shall not resume on non-federal lands without written authorization from the SHPO for finds under his or her jurisdiction, and from the Corps. d. In the unlikely event that unmarked human remains are identified on non- federal lands, they will be treated in accordance with Section 872.05 Florida Statutes. All work and ground disturbing activities within a 100- meter diameter of the unmarked human remains shall immediately cease and the Permittee shall immediately notify the medical examiner, Corps, and State Archeologist within the same business day (8-hours). The Corps shall then notify the appropriate SHPO and THPO(s). Based, on the circumstances of the discovery, equity to all parties, and considerations of the public interest, the Corps may modify, suspend or revoke the permit in accordance with 33 CFR Part 325.7. Such activity shall not resume without written authorization from the State Archeologist and from the Corps. 9. FILL MATERIAL: The Permittee shall use only clean fill material/riprap boulders for this project. The material shall be free from items such as trash, debris, automotive parts, asphalt, construction materials, concrete block with exposed reinforcement bars, and soils contaminated with any toxic substance, in toxic amounts in accordance with Section 307 of the Clean Water Act. 10. MANATEE CONDITIONS: The Permittee shall comply with the "Standard Manatee Conditions for In -Water Work — 2011 ". 11. PROJECT DRAWINGS: The project must be completed in accordance with the enclosed construction drawings (pages 1-13), date -stamped by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) on 3 July 2019, and the general and special conditions which are incorporated in, and made a part of, the permit. 12. WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION: The Permittee shall comply with the specific conditions specified in the Environmental Resource Permit No. 13-306513- 011-EI issued by the South Florida Water Management District on 28 November 2018 13. MITIGATION BANK CREDIT PURCHASE: Within 30 days from the date of initiating the work authorized by this permit, the Permittee shall provide verification to the Corps that 0.025 of Salt Water Credits federal mitigation bank credits have been purchased from the FPL Everglades Mitigation Bank (SAJ- 1995-00155). The required verification shall reference this project's permit number (SAJ-2011-01666). NOTICE This sa idt—d to be.chetlutetl for a public hearing aond— with Gmefmes set forth in the City of Mlami Cotle. The applicade tleclsion-making bodymll PERMIT NUMBER: SAJ-2011-01666ewbeinfomend4onorabhehea`ing`o`ende`a mentlav000rafinabh, I aed,00. PERMITTEE: City of Miami PZ-21-11532 PAGE 6 of 9 11/04/22 14. SEA TURTLE AND SMALLTOOTH SAWFISH CONDITIONS: The Permittee shall comply with National Marine Fisheries Service's"Sea Turtle and Smalltooth Sawfish Construction Conditions" dated March 23, 2006, (Attachment ). Further Information: 1. Congressional Authorities: You have been authorized to undertake the activity described above pursuant to: (x) Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 (33 U.S.C. 403) (x) Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1344) ( ) Section 103 of the Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act of 1972 (33 U.S.C. 1413) 2. Limits of this authorization. a. This permit does not obviate the need to obtain other Federal, State, or local authorizations required by law. b. This permit does not grant any property rights or exclusive privileges. c. This permit does not authorize any injury to the property or rights of others. d. This permit does not authorize interference with any existing or proposed Federal projects. 3. Limits of Federal Liability. In issuing this permit, the Federal Government does not assume any liability for the following: a. Damages to the permitted project or uses thereof as a result of other permitted or unpermitted activities or from natural causes. b. Damages to the permitted project or uses thereof as a result of current or future activities undertaken by or on behalf of the United States in the public interest. c. Damages to persons, property, or to other permitted or unpermitted activities or structures caused by the activity authorized by this permit. ryyy �' x NOTICE This sabmk[al neetls to be sChed.I.d far a public hearing cord —with G—b—set forth in the City of Miami CWtl .Thu applicade dxlsion-making bWymll PERMIT NUMBER: SAJ-2011-01666infomenda"h`pub h`hea`ing`o"nde`a mentlati pn or a anal Gecispn. PERMITTEE: City of Miami PZ-21-1 G PAGE 7 of 9 1 vo4i22 d. Design or construction deficiencies associated with the permitted work. e. Damage claims associated with any future modification, suspension, or revocation of this permit. 4. Reliance on Applicant's Data: The determination of this office that issuance of this permit is not contrary to the public interest was made in reliance on the information you provided. 5. Reevaluation of Permit Decision: This office may reevaluate its decision on this permit at any time the circumstances warrant. Circumstances that could require a reevaluation include, but are not limited to, the following: a. You fail to comply with the terms and conditions of this permit. b. The information provided by you in support of your permit application proves to have been false, incomplete, or inaccurate (see 4 above). c. Significant new information surfaces which this office did not consider in reaching the original public interest decision. Such a reevaluation may result in a determination that it is appropriate to use the suspension, modification, and revocation procedures contained in 33 CFR 325.7 or enforcement procedures such as those contained in 33 CFR 326.4 and 326.5. The referenced enforcement procedures provide for the issuance of an administrative order requiring you comply with the terms and conditions of your permit and for the initiation of legal action where appropriate. You will be required to pay for any corrective measures ordered by this office, and if you fail to comply with such directive, this office may in certain situations (such as those specified in 33 CFR 209.170) accomplish the corrective measures by contract or otherwise and bill you for the cost. 6. Extensions: General Condition 1 establishes a time limit for the completion of the activity authorized by this permit. Unless there are circumstances requiring either a prompt completion of the authorized activity or a reevaluation of the public interest decision, the Corps will normally give favorable consideration to a request for an extension of this time limit. Your signature below, as permittee, indicates that you accept and agree to comply with the terms and conditions of this permit. ryyy �' x NOTICE This sabmk[al neetls to be sChed.I.d far a public hearing aorda with G—b—set forth in the City of Miami CWtl .Thu applicade dxlsion-making bWymll PERMIT NUMBER: SAJ-2011-01666 infomendaonoflh`hea`ing`o mentlati pn or a ah' pubnal Gecispn. PERMITTEE: City of Miami PZ-21-1 G PAGE 8 of 9 1 vo4i22 (PERMITTEE)ploi4l,7 (DAT ) leI /�o (PERMITT E NA E-P IN ED) . Foy � c C� 7 � IL4 This permit beco►�►�ies effective when the Federal official, designated to act for the Secretary of the Army, has signed below. CLOUSER.MEGAN.L.1275434929Digitallysigned Date: 201 07.1191 28:54-0400GAN.L.1275434929 (DISTRICT ENGINEER) Andrew D. Kelly, Jr. (DATE) Colonel, U.S. Army District Commander When the structures or work authorized by this permit are still in existence at the time the property is transferred, the terms and conditions of this permit will continue to be binding on the new owner(s) of the property. To validate the transfer of this permit and the associated liabilities associated with compliance with its terms and conditions, have the transferee sign and date below. (TRANSFEREE -SIGNATURE) (NAME -PRINTED) (ADDRESS) (CITY, STATE, AND ZIP CODE) (DATE) sC O N `vc NOTICE mis submittal needs to be scheaWee bra pobL nearing re°reance with t"lines set forth in the city of PERMIT NUMBER: SAJ-2011-01666 Miami We. The applicade decision -making bWy will "`w�ei°'°�°naithepubLchea"n9t°�°°era nc°mrnentlali orafinaleecis° PERMITTEE: City of Miami PZ-21-11532 / PAGE 9 of 9 11/04/22 Attachments to Department of the Army Permit Number SAJ-2011-01666 1. PERMIT DRAWINGS: 13 pages, dated July 7, 2019 2. WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION: Specific Conditions of the water quality permit/certification in accordance with General Condition number 5 on page 2 of this DA permit. 45 pages. 3. MANATEE CONDITIONS: 2 pages, Standard Manatee Conditions for In -Water Work — 2011 4. SEA TURTLE — SAWFISH CONDITIONS: 1 page, Sea Turtle and Smalltooth Sawfish Construction Conditions, revised March 23, 2006 5. SELF -CERTIFICATION FORM: 1 page CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM Indicated below DATE: SUBJECT: REFERENCES: Hector Badia Interim Director Office of Capital Improvements ENCLOSURES: 9/12/2022 Request for Waiver & Zoning Fees 1�J L11Y'f]F� NOTICE This sobmidal needs m � e�hedwed mr a pabgn hearing in r<ord and.M1 timelines set forth in the City& Miami CWe.The appU-de decision-nahing bWywil rewewthe inbrm ,at the pabec hearing to rend,, nxonmendation nr a final decison. PZ-21-11532 11/04/22 PZ No.: 21-11532 and 22-14696 The Office of Capital Improvements, an agency of the City of Miami, is requesting a fee waiver to applicable Planning and Zoning fees pursuant to Chapter 62, Article VI, Section 62-25 of the City of Miami Code of Ordinance. The Office of Capital Improvement is serving as the applicant of said applications on behalf of the Department of Real Estate & Asset Management. We understand the requested fee waiver is not applicable to the Art in Public Place (AIPP) fee or the Pre -Application Fees. The AIPP fee has been or will be paid in accordance with Article 11 of Ordinance 13114 ("Miami 21 "), as amended. This memorandum serves as a request to waive the fees for the following projects: Project I Project No. PZ No. Virginia Key Boat Ramp and Trailer Parkin 40-1370046 21-11532 -Virginia Key Boat Ramp and Trailer Parkin 40-1370046 22-14696 Should you have any questions or need additional information, please contact me or my Assistant Director, Jorge Mora at (305) 416-1297. Please indicate your approval below: Approval/ isapproval: Lakisha Hull, Director Planning Department Approval/ isapproval: ���e Daniel Goldberg, Director Zoning Department cc: Nzeribe Ihekwaba, Ph. D., P.E., Deputy City Manager Larry Spring, CPA, CFO/Assistant City Manager Jacqueline Lorenzo, Interim Director, Department of Real Estate & Asset Management Jorge Mora, Assistant Director, OCI Giraldo Marquez, P.E., Chief Project Manager, OCI Pedro Alvarado, Project Manager, OCI 1�J L11Y'f]F� NOTICE TMissee.211ee INDEX OF DRAWINGS (A-0) hmellnes set forthin the City of In t—i hilth,`ty& ICWr .nm P d,edf MiamiCWe. Theappllwde tlecbk -making renewtheinbrmation a�the pa —de' rentlere '. h[d fi, re�ommenaation o, �nnai eeueon. id., BUILDING PZ-21-11532 11/04/22 Virginia Key Boat Ramp and Trailer Parking , 3501 RICKENBACKER CSWY Document Name Drawing Name Description V-1 SPECIFIC PURPOSE SURVEY LAND SURVEY W/ TREE DISPOSITION CHART V-2 TREE DISPOSITION PLAN / TREE DISPOSITION CHART TREE DISPOSITION CHART A-1 ARCHITECTURAL PLAN PAGE 1 SIGNED & SEALED, PROPOSED RAMP PLAN A-2 ARCHITECTURAL PLAN PAGE 2 SIGNED & SEALED, BOAT RAMP LONGITUDINAL SECTION A-3 ARCHITECTURAL PLAN PAGE 3 SIGNED & SEALED, DOCKS CROSS SECTIONS A-4 ARCHITECTURAL PLAN PAGE 4 GRADING PLANS A-5 ARCHITECTURAL PLAN PAGE 5 PROPOSED GRADING PLAN A-6 SITEPLAN OVERALL SITEPLAN A-7 ENVIROMENTAL IMPACTS SEAGRASS & MANGROVE AREA IMPACTS DRAWING A-8 TURBIDITY CONTROL FLOATING TURBIDITY BARRIER PLAN RER • NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION PRELIMINARY APPROVAL 2 NAME Alexander Liebert EXIST. FLOATING PROPOSED CLEATS 12' O.C. DATEcM-a.o 01/29/2021 / DOCK BOTH SIDES, TYP. A ALUMINUM LADDER, TYP. cM-2.1 PROPOSED GUIDE 8' 8' PILE, TYP. 18'-6" 33'-0" 18'-6" PROPOSED0 GANGWAY, TYP. cM-zz PROPOSED CONC. FLOATING DOCK, PROPOSED CONIC. a TYP. BOAT RAMP, TYP. ROCK REVETMENT r APRON ti�rr f � e lD [O b> 4-0 5' CM-2.2 ' BENT r TYP. cM-zz Mean High Water Line +/- NAVD 88 Elevation 0.18 35'-0" 20 -0" 36'-0" NGVD 29 Elevation 1.74' _ - - eo r o PROPOSED FIXED ROMP. BOAT DOCK, TYP. *,...... (ELEV. +5.0') NOTE: N 51355 i� REFER TO SHEET CM-2.4 FOR GRADING PLAN. E 9�<79.••0= SLAB NOTES: 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL ADD REINFORCEMENT AS REQUIRED FOR 7" C.I.P. CONC. SLAB LIFTING. PROVIDE SUFFICIENT HOIST PORTS & BRACING TO AVOID W/WWM 6X6-W2.9XW2.9 CRACKING PRECAST SLABS HARDNING. MID -DEPTH 2. CUT LIFTING INSERTS FLUSH W/ CONCRETE AFTER INSTALLATION AND COAT W/ EPDXY 3. PROVIDE Y2" V-GROOVE FINISH ON SLABS. 4. MINIMUM PRECAST SLAB WIDTH SHALL BE 2'-6". Ar N a 0 10 20 ®GRAPH 11X17: 1-20' NOTICE �PZ-21.11532 QQ /V� 11/04/22 MIAMI MARINE STADIUM o BOAT RAMPS I TYLININTERNATIONAL 201 Alhambra Circle Suite 900 ✓� Coral Gables, Florida 33134 O Ph,,,.ax 30fi- 305-5-56]-'1 888 Ffi6]-'I]]'I MARNEENSINEER CUMMINSCEDERBERG, INC. 755D RED ROAD, SUITE 217 SOUTH MIAMI, FLORIDA 33143 CUMMINSSEUER—G—M 5' w o = I 0 0 wo MIAMI MARINE 66 ' n a� STADIUM - o > Q BOAT RAMP U > JASON x w n Q S 00 Of m 3 •""� 20—D d Q TAYLOR °'.f. , cn SEAL A. z tiry / �x aFF 80111 PAT[ ov JA90N5 �� E�ECTa TAYL'0�. JASON S TAYLOR v E-as02n CONIC. x 7'-6" C.I.P. CONC. x CURB, N 513564.04 RAMP SLAB ABOVE TYP. o E 928842.01 MHW _ x _ -- h x �� gambol i4 lie QUANTITY TABLE - - - - - /� TOTAL RIPRAP VOLUME 80 CY [k TOTAL LENGTH OF RIPRAP APRON 245 LF o FIXED DOCK AREA OVER WATER 416 SQ. FT ASSHOWN 'q s EETPREO POSED RAMP r, FLOATING DOCK AREA 960 SQ. FT EET50F1ornA_7 n w z J wl119'-4" z 10 05 z Q �0 -5 NOTICE \�PZ-21.11532 11 /04/22 NIAMI MARINE STADIUM 30 AT RAMPS AFLAV ORIDA 33435 TYLININTERNATION 2011 Alhambra C,,,I, Su to 900 Coral Gables Florida 33134 Phone: 305-567-11888 JASON MARINE ENGINEER S 7C5UREol ROAo EDERBERG INC. TAYLOR,SUITE 217 ,,a,,SOUTH MIAMI, FLORIDA 33143 So LONGITUDINAL SECTION A SEE SECTION, SCALE: 1:6 (11X17) CM-2.0 TYP' cM-z.z I MIAMI MARINE STADIUM - RER -NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION BOAT RAMP 1'- as'-o" PVC CAP, TYP pRELIMWA�tYAPPRdVAL TYP. GU DE CAP ELEV. +14' NAME Alexander Liebert AT PILE, HINGE BOLTED CONN. W/ DATE 01129/2021 TYR 4'X30' RUBBER GASKETS GUIDE PILE, CONC. FLOATING -� " 80�" _ r= GANGWAY DOCK SYSTEM, TYP. 0 JA$010 I 1 1YP. S PRECAST SEE DETAIL TAYLOR w�u3 i CM 2 2 , CONC. � GANGWAY 9RPE« I RAMP SLABS -_ �� aa- as Qa �s�BaapcTa�a-o-� ,� �. ALUMINUM 5 _. wo q LADDERP. z , ` ---------------------- -- -----------------V-MH - �.. ----- - -- -- --- ------ ----- ----- -- r W _+1 74 NGVD -- - #57 GRAVEL --- - Q o N� `; FILL -------- ----------------------------------------'. ------------------------- --- ---------- -----9 M------------ LW 0.31' NGVD____-0� PONTOON 2'-6" 20' MIN 6� 1.5 MIN. TOE OF RAMP JOINT MIN. EMBED., TOE BREAK -11 ELEV. -4.9 NGVD TYP. ELEV. -3.25' - --- �.; -5 NGVD 4'-0., GEOTEXTILE 100 TIP ELEV. -30' NGVD, TYP. TF c 70'-4" ¢ 17'-0" 17'-0" 17'-0" PROPOSED GRADE TOP OF RAMP e 6" PRECAST CONC. RAMP (SEE CIVIL) cM-z. Z: ELEV. +3.0' NGVD SLABS ON GRADE WITH #4@12" Z�: EA WAY MID -DEPTH EXIST. GRADE C.I.P. CONC. SLAB PRECAST CONC. DECK I GRADE, ABOVE N SLAB, TYP. TDP OF DOCK ON I ELEV. +5.0' NGVD V MHW_ +1.74' NGVD _._ - _' ------- ------ ._ �1 -- -- ------------------------- --- -PRECAST CDNC MLW = -0.31' NGVD _-------�----------------------------------------- - I - - - - - - - - ----- —---.__-,------- RAMP SLABS -------------- --_ CONC. PILE 3" SLAB JOINT WITH BEYOND, TYP. COMPACTED #57 \ BENT, TYP. GRAVEL FILL, TYP. 19'-Y 0 50'-0" RAMP - 8H:1V SLOPE I 6H:1V SLOPE LONGITUDINAL SECTION (i A) SCALE: 1:6 (11X17) CM-2.0 ""BOAT RAMP IGITUDINAL SE SO 1-%R A i HOOKED PILE CAP PROPOSED REINFORCED REINF. @ ENDS T& CONC. DECK E TO BE INSTALLED CM-2.3 ELEV. +5.0' NGVD PROPOSED o REINFORCED CONC. 1 LAYER CAP TO BE RIPRAP INSTALLED le 4'-0" ROCK OMHW +1.74' GVD CONC. RAMP REVETMENET APR —---------------------- — — 7" CLR TYP. 1.5 MIN 0 MLW =0_31' NGVD — _ T/RIP—RAP FLUSH W/ z o RAMP @ FLOATING DOCK. m BEYOND. o � N w 14" CONC. PILES, TYP. TO BE INSTALLED 2._8" TIP ELEV. —25.0' NGVD DOCK SECTION B SCALE: 1:3 (11X17) CM-2. GUIDE PILE BEYOND, TYP. 12" HDG CLEAT @ 16' O.C. B'—O" MAX., TYP. CONC. FLOATING o R/C SHELL DOCK SYSTEM, m �m (6 SIDES) TYP. CONT. FENDER, p a ' .• r _4 M t� 1m741 ` ,NrVD s_A J�Z— MLW____0.31'_NGVD__ FULLY ENCAPSULATED SOLID POLYSTYRENE CORE DOCK SECTION C SCALE: 1:3 (11X17) �1 SEAGRASS �GEOTEXTILE SEE DETAIL CM-2.2 PROVIDE #5 TRANSVERSE BARS @ 12" O.C. MAX. TOP AND BOTTOM 3" CLR TYP. RER • NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION PRELIMINARY APPROVAL NAME Alexander Liebert DATE 01129/2021 o 3: U m TYP. SLAB REINF. PROVIDE #5 TRANSVERSE BARS SPACED AT 12" O.C. MAX. FLEXURAL BARS NOTICE �PZ-21-11532� 11/04/22 NIAMI MARINE STADIUM 30 ATKRAFM PS FLORIDA 33435AV TYLININTERNATION 201 Al hamba Od, Suite 900 Coral Gables, Florida 33'134 Phone: 305-567-11888 CU MIIS EDERBERG, INC. 'FDUITF 2, SOUTH MIAMI, FLORIDA 33143 MIAMI MARINE STADIUM — N AsoN r =.m BOAT RAMP TAYLOR=a=a= 5'-0" PROVIDE #6 @ m 12" O.C. BOTTOM aEESFAT LONG. v oRrP E E° DOCK SLAB SECTION D = "a °°Z77 ' nrr or ' SCALE: 1:3(11X17) CM-2 OTRON100OP1E5 ASpNS•oa.";;',c,= TAYLOR1- sad°•`: CIMIQWFI) !_AenC PROVIDE #5 LONG. BARS @ 12" O.C. TOP T/REVETMENT (SEE CIVIL PLANS) #4 @ FLUSH W/ CURB TYP 12" X 2'-0" 4" BROOMED EDGE _ REVETMENT SEAGRASS FINISH @ PERIM. TYP. GROOVE FINISH, TYP. p w o N 1 N � � #5 CONT. GEOTEXTILE #5 @ 12" H. THICKENED EDGE RAMP EDGE TERMINATION DETAIL 1 SCALE: 1:3 (11X17) CM-2.1 WWM 8"xB" THICK EDGE W/#5 B. CONT. RAMP EDGE TERMINATION DETAIL 2 SCALE: 1:3 (11X17) CM-2.1 "L' DOCKS CROSS SECTIONS 70FlDd-%R A /l ALUMINUM PEDESTRIAN/BIKE RAILING INDEX 862 (PBR) WITH TYPE ] PICKET INFILL PANEL, T.O.W. ELEV, 5.0' PROPOSED GRAVITY WALL FDOT STANDARD PAVEMENT RECONSTRUCTION INDEX 60]] ELEV, VARIES FROM 3.0' TO 5.0' NGVD REGRADE 70' BACK TO MATCH EXISTING EXISTING GROUND m "m yQ y DETAIL 1 PROPOSED RETAINING WALL J PROP SED CONC. BOAT RAMP. TYP. PROPOSED GANGWAY, TYP. 3.0 EXIST. CONC. � BOAT RAMP TO -z.o I ' BE DEMOLISHED a o D g3 E ! 8 o.D- Mean High Water line +I- I NAVD 88 Elevation D.18' a Crete Ramp NGVD 29 Elevation 1.74' G 0 V3.00' PROPOSED FIXED MATCH EXISTING DOCK, TYP. f� ,J ELEV. 2.59' (ELEV. +5.0') PROPOSED FLOATING DOCK, TYP. EXIST. EDGE OF PAVEMENT 5.00' 30 9 e 37,5 •S } G 5 Concrete UPLAND GRADING SHALL MATCH �'� PROPOSED 5.0' (NGVD) GRADE LINE f � r•-��s'' •v�. ,,. / • � fir/ r` �. A- 1' ro PROPOSED GUIDE PILE, TYP. 5.00'-� PROPOSED ELEVATION PAVEMENT AREA TO RECONSTRUCT Meon N�q6 W°ter Llne - �j NAVD 88 Elevenion D 18 II NGVD 29 Elevation �4 Edge at 0°��1,15 PM ` 0.0 - r 31'-7" F ` 4 0 A�egetatlon Line 36'- 3.00'% N Ma9 Nail & D'Isc 513549.458 5, 92BB30264 1929( EL 5.65' (NGVD — -❑a . . O. ❑ Lj J ■ s 0°' '7 ,� ! A ' PROP. RETAINING WALL - SEE DETAIL 1 2 2 Meta ON THIS SHEET REGRADE GRAVEL - TOP OF WALL AREA TO MEET 1 ELEV. 5.00' EXISTING GRADE � r 4 NOTICE \�PZ-21-115320) � 11 /04/22 AMI MARINE STADIUM )AT RAMPS 305-567-1771 ENGINEER 4INS CEDERBERS, INC. ZED ROAD. SUITE 217 MIAMI, FLORIDA 33143 1 305 741-6155 FAX: 11 MIAMI MARINE STADIUM - BOAT RAMP SHEETTITLE GKAOING PLAN SHEET PY A A CUT AREA, TYP. PROPOSED EXIST. GRADE FILL AREA, TYP. 9'-6" RIPRAP, TYP. 31'-6" TYP. 17'-9' — _ 11 PROPOSED RAMP PROFILE _ MHW = +1.74' NGVD CUT AREA, TYP. MLW = —0.31' NGVD SLOPE UP, TYP FD n n 01 --g 00 �3 ao A V:�P CURB, TYP. CONC.BOAT5 5 —0"A h RAMP, TYP. h o 7" C.I.P... CONC. SLAB TYP., N W/WWM 6X6—W2.9XW2.9 " 10 aMID —DEPTH, TYP. LEGEND 0 CUT AREA 0 10 20 GRAPHIC SCALE � FILL AREA 1ixv: r=zo' SLAB FILL AREA QUANTITY TABLE PLAN AREA 10 FOTAL CUT VOLUME 123.1 CY 3,323.7 CF 4,350.3 SF FOTAL CUT VOLUME 'BELOW MHW) 103.2 CY 2,786.4 CF,,,`,.,-a..*...3 • �8 3 SF 5 FOTAL FILL VOLUME NO SLAB 4.6 CY 125.5 CE ; m*o3 SF - 0 FOTAL FILL VOLUME NO SLAB 4.6 CY 125.5 CF�„eR V * "'�3� SF BELOW MHW) FOTAL FILL INCLUDING SLAB 19.9 CY 573.3 CF 1,335.5 SF -5 FOTAL FILL INCLUDING SLAB 17.9 CY 483.3 CF 997.3 SF 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 DISTANCE IN FEET FROM BASELINE SECTION A SCALE: H1:10 V1:5(11X17) CM-2.4 EXIST. GRADE PROPOSED RAMP PROFILE FILL AREA, TYP. 8 CUT AREA,: TYP. 11 MHW = +1.74' NGVD — --- MLW = —0.31' NGVD 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 DISTANCE IN FEET FROM BASELINE RER - NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION PRELIMINARY APPROVAL NAME Alexander Liebert SECTION B DATE 01/29/2021 SCALE: H1:10 V1:5(11X17) CM-2.4 PROPOSED RAMP PROFILE EXIST. GRADE 81 CUT AREA, TYP. MHW = +1.74' NGVD ---- FILL AREA, TYP. MLW = —0.31' NGVD BELOW MHW) ° 0 FOTAL RIP RAP AREA 1660 SF )EMOLITION VOLUME 'ASSUMES A 6" SLAB) 80.5 CY 2,175.1 CF 4,350.3 SF 'NOTE: DREDGING IS MAINTENANCE 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 DISTANCE IN FEET FROM BASELINE SECTION C SCALE: H1:10 V1:5(11X17) CM-2.4 NOTICE �PZ-21-11532� 11/04/22 NIAMI MARINE STADIUM 30ATKR AMPS gV `FLORIDA 33435 TYLININTERNATIONAL 201 Alh—ba Circle Suite 900 Coral Gables Florida 33134 Phone. 305 567 11888 Fax 305567/177/ 10 MARINE ENGINEER s I S EDERBERG INC. UM, SUITE 217 MIAMI SOUTH FLORIDA 33143 ° MIAMI MARINE -5 STADIUM — -10 JASON BOAT RAMP S u.�a TAYLOR;°;;;;;SEAT _ .• Na.77 '• y TArr , JASOAIS`aor �ce-c . 10 TAYLOR,:'g, m ...URL;•°P/ LOR P 110277 5 -5 -10 oho = o - tOPOSED GRADING PLAN s oF�onA A /•1 A NEW BOAT RAMP FACILITY % O. I/S:'l. /l� �'; �4 f { L �-ti �+ l,•�+'i_�f�^ F'r( �_ f _L! d" I (1.� f1� II f 1. ^^��,.i �J DEMOLISH AND REMOVE EXISTING RIP -RAP WALL _ r{ 1 ' PROPOSED RETAINING WALL J -( `I0 C n _ (SEE DETAIL 1 ON P-4.0) J [ ASPHALT PAVEMENT RECONSTRUCTION (SEE SHEET P-4.0 FOR GRADING DETAILS) PrIll- NOTICE \�PZ 21 11532� 11 /04/22 Al MARINE STADIUM T RAMPS --f --r" f r- �, IP1L..YIIVIrrtINFAIIa,INFiU :. - :' �! �} ( ( - f ('-' - 1 Y"'r. -t y i E ( � I '7 -�_ 1 201 Alh—bro Cirde Site B00 UPLAND GRADING-�'L �yC'--```, 1.�� fvw�t'ii..� I�^R'�+;,; u'� j-�,.�'�'I PhooeG}OS-567ritl668134 PROPOSED — SHALL MATCH F..; 305-567-1771 RIPRAP n PROPOSED 5.0'(NGVD) MARINE EER -1 _ CUM MINSNCEDERBERG INC. GRADE LINE ��. t _ ��- rr _ 4> �/ r� ! i �_ �e /� 3143 7550 RED ROAD, SUITE 217' �l�� TEL T11M W5741-6155IAMI. FLORIDA }FAX' 11 305 COA 97290629 WWW CUMMINSCEDERBERGCOM �/' d". n •, .( ��-'- �'t -�E (. 1 �._u j"- STADIUM MIAMI MARINE I� L•_ _ t_i.t A o Auto "1_ Ji r - - j r� BOAT RAMP ♦ II ,y FIM= PEN 624]2 - t TVLIN I, f 1211 f A L.+�i6 C aHe ° rih~1..��u.11A�� a����f,,.-off ��'�ii i'� �.-1�.. a�'-'1��` �11 e., cralcbl FL 33'134 I (! - , 1� u 61-_IL�� �-ii. f/-�,1oN .�� -` ems f�11.,f'"..tr'f ! f ^,rr ..„ Tnn 9 , ,b MICHELLE M. ARANA. P.E. p62472 p _ ''_`. � _f__�...___—.]I �—?„ :. �_�` 1 '+.. �tgr -� �'i � -A� ! . ?�`d''{1"j} �••I(,^Ij �5� "�T t �.«�1�_�r �s o �4- �f~R�+ o AL L. �d.^'yt DEMOLISH f ® In AREA TO RECONSTRUCT PROPOSED RIPRAP In r� L - � /- A ' • t PROJECT NO. B-]0046 DRAWN - ` CHECKED - - SCALE AS SHOWN 1'.5W SHEET TITLE y SITEPLA/N� t .✓ SHEET P_'; II t �. t Mean High Water ,Line + j— NAVD 88 Elevation D.18' " NGVD 29 Elevation 1.74' NOTICE AREA OF SEAGRASS IMPACTS* ® AREA OF MANGROVE SCRUB IMPACTS* �WH�PZ �21 �11532��e *PER DERM SURVEY PERFORMED ON 11/04/22 08-07-2019 'vm&-- AREA OF SEAGRASS IMPACTS 2,759 SF PRDJECT MIAMI MARINE STADIUM BOAT RAMPS �/ _ FDXD 30 5-567-1771 MARINE ENGINEER CUM Rio CEROAD.DRBEITE2RG, 17 INC. 755DSOU H MAM, 33143 EL TEL ]41 41-615 fi155 FAX Ht 97 —19 CDA WWW.CU21112MMINSCEDERBER&COM MIAMI MARINE STADIUM — BOAT RAMP AREA OF MANGROVE SCRUB IMPACTS 486 SF �( 4 / ti 'r r / AREA OF MANGROVE CANOPY IMPACT 385 SF 70 Michelle M A— Fb,di P.E.No.624]2- TYLIN International Alhambra Cir, Suite 9DD, Coral Gables, FL 33134 P, —d copies of this tloc,—are not Consi —d signetl &sealed The —te eneen�o���etlen aenCtl :rnets. z6zt.1zD316:n:Dz-Ds6D M. ARANA. P.E. 462472 "► ®5oa' / / s +� •� 00-k.lop � �. w — f PROJECT ND. B—]0046 / ���///II►►► ', I DRAWN / CHECKED SCALE AS SHOWN 1•;♦ r •,�W SHEET TITLE ENVIRONMENTAL BISCAYNE BAY- FLOATING TURBIDITY • BARRIER 10 � o• i o•' i t I E = E TURBIDITY BARRIER TURBIDITY BARRIER NOTES 1. TURBIDITY CURTAINS SHALL BE DEPLOYED IN A MANNER NOT TO ENTANGLE OR HARM MANATEES. 2. TURBIDITY SHALL BE MONITORED AS OUTLINED IN THE REGULATORY PERMITS. 3. TURBIDITY BARRIERS ARE TO BE USED IN ALL PERMANENT BODIES OF WATER REGARDLESS OF THE WATER DEPTH. 4. NUMBER AND SPACING OF ANCHORS DEPENDENT ON CURRENT VELOCITIES. 5. DEPLOYMENT OF BARRIER AROUND PILE LOCATIONS MAY VARY TO ACCOMMODATE CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS. 6. NAVIGATION MAY REQUIRE SEGMENTING BARRIER DURING CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS. EROSION/SEDIMENT CONTROL NOTES THE PURPOSE OF EROSION CONTROL IS TO PREVENT POLLUTION OF BODIES OF WATER ON OR ADJACENT TO THE PROJECT SITE. IN ADDITION, EROSION CONTROL SHALL PREVENT DAMAGE TO ADJACENT PROPERTY, AND WORK IN PROGRESS. ALL EROSION AND SILTATION MEASURES ARE TO BE PLACED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. IT SHALL BE THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO INSPECT ALL EROSION CONTROL DEVICES PERIODICALLY AND AFTER EVERY RAINFALL. ANY NECESSARY REPAIRS OR CLEANUP TO MAINTAIN THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE EROSION CONTROL DEVICES SHALL BE MADE IMMEDIATELY. ,e"VINYL SHEATHED EAW STEEL CABLE BREAKING STRENGTH) WITH CONNECTORS (TOOL FREE DISCONNECT) CLOSED CELL SOLID PLASTIC FOAM SLOTTED PVC CONNECTOR PIPE COLLAR REINFORCED) L SOLID PLASTIC FOAM FLOTATION (6" DIA EQUIV.) (12 LBS. (METAL B" DIA EQUIV.) (17 LBS. PER FT. BUOYANCY/ \ YANCY) 1 E ]B OZ NYLON ]8 OZ NYLON CREINFORCED 6 REINFORCED PVC FABRIC (300 PSI TEST) PVC FABRIC >s"GALVANIZED CHAIN GROMMETS n�� { 9 -5' STD. (SINGLE PANEL FOR DEPTHS 5' OR LESS).D, =5' STD. (ADDITIONAL PANEL FOR DEPTHS 5'lCURTAIN TO REACH BOTTOM UP TO DEPTHS OF ]0 FEET TWO (2) PANELS TO BE USED FOR DEPTHS GREATER THAN 10 FEET UNLESS SPECIAL DEPTH CURTAINS SPECIFICALLY CALLED FOR IN THE PLANS OR AS DETERMINED BY THE ENGINEER. FLOATING TURBIDITY BARRIERS NOTICE \�PZ-21.11532 11 /04/22 IAMI MARINE STADIUM OAT RAMPS ID1 RICKENBACKER CAUSEWAY AMI, F-DA 13435 ]i Alhombro C'rcle Suite 900 oroI Goble., Rondo 33134 one: 305 567 1666 - 305 567 1771 %RINE ENGINEER UMMINS CEDERBERG, INC. SD RED ROAD, SUITE 217 NU MIAMI, FLORIDA 33143 L tt 305 741-6155 FAX: ♦1 )S 974 1969 CUMNNSCEDERBERGCDM 9A 29D52 MIAMI MARINE STADIUM — BOAT RAMP M "elle M Arena FI da P E No 62472 sF TVLN Internatonal 201 Alh mbre Cr S.R. 900 C 1 Gables FL331134 P tdenop es d the d tare not -id ... d gned&sealed The gnature must be vented on the elecren o doonments. 2021.112 031515 28 05 00' MICHELLE M. ARANA. P.E. a62472 CONTROL 1�J L11Y'f]F� NOTICE rnisse INDEX OF DRAWINGS (C-0) In arcortlanawM1h hmellnes setforth in theCl of .211ee° t-1,d,°df hilth,`ty& Mi"I CWe. Theapphwde tlecis -o ahing bWy will rewewtheinbrmation at the pabec hearing to rentle,a recommendation o, a final eecivon. PARKING & SIGNAGE PZ-21-11532 11/04/22 Virginia Key Boat Ramp and Trailer Parking 3501 RICKENBACKER CSWY Document Drawing Name Description Name C-1 PARKING PLAN SUMMARY OVERALL MARKING AND SIGNAGE PLAN C-2 PARKING PLAN PAGE 1 MARKING AND SIGNAGE PLAN 1 OF 2 C-3 PARKING PLAN PAGE 2 MARKING AND SIGNAGE PLAN 2OF2 C-4 SIGNAGE MARKING AND SIGNAGE DETAILS O W m W W W Z J 2 U Q GENERAL NOTES: 1. ALL SIGNS SHALL COMPLY WITH THE MUTCD (LATEST EDITION). 2. ALL PAVEMENT MARKING SHALL COMPLY WITH THE MUTCD (LATEST EDITION), FDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR ROAD AND BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION (2020) SECTION 710, AND CITY OF MIAMI ENGINEERING STANDARDS FOR DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION (LATEST EDITION). 3. FORADDITIONAL PAVEMENT MARKING INFORMATION REFER TO SHEETS 2,3AND 4. 4. FOR PAVEMENT MARKING DETAILS REFER TO SHEET 4. 5. FOR SIGN DETAILS REFER TO SHEET 4. 6. ANY EXISTING MARKING IN CONFLICT WITH THE NEW MARKING AS SHOWN, SHALL BE REMOVED. ]. DISABLED PARKING PAVEMENT LOGO OPTINOAL PER(FDOT) SIZE 3 CPS FEET IN HEIGHT AND WHITE IN COLOR. 60 0 60 120 S C A L E I N F E E T BOAT RAMP (UNDER MARINE STADIUM STANDS CONSTRUCTION) • e e �°e v a a e e .. ., e e e e v CP ATK5#105v e v v v v v v v v v v R MA G NAIL & WASHER LB 24 NORTH ING'. 513514.20 EA STING'. 928989. 24 ELEV'. 4.59(NAVD88) o 0 MARINE STADIUM RAMPS Coral Gables, Floritla 33134 Phone'305-56]-1888 Far.: 305-56] 1771 EhG'hEER CUMMINSCEDERBERG, INC. TEL 1 1..17FI cEOEaXEaI Conn 0.1969 MIAMI MARINE STADIUM - BOAT RAMP PARKING Lu Adolfo O Lu Lu • � � o e e e e e e a ae m VERO'S ST x --------------- SE ER EN RICKBACKCAUSEWAY — — — — TTE nEE OVERALL MARKING AND SI CHACE PLAN ET uo. NOTICE O � O LAYOUT POINTTAKENAT CENTERLINE BETWEEN �v O MARKING AS SHOWN PARKING SPACES: (THIS SHEET) O DISABLED (10.]x 60') 3 EA 2D 0 20 40 TRAILER (10' .45) 14 EA SCALE IN FEET DETAIL "A" NTS a BOAT RAMP (UNDER CONSTRUCTION) O 8" YELLOW DIAGONAL SEE DETAIL "A" ON ❑ STRIPE (TVP) THIS SHEET ❑ N:513351 84 SEE �00 ® ® E.9218919.]0 R7-8 SIGN ® ® SHEET BAIL"B"ON ® MIAMI MARINE STADIUM ❑ © ©LB a LM a a © © 0 BOAT RAMPS ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 1 LAVOUTPOINT aick ue�Fcx�ers�,�usenav �nu�ni��aa� 1 IN 513165.95 ❑ 1 \ �e �e - E.929110.08 201 Alhambra Cirde Suite 900 ❑ / 2 3.o Q\ 0 �y 0 4" YELLOW EDGE STRIPE Coral Gables, Florida 33134 a by Jm (TVP) O Phone: 305-56].1888 305-b07-i T/1 ❑ ❑ F �j MgaluE EucWEEa CUM MINCEDERBERG, INC. LAYOUT POINT SEE DETAIL "C"7550 RED MARKING POINT ON SHEET 4 N:513303.06 LAYOUT POINT IN 513165.35 So_AS -s ❑ 513367 ❑ \ LAYOUT POINT E.928]8585.81 E928924. 5 E.929065.52 MARKING POINT �..cu�i�iluscEDEaeEac.con/i LAYOUT POI SEE DETAIL "D'� N:513302.86 N:51314]45 ON:513351 0 ON SHEET 4 E.928909.15 E.:29083.62 ❑ E.9288:9 -' -� -' -' -' MARKING POINT ® N SR33N81601NT O RADIUS POINT E.92908].58 R1-1 STOPS GIN E.928841.22 N:513129.63 AND R3-1 SIGN E.929073.25 �,/ �1 ,� �,I L MIA y` j T yjARINE MARKING POINT N:51330624 MARKING POINT MARKING POINT (+'rADI i;� - J V E.928824.23 IN 513299.58 6" WHITE EDGE 39 IN gz9 24 BOAT R9MP E.928855.1] STRIPE (TVP) e PARKING MARKING POINT RADIUS POINT - N513265.04 Q" MARKING POINT IN513105 ]3 E.928996.m Q-v� L MARKING POINT E.928820.6] IN 513322.59 N:513243.96 E.928801.81 E.928818.42 ®❑ ® MARKING P®NT © m m P m ❑ ❑ ® P ❑ P ❑ ❑ P ❑ 0 0 Ad01F0 O C2021;�� e® IN513255.77 E.928]91 93 MARKING POINT RADIUS POINT IN 1307783 ig IN 513329.90 MARKING POINT IN513221.96 E.929025.60 WHITETHROUGH E.928752.35 RADIUS POINT E:928808.35 LANEUSEARROW (TVP) IN 13247 W 36' / REFER TO DETAIL "E" ON E.928]82.56_ SHEET4 -X 1 MARKING POINT RADIUS POINT RADIUS POINT MARKING POINT MARKING POINT -_ R N:513186 05 N:513161 11116 N:5139. N:513013.1] :.45 /N 9288 .88[RNA9512993 8 9 E.928933.99 E.928962.65E28968.5]E.928]86.05 DIUS POINT = X © N512972.52 I MARKING POINT RR.DIUS POINT N:513222.:9 O's E.928990.0]lI I 513264.55 E.928]]5.5] I RADIUS POINT R1-1 STOP SIGN Rp, 1 E.928]OINT /IN 513163. 65 MARKING POINT 6"DOUBLE YELLOW w iX / E.921712.29 N513128.35 EDGE STRIPE (TVP) E.92878].00 MARKING POINT IN 513012.41 R30' RS-ia WRONG 6" WHITE EDGE E.928906.09 WAV SIGN ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑t oo DR� MIT MARKING POINT 30'24"WHISTOP (TVP.) (TVP.) _ BAI SIGN R31 SIGNIN'13195T ]4 ® �6"YELLOW 48' Ri-1 STOPS ION KING POINT UTE SEEMARKING AND SIGNAGE E.928]49.33 MARKING POINT CENTER (TVP.) AND R3-2 SIGN N:512951.02 PLAN 1 OF 2 N:513150.20 STRIPE(TVP) E.922969.14 EEi No. X X E.928]5020 X X X X 2 ❑ ❑❑ o PARKING SPACES: (THIS SHEET) DISABLED(12x 18') 2EA REGULAR 90' (9' x 18') 14 EA REGULAR 45'(8. 5' x 26. 5') 13 EA TRAILER (10' .45) 30 EA TRAILER (10' x 60') 28 EA R1-1 STOP SIGN 6' WHITE EDGE STRIPE (TVP.) 48' (TVP.) 30' 'I � 10' 16' ,111 (1Y1.)� ® e ❑f' 6" DOUBLE YELLOW EDGE STRIPE (TVP.) UP 30' o ®© 6' YELLOW CENTER STRIPE (TVP ) ©© IF] IF] © RI-1 SIGN ❑ ❑ ❑ MARKING POINT ❑ ❑ a❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ IN 512585.37 5' 12' MARKING POINT E.929491.52 MARKING POINT MARKING POINT N'.51252].34 MARKING POINT MARKING POINT S6 N'.512518.19 N'.512514.56 E.`2957645 IN 512559.86 IN 1258].26 ®p E.92952].0] E.929564.01 MARKING POINT E.9294]6.42 E.929479.91 MARKING POINT R1-1 STOP SIGN IN 512511.07 MODIFIED SIGN R4 `\PO- IN 512500.75`- AND IRS SIGN E'.92956T.60 (SEE SHEET 4) MARKING POINT E.929514.58 MARKING POIN LAYOUT POINT MARKING POINT IN 512556.10 IN 512510.08 IN 512483.54 IN 51254].30 E.92MBB 14 E.929528.48 E.929621 44 E.92945042 B - R5 _ /' MARKING POINTS. 9' 9' j tt LAYOUT POINT O IN 512540.92 t IN 512482.74 J E.929451.52 MARKING P INT E.929561 92 Lu MARKING POINT IN 51250542 MODIFIED SIGN R4 m IN 512519.97 Q, BS �RIF 929523.95 (SEE SHEET 4) IW E.92944].13 MARKING POINT A LAYOUT POINT MARKING POINT v B h IN 51249777 IN 512549.10 MARKING POINT S .y6 IN 512454.20 N'.51252715 - E.929554.65 E.929533.33 Lu E.929400.84 MARKING POINT MARKING POINT R1-1 STOP SIGN E929432.82. \ ���r IN 12516.57 IN E512500.49 J E.929448.5992M95 RADIUS POINT - _ IN 512567 E.929392.14 N H MARKING POINT N'.512552.]8 E.9293]8.191 MARKING POINT RADIUS POINT MARKING POINT MARKING POINT IN 512527 36 IN 512513.10 IN 512501 86 IN 512454.30 E.929439.54 E.929426.11 E.929491 65 E.929526.25 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ MIAMI MARINE STADIUM 30ATcRAMPS 201 AlM1ambra Cycle uiie 9 S99 Coral Gables, Floritla 33134 PM1one305-56]-1888 Far.: 305-56] 1]]1 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 �­UECUMMINSNCEDERBERG, INC. MARKING POINT Ri-1 MARKING POINT LAYOUT POINT MARKING POINT �i MARKING POINT c s R1-1 STOP SIGN IN 51251742 STOP N'. 512509.51 N'. 512492.53 IN 51250].11 IN 512489.72 EOEaeEac.coM E.929423.35 SIGN E.92942263 E.929448.91 E.929486.26 E.929554.75 CM # 29062 ER O 1\38.8\ E.929914. 88\ WHITETHROUGH LAYOUT POINT / MARK ING POINT MARKING POINT LANE -USE ARROW (TVP) IN 512206.18 IN 512120.16 IN 512123.16- REFER TO DETAIL 'E' E.92984574 E.929864.81 E.92.16.68 ON SHEET _ MARKING POINT �� �)► �)► �� �)► �)► IN512086.99- MARKING POINT E929881 47 LAYOUT POINT IN 512134.26 IN 51215756 E.929862.03 MARKING POINT E.929838.11 IN 512084.34, E.9298]].02 \ \ AN STOP SIGN � AND R3-2 SIGN LAYOUT POINT N'.512113.03 E.929838.70 ©o 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 "'M❑ o 0 t0 O MARKING POINT I MARKING POINT IN 512103.33 R1-1 STOP IN 512082.40 E.929MB 67 SIGN E.9298]0.16 20 D 2D 4D SCALE IN FEET MIAMI MARINE STADIUM - BOA T RAMP ® X PARKING x MARKING POINT N'.512156.89 E.929957 20 Adolfo O Canal�'�a®",","_L6' X R5-1 WAY SIGN MARKING POINT - `N'. 512075.15 E.929877 62 X Ri -{ STOP SIGN NORTHING: 512049.40 FASTING: 929869.89 HEE MARKING AND SIGNAGE ELEV:3.3V (NAVD88) PLAN 2 OF 2 -ET uo. STOP SIGN (R1-1) NTS 36" MITIO WRONG WAY SIGN (R5-1a NTS 24" 24" —r NO RIGHT TURN (R3-1) NO LEFT TURN (R3-2) NTS NTS 24° 195 9.5" 1 AL BLAC12 -� TRAILERS LEGEND RESERVED PARKING FOR WHITE BACKGROUND PERSONS WITH (RETROREFLECTIVE) DISABILITIES (R7-8) MODIFIED SIGN R4 NTS NTS r I- BETWEEN STRIPES 4" WHITE u/ STRIPE (TVP.) t NTS r I- BETWEEN STRIPES 8"BLUE / STRIPE (TYR) 4" WHITE % STRIPE (TVP.) 9e DETAIL 'C" NTS NOTE: 1. TH E CONTRACTOR SHALL REFER TO THE FDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR ROAD & BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION SECTION 710 FOR THE MATERIALS TO BE USED FOR STRIPPING, MARKING AND PAINTING PARKING STALLS. DETAIL "D" NTS DETAIL 'E" NTS 6" WHITE CHEVRON MARKING AS PER FDOT (2020) TANGARD PLANS INDEX 11-001 24"WHITE , STOP BAR SIGN IF 6" DOUBLE YELLOW 6" WHITE EDGE STRIPE EDGE STRIPE SIGN ADJACENT TO STOP BAR DETAIL NTS NOTES: 1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REFER TO MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (LATEST EDITION) FOR EXACT DIMENSIONS. 2. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REFER TO THE FDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR ROAD & BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION SECTION 710 FOR THE MATERIALS TO BE USED FOR STRIPPING, MARKING AND PAINTING PARKING STALLS. THE INTERNATIONAL SYMBOL OF ACCESSIBILITY, WHITE SYMBOL IN BLUE BACKGROUND 1/2" BLACK LETTERS ON HITE BACKGROUND 1-3/4" GONG. FILLED GALV. MTL. PIPE. TO BE PAINTED BLACK BREAKAWAY SIGN POST BASE "X 1'-6" DEEP NON -SHRINK PDXY GROUT FOOTING 1 WELDED # 3 BARS tLONG OIMPACTED ILL DISABLED PARKING SIGN NOTES: 1. TOP PORTION OF R7-8 SHALL HAVE A REFLECTIVE BLUE BACKGROUND WITH WHITE REFLECTIVE SYMBOL. 2. BOTTOM PORTION SHALL HAVE A REFLECTIVE WHITE BACKGROUND WITH BLACK OPAQUE LEGEND AND BORDER. MARINE STADIUM RAMPS Coral Gables, Floritla 33134 Phone'305-56T-1888 Far,. 305-567-1771 CUoMMINREIoSyCEDERBERG, INC. �innluscEOERCov1 0.1969 ..G. MIAMI MARINE STADIUM - BOAT RAMP PARKING Adolfo O Canal IDOLFOCLIAL I.E.-- MARKING AND SIGNAGE DETAILS SHEET... 4 TREE DISPOSITION TREE/PALM## '. EXIST TREE/PALM EXIST TREE/PALM NOTICE -1 LEGEND NUMBER TO REMAIN TO REMOVE l/I DRA CA" 20 00 DEMDLSH RAMP T: — OPOSED BOAT �P HEry o OTHEE Lj �Br _ER � N T-4A jl�2 T 13 /EDEO T-16T-9 T-20 - T-H T T-17 T-1 T-7 T-18 T-19 TREE PROTECTION BARRIER -- T� GCATE BEIDNA TPC TIP, TREE AD TEcnON APPEAR ENISi. EDGE l.\ - . . DF PA LEMENi n _ __ _ N x \ J DOE OF WATER 1A -- oEMD�sHEOPfYL TIETO � T-21 o o < T-22 H T. , -F RECOMMEND TO REMOVE RP RAP / / WALL er HwvD IN TIN LocATION / - T-23 \ T-2 ­H;,LT T-25 METnL PLATE (TYPE �_2 In-E ELITEj // YI RIC<ENBACKER CAUSEVJ,4Y , TREE DISPOSITION CHART CE xC eurANt CAt rvANE CaNMary ManE 8x 11N.L v�Hhl 'anDtifo f5vostifo zorvEfrvz)i�to' etf tx. � t lnPPA ro saecros cKeaw TaM,000 a.Ts it to Boa uxws ,p a=•°BSA° °PUN DernlL° °1KEE BANDING DETAIL° 0RE0°HEK1RFGOb mM actall la raaomalanxd In slxNaxlona »t,are oxnar xraa Pro[eeNondcvlceacan no:baused. NOTE: REMOVALS ARE ACCOUNTED FOR IN THE FOLLOWING PERMITS: FDEP: ERP 13-306513-011-El, USAC'E' SAI 2011-01666 (SP -NML ); OERM: CLI-2019-0015 °WOOD BARRIER DETAIL ° i ENGINEERS I PLANNERS I SCIENTISTS CONSTRUCTION MANAGERS 2425WCypresaCcekBoadSnmlD1 Eo d.,W EE33w9.IRM.n6.1616 w kNLa K C I INSEDBUSINESSNO.6901 — DRAwN — CHECKED — REVISION TREE DISPOSITION PLAN / TREE DISPOSITION CHART TREE PROTECTION DETAILS 3501 RICKENBACKER CAUSEWAY A PORTION of SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 54 SOUTH, RANGE 42 EAST vIRGINIA KEY, MIAMI—DARE COUNTY, FLORIDA SHEET 1 OF 2 DATE BY DESCRIPTION KCI PROJECT NUMBER: 5121DD91B.DDC I DATE: MARCH 30. 21321 LANDSCAPE LEGEND EXIST TREE/PALM � PROPOSED TREES TO REMAIN �I..7-7; IRAvwCC SCAUE 20 za ( io Boom 1 �fDGE OF 'i �F 4 �\ M GAP P6 — — — — TREE PPOTE 0, \ \ \ 2, _ _ _ _ — _ _ CT ON BPRRiER _. _._ _ 1 _x J a \ P£DGE OF WATER F.5 \/ / PL O BE D MOL SH D(9YOTHEPE) ME I' REMOSELO'4TOM A_F ,LT p P_ TT mPJ a ° � za LPL � � st 'EL 3501 RICK=NBAC4EP CAUSEWAY `by �`1 ° AEPH LT ° 9 - CR + �. \ 2 CR2 \ +\ 0 ,0 �' � \ Note: Details and mitigation calculations were shown on sheets 1 and 2, but have now been removed due to current information. +��L LANDSCAPE TABULATION OF 0—TITIES yy S NU llt Afa o HtMNUS N1! ENtNI S LtG+R A TR„E Pl+ 90iFlt � � 1 \ } t - Uti f tw <cry re .r - 5ainrtc m ur - m 0 \ ,� i ENGINEERS I PLANNERS I SCIENTISTS CONSTRUCTION MANAGERS 14M=Cypm Q_kRoA5Z101 Hon l�oae bk, PL Ma-95.T6.1616• wwwk— KC I LIEENSED BUSINESS NO.6901 — o�wN — DHCDxeo .„ — REVISION TREE DISPOSITION PLAN TREE DISPOSITION CHART TREE PROTECTION DETAILS 3501 RICKENBACKER CAUSEWAY A PORTION of SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 54 SOUTH, RANGE 42 EAST VIRGINIA KEY, MIAMI—DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA SHEET 2 OF 2 DATE BY DESCRIPTION KCI PROJECT NUMBER: 5121DD91B DDC DATE: MARCH 30, 2D21 / SITE OF--//��� �0 SURVEY LOCATION 5EETCH (rvo TA "ATC LEGEND: SYMBOLS: HIP scrvTwneON (D Tuc SURVEYOR'S REPORT AND NOTES: erio/oas M T IE T M TIED TUR TIE scrviNc PARTY 11 APFTEI is 111111"Eo 11111T TIE T IIIIEx I T T TI T NTry Ill Ill Ill ELTINNIIE1 AI cloeu EM (GPS)�IPE TIC IX* MEI"A USING TxEM RiM- NRTIAT HIERENCE ITIGI NRS1. NOTICE \�PZ-21-1fi1532� 1lroazz T-AA T'S T-10 T-15 T-1 VT -J J T 4 T 5 T-7 SNJD T-6J T-13 `T-17 T-20 0 ❑ 0IF ® 0 O O O O 014 O O O o ASPHALT � 2,2 METAL PLATE (TIP) Ex2 METAL PLATE (TVP 3501 RICKENBACKER CAUSEWAY RIPIALT TREE DISPOSITION CHART GRAPHIC SCA" 2� I IN A.DT 1 i FICATE: III ,E "5 EN��NEEI=, AND PLRNEA= IENETI Benjamin B Hoyle 2021.12.17 T. '00'05- 14:11:52 —T-21 / T-22 SAND rT-23 o c \ tdU}1� T-25 LT-24 Z ENGINEERS I PLANNERS I SCIENTISTS CONSTRUCTION MANAGERS noonooI 142 Wc—c, 11-11s i`lot For[laudecdile, FL 33309. 954.T/6.1616•_w NEL_ K C I LICENSED BUSINESS NO.6901 — owwN _ G.—O �, REVISION SPECIFIC PURPOSE SURVEY 3501 RICKENBACKER CAUSEWAY A PORTION of SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 54 SOUTH, RANGE 42 EAST VIRGINIA KEY, MIAMI—DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA SHEET 1 OF 1 DATE BY DESCRIPTION KCI PROJECT NUMBER: 512100916.000 DATE: MARCH 25, 2D21 SURVEYORS REPORT OF TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY MIAMI MARINE STADIUM SIM ISLAND OF VINGNIA AEY CITY OF MDIMI. MIAMI—AIDE COUNTY, FLORNA nxtYCts I o csxmeu[r. er)mau .. tee........ �a�c n�cw roe.... sroucn IxNv/!lBPoxl' a' fnPnsRfPII/c suxrsr. rrea s�revr: j �cvaer Al A- ,war osscM�m'Iav m^ rxmm wAv: ARl)CI6 ry tivcorvsmwucs ro�R M(. M:....gy k[cavowc ur%uoc vrr W11 ✓aA oAa22) Al eAs rervr I —A Al A1c%ver relro 7Nsu,�ANlr re71 1-may. roan w vaee/ M. M w u µ 117 N>'rJ.r re ✓1tr rs. rss2 " P�A7 clan ", A7 r7 (vmrlNai cr zs bwv—F ct a1/ Avcaa) 7 rr lN<�1 iDCA7rD 262sC(N1wzs).DEe7He cEv7Ew,vE 19ss MAVDSeI 7 7e. 7 rlre 7rowzovrAe n�m urero1 roNrpat %r�r rouanNc us. NA7ICNAL 1Eoanrc rvRu (rv1s)srA7oN wAslsrDIve. ra. ree71 111E//co,9ijv7rre/ Au7-aw[ ID aoCUR 17-1 Rei(a�7) v1oM�s47 7s.i7onT J DeD' as 75s7e7c(w9 nD✓vnEa B3(2a//) nUP57✓D /fFIG/7.- 2a ssD IA+EiE 83 orer 2icnrcA>RK 7/riG/+710 �eawea .]23 (,NnF )/2.3]?[ 1a1✓1nc1 A b/o %a c%ru Ica Nm roN r a£j/-`o�rrc Eu7lxsns 1Ev7csD 11 77.r svrurr,wo .111 wuslrerD 7111 —11AID a-oarzoMn/ vamiars% Aecvcr va wre�/ arram roa w�Ruza� o %mR�i A amProreR.EUDea1,v�DZ1 A'ro urm%me F Al vD,e,'xmxs Ni IfY souxnur M'nM:ftm'MCYss/gGuamanmac sURVAroR's [LriI.VCIfP rtacrDp s� ufC L OGA TPFO1 NOTICE PZ-21-11532 I EWW IC6CND111711 ABdaEMAlxWs O "., 117E —'�%— % 1 % ar c sruma vur✓7Ea uva raacE wvN uNE b rus ro 0 us rKvt ryrv7ri J oA7�r Dr 7see ® uarvrlic ryHmrvopwrv)I,- ox 1reD soar J ® e1s� uror < uwrnrowN 7111 � 7Ei u 1-1 m v�t✓E (wnrrn,J6 Ill ?vU NOTA BOUNDARY SURVEY CLIENT o! I! PROJECT TASK ORIGINAL: ]OR NO. i«ns VF /�T K I N S800WATEPFORDWAY MIAMI, F� �f 's MIAMI MARINE STADIUM REyISI4NS: I _ 1 DRAwn dESIGNED o� 2- 3_ �?� CITY OF MIAMI VIRGINIA KEY TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY 4 ECHEO (70a7 592-7275 QC own 4' ATMNSNORTH AMERICA, INC. ��Ir- CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA FLORIDA CERTIFICATE OFAUTHORIZARON NUMBER LB24 o u 5 Know what's bBIOW. Call before you dig. SHEET: I OF 4 NOTICE aaroazzPZ-1121_11532 vo NOTA BOUNDARY SURVEY) ATEPFORDWAY CLIENT 8%ol PROJECT TASK ORIGINAL- JOB NO.SOTME00IREVISIONS: S$�W FL ATKIN33126 MIAMI MARINE STADIUM I -DESIGNED DMI, 2- 3- CITY OFMIAMI VIRGINIA KEY TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY CHEO(ED (303) 592-7275 Qc 4- AH(JNS NORTH AMERICA, INC. CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA FLORIDA CERTIFICATE OFAUTHORIZATiON NUMBER L824 - Know what's below. Call before you dig. SHEET: 2 OF 4 sas22 07 E 42-0 'I a y' aM _ NOTICE GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET — Z.11^1 m1iu9 PZ-21-11532 Q7 zz ze'�,' �iE .vawNs srawuar sravos ,„,µ �oE °ooHr: Aw avoazz ..i f.�:� o scvn �' • a o .� T; 0 r i ._ mr Lu Lu uj Lu � r W Z ------------ • esb — PARCEL B y,wil r" x \ ! x — — — — 1'f ___ I " _ � I \ P Y/ �r • d p�cj . cwc PARCEL 7 r x . — szooa r^Y Rf3°'unov �° °�s°u� • r — — — T _ _ ..�. r 1,� r s• I j e 6 ti �' °. ioans°P.�E1°°iw:M t IF Pr..l 74 — W 0 — — _ HCX61H4CK�CA(.HEWAY i ' 163 — — ooa — — ---� ACKEIIBACll9-? CA WAY .waIEE �a. =v, a°°K �< °.°r ° >x'I"�EI`; x� Ew.. NOTA BOUNDARY SURVEY S /�T K I N S800WATEPFORDWAY MfA 1, FL CLIENT Y OF GYT' ! �;/� �, PROJECT MIAMI MARINE STADIUM TASK RIGIREVISI N REVISIONS: I � ]OD N DRAWN DESIGNED z 3aazs (��z75 ATXtN5 NORTH AMERfCA, INC. FLORIDA CERTIFICATE OFAUTHORIZATION NUMBER L824 `� ...... r It CITY OF MIAMI VIRGINIA KEY CITY OF MIAMI i FLORIDA TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY Know w11 W.re you CeII before you dig. CHECKED QC SHEET:3 OF4 4 5 EA64 M9911TAR54 f7- - - - - - - - - l SIAN— A - - - - - - -------- - -- - - - - - - - - -- 7 - - - - - - - - - - - - - c, NOTICE — --------- ----- ---- AL........... Rlaw �4 545-22 E 107D 97 146 35 54E 91494,�­ -21-11532 PZ 545 35 —TEmw.Y. S.F.- GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET k A6brm., 22 LV'w 2- 1.11 Aj ei x NOT PLATTED PO`Y7 ,01, Or 5,0TIO,UB r/NGL LLJ LEASE Lu • TO WNS91F 54, RANGE 42 EAST 07 Lu LLJ n Lu L) T a— ----- ----- RPA)�-- 8 22 �j 1 23LI 51 PF IAL 15-CE FGP air B N-1 01 I-EITI) P, OU or AIX yf Gs A, _NPa-- 4* ----- -------- ----------------------- -------------- --------------- - --------------------------- IN ------------------------------------------------------- --------------- --- ---------- ---------------------------- -------------- --------------------------- --- -1 - - - - - - - - --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- -1-W0MWR4CkE3?CAtWWAY --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 1 N45 22 L7 1 ------------ IS 111:11141t,� 1- 62 -- -- -------------------------------------------------------------- --------- --------- ­,V NOT BOUNDARY SURVEY ATERFOROWA I 700 L CLIENT Op ?MIAMI PROJECT MARINE STADIUM TASK ORIGINAL— REVISIONS: I- 19 '00. --10TI-E DESIGNEDATKINS$�W D INMIAMI, 2- - �3126 '03) 592-7275 ATIVNISNORTH AMERICA, INC. FLORIDA CERTIFICATE OFAUTHORIZARON NUMBER LB24 1; A\ x CITY VIRGINIA KEY CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY Know what's below. Call before you dig. CHECKED QC own SHEET: 4 OF 4 4- Ma *4 j, Jiff A�u 14 September 12, 2022 Date CITY OF MIAMI HEARING BOARDS MIAMI RIVERSIDE CENTER 444 SW 2ND AVENUE, 3RD FLOOR MIAMI, FLORIDA 33130 RE: Property Owner's List Within 500 Feet of: Street Address(es) 3501 Rickenbacker Causeway, Miami FL 33149 Total number of labels without repetition: 11 I certify that the attached ownership list, map and mailing labels are a complete and accurate representation of the real estate property and property owners within a 500-foot radius of the subject property listed above. This information reflects the most current records on file in the Miami -Dade County Tax Assessor's Office. I also understand that a new list will be requested by the City of Miami Hearing Boards if it is determined the property owner information list initially submitted is older than six (6) months. Sincerely, OVIR-1 III Id �. Signature Lorraine Rosado-Pietri Printed Name or Company Name 444 SW 2nd Ave, Miami FL 33130 Address 305-416-1448 Telephone lrosadopietri-c@miamigov.com E-mail Rev. 10-18 OWNERS NAME 1 CITY OF MIAMI DEPT OF P & D ASSET MANAGEMENT DIVISION 2 CITY OF MIAMI/ASSET MGMT 3 CITY OF MIAMI 4 CITY OF MIAMI-RUSTYDELI ASSET MANAGEMENT DIVISION 5 CITY OF MIAMI /ASSET MANAGEMENT RICKENBACKER MARINA 6 CITY OF MIAMI-DEPT OF P&D ASSET MANAGEMENT DIVISION 7 MIAMI DADE COUNTY GSA -PUBLIC WORKS, CAUSEWAYS DIV. 8 CITY OF MIAMI-RICK MARIN ASSET MANAGEMENT DIVISION 9 CITY OF MIAMI DEPT OF P7D ASSET MANAGEMENT DIVISION 10 CITY OF MIAMI ASSET MANAGEMENT DIVISION 11 BOARD OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION MAILING STREET .CODW 444 SW 2 AVE STE 325 MIAMI FLORIDA 33130 444 SW 2 AVE #325 MIAMI FLORIDA 33130 444 SW 2 AVE 2FL MIAMI FLORIDA 33130 444 SW 2 AVE STE #325 MIAMI FLORIDA 33130 444 SW 2 AVE STE #325 MIAMI FLORIDA 33130 444 SW 2 AVE STE #325 MIAMI FLORIDA 33130 111 NW 1 ST STE 2460 MIAMI FLORIDA 33128 444 SW 2 AVE STE #325 MIAMI FLORIDA 33130 444 SW 2ND AVE STE 325 MIAMI FLORIDA 33130 444 SW 2ND AVE STE 325 MIAMI FLORIDA 33130 1450 NE 2 AVE MIAMI FLORIDA 33132 COUNTRY FOLIO US 01-4217-000-0110 US 01-4217-000-0030 US 01-4217-000-0010 US 01-4218-000-0011 US 01-4218-000-0030 US 01-4218-000-0010 US 01-4208-000-0020 US 01-4217-000-0020 US 01-4217-000-0012 US 01-4217-000-0031 us 30-4217-000-0100 e 71709.52FTW 487 AC M/L & 1954.40FTNW OF C TH N 45 DEG W 3075FT S 00 DEG W 650FT 45 DEG E2620FT N 44 DEG E 460FT TO POB LESS BEG 1709FTS & 1954.40FTNW OF SE COR OF SEC TH SW263FT NW90FT NE63FT NW245FT NE200FT SE335FT TO POB LESS PORT OF CITY OF MIAMI OWNED LAND ON VIRGINIA KEY & LEASED TO MARINE STADIUM ENTERPRISES INC IDENTIFIED AS LEASE AREA 1-A 1-B 1-C & PARCEL B FAU 30.4217. 000. 0110 171854428AC A PORTION OF CITY OF MIAMI OWNED LAND ON VIRGINIA KEY AND LEASED TO MARINE STADIUM ENTERPRISES INC IDENTIFIED AS LEASE AREAS 1-A 1-B 1-C AND PARCEL B F/A/U 30-4217- 000-0110 17 54 42 6.47 AC M/L GOUT LOT 1 IN SEC LESS PORT LEASED TO UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI & LESS BEG AT SE COR OF SE1/4 OF SEC TH N 89 DEG W 125.20FT NLY-NELY AD 307.40FT TO E/L OF SE1/4 S 00 DEG E 280.99FT TO POB & LESS COMM AT X OF C/L OF RICKENBACKER CSWY & S/L OF SEC 17 S 45 DEG E 251.67FT N 64 DEG E 930.84FT FOR POB CONT N 64 DEG E 671.08FT S 25 DEG E 496.81 FT S 43 DEG W 100FT N 89 DEG W 516.35FT N 45 DEG W 328.66FT TO POB & LESS BEG 1000FTN M/L OF SE COR OF SEC TH S 64 DEG W 1133.85FT M/L S 25 DEG E 496.81 FT M/L S 43 DEG W 100FT M/L S 89 DEG E 685FT M/L NELY-NLY AD 1047.35FT M/L TO POB AKA VIRGINIA KEY OR 3080-129 1148 3 18 54 42 3.497 AC COMM SE COR OF SEC 17 TH W2649.84FT M/L NW4700.21 FT NE520FT FOR POB TH NW602.87FT S 60 DEG W 180FT N 29 DEG W 100FT N 60 DEG E 359.69FT SE650.70FT SW200FT TO POB PER LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF MIAMI & BISCAYNE BAY RESTAURANT F/A/U 01-4218-000-0010 BLDG N/A/U 01-4218-000-0020 TENANT OWNED IMPROVMENTS LOCATED ON A PORTION OF CITY OF MIAMI LAND ON VIRGINIA KEY KNOWN AS LEASED PARCEL #2 SAID PARCEL BEING LEASED TO MARINA BISC INC BY LEASE AGREEMENT OF JULY 8 1977 & FURTHER SUB -LEASED UNDER FOLIO 01-4218-000-0031 18 54 42 531.50 AC PARCEL C AS PER DB 1900-355 LESS PORTION LEASED TO BISCAYNE BAY RESTAURANT CORP LOT SIZE IRREGULAR 150FT R/W FOR CAUSEWAY FROM VIRGINIA KEY TO POINT VIEW IN SEC 8-17-18-19 54 42 & SEC 13 52 41 & LESS COMM 1 INCH DIAM IRON PIPE SET IN CONCRETE MARK OF C/L OF RICK CSWY & S/L OF SEC 17 TH N 89 DEG W 2649.97FT N 45 DEG W 3692.72FT N 00 DEG W 189.72FT FOR POB CONT N 00 DEG W 91.35FT S 45 DEG E 264.73FT S 44 DEG W 65FT N 45 DEG W 200.55FT TO POB 17 18 54 42 PORT OF CITY OF MIAMI OWNED LAND ON VIRGINIA KEY PER LEASE AGREEMENT TO MARINA BISCAYNE INC K/A LEASE AREA NO 2 LESS ACCESS RD & LESS SUBLEASED AREA A/U FOLIO 01 4218 000 0031 & LESS COMM 1 INCH DIAM IRON PIPE SET IN CONCRETE MARK OF C/L OF RICK CSWY & S/L OF SEC 17 TH N 89 DEG W 2649.97FT N 45 DEG W 3692.72FT N 00 DEG W 189.72FT FOR POB TH N 00 DEG W 91.35FT N 45 DEG W 162.13FT S 44 DEG W 65FT S 45 DEG E 226.31 FT TO POB 17 54 42.92 AC M/L BEG 2565.05FTW & 638.82FTNELY & 1697.97FTNW OF SE COR OF SEC CONT NW200FT SW200FT SE200FT NE200FT TO POB 17 54 42.75 AC M/L BEG 1709.52FTW & 1954.40FTNW OF SE COR OF SEC TH SW263FT NW90FT NE63FT NW45FT NE200FT SE135FT TO POB LOT SIZE 32670 SQ FT FAU 30-4217-000-0030 17 54 42 11.18 AC M/L BEG SE COR SEC W1709.52FT N 45 DEG W809.4FT TO POB CONT NW1145F S 44 DEG W460FT S45 DEG E978.03 FT N 64 DEG E489.37FT TO POB LESS COMM AT SE COR OF SEC N 89 DEG W 1709.52FT N 45 DEG W 1954.40FT S 44 DEG W 460FT S 70 DEG E 86.34FT FOR POB TH N 42 DEG E 35FT S 47 DEG E 35FT S 42 DEG W 35FT N 47 DEG W 35FT TO POB LOT SIZE 487082 SQ FT OR 14528-664 0490 3