HomeMy WebLinkAboutAnalysis and MapsG,VY OF PLANNING DEPARTMENT w� Project Fact Sheet INCOP ARAiEO 7f 18 99 p R t This document is used to provide a summary for Planning Department related projects. Project Name: Project Address: 3501 and 3511 Rickenbacker Causeway Miami, Florida Company Name: City of Miami Primary Contact: A Bustamante Email: ABustamante@miamigov.com Secondary Contact: Gabriel Brito Email: GBrito@miamigov.com Pursuant to Article 7, Section and Article 7, Section 7.2.8 of the Miami 21 Code, as amended, the Planning Department recommends Approval with Conditions of the requested Exception and associated Waiver to permit the demolition and construction of a new boat ramp with two fixed docks that will extend 90 feet into Marine Stadium Basin, and the construction of a parking facility within Civic Space (CS) Transect Zone located at 3501 and 3511 Rickenbacker Causeway based upon the facts and findings in this staff report I AERIAL EPLAN ID: PZ-21-11532 EXCEPTION Lead Staff: Maria Adeyefa Principal Division: Urban Design a„ F, NOTICE This su brnitlal needs b be scheduled br a public nearing in co,dancewk t—Hines set torah in ore Cityo MiamcCWe. The appk. de decision -Waking body will renew d,e inlonna0on at the public hearing t, mnd,r a recommentlahon cr a final decidon. PZ-21-11532 11/04/22 Email: MAdeyefa@miamigov.com ' PROJECT DESCRIPTION Pursuant to Article 6, Table 13, Article 7, Section and Article 7, Section 7.2.8(a) of Ordinance 13114 ("Miami 21"), as amended, the City of Miami (the "Applicant") requests an Exception and associated Waiver for the demolition and construction of a new boat ramp with two fixed docks that will extend 90 feet into Marine Stadium Basin, and the construction of a parking facility within the Civic Space (CS) Transect Zone located at 3501 and 3511 Rickenbacker Causeway (the "Property"). Webs Link(s): 0 HEPB 0 UDRB City Commission ✓0 PZAB 0 WDRC 0 AIPP Existing Transect Zone(s): "CS" Civic Space Transect Zone Existing FLUM(s): Public Parks and Recreation Commissioner District(s): District 2 - Ken Russell Department of Human Service Neighborhood Service Center(s): Downtown/Brickell Neighborhood Service Center Revision Date: 08/03/2022 Department Director: Lakisha Hull AICP, LEEP AP BD+C DocuSign Envelope ID: FDB5881C-B9DF-4D95-890D-28DC436B88AE 1�J L11Y'f]F� NOTICE rni..obmidal needs m to sIh.&w d m,. pabk healing In—nd—wM1h hmellnes set todh in the City of Mlaml CWe. The appdwde decision -making body will renew the information at the pabec hearing to rend,, e recommendation or z final decison. PZ-21-11532 11 /04/22 City of Miami Planning Department ANALYSIS FOR EXCEPTION Staff Analysis Report No. PZ-21-11532 Location 3501 and 3511 Rickenbacker Causeway Folio Number 0142170000030,0142170000110 Miami 21 Transect "CS" Civic Space Transect Zone MCNP Designation Public Parks and Recreation Commission District District 2 - Ken Russell Department of Human Service Neighborhood Service Center Downtown/Brickell Neighborhood Service Center Planner Maria Ade efa, Planner II Property Owner City of Miami ABustamante@miamigov.com Project Representative Gabriel Brito, City of Miami DREAM GBrito@miamigov.com A. REQUEST Pursuant to Article 6, Table 13, Article 7, Section and Article 7, Section 7.2.8(a) of Ordinance 13114 ("Miami 21"), as amended, the City of Miami (the "Applicant") requests an Exception and associated Waiver for the demolition and construction of a new boat ramp with two fixed docks that will extend 90 feet into Marine Stadium Basin, and the construction of a parking facility within the Civic Space (CS) Transect Zone located at 3501 and 3511 Rickenbacker Causeway (the "Property"). 1. Exception pursuant to Article 6, Table 13 Supplemental Regulations of Miami 21 "Extension of docks and Piers into other waterways is limited to 10 feet or 10% of the width ePlan PZ No. PZ-21-11532 1 3501 and 3511 Rickenbacker Causeway DocuSign Envelope ID: FDB5881C-B9DF-4D95-890D-28DC436B88AE f `tom P NYC' NOTICE This submittal needs m be scheawed mr a pubic hearing In accortlanne wkh tlmellnee set forth in the City M Miami Cmtle. The appUmd, decision -making bWywlll reWewtheinm'matlon at the public hearing t.—dn ,a recomme da ., or a final d.dm.,. PZ-21-11532 11 /04/22 Aj of the waterway, whichever is less. However, by Exception further extension may be approved, subject to approval from all applicable agencies." 2. Waiver pursuant to Article 7, Section 7.2.8 of Miami 21 "No change shall be made in any nonconforming site improvement which increases the nonconformity. Changes may be approved by Waiver, if the changes result in the same or a reduced degree of nonconformity." B. RECOMMENDATION Pursuant to Article 7, Section and Article 7, Section 7.2.8 of the Miami 21 Code, as amended, the Planning Department recommends Approval with Conditions of the requested Exception and associated Waiver to permit the demolition and construction of a new boat ramp with two fixed docks that will extend 90 feet into Marine Stadium Basin, and the construction of a parking facility within Civic Space (CS) Transect Zone located at 3501 and 3511 Rickenbacker Causeway based upon the facts and findings in this staff report. C. NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICES Pursuant to Article 7, Section of the Miami 21 Code, the Planning Department has made referrals to the agencies below: • Office of Zoning • Historic Preservation Office • Environmental Resources Division • Office of Code Compliance • Department of Resilience & Public Works Department of Real Estate, Asset and Marina Management ("DREAM") The comments and recommendations from the reviewing departments and agencies have been considered and are reflected in this final decision. ePlan PZ No. PZ-21-11532 1 3501 and 3511 Rickenbacker Causeway DocuSign Envelope ID: FDB5881C-B9DF-4D95-890D-28DC436B88AE f `tom P NYC' NOTICE This submittal needs m be scheawed mr a pubic hearing In accortlanne wkh tlmellnee set forth in the City M Miami Cmtle. The appUmd, decision -making bWywlll reWewtheinm'matlon at the public hearing to—dn ,a recommenaadon or a final decison. PZ-21-11532 11 /04/22 Aj D. PROJECT DATA SURROUNDING USES Miami 21 MCNP Existing Use North N/A N/A Open Water South CS Public Parks and Open Water/ Recreation Recreational East GU General (Unincorporated) Educational West CS Recreation/ Restricted Marine commercial Commercial RELATED APPROVALS Date Action R-10-0331 Resolution of the Miami City Commission for development of Virginia Key in 7/22/10 accordance with the Virginia Key Master Plan to create a viable waterfront with recreational and public spaces and protect and enhance the natural resources located on the island. 7/02/19 HEPB-R-19-042 Special certificate of appropriateness for demolition, restoration, and new construction. PZ-21-10174 9/03/21 Exception for a Specific Purpose Structure in this case, Commodore R. Munroe Marine Stadium, located at 3501, 3505, and 3511 Rickenbacker Causeway. E. BACKGROUND The Property sits on a waterway parcel located between the Rickenbacker Marina and Marine Stadium; it is accessible through Rickenbacker Causeway. Under Miami 21, the proposed improvements occur on the Property and has a zoning designation of CS (Civic Space) (see Figure 3). The Virginia Key Master Plan (see Attachment 3) was approved by the Miami Waterfront Advisory Board, at its meeting on July 13, 2010. On July 21, 2010, the Master Plan was also Approved with conditions by the Miami Planning, Zoning and Appeals Board (see Attachment 2). The two conditions included: 1) No lighting in the playing field area; and 2) Public ramp to be provided with a minimum of thirty (30) trailer parking spaces of the Virginia Key Master Plan. ePaan PZ No. PZ-21-11532 1 3501 and 3511 Rickenbacker Causeway DocuSign Envelope ID: FDB5881C-B9DF-4D95-890D-28DC436B88AE f `tom P NYC' NOTICE This submittal needs m be scheawed mr a pubkn hearing In accortlanne wkh tlmellnee set forth in the City M Miami Cmtle. The appUmd, decision -making bWywlll reWewiheinm'matlon at the pubkc hearing to r do ,a recommenaadon or a final decison. PZ-21-11532 11 /04/22 Aj The Master Plan details the guiding tool for the future development of Virginia Key, creating a viable waterfront with recreational and public spaces, and for the protection and enhancement of natural resources located on the island. Site Location & Surrounding Uses The Property is composed of 2 folios: Folio# 01-4217-000-0030 with a lot area of 892,457 square feet, and Folio# 01-4217-000-0110 with a lot area of 348,480 square feet, for a combined lot area of 1,240,937 square feet or 28.49 acres. The Project consists of an existing boat ramp and surface parking located within the Property. The Property is located along Rickenbacker Cswy. The project proposal consists of (2) main components: Component 1: A. Demolition of the existing boat ramp. B. Construction of a new boat ramp/ with asphalt reconstruction, upland grading and rip - rap. The installation of two (2) fixed docks and two (2) floating docks with gangways. Component 2: A. Construction of two (2) provisional boat trailer parking areas with a total of five (5) disabled parking spaces, twenty-seven (27) regular parking spaces, and seventy-two (72) trailer parking spaces, including the installation of markings and signs. ePaan PZ No. PZ-21-11532 1 3501 and 3511 Rickenbacker Causeway DocuSign Envelope ID: FDB5881C-B9DF-4D95-890D-28DC436B88AE 0 250 500 1,000 Feet Figure 1: Aerial map of site f `tom P NYC' NOTICE This submittal needs m be scheawed mr a pubkn hearing In accortlanne wkh tlmellnee set forth in the City M Miami Code. The applicede decision -making bony will reWewiheinm'matlon at the pubkc hearing to—dn ,a recommenaadon or a final decison. PZ-21-11532 11 /04/22 Aj ePlan PZ No. PZ-21-11532 1 3501 and 3511 Rickenbacker Causeway DocuSign Envelope ID: FDB5881C-B9DF-4D95-890D-28DC436B88AE f `tom P NYC' NOTICE This submittal needs m be scheawed mr a pubic hearing In accortlanne wkh tlmellnee set forth in the City M Miami Cmtle. The appUmd, decision -making bWywlll reWewiheinm'matlon at the public hearing to—dn ,a recommenaadon or a final decison. PZ-21-11532 11 /04/22 Aj F. ANALYSIS Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan (MCNP) The Future Land Use Map (FLUM) designation for the Property is Public Parks and Recreation. According the MCNP, Public Parks and Recreation land is described as: The primary intent of this land use classification is to conserve open space and green spaces of a park while allowing access and uses which will not interfere with the preservation of any significant environmental features which may exist within the park. This land use designation allows only open space and park uses with recreational and cultural uses where the total building footprints and impervious parking area surfaces in parks of one (1) acre of more may cover no more than 25% of the park land area. Both passive and active recreational uses shall be permitted including but not limited to nature trails, interpretive centers, picnic areas, playgrounds, canoe trails and launches, small concession stands, restrooms, gyms, swimming pools, athletic fields, cultural facilities, marine and marina facilities and other facilities supporting passive and active recreational and cultural use. Analysis: The proposed boat dock is accessory to the features but historically exist within the Property. The proposed construction of the two docks are consistent with the intent of the "Public Parks and Recreation" land use designation, as the dock currently exist on the Property and will be replacing the current dock. The MCNP intends for Public Parks and Recreation designated land to be used for recreational uses, marine and marine facilities, athletic fields, and cultural facilities, making the proposed use on the Property consistent with the MCNP. Findings: Complies Miami 21 Code The Property is located in a Civic Space (CS) Transect Zone. According to Miami 21, Civic Zones "consist of public use spaces and facilities that may contrast in use to their surroundings." Article 4, Table 3, Building Function Uses states that "Recreational Facility" Uses are permitted in CS zones (see Figure 2). Due to the extension of the dock into the waterways in excess of 10 feet or 10% of the width of the waterway, Building Function Uses states that this application requires an Exception pursuant to Article 6, Table 13 to allow the construction of two docks and parking on the Property. ePlan PZ No. PZ-21-11532 1 3501 and 3511 Rickenbacker Causeway DocuSign Envelope ID: FDB5881C-B9DF-4D95-890D-28DC436B88AE f `tom P NYC' NOTICE mid aabn,inal naaasm to Ihaaa�em apabk hea,ing in aao�aan� wkn an,annes aet toWh in the Citym Mlami CWe. The appl-de bec—n-making bWywlll reWewthe information at the pubc hearing to rend,, a recommendation or a final d-iaon. PZ-21-11532 11 /04/22 Aj 0 250 500 1,000 Feet Figure 2: Zoning Map/Miami 21 Atlas ePlan PZ No. PZ-21-11532 1 3501 and 3511 Rickenbacker Causeway DocuSign Envelope ID: FDB5881C-B9DF-4D95-890D-28DC436B88AE f `tom P NYC' NOTICE This su bmittalneedsb be sch.&o d bra pubkn hearing In accortlanne wkh tlmellnee set forth in the City M Miami Code. The applicalde decision -making body will reWewiheinbrmatlon at the pubkc hearing to r do ,a recommendatlon or a final tleciaon. PZ-21-11532 11 /04/22 Aj Proposal The City of Miami (the "Applicant") has requested an Exception and associated Waiver to permit the demolition and construction of a new boat ramp with two fixed docks and parking facility within Civic Space (CS) Transect Zone that will extend 90 feet into Marine Stadium Basin, located at 3501 and 3511 Rickenbacker Causeway (the Property). The Property is composed of 2 folios: Folio# 01-4217-000-0030 with a lot area of 892,457 square feet, and Folio# 01-4217-000-0110 with a lot area of 348,480 square feet, for a combined lot area of 1,240,937 square feet or 28.49 acres. The project consists of (2) main components: Component 1: A. Demolition of the existing boat ramp. B. Construction of a new boat ramp/ with asphalt reconstruction, upland grading and rip - rap. C. The installation of two (2) fixed docks and two (2) floating docks with gangways. Component 2: B. Construction of two (2) provisional boat trailer parking areas with a total of five (5) disabled parking spaces, twenty-seven (27) regular parking spaces, and seventy-two (72) trailer parking spaces, including the installation of markings and signs. The proposed uses include the following: Redeveloped public boat ramp Parking area Paid major event space Paid event space (codified) (small to mid -size events) Virginia Key Visitor Center Parking and shared space Redeveloped Historic Marine Stadium Parking VK Marina customer/tenant parking City of Miami Park & Recreations (Flex Park) shared parking Other/Visitor Public Parking ePlan PZ No. PZ-21-11532 1 3501 and 3511 Rickenbacker Causeway DocuSign Envelope ID: FDB5881C-B9DF-4D95-890D-28DC436B88AE Com 250 500 1,000 Feet Figure 3: Future Land Use Map NOTICE This su bmittal needs b fr sche&W d b, a pubic hearing in cco,d—with tlmellnes set todh in the city o Miami CW, The appl-de decon-making body will renew d, inlonna0on at the public hearing to mode,a recommendadon o, a flnM decieon. PZ-21-11532 11/04/22 m ePlan PZ No. PZ-21-11532 1 3501 and 3511 Rickenbacker Causeway DocuSign Envelope ID: FDB5881C-B9DF-4D95-890D-28DC436B88AE f `tom P NYC' NOTICE This su bmittalneedsb be sch.&o d bra pubic hearing In accortlanne wkh tlmellnee set forth in the City M Miami Code. The applicalde decision -making body will reWewtheinbrmatlon at the public hearing t.—dn ,a recommends ., or a final d.dm.n. PZ-21-11532 11 /04/22 Aj G. CRITERIA EXCEPTION CRITERIA Criteria 1: Miami 21 Code Article 6, Table 13: Supplemental Regulations Request 1. The requested Exception per Article 6, Table 13 Supplemental Regulations of Miami 21, as related to Transect Zone CS, is for "Extension of docks and Piers into other waterways is limited to 10 feet or 10% of the width of the waterway, whichever is less. However, by Exception further extension may be approved, subject to approval from all applicable agencies." Criteria 1: External Agency Review Analysis: As stated above, the Applicant proposes the redevelopment of the same boat dock area with the addition and construction of two docks at five to eight feet in length, 119-square foot boat dock that will extend 90 feet into the Marine Stadium Basin. The Permit No SAJ-2011-01666 (SP-NML) was issued pursuant to Section 10 of the Rivers and Habors Act of 1899 (33 U.S.C. 403) and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act obtained by the Applicant from the Army Corp of Engineers for the proposed dock. The authorized proposal lists general terms and conditions applicable for the proposed work. Including but not limited to "the time limit for completing the work authorized ends on July 19, 2024." The Applicant shall install floating turbidity barriers with weighted skirts that extend to within 1 foot of the bottom around all work areas that are in, or adjacent to, surface waters. Turbidity barriers shall be removed upon stabilization of the work area. The project a mitigation plan with regards to the impact of the removal of seagrass, mangrove scrub, mangrove canopy. Analysis: The Applicant demonstrated that the dock has been designed in accordance with the development standards of Article 6, Table 13. The dock is 90 feet from the Mean High - Water Line into the Marine Stadium Basin as illustrated on Sheet S-3.1 of the plan set. Finding: Complies ePlan PZ No. PZ-21-11532 1 3501 and 3511 Rickenbacker Causeway DocuSign Envelope ID: FDB5881C-B9DF-4D95-890D-28DC436B88AE f `tom P NYC' NOTICE This su bmittalneedsb be sch.&o d bra pubkn hearing In accortlanne wkh tlmellnee set forth in the City M Miami Code. The applicalde decision -making body will reWewtheinbrmatlon at the pubkc hearing t.r do ,a recommends ., or a final d.dm.n. PZ-21-11532 11 /04/22 Aj Criteria 2: Miami 21 Code, Article 4, Table 12 Design Review Criteria: Request 2. Analysis: Pursuant to Article 2, Section of Miami 21, "The City should retain its natural infrastructure and visual character derived from its location and climate, including topography, landscape and coastline." The proposed 119-foot dock will provide two boat slips which extend outward into Biscayne Bay for the Applicant's private vessels, allowing for the full use of the Subject Property's location at the coastline. Findings: Complies Criteria 3: Miami 21 Code, Article 7, Section 7.2.8(a) Review Criteria: Request 3: The applicant is requesting a non -conforming site improvement waiver to modify the existing non -conforming parking lot to integrate a temporary trailer parking area. Analysis: The intent of the minor modifications to existing paved/asphalt areas to allow trucks and boat trailers to park in the historic Commodore Ralph Middleton Munroe Miami Marine Stadium. Findings: Complies H. CONCLUSION The Applicant applied for an Exception for the demolition and construction of a new boat ramp with two fixed docks that will extend 90 feet into Marine Stadium Basin, and the construction of a parking facility within Civic Space (CS) Transect Zone located at 3501 and 3511 Rickenbacker Causeway. Staff has recommended Approval with Conditions (Conditions 1): 1. CONDITIONS 1. The Project shall be developed substantially in accordance with the plans approved as part of the request for Exception No. PZ-21-11532, bearing the e-Plan approval stamp. 2. Any modification to the approved plans as results or consequence of Applicant's compliance with other departments and/or agencies conditions and /or codes, will require a new review for approval confirmation from the Planning Director. ePlan PZ No. PZ-21-11532 1 3501 and 3511 Rickenbacker Causeway DocuSign Envelope ID: FDB5881C-B9DF-4D95-890D-28DC436B88AE f `tom P NYC' NOTICE This submittal needs m be scheawed mr a pubkn hearing In accortlanne wkh tlmellnee set forth in the City M Miami Cmtle. The appUmd, decision -making bWywlll reWewiheinm'matlon at the pubkc hearing to r do ,a recommenaadon or a final decison. PZ-21-11532 11 /04/22 Aj 3. The Applicant, owner, or successor shall comply with the requirements of all applicable Departments/Agencies as part of the City of Miami building permitting process. 4. Illumination and other lighting effects shall not create a nuisance to adjacent properties. 5. Signage is not a part of this Exception application and shall be reviewed under a separate permit application. 6. The Property shall be cleaned of all litter and debris after each event. Mitigation efforts shall be made to prevent litter from entering into Miami South Channel. 7. The Applicant, owner, or successor shall comply with all applicable building codes, land development regulations, ordinances and other laws and pay all applicable fees due prior to the issuance of a building permit. 8. Signage is not part of this Exception and shall be reviewed under a separate permit application pursuant to Article 10 of the Miami 21 Code. 9. The Applicant or successor shall comply with Chapter 17 of the City of Miami Code of Ordinances and obtain a Tree Permit for any removal, pruning and/or mitigation of existing trees. 10. The Applicant or successor shall comply with all applicable requirements of Chapter 24, Environmental Protection, of the Miami -Dade County Code. 11. The Applicant or successor shall comply with conditions set forth by the Historical and Environmental Preservation Board as per Chapter 23 of the City of Miami Code of Ordinances. 12. The project shall comply with Article 11 entitled "Art in Public Places (AIPP)" of the Miami 21 Code, as amended. The Applicant or Successor is to provide proof of compliance prior to the issuance of the Building Permit. 13. Pursuant to Article 7, Section, an Exception shall be valid for a period of two (2) years during which a building permit or Certificate of Use must be obtained. This excludes a demolition or landscape permit. A one-time extension, for a period not to ePlan PZ No. PZ-21-11532 1 3501 and 3511 Rickenbacker Causeway DocuSign Envelope ID: FDB5881C-B9DF-4D95-890D-28DC436B88AE y� NOTICE This su bn,i" needs b be scheduled br a public nearing hme1— se<ronh in th, cis o Miami CW, The applicade decon-Waking body will rewew the inlonnalion at the public hearing to render a recommendation or a flnM decieon. PZ-21-11532 11 /04/22 exceed one (1) additional year, may be obtained under the approval of the Planning Director. 14. Failure to comply with the conditions herein may result in the immediate revocation of this Exception and shall be subject to any fines and penalties pursuant to City Code. EDocuSigned by: 7F'i.�iFFFn('.BC 140F Lakisha Hull, AICP, LEED AP BD+C Planning Director DocuSigned by: 5a.�yr W, Sf6v' M75CACMPE446... Sevanne Steiner Assistant Director Maria Adeyefa Planner II ePlan PZ No. PZ-21-11532 1 3501 and 3511 Rickenbacker Causeway DocuSign Envelope ID: FDB5881C-B9DF-4D95-890D-28DC436B88AE 1�J L11Y'f]F� NOTICE rni..obnidal needs m to.r,h.&dtnr. pabk heahng In — d—wM1h hnellnes set todh in the City of Mlani CWe. The appdwdle decision -making body will renew the inlornation at the pabec hearing to rentlere recommendation nr z final decison. PZ-21-11532 11 /04/22 Attachments: Attachment 1 — R-10-0331 Attachment 2 — Master Report Resolution R-10-0331 Attachment 3 — Exhibit Virginia Key Consensus Master Plan Attachment 4 — HEPB-2008-56 Attachment 5 — PZ-21-10174 The Planning, Zoning and Appeals Board ("PZAB") decision may be appealed to the City Commission by any aggrieved party within fifteen (15) days of the date of rendition. The filing of an appeal, and payment of appropriate fee, may be submitted with the Hearing Boards Division in -person or online within 15 calendar days of the date of rendition. You may file online by clicking here https://www.miamigov.com/Services/Doing- Business/Get-an-Exception-Permitting ePlan PZ No. PZ-21-11532 1 3501 and 3511 Rickenbacker Causeway Cs� City of Miami w F .. Legislation Resolution: R-10-0331 File Number: 09-00579 Final Action Vai %IJ _n�lva. NOTICE missubmin Ineeds to be scheduled Wr a pubuc hearing mrdan,, wiN —i nes set forth in the City of Miami CM,. The applicade 1--n-r hng bodywill reblew Neinfoi —, at the pubk hearingto renders n-c mendadon or afinal dedi n. PZ-21-11532 11/04/22 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION, WITH ATTACHMENT(S), APPROVING IN PRINCIPLE, THE VIRGINIA KEY MASTER PLAN, HEREIN REFERRED TO AS THE "VIRGINIA KEY MASTER PLAN", AS THE GUIDING TOOL, FOR THE FUTURE DEVELOPMENT OF VIRGINIA KEY; CREATING A VIABLE WATERFRONT WITH RECREATIONAL AND PUBLIC SPACES; AND PROTECTING AND ENHANCING THE NATURAL RESOURCES LOCATED ON THE ISLAND. WHEREAS, the City of Miami ("City") recognizes the key role of parks in providing educational, cultural, recreational, and other well-being programs to our citizens and visitors and in enhancing the quality of life of our citizens; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Resolution No. 05-0606, adopted January 13, 2005, the City Commission authorized the City Manager to execute a negotiated Professional Services Agreement with the firm of Edward D. Stone, Jr. and Associates, Inc. d/b/a EDSA to provide a Master Plan for Virginia Key, pursuant to the Request for Qualifications No. 03-04-028 (the "RFQ"); and WHEREAS, the Miami Waterfront Advisory Board, at its meeting on October 5, 2009, adopted a motion by a unanimous vote, to approve the Virginia Key Master Plan as presented with additions and inclusions; and WHEREAS, the City Commission, at its meeting on October 8, 2009, adopted a motion to defer the presentation and approval of the final master plan to the first City Commission meeting in May 2010 and to (1) immediately allow a mountain bike facility on the North Point, (2) immediately move forward with the remediation of the landfill and utilize the $45 million in Miami -Dade County funds for same, and (3) to ensure the Virginia Key Beach Park Trust has the flexibility to construct, operate, or maintain the proposed Civil Rights Museum complex and any other facilities as the Trust may deem necessary, in order for the Museum to survive; and WHEREAS, The Virginia Key Master Plan, as originally prepared by EDSA, revised through additional public participation resulting in a consensus master plan, and attached hereto, is hereby approved as a guiding tool for the future development of Virginia Key, creating a viable waterfront with recreational and public spaces, and for the protection and enhancement of natural resources located on the island; and WHEREAS, the City Commission, at its meeting on February 12, 2010, adopted a motion to postpone the presentation and approval of the final Virginia Key Master Plan to the second meeting in July 2010; and WHEREAS, the Miami Waterfront Advisory Board, at its meeting on July 13, 2010, adopted Motion No. 2010-01 by a vote of five to one (5-1) recommending APPROVAL of the Virginia Key Master Plan; and City of Miami Page 1 of 2 File Id. 09-00579 (Version: 4) Printed On: 81312017 L�/' G�'LY Up File Number: 09-00579 WHEREAS, the Virginia Key Master Plan was presented to the Miami Parks Ad NOTICE its meeting on July 15, 2010; and Th's=°°mid,,,,di« sr"e°°`f-hi °`heaf mrdance wit tlmellnes set d tr in the C h of Miami CM,. The applieade tlxision-making body will resewN inform— al the public hearing to renders n-co —de don or a final dedh-. WHEREAS, the Miami Planning, Zoning and Appeals Board, at its meeting on Ju PZ-21-11532 adopted Motion No. 10-001 by a vote of eight to one (8-1) recommending APPROVAL 11/04/22 1) No lighting in the playing field area; and 2) Public ramp to be provided with a minimum trailer parking spaces of the Virginia Key Master Plan; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The recitals and findings contained in the Preamble to this Resolution are hereby adopted by reference thereto and incorporated herein as if fully set forth in this Section. Section 2. The Virginia Key Master Plan, as originally prepared by EDSA, revised through additional public participation resulting in a consensus master plan, and attached hereto, is hereby approved as a guiding tool for the future development of Virginia Key, creating a viable waterfront with recreational and public spaces, and for the protection and enhancement of natural resources located on the island. Section 3. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption and signature of the Mayor. {1 } Footnotes: {1} Words and/or figures stricken through shall be deleted. Underscored words and/or figures shall be added. The remaining provisions are now in effect and remain unchanged. Asterisks indicate omitted and unchanged material. City of Miami Page 2 of 2 File Id. 09-00579 (Version: 4) Prhited On: 81312017 �GYTY OF.yj * uetu nnet It tt < R 1 O City of Miami Master Report Enactment Number: R-10-0331 File Number: 09-00579 File Type: Resolution Version: 4 Reference: File Name: Presentation Item - Virginia Key Master Plan Requester: Cost: r ,.�m. - I NOTICE Thla submidat needsin. schedui d for a pabgn hearing ­nrdan� wkt t—lin. set font in tte city & Miami Code. The appliud, dsision-making bWy will "'m he inf -adon at the pabk hearing to n,ndera mendation or a final d-iaon. PZ-21-11532 71►\ 11/04/22 /,C Status: Passed Controlling Body: Office of the City Clerk Introduced: 5/19/2009 Final Action: 7/22/2010 Title: A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION, WITH ATTACHMENT(S), APPROVING IN PRINCIPLE, THE VIRGINIA KEY MASTER PLAN, HEREIN REFERRED TO AS THE "VIRGINIA KEY MASTER PLAN', AS THE GUIDING TOOL, FOR THE FUTURE DEVELOPMENT OF VIRGINIA KEY; CREATING A VIABLE WATERFRONT WITH RECREATIONAL AND PUBLIC SPACES; AND PROTECTING AND ENHANCING THE NATURAL RESOURCES LOCATED ON THE ISLAND. Sponsors: Notes: Please see File ID 10-00135 for February 11, 2010 City Commission motion. Indexes: Attachments: CITY _EXECUTIVE SUMMARY_ rev2.pdf,09-00579 Zoning Map.pdf,09-00579 WAB Reso.pdf,09-00579 PAB Reso.pdf,09-00579 Executive Summary OLD.pdf,09-00579 CC Legislation (Version 2) OLD.pdf,09-00579 CC 10-8-09 Legislation (Version 2).pdf,09-00579 Exhibit A (Virginia Key Master Plan) OLD .pdf,09-00579 Virginia Key Master Plan Presentation.pdf,09-00579 CC 10-08-09 Fact Sheet.pdf,09-00579 CC 10-8-09 Executive Summary.pdf,09-00579-Submittal-Don Worth.pdf,09-00579-Submittal-Kissinger.pdf,09-00579-Submittal-Waterfront Advisory Board.pdf,09-00579-Submittal-Greg Bush.pdf,09-00579-Submittal-Laura Reynolds.pdf,09-00579-Submittal-Blanca Mesa.pdf,09-00579-Submittal-Fran Bohnsack.pdf,09-00579-Submittal-District 5.pdf,09-00579-Submittal-Stuart Sorg.pdf,09-00579 CC Legislation (Version 4).pdf,09-00579 Virginia Key Consensus Master P1an.pdf,09-00579 CC 07-22-10 Fact Sheet.pdf,Virginia Key Consensus Master Plan (PZAB).pdf,09-00579-Submittal-Robert Vernon, Mayor of Key Biscayne.pdf,09-00579-Submittal-Waterfront Advisory Board -Motion WAB 2010-01.pdf,09-00579-Submittal-Miami 21 Map.pdf, History of Legislative File Version: Acting Body: Date: Action: Sent To: Due Date: Return Date: Result: 1 Planning Advisory Board 6/17/2009 PRESENTED 2 City Commission 10/8/2009 DEFERRED 3 Planning, Zoning and 7/21/2010 PRESENTED Appeals Board 4 City Commission 7/22/2010 ADOPTED 4 Office of the Mayor 8/9/2010 Signed by the Mayor Office of the City Clerk 4 Office of the City Clerk 8/9/2010 Signed and Attested by City Clerk Pass Pass Pass Pass City of Miami Page I Printed on 81312017 I OF.yj * lessor BOAT is N is < O R 1 O Office of the City Attorney City of Miami Master Report Enactment Number: R-10-0331 12/30/2010 Reviewed and Approved NOTICE Thissubmittalneedsfo be echedai dfora pob-hearing ceordnce with timelines set forth in the City of Miami Code. The appk.de decision -making hotly.11 review the information at the p0k hearing to render a ncomrnendation or a final deciaon. PZ-21-11532 71►\ 11/04/22 Ciri ofMiami Page 2 Printed on 81312017 NOTICE i , ¢ab [needsto be schedWed ror a pubk hearing rcordnce wi hmellnes-forth in the City of Miami Code. The applicade dxision-making body will renewN nfonn ,at the peb4c hearngto renders rnenda ., or afinal decson. PZ-21-11532 7�\ 11/04/22 *s.. u:IMCAtP :ATIG y VIRGINIA KEY CONSENSUS MASTER PLAN JULY 2010 a �-a—tth�pbkh—ingt—d— � Z 1 ,z -21-11532 'o 1 4/22 a" Wx 1/04 evi JEW GD • STAKEHOLDER INTERVIEW PROCESS, January 18-22, 2007 • PUBLIC MEETING #1: SITE INVENTORY AND ANALYSIS, March 29, 2007 • PUBLIC MEETING #2: COMMUNITY WORKSHOP AND CONSENSUS BUILDING, June 20, 2007 • PUBLIC MEETING #3: PRELIMINARY MASTER PLANNING, August 26, 2008 • PUBLIC MEETING #4: VIRGINIA KEY MASTER PLAN, May 20, 2009 • WATERFRONT ADVISORY BOARD, June 9, 2009 • PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD, June 17, 2009 • WATERFRONT ADVISORY BOARD, October 5, 2009 • CITY COMMISSION October 8, 2009 ctz' fx � NOTICE mis su bmdtA... d, to be sc h,d,[,d far a pubLc nearing ....d—, wtl timelines set forth in the City of Miami Cade. The applicade dxision-making body will renewN infon—, at the public hearing to renders ree mendauon or a final dedm-. PZ-21-11532 11/04/22 VIRGINIA KEY CONSENSUS MASTER PLAN Public Consensus Building JULY 2010 October 5, 2009 Waterfront Advisory Board MOTION To accept the Virginia Key Master Plan as presented with the following additions and inclusions: • Welcome Center on the Marine Stadium site and restoration of Marine Stadium. • A transportation plan to and from the Marine Stadium, Park and Passive use areas. • No Hotel or Hotels on site. • Inclusion of one or two of the identified Boat Ramps included in the Master Plan. • Re- inclusion of the BMX and Mountain Bike trails. • Creation of an Implementation Committee. • Cleaning up the landfill and examine possible leaking from the site into the bay. Proper remediation. • Increase the buffer areas between nature areas (i.e. mangrove) and the proposed playing fields. • Historic Virginia Key Beach continued restoration. October 8, 2009 City Commission MOTION To defer Item PZ.1 to the first scheduled City Commission meeting in May 2010. • Immediately allow a mountain bike facility on North Point, • Immediately move forward with the remediation of the landfill and utilize the $45 million in Miami -Dade County funds for same, and • To ensure the Virginia Key Beach Park Trust has the flexibility in its efforts to construct, operate, or maintain the proposed Civil Rights Museum complex and any other facilities as the Trust may deem necessary in order for the Museum to survive NOTICE ihieeubmdtal needs to be scheduled for a pubuc nearing cordance it, timelines set fonh in the ON of Miami Ccde. The applicade dxisi making body will renew Ne infon —, at the pubuc hearing to render a recom ndaunn or a final dedi n. PZ-21-11532 11/04/22 VIRGINIA KEY CONSENSUS MASTER PLAN Waterfont Advisory Board and City Commission Action JULY 2010 Awl NOTICE Public Consensus Building and Project Schedule following M °ee°s`[-=,d°°le°'°"°° "ea"°9 dance wtl timelines set f°nh in the City °f Miami C — The applica de dxisio h making bodywill renew Neinf°n—datthe pu IG hearingto renders dh- City Commission Deferral on October 8, 2009 °mmenda°1-11na1°e2 PZ-21-11532 11/04/22 VIRGINIA KEY • December 10, 2009- First Workshop at • May 4, 2010- Final UM Studio presentations CONSENSUS Lummus Park with UEL by architecture students MASTER PLAN • January 14, 2010- Second Workshop at • May 5, 2010- Meeting with UM / UEL/ City Public Lummus Park with UEL Administration at Mayor's Office ConsensusBuilding and • February 3, 2010- Mountain Bike Course • July 1, 2010- Meeting at County Public Project Layout at North Point site Works Department (Basin Area Plan) Schedule • February 11, 2010- Discussion Item at City • July 13, 2010- Waterfront Advisory Board Commission. Deferral to July 22, 2010. • July 15, 2010-Parks Advisory Board • March 27, 2010- Dade Heritage Trust and Virginia Key Public Planning Coalition • July 21, 2010- Planning, Zoning and Appeals presentations at Rusty Pelican & design Board workshop at VKBPT offices • July 22, 2010- City Commission Meeting • April 27, 2010- City and County Commissioners / Staff / UM at City Hall JULY 2010 SUSTAINABILITY CRITERIA 1. Structures to follow USGBC's LEED Criteria for environmental sustainability standards 2. Use of Best Management Practices for stormwater management • permeable surfaces for trails, parking areas, and roadways, • bioswales/raingardens, • green roofs and rain cisterns for runoff collection, etc) B 3. Use of onsite renewable energy resources (i.e. wind, sun, rain, etc) 4. Use of reclaimed water from Sewage Treatment Plant for irrigation and other non -potable water needs 5. Conservation of ecologically -sensitive areas with some opportunities for environmental education 6. Encouraging use of biking and pedestrian circulation through extensive island -wide trails 7. Reuse of brownfields and landfill area for green recreational opportunities 8. Use of environmentally -friendly products and practices for maintenance of parks and recreation areas a NOTICE This submdtal needs to b, scheduled for, pubLc hearing cord,,,, wtl timelines set f,nh in the ON of Miami Ccde. The applicade dxisi making body will renewN inform, , at the public hearing t, render, rne,d,un, ar, final de,iho PZ-21-11532 7�\ 11/04/22 A4 VIRGINIA KEY CONSENSUS MASTER PLAN Sustainability Criteria JULY 2010 NOTICE ihleeabmMalneed—be e,hedai d ro,, pubk hearing cord,,,, wi h-1--forth in the Cityo Miami Ccde. The applicade dxis- making bodywill renewr inform ,at the p,bb, hearing t, render, reco—d,tion or a final de,i— PZ-21-11532 7�\ 11/04/22 VIRGINIA KEY CONSENSUS MASTER PLAN NOTE: This is a Conceptual Plan. Site elements such as parking garage, marina design and surface parking area locations may change. JULY 2010 NOTICE ihleeabmMalneed—be e,hedai d ror, pubk hearing cord,,,, wi h-1--forth in the Cityo Miami Ccde. The appl-c , dxision-making bodywill renewr inform ,at the p,bb, hearing t, render, reco—d,tion or a final de,i— PZ-21-11532 7�\ 11/04/22 VIRGINIA KEY CONSENSUS MASTER PLAN North Point Existing Conditions 60.3 acres JULV 2010 �� ctz' fAb NOTICE Thissubmidatn d to be scheduld for a public hewing rco,da wkh bmei— set forth In the City of Miami Cotle. The appli de dsision-making bWyWil renewfhe information at the public hearing to rentler a recomrnentlation or a final d.d. n. PZ-21-11532 7�\ 11/04/22 VIRGINIA KEY CONSENSUS MASTER PLAN North Point Park LEGEND 1. Mountain Bike Trails 2. Eco Campground 3. Biker's wash down area 4. Information Center with Restrooms 5. Pervious parking (100 spaces) 5. Enhanced public beach 7. Future upland habitat restoration B. Restored mangroves 9. Bill Sadowski Nature Preserve 10. Miami -Dade WASA Treatment Plant 11. Observation opportunities 12. Perimeter Multiuse Nature Trails 13. Coastal Hammock N On GRAPHIC SCALE 50 0 100 200 JULY 2010 ", �- d-' >x b -N Awl LEGEND NOTICE Th b d L eat be; b tl l di p bu h rng d wtl u 1 h h ON of 1 =tea 1. Renovated Boat Launch with M - CW The appl d tl - -an k g bWy.11 N - f nnaG Ith p bkh gt dera i Canoe/Kayak Rentals and PZ-21-11532 / 9 i Food Concessions. (Existing 11/04/22 to be improved) 2. Elevated Boardwalks with VIRGINIA CONSENSUSEY Environmental Educational MASTER PLAN Signage. (Existing to be improved) 3. Existing Parking be Shrimper's to Lagoon, YR improved with bio-swales and Public Beach �_, pervious pavement. and Coastal s.� 4. Beach Pavilion and Facilities Hardwood ~- +€ Building,Playground/Tot-lot, Hammock Restoration Beach Volleyball Courts, and =4L tPublic y Picnic Area (Existing to be improved) 5. Enhanced Existing Public Beach Area and Trails i 5 6. Coastal Hardwood Hammock " r Restoration Area with Enhanced Interpretive Trail System with Environmental Education Opportunities „ (minor improvements and - , additions to existing trails) 7. Public Restrooms and Shelter N . •b Building (Existing to be ' improved) r - d r.tl Y JULY 2010 fq } s ._.v VIV-2 t 0 _:'_ rI r NA L�7A" /! EoUwwc . LAND USE SUMMARY Sport Fields: 19-9 acres (17%) Pervious Parking: 2.2 acres (1.8%) Recreation Center & Restrooms: 0.5 acres (0.5%) Open Meadow: 9.0 acres (7.7%) Mangroves & Hammock: 85.0 acres (73%) TOTAL LANDFILL: 116.5 acres (100%) mar, ♦ -� ram, i;l �•ay ��� ""'i � - x.s�a`� �y� » `� - �� _ _mil ` I�`" ><1 ,�, •_'. NOTICE l Thissabmktal neetlsto be schetlu d b, a pu becew hing rcortl ante with b—ii—set forth h the City & M ami mo . The applies de derision -making bWy nil renew the information at the pe bec hear ng to rentler a ­rnenda on or a fins l tlecaon. k PZ-21-11532 7\, 11/04/22 VIRGINIA KEY CONSENSUS MASTER PLAN Landfill Park LEGEND 1. Softball I Little League (4 fields) 2. Soccer I Football (4 fields) 3, Tennis (4 courts) 4. Existing / restored mangroves 5. Batting Cage 6. Open Meadow 7. Recreation Center 8. Playground 9. Pervious parking (160 spaces) 10. Restrooms 11. Coastal Hammock I Nature Trails 12- Existing parking along Arthur Lamb Road N an GRAPHIC SCALE VY6—..— 5o a too 200 JULY2010 LAND USE SUMMARY Sport Fields: 19-9 acres (17%) Pervious Parking: 2.2 acres (1.8%) Recreation Center & Restrooms: 0.5 acres (0.5%) Open Meadow: 9.0 acres (7.7%) Mangroves & Hammock: 85.0 acres (73%) TOTAL LANDFILL: 116.5 acres (100%) mar, ♦ -� ram, i;l �•ay ��� ""'i � - x.s�a`� �y� » `� - �� _ _mil ` I�`" ><1 ,�, •_'. NOTICE l Thissabmktal neetlsto be schetlu d b, a pu becew hing rcortl ante with b—ii—set forth h the City & M ami mo . The applies de derision -making bWy nil renew the information at the pe bec hear ng to rentler a ­rnenda on or a fins l tlecaon. k PZ-21-11532 7\, 11/04/22 VIRGINIA KEY CONSENSUS MASTER PLAN Landfill Park LEGEND 1. Softball I Little League (4 fields) 2. Soccer I Football (4 fields) 3, Tennis (4 courts) 4. Existing / restored mangroves 5. Batting Cage 6. Open Meadow 7. Recreation Center 8. Playground 9. Pervious parking (160 spaces) 10. Restrooms 11. Coastal Hammock I Nature Trails 12- Existing parking along Arthur Lamb Road N an GRAPHIC SCALE VY6—..— 5o a too 200 JULY2010 t#� :I CRITICAL h tower �� ctz' fAb NOTICE Thissabmktat—d to be schedald for a public hearing rcord— wkh bmei—set forth in the City & Miami mo . The applies de dsision-making bWy WiI renewrhe information at the public hearing to rentler a recomrnentlation or a final tleciaon. PZ-21-11532 7�\ 11/04/22 VIRGINIA KEY CONSENSUS MASTER PLAN BILL SADOWSKI CRITICAL WILDLIFE AREA: ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATIONAL TRAILS N as JULY 2010 Y 1, 04 - 11 - ". *1 Air .�. s* LiA qNt IE wwc, OA/ RICKENBACKER MAST ACADEMY NOTICE ihleeabmMalneed—be e,hedai d ror, pubk hearing cord,,,, wi h-1--forth in the Cityo Miami Ccde. The appl-c , dxision-making bodywill renewr inform ,at the p,bb, hearing t, render, reco—d,tion or a final de,i— PZ-21-11532 7�\ 11/04/22 VIRGINIA KEY CONSENSUS MASTER PLAN Basin Area Properties Existing Conditions 42.2 acres 0 JULY 2010 r• ..:.kin 4 IF F 110 �Fy l J J J Or--' ., •... #.#.!4?L'l�.fi.i.� • '� t <1��,� +•�"fa `1� all . , y aP Mw.w• 10�^.w rr..�IrWM. �,r. . -•+. n�. •wady\+Yr rn "!. �fv .h.e .... r. .,^,�•� •jrr •� tl.. NOTICE i , sab [needsto be schedWed ro, a pub -nearing zord— wim dm [—eet fonh m the city of Miami Code. The appl-de dxision-making bodywill renew Ne infonnaGon at the p,b4o hearing to render a recomrnendation or a final d-iaon. PZ-21-11532 11/04/22 VIRGINIA KEY CONSENSUS MASTER PLAN Basin Area Properties .L119 This is a Conceptual Plan. Site elements such as parking garage, marina design and surface parking area locations may change JULY 2010 NOTICE i , sab [needsto be schedWed ror a pub- nearing zord—wimd [,—eetfonh m the city of Miami Code. The appl-de dxision-making bodywill renew Ne infonnaGon at the pub4o hearing to render a recom—lotion or a final d-iaon. \ PZ-21-11532 �\ 11/04/22 VIRGINIA KEY CONSENSUS MASTER PLAN Transportation Plan 1. Bus Route Service 1 2. Water Transit Service 3. Solar Powered Tram i 4. Green Parking N On GRAPHIC SCALE 50 0 100 200 JULY 2010 G�SY frf, 1 NOTICE IL This submittal !]" I",f,ilhiafrtlaneh emennea set tfan m me ciriRESOLUTION NO. HEPB-2008-56 Mam C�e aPPliUtlea.sion mahing botlywll renewMe intion al the purecentlatlon or a final tlecivon. PZ-21-11532 i A RESOLUTION OF THE HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVA 11/04/22 BOARD ("HEPB") OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, DESIGNATI SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS, THE COMMODORE RALPH MIDDLETON MUNROE MIAMI MARINE STADIUM, LOCATED AT 3501 RICKENBACKER CAUSEWAY, AS A HISTORIC SITE, AFTER FINDING THAT IT MEETS CRITERIA (3) (4) (5) AND (7) OF SECTION 23-4 OF THE MIAMI CITY CODE AND RECOMMENDING THAT THE STADIUM BE LISTED IN THE MIAMI REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES AND THAT THE OFFICIAL HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION ATLAS OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA BE AMENDED TO REFLECT ITS DESIGNATION. The designation shall include the footprint of the stadium itself; the entire aquatic basin area measuring some 6,000 feet by 1,400 feet stretching from Biscayne Bay to the marine stadium; and an area that includes the land one hundred (100) feet to the north, south, and east of the stadium's footprint as that area includes the location of the original fountain and ticket booths; and that the boundaries established by the 100 foot buffer on the east and west of the stadium be extended forward to the Rickenbacker Causeway, thus creating a rectangle from the stadium to the roadway. 2. That should there be a challenge to any of the boundaries proposed for designation, that it would not affect the Historic and Environmental Preservation Board's designation of the Miami Marine Stadium's footprint. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 7TH DAY OF OCTOBER 2008. ITEM NO. 5 VOTE: 8 TO 0 ATTEST ELL GOCCIONIGOCCIONI PR ESE VATIiON OFFICER YTY l Zy zS FUTURE LAND USE MAP (EXISTING) •' ' EPLAN ID: PZ-21-11532 NOTICE This sobmRtal needs to be scheduled fora public hearing is accordance timelines set faith in the City of EXCEPTION Miami Code. ilie applica IXe tlttision-making hotly vnll ap renew Me intonation at the public hearing to tender a nxommendatl on or a final d-id on. ADDRESS: 3501 & 3511 RICKENBACKER CSWY PZ-21-11532 11/04/22 0 250 500 1,000 Feet Consewationl iPublic Park; and Recreatil AERIAL EPLAN ID: PZ-21-11532 EXCEPTION ADDRESSES: 3501 & 3511 RICKENBACKER CSWY �YYY OF NOTICE Thls sabmatrt needs to be scheduled fora public hearing in rcordanoo with timelines ad forth in the City of Miami Code. The applira he decislon-making body will retl_the Infonnalion at the to bec hearing to render a recommendad on or a final deoid on. PZ-21-11532 11/04/22 0 250 500 1,000 Feet I "