HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 1987-05-28 Marked AgendaMArOR 1AVIER L. fUAREt • • `+••..,,b► ' + .� It�+ VICE MAYOR I.1. huMMER, Is. ' '� COMMISSIOMR 101 CAROLLO fix wr •. COMMISSION(ft MUIR 1. DAWKINI r' 30SA3100N141b1f ' IMCOIIC OpAttO •' :: O to 9600 ��,• : . CI" MANAGER CESAR H. 0010 CITY COMMISSION AGENIJ MEETING DATE: May 280 1987 CITY HALL 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE CITY ORDINANCE NO.10087, ADOPTED MARCH 18,1986, GENERALLY REQUIRES ALL PERSONS APPEARING IN A PAID OR REMUNERATED REPRESENTATIVE CAPACITY BEFORE CITY STAFF, BOARDS, COMMITTEES AND THE CITY COMMISSION TO REGISTER WITH THE CITY CLERK BEFORE ENGAGING IN LOBBYING ACTIVITIES. A COPY OF SAID ORDINANCE IS AVAILABLE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, CITY HALL. The City Commission has established a policy that the lunch recess will begin at the conclusion of deliberations of the agenda Item being considered at 12:00 noon; further. that Commission meetings will adjourn at the conclusion of deliberations on the agenda Item being considered at 9:00 PM, (Resolution No. 87-115) PART *A*: NON -PLANNING b ZONING ITEMS BEGINNING AT 9:00 AM BEGINNING IN THE NUMBERED SEQUENCE OR AS ANNOUNCED BY THE COMMISSION BEGINNING AT 10:00 AM BEGINNING AT 10:30 AM BEGINNING AT 2:30 PM BEGINNING AT 3:00 PM PART 08*: PLANNING 6 ZONING ITEMS BEGINNING AFTER 3:00 PM: BEGINNING AFTER 5:00 PM: PART A ITEMS 1 THROUGH 11 ITEMS 12 THROUGH 17 ITEMS 18 THROUGH 25 ITEM 26 THROUGH 32 ITEM 33 ITEM 34 ITEMS PZ-1 THROUGH PZ-7 ITEMS PZ-8 THROUGH PZ-27 9:00 AM INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PRESENTATIONS i PROCLAMATIONS The City Clerk's Office Is the source of all 1e9181ative history references. - DELIVERED 40 t/.. eel: J • Ask UENDA rrr�r�r.rr MEEfi1NG DATE: May 28. 1987 PAGE NO. 2 OONSENT AGENDA Unless a member of the City Commission wishes to remove a specific item from this portion of the agenda. Items 1 through 11 constitute the Consent Agenda. These resolutions are self- explanatory and are not expected to require additional review or discussion. Each item will be recorded as Individually numbered resolutions, adopted unanimously by the following motion: "...that the Consent Agenda comprised of Items 1 through 11 be adopted..." The Mayor or City Clerk shall state the following: "Before the vote on adopting Items Included In the Consent Agenda Is taken. Is there anyone present who Is an objector or proponent that wishes to speak on any Item In the Consent Agenda? Hearing none, the vote on the adoption of the Consent Agenda will now be taken." (CA) 1. RESOLUTION - (J-87-180) - (AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT) Authorizing the City Manager to negotiate and execute an agreement. In a form acceptable to the City Attorney, between the City of Miami and Shepherd. Lobe, Costa. Inc. for professional services related to the preparation and printing of the City of Miami marketing, promotion and Information package. with funds hereby allocated from 11th Year Community Development Block Grants. (CA) 2. RESOLUTION - (J-87-127) - (AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT) Authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement In a form acceptable to the Clty Attorney between the City. Miami Capital Circa/Barness/Sawyer (Circa), a Joint venture, for the provision of up to $7.5 million In Community Development BIOCk Grant Float Funds (CDBG Float) on an Interim basis for the construction of a mixed use development on parcel 55 of Phase 1 of the Southeast Overtown/Park West Redevelopment Project. R-87-492 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY NOES: DAWKINS R-87-486 (AS AMENDED) MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PLUMMER ABSENT: CAROLLO & KENNEDY MEETING DATE: May 28• 1987 PAGE NO: 3 CONSENT AGENDA COONT' D (CA) 3. RESOLUTION - (J-87-491) - (AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT) Authorizing the City Manager to execute an apreement In a form acceptable to the City Attorney between the City. Miami Capital Development. Inc.. and Indian River Investments. a Florida corporation, for the provision of up to $500.000 In Community Development Block Grant Float Funds (C08G Float) on an Interim basis for the construction of a multifamily housing development on parcel 46 of Phase I of the Southeast Overtown/Park West Redevelopment Project. (CA) 4. RESOLUTION - (J-87-497) - (AUTHORIZING ALLOCATION OF FUNDS) &9ocating $80 000 from Special Programs and ounts Contingencies for the ur ose o undln overall revisions to Zoning Ordlna 9500 for the period of June 15. 1987 - ne 14. 1988; and directing consideration f encumbrances for FY '88. NOTE: This Is a companion Item to IZbak 5 and S. (CA) 5. RESOLUTION - (J-87-310) - (AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT) Authorizing the City Manager to enter Into an agreement. substantially In the form attached. with Janis Johnson, for professional planning services over a one- year period pertaining to updating Zoning Ordinance 9500. with funds In the amount of $35_,270 being allocated from Special Programs and Accounts - Contingencies. NOTE: This Is 'a a mpan i on Item to Items 4 and a. R-87-488 (AS AMENDED) MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS SEE RELATED R-87-491 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS CONTINUED TO JUNE 11, 1987 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS r�llr�ir�w�� MEETING DATE: May 28, 1987 PAGE NO: 4 CONSENT AGENDA CONT'D (CA) 6. RESOLUTION - (J-87-309) - (AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT) (CA) 7. Authorizing the City Manager to enter Into an agreement, substantially In the form attached, with Richard K. Welsberg, for technical zoning services over a one-year period pertaining to updating Zoning Ordinance 95000 with funds In the amount of $26.446 being allocated from Special Programs and Accounts - Contingencies. NOTE: This Is a companion Item to Items 4 and 5. RESOLUTION - (J-87-494) - (AUTHORIZING NEGOTIATIONS FOR ISSUANCE OF A REVOCABLE PERMIT) Authorizing the City Manager to enter Into negotiations with Mlkalon. Inc.. setting forth the terms and conditions for the Issuance of a revocable permit for the use of a portion of bay bottom lands adjacent to the east side of the Pler Park leased area for the temporary mooring of the Galleon, a replica 16th Century British Galleon subject to a proposed agreement acceptable to the City. between Bayslde Center Limited Partnership and Mikalon, Inc. for landslde facilities at the Bayslde Specialty Center. (CA) 8. RESOLUTION - (J-87-490) - (AUTHORIZING PURCHASE OF LAND) Authorizing the City Manager to purchase one parcel of land (parcel 25-H) located within the Southeast Overtown/Park West Redevelopment Area at the rate previously established by the City Commission and further authorizing the City Attorney to Proceed to close on this parcel after examination of the Abstract and confirmation of Opinion of Title. R-87-490 MOVED: KENNEDY SECOND: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS R-87-493 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS R-87-483 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PLUMMER ABSENT: CAROLLO & KENNEDY w _ w � CMISSION UENPA MEETING DATE: May 28 . 1987 PAGE NO. - (CA) 9. CONSENT AGENDA CONT'D RESOLUTION - (J-87-476) - (AUTHORIZING CITY ATTORNEY TO APPEAL RULING) e Clty in ciry of m:am:, case n In the event the City such appeal to be authorizin0 the City xf Mikele Carter v. . 84-1716 Clv-Zloch Attorney determines warranted; further the services of Arthur England. Esquire of the law firm of Fine. Jacobson, Schwartz, Nash, Block and England, P.A.. In connection with said anticipated appeal, the expenditure of funds therefor being authorized from the self -Insurance and Insurance trust fund In the amounts set forth In the attached City Attorney's memorandum. (CA) 10. RE Ratifying, approving and confirming the City Manager's designation of Albert Ruder. City of Miami Management Services Administrator, to serve as a member of the review committee to evaluate proposals for the Unified Development of the 2640 South Sayshore Drive property; further ratifying, approving and confirming all actions heretofore taken and hereafter to be taken by said Albert Ruder In performance of his duties as a member of said committee. (CA) 11. RESOLUTION - (J-87-487) - (ACCEPTING PLAT) Accepting the plat entitled J 8 S Oaks. a subdlvlslon In the City of Miami; and accepting the dedications shown on said Plat; and accepting the Covenant to run with the land postponing the Immediate construction of certain Improvements until required by the Department of Public Works; and authorizing and directing the City Manager and City Clerk to execute the plat and providing for the recordation of slid plat In the Public Records of Dade County. END OF CONSENT/AGENDA DEFERRED BY M-87-494 MOVED: CAROLLO SECOND: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS R-87-484 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PLUMMER ABSENT: CAROLLO & KENNEDY R-87-485 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PLUMMER ABSENT: CAROLLO & KENNEDY all, C If�itW�ilrf uli ��MSS'ON ;rWLno : MEETING DATE: May 28, 1987 PAGE NO: 6 NOTE: Items 12 through 17 may be heard numbered sequence or as announced CommissIon. ORDINANCES - EMERGENCY FIRST 12. 6M&RQ5NrvV ORDINANCE - (J-87-495) (4/5THS VOTE) Amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 10187, adopted December 11, 1986. as amended. the Capital Improvements Appropriations Ordinance, by decreasing and reclassifying the funding sources for the project entitled "Flagaml Sanitary Sewers", Project No. 351173; by decreasing the appropriation from 1980 Sanitary Sewer G.O. Bonds by the amount of three million seven hundred thousand dollars (t3,700,000) and by appropriating two million six hundred thousand dollars ($2,600,000) from the remaining 1975 and 1976 Sanitary Sewer G.O. Bonds Fund Balance; containing a repealer provision and a severabllity clause. FIRST 13. BMERSENe ORDINANCE - (J-87-499) (4/5THS VOTE) Amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 10187, adopted December 11, 1986 the Capital establishing a source of fund for the City of Miami's matching fund and Increasing the appropriation by $55,700 to the 8ayfront Redevelopment Walkway and Landscaping Area A, Project •331228, and by Increasing the appropriation of the existing project entitled 08ayslde _SeMlalty Center" Project •322030, In the amount of $21,076 and by renaming and Increasing the appropriation of existing z1eo -wayrront Park - Amphitheater Project ...� .—v • , �� rod w — Yas I gn and Development, Phase 11, Project *331302 In the amounts of §34,740 and $1,260,000 respectively, and by increasing the appropriation by $1, 872,,0_ 8 to the Camec: wide Nelahborhood Park Renovation, Projt *331303; and containing —a repealer provision and a severability clause. NOTE: Item 4 Is a companion to Item 13 and may be considered at this time. FIRST READING MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND% DAWKINS UNANIMOUS FIRST READING MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY NOES: DAWKINS & CAROLLO MEETING DATE. May 28, 1987 PAGE NO. 7 14. 15. 16. ORDINANCES - EMERGENCY CONT'D RESOLUTION - (J-87-496) - (AWARD OF BID) the bid of Danville/Findorf pro plu proposal, for Sayfront Park Redevelopment - Phase 111; with monies therefor allocated from the Capital Improvements Ordinance No. 10187, Project No. 331302 In the amount of $3,015,400.00 to cover the contract cost; and authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with said firm. . (a non -minority corporation) In the posed amount of $3,015,400.00, base bid s alternates "A" through "F" of the ORDINANCES - FIRST READING FIRST READING ORDINANCE - (J-87-230) Amending Section 30-26 of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida. as amended, entitled: "Fee Schedule" for the purpose of generally Increasing the fees charged for use of City day care facilities; containing a repealer provision and a severablllty clause. RESOLUTIONS Department of Development Allocating an amount not to exceed $25.000 from 12th Year Community Development Sleek Grant funds allocated to the Department of Development, as a Arent to connection witn its conference entitled i "Strategies for Economic Development: Telecommunications In the Caribbean Basin" to be held In Mlaml at the Hyatt Regency Hotel, June 10-11, 1987; further authorizing the City Manager to execute an ' agreement, subject to the City Attorney'e . i�i ie a iw .rw } approval as to form and correctness, to Implement the allocation. 4 7� TABLED BY: M-87-509 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS FIRST READING MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY NOES: CAROLLO R-87-495 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS 3 e -tits ii," ? 0� dip MEETING DATE. May 28 , 1987 BOARDS AND COMMITTEES 17. RESOLUTION - (J-87-241) - (APPOINTING MEMBER) Appointing an Individual to serve as a member of the Ad Hoc Minority Advisory Committee for the development, constructlon and operation of the Miami Arena. 10:00 AM NOTE: Legislation Commission Appearance. PERSONAL APPEARANCES may result from City consideration of any Personal 18. Ms. Aida Levitan to discuss extension of contract and present proposal for 1987-88. (This Item was deferred from the meeting of May 14, 1987.) 19. Representative(s) of the Latin Quarter Review Board to present the proposed street co-desionatlon program for the Latin Quarter. (This Item was deferred from the meeting of May 14, 1987.) NOTE: Part of this Item was approved at the Corm I ss ion meet I ng of May 14, 1987. 20. Mrs. Melvin L. Reese to present proposal and request assistance for an old-time free band concert to be held In Pe— cock Park on July 5, 1987 and a possible second concert to be held September 20, 1987. 21. Representative(s) of the United Table Tennis Association to requej in connection with the United States Ope Table Tennis Championships June 17 throug June 22 1987 PAGE NO. 8 DEFERRED TO NEXT MEETING M-87-496 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS NOES: KENNEDY DISCUSSION WITHDRAWN DISCUSSION PLACE IN NEXT AGENDAS ALLOCATION OF $4,500. l s _ OW a .Colo St. .,: MEETING DATE May 28, 1987 PAGE NO: 9 10:00 AM PERSONAL APPEARANCES CONT'D 22. Representative(s) of the SW Social Services Program to discuss the naming of the Flaaaml Park Senior Center scheduled To open In June. 23. Mr. Peter J. Andollna to discuss the Brown House on Watson Island. 24. Representative(s) of the Miami Congressional Workshop to request funds In support of Its 1987 Workshop to be held within the City of Miami December 5, 6, and 7, 1987. 25. Representative(s) of the Silver Bluff Homeowners Association to discuss the Golden Arms litigation status and request that negotiations be Initiated to purchase property for Dark use. M-87-497 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS N1-87-498 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS WITHDRAWN BY APPLICANT M-87-513 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS M-87-514 MOVED: CAROLLO SECOND: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS 10:30 AM DISCUSSION ITEMS NOTE: Legislation may result from City Commission consideration of any Discussion I torn. -87-501 26. Discussion concerning report on M negotlations with 3W Construction In MOOVED:VED: PLUMMER connection with their bid for the North SECOND: KENNEDY District Police Substation. ABSENT: CAROLLO 27. Discussion concerning the proposed DISCUSSION expansion of boundaries for recruitment of fire fighters from the City of Miami limits to all of Dade County. 28 Dlsc I as on concerning land acquisition for R-87-502 the Port of Miami bridge. MOVED: PLUMMER t1 SECOND: KENNEDY ABSENT: CAROLLO of 0 411111116daft � M Cl r �Wwqrd a �- MEETING DATE May 28, 1987 PAGE NO. 10 10:30 AM DISCUSSION ITEMS OONT'D 29. Discussion regarding City-wide parks Improvement program. 30. Discussion by members of the Urban League of Greater Miami, Inc. to request permission to seii over at cnaries maoiey Park on July 4. 1987 In connection with the Third Annual Fourth of July Family Picnic. 31. Discussion regarding the _local option one - cent sales tax. 32. Discussion by Mr. Bernard Portier regarding a strip of City -owned land in Morningside Park. 2:30 PM PUBLIC HEARINGS 33. RESOLUTION - (J-87-457) - (AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT) (4/5THS VOTE) Waiving by a 4/5ths affirmative vote of the City Commission the requirements and prohibition contained In City Code Section 2-302; tuthorizlno the Clty Manaoer to enter Into an agreement, substantially In the form attached, subject to the City Attorney's approval as to form and correctness, for professional planning services with Joyce A. Meyers. primarily In connection with finalization and Implementation of the Downtown Master Plan/Development of Regional Impact Project, for a sixteen -month period from June 1, 1987. through September 30. 1988. for a total fee of $48. 831 with funds In that amount being allocated from the Planning Department Operating Budget. M- 87-508 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY ABSENT: CAROLLO WITHDRAWN BY APPLICANT DEFERRED TO NEXT MEETING M-87-503 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS ABSENT: CAROLLO R-87-504 ( AS AMENDED) MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY NOES: DAWKINS SEE RELATED M-87-505 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: CAROLLO UNANIMOUS CITY COMISSION UENDA MEETING DATE. May 98. 1887 PAGE NO: 1 t 3:00 PM SPECIALLY SCHEDULED ITEM 34. SECOND READING ORDINANCE - (J-87-88) Amending the City Code by adding thereto a new Chapter 54.6 Imposing an -Impact Fee' on additlonal development as herein determined In order to finance related Capital Improvements, the demand for which Is created by such development; setting forth findings and Intent; provlding the authority therefor; providing definitions; provlding for applicability of the Impact fee; providing for Imposition of the Impact fee; providing for the establishment of development subareas; provlding for determination of development Impact fees; providing for establishment of an Impact fee -related capital Improvement program; providing for establishment of Impact fee coefficients; providing for calculation of Impact fees; providing for the administration of Impact fees; provlding for bonding Impact fee - related capital Improvement program proJects; and providing for establishment of an Appellate Board and appellate procedures; containing a repealer provision and severabillty clause. Date First Reading: May 14, 1987 Moved Comm P I ummer Second Comm Kennedy (Y) Suarez. Dawkins (ABSENT) Carollo ORDINANCE 10273 (AS AMENDED) MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS t 0% AWL 7. 0 N A WON MEETING DATE PAGE NO. 12 Ma 28 1987 PART 0 -f THROUGH PZ-7 THIS ITEM AFTER 3:00 PN PZ-1. FIRST READING ORDINANCE - (J-87-448) ZONING ATLAS AMD APPLICANTS) ALF-LOREN INVESTMENTS, N.V. c/o Alfredo Munoz -Vasquez 26 Palermo Coral Gables, FL Laura Tindall -Howell (Power of Attorney) 2481 Trapp Ave PROPERTY ADDRESS(ES): 2100 Brickell Ave PETITION : Ord 9500 atlas change from RG- 2.1/3.3 to RG-2.2/7. Planning Department Recommends: DENIAL as requested, APPROVAL of change to RG-2.1/5 Zoning Board Recommends : APPROVAL of change to RG-2.1/5, 9-0 PROPONENTS present at meeting : Three OMNENTS present at meeting : Two Mai— ' 1 replies in FAVOR : Two Mail replies AGAIN f- Six THIS ITEM AFTER 3:00 PM PZ-2. RESOLUTION - [J-87-317(a) & J-87-317(b)3 APPEAL BY NEIGHBORS APPELLANT(S) : Several Neighbors APPLICANT(S)OWNER(S): Sara Santos 130 NW 22 Ave PROPERTY ADDRESS(ES): 50 SW 32nd Court Rd PETITION : Review of the Zoning Board decision to grant the Special Exception to permit an Adult Congregate Living Facility (ACLF) which is a type of Community Based Residential Facility (CBRF) with no more than six residents including resident staff on above site, as per plans on file, with a reduction in required occupant offstreet parking tram 5 spaces to 1 space; Zoned RG-3/5 General Residential. (Continued on next page) FIRST READING (AS AMENDED) MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS APPEAL DENIED BY R-87-511 MOVED: KENNEDY SECOND: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS 0) O� �lilf I'WMISSI011 AD NDA MEETING DATE: Planning Department Recommends: APPROVAL subject to a one year review and subject to no more than six residents excluding resident staff. Zoning Board : GRANTED with no more than six residents including resident staff, with a time limitation of 12 months in which a Certificate of Use must be obtained and with a review by the Zoning Board one year after issuance of Certificate of Use, 9-0 PROPONENTS present at meeting : Three OPPONENTS present at meeting : Five ai rep ies AGAINST : Ten Date(s) Continued — : Apr 30, 1987 THIS ITEM AFTER 3:00 PM PZ-3. RESOLUTION - [J-87-306(a) 6 J-87-306(b)] APPEAL BY APPLICANT APPLICANTS)/OWNER(S): OEIDRE'S GROVE, INC. c/o Deidre Roberts, President 2590 S Dixie Hwy PROPERTY ADDRESS(ES) : Approx 3250 S Dixie Hwy b Approx 3271-91 W Trade Ave PETITION : Review of the Zoning Board decision to deny the Variance to permit construction of an office building, as per plans on file, with 52.32' proposed maximum height (40' permitted), providing 0 of 1 required off-street loading space, and providing 21 of 29 required off-street parking spaces: zoned RO-2.1/4 Residential -Office. Planning Department Recommends: Denial Zoning Board : Denied, B-1 PROPONENTS present at meeting : Two Mail plies in FAVOR : Three Mail replies AGATRW Date(s) Continued : Apr 30, 1987 PAGE NO. CONTINUED BY M-87-512 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS MEETING DATE: Mav 29. 1987 PAGE NO. 14 THIS ITEM AFTER 3:00 PM PZ-4. RESOLUTION - [J-87-447(a) 8 J-87-447(b)] APPEAL BY APPLICANT APPELLANTS)/OWNER(S) Commodore Rentals, Ltd. c/o Axel Heydasch (Power of Attorney) 3141 Virginia St ATTORNEY FOR APPLICANT(S): Stephen J. Helfman, Esq 2401 Douglas Rd PROPERTY ADDRESS(ES) : 3194 Commodore Plaza PETITION : Review of the Zoning Board decision to deny the Variance to allow a second -story addition to the existing commercial building, providing 0 of 3 required off-street parking spaces, as per plans on file; zoned SPI-2 Coconut Grove Central Commercial District. Planning Department Recommends: Denial Zoning Board : Denied, 6-3 PROPONENTS present at meeting : One OPPON NT present at meeting : Three Magi replies in FAVOR : One Mail replies AGATUT : Four THIS ITEM AFTER 3:00 PM PZ-5. RESOLUTION - [J-87-450(a) 8 J-87-450(b)] APPEAL BY APPLICANT OWNER(S) Ebenezer Free Will Baptist Church, Inc. c/o Aladar E. Paczier, Esq (Owner of Record) 8306 S Dixie Hwy, Ste 300 APPLICANTS) Alliance Francaise de Miami C/o Paul Siegel, Esq (Contract to Purchase) 169 East Flagler St, Suite 1125 ATTORNEY FOR APPLICANT(S): Paul Siegel, Esq 169 East Flagler St Suite 1125 PROPERTY ADDRESS(ES) 349 SW 12 St MOTION TO REVERSE ZONING BOARD'S DECISION FAILED MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: GUAREZ NOES: KENNEDY, DAWKINS, & CAROLLO DEFERRED M-87-510 MOVED: SECOND: ABSENT: BY KENNEDY DAWKINS CAROLLO PETITION Review of the Zoning Board decision to deny the Special Exception j to allow the conversion of an existing structure to a private not -for -profit club (The Alliance Francaise), as per plans on file; zoned RG-2/5 General Residential, (Continued on next page) R 1: 17 I CITY 1101 IN AMM MEETING DATE: May 28. 1987 PAGE NO: 15 Planning Department Recommends: Denial Zoning Board : Denied, 6-3 PROPONENTS present at meeting : Fifty OPPONENTS*present at meetinng : Eight Mail replies in FAVOR : Four Mail replies AGATAW : One NOTE: This is a companion item to item PZ-6. THIS ITEM AFTER 3:00 Pil PZ-6. RESOLUTION - [J-87-451(a) a J-87-451(b)] APPEAL BY APPLICANT OWNERS) Ebenezer Free Will Baptist Church, Inc. c/o Aladar E. Paczier, Esq (Owner of Record) 8306 S Dixie Hwy, Ste 300 APPLICANTS) Alliance Francaise de Miami c/o Paul Siegel, Esq (Contract to Purchase) 169 East Flagler St, Suite 1125 ATTORNEY FOR APPLICANT(S): Paul Siegel, Esq 169 East Flagler St Suite 1125 PROPERTY ADDRESS(ES) : 349 SW 12 St PETITION : Review of the Zoning Board decision to deny the Variance to allow the conversion of an existing structure to a private not -tor -profit club (The Alliance Francaise), providing 9 of 44 required off- street parking spaces, as per plans on file; zoned RG-2/5 General Residential. Planning Department Recommends: Denial Zoning Board : Denied, 6-3 PROPONENTS present at meeting : Fifty OPPONENTS .present at meetinng : Eight MI replies in FAVOR : Four Mail replies AGATAM : One MOTE: This is a companion it= to itelw PZ-5. DEFERRED BY M-87-510 MOVED: KENNEDY SECOND: DAWKINS ABSENT: CAROLLO • N CIMT m"11001on IftwMIA MEETING DATE: THIS ITEM AFTER 3:00 PM PZ-7. RESOLUTION - (J-67-493) - DOWNTOWN WATERFRONT MASTER PLAN APPLICANTS) : Planning Dept PETITION : Approving, in principle, the Downtown Waterfront Master Plan (April, 1987), for the area from Port Boulevard to I-395, between Biscayne Bay and Biscayne Boulevard, including recommendations for development, open space, modified rights -of -way, parking facilities, pedestrian overpasses, beautification, special features, special events and waterfront improvements, which plan is in conformity with the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan (September, 1985). Planning Department Recommends : Approval Planning Advisory Board Recommends: The recommenda- tions of the Planning Advisory Board will be presented at the City Commission meeting. TEMS PZ-8 THROUGH PZ-27 SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED THIS ITEM AFTER 5:00 PM PZ-8. SECOND READING ORDINANCE - (J-87-368) ZONING TEXT AMD APPLICANT(S) : Planning Dept PETITION : AMENDMENT "S-2" Ord 9500 text amendment by amending page 1 of the Official Schedule of District Regulations by making deletions in "Principal Uses and Structures", •RG-1 General Residential (One - and Two -Family)" specifically by deleting paragraph 3 under the heading entitled 'Permitted Generally"; and •Minimum Lot Requirements % "RG-1 General Residential (One - and Two -Family) by deleting the requirement of 2,500 square feet for the net lot area per dwelling unit; and by deleting the exception which provides that semidetached structures may be on minimum lot widths of 25 feet for each unit; containing a repealer provision and a severability clause. Planning Department Recommends : Approval Planning Advisory Board Recommends: Approval, 9-0 Date of First Reading : Feb 26, 1987 Moved : Comm Dawkins Second : Comm Carollo M : Suarez, Kennedy (ABSENT) : Plummer Date(s) Deferred as amended Mar 31 8 Apr 30, 1907 PAGE NO: 16 R-87-515 MOVED: CAROLLO SECOND: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS M-87-516 MOVED: KENNEDY SECOND: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS M-87-517 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY NOES: CAROLLO r �} YtAt /1�•It � 01 • N &RUA A - or `A+I W +i i W a1ISION 08 PAGE NO: 17 MEETING DATE. Mav 28. 1987 _ THIS ITEM AFTER 5:00 PM PZ-9. SECOND READING ORDINANCE - (J-87-259) MIAMI COMPREHENSIVE NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN AMD `i OWNER(S) Jorge D. Zacur and Najat Zacur 2401 Douglas Rd APPLICANTS) IntrAmerica Investments Inc (Contract to Purchase) 2401 Douglas Rd ATTORNEY FOR APPLICANT(S): Stephen J. Helfman, Esq 2401 Douglas Rd PROPERTY ADDRESS(ES) : Approx 3684-88 SW 26 St PETITION : Consideration of amending the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan (September, 1985) and Addenda, by changing the plan designation of the subject property from Low -Moderate Density Residential to Commercial -Residential. Planning Department Recommends : Approval Planning Advisory Board Recommends: Approval, 9-0 Date(s) Continued : Mar 31, 1987 Date of First Reading : Apr 30, 1987 Moved : Comm Plummer Second : Comm Kennedy (Y) : Suarez, Dawkins (ABSENT) : Carollo NOTE: This is a companion item to items PZ-10. ORDINANCE 10274 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS gar MEETING DATE: May 2e, 1987 PAGE NO: 18 THIS ITEM AFTER 5:00 PM PZ-10. SECOND READING ORDINANCE - (J-87-267) ZONING ATLAS AMD OWNERS) : Jorge D. Zacur and Najat Zacur 2401 Douglas Rd APPLICANTS) : IntrAmerica Investments Inc (Contract to Purchase) 2401 Douglas Rd ATTORNEY FOR APPLICANT(S): Stephen J. Hetfman, Esq 2401 Douglas Rd PROPERTY ADDRESS(ES) : Approx 3684-88 SW 26 St PETITION : Ord 9500 atlas change from RG-1/3 to CR-2/7. Planning Department Recommends: Approval Zoning Board Recommends : Approval, 9-0 Date(s) Continued : Mar 31, 1987 Date of First Reading : Apr 30, 1987 Moved : Comm Dawkins Second : Comm Kennedy (Y) : Suarez, Plummer (ABSENT) : Carollo NOTE: This is a companion itm to it= PZ-9. THIS ITEM AFTER 5:00 PM PZ-11. SECOND READING ORDINANCE - (J-87-258) MIANI COMPREHENSIVE NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN AMD APPLICANTS)IOWNER(S) ATTORNEY FOR APPLICANT(S): PROPERTY ADDRESS(ES) : Leonard A. Ralby 3 Ralby-Allen Real Estate Partnership 2401 Douglas Rd Stephen J. Helfman, Esq 2401 Douglas Rd 2606-2630 SW 28 St PETITION : Consideration of amending the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan (September, 1985) and Addenda, by changing the plan designation from Low Density Residential to Residential -Office. Planning Department Recommends : Approval Planning Advisory Board Recommends: Approval, 9-0 Date of First Reading, as amended : Mar 31, 1987 Moved : Comm Plummer Second Cam Kennedy (Y) Suarez (ABSENT) : Carollo, Dawkins MOTE: This is a companion itdm to itans PZ-12 8 PZ- 13(a) 4 (b). ORDINANCE 10275 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: CAROLLO UNANIMOUS ORDINANCE 10276 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS ABSENT: KENNEDY & CAROLLO r AYILA1610 MM A1418 MTV r RAW ile �qw 60 .,o...g....ridi►vI MEETING DATE: Mav 28. 1987 PAGE NO. 19 THIS ITEM AFTER 5:00 PM PZ-12. SECOND READING ORDINANCE - (J-87-204) ZONING ATLAS AMD APPLICANTS)/OWNER(S) Leonard A. Ralby d Ralby-Allen Real Estate Partnership 2401 Douglas Rd ATTORNEY FOR APPLICANT(S): Stephen J. Helfman, Esq 2401 Douglas Rd PROPERTY ADDRESS(ES) : 2606-2630 SW 28 St PETITION Ord 9500 atlas change from RS-2/2 to RO-1/4 with SPI-3 overlay. Planning Department Recommends Approval Zoning Board Recommends Approval, 9-0 Date of First Reading, as amended Mar 31, 1987 Moved Comm Plummer Second Comm Kennedy M Suarez, Carollo (ABSENT) Dawkins NOTE: This is a companion item to items PZ-11 8 PZ- 13(a) a (b). THIS ITEM AFTER 5:00 PM PZ-13(a). RESOLUTION - (J-87-480) - (AUTHORIZING 90-DAY TRIAL CLOSURE OF DESIGNATED STREET Authorizing and permitting the restriction of Vehicular access to Jefferson Street a reet on a go -day r a ass by constructing temporary barricades across Jefferson Street at approximately e extension of the southerly right-of-way line of SW 28 Street, subject to the provisions contained within this resolution. NOTE: This is a companion it= to itemis PZ-11. PZ-12 i 13(b). THIS ITEM AFTER E 5:00 PH PZ-13(b). RESOLUTION - (J-67-479) - (AUTHORIZING PERMANENT CLOSURE OF DESIGNATED STREET) Authorizing and permitting the restriction of vehicular access to Jefferson Street a ree y constructing I vable landscaped birriers across Jefferson Street at approx ma e y trio extension of the southerly right-of-way line of SW 28 Street, subject to the provisions contained within this resolution. NOTE: This Is a companion i tan to items PZ-11, PZ-12 qwpww�i 13(a). ORDINANCE 10277 (AS AMENDED) MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS ABSENT: CAROLLO & KENNEDY R-87-518 (AS AMENDED) MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS ABSENT: KENNEDY WITHDRAWN CITY ea�ssie� NAMOINUM MEETING DATE: Mav 28. 1987 PAGE NO: 20 THIS ITEM AFTER 5:00 PM PZ-14. SECOND READING ORDINANCE - (J-87-217) ZONING TEXT AMD APPLICANT(S) : Planning Dept PETITION : Consideration of amending, the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami, by amending ARTICLE IS: SPI SPECIAL PUBLIC INTEREST DISTRICTS by adding new sections 15125. SPI-13, SW 27th Avenue Gateway District; 15126. intent; 15127. Special Permits; 15128. Permissible Principal Uses and Structures; 15129. Limitations Where Lots in the SPI-13 District Abut Lots Under RS or RG Zoning Districts; 15130. Minimum Lot Requirements; Floor Area Limitations; Minimum Open Space Requirements; Development Alternatives; 15131. Maximum Height: 15132. Minimum Off -Street Parking; 15133. Limitation on Signs. Planning Department Recommends : Approval Planning Advisory Board Recommends: Approval, 6-3 Date(s) Continued : Mar 31, 1987 Date of First reading, as amended : Apr 30, 1987 Moved : Comm Kennedy Second : Comm Plummer (Y) : Carollo (N) : Suarez, Dawkins NOTE: This is a companion item to items PZ-15. PZ-15, PZ-17, PZ-18, PZ-19 8 PZ-20. THIS ITEM AFTER 5:00 PN PZ-15. SECOND READING ORDINANCE - (J-87-252) ZONING ATLAS AMD APPLICANTS) : Planning Dept PROPERTY ADDRESS(ES): Area generally bounded by approx SW 27th Ave on the west; 150' north of Andros Ave on the north; Lincoln Ave on the south 8 on the east an irregular boundary which follows: A line parallel to SW 27th Ave 8 approx 150' to the east from Lincoln Ave to Swanson Ave; from that point due east to the intersection of Aviation Ave; from that point due northwest to the intersection with Abaco Ave; from that point due northeast for approx 3001; from that point due northwest to the intersection with Andros Ave; from that point due east to the intersection with Washington Ave, 6 from that point due north to the intersection of a line perpendicular to 27th Ave d located approx 150' north of Andros Ave (Continued on next page) CONTINUED TO JUNE 25, 1987 CONTINUED TO JUNE 25, 1987 MUv -- Pf � I I ' R MEETING DATE: MaY 20. 1987 PAGE NO: 21 PETITION : Ord 9500 atlas change from RO- 2.1/5 and RG-2/5 to the proposed SPI-13 Special Use District, deleting the SPI-3 overlay district and retaining the SPI-12 overlay where applicable. Planning Department Recommends : Approval Planning Advisory Board Recommends: Approval, 6-3 Date(s) Continued Mar 31, 1987 Date of First reading, as amended Apr 30, 1987 Moved Comm Plummer Second Comm Kennedy (Y) Suarez, Carollo (N) Dawkins NOTE: This is a companion item to items PZ-14 PZ-16, PZ-17, PZ-18. PZ-19 i PZ-20. THIS ITEM AFTER 5:00 PM PZ-16. SECOND READING ORDINANCE - (J-87-253) ZONING ATLAS AMD APPLICANTS) : Planning Dept PROPERTY ADDRESS(ES): Area generally bounded by SW 28th Terr on the north; SW 27th Ave on the east; a line parallel to Day Ave i located approx 50' north of it on the south; a line parallel to SW 27th Ave b located approx 150' west of it on the west; except for those lots fronting Bird Ave 8 located between SW 27th Ave 8 Center St PETITION : Ord 9500 atlas change of from RO-2.1/5, and RG-2/5 to the proposed SPI-13, Special Use District, deleting the SPI-3 overlay. Planning Department Recommends : Approval Planning Advisory Board Recommends: Approval, 6-3 Date(s) Continued : Mar 31, 1987 Date of First Reading : Apr 30, 1987 Moved : Comm Kennedy Second : Comm Plummer (Y) : Carollo (N) : Dawkins MOTE: This is a companion its to items PZ-14, PZ-15, PZ-179 PZ-18, PZ-19 1 PZ-20. CONTINUED TO JUNE 25, 1987 CITY em"ISSIN MENDA MEETING DATE: May 28, 1987 PAGE NO: 22 THIS ITEM AFTER 5:00 PM PZ-17. SECOND READING ORDINANCE - (J-87-254) CONTINUED TO ZONING ATLAS AMD JUNE 25, 1987 APPLICANT(S) Planning Dept PROPERTY ADDRESS(ES): Area generally bounded by Cocoanut Ave on the south; a line parallel to Virginia St A located approx 150' east of it on the west; a line parallel to Cocoanut Ave i located 150' north of it on the north; 3 a line parallel to SW 27th Ave 8 located approx 150' west of it on the west PETITION : Ord 9500 atlas change from RG- 1/3 to RG-2/5. Planning Department Recommends Approval Planning Advisory Board Recommends: Approval, 7-2 Date(s) Continued : Mar 31, 1987 Date of First Reading : Apr 30, 1987 Moved : Comm Plummer Second : Conm Dawkins Vote : Unanimous MOTE: This is a companion item to items PZ-14, PZ-15, PZ-16, PZ-18, PZ-19 8 PZ-20, THIS ITEM AFTER 5:00 PM PZ-18. SECOND READING ORDINANCE - (J-87-255) CONTINUED TO ZONING ATLAS AMD JUNE 25, 1987 APPLICANT(S) Planning Dept PROPERTY ADDRESS(ES): Area generally bounded by Cocoanut Ave on the north; Center St on the east; a line parallel to Cocoanut Ave 6 located approx 150' south of it on the south; 8 Virginia St on the west PETITION Ord 9500 atlas change from RG- 1/3 to RG-2.1/3.3. Planning Department Recommends Approval Planning Advisory Board Recommends: Approval, 6-3 Date(s) Continued : Mar 31, 1987 Date of First Reading : Apr 30. 1987 Moved : Comm Plummer Second : Comm Kennedy (Y) : Carollo (N) : Suarez. Dawkins NOTE: This 1s a cmpanion ita to itan PZ-149 PZ-159 PZ-16. PZ-179 PZ-19 i PZ-20. W r 6 •.tfr. ins N ITYp u MEETING BATE: May 28. 1987 PAGE NO: 23 THIS ITEM AFTER 5:00 PM PZ-19. SECOND READING ORDINANCE - (J-87-256) ZONING ATLAS AMD APPLICANT(S) : Planning Dept PROPERTY ADDRESS(ES): Area generally bounded by Center St on the west; a line parallel to Cocoanut Ave 8 approx 150' south of it on the north; a line parallel to SW 27th Ave i approx 150' west of it on the east; 8 a line parallel to Day Ave located approx 150' north of it on the south; except for the lots fronting on Bird Ave between Center St 8 SW 27th Ave PETITION : Ord 9500 atlas change from RG- 1/3 to RG-2.1/3.3. Planning Department Recommends : Approval Planning Advisory Board Recommends: Approval, 6-3 Date(s) Continued : Mar 31, 1987 Date of First Reading : Apr 30, 1987 Moved : Comm Plummer Second : Comm Kennedy (Y) : Carollo (N) : Suarez, Dawkins NOTE: This is a companion item to items PZ-14, PZ-15, PZ-16, PZ-17, PZ-18 6 PZ-20. THIS ITEM AFTER 5: 00 PM PZ-20. FIRST READING ORDINANCE - (J-87-478) - CITY CODE AMD Amending Chapter 54 of the Code of the City of Miami, or a, as amended. entitle�'eStreets and Sidewalks" by amending Section 54-104 entitled "Nonstandard Street Widths", providing for a reduction in the established street width of SW 97 Avenue betwppn er provision and con aining a ility clause. MOTE: This is a companion its to it= PZ-149 PZ-15, PZ-169 PZ-17, PZ-18 a PZ-19. CONTINUED TO JUNE 25, 1987 FIRST READING MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS At all woo7 ION AGOIDA MEETING GATE: May 28. 1987 PAGE NO: 24 THIS ITEM AFTER 5:00 PM PZ-21. FIRST READING ORDINANCE - (J-87-402) MIAMI COMPREHENSIVE NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN AMD APPLICANTS) : Planning Dept OWNERS) Wilmer C. Ensor and S. L. Sharlow 5811 North Miami Ave PROPERTY ADDRESS(ES): 5811-37 North Miami Ave PETITION : Consideration of amending the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan (September, 1985) and Addenda by changing the designation of the subject property from Low - Moderate Density Residential to Residential - Office. Planning Department Recommends Planning Advisory Board Recommends failed by a 4 to 3 CONSTITUTING A TECHNICAL DENIAL OF THIS REQUEST. PROPONENTS present at meeting Ra-il replies AGAINST : Approval : Motions vote, THEREFORE RECOMMENDATION OF One • Two NOTE: This is a coampanion item to item PZ-22. THIS ITEM AFTER 5:00 PM PZ-22. FIRST READING ORDINANCE - (J-87-443) ZONING TEXT AMD APPLICANTS) : Planning Dept OWNERS) Wilmer C. Ensor and S. L. Sharlow, 5811 North Miami Ave PROPERTY ADDRESS(ES): 5811-37 North Miami Ave PETITION Ord 9500 atlas change from HC-I: General Use Heritage Conservation Overlay District to HC-3: Residential -Office Heritage Conservation Overlay District, retaining the underlying zoning designations. Heritage Conservation Board Recommends: Approval Planning Department Recommends : Approval Planning Advisory Board Recommends : Motions failed by a 4 to 3 vote, THEREFORE CONSTITUTING A TECHNICAL RECOMMENDATION OF DENIAL OF THIS REQUEST. PROPONENTS present at meeting : One Wail replies AGAINST : Two NOTE: This is a companion item to stew PZ-21. FIRST READING MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS FIRST READING MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS N CMIOBO,U19M iffamoun MEETING DATE: May 28. 1987 THIS IT91 AFTER 5:00 PM PZ-23. FIRST READING ORDINANCE - (J-87-356) ZONING TEXT AMD APPLICANTS) : Planning Dept PETITION : Amendment *T" Ord 9500 text amendment by amending ARTICLE 2 APPLICATION OF REGULATIONS, Section 200, Zoning affects all lands, water, structures, uses and occupancies and ARTICLE 34 ADMINISTRATION, ENFORCEMENT, VIOLATION AND PENALTIES, Section 3402 Zoning requirements, procedures, limitations, and actions on building permits, to clarify that all proposed work on a building or structure must be permitted by Building Permit and all completed work must be found to be in conformity with zoning regulations; and ARTICLE 20 GENERAL AND SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS, Section 2026 Signs, specific limitations and requirements, Subsection 2106.15.2 and paragraph 2026.15.2.1 to conform the distance requirements between limited access highways and outdoor advertising signs with the State of Florida requirement of 660 feet, renumbering subsections 2106.15.2 to 2026.15.2. Planning Department Recommends : Approval Planning Advisory Board Recommends: Approval, 9-0 Date(s) Continued : Apr 30, 1987 PAGE NO: 25 FIRST READING MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS ASSENT: CAROLLO & KENNEDY i r a .Efi. f.•.o ' N Y Mrs nou MEETING DATE: may 28, 1987 PAGE NO. 26 THIS ITEM AFTER 5:00 PM PZ-24. FIRST READING ORDINANCE - (J-87-357) ZONING TEXT AMD APPLICANT(S) : Planning Dept PETITION : Amendment "Q-2" Ord 9500 text amendment by amending the text of ARTICLE 20. GENERAL AND SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS, Section 2020 Parking and/or Storage of Certain Vehicles Prohibited or Limited to Specified Districts; Limitations on Occupancy, Subsection 2020.2.1 Major Recreational Equipment Defined and 2020.2.2 Parking or Storage of Major Recreational Equipment as Accessory Use in Residential Districts, to permit boats and boat trailers in front yards in the RS and RG-1 districts, subject to limitations. Planning Department Recommends : Approval Planning Advisory Board Recommends: Motion to recom- mend denial failed by a 4 to 5 vote, motion to recommend approval failed by a 4 to 5 vote, and motion to recommend an amended petition failed by a 2 to 7 vote, THEREFORE CONSTITUTING A TECHNICAL RECOMMENDATION OF DENIAL OF THIS REQUEST. Date(s) Continued : Apr 30, 1987 CONTINUED TO JUNE 25, 1987 MEETING DATE Pay 28, 1987 THIS ITEM AFTER 5:00 PM PZ-25. FIRST READING ORDINANCE - (J-87-404) ZONING TEXT AND APPLICANTS) : Planning Dept PETITION : Ord 9500 text amendment by amending ARTICLE 20, "GENERAL AND SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS" by adding a new Section 2035 entitled *Adult Day Care Centers", providing for definition, minimum lot dimensions, location of buildings in RS-1, RS-2 and RG-1 districts, required outdoor area and appropriate requirements, limitations and conditions; by amending Section 2036 entitled "Child Day Care Centers", as it pertains to outdoor play areas within child day care centers by adding the word "Day" to "Child Care Centers" throughout Section 2036; by amending ARTICLE 36 "Definitions", specifically as it pertains to the definition of child day care centers and by adding definitions for "Family Day Care Home" and "Adult Day Care Center"; and amending pages 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 of the Official Schedule of District Regulations by generally permitting Family Day Care Homes in RS-1 and RS-2 districts; One -Family Detached Residential; to allow Adult Day Care Centers in the RS-1 and RS-2 One -Family Detached Residential District by Class C Permit if less than 5 adults, and by Special Exception if 5 or more adults subject to the requirements and limitations of proposed Section 2035 "Adult Day Care Centers"; providing for minimum off-street parking requirements; to generally permit Adult Day Care Centers, subject to Class A permit, in RG-2 General Residential districts, subject to the requirements and limitations of Section 2035 "Adult Day Care Centers", providing for mminimum off-street parking requirements; by permitting Child Day Care Centers by Class C permit as an accessory use to churches and schools 1n CG-1 General Commercial districts; and by adding the word "Day" to "Child Care Centers" throughout the Schedule of District Regulations for clarity, by correcting a typographical error in "0-I Office Institutional by changing Sections 3036.4 and 3036.5 to Sections 2036.4 and 2036.5. Planning Department Recommends : Approval Planning Advisory Board Recommends: Approval, 7-1 PAGE NO. 2, CONTINUED TO JUNE 25, 1987 �il 9___ n..v_ MEETING DATE: May 28, 1987 THIS ITEM AFTER 5:00 PM PZ-25. FIRST READING ORDINANCE - (J-87-404) ZONING TEXT AMD APPLICANT(S) : Planning Dept P.�E�A PETITION : Ord 9500 text amendment by amending ARTICLE 20, $GENERAL AND SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS" by adding a new Section 2035 entitled "Adult Day Care Centers", providing for definition, minimum lot dimensions, location of buildings in RS-1, RS-2 and RG-1 districts, required outdoor area and appropriate requirements, limitations and conditions; by amending Section 2036 entitled "Child Day Care Centers", as it pertains to outdoor play areas within child day care centers by adding the word "Day" to "Child Care Centers" throughout Section 2036; by amending ARTICLE 36 "Definitions", specifically as it pertains to the definition of child day care centers and by adding definitions for "Family Day Care Home" and "Adult Day Care Center"; and amending pages 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 of the Official Schedule of District Regulations by generally permitting Family Day Care Homes in RS-1 and RS-2 districts; One -Family Detached Residential; to allow Adult Day Care Centers in the RS-1 and RS-2 One -Family Detached Residential District by Class C Permit if less than 5 adults, and by Special Exception if 5 or more adults subject to the requirements and limitations of proposed Section 2035 "Adult Day Care Centers"; providing for minimum off-street parking requirements; to generally permit Adult Day Care Centers, subject to Class A permit, in RG-2 General Residential districts, subject to the requirements and limitations of Section 2035 •Adult Day Care Centers", providing for minimum off-street parking requirements; by permitting Child Day Care Centers by Class C permit as an accessory use to churches and schools in CG-1 General Commercial districts; and by adding the word "Day" to "Child Care Centers" throughout the Schedule of District Regulations for clarity, by correcting a typographical error in 00-1 Office Institutional by changing Sections 3036.4 and 3036.5 to Sections 2036.4 and 2036.5. Planning Department Recommends : Approval Planning Advisory Board Recommends: Approval, 7-1 PAGE Nu: i1 / CONTINUED TO JUNE 25, 1987 r -� rir�riv�r�r+�il�rri► MEETING DATE: May 28, 1987 PAGE NO: 28 THIS ITEM AFTER 5:00 PM PZ-26. FIRST READING ORDINANCE - (J-87-403) ZONING TEXT AMD APPLICANT(S) : Planning Dept PETITION : Ord 9500 text amendment by amending ARTICLE 20, "GENERAL AND SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS"; Section 2026 entitled "Signs, Specific Limitations and Requirements% Subsection 2026.15 entitled "Outdoor Advertising Signs % and paragraph 2026.15.2.1, by reducing the number of outdoor advertising signs from a maximum of ten (10) to nine (9) which may face limited access highways within two hundred (200) feet of the Westerly side of I-95 right-of-way lines, or of any limited access highway inclusive of expressways westerly of I-95. Planning Department Recommends : Approval Planning Advisory Board Recommends: Approval, 7-0 THIS ITEM AFTER 5:00 PM PZ-27. FIRST READING ORDINANCE - (J-87-406) ZONING TEXT AMD APPLICANT(S) : Planning Dept PETITION : Ord 9500 text amendment by amending Section 3405 entitled "Status of Building Permits or Certificates of Use Issued Prior to Adoption or Amendment of Ordinance", by adding a new Subsection 3405.3 entitled "Status of Applications for Development Permits"; providing for the acceptance and processing of all applications for development permits properly on file with the City on or before the effective date of any legislation repealing or modifying regulations which allow the requested activity; providing guidelines and definitions; providing for retroactive effective date. Planning Department Recommends : Approval Planning Advisory Board Recommends: The recommenda- tions of the Planning Advisory Board wilt be presented at the City Commission meeting. CONTINUED TO JUNE 25, 1987 FIRST READING MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS ABSENT: CAROLLO & KENNEDY SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA PRESENTATIONS Commission Meeting = May 28, 1987 Commendations: Officers Larry Jackson & Rodolfo Herbello: For Presented their contributions to the safety of our residents and for their laudable and prompt action on behalf of an accident victim. Key of the City: Presented to Basilio, renowned Panamanian singer. Proclamation: "Upward People" Day. i