HomeMy WebLinkAboutAnalysis and MapsDocuSign Envelope ID: 01525E68-E6D5-4553-A254-81CDCOAOD5DO
ThIs Nu bmmtl [ needs b be scheduled ton a public h-1,g
In ecconbance whh timelines set forth in the City M
Mlarni Code. The appllcade beci-n-making body will
raWew the inbnnabon at the pubec hearing to n,nde, a
recommendation or a final :.dm.n.
F r City of Miami
'N NN P Planning Department
Staff Analysis Report No.
2000 NW 3 Avenue
Folio Number
Miami 21 Transect
75-0," Urban Center Transect Zone — Open
MCNP Designation
Medium Density Restricted Commercial
Commission District
District 5 — Commissioner Christine King
Department of Human Service
Neighborhood Service Center
Overtown Commissioner District Office
Samantha Maldonado, Planner I
Property Owner
Miami Dade County Miami Dade County Housing Agency
Project Representative
Ryan Bailine, Esq. (Bailiner@gtlaw.com)
Ryan Bailine, Esq. on behalf of Miami -Dade County and the Housing Trust Group, LLC (the
"Applicant") requests an Exception pursuant to Article 3, Section 3.15.3 and Article 7, Section, and associated Warrants and Waivers pursuant to Article 7, Section and
Section, respectively, of the Miami 21 Code, ordinance No.13114, as amended, for the
construction of an Attainable Mixed -Income Housing Development consisting of approximately
312 units known as "Rainbow Village" (the "Project"), located at 2000 NW 3 Avenue, Miami, FL.
1. Exception pursuant to Article 3, Section 3.15.3 to allow an Attainable Mixed -Income
Housing Development to abut a 73" Sub Urban Transect Zone.
Warrant pursuant to Article 3, Section 3.15.4(g), which exempts Attainable Mixed -
Income Housing Developments from maximum Lot Area requirements.
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DocuSign Envelope ID: 01525E68-E6D5-4553-A254-81CDCOAOD5DO
mI, eobrnidal needs m --headed m, a pbk heahng
In accond—wM1h hmellnes set forth in the City &
Miami CWe. The appliwde be -n-rnaXing bWy will
rewewthe inbrmation at the pubc hearing to n,nde, e
recommendation nr z final d.dd.,.
2. Warrant pursuant to Article 3, Section 3.15.4(a)(2) where Attainable Mixed -Income
Housing Developments are allowed a maximum building height of 75 feet with no limitation
on the number of stories.
1. Waiver pursuant Article 7, Section to allow a loading berth substitution
under Article 4 Table 5.
2. Waiver pursuant to Article 5, Section 5.5.2.h, to allow a 5% increase above the 10-foot
maximum height for elevator enclosures from 85 feet to 89 feet-6 inches.
Pursuant to Article 7, Section of the Miami 21 Code, ordinance No.13114, as
amended, the Planning Department recommends Approval with Conditions for the
requested Exception and associated Warrants and Waivers for the construction of the
Rainbow Village Attainable Mixed -Income Housing Development, consisting of approximately
312 units, based upon the facts and findings in this staff report.
Miami 21
MCNP / Density
Existing Use
T5-0, Urban Center Zone
65du/ac, 150du/ac,
Industrial, Residential
T6-8-0 Urban Core Zone
General Commercial
T3-R, Sub -Urban Zone
9du/ac, Medium Density
Multifamily Residential
36du/ac, Medium Density
T4-L, General Urban Zone
Restricted Commercial
T5-0, Urban Center Zone
65du/ac, General
Commercial, Vacant
N/A, Recreation,
CS, Civic Space Zone
T4-L, General Urban Zone
36du/ac, Medium Density
Restricted Commercial
Ordinance Number 14029—Rezoning (Adopted) From: " T4-L"
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DocuSign Envelope ID: 01525E68-E6D5-4553-A254-81CDCOAOD5DO
mI, eobrnidal needs m --headed m, a pbk heahng
In accond—wM1h hmellnes set forth in the City &
Miami CWe. The appliwde be -n-rnaXing bWy will
rewewthe inbrmation at the pubc hearing to n,nde, e
recommendation nr z final d.dd.,.
The Property is located on the Northwest corner of NW 20th Street and NW 3rd Avenue,
as detailed on the aerial image below (Figure 1). The Property is designated 74-L" General
Urban Zone — Limited on the City's zoning atlas; however, the Applicant recently rezoned the
Property from 74-L" General Urban Zone - Limited to 75-0" Urban Center Zone - Open,
through Ordinance 14029, adopted 9.23.2023. According to a survey prepared by Pulice Land
Surveyors, Inc., the Property is comprised of a single parcel approximately 451,692 square
feet (10.36 acres), 144,444 square feet of which are considered Phase I of the Development.
Phase I will provide 310 dwelling units. Future phases are contemplated to replace 100% of
the existing housing on site. Final unit counts will be provided once further long-range planning
The Property is owned by the Miami -Dade County (the "County") Public Housing Agency. The
County issued a Request for Proposal No. 01296 (the "RFP") to redevelop the Rainbow
Village Public Housing Community ("Rainbow Village") and Gwen Cherry 23C Public Housing
Community ("Gwen Cherry") located on the Property. The Applicant was the top ranked bidder
and winning responder to the RFP.
The property is in the Overtown Commissioner District Office Area and falls within the
boundaries of the Southeast Overtown/Park West (SEOPW) Community Redevelopment Plan
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mI, eobmidal needs m --headed m, a pbk heahng
In accond—wM1h hmellnes set forth in the City &
Miami CWe. The appliwde be -n-rnaXing bWy will
rewewthe inbrmation at the pubc hearing to n,nde, e
recommendation nr z final d.dd.,.
area. The Property is located in a Transit Corridor Quarter Mile Area, and is served by several
Miami Dade County Metrobus routes and a City of Miami Trolley route.
Through the Exception approval process and in accordance with Article 3, Section 3.15 of
Miami 21, the Applicant seeks to redevelop the Property with a mixed -use development known
as Rainbow Village. Phase I consists of approximately 310 units of Attainable Mixed -Income
Housing (31 Affordable units and 248 Workforce units, 31 Extremely Low -Income units) and
approximately 12,082 square feet Commercial uses, and 5,797 square feet of Office (Live -
Work) uses.
The Project was presented to the Urban Development Review Board on November 16, 2022.
Figure 2: A909 - Northwest Rendering of Rainbow Village
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DocuSign Envelope ID: 01525E68-E6D5-4553-A254-81CDCOAOD5D0
mis s�bminal needs m te. Iheaw•.e mr a pbk hearing
In accortlanre wM1h hmellnes set forth in the City &
Miami CWe. The appliwh, bs—n- naXing bWy will
renew the inmrm ,at the pubc hearing to rentlere
recommendation or z final d.dd.,.
Figure 3: A900 - Southeast Rendering of Rainbow
a. I
tl g tr
Figure 4: A 100 - Ground Floor Plan of Rainbow Village
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DocuSign Envelope ID: 01525E68-E6D5-4553-A254-81CDCOAOD5DO
mI, eobrnidal needs m --headed m, a pbk heahng
In accond—wM1h hmellnes set forth in the City &
Miami CWe. The appliwde be -n-rnaXing bWy will
rewewthe inbrmation at the pubc hearing to n,nde, e
recommendation nr z final d.dd.,.
Criteria 1. Article 3, Section 3.15.2: As a pre -requisite to qualify as an Attainable Mixed -
Income Housing Development eligible for any of the special benefits described in Section
3.15, an Applicant shall submit to the Office of Zoning:
a. Certification by the City's Housing and Community Development Department that the
proposed Development will provide a minimum of forty percent (40%) of the Dwelling
Units as Affordable Housing serving residents at or below sixty percent (60%) of
AMI, a minimum of ten percent (10%) of the Dwelling Units above sixty percent
(60%) of the AMI and at or below eighty percent (80%) of the AMI, a maximum of ten
percent (10%) of the Dwelling Units at any price, and the remainder of the Dwelling
Units above sixty percent (60%) of the AMI and at or below one hundred percent
(100%) of the AMI; or
b. Certification by the City's Housing and Community and Economic Development
Department that the proposed Development will provide a minimum of twenty
percent (20%) of the Dwelling Units as Affordable Housing serving residents at or
below fifty percent (50%) of AMI, a minimum of ten percent (10%) of the Dwelling
Units above sixty percent (60%) of the AMI and at or below eighty percent (80%) of
the AMI, a maximum of ten percent (10%) of the Dwelling Units at any price, and the
remainder of the Dwelling Units as Workforce Housing above sixty percent (60%) of
the AMI and at or below one hundred percent (100%) of the AMI.
c. Verification that the proposed Development is within a quarter (1/4) mile of a Transit
Corridor, or within a TOD area.
d. A recorded covenant running with the land acceptable to the City of Miami, confirming
the property will meet the criteria in subsection (a) above for a period of no less than
thirty (30) years from the date of the issuance of a final Certificate of Occupancy.
Analysis: A signed Affordable Housing Certificate, verifying that at least 40% of the units will
be provided as Affordable Housing and the remainder as Workforce Housing was submitted
by the Applicant. A recorded covenant, in accordance with the above standards, is required
at the time of building permits.
Findings: Complies
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mI, eobrnidal needs m --headed m, a pbk heahng
In accond—wM1h hmellnes set forth in the City &
Miami CWe. The appliwde be -n-rnaXing bWy will
rewewthe inbrmation at the pubc hearing to n,nde, e
recommendation nr z final d.dd.,.
Request 1. Article 3, Section 3.15.4.e: No Pedestrian or Vehicular Cross Block Passage
Request 2. Article 3, Section 3.15.4.g: No maximum Lot Area requirements.
Request 3. Article 3, Section 3.15.4(h): No maximum floorplate dimensions above the 8th
Request 4. Article 3, Section 3.15.4(a)(4): maximum building height of 240 feet with no
limitation on the number of Stories.
Analysis Requests 1-4: Qualified projects that commit to providing Attainable Mixed -Income
Housing are eligible for development bonuses and relaxation of Miami 21 Code requirements
related to Building Disposition, Building Configuration, and Parking Standards by process of
Warrant. Exemptions from the provision of Pedestrian or Vehicular Cross Block Passages and
maximum Lot Area are mitigated through frequent doors and windows along the ground levels
of the Project. The residential tower has been designed and articulated to reduce the
perception of the Project's overall massing despite exceeding maximum Floorplate
dimensions and overall building height typically permitted in the 76-12" Urban Core Transect
Zone. It is found that the Project meets the design review criteria of Miami 21, while addressing
critical issues related to quality Affordable Housing.
Findings Requests 1-4: Complies
Request 5. Article 7, Section to allow up to a 10% reduction in the 3-acre
minimum for Phased Projects, from 3 acres to 2.7 acres.
Analysis. Request 5: Article 7, Section permits up to a 10% deviation from any
standard of the code except for density, intensity, or height. According to the Applicant's letter
of intent, "the Project will be financed and constructed in two (2) separate phases" which per
Article 7, Section requires a minimum Lot area of three (3) acres. The Property is
approximately 2.805 acres which falls within the allowable threshold of the 10% deviation. It
is found that the request is justifiable given the Applicant's commitment to providing Affordable
Findings: Complies
Request 6. Article 5, Section 5.6.2(f): to allow vehicular entry on a Primary Frontage where
a lot only has Primary Frontages.
Analysis Request 6: The Property has Frontages along NW 7 AV and NW 13 ST which have
been designated Primary Frontages. To minimize conflicts between the Project and existing
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DocuSign Envelope ID: 01525E68-E6D5-4553-A254-81CDCOAOD5D0
mI, eobmidal needs m --headed m, a pbk heahng
In accond—wM1h hmellnes set forth in the City &
Miami CWe. The appliwde be -n-rnaXing bWy will
rewewthe inbrmation at the pubc hearing to n,nde, e
recommendation nr z final d.dd.,.
traffic patterns related to the Booker T. Washington school on NW 13 Street, vehicular entries
to the Project are proposed along NW 7 Avenue.
Findings: Complies
Request 7. Article 7, Section to allow up to a 10% reduction in the required
rooftop screening from 60% to 54%.
Analysis Request 7: Article 7, Section permits up to a 10% deviation from any
standard of the code except for density, intensity, or height. The minor deviation from 60% to
54% is requested to improve design efficiency for the garage rooftop screening. It is found
that the request is justifiable given the Applicant's commitment to providing Affordable
Findings: Complies
Request 8. Article 3, Section 3.15.4(1): to allow a modification to the setbacks above the
eighth floor for Attainable Mixed -Income Housing Developments.
Analysis Request 8: Qualified projects that commit to providing Attainable Mixed -Income
Housing are eligible for development bonuses and relaxation of Miami 21 Code requirements
related to Building Disposition by process of Waiver. The residential tower, although in the
same plane as the podium, has been designed and articulated to reduce the perception of the
massing. It is found that the Project meets the design review criteria of Miami 21, while
addressing critical issues related to quality Affordable Housing.
Findings: Complies
Request 9. Article 7, Section to allow a loading berth substitution under
Article 4 Table 5.
Analysis Request 9: Pursuant to Article 4, Table 5, a required Industrial loading berth may
be substituted for two Commercial loading berths, by process of Waiver, "if the size, character,
and operation of the Use is found to not require the dimensions specified and the required
loading berth dimension could not otherwise be provided according to the regulations of this
The Project proposes a total of 612 Dwelling Units. To better serve the size and nature of this
primarily Residential Use and allow for a more efficient garage layout, the Project proposes
one (1) 12 feet x 35 feet Commercial loading berth and three (3) 10 feet x 20 feet Residential
loading berths within each phase of the project, as illustrated on the plans and detailed in the
Zoning data chart.
Findings: Complies
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DocuSign Envelope ID: 01525E68-E6D5-4553-A254-81CDCOAOD5DO
mI, eobrnidal needs m --headed m, a pbk heahng
In accond—wM1h hmellnes set forth in the City &
Miami CWe. The appliwde be -n-rnaXing bWy will
rewewthe inbrmation at the pubc hearing to n,nde, e
recommendation nr z final d.dd.,.
Request 10. Article 3, Section 3.15.4(d): to allow parking to extend into the Second Layer
above the first Story along all Frontages.
Analysis Request 10: Qualified projects that commit to providing Attainable Mixed -Income
Housing are eligible for development bonuses and relaxation of Miami 21 Code requirements
related to Parking Standards by process of Waiver. Parking is proposed in the Second Layer
along the Principal Frontage to allow for more efficient parking and loading on site and is
concealed behind an architectural fagade treatment consisting of mesh and vertical louvers.
It is found that the Project meets the design review criteria of Miami 21, while addressing
critical issues related to quality Affordable Housing.
Findings: Complies
Request 11: Article 7, Section to allow up to a 10% reduction in the required
drive aisle width from 23'-0" to 22'-0".
Analysis Request 11: Article 7, Section permits up to a 10% deviation from
any standard of the code except for density, intensity, or height. A less than 10% deviation is
being requested to reduce parking footprint and maximize circulation efficiency. The minor
reduction in drive aisle width from 23 feet to 22 feet justifiable and will not negatively impact
circulation on or off -site.
Findings: Complies
Request 12: Article 3, Section 3.15.5(b): to allow an additional 15% parking reduction for
Attainable Mixed -Income Housing Developments within a TOD.
Analysis Request 12: Qualified Affordable Housing developments receive a 35% reduction
in required parking By Right. Affordable Housing Developments located in a TOD also receive
an additional 15% reduction by By Right and may request an additional 15% reduction by
process of Waiver. It is found that the requested parking reductions will not unduly burden the
neighborhood due to the nature of the Use and prospective renters who, according to the
Applicant's Letter of Intent, will rely on the various public transportation options that serve the
Property. The closest transit stop is located at the south end of the property along NW 22
Street, served by the MDC Metrobus. The project proposes a parking ratio of 0.6 spaces per
unit and 19 bike racks.
Findings: Complies
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mI, eobmidal needs m he&ied mr a pbk heahng
In accond—wM1h hmellnes set forth in the City &
Miami CWe. The appliwde be -n- naXing bWy will
rewewthe inbrmation at the pubc hearing to n,nde, e
recommendation nr z final d.dd.,.
Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan (MCNP)
The property is in the MCNP's Future Land Use (FLU) designation of "Medium Density
Restricted Commercial," the same FLU designation as several of the abutting properties
(Figure 5). This FLU designation allows residential uses, transitory residential facilities such
as hotels and motels. This category also allows general office use, clinics and laboratories,
auditoriums, libraries, convention facilities, places of worship, and primary and secondary
schools. This category also allows general office use, clinics and laboratories, auditoriums,
libraries, convention facilities, places of worship, and primary and secondary schools.
The other surrounding properties have FLU designations of General Commercial, Public
Parks and Recreation, and Medium Density Multifamily Residential, and have a combination
of existing land uses including of Residential, Institutional, and Industrial, and Commercial.
The applicant's proposed construction of an Attainable Mixed -Income Housing Development
conforms to the policies and goals of the MCNP and is found to be consistent.
Figure 5: Future Land Use Map
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DocuSign Envelope ID: 01525E68-E6D5-4553-A254-81CDCOAOD5DO
mI, eobmidal needs m --headed m, a pbk heahng
In accond—wM1h hmellnes set forth in the City &
Miami CWe. The appliwde be -n-rnaXing bWy will
rewewthe inbrmation at the pubc hearing to n,nde, e
recommendation nr z final d.dd.,.
Miami 21 Code
The property is within the 75-0," Urban Center - Open Transect Zone of the Miami 21 Atlas
(Figure 6). According to Miami 21, 75-0" Urban Center — Open Transect Zones of "higher
Density Mixed -Use Building types that accommodate retail and office Uses, rowhouses and
apartments. A network of small blocks has Thoroughfares with wide Sidewalks, steady street
tree planting and Buildings set close to the Frontages with frequent doors and windows." Per
Article 4, Table 3 of the Miami 21 Zoning Code, Multi Family Housing is permitted by right in
this Transect Zone. The applicant's proposed development of an Attainable Mixed -Income
Housing Development conforms to the policies of the Miami 21 Code and is found to be
Figure 6: Miami 21 Transect Zone Map
The surrounding properties are within 74-L," General Urban — Limited Transect Zone, "CS,"
Civic Space Zone, 73-R," Sub -Urban — Restricted Transect Zone, and 76-8-0," Urban Core
— Open Transect Zone. The subject property serves as a transition zone between the 73-R"
Sub -Urban — Restricted Transect Zone to the south, and the 76-8-0" Urban Core — Open
Transect Zone to the north. The Development is designed to gradually "step down" to a lower
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DocuSign Envelope ID: 01525E68-E6D5-4553-A254-81CDCOAOD5DO
mI, eobrnidal needs m --headed m, a pbk heahng
In accond—wM1h hmellnes set forth in the City &
Miami CWe. The appliwde be -n-rnaXing bWy will
rewewthe inbrmation at the pubc hearing to n,nde, e
recommendation nr z final d.dd.,.
height/intensity along the south, closest to the "73" Sub Urban Transect Zone, detailed in the
site plan and context massing (Figure 7).
Figure 7: A006 - Context Massing
N 11
The Subject Property is located within the Southeast Overtown / Park West Community
Revitalization Area (SEOPW CRA). The Development furthers the following Redevelopment
Goals contained in the SEOPW CRA Redevelopment Plan:
Goal #2:
Expand the Tax base using Public -Probate principles; by following the current land
use policies for sound real estate acquisitions, assemblage, development and
creating viable commercial corridors within the SEOPW CRA through Public- Private
Partnerships. The Development is an RFP with the County, Phase 1 of the resulting
community will include 310 new affordable housing units together with 12,000 +/- square
feet of new commercial space. This will encourage job creation as well as create a new,
high -quality residential community on otherwise underutilized land within the CRA area.
Goal #3:
Provide and Retail Housing Affordability; working with the City of Miami, Miami -Dade
County and the private sector to encourage and create a sound balance of very low-
income housing, affordable, workforce and mixed -income housing within the CRA.
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mI, eobrnidal needs m --headed m, a pbk healing
In accordance wM1h hmellnes set forth in the City &
Miami CWe. The appliwde dz-n-rnaXing bWy will
rewewthe inbrmadon at the pubdc hearing to render e
recommendation nr z final d.ddon.
The Development is an RFP with the County, and includes a robust mix of
affordable/attainable housing. The existing development on the property is a series of
outdated, low-rise buildings that do not follow current design principles. The proposed
Development is far more efficient and incorporates modern design with a high level of onsite
Goal #6:
Improve the Quality of Life for residents; creating housing, recreation and work
environments where healthy outcomes are the result of a planned and sustainable
effort designed to improve the quality of life for Overtown residents in the CRA. The
Development includes 310 units of affordable housing, together with a lively amenities
program for the use and enjoyment of residents of the future community.
Pursuant to Article 7, Section of the Miami 21 Code, the Planning Department has
made referrals to the agencies below:
• Office of Zoning
• Overtown Neighborhood Service Center
• Office of Code Compliance
• Art in Public Places Division
• Planning Department — Comprehensive Planning Division
• Planning Department — Urban Design Division
• Environmental Resources
• Fire Department
• Resiliency and Public Works
On September 27, 2022, the Project was referred to the Coordinated Review Committee
(CRC). The comments and recommendations from the reviewing departments and agencies
have been considered and are reflected in this final decision.
On November 16, 2022, the Project was referred to the Urban Development Review Board
(" U DRB").
Based on the above findings, the input of the agencies consulted on this matter, and pursuant
to Article 7, Section of the Zoning Ordinance, the subject proposal is approved with
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mI, eobmidal needs m --headed m, a pbk heahng
In accond—wM1h hmellnes set forth in the City &
Miami CWe. The appliwde be -n-rnaXing bWy will
rewewthe inbrmation at the pubc hearing to n,nde, e
recommendation nr z final d.dd.,.
conditions, subject to the plans submitted by the Applicant on file with the Planning
Department with the following conditions:
1. The Project shall be developed in accordance with the plans and supporting documents
submitted, bearing the E-Plan stamp for Exception No. PZ-22-13191. The Applicant's
satisfaction of the below conditions is subject to the approval of the Planning Department.
2. This Project has been approved for the Rainbow Village development consisting of
approximately 12,082 square feet Commercial uses, 5,797 square feet of Office (Live -
Work) uses, 310 Attainable Mixed -Income Housing Units, and 447 parking spaces with a
total Floor Area of approximately 582,874 square feet, as shown on the approved plans
and supporting documents.
3. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the Applicant, owner, or successor shall submit a
recorded Covenant running with the land acceptable by the City of Miami pursuant to
Article 3, Section 3.15.2.d., confirming the property meets the criteria set forth in Article 3,
Section 3.15.2 of the Miami 21 Code for the 310 Attainable Mixed -Income Housing units.
4. Applicant, owner, or successor shall satisfy all conditions of the UDRB resolution at the
time of a building permit, subject to a determination by the Planning Department. The final
design including updated elevations, renderings, and material samples for shall be
reviewed by the Planning Department prior to issuance of a building permit.
5. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the Applicant, owner, or successor shall
address the trash and loading areas.
6. Prior to the issuance of a building permit and subject to the Applicant, owner, or
successor shall provide a comprehensive master plan and rendering showing the scales
and interactions of the space. Massing of said master plan is sufficient.
7. Prior to the issuance of a building permit and subject to a determination by the Planning
Department, the Applicant, owner, or successor shall develop the east elevation along 3
Avenue to keep the design language throughout.
8. Prior to the issuance of a building permit and subject to a determination by the Planning
Department, the Applicant, owner, or successor shall treat the other fagade similar to the
south fagade to reduce the scale.
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DocuSign Envelope ID: 01525E68-E6D5-4553-A254-81CDCOAOD5D0
mI, eobrnidal needs m --headed m, a pbk healing
In accordance wM1h hmellnes set forth in the City &
Miami CWe. The appliwd, decision-rnaXing bWy will
rewewthe inbrmadon at the pubdc hearing to render e
recommendation nr z final d.ddon.
9. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the Applicant, owner, or successor shall
provide narrative outlining the proposed approach to art curation, selection of artists,
materials, maintenance, and lighting.
10. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the Applicant, owner, or successor shall provide the
Planning Department with a temporary construction plan that addresses construction
phasing and includes the following elements:
a. Temporary construction parking plan, with an enforcement policy; and
b. Construction noise management plan with an enforcement policy;
11. If the project is to be developed in phases and/or individual specific projects, the Applicant,
owner, or successor shall submit an interim plan, including a landscape plan developed in
compliance with Miami 21, Article 9, which addresses design details for the land occupying
future phases of this Project in the event that the future phases are not developed, said
plan shall include a proposed timetable and shall be subject to review and approval by the
Planning Director.
12. Review and approval by Environmental Resources is required prior to issuance of a
building permit.
13. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, a complete Preparers Statement of Landscape
Compliance and an irrigation plan shall be submitted in accordance with Article 9 Section
14. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the Applicant, owner, or successor shall provide a
Covenant in lieu of unity of title for unification of the Property.
15. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the Applicant, owner, or successor shall provide a
determination letter from the FAA and MDAD for the proposed building height.
16. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the Applicant, owner, or successor shall submit the
following in accordance with Article 3, Section
a. Proof of registration with the Green Building Certification Institute, or equivalent
b. A signed and sealed affidavit from a LEED Accredited Professional, or
applicable designation, stating that the proposed Building is designed to
achieve the required certification; and
c. A LEED Scorecard, or equivalent document, identifying anticipated credits to
be achieved.
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mI, eobmidal needs m --headed m, a pbk heahng
In accond—wM1h hmellnes set forth in the City &
Miami CWe. The appliwde be -n-rnaXing bWy will
rewewthe inbrmation at the pubc hearing to n,nde, e
recommendation nr z final d.dd.,.
17. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the Applicant, owner, or successor shall provide
a traffic sufficiency letter for review by the Department of Resilience and Public Works.
18. A dock master will be required for the proposed loading configuration tandem loading.
Prior to issuance of a building permit, the Applicant, owner, or successor shall provide
updated plans indicating location of dock master room.
19. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the Applicant, owner, or successor shall provide
updated plans indicating location of EV Capable parking in accordance with Article 3,
Section 3.6.1.f.
20. Signage is not part of this Exception and shall be reviewed under a separate permit
application in accordance with Article 10 of the Miami 21 Code.
21. The Applicant, owner, or successor shall comply with the requirements of all applicable
departments/agencies as part of the City of Miami building permit submittal process.
22. The Applicant, owner, or successor must meet all applicable building codes, land
development regulations, ordinances, and other laws and pay all applicable fees due prior
to the issuance of any building permit.
23. The Applicant, owner, or successor shall meet conditions all applicable local, state, and
federal regulations.
24. Any modification to the approved plans as a result or consequence of the Applicant's
compliance with other departments and/or agencies and/or codes, shall require a new
review for approval confirmation from the Planning Director in accordance with Article 7 of
the Miami 21 Code.
25. Pursuant to Miami 21 Code, Section 4 "An Exception shall be valid for a period
of two (2) years during which a building permit or Certificate of Use must be obtained. This
excludes a demolition or landscape permit. A one-time extension, for a period not to
exceed an additional year, may be obtained if approved by the Planning Director.
26. Failure to comply with the conditions herein may result in the immediate revocation of this
Exception and shall be subject to any fines and penalties pursuant to City Code.
Final Decision Report No. (PZ-22-13191) — Page 16
DocuSign Envelope ID: 01525E68-E6D5-4553-A254-81CDCOAOD5DO
DocuSigned by:
Lakisha Hull, AICP, LEED AP BD+C
Planning Director
DocuSigned by:
Stun In t, Sf6tAk r
Sevanne Steiner, CNU-A, Interim Chief
Land Development
Maldonado Maldonadoly , ed
� Maldonado, Samantha
Samantha Date15:38:323.02A2
Samantha Maldonado
Planner I
Attachment 1 —
Attachment 2 —
Attachment 3 —
mie eob,nMa[ needs b —he&ied br a pbk heeling
In—nd, wM1h hrnellnee setforth in the City&
Miami CWe. The appliwd, dz—n- naXing bWy will
renew the inbrm ,at the pubec hearing to rend,,
recommendation nn a final deddon.
The Final Decision of the Planning Director, or his/her designee, may be appealed to the
Planning, Zoning and Appeals Board by any aggrieved party within fifteen (15) days of the
date of the posting of the decision on the City's website. The filing of an appeal, and
payment of appropriate fee, may be submitted online at
https://www. miamigov.com/Services/Solve-a-Problem/Appeal-a-Warrant-or-a-Waiver.
Final Decision Report No. (PZ-22-13191) — Page 17
Project Fact Sheet
This document is used to provide a summary for
Planning Department related projects.
Project Name: Rainbow Village Affordable Housing
Project Address: 2000 NW 3 AV
• •
Company Name: MDC and The Housing Trust Grob,{
Primary Contact: Ryan Bailine, Esq.
Email: Ryan. Bailine@gtlaw.com
Secondary Contact: Marissa Neufelc
Email: Marissa.Neufeld@gtlaw.con
This su nnint [n &b be sche&W d for a public hearing
in cordance with timaI —set forth in the City of
Miamc Ccde. The appk.e ,decon-making bcdymll
renew the infonna0on at the public hearing t, render a
m do dnnora finaldedsnn.
Lead Staff: Samantha Maldonado, Planner I
Principal Division: Land Development
Email: sammaldonado@miamigov.com
Applicant: Miami -Dade County and the Housing Trust Group, LLC
Representative: Ryan Bailine, Esq.
Applicant seeks an Exception to allow an Attainable Mixed -Income
Housing Development to abut a T3 Transect Zone, pursuant to
Article 3, Section 3.15 of the Miami 21 Code.
The proposed development is considered "Phase 1" of the project,
consisting of 310 multifamily dwelling units of Attainable
Mixed -Income Housing, and approximately 12,000 square feet of
ground floor commercial retail.
Webs Link(s):
❑✓ City Commission
Existing Transect Zone(s): T5-0, Urban Center Zone
Existing FLUM(s): Medium Density Restricted
Commissioner District(s): District 5 - Commissioner
Christine King
Department of Human Service Neighborhood Service
Center(s): Overtown Commissioner District Office
Revision Date: 08/03/2022 Department Director: Lakisha Hull AICP, LEEP AP BD+C
EPLAN ID: PZ-22-13191
ds to de acheda�d bra p0k nex,ing
EXCEPTION ppludt—Ime--1 hin the Ciyn!appliwde dsbk-makingburywill
1ldalthe1 fillhearing1. rentlera
mendation or a final tlecision.ADDRESS(ES): 2000 NW 3 AV Z-22-13191
150 300 600 Feet
EPLAN ID: PZ-22-13191
ds to de achedal dbra p0k nex,ing
EXCEPTION ppludt—Ime--1 hin the Ciyn!appliwde dsbk-makingburywill
11ldalthe1 fillhearing1. rentlera
mendation or a final tlecision.ADDRESS(ES): 2000 NW 3 AV Z-22-13191
0 150 300 600 Feet
Public Parks
and Recreation
Medium Density
Medium Density
NW 19TH LN Residential
EPLAN ID: PZ-22-13191
0 150 300 600 Feet
Thls submittal needs m be scheaWee mr a p0k h.,i,g
hmerm. set font h, the City m
mi— CWe. The applude tlsision-making bWy will
re�ewihe information at the pubk hearing to nmaer a
recommendation or a final decision.