HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 1987-06-25 Marked Agenda11 ( MAVOR SAVIEIILSUAREt VICE MAvOR I. L PtUMMEit.1R. COMMISSIONER x* CAROIIo COMMISSIONER MIIIER 1. DAWKINS COMMISSIONER ROSARIO kENNEDT CITY MANAGER CESAR H. ODIO CITY COMM- 1551ON AG--EN81 MEETING DATE: .June 25, 1987 CITY HALL 3SW PAN AMERICAN DRIVE CITY ORDINANCE NO.10087, ADOPTED MARCH 18,1986, GENERALLY REQUIRES All PERSONS APPEARING IN A PAID OR REMUNERATED REPRESENTATIVE CAP�ACIT,Y. BEFORE CITY STAFF, BOARDS, COMMITTEES AND THE CITY COMMISSION TO REGISTER WITH THE CITY CLERK BEFORE ENGAGING IN LOBBYING ACTIVITIES. A COPY OF SAID ORDINANCE IS AVAILABLE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, CITY HALL. The City Commisslon has established a policy that Commlsslon meetings will adjourn at the conclusion of deliberations on the agenda Item being considered at 9:00 PM. (Resolution No. 67-115) PART 'A': PART 'B': NON -PLANNING b ZONING ITEMS BEGINNING AT 1:00 PM BEGINNING IN THE NUMBERED SEQUENCE OR AS ANNOUNCED BY THE COMMISSION BEGINNING AT 2:00 PM BEGINNING AT 2:30 PM BEGINNING AT 2:45 PM BEGINNING AT 3:00 PM PLANNING b ZONING ITEMS BEGINNING AFTER 3:30 PM: BEGINNING AFTER 5:00 PM: PART A . ITEMS 1 THROUGH 7 ITEMS 8 THROUGH 16 ITEMS 17 THROUGH 29 ITEMS 30 THROUGH 36 ITEMS 37 ITEMS 38 AND 39 ITEMS PZ-1 THROUGH PZ-5 ITEMS PZ-6 THROUGH PZ-26 1:00 PM INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE A. Presentation to the City of the Award for Distinguished Budget Presentation. B. FRESFNTATIONS 6 PROCLAMATIONS NOTE: The City Clerk's office Is the source of all legislative history references. DELIVERED PRESENTED SEE SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA Cl ..c6!i io a CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: June 96, 1987 PAGE NO: 2 CONSENT AGENDA Unless a member of the City Commission wishes to remove a specific Item from this portion of the agenda, Items 1 through 7 constitute the Consent Agenda. These resolutions are self- explanatory and are not expected to require additional review or discussion. Each Item will be recorded as Individually numbered resolutions, adopted unanimously by the following motion: "...that the Consent Agenda comprised of Items 1 through 7 be adopted..." The Mayor or City Clerk shall state the following: "Before the vote on adopting Items Included In the Consent Agenda Is taken, Is there anyone present who is an objector or proponent that wishes to speak on any Item In the Consent Agenda? Hearing none, the vote on the adoption of the Consent Agenda will now be taken." (CA) 1. RESOLUTION - (J-87-587) - (FORMALIZATION) Authorizing the City Manager to allocate $10,000 from Special Program and Accounts, Contingent Fund, pursuant to a request by representatives of the Educational Equipment Center for Installation of a computer assisted remedial skill teaching program. (CA) 2. RESOLUTION - (J-87-591) - (ACCEPTING BID) Accepting the bid of Dothan Security, Inc fa female -owned firm) for furnishing security guard services at the Virginia Key/ Beach and Dinner Key Marina to the Department of Parks, Recreation and Public Facilities on a contract basis for one (1) year renewable annually for two (2) additional years at a total estimated first year cost of $78.430.00 allocating . funds therefor from the 1986-87 Operating Budget Account Code •490328-340 In the amount of $13,700.00 and $64,730.00 to be allocated from the 1987-88 Operating Budget; authorizing the City Manager to Instruct the Chief Procurement Officer to Issue purchase orders for this service subject to the availability of funds. R-87-589 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY ABSENT: CAROLLO R-87-590 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY ABSENT: CAROLLO Y_F =W O yc«i ii~Ir 2 CI`COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: June 25. 1981 PAGE NO: 3 CONSENT AGENDA OONT'D (CA) 3. RESOLUTION - (J-87-599) - (AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT) Authorizing execution of a lease agreement. In a form acceptable to the City Attorney, with MCF Corporation, a Hispanic company, to provide for leasing approximately 25,630 sq. ft. of office space In the building located at 3006 Aviation Avenue with funds therefor allocated from the appropriate budgeted departmental funds. (CA) 4. RESOLUTION - (J-87-505) - (AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT) Authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement, In a form acceptable to the City Attorney, between the City of Miami and Cellar Door Concerts, Inc., for presenting the Madonna Concert at the Orange Bowl Stadium on June 27, 1987. (CA) 5. RESOLUTION - (J-87-592) - (AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT) Authorizing and directing the City to execute a preliminary dev agreement (PDA) with the Department of Community Affal r Florida 2A), In v — —.-Wff raO 9% nG.16 FSWUWVG1W$AHCf1L rry CC.'t j said resolution superseding a prior . authorization as reflected in Resolution No. 87-373 adopted April 30, 1987. R-87-591 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY ABSENT: CAROLLO R-87-592 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY ABSENT: CAROLLO WITHDRAWN BY ADMINISTRATION SY of a COMM - SSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: June 26, 1981 CONSENT AGENDA CDNT'D (CA) 6. RESOLUTION - (J-87-595) - (AUTHORIZING ALLOCATION OF FUNDS) Allocating $30.000 of Eleventh Year Community Development Block Grant Funds: Contingencies, for Implementation of the City of Miaml's 1987 Summer Youth Employment and Training Program. (CA) 7. RESOLUTION - (J-87-596) - (AUTHORIZING CLOSURE OF STREETS & PERMIT TO SELL BEER & WINE 8 ESTABLISHING A PEDESTRIAN MALL a AN AREA PROHIBITED TO RETAIL PEDDLERS) Concerning the Downtown Desk Dash to be conducted by the Downtown Miami Business Association on July 17, 1987, providing for the closure of designated streets to through vehicular traffic and establishing a pedestrian mall subject to the Issuance of permits by the Departments of Police and Fire. Rescue and Inspection Services; authorizing a_one-day permit to sell beer and wine In connection with said event subject to the Issuance of all permits required by law; further establishing an area prohibited to retail peddlers during the period of the event; conditioned upon the requirement that the City will be Insured against any potential liability and upon organizers paying for all necessary costs of City services associated with said event. END OF CONSENT AGENDA PAGE NO: 4 R-87-593 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY ABSENT: CAROLLO R-87-594 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY ABSENT: CAROLLO 0 r_ of 0 .-Coo owir CI COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: June 25, 1987 PAGE NO: 5 NOTE: 8. 9. Items 8 through 6 may be heard ORDINANCES - EMERGENCY EMERGENCY ORDINANCE - (J-87-600) (4/5THS VOTE) Amending Sections 1 and 6 of Ordinance No. 10150 adopted September 25, 1986, the Annual Appropriations Ordinance for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1987, by Increasing the appropriations In the Miamarina Enterprise Fund In the amount of $589,900, Increasing revenues In a like amount from Dockage Fees to fund the 30, 1937; containing a repealer provision and a severabllity clause. EMERGENCY ORDINANCE - (J-87-583) (4/5THS VOTE) Establishing two new special revenue funds entitled: "Neighborhoods Jobs Program (FY 888110 and •Office of Intergovernmental Liaison (FY 088)% appropriating funds for their operation In the amounts of $481,600 and $55,000 respectively from the United States Department of Labor, and authorizing the City Manager to accept the grant awards from the United States Department of Labor and to enter Into the necessary contract(s) and/or agreement(s) with the South Florida Employment and Training Consortium to accept the grants; containing a repealer provision and a severabllity clause. EMERGENCY ORDINANCE 10288 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS EMERGENCY ORDINANCE 10289 MOVED: PLUMMER SECON: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS tY .OR� y i? •sw. s+nrt ? nn CITE' COMM ISSION AGENDA ----- ------ MEETING DATE: June 25, 1987 PAGE NO: g ORDINANCES - FIRST READING 10. FIRST READING ORDINANCE - (J-87-598) Appropriating $360,000, from the Southeast Overtown/Park West Redevelopment Trust Fund for the purpose of making an Interest payment on a HUD Section 108 loan for Phase 1 land acquisition and for marketing support and associated redevelopment planning activities for Phase I Housing Development; authorizing the City Manager to seek approval from the Dade County Commission for use of Redevelopment Trust Fund Revenues for these purposes. NOTE: This Is a companion Item to item 11. 11. FIRST READING ORDINANCE - (J-87-594) Amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 10187, as amended, the _Capital Improvement _Appropriations Ordinance, by Increasing the total approprlatlon to the capital proJect entitled "Southeast Overtown/Paark West Redevelopment - Phase 1" Project No. 322029 by $100,000i said amount to be available from the Southeast Overtown/Park West Redevelopment Trust Fund; resulting In a total appropriation of $27,280,500; containing a repealer provision and a severabllity clause. NOTE: This Is a companion Item to Item 10. FIRST READING MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS FIRST READING (AS AMENDED) MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS 1 Y Of y W � p .-clap Clot 1 � N CI Cb Fio� COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: June 25, 1987 RESOLUTIONS City Attorney's Office 12. RESOLUTION - (J-87-574) - (DIRECTING PREPARATION OF CHARTER AMENDMENTS) Directing the City Attorney to prepare the following Charter amendments for the November 3, 1987 election, pursuant to Ordinance No. 10116, adopted June 12, 1986: Charter Amendment No. 1, to provide •Mlnlmum substantive and procedural restrictions and safeguards upon Watson Island development proposals"; Charter Amendment No. 2, to require "that a referendum be held when there are less than three (3) proposals received for a proposed lease or sale of Clty-owned property" and to provide exemptions from such three (3) proposal and referendum requirements for certain City and/or governmental projects; Charter Amendment No. 3, to authorize preference to be afforded vendors and/or contractors situated In the City and Dade County In the award of City procurement contracts"; Charter Amendment No. 4, to create an Independent and autonomous agency to operate and manage all aspects of Bayfront Park and such other City park or parks as the City Commission may designate from time to time; Charter Amendment No. 5, to prohibit the "use of City funds In support of any multi -nation conference held in the City where government officials from Communlst-Marxist nations have been scheduled to participate In or attend such conference". Department of Development 13. RESOLUTION - (J-87-597) - (APPROVING ADDENDUM TO OMNI AREA REDEVELOPMENT PLAN) Approving an addendum containing additional Information related to various components of the previously approved Omni Area Redevelopment Plan, a copy of which addendum Is attached hereto and which shall become part of the Omni Area Redevelopment Plan. PAGE NO: 7 R-87-598 (AS AMENDED) MOVED: KENNEDY SECOND: PLUMMER NOES: DAWKINS R-87-604 MOVED: DAWKINS SECON: KENNEDY ABSENT: CAROLLO I Or *coo Use r 4 - --- ---- -- MISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: June 96, 1987 PAGE NO: 8 RESOLUTIONS CONT'D f I Servl 14. RESOLUTION - (J-87-539) - (ACCEPTING BID) Accepting the bid of Production Associates. Inc. (a black vendor) for furnlshino Janitorial services at the Police Buliding for the Department of General Services Administration on a contract basis for one (1) year renewable annually at a total proposed cost of $125,856.00; allocating funds therefor from the 1986-87 Property Maintenance Division Funds. Repair and Maintenance Services - Outside, •421001-340; approving the Chief Procurement Officer's decision In connection with a bid solicitation protest; authorizing the City Manager to Instruct the Chief Procurement Officer to Issue a purchase order for this service. 15. RESOLUTION - (J-87-593) - (AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT) Authorizing execution of a lease agreement. In a form acceptable to the City Attorney. with Amerlfirst Development Corporation, to provide for leasing approximately 16,000 sq. ft. of office space In the Downtown Area with funds therefor allocated from the appropriate budgeted departmental funds. _Department of Parks. Recreation and Public Facilities 16. WSOLUTION - (J-87-582) - (AUTHORIZING. ISSUA,NCE OF RFP & EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT) Authoriz the City Manager to Issue a re uest f proposals (RFP) for concession a er or mane ers to coordinate and/o o erate the concession activltles In conne Ion with the public assenbla a and Interes ttendant upon the Papal visit scheduled f September 10, 1987; further authorizing thbQpItty Manager to neaotlate and execute an agr-ament with the proposer submitting the pro sal(s) most advantageous to the City of Mla In response to said RFP. R-87-608 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS R-87-609 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS SEE RELATED M-87-610 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS t f AdIkkAMIL C1 coo aim WS SION AROE OA MEETING DATE: June 25, 1987 PAGE NO: 9 2:00 PM PERSONAL APPEARANCES NOTE: Legislation may result from City Commission consideration of any Personal Appearance. 17. Representative(s) of the Miami Dade Chamber of Commerce to address the Commission. (This Item was continued from the meeting of Jun 11, -87.) 18. Representative(s) of the Greater Miami Opera Association to request a grant of $50,000 in support of Its 1986-87 fiscal year. (This item was continued from the meeting of Jun 11, '87.) 19. Stuart Sorg to request funding for the Hydrofoil Waterbus from Miami Capital Development, Inc. 20. Representative(s) of XI Serle de Baseball Infantll y Juvenil del Carlbe to request use of Bobby Maduro Stadlum from July 27 to August 1, 1987 in connection with the XI Youth Caribbean Baseball Series. 21. Mr. Ercllio Bugnes to discuss problems occurring at the property located 225-27 HW 34 Avenue. 22. Mr. Robert V. Fitzsimmons to discuss the closing of Abaco Avenue. 23. Mr. Juan Dalla Rizza to discuss proposed rezoning of the area surrounding the, Coconut Grove Metrorall Station. 24. Mr. Jerome Bain to discuss Southland Storage Area In regards to loading, unloading, maintenance and sale of cars on public property. M-87-611 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY ABSENT: CAROLLO R-87-612- - - - - - - - MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS M-87-596 MOVED: KENNEDY SECOND: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS M-87-613 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: CAROLLO NOES: SUAREZ & DAWKINS M-87-606 MOVED: CAROLLO SECOND: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ M-87-667 MOVED: CAROLLO SECOND: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS NO APPEARANCE M-87-614 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS NO APPEARANCE M-87-615 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY ABSENT: CAROLLO r of off W ten.. un,p :a • to ro F�o� cry COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: June 26. 1987 PAGE NO: 10 2:00 PM PERSONAL APPEARANCES CONT"D 25. Ms. Marla DeSlllers to address the Commission regarding the Ronnie DeSlllers Natlonal Foundatlon for Organ Donor Awareness. 26. Mr. Cornell Bethel. Sr. to discuss use of Elizabeth Verrlck Park. 27. Representative(s) of the Edison Center/Model City Merchants Association to discuss the Liberty City Police Substation. 28. Representative(s) of the Coconut Grove Local Development Corporation to request reinstatement of administrative grant to original level of $50,000. 29. Representative(s) of Miami Center addressing signs at the office building at the Miami Center. 2:30 PM RECEIPT OF BIDS 30. RECEIPT OF BIDS Opening of sealed bids for construction of Fairlawn South Sanitary Sewer Improvement SR-5515 C (centerline sewer) at a revised estimated construction cost of $1,950,000. R-87-600 MOVED: KENNEDY SECOND: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ R-87-601 MOVED: KENNEDY SECOND: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS M-87-616 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS ABSENT: KENNEDY M-87-617 MOVED: CAROLLO SECOND: DAWKINS ABSENT: KENNEDY M-87-618 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS WITHDRAWN BY APPLICANT M-87-602 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS Y OF p ..eiN toilet an .FlO� ClCOMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: June 25, 1887 PAGE NO: 1 1 PUBLIC HEARINGS 2:30 PM 31. RESOLUTION - (J-87-573) - (DECLARING HOUSING EMERGENCY & AUTHORIZING IMPLEMENTATION OF HOUSING DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM) Declaring a housing emergency In the Cit of Miami relative to the severe shortage of housing within the affordability range of families and Individuals of low and moderate Income; further authorizing the Implementation of the Cltv Soonsored Affordable Homeownership Opportunity Program Demonstration Project planned on the City owned Carver Branch - YMCA site In the Model City Community Development Target Area and authorizing the City Manager to waive the requirement of saler conveyance or disposition to the: highest responsible and responsive bIdoer In connection with the disposition of seven owner -occupied single family homes planned for development on the aforementioned City -owned parcel located at 5770 NW 15 Avenue which Is legally described as Lots 1, 2, 3, 21, 22. 23 and 24 In Block 32, First Amended Plat Floral Park, recorded In Plat Book 8. at page 5, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. NOTE: This Is a companion Item to Items 32, 33, 34, 35 & 36. 32. RESOLUTION - (J-87-585) - (AUTHORIZING USE OF SITE FOR DEVELOPMENT OF LOW DENSITY SALES HOUSING) Authorizing the use of the City -owned Carver Branch YMCA site for the development of low density sales housing within the affordable limits of low and moderate Income families; further designating the Carver Branch - YMCA site as the demonstration project which will commence Implementation of the City's Scattered Site Housing Development and Affordable Homeownership Opportunity Program. NOTE: This Is a companion Item to Items 31, 33, 34, 35 & 36. R-87-619 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS DEFERRED TO NEXT MEETING MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS CICOMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: June 25, 1987 PAGE NO: 12 2:30 PM NOTE: NOTE: PUBLIC HEARINGS CONT•D 33. RESOLUTION - (J-87-589) (AUTHORIZING MANAGER TO REQUEST BIDS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF LOW DENSITY HOUSING) Authorizing the City Manager to request bids from private contractors for the construction of seven single family owner occupied residential units on the publicly -owned Carver Branch - YMCA property located at 5770 NW 15 Avenue In the Model City Community Development Target Area; further allocating funds In the amount of 1400,000 from Project No. 321034 "Scattered Site Affordable Housing Development Program" to fund the cost of constructing the abovementloned housing units. This Is a companion Item to Items 31, 32, 34, 35 & 36. 34. RESOLUTION - (J-87-586) - (APPROVING MARKETING & HOME BUYER SELECTION PROCESS) Approving the marketing and home buyer selection process In connection with the City Sponsored Scattered Site Housing Development and Affordable Home Ownership Opportunity Program. This Is a companion Item to Items 31, 32, 33, 35 A 36. 35. RESOLUTION - (J-87-588) - (APPROVING TWO- TIER MORTGAGE HOME PURCHASING FINANCING PROGRAM) wpproving a two-tier mortgage home purchasing financing program in connection with the City of Miami Scattered Site, Housing Development and Affordable Homeownership Opportunity Program; further allocating from Project No. 321024, "Affordable Rental Housing Program", funds In the amount of $275,000 from 1976 General Obligation Bonds - Interest Income to provide second position home purchaser mortgage financing to the prospective purchasers of the seven homes proposed on the Carver Branch - YMCA site. DEFERRED TO NEXT MEETING MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS DEFERRED TO NEXT MEETING MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS DEFERRED TO NEXT MEETING MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS NOTE: This Is a companion Item to Items 31, 32, 33, 34 & 36. MEETING DATE: June 25. 1987 PAGE NO: 13 2:30 PM NOTE: PUBLIC HEARINGS CONT'D 36. RESOLUTION - (J-87-584) - (APPROVING APPLICATIONS BY DEVELOPERS) Approving. In princlple. the 2:45 PM 37. 3:00 PM NOTE: 38. for submission by the City of Miami to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for Housing Development Grants: Design Management Investments, for the construction of a one hundred and twenty-five (125) unit Adult Congregate Living Facility; Winn Development Company, for the rehabilitation and construction of a one hundred and forty-eight (148) unit rental housing project and 5,368 sq. ft. of commercial space. This Is a companion Item to Items 31, 32, 33. 34 6 35. FIRST READING ORDINANCE - (J-87-567) Repealing, In Its entirety. Chapter 31, entitled 'License and Miscellaneous Buslness Reoulat_1ons' of the Code of the City of Miami. Florida, relating to occupational license taxes and Substituting therefor a new Chapter 31, entitled `Occupational Licenses and Miscellaneous Business Regulations"; containing a repealer provision, a severablllty clause and an effective date. DISCUSSION ITEMS Legislation may result from City Commission consideration of any Discussion. Item. Discussion street Pai Authorlty concerning Ing and DDA) In the City of Off- e l oppm tenten anaaer's 39. Discussion concerning contracts of Washington lobbyists S. Lukls and M. Isarel. R-87-620 (AS AMENDED) MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: CAROLLO NOES: DAWKINS FIRST READING MOVED: KENNEDY SECOND: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS CONTINUED TO JULY 9 BY M-87-621 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS CONTINUED TO JULY 9 BY M-87-621 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS Q ro -e.0 06611 .. ��11 FLOC C__ TY COMMISSION AGENOA MEETING DATE: PAGE NO: 14 June 25, 1987 � PART 8 ITEMS PZ-1 THROUGH PZ-5 SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED BEFORE PM THIS ITEM AFTER 3:30 PM PZ-1. SECOND READING ORDINANCE - (J-87-448) ZONING ATLAS AMD APPLICANTS) ALF-LOREN INVESTMENTS, N.V. c/o Alfredo Munoz -Vasquez 26 Palermo Coral Gables, FL Laura Tindall -Howell (Power of Attorney) 2481 Trapp Ave PROPERTY ADDRESS(ES): 2100 Brickell Ave PETITION : Ord 9500 atlas change from RG- 2.1/3.3 to RG-2.2/7. Planning Department Recommends : DENIAL as requested, APPROVAL of change to RG-2.1/5 Zoning Board Recommends : APPROVAL of change to RG-2.1/5, 9-0 Date of First Reading, as amended: May 28, 1987 Moved : Comm Plummer Second : Comm Kennedy Vote : Unanimous THIS ITEM AFTER 3:30 PM PZ-2. RESOLUTION - [J-87-306(a) 8 J-87-306(b)] APPEAL BY APPLICANT APPLICANTS)/OWNER(S): DEIDRE'S GROVE, INC. c/o Deidre Roberts, Pres 2590 S Dixie Hwy PROPERTY ADDRESS(ES) : Approx 3250 S Dixie Hwy 6 Approx 3271-91 W Trade Ave PETITION : Review of the Zoning Board decision to deny the Variance to permit construction of an office building, as per plans on file, with 52.32' proposed maximum height (40' permitted), providing 0 of 1 required off-street loading space, and providing 21 of 29 required off-street parking spaces; zoned RO-2.1/4 Residential -Office. Planning Department Recommends: DENIAL Zoning Board : DENIED, 8-1 PROPONENTS present at meeting : Two Mail replies in FAVOR : Three Mail replies AGAIN : One Date(s) Continued : Apr 30 b May 28, 1987 CONTINUED TO JULY 23 BY M-87-6?: MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS CONTINUED TO JULY 23 BY M-87-621 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS u-age ono mconlo qiY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: June 25. 1987 THIS ITEM AFTER 3:30 PH PZ-3. RESOLUTION - (J-87-509) - STREET CLOSURE APPLICANTS)/OWNER(S) Dade County School Board c/o Paul Cejas, Chairman 489 East Or Miami Springs City of Miami c/o Cesar H. Odio, City Manager 3500 Pan American Or PROPERTY ADDRESS(ES) Portions of NE Miami Ct a NE Miami P1 between NE 58 and 59 Sts; and those portions of NE 58 St and NE 58 Terr between NE Miami Pl and NE i Ct PETITION : The Official Vacation and Closure of that portion of NE Miami Ct lying north of the north right-of-way line of NE 58 St and south of the south right-of-way line of NE 59 St; that portion of NE Miami P1 lying north of the north right-of-way line of NE 58 St and south of the south right-of-way line of NE 59 St, that portion of NE 58 St lying east of the east right-of-way line of NE Miami Pl and west of the west right-of-way line of NE i Ct, and that portion of NE 58 Ter lying east of the east right-of-way line of NE Miami Pl and west of the west right-of-way line of NE 1 Ct; all as a condition of approval of Tentative Plat #1285 "TOUSSAINT L'OUVERTURE SCHOOL LEMON CITY PARK SITE". Plat 3 Street Committee Recommends: APPROVAL with conditions Planning Department Recommends APPROVAL in accord with conditions established by the Plat and Street Committee Zoning Board Recommends : APPROVAL, 7-0 PROPONENTS present at meeting : Eight Mail replies in FAVOR : Two Mail replies AGATN3§T : One PAGE NO: 15 1-1-87-605 DROVED: DAWKIN: SECOND: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS f e �m 12MISSION UENDA MEEtING DATE: June 26, 1987 PAGE NO: 16 THIS ITEM AFTER 3:30 PM PZ-4. RESOLUTION - (J-87-568) - VIRGINIA KEY MASTER PLAN APPLICANT(S) : Planning Dept PETITION Approving, in principle, the Virginia Key Master Plan (May, 1987). for Virginia Key, an island on Biscayne Bay on the Rickenbacker Causeway, including recommendations for development; environmental, natural, open space and park areas; beach improvements; parking facilities; rights -of -way; beautification; special features; special activities and events, and waterfront improvement; which plan is in conformity with the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan (September, 1985). Planning Department Recommends : APPROVAL Planning Advisory Board Recommends: The recommendations of the Planning Advisory Board will be presented at the City Commission meeting. THIS ITEM AFTER 3:30 PN PZ-5. DISCUSSION Discussion concerning City Commission review of Ordinance 9968 concerning "SPI-15: Southeast Overtown/Park West Overlay District" and "SPI-16, 16.1, 16.2: Southeast Overtown/Park West Commercial - Residential Districts". -6 THROUGH PZ-26 SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED DU THIS ITEM AFTER 5:00 PN PZ-6. SECOND READING ORDINANCE - (J-87-217) ZONING TEXT AMD APPLICANTS) : Planning Dept PETITION : Consideration of amending the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami, by amending ARTICLE IS: SPI SPECIAL PUBLIC INTEREST DISTRICTS by adding new sections 15125. SPI-13, SW 27th Avenue Gateway District; 15126. Intent; 15127. Special Permits; 15128. Permissible Principal Uses and Structures; 15129. Limitations Where Lots in the SPI-13 District Abut Lots Under RS or RG Zoning Districts; 15130. Minimum Lot Requirements; Floor Area Limitations; Minimum Open Space Requirements; Development Alternatives; 15131. Maximum Height: 15132. Minimum Off -Street Parking; 15133. Limitation on Signs. CONTINUED TO JULY 23 BY M-87-621 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS CONTINUED TO JULY 23 BY M-R7-621 _ MnVFn: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS CONTINUED TO JULY 23 BY M-87-621 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS (Continued on next page) a --cost eve .? 1--l- - -AGENDACITyMISSIDM MEETING DATE: June 25, 1987 Planning Department Recommends : APPROVAL Planning Advisory 'Board Recommends: APPROVAL, 6-3 Date(s) Continued Mar 31, 1987 Date of First reading, as amended Apr 30, 1987 Moved Comm Kennedy Second Comm Plummer (Y) Carollo Suarez, Dawkins Date(s) Continued : May 289 1987 NOTE: This is a companion item to items PZ-7, PZ-8, PZ-9, PZ-10, PZ-11 & PZ-12. THIS ITEM AFTER 5:00 PM PZ-7. SECOND READING ORDINANCE - (J-87-252) ZONING ATLAS AMD APPLICANTS) : Planning Dept PROPERTY ADDRESS(ES): Area generally bounded by approx SW 27th Ave on the west; 150' north of Andros Ave on the north; Lincoln Ave on the south b on the east an irregular boundary which follows: A line parallel to SW 27th Ave 6 approx 150' to the east from Lincoln Ave to Swanson Ave; from that point due east to the intersection of Aviation Ave; from that point due northwest to the intersection with Abaco Ave; from that point due northeast for approx 3001; from that point due northwest to the intersection with Andros Ave; from that point due east to the intersection with Washington Ave, b from that point due north to the intersection of a line perpendicular to 27th Ave 8 located approx 150' north of Andros Ave PETITION : Ord 9500 atlas change from RO- 2.1/5 and RG-2/5 to the proposed SPI-13 Special Use District, deleting the SPI-3 overlay district and retaining the SPI-12 overlay where applicable. Planning Department Recommends : APPROVAL Planning Advisory Board Recommends: APPROVAL, 6-3 Date(s) Continued : Mar 31, 1987 Date of First reading, as amended : Apr 30, 1987 Moved : Comm Plummer Second : Comm Kennedy (Y) : Suarez, Carollo Date(s) Continued : May 28, 1987 NOTE: This is a companion item to items PZ-6 PZ-8, PZ-99 PZ-10, PZ-11 & PZ-12. PAGE NO: 17 CONTINUED TO JULY 23 BY M-87-621 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS 0 r �s Cb Fto� C1 COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: June 25, 1987 PAGE NO: 18 THIS ITEM AFTER 5:00 PM PZ-8. SECOND READING ORDINANCE - (J-87-253) ZONING ATLAS AMD APPLICANTS) : Planning Dept PROPERTY ADDRESS(ES): Area generally bounded by SW 28th Terr on the north; SW 27th Ave on the east; a line parallel to Day Ave & located approx 50' north of it on the south; a line parallel to SW 27th Ave & located approx 150' west of it on the west; except for those lots fronting Bird Ave & located between SW 27th Ave & Center St PETITION : Ord 9500 atlas change of from RO-2.1/5, and RG-2/5 to the proposed SPI-13, Special Use District, deleting the SPI-3 overlay. Planning Department Recommends : APPROVAL Planning Advisory Board Recommends: APPROVAL, 6-3 Date(s) Continued : Mar 31, 1987 Date of First Reading : Apr 30, 1987 Moved : Comm Kennedy Second : Comm Plummer (Y) : Carollo (N) : Suarez, Dawkins Date(s) Continued : May 28, 1987 NOTE: This is a companion item to items PZ-6, PZ-7, PZ-9, PZ-10, PZ-11 & PZ-12. THIS ITEM AFTER 5:00 PM PZ-9. SECOND READING ORDINANCE - (J-87-254) ZONING ATLAS AMD APPLICANT(S) : Planning Dept PROPERTY ADDRESS(ES): Area generally bounded by Cocoanut Ave on the south; a line parallel to Virginia St & located approx 150' east of 1t on the west; a line parallel to Cocoanut Ave & located 150' north of it on the north; & a line parallel to SW 27th Ave & located approx 150' west of it on the west PETITION : Ord 9500 atlas change from RG- 1/3 to RG-2/5. Planning Department Recommends : APPROVAL Planning Advisory Board Recommends: APPROVAL, 7-2 Date(s) Continued : Mar 31, 1987 Date of First Reading : Apr 30, 1987 Moved : Comm Plummer Second : Comm Dawkins Vote : Unanimous Date(s) Continued : May 28, 1987 CONTINUED TO JULY 23 BY M-87-621 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS CONTINUED TO JULY 23 BY M-87-621 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS NOTE: This is a companion item to items PZ-6, PZ-79 PZ-8, PZ-109 PZ-11 8 PZ-12. MEETING; DATE: June 25, 1987 PAGE NO: 19 THIS ITEM AFTER 5:00 PM PZ-10. SECOND READING ORDINANCE - (J-87-255) ZONING ATLAS AMD APPLICANTS) : Planning Dept PROPERTY ADDRESS(ES): Area generally bounded by Cocoanut Ave on the north; Center St on the east; a line parallel to Cocoanut Ave 8 located approx 150' south of it on the south; b Virginia St on the west PETITION : Ord 9500 atlas change from RG- 1/3 to RG-2.1/3.3. Planning Department Recommends : APPROVAL Planning Advisory Board Recommends: APPROVAL, 6-3 Date(s) Continued : Mar 31, 1987 Date of First Reading : Apr 30, 1987 Moved : Comm Plummer Second : Comm Kennedy (Y) : Carollo (N) : Suarez, Dawkins Date(s) Continued : May 28, 1987 NOTE: This is a companion item to itews PZ-6, PZ-7, PZ-8, PZ-9, PZ-11 8 PZ-12. THIS ITEM AFTER 5:00 PM PZ-11. SECOND READING ORDINANCE - (J-87-256) ZONING ATLAS AND APPLICANTS) : Planning Dept PROPERTY ADDRESS(ES): Area generally bounded by Center St on the west; a line parallel to Cocoanut Ave i approx 150' south of it on the north; a line parallel to SW 27th Ave 3 approx 150' west of it on the east; 6 a line parallel to Day Ave located approx 150' north of it on the south; except for the lots fronting on Bird Ave between Center St i SW 27th Ave PETITION : Ord 9500 atlas change from RG- 1/3 to RG-2.1/3.3. Planning Department Recommends : APPROVAL Planning Advisory Board Recommends: APPROVAL, 6-3 Date(s) Continued : Mar 31, 1987 Date of First Reading : Apr 30, 1987 Moved : Comm Plummer Second : Comm Kennedy (Y) : Carollo Date(s) Continued : Nayrez28, 1987ins CONTINUED TO JULY 23 BY M-87-621 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS CONTINUED TO JULY 23 BY M-87-621 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS NOTE: This is a companion stew to items PZ-6, PZ-79 PZ-8, PZ-9, PZ-10 a PZ-12. Q -tftt stilt CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: June 25, 1987 PAGE NO: 20 THIS ITEM AFTER 5:00 PM PZ-12. SECOND READING ORDINANCE - (J-87-478) - CITY CODE AMD AmendiD2 Chapter 54 of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended, entitled Streets and Sidewalks" by amending Section 54-104 entitled "Nonstandard Street Widths", providing for a reduction in the established street width of SW 27—v� between South Ba shore Drive and South Dixie Highway from one undred feet to seventyfeet; and containing a repealer provision and a severability clause. Date of First Reading : May 28, 1987 Moved : Comm Plummer Second : Comm Kennedy Vote : Unanimous NOTE: This is a companion item to items PZ-6, PZ-7, PZ-8, PZ-9, PZ-10 a PZ-11. THIS ITEM AFTER 5:00 PM PZ-13. SECOND READING ORDINANCE - (J-87-402) MIAMI COMPREHENSIVE NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN AMD APPLICANT(S) : Planning Dept OWNER(S) : Wilmer C. Ensor and S. L. Sharlow 5811 North Miami Ave PROPERTY ADDRESS(ES): 5811-37 North Miami Ave PETITION : Consideration of amending the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan (September, 1985) and Addenda by changing the designation of the subject property from Low - Moderate Density Residential to Residential - Office. Planning Department Recommends Planning Advisory Board Recommends failed by a 4 to 3 CONSTITUTING A TECHNICAL DENIAL OF THIS REQUEST. Date of First Reading Moved Second Vote : APPROVAL : Motions vote, THEREFORE RECOMMENDATION OF : May 28, 1987 : comm riummer : Comm Dawkins : Unanimous NOTE: This is a companion item to item PZ-14, CONTINUED TO JULY 23 BY M-87-621 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS CONTINUED TO JULY 23 BY M-87-621 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS c CITY ONN"ISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: June 26, 1987 THIS ITEM AFTER 5:00 PM PZ-14. SECOND READING ORDINANCE - (J-87-443) ZONING ATLAS AMD APPLICANTS) : Planning Dept OWNER(S) Wilmer C. Ensor and S. L. Sharlow 5811 North Miami Ave PROPERTY ADDRESS(ES): 5811-37 North Miami Ave PETITION : Ord 9500 atlas change from HC-1: General Use Heritage Conservation Overlay District to HC-3: Residential -Office Heritage Conservation Overlay District, retaining the underlying zoning designations. Heritage Conservation Board Recommends: APPROVAL Planning Department Recommends : APPROVAL Planning Advisory Board Recommends : Motions failed by a 4 to 3 vote, THEREFORE CONSTITUTING A TECHNICAL RECOMMENDATION OF DENIAL OF THIS REQUEST. Date of First Reading May 28, 1987 Moved Comm Plummer Second Comm Dawkins Vote Unanimous NOTE: This is a companion item to item PZ-13. THIS ITEM AFTER 5:00 PM PZ-15. SECOND READING ORDINANCE - (J-87-356) ZONING TEXT AMD APPLICANTS) : Planning Dept PETITION : Amendment "T" Ord 9500 text amendment by amending ARTICLE 2 APPLICATION OF REGULATIONS, Section 200, Zoning affects all lands, water, structures, uses and occupancies and ARTICLE 34 ADMINISTRATION, ENFORCEMENT, VIOLATION AND PENALTIES, Section 3402 Zoning requirements, procedures, limitations, and actions on building permits, to clarify that all proposed work on a building or structure must be permitted by Building Permit and all completed work must be found to be in conformity with zoning regulations; and ARTICLE 20 GENERAL AND SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS, Section 2026 Signs, specific limitations and requirements, Subsection 2106.15.2 and paragraph 2026.15.2.1 to conform the distance requirements between limited access highways and outdoor advertising signs with the State of Florida requirement of 660 feet, renumbering subsections 2106.15.2 to 2026.15.2. PAGE NU: Z 1 CONTINUED TO JULY 23 BY M-87-621 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS ORDINANCE 10290 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS (Continued on next page) w = �'co.Fto CI COMMISSION AGENI A MEETING DATE: June 25, 1987 Planning Department Recommends : APPROVAL Planning Advisory $oard Recommends: APPROVAL, 9-0 Date(s) Continued : Apr 30, 1987 Date of First Reading : May 28, 1987 Moved : Comm Plummer Second : Comm Dawkins Suarez (ABSENT) • Carollo, Kennedy THIS ITEM AFTER 5:00 PM PZ-16. SECOND READING ORDINANCE - (J-87-406) ZONING TEXT AMD APPLICANTS) : Planning Dept PETITION : Ord 9500 text amendment by amending Section 3405 entitled "Status of Building Permits or Certificates of Use Issued Prior to Adoption or Amendment of Ordinance", by adding a new Subsection 3405.3 entitled "Status of Applications for Development Permits"; providing for the acceptance and processing of all applications for development permits properly on file with the City on or before the effective date of any legislation repealing or modifying regulations which allow the requested activity; providing guidelines and definitions; providing for retroactive effective date. Planning Department Recommends : APPROVAL Planning Advisory Board Recommends: APPROVAL, 8-1 Date of First Reading : May 28, 1987 Moved : Comm Plummer Second : Comm Dawkins M : Suarez (ABSENT) Carollo, Kennedy PAUL NV: LL CONTINUED TO JULY 23 BY M-87-621 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS UTZ- CIiY UUMMISSIONlAGENDA ----- - -------- MEETING DATE: June 25. 1987 PAGE NO: 23 THIS ITEM AFTER 5:00 PM PZ-17. FIRST READING ORDINANCE - (J-87-556) MIAMI COMPREHENSIVE NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN AMD OWNER(S) : Hurtak's Corporation c/o John Hurtak 525 NE 58 St APPLICANTS) : Isaac Sklar and Eduardo Passariello (Contract to Purchase) 1335 Lincoln Rd Miami Bch PROPERTY ADDRESS(ES) Approx 741-899 NW 37 Ave; Approx 3663-3671 NW 7 St PETITION Consideration of amending the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan (September, 1985) and Addenda, by changing the plan designation of the subject property from Moderate High Density Residential to Commercial -Residential. Planning Department Recommends : APPROVAL Planning Advisory Board Recommends: APPROVAL, 9-0 PROPONENTS present at meeting : Three Mail replies in FAVOR : One NOTE: This is a companion iten to iten PZ-18. THIS ITEM AFTER 5:00 PM PZ-18. FIRST READING ORDINANCE - (J-87-506) ZONING ATLAS AMD OWNERS) : Hurtak's Corporation c/o John Hurtak 525 NE 58 St APPLICANTS) : Isaac Sklar and Eduardo Passariello (Contract to Purchase) 1335 Lincoln Rd Miami Bch PROPERTY ADDRESS(ES) 815 NW 37 Ave PETITION Ord 9500 atlas change from RG-2/5 to CR-2/7. Planning Department Recommends : APPROVAL Zoning Board Recommends : APPROVAL, 9-0 PROPONENTS present at meeting : One PPP N€NTS present at meeting : One NOTE: This is a companion item to item PZ-17. CONTINUED TO JULY 23 BY M-87-621 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS CONTINUED TO JULY 23 BY M-87-621 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS CI I ff COMMISSION AGENDA ......_.... ....._.. _. MEETING DATE: June 2S, 1987 PAGE NO: 24 THIS ITEM AFTER 5:00 PN PZ-19. FIRST READING ORDINANCE - (J-87-557) M' MIAMI COMPREHENSIVE NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN AMD APPLICANTS)/OWNER(S) : Allapattah Baptist Church, Inc. c/o Richard A. Pankey, Pres 3300 NW 17 Ave PROPERTY ADDRESS(ES) : Approx 1720-1770 NW 34 St Approx 1721-1757 NW 33 St PETITION Consideration of amending the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan (September, 1985) and Addenda, by changing the plan designation of the subject property from Low Moderate Density Residential to High Density Residential. Planning Department Recommends : APPROVAL Planning Advisory Board Recommends: APPROVAL, 9-0 PROPONENTS present at meeting : One Mail replies AGAINST : Two NOTE: This is a companion item to items PZ-20 a PZ-21. THIS ITEM AFTER 5:00 PM PZ-20. FIRST READING ORDINANCE - (J-87-507) ZONING ATLAS AMD APPLICANTS)/OWNER(S) : Allapattah Baptist Church, Inc. c/o Richard A. Pankey, Pres 3300 NW 17 Ave PROPERTY ADDRESS(ES) : Approx 1720-1770 NW 34 St Approx 1721-1757 NW 33 St PETITION : Ord 9500 atlas change from RG-1/3 to RG-3/6. Planning Department Recommends: APPROVAL _ Zoning Board Recommends : APPROVAL, 7-0 PROPONENTS present at meeting : Two Mail replies in FAVOR : One NOTE: This is a companion item to items PZ-19 A PZ-21. CONTINUED TO JULY 23 BY M-87-621 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS CONTINUED TO JULY 23 BY M-87-621 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS -test coric CITY COMMISSION neon MEETING DATE: June 25. 1987 THIS ITEM ; AFTER 5:00 PH PZ-21. RESOLUTION - (J-87-508) - APPEAL BY APPLICANT APPLICANTS)/OWNER(S) : Allapattah Baptist Church, Inc. c/o Richard A. Pankey, Pres 3300 NW 17 Ave PROPERTY ADDRESS(ES) : Approx 1700-1770 NW 34 St Approx 1701-1757 NW 33 St Approx 3300-3380 NW 17 Ave PETITION Review of the Zoning Board decision to grant the Special Exception to permit the conversion of one 2-5tory structure and one 3-5tory structure, to an Adult Congregate Living Facility (ACLF), for the elderly, which is a type of Community Based Residential Facility (CBRF), with a maximum of 222 residents (248 requested by applicant) including resident staff, as per plans on file, with only those rooms listed as 16'x 111411, 11146' and 1614018" to be used for double occupancy (all others are to be single occupancy) subject to approval by the City Commission of a change of zoning from RG-1/3 to RG-3/6 and with a time limitation of 12 months in which a building permit must be obtained; zoned RG-1/3 One- and Two -Family Detached Residential and CR-3/7 Commercial - Residential (General). Planning Department Recommends: DENIAL as requested; APPROVAL of a maximum of 130 residents including resident staff, unless related by blood or marriage, in which case 2 residents per room would be acceptable. Zoning Board GRANTED with a maximum of 222 residents including resident staff, with only those rooms listed as 1614114", 11146' b 1614018" to be used for double occupancy (all others to be single occupancy) subject to approval by the City Commission of a change of zoning from RG-1/3 to RG-3/6 and with a time limitation of 12 months in which a building permit must be obtained, 7-0. PROPONENTS present at meeting : Two Wail replies in FAVOR : One NOTE: This is a companion item to items PZ-19 a PZ-20. PAGE NO: 25 CONTINUED TO JULY 23 BY M-87-621 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS ,•Coro 4C 0 0 CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING BATE: June 25, 1987 PAGE NO: 26 THIS ITEM AFTER 5:00 PM PZ-22. FIRST READING ORDINANCE - (J-87-563) MIAMI COMPREHENSIVE NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN AMD APPLICANTS)/OWNER(S) : 1500 NW 35 Street Corp c/o Joseph L. Cole, Jr., Pres 1646 NE 205 Terr N Miami Bch PROPERTY ADDRESS(ES) : 1500 NW 35 St PETITION Consideration of amending The Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan (September, 1985) and Addenda, by changing the plan designation of the subject property from Commercial -Residential to General Commercial. Planning Department Recommends : DENIAL Planning Advisory Board Recommends: APPROVAL, 7-2 PROPONENTS present at meeting : Three ail replies in FAVOR : Two Mail replies AGA N T : Two NOTE: This is a companion item to item PZ-23. THIS ITEM AFTER 5:00 PM PZ-23. FIRST READING ORDINANCE - (J-87-510) ZONING ATLAS AMD APPLICANTS)/OWNER(S) : 1500 NW 35 Street Corp c/o Joseph L. Cole, Jr., Pres 1646 NE 205 Terr N Miami Bch PROPERTY ADDRESS(ES) : 15DO NW 35 St PETITION : Ord atlas change from CR-3/7 to CG-1/7. Planning Department Recommends : DENIAL Zoning Board Recommends : APPROVAL, 7-0 PROPONENTS present at meeting : Five Ida i� replies in FAVOR : Two Mail replies AGATR$T : Two NOTE: This is a companion item to item PZ-22. CONTINUED TO JULY 23 BY M-87-621 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS CONTINUED TO JULY 23 BY M-87-621 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS CiTy AGENDA MEETING DATE: June 25, 1987 PAGE N0: 27 THIS ITEM AFTER 5:00 PM PZ-24. FIRST READING ORDINANCE - (J-87-357) ZONING TEXT AMD APPLICANTS) : Planning Dept PETITION : Amendment "Q-2" Ord 9500 text amendment by amending the text of ARTICLE 20. GENERAL AND SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS, Section 2020 Parking and/or Storage of Certain Vehicles Prohibited or Limited to Specified Districts; Limitations on Occupancy, Subsection 2020.2.1 Major Recreational Equipment Defined and 2020.2.2 Parking or Storage of Major Recreational Equipment as Accessory Use in Residential Districts, to permit boats and boat trailers in front yards in the RS and RG-1 districts, subject to limitations. Planning Department Recommends : APPROVAL Planning Advisory Board Recommends: Motion to recom- mend denial failed by a 4 to 5 vote, motion to recommend approval failed by a 4 to 5 vote, and motion to recommend an amended petition failed by a 2 to 7 vote, THEREFORE CONSTITUTING A TECHNICAL RECOMMENDATION OF DENIAL OF THIS REQUEST. Date(s) Continued Apr 30 a May 28, 1987 CONTINUED TO JULY 23 BY M-87-621 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS � of RCMP "vir 1 J N CI TY MMIOOION AGENDA MEETING DATE: June 256 1987 THIS ITEM AFTER 5:00 PM PZ-25. FIRST READING ORDINANCE - (J-87-404) ZONING TEXT AMD APPLICANTS) : Planning Dept PETITION : Ord 9500 text amendment by amending ARTICLE 20, "GENERAL AND SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS" by adding a new Section 2035 entitled "Adult Day Care Centers", providing for definition, minimum lot dimensions, location of buildings in RS-1, RS-2 and RG-1 districts, required outdoor area and appropriate requirements, limitations and conditions; by amending Section 2036 entitled "Child Day Care Centers", as it pertains to outdoor play areas within child day care centers by adding the word "Day" to "Child Care Centers" throughout Section 2036; by amending ARTICLE 36 "Definitions", specifically as it pertains to the definition of child day care centers and by adding definitions for "Family Day Care Home" and "Adult Day Care Center"; and amending pages 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 of the Official Schedule of District Regulations by generally permitting Family Day Care Homes in RS-1 and RS-2 districts; One -Family Detached Residential; to allow Adult Day Care Centers in the RS-1 and RS-2 One -Family Detached Residential District by Class C Permit if less than 5 adults, and by Special Exception if 5 or more adults subject to the requirements and limitations of proposed Section 2035 "Adult Day Care Centers"; providing for minimum off-street parking requirements; to generally permit Adult Day Care Centers, subject to Class A permit, in RG-2 General Residential districts, subject to the requirements and limitations of Section 2035 "Adult Day Care Centers", providing for minimum off-street parking requirements; by permitting Child Day Care Centers by Class C permit as an accessory use to churches and schools in CG-1 General Commercial districts; and by adding the word "Day" to "Child Care Centers" throughout the Schedule of District Regulations for clarity, by correcting a typographical error in 00-I Office Institutional by changing Sections 3036.4 and 3036.5 to Sections 2036.4 and 2036.5. Planning Department Recommends : APPROVAL Planning Advisory Board Recommends: APPROVAL, 7-1 Date(s) Continued : May 28, 1987 PAGE NO: 28 CONTINUED TO JULY 23 BY M-87-621 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS � 3 ff COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: June 26, 1987 PAGE NO: 29 THIS ITEM AFTER 5:00 PM PZ-26. FIRST READING ORDINANCE - (J-87-403) ZONING TEXT AMD APPLICANT(S) : Planning Dept PETITION : Ord 9500 text amendment by amending ARTICLE 20, "GENERAL AND SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS"; Section 2026 entitled "Signs, Specific Limitations and Requirements"; Subsection 2026.15 entitled "Outdoor Advertising Signs"; and paragraph 2026.15.2.1, by reducing the number of outdoor advertising signs from a maximum of ten (10) to nine (9) which may face limited access highways within two hundred (200) feet of the westerly side of I-95 right-of-way lines, or of any limited access highway inclusive of expressways westerly of I-95. Planning Department Recommends : APPROVAL Planning Advisory Board Recommends: APPROVAL, 7-0 Date(s) Continued : May 28, 1987 CONTINUED TO JULY 23 BY M-87-621 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS 6 SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA PRESENTATIONS Commission Meeting = June 25, 1987 Proclamation: Ramon Puig Remedios Day: For his contribution to NO APPEARANCE the fashion industry in our community. Proclamation: Miami Physical Therapy Week: Recognizing the PRESENTED importance of this service toward improving the quality of life for disabled, ill, and able- bodied Americans of all ages. Proclamation: Black Grove Pride Day: Presented to the Coconut PRESENTED Grove Local Development Corporation for their efforts in making the Paint -up, Clean-up, Fix -up campaign in the Grove a reality. Proclamation: Sail No To Drugs Week: To promote a greater awareness of the importance of "Saying No to PRESENTED Drugs". i