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CC 1987-09-28 Minutes
ra OF MIAM\ * !(VCORY ON:1TEiS O 18 96 �. r OF WE INS HELD O _SEPTEMBER 28, 1987 5 (SPECIAL) Pawn sY roe OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK r CITY FALL csty, A". __. _ .k ; .,.5.i.s.y!.Nr'.7Lj#!ifiE0.��E2A.s"r._�`.x�n} ai`C .`iy:Vl �. _, • — fl INDEX MINUTES OF REGULAR !MEETING CITY COMMISSION OF MIAMI, FLORIDA SEPTEMBER 28,1987 ITEM SUBJECT LEGISLATION PAGE NO. NO. 1. NON AGENDA COMMENTS RESIDENTS IN DISCUSSION 1 THE AREA OF AVIATION AVE. BETWEEN 9/28/87 TIGERTAIL AND BAYSHORE WHO HAVE BEEN AFFECTED BY NOISE LEVELS FROM A NEIGHBORING BUSINESS. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 6.1 6.2 7. 8. 9. 10. COMMENTS CONCERNING SCOPE OF DISCUSSION 2 SPECIAL COMMISSION MEETING. 9/28/87 TEMPORARY DEFERRAL OF CONSENT DISCUSSION 2 AGENDA DISCUSSION. (SEE LABEL 6) 9/28/87 AUTHORIZING CITY MANAGER TO EXPEDITE LEASING OF RETAIL SPACE IN THE OVERTOWN SHOPPING CENTER. AUTHORIZE CLOSURE OF DESIGNATED STREETS IN CONNECTION WITH THE OCTOBER 11, 1987, CARIBBEAN CARNIVAL PARADE. CONSENT AGENDA (SEE LABEL 3) APPROVE CLOSURE OF CERTAIN STREETS FOR COLUMBUS DAY CARIBBEAN CARNIVAL PARADE ON OCTOBER 10, 1987. APPROVE CLOSURE OF CERTAIN STREETS FOR THE ORANGE BLOSSOM CLASSIC PARADE, OCTOBER 17, 1987. ESTABLISHING AND APPROPRIATING "ORANGE BLOSSOM CLASSIC" SPECIAL REVENUE FUND IN THE AMOUNT OF $225,000 FROM STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE TO PROMOTE SAID EVENT. CONGRATULATING THE UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI FOOTBALL TEAM ON ITS RECENT VICTORIES= WISHING THEM WELL AGAINST FSU, AND FOR A CONTINUED SUCCESSFUL SEASON. ESTABLISHING PARAMETERS OF SMALL BUSINESS DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT PILOT PROGRAM AND ALLOCATING $5700000 TO LIBERTY CITY MERCHANTS AND $270,000 TO OTHER TARGET ARRAS IN THE CITY OF MIAMI IN CONNECTION WITH THIS PROGRAM. AUTHORIZING 25 TRANSFER OF Mo O0O TO "ORANGE ALOSSOM CLASSIC# SXBCUTIVB CONEITTES. R-87-856 2-3 9/28/87 R-87-857 3-5 9/28/87 5 9/28/87 R-87-858 5 9/28/87 R-87-859 6 9/28/87 ORDINANCE 6-7 10325 9/28/87 -,-rr R-87-860 7-8 9/28/07 0 M-87-861 8-39 M-87-862 9/28/87 a R-67-003 39-+40 9/28/07 r;"r r� { Y � .s.n..��:.'i 4•:S�S=x' s. AV�s+ti5'.?�X��t:'i MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF THB CITY COMMISSION OF MIAMI, FLORIDA On the 28th day of September, 1987, the City Commission of Miami, Florida, met at its regular meeting place in the City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida in Special Session. The meeting was called to order at 7:04 p.m. by Mayor Xavier Suarez with the following members of the Commission found to be presents ALSO PRESENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Rosario Kennedy Vice -Mayor J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Xavier L. Suarez Cesar Odio, City Manager Lucia Allen Dougherty, City Attorney Matty Hirai, City Clerk Walter J. Foeman An invocation was delivered by Mayor Suarez. Vice Mayor Plummer then led those present in a pledge of allegiance to the flag. NOTE FOR THE RECORD: FOLLOWING ISSUE DISCUSSED PRIOR TO FORMAL OPENING OF THE SPECIAL MEETING. 1. NON AGENDA COMMENTS CONCERNING RESIDENTS IN THE AREA OF AVIATION AVE. BETWEEN TIGERTAIL AND BAYSHORE WHO HAVE BEEN AFFECTED BY NOISE LEVELS FROM A NEIGHBORING BUSINESS. Mr. Plummer: While we're waiting since it takes no formal Commission action... Mr. Dawkins: Where's your chair, Rosario? Mr. Plummer: Mr. Manager, I received a call today from some people that are living in the area of Aviation Avenue between Tigertail and Bayshore. They are not as loud as most people because they can't be heard by the machinery next door. Checking with the building department, we find that all permits are in order, but there's nothing regulating the noise. City Attorney has asked, when I spoke with her, that you designate someone of staff to work with her so that they can come about with some kind of a solution, whether it's the code enforcement board or what, to pursue this matter to give these people r= some relief. They're in compliance with all permits, but the noise level over there is deafening, so would you pursue that Mr. - Mr. Ira Sukoff is here and Madam City Attorney has his phone number, if you would pursue that and let us know what needs to be done. Thank you. t NOTE FOR THE RECORD: FOLLOWING IS A TRANSCRIPT OF THE SPECIAL !JESTING AFTER IT WAS DULY CALLED TO ORDER. _ R f y Y UAA - Ada Yet 2. COMMENTS CONCERNING SCOPE OF SPECIAL COMMISSION MEETING Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, just for the record, in any special session of the Commission the scope has to be announced and just for the record, I have not received a memo incorporating the scope. I assume that it's this agenda which we have been passed out is the scope of the call of this special session. Mayor Suarez: Yes, this session is being called as a special emergency session to discuss the issue of emergency loans to residents, rather businessmen, in the corridor at 62nd Street and N. W. 7th Avenue as per one memo that was put out in the last few days and many other memos that have been distributed and discussed and many meetings that have been had in the community. Mr. Plummer: Xavier. Mayor Suarez: Yes. Mr. Plummer: The call has been expanded to the agenda as presented. 3. TEMPORARY DEFERRAL OF CONSENT AGENDA DISCUSSION. (SEE LABEL 6) Mayor Suarez: And we have expanded it also to include some ministerial items relating to street closures and the Orange Blossom Classic funding from the State which, in fact, comprise items 1, rather 2 through 4, of the consent agenda and if unless any Commissioner has any problems with those and wants to pull any of those items out, and unless anyone from the general public wishes to be heard on items 2 through 4 of the consent agenda, I will entertain a notion that... Mrs. Kennedy: I move the consent agenda. Mr. Plummer: So moved. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Suarez: Moved and sec... Yes, Mr. Mr. Carollo (Off and on mike): I just got a hold of this a few minutes ago... Mayor Suarez: Yes. Mr. Carollo: I'd like to read it before I vote upon something that I haven't even read yet. 4. AUTHORIZING CITY MANAGER TO EXPEDITE LEASING OF RETAIL SPACE IN THE }= OVERTOHN SHOPPING CENTER Mayor Suarez OK, I think one, two are closure of streets, items two and three and four is a pass through of funds from the State for the Orange Slossom Festival. Mr. Manager, I also as* that included in here are items, item six having to do with the Overtown Shopping Center.'- Hr. Odioc Tom, and there is an emergency here, we're having extensive ' vandallm and we need to pass this resolution so we can move on and put out an' R" to rout places there before Christmas so that they can be in bualuoso by Christmas. Mayor Suarers And this has to be approved by the Coaas►iasioa or era? you r�esossie Wing that `it be dome by Commmission resolution? til - tN 0, Mr. Odios Yes, Mr. Mayor. Mr. Plummer: So move it. That's item six, correct? Mrs. Kennedys Second. Mayor Suarez: Moved and seconded, item six. Mr. Dawkins: Joe, they are on six. Mayor Suarez: Any discussion? Call the roll on item six. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 87-856 A RESOLUTION DECLARING BY AN AFFIRMATIVE VOTE OF 4/5THS OF THE CITY COMMISSION THAT AN EMERGENCY EXISTS AT THE OVERTOWN SHOPPING CENTER WHICH REQUIRED THAT THERE ONLY BE A THIRTY DAY PERIOD BETWEEN PUBLIC ADVERTISEMENT FOR REQUESTS FOR PROPOSALS AND (RFP) RESPONSES, THERETO IN CONNECTION WITH THE LEASE OF RETAIL SPACES AT SAID CENTER AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ISSUE SAID REQUESTS FOR PROPOSALS IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, FOR THE LEASE OF: (A) 14,000 SQ. FT. FOOD STORE, (B) 1,400 SQ. FT. RETAIL SPACE AND (C) 4,000 SQ. FT. RETAIL SPACE IN THE CENTER; AND ALSO AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER, UPON RECEIPT OF PROPOSALS TO EXECUTE LEASES WITH THE PROPOSERS THAT ARE MOST ADVANTAGEOUS AND IN THE BEST INTEREST OF THE CITY OF MIAMI. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk Upon being seconded by Commissioner Kennedy, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Rosario Kennedy Vice -Mayor J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Xavier L. Suarez NOES: None. ABSENT: None. 5. AUTHORIZE CLOSURE OF DESIGNATED STREETS IN CONNECTION WITH THE OCTOBER 11, 1987, CARIBBEAN CARNIVAL PARADE =r Mr. Carollo: Move the Consent Agenda. ' Mayor Suarez: Yes. r Mr. Dawkinsc Hold item 5 - I put 5 please. Mayor Suarez: OK item S $a y , pulled. Items.2 through 4 comprise the consent agenda. Does anyone from the ° y general public wish to be heard -for or aBalAst Items 2 through 4t. Let the record reflect that no ons has stepped forward. Don? up until that request. Mr. Donald llnjamins_. Ur, Mayor, Com tesionsrs, there is ons horn bore+ 1. =f think it's item a. �rx Mr. Vxvktpos They're, pttipig wady to approve that. t{ r. WV .��.+ r•C„ -- _— t6= .�,.,ei!s �� §�.: ..:ir„@�.a..,sm $>w;.��a ,s.,., (e.~ � f s' ""e+�c�"w '" �Sr �•` i Mr. Benjamin: Yes. Mayor Suarez: Do you have any problems with it, Don? i Mr. Benjamins Huh? Mayor Suarez: Do you have any problems with that? or are you... Mr. Benjamin: We - no, we information that this organization, the second organization here, may not have its money ready. In that event, I would like the possibility for the streets to be closed -so the other organization can still make use of the street closing. Mayor Suarez: I wonder how we could do that between now and then, because this is a special session. Mr. Benjamin: Now, does this street closing specifically apply to this organization? Mayor Suarez: I believe it does, yes. Mr. Plummers Yes. Mr. Benjamin: I withdraw. Mayor Suarez: OK. Mr. Plummer: OK, call the roll in a hurry. Mayor Suarez: We could make it more general if that's what your idea was, just in case. Mr.: Frank Castaneda: His question was whether the payment had been made and the answer is yes. Mayor Suarez: The payment has been made? Mr. Plummer: Well, why don't you just make it approval subject to the Caribbean Carnival Parade period, without designating the group. Then leave that to the discretion of the Manager. Mr. Dawkins: So moved. Mayor Suarez: So moved. Do we have a second? Mrs. Kennedy: Second. Mayor Suarez: Call the roll on item 3, taken separately. In that form. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 87-857 A RESOLUTION CONCERNING A CARIBBEAN CARNIVAL PARADE ON OCTOBER 11, 1987, PROVIDING FOR THE CLOSURE OF DESIGNATED STREETS TO THROUGH VEHICULAR TRAFFIC; ESTABLISHING A PEDESTRIAN HALL SUBJECT TO THE ISSUANCE OF PERMITS BY THE DEPARTKENT3 OF POLICE AND FIRE, RESCUE AND INSPECTION SERVICES; FURTHER ESTABLISHING I AN AREA PROHIBITED TO RETAIL PEDDLERS DURING THE PERIOD OF THE EVENT; CONDITIONED UPON THE REQUIRIMENT THAT THE CITY WILL BE INSURED AGAINST ANY POTENTIAL LIABILITY AND UPON ORGANIZERS PAYING FOR ALL NECE$SARY COSTS OF CITY SERVICES ASSOCIATED WITH SAID EVENT. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted bore and on x file in the Office of the City Clerk { Upon being seconded by Commissioner Kennedy, the resolution Kris ra"04, and adopted by the following vote- }. fi t ATES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Rosario Kennedy Vice -Mayor J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Xavier L. Suarez NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ------------------------- 6. CONSENT AGENDA (SEE LABEL 3) :3 Mayor Suarez: Items 2 through 4, other than 3 which is basically 2 and 4. Mr. Plummer: Move it. Mayor Suarez: It's been moved and seconded. Let the record reflect no one has stepped forward on items 2 or 4. Moved and seconded. Any further discussion? Call the roil. Thereupon, the City Commission on motion duly made by Commissioner Plummer and seconded by Commissioner Kennedy, adopted the hereinbelow resolutions by the following vote: AYES= Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Rosario Kennedy Vice -Mayor J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Xavier L. Suarez NOES: None. ASSENT: None. 6.1 APPROVE CLOSURE OF CERTAIN STREETS FOR COLUMBUS DAY CARIBBEAN CARNIVAL PARADE ON OCTOBER 10, 1987, RESOLUTION NO. 87-858 A RESOLUTION CONCERNING THE COLUMBUS DAY CARIBBEAN CARNIVAL PARADE TO BE CONDUCTED BY THE AMERICAN CARIBBEAN SOUTH FLORIDA ASSOCIATION, INC. ON OCTOBER 10, 1987, PROVIDING FOR THE CLOSURE OF DESIGNATED STREETS TO THROUGH VEHICULAR TRAFFIC, ESTABLISHING A PEDESTRIAN NALL SUBJECT TO THE ISSUANCE OF PERMITS BY THE DEPARTMENTS OF POLICE AND FIRE, RESCUE AND ; INSPECTION SERVICES= FURTHER, ESTABLISHING AN AREA PROHIBITED TO RETAIL PEDDLERS DURING THE PERIOD OF THE EVENT; CONDITIONED UPON THE REQUIREMENT THAT THE CITY VILL BE INSURED AGAINST ANY POTENTIAL LIABILITY AND UPON ORGANIZERS PAYING FOR ALL MCESSARY COSTS OF CITY SERVICES ASSOCIATED VITH SAID EVENT. Giese follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clark.) Y�$ 5 y? AZI , 4.Y i 4 6.2 APPROVE CLOSURE OF CERTAIN STREETS FOR THE ORANGE BLOSSOM CLASSIC PARADE, OCTOBER 17, 1987. RESOLUTION NO. 87-859 A RESOLUTION CONCERNING THE ORANGE BLOSSOM CLASSIC PARADE TO BE CONDUCTED BY THE MIAMI DADE ALUMNI CHAPTER OF FLORIDA A & M UNIVERSITY ON OCTOBER 17, 1987, PROVIDING FOR THE CLOSURE OF DESIGNATED STREETS TO THROUGH VEHICULAR TRAFFIC; ESTABLISHING A PEDESTRIAN MALL SUBJECT TO THE ISSUANCE OF PERMITS BY THE DEPARTMENTS OF POLICE AND FIRE, RESCUE AND INSPECTION SERVICES; FURTHER ESTABLISHING AN AREA PROHIBITED TO RETAIL PEDDLERS DURING THE PERIOD OF THE EVENT; CONDITIONED UPON THE REQUIREMENT THAT THE CITY WILL BE INSURED AGAINST ANY POTENTIAL LIABILITY AND UPON THE ORGANIZERS PAYING FOR ALL NECESSARY COSTS OF CITY SERVICES ASSOCIATED WITH SAID EVENT, BEYOND THE FUNDING PROVIDING BY FESTIVAL ORDINANCE NO. 10206. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clark.) 7. ESTABLISHING AND APPROPRIATING "ORANGE BLOSSOM CLASSIC" SPECIAL REVENUE FUND IN THE AMOUNT OF $225,000 FROM STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE TO PROMOTE SAID EVENT. _ Mayor Suarez: Item 5. Commissioner. Mr. Dawkins: Mayor and fellow Commissioners, the governor is snatching back money and we got $225,000 awarded to the Orange Blossom Classic, and I'd like - for us to establish this emergency ordinance, so that we can go ahead and get this money before the governor declares a "turkey" and take it back. Mr. Plummer: "Governor Cops." Mr. Carollo: This is an emergency ordinance? Mr. Plummer: That's what the News calls him. Yes, the Miami Daily News calls him "Governor Oops." l` Mrs. Dougherty: Is there a motion and a second? Mr. Plummers Move it. Mr. Dawkins: Second. AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED- . AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A NEW SPECIAL REVENUE FOND ENTITLEDs "ORANGE BLOSSOM CLASSIC", APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR THE SAME IN THE AMOUNT OF $225,000 FROM THE STATE OF FLORIDAs DEPARTMENT OF COM=RCE, DIVISION OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, TO PROMOTE THE ORANGE BLOSSOM CLASSIC] AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ACCEPT THE AFOREMENTIONED GRANT AND ENTER INTO THB NECESSARY CONTRACT AND/OR AGREEMENT WITH TH8 STATE OF FLORIDA; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE t Was introduced by Commissioner Plummer ` and seconded by Commie*ioaer Dawkins, for adoption as sa emergency measure and dispensiag witb` Lb v requirement of reading same on two separste days, which was agreed to by th following vote- ^:� t AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Rosario Kennedy Vice -Mayor J. L. Plummer, Jr. _ Mayor Xavier L. Suarez NOES: None. ABSENT: None. Whereupon the Commission on motion of Commissioner Plummer and seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, adopted said ordinance by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Rosario Kennedy Vice -Mayor J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Xavier L. Suarez NOES: None. ABSENT: None. SAID ORDINANCE WAS DESIGNATED ORDINANCE NO. 10325_ The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Commission and to the public. COMMENTS MADE DURING ROLL CALL: Mr. Plummer: Before the governor changes his mind, yes. Mr. Carollo: Well, I'll vote like the governor, maybe yes, maybe no. I vote yes. 8. CONGRATULATING THE UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI FOOTBALL TEAM ON ITS RECENT VICTORIES; WISHING THEM WELL AGAINST FSU, AND FOR A CONTINUED SUCCESSFUL SEASON. Mayor Suarez: Item 1. Mrs. Kennedy: Mr. Mayor. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, before you get into item 1, I'm sorry... I can't help but want to show the pride of the community. I think we ought to send a resolution to the University of Miami. I was so damn proud of them over.the weekend in that game that they called a football game, it was really a rout - and just wish them well in next week up in Tallahassee, and who said that? Mayor Suarez: Florida State. Mr. Plummer: I'd like to sake a resolution that we congratulate the University of Miami and wish them well against F.S.U, I so move. Mrs. Kennedy: Yes. Second. !Mayor Suarez: So moved and seconded. Any discussion? Call the roll. 47 a a.: E i The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who slowed its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 87-860 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION CONGRATULATING THE UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI FOOTBALL TEAM ON ITS VICTORIES IN THE FIRST TWO GAMES OF THIS SEASON AND EXPRESSING THE BEST WISHES OF THE CITY OF MIAMI FOR THE HURRICANE'S CONTINUED SUCCESS, ESPECIALLY IN THE UPCOMING GAME AGAINST THE FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY SEMINOLES. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk Upon being seconded by Commissioner Kennedy, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Rosario Kennedy Vice -Mayor J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Xavier L. Suarez NOES: None. AB4SENT: None. 9. ESTABLISHING PARAMETERS OF SMALL BUSINESS DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT PILOT PROGRAM AND ALLOCATING $570,000 TO LIBERTY CITY MERCHANTS AND $270,000 TO OTHER TARGET AREAS IN THE CITY OF MIAMI IN CONNECTION WITH THIS PROGRAM. Mrs. Kennedy: I just wanted to say, Mr. Mayor, for the record, that I hope that tonight we don't spend a lot of time rehashing what hasn't been done in the past and throwing accusations at one another. We're here for the purpose of finding solutions and that is helping the merchants in Liberty City get their loans and get on with what they need. Mr. Plummer: And I would also like to add my two cents for thanking the Manager and Miami Capital and all others that were involved in getting these reports ready for us today. I know from the looks and thickness of them it _ vas not an easy task and I, for one, thank you for getting them to me. I had to do some quick reading, but I was able to do it, and I thank you. Mr. Carollo: Vell, I think what's in order now is to... Mayor Suarez: Commissioner. Mr. Carollo: ... go back and ask the administration what has been accomplished by the meetings at Miami Capital and our administration- has had with some of the merchants since last week. Mr. Odio: Well, I did not.,. _ Mayor Suarez: Mr. Manager. Mr. Woo To clarify, I did not met with Miami Capital, we did this bore with the City administration and because we feel that is our responsibility to face up to this problem. But I believe that Miami Capital will agree to what we have done and it they don't, well, they do agree. I'd prefer it it YOU wish, Comlasioaar; it you let me do this, I'd rather have them, the'°croup from Liberty City,- which I had the pleasure of meeting this aftermoon for a Wbile, to tell us What they think we have accomplished sod if you... }, Mr. ,toe Celestial Basically,.. Mayor Susr*zi Rive us your now and addross -plosse, stir... t t 7 Mr. Joe Celestint My name is Joe Celestin, I'm the president of Joe's Furniture, Inc. and this afternoon Dr* lrerguson and... Mayor Suarez: Joe, give us an address, please. Mr. Celestin: 1662 N. W. 36th Street. I also have a branch on 7th Avenue and 61st Street in the heart of Liberty City. Mayor Suarez: You want to get some advertising value out of this; get your address out there. Mr. Celestin: This afternoon I think that we vent down to some compromising i issue here, we only had three things that we didn't agree, so we intend to come back here and present it to the Commission so we can get some positive { results. Mayor Suarez: Do you want to give us an idea of what the items were that you agreed and the items that you didn't agree, that we might be able to resolve. Mr. Celestin: The disagree, it was the amount of money, $250,000. Mayor Suarez: The total amount of money for the entire program. Mr. Celestin: Yes, it was a big no. We turned that down, and number two was Item I... Mr. Plummer: What was it in reference to? Mr. Odio: No, we did agree to that unless you changed your mind. Mr. Celestin: That it would be changed, but I just want to make... Mrs. Kennedy: Technical assistance... Mr. Odio: We agreed to I, but we agreed to change J, J. Mr. Celestin: Yes, we were going to change it but as of to now, it's not changed, so I just want to sake sure that I expended it... Mr. Odio: Let me do this. I'd better put this on the record what we agreed to so that the Commission knows. Mr. Celestin: OK, we agreed to change item I. Mr. Odlo: No I, is not the one. We agree on I, but we disagree on the one on J, on the disbursements of funds. Mr. Celestin: Yes. Mr. Dawkins: What page you reading off of, Joe? Mayor Suarez: He didn't say. Mr. Odlo: And we agreed that we would change that so that when we disburse funds, you would have enough funds up front and then we disburse the root as agreed to. Mr. Celestin: OK. Mrs. Kennedy: And you agreed on providing technical assistance. Mr. Odio: Definitely, that to part of the program, so I guess maybe what I should read on the record... Mayor Suarez,: Vbat was the disagreement on J initially and what is the resolution, if I may? Mr. Celest a: Yell... 0r, . !/r, Odios ..Y*ll� J is, lat,'p *��6t . i# 1 �iy, tbstw sSprotre - a 1pd► OQp that we would *tort 418bu rsesneat pre;raas sand It, they } r DtMbsl' Ilk_ >IOAV r, ds enough capital up front, they could not continue with the business, so we agreed to that we Mould disburse funds up front according to the technical assistant manager in that case. He should tell them, well look, you really need five or six thousand or ten thousand up front to keep you going and then we disburse the rest as needed. And we're going to do that. Mr. Celestine Well, the key thing is we can negotiate on the terms which... Mr. Odic: Yes. Mr. Celestin: ... we like your package so far to a certain extent, so we're in business but the main thing is the amount of money; $250,000 for almost a hundred... Mr. Odio: If you let me for a second just to put it on the record what we agreed to, I think it's important. Mayor Suarez: Yes, that was the point of disagreement, you've established that, let's see... Mr. Odio: And the money is the only problem of disagreement. Mr. Celestin: Yes, OK. Mr. Dawkins: But everything else you agreed to except the money. Mr. Celestin: Except, except... Mr. Odio: OK. We agree, and this if for the public to know... Mayor Suarez: Wait, wait, go ahead, Mr. Manager. Mr. Joe Celestini: Excuse me, excuse me one minute. We disagree with J... Mr. Odio: Oh, oh, oh. Number one, the business location, they have to be businesses that must be located within the City of Miami boundaries of the Model City target area. Two, the purpose of the loan has to be for inventory and/or physical fixtures, equipment or any other business purpose which is satisfactory to the loan committee. Mr. Plummer: Question. Does that become collateral? Mr. Odio: If you may, I'll get to the collateral part in a minute. Mr. Plummer: OK. Mr. Odlo: C, amount of loan. If businesses are in existence for at least one year, they will be eligible for a minimum loan of between three thousand and a maximum loan of twenty thousand. But. If the business is in existence for three, years, at least three years, they will be eligible for a loan up to $758000. Interest rate will be... Mr. Carollo: 8xcuse me, Mr. Manager. I hate to interrupt you but... Mayor Suarez: Commissioner. Mr. Carollo r ... do you think we could find in all of these loans at: least $50 or $100 so we can get somebody from the City of Miami department of carpentry to fix this board before you have two Commissioners here that end'up with broken knees? Mr. Odio: Well, I didn't know that you... G Mr. Carollo: You know, we've been asking for this meeting after meeting and yes, it just came down again# it's ridiculous.' ,a iir. ad o: I didn't know. This is the first I beard of it# ComiaissioAer+ r` I'll awake sure I cut the boards up. Will somebody cut the board 4fit ` Mayor usra :. Wei have the drag OPP1460t194 for s .19se from the laasrgloo' lean program right hers to fix the board. ii y t1�! fi Alk i F-) Mr. Carollo: I would hope that by next meeting that could be fixed. Mr. Odlo: Yes, sir. interest rate fixed at 3 percent. Term of loan for business receiving loans in amount from $3,000-$20,000, it will be 3 to 5 years term. For businesses receiving loans from $20,000-$?S,000, it will be 10 years term; up to. Repayment loans have to be, they will have a six month moratorium before the first payment is due on principal and interest. The collateral, the business assets only. Mr. Plummer: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. On repayment loans to have six months moratorium on principal interest... Mr. Odio: Before they make the first payment. Mr. Plummer: ... before the first. Now In that accumulative or is that the first payment and that's where your clock runs on three years? Mr. Odio: That's the first payment and that's where the clock runs. The collateral business assets only. No loans will be rejected on the basis of Insufficient collateral. Mr. Plummer: Well, now, that doesn't go back and explain to me in "B", if, in fact the monies are to be used for inventory or physical fixtures... Mr. Odio: OK, let me say what this, what "G" means and I know what you're saying, if we have an inventory there that's worth $10,000, it belongs to the City of Miami if they don't repay the loan. Mr. Plummer: Then, other words, that is in fact collateral. Mr. Odio: Yes. Mr. Plummer: Anything that they purchase with that money becomes collateral to the City. Mr. Odio: Sure. Yes, sir. Mr. Plummer: OK. Mr. Frank Castanets: Plus the business assets. Mr. Plummer: Excuse me. Mr. Castaneda: Plus the business assets. Mr. Plummer: Well. OK, but I just wanted to make sure that "B" is tied in with "G." Mr. Odio: Yes, sir, it is. Business insurance: If business can demonstrate that it cannot purchase insurance at a reasonable price, this requirement will be waived. Technical Assistance, (I) The loan will be considered on the applicant consented to receive the recommended technical assistance to be :Y4 provided by the City of Miami, Department of Community Development. Those 4 businesses who do not meet the minimum screening criteria will be referred to the proper technical assistance p p program, and ones capable of mating the 'f screening requirements may be reconsidered should funds still be available in , the program. (J) Disbursements of Funds: To be determined by loan committee and based on a schedule of program technical assistance activities, to be t provided to businesses. Funds will be deposited to escrow account and will be _ disbursed an approved by the City of Miami Department of Community Development Lim accordance with the recommended technical assistance program. And... ' Mr. Vernon Want We disagree with that. Mr. ©dlos ... if you spay let see finish. Mr. - that we &greed that there will be sufficient funds up front in the disbursement program to keep the buss going as recosweaded by the technical assist..., �= Or, Vernon Wass Vic, that has to be, you know, Me hsv* to deai4+�: tad lumhu S r� sure what type e Of peress<tage that we're MoiaR tA:+deal M$tb. Mr. idiot That is correct. It's so heeded. 15 11 t _ r Mr. Quinn: OK, up front. Because like I said, because we don't want to make It look like a welfare program because you have business people and you don't need people to come in at one, you know, to check on that. Mr. Odios Well, I agree with you that if you... Mayor Suarers The speaker is Vernon Quinn. Do you want to give an address, Vernon?- so us have it for the record. Mr. Quinns Vernon Quinn, 6220 N. W. 6th Avenue. Mr. Odio: We agree on that. It's just a question, Mr. Mayor, of polishing up... Mr. Carollo: Let me may this for the record. Mayor Suarez: Commissioner. Mr. Carollo: Vernon, this is not a matter of welfare program or not, that's not the issue. The issue is that just like any small business and what we're talking about here is small business, for the most part, and this is across the country, the main major reason why small business fail, not only in this City, but across all SO states, is because most of the times they don't have enough technical assistance in the economical bookkeeping aspect of a business. And I think that you will see that if we give this money in conjunction with providing that technical, financial assistance from the City administration, that you're going to have a much, much lower percentage of business defaulting on those loans than we have had in the past. Mr. Quinn: So you're saying the technical assistance would be free advice assistance, is that what you're trying to say? Mr. Odio: That's what it is. Mr. Carollo: That's exactly what it is. Mr. Quinn: OK, but technical assistant have to be assistance there if the business need technical assistance, they will provide them with technical assistance. But, if it don't need technical assistance. Mayor Suarez: No interference unless, right. We're not going to interfere in any way, if that's what you're concerned about. Mr. Odio: OK. Mr. Carollo: Wait, wait, wait, wait,wait... Mr. Quinns And we do also have, you know, certain business have also public accountant, you know, to aid their business, you know, sometime we don't need - I got a public of accountant. But we don't need certain business to - you know, the City to come in at ransom to come in and... Mr. Odio: We still have a fiduciary responsibility to monitor any loans that we give. Mr. Plummer: Any money. Mr. Odio: Any money at any time. So that we cannot waive. And I thought we had agreed to that. So let me continue because there is no - nothing 'else we can do on that. This is the three step, the steps that we agreed: to in Processing the loans for the small business development pilot program. Stop one will be the creation of a steering committee. By the way, we'll receive staff support from the City of Miami. This steering. committee will be compos*d of one representative from each of the fallowing Model City base organioationas woe, Martin Luther Kiug hconomic Doveiopasent Carporatoul:twoa', Miaml,-DodoCommunity College Lntrepreneurial institutes three# Miaa►��Dade` r< Chamber of ftwroe; four, Liberty City Business, Emergency pf ssaln ,' ;` y Assistance Comrotes and fifth, 10199A Center Merchants >Assoc lot $ functions Rclt►da the following). develop: grttoris 'to `be .+used- in 9-6reoain�: loans applfcgati review application for co�apletaaess, intear►lerwt r applicentel issue rosommondations on loan applicants booed ,aa :wi�ltabl obed, r� z a if screening criteria, submit recommendation to the loan committee. And what we're basically saying here, Commissioners and Mr. Mayor is that we want the community to tell us who really should be considered for loans. Step two, we have an independent minority CPA firm. Mr. Quinn: OK, hold it, hold it. Excuse me, excuse me - before we go into the step 2, OK, on the different step, if we want to make sure that this process don't take six months or eight months down the line. We want to make sure this process be done in a reasonable amount of time. Mr. Odio: Vernon, it's up to you. The screening committee to meet and process applications as fast as it can. It's not our respon... we will give you support, but it's up to the screening committee of members appointed by each of the organizations we mentioned, to meet as soon as possible and start recommending applicants to the loan committee. Once the loan committee has the application, we will have them processed in 15 days and with the money in hand. Mr. Plummer: That's written in= 15 days from the time the application is complete. Mrs. Kennedy: Number "B," letter "B," reduce processing time of loan to a maximum of 15 working days. Mr. Odio: That is correct. Mr. Quinn: That's the total amount of the process, or that's the total amount of time that it would take for the screening committee to view the application. Mr. Odio: It will be 15 days - no, the screening committee, its up to you people to meet as soon as possible and develop candidates for loans. Once they are turned over to the loan committee, it is 15 days from that date. And I don't think we can do better than that. Mr. Quinn: But, like I say... Mr. Odio: OK? So you'd better deal with the screening committee. The Independent minority... Mayor Suarez: And you don't intend after the 15 days to have another additional period for disbursement. Fifteen days to approval and disbursement. Mr. Quinn: And disbursement, that's the total. Mr. Odio: No, we start the first step of disbursement as agreed. Mr. Quinn: We talk about with the screening committee, reviewing the applicant and plus the amount o time for the money to be disburs... a maximum of 15 days, totally. Mr. Odio: Fifteen - no. Mr. Plummer: No, no, no, no, no. Mr. Odio: Fifteen days from the time that the screening committee turn over applicants to the CPA and the loan committee. Mr. Carollo:.... looking at, is that the screening committee could go anywhere from five to ton days, and then after that, you're going to have a a=U" of 15 days before the first initial funds will be disbursed, Mr. Plummer: And let's also keep in mind you are the screeniAg.committoe. .So .it's g0nf to be up to you... Mr. Nib: It's.up to you. Mr, Plu1_�11Ar$ frW the . tIm you me►fcs your r*Cooatios to!!400 odmittsl, fsa" that day: the. r-look_ rims for. W working 4a7 :. ... v Mr. Odic: That's ri5ht. . '-. -'[G .4,i-uN•n i.+S._.y ,Yi'i3�:{J.T.1,`M..�:sicr».i;.wfr:47Aa.Y.tlri�'pil4fid��w.Ys: — Mr. Quinn: To disbursement. Mr. Plummer: So if the screening committee takes too long, blame yourself because you are the screening committee, the members of that committee. Mr. Odio: That is correct, Commissioner. Mr. Plummer: I don't know how you can argue with that one. Mr. Odio: OK, we will have an independent minority CPA firm, which means a black minority CPA firm to me, and the functions are to include the following: review of loan application package; perform site visits; issue recommendation on use of funds: issue recommendations on technical assistance required by that business, and submit recommendation to the loan committee. That is part of the 15 days, by the way. Mayor Suarez: Now that has to be part of the 15 days. Mr. Odio: Yes, it is. The loan committee will be composed of five Individuals to be selected by the City Commission. They will review the loan package and decide award of loan. If application is not approved, business may -reapply to -this program once they have fulfilled the technical assistance recommendation. What I'm really saying is... Mrs. Kennedy: OK, I have a question. Mr. Odio: ... if somebody fails because they didn't know how to apply, we want to make sure that, that person has a second chance. We will teach him and we will help him fill out that application so that he can receive a loan. Mrs. Kennedy: OK, but supposing the loan committee does not grant an application to Mr. or Mrs."X." Mr. Odio: That's it. Mrs. Kennedy: And here she wants to contest. Are we liable? Mr. Odio: No, the loan committee is sent back to the steering committee and that's the end of that. However, we will train those persons, we will give them people to work with them to make sure they can reapply and see if they will get a loan. Mr. Carollo: OK, now... Mrs. Kennedy: Because I don't want it to fall back onto this Commission. Mr. Odio: No, it should not. Mrs. Kennedy: OK. Mr. Carollo: Before we go any further, we've stated the organizations that are going to be providing representatives for the screening committee. I think possibly what we should do now before going to the next step, is having each member of the Commission approve whom their representative is going to be `3 In the loan committee. And I, for one, will appoint Otis Pitts. Mayor, Suarez: OK, we'll entertain your respective motions It you'ra ready to appoint a member. f Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, I am not prepared, I received this, this afternoon about 3:30, and I would like. to make sure that my choice is someone who is very much familiar with the coarnm.nity and, hopefully, I will be able to choose U` someone from within for coar=Sty. and I'll have my recommendation. I would. Mr. Mayor, as we have in the past, I would hope without objection that: Me, r; would approve any recommendation Glade by Commissioners, and that we could `fill In those names within the next couple of days. P,. Mayor $unrest I'll entertain a motion to that effect, and I would bopor tbdt. the names are liven Mitbin the next ,+t4 .hour+r, It I say suSpst At: Mr Kenned l y l have my now 14 M� Mr. Odlos Just one thing I Mould like to recommend for... Mr. Quinns We missed the motion. Hold up a minute. Mr. Odics ... is that we have people that have a knowledge of loans and financial statements or something like that. Mayor Suarez-. The motion is going to be for the appointment of a loan committee. And we've got one nomination already, and as to the rest, as to some of the rest, we may have to wait 24... Mrs. Kennedys Yes, I have another one, Barbara Goddard, Corporate Executive of Burger King. That's G-o-d-d-a-r-d- Mayor Suarez: So moved as to two. Mr. Carollos Who was your nominee, Commissioner, I'm sorry, I didn't hear it. Mrs. Kennedy: Barbara Goddard. Mr. Carollo: OK. Mayor Suarez: Lori, do you want to function in the loan committee? I'll nominate Lori Weldon, we'll get a woman in there. Mr. Dawkins: I'll have my nominee later. Mayor Suarez-. OK, I'll entertain a motion as to those three. Mr. Plummer: So moved. Mayor Suarez: Moved and seconded. Any discussion? Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoptions MOTION NO. 87-661 A MOTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION APPOINTING THE HEREINBELOW LISTED INDIVIDUALS TO SERVE AS THEIR REPRESENTATIVES ON THE LOAN COMMITTEE TO BE CONSTITUTED IN CONNECTION WITH IMPLEMENTATION OF THE SMALL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT PILOT PROGRAM: _. OTIS PITTS (APPOINTED BY COMMISSIONER JOB CAROLLO) - BARBARA GODDARD (APPOINTED BY COMMISSIONER ROSARIO KENNEDY) LORI WELDON (APPOINTED BY MAYOR XAVUM SUAREZ) (PENDING ARE STILL APPOINT!! = TO BE MADE BY VICE MAYOR J.L.'PLUNMER AND COMMISSIMM MILLER DAWKINS.) (NOTES THE TWO PENDING APPOINTMENTS SHALL BE MADE AND FORWARDED TO THE CITY CLERK TWO DAYS FROM THIS DATE <, FOR INCLUSION IN PERTINENT MOTION.) � Upon being seconded by Commissioner Kennedy, the notion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo � Commissioner !filler J. Dawkins Commissioner Rosario Kennedy Pins -Mayor J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Xavier L. Suarez'= NOBS: Pope. A888IITs Pons. iffoi Burns Proceed, Vernon. We're book to that = We iipishod Kith tbo points of ogro�st?45 points A# dss#rlsM�tt � .£3�siv7 if�'ia�ill � z-r NMI 5 -iT Mr. Quinns Yes, we're, OK... The point of disagreement is total amount, that's number one. We have to get agreement on that. Mayor Suarers Do we agree on the interest rate? Mr. Quinn: The interest rate, you know, is modest. We agree with the Interest rate. Mayor Suarez: What was it finally, just so we know and we can put it on the record? Mr. Quinn: Three percent of the interest rate. Mr. Odio: Three percent. Mr. Quinn: Three percent. Mayor Suarez: OK, anything else besides the total amount? Mr. Plummer: That's fixed. Mr. Quinn: We disagree with "1," that's the, you know, the total amount with of finance assistance, you know, some business like I may, you know... Mayor Suarez: Get a little closer to the mike, Vern. Mr. Quinn:...with the total amount of finance assistant, some business like I say, we didn't agree with the total finance assistance that go along with the program, and along with "J," the disbursement of the funds, we didn't, you know, those are the two - three things we just got disagree on it. Mayor Suarez: The main problem with the disbursement of the funds is what? The procedure just to... Mr. Celestin: It's the way the City - it has to be approved by the City. We would rather have the total amount of funds available to us, so we can turn around and do the buying instead of going... Mayor Suarez: Oh, you mean, OK, once it's determined what the need is, how much are you going to get initially? - that's the,.. Mr. Calestin: Yes, yes, that's what we wanted instead of having to - the amount has to be approved again by the City. This is the way they have it not up here. If we need some money, it has to be preapproved by the City before we can get it. Mr. Odio: No, that's not the way it works. Mr. Celestin: Well, that's what it says here. Mr. Odio: You obtain it - that's not what it says here, I wrote it. Mr. Celestin: Yes, can you read it again? Mr. Odio: It says twenty thousand - let's say I give you a loan of twenty thousand.,. Mayor Suarez: Well, if it's a matter of different interpretation, as long as we clarity it here, we're OK, so let's clarify it. Mr, Odin: Weil, let me clarify it. Do you... Mr. Quipa: Are we speaking about "J?" UNIDENTIFIED SPIAXMt% Yes. Mr. Quinn: Right. ^>' Mr. Powking4. Vait a p1E4utep everywy• The .gentlem" is speaking �Q Aren't you speaking to "1?* t % t� re 16 - J+ ,,.. ?tti -h-a_� Zp"1•.�''*+5 F.s":i "a2!y.ll`""n.g51.fi�f"ai'�lFF4`1t Mr. Quinn: We're speaking about "J." Mr. Dawkins: J, so don't go up here "A" nowhere, let's discuss J. Mr. Odio: J, OK, let are go back to "J." UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Read it. Mr. Odio: Dr. Ferguson, you'll remember what I said. If you receive a loan of $20,000 and it's determined that you need up front monies to maintain the business going, let's say of $5,000, you will obtain the $5,000. The rest will be disbursed as needed for inventory purchases or physical asset purchases. Mr. Quinn: Who will approve that? Mr. Odio: The one person at the Community Development Department - you do not have to come back to the City Commission or any other action like that. Mayor Suarez: Or committees, or screening committees, or loan committees, or... Mr. Odio: No committees, no screenings, no nothing, it's a simple process that needs to be done. Mr. Quinn: Let me make it a little bit more simple. Mayor Suarez: Yes, go ahead, Vern. Mr. Quinn: Most of the business need a certain amount of working capital to start up with, OK. Mr. Odio: That's what I said. We would provide the working capital. Mr. Quinn: OK, we have to determine the amount of working capital that we have decided with, with the program, and then we deal with the guideline with the balance of the proceeds going toward the business. Mr. Plummer: That's not correct. Mr. Odio: That's exactly what I said. Mr. Plummer: No, no, wait a minute now. Whoa, whoa. Mr. Quinn: But like I say, but you're saying... Mr. Plummer: From what I read, the only thing you can use this money for is inventory or physical fixtures... Mayor Suarez: Or other business purpose. Mr. Quinn: Other business purpose, but... Mr. Plummer: Is that cash flow? Mr. Quinn: That's working capital. You've got to have a working capital,,you can't have a cushion on a businessyou're still In a crucial situation. Then you've getting yourself ia, you know, �t y ' got to have that type of fund available. Mr. Plussrar: OK, question. Then I think that the legitimate question has to be asked, what percentage can be used for inventory and fixtures and _.what percentage for cash flow?� Mayor Suarez Right. What's the maximum percentage for working capital? That's the way to phrase it, you're sight. Mr, Qdio: OK, that's why... i a4� !!f. KlurseM kkecause . if YOU had it, if you have 100 percent for wprkc capital, tbere's nothing in the way of collateral. Mr. Odio: That's why it was very I"ortant,.. w -J F —ems E'�+.•n wgll..�IM..l.si@� _ Mayor Suarezt Mr. Manager, why don't we try to fix that percentage now so we can get on with this.. Mr. Odiot dell, let me say this. I'm not so concerned about the collateral, Commissioner, as I am and I indicated to them that we fund their business and that they stay in business. Mr. Plummert Exactly. Mr. Odiot That's our purpose. Our purpose is not to collect this money, but to make sure that these businesses that we're funding will remain feasible so, therefore, it In to their interest as it is ours, that we provide technical assistance, that we help them along the May to make sure they will succeed. That doesn't mean they will have the restrictions on, that you will not be able to have enough money up front to continue with the business because you at least have to be one year into the business. So... Mayor Suarezt Well, you're not concerned in any of these cases if the business applying is otherwise qualified and has met all the other requirements with... Mr. Odio: No. Mayor Suarazs ... wait, I haven't finished the question yet, you've answered it already. You're not concerned with a working capital loan of $10,000 for example. So we're never concerned for anything less than ten thousand, are we? Mr. Odic: The percentage should be determined at the time that each business might... Mayor Suarezt But, I'm trying to fix a floor, a floor, you're not concerned - up to $10,000 if the business is otherwise qualified, you've got to say green light on that. Mr. Odiot It depends on the business, Mr. Mayor, he might have a dire need, say we lend the... Mayor Suarez: Is there a minimum amount that you can give us that - under which you would not... tlr. Frank Castanedat May... Mr. Odios OK, no because what I - say Joe needs a loan for his furniture business. Mayor Suarezt Or he may have a need for $10,000 minimum working capital. I can't see if they're otherwise qualified, how we'd ever object to that. Mr. Castaneda: No... >= Mr.. Odic; What they should do is leave that flexi'::le enough so that we can .k v provide what they need to keep the business going. Mr. Castaneda: Yes. Mr. Odios That's the main interest that we have in doi•.g this. a x Mr. Castansda: That's the purpose of sending an independent auditor to go In there, look at the business, see what the business' problems are and to make a determination as to what kind of money they need and boa it should be used, $o it should be variable. ha Ma or Suarezi Yes. the Y problem with that, it . doesn't seas to take° Into,I account very such what the owner of the business thinks be needs for vorkt capital. Mr. Mot Rut, rots., let's. let's - well, tbey... r. Mr. Robert Reese; x+d. like to sposk on tbst issue tbero, 000#0. 44 46 Et?axGS xn,. vc Mayor Suarez: Bobby. Mr. Reese: I'm Robert Reese, owner of Bottom Dollar Fish Market, 6210 N. V. 7th Avenue. I think what 1 see happening here is that the merchants to trying to ask a question and they're getting answers beyond the question that they're trying to ask. Because what is happening, you're trying to give them some money but you're tying their hands. They wants whatever - you give them up front, you know that they got a problem, so whatever monies you give them up front have to be in line of inventory. Nov, we're going to speak about fixtures and so on, you got to have two different loans, I think there or you got to split it into two different departments. They got to speak about inventory, this is what they're saying, they don't have inventory right now. Mr. Plummer: Well, that why I said that I think you've got to establish a percentage of what can be used for inventory, a base, and you can - a base for cash flow. Mr. Reese: Again, question. Are these numbers I'm hearing, are they just basically numbers you're just throwing out because I hear the Manager talk about twenty thousand and I hear him talking about five thousand. Mr. Odio: No, no, no, no. No, excuse me, I said, as an example, that if somebody borrows $20,000 it might be determined at that time that you need $5,000 right away, and the rest should be disbursed as you need the inventory, or whatever other needs you might have in the business. Mr. Reese: Well, what if he borrowed $20,000 and his inventory was - and the inventory he needed was $20,000? Mr. Odio: Well, then we would deliver, we would approve it. OK, now what I suggest, let me do it easy, why don't we approve up to 25 percent up front disbursement for working capital, and the rest is disbursed as needed. Mr. Reese: All right, so... Mr. Carollo: I don't think we should not a limit on what we're going to give up front. There might be business that need more, there might be some that need less. Mrs. Kennedy: Yes, you have to... Mr. Carollo: I think that should be freed enough so that the merchants can be helped to the maximum the City can. Mrs. Kennedy: And on a individual basis. Mr. Reese: Then what happens with the fixtures if pp you say - if he needed _ fixtures then, I mean, can he take $20,000 and purchase twenty - say see, for instance, if I had twenty thou... can I purchase 4200000 worth of fish? :t Mr. Plummer: Yes. • Y, �- Mayor Suarez: Yes, if you're approved for $20,000 for fixtures, you will get F $25,000 in the initial disbursement.-30 Mr. Plummer: The answer is yes. } !Mayor Suarez: Yes. Right. Mr. Reese: Twenty-five, that's twenty plus five. Mayor-Suarezt Right. Mr. Plummer: No, no twenty. Mr. Resent You're not going to be able to eliminate the fixtures now. Mayor Suarezt The disburseaarat schedule is set by the loan oo=_itttrf,=•t• i% ri takes into account your business needs. if you Rood $20#000 $#emu:es _v►P ,. . front, you P 1f et $200000 for fixtures u front. k you Aced` $20,000 $or aa4sk4a� �SAPIUI W front. -You get $20,000 for VQTkin$ ospitsl up fret that? Tote re not limiting the working cspitol porcogtage in Yam►. �� �$r :goy - E vL s. {tT y - ;^ Mt" 3 tS : x! �'y1t "Sx tLa:t$ .1.L, 3;"",r'� ;3y %'Slii{ty'.'RR}Y°E.Cr t _ s •Za L _ _ _ Mr. Odios That's what I wanted to do but... Mr. Quinn: OK, OK, Mayor Suarets You're going to have to trust our discretion on that is the way it looks. Mr. Quinns OK, OK. Some of the vendors definitely need fixtures, OK? Mayor Suarez: Right. Mr. Quinn: And if you're going to invest money into fixtures with money you're getting to buy for inventory and what you need cash flow, it defeats the purpose. OK, you don't need to put that amount of money; if you say 50 percent of the money that we need disbursed as liquid - lucrative funds for cash flow and inventory immediately - we need that type of money, you know, --------- And as we go along, we could go with... Mayor Suarez: You could - yes, you could very well be approved for $20,00 or $30,000 up front, of which half is for working capital and half for inventory. Mr. Quinn: Right. Mayor Suarez: Or half for fixture, I mean, all the formulas are there. Mr. Celestin: As I understand, the City already have money set aside for facade, which I spoke with Mr. - with the director. Mr. Odio: Right, right, right. This is a different issue. I agree with all of you today that we do have some money for facade improvement. Mr. Celestin: Yes. Mr. Odio: That at the time we approve a loan for development of these businesses, that at the same time we should look into the facade problem and if you need money for facade, we do a separate arrangement. Mayor Suarez: That would be a totally separate arrangement with separate funds and would not dilute the amount that you would otherwise be applying for. Mr. Celestin: OK, OK. Mr. Rasheeds Excuse me. Mayor Suarez: Mr. Rasheed. Mr. Prentice Rasheeds What happens when you run into the situation where the 5 loan committee, the screening committee, doesn't agree with the business of the merchant on the type of things they need? Because if you got a so called screeain committee that is o eratin with some above authorit the ease -�' g P 6 JV y going to - in many cases, you're going to find them disagreeing at what that business need. I think that business should have the foremost authority.on deciding what he needs as a business person or a businessman or woman. but once you got into the area where you got other people deciding what you teed and what you don't need, you're going to have again some mediation or type of problem that need to be covered. And I don't think we have that in this proposal we have here. Mayor Suarez: Yes, the way it works, it sounds like if you get rejected by the loan committee, you go back to the screening organisations and... Mr. Odio: If they get rejected by the loan committee, they go. back and ttoa we provide technical assistance to that individual to make sure ho c� repppsly until .he can get a loan. �. ;, Y4 Mayor $uarvX: I$ It obvious that in that process, if they got roj*cted, by a. loan committee, they can always appeal right directly to the Clty llaa►a�a! 4 e Mr. Mot No, please, I don't think we used that.., a 5? 'x. f i!, Mayor Suarez: Or to the director of development? Mr. Carollo: Let's... Mr. Odio: I think we're doing this at a level that the screening committee, the reason we thought of having the community screen the applicants is that they know the applicants better than we do. They know where they live, they know what they're doing and it's up to them to... Mayor Suarez: Yes, but beyond that you have another step, you have the loan committee... Mr. Odio: Well, it's up to them to submit to us people that should be applying. Mr. Quinn: OK. Mr. Odio: If the loan committee turns them down, there must be a very big reason for that... Mayor Suarez: Well... Mr. Odio: ... and it should stay there and... Mr. Quinn: OK. Mayor Suarez: They can always go to the director of the Department of Development, obviously. Mr. Quinn: Excuse me, excuse we... Mayor Suarez: You can't preclude that whether you wanted to or not. You would never be able to preclude that, they have a right to go to him. Mr. Quinn: Do the Mayor have - I mean, not the Mayor, I mean do the screening committee have a, you know, have a conflict of in... I mean, do the screening committee or the loan committee have the final approval of the loan, which one have the final approval, or both of them have to be... Mayor Suarez: The loan committee, loan committee. Mr. Odio: The loan committee has the final approval. Mr. Plummer: Loan committee, always the loan committee. Mr. Quinn: OK, OK, but if the screening committee have - what if the screening committee screen out the application? They recommend the application. OK, when we send the application to the loan committee then j whatf the final------- v Mr. Plummer: Well, wait a minute now, the screening committee also makes a , recommendation. Mr. Odio: Right. x, 1 ► Mrs. Kennedy: But the final say is up to the loan committee. Mr. Plummer:They sake a recommendation. Mr. Celestia: She understand that. They only make recommendation who is `in �}o- t, business, how they're qualified to be. i' Mr. Plummer: On the screening committee? r Hr, Quinm: 1 want to know, on that loan committee, if anybody groat Lhln committes or this organization would be a part of the loan cowaftteet. •; t�s what a trying to say becauee when you're of through ' 7 going ougb the serseAing . R w�ro- going to have to have them... } Mayor gu+ares: ho you have any that... Mr. Quinn: We're going to have to make a recommendation, we're going to have to make a recommendation... Mayor Suarez: We have two appointments left, but you got to give us - Vern, you've got to give us some that obviously won't have a conflict of interest that won't be applying. Mr. Quinn: But like I say, but you know, but like I say, you got people on the loan committee don't have our concern, don't know our concern. Mayor Suarez: Well, give us... Mr. Carollo: Excuse me... Mayor Suarez: Commissioner. Mr. Carollo: The person that I named certaiiily has your concern. He lives there with you, he's been there with you, he's Otis Pitts. Mr. Quinn: Who? Who? Mr. Carollo: Otis Pitts, and so there's going to be five people on that loan committee, and I think they're all going to be people from your neighborhood. Mayor Suarez: How about, as another potential nominee we have Sam Mason back there. Mr. Quinn: So the only problem we have now is the total amount. Mayor Suarez: Hiding. Mr. Carollo: Well, let me say this for the record. Mayor Suarez: Commissioner. Mr. Carollo: What needed to be established was an orderly professional organized process. I think we've accomplished that. I think the problems in the past have been that the committees that you have come before, those committees might have been stacked against you, this is what some has expressed to me, maybe not. But I don't think anyone can even hint at that with the process that we've established. The two committees, the screening committee In going to be a committee of individuals from your neighborhood, your organizations in your neighborhood. They'll be a committee of yourselves. The loan committee is also going to be a committee of yourselves. You've heard three of the nominees that have been presented. Commissioner Plummer and Dawkins will nominate their's later. So I think this process is an orderly process that if anyone can may anything is that it's going to be a process that is going to be stacked in the favor of the merchants where, I think these people, these committees, both the screening and loan committees are going to bend themselves backwards to approve these loans. Now, is everyone going to be happy, that's the next question. That's impossible, you can never please everyone and I am sure, and this is what I'm seeing now, what I'm seeing, w'=gat I'm hearing is that there are some concerns from some ,that, well, if they don't get approved by the, screening committee or the loam committee, can they still came back again and go to someone else? Weil, I T , think that either we do things orderly, or we don't at all. If we're going to v go back to step one, if you don't get approved after we've gone through all this, then what's the use of establishing a screening committee, what's the use of establishing a loan committee? Now, I say this to you today, I am:sure that there are going to be some businesses out there that are not going -to be approved, and I don't think that it will be right to approve loans for any business that you know from the start that no matter what you do, they're not going to make it anyway. Becausewhat You're doing Is, You' re ' takitig the... money from business that have a real chance of making it, and this is Why . we've established this process; this to why, we've done what should have ;Mien done from day one in the past and never was done to ' pro4ldo the' technical , w >` assistance so that we could all work together. Pro Thomas hergusona That's right. • 47yi Mayor •guarani We have one important remaiaiiag ienue. 21 Is. i r�.,, '. � .. '. - .., �p,., T.. _, a . >S ..F i4y'*, 's}✓�..tYztt?i '�'i`4??Sdf,�d'' M' Dr. Thomas Ferguson: That's right. Mayor Suaress The Uoney. The bottom line's the money. Dr. Thomas Ferguson: Dr. Thomas Ferguson, president of South Florida Underguard and Reverend Vashington here. We are concerned also with the amount. I agree with Commissioner Carollo, there are businesses out there that realistically we would have to more or less disapprove in good faith. But there are businesses now - out there now, that have been for 20, 15 years that is in dire need for emergency funding, and the screening committee and some of those names that you have called are some of our outstanding citizens, even though a few you called have not even been in our community, and we would more or less come back to you and try to reject those names who are not sensitive to the needs of what we are all about as it relates to the business assistant that we are trying to request. Now we agree them, the City Manager today, we met with him and we went and we prayed over the total approach. I mist congratulate him for a job well done as relates to him and his staff, more or less bringing all of this here tonight, and I want to thank all the Commissioners and the Mayor for coming out tonight, and all you wonderful people. Thank you very such for supporting this proposal and what we're all about this night. The amount of money that we're talking about, as it relates to the total project. Now, that amount basically is there would be able to deal with the emergency crisis, and like I said, a lot of those businesses would not really qualify under the screening process and if that's the case, that's the case. But we're requesting from this body tonight, and it's up to you to more or less agree on what the amount, but we are requesting at least $2,000,000 with the technical assistant that would be available to ensure that these funds are implemented with the right guidelines and procedures, that we will not have the kind of failure in the past that we have had. Mayor Suarez: Reverend. Reverend Vashington: The Reverend Vashington, pastor of Greater St. James Missionary Baptist Church. I appear before you, Honorable Mayor in Commissioners as a representative of the black community and Liberty City that has always been put on the back burner. We feel that the time has come when the black community should be priortized. Ve want to be brought up and put on the front burner. We feel that the black community has benign neglect, and all of the other areas have been cared for. Ve feel that we need a statement from this Commission to our constituency, the black community, that says to them and to us that, boys and girls and those who are hooked on dope can have hope, that this community believes in equality and those who have been economically deprived for so many years will now be priortized and brought up to par with the rest of this community. This is what we're actually saying, and this is why we cannot, in good conscience, accept the pittance that you have suggested. Ve cannot in good conscience and good faith with the black community may this In enough. Ve need more. So we lay this upon your consciences, Mayor, and members of this Commission, that you do your best to make a faith statement to this community that something we can carry back that's going to be an inspiration and some hope to many who are hopeless. This is what we're saying. Mayor Suarez: Thank you, Reverend. Mr. Manager, how much money is available and bow tsuch money do you think can be brought to bear on this problem, in this fashion? And I say Mr. Manager also, the question could also be directed to Chairman of the Miami Capital. Ms. Kennedy: And also as a follow-up question, I guess, out of that money that ve're going to hear about, how many other target areas do we need to serve? Mr. Carollos I think one...one of the major questions that has to be aaswtred tonight is bow such money is left in Miami Capital's bank account? Now, when you all invited us to come, and I have met with you, one of the figures that i was told, if you recollect, was; that there was over three million dollars... - Man In audiences All right. Mr. Catollos I a told by the Administration that that Sp not aoyroct fhaL figure is apyroa l-Mtely $500,000. 11ov, Mhat I think ors peed to Oatablidh s. nhat twits an left. 4 F A v« N Mr. Odio: We have in the one account that we were talking about, where the $250,000 are coming from, is $539,655. Mayor Suarez: Which are what kinds of funds? Mr. Odic: This is City of Miami funds. Mayor Suarez:' Our own funds from Miami. Mr. Carollo: $539,655? Mr. Odio: Yes. And the other fund that we have available for this type of program is the HOD funds which is $251,227. Mr. Carollo: 4251,2277 Mr. Odio: That's the total that we have. Mr. Carollo: With those HOD funds... Mr. Odio: And we have a balance...Yes, that will meet this criteria. Mr. Carollo: It will -meet this criteria. In other words, with those HOD funds, we could establish the type of program that we talked about tonight? Odio: Yes. Mr. Carollo: So actually we have close to $800,000? A little under that. Odic: Yes, but remember this is for the total community, so. Mr. Carollo: $790,000. Mr. Odio: That's all the funds we have right now. Mr. Dawkins: Did you say $5 million or $500,000? Mr. Plummer: $500,000 Mr. Odic: $539,000 Mayor Suarez: Mr. Quinn. Mr. Quinn: Yes, and you do have...did you count the amount of money that you have, the balance from the Bayside project of $116,000, $117,000? Mr. Odio: But we can not touch that unless —it's $117,500 that is remaining In Bayside minority program... i i Mr. Carollo: 4117,000. Mr. Odio: Five hundred. Mr. Carollo: Five hundred, Bayside. Mr. Odio: Top, but we're going to be needing that and... Mr. Carollo: Ok, now my other question is... Mr. Odio:... the other one...the other balance is RDA... Mr. Carollo: RDA...RDA, that's what x want. Mr. Odio:...that Ys for the normal... is $9140234 but that is restricted. Mr. Carollo: $914.234# RDA' F Mr. Odlo: Right. !layor Suaroxt .That is restricted in which fatbiOAi '4w j l =y. hry 7 t l�- - Mr. Odio: That you can not use it in this type of program that we have Kara without...they Mould have to go through the normal process of the collateral insurance, whatever, the normal,., Mayor Suarez: What? Federal guidelines? Mr. Odios Yes, they are. Mayor Suarez: They have to be lent...at what interest rate does that have to be lent? Mr. Odio: Prime rate. Mayor Suarers Prime rate? Mr. Odio: Yes. Mayor Suarers Then are we saying that it doesn't qualify for this program, that doesn't mean that someone who has a... Mr. Odio: Oh nol We said that here, that anybody... Mayor Suarez: You're answering the question before I ask it. It doesn't mean that somebody who is in Liberty City, who is in Model City, cannot apply for that under the usual guidelines... Mr. Odio: Yes, sir. Mayor Suarez: And still obtain a loan, typically fully collateralized, I guess. Mr. Odio: It's a normal loan. Mayor Suarez: Although Miami Capital is supposed to be taking risks that the banks don't usually take. I mean, that's still within the guidelines, I hope, right? We're not going to be like banks with this money, although we're charging prime rate? Mr. Plummer: Yeah, but also, Mr. Mayor, in this particular program as presented by the Manager, this is not high priority, this is total risk. Mayor Suarez: This is very high risk. Mr. Plummer: No, it's total. There's no collateral and no insurance. It's total risk. So, I mean, you know, and 3 percent money. Mayor Suarez: Just one last question. When I said prime rate, you're going like... Mr. DelCerro: No, because we have... Mayor Suarez: What does this kind of...prime rate means? Mr. DelCerro:...no because we have loans...we have...this means less than g' r Prime. Mayor Suarez: It can be less than prime. Mr. DelCerro: We have loans vithin...we have 1 percent loans so it's not <' prime. Mr. Pablo Cisneros$ Somatimas according to the socioeconomic problow, ,of tbo (word usintellig bls) business coming into Miami Capital with a vote -of, f1v4p; Members of the loan committee, loans for 3 percent are done. � $4 !!ayor: Snarsze QAder s�ctsaordinari► circumstances you can dea,atoo .you rag b0 less thou the prime rate. Ole. Commissioner. Mr* . glumleer s : Rosen •-t it soon rossoaa►b10 # 4 ,. !Mayor, that Me' o t#m Au�btrE sated, : the oan bs v<re�f, . tb�t Ca ►'t be upod�. t.2t3s s ! most oa, `this is is the 9uestioa, 1 tbiak it would bs loPia�►3 yr t numbers that I've board, toot we aculd erstabl lob that load to"44 et million dollars, ask the !tanager to cone back at the next meeting and tell us ghat other monies are available. We know what's in hand. In hand is about $500,000. Mr. Carollos No, what's in hand right now... Mayor Suarez: I would think that... Mr. Carollo:...$790,000 Mr. Plummer: How such? Mr. Carollo: Seven hundred and almost ninety-one thousand dollars. No. Kennedy: Combining that and the HUD. Mr. Carollo: Combining what we had with the HUD. Ms. Kennedy: The two ninety-one from HUD. Mr. Carollo: This not including the $117,500 from Dayside. Now, I got a couple of questions. I got a couple of questions and I need an answer from the merchants here. You just heard that they stated that in the Miami Capital funds, there is only $540,000. approximately. Do you all have any additional information that would show that there is more money than that in the fund based upon what was stated to me last week? Mr. Odio: Commissioner, I have an audit... Mr. Carollo: From $3 million to $540,000 In a heck of a big gap. Mr. Plummer: I still think establish it at $500,000 and send it back to the Manager. Mr. Odin: I have an audit here from Coopers and Lybrand. Mr. Carollo: Mr. Manager, I'm not questioning whether you're correct or not, I just want to give the merchants the opportunity to establish the facts as they see them, and if there is a misconception, I think we have an obligation _ to explain to them that there is not $3 million dollars, there is less and it's $540,000. Mayor Suarez: Do you have anything to tell us that will shed light on that? Mr. Celestin: Vell, the first thing that we we were told by !Miami Capital It's on the total amount of money that they had available. Now the total YE amount that money they have available it's almost $2 million dollars, ok, because they have an amount of $914,000 which is... Mayor Snares: That's about right from what the figures they gave, it's about $2 million. Unidentified speaker: ...EDA in money involved in there also. Mr. Pl:mmer: But EDA is at prim. f Unidentified speaker: Yeah, the EDA is prime... Mr. Plummer: So it doesn't qualify for this as proposed. t Unidentified speaker: Yeah but the thing is the EDA money has been set aside for many years for black minority and we can saver get it because we 400't } meet the criteria or qualifications. Vhat we're looking for...ve want to be able to Set in the ball park. Mr. Plummer: That's set by the person who gave the money, the Yederst: 14 Fz goverOslent. Unidentified apasker: Good. You people have to -go up !bore'- to a" and tell ' tbose people that w , do not rot tba crltea'-Wsyr _: . asking for. t r S Mr. Plummer: I say to you, all right. I think we've come a long way since last Friday night. I think we've done it in an orderly process and I think that we should continue this orderly process and Mr. Mayor, I would make a motion at this time, if I'm in order ... excuse me, sir, that we establish this program, establish, a $500,000 level and that we ask the Manager to come back at our next meeting and give us all of the viable alternatives that could in fact be used to supplement more to this program. I think that's the only way to do it and do it in a proper perspective and I would offer that in the form of a motion. Ms. Kennedy: And I will second your motion. Mayor Suarez: So moved and seconded. Mr. Carollo: Ok, if I... Mayor Suarez: Commissioner Carollo. Mr. Carollo: If I may come back. Whether it's $500,000, $250,000, $2 - million, it's still not going to be anywhere near enough of what is needed out there. What is happening to the City of Miami ... on one hand, it's very similar to what has happened to most other major cities across the country. The inner cities, the core of the inner cities, some people get a little better off economically, they start moving to the suburbs and moving and moving and then what remains in the inner core like here in the City of Miami are the people that have the least amount of financial capital. That's why the City of Miami, unlike what some might think, overall the medium income is - low. We are not a City of what some might like to portray as the Miami Vice type of stereotype that people with all kinds of monies. No, this is a City - basically for the most part of poor people, working people. Yes you have some wealthy area along Brickell, other areas of town but for the most part, most of the neighborhoods in the City of Miami are not rich neighborhoods. The same as most other core of the inner cities around the country. Where we're different from most other, the core of other inner cities around the country is that here in Miami something's gone terribly wrong in the area of who owns businesses and one of the major problems that I see that we have here that only one percent of the total businesses are owned by blacks. That's not the case in all the other major cities around the country. Yes, you have some that have a very low amount but I submit to you that there's no other city anywhere in this country that's a major city that only one percent of the business are owned by blacks and that is a reality, a reality that we have to face and we in the City of Miami government are not going to be able to solve that problem alone. What I've been saying for some time is, is that what affects one part of the City affects all the County. In fact, to an extent, all of South Florida. What happens in Liberty City, what happens in Little Havana, what happens in Overtown, what happens in Allapattah, if those people that live in South Dade or in Coral Gables or in North Miami or even Broward County think that it's not going to affect them, they're wrong. They're very wrong because people look at this area completely as Miami whether it's as far rt 3r an South Broward County, they still see the area as Miami and what happens in the City of Miami, in the inner-city, is going to affect everyone. Now, what I think that needs to be worked at after we build this small foundation that we're, I think heading to in laying tonight, we need to go. to all the ' different municipalities in this County. We used to go to most of all our county government because we can not have taxation without representation. We're also part of Dade County. We pay taxes to Dade County. They have as_ ' much an obligation to case and help in the inner city as we have and the State - 4k of. Florida also has an obligation. We also send the. State of Florida.aany, many dollars in taxes. This has to be a combined effort where monies are , going to be gathered to help the inner city= to help the Inner cities at r= Liberty City► to help the inner -cities at Overtown, Little Havana, Allapattah, Wynwood in the areas that most need It. _19 Now, Comminsioner, . I've...I'm going ,to be very specific in the .motion that J an golog to make, the substitute motion. I think that what we've done tonight is laid a foundation, but we have to go such farth4.: than that, ae 1 stotid in �� = this foundation. At the same time I don't think It's appropriate. and f'v+n `� seen this coming already, is that you're not going to give just.a token,.wall amount, *o one Rtigbborhood in this City, and at the same time, sot the",aok r� � in aotion to have all the other neighborhoods In the City attack th0-*r4** f, In . Liberty City snd say ."where Io our Novo? What you ton"t; da lhq; .ls;m seiShbgr#�ood gSainst the cthmr $no lllbtsxtR ; I;te's. SWiCA R� fouadaoa, lot'* start: by. doing it yight .;mod saying,. "i►ok, &`� '•�h� t,. +.t s.i ;.r _ ';::,., ..4.3. .;ti"�settsK�ei—�'"Cy t a t. ';� s — #� ,5 -- the bucket, we have to go along way, but if we're going to but $5000000 down, fine, we're going to put $250,000 down where there is a vital need in Liberty City, but we're going to take the other $250,000 that I have here, that was discussed, that we were going to reserve for possible other target programs in other areas if this one works. The other $250,000 that you're looking at is maybe for other target areas." I would submit a substitute motion that $250,000 go to Liberty City, $150,000 go to Little Havana, Allapattah... (Audience began yelling, "No! Not Noi") Mayor Suarez: We have a substitute notion, do we have a second? Do we have a second for the substitute nation? Do we have a second? Ok, we have a motion and second? Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor? Mayor Suarez: Mr. Vice -Mayor. Mr. Plummer: I have been asked... Mr. Carollo: Let me say this to everybody here. Let me say this to everybody here. You know, I represent the whole City of Miami, and I will fight to bring not the $2 million dollars that some of you requested that you need. It In still no where near enough, but to fight to bring more. But let me say this to you, you know there's been a false perception built in this community also that you have other neighborhoods that are Hispanic, whether they're Cuban, Puerto Rican, or others... (Gentleman began yelling from the audience. Inaudible.) Mr. Carollo: Excuse me ... excuse me... Mayor Suarez: Please... please... Mr. Carollos Please listen to me. You have other neighborhoods that have variety of Hispanics, that the false perception has been built that they're all millionaires, they're very wealthy, business people. That's not true. Those people live in South Dade, they live in Coral Gables, they don't live here in the inner-city. The people that are living in the inner-city all or for the most part have financial difficulties. Yes, you have probably the biggest financial need in this City, in Liberty City, and I pointed that out, but what you can not do at this point and time and you can not let yourself fall into that trap, that if you've been told you have only "X" amount of funds, that it's very, very limited that you're not going to leave half for all the other areas of the City of Miami because if not, you know what's going to happen? They're going to not the other groups against you and that will be the end...the and of what's going to be done, and then you're going to be here four years from now, two years from now and it's going to be the same thing happening again. Dr. Ferguson: Mr. Carollo.... Mayor Suarez: Doctor ... We have a motion and a second. Unless ... you know, we have a saying around here... Mr. Plummer: Of stop when you're ahead. Mayor Suarez: ... that when the momentum In on your side, you know, don't push It. Dr. Ferguson: Ok. Mayor Scares: Thera's a ration and a second. Commission? Mr. 1'lu mars Mr. Mayor? Mayor Suavest Mr. Vice-ftyor. Any further discussion tram the Mr. Mummer; Incorporated to a motion. I bavo to egg ► ��►�lo�r � Tbis...to 0fectively implesoat this prosram immediately the fo11avi t.#� are r�quived coupled with $ 1) sutborsw ation to adopt this t h including the proposal loan guidelines; 2) authorization to designate $500,000 of MCDI funds for the purpose of establishing this program... UNIDENTIFIED SPBA IR NOT ENTERED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD. Mr. Plummer:...$500,000 that's what I did. Your age is catching up with you, sir.3)allocation of amount not to exceed $306000 from the Community Development Block Grant Funds for the purpose of 1) employing an independent minority CPA firm to assist in preparing and analyzing the loan application package= and 2) employing consultants that may be necessary for technical assistance services that may be too specialized for City of Miami staff to provide= 4) selection by members of the City Commission of five representatives to serve on the Loan Committee; S)authorization for City of Miami to contact the "Big 8" CPA firms, local public/private agencies, private businesses, etc. to assist in this effort, I so move, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Suarez: Moved and seconded. Mr. Carollo: You're talking about $500,000 strictly for this program that was presented tonight. Mr. Plummer: Joe, so there's no misunderstanding, the $500,000 is the "bird in the hand." It further states that we ask the City !tanager to come back at the next meeting, October 22nd, and in fact, give this Commission in advance those monies that are reality that can be used with all funds, and if they're funds that are restricted and can not be used and it's under Federal guidelines, well, our hands are tied. Nov, what I'm saying is is to come back at the next meeting, Mr. !tanager, if you find or can find additional funding, let us know and we'll make the decision at that time. Mr. Dawkins: Mr...Mr... Mayor Suarez: Commissioner Dawkins. Mr. Dawkins: Let me offer a substitute nation. I agree in total the City of Miami is a total community and I'm not just saying that here, I say that here, I say it in the black community, I may it in the Cuban community. I say the same thing in every community and that is we are one community. Dr. Ferguson: Amen Mr. Dawkins: Nov, I have no problems with taking half of the money, taking it to Liberty City and half of the stoney to Little Havana but...where is Mr. Castaneda? Mr. Castaneda, I have here in my hand Community Development Status Report First Twelve Years 'BS...175-'87 and it says here item 22...and this is t in Liberty City, this money does belong to Liberty City and it got no business going no place also. Right? Christian Hospital subsidy, New Christian ! Hospital, Inc., this project will help finance the development of a nun t project 150 bed general hospital, project is in the planning stage. expected # 1 i comp st on datee not available, $300.000 Eros the llth Year funds. I save that we give the $250,000 plus this $300,000 which already belongs to Liberty City, making the total $550... whatever... Mr. Plummar: 4550.000 Mr. Dawkins:.. -and the other $250*000 be Miami and that's my motion. Mayor Suarez: Do you accept the... Mr. Plummer: I accept that. left for the rest of the City of Mayor Suarez: Madam, Commissioner, do you accept the modified notion? .�w Mr. Carollot The $300#000 that you're talking about, Millor, it was $300,000 : that was Issued again for... Mr. Plumers The money wasn't used? Mr, . Carolloe...to build a hospital. Now, let's boar Irae ter aeftfti8tratf ML and sea What... Mr. Castanedas Yeah. Christian Hospital, if you recall, was the application that we submitted a UDAG. The UDAQ was lost, we resubmitted the application and my understanding is the Christian Hospital project is dead at this time and the Certificate of Need is expiring. Mr. Plumamert Is that money available? Mr. Castaneda: 'Yes, it is. Mr. Plummer: That's fine. I accept the substitute. Mr. Carollos Let me ask this. Then, the hell are you guys being paid for, word to us? Mr. Castaneda: No, the... if that money is available, then whs just standing there not saying a darn Mr. Dawkinss Because I asked them to wait until I brought it up. Mr. Carollos I don't think that's the case that the Commissioner asked them to wait, and I don't think the community asked you to wait months after months after months in order for someone to bring it up tonight. Can somebody answer me why we had to wait until tonight to find out there was another $300,000 there? Mr. Castaneda: The Certificate of Need of that...Christian Hospital has been a project that has been ongoing for a number of years, as you recall. Mr. Dawkins: Joe, I think I can help you. Everyone around here is afraid that if they go against what Claude Pepper wants, he will drop dead. Ok Claude Pepper wants to put a hospital where Mr. Pitts was fortunate enough to put some affordable housing. We now have affordable housing going on the site and I don't know what else, Mr. Pitts would be able to put there...there's no room for a hospital, there's nothing that can be done with a hospital and Joe, everybody did not want to tell Claude Pepper we're not building a hospital but me...but me. I'm the only one that told him. Mr. Carollos With all respect to Senator Pepper, the people that decide what we're going to do with our monies here is this Commission doing the will of the people of Miami, but just the way we all of sudden found $300,000...you know, I just wonder how much more money there might be out there that they're not telling us about. Mr. Odios Commissioner, let me clarify this because I think Frank...let me answer your question. Mr. Carollos See what I figured... yeah, let me say one more thing before you answer me. Based upon what you've told me tonight, the $539,05 that we have In that account, the $251,222 fray HUD, the $117,500 from Bayside, these are all funds that we can use and the $300,000 that none of you told ma anything about, there's a total of $1,208,377. Now, how much more is there? Mr. Odlos There's no more. The Certificate of Christian Hospital has not expired as of this times therefore, we cannot assume that the project is dead. Now, it is a ... but I think that it the Comission wants to reallocate the funds to them, I have no problem with that, but the certificate, as of this Lima, has not expired. Mr. Carollos Wall, let me tell you what... Mr. Odio: So therefore, we could not count that. We were requested to look Into the Miami Capital... !Mayor Suarexs You know what would make the most Oenss, Mr. manager, Is to '<} leave the initial notion, It I may suggest the same, as to the amount ►d to r leave you... Mir, Aawkinas Vote it up or vote it don and... Mayor Suareml ... and, leave you with the 14thority.,. f i y Mr. Dawkinas I beg to differ with you...would you, Mr. Mayor...Mr. Mayor, I beg to differ with you. We brought these people out here. You say you were going to help them, I identified a half a million dollars, and now you're saying let's put it some place else. Mayor Suarez: No, no, no, no... Mr. Dawkins: What are you saying? Mayor Suarez: I'm saying that the amount allocated be a half a million and if $300,000 of that can come from the monies that were initially allocated to Christian Hospital, so be it, if not, they have to come from the rest of the funds now available to Miami Capital. Mr. Dawkins: Hold it! Hold itl Hold it! Under discussion. You see I get tired if this. Ok? You just sat up and passed a no raise taxes, you have a cap on the millage, there's going to be no money coming in and now we've got money identified... look, I made a motion, it's been properly moved and seconded. Let's vote on it, if it's voted up, I have no problems with it; let's vote it down, but don't milk it around. Mr. Carollos Miller, I'm not going to milk it around. Mayor Suarez: Commissioner Carollo. Mr. Carollo: You're putting yourself in a spot, they're going to play with you later by putting the $300,000 from the hospital. What we should do is just make a motion, right out for the $500,000. This is where the priority is. $500,000. If the hospital's money don't come quicker, then they use the other monies they've got. Mr. Dawkins: Its going to have to come quicker. That's what I'm saying. The hospital money is available for anything else. The hospital money is there. All this Commission has to do is vote to approve the money and dispense it. That's all we got to do. Mr. Carollo: I would vote for that motion. I just want to make sure they don't come later on and say that while we couldn't approve the other $300,000 because of this or because of that. Mayor Suareze Ok there's a motion... Mr. Dawkins: I live out there with them, I catch hell with them and we Mork together and we're still going to and up doing the same thing together. (Applause from the audience.) Mayor Suarez: The motion then is to allocate a half a million dollars to this program with all the other... Mr. Carollo: No ... no. Five hundred... Mi. Plummer: That's the motion. The substitute motion is... Ei Mr. Carollo: $550,000. Mayor Suarez: $550#000 to this program from the places identified. And ve have a motion and second. 'Understood? Mr .Carollo: That to the motion and second. I will vote with the notion now, but still open for discussion. Mr. Manager? Mayor Suares: Mr. Manager.. Mr. Carollo: Mr. Manager, as I stated to you, I've ideatified $1,2083?7,plu+s; whatever alas interest you made today. Are there any other mouton oayxb re im : tbo City that cam'be used for theme type of program? �u.. hlr. Olio: Ica of answer tbIt 94e41004, COMMI9 riono , ` bare, into and i. ,vel1 of course v� bare other, eUoutos ah.loaotRd to same othe� dad it's pp...you decade the priorities0ere, but tt we aa4 �► +rpvAdt Ao. `have r � 11 N %'S .any t Mr. Carollo: Vell if the Administration can't answer that intelligently here... Me. Kennedy: But you said that you would look into it. Mr. Carollo:...after we pointed the problems and you were supposed to come back to us, then who the heck can? Mr. Odlo: well I brought back the answers to the problems that I was asked to do, Commeissioner. Mr. Carollo: Yeah, but not all the answers. No. Mr. Odio: You're asking me an additional question. Mr. Carollo: No, this is the same original question. Mr. Odio:... Yes you are, Commissioner... Mr. Carollo: If you would go back to the minutes... Mr. Odla:...I did go back to the minutes. Mr. Carollo: You will find out the instructions were to find out monies in Miami Capital and whatever monies were available, period. Mr. Odio: These are the monies available from Miami Capital, and this is what I submit to you and the RDA funds are restricted, HUD funds are available, the City of Miami funds are available and Bayside is available. Mr. Carollo: She $914,000 plus dollars from RDA that's restricted, that's in another category beyond what we have here... Mr. Odio: Yes, sir. Mr. Carollo: Now, let me ask this, Mr. Manager, haw such money do we have allocated in neat fiscal year's budget under parties and festivals? Mr. Odio: $200,000. Mr. Carollo: $200,0007 Mr. Odio: Yes, sir. Mr. Carollo: Ok. Would there be any problems from the Administration or from my colleagues It we would take those $200,000 from parties and festivals and assign that to this type of program? Mr. Dawkins: The only problem that I have with it, Joe, is, is that when parties and festivals comes down here, the person with the most political pull get's the money and ware going to go right back through this. 4 Ms. Kennedy: You know, I would have problems and let me tell you, Joe, aiA I've been talking to the City Manager, there has to be a formula so that we at this Commission dos't have to decide. There are many festivals, on"Or `Y events, 04 they're are other cultural affairs that bring a lot of prestige to ' the City of Miami. We have been mseting, we have been talking and within the neat two months, maybe we can comae up with a solution. �n Mr. Plurer: You also have another problem Joe and that is when we `. established that fund of $2000000, it `was in effect• to reduce the a'annt over all being paid out and. it basically was a contract with_tbpse groups_1�nowinp " that , they would Ox• number this, and every year thersafttr foar` S yr*rs.".. ' M Mayor $wrest Twenty y percent less. you �e baY� �L , , 71ee'srt...would set twenty percent lose. So : f► �,, soAtrut M tb th9aa people. - fi .. C ello - C missiaA►sr... T `tints Lo differ 44b, You. Mitt s 4e eontriect. to fact, we've estoblisbed a VV90*04, a:,s�3r r � i S.Strx rH x 4 to have limited the funds that we were handing out for parties and festivals, but in fact, what ended up happening was we spent more money last year on festivals and parties than we had the previous year. Now, that being said, and seeing that those $200.000 aren't going to budge, my next question that I want to address to the City Administration, is what is Dade County government doing? There budget is six times our budget, if not more, what are they doing? He pay taxes to Dade County. Mr. Odio: Yes, sir. Mr. Carollo: In fact, we pay pretty high and steep taxes to Dade County. Now what are we getting from Dade County in return? Mr. Castaneda: For Miami Capital not a cent and for that matter, let me remind you that the RDA money that Miami Capital receive is also for the unincorporated area. They did put a million dollars for Bayside, but Miami Capital per may has not received any money from Metropolitan Dade County, and they are administering, I believe, about three -and -a half million dollars in the unincorporated areas. Mr. Carollo: They have how much? Mr. Castaneda: About three -and -one-half million dollars lent out in the unincorporated areas. Mr. Carollo: Three -and -one-half million dollars and how much money do they have that's left? Mr. Castaneda: No, no, no, the 3 1/2 million dollars has been lent out in the unincorporated areas. Mr. Carollo: By Dade County? Mr. Castaneda: By Miami Capital. Mr. Carollo: By Miami Capital. Miami Capital has lent out three -and -one half million dollars... Mr. Castaneda: In the unincorporated area that were affected by civil disturbances in 1980. Mr. Carollo: And how much of the monies that you have were lent out in the inner-city, the corporate areas of the City of Miami? Mr. Castaneda: About six million dollars. You have a full report in Schedule C. Mr. Carollo: $6 million dollars. I just want to establish it for the record. So you lend out a little over one third of the s:onies that you had in unincorporated Dade County? Mr. Castaneda: Right. Mr. Carollo: Again for the record, what have you received fray Dade County in the fors... Unidentified speaker: Nothing in the last three years. Mayor Suarez: Hhat were the figures again? You said how pouch In unincorporated Dade? Mr. Castaneda: It's about three.*.three-and, somewhere around there, Mr. Carollos I say this. It we're paying tales to Dads County, thaw we better receive the same service from Dodo County ,that other asei�.of;this: County receive. Otherwiss, what is the use of having a County g1wlrnt�. �et�# just.414091TO the County, ,goverawnt and let' thole uAincgarpors units Apd togs tbeir own Sovorasnt. $ut .if We"VO Pvyiat $se w Apt rote iv t#e services $rom -paO@ 'C9sAty . Lev ra lnt♦ the sd:At th! is k 0 '` wa and tbae for? Mr. NaasMar, what can be do&a to OrW. ooi sty _ 4 joa era"P{Lt to live up to thorr .rVsp94401110041 Sbis fs k; re#j�oAs��bility 33, n Mr. Odio: I promise you Commissioner and I promise that we will be meeting with all of the agencies RAC...and what's the name of that other... Mr. Castaneda: DECO. Mr. Odios DECO, with the County Manager and present to them the plan that we developed here on business development and insist that some monies are placed into this fund. I don't know what clout we have but we're certainly going to try. I also promise Reverend ilashington and Ferguson and the other one... Unidentified speaker: Ron Kelly. Mr. Odios...Ron Kelly, that we would be going to the Federal government to request a grant as soon as we can...if we see that the program is working, to establish a $1 million dollar grant fund if we can obtain it, if we can obtain It. Mayor Suarez: All right. Any further discussion? Commissioner Dawkins. Mr. Dawkins: Mr. Manager, my major concern is "H." Now I don't really feel comfortable with the merchants accepting H. and I must tell them that although I can't tell them what to do. Now this says, "if business can demonstrate that it cannot purchase insurance at a reasonable price, this requirement will be waived." Fine but some kind of a way, we've got to find a way to assist them in getting insurance. You give the individual $50,000 and he puts it in his business, the business burns down, he owes you $50,000 plus his life savings plus his business. So some kind of way here, I mean, I don't know how, I don't know what, but just like we took our money out of the banks if they didn't fund certain things, we're going to have to find some insurance companies or we're going to have to do something about finding some insurance to help, because if the business burns down, hell, we lost 420,000 but the guy lost his whole life savings and he can't get back in business because he can't borrow nothing else. So I think...Mr. Williams, you want to say something, sir? Come right up. Mr. Williams: My name is Johnny Williams and I'm the president of Miami -Dade Chamber of Commerce and I'm very interested in that conversation about insurance. If you don't make it where he can get liability insurance he's automatically out of business anyway because somebody is going to slip and fall and tie up everything that he has period, and that's one of the hardest Insurance to get and most expensive. I have $100,000 and it cost me $18,000 just for $100,000 which is nothing for a business. You really should have from a million on up in order to do business but a hundred thousand, they will wipe you out over night, and everybody's sue conscious. They want to sue before they come into your business, and these are the things that we are going to definitely have to address before we can do anything. Mr. Dawkins: Mr. Castaneda, what are your suggestions as to how we can< attempt to find a solution to this? Mr. Castaneda: Commissioner, if we did not... it we felt that the business could get insurance, we would have requested it. The reason that we're willing to waive it is because I know that in many cases that it's :an impossible dream. I think liability is difficult, but I think theft insurance In the Model City area In even more difficult to obtain, and we, have to have precautions to make sure that their inventories are not exceedingly high -In order to attract theft and things like that and that's the kind of thing that we would like to sit down with the merchants to sake sure that inventories are adequate but not excessive in case of theft. Mr. Carollos Mr. Castaneda, let me may this to you. You could have nsa Inventory and attract theft. So, you know, that doesn•t make sense at all, -1r. Castanedas No, but my concern is that. ..Commissloaer, let me explain... Mr. Carollos My concern is...Nsy coscera is tb4t.V4 have a eltoatio;k,out_t1af! , that even at Say pries they can't buy insurance become they woaqt it ; esrtata areas of this town and we all know that. Olt.,. Mr. i'lers Why don't you consider aOly*ipsured pool? , } y,. - ..: - ' 'A.:.ivtti;Y ;y...::y4..os 2 ✓' .R . r, r � '. . r .}.6%%l4. . ..i a.� Mr. Carollol...and the minute that...if your lucky enough after paying the outrageous prices that some pay, if your stores just get broken into once, that's it, your cancelled. Mr. Castaneda: I'm pretty sure that most of them will not get accepted. Mr. Dawkins: Ok, all I'm saying is, we find grants for UDAG, we find HODAG grants to build houses, we find grants to feed the homeless, we find grants to do everything there is to do. Nov some kind of a way, we should be about the business of securing a self -insured, or a risk pool of insurance because this Isn't common to Liberty City. You got people in Coconut Grove who can not get Insurance, we got people in Yynwood who can't get insurance, we got people in Little Havana who can't get insurance, so this is a universal problem in the City of Miami for the small businessman. So some kind of way, I wish Mr. Manager you'd get... if you don't I'll get somebody as a consultant out of my money in my budget, to find out how to come up with whatever we need to establish a risk pool of insurance or whatever we have to do because if we do all these things then somebody gets angry with one of us and burn the building down, we've lost everything. Mr. Odio: Commissioner, let me clarify something why we waived the... Mr. Dawkins: No, no, no. I know why you waived it. You see, that's why I waited until you finished with all of this. I understand why you waived it but my problem is even when you waived it we haven't done anything. Ok? Mayor Suarez: Ok. Any further discussion from the Commission? Call the roll on the motion. Mr. Carollo: The motion again is for $550,000. Mr. Plummer: Correct. Mr. Dawkins: And $250,000 for the rest of the City of Miami? Mr. Carollo: No, no. Ms. Hirai: Yes, sir, yes. Mr. Carollo: The motion you said, excuse me, Commissioner, you said the motion was for a total of $550,000 period. Mr. Dawkins: No, no, that's not what I said. Mr. Plummer: That's the substitute. Ms. Hirai: Yes. Mr. Dawkins: My motion is and I will say it again. There's $550,000 available in Mimi Capital. An I right? $540,000. Ok? So... Mayor Suarez: $540,000, close enough, Commissioner. Mr. Dawkins: Ok, so you taka...wait a minute, hold it now! Hold itt I'al getting MAUIcting...I111 tell you what Modem City -Attorney, let me say what ' I want to say and then you tell me how to do it legally. Ok. My motion is to take $500 and whatever thousand dollars it is and break it in half. Give half to the rest of the City of Miami and half to Liberty City... Ms. Kennedy: That's right! Mr. Dawkins: And then take the $300#000 of the Christian Hospital funds - and the City Attorney says we have to put it into Miami Capital which makes the total of a half million dollars available to Liberty City and still $250000 available for the rest of the City of Miami. Mayor Suarez: $5700000 for Liberty City, $2508000 available for the test of Ai >y the City t Mr. Carollo: Skcuse me..tescuse me, movent accept that modification? r+ 4 to over that. nM1 � 35" gq3{$ "i`st +... J _ -' - A, i}...t*' i ,M--• fe7.. w'JI"�r Mayor Suarez: Commissioner Carollo, we have a motion and second. Commissioner. Mr. Carollo: The amount that we're discussing here, establishing a record, the Commissioner was talking about $250,000 and $250,000 plus the additional $300,000 that we're going to take from this hospital to also go to Liberty City merchants. So there's $SS0,000... Mayor Suarez: No, but it was really half of $540 what he wanted to do. So it was $270 plus $300, so it's $570. Mr. Carollo: So we're talking about $270 and $570? Mr. Dawkins: No... Ms. Kennedy: $270 and... Mayor Suarez: He's correct. $510 for Liberty City, $270 for the rest of the City. Mr. Carollo: Now let me clarify this Commissioner, when we say the rest of the City of Miami, I don't think we want to say the rest of the City of Miami because the merchants in downtown in some of the big buildings like Southeast and Brickell Avenue, don't need that. What we want to say... Mayor Suarez: I think we meant in target areas because Downtown... Mr. Carollo: Target areas such as Little Havana, Allapattah, Wynwood, Coconut Grove areas. Mr. Dawkins: I could accept that Commissioner Carollo if I had not sat here and watched this Commission loan Stuart Sorg who has a profit and loss sheet of a half million dollars, loan him $35,000. I could accept that. Ms. Kennedy: Call the roll. Mayor Suarez: Ok, we have a motion and second. Understood? Mr. Carollo: Again, clarification on the motion. Mayor Suarez: Commissioner. Mr. Carollo: Are we limiting that motion on the additional $270,000 not the $570,000 that we have targeted for Liberty City, the other monies, because I don't want to see merchants coming from areas of Brickell or areas like that trying to get into those $270,000. =: Mayor Suarez: But that won't happen because they're not target areas. Mr. Carollo: Are we going to limit those $270,000, the other, to the target areas such as the ones that I have described? Mayor Suarez: Yes. Mr. Dawkins: Yeah, limited to those individuals that are already being served by Miami Capital. Mayor Suarez: Right. The target areas that are defined. Same criteria. Aij' further discussion? Call the roll. Mr. Dawkins: Is Little Haiti a target area? Unidentified speaker: Yes it is, sir t + i .fib Mr. Dawkins: All right, OK, no problem., •r ri"i `a y. 44 t�t � Oar �7 The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, vho moved Its adoption: !LOTION NO. 87-862 A !LOTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION AUTHORIZING AND/OR DIRECTING THE ADMINISTRATION TO IMMEDIATELY EFFECTUATE THE FOLLOWING STEPS IN CONNECTION WITH THE APPROVED IMPLEMENTATION OF THE SHALL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT PILOT PROGRAM: 1) ADOPT THE SMALL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT PILOT PROGRAM, INCLUDING THE PROPOSED LOAN GUIDELINES (AS MORE FULLY DISCUSSED BEFORE THE CITY COMMISSION ON THIS DATE); 2) EARMARK THE FIVE HUNDRED FORTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ($540,000) PRESENTLY AVAILABLE FROM MIAMI CAPITAL AS WELL AS THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND ($300,000) ADDITIONAL DOLLARS, PREVIOUSLY EARMARKED FOR THE CHRISTIAN HOSPITAL PROJECT, TO BE DIVIDED AS FOLLOWS: (A) $570,000 FOR THE LIBERTY CITY AREA; AND (B) $270,000 FOR TH8 CITY AT LARGE; MORE SPECIFICALLY, FOR TARGET AREAS AS DESIGNATED BY MIAMI CAPITAL; 3) ALLOCATE AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED THIRTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ($30,000) FROM COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS FOR PURPOSES OF: (A) IMPLEMENTING AN INDEPENDENT MINORITY C.P.A. FIRM TO ASSIST IN PREPARING AND ANALYZING THE LOAN APPLICATION PACKAGE; AND (B) EMPLOYING CONSULTANTS THAT MAY BE NECESSARY FOR SPECIALIZED TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE SERVICES; FURTHER STIPULATING THAT THE CITY COMMISSION SHALL SELECT FIVE (5) INDIVIDUALS AS THEIR REPRESENTATIVES TO SERVE ON THE LOAN COMMITTEE*; AND FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE MANAGER TO CONTACT THE "BIG 8" C.P.A. FIRMS, LOCAL PUBLIC/PRIVATE AGENCIES, PRIVATE BUSINESSES, RTC., TO ASSIST IN THIS EFFORT. (* See M 87-861) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Rosario Kennedy Vice -Mayor J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Xavier L. Suarez BOSS: None. ADSKNT: None. Mayor Suarez: Let me may as I vote on this that we have in fact contacted the° County at the level of their economic development agency equivalent :to ,the x City'*, and that's DECO through it's director and Ennis; Martin I Stave contacted the County Manager and the Mayor and I'm confident that we'll be able to get a matching amount from the County. We're going to be working on -, that and hope to have that for you by the meeting of the 22nd, And I vote eyes*. } Mr. Carollo: Ok, we're not finished yet. Mr. Manager, what you answered question for mio earlier,. it Was very, clear to me that we have, tare., sdd�tipaai funds in the City that if we wrere to to thw from other area$ that ,tbay'ye „. allocated for . now, that we could use it for We, Vbat I wast, you to , do �s;. tb 3. s y_ r cue back to this Commission by tbe..end of this week, to each; $v dlW�tL sommLesionor. and sbor ue., .show► tie wbare are other funds : tut we oulyd ` K possibly take sad use for this Program, so We can decide it,we traax t4 n►aw`' ; } r� those funds vhere there at or not, Mr. Odio: Ton t4se Comity Davel9ppent twnien�t 'fbat's What . you'lrnn tnt#rkla!$ about-. ra k Y - t %T4*Ai x ,� Mr. Carollo: Or any other funds. Mr. Odlo: You allocated those funds already so... Mr. Carollo: I'm talking about funds period in the whole budget that we approved. Mr. Odio: Every line item budget. Mr. Carollo: Exactly. Now, last but not least, excuse me, I'm not finished yet. As I stated before, I represent the whole City of Miami and I like to deal with realities as we have them. We have approved tonight $570,000 for Liberty City merchants which is a drop in the bucket. No one In saying that you've gotten away with a tremendous amount, that everything's going to be roses and peaches. It's nothing. It's a very small amount and we all know that, and we are kidding ourselves if we walk out of here tonight thinking there's a big victory. This is only the beginning of laying a small foundation. rsow we all got to work together to get more monies, and we approved $?'I,,J00 for all the rest of the blighted areas all over the City of Miami. Now, Mr. Manager, members of the Commission, there is $231,222 that are left of this HUD monies plus you got $117,500 reserve for Bayside. I'm not going to touch that money in reserve for Bayside; we can deal with that the next time we meet. I will make a motion that the $251,222 go into the same pilot program with the same guidelines to Wynwood, Allapattah, Little Havana. Mayor Suarez: We have a motion, do we have a second? Mr. Carollo: The monies are allocated, have been allocated already. This is some additional monies that were there. Mayor Suarez: We have a motion, do we have a second? Third time, we have a motion, do we have a second? Anything further on this issue? Mr. Dawkins: I'd like to may one thing to the Manager... Mayor Suarez: Commissioner Dawkins. Mr. Dawkins:...before we break. Mr. Manager? Mr. Odio:Yes, sir. Mr. Dawkins: We keep telling you go back and find money. I would hope you would bear in mind, sir, that the State of Florida is about to lose its triple A bond rating, and in the event that we go before our bond counsel and then go to the bond raters, and we do not have sufficient funds to show that we are fiscal sound, we too are going to lose our A rating and our AA rating with !body. So I would hope, sir, as we Commissioners tell you you will constantly be reminded that you have a fiscal responsibility. Mr. Manager, he pay you or I pay you? You better try to listen to as right now. Mr. Odio: I'm listening, Commissioner, believe me. K Mr. Dawkins: Ok. And remember that if you have a lower bond rating,.air in the end all the bonds that you try to float, which I will be lighting, will cost us more money, sir. Mr. Odiot -Teo, sir. May I say something, Mr. Mayor, on this issue? Mayor Suarest I would hope you would not at this point. Kam Mr. Odiot Just one thing, Mr. Mayor. I wanted to thank Reverend Nashinston, Kelly and the group that was here this afternoon for their uuderatand ns. It was very.heated and decislve meeting. I want to thank the staff that worked all weekend, day and night, to .get this report dons and Mined Capital lgir their cooperation, they worked with us diligently to get this done, y r m Mayor Suarest Veil said. hr. Ferguson, at your awn risk. Dr. Fergusous I would May $uerot t At your own rl pk, go ahead,x i Y �x ;3 -r Dr. Fergusons For this committee and the vendors of Liberty City and all the concerned citizens who are here this night, we would like to thank you the Mayor and all the Commissioners including the City Manager and all those who are here tonight for coming together and especially our dear Commissioner !filler Dawkins, for being able to come up with the kinds of funds and we're saying that we're hoping that additional funds will be made available in — addition to what we have as it comes that it is available as stated. Now I would like to also say that the community will work with all of you as you 4 have tried in good faith to work with us this night. We thank you very much and I think Mr. Quinn has to say something prior to you leaving. Mayor Suarez: Vernon. Mr. Quinn: Ok. On tomorrow we will be requiring that they will have some type of application for the loan to be in the community starting tomorrow so that we can put the program into... Mayor Suarez: When are those application forms ready? Mr. Odio: Well the best way to do this... Mayor Suarez: You must be awfully close to having them ready. Mr. Odio: May I suggest something that Vernon... Unidentified speaker: I prepared application but the City has changed the plan that I had. Mayor Suarez: Ok, when are we going to have them ready? BACKGROUND COMMENTS NOT ENTERED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD. Mr. Odio: Hellof The committee that met with us today, if you may set up another sleeting and we'll set up the guidelines that clearing the committee... whatever... Mayor Suarez: Screening committee. Mr. Dawkins: Monday morning we'll have them. Mr. Carollo: I think that we've shown something here tonight that when we work together we can accomplish things. Now we build a foundation here, and what we need to do is to keep on working together to build further on this foundation. - 10. AVn1ORIZING 25 TRANSFER OF $65,000 TO "ORANGE BLOSSOM CLASSIC" M(SCIJTIVE COMMITTEEjf yi v Mayor Suarez: We have a rasolution formalising the transfer of the $65,000 to the Orange Blossom Classic eXeautive committee and the rest of - the funds. Do we have a notion? n� Mr. Dawkins: J.L move, I second. Mayor Suarez: Moved and seconded. Any discussion? Call the roll. r s s7 � ..-. _, _ _ ... ... ._.... ,. ,_ .... .i- r ,.. ..._...r`,�.Y 1'��4ih.f .'Se-.aa:U*:�3`k "�yd.!•r ;r y�., el 0 The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, 'who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 87-863 A RESOLUTION ALLOCATING AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED 165,000 FROM THE "ORANGE BLOSSOM CLASSIC" FUNDS TO BE USED FOR PROMOTIONAL EXPENSES RELATED TO THE 1987 ORANGE BLOSSOM CLASSIC TO SE HELD IN THE CITY OF MIAMI ON OCTOBER 11-17, 19871 AND FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY KITH BARBARA CAREY, IN HER REPRESENTATIVS CAPACITY AS GENERAL CHAIRPERSON OF THE 1987 ORANGE BLOSSOM CLASSIC EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE FOR SAID PROJECT, SUBJECT TO AND CONDITIONED UPON COMPLIANCE WITH SUCH CONDITIONS AND LIMITATIONS AS MAY BE PRESCRIBED BY THE CITY OF MIAMI- (Hare follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote- AIMSs Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Rosario Kennedy vice -Mayor J. L. Plummer. Jr. Mayor Xavier L. Suarez NOES: None. ASSENT: None. TMER I BEING NO FORTMER BOSD=S TO cm BEFORE ZM CITY CMISSION. WM MEETING WAS ADJOORNED AT 8t43 P.M. Xavier L. Suarez MAYOR ATTEST: Natty Hirai cm cZx1E Oaltair. J. tosaas Asnum CITY CLXK { f Poo �. ix. *. I NCQRP (R ATE ,z r w � 1 i r l MEETM UM SEPTEMBER 28, 1987 PAW I OF I OOCLIMM IM 11 AIM NE'1'PMft COOS M AUTHORIZING CITY MANAGER TO EXPEDITE LEASING OF RETAIL SPACE IN THE OVERTOWN SHOPPING CENTER. 87-856 AUTHORIZE CLOSURE OF DESIGNATED STREETS IN CONNECTION WITH THE OCTOBER 11, 1987, CARIBBEAN CARNIVAL PARADE. 87-857 APPROVE CLOSURE OF CERTAIN STREETS FOR COLUMBUS DAY CARIBBEAN CARNIVAL PARADE ON OCTOBER 10, 1987. 87-858 APPROVE CLOSURE OF CERTAIN STREETS FOR THE ORANGE BLOSSOM CLASSIC PARADE, OCTOBER 17, 1987, 87-859 CONGRATULATING THE UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI FOOTBALL TEAM ON ITS RECENT VICTORIES; WISHING THEM WELL AGAINT FSU, AND FOR A CONTINUED SUCCESSFUL SEASON. 87•-860 AUTHORIZING 25 TRANSFER OF $65,000. TO "ORANGE BLOSSOM CLASSIC" EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. 87-863 'k w� 3' w a...,L