HomeMy WebLinkAboutM-87-1049CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO. The Honorable ivfayor and DATE: N V - +. 1,87 PILL Member of the City Commission SUBJECT: �y Park Advisory Board Presentation FROM: Cesar H. Odlo REFERENCES:NOvember 12, 1987 City Manage'r City Commission Meeting ENCLOSURES: i The Members of the Park. Advisory Board have advised me that they are prepared to present to you their recommendations for the allocation of the $8.3 million Citywide Neighborhood Park Renovations Project. As a result, they have been scheduled as a discussion item on the November 12, 1987, City Commission Meeting Agenda. cc: H.C. Eads, Jr. Assistant City Manager Walter E. Uolby, Director Parks, Recreation and Public Facilities Department i - :; �R'7--IL449 AN CITY OF MIAM1. FLORIDA INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: DATC FIL[s The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission •UDJECTs 8.3 Million Citywide Neighborhood Park lJ`'' FROM: �P. Willard Fair, � 11[F[RtNC[Es Renovation Project Chairman Park Advisory Board [NCLOSUR[st Enclosed is the Park Advisory Board's recommendation for the allocation of the- $8.3 million Citywide Neighborhood Park Renovation Program, -adopted unanimously during our meeting of September 21, 1987. Pursuant to your directions issued by Resolution Uo. 87-687, adopted on July 9, 1987, we held four publicly advertised meetings to gain citizen input into the recommendation process. These meetings were held in locations convenient for public attendance from wide areas as follows: Tuesday, August 25, 1987: Thursday, August 27, 1987: Tuesday, September 1, 1987: Thursday, September 3, 1987: Legion Memorial Park 6447 N.E. 7th Avenue Gibson Park 401 N.W. 12 Street City Hall 3500 Pan American Drive Stephen Clark Building 1650 N.W. 37 Avenue Prior to these public meetings, staff of the Parks, Recreation and Public Facilities Department conducted park tours for the Board so that we might view the park conditions ourselves. After the four public hearings, we met four times to discuss our recommendation. It is the Board's opinion that $8.3 million is not nearly enough to meet all the capital improvements needs in the City's park system. Arriving at our recommendation was not an easy process, and, as a result, we decided very early on to address only those parks about which people were willing to take the time to come and speak about. From that starting point, we had to pare down even further. 7 �t 7 f 9 7-1049 'i e A Page #2 a In addition, a concern.we heard several times during each meeting was that of inadequate funding for staff, maintenance, recreation equipment and supplies, as well as feelings of fear and insecurity in City parks. The City must find funding to address these non -capital needs in the future. Finally, in recognition of the need for a comprehensive Parks and Recreation General Obligation Bond Issue, this Park Advisory Board is volunteering its time and effort to promote and market such an issue, Hopefully in the very near future. We also wish to offer to remain intact as an Advisory Board to monitor the • implementation of the current $8.3 million project. Attached for your information are copies of newspaper articles, the flyer that was distributed through every staffed park, and minutes from our meetings. T1iF: SLM: ms 9 7-i049 PARK ADVISORY BOARD' RECOMMENDATION NOTES The Hoard realized it could not meet all the needs with only $8.3 million. Therefore, an attempt was made to allocate the funds in such a way that would encourage a positive vote on a future bond program. 1. The allocations for Pools Courts, Hall fields, Vita Courses, Irrigation Projects, Water Fountains and Park Furniture are recommended as lump sums to be spent Citywide. The individual park breakdown of these amounts represents recommendations of the staff of the Parks, Recreation and Public Facilities Department, based upon our directions to look at the most heavily used, but deteriorated facilities. 2. Except where noted as follows, the Park Renovations category is intended to be allocated for general renovations in those parks specified. It is expected that the City will hold additional public meetings in each park to determine specifically how each allocation will be spent. a. General Antonio Maceo Park: This $16,000 allocation is for perimeter fencing to help deter vandals while funds are raised to develop the park. b. Hadley Park: This $95,000 allocation is specifically for restrooms at the ballfields. C. Kirk Munroe Park: $65,000 has been allocated to cover the cost of 2 new tennis courts and the renovations of the existing lighting. d. Robert King high Park: This $75,000 allocation is to repair or replace the bridge. e. Triangle Bark: $23,000 has been allocated for new perimeter fencing and playground equipment. f. Wainwright Park. The Board allocated $23,000 for playground equipment and building improvements. Ll s 7--D49 C'I^.YaIUt NLIGi164.R1t000 Pd*-&a RLHOVA•CIUUS PROJECT VAWK ADVISORY WARD RLCOMMEJUATI:C. PARK i RE3OVkTIOV$ POOLS* COURTS"(' HALL FIELDS 1 VITA .) + COURSES + WATER I PARK :RRIG-N::_;: - FOCNT.- FCw .• �•;�:'�. - African Square _ Alla .-Comstockl Cemente 19,000 20,006 36,C--J 4,003 �oo• == �� o== 1 ,JJO • 260,..:: 3;',J�: Cora l Gate i 10,000 19 1 -j----T 1 , 800.00'` _ � , J•_ : +;?, •29_,03- Curtis M 200.O4 40,000 ,000 42,000 4,000 � , OJ: you las Eaton ` 25.00o 1 19,000 20,000 2,000 100,00J Li,9C: : =5,a,: G.A. Mace0 j (Blue La oon) •1 16,OOC 16,30: Gibson , Grand Avenue 1 I 16 000 19 000 ,000 ,000 00,000 2�,,: Gra eland Hadle 24 000 30,000 20 000 80 OHO 6,000 4,000 150.00O 1-Q,OCI 8,000 250 000 3:3,J4: 2Q0 000 Kennedy ' 88,000 4,000 75.000 3o',OYj , K nlock 13 000 20,0� 30 occ k Munroe 1 40 000 33.000: ion 65 OCO 105 00r320 re 21 000 0008 000 100 Q00 128.Oo;- nin side Pla round IP&Llot 2r0,000 37 000 20 000 1 O ')00 6 000 4000 4 O 000 21,000 6 000 20 000 2 000 _e 22,000: acock 26.000 O OOo 20,0001 n e 30,000 26 ,000: eaves 8 00o 3 000 200,000 233 OW. Hers de 6 000 4 000 000 150 000 00 OGO, b.rc II n h o00 6 �� enan oah 0o Opp O 000 19,000 3 000 4 000 75,000 a ,000I 289 000) the e an e 1 000 14 000 20 000 000 2 000 51,000; !rr ck 00 000 38 000 23,000 _ a nvr t 4 000 200,000 44 .000i est En 000 19 000 . 4 000 000 23 OOOi 55 OOo! dais 50,000 250.000 , oj TMAL L1,200,000 $Soo 000 S200 000 $200 000 1 Shoo 000 $So 000 S*0 000 $4 S37 000 $7 147 000E Virginia Key (previously appropriated) ( *The Board recoslnnds only the total aslounts in these eateyories. IMe recos enaatioos as to park by park eamnditures are those of the staff of the Parks, Recreation and Public Facilities apartment. 0. Des:gn S200,000 S2SO.000 Contingency S683,000 Total S8,3400.o00 I WALTER1. GOLBY Director c Cqi#�r jorf 4niaxni Mr. Willard T. Fair 8500 N.W. 25th Avenue Miami, Florida 33147 Dear Mr. Fair: L,t�f 0 0 --car e,eso Q �ECO.FI�Q� October 26, 1987 CESAR H. ODIO City Manager Attached for your information are copies of the minutes from your 10/15 meeting and the final recommendations approved by your unanimous vote. These recommendations have been scheduled for presentation to the City Commission during its meeting of November 12. Prior to that time, you may wish to inform your respective Commission members of these recommendations so that each one will be familiar with them. Please contact me if you have any questions. SincejFely, Susan L: McFAy Park Planning C a inator SLM:ms ec: Walter E. Golby, Director Parke, Recreation and Public Facilities Department H. C. Eads, Jr., Assistant City Manager DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, RECREATION AND PUBLIC FACILITIES 1390 N.W. 71h St►eet/P.O.Box 330708/Miami, FL 33233-OM/(30) 579-6900/6916 - I 9 7-IL049 (4i#e of Mia*nt* WALTER E. GOLBY Director October 26, 1987 No. Eater Mae Ambrister P.O. Box 343 Coconut Grover Florida-33133 Dear Ms. Ambristert CESAR H. 0010 City Manager Attached for your information are copies of the minutes from your 10/15 meeting and the final recommendations approved by your unanimous vote. These recommendations have been scheduled for presentation to the City Commission during its meeting of November 12. Prior to that time, you may wish to inform your respective Commission members of these recommendations so that each one will be familiar wr,th them. Please contact me if you have any questions. Sincerely, '0�/ Y//� . . Susan L. McKay Park Planning Coordinator SLMtms' cc: Walter E. Golby, Director Parks, Recreation and Public Facilities Department H. C. Eads, Jr., Assistant City Manager DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, RECREATION AND PUBLIC FACILITIES I N.W. 7th Street/P.O.Bo: 33)708/Miami, fL 33Z33-0708/I305► S79-6900/6916 } `7-1049 y i �tf�t jorf 'ffitM2Ytt t� WALTER E. GOLBY Director A +cr.....,o (r Q • u ,; ��CQ.fI�Q�C October 26, 1987 CESAR H. 0010 City Manager Mr. Alan Weisberg 1401 Brickell Avenue Miami, Florida Dear Mr. Weisburg: Attached for your information are copies of the minutes from your 10/15 meeting and the final recommendations approved by your unanimous vote. These recommendations have been scheduled for presentation to the City Commission during its meeting of November 12. Prior to that time, you may wish to inform your respective Commission members of these recommendations so that each one will be familiar with them. Please contact me if you have any.questions. Sinc relk 4Susan L.Park Plaoordin r SLM:ms cc: Walter E. Golby, Director Parks, Recreation and Public Facilities Department H. C. Eads. Jr., Assistant City Manager DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, RECREATION AND PUBLIC FACILITIES ~ 1390 N.W. All Street/P.o.sox 330704/Miami, FL 33233-070s/1305) S794=/6916 Ho 97-1049 (4it�r Jaf 'Miami WALTER E. GOLBY Director October 26, 1987 Ms. Annie Betancourt 2930 S.W. 36 Avenue Miami, Florida 33133 Dear Ms. Betancourt: CESAR H. ODIO City Manager Attached for your information are copies of the minutes from your 10/15 meeting and the final recommendations approved by your unanimous vote. These recommendations have been scheduled for presentation to the City Commission during its meeting of November 12. Prior to that time, you may wish to inform your respective Commission members of these recommendations so that each one will be familiar with them. Please contact me if you have any questions. Since ely, Susan L. M Kay Park Planning Coord for SLM:ms cc: Walter E. Golby, Director Parks, Recreation and Public Facilities Department H. C. Eads, Jr., Assistant City Manager DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, RECREATION AND PUBLIC FACILITIES 1390 N.W. 7th Street/P.O.Box 330708/Miami, IF 33233-0708/(30S) S79-6900/6916 q w- IL049 W C4itLy of Aia I WALTER E. GOLBY Director October 26, 1987 Mr. Emilio Lopez 3311 N.W. 2nd Avenue Miami, Florida 33147 Dear Mr. Lopez: CESAR H. ODIO City Manager Attached for your information are copies of the minutes from your 10/15 meeting and the final recommendations approved by your unanimous vnte. These recommendations have been scheduled for presentation to the City Commission during its meeting of November 12. Prior to that time, you may wish to inform your respective Commission members of these recommendations so that each one will be familiar with them. Please contact me if you have any questions. Sinc rely, 0-> Susan L ay Pork Planning Coordi for SLM:ms cc: Walter L. Golby, Director Parks, Recreation and Public Facilities Department H. C. Eads,.Jr., Assistant City Manager DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, RECREATION AND PUBLIC FACILITIES f390 N.W. 7th Street/P.O.Bor 330706/Miami, FL 33233-070e/(303) S79-6900/6"6 9'7-1049 (4ttj! Jaf ty G WALTER E. GOLBY = ' Director p ..n......1. • �. 7 t�.FLOQ� October 26, 1987 Ms. Anne Chapman Wilson 1450 Madruga Avenue Suite 205 Coral Gables, Florida 33146 Dear Ms Wilson: CESAR H. ODIO City Manager Attached for your information are copies of the minutes from your 10/15 meeting and the final recommendations approved by your unanimous vote. These recommendations have been scheduled for presentation to the City Commission during its meeting of November 12. Prior to that time, you may wish to inform your respective Commission members of these recommendations so that each one will be familiar with them. Please contact me if you have any questions. SinceW.cKa Susan Park Planningecoor4)nator SLM: n1s cc: Walter E. Golby, ' Director Parks# Recreation and Public Facilities Department H. C. Eads, Jr:, Assistant City Manager DEPARTMENT Of PARKS, RECREATION AND PUBLIC FACILITIES ~ f� 1390 N.W. 7th Street/P.O.Bar 330M/Miaml. FL 33233.07M(303) 579.6900/6916 9 I-1049 n (gifLl of 'Miami WALTER E. GOL'BY Director 71 p -Cleo .uIo Q O r �Ot cb.f�4a�� October 26, 1987 CESAR H. ODIO City Manager Mr. Thomas Carlos 999 Ponce DeLeon Blvd. Miami, Florida 33134 Dear Mr. Carlos: Attached for your information are copies of the minutes from your 10/15 meeting and the final recommendations approved by your unanimous vote. - These recommendations have been scheduled for presentation to the City Commission during its meeting of November 12. Prior to that time, you may wish to inform your respective Commission members of these recommendations so that each one will be familiar with them. Please contact me if you have any questions. Sincerely, c usan L. McKay Park Planning Coordi ator SLM:ms cct Walter E. Golby, Director Parks, Recreation and Public Facilities Department H. C. Eads, Jr., Assistant City Manager i —7 DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, RECREATION AND PUBLIC FACILITIES 13l0 N.W. 71h Street/r.O.Boz 33OM/Miami, FL 33233.070e/(305) 579-M/6916 N 9 7e--1.049 "ON C�i#� of �iirzmi WALTER E. GOLBY Director October 26, 1987 Mr. Rafael Cuza 2655 S. Sayshore Drive Suite 209 Miami, Florida 33133 CESAR H. ODIO City Manager Dear Mr. Cuza: Attached for your information are copies of the minutes from your 10/15 meeting and the final recommendations approved by your unanimous vote. These recommendations have been scheduled for presentation to the City Commission during its meeting of November 12. Prior to that time, you may wish to inform your respective Commission members of these recommendations so that each one will be familiar with them. Please contact me if you have any questions. Sinc rely, Susan L. Mcka Park Planning Coo inator SLMsms cc: Walter E. Golby, Director Parks, Recreation and Public Facilities Department H. C. Eads, Jr., Assistant City Manager DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, RECREATION AND PUBLIC FACILITIES 1390 N.W. 7th Street/P.0.80K 33070fi/Miami, FL 33233-WOd/(305) 579.6900/6916 97-1049 /"ti 1W WALTER E. GOLBY Director tt ? of .t Ittt 10 t 0 ,.c.... oo.., Q u �o.F�oi October 26, 1987 CESAR H. ODIO City Manager Mr. Freddie Santiago 3311 N.W. 2 Avenue Miami, Florida 33147 Dear Mr. Fair: Attached for your information are copies of the minutes from your 10/15 meeting and the final recommendations approved by your unanimous vote. - These recommendations have been scheduled for presentation to the City Commission during its meeting of November 12. Prior to that time, you may wish to inform your respective Commission members of these recommendations so that each one will be familiar with them. Please contact me if you have any questions. Sincerely, Susan L. McKay Park Planning Coord ator SLM:ms cc: Walter E. Golby, Director Parks, Recreation and Public Facilities Department H. C. Eads, Jr., Assistant City Manager DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, RECREATION AND PUBLIC FACILITIES 1390 N.W. 7th Street/P.O.Box 330708/Miami, FL 33233.0700/(305) 579-6900/6916 PARK ADVISORY BOARD OCTOBER 15, 1987 MEETING MINUTES ATTENDANCE: T. Willard Fair, Annie Betancourt, Emilio Lopez (alt.), Anne Wilson (alt.), Ester Mae Armbrister (alt.), H. C. Eads, Jr., Walter E. Golby, Susan McKay. Staff attending but not participating: Al Howard, Kirk Hearin, Brian Finnicum, Ed Blanco (CD). Chairman Fair convened the meeting at 2:00 P.M. The board's recommendation was distributed for discussion purposes. Susan McKay advised the Board that the issue had not been placed on the October 22 City Commission Agenda. Jack Bads, stated that it would be scheduled for November 12. Jack Eads advised members that they had been given some incorrect information concerning the proposed multipurpose court in Wainwright Park. Chairman Fair established the following agenda for the meeting: A. Recommendation B. Wainwright Park C. War Memorial The Board then reviewed its recommendations and made minor corrections as noted. The recommendations were adopted unanimously as corrected. Chairman Fair opened the discussion of Wainwright Park. Mr. Eads explained that the multipurpose court, contrary to previous information, could be constructed in such a location that the potential liability resulting from the proximity of the bluff would no longer be an issue. Ms. Wilson noted that the park was originally intended to be a passive park and that she was firmly opposed to any other use. Ms. Betancourt "wholeheartedly endorsed" Ms. Wilson's position. Alan Weisberg suggested that, in light of the additional information, the Board reaffirm its prior position and recommendation concerning Wainwright Park. A motion doing so was passed unanimously. 115 f 9 7-104S I r Page #2 Mr. Weisberg brought up the issue of the liar Memorial in Bayfront Park, stating that it had to moved. He suggested that funds be designated to renovate or rebuild the Memorial and place it in Legion Park. Ms. McKay stated that such a project had been discussed with the Development Department, but that funds had yet to be identified. The Board asked that the issue be noted for discussion during the Legion Park public meeting to determine if it is a priority of park users. As an alternative, the City Commission may decide to fund it from the Contingency. Chairman Fair adjourned the meeting at 3:00 PM. 4 • t C -1049 4 L •