HomeMy WebLinkAboutM-87-1048w TO. Cesar Odio City Manager FRoM: Rosario Kennedy Commissioner CITY OF MIAM1. FLORIDA �tr_1 ,3 U�' 1937 INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM ���1 �nit 'i ��• O• C► DATE: October 28, 1987 FILE: SUBJECT: Personal Appearance November 12, 1987 Commission Meeting REFERENCES: ENCLOSURES: Please place Mr. Burton Wolfe on the personal appearance portion of the November 12 Commission meeting agenda. He will make a presentation on ASIAFEST, an international business consortium and performing arts event slated for November of 1988. Please have the appropriate departments review his proposal. Thank you. CC: John Gilchrist Burton Wolfe s7--1048 r A _0" _. lax Burton woife & associates n Pr• ); •� ! { It `t!', • l IYT 1'rV:1A( i11!)N , 6 1 HIATR(Cnl EVENTS September 30, 1987 Commissioner Rosario Kenned OFFICE OF THE CITY COMMISSION/CITY [I. LT, 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Dear Commissioner Kennedy: Our meeting yesterday concerning ASIAFEST 188, was a wonderful opportunity for us to review the growth in the planning, fund- raising and support teams for this Performing Arts Event, and International. Business Consortium. The countries expected to participate in ASIAFEST include JAPAN, INDIA, TAIWAN CHINA, THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA, THAILAND, INDONESIA, THE PHILIPPINES, HONG KONG and SINGAPORE. The UNITED STATES DEPART- MENT OF COMMERCE and FLORIDA STATE DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, Miami's BEACON COUNCIL, DEC, FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY, MIAMI WORLD TRADE CENTER, and the PORT OF MIAMI along with numerous other Miami based organizations, select corporations and associations (see the attached list) are contributing their support and expertise adding to the quality and scope of ASIAFEST. THE FOUNDATION FOR GLOBAL BROADCASTING, producers of the internation- ally televised "LIVE AID" Concert (which raised over 60 million dol- lars for African famine relief, and which was viewed by 2 billion people - the largest single -event viewing audience in the history of television) has committed to provide the TV production and global distribution of ASIAFEST. ASIAFEST has already received a pledge of $60,000.00 from THE PORT OF MIAMI; a $40,000.00 grant opportunity from THE STATE OF FLORIDA's Department of Cultural Affairs; plus numerous other financial commit- ments. KEY ENTERPRISES (which was responsible for raising monies for the "LIVE AID" concert and over 250 million dollars yearly for inter- national events) has agreed to raise 2 million dollars on behalf of the ASIAFEST presentation. ASIAFEST will bring a vast cultural heritage to the City of Miami. This will encompass: exotic dragon costumes and colorful masks; the ancient• theatre arts of Kabuki; the music of the haunting Koto and Sitars char- ming dancers of Thailand and Bali; Sumo wrestling, martial arts, acro- batics and other sporting events; as well as contemporary Far East crafts, fashion, fine art, and film works. 42 SOUTHEAST 4TH STRE-I:T • BOCA RATON, FLORIDA 33432 • (305) 395-2611C:2- 87 • - 048 l b urton Wolfe & associates bl(' .r,11tN A d If. IIf; A • LPIEPROM01ION5 • THEATRICAL EVENTS ASIAFEST in association with the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, DEC, MIAMI WORLD 'TRADE CENTER and BEACON COUNCIL, will also bring together the business leadership from the participating Asian countries and the United States. The mission of the week long BUSINESS CONSORTIUM will be to promote trade, tourism and business opportunities between Asia and the United States, focusing on TIiami. Commissioner Kennedy, I loolc forward to appearing before the CITY OF MIAMI Commission meeting on November t2., to request MIAMI as the IIOST LOCATION for ASIAFEST 88. That request will include the use of the following locations and services: DATE LOCATION EVENT November 14-18,' 1988 JAMES L. KNIGHT CENTER Business Consort- Auditorium/Trade show space ium & Events November 17-20, 1988 BAYFRONT Amphitheatre/equip- Performing Arts pod with sound and lights November 17-20, 1988 DAYFRONT Park grounds Tents/Paviliuns November 19-20, 1988 WATSON ISLAND, Japanese Spiritual Pathways garden and contiguous grounds IN -KIND SERVICES REQUESTED: Police and Park Rangers, Insurance, Main- tenance/clean-up, Electrical Drops, Port-o-lets, Traffic Control. ASIAFEST brings the unique opportunity of promoting THE CITY OF MIAMI to THE ASIAN WORLD, showing MIAMI as the gateway to the Caribbean and and the Latin'American Basin. The national and international Television exposure planned by THE FOUNDATION FOR GLOBAL TELEVISION will create a network for MIAMI's increased comiaerce, trade and tourism. As you are aware, the City of Miami's Department of Development has been working diligently with ASIAFEST in the planning of this festival for the past five months. Once Miami officially becomes the HOST LOCA- TION, then the entire fund raising, marketing, and global television distribution campaigns can begin. Yours sincerely, .; dee twI- , /� ... •ice. i3urt�n Wolfe `--•-- �Pre�ident ASIAFEST INC. BW/gd cc: John Gilchrist 42 SOUTHEAST 4TIA STREET - BOLA RATON, FLORIDA 33432 - (305) 395-2611� 8 7-1448 QlilLj Jorf 'Miami L�SYf \ IUHN E. GILCIIRIST nirrcmr August 1.1, 1987 CESAR H. ODIC) City Manager Mr. Burton Wolfe Murton Wolfe and Associates 42 S.E. 4th Street Boca Raton, Florida 33432 Dear Burton, It was a pleasure meeting with you concerning Asia Fest 88. There is no doubt that Miami .could be a most appropriate host location for Asia Fest. It would also seem proper and fitting that the cultural activities take place in our new Bayfront Park Amphitheater. As you know, the City's Bayfront Park Redevelopment has been designed by world renowned sculptor Isamu Noguchi. Completioa of the amphitheater is scheduled for January of 1988, and your proposed festival could be the first major event in our new facility. We also feel that Asia Fest could be staged in part on City -owned Watson I$land with its Japanese garden originally donated to the City by the Ricoh corporation of Japan, and there is currently an interest by Ricoh in revitalizing the gardens. We look forward to collaborating with you on. this exciting project. Sincerely, 9ohn E. Gilc trist Director Department of Development JEG/FVB/mim DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT/P.O.Box 330708/Miami, Florida 33233-0708/(305) 372.4590 3 Y 0 �, 8 I —104h i. burton wolfe & associates VIDEO PRODUCTICVS • LIVE PROMOTIONS, THEATRICAL EVENTS The following CITY OF MIAMI BASED NETWORK has been created to support the ASIAFEST event to be located in Miami, April 188.1 THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, MIAMI DIVISION& _ Ivan Cosimi, Dir., Doug Vogt, Intrntl Trade Specialist THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, MIAMI OFFICE& Manuel Mencia, Dir., Ruby Alonzo, THE BEACON COUNCILt George Von Gries, V.P., Carlos Amara tl! DEC& Charles McKay, President ® KOREA TRADE CENTER, Mahn-I1 Kim, Director FRIENDS OF ."HE JAPANSES GARDEN, Agnes Youngblood, Pres. e THE CHINESE CULTURAL ASSOC. OF MIAMIt Maurice Chin, Pros. e THE CHINESE AMER. ASSOC, MIAMI& Willie Wong, Pros. ASIAN CIVILIZATIONS SOCIETY, MIAMI& Katherine Spencer, President FILIPINO-AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF FLORIDA, MIAMI% Rollie Duria, President _ THE FLORIDA ASIAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, MIAMI% D.P. Misra, - President INDIA MUSIC FOUNDATION, MIAMIt Tim Richards, President KOREAN ASSOCIATION OF GREATER MIAMI& Seokjin Hong, President PAKISTAN CULTURAL SOCIETY, MIAMIt Faisal Imtiaz, President - SINDHI ASSOCIATION, MIAMIt Pishu Merchandani, President TAIWANESE CHURCH, MIAMIt Paster, Peter Yao THAI-AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF SOUTH FLORIDA, MIAMIt Somsak Pankam, President - U.S. CHINA FRIENDSHIP ASSOCIATION OF MIAMI& Irvuing Skolly, President FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY& Dr. Robert Bear, Chairman — Business Department, Dr. Park FLORIDA ATLANTIC UNIVERSITY& Dr. William Musella, Dir. SBDC -1- 42 SOUTHEAST 4TH STREET • BOCA RATON, FLORIDA 33432 • (305) 395-2611 C = 87—48 �1 Burton wolfe & associates VIDEO PRODUCTIONS • LIVE PROMOTIONS • THEATRICAI, EVENTS Beyond The City of Miami, the following ASIAFEST NETWORK has been createds IIYATT INTERNATIONAL CORPORATIONS (will supply hotel accom. throughout Asia and Miami)s Donna Simmons, PR Manager PUBLIC AFFAIRS SATELLITE SYSTEMS, INC., WASHINGTON D.C.: (Will transmit ASIAFEST Video news releases to over 500 television stations and 77 television networks over UPI wire)t Ali Henderson, Producer GLOBAL BROADCASTING INC., WASHINGTON D.C. (Producers of the International Television Event, "LIVE AID," they will provide up/down linking for the ASIAFEST BUSINESS CONSOR- TIUM.): Hal Uplinger, President, Bernard Lietaer, V.P. KEY ENTERPRISES, INC.t (will raise funds making ASIAFEST possible; raised all funds for "LIVE AID"; first commercial sponsorship for LEONARD BERNSTEIN concerts; ITF DAVIS CUP Competitions; RADIO CITY MUSICAL HALL presentations; THE INCA GOLD TREASURES OF PERU EXPO; ISRAEL PIiILHARMONIC's tour; raised over $200 million dollars from corporate sponsorship for major internation- al sporting events): John M. Triggle, President ASIAN-AMERICAN FEDERATION OF FLORIDA: (represents over one hundred thousand Asians, 10• thousand in Miami, 30 thousand from throughout Broward and Dade counties. AAFF has committed to supplying "hosts, interpreters, local performers, vendors of ethnic foods and handicrafts."s Jack Curtis, Chairman GEORGE FIRESTONE, Florida Secretary of State (Personal endorsement of ASIAFEST, plus support of DIVISION OF CULTURAL Affairs JEB BUSK, Florida Secretary of Commerce (Personal endorse- ment of ASIAFEST plus pledged support of BUREAU OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE A DEVELOPMENT. The Governments of INDIA, JAPAN, KOREA, THAILAND, INDONESIA, and their Ministers —�� and Tourism have also been enrolled for ASIAFEST. THE PHILIPPINES, of Commerce, Culture, complete support of In addition, the extensive professional assistance of lighting, sound, stage crews, pavilion/display designers, advertising, and public relations teams are in place. -2- S'y -3 42 SOUTHEAST 4TH STREET • BOCA RATON, FLORIDA 33432 • (305) 395-2611 i--10r4h