HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 1987-11-19 Advertisement59A�ti OF FLDIdDA • ; coujiTY OY DADE 1 Personally appeared before me the undersigned• Jorge Is. Consuegra, eC •known, who being duly sworn deposes and says that he is Credit 'g to aye well except of Diario Las hmisicas, nev'spaper of general circulation, published daily above •a in Niaati, Dade CoontY, Florida. Affiant further says that tl�e tso�+ Y• uLlished daily except "Ondays in Dade County• named ncws�papas has continuo lY irLlisately preceding first publication of said Florida, for more than one y all such time and now ioaaeentered ntys Legal Notice or advestisen�ent ano was during 1 co o! which is here to second class mail mattamis er in the united SVetiisen.ent office sl a in iof Florida, ar4 that the Legal Uotice or Ad attached, was published in DILO LA.S A);ERICAS •. on tho following da:•s: signed Sworn to land subscribed afore me this day of 1g_ a , in lliami, Dade County, Clorida. P.O. i `f f�40 pd ordered by �0 invoice f 3 e7 3 /L a� invoice ta+ount i 'T g e TLMW13CL? a1TAiC1:CD C,I Y Notary rublio DEC 11987 CENERAI SE1VICES PROCUREMENT MANAg[I' a E:%:---A — ortados• hacia su patria. bio de permittr la a ."habercotfietidi�t � ` e I ^ T tea tree de este pais de 20.000 cubanos iylegi• a Cuba",' di ilclaraci6n. _ ">! rente a los problemas crea- dos en Estados Unidos con los SdnChet,;_ .rods dijo que la ciudadanos cubanos que deben quiero enfatizar que esti 'de= mayorfa de los cubanos que re- tyS regresar d8 acuerdo a un conve- claraci6n es Iniciativa del go- gresaron en 1985 "viven libre- nio Nnigratorio, el goblerno de bierno de Cuba y que para ello no mente aunque algunos estan de i Cuba desea deciarar y asegurar hubo ningtin contacto con el go- vuelta en la ci{rcel". que no tomara ninguna repress- bierno de Estados Unidos. En es - Ha contra las personas que re• to ocasi6n queremos encontrar Tambidn dijo que los familia- gresen a Cuba", dijo el goblerno una soluc16n a este problema", res de los detenidos estfin Ub de La Habana, en una ,declare• dijo Sanchez Parodi, agregando de regresar a Cnba elfin emitida en Washington por que los presos cubanos reggres ` la Secel6n de Intereses Cubanos ran en cantidades de 100 al M# de la embajada de Checoslova• .quia. Afiad16 que quienes regresen AYISO DE AUDI6NCIA "seran atendidos medicamento pUBUCA Ram6n S6nchez Parodi, jefe y sertin puestos en cuarentena de la Secel6n de Intereses Cuba- antes de ser liberados", al afif- r nos, dijo que su gobierno "no to. mar que el goblerno de Cuba 8e Todas las personas intere mar& ninguna meclida contra cerllrli a los registros mddieos sadas favor tomar nota de ellos", sea eual fuere el delito que al respecto entregue el go- que una reuni6n especial sera que el prislonero hays cometido bierno norteamericano. Ilevada a Cabo el 2 Q g6 en Estados Unidos. ci 19 a las 4:00 p.m - El tunes el fiscal general Ed- en as c maras de la Comisi6n "Si Estados Unidos los devuel• win Meese ofreci6 una moratoria de La Ciudad, 3500 Pan - ve a Cuba, no tomaremos ningu- y audiencias individuales a eada American Drive para conside- na medida contra ellos. Si Esta- detenido, antes de tomar una de- rar todos los asuntos continues dos Unidoslos enviaaCuba noso- cisl6n final, pero el anunclo_no para is agenda de Planifica- tros los pondremos en libertad", fue respondido por los presos d6n y Zonificaci6n de no- acot6.. amotinados. viembre 19, 1987. 04940► Miles de presos cubanos en lag El gobierno c ubano prome- prisiones de Oakdale y Atlanta se ti6 que los presos que regresen a Matty Hirst emotinaron y tomaron rehenes Cuba serfin tratados coma los City Clerk city of Miaml, Florida Captaran a otros 4 cubanos de que escaparon I de una prision por temor a ser deportados a su pals LAREDO, Estados Unidos. Nov. 25 (UPI) — Agentes de la Guardia Fronteriza de Estados Unidos capturaron a otros cuatro de los 17 cu- banos que se escaparon el domingo de un presidio federal por temor a ,'ser deportados a su pats, reduciendo a dos los que siguen pr6fugos. Helle6pteros y agentes en tierra siguieron el rastro de los pr6fugos bast& que ayer capturaron a dos de ellos cerca de Encinal, en Texas. M>is tarde los agentes detuvieron a otro de los pr6fugos en la ruta 59 al .este de Laredo, y el.cuarto to hallaron escondido en la misma zona. Un portavoz de la Guardia Fronteriza inform6 que siguen las pes- quisas par& encontrar a los dos que restan, pero agreg6_que no exis- fiAen' pistas sobre su paradero. Un total de 17 cubanos detenidos en el Centro de Detenei64 del on. IZ-dado de Webb abrieron una ventaziMa de ventilaci6n el doriiit5go y se dieron' a Is fuga." La patrulla fronterit:a atrap6 a U el mismo dfa, "Cuando `seperdieron" entre'arbustos y. cactus, pero los otros sei alo- mraroneludir a las autoridades hasta que euatro de ellos fueron atra ipadoa aver: ,: 1 Los hombres c apturados ayer fueron llevados al condado die 1ihpbb ;eilposados y.ba jo fuerte custodia, aunque testigos dljeron gee 169 de aenidos parecian estar allviidoi de que su tisea de mis de dos dias hubiera - termtnado`. A ft de`aulmeater las medidas de seguridad pare los reiitantes 250 `cubanos detenidos en Laredo, las autoridades del condado de Webb ' Uamaron a trabajar: a'personal que no estaba de servielp. Unequlpo de un comando especial de. asalto fue col6eado"en'alerta pars"evitar` mais fugas o-violencia, r •..-...:_•nr_.r.:.a-.:-,•..rr.'-:,^.r�.rr.n�.:y"'i'hr.^..1�•-•=:r'.'�C•.-_. ..: '-,r..r^,.�'!•r�..-+r^ 2 lm /�y s Aland& nk�ernbe►30 e'."" No Sealead Bids will be recieved in Procurement Management Division 111 N.W. 1st Street, Miami, R TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1987. Floor Conference Room for the pu 1. BID NO. 0836-2/28/89: Windo, (Custom Made) for Housing Div velopment and other County Depar 2. BID No. 0873-1/31/89.OTR: Fur Pavement Marking Compound aro Traffic Signals and Signs Divisior a one (1) year period with option year. 3.:BID NO. 1227-7/31/88: Frozen habilitation and other County Depart 4. BID NO. 1374-12/31/88.OTR: Facilities, Park & Recreation Dep81 with option to. renew for one (11ac 5. "BID NO. 1376.12/31/8"TIR: County Departments for a one (11 for two (2) additional years"on aye -6. BID NO. 11047t Coin- SorteyG Transportation Administration. ± , 7. BID NO.. IW500: Furnish end 1r with grated covers to the. Miami: Di Department. Sealed,bids must bsi'eteived on curement Management: Division; 1 1 st Street, Miami, Floride,'Suite Metro Dade Center Conference Roc All of the Bid Forms and Sped Management Office. ` Richard'tIirMmnrDUactor _` �T: 1 A r- ,, �-itir la emigraci6n a habercometidio antes a`� d -- w x a ..f>1 db 20.000 cubanos elegi• Cuba�, di disclar01611• ' iMitla : S 3�y Stinchez ...rods d0b 4114! 1 - debbn ero enfatisar que esta de- mayorfa de log cubanos clue re ' �. >L cofive• elaritcidnes iniciotiva del go- gresaron on 1995 "viveti fibre { ilettiio de biernit de Cuba y que Para ello no mente aunque algunos estan d y slsdgurar bubo ningtin contacto con el go- vuelta en Is ctircel". _ a repress• ' blerno de Estados Unidos. En es- �, $ 6ita que it to ocasi6n clueremos encontrar Tambidn dijo que log familia e1gowerno una soluel6n a este problems", res de los detenidos est6n 1►'iatt►cdeclara- dijo Sbnchez Parodi, agregando de regresar. a Vat , t ''1�raahblgtati por que los presos cubanos regres t . , cubanos ' An en eantidades de 100 a1 the ' aqg rlecoblova- AVISO DE Afiadi6 que quienes regreset AUDIENCIA "serAn atendidos mddicamente PUBLICA l itchok `paivdi, jefe y seren puestos en cuarenteiii is de Ihtereaes Cuba• antes de ser liberados", at afif. 1j itu gobierno a'no to- mar que el gobierno de Cuba tt'e Todas las personas intere- 4> irtllt fnedida contra cefiiri a los registros medicos sadas favor tomar rota de Mere el delito que at respecto entregue el gg- que Una reuni6n especial Seri r pll zero Gaya Cometldo bierno norteamericano. Ilevada a Cabo ei,Z,.film ,di;. .40 i�talidoa Unidos El loose el fiscal general Ed- en s c mares de la Co�mision �9f btiidos Unidos los devuel- win Meese ofrec16 una moratoOR de La Ciudad, 3500 Pan pDn;°no toniAremoa ningu- y audiencias individuales a cede American Drive papa conside- i eOi dti;tontra cellos. Si Esta• detenido, antes de tomar una de. rar todos los asuntos contfmxios ° r aid 161thbiait Cuba noso cisi6n final, Pero el anuncio`no Para la agenda de Planifica �3 ti li'le{iflondw+2ibs en libertad", fue respondido por los presos ci6n y Zonificaci6n de no- .k ° { amotinados. viembre 19, 1987. `, 1/4940) + >Itil#le pres0e cubanos.en las El gobierno c ubano proms- Malty Hirai Oakdaley Atlanta se H6 que los presos que regresen a �' ka lint gkpon4 totnaron �rebenes Cuba serain tratados como los City Clerk City of Miami, Florida r+ .a _ jY( y Mn a otros 4 cubanos de 7. Y caparon de una pnsi6 n Por Seal Bids will be receeved «y_+. Procurement Management DW �+ 111 N.W. 1 st Street, Miami; blW a se% depe tados a su pa TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1,198 Y' Floor Conference Room for the " YiigDO;EstadosUnidos.hion.254;1JPI>-AgentesdelaGuardta 1. BID N0. 0836.2/28/89: Win de Estados.Unidos.eapturaron a otros cuatro de los 17 cu• (Custom Made) for Housing tjctia eescapamn el domingode un presidio federal poi terror a vebpment and other County De ,.. r � " teep0; adoa a su ]p gi reduciendtis dos los',que siguen pr6fugos. 2. BID N0. 0873.1/31/89.OTR:_. �� Pavement Marking Compound r; '4 y agentes en tierira slguieron el'rastro de los pr6fugos Traffic Signals and Signs Di vig iltlest' er eaptnrarofn a dos de ellos eerca de Encinal, en Texas. a one (1) year period with opt r di8 los tigentes detuvieron a otro de loe pr6hugos en la ruts So at year. Awedo, y el+cnarto to hallaron eacondido en Is misma zona. 3., BID NO,. 1227-7/31/81: Frio Gust�dla. Fronteriza iniorm6, ue s en las pis• habilitation and other -Country. Dej . ID N 1 /3 � earn ttrar a ilosi dos que restan, M, 86 que no exis- Faciilities, Park b Recreation•-DI ksobre au paradero with option to renew for one (I s i banoads 4oiiioaonelCentro:deDeten }„ion• 8. BID N0. 1378r12/31/E10 ._ County ants for a one I' z, e117il'brieron rise°veatanl<llas de venttlaci�ra el dom o y. se for two 121� additional ems omi t idYugr►,,�,a;.Ftllallrte}sa.iitrsp6 a;el:smo ilia.. Ire =r;; F''entretttbwestt>agYcactusperc11oa41to:sg+la 6. BID N0. 110-67: Coin'Sorts •[c}.+'�'<': pL.t;aulorldadesiht&que cuetrodeellosfueron atria. 'Transportation Administration.. �a . Y 7. BID N0.1S0-5�: Ftimisti ar �y'.Y ,t+*_ t ;' with grated 'covers to the Mlan . ►. , O1c , a Ayer.tt, 'Mtlevedo* al cendad0 Qe yVbb De ant: ito Wzrutodia;ma0uteteatloadijer�tqu de- Pam" r. *4"adoll dew �3q a tte'mfie tle:do9s diaa . Wiled bids must be :received t ;„ z , curement Management •DiVlsk 1:-18t� Street Miami Florida' Q'.�, a de sw�tdad:ptira loa resuigte; 250. Metro Dade Center Confererics l i au ds_e+s del ecim"do ode 1if/gtib Slims t�. t _. s All of the Bid, Form �and i aaslgt eno.eltttaba: Ra ielo.UtiegtviiPO Management Office, r 3:t F" wioknlaa. s1s awltaBa't�i colocisdo'+aci'alei�a pairs eviler acliwr c:'DiMant• PS outer. t.rr t 4 PARA SUSCMSE A DIARIO LAS AMERICAS LLAME AL: 633-3341 ah AVISO AL PUBLICO Todas las personas interesadas tomartin note de que la Reunion Ordinaria de la Comision de La Ciudad de Miami fijada para el dia 10 de diciembre, 1987, comenzar3 a las 9:00 a.m., y que la Reunion Ordinaria de [Planificaci6n y Zonificaci6n de #diciemnre 24 a sido fijada para el dia 10 de diciembre, 1987, a las 4:30 p.m. en las Camaras de La Comisi6n de La Ciudad, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida. Malty Hirai City Clerk (i4.g31) City of Miami, Florida DICE TO BIDDERS rember 13, 1987 the Office of the Dade County , 23rd Floor, Metro Dade Center, orida on or before 2:00 P.M. Bids will be opened in the 18th rchase of the following: N and Patio Alumnium Screens ision, Housing ' and Urban De- tmerits for a one 11) year period. Knish Reflectorized Thermoplastic d Trailer Mounted Applicator for (,-Public Works Department for to renew for one (1) additional Jukes por Corrections and Re- ffw is for a six 16) month period. lanitorial Services for Metrozoo ru4nt for a one (1) year period Iditional year. Jumpsuite for various Dade deer period with option to renew auto year basis. Dunter- System for Metro Dade ether Cast Iron Trench Frames xb Water and Sewer Authority .before 2:04 P.M. in the Pro- qua Dade. Center, 111 N.W. Bids *11 be opened in the l80 Floor on dates as Gsbsd. are on file in Procurement year period with option to renew for one 0) adcl 2. BID NO. 0837.2128189: Pie Survey Stakes, Plastic Stake Chasers for and Recreation of Departments for a one (1) eriod. 3. BIB NO. 0862.2/28/89-OTR: Rental Agreeme` and one (1) Ton Cargo Vans for Fleet Management Service Administration for a one (1) year period renew for one (1) additional year. 4. BID NO. 0882.2/28/89-OTR: Aluminum Awning Hung Windows for Community Action Agency a. Departments for a one (1) year period with opti._ one (1) additional year. 5. BID NO. 0911.2/28/89-0TR: Rental Agreemen_ capacity Passenger Vans for Fleet Management z Services Administration for a one (1) year period_ renew for one (1) additional year. 6. BID NO. 1131-8/31 /88-OTR: Various types - Products for various County Departments for period with option to renew for six (6) additional rr 7. BID NO. 1375.3/31 /8"TR: Hot -Dip Galvani7, Miami Dade Water and Sewer Authority ant Departments for a one (1) year period with option (1) additional year. 8. BID NO. 1377-12/31/88: Top Ballast for RdWWd T_ for Metro -Dade Transit Agency for a one (11'lreer 9. BID NO. 124-64: Three (3) Wheel , ,Ridav- Vacumm Sweeper with Sweep Path 53" for Seep- 10. BID NO. 10747: Furnish and install Strip C Metro Dade Transportation Administration: A Performance Bond is required. THIS BID WA- ADVERTiSED TO OPEN NOVEMBER 24,19871 SPECIAL NOTICE , THIS 810 WILL BE OPENED AT 2:00 P.M. ON TUIESDAY, ^u_ BID NO.085.11: Furnish and install two (2) eloi Management Division, General Services Adrrtit�= Deposit and Performance Bond required. ; PRE -BID CONFERENCE A Pre -Bid Conference will be held on Tuesciey, V , 9:30 A.M. at 2500 N.W. 22nd Avenue in Confers to discuss proposed specifications. Biddet repry attend the pre -bid conference must also,att tour of the facility affected by the' bid specific will be held on the same day at the same pj6dig that a representative of the firm attend . the p- and walk thru tour in order to qualify to bid on tF�_ FAILURE TO ATTEND THIS CONFERENCE SNALL RESKT E BEING DECLARED NON -RESPONSIVE. h, SPECIAL NOTICE a THIS BID WILL BE OPENED AT 2:00 P.M. ON MONDAT. ' BID NO. 116-67: Private Enterprisea'Paiticipa .for the Provision of Transit Services for the 11i1e•- Agency. A _ Bid Deposit and Performance 86_04'tz Vendor. Goal of 10% for Local B_ lads; Affirmative. Action Plan required 1 M410 CONFERENCE A Pre -Bid Conference 'will. be field 1987,, 10-00 A. at' Metropolitarl_Dads ,Management .MDivision, 111, N.W -list Strw4" Conference Room 18-2 to discuss pr Bid Documents are available upon pxa pt"bf1� of $25.00 in check or-' money ;order �P0 County Commissioners; Me 'tan Management Division, 111�N.W 1st Stn Florida: 3312B. OF Sealed received bids : must' be on .ot �..�- N.W. lot Street, 'Miami, .Florida, Seta in the Metro. Dade Cer)ter 6gferar l as listed. Aii-of-the Bid" Fcxrral 0d:Sp Procurement ManagementOff&:a.� Richwd'L. Grimm, Dtrector _ x a:hc Simi Ifcralb THE MIAMI NEWS A KNIGHT•RIDDER NEWSPAPER A COX NEWSPAPER Two editorially independent newspapers, printed, sold and distributed by THE MIAMI HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY 1 HERALD PLAZA, MIAMI, FLORIDA 33132-1693 • (AREA CODE 305) 350.2111 I aeJ40 Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Roymi Eguaras who on oath says that she is the Area Sales Manager of The Miami Herald and The Miami News, daily newspaper (s) published at Miami in Dade County, Florida. She further says that the advertisement for C:1 ry O u kA IAkAi was published,in the issue or issues of It 14_I631 Nc-vv5 'p9 5 -A . I 1 /418'7 11.w S vg . 9 A , 11 1 C1 I k'l -P4 Fi -A 11/1feltl'7 hew6 Pq -3'A . 11125/8.7 a,ws b4 -7•01 1112&13-1 wa%m$ 09. y-A 261 4'7 +�•Hs �� �I-!1 ►� Uzsl S-7 ut-.Ms pg (1-A - for the above publication (s) as per the attached ; cnr;�lc,7 Affiant further states that the said THE MIAMI HERALD/NEWS are newspapers published at Miami, in said Dade County, Florida, and that the said newspapers have here -to -fore been continuously published in said Dade County, Florida, each day, and have been entered as second class mail matter at the Post Office in Miami, in said Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the advertisement. �- R i guar s Sworn to and Subscribed to before me this day of A.D. 19_E2 Notary ftblic (Seal) IMPY PUBLIC STATE .: FLORTOA RY COMMISSION EXP. OCT 24,1988 801IND TIi11U'GENEAAL INS. U4. REpE�V,E� CITv 10F M1' "41 DEC 171987 IENERAI SERNIMe, ADMINESIDgifON PRDCURLNENi MANA6EINEN1 V;Vg, CN f r x 6, i y,yA 5 r j;; §Q Ay* 33.7-15 t- . Odio'backs boatyard to be run by activist Bill QJEBRE f iom "M Rom► ' Miami City Manager Cesar Odio has recommended that a local group headed by civic activist Marvin Dunn be awarded a 25- year lease to operate a full -service boatyard. marina and retail area on city -owned land in 'Coconut ,Grove near City Hall. Odio Issued the recommendation yesterday to city commissioners. who will decide Dec'. 10 whether to accept or reject it. It. approved, Odio will then be directed to try to work out a formal contract with Dinner Key Boatyard' Management Co. Inc., headed by' Dunn, a psychologist and 1985 mayoral candidate. Odio made the selection of Dunn's group over a competing group, Coconut Grove Seaport Ltd. Inc. He made the decision even though, a review committee could not make . a recommendation of either group. There. has been some interest in the matter because of concerns In the boating community that the property. now occupied by Merrill Stevens Dry Dock Co„ might not remain as a full -service marina. In a memo to commissioners. Odio said he was going forward with his recommendation because the community's interest in main- taining the property at 2640 S. Baystfore Drive as a full -service marina, a guarantee of $350.000 yearly to the city, and pledge by the group to make $4.5 million in investments and improvements. odio's recommendation of Din- ner Key Boatyard was contingent. however, on the group: ✓ Providing more detailed in- formation on financial projections of its operation. 1 ✓ Making improvements in a timely fashion. ✓ Providing a letter of credit and other documents showing it has, the financial backing and working capital.. In Its proposal, the group also said it would return at least $10 million df profits to -the communi- ty for charitable or civic organiza- tions. NOTICE OF PU13LIC HEARING All interested persons will ` please take notice. that .-a ia1 meeting will be held on_DWember 2. 1987.1it 4:00 ^ p tm in the City. Commission :Chambers; 3500 Pap ° Amer-. , ican Qrive to consider all continued items hom •the Plan ' Wing and Zoning agenda of November )9; 1987. a uit IIf`rMunint c Motty, Hirai . City Clerk = r s tx+tdi, fi+liairrti'pbrida Mike our. 810re I ieaduA hrs16i .1he 3' �t ` OW1f 10-6110ppllg; , Pr ee Sim TdeAtwr<►NM Ad"Aw".— rhoAIWWNa►atd , rvdary Gk+cf'm�► V AMay, nfovembOt 30 we y, PX0* ► 9 j 4 P th�­ V . W,'.hen you,buyaAm • to EU, Hawaii: In fact,:yoolr � get our great pace. or1 trip, Econ6 ny Pan An savers. `Anu'll gel for an application foli :.pictures 1n the wofldl G : funwith`tN11t'>+!', +xon,;s'' ready, to capture;,at>Y Moment. Ea� 40 use features indtidc' ' t��yt ^W'jl rh I • AuWExpo:ittre . ; • AutoRm trtapc�`�}T.��g.�a ,%, ! LEQ iV+r�o T • Nikon lni: L�ttt►t ' `inducMd . �'I'hr nrw Aikfm thtr�' 1 i } i NOTICE Gf'UBLIC MAKING NZ V'rw 900 NW 54th STREET • MIAMI, FLORIDA 33127 -- 1305) 757-1147 Published Weekly Miami, Dade County, Florida STATEOFFLORIDA) SS PROOF OF PUBLICATION COUNTY OF DADE I Before the undersigned authority personally appeared MOHAMED HAMALUDIN, who on oath says that he is the Managing Editor of THE MIAMI TIMES, weekly newspaper published at Miami, Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement was published in said newspaper in the issues of: November 26, 1987 Affiant further states that THE MIANII TIMES is a newspaper published in Miami, Dade County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Dade County, Florida each week and has been entered as second class mail matter at the U.S. Post Office in Miami, Dade County, Florida for a period of more than one year next preceding date of publication of the attached copy of adver- tisement; further affiant says that he has neither paid nor promised any firm, person or corporation any dis- count, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in this newspaper. Managing Editor Sworn to and subscribed before me on this, the 27th day of _--NOV - A.D. 19 87 OT Y PUBLI ATE OF IDA AT LARGE. My cUrnmission expires: - tip.. - � N�+T'e...n.�'.r` r�✓'. MIAMI REVIEW--, Published Daily except Saturday, Suiway and Legal Holidays Miami, Dade County. Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Octetms V. Ferbeyre, who on oath says that she is the Supervisor of Legal Advertising of the Miami Review, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami in Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice In the matter of CITY OF MIAMI NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Dec. 2, 1987 In the ....... ................................. Court, was published In said newspaper In the issues of Nov. 24, 1987 Afflant further says that the said Miami Review is a rtawa open published at Miami In said Dade County, Florida, and that iM sold newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Dade County, Florida, each day (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office In Miami In said Dade County Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and alfiant further says that the ha r paid nor promised any persopp, firm or corporation disc nt, rebate, commission or rs7und for the purpose 1 ecuri this advertisement for y w �t... ..Yr9. T......... f............. �� tJ Swom m.'9° s f+bsellbed before me this e � 24thday f %�';... ....... A.D.19...... 87 ... ?��..'; . .M.......... . Chtryl armer fir, nary Rublic,3tate of Florida at Large Q' (SEAL)! ' • • ' • . `� ti. My Commlaalon explm$.'A�1it("12, lose. MR 141 :�:� kR C�. C F i `jJ f) GLE rim it t:ir 1"V1, FtA CRy of Miami NOTICE OF PUNUC HEARING All intprested persons will plea9e take nof(Ce that alp ciit' meeting will be held oA89eeeef. o,bar,44490ftt 4:00 p.m. in the City Commission Chambers, 3500 Pan American Drive to consider all continued Items from the Planning and Zoning agenda of November 19,1967. Matty Hirai City Clerk (e49" Miami, Florida 11124 87-112425M