HomeMy WebLinkAboutO-10364t 3-88"61. 12/29 /87 ORDINAt4CI.-, NO, a,* a - 1031bil AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE AMENUINO SECTION I OF ORDINANCE NO, 10347o ADOPTPU) NOVU',1f3ER 19, 1987, THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS APPROPRIATIONS ORDINANCE, REAPPROPRIATING VARIOUS AMOUNTS FROM PROJECT NO, 331303, "CITYWIDE NEIGHBORHOOD PARK RENOVATIONS" TO SPECIFIC PARK PROJECTS AS RECOMMENDED BY THE PARKS ADVISORY BOARD, SUBJLCT TO APPLICABLE "ITY CODE PROVISIONS; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SLVLRA,BI1,1TY CLAUSE. WHEREAS, the City Commission adopted Ordinance No. 10347 on November 19, 1987, appropriating funds for Capital Improvements projects; and WHEREAS, said appropriations included $8,060,000 for Citywide Neighborhood Park Renovations; and WHEREAS, the City Commission adopted Resolution No. 87-687 on July 9, 1987, creating a Park Advisory Board for the purpose of making recommendations concerning the $8 million Citywide Neighborhood Park Renovations Project; and WHEREAS, the City Commission, by Motion No. 87-1049, on November 19, 1987, accepted the recommendations of the Park Advisory Board; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COM14ISSION OF THE crry OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. Section 1 of Ordinance 10347, adopted November 19, 1987, is hereby amended in the following particulars: "Section 1. The hekein appropriations are hereby made for implementation of all municipal capital improvements of the City of Miami, including new capital improvements projects scheduled to begin during fiscal year, 1987-88. The herein appropri- ations which are hereby designated by reference to descriptive project title and number also include appropriations for previously approved scheduled projects as well as re -appropriations or prior fund appropriation's. The source of revenues to support the herein appropriations is hereby identified by fund and project with the project appropriations and revenues therefor being set forth for seven program areas (I-VII) based upon use or functional category within said areas, as follows: Words and/or figures stric%ep through shall be deleted. Underscored words and/or figures shall be added. The remaining provisions are DOW in effect and remain Unchanged, Ast.erisXr, ixiOicate omitted and unchanged material, All figures are rounded to the nearest hundred dolla rs, IL03641: 3"88-61 12/29 7 0RDINAiACE w), _J=64 AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 1 OF ORDINANCE NO. 10347, ADOPTED NOVL1,113E R 19, 1987, THE; CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS APPROPRIATIONS ORDINANCEi REAPPROPRIATING VARIOUS AMOUNTS FROM PROJECT NO. 331303, it CITYWIDE NEIGHBORHOOD PARK RENOVAT10NS" ''1'0 SPECIFIC: PARK PROJECTS AS RECOMMENDED BY THE PARKS ADVISORY BOARD, SUBJECT TO APPLICABLE CODE PROVISIONS $ CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION A14D A SEV} RABILI't Y C:LAUSE. �,A3EREAS, the City Commission adopted Ordinance No. 10347 on November 19, 1987, appropriating funds for Capital Improvements projects; and WHEREAS, said appropriations included $8,060,000 for Citywide Neighborhood Park Renovations; and WHEREAS, the City Commission adopted Resolution No. 87-687 on July 9, 1987, creating a Park Advisory Board for the purpose of making recommendations concerning the $8 million Citywide Neighborhood Park Renovations Project; and WHEREAS, the City Commission, by Motion No. 87-1049, on November 19, 1987, accepted the recommendations of the Park Advisory Board; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE; COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF•MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. Section 1 of Ordinance 10347, adopted November 19, 1987, is hereby amended in the following particulars:) "Section 1. The herein appropriations are hereby made for implementation of all municipal capital improvements of the City of Miami, including new capital improvements projects scheduled to begin - during fiscal year 1987-88. The herein appropri- ations which are hereby designated by reference to descriptive project title and number also include appropriations for previously approved scheduled projects as well as re -appropriations of prior fund appropriations. The source of revenues to support the herein appropriations is hereby identified by fund and project with the project appropriations and revenues therefor being set forth for seven program areas (I-VII) based upon use or :functional category -, within said areas, as follows; Words alid or - a figures striokeu t}xrUugl, shall Uc deleted, Underscored words and/or figwres shall be added, The remaining provisions are now in effect and remain unchanged. Asterisks indicate Qmitted and unc?ianged material. All figures are rounded to the nearest hundread dollars, ^, 10 A t ,.pM1�.'..,.. To -Lai Appropriations ($ x 000) IV, PARKS AND RECREATION PARKS AND MCREA`i'ION A. Capital Projects 5. Virginia Key Park Development •- Phase I 331044 474.9 $ 674.9 (a) $ 250.0 FY'82 FP&L Franchise Revenues (b) $ 200.0 State of Florida Recreation and Development Assistance Program (c) $ 66.8 Miscellaneous Other Revenue Fund (d) $ 8.1 1972 Parks & Recreation G.O. Bonds (e) 250.8 $ 150.0 Sunshine State Bond Pool Proceeds 8. Swimming Pool Renovations - Phase I 331099 'Y' 69G.G $1890.0 ('a) $ 250.0 Contributions from Debt Service Fund (b) $ 440.0 FY'81 FP&L Franchise Revenues (c) $1200.0 Sunshine State bond Pool Proceeds 9. Antonio Maceo Park Development 331143 $,`5.G $1670.0 (a) $ 450.0 FY'81 FP&L Franchise, Revenues (b) $ 402.0 U;S. Departnient of Interior, Land &Water Conservation Grant (c) $ 175.0 Virginia Key Landfill Sale (d) $ 25.0 Contribution from the General Fund (e) $ 452.0 1972 Parks and Recreation G.O. Bonds (f) $ 150.0 Miley Property Rent (g) $ 16.0 Proceeds from the Dade County Seaport Land Exchange Settlement _ 2 10. .. ROIILAl1T11 .0 111\.lA elIT1\M.Al1AA�'!--* Total Appropriations ($ x 000) 18. Citywide Neighborhood Park Renovations 331303 § 943,0 (a) $ BIG*() $ 6.0 Proceeds from the Dade County Seaport Land V.xchange Settleriient (b) $2950-,o $ 700.0 Proceeds from the New Port Bridge Land Sale (c) $430og $ 237.0 Sunshine State Bond Pool Proceeds "ale- -�4+ 45k5 !98(9 ET, 43end, 9-0-1 -in t-ice. r- i9sc) — v-y—&ewerve G. 40n4e-r -j-q-a6---&a -I e interest 444 1 !984 Star--m- 6. -ei-e94;:! Int 2 7 8. 9 -QOj Peliee G - G . -Be+i 19-8,6-e- n 23. African Square Park Renovations 331053 $ 400.0 (a) $ 300.0 Proceeds from the New Port Bridge Land Sale (b) $ 100.0 Sunshine State Bond Pool Proceeds 24. Roberto Clemente Park Rehabilitation 331056 $1800.0 (a) $ 300.0 Proceeds from the Dade County Seaport Land Exchange Settlement (b) $1,000.0 Proceeds from the New Port Bridge Land Sale (c) $ 45.5 1980 Highway G.O.Bonds, 1986 Sale - Interest (d) $ 68.0 1980 Sanitary Sewers G.O.Bonds, 1986 Sale - Interest - (e) $ 113.5 1984 Storm Sewers G.O.Bonds., 1986 Sale - Interest (f) $ 273.0 1984 Police G.O. Bonds, 1986 Sale - Interest 25. Athalie Range Park Rehabilitation 331070 $ 200.0 (a) $ 100.0 Proceeds from the New Port Bridge Land Sale (b) $ 100.0 Sunshine State Borid Pool Proceeds 26. Citywide Ballfield Renovations 331307 $ 200.0 (a) $ 200,0 Sunshine State Bond Pool Proceeds 27. Citywide Park Vita Course Renovations 3313,08 $ 200,0 (a) $ 200,0 Sunshine State Bond Pool Proceeds Total Appropriations x 000) Comstock Park Renovation 331309 $ 260.0 (a) $ 150.0 Proceeds fromthe clew Port Bridge I,arid I (b) $ 110.0 Sunshine State Bond Pool Proceeds 29. Grapeland Park Renovations 331310 $ (a) $ 150,0 Proceeds from the 14ew Port Bridge Land Sale (b) $ 10040 Sunshine State Bond Pool Proceeds 30. Hadley Park Improvements 331311 $ 75.0 (a) $ 75.0 Sunshine State Bond Pool Proceeds 31. Legion Park Renovations 331312 $ 100.0 (a) $ 100.0 Sunshine State Bond Pool Proceeds 32. Morningside..Park Renovations 331313 $ 450.0 (a) '$ 250.0 Proceeds from the New Port Bridge Land Sale (b) $ 200.0 Sunshine State Bond Pool Proceeds 3 1 3. Robert King High Park Renovation 331315 $ 75.0 -(a) 75.0 Sunshine State Bond Pool Proceeds 34. Virrick Park, Renovations 331316 $ 200.0 (a) $ 100.0 Proceeds from the New Port Bridge Land Sale (b) $ 100.0 Sunshine State Bond Pool Proceeds 35. Citywide Park Playing Court Renovations 331318 $ 500.0 (a) $ 500.0 Sunshine State Bond Pool Proceeds 36. Wainwright Park Renovation - Phase 11 33132�-9 73.0 73.0 Proceeds from the Dade County Land Excb.ang6 Settlement mw Total Appropriations ($ x 000) _ 37. Citywide irrigation Projects 33133�3 � $ 400.0 (a) $ 40q.0 Sunshine State Bona Pool Proceeds 38. Citywide Park tqu f ient 331339 _ $ 130.0 (a) $ 50.0 Proceeds from the Dade County Seaport fund Exchange Settlement ____ (b) $ 80.0 Sunshine State Bond Pool Proceeds 39. Douglas Park Renovations 331340 $ 100.0 (a) $ 100.0 Sunshine State bond Pool Proceeds 40. Gibson Park improvements 331341 $ 200.0 (a) $ 100.0 Proceeds from the New Port Bridge Land Sale (b) $ 100.0 Sunshine State Pond Pool Proceeds 41. Grand Avenue Park Renovations 331342 $ 150.0 (a) $ 50.0 Proceeds from the New Port Bridge Land' Sale (b) $ 100.7 Sunshine State Bond Pool Proceeds 42. Kirk Munroe Park Renovation 331343 $ 65.0 (a) $ 65.0 Proceeds from the Dade County Seaport Land Exchange Settlement 43. Reeves Park Renovations 331344 $ 150.0 (a) $ 50.0 Proceeds from the New Port Bridge Land Sale (b) $ 100.0 Sunshine State Bond Pool Proceeds 44. Triangle Park Renovations 331345 $ 230 (a) $ 23.0 Sunshine State Bond Pool Proceeds Section 2. All ordinances or parts of ordinances insofar as they are in conflict with provisions of this ordinance are hereby repp4led. 5 Section 3. if any section, part of section, paragraph, clause, phrase or word of this ordinance is declared itivalid, the remaining provisions of this ordinance shall riot be affected. section 4. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency r-iieasure on the grounds of urgent public need for the preservation of peace, health, safety, and property of the City of Miami and upon the further grounds of the necessity to make the required and necessary payment to generally carry out the functions and duties of municipal affairs. section 5. The requirements of reading this ordinance on two separate days is hereby dispensed with by a vote of not less than four -fifths of tl-ie members of the Commission. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 14th day January ► 1988. XAVIER MAYOR AATTEST: kieyOCLERI� T'TY I I, CITY FINANCE REVIEW: CA GARCIA, DIRECTOR FINAN E DEPARTMENT PLANNING REVIEW: S RODRIGUEZ, DIRECTOR jP ING DEPARTMENT BUDGETARY REVIEW: MANOHAR SURANA, DfnMR DEPARTMENT OF MANAG MENT AND BUDGET PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: ROBERT F. CLARK CHIEF DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY APPROVE 'zi M,TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS; )oo 4142 t Lb IA A DOdGHERTY CITY ATTORNEY q 10364, m OtY 6P MIAMI, PL614IbA IN'rtA,40frP1C1t MCMORANbUM Honorable Mayor and Meriibers � I I OATE% - 1ka 01i I of the City ,Commission SUBJECT Emergency Ordinance Approptiating the $8 million Citywide Neighborhood Park FROM Cesar 14, Od 6ew REFERENCES Renovations Project City Manager I ENCLOSURES: 2.6commendation .- It is respectfully recommended that the City Commission adopt the attached Emergency Ordinance which appropriates the, $8 million Citywide Neighborhood Park Renovations Project into specific projects. Background: The Parks, Recreation and Public Facilities Department has prepared the attached Emergency Ordinance. on November 19, 1987, the recommendations Of the Park Advisory Board, concerning the $8 million Citywide Neighborhood Park Renovations Project, were accepted. by Motion No. 87-1049, with two exceptions. The exceptions reduced the amount previously appropriated to Virginia Key Park, from $250,000 to $150,000 and increased the recommended amount for Wainwright Park from $23,000 to $73,000. A summary of the projects and amounts accepted by Motion No. 87-1049 is attached. CHO:slm:sc cc: Walter E. Golby, Director Parks, Recreation and Public Facilities AIC91 _/ i R I �r`�j+aot $8 Million Citywide Neighborhood Park kenovationa Park Advisory Board Reedm6ndationo Accepted by Motion No, 87-1049 Novdtobor 190 1987 Pool Renovations Court Renovations Sallfield Renovations Vita Course Renovations Irrigation Projects Park Equipment (water fountains, picnic tables, etc) African Square Park Allapattah - Comstock Park Clemente Park Douglas Park General Antonio Maceo Park Gibson Park Grand Avenue Park Grapeland Park Hadley Park Kirk Munroe Tennis Center Legion Park Morningside Park Range Park Reeves Park Robert King High Park Triangle Park Virginia Key Park Virrick Park Wainwright Park Subtotal Design Contingency TOTAL Amount $I1200,000 500,000 200, 000 200,000 400,000 130*000 400,000 260,000 1,800,000 100,000 16,000 200,000 150,000 250,000 75,000 65,000 100,000 450,000 200,000 150,000 75,000 23,000 150,000 200,000 73,000 $7,367,000 200,000 743,000 'laaa}S.YE 'M'R! 4�£F V+l1368t4o•>38 Tuft !@13@"� sPl14d } }uPwu�daq }b}�E � 001100 OP99-040.1y... 90 NIPS JQ64V.1e6e1 Y'd'SN+. Ala�l ::. LVQk 'hl' 'MR1 8,310,000 19 �m.r•$:ra�� II 1] 11 MIAMI REViEW Published Daily except Saturday. Sunday anti Legal HoiidayS Miami, Dade County. Florida STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Sookle Williams, who on oath says that she Is the Vice President of Legal Advertising of the Miami Review, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami in Dade County, Florida: that the attached copy of advertisement. being a Legal Advertisement of Notice in tt�he matter of CITY Or MIAMI ORDINANCE NO. 10364 in the A , X_ j{ Court, was published in said newspaper In the issues of Jan. 28, 1988 Atffant further says that the said Miami Review is a newspaper published at Miami in said Dade County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Dade County, Florida, each day (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office In Miami in said Dade County; Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the if ublicatfon of the attached copy of advertisement; and Off I I they says that she has neither paid not promised any per n, irm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or I d for the urpose of securing this advertisement for pu f tion in the id newspaper. • IJ� t &woirf to. e0 s4�scribed before me this y � 2.8.t.6day pT t} i A.D. 19 .88 w. +•� �, Cheryl: N. Marmer Wo, q;bboc, StMe of Florida at Large 1.(SEAL)'�,rtr 1 r My Comm4Mi'bp !expires ilflri) Y7 ,;iTJ88. O c MR 114 JIliilSitSat�': CITY OF MIAMI, it'LORIbA L€(IAL Nif'titi All interested persons will take notice.that on the 14th day of January, 1988, the City Commission of Miami, Florida; adopted the lo)lowing titled . Ordinances: ORDINANCE NO. 10304 AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 1 OF ORDINANCE NO. 90347, ADOPTED NOVEMBER 19, 1087. THE CAPitAL IMPROVEMENTS APPROPRIATIONS ORDINANCE, REAPPROPRIATING VARIOUS AMOUNTS FROM PROJECT NO. 331303, "CITYWIDE NEIGHBORHOOD PARK RENOVATIONS" to SPECIFIC PARK PROJECTS AS RECOMMENDED BYTHE PARKS ADVISORY BOARD, SUBJECT TO APPLICABLE CITY CODE PROVISIONS; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A ! SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. i ORDINANCE NO. 110965 AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MiAMI, FLORI- DA, AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE, SUBJECT TO THE ELEC. TION AS HEREIN PROVIDED, OF NOT TO EXCEED FORTY MILLION DOLLARS ($46,000,000) STREET AND HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT BONDS OF THE CITY OF.MIAMI, FLORIDA, FOR THE PURPOSE OF PAYING THE COST OF STREET AND HIGH- WAY IMPROVEMENTS: CALLING AN ELECTION FOR THE PURPOSE OF SUBMITTING TO THE ELECTORS THE QUESTION WHETHER SUCH BONDS SHALL BE ISSUED: DECLARING AN EMERGENCY TO EXIST AND DISPENSING WITH THE READING OF THIS ORDINANCE ON TWO SEPARATE, DAYS: AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE: ORDINANCE NO. 10366 AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORI- DA, AUTHORIZING A BOND ELECTION TO BE HELD ON MARCH j 81 1988, WITH RESPECT TO THE ISSUANCE OF NOT TO EXCEED $40,000,000 STREET AND HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT BONDS OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AND THE LEVYING OF ATAX TO PAY THE PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST THEREON, ESTABLISHING I A FORM OF THE NOTICE OF BOND ELECTION ESTABLISHING j A FORM OF THE OFFICIAL BALLOT FOR SAID ELECTION: 1 AUTHORIZING CERTAIN OFFICIALS OF THE CITY TO TAKE ACTIONS REQUIRED IN.CONN£CTiON THEREWITH; DECLAR. ! i iNG AN EMERGENCY TO EXIST AND DISPENSING WITH THE READING OF THIS ORDINANCE ON TWO SEPARATE DAYS; AND i PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ORDINANCE NO. 10367 ' AN ORDINANCE EMERGENCY ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAP-. TER 54 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED, ENTITLED "ENCROACHMENTS ON OR 1N RIGHTS-. OF -WAY OR EASEMENTS" TO PERMIT AN ENCROACHMENT WHICH DOES NOT UNDULY RESTRICT USE OF THE RIGHT. OF WAY OR EASEMENT AREA WHERE SUCH ENCROACHMENT' IS A NECESSARY ESSENTIAL ELEMENT IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF AN OTHERWISE AUTHORIZED PEDESTRIAN OVERPASS ABOVE SAID RIGHT•OF-WAY. OR EASEMENT AREA, WITH THE HEREIN EXCEPTION BEING SUBJECT TO COMPLIANCE WITH ALL OTHER REQUIREMENTS OF LAW;. PROVIDING FOR A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. ORDINANCE NO. 10368 . AN ORDINANCE AMENDING. SECTION I OF ORDINANCE NO, 10145.ADOPTED SEPTEMBER 11, 1986, BY APPROPRIATING THE ADDITIONAL SUM OF$242,315 AT PRESENT ALLOCATED AS REVENYE IN THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS, $106,359 IN FIFTH (5TH)'YEAR AND $135,956'IN SEV ENTH (7TH) YEAR, SAID AMOUNTS TO BE7RANSFERRED FROM SAID REVENUE FUNDS AND ALLOCATED AS BUDGET FUNDS j IN THE TWELFTH (12TH) YEAR CITYWIDE DEMOLITION OF SUB. STANDARD BUILDINGS PROJECT, TO BE CARRIED OUT BY THE BUILDING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT, FOR THE IMPLEMEW TATION OF AN AMENDED TRUST AND AGENCY FUND ENTI- TLED: "COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT TWELFTH (12TH) YEAR'; CONTAINING A REPEALER, PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE, ORDINANCE NO.10369 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 54 OF THE CODE OF THE CiTY OF MiAMI, FLORIDA. AS AMENDED, .ENTITLED STREETS AND SIDEWALKS" BY AMENDING SECTION 54.104 ENTITLED "NONSTANDARD STREET WIDTHS", MODIFYING THE WIDTH OF N.E. 32 STREET BETWEEN BISCAYNE BOULEVARD AND N.E. 2 AVENUE; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION. AND A SEVERABILITY,CLAUSE. ORDINANCE NO.'10370 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 2, ARTICLE X, ENTITLED "CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD" OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED, BY UPDATING THE PROVISIONS OF SAID ARTICLE TO CONFORM WITH RECENT CHANGES IN THE FLORIDA LAW GOVERNING LOCAL CODE ENFORCEMENT, BOARDS; MORE PARTICULARLY AMENDING CODE SECTIONS 2.3W, 2.393, 2 394, 2.395, 2.396, 2.397, 2;398,; AND 2.399; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEV• ERABILITY CLAUSE. ORDINANCE NO,10371 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FOLLOWING SECTIONS OF CHAPTER 22, ENTITLM "GARBAGE AND TRASH", OF THE CODE. OF THE CITY OF MiAMI,E_LORIDA, AS AMENDED: SECTION 22,1.,. 160J11S p1 VN 1Jb>±1 W. 968Z1U'f39_ Kc W11` - Hun IeSai e6nod LL I) S8f3l90£ !aL livelulJedeQ I b4£C'1 'GaeaB )welyy e01100 apep-oJleW St9 $;IRS --1aaJ;S 31;M sty JOS1APa 190al q'd'3140 'C SPWVHO 31J�O�11(1'� S�'WOH,1 ��AIla�N�S3b���i 7aMQS�ISd MQ A�NkiQd� V 13PtJDl Wmt OJf� 'AIN 0XV'g4Q-�• 0V '4ilwripp apela'IaeJj$ 4015 AS f Z aP1S 'M lOfi[ ,ropy 40 IV 'L86( dqQ� Il�ut')Ie11*(?4 ' `OE J91at10AQN 1ROW Ja 11,14 t�et0# Jp�r l;IJ oN! pazles'0r39£OI+,app1w, f ,I AiE�11N S d Q NIA AAl1"�;4p 4!0l1E71}61(3P; �IVn]QSi ssalhl'#$i AO�IQ )+ i1.() ovo '9 SKI, 19z 4 pniJ0(' L1Q ura_00D 1 sell aal)oR) eltl� #4 uP!)t:a)IRAd „ ,