HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 1988-02-11 Advertisementto sit! of Did !Solis: � nan.ed Flora, Legal. secon IFlorl attac oil th Signer ;fir_ r waamrl NOTICE OF AMENDMENTOA THE CITY OF MIAMI CITY CODE ZONING ORRNANCE AND THE CITY ORDINANCE NO. 10087 ADOPTED MARCH 18, 1986, GENERALLY REQUIRES ALL PERSONS APPEARING IN A PAID OR REMUNERATED REPRESENTATIVE CAPACITY BEFORE CITY STAFF, BOARDS, COMMITTEES AND THE CITY COMMISSION TO REGISTER WITH THE CITY CLERK BEFORE ENGAGING IN LOBBYING ACTIVITIES. A COPY OF SAID ORDINANCE IS AVAILABLE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, CITY HALL. AT THE SCHEDULED PLANNING AND ZONING PORTION OF THE MEETING OF THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, TO BE HELD ON THURSDAY, 88 AFTER 5:00 PM, IN ITS CHAMBERS, AT CITY HALL, 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE, MIAMI, FLO , THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION WILL CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING ITEMS RELATED TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING PORTION OF THE AGENDA: NOTICE OF CHANGE OF LAND USE THE CITY OF MIAMI COMMISSION PROPOSES TO CHANGE THE USE OF LAND WITHIN THE AREA SHOWN IN THE MAP IN THIS ADVERTISEMENT. A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE PROPOSAL WILL BE HELD ON THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1988, AFTER 5:00 PM IN CITY HALL, 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE, TO CONSIDER FOR FINAL READING AND ADOPTION THEREOF THE PROPOSED CHANGE AS SET OUT BELOW: tfftff!lftttfftftttl4f444f44ftlt44tttttlfftt4tlfttlttlff4ftlfttttttttfttt4tttt4fft4flfftft AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE MIAMI COMPREHENSIVE NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN AND ADDENDA ( SEPTEMBER 1985); FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 34 NORTHWEST 39ND COURT (MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREIN) 13Y CHANGING DESIGNATION OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY FROM LOW MODERATE DENSITY RESIDENTIAL USE; MAKING FINDING; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. I 1 r ' THE MIAMI CITY COMMISION PROPOSES TO AMEND ORDINANCE 9500, AS AMENDED, THE ZONING ORDINANCEOF THE CITYOF MIAMI, ANDTHE MIAMI CITY CODE. A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD ON THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1988, COMMENCING AT 5:00 PM IN CITY HALL, 3500 PAN Sworn. AMERICAN DRIVE, MIAMI FLORIDA, TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING ITEM RELATED TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING PORTION OF THE AGENDA FOR FINAL READING AND ADOPTION 19 THEREOF. AN AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ATLAS OF ORDINANCE NO. f 9500, THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, I3Y t CHANGINF THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF APPROXIMATELY 2347 NORTHWEST 32 PLACE, MIAMI, FLORIDA, (MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREIN) FROM RG-1/3 GENERAL RESIDENTIAL TO RG-3/6 GENERAL RESIDENTIAL BY MAKING FINDINGS; AND BY MAKING ALL THE NECESSARY CHANGES ON PAGE NO.33 OF SAID ZONING ATLAS MADE A PART OF ORDINANCE NO. 9500 BYREFERENCE AND s: DESCRIPTION IN ARTICLE 3, SECTION 300, THEREOF; CONTAINING A a orc REPEALER PROVISION AND A SERVERABILITY CLAUSE. 91 54. O ►ic kw. of the Proposed Ordinances and Resolutions are avialabie for review st the Hearing Boards gon, Building and Zoning Department, 275 NW 2 Street, Room 226, Miami, Florida. The Miami City imksion ie that all Interested parties be present or represented at this meeting and are Invited egress theirviews. Should any person desire to appea{ any decision of the City Commission with ect to �/ matt®r to be considered at this meeting, tf�et person shall insure that a verbatim record of xoceedin is made including ail testimony and evidence upon which any appeal may be based 288.0105� Hearing Boards Division Building and Zoning Departments. it to �iyt �II -1 The pair were to dis^ the school board's SM million bond refen m. but walked out yesterday shortly after taping of the program began. Both Fernandez and Tornillo, executive vice president of the United Teachers of Dade. objected to appearing on the show with bond referendum opponent George Schulte. y t— iulftOK9ii the superinten. dent and Cathy Shaw (a MiatN Her 7 tlon reporter) were to be an tba alww_a4 . i vvonid love to debate Schulte, but legally It can't. I can only give Information on the bond issue, pro and con. i think we were set up." Fernandez also said he left for an I a.m. meeting. He said the taping was to have started at 9:45 a.m., but it didn't begin until 10:20. Rouse inherits mail"s failing fortunes JIM STEINBERG �r.aw Nwn tew.Iw The new owner of the troubled Kendall Town and Country Mall has selected Sayside Marketplace developer Rouse Co. to manage the South Dade facility. New York -based Teachers In. surance and Annuity Association of America earlier this year won a $73 million foreclosure judgment on the property at North Kendall Drive and Southwest 117th Ave. nue. John Jordine. a vice president for Teachers. said yesterday that Rouse has three possible plans for the future course of the mall, but no decisions had been made. He declined to elaborate. Retail analyst Kenneth Camp- bell said that given the mail's proximity to Dadeland Mail. Rouse has "an uphill fight." In a similar turnaround situation in the New York area. Rouse brought in new anchor stores and completely changed the mall's Image. "it will probably take them a NOTICE To THE PUSUC AN 6 Now UO pMsa will take nek OW IM MOYMr CNT of V Mnl city CM WAGNIOn Meebng edtaddedforFebrwry11,19i9.11Mbanneefre ,` 10 WPW@OnFatruMy19,t9MsIM. j w MI iee CNy COMrMwbn ChW&IM il00 PM Ar Wk= Oft* tAlaml. Florida TfN PW t Hewft r6964"eatadM ".ofam8a«oa.bpmwnlordorwwboom* ofMtIrtaemMtlloewlop"" Order 10 the SWOMM OaertaaII910t W80t COMMOdry fNdewbpn0 Am W111 take plow M aolredlded an February t 1.19M a 3M PAL Maly MMa s /ck�yCtak •sift► X RICiIARD'S FABRICS INTRODUCES SAVINGS UP TO O 60�0 N � GREAT FAR C's FOR GRUDIDNAItFROM $1. THE BEST SOURCE FOR FIRST QUALITY DECORATOR FABRICS AT DISCOUNT PRICES Upholsteries 0 Velvets 0 Tapestries 0 Brocatelle 0 Prints Textures 0 Chintz 0 Vinyls 0 Thefmols 0 Sheers 0 Antique Satins cusrom Labor Avallable at Affordable Prices • Draperies • Reds reads , • Slipcovers • Reupbolsfery 13876 K Dixie, Hwy; N. Miami 895-2120 ' . couple of years to get the job done," said Campbell, an analyst with Montvale, N.J.-based Audit Investment Inc. i Advertise your event In +� SNEAK PREVIEW & UPBEAT. saleIMA I U-6a ssn" 'la 3600 N. Miami An. . 3054M Mon. 10-6 e Tills. A Wad.104 o ThI MAl-M AIN.oeNra-OMMIAauaFMiu=,l riv a w'banizaribn MI F„ray.,l Ariva. Can&. 51AW of Et UDA . f CM14TV or DADE I Personally appeared before me the undersigned, Jorge Le Consuegra, to at* well-known, who being duly sworn deposes and says that he is Credit Kanager of Diario Las Amiricas, n"-spaper of general circulation, published daily except Morway, in Miami, Dade Coonty, Florida. Affiant further says that the above nas.ed newspaper has eontinuosly published daily except flondays in Dade County, Florida, for sore than one year inr+ediately preceding first put ication of said Legal Notice or advertisement an* was during all such time and now is entered as second class mail matter in the United States Post Office in Miami, Dade County, Florida, and that the Legal Hatice or Advertisement, all copy of which is here to attached, was publishea in DIMUO US MERICAS on tho following days% i Signed Sworn! Z-'subscrLb'-e-d�be ors mday this y of in Miami, Dade County, rlorida. P.O. Ad ordered t.Y �;N 0 Zn a ,' ` X v invoice 1 C% - Notary 1public invoice Px4unt i e zE.AR hUT MTAZI:00 CD .... - - . . MO b'1tt:ebo at the Forest", en exclusiva urbanizaeft priva- "The Forest", a las oeho de Is _. he, y'alli se ;QM un grupo Un cordial saludo hacemos legar haste el estimado caballe- d Luis Lorenzo, presidente de la Irma Trust American Interna- ional Corp, de Coral Gables, iuien scabs do crear el Trust lmerican Award, con el prop6si. o de premiar a todas aquellas tersonas que se destaquen en al. guns forma, por servicios a tuestra comunidad. Le auguramos los mejores did. As en esta empress digna de tplauso. los muchos obsequios flo- I llegados haste Is festejada, e fue obsequiada con un be. ruche de oro. sirvi6 una exquisite cena y mflsics, brindindose des. con espumoso "champag- 6LES/GED/TYPING CURSO INVIERNO FESORES AMERICANOS DA LANGUAGE INSTITUTE = S.M. 87 An.. Miami. Fl. 761 • 266.5016 �Consejwa de Conser- i Deserroib de V viende a las 7.00 p.m. del !s 17 de febrero, 1988, 'life 401 del Dupont o Ipnter, 300 Biscayne I Way, Miami, Florida. La saludamos. A Bi,FICIO DEL COLl.vtO ST. HUGH En los salons del Hyatt Re- gency Hotel, tendri efecto el si- bado pr6ximo, dia trece, una fiesta magnifica a beneficio del Colegio Parroquial de St. Hugh. Reins gran entusiasmo par& asistir a este evento que dart eomienzo a las slete y media de Is noche, sirviendose una exqui- site cena a las oebo y media p.m., estando amenizado el baffle por Is aplaudida orquesta "Continental Brass". En Is organizael6n de esta fies- ta vienen trabajando con gran entusiasmo, las bellas sefloras (Assistant Manager) Siempre en el mismo lugar. Antes Sheehan Buick ahora Collection Buick. Collection Buick 8 St. S.W. 24 Ave., Miami 649-2000 1, n y im esposs, tan boaita y atraetiva, W Aguilar Gonshlez. El reclesn nacldo, q.._lievar6 el nombre de Carlos Christian y que cnene a hacer pareja con su hermanita mayor, Is monisima Ana Margarita,1leg6 al mundo el pasado veinticustro de Dielem- bre, en el South Miami Hospital, donde fue atendida Is seifora de Aguila por Is conocids ginec6lo- ga doctors Deborah Kenward. Comparten las alegrias del na- cimiento. con los esposos Agulla- Aguilar, los abuelos paternos, el senor Bebo Aguila Uriarte, des- tacado inversionista y su encan- tadora esposa Margarita Pdrez Abreu y los abuelos maternos, el sefior Hiram Aguilar y su gentil esposa Ana Gonzilez. AYISO AL PUBLICO Todas Vas personas interesadas tonob nota de que la Reuni6n Ordinaria de la Comisi6n de La Ciudad de Miami f4ada para el diaat de fatraro. LcA$.he sido reprogramade pare el d(a t de fe6rero, 1988, a las 9:00 a.m. en las CAmeras de la Comisi6n de La Ciudad, 35W Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida. La Audiencia PGblica en referenda a la consideracibn de una Orden MAster de Desarrollo y expedimiento de un enc remento I Orden de Desenollo pare el Area de Redesarroilo Comuniterio de Southeast OvertownlPark West Community se Ileveth a cabo el 11 de febrero,1988, a las 3:30 p.m. Cm wral city of Miami, Flor10s TOWNHOMES NUEVOS CON PATIO . PARA ALQUILAR COMPLETAMENTE EQUIPADO, CON LAVADORA Y SECADORA INCLUIDO 2 Heb. ofkina AMer1s Lanes a tfieraes. 2-1/s BeI�OS Fxcepto don sin ng edo 10 a 1.: sib'd0 r $560 LAGUNA TOWNHOMES 270 N.W. 71 AVE. 262-1445 0 dnwMK§da a,nara N dMr A - do modifier a%of ro on prone nWmcion. PROBLEMAS DE IMMIGRACION/ACCIDENI (P.1.) DETAINERS, ASILOS, AMNISTIA, DEPORTACION, VISAS, ETC. Abopadoa cetificados pare sWder a Ud. an rue stras oficinss do Miefnt, Ft. Lauder- dale, Fla. y an New York, N.Y. Usted puede obtener gratuitemente informaci6n a cena de In ceiftaaones de eats @bogado esv biendo o Namando durante horas laborables. SUITE 300 2i00 BISCAYNE BOULEVARD DADE: 75i-123 MIAMI, FLORIDA 33137 SE fuel ESPMOL BROWARD: 627-123 .r_ r_ ne gazebo at the Forest", en e telusiva urbanizaci6n priva- "The Forest';, a las oebo de Is be, y'allt se reuni6 un grupo Un cordial saludo hacemos legar bast& el estimado caballe. o Luis Lorenzo, presidente de Is S Irma Trust American Interns. A1ona1 Corp. de Coral Gables, ��uuiien scabs do crear el Trust m►merican Award, con el prop6si- f b de premier a todas aquellas I►ersonas que se destaquen en al. t:iuna forma, por servicios a ruestra comunidad. Le auguramos los mejores Exi- as an esta empress digna de 1►plauso. a %trier los muchos obsequios flo. pales Regados hasta la festejada, Ea que fue obsequiada con un be. ab broche de oro. Se sirvi6 una exquisite cena y Uo mfisica, brind>indose des. *a con espumoso "champag. PROFESORES AMERICANOS ,FLORIDA LANGUAGE INSTITUT 117 S.W. 17 A".. Mimi. A. 266-4761 0 266-5016 La Junta Cortsejera de Conser- vaci6n y Desatrollo tie Vivlenda se reunirb a las 7:00 p.m. del ml6rcoles 17 de febrero, 1988, en Is suite 401 del Dupont Plaza Center, 300 Biscayne Boulevard Way, Miami, Florida. La saludamos. A SPNIF IC10 DEL COLL%w10 ST. HUGH En los salones del Hyatt Re. gency Hotel, tendrd efecto el sll- bodo pr6ximo, dia trece, una fiesta magnifies, a beneficio del Colegio Parroquial de St. Hugh. Rein& gran entusiasmo para asistir a este evento que dark comienzo a las slete y media de la noche, sirviendose una exqui. site cena a las ocho y media p.m., estando amenizado el belle por la aplaudida orquesta "Continental Brass". En la orgenizaci6n de esta fies. to vienen trabajando con grab entusiasmo, las belles seiforgil; Siempre en el mismo lugar. Antes Sheehan Buick ahoa • Collection Buick. Collection Buick 8 St. S.W. 24 Ave., Miami R3t9.9nnn )` y Pdriet Abreu y su espose, tan bonit& y atractiva, Ajta Aguilar GontBlez. E1 recidn useldo, q.._.ilevark el nombre de Carlos Christian y que viene a hacer pareja con su hermanita mayor, la monisima Ana Margarita, ileg6 almundoel pasado veinticustro de Diciem• bre, en el South Miami Hospital, donde fue atendida la senora de Aguila par Is, conocida ginee6lo. ga doctora Deborah Kenward. Comparten las alegriss del ne. cimiento, con los esposos Aguila. Aguilar, los abuelos paternos, el seflor Bebo Aguila Uriarte, des. tacado inversionista y su encan. Wore esposa Margarita Pdrez Abreu y los abuelos maternos, el senor Hiram Aguilar y su gentil esposa Ana Gonzalez. AVISO AL PUBLICO Todas las personas interesades tomaAn nota de que la Reuni6n Ofdinaria de la Comisibn de La CkxW de Miami fijada pare el dia 11 de fabraro ha lido. reprogramada Para el dia 16 de NNW . 1988, a lag 9:00 a.m. en las Cbmares de la Comisi8n de La Ciudad, 3WO Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida. La Audiencia Publica en referenda a b consideraci6n de una Orden Mbster de Desarrollo y expedimiento de un incremento I Orden de Desanollo pare el Area de Redeserrollo Comunhado de Southeast OvertownlPark West Community se lieverb a cabo el 11 de febrero, 1988, a las 3:30 p.m. malty city CMMi►* City of Miami, Florida TOWNHOMES NUEVOS CON PATIO PARA ALQUILAR COMPLETAMENTE EQUIPADO, CON LAVADORA Y SECADORA INCLUIDO 2 Neb. Ofk ina Alberta Lones a Worms. .... • 2-1/s 88ijOS Excepto Mdrteso 124 >e it'.t sibado y $560 LACUNA TOWNNOMES i - 210 N.W. 71 AVE. 262-14" 0 desvrorrda w Moro M dw IN d. rrg6Cgr ar. olan m pr.i, noelipdOn. PROBLEMAS OE IMMIGRACION/ACCIOENTES (P.I.) DETAINERS, ASILOS, AMNISTIA, DEPORTACION, VISAS, ETC. Abogedos cmkfrcados We aWder a Ud. an nuestras otickm do Miami, Ft.Lauder. dab, Fla. an New York, N.Y. Usted puede obtener gratuitamento infomtacl6n a cerce de In cafificadones do sate abogedo escribiendo o Ibmando durante horas bborattles. SUITE 300 2W BISCAYNE BOULEVARD BAOMAR EE: 52&7121 MIAMI, FLORIDA 33137 st r� EP