HomeMy WebLinkAboutM-88-0364r� G : r- . MAY !. 00 AOL&AL'Di ;•� Kay 3, 1988 G" �` �•� �' Notion 88-384, item •107 e �'r ! �r�1►". + t B&yfront Park management Trust gherty City Commission Meeting City Attorney April 14. 1988 (1) Upon reoeipt and review of the above-oonfomred Agenda, it is our judgement that the lotion taken by the City Commission on the attached above-referenoed item is oorreotly stated as follows: "A motion authorizing and direoting the City Manager to allooate $100,000 to the Bayfront Park Management Trust in order to allow them to oontinue to operate through the end of Fisoal Year 1988. the expenditures under said allooation to be made in a000rdanoe with the City Commission's stated restriotions and limitations this date whioh have modified the proposed budget submitted by said Trust." You may oorreot your reoords a000rdingly. LAD:RFC:bss:P847 oo: John Gilohrist G. Miriam Maer S7? - 301 P38-3d4 CI" OW MIAMI. FLORIDA 1NTiR4FF10E MEMORANDUM *o Mayor t Commissioners Cesar Odio- City Manager room Rosario Kennedy AL., Vice-Mavor �l /07 DIM Apri 1 8, 1988 VILE susitc? Bayf ront Park Management Trust Budget WtatNCEs ENCLoswots Attached please find a final draft of the proposed budget for The Bayfront Park Management Trust budget. Due to unforeseen printing difficulties, the final document will be delivered Monday, April 11. The budget was prepared by a subcommittee of the Trust headed by Trust member Maritza Gomez of Deloitte, Haskins & Sells. Thank you. CC: Miriam Mayer Alan Greer Aurelio Perez-I.ugones Matty Hirai We r/lit 88-36ti i- IR8" 344 (4 �+F$= -BEz FR` i is LAW WEPT � p 02 I C1tt OP MtAMI. FLO*INA IN1�R4ffIC! MtMOAAWOVM $*notable Mayor and Nembers April d, 1986 Ot the City 8onsission .�•,«, taytrout Part management Trust •ROM LuOia A. Dougherty R«cRtNrt• City Commission Meeting At*nda City Attorney April 14, 1988, Ite11 0I07 tMe�esv�is � 1 � The attaohed resolution should be reviewed by YOU at the time you oonsider Agenda Ttes 0107 at the eeting Of April 14, 1904. LAD/ArCibssiPaaa oo: Cesar a. Odio, Cit Manager xatty airai. city lark 0 48-364 88"364 ----------------------------------- ' N-F. T:+E Ftr:►;l i:UF 5EF7E':5E6 . . LIT:ld ::cri1 °:'.THS cF :rEt.i,;•..- .u.. - -----------f'`- --------------------- •Fr.i FLU. YEAF. OF ' S:EEa,=1C $:E.." 2 •-------------------------------------- 3 ------ - 1 3 i 5 Ee::r.;, tij:.i.jt , h.'./. t • i, ?,�,:C --------- _ -`--•---------------------------------- •��! `';Liv :t:ccssit-s ,.:� T,NO _ . S,S40 ll,i';: __. i1C.6 , -i�oi T fui• -3,�— rip'—_a,� :0 Gw3 f st----- p`--2-------------,--r-st�-- :.se - 3 n3L:t e Fc:se ~c,:se IntF., -------- - o =F '' Ec-------------- .It ---------- --------------------------------s w :e ti:::;::rt .`SPf Ifi: 179 0� 131,5:U M'902 ;,L�'i :.�. ,14v �� i,C9. tb,GGv 1b,G,! 3,j,!..i r 39,`uy 36.�G� i2,S00 F;:_'.Ffi L' ►c: F: REF: , (t V 5),G:4 f:� ,�{� 1TS1:Sv .. 4, 21114�V ... t7. 7,5iv ?,�-.0 7,5-.v i,5;•0 15.i;0 15,Lv'i 1=,0�� 7ele:is::. AA f:ln ;:.':ts 7 i1,,,1 4 11,t., 21.:0•s 2:.b, 21,6Gt S/,e) S)�,i0 5',ifi�i 57 :') 57 ' ATE F ILoi tees ) 0 0 G G G J J �. d, •• : - �41 ," 2J,UV' :5,1';'" : 25,T-0 farl f.t:nttct:.ce-re:-3'sr;s:t:t s 3(S,Ofj____Y 3��y_____JV_'r�_�----t45,o--u- u 0 a,L;u :►,;u) ii,4=iG 610,000-- :i,5:'9 a,t;u0 _____'�------Qw. 610,000-_ 610,14 0 t! 'at�J re7F.:�E i... �rii•'t vii,T�. 'iit4,11 'b 31_ :� .T,�4 Tci,15 - 1 30[ 11.E , _-b10,03,___6l),00 a- -, .c,i:i . cc:,iGv 5) _: -------- LFfFtTlf.: E+FC::EEi: rsnt;eefa ca*..F-act S li;,375 1c3,!79.' . c,,375 , ,. 1-b,7:. T 76.750 37675•) 376 75.)fa.. :G1 4 SGS :,.. '65 400 - b1Q 0i;: tt0 dOQ 610,400 b10,QG0 6l4,000 r !0 C C c ,; ` c [ c c c c .tccrAV ln:ur:ncf to 1C c c c c c c c c c c C c C .kslates !i C e c c c c ' c c c c -_- --------------- c c C c c 1 t�: •. ... ------------------------------------------------ ,. `-- �_T _. �1._�(.-�.:.1♦ It.,,`.,c .:..f..,,C7'', ,t:'{,L%`. til.Y,_1.1 1...f..'`. 1=.i7'770114l.i as4 _________________`._____._.___ 173,750- _-___:__-•----•==--=--- -------==--=---_=•__-__=--=_=_� =__-=-__ ==_--- 11 DAYFRONT PAR►: NOTES TO BUDGET ANALYSIS ------------------- •---------------------------- 1. GENERAL Thp bL:doet analys]s IC-r E'Ir' fr0'.t Farl (thp 'Ferri ") hes bev , preparcd using five different scenarios revolving around the projected septinc cepacity for the FPri 's loroe tmphithcAtc.r. See ting capacities under the five scenarics arc cs fellows: A Average t+r^C ►] .a Cori Ces:ion Scenario a Corte Canati t'; Uritio-I 1 JJ1;)%.6 4.1: 7#0 Rouse 50% 7.0:'C) Rouse C 60% 4. ROL'se 4 50%, 7, %.X10 140 Rouse 5 60i: i(:).Q(,.)Q No Rouse Scenarios 1 End t are based upon the assumption that the Fart. operates under the restriction: imp.£cd under the agrecrirr,t between the City cf Miami (the "City") and Decor,a Ventorie which limits the paid seating cepacity Pt the large amphitheater to 4.00-seats. Scenarios 2. 4 and 5 assume that the Fc.rl doe= nc•t hive tc o►crate under the V cci.a Venture agreement and is not restricted to four thousand tict..ets per event. Scenarios 4 and 5 are prepared under the aFsumption th&t the Rouse Company does not exercise its option to operatic the food service operations at the Light Tower (see Note 5). Scenarios 1 and 2 assume the Rouse Company elects to exercise its option to oppratF the Light Tower't food service operations. The I✓a.yirc)nt F'ar.Ms.naCesrc-ni Trust Corporation (the- "Trust") will be the mrnagener,t entit%- responsible for part- opLratic+ns. Cost: ir)curred b: the Trust related to tee opera -ions of the Fart will be reimbursed by the Fari (see Ncite 10), . T-ie Firl 'r lin gE omphitt,ec;ter is V,:.hc ulcc to held its fir_t Event on February 11= . 1 d. All revence_ &r,d costs relat. d to the, grand opcn]r)Q of the Furl t.avc been e-cluded from th_s- budoct. 98-36n ED 98-364 ■► ■ 2. DATE ADMISSIONS The Ferl wall charor pi-ivctc p-omc•tr::rr. a minitrtom fee of per cent on gross tics et selr_- (Efter sales to- ) for Major Event£ stcoEd at the let -cc t+!?pPh3tr.=_r.trr. Tht tee of V., re- cent a:: stendor-d industry practice. Pe-.'enoes eArned frcm '� c�+t :s based + on ticlet s.,lc.s r_:cF,anc proiettEd }iC/Et'f%�� 1 for cacti scEncr a at on overage tic► at t pried of ton d-il lErs Fcr tact et end the fol lo6:ino pro. ectrd m.:jor cents held for ca=h scsnariot i ��nPrio 1 4 S 3, USER FEES Mrs 1 4 4 g The Park will charge users of the amphithetF to and other p+ari, areos a fee for use of the Pori. The foe structure applied will diffe-ent)ote between Frofit ard not-tor-proiit everts. The Trust wishes to encourage active use of tt-e Farb.; accordingly. the proposed reduced rate structure is designed to increase parl octivity which would genrrate revenues throog h concessions and ticlet sales. Use of the Large Amphitheater will require additional St-Curity, set-up before the event. insurance, janitorial and other incidental costs after the event. All event courdineto-s, promoters or sponsoring groups will be responsible for all such costs in addition to the stated fees for use of the facility (i.e. gate fermi). The following table summarizes the Parl;"s proposed rate structure: Large f.mphi theater : Fri•;rtA Fromn'_F:r_ t"C►:.j':> 4 lo.)". of oror_. rEcvirtt: NonPrafit Events (geted) 4 + EX of gross rec&ipts 117t Gi.ted (free events) % Fart Events (o:itsidu 01 amr-hithcrter ) IL The fc llowing table ster,mirizes the-- Try r-t f pro r-ctians of events hE l d it t he 1 Hr gt ampr,i t twat Fr arid the port d.,r i no thL eight months Prided Sc-pti_mber _.0. 1lr33 and tt.7 year endre SF piraiLrr -fir, 19ha. 48-361 ED q9-364 Ein►,t n nde d SWtt7nbr-r ,_:ri Large Amphitheatert t ry .-tE tv F,rrmotcrs 71 4 _ 4 `• Nonprofit Everts (gated) 4 4 4 4 4 Not Getcd (f rwe t vents) 7 7 7 7 7 Fart Events 5 5 5 5 LC the FFir_Fl pr Er.dcA E&Lp•cf!'t r •:'';r. Sr Scer,erlct Large Amphithewtert S Private Promoters NonFrofit Events (gated) e 8 E 6 6 Not Gated (free events) 14 14 14 14 14 Fart Events 15 15 15 15 15 The gross receipts from staq;ng atz,id e•.ents fre reflected with ga tv rdrt issions CS.tc -► IL ?, 4. CONCESSIONS Concession re•:eMues are gencr,ted from. food and sundry sales at the Far►. The Trust projects that the Pori will be able to provide concession operc•tionc becinning October '1. 34iEB. Accordinqly, no concession revenues are projected for the e:r_ht months ended Septcmbr^r 1rr86. The Trust currently ha- two options a ailatle for concession operations. Option L - Tht• Fo.tsc Gornp-,ry hi.-s zr. cptic•n to operate food sc.rv3ccs e,t the Light Tower and Foci Gardr,n. The rcntzl arrangements with Vc�ucc for the Light lower are sub_tantiail•y below+ m, rl et retcr fcr resteurrnt spe.cF in th:.• dc•wntmir-, Accord.naly, the Cr.ty should concidrr renegntlatirg the_• rer.tr l contrirrt tC, -r 1vE_ at & 7,71-e FaU1ta'-AC arrangf,rr:s_nt. ff Ur,c'•-.-r the cur-rerrt agrecrtiert, reve.,ues lost _ aJeJ# .t 416" do* Aleit .Nrya Th, _ ` K 1GSS WI��id re� 11t. from the lo_s of additional revenucz would hc4 a been gcncreted we re the Farl permitted to accept bid= frcm other- operators for V--p Lice~t Tower4eStf` 0,04'... 2, • L z-r v Ar•, h! t.hf-st p- �._r'.It` - l lie [_'�lr l V:: 1 1 c!-Arar t1 fr_r' C i �iV.b Uf �c•1C£• acnLr:,ted Qtt thr_ cs't- :L,rrL:'r1J.1r.q tr,C Lr,,f,7W�ll r.t the large ar..phithez-ter. Avel-arl: E-olvs fcr east, event is pr-ojC`cter I it 61•!r(:t 1C-r CZirh t1CICt SA -I'd b+=f.-d 0'1 ti',C' rigR,�t%.'♦ of mz for vvents projected ;o tic? rtrayfc ! at t.l fa p,ar-i . 98-364 ED 99-361 C~ C . Fe` to 1•rart ts - If the Rn_rsc Colr,por,y i'•FLiz: IFc"' elects tv e:'t'r cist its Cptic"+. the F'arl 6*001 d rrCC ivt a Ye- frOm ROLISO for use of the Licht Tower anJ ar a,nount to be tioter'Ri-irl for the forl Garden. In thr acccrr.p--%nyino budort on l•.nis. �cencriou 1 end 2 he•.c b^en prepared ors..rri nr t h,,t t hi t:. opt ] rr, i =. u;'vrc i sE'i t. Roose. Q UM a - thculd FousrElect not to a ,ercIt-L its opt10"1S rs dis.cutF;- d in option ]. tht TrLlSt &:111 H.CFpt b,ds for establishing a rcr;.aurar.t at tyre Light Tower. In addition. tht TrLrst will be permitted to c-pFr a.te c Arts III tht: sc'rro.rnding amphiwall of the amphitheater and other earl. areas. Concession revenLIeE will bt' ot�nerat.r<d p-imar i 1 y from two sources: laroe arnphithEater events and rest -arrant operations. pr P Art,:.,i t heater €vents - ThE Parr;. will chi -roe a fee of 4r:rS: of selrs oeneratfa at the carts SUrrGundina the amphii all at the large amphitheater. Aver6ge sales fcr each event is proiected at 41.vt) for rach tiel E.t sold heated on the number of major events projected to be staged at the part.. . 1;rFtH.+-Fnt - The projected rt:,nthly ba5E' rental for �4.0' lccsing of the Light Tot yr rctta_1ri;nt is ass,-,mcd it In addition, the Parl will charge additional rent based upon of t:ro55 sales in c: cess of >Elerr:r.i► :i:r for the >e.r ended levy SeptemhEr �r:�, 198ri. S� lei are projected to be 56:: ,ir.:ir:► for the year ended Srptertrbur Zir, 195-;. The base rent is 1 comparable to rents charged in the downtown Miami area. i':vr,rocle sales is b.1sec; upon a survFy of overaoe c omparat I v sired restaurants in the downtown Miami area. In the accompanying budget aneIN-sis, scr<narios, T. 4 and 5 he•vr been proparel assuming thc.t Pouse does not e::ercise its option. S. RECOVERY OF WAIVED FEES Under thc cvrrent orrangvmuni with the Pcri c and Rccree,.tion GFpart-.crt of the City ero the Pori., the Lit•; t-.a= thirty ec,._ R.Fl:at.lE= tc, g+vc to cori.;nity Ot lEntFd C-vC..ts at no charr,r. The T rest has i•s1 cd the, City to estzblish a,-, a: --count in its entrr, riSE fund for the p.rrprrsF of re:n-trursira the Fart:: for the rer.tz i fees waived by the (.its. Tlit rentc,l fee for no -,profit frry events is prc.1c•ctcd to be- per event. R9-;34 iJ ED A8-364 4' C 6. DOCKAGE FEES Tht Fort will chrro: a rer,tcl fr:r for Litt of dctl spacfF L; COm,-T,crcICI treft. c3ti-erAted ere besed Upon a mc-1thl y d-10 fPL, of a-io an aVera!:;r U' thr-ec comrercitl bna�s cc•r-lttryi A- cf 41-1ri1 14P8 and thrz.'?nh �•:ptP �'_•rr 152;' o-,d four crmn.E: 2i:l be t-- corr,ritteJ o_10']-..J thy- vc-=� endc-d Spp� vmbvr 1Sc:= . Tht pra.•ected rent-,i rzaic I*- bes'!Pr L-Pf- a CC-1mr,i:rl<<n of do_I t-ft'c for CGr•'r-CrC10l crift in thy? M:e-li ere&. 7. OTHER REVENUES The TrUE•t prcjetts tnet incorr from, licenstc to conduct television com-mercials. film proiocts end related operations wil l appro: im.rte t-5.Television and film permit re:enUes are e::pected to be ge:-nerated during the yee- ended September 70, 1SF4. In add_tlon. the Trust aftticipetfs entering into rental arrangements with commerciel lending lnstitwtions to allow placinc ::i_1t0nat3c tr:l ler m;%c'tine- in the F .F:rl . The TrL:et protects two m,rchir,e�_ to ha p1�cEd in the Far-1 try 9 April 1-f With prt-.)acted refitr.l irncon•: of tl.r:,:,,, per month for Each me -chine in opertticn. 6. MAINTENANCE REIMBURSEMENT The City of Mian,i will proiide for p6rl m,air, tenar,ce.�� w+, (ree't CgA'Mq 0V '00tOP 0 x aL*,e Ave re Asov 9. MANAGEMENT EXPENSES c/ V The Trust is e. 11T1ted agency of the City of Miami tf,ct is responsible for the: mar,e.cerier,t t;f ell Farl opr:raticns. The rmcnaaen:cnt e. penfF rt^pr f.:,e;,t a reimb--:r%emc rtt cl operetinc costs to thtr Tru_.t by the Fart . SeE CLImn-c ry Of Mana.•grment E:,pe-rscs att,ched herrin. Tht c•:,pcn%c-s for fiscal year end.,-: Septumber 190u are prcjcctcd to be The 1Or the cicil-it m.or.the c,.dtd SCPtcrt•t•ar art pr71-rated for the of operattrwiZ using thr 1965 bucgrrted aRiGt:r!_ E..,th ecl%t= fc•r 1SFr: erE to rUTn,rn, a f,prli s 10. OTHER COSTS Tttc COY o' r•ilelr i �:� i 1 Fr` al •_0_ is i,t-fo•_irtpd with cap- tit of the For; ' e phy=lcrl plant er i inn -prance. S- Lir . t y .-r;d otl i i t.A E E. c is- t s, R8-36,j ED A8-364 C f 1 --AN FF,DI4 i FA 4 hANGEMENT t kUST CUt-.f- G!,AI 1 Uhl SUMMF4-N C= MANAGEN-14T E XPENEES FOP-: THE VEAF._. ENAL, SEFTEM6EF, Z;i►, 1489 (NOTE 91 ---------------------------------------------------- MANt4GLHLI,,T E) F ENW i Salary End wnces Employee benefits Tt 1 ephc-nc Office supplies For tage :, ;;►C► i Office equipment Marketing and promotion I So ►�:►�:, Travel and entertainment Professional fees 15,c►r::6 Other 15,►:.(:,i► Total operating expenses !y?6.75ir Note is Salaries and wages General Manager 040, C 0C, Full-time office assistant 20,00'.) Maintenance Supervisor 25,000 t1pintenz,nce crew (4 employers) 4t;►,i►QQ t1215, t:rt>i,r ssr=s=WWsas The Trust is in the process of defining the job descriptions for the employees identified above and will Le conducting a job search to fill the position of general manoger. As E result, the salaries outlined above are estimates and are sub3ect to changes based upar; the results of the Trust's efforts. Noty 21s Office saLti pment Amount represents a one-time e::pense. Nei fib,= ED 99-364 4 0 CITE OR MIAMI. P60111I0A 101 I14TE04FFICE MEMAAARO{fl�l "n u n '"' 2' 3 *o Cesar Odio e•TE March 31, 1988 ME City Manager roloo Rosario Kennedv Vice Mayor tueAEct Commission Agenda April 14, Rcrtoemcas Bayfront Park Management Maintenance Budget On the April 14, Commission agenda, please schedule presentation of and request for approval of the Bayfront Park Management Trust budget and master plan for the management, operation and maintenance of Bayfront Park for the year 1988-89. By copy of this letter, I am requestion that the Law Department prepare the necessary resolution. Thank you. cc Aurelio Perez-Lugones Miriam Maer Alan Greer E) A8-364