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To Honorable Mayor and
Members of the City
Cesar H. Odio
City Manager
CAtE ��iaFt 3 1 Igoe "LE
SUBJECT Resolution Authorizing
the City Manager to
Execute an Agreement
It is respectfully recommended that the City Commission adopt the
attached resolution authorizing the execution of a lease agreement,
in a form acceptable to the City Attorney, with Republic National
Bank of Miami for the use of 5,248 square feet on the second floor of
2103 Coral Way, Miami, Florida.
The General Services Administration Department has been in
negotiations with PMS Realty, on behalf of Republic National Bank of
Miami, to lease the above noted space to house the City's Department
of in irrlldl Audits and Reviews per instructions from the City
Manager's Office.
The lease has an initial term of three years at an annual rental of
$62,976.00, or $12.00 per rentable square foot, to be adjusted
annually by rent escalations. The costs incurred will be allocated
from the appropriately budgeted departmental funds.
Enc. Proposed Resolution
Proposed Lease Agreement
/ 9'r
qF1— Z : t
;I;1.; i-EASE AUhE.EME=NT khert?inaft.r��
1,i U-to
' tr
r,tt-rr2d i.ntn this tdinrath nt t-,•IIrII.a
I lSf
1-v .7+1141
rl _,t t onal Ban4: of Mi ,;kmi . a HAt . 0,ank i
nn ,a sgtl .
thr "Landlord"), Whr--,-t. addr e t,,
I r-r
N.l!. I.,I,ct
l•, c I,._tr.�, Miami Fl ori. dui t _'6
�inri Tht? r, t
v (lt Ml Ami .
rLirpc•ration (hereinMt:er ref errcnd
tot as t:he "len,nt"),
whnse mlOr
ourposes herosof in, Coral Wray,
Miami .
:.?ub)ect to and upon the ter m�,, provi r.i c)n , covenants and rctnoj t ; orte
or,rein..0ter set forth, and ar_h to consider•;ation ref tfir? dIIt, as,
cnvtenants and obl.igatinn, n+ the (--,thr-1r hF�rvm)..ir-r,• Landlord dour., IIcI .by
i e ise, demise and let to Tenant anti ftanant rloe-..� hereby 1 r_'d.':SE?, sic?mi 'o .tnci
1O from Landlord thosr_• ce.,rtai.n in the Lim IdiI,u lr.r;rtF0 •.t
..i0Z Coral Way, Mi'Ami, Florida .'145 kherexnafter referred t:n as
'Building"), such (remises being morr- particr..tlarly de,sr_ribed on F :hir;t.t
pi". attached herci_rt <:uid maci�� a pert: hereof, vtli�ch c.tr„ist�� of 5,246
ClUare feet o+ Net Rentable Ai a:. j or-atcd on t he Flci. f 1 c,or t , t C.rIe
_�..iding (hereina+ter referred to am tht? "Premises").
The term "Net Rentable Orr_a", as user' hore?in, shall refer to i to
case of a single tenancy floor, .:ill. epace mea.al.rr-ed from trie IIi<_Ide
I_rr+ace of the outer glas!i o+ the N!.aldind to Inside surface Ot f. he
opnosito outer wall, e;<c1L.tding only the area, ('"Service Arpa�_") r�it�tin
t l-,e• outride walls used +or hui l di nrl ��tai rs=, f i r - tower s. PI eva.i rrr
hR..3 W
0 4W
Eha.its,. 41UE'S. Vents, pipe s.h;:14ts _And vprtlCal riltr tS. tilAt Inc] ut11r,, , loch
,i..,.,`, y which are for the spec ( 4 is usio of the p.art_1r_i-tl .r ten�r.t st,ct :3_
nPr- I al stairs car el cvat.ors, ;nr( ( i 1 1 1 n t tit' F -�5r`.- of a m-,] t 1 t r-r( -4nc
4Ionr. all space within the Insirl.� =((rfac? 04 the -3ut•-•r walls_ en, 1 :i,.
hr• t ranant c,ccupi ed pnrt i '.-�n of thr, t 1 c,(-,r an(] me;%r<<1!'-r-(i t L, the rill .ir- (.)t
hp wal I s spparatinq ,?r !?ci5 l - -- -ed or hor_•1 ri for ] to ottier ton.(7r
i r (-)m 2irf•as eievoteci io cuo- r ldnr $-( t •"qt.n(• +uv"r-,c' r J i n(in,' .alit, , • - (,f
lmilar facilities for the u-:,_ of all tenants on the prrticttl_-r- f1oor-
r-irrei naf ter someti mes rr-+errc: d to c�!F, the "!--ommorn Areas") , but i nc. ! o4 i n(7
a proportionate part of the Common or ryas located on such f l i�or.
No deductions Croat Net:. kr_•ritahIe Are s: aro made +car- r r-.) 1'.nlnr
n,_•-:•o_sary t.r, the Uk..�ildinv. The Net Area in the ►•r qmi-_n. on-1 th•i
Poi-lding have been CaAICc.(lateo c-n thy'' boo -.As otthe torr_,p!--1nq r1c41nIt.Icin
._And are hereby st i pul atczd above as to tho Premises, whether th- !Me
houId t_,e more or 1ess as a re -stilt o+ minor variatir.;nc� resi(itlrica prom
z-:tual construction and completion of the Promises for occupancy S- 1 onq
- such wort: is done AtbStrntIt I1y in eaccoi,dance rvltl( the :11��r(vt�r+
1. This Lease shall be +or the term of three (3.) yf ars_
commencing on the ______________ of _ _ 1980 and enc i nn on
the ___ of ^_____________`^_, 1991 (hereinafter ref r. r . •iW to
as the "Term") unless sooner terminated or extended as providtd h.-rein.
( AV i nq possession of the Premi sc•c• by l enant shall be conclusive ev i df-t ice
3 against Tenant. that the Premises were in clood and s=.ti _f irtory
c.c;ndlt.ion when possession was taken. This Le::�se does not grant ank, right
t :�r light or air over or about the Fremi ses or Hui 1 di r►o.
14 1't71" caht Mli f h L. ein 3. or ' e. (-of t,- IF, r1t , i i�=t 1 ] c,i. t t ,'i . 1 f`1(, Pf. r•(Y1/ sf°' r+r
rr, tha beavnoing ,7{ the term a<: ] sn't. ! ed her, _ _lnall Prriv] 3,,�!-r, t]4
F l tl'_ Lit, _13E' ":steal 1 he 1 (t toll I t or ( t� , (nd } 4 cat t r.-C',nom nf: riq �.t:Ir 1,rh
t.tptanC and rnnl_ ffir such ner i ;-d �:h.il 1 'he r~ a] ,1 _At 4.I;r-, Ci'A(11 -
.'• ccant , f or Atid ] n C:'(' nt: ] 41!'.r of-1 rrt (14 t l ll, t Ike ,4(Ir1
Pre(n] Ce_-.. douss hereby crvvcnonf al ill :3t�!r(?f? w t h L_.3rtlnrcl t.h_0: lc•1, -,nt
lal .1 . 1 i addi ti on tr.) any otht,r p,avmrn nt pr'r_ i de_rt for in + hi =
o the order of Landlord rent. f (�r tho A.t:_e ar,1 uc_r,1-tn.it i c?n of th(,
i' r ram I S e s an a n n t.t a rental o f sixty-two thousand nine hundred sevWt—
$62,976.00 ) • (wliz r:h amount l t= s1.IFh lip ct to ] nr_reant? t- tie boo nn) 11,-3 of
It he second year o4 tt-t1 6rrm ji _: pre.)•. 1. ri ]. n pjkr _Aqr, vIi ' hrr (--r_Af I .
tenant shal l get a tnt_ai rit three (') months; relit free dk (r i 1,-, } ht:,
three () years l.ease term„ An ramcnint eq(.ti~tl to #b,].fi1.CtC+ cred,t. art
overage ex i st due to C. P. I . increases or Park: i nt7 arl tustrncrri Ls , urh
mount will be due the first of r_ever•,, mnnt h rat' rt-,qt(l rr r-filnt . I._:A 1d i Ord
I•(] 11 move partitions at na ,:cjst to ten,Ant in C)vtler t,7 -11.(it F'Jnt
necessities. Cost not to F;;cF?r-�ri 31�4„Cr(.!c►,t:►(,f.
If the "ierm of this l_.ea e comtnenct:?s an any (i�iy of :a monti-A e,:ct,l")i inq
t,F„a first day, tenant shall L.i..rl(ilord rrerlt,al as provided tc!r her::t(i
for such commencement month (in a pro r::Atz ban,i (SLAG) pror-Ation t,:) be
ha_e•d on the actual number cAr nays in the commc•nct:mer]t mc)nth) , arit] _hv
rat month's rent thin hereunder. Rent:-.111 for :.any par t] •al month of
occupancy at the end of the Term of tl)ic7i Lease I.I111 t)e prorate-rd, itch
:roration to be based on the actual number of days in the partial n:or,rh.
In addition to Base Rental, l enant shall anti hr•r( t.)v agr ves it) pjy
nS-•lam I
! ._rndlc,rd each month a sum r•gr►r-+l t.r, an•, �lt�. t :. ►,n rents i and
Gather charge-, tA- :tps c-1nrj r'r 1 mpO'_ 1 t 1 runs nr)w i n e, i A of „ -t r. -
t nr r:--& t t er i mposed based ►.►pnn t hpr i i I r-nv n4 r- en i nn t he spate I,
^.r,r-eUnder or upon the amount r- 171 1 o(- tad her•-f rit-. Nnt l :l n
t'►aI I however, be tal en t.Cr r-c--qit] ry lor.ir,t trl rj :y Anvt r1:'1• � i .1ny
! F.;pral and State ra• i-;; (in incr7nw impO,�jpr-i upr,rt L�-]nr1101 1.
Ter+<tnt shall be r eqi i3. red to rt'w .0 ri((r-
i•�t remains unp>>.d for five (5) days after its d( ,-- •late. d 1',1:r'r-es+.
wi 1 1 be computed at the rna�: i mi(m legal rate from due date.
5. Lommenci nq wi th the first. month of the !:,ecor''d 1 ease ye. •r and
each year thereafter durtno t'tie Ii�rin rat th1 =s Lease, the r~nnuai (r•i' �'
i;wit al shall be adlurted, in a.r_'corririncr% with the ct-in(les :.r► thv t_orrc'mer-
Price Indet: (hereinafater referred to as to-►e "Price Inde- ") . The F'r ice
:,►de:: shall mean the averane for "all items" shown rrn the_ "11. r i t
-veracle for urban wage r-•_irners and cl-rica1 workers (lncIlydlnq rti
ci or ►: ers) , all items, group-, S(.cbgr cups aria spec._ i .+l (Ir or.rps- nt i t r m AV
promulgated by the Bureau of Labor 5tati sties of the U.S. Department
ut Labor, using the year 1967 as a vase of 100. The annual Rase Rental
small be adjusted in accordance with the following provision
(A) The Price index: fcrr the month three month,. prior t'cr thr• +trst
month of the first lease year shall be designated the base Price ind
+: E) The F'rice Index for the month three months prior- to the t r r-st
month of the second and SLAbsequent lease yes-Ar shall be desiori-ltr 1 rt1(1
comparison Price Index;
(C) Promptly after the end of the first year and at the end r-' (••-;ct+
ase year thereafter, the annual oasr= kent:al sha i be tad jitr_-+-oei b•.
.-.doing to trre annual Ease kefrit_.1 the oiriount comp(tted h(t multiplyin-i the
tIt-1I17I d'sf:Rr�mt,al fJy the fr -+r_ti l'Iri who l It ti,l -:. •i t t'mf-r ;Atr',r rit tttl, ItII•= t
:I-nt. Comt ari son F'ri ct_% indt,., mi riu-. ►.t-.;: t? Ind,? :�nfj '1
l,,r,r mvi nat or n-f f r 1 r_ C.• l tit ir-, I+Ir i t t r--,n .an o,rlU a.t. i Lin
r-ompl.tt.at i on i s as f of l laws t
An0U@j QQse recent ComQerison Price Indg::
Ease Price Index
1" Ili? SUCK adjl_I',.t(rient sha.i l f-t?dUC-h thf' •,onniuki 1_.1'_f? 1=r•I'•ttal 1=•• 1o1-j ICII
r r'tr'il fc+r the pr ir;r yt_.ir . I I i tItf' C:'•'F?I it I t ;r; i-mj 1tinttriE_rIt it, tht% '-Itt.td.
. -:e Fient<al , the Tenant ,heal l nay to the_ I._•.inril �_rd, wt. t_hi n ten ( I 1 •1 .Iycs
fit recviiind much notice, th(- :?t_idlti;mal I.,.-•nt�A1 owed fr•r' thCa mclltll
I-JI-i i (:h h,_-i ie elapsed i n thca then current I. L?
In the event that. the F ric.F TrllJt; hei, rrinat:n tc1 i'eit ri f'•d tc!
tc']rporate a i n n i + i. - _mit i umbr,I_ 04 the Items cur, el it l y S,et 4 irtI
Iit_Irein, r..Ir ) f a ` 1_tbsatantlal rhange 1S made 1tl the mletFl011 Clf VS.t +Li j SJ J nq
t.-Och Price Index, then the Price Index shall be Adju7:ited to the f ioure
t h,:.t wou1 d have rest.l.l ted hid nn criandcS CICCUrr Fad i n the m,-4r-Irier of
I:)11lIJI_It1na such F'r].Ce Irldf In the 1?ver-tt t:t}:_It sIIL::11 I'r 1CC3 lnr?I?,f -Or l
"l_ICCf?550r or SUbSt i tUt:e i ride:;) 1 cam' not. avai l ab I e, a rel i ah ) f= cjovor-r ri.Tt+.'I ; i al
I�r -other nonpartisan publication evaluating the information theret_.o• i:)rr.
t.t,:iead in determinincl the Pricey lnde'; rhal1. be t.t_eo in lied Cr+ r-tech I"t ice
1 nde-. .
4. Tenant agreos that lem-int tee, 11 promptly pav f:,`I d rt:-i e
1:(?ntal as the rcime may be adjusted frrim time to titno pi.tru,; lit tc)
_-tgraph 5 and Addi ti (_)n _--t] Re. rit,::Il) , a t:hic- t i ,anti p1. act? strt.r d ib -•i,
that Tenant will pay charges for- wort: per formed on r,rder of f cnant . _;tnd
.:,n•.: other ch_?rges that accr'UE� tinder this. L.e:.3rie; that, it triy ji Art .,4 1-he
r-r:•nt or above mentioned chiarlTr-s sha i i remain dii- and unp, i d f tll .:I .,ran
ne:ct the --=tmv <_ih 11 i hct (t :nr rltlr, --nt1 fltF vat, l rl arldl c,r0 h',l l
1 � the option llii addition i-i7 ,'I (jt,h r rl'lht'= .4nr1 rt'fTl:?tilP-
i t by l �?w and in Pqui t,. - n+ c1c,t_J <iv ina tt - h':>,J z.nt- r: of t.t.c= enti r raI t
trw the entlrcl Inrrn of thl'` 1.i?`3r' 4.�-' ht? ltniti '11 3tt-1.' '111t' Arid '(:? '•1
I- cx,01nrd may there prclr_eed tc) cril Jrct al. I in the+ i.np<A1 d re nt c,>l;
t r this Le•tre by dz'=tr(?ss or c.)thr
I' A-.
The renant shal 1 use and nr. rup� the f rr_.mi r.e_••: +or of f i r +r'
Arr-i for no other 'tse or purpose.
�a. Upon payment by Tenant r:,f ttw� rent-,: hrr(:•i n prrvidF•d, !T)Ol,
t hr? observance and pprf ormancr? at all for ln. . pravl Si l7n'_ co—r.?n,ant -? -tnri
c or.di t.i on on Tenant. 's pert to t_'r- obt_erw�r1 and t_•h t 1 ,
-mub jpct to all of the terms, prove =_i owz . coven<�nts and candi ti orlr, rit
r h1 s Lease 1t,)greement , peaceably and quietly hni d �anci ren env the r'r ,-•,,. L �_e•-.
for the Term hereby demised.
7. I+ the Landiord's insur;.nce prernit.tms exrePd t V i e cat _4riv-lard
premium rates because the nature of Tenant's operation results in octr.,
hazardous exposure, then t enant shal l , upon re?t_ei pt o+ ?r'r:,r t_tv�' otti
invoices from Landlord, reimbUr Landlord for stich incrFn,:—s in
premiums. It is understood and acTr eed betwvv n the part 1 F?,.s her et t . hat
31-1 such increase In profni.ums c:h<i.11 be CI)nsidercd as rc?nt dt.161? Allt.1 ^1, 411
he included in any lien for rent..
13. 1ertant agrc•es; to cnmp1.y Lath all rL-.11v!, afed rc.Alt11atic:;r1, L..LLItt1!t:rd
'11..a'•: adopt from time t!:i time for oprsiriticn o+ th« 1.41Ai1ding ind 1..trI 1rlq
.& 'C'4lItIF-F91 and protF•c_ti('n rrr(t-!(-I+:,1'( (It Irlrll'ilno 0n(i Mill lin(i
_ l ( l ties. its tenants, visitors '-A ocr-r pants.
V. 1nnant rhal 1 Wi th4ul l y nhn r-"- in the -e of ttr( f'r• rnl �_•. (1 1
wyninipal and count- ordinance, and Grdas 'nq stshn and fedor.al ;atrrtr_•,-
r.r� in F irc-r- or whi('!) may her etrr 1-f.� lr: ir,,
10. Landlord will furnish the tui.lowing sprvi.cpw tv Tennant:
(a) Llezning sorvi ns, doomed by I-- nclf ord to be norm.? n,.
irai In an of+Ic_c• OUJ ldinn. curl ttrrrio(i-1 ( rirt�-'v 0t tht (rrs-
lefermined by Landlord, e kept that nhimpoo:i nq ,.ann replacement of carpet
as required by Tenant shall be l anant n r :penrn. i'rr U and Li nht i nil (tr-rr l nrl
normal working hours.
(b) Automatically oprr atrd rleavator vervicv, public rt.., r n.
•1 Id watt,2r in such amount_ And in c""h locations an L indl dor d ,1oQm
necessary for drinking and bathroom use.
Such services shall be provided .as long as the Tenant I rr•: t it,
dnia_ ul t under any of the terms, provi si cans, covenants and r_ondi ti one o,
this Lease, subject to int-r-r(. ption r_aused by repairs, rerlmw it s.
improvements, changes to service, alterations, stri Ves, 1 or ko"t- , l oni,
�ontrovP_rsie5, inability to obtain r"ol or power. 7r-cideni i, frr:i:.,r (t rT;,
, otentroph i e_,, national or local E'6(1fN' Banc i on , ar i. n of God and c cl(rll i i nq o.
� nd causes beyond the control v+ Landlord, and "pan o1 (ch h aFip—n i n i , 111_
r i .in for oamage,• or abatement of rent_ ior fai l((re to ftrrrl. nh noAGK
orvices shall be made by Tenant or Allowed by l -.hdlord. L -andlor d -ill
- ✓iae ,air conditioning and e_1ect.rl r.l ty doomed h. Landlord to be rwr n A
a. M. t (I P.m. .1 1 i I I I I j jA
'I C-1 iant Sh all tic-, s (:.I ri- I',' I' r. 17) 1 t I I t 1
j 1 1-1 C1
't t h e f-,
PI-1 :A ti rh.tl l l,.•r-d on I v nt f i i tie- �rii eqtki rimr,i i
t h
(I nn 1.1(1 7i t '� I 'a'-i I- I i r C- I I t Wh I h
t o-%(f.-r I oat-1 I hu U(li 0 rip
hi-h the f)unant obtains electric t-i-irr-tint.
17. It IS Understood and :agreed brtween the partif-ts herrato th-At
(-ri,srges 2kiiAinst Tenant by Landlord #,--)r tter,vic.-os or fair i.-).:)ri dr?rie (-,n
I rs
t I'" F, M I �-) F, S. t) , , order of f f., ri -k n t , nir c. , hr,rvji s:F. Acrzi, 1 1 1 rin 1 ind er t h i t_- I ,...,in,
rh -A.1 I be considered as rent dl,kc? and s>hall be included in An,,, 11
4 CIL.
1 Tenant uhal I at I enant 's: own f.pent v, VOC'D the Prefni r
i r)
q(Dod r CP z 4. r :,n d t a --, z.;-. " z"' I r- i i t-�n dur i r, tj t, h u I er IT, -i nd wi 1 1
".any and all brcWon glass caused by levant. pit. It.s. own e,,prnce, i r%
about the Premises. Tenant w.1 I I mak.p no al for at, on, 'EA rjJ I t I u) ri 1
improvements in or- to the erenasD4F., vil tholit. t tic, Wr I t f en r f -ri 5 C11It.
V : d I or d tvhi ch s ha I I not be U r i r (-a A- n cn -i b I y w:L thhold bait v: 3
fir Pd I cat od Lip on bitt not lifroit.E..-d to fenant 'T.- of ruoritr-act: or17. viti,-,
<, r
- t - (--- c a r-. t a b I e to Landlord; and all add I t 1,-311 s, f i,,, ttirv-_ , C-.-ArP(-_-- t ..
j worovenia-rite-, e , c e ri t L) n I y o f 4. 1 c F-ri f L 1 r- r-, i t U r u A n d 4: i ;,, t i t r e s whic-ri Eh;'l t
rcidily removable without in to premlses, s h a I I b e? r- c., Ti
ri art of t h em Pr em i _-es at t h c: r�-! p i rat i on of ( i tl c L. C j-j S: p it
agreed that this Lease is iii.--t(le by t-he I c-Andlord --ind z, r r!.: p t &J r,
#'V 7
A", t It Of I t.l, t- 11 t (II I S t I IIC t. LIII I r I tj -1 r I-i I I ., t - it, t t r, I t t I
j h av F.- the riahl- :mii pi-1 i,flt-- t i: .3,r,-j I I 't i r I I
f i f hf,
I I ti (3 # i-oh j c h t h (- f i s7 u., :. ir r I— 'th 1 (1.01, 1-- c,tlr 1, l } "r tt it
" it -1
t r 3 to s i-A i d 1-:4 1.11 1 d i i I q vil mll jdv I -,..A I , j 1.) 1 '.1,
b I I Ity tv thr, irnivit. thrri.t(ir
1.4. 1 E_ r) i_-Ant tioij h,,vL, th( rat, I jm +o i_ii t rr.,iiow, I
-1-fni oremi ses for I he f t.irt hrr t -I` III 41f I ht-L"? y'I? !0_ f �'OlTj 3t0i If
r 1 Titian tJ4 thr-, trrm herein ur Fmtvri at (.0+ i..w
ayrR,,-:.-J .-A t h e t I mv.1 and t-inder and T-i.ib ect I I ca mne
--v r•n t
iind aciropments - As rit.rr-mn In thr L,
to e,;arcieu? the nptjon hr-r oi. I', pi c. /i fi.,vi I cmi wint- , J, 4 1 j
ft +
r.n01C.rd C,-f SAACh in wrif.mil r-Tc.-..t- It.,.iri --a%ty ke_)(0 o�4v
I., ior
t. thv. e-.piratxon of the term hureljv
lil I T 15 MUTUALLY UNDERF31-000 011,11I OttkLED t I at k ho 1sil II
:..,i r ae(Tiennt es herein 17 or) t. a i n ed 7, h a1. 1 accrm, to viie b r�n 1? + i t
1.1f -
a -it ';-.t i I ,, L-.)i ndi nq open thr r vu. r:.,: C C I ( t C... I, .. , i i d ai i r-1 i s,. t. r l r 1:
-1 r,!.
- 1 1 , :-*ef.-
isors and asn.te.;,ins of the parties heroto.
15. Landlord agrees that Vc.nant sha I I be cwit i t I ed to thu_� ttri of
i,.., parking spaces ir. thin L4ui 1113.nq p:arkinei are'l, and 12 other sp :.e. .11-
tre prevailing mnnthly contr,-it.-+. parl:.inq ir,-4p of 1 -1 tie:; ppr itwont h. M:h
C-: is sub sect to chanwi ;.it nn I hirt,..,- dayc-, prior iioi- I (-_ r.
t. i I: ten or oral , to I t+.:!-! ,:I i -I r end i r) 1'-jl,7, b I & I Fi C-fi t tie 1 r t j j
month throughout the I orm of tip j. 1. -.tcp oint:. 1. R I
i0! eunder shall be oeomd additionol fL-A , pa./iniblo.. if, ttio iialllik ZA�
-'('Tit -zet +orth in Pai-aqraph tmereov --trid s.h 11 bc: to -ALI fit the
r m s, r-rovisions, cccinditi(.-nt:� and c.rrvf.?nantL-. thiL++f.-%ai-.e rif-f ti:-irti.rr. t r.
1' r'-. ?ill t i n t.ho pavment. Ut r i-ri I I I i + i 1r r• rent I.,f cen I t11 r 4 ) r`
rltjr ; 111 v p.ar) 1 nq rcites. ' enant. ,fl _i I I." : c r 1,:� r t qht- t n c_.:-An(:el an
r.r p;-r!-t-p��f_i'c hf'rr'lrl t.•rt 'Irr-r1 1! lei 'ie1 0, _ tor it'ir I I -
i.r3 L�ndlQrd. Notwithrtand ln❑ t.11•? •I)I' ?111h'1r.' n 'i l rra r 1?ol.tir'P1 17, r t
t fl i r p" ,kr ;agr A p h Fi;"11 I tier' McI-r11E fA (7 1 •= 1 r1 l l •: t_t r 1"'r ,c t l rlrl r F r)t.'h.r r l fl
,.' n Itiip i r-:I_ictis n 1 ,-aces ] n i he par'► I i-,n r1 41
16. fen a.nt agrees that f rr:l,n time t o time, (tpon no leis!-- t tton ton
days prior request b„ Landlord. lenant will deliver to LAnd)r�rd a
tatement in writing certifvinci (a) that this 1_eatt�:e i'. urimodif ied r_Ird in
-.-it forr_c: _end effect (or, if there h<avP been rnndi f ic_�itions. tti *_ I ho
L.r.,z:Se aS:_ modified 1 s, in #tell forc:P )nd Nttt:,ctC ;110 'E:tAtlIIcr the
mr-A-i fications); (b) the dates to whiLh the rent and oth-r cIiarnt, 1-eovo
ui7-en paid; and (c) that Landlord is not in tic•f zul t iinde•r any pr o,11 £.1 r 'n,
e:J this Lease, or, if in default., t Ii(-, nature thorc�of in dr-�tal 1.
1 7. If the Building and: or Premises, are at any time sub 3er.t. to a
menrtg-�ge and, or deea of trust, and Tenant ha, received written n i.ice
t r cm Mortgagee of • same, then in any i ri-it ancr in whl rh l en ant. q i ve!.,
r.atice to Landlord alledging dotault by L.--kndlord h'reunder. (Pnant will
I SO simultaneously give CA copy of st.tc.:h rivet 1 re t o each t and l of d ' a
11ortgage and each Landlord morgagec_ shal i have the right (but nr-.! the
:_)ligation) to cure or remedy such defatilt durinn the period ttl.at 1C.."
rermitted to Landlord hereulider, Dle_t5 an additi(:�rial period of thlrry
."o) days, and Teni-:nt well accept r_•iir-h r_ttr :t.1 vc r-'r re,modial cAc.t i r l, cif
a t;at:en by Landlord's Mortgagee with thr- �.arrle i_#fect:. a-- if Itch
�rctl on had been tak:erl by Landlord.
I f11 r i E•;kT,P_ heti I =1t L_ :'no 1 (! ''1 I- 7 ( -n I Oil? . tl ror,t 1
it ,inv t i mr? rjo.11 1. I-117 f !li . 1 r `1 ni • 1 II) i 0 - t Ql' c, 11 2(it '71 1 (..t (-,
mnrt:nilmn, -1f-?1•,t C.'r- hur f-if t(:, E'r1C 11!'l 1:t,( r•.'r! ICi1'it;. It-,, `- 1 or 1 r rr
hr? 5C?l f--Clp _it1 a wtt•11' 11t_ + I:( .? IO -I.tt-1r''r-i ,4 -1t-1" r .rt -.r•t-
S `rtWIE'rTtWr!t (.Ij f-h(t:t. n d i n(i t lil t'-'rf`nr; 11'1. II' LIt-'"t?1• 1(`t(,-:I It tic -h
t 0 t?.: ilo('Utf? •311'i l fl _.'f_1- IrmC,11l ,,-,I (11:(l rlc •_.m tj1�c.t o—'11 j to)
tr1C.`ncv the sub orfii nC+.tlon o+ f hl'G I L ;7'i1' tr`. <?r1v af11I it I 1C-1-1 MCort,',:'f
3. If the• intEr e5t s> r'4 L. and Ir_r i i.tndr-r th1': I =h,!ll ►�I.
t . r-I _ ( c:'rred voI1.tntar-i l oi- by rc?. ,:•'n of +orec-1 r- otr t:? or ether
1 E•n4or cir.mcrlt o+ ary f i r st mot 4 ri (it'• on 1 IIc: t-•rc.'rtti',rI>. Ten.-,rit ` t1.,I I IIF•
t(.)urlfj t(7 such tranc_fC:r-L-2 (her-ejri i:It) et.linc? c-. '-.aIIed thI „f't-Ircli.is':' t 401-
t h e. bw-tIar1cE' of the tf'•_rm her-rlot r-c'11-leti ni to(] , 'rid aft- 0.,tvrrcl r`It'.= t--,r
r,_�1-1ew tIs thereof whior: h m.:+:, tic: effhct L','0 111 acrord;-incce with th+- ter ,nL -:nd
,I VI L`>:( orlS +I(-�oreof 141 +tl t..tlE? : '!.(rit`• t �.rr
_ ( f.ICj f_?t tr.,C.t ,Ic ] ( 1=t1'' f CIt II •' Fr
a, "(' +:h�2 Landlord and I ("n2irlt r1 oeo� � IIPr ob`,' •1'4t "- tf
-,t Lc'rn to the Purchaser , inch-iding t tie Mort.giii(jee under any such m(/r-t I;L,ge
1t It be the Purchaser, as its Landlord, said attornment to be ef+'-?c*lve
_nu self-r_'prvrative wit.nol-it the ex. Petit. ion of any +urtheir in�trrUMC•r,t IIL,nn
th'r F't_trchascer sur_ceedl nq to th- i nt erec t o r the 1-_.:,ndl ord under t .,1 s
(»•ass-. The rospect.i,•. P rights and nbl i (iiAtinns; I-'f I rnrnt and tie U'Ltr( I: _.er
15VrI SUCh attornmfent, to the t?::tr?fli of ttli: th,-n remair'ln'_j ti,3l.:+n('Fi of t11e
I (irm (:)f this lease and ,any � uch and rUnew_Zl - c.iieil L h.— ,.nd
•irr, the same as thas(? 'set fortrl hort:iri. In the i7vent such transf' I '-)f
..trld l or-d sE 1 ntor c• .t . L_:ind.( c-'rd _ to ,.I I I'( r cs- l e, - (-It '411A 14 1 f-vc.-d t
11..-,bi1it. and resrc'nsibl1ity ther�iafter :ov-crui.ng tr) 1fenant. under
'.:;r- otherwise and 1._..nd1OI"lj a `5t_Ir_'(:F_'S:3(-I" t-, .if 1 1'nt.,_,w_- r of ref —It fr-ith te•r..ir't
.'. ~p''/`��r `hal1 hrrnm" liIts /p ono /,-Trio /|'i~ t" `,''`,./ x'/ r i'
./ L Ohizgitxons of thn Landln''i '//`ipr iM7 iense.
i9. Without thp wr/J+pn LC'r�'`n+ ''+ i.^/.'/\'','i 41rs| obtox,xad
70-L, Tenant shall not issiqn, trnni/er, mnr^jan'," Pte'ioo, or ot/`nr.vis'`
"'m'mUer or. dispose /'i this Lc.`''c` ooroouprlet +h/` ['r,mi7c`u or an, n* +
i.:.'�~enf or pmrmz+ the rrpmxse� to /^' orc.vp/n.i h.' other npro.`..n. y/. +h'`
r .�e of subletting, Land1urd s cm.'/`nL moo be prvdi'atpd +mrv.r ''/M,
things, upon Landlord becoming entitled to collect and rptnzr, Al]
'entala payable under the sublozme. ii this Loose he assxoned or z+ the
*ramases or any part thereof be ondnr1e+ or occupied by anvhndV c/her
+h.`n lenant, the Land]ord may, Vter de+au]t b^ lrnan+, Co1]prI or
accept rent from the assignee, under tenant, or occ"pant anJ appl` th-i
net amount collected or accepted to the rent herein reser°ed, but n`
such collection or acceptance shall be deemed a waiver of this co`'-nant
rr the acceptance of the assigned, under tenant, or occunant as |er..'ot,
not shall it be construed an or implied to ba a relean" of the |',^ant.
irom the further observance *nd performance by the [unant of the to'mc,
provisions, covenants and conditions herein contained.
In lieu of consenting or not conspntinn, Landlord may, Ot its
cotzon (1) in the case of the propysod assiqnment or subinctinn of
!enant's ertire leasehold interest, terMnatr this Lease as to ,hat
portion of the Premises which lenant has proposed to assign or n'`bi,t'
in the event Landlord elects to terminate thin |pase pursuant to | 'usr
(zx) of this paragraph. lenant s oblinitions as to Base Rental an(�
Anditionai Rent shall be rcd"red in thin -.an^, prnportinn th^^t t|"` Ne+
Gantable Area of the portion oi th'` Prpmz+es taken hv the prap'neu
"VsIgnee or subtenant bears to the total Npt Reo!zble Arpa nf the
I * I t In
I- ti,-r rn r tn%, i r,'_,. I jv'/r'r4' 't-ld r r)i i H i t I hr.
h --d i' n d b i n (I n;j 1 1 p on r-- ri .,.4 r r-11 -tt 0
C. r 1.! 1'. or c' mucc e - sit) r :i (r i�7 I' Ind -4- 1 riwz lot, 7ri +
i ct i ons. to s i (I n m It i i b I i I,) T i i --.i n v: pl-o' I ilv-d
fE- r IF, 1 1-1 e - p r t- F: r in v F2 r i I t of t h i ~ L r.i. - v-. P na rlc`(--mc,d
u, ,en I-mit runn x no w i th the I and
. 'I. least? to Ten, vi-F�mvses bf-inil �knt tor In cnnsider,-.Aticin of i d V'
,r-, renta-Al. Tonait tti�it k?nant . of all timr:-' Will inds;�im-13 f./
rrC I c-E-j-. Landlord hrw%rmles:,�- froln <11 1 d a m,..i n r. i:� . I ) abi I I t I
p-Pnses, which ma-y arise or be aii-iinst. Larsdiord,:flip t)(:- ii. f -ol-
r:.4 any porsc-nsil firms or corpu-)rLAtic-n-., c onren% ient i ifw I") rfr ar i j nq
the use or occupianiav of said Prc:?onis:(?,7P bv 1-i).3nt, or G• t:) n s E. n i., f2 n $Inon
risinq + rofft any 71 LtS, , 0 Ili i r�!7:1 r-in , tic-- 'I I V,ict or 4 ;A I of I C-r Io nt . h I S� Elf C'- .
rel-vants. employees, IiLer)':-e_i. /Ltiitors, i--u!:tomers, potrons
C-A, consequent upon or arising 4rom 0--snant's: failure to comply with 'tIIV
laws. statutes, ordinances, i-oden or rt?gulations an he-r-c-Ln prv.!i,!c%d.
friat Landlord sha 11 not be liable to 'Tonant frr d a m a n vs . 1 ost- -?E, (-jr
in )urges to the personn or praDorty of Teiiant which may ho ca--r7orl h,", tho
i i r vr: I r 11, ri r
. t npglect, c. - m i s -- i n n s nr at-4 I t t� r' t p & r -!; ri i -) r-i 4
Ii: orpor it i one , ex c -? p t when t. i v -- i ) i n j 1-tr \Y loss or dama,-?o i - ei- t % J t,-. r Olit
neq j i qence of Landlr-rd, h.i�-, aqerif,, or c-niployces, arid t h,A fcn,tr,i 1
nidemni f v and keep harmless Landloi-1 from all
-'j I:; C, F , injuries, or t:-pence which ma- ari,�7-c- -.,r tic, t- I a i mud o, -St
I _,- -hard and be it-, t.-i-var any per--.-of-,9 i i at- corpl:)r--Atiow. f r:tr 411Y
.r P
t u. the ric:r c-n F . ton I fl, C r
PL-I t I oli t� where c:.,i i (J It n j u r i c-, r F,
I, F!, tyl I P s a A r . C., ..; L k I t (I+ t- f I iffq] 1 fit. Ir it- f-i j I h I r lite-,
ilt P_ F? S serv,-nnts I i C rn- o S "I _1 tor_-: p A lkr. 3r,I
ves. 1-1P F--r =;r_�nal pr t jper if r-d or mciv tz-c' i nt. r t tie Vf- Pm 2 (7. r
if,,, -11 rin sh -A I I b c. F., r t r -if i*n thr 171 W! 4. h (.,I - q., 111.1
I 1.41' fj _.tic.. 1. 1 not 1,1, 1 I.-ibIr. +-C-1 ll-,I)AIJ it.W I, t
eriant: m ..:.% j I-) I - i n at _.1
I I t %Jt ir i nq t hr? T r.rm h I
0t, P A ri n S U r a n r c- p o I i c y or p r� I i c: i e I n cin .�mollr)t r," -i mr, it' t !71-1
i I-, Landlord's opinion, to indomni F , 1---ind I (-)rrJ or pay 1-indlord ' i, d
.:Inv, r.esu I t i ng from any matters --.rz4t f or th her: j n f, v + nr F-. II this
i, q r a p h 2`5
In c a s: e Landlord elz I i A I 1 1.) r? m d f p a r t. y tot zrly I i t i q -k t i c ro V' :T, .:red
vj-iinst Tenant, tht-? n Tenant s ha 11 p I- o, t cc t i n d h (11 d Land I or d t! :rn 1-1
h,-tj 1 pay all costs, ex penses and re,-Asonab I e attorneys eer; i nct irrr-d nr
p -11 d by Landlord in connection with such litin-ition and i 1 1, -1 u A I
t. o r c ci + . I h c, 2 n d e ntn i -t I L ZA t I on ro r c) v i d (:: cl h or i n t -y I L't I ar , t i s: u ir C + t,
statutury provisions as set forth in Section 760.213 Fl. Statute-,..
If either party defaults in the performanirp of any of the
1_ er ms provisions, covenints and cnnditiom!: cjf this Lrz_kse and b-... rea--or.,
+..t,E::-eo+ the other pai-ty employs thc. servit.c!�; cot an attorney tc.,
p,?r f or manc e of the covenants. or" t(:-. perform any ser v i c sm- b a s5 e, I tr-ot
uc.;-aults, then in any -aid tht. party -Jiall. he eittirlc-tl
rermmnable. attorney_:' fees and all c?�:1'!:_-n7,os ._and casts incorcod by tho
cir c/ai i i nq Harty pertaining ther�jto -.incl(#dincj cf�Fts:z .-rd iee--. rtA itl i r'l
-.inv appesi ) and in cmforcemr�iiii' t)f any r-oim-dv.
the-- r--ant t t-- r 4 -11, 1 j i I
# f—e ij r- oz r (-- , ', - : I - 1
f--. r t I I j
the r i tit-, t b 0 t: t -b I f t I I r- h
v r epaj r arithirn 1. cl rhrr f;-t i, rim.
I (-.r- rl a rl r ty-
u t I (j-1 . I t ':' ri( it i i I't Il wi I. h r i pe( t to wIrs rt t ir
-i Al ord i ritends to restorr- I.h., pr.,ml st If
-wtc-red tunantabl" within the o4crE---.ki(I 11-I() dcor's, it -hal 1 he r),it I
't-h either party hereto to cmkor-c-1 thj3 jqr)d i1i t.he-
C IF? 11 C4 It I vir, the r L�rl t -- h 1111 t.'(-' P-11 (.1 l,"I'l I �' t,-, 1 I"C' d-ii 4, r.--# 5LILl'1
---A I ty. The c in I ;at i cm h of- r. I V) IT) C, r) I F-I d h f, du -I I
0 j nq. -?ruing :trig 'Lfnr- thol th(- I r 4--i)il !-ec, orr? ,in' 1--iii in tot, I c It-.
ti�S-PI !3 e t forth in this par-ac.11--tph, the rt-l-it I-m- 11 j List art 1
-11 t-
:,Pc:)i-ti(-ln t h er v- o Sl ia I I b(m I-Abiltil-'Ll. Not w thy_ f Ondi no t. h r.- r r,.r.
$,:I Ull I d damage, do t r ut c: t. -1 1--, C-lr- i i I piry )c*ci tr 1-. r n r t
-•- I - n i -- e L a n d 1 o r ci s: h z.-t I I h z, v v. e right t.11-it rant Il lie, trAll i (1;.L.
r;:-ndoar the Premiseis teriantable wif.win "')o days Of the C.Atc?
ric—tructi cin or injury Inc! no abat c-mw.-n t L) f rent ha I I c -c c k-kr
Not tq i t h s t and i n cl t h ii� f or ec) (-j i r i ci r-I'i ou 1. (J d�,m -.,cio nr diz-: t. ruc i on
:I t k r - 3. n g he last tM-7- J Vc- t t hO -1 co-m ri tt it.-r L.. tridl urri or
rl t
_,i i have the opt i r:in to termi s7? f r. i
-- -I
ri,owiciv or de--trusticin, provi clod notice, t.() tc-rmiril-ktr- it-, t- t
of the date of such or d e-,, 1: r- 1 -it- t L k-in
4 c -r tci ci i n (I h ou I d t h e d �-tmag F--- car d tr-c t tc t i on 0L.- I. (I I' t, y r rcq,_ rin L--!f T(
'*' (:"y I x g enc ey Ten :.i n t - h I riot v c. il 17pp '- i. on t c-, i. r�r m i I I -it
r . r
��. it there 7h-il 1 to t of t" td"r I -q t hn I er m nt 1 hi °- l-l" n j"- f :rt
!.Iie Premises, porking far_i Lit.1 "t 14 Ildl"q' othor thon n •r1 not
interfering with maintnnr_+nrr, opprot i r.li Cyr "rr of i•r"ml vo. l ard1cr o m iv
1 ^t to terminate thl` Lviss or W rr-nl Ir)ue _. own in att(_A. if L_ ,(1dl ar J
n l ect o to cant i l-lur the L_eare. the r -W al �h - l l h" rE-'lll ll nd in pr ryt - 1 i of l
tme orE?a of the 1-•r-nmi so- so t Al nn _ ntI 1 Amif ter d �h.al t r-opl i r- in•
I •rain-' tv the Proml v-. par 1tlr-I f-tr.1 LItll"B, (a Ill] 101rill r(— oIt1till ,roan
t(rrl f al lny. It any part Q4 thy: 1 rQml n s to so t:'i► rnl' which life=-•C (lM
' Qnuor the Premises unsuitable tor its i ntoncded u=u, this !_vanu i nol 1
-,n inue in affect and the rental s1-lcll l hn roduced in prunartion to th?
l '- y of the Premises no taken and I_nndl rrd rhill. l'-r-•poi r any domanew t r'
We Premises rrrsultina from such toLing. If all "F the 1.-1 imcd f'
1 token b;, condemnation or L.:minept Domain. thin (..E_';1ve shall tF'I"1it11,..t
c i the date of the taking. All sums awarden (or agreed hetweun Lyndlord
and the condemning authority) for the taking nt the intorest of L..*ndlcar'-1
..nd or Tenant, whether as dam sigh's or .as compons at i on , and Mother for
oArti_tl or total cC7/demnstinn, will hn thn nrripmrty W 1 nndl wd 00
Lenant, whether as damage_ or as componsatl on, and "heth`r for pOr- M a l
or total condemnation, will be the property of Landlord. If thi - L r osr
'.:!could be terminated Linder any provisions of this paragraph, rental
::_hill be the propQrt.y of Landlord. Lf t.hi, Leave should be ter;=_jrr. t:.er.
,_ender any provisions of this paragraph, rental shall be payable -o to
he data that possession is taken ny tho authot i ty, and L_ indl or d wi 1 I
r'ef and to Tenant any prepaid unancr! ed rent less any ''slim or a;llnuni t'.hall
nwing by Tennant to Landlord.
25 if, during the Term of thil Leaso, lonant. wh. 11 abandon, •"• ntr•
CV romo o from tr. n Promises th, ma 3or_ portinn of Cho gon•'1:.. , � � &,_
�� ' �r�
^`, �
^ j r�'n.coI' fut-nI z/`os us'/�. |// � 'xn -`././ /r'~.`�=
111 1 r1l r~y»'r /},. r(?n+
LridI nni/.~ �,/'/ |�' ,^.I .� .�. �!.� �'�en� n+ �'�n n1i
eriss, w1+hout b°ip/o `"^ '``� �h�'r�+'','` ,p/ ' '/~`,
^' ' esi s with wj I-hcv/t ,/`v h,/ ''` . ' '''` ~h'`r'�,'`` `� ' 1-.�
n' Tpnant, A. such pric, cn./t,t �k.��.
, +I me ac Landlord ma} dstcrmzo", ind rerc/vh'� rent th''r'��'`r.
`'unc, thc same to t>.e paymrnt nf ihe reri* due hr +!`pce prcsrnt ^ ,rill
�^ Lhz u1l rcintai herr,zn nrovi'1p1 �_:h*l1 not be riized 1-. ip.�),�r'�
'`.r the above 17o Land]or'1 rr such rp1el, inq. Tenanu ^ha'] /^a
°nv .1e41'_- Ir�zy.
26. It is agreed between the partix.—. heretn that: If 11er1an+ �'.�l]
r^ idiudicated a bankrupt or an ins`1vo`t or thp
`u�11_11 rs�rganizzation ur
cc'/"po�ztIu' i,roc.no ",
v..�k� ., '.`.�"
psionment or ta|e the hene+It
of anv insolvency law;
or x�
�;sasehold interest under thzs
LCase ^J)fAl be sn1d under
orocoss uf law, qr if a Premzsns
she1I. bp abandr2nnd or
deser�cd, 'n'
11.:�/.t shall fail to perAorm
any of tic-, term�.proviszon�,
r7onditions of this Lease or
Tenant's part tn be performed, or if +hI�
' �se om ee
r the Terthrof o
traerred pass to nr
d evol~r u'
,�rsnn�v firms, officers or
cnroorations° othnr Lhan |'.nant bv ds`t|-
`�e Tonant, operation of law
nr othorwi�~, then and in
any surh pcr,r�,
a� the option of L-andlord,
1-he total rem�:ininq onpaid
Term of this Lease sh�J)
become 'k'e �nd |`a, h.te nr
th/s I e�1se �hin, ]l ^o �+°'' \ `,`'t/'',d
qxven Tenant wrttt-:�n noticn /i" +hr� pro-)
'ch nrt, cnndition r'r- ur+*o(i ar~' +',.int mmp./` .4t,-1� ^m'rl
d Rmse |ientol or n''i t- �r),1 '''rrn/se�
.`t /hi r� c|`alI nnt impair or +''o: �'nd\,',d s rj'|h+ +'` n.�Itit .'1n
r./c(in sdings for the i h nn nf thc /�rpmx'.'"^`''\�
'zcps pro^idc�d fnr by Iaw. I^ rh, |rm o+ I s-- L.``��` "hall h^ '�
t 'Landinrd mav immod/ai-, .v- -At in ti*e thrror, /+'/ , rr
e"trr or repossess the Premi E:,eand remove a1l t,ersnns anc1 p/"m`rt/
.~refrom witho(/L bexrig liabl, for 17rnsp"ss or d_imsqp�.
27. �enant h�rebv p]ed�es and �s�iqnc Lo Land(ord as sp`oo`� �u'�
payment of any .And all rental or other sums ')r ain' nvts p/'n'!] de1
hrrezn, all of the ,orn]ture"fIxturc�°goods- and 4:hatt.plt. nr lvran/ °'.lr'`
-/.ull or may bc? brought or put zntn and Ten^�
�azd lien m; 7ky be nforceJ to ch,+rors,tp,roc /n-utr nr /+'.r',uI �
L. election of the Landlov'M, /on-int hereby e�pressly wuivr� no
renounces for himself and family any and all homestead and c`xemrt`c�/'
�-z'�!.nts he ma y now have or herea+ter acquire under or by virtue of '.hp
cnnstitution and Xaws of the Sfate oi F1orzde mr o* an; other cta+e, or
'/f the United States, as against the of said rental or any ofnor
nh\igation or damage that may accrue under the |erms of thiV: /p�s�''
28. FaxlLire oF L-indlord to dec]arp immedze1`' upon rcr.~+r`,`ri�
ur delay in ta|.ing :Any action in connect�on °hprew�t|'..�h�.j nn+
/o�ve �uch de+au1t, but Lond)orJ |'t]l | or th'juh+ fo duc1ar �s/
� n de+au1t at �ny t/me anJ td: L,on a,: mj/ br ia'vf'/| or
�o��,�r�zc'd hereundpr, in law and/n, `ui��.
't r
C- n't n L
I MP I I (W Ono no '• ;Prrik WA -fro hV I
any ,fin;
athmi, thin I hq 0"4 1" 1 1 n E "( h
i;, -
Ittir the 41
nr and katt i-ium I r 1 n
waiver Ut
anv term. pro
The j I t in "uewnd n,p I op r. n
r h.,
Q9 n- nth-, W L r , - "It f I 'V , A!
Lreac. In nooltion '; M "fill rom. 131"A rpkt-211,
a -anted
Landlord horain. Londlord MaIJ bo ontitlad to All rilhos
at law and in cquttv in tho event that Innont 1,11'
Nil to jorlorm
of tho terms, p-ovisions, criveni",, or oQnijjci.n:
1 L r Les Le cm Yeran 1 ' in oni t Ln be por i orm"d cw i o i I t rn pav K o i; I
6Wtionill Rental or any nithur sum due Landlnrd here"ndor WoN, oi,
!iqhts and remedies sprrificaul. ly granted to Landlord hurrq", b- MCI
in equity shall be cumulative and not mutually oxcl"sive.
29. Land1doro or any W hip agrntn, oh"11 have thn riuht to PiPrr
� KQ Preflilusas during all froaafanaUlf, hours to P4,mine tha samo nr to moVE,
-itch repairs, additions or a1t:nr2TL"nr an may he dewmed norr-sar- Unr
the safety, comfort, or prosanvati(an therew, or to said buildinu. or W
0zhibit said Promises apt any time within ony hundred ini"Aty ilk") -Iyr_
tefore the expiration of thin Leaso. Waid right of antry whall
r'llnt for the p"firpose of removing plararoy, siqnKv firs"r,as.
Averatinns, or additions which do not conform to this Leane.
7(). Any notice given La "dior d -a providod fur in thin K"are fk"!l
Do sent to Landlord hy regisnerali mail to Londin A 0-
1 -ndlcard s Mannumment Ofiice in thL Viriv notice to ho Q L ori
I I?
LI n d v r t h r, t F - i, ms c, 4 t h q I i t -% + I ' r-I
j ri wor i t i n q mind _, h a 11
I,-., ro t i n t h C? 1. 11 1 di r, q thlr.r f r-•-jri t I air- i u, i ryto I.. Ir I-,
m v,, zpv?c y anot h #.,.r .-I ir f t. .1 v I I- I- J."I [(-.i- - -,7
All a L1 t (.I (Tl,.' ( to I I V Pt I. r I tj I! I' f 1-I I I, I I_- I, !-tit r ArIc rant; 11
h.-r .?t.n (_ommorl ( ) r oa c_ �:_% t ) d I oer f _i I I I t 1 (:. I I it n I :itwd 1 1 -.41 1 11 it O.
I r-IC. i Lid I nq itt I I paw ing c.,kr tritcl. 1.1ay nr way- ) I OLld I r 10, 1 V --*'-I I
i o_,dc., zitr i an wal kwav:5 and rimp!31,-ir-rd-cape .:troa,.;, s t a I r w a 14; Iv-r_
ether area!:, and I MPr0VL1(To(,it no nvi. h- L 1ricil (-,r rl 4,--.r t hr,
tiv+�i r .-,I 1 1*1 common (x I i. ul f ) 1: 71
E.., r I I c[':a.tI I. Of It V; "i t!_: t nfw,r t o
-it all times G7 U b j U` L 1: tO the I - I I 11.] i V L_ (.)I I t: I-r)t tnd 111- I n I•ITI': I I I- f.3 low
L. ;Ind I card, and Land I or d shal I ha'. f-. ttlt-. I- IfIlit 4 r I -.III t 1 11w- to t i (Tit
-it:- i I sn modify i-tro- _-niorLo rulc?Tand oquiat.j r!n.i 1,i1 th - -All
1 1 1 t' f-:!E :,J`1U tAr Q,-_V_ rlfld I mrjr0,vr1II#c--I, to I:flc..t I CA, t (1,1711 t I fill
to change the Area, I evel and I ocat i i.n and arr,-;nclement of par I ria e.,t_(
rei c-r-red to; to r estr I ct. pax I. �i q -An. ..trid other facilities hereinabow
f orce parking charges (by operation of muter-, or ci t h� r. r 1-i I -s o I o.:)
n ant -M their oi i ). cer - aq E--.r I t S . i. r I -,,:, toE-i" , I (xl,'(.,er: , 0V :.t I
I i con %-Tees , v i si tors, patrons and cu-_; t r3me- z". , to c 1 c--je I cw I+-#-.., i_ar.. r t 1 on
(11 s7 z) I d areas or taClllti-C-S-1 �A)Ch c,tunt at:. III t hc., i-1 ri 2 n I o n n
L. r, ri d I Ur 1`1 ' SE c: oun se I be legally z i.1 f I L__ i I.Al t t I.) F) r evi!n t. :i -i Lirj I t I on I i -. - , m)
the- a c r r LA,I of any r I q h t co c, r --. c. n I- r i 1 1(+7-. p I _t.b I I C. t-c-o- to: tr.
i -,sc toonpor ari I v i or any th,.? pi.tLA I c
a C: I I I. t I C 1, to d 3 cour,:,(_w I fr,i I, tc-i .,in t. par I i ,vt t (.1 r r) F-1.
..itr.,r ind/i:)r cus:tomer parking; :At-),) to do t
Irld t ci _maid rirr. ;i -.And i nil, r r -r-.i -Ir I t I ri Ic• u c
-.Y- (J It I h c. m) d I or d t7J) di_Ftl trill-, -.A 1 y I
t C,
r i mp r- nvi-Irrivri I I ji I I
a p Irl t :i i
d c Ll!'- 2 1 1 rl'i L I )i
d 11 ) Ll C" t '7? 1 1111 Ili t r r i 410 I tot i 1 11, 1 1
_Ijc�h di c: r et I un 1�odl (nr d -z h -i 1 1 r i. g 4 In d -4
1, lit i a In a t tz, c. manarjur (-poi r i r!;-i 11 AT- 3 -IlW,' L.r 0 1 r I't 0 1 1 Orc--
r:thr,r taci I i tie"n- vilic, 3 1 1 ha ui If 11. 1 t 1. 1 -, n r i m. A I, I
. 1 1, v. - q Lj I a t i c) In s r Iry , i r il i n t h e E: (It r t„ - ( I r 11
MzO e :i n 1:1 f + n 4- u I,c:t' till r 1. 1l : 1: 1 0171 7i t
too f c-r the proper operz) ):j (:TIri �kt.cl fril-.1 lit C,4 tt)0 p�,r t inu.
-I 'ter COITIMC-111 Area- _md othor 4 .Ac. i J i i t:,11ce IT) thi s p�Ar*..kq1'�_-W,h
-ri i rig ol-E-aE. and/or + ac I I i t i t:. -!j, =-;t I j 1 1. in i In t,.i c:Il r: ( )I i !--,t r uvd ,is: 0
1 rl
T cr i o nerc-under inv rinlit-. and/,)r p r t v i q, y!ii i rl c n I n r:l c t 1 r*, r
:k r e& :s -And Y ar tact i i. t i (-? r u r I j. ql r p r i ,, i I(
pr -4 1 -; . r :,I ., :� -5 z 1 V set forth th 1 In p, - aq ---) t I
tenant Agr-ees to surrendc--r- tQ i_mdlot-d. :-,'t 1--l-lo encl if tt:c: I
-.r i
f. Lease said F. r vm,1 1,1 ,1.., 1A I. IOU CUtIcil l7.1 on -A-.-oi d V'r- c-ffu !4cw f-
I-- beg., rini Ing of t hc: I arm at t t i i I a u d j. ri_-tr ,, w ir,, I, r -;nli tc.-Il ,
It .1
by f i re or Ut t fer I'_ rd I:, c., I ;Al. t r cn j I r c
'ceptudd. as n n n t -it orjc,�-� no-t si-ti-rorldo.- '1 4 IT
f', -1
t Landlord At the end. t.ot thr lur-m -it ttii-, i +hc.fi I c, I n t k i i i t r,
t I.
1-- :41 .1 d I I-) r dl doub 1. e t h e amount o+ I iirr„n f: rent -kl f f)r C3 -I c h mor, I
I - -r t i on. thereof th,-.At I enlivif rin). c--- 1 1 1 I'_ 'Al 1 d t I , '!
k,t fr•r ? . C( %-1.11„ ,-,t I1-11.1,1! , ',I 14tI-r. t,1 (, ' tlrr-l:T.c!..- tr, 1 I,fIirr,i
rot P1pt of rr,nr-,ev bl_ +r,HI ( r3 tY t.it, frn:,rif �44 tr•r t,irIII I •-I ,f t rIt. r-.f
ty �r~e or thrvl (7: rl of Alf)" I), 'I- f- C t ,_f?n1mr711t-nmr:Irt >4 ,tI ,• .ir
i �.'•1 llidgment 4..ir i r-'•-:..f_ =r]11 , f- , `r•,r,f. • 1�. •.r P• ♦ •f rl Its,
fhtV- LMAS,� ter 3t4O -t Ir2tr, •• 1. -III I r,r till .
1AD ACt or t h 1 n(1 (W-IIt• tt0 1.AIItr IIr-ItI f }. r.r tit
granted 9ha11 he tjefr:tn,?tt 71tt1 •..Crr`f�t.ill,.i� rr+ ,a '_tit, r .�ntiw+t'- ,., ►!"try
C:?m15es znd no agreement to @C:re;tt Ut f_hv 1'rE•",l'"�'S'
va l l d Lin l ess I t 11e made i n I,tr ( t i nq and st lit :cr i hr?d h- v
;41ithoriced officer or agvnt. of Land I(-,rd.
Tenant Thal1 he ris! c_•I) _ IbJ ttf3r 0110 7.1'Ai 1 Pit.
r'A l n,I,_tcncy al l mldni ci pal , court is or stat f_ t it,vs x::f-'. v:ir?p dut l ; i- `t1•,
t rm o4 this Lea=e arjalnst WIV nl-CUP-;:Incy interest or r•f .r•
?. piny Kind, orined by or pl :tcedi .dill upon or abot_it. the 1'remi :t-' h•..
4. Landlord ;hall have the right,to install ai+trts on they inter r
e::ter ior of thro building and Premises and/or t=hAnae the lfl�l ! diltr� .
Itctme or _treet address. Tarrant -hall hr7ri the rinttt t.f? pl:+cO -refs 1 Its r_rt
ti3r_ balcony of the premises, which sign shall first be _tppro_-n by
7'5. Landlord expressly reserves thr r i qht at Landl ord ' r poll e. ;:. t
ti:•_1 expense to remove T<?I.ant from the t-'rCmisnas and to reioc;+te ii�fi t tr l;,
r't1,HH, otr7or space of rnf,f-i-_i riq 0t •.tj.,prt):; I fill.ftel t !:d-• �rfi
7'_rrtenslon5 and a12e within f.h'- ttt121(jing, which othi')
# C op",
0.1 Fy Land , c--sr o ,,t. I- .irio I or nd I
L I', L an d I (ir d ' s -.nl v: d I
r t"'m i h o r, -. i t7 1 3 1,, (1 1 r,l
I ct I I r tI I, I I- I
r d VC: rll- n (I I o t h -'I,- try, i I r i at I it i c- t i im
t d
I Lr- e i I -,n I- -.k i n od
t I Pn qi�ln 1 .1, tz r e i I t- c11 u i f I t. I I I 'r .1- All
--jri -i J Rent dim-, by of tl-,L• ot-Q i -i.,_,nr of p. it ,)III-
C: the p r ov i s. i (-., I, o + j I- h t..?rc ('jr t, , I I t u) t h,
it) whLcih fenant is 1-7
-A r-7ii t:..rcj L-%.-er-ci Sze of lt':5 clu-1--i u-n -mvi ro?J
tvrviij nate thi s L. I? L-, E o or' r- c- 1. (-o a s., F. 1 r•n<-,r1i. , i t I lot I n 1
fl n a n t ' 5 ob I i gat i or, to pay the and .,I-
T) . .f ol I
ltreements hereunder -cor- the -tui J. -Iorm f_.+ thj.=_-.
6. If any terryi, pruvi,--:,c.*tn, ru,(-ni;-tTJ tor- (-LPr)tJLtj()n v-,t- thi!:,
t h application thereof to or -11al I t:
f-.-. ; tent be i n va 11 d or LI ri en + or (-. um i t. h v - vm�:k i h r- cir.
t ti f
1) p I i r- at i Lin of such t ei- IT, p r o,e i .5 i cm-i civet-, mi t or i- ond -i. P. on t (-j
i r cttmst ances other- than t h o!:. f-, _v-, Lo lohich it I aA d 1 1-0 v !.A I I
-1 01
of-cemtbl e shal 1 not tK- Zif I`u!'--1-.(-?d .4nd torm.
r-I tLot- condii-ion o+ this. Ltr+?::7--v' ho -',n, (,I,
with the of ttio fj! 1:1(.jr idjk.
I t i s undr: -!I st ond mn (i agr h i-?f wet-,t I hu? p:ir t i tr-cl f t c,r eatr
et 4 1 l 1 ni l fril C. 'I '_ i 1 .11 if-, rltl
1 ',10 10115 (_-f this Lease.
"hr? ter mt. is-ri.-w jt, , it. i ..jr, c ;_mt )iric,o iti ill -.1,
I C 111 r .-iknd or- I-, L i lifP ni ri i no -1-11J /(w ri it -%r- h.? r s
It L= C,'-. c; , ), e (.1 f7) 3 r ' .1 . -'-Ill .+ I 1-( .1 , !
I Jf whE-r- ever 1.1 -if 1 1. 1", 1
t u v enant d r. r,f) I I f it I language of thi Leask, i-k( . ;reemt?n t :amj tlii, p,1r.?Qj, •p i h fl 1 n 3t IF -I
(--I r*:i 1 v `ur the cutivrmeniry of tht- rr-.irJFnr Ar,(J ire ii(Dt init r-riderl tu, h.- it I
1-1!7,1 vf?. !-4ny form 41ly ti t- mr ti of
�j I f
-ial I b- F,,pi- I i 1 4. 1 1- pr,i- i-;. ('r f V. tj
o n t r a y i n t e, n t i o n x s c i e a r I - s I: a t- (:,,.I h e% ie o i ti
t)ubmi s!--i on Ei4 th I i n :E r i. tom 'j tt. 1 r?r SiMI r),_tt I r'r I I Lc-
t t..1 i:e An offer, right f i r t--; r r e r I: i :),t vir t,l i fin
the Premires, or arty r.)ther
...i L 1ding. T h i s i nin, t r u inen t b (n c rjai c, -1 r., ec_. I j a'--. :t Lum,:;iupm-1 r.. r 1: 1 on
in,d defivery by both Landlord and fr.rjiwit.
40. This LDac-e contain- thc-i c--r-itirr-, ctgrvmw-vit b-:Awilt-_Ji tt,c, pip:- t
r.i.-reto -ind all provicxm negf7)ti_:iition:, I1�-idinr and d i I- m h,
rr-�d i + i ed oni y by an agreement i n vlri t i rig 1 cjn(-_-d h- I .1knO.1 Cir d -.,ti Ji I rri -r-1
.surre. ider o+ thE'. 1 eai::ed Frcsmi se!;; , or n- 4 till' r f1id1ndor (-# 4: for iii- ..)4
t I is, Le -ise sh,-zk 11. tj e Vi31ld LYIIP-`--, 1-4cc-rptc:.d by I.ands nt d ri 4-jr- I t I i i q
-1 -Ire ..t c k r, ow 1 ed r) 11 that. 1'en..Ant h,:i. not r I to„-
frf!. repr u?,_- orit at i nn. pr- j or ot- it t u. ri Or,
--mi su.iiu agreement:: r•-r vv_trrarst. I C 'COPt '_!1_1t:1 !"In -,3,
Ar it",
4 1 tenant rf prerprito d r- n It. t. b , 1. t 1
L- m t or of.holt' pr."--4f-4j it I''+
it 11c% broker aL'vt0.-. or tj+ rot tit oiIol-lt
lAt 11 t h Pr Landl or d it.. i, I
j.("I fr"
pr fff'r r"
o: c, ro d 1 1: 1 rn n Or t- tj•. I if I All to
f t L
k I it 7 rf,
rl k - 1
1 %, C.,(
. Cl nr. In r ,ntcd l!". (!I
C? 41 .
I 1 4 1
I- ( , f
di'Spilter- (w I I (-.. t 1 .1 -:-% r- w L
t I orl�. l.vy -%1 —6:11' i'Alf .( I I "i i
,ttff lt,.t
-I I hC-r-
C AIASE- flC)t 1 '11) t %,, t'll - - I I It
I tt,_,t. k 11) 1. 1 i
:)nd I w .1 -?t
1 4 41 At
by the e cr- c i e of dtw- (I i
I itp 1tco I -rid
I c', t d it- i •n, 1 t-w t
or to part t a p r c-, v et 1 V (21'
+ nr r. (., ma j etir c%
OF MIAMI,& nat.bank assoc.
The City Of Miami