HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #76 - Discussion Item'6 0 4 41" OR IMAM". FI. MDA t. t:�l t It,INTIRtOhRIC! MIMORANONM i,�s ��'��1�+�r vt2 ' To. Cesa io DATA, March 170 lose City Manager c SUOACT: C FROM ��/ Xavier L. Suarez RtftRENCtf: q �'~ . ••: Mayor / tNCIOSYRE! ,,,, _ • Please schedule for Commission consideration the status of the Watson island Helicopter Lease. XLS/om 9 46 Ll AVOIT OF DADE HELICOPTER JET SERVICES, INC. FOR THE PERIOD OCTOBER 1. 1985 THROUGH OCTOBER 13, 1986 0. 6. PREPARED BY: DEPARTMENT OF INTERNAL AUDITS AND REVIEWS 2 1 07 Cesar H. Odio City Manager Sujan S. ChhW Department of I and Reviews DESCRIPTIO" September 23, 1981 81-45F Dade Helicopter Jet Services, Inc. ire for 0ctober 1. 1985 through na Audi October 13, 1986 A. The agreement dated October 14. 1980. between the Cf ty of Miami, and Dade Helicopter Jet Services, Inc. (DNS) authorized the DNS to operate helicopter services from Watson island. DNS was audited to determine compliance with the requirements of the agreement. The termination date of the agreement is unspecified. Either party can terminate the agreement by giving thirty days prior notice to the other party. 6. The requirements of the agreement pertinent to this audit were as follows: 1. DNS shall provide for the use of the City ten (10) manhours of helicopter flight time per calendar month in payment for use of the City's facilities. Unused flight time shall accumulate from month -to - month, but not beyond the anniversary date (October 14) of the lease agreement. 2. OHS shall submit to the City of Miami a monthly statement of the manhours of flight time used by the City for that period, the manhours of flight time advanced to the City, if any, and the total numbers of flight time accumulated but not used by the City. 3. OHS shall provide such public liability and property damage insurance as the City may require to protect both parties. C. field work was completed on June 19, 1987. KC esar II. radio Dade liel ieopter City Manager .let Service Page 2 of 3 97-458 11. PRIOR YEAR'S AUDIT F1N01NGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS NOT ACTED grow A. FINDING 01 - Proof of Insurance Coverage and other Aut h or i za t ors were rani-lrrovv ei—the AUT or Prior year's audit findings indicated the following: 1. Proof of the required publ is 1 i abi 1 i ty and property damage insurance coverage, for the DIIS, could not he provided the auditor by Nancy Bahn, Assistant to the Director of the General Services Administration Department (GSA). 2. A paved auto -parking area, an additional building that may be used as a hangar or garage, and two elevated helicopter ramps pads, have been constructed on the premises. in memos dated December 7, 1983, and November 28, 1984, to Wi 11 i am J. Ter Keurst, President of OHS, from Howard nary, the former City Manager, authorization was given to erect a temporary shelter for maintenance service and additional office space. However, the auditor could not find authorization for erecting the helicopter pads or paving of an auto parking area. The auditor was informed that the files from the GSA were confiscated by the F.B.I. The auditor was therefore unable to verify whether or not these f indings were comp i ed wi th. RECOMMENDATION - The GSA should develop a system to obtain in ormation from its files that are confiscated by outside government agencies. 111. CURRENT YEAR'S AUDIT FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS A. FINDING 01 - City Flight hours According to DIIS monthly reports submitted to the City, DIIS provided 149.4 fl ight hours to the City for the period. however, DIIS did not provide documentation supporting the flight time used by the City. Therefore, the accuracy of OHS,s monthly flight time statements could not be verified. RECOMMENDATION - DIIS should have maintained adequate Wocumenta—EFn supporting the monthly flight time statements. Additionally, the Property and Lease Management Division, of the GSA should require DIIS to maintain records for all future flight time used by the City. ,. - / P4 sear 11. Odio Dade Net icopter City Manager Jet Service Page 3 of 3 81-458 8. FINnm 02 - Accumulation of Ilnitsed Manhours of Flight time ----- `— the agreement provided that "any unused manhours of flight time shall accumulate from month to month but not beyond the anniversary date of this agreement." The anniversary date was October 14, 1996. However, , DNS accumulated City flight time on a monthly basis from January 1, 1986 through December 31, 1986. RECOMMENDATION 6 i v i c ion or--Uli e provision above. flight time as agreement. IV. EXIT CONFERENCE Y. JL/ma The Property and Lease Management GSA should inform DNS of the contract DNS should therefore accumulate City of the anniversary date of tiie. Not considered necessary because all findings were discussed with Property and Lease Management personnel and William .1. Ter Keurst, President of OHS. FOLLOW-UP RESPONSIOILITIES FOR RECOMMENDATIONS Department General Services Adm. Finding / Prior Year 1 Current Year 1 b 2 Per APM 01-82, the Department Director shall submit a written response to the Director of Internal Audits and Reviews within 30 days after receipt of the audit report. cc: Ron Williams Al Armada Carlos Garcia Dade Helicopter Jet Services Auditor File Reader 99-5 HD