HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 1988-04-14 Marked Agenda0 0 M lk1 OR V1C1 "OkNoR C0MM14c10%1R C001AMIS100M R com"ISS101WE R KAVIIR t SVAR17 ROSARIO KINNF01 MR11R 1 DAV%kl%S VKTOR H. D1 YLRR1 I. t ►IUNMER. Ill• CITY MANAGER CliAR H. 0010 CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE April 14, 1989 CITY HALL 35W PAN AMERICAN DRIVE CITY ORDINANCE NO. IW67, AS AMENDED, ADOPTED MARCH 18, 1986, GENERALLY REQUIRES ALL PERSONS APPEARING IN A PAID OR REMUNERATED REPRESENTATIVE CAPACITY BEFORE CITY STAFF, BOARDS, COMMITTEES AND THE CITY COMMISSION TO REGISTER WITH THE CITY CLERK BEFORE ENGAGING IN LOBBYING ACTIVITIES. A COPY OF SAID ORDINANCE 15 AVAILABLE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, CITY HAIL. The City Commission has established a policy that the lunch recess will begin at the conclusion of dellberatlons of the agenda Item being considered at 12:00 noon; further, that Commission meetings will adjourn at the conclusion of deliberations on the agenda Item being considered at 0:00 PM. (Resolution No. 97-116) ThIa meeting shall convene at 9:00 AM. SPECIALLY SCHEDULED ITEMS Items 1 and 2 have been scheduled to be heard at 9:0` 0 _. The City Commission shall consider these Items at the specified time or thereafter as may be announced. CONSENT AGENDA Items 3 through L3 have been scheduled to be heard In the numbered sequence or as announced i the Commission. GENERAL LEGISLATIVE ITEMS Items �. through 77 stay be heard In the IN bored sequence or as announced _by the Commisslon. CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE April 14, 1 See PAGE NO 2 B&L 1 C "E Alt I NGS Item 7e has been advertised to be heard at 11:00 AM. Item TO has been advertised to be heard it 11_.0,6_AM . Item g0 has been advertised to be heard at 11_. Item 7/ has been advertised to be heard at 11__. Item i has been advertised to be heard at 2:0_ 0 PM- Itom 03 18 a Companion to Item 112 and may be considered at this time. The City Commission shall consider these Items at the specified times or thereafter as may be announced. PERSONAL APPEARANCES Items S, through 73 have been scheduled to be heard after 3:00 PM. Items 94 through 7e have been scheduled to be heard after 4:00 ►M. The City Commission shall consider these items at the specified times or thereafter as may be announced. DISCUSSION ITEMS Items 99 through 109 are discussion Items scheduled to be heard after A:3_. The City Commission shall Consider these Items at the specified time or thereafter as may be announced SPECIALLY SCHEDULED ITEM Item 110 has been advertised to be heard at 6_. The City Commission shall consider this Item at the specified time or thereafter as may be announced. 9:00 ABM OW40CATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE I DELIVERED MEETING DATE April 14. 1988 PAGE NO. 3 A. Approving the minutes of the Planning and ton 1 ng City Cow' 1 es 1 on Meet 1 ng of January !g. 1ggg. the Special Meeting of February 11. 1998 and the Regular Meeting of February 19. 1969. Is. NOTE: 9:00 AM 2. PRESENTATION$ i PROCLAMATIONS The City Clerk's Office Is the source of all legislative history references. §PECIALLI/ SCHEDULED ITEMS RESOLUTION - (J-88-203) - (ACCEPTING ELECTION RESULTS) Officially accepting the attached City Clerk's certification and declaration of the results of the special municipal election held on March 8, 1888. In which _s«wet ana noonway emprovement Jonas Of the City of Miami, Florida. and the levying of a tax to pay the principal and Interest thereon was disapproved by the electorate. (This Item was continued from the meeting Of March 10, 1988.) RESOLUTION - (J-88-202) - (ACCEPTING LECTION RESULTS) Officially accepting the attached 9j Clerk's certification and declaration of the results of the special municipal election held March 8. 1988, In which the Question Of authorising Clty-ewmed land located at 26e0 South Dayshore Drive to be which would Operate • 11111-servlGe boatyard, marina, restaurant and marine - related retail facility Was disapproved by the electorate. (This item was continued WON the meeting of march 10. log$ . ) APPROVED SEE SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA R-88-277 MOVED: KENNEDY SECOND: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS R-88-277.1 MOVED: KENNEDY SECOND: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS 0- 0 r•.ui MEETING DATE April 14, 1999 PAGE NO: 4 ODNSENT AGENDA Unless a owmber of the City Conn+ i ss i on wishes to remove a specific Item from this portion of the agenda, Items 3 through 63 Constitute the Consent Agenda. That* resolutions are ssif- explanatory and are not expected to require additional review or discussion. Each Item will be recorded as Individually numbered resolutions, adopted unanimously by the following motion: '...that the Consent Agenda Comprised Of Items 3 through 63 be adopted...• The Mayor or City Clerk shall state the ♦ol$owing: *Before the vote On adopting Items included In the Consent Agenda Is taken, Is there anyone present who Is an objector or proponent that wishes to speak on any Item In the Consent Agenda? Nearing none, the vote on the adoption of the Consent Agenda will now be taken.' (CA) 3. NESOLUTION - (J-98-213) - (AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT) thori=ing the City reement with Intl inc. •or the purchase and Installation of audio_ equlpment for the davfrnnt P.rlr 9131 .453.22; With funds for the purchase to be provided by an existing allocation for the purchase to Sayfront Park Redevelopment - Amphitheater CIP 331231. Index Code 669303-940. (This Item was deferred from the emoting of March 10. loss.) (CA) 4. IIESOLUTION - (J-98-294) - (ACCEPTING BID) Accepting the bid of American wlerr, ate.... _ ._.f... .. w.%ow rV ow"W ul nx vor the partiMnt of finance at a total proposed cost of 04,657.00; allocating funds therefor from the 1900 Operating Budget Account Code e260201-s40; authorising the City Manager to Instruct the Chief Procurement Officer to Issue a purchase order for this equipment. WITHDRAWN R-88-280 MOVEDs KENNEDY SECOND: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS i gilt CMISSION U010A MEETING DATE April 14. 1988 CONSENT AGENDA CONT'D A) a. RESOLUTION - (J-66-205) - (ACCEPTING 910) Aeceptlno the bid of Palm Peterbiit - ON the refurbishment of Fire Apparatus Aer11111 1 for the Department of Fire. Rescue and Inspection services at a total proposed Bost of 039,940.00; allocating funds therefor from the fire Bond Account Code •313222-285401-670; authorizing the City Manager to Instruct the Chief Procurement Officer to Issue a purchase order for this service. subject to the availability of funds. (; 6. RESOLUTION - (J-66-256) - (ACCEPTING 810) ACceDtlna the bid Of Industrial SulldIr r to the Department of General Services Administration on a contract basis for one (1) year with the option to renew for three (3) additional one year periods at a totae proposed first year cost of ;23.: -.00; allocating funds therefor from the 7-88 Property Maintenance Division Accou,. Code •421001-340; authorizing the City Manager to Instruct the Chief Procurement Officer to Issue a purchase order for this service; further authorizing the City Manager to extend the contract for three (3) additional one year periods under the same price. terms and conditions subject to the availability of funds. (CA) T. RESOLUTION - (J-88-207) - (ACCEPTING EXTENSION Of CONTRACT) Accepting the gxtenslon of the existing ,contract for the furnishing and Installation Of Carpeting. cushion and related materials Citywide on a contract Basis for one (1) year to Miami Rua %0%AffW=WW..W to rmn-m i nor iyy vendor) approved Originally on Resolution No. 67-306, Bid No. 66-67-040 to the Department of General Services Administration at a total lerMgsed post of 820.000 00; allocating funds therefor from the 1987-88 Property Maintenance Division Account Code 0420401- 670; authorizing the City Manager to Instruct the Chief Procurement Officer to Issue purchase orders for these materials, subject to the availability of funds. PAGE NO 5 R-88-281 MOVED: KENNEDY SECOND: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS R-88-282 MOVED: KENNEDY SECOND: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS R-88-283 MOVED: KENNEDY SECOND: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS 0 0 cmr mISSION AGEMA MEETING DATE . April 14. 1999 PAGE NO 6 oNSENT AGENDA 20T0D (CA) 5. 099OLUTION - (J-66-296) - (ACCEPTING @IDS) ame_p_ the e_ of Me 1 ntle Iman's Truck Senter (a non -minority vendor) In the s unt of 9960.019.36. Debra Turf and 073 , 7a6.00 , wa r r i e-neea vu , ux %wm- . ..— . ,_w non-nlnorlty vendor) In the amount of $15,029.00. Transtat Equipment (a non - minority vendor) 1n the amount Of $32,299.00. Palmetto Ford Truck Sales Inc (a non--mlnorlty vendor) 1n the amount of $63,381.06, Metro -Tech Equipment Corporation (a non -minority vendor) In the amount of $302 , 424.00. Nav l star International Transportation Corporation (a non -minority vendor) 1n the amount of 972,624.00. Hydraulic Maintenance. Inc. (a non-anlnorlty vendor) In the amount of $69,663.99. Adams-Oewlnd Machinery Co. (a non-4nlnorlty vendor) In the amount Of 221,400.00. M.F. Mason Equipment Corporation (a non-4minorlty vendor) In the !mount of $29,015.00, M.E. Johnson and Co. (a non -minority vendor) In the amount Of 049,360.00. U.S. Alrmotive (a non-4nlnorlty vendor) In the amount of $17.930.00 and (minority vendor) In the proposea amounc or •5,340.30 for the Department of General Services Administration for a total proposed amount Of $1,712,982.62; further authorlslno the purchases from John Deere Industrial Equipment Company (a non- olnorlty vendor) under the State of Florlda Contract No. 760-000-87-1 at a ar000sed amount of 8106.240.00 for the r utility neulereyrom cusnman motor scooter sales (a non -minority vendor) under Contract No. 070-640-66-1 at a proposed amount of $66,646.00 for a proposed Grand total of $1.905,760.62; allocating funds therefor from the 1967-89 Operating Budget Fleet Management Division Account Code No. 420201-950 (81,867,839.62) and Public Works Department Project No. 331302. Account Code No. 669303-640 ( $17 , 930.00) ; authorising the City Manager to Instruct the Chief Procurement Officer to Issue purchase orders for this equipment. R-88-284 (AS MODIFIED PER CITY ATTORNEY MEMO) MOVED: KENNEDY SECOND: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS 0 0 MEETING DATE. April 14. 1699 GE NO 7 CONSENT AGENDA CONT'O (CA) 6. RESOLUTION - (J-6•-299) - (ACCEPTING DID) Accepting the bid Of Able Sanitation. Inc. (non-+m i nor i ty vendor) for furnishing eortab 10 toilets and shower for Virginia Key Beach for the Department Of Parks, Recreation and Public facilities on a contract Oasis for one (1) year with the option to renew for one (1) additional one year period at a total proposed first year cost of 025,655.65; aliocating funds therefor from the 19$8 General Fund Account Code •590303-340; authorising the City Manager to Instruct the Chief Procurement Officer to issue a purchase order for this service; and further authorising the City Manager to extend for one (1) additional one year period under the same prices. terms and conditions; subject to the availability of funds. (CA) 10. RESOLUTION - (J-88-300) - (ACCEPTING BID) Accept 1 na the b 1 d of Pifer. 1 nc . ( a non - minority vendor) for furnishing one (1) battery operated vehicle for the Department of ►arks. Recreation and Public Facilities at a total proposed cost of 65.610.00; allocating funds therefor from the 1988 Operating Budget Account Code e560405-640; authorising the City Manager to Instruct the Chief Procurement Officer to Issue a purchase order for this equipment. (CA) 11. RESOLUTION - (J-68-301) - (ACCEPTING BID) Aoceptlna the bid of Audio Intelligent furnishing One (1) electronic directional tracking system for the Department Of ►once at a total proposed cost of 13 600. ; allocating funds therefor from the Law nforeement Trust Fund Project No. 690001 Index Code 290910-640; authorising the City Manager to Instruct the Chief Procurement Officer to Issue purchase orders for this equipment. PA R-88-319 MOVED: DE YURRE SECOND: DAWKIIIS UNANIMOUS R-88-285 MOVED: KENNEDY SECOND: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS R-88-286 MOVED: KENNEDY SECOND: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS 0 0 effy co�issioN MEETING DATE April 14. 1 tte PAGE NO 9 pDNSENT AGENDA CONT'D (CA) 12. RESOLUTION - (J-89-302) - (ACCEPTING DID) the Corporation (a non-minorlty vendor) •or furnishing one (1) Oey/night vision stabiliser wlonocula� for the Department of Police at a total proposed Cost of $7,760.00; allocating funds therefor from the Law Enforcement Trust Fund Project No. 690001 Index Code 290910-840; authorising the City Manager to Instruct the Chief Procurement Officer to Issue purchase orders for this equipment. (CA) 13. RESOLUTION - (J-66-262) - (ACCEPTING BIDS t APPROVING CHIEF PROCUREMENT OFFICER'S DECISION TO REJECT BID PROTEST) Accepting the olds of Lawman and Shooters Supply Inc. (a non -minority vendor) for furnishing 65 police automotive partitions In the proposed amount of B 10 066.65 and Public safety Devices. Inc. (a non- alnority vendor) for furnishing 86 Dollce patrol light ears In the proposed amount of $49.860.00 for the General Services Administration Department at a total proposed cost of $59,946.55; allocating funds therefor from the 1987-86 Operating Budget Fleet Management Division Account Code No. 420301-850 ($57.007.07) and Senior Citizen Specialised Policing Program Grant Project No. 110034, Account Code No. 290907-940 ($2.939.46); authorising the City Manager to Instruct the Chief Procurement Officer to Issue purchase orders for this equipment; further approving the Chief Procurement received In connection with said project. R-88-287 MOVED: KENNEDY SECOND: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS R-88-320 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS 0 0 CITY MISSION AGLENUIS MEETING DATE April 14, 1988 CXMENT AGENDA CONT'O (CA) 14. RESOLUTION - (J-98-303) - (APPROVING PURCHASE) Approving the purchase of additional microcomputers and peripheral equipment from surrOUGhs Corporation, now Unisys Corporation, under an existing Dade County Contract for the enhancement of: the Police Department's Eleven -Point Plan; the Fire Department's Computer Aided Dispatch System; existing computer systems In the Planning Department; at a proposed Cost of: 91413.000.00 for the Police Department, allocating funds therefor from the Department's Capital Improvement Project No. 312014. Index Code 299401-040; eerlod of 6 years with a fiscal year 1987- 98 payment Of $37,686.00. allocating funds from the Department's Capital Improvement Project No. 313212, Index Codes 289401-840 and $80; $37,440.00 for the Planning Department over a period of 6 years with a fiscal year 1987-38 payment of $7,880.00, allocating funds from the Department's FY 1987-1968 General Fund, Index Code 380101- 1160 for the amount of $4.640.00 and from the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan, Accounts 110039-380245 and 126001-380248 for the amount of $3,240.00. authorizing the City Manager to Instruct the Chief Procurement Officer to Issue purchase orders for the equipment. (CA) 16. RESOLUTION - (J-88-304) - (ACCEPTING SID a AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF CONTRACT) the bid Of total base bid of the proposal, for Cltvwlde Sanitary or Extension Improvement - SW 6 Court; with monies therefor allocated from the 1988 Capital Improvement Ordinance No. 10347, Project No. 361274 In the amount Of $34, 663.00 to Cover the Contract Cost, and UkuthOrizlna the City tanager to execute a Contract with said firm and directing the C_ItY Clerk t0 publish a notice Of public hear lna for oS lit lewa K% owe yens,Lrwcxson py Alfred Lloyd and Sons of Citywide Sanitary sewer Extension Improvement - SW 6 Court upon satisfactory COmpletlon of said Construction. PAGE NO 9 R-88-288 MOVED: KENNEDY SECOND: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS R-88-289 MOVED: KENNEDY SECOND: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS 0 CITY C6IAJISSIO1 now MEETING DATE April to . 1998 PAGE NO 10 COMENT AGENDA CONT'O (CA) 16. DESOLUTION - (J-88-195) - (AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT) Authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement. In a form acceptable to the City Attorney. with Metropolltan Dade no t 1) for Data Conversion Program and ram Modification Services performed by the Mlaml-Dade Water and Sewer Authority Department In conjunction with the Implementation phase of the City of Miami Stormwater Utility Program. using previously allocated funds In the amount of $17,600 from the 1984 Storm Sewer General Obligation Bond Fund. Project No. 352250, Citywide Storm Drainage Master Plan; and 2) for utility billing and Collection services established at $1.69 per bill; authorizing payment of billing and Collection services from proceeds of the stormwater utility fee. (CA) 17. RESOLUTION - (J-Sd-?OS) EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT) Authorizing the City the attached agreWw Department of Trans& the nc between e. (CA) 10. RESOLUTION - (J-98-20E) EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT) (AUTHORIZING or to execute th the Florida _on relating to roadway portion -95 and SIN 27 (AUTHORIZING Authorizing the City Manager to execute an Agreement. In a form acceptable to the City Attorney. with =ylstar A. Lukla. herefor 9 for &loon General fund. am 1 ; n services, and an 'Wed 63,000 for ram the Legislative R-88-290 MOVED: KENNEDY SECOND: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS R-88-365 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PLUMMER ABSENT: SUAREZ R-88-291 MOVED: KENNEDY SECOND: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS 0 0 MEETING DATE April 14, 1988 PAGE NO. 11 CONSENT AGENDA CONT'D (CA) 19. BMUTION - (J-98-307) - (AUTHORIZING X�rDNGREEMENT) execution of a lease =oreement. In form acceptable to the City Attorney, with ublle National Sank Of Miami, t0 lease • axlmatel,y 6,246 square feet of space on t econd floor of 2102 Coral May, Miami. Flo . at an annual rental of $62,976; funds t efor allocated from the appropriate budge departmental funds. (CA) 20. RESOLUTION - (J-98-290) - (AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT) Authorizing the City Manager to enter Into an agreement. In a form acceptable to the City Attorney, with Pleco. Inc. to provide emeroency environmental services to be submitted and approved by the Florida State Department of Environmental Regulation In connection with the groundwater contamination erablam suostation site at a total cost not to exceed $20,000 with said funds to be provided from funds appropriated to the South District Police Substation CIP Project No. 312008 and said project to be reimbursed later If and when funds are received train the State of Florida under the state Underground Petroleum Environmental Response Act of 1986 (Super Act). DISAPPROVED BY M-88-321 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS R-88-292 MOVED: KENNEDY SECOND: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS L 9 A 0 UM IMEETING DATE. Apr 1 1 14, 1999 PAGE NO 12 CONSENT AGENDA OONT'O (CA) 21. RESOLUTION - (J-•s-30S) - (AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT) Authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement In a form acceptable to the City Attorney with the Florida furniture Manufacturers Association In an amount not to exceed s6.000 for professional services that consist of planning, organizing and implementation of activities for the promotion of the Miami furniture and home accessory Industry, using funds therefor which were previously allocated to the Department of Development for econonlc development activities. (CA) 22. RESOLUTION - (J-88-309) - (AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT) Authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement with the Ricoh San -al Group (61ilcoh'). In a form acceptable to the City Attorney. setting forth the terms and conditions of a 8300.000 contribution from Ricoh as partial funding for the renovation of the Clty's Japanese Garden located on Watson Island. (CA) 23. RESOLUTION - (J-88-310) - (AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT) and directing the City Manager Metropolitan Dade County for engagement of the City of Miami to provide fire, rescue and Inspection services In connection with %ne voerasion of %ne Port of Miami. In accordance with the terms and conditions set forth In the attached agreement; and further providing that this agreement shall supersede prior Interim agreements between the parties as amended; and delegating t0 the City Manager the ability to modify the fee schedule being charged for such services. In accordance with the Wine and conditions eet forth In the attached agreement. R-88-293 MOVED: KENNEDY SECOND: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS WITHDRAWN R-88-322 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS 0 �-•1i'? HIS j I Ito= MEETING DATE April 14, 1999 PAGE NO 13 2MENT AGENDA CONT' D (CA) !, . RESOLUT 1 ON - ( J-EO-311) - ( AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT) Authorizing the City Manager to enter 1 an agreement between theClt_y of Miami administration of fire fighter-s annual physical examinations for the Department of Fire, Rescue and Inspection Services for a period of three (3) calendar years with a one year extension option retroactively commencing January 1, 1988; substantially In accordance with the terms and conditions set forth In the agreament, with an approx 1lnate first year cost Of $93,705.00 with funds to be provided for In the fire, Rescue and Inspection Services Department's General Operating Budget. (CA) 25. RESOLUTION - (J-98-312) - (AUTHORIZING AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT) f the exist) Fj procecures for police officer applicants for an additional twelve month period at a Coat not to exceed forty-seven thousand one hundred and seventy-five dollars ( A7 176) with funds therefor allocated from the Pollee Department budget; said amendment to be In a form acceptable to the City Attorney. (CA) 26. RESOLUTION - (J-86-313) - (AUTHORIZING AMENDMENT TO LEASE AGREEMENT) Author IzIno an aleendment. In substantially the form attached hereto and In a form acceptable to the City Attorney, to the lease earement dated December 29. 11�_ tween the C I tY of M I am I and the Sehoo 1 Mara of Dsde l%r.mwf-.. •..- _ . man0 0 1w wanes rarK . 1 OCated at 625 xNW 02 Street, to expand the uses allowed- to I ne 1 ude use eC t w. . _ _ R-88-323 (AS AMENDED) MOVED: SUAREZ SECOND: DAWKINS NOES: DE YURRE R-88-294 MOVED: KENNEDY SECOND: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS R-88-295 MOVED: KENNEDY SECOND: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS 0 MITT COM'AISSION AGENDA IMEETING DATE. April 14, 1988 PAGE NO 1, CONSENT AGENDA CONT'D (CA) 27. RESOLUTION — (J-89-314) — (SELECTING CPA IRM i AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT) Belecting the Certlflea rubllc Accounting firm of Touche Voss and Co. subconsulting with the minority awned account l ng firms nd 9uallfieatlons to be received In response to the Clty's and the U.S. General services Administration's solicitation for the development of a Federal Law Enforcement Building In Downtown Miami; authorizing the City Manager to enter Into a professlonal services aoreem►ent, In substantially the form attached. with said firms; authorizing compensation available from the Department of Development General Fund. Other Contractual Services Account, for services not to exceed an amount of $3e.000 for analysis of up to six Submissions, plus out-of-pocket expenses billed at Cost not to exceed 20% of professional fees, for the period Commencing upon execution of an agreement and terminating upon completion of professional services; providing that 40% of due amount for services be paid to the minority -owned subconsulting firms participating In the analysis of submissions; and further stipulating that all costs of professional accounting services be reimbursed to the City by the successful proposer. (CA) 26. RESOLUTION - ( J-el;-316 ) - ( DECLARING MOST ADVANTAGEOUS METHOD TO DEVELOP SITE a AUTHORIZING PREPARATION OF RFP) larino that the most advantageous hod to develop Certain Improvements on Y-owned land I Is by a Unlfled eloOment Project (UDP), authorizing the y Manager to prepare a draft Request Proposals (RFP) for a UDP, and firming the setting of a public hearine f •,«• sr s� ■� > »o ww i itrNt More Commonly known as the 'Municipal Justice Building Property'; and at the conclusion Of the public hearing to authorize the Issuance of a RFP. select a certified Public accounting firm and appoint members of a review committee to evaluate proposals and report findings to the City Manager as required by the Cltv Charter R-88-296 MOVED: KENNEDY SECOND: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS R-88-324 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS ABSENT: DE YURRE "Although absent during roll C,il Comm. DE YURRE requested of the Cielk to be s�o,vi as voting YES o.1 the m�:ion." el" ISSION UMA MEETING DATE April 14. 1966 PAGE NO 15 CKMENT AGENDA OONT'0 (CA) I$. RESOLUTION - (J-96-316) - (DESIGNATING CATEGORY •B. PROJECT) naslenatine as a Category 'S' orolect the Administration sullding rnase 11; luthorizing the City Manager to advertise snr the reculred orofesslonal planning and des l an services; •ppo mi mu • Certification committee of not less than three appropriately licensed professionals from the City's staff; authorizing the City Manager to appoint a fourth certification committee Member from the private sector subsequent to receipt of the proposals, and appointing John E. Gilchrist. Director. Department of Development as chairman of the Competitive Selection Committee. all In accordance with Florida Statutes Chapter 267.055, and City of Miami Ordinance No. 0572, adopted February 10. 1983, which ordinance established procedures for contracting for such professional services and also established negotiation requirements with regard to the furnishing of such services. (CA) 30. RESOLUTION - (J-66-316) - (APPOINTING MEMBER) Appointing Mr. Arturo Jordan to the City of Miami Audit Advisory Committee. (CA) 31. RESOLUTION - (J-96-216) - (AUTHORIZING MPL01/MENT OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICES) Authorizing the City orofesslonal service rwcanownanxions regeraing xne city of Miami Ia telecommunications eau Iament *yet e"' for General Services Administration Department. Communications Services Division; allocating an amount not to OXCeed $35,000 therefor from the General Services Administration Department Operating Budget. R-88-326 MOVED: KENNEDY SECOND: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS R-88-297 MOVED: KENNEDY SECOND: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS R-88-336 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PLUMMER NOES: DE YURRE & SUAREZ 40 5 C� ARMAM MEETING DATE. Apr 1 1 14, 1990 (CA) 32. CONSENT AGENDA CONT'0 L1EtOL_UTI__ - (J-89-319) - (AUTHORIZING ISSUANCE OF REVOCABLE PERMIT) Authorlslnn the City Manager's Issuance of a revocable permit, In a form acceptable to the City Attorney, to Michael Alan Wolf Memorlal Concept Mouse. a non-profit corporation, to allow the use of City- owneO property located at 4850 HE 2 Avenue, Miami, Florida, for administrative A7 it Connection With their substance abuse proaraTn. at a user fee of s 100.00 per ear; said permit being for an Initial ten-year period, with successive authority being given for Said permit to remain valid for one-year periods. subject to the City Managers approval. (CA) 33. RESOLUTION - (J-88-320) - (AUTHORIZING ISSUANCE OF REVOCABLE PERMIT) Authorlslna the City Manager's Issuance of a revocable permit. In a form acceptable to the City Attorney, with Centro Hlspano care, a non-profit agency of Catholic Community Services, for the use of City - owned property located at 1e1 Nw 47 program. at an annual fee of $100. 00 per year; Bald permit being for an Initial one-year period, with successive authority being Olven for sold permit to remain valid for one-year periods, subject to the City Managers approval. PAGE NO. 1 S R-88-298 MOVED: KENNEDY SECOND: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS R-88-299 MOVED: KENNEDY SECOND: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS SION AGENDA CITY Cowls MEETING DATE April 14. 1.98 PAGE NO 17 22MENT AGENDA QQNT'D (CA) 34. ItESOLUTION - (J-98-321) - (AUTHORIZING AOGUISITION OF PROPERTY) Authorizing the City Manager to wake an pffer to property owner for acquisition of pne parcel (parcel No. 03-11) within the Allapattah Community Development Target Area and which Is more particularly and legally described In the attached exhibits •A• and 9 111 9 9 to be used for the development of housing attoraacie to vow and moderate Income families In connection with the City sponsored scattered alto affordable housing development program; further designating previously appropriated 11th Year Community Development Land Acquisition funds In the amount of 91,000.000 to cover the Cost of said acquisition; further authorizing the City Attorney to proceed to close on the subject parcel after examination of the Abstract and Confirmation Of Opinion of Title. (CA) 35. RESOLUTION - (J-88-322) - (AUTHORIZING ACOUISIT15N OF PROPERTY) Authorizing the City Manager to wake offers to property owners for acquisition of six parcels (Parcels No. 02-23, 02-25. 02-30. 02-31. 02-34, and 02-41) within the Model City Community Development Target Area and which are more particularly and legally described In the attached exhibits •A• and one" to be used for the and moderate Income families In connection with the City sponsored scattered site affordable housing development program; further designating previously appropriated l/th Year ConvnunIty Development Land Acquisition funds In the amount of $1,000.000 to cover the cost of said acquisitions; further authorizing the City Attorney to proceed to close on the subject parcels after examination Of the Abstract and Confirmation of Opinion of Title. R-88-300 MOVED: KENNEDY SECOND: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS R-88-301 MOVED: KENNEDY SECOND: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS e � CITY AdIkAMILIS Sam aiSSION UENA MEETING DATE April 14, 1988 PAGE NO 16 CONSENT AGENDA CONT'0 (CA) 36. RESOLUTION - (J-96-226) - (AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF INSTRUMENT FORMALLY RELEASING a CANCELLING COVENANT IL AMENDED COVENANT) Izlnn and r Certain covenant to run with the land and amended covenant to run with the land executed by Ronald A. Fieldstone, Trustee. concernlno that property known as 121 at Pape 1 Dade County, deferred from rag as recorded In Plat Book F of the Public Records of Florida. (This Item was the meeting of March 10. (CA) 37. RESOLUTION - (J-86-323) - (ACCEPTING DONATION) Accepting the donation of a /986 Wheeled Coach sus Model 1600 valued at $39.000 from MCF Corporation for use by City departments occupying the Aviation Avenue building. (CA) 38. RESOLUTION - (J-86-324) - (ACCEPTING DONATION) Formally approving and confirming the City Y------ . - - - - -- - - - - - . having a 000. from ti u6sssve navana. Inc. and Frlto-lay. Inc. In accordance with the City's *Pride In Miami Parks• Adopt -a -Park Program.. further authorizing the City Manager to execute necessary documents, In a form acceptable to the City Attorney, to Implement sald donation. R-88-302 MOVED: KENNEDY SECOND: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS R-88-303 MOVED: KENNEDY SECOND: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS R-88-304 MOVED: KENNEDY SECOND: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS rit'a•1 MEETING DATE Apr 1 1 14. 1.88 PAGE NO. 19 (CA) 39. (CA) 40. CONSENT AGENDA COW 'O ESOLUT10N - (J-0E-325) - (ACCEPTING NATION) Approving the donation to the City of a pna Inaleator Corporation (ASbI) at four (4) sitz Of Miami public facllltles; Buthorizlna the City Manager to submit a letter of acceptance. In substantially the attached form. and to execute such documents. 1n a form acceptable to the City Attorney. as may be necessary to Implement said donation. which donation results from the Concerted effort by Coogan Enterprises. Inc.. an authorized representative of AS31, said representative being authorized to secure, at no Cost to the City, appropriate sponsors/donors of said system; said acceptance being subject to the provisions set forth In said letter of acceptance and In the attached schedule. RESOLUTION - ( J-dll-213 ) ALLOCATION Or FUNDS) Allocatingfunding not hundred thousand ( 1s 00•ooc Of Miami Law Enforcement Comer the necessary expen the Miami Police Cos an4 DEW Olverslonary Program. - (AUTHORIZING one no to (CA) 41. RESOLUTION - (J-48-220) - (DIRECTING CLERK TO ►UBLItH NOTICE OF PUBLIC NEARING) 1 1 ( fi I d •A •) M-A606A . j in musna et - Phase R-88-305 MOVED: KENNEDY SECOND: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS R-88-306 MOVED: KENNEDY SECOND: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS R-88-307 MOVED: KENNEDY SECOND: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS effy COW-USSION AGOIDA MEETING DATE April 14. 1900 PAGE NO 20 CONSENT AGENDA CONT'D (CA) 42. RESOLUTION - (J-69-327) - (DIRECTING CLERK TO PUBLISH NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING) Dlrgctlno the City Clerk to DUbllsh a Me City ruction improywwnt - Inase 11 w a was) 1n Buena Vista Highway Improvement District - Phase 11 (Sid 'B') N-46066. (CA)_43. RESOLUTION - (J-66-326) - (ACCEPTING COMPLETED WORK i AUTHORIZING FINAL PAYMENT) Accepting the Completed work of Douglas N. Woo Ino, Inc. at a total cost of $122,634.60 for Winona Sanitary Sewer Project Phase i C.I.P. Project No. 351169 and authorizing a final payment of $22, 246.15 . (CA) 44. RESOLUTION - (J-66-329) - (ACCEPTING COMPLETED WORK 1)< AUTHORIZING FINAL PAYMENT) the s c.�.r. Project No. 341162 and • final payment of $21,784.00. Of P.N.M. 217.648.00 (CA) 46. RESOLUTION - (J-06-330) - (ACCEPTING COMPLETED WORK i AUTHORIZING FINAL PAYMENT) the k of Mlrl -vJw' X•--�wnss - we' 1e Meade Traffic Barr 14 Project C.I.P. Project No. 341152 ar authorizlnn a final eameent of •7 7,306.39. R-88-308 MOVED: KENNEDY SECOND: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS R-88-309 MOVED: KENNEDY SECOND: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS R-88-310 MOVED: KENNEDY SECOND: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS R-88-311 MOVED: KENNEDY SECOND: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS r Ph 0 c ITY ISS ION A6EIIDA MEETING DATE. Apr i 1 14, 1966 PAGE NO. 21 Ali=ENT AGENDA COW - D (CA) 46. STREET - (J-98-331) - (AUTHORIZING TCLOSURES) Concerning a trade to be Conducted by the City Of Miami Camittee on Beautification and Environment on May 6. 19ss authorising the closure of designated streets to through Vehicular traffic; subject to the Issuance of permits by the Departments of Ponce and Fire, Rescue and Inspection Services. (CA).47. RESOLUTION - (J-88-333) - (AUTHORIZING STREET CLOSURES) Concerning • ap rade to be conducted by Delta Nu Alpha Transportation Fraternity, Inc. on May 20._1988 approving the use of designated streets to through vehicular traffic; subject to the Issuance of permits by the Departments of Police and Fire. Rescue and Inspection Services and the condition that the City will be Insured against any potential liability. (CA) 46. RESOLUTION - (J-88-334) - (AUTHORIZING STREET CLOSURES) Concerning conducted the Law Day Run 1969 to be by the Greater Miami Running per by the Departments Of Fire. Rescue and Inspection conditioned upon the Organisers the necessary costs Of City associated with said event requirement that the City against any potential liability, POIIce and Services; paying for services and the be Insured R-88-312 MOVED: KENNEDY SECOND: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS R-88-313 MOVED: KENNEDY SECOND: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS R-88-314 MOVED: KENNEDY SECOND: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS r ok effy cm—ISSION UBIBA MEETING DATE Apr 1 1 14, 1909 PAGE NO. 22 ENT AGENDA OONT'D (CA) 49. PESOLUTION - (J-85-335) - (AUTHORIZING STREET CLOSURES) Concerning • a�rad to be conducted by Metropolitan Dade County in cooperation with the City of Miami on May •. 1996 authorizing the closure of designated atreets to through vehlcular traffic; subject to the Issuance of permits by the Departments of police and fire. Rescue and Inspection Services; and the condition that the City will be Insured against any potential liability. (CA) 50. RESOLUTION - (J-08-336) - (AUTHORIZING STREET CLOSURES) Concerning the Manufacturers Hanover Corporate Challenge to be conducted by the Greater Miami Running Association on May 10. 1989. closing certain streets to through vehicular traffic. subject to the Issuance of permits by the Departments of police and fire, Rescue and Inspection Services; conditioned upon the organizers paying for the necessary costs of City services associated with said event and the requirement that the City be Insured against any potential liability. (CA) 51. RESOLUTION - (J-e6-332) - (AUTHORIZING STREET CLOSURES) Concerning the Bud Light U.S. Triathlon Series to be conducted by CAT Sports. Inc. on May 1. 1966. closing certain streets to through vehicular traffic. subject to the Issuance of permits by the Departments of Police and fire. Rescue and Inspection Services; conditioned upon the organizers paying for the necessary coats of City services associated with aald event and the requirement that the City be Insured against any potential liability. R-88-315 MOVED: KENNEDY SECOND: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS R-88-316 MOVED: KENNEDY SECOND: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS R-88-317 MOVED: KENNEDY SECOND: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS P P s�iz'�4• L •,A� dill]' A6�NA MEETING DATE April 14, 1988 PAGE NO. 23 CONSENT AGENDA CON�'D (CA) 62. 099OLUTION - (J-88-337) - (FORMALIZATION) R-88-318 MOVED: KENNEDY Authorizing the City Manager. Or his SECOND: PLUMMER designee. to declare six Q) surplus City UNANIMOUS vehicles as Catenory •A• surplus stock. Crime Prevention_ sub -Council. an organisation affiliated with the Northeast Crime Prevention Association; said vehicles to be used by the Northeast Crime Prevention sub-Counell to assist the City of Miami Police Department In Its efforts toward deterring Crime. (CA) 63. 11ESOLUTION - (J-06-330) - (FORMALIZATION) R-88-347 MOVED: DAWKINS Allocatlna $30.000 from the 1987-58 SECOND: DE YURRE Operating Budget Of the Solid Waste UNANIMOUS Department. In support of the *Keep Dade .--... a A..I a--------&-d•------- —.�.—� siminatlna probIon areas In the environmental development of the go�tn_. further authorizing the City Manager to enter Into an agreement with sold organisation In a form acceptable to the City Attorney. P t^ effy CMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE April 14. 1988 PAGE NO 24 NOTE: Items through 77 stay be heard -- - — -- -------- ORDINANCES - EMERGENCY 54. EMERGENCY ORDINANCE - (J-66-339) (4/6TMS VOTE) (NOTE: This ordinance Is being requested on an emergency basis In order to expedite the repairs and to reduce the cost of damage resulting from burglaries and vandalism.) Amendlnp Section 1 of Ordinance No. 10347, as amended. adopted November 16. 1067. the Caoltal ImDrovements ADDrODriatlons lishlno t entitled 'Simpson Park Renovations`, Project No. 331346, In the amount of 3$j 5.000; appropriating funds therefor from revenue Project No. 395001. 01572 Parks and Recreation; containing a repealer provision and a severablllty clause. 55. EMERGENCY ORDINANCE - (J-66-340) (4/6TMS VOTE) (NOTE: This ordinance Is being requested on an emergency basis In order to ensure that funds are In place prior to the start of the 1E88 Sumer Recreation Program.) Establlshlna a new SMIa1 revenue fund entitled: •Recreation Activity Consolidated.• and approprlatino funds for Its operation In the amount of $250.000 from prior year recreation activity fund balances and from anticipated recreation revenue collections through September 30. 1966; containing a repealer provision and severablllty clause. EMERGENCY ORDINANCE 10412 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS EMERGENCY ORDINANCE 10425 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PLUMMER ABSENT: SUAREZ P 0*4 MEETING DATE Apr 1 1 11, 1998 66. ORDINANCES - EMERGENCY CONT'O RM 111GENCY ORD I NAME - ( d-68-Sa 1 ) (4/6TMS VOTE) (_: This ordinance Is being requested on an emergency basis In order for Construction to be 0OMPleted by the duly opening Of the Arena.) Authorl=Ina the Issuance of $2.600.000 In aooreoate OrinclOal amount Of Subordinated Parkinp Systems Revenue Bonds, Series 1088. Of the City for the purpose of acquiring land and paying a portion Of the costs of erecting and Constructing public parking facilities within the corporate limits Of the City Of Miami; providing for the payment Of the principal Of and the Interest On such bonds from (1) amounts on deposit In the General Reserve Account created pursuant to Ordinance No. 10116 of the City with respect to the Issuance of the City's $16,276.000 Parking System Revenue Bonds. Series 1986, on a parity with certain obligations of the City entered Into pursuant to Ordinance No. 10186 of the City with respect to the Issuance Of the City's $2,000,000 Subordinated Parking System Revenue Bonds. Series 1086; and (11) from Other amounts as provided herein; providing for Certain Covenants and agreements In Connection therewith; awarding the sale Of such bonds to Barnett Bank of South Florida. N.A.; authorising the City Or an entity appointed by the City to act as paying agent and registrar with respect to said bonds; authorising Certain officials of the City to execute any documents required In Connection herewith; authorising Certain Officials and employees Of the City to take all actions required In Connection with the Issuance of said bonds; and providing an effective date. PAGE NO 26 EMERGENCY ORDINANCE 10423 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: DE YURRE UNANIMOUS awn- 4 LPI MEETING DATE April 14, 19811 PAGE NO. 26 ORDINANCE$ - V ERGENCT W NT'0 67. WERGENCT ORDINANCE - (J-•s-342) (4/&TMS VOTE) (_: This ordinance Is being requested on an salergency basis so as to provide Immedlate funds for the Continuation of the program.) Ame_ Section 1 of Ordinance No. 10203. adopted Januarys. 19e7. Concerning the special revenue fund entitled 'Pre-school ►rogram - Consolidated.- by Increasing the aooroorlatlons for the ooeratlon of the gala program py •7z.y7P tram Program ►articipation fees and designated food reimbursements from the United states Department of Agriculture; containing a repealer provision and a severabillty clause. GO. EMERGENCY ORDINANCE - (J-88-343) (4/6TMS VOTE) (_: This ordinance Is being requested on an emergency basis due to the State advising the Miami Pollee Oepartwsnt Of unexpended funds which must be encumbered prior to June 30. 1968 or be returned.) Establishing a new entitled:-Tralnl ration In ; a he award from the state Of florlda; Containing a repealer provision and severablllty clause. EMERGENCY ORDINANCE 10413 MOVED: KENNEDY SECOND: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS EMERGENCY ORDINANCE 10414 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS r OWA CITY MMISSION Boa MEETING DATE April 14. 1999 PAGE NO. 27 BEAD I NANCES - EMERGENCY (QNT ' D 611. EMPOENCY ORDINANCE - ( J-Ss-34 5 ) (4/6TMS VOTE) (NOTE: This ordinance Is being requested on an emergency bas 1 s In order to Insure that grant monies offered by the U.S. Bureau of Justice Assistance. through the State Of Florida Department of Community Affairs, for the 'Senior Citizen Specialized Policing Programs Grant 2nd Year Continuation % are not jeopardized.) Amendlno Ordinance No. 10262 adopted on April O. 11187 establishing resources and appropriations for the Law Enforcement Trust Fund received and deposlted pursuant to Ordinance 0257. adopted April 0. 1981. which created said fund. by Increasing In the amount of 8600.000 as a result of accitional monies deposited in said fund due to successful forfeiture actions: containing a repealer provision and severability clause. GO. EMMERGENCY ORDINANCE - ( J-al)-34 4 ) (4/GTMS VOTE) (NOTE: This ordinance Is being requested on an emergency basis to ensure the funding of salaries for the continuation of Senior Citizen Specialized Policing Programs Grant which expires (March 31, 1988.) Sstabllshlno a special revenue fund entitled: •Senior Citizens Specialized Policing Program 2nd Year Continuation•. WWWW GMnvuni pr i7D 1 . ZZ Composed Coposed of $176. A 11 frothe United States Bureau of Justice Assistance and $176.610 from the City of M i am i Law Enforcement Trust Fund; and ratifying. approving and Confirming the action of the City Manager In 1110000t ing the S361.221 Grant award from wWW"W,I,&r strraire: containing a repealer provision and severabillty clause. NOTE: I tsm 61 IS a eonpan i on to I teie 60 and may be Considered at this time. EMERGENCY ORDINANCE 10415 (AS AMENDED) MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS EMERGENCY ORDINANCE 10416 MOVED: KENNEDY SECOND: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS P 0*14 cRr COMMISSION AGENOA MEETING DATE April 1e. 1989 PAGENO 28 9RD1NANCES - DIERGENCY CONT'D $1. RESOLUTION - (J-88-346) - (RATIFYING ACTION OF CITY MANAGER) watlfying. approving and confirming the action of the City Manager In accepting a one hundred seventy five thousand six hundred eleven dollars (t175.611) Senior Citizen SDeclallzed Polleina Proaram Grant R2M!unity Affairs for the purpose of Wnploylnp thirteen (13) Law Enforcement Officers to patrol thirty-four (34) senior citizen sites and to provide these residents with crime prevention presentations; allocating funds. In an amount not to exceed one hundred seventy five thousand six hundred ten dollars (8175.610) from the City of Miami Law Enforcement Trust Fund for the purpose Of providing matching funds to Implement this project; further authorizing the City Manager to Instruct the Department of persons. 62. EMERGENCY ORDINANCE - (J-66-156) (4/5TMS VOTE) (NOTE: This Item Is being presented as an emergency In order to have the proposed elmendlment In place prior to the ODA Apr 1 1 16. 1966 meeting in order to Insure a quorum of members to decide Important matters that will affect the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Miami.) _Amending subsections (a) and (c) of Section 14-26 Of the Code of the City of M I aem 1 . Florida, as amended, by Increasing a ne Clty of Miami and the rop— ool t n Dade County to o oting members. NOTE: Item 43 Is related to Item 62 and may be oonslderad at this time. 63• RESOLUTION - (J-e6-167) - (REAPPOINTING i APPOINTING MEMBERS) R*appolnting and appointing certain Indlvlduals to serve on the Board of the Downtown Development Authority of the City Of Miami. R-88-329 MOVED: KENNEDY SECOND: DE YUHHE UNANIMOUS L EMERGENCY ORDINANCE 10424 (AS AMENDED) MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS SEE AMENDING M-88-348 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS NOES: SUAREZ W 88-349 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS R-88-350 MOVED: KENNEDY SECOND: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS P CITY COMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE April 14, 1089 PAGE NO ZS 2 DINANCES - EMERGENCY WNT'O •a. EMERGENCY ORDINANCE - (J-88-347) (A/&THS VOTE) (DOTE: This ordinance Is being requested on an einergency basis so that start-up funds can be expended to prepare for the sumoor food program.) Fetabllshlno a new entitled: 'Sumter for Children - IF funds for the doer r (1J.5.0.A. ); autnor1 to accept the grar and to enter contract(*) and/or acceptance Of the repealer provision Clause. of sane i a Oran Ing the City Manager award from U.S.D.A. nto the necessary agreament(s) for the grant; Containing a and a severablllty MTE: Item 05 is related to I tern Se and may be considered at this time. e5. RESOLUTION - (J-ee-SMe) - (CONDITIONALLY AUTHORIZING DADE COUNTY TO ACCEPT BID) 11 Ited States Depar SDA) approved 1 further authorizing County to enter in Contract(*) and/or agr suCCessful bidder(*). Lag Metropolitan thCity of Miami .e. and accept the endors to provide t of Agriculture es to eligible finer of lose, and atropolitan Dade with the EMERGENCY ORDINANCE 10417 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS R-88-330 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS P P MEETING DATE Apr 1 1 14, 1966 So. 2R0INANCES - SECOND READING 11ECOND READING ORDINANCE - (J-98-107) rs oeoar =tYM• %w.f ..% w. a.. %..w wIw. Ww. Ewa.. %I. • •..W—WW. Which *halt hereafter be known as the Department of finance and Computers, also providing for the transfer of funds, personnel, records, and equipment currently budgeted for the Computers Department to the Department of finance and Computers; further providing for future reapproprlatlon Of said budgeted funds and authorising the expenditure of said funds by the Department of finance and Computers; and providing that the Director of the Department of finance and Computers *hall continue to be Identified as the finance Director of the City of Miami; containing a repealer provision and a severablllty clause. Date(s) Continued : Feb 18. 1986 Date first Reading as amended : Mar 10. lfds Moved Comm P 1 ummer Second : Cosmic Kennedy (Y) : Suarez. Kennedy. I umme r (N) : Dawkins. DeYurre 67. SECOND READ1M ORDINANCE - (J-88-296) Ame_ ne.ina Section 69-161 of the Code of the City Of Miami. Florida, as amended. by channinO the rate schedule for the use and Pecupancy of and the services furnished or to be furnished In nnnnmw!!*1&%n rltw *w- repealer provision, and providing for an Date first Reading: Moved = Second = Vote sn_; containing a severablllty clause effective date. War to. Igoe Coven P 1 u me r Covell Kennedy unan Islous PAGE 140 90 DEFERRED MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS ORDINANCE 10418 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS h IM` A=I�M runs MIT "MISSION MEETING DATE: April la. 1999 PAGE NO 31 CWD1NANCES - SECOND HEADING OONT'D 68. BEOOND READIM 2R0INANCE - (J-88-236) Setabllehlnd a new DPW -dal revenue entitled: •"*using Development preersm - 19870. appropr lat Ina funs A n Construction financing to Design M_anagen+ent V11 Associates. Developer/Owner Of a one hundred twenty-flve (125) unit rental housing development for the elderly; Containing a repealer provision and severabllity Clause. Date first Reading: Mar 10. 1088 Moved : Caen ► l vier Second : Cox- Kennedy Vote : Unan Imous 68. SECOND READING ORDINANCE - (J-88-237) Ainending Sections 1 and 6 Of Ordinance No. 10321, adopted September 22, 1887, the Annual Appropriations Ordinance, for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1688. by Increasing the appropriations to the Department of Parks. Recreation and Public Facilities by $378,000. and by Increasing revenues In the same amount from Dade County School Board Lease Payments; Containing a repealer provision and a severablllty Clause. Date First Reading: Mar 10, 1988 Moved : Conn P 1 ummer Second t Cam Kennedy Vote : Unanimous 70. SECOND READING ORDINANCE - (J-86-236) Ame_ ndlno Section 1 of Ordinance No. 10347, adopted November 18. 1687. the Capital the protect entitled 'Northwest River Orlve Acauisltlon Project - Kreldt Property'. Project No. 416002. In the WMgnt of 93_I,000 and appropriating - d from Property and Lease Management's Enterprise Fund - Retained Earnings; Containing a repealer provision and a severablllty Clause. Date First Reading: Mar 10, 1988 Moved : Cam Kennedy Second : Como P I ummer Vote : Unanimous ORDINANCE 10419 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS ORDINANCE 10420 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS ORDINANCE 10421 MOVED: KENNEDY SECOND: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS car CMISSION um MEETING DATE Apr 1 1 14. 1999 PAGE NO 32 ORDINANCES - SECOND READING CONT'O 71. §EODND READING ORDINANCE - (J-89-240) linen_ Section 1 of Ordinance No. 10349. adopted November 1$. 1997. O_ mataellahed a special revenue fund ant i t led: -mternency sne i ver cram 0gjI)•, ppproprlatln0 funds for Oper of same In the amount Of $203,000 N.S. Department Of Housing and velopment (USMUD). by Increasing 1pproprlation by $32,000 to $235,000. Date First Reading: Mar 10, 1968 Moved : Cam DeYurre Second Como Suarez (Y) : Suarez. DaYurre. Kennedy (N) : Dawkins, Plulener ORDINANCES - FIRST READING 72. FIRST READING ORDINANCE - (J-86-349) Amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 10366 adopted January 14, 1966. by appropriating the additional sum of 2801.955 at present allocated as revenue In the Community Qevelopment Block Grant Funds. $172,359 In Fifth (6th) Year and $29.696 In Seventh (7th) Year and all future revenues generated llkewlse, Said amounts to be transferred from said revenue funds and allocated as budget funds In the Twelfth 412th) Year Citywide Dsnolltlon of Substandard Bulldlnas ►rolect. to be Carried Out by the Building and Zoning Department plus_ $600.000 Of DroJected goency Tuna ant itIad: •Community Development Block Grant Twelfth (12th) Year ; Containing a repealer provision and a severablllty Clause. ORDINANCE 10422 MOVED: KENNEDY SECOND: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS DEFERRED MOVED: KENNEDY SECOND: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS r MEETING DATE April 14. 1989 PAGE NO 33 ORDINANCES - FIRST READING CCNT'p 73. €1 RST READ 1 M ORDINANCE - ( .1-s9-360 ) Amending the ad* Of the City of Miami. Florida as amended, to add and remove certain eosltlons where persons employed Of Miami rement Trust (Retirement an) Or the CItY Of Mlam and Police Officers Retirement Trust (Retirement System) and to authorize distribution of contributions made by and On behalf Of such persons filling those positions as provided for In a trust agreement approved by the City Commission and to delete otherwise llmlting restrictions upon such distribution; further, to remove an additional Option by the City Manager to reject membership In the Retirement Plan or Retirement system and have a separate retirement benefits account established for holding contributions made by and on behalf of the City Manager; further, to add language specifically setting forth the requirement of uninterrupted member service which must be met before a vested right to an executive benefit may be deemed to have existed On or before May .23. 1955; more particularly amending sections 40-214, 40- 234 and 40-241 Of said Code; containing a repealer provision and a severabllity clause. WITHDRAWN F A GdbLNDn MEETING DATE April 14, 1999 PAGE NO. Se RESOLUTIONS 74. 699OLUTION - (J-8e-361) - (AUTHORIZING R-88-328 EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT) MOVED: KENNEDY SECOND: DAWKINS Authoriz!M the City Manager to execute an UNANIMOUS agreement. In a form acceptable to the City Attorney, between the City of Miami and the Sayslde Minority foundation, for the purpose of Implementlna a technical assistance program for minority tenants at Sayslde; further dlrectlno the Clty Manager to allocate 1 59.000-on from the uncommitted balance of approximately one hundred eighteen thousand dollars (8110,000) that remains of the original one million dollars ($1.000.000) established by the City for loans to minority businesses at Sayslde; further directing the City Manager to amend the Sayslde aoreement between the Clty of Miami and Miami Capital Development, Inc.. In • form acceptable to the City Attorney, apnount; conditioning all of the above upon receipt of Federal approval for the use of said allocation for the herein Intended purpose. Department of Finance 76. NESOLUTION - (J-611-317) - (AUTHORIZING R-88-333 ADVERTISEMENT i DISTRIBUTION OF RFP MOVED: PLUMMER APPOINTING A REVIEW COMMITTEE) SECOND: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS Authorlslno and Instructing the Director of Finance to advertise and distribute attached TOGuest for proposals for flnanclal advisory services for the City of Miami for a two-year period. and appointing • review Coma ttse. MEET04DATE April 14, 1996 PAGE NO 35 BOARDS AND CO1r1AA I TTEES 76. RESOLUTION - (J-88-244) - (APPOINTING MEMBERS) Appointing certain Individuals to the City of Miami Latin Quarter Review Board for approximately a two year term of office ending February 27. 1990. (This Item was withdrawn from the meeting of March 10. loss.) 77. RESOLUTION - (J-66-245) - (APPOINTING a REAPPOINTING MEMBERS) Appointing certain Individuals to fill five vacancies on the City of Miami Affirmative Action Advisory Board and reappointing certain Individuals to said Board. (This Item was continued frm the meeting of March 10, 1986.) PUBLIC HEARINGS 11:00 AM 78. RESOLUTION - (J-96-352) - (RATIFYING MANAGER'S FINDING OF SOLE SOURCE) (4/6THS VOTE) By a 4/6ths affirmative vote Of the members of the City Commleslon after a duly advertised public hearing, ratifying the City Manager's flnding of sole source; waiving the requirements for competitive sealed Olds and approving the acaulsltlon gf twenty-four ( 24 ) portable d-subf 1 act w• •••w ■+• vvv:.v w0Nx vT 643.yyy 00 for the Department Of ►arks. Recreation and Public Facilities; allocating funds therefor from the 1968 Operating Budget Account Code Nos. 660303-11140 ($10.800.00). 680301-840 ($6.000.00). 640402-840 (s19.000.00). 680403-940 (83.600.00). 600407-940 ($3.600.00); authorlaing the City Manager to Instruct the Chief Procurement Officer to Issue a purchase order for this eaulpment. R-88-334 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS M-88-334.1 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS R-88-335 MOVED: KENNEDY SECOND: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS R-88-337 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY NOES: DAWKINS & effy SUMISSION Boa MEETING DATE April 14, Ipss PAGE NO 36 PUSL 1 C HEARINGS WNT ' D 11:05 AM 79. RESOLUTION - (J-S•-11W - (AWARDING WAIVER OF CODE tECT10N IL AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT) (4/6TMS VOTE) 11:10 AM Waiving. by a 4/6ths affirmative vote of the members Of the City Coernlsslon after a duly advertised public hearing. the erohlbltion aoalnst the transaction of business with a City Official as SUCK prohibition applies to Pat Skublsh as Inc_. who Is also a Member of the Clty's Zoning Soard; authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement. In a form acceptable to the City Attorney. with P.S. Consultants. Inc.. In sn smount not to lonal i for rtown/Par weoeveicament project; with monies therefor allocated for said agreement from the Department of Development's fY 1997-dd budgeted funds. 80 . RESOLUTION - ( J-Sll-361) - (RATIFYING MANAGER'S FINDING OF AN EMERGENCY i AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT) (4/6TMS VOTE) r comoot 1 t 1 r services smaer n I zat Ion Protect•; ratifying, approving and Confirming the Clty Manager's written finding that a valid WWW11c a rgleney exists Justifying such waiver for said project, authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement. In a form acceptable to the City Attorney, with Kunde. Spreeher. Vaskln and Associates. Inc-. as said consultant for said project for the burpose of preparing plans and specifications for said project and for fast -track Completion of Phase 1 of said project; pl locat ins an Smount mu%* •.. WAGWWO sdu,ow tram the special revenue fund entitled •Metro -Dade Tourist •ed Taxe. Project No. 196001. for said eonsultant'a fees for the Initial phase of Sold project; and further authorizing the City Manager to make arrangements for short-term and/or long-term financing for the Construction of the total project and for the balance of consultant fees, Subject to the review and approval Of such f final arrannow—to - *­ R-88-338 MOVED: KENNEDY SECOND: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS LATER RECONSIDERED BY M-88-351 MOVED: SUAREZ SECOND: DE YURRE UNANIMOUS P-88-358 MOVED: KENNEDY SECOND: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS R-88-359 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY NOES: DE YURRE & SUAREZ R-88-339 (AS AMENDED) MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS 1k CITY I6�MMISSIDN AGENDA MEETING DATE Apr I 1 14. 1991S PAGE NO 37 PUBLIC HEARINGS OONT'D 11:15 AM t ESOL(JTION - (J-:S-36b) - (RATIFYING R-88-340 NAGEm's FINDING OF EMERGENCY MOVED: DAWKINS CIRCUMSTANCES i AUTHORIZING INCREASE IN SECOND: KENNEDY OONTRACT) UNANIMOUS (4/5THS VOTE) Itlna an _Increase In the contr the City of Miami, Florida and Macsenrdarr Corporation dated April 23, 1987 for the Construction of Citywide Sanitary Replacement Project - MIN a Street Road CIP Project No. 351276. said funds to be provided from funds allocated to the project; further ratifying the City Manager•• written flndlnos that the herein Increase resulted frog+ emergency Circumstances by an affirmative vote of four /fifths Of the ewnbers of the City Cones+ 1 ss I on , and adopting the findings and Conclusions set forth In the preamble of this Resolution. e2. RESOLUTION - (J-9e-356) - (AUTHORIZING SUBMISSION OF GRANT PROGRAM FINAL STATEMENT) Authorizlno the City Manager to submit the attached approved Grant rrooram Final Statement to the U.S. Department of Mousing and Urban Development 1NU131 reguesting funds In the amount Of $11,297,000 for the Clty's proposed Cc munIty Development Iroarem during Me- 1_; further authorlsino the City Ma_, upon approval of said grant by NUB. to accept the same and execute the necessary leap 1 em+ent i ng contracts and agreements. Item !3 Is a oanpanion to Itaw !2 and may be considered at this time. 83. FIRST HEADING ORDINANCE - (J-88-367) Establlshlno a new ppeelal revenue fund entitled: OCOMM ItY Development Block ®rant (Fourteenth Year .• and ; and also a0Dropr S..wo.wv •ran Fourteenth Year Community Development Block Grant (CMG) Program Income as approved by the Department �of Mousing an Urban Development (HUD) for� total of $12,342,000; containing a repealer provision and a severablllty clause. CONTINUED BY M-88-341 (TO A PUBLIC HEARING ON APRIL 28, 1988 AT 2:00 p.m. MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS FIRST READING MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS e C", • m � C�nmm"ISSION UUMA r MEETING DATE Apr 1 1 14, lose PAGE NO 38 PERSONAL APPEARANCE$ NOTE: Legislation My result from City Qp a ssion oonsideratlon of any Personal Appearance. s,. Mr. Enock Gustave, President of the Replan and Caribbean roundatlOn, to address the Commission. (This Itam was deferred from the meeting of March 10, toss.) $5. Representative(s) $6. Representative(s) of the Greater Biscayne 67. Representative(s) of The Inner City Children Touring Dance Co. to request funding for the Performing Arts Summer Camp Program. 69. Mr. Greg Slrkhlmer, Program Coordinator for the March of Dimes, to request funding for the 1698 Coconut Grove Bed Race. so. Ms. Barbara Coleman Gaynor, Director of Development for the New World Symphony, to address the City Conmisslon. 00. Mr. David Flncher to address the City Commission. 01. Mr. Herbert tm2ns t0 dlecuss a Veterans' Monument In Bayfront ►ark. NO APPEARANCE P-88-343 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY ABSENT: DAWKINS DISCUSSION DISCUSSION WITHDRAWN M-88-344 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS REFERRED TO CITY MANAGER AND RESCHEDULED TO APRIL 28, 1988 WITHDRAWN CITY ISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE April 11, 1988 PAGE NO. 29 PERSONAL APPEARANCES IODNT'D 92. Mr. Ken Janoskl of the William Douglas Apartments located at 5898 William Avenue to request postponement of construction of a concrete Curb and gutter. 93. Ms. Athalle Range and Mr. 8I11 Ferry, Jr. to discuss the Clty's Minority Procurement Program. ITEMS 94 THROWN 98 WILL BE CONSIDERED AFTER 4:00 /M. 94. Representative(*) of Miami Jackson Senior High School to request fee waiver for the use of the City's showmoblle In connection with their Annual Ethnic Fair scheduled for April 29, 1988. 95. Mr. Joseph ►ortuondo to discuss proposed affordable housing project to be located near the Vizcaya Metrorall Station. 96. Representative(s) of Cure A.I.D.S. Now to request assistance for their Meals on Wheels Program. 97. Representative($) of Carnaval_ Miami to n Connection w 98. Mr. uart Sorg. Chairman of the City of Miami Waterfront Board. to present names to be appointed to the Waterfront Board. DISCUSSION DISCUSSION WITHDRAWN M-88-353 MOVED: KENNEDY SECOND: DE YURRE NOES: PLUMMER R-88-352 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DE YURRE UNANIMOUS R-88-357 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DE YURRE UNANIMOUS R-88-360 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS e V ♦rii�•1, MEETING DATE Apr 1 1 14. 1988 PAGE NO 40 4 : 30 PM DISCUSSION i TIMIS NOTE: Legislation way result fron City Comission consideration of any Discussion 1 ton. Be. Discussion concerning status of helicopter Ise permit on Matson island. 100. Discussion regarding City Attorney•• 1987 annual report. 101. Discussion concerning office space for Riga Contra el SIDA. 102. Discussion concerning utlll fern Isle Nursery site for a public service facility known as 'Casa ►roject• by the Municipal Trust Fund Corporation and for a hous l ng wimp l ex by the Allapattah Business Development Authority. 103. Discussion regarding Irregular performance of the social Action 104. Discussion regarding co-deslonatlon of HW eS Street from the expressway to 17 Avenue is John Henry Peavv, Jr. Street. 105. Discussion concerning development Of a full-servlee boatyard at 2640 South ayshore Drive. 106. Discussion regarding Florida interAlm Scholarship ►rooram Foundation's stsl of gross profits. 107. Discussion Concerning approval of Waster plan for the inanagement. operation and maintenance of Bayfront Park for the year Igoe-ef. DISCUSSF'LU AND REFERRED TO CITY MANAGER REPORT MADE BY CITY ATTORNEY R-88-356 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS M-88-361 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KENNEDY ABSENT: KENNEDY DISCUSSED AND CONTINUED TO MAY 12, 1988 M-88-362 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: DE YURRE UNANIMOUS M-88-363 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DE YURRE ABSENT: DAWKINS CONTINUED TO MAY 12, 1988 M-88-364 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS e 0 off EMISSION NOW WEETWO DATE April 14. 1988 PAGE NO 41 D 1 SCUSS I ON I TEARS CONT ' O 108. Discussion ooneer n I no creation of an International trade board or authority. 109. Discussion regarding a friendship remmnt r0 osal between the Cities of Caracas and IAI&ml. =00 Pm ;PECIALLY SCMEOULED ITEM 110. RESOLUTION - (J-Sd-SSS) - 4CONFIRMING ORDERING RESOLUTION) flrmlhp order) mprovement Dlstric Resolution No. 08-129 he _City Clerk to led Olds for the Downtown Highway 1 In Downtown Highway Phase 11 M-4521. FIRST READING MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS ABSENT: SUAREZ NOT TAKEN UP NOT TAKEN UP P al SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA PRESENTATIONS Commission Meeting = April 149 1988 PRESENTED 32 Certificstes of Appreciation: For Calls Oeho Cooking Contest participants. PRESENTED 16 Certificates of Appreciation : For Carol C OF Senior High School Basketball Team. NO APPEARANCE 19 Certificates of Appreciation: Sponsors in the "Miami A New World Center" tour. NO APPEARANCE 9 Commendations: For Sponsors in the "Miami A New World Center" tour. PRESENTED Plaque: Fire Department, "Save a Life Program". City Commission recognizes Mr. Hernan Padron Consul for Chile