HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 1988-05-12 AdvertisementCo he, Miami t4traalb THE MIAMI NEWS AKNIGHT-KIDDER NEWSPAPER A COX NEWSPAPER Two editorially independent newspapers, printed, sold and distributed by THE MIAMI HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY 1 HERALD PLAZA, MIAMI, FLORIDA 33132-1693 s (AREA CODE 305) 390.2111 i Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Roymi Eguaras who on oath says that she is the Area Sales Manager of The Miami Herald and The Miami News, daily ne*spaper (s) published at Miami in Dade County, Florida. She further says that the advertisement forl h CAI k i- 01- was published in the issue or issues of Ar, iilfalAc =i )' i L forte abov W -b 14Cat Ion (s) as per the at tarhed Affiant further states that the said THE MIAMI HERALD/NEWS are newspapers published at Miami, in said Dade County, Florida, and that the said newspapers have here -to -fore been continuously published in said Dade County, Florida, each day, and have been entered as second class mail matter at the Post Office in Miami, in said Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the advertisement. Sworn to and Subsc abed to beffff me this day of VULg A.D. 19gj;' V-tury ,P lic (Seal.) ' RJTANY-h1LIC STATE Cf FLORIDA I:Y CONNISSI0i 10- OCT 24,19E1 90t. 0 TNpU MENAL INS. 01D. r f .! Ro fti Eguara RECEIVED �( F City of Miami _ JUN 131988 ► Z PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT DIVISION .t-sr•-rt i J R i}t• t 4. t E i •�I fi ?I I** F � - 2. to ALE! SALE111 Mal Beeper $919100'1 Motorola SPA 2t1DD a Only $17.50 per Month 14 Number Memory a SW OuMer 0900 pay Warranty •Keys to utn • Vna I�esterCard, AMEX 442-82M Sunshine Beeper Co. 69 Madeira, Coral Cables a 4142-11200 Monday. May 2, 1988 • The Miami News • 3A • 85% Loan TO Value e • Loans Available (30 Yr. Amort.! • No Ptepayrrlertt Penalty • NO Application Fee • NO Credit Fee 1 St PEOPLES MORTGAGE, INC. DADE SIGN V/ashkVM St., Hollywood BROWARD 621-S000 Uc' DD Brokers 209 961-99" , dy gets around Miami like The Miami News. 1M1, FLORIDA IBLIC HEARING L HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING ONLY, L. 35M PAN AMERICAN DRIVE, NWWT CARDING A UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF OFFICE UND LEVEL RETAIL USE ON CITY - AN THE CIVIC CENTER AREA AT 114S NLY KNOWN AS THE "MUNICIPAL ITHORIZING THE INSUANCE OF SAID PUBLIC ACCOUNTING FIRM AND :VIEW COMMITTEE TO EVALUATE 1NGS TO THE CITY MANAGER AS HARTER AND CODE. SECTION 53(C). t the meeting and be heard Concerning Ing will be held at the time and place I any decision of the Commission with !ad at this meeting, that person shall he proceedins is made including all peat may be based. MATTY HIRAI CITY CLERK CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING A Public Hearing will be held by the Commission of the City of Miami, Florida on Thursday, Maayy 12. 1988 at 11:10 a.m. in the City Commission Chambers at City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida. The Hearing will be conducted for the purpose of considering a waiver of Formal Competitive Sealed Bid Procedures for the construction of the "Orange Bowl Modernization Project — Phase 1". Said Project includes the renovation of the elevator system and press levels 3. S and 6 of the City -owned Orange Bowl Stadkan. 1501 fJVlf 3 Street. Miami, Florida. This Hearing will further consider the City Manager's written finding of a valid public emergency as it relates to such waiver and the institution of informal bid processes for this construction. AN interested parties are Invited to appear and may be heard concerning such proposed waiver. The Hearing will be held at the time and place specified above. Should any person desire to appeal any decision of the City Commission with `=ect trobaa inyy record considered at this hearing, that person shall ensure of the proceeding is made, and includes all testimony and evidence upon which any appeal may be based. (CITY SEAL) MATTY HIRAI (4959) CITY CLERK CITY OF MIAMI. FLORIDA CVC'1'y Ortega threatens Sandinista offensive if peace talks fail s...an.rftna ment we signed in Sapoa," said contra leader Adolfo Calero. MANAGUA, Nicaragua — Presi- Calero said he hoped the next dent Daniel Ortega told a May Day round of talks tentatively planned rally his for May 12-14 will be held in troops would Guatemala, the Dominican Repub- launch their lic or Costa Rica because of largest mill- Sandinista restrictions on personal tary offensive freedoms inside Nicaragua. ever if rebels On Saturday, government and do not agree rebel leaders ended three days of to extend a talks in Managua without making cease-fire into significant progress. The Sandinis- a permanent tas and rebels agreed only to meet truce. "We have to Ortega again, but they didn't set a date or place. be prepared because on May 30 if Defense Minister Gen. Humber - we haven't arrived at an agree- to Ortega, the head of the govern- ment, we are going to launch a ment's delegation and brother of large — the largest military the president, aid Saturday there offensive against the mercenary was some progress. He also said forces." he said yesterday. the negotiators agreed to meet No major battle actions have again May 12 at a place still to be been reported since a March 23 decided. cease-fire began. Meanwhile, contra leaders re- But that was disputed by Aristi- turned to Miami from a second des Sanchez, a contra spokesman. He told reporters Saturday that no round of stalled peace talks yester- day blaming the Sandinista gov- date had been set for the next ernment for reneging on promises round and that the rebel negotia- tors would not return to Managua. and creating an oppressive atmo- sphere that jeopardizes future The contras had insisted the talks in Nicaragua. political talks be held in the "It's obvious the Sandinistas capital. and that was resisted for have gone backward on their months by the Sandinistas. The promises and don't have an3 discussions are to define details of Intention of fulfilling the agree- the March 23 cease-fire pact. V.S. plans to continue Panamanian sanction WASHINGTON — Treasury Secretary James Baker says there are no plans to lift the ban on U.S. payments to the Noriega govern- ment in Panama even though individuals were exempted from the sanctions over the weekend. Baker said yesterday that talks with Gen. Manuel Antonio Norie- ga aimed at seeking his removal from power continued during the weekend, but he declined to be specific beyond saying "progress is being made." Interviewed on NBC-TV's "Meet the Press," Baker said he could not discuss whether Noriega would be allowed to remain in Panama, saying the talks were "sensitive" and were going on "as we talk." Panama's commerce minister said yesterday that drug traffick- ing charges must be dropped against Noriega before serious negotiations can take place. The U.S. approach in the Norie- ga negotiations also was criticized y9oarday, by SentRichard Lugar, dor to the United S s, Juan Sosa. Baker said he ex ted the U.S. goal of removin oriega to be met. but declin to predict when or under what circumstances. "I don't think it would be helpful for me to ... get into hypothetical questions about leav- ing power. staying in Panama or leaving power and getting out of Panama," he said. lie said the announcement Sat- urday that the 40,000 Americans living in Panama could pay utility, garbage and other bills to the Noriega-controlled government so services could be resumed was not a lifting of sanctions. He said such exemptions were contemplated in the original orders cutting off public and private payments to Panama. Lugar, a.member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. said the United States should keep open the "military option" for changing Panama's government. but Would not use force or nAM a deal with Noriega without s SALE! SALE! Digital Beeper $9900 • Alottn'm BPR 2000 . Onh f 17 50 per Month • gitihlm0erflernory . l3iAe0 Quarterly s 90 wanarnv ens f 0 o vimtAaterCe�d. AI,iEx � an 442-8200 Sunshine Beeper Co. .m,y s„ o* LOM Sun coral oamn a 442-5200 1 • 85% Loan To Value • Loans Available (30 Yr. Amoro • No Repayment Penalty • No Application Fee IN No Credit Fee 1st PEOPLES MO iDJ1DE s95o 1. 621-5000 �' S..W. � Nobody gets around Miami like The Miami N4 CITY OF MIAM19 FLORIDA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION WILL HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING ON_= 12,�89, AT 2:00 P.M. AT CITY HALL, 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE, MAMI IDA TO TAKE TESTIMONY REGARDING A UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (REP) FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF OFFICE AND/OR HOTEL INCLUDING GROUND LEVEL RETAIL USE ON CITY - OWNED PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN THE CIVIC CENTER AREA AT 1145 N.W. 11 STREET MORE COMMONLY KNOWN AS THE "MUNICIPAL JUSTICE BUILDING PROPERTY"; AUTHORIZING THE INSUANCE OF SAID REP: SELECTING A CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTING FIRM AND APPOINTING MEMBERS OF A REVIEW COMMITTEE TO EVALUATE PROPOSALS AND REPORTS FINDINGS TO THE CITY MANAGER AS REQUIRED BY THE CITY OF MIAMI CHARTER AND CODE. SECTION 53(c). All interested parties may appear et the meeting and be heard concerning such Request for Proposals. The haaring will be held at the time and place specified above. Should any person desire to appeal any decision of the Commission with respect to any matter to be considered at this meeting, that person shell ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedins is made including all testimony and evidence upon which appeal may be based. MATTY HIRAI a CITY CLERK CITY OF MIAMI. FLORIDA CITY OF MIA NOTICE OF PU A Public Hearing wilt be held by the on Thursday. May 12, ION at 11:10 at City Hall. 35M Pan American Drive, conducted for the purpose of considerl Sealed Bid Procedures for the ccw Modernization Project — Phew 1". Sak the elevator system and press levels 3, Bowl Stadium. 1501 NW 3 Street, MIN consider the City Manager's written findl relates to such waiver and the instil construction. All interested parties are invited to such proposed waiver. The Hearing specified above. Should any person desire to appeal any respect to any matter considered at that a verbatim record of the proosMiM and evidence upon which any app� (CITY SEAL) (4959) QD - i f, Send wM every ! g ood mother de 01 A06 Aft 900 NW 54th STREET + MIAMI, FLORIDA 33127 (305)757-1147 Published Weekly Miami, Dade County, Florida STATE OF FLORIDA) SS COUNTY OF DADE J PROOF OF PUBLICATION Before the undersigned authority personally appeared MOHAMED HAMALUDIN, who on oath says that he is the Managing Editor of THE MIAMI TIMES, weekly newspaper published at Miami, Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement was published in said newspaper in the issues of: May 5, 1988 Affiant further states that THE MIAMI TIMES is a newspaper published in Miami, Dade County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Dade County, Florida each week and has been entered as second class mail matter at the U.S. Post Office in Miami, Dade County, Florida for a period of more than one year next preceding date of publication of the attached copy of adver- tisement; further affiant says that he has neither paid nor promised any firm, person or corporation any dis- count, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in this newspaper. Managing Edi� ^ Sworn to and subscribed before me on this, the 27 ly of _may—_1.D. 19 / NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF-FLORIDA 3 AT LARGE. My commission expires: \ �` C11" OF Mimi oa1DA f►TfCE Of' PUBLIC HEIUO EA ARING THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION ti1PIlAL I AM RICAN DRIVE. MIAMI. Fl. R '"TAKE 2:3o P.M. AT CITY HALL; 3500r REQUEST FOR TESTIMONY REGARDING A UNIFIED THE DEVELOPMENT OF A FULLSFRVICE BOAT YARD PROPOSALS FACILITY. M ��C AES OF C ANCILLARY L ARY MARINE WATERFRONT PROPERTY INCLUDING 6.36 AL USE ON CRES 12.67 A US TO THE UPLAND OF UPLAND AND 6.21 ACRES OF BAY DRIIVVE, MIAMI. FLORIDA. AUTHORIZING LOCATED AT 2ti40 SOUTH THE ISSUANCE OF SAID RFP; SELECTING A CERTIFIEDMMITTEE Tp EVI.UATE _ FIRM AND APPOINTING MEMBERS OF A REVIEW MANAGER AS REOUIRED BY j PROPOSALS AND REPORT FINDINGS TO THE CITY THE CRY OF MIAMI CHARTER AND CODE, SECTION (63)C?• All irdsrested PaAlrs My Appear at the mseting and be heard cone�rr►tng elflsd Request for Pro The hearing wiil be held at the time and place Pa aboviLon desire to rppiat any dsdslon of the City Commission with Should any Ps thatWrsonshallensursthat rogw d to eny matter to be considered at this meeting, W testimony rstlm $ and evlrMn t a verbatim rsoord of the proceedings is made ineludirW upon which any Appeal may br bssed• "TV HIRAI CITY CLERK CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA t496 -- . a , i I r p'� x ....,...Y r. P a.' r Atanit Timo IRAN -4— — 900 NW54th STREET • MIAM1. FLORiDA 33127 (305)757-1147 Published Weekly Miami, Dade County, Florida STATE OF FLORIDA) SS COUNTY OF DADE I PROOF OF PUBLICATION Before the undersigned authority personally appeared MOHAMED IIAMALUDIN, who on oath says that he is the Managing Editor of THE MIAMI TiMES, weekly newspaper published at Miami, Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement was published in said newspaper in the issues of: May 5 r 1988 Affiant further states that THEMIAMI TiMES is a ne�%spaper published in .Miami, Dade County. Florida. and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Dade County. Florida each week and has been entered as second class mail matter at the U.S. Post Office in Miami, Dade County, Florida for a period of more than one year next preceding date of publication of the attached copy of adver- tisement; further affiant says that he has neither paid nor promised any firm, person or corporation any dis- count, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in this newspaper. h o t , Managing Editgr— -- Sworn to and subscribed before me on this, the 2 7 day of _ iay A.D. 19 8.$. C. 1 NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF FLORIDA x AT LARGE. My commission expires: CITY OF MIAMI, r—"4DA I40TICE OF PUBLiC HEARING A PWWHEARING �L,BBEAHELD BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CRY OF MIAMI' FLORIDA I0 AX IN THE CITY COMMISSION THURSDAY �' AN AMERI tCAN DRIVE, MIAMI. FLORIDA. THE CHAMBERS AT CfTrHALL Q P MEETING WILL BE CONDUCTED FOR THE PURPOSE EOSFFOAR THE RICONMTRUCTION OF FORMAL COMPETITIVESEA1.6D A PROCEDURES OF THE «ORANGE BOWL MODERI�IZA1 PROJECT -PHASE I". 8AID PROJECT INCLUDE RENOVATION OF THE ELEVATOR SYSTEM AND PRESS LEVELS 9. S, AND 6 OF THE CRY-0MfNED ORANGE BOWL STADIUM.. THE CITY MAN' MIAML' FLORIDA. THIS HEARING WILL FURTHER CONSIDER AGER'S WRITTEN FINDING OF A VAUDO INFORMAL BID PROCESSES BLIC EMERGENCY AS ffS �F� T�� CONSTRUCTION. sled D THE INSTITUTION Pailles are Invited to appear and may be hard g such �pposeedd waiver. The hearing win be held at. the lime and Place aPeeifled Wove. desire to appeal any decision of the City Commission with Should any Person respect to any matter Pf*m d bV Is triad•, and that atltestinrony and donee n Wag mom that a verlprtim record of the proead � based. upon which any appeal May ,�- MATTY HIRAI: CITY CLERK CRY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA (495s) - 900 NW 54th STREET • MIAMI, FLORIDA 33127 (3051757-1147 Published Weekly Miami, Dade County, Florida STATE OF FLORIDAI SS COUNTY OF DADE I PROOF OF PUBLICATION Before the undersigned authority personally appeared MOHAMED HAMALUDIN, who on oath says that he is the Managing Editor of THE MIAMI TIMES, weekly newspaper published at Miami, Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement was published in said newspaper in the issues of: May 5, 1988 Affiant further states that THE MIAMI TIMES is a newspaper published in Miami, Dade County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Dade County, Florida each week and has been entered as second class mail matter at the U.S. Post Office in Miami, Dade County, Florida for a period of more than one year next preceding date of publication of the attached copy of adver- tisement; further affiant says that he has neither paid nor promised any firm, person or corporation any dis- count, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in this newspaper. Managing Editor Sworn to and subscribed before me on this, the 27 day of .May A.D. 19rO $ NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF FLORIDA AT LARGE. My commission expires: gTlf OF WAYI. NC)11�E: OF PUBL HEARING AT THE M" dTY COMMISSION WILL HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING 0"Mla 9e, 2.10 P.M.AT CRY HALL. 3NO PAN AMERICAN DRIVE. MIAMI FLORIDA TO TAKE TESTIMONY REOARDWO A UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF OFFICE ANWOR HOTEL IHCLUOING OROUNO LEVEL. RETAIL USE ON CRY.OWNED PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN THE CIVIC CENTER AREA AT 1145 N.W. 11 STREET MORE COMMONLY KNOWN AS THE " MUNICIPAL JUSTICE BUILDING PROPERTY": AUTiHORRINO 'HE WUANiCE OF SAID A CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTING FIRM AND APPOPI- TM MEMO BERS OFCNA' REVIEW COMMITTEE TO EVALUATE PROPOSALS AND REPORT F1Ni XM TO THE CRY MANAGER AS REQUIRED BY THE CITY OF MIAMI CHARTER AND CODE, SECTION 53(4 An Interested r at the mating and be hard concerning Kch R for Proms. Thehating will be held at the time end Piece specified above. Shoal any Person desire to appeal any decision of the Coraff""n vAth respeet to any natter w be considereis d sty: ILWi� � ai monf n y and evidence record of the prowedirgs up" which any appeal may be based. MATTY NOW (51 CRY CLERK (` CITY OF MIAW. FLORIDA THF MIAMI NEWS A KNIGHT-RIDDER NEWSPAPER A COX NEWSPAPER Two editorially independent newspapers, printed, sold and distributed by THE MIAMI HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY 1 HERALD PLAZA, MIAMI, FLORIDA 33132-1693 • (AREA CODE 305) 380-2111 Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Roymi Eguaras who on oath says that she is the Area Sales Manager of The Miami Herald and The Miami News, daily newspaper (s) published at Miami in Dade County, Florida. She further says that the advertisement for11`1 ��. }-tL C%� 11i (- was published in the issue or issues of ; he i , cl_r C ne-Lk .) S ,Yr z s2� l for the above pu licatidn(s) as per the attach Affiant further states that the said THE MIAMI HERALD/NEWS are / newspapers published at Miami, in said Dade County, Florida, and that the said newspapers have here -to -fore been continuously published in said Dade County, Florida, each day, and have been entered as second class mail matter at the Post Office in Miami, in said Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the advertisement. Sworn to and Subsc ibed to bef me this day of A.D. 19j7J-' Notary.Public .'Sea:.) ItJTARY PUBLIC STATE CF FLORIDA F.Y COMMISSION EXP, OCT 24,1988 MtZi0 THRO•GENERAL INS. UUD. :7 , Roi#mi Eguara RECEIVED City of Miami u ti 131988 d 6A PROCUREiv1ENT 1 !. RiV .•i,L,,t� i.T � � \ r�ll•i�ii��•1 � is ■ i ;l 7-71 im OWN 8t3 • t. CITY OF MIAMI CITY OF' MIAMI EASNINA 0 KIS 2 X 3.50- 7900 NFMS ALL EDITIONS 05/02/6R . ASOICUMMM BOSTON — This time Boston took charge early, pushing the New York Knicks one loss away from an early playoff exit. The Celtics began the second quarter with a 12-1 spurt, led by 12 to 27 points the rest of the way and defeated the Knicks 128-102 yesterday to take a 2-0 lead in their playoff series. Boston can clinch the best -of - five series Wednesday night in New York. "Boston is obviously the best in the league." New York center Patrick Ewing said. "We've played well both games but we still haven't got a win." In Friday night's 112-92 first - game victory. the Celtics trailed 74-71 with 3:32 left in the third quarter before seizing control with an 11-1 run that ended the period.We played better today," said =Bird, who led the Celtics with 36 points. "We moved the bail well and played good defense from beginning to end. "If we move the ball and play good defense from the first quar- ter instead of waiting to the third quarter, we'll probably win" the third game. Knicks coach Rick Pitino took comfort In his team's return home for Game 3. They were 29-12 at Madison Square Garden during the regular season. "They dominated us. They're a great basketball team," he said of the Celtics. `"That doesn't mean they'll dominate us the next New York starting forward Kenny Walker said, "any time you get behind a team as good as Boston. esnedally at the Garden. D88 008255 w t sell themselvf they're just too hard to catch. Bulls 108, Cavaliem 101 CHICAGO — The Chicago Bulls say they're not a one-man show, but it's hard to find one man who's meant more to a team in the playoffs than Michael Jordan. With 55 points yesterday, Jor- dan became the first player in league history to score 50 or more points in consecutive playoff games as he led the Bulls to a 106-101 victory over the Cleve- land Cavaliers and a 2-0 lead in their best-of-5 series. Chicago trailed 36-23 at the end of the first quarter and 55-51 at halftime. But Jordan got the crowd going with a reverse dunk that tied it at 55-55 with 10:09 left in the third quarter and hit an 18-foot jumper at 9:24 to give the Bulls their first lead of the game. "He made some good shots," Cleveland coach Lenny Wilkens said. "What else can you say?" Jordan, who won the regular - season scoring title, had 50 points against Cleveland last Thursday night In the Bulls' 104-93 victory. He also rewrote eight 'Bulls re- cords. including most points in regulation time and most field goals in a game (24). But Jordan didn't want to dwell on records, or even on the differ- ence between Craig Ehlo and Ron Harper, the two main Cleveland players assigned to guard him. "Let's just say I got things going." he said. "As an offensive player. I look for the advantage wherever I see a weakness." Sure. he got tired, he said. "But you don't think about it when the game Is on the line and you have the chance go to 24" Hawks 104, Bucks 97 ATLANTA — Dominique Wil- kins showed why he was the NBA's second -leading scorer with 43 points last night, putting the Atlanta Hawks in position to advance to the second round of the playoffs. Wilkins, who averaged 30.9 during the regular season, was 15-for-26 from the field, helping the Hawks take a 2.0 lead in the best-of-5 series with the victory over the Milwaukee Bucks. "When you win the first two games of a five -game series, you've got to like your chances," Wilkins said. "But, we can't underestimate them. We need to go into Milwaukee and win the first game." The third game of the first - round series will be played Wednesday night in Milwaukee. He was consistent, scoring 11 points in the first quarter, 10 each in the second and third and 12 in the crucial final 12 minutes. CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA IP NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION WILL HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING ON��ggY AT 2-W P.M. ' AT CITY HALL, 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE, IORAI�Ii, FLORIDA TO TAKE TESTIMONY REGARDING A UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT ' REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RIF FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF A FULL - SERVICE BOAT YARD FACILITY, MARINA AND ANCILLARY MARINE - RELATED RETAIL USE ON APPROXIMATELY 12.57 ACRES OF CITY - OWNED, WATERFRONT PROPERTY INCLUDING 6.36 ACRES OF UPLAND AND 6.21 ACRES OF BAY BOTTOM CONTIGUOUS TO THE UPLAND LOCATED AT 2640 SOUTH EIAYSHORE DRIVE, MIAMI, FLORIDA; •NATURAL SPRING WATER ; • PURE, NOTHING ADDED • t AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF SAID RRP; SELECTING A CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTING FIRM AND APPOINTING MEMBERS OF A REVIEW NOTHING TAKEN AWAY • • SALT FREE, POLLUTION FREE • C COMMITTEE TO EVALUATE PROPOSALS AND REPORTS FINDINGS TO pISTRIBUTEDANDBOTTLEO 1 THE CITY MANAGER AS REQUIRED BY THE CITY OF MIAMI CHARTER AND CODE, SECTION MOUNTAIN'" 53(C). AN interested parties may appear at the meeting and be heard concerning such Request for Proposals. The hearing will be held at the time SPRING WATER FROM h and'place specified above. Purely for d Should any person desire to appeal any decision of the City Commission with DADE respect to any matter be considered at this �t'f fr meeting, that person shallll ensure that a verbatim � 696 1333 record of the proceedings is made including all t tbimony and evidence upon which any appeal may 11111111 Fx- seed -- - MATTY HIRAI CITY CLERK CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA Garfield gets colorful. Satun �rs 4ilt iant utrala :: *. THE MIAMI NiEws A KNIGHT-RIbbER NEWSPAPER A COX NEWSPAPER two editorially Independent newspapers, printed, sold and distributed by THE MIAMI HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY 1 HERALD PLAZA, MIAMI, FLORIDA 33132-1693 a (AREA CODE 305) 350-2111 1 Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Roymi Eguaras who on oath says that she is the Area Sales Manager of The Miami Herald and The Miami News, daily newspaper (s) published at Miami in Dade County, Florida. She further says that the advertisement for was published in the issue or issues of . )' � � —e' forte abov pu licatidn (s) as per the attached Affiant further states that the said THE MIAMI HERALD/NEWS are newspapers published at Miami, in said Dade County, Florida, and that the said newspapers have here -to -fore been continuously published in said Dade County, Florida, each day, and have been entered as second class mail matter at the Post Office in Miami, in said Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the advertisement. Rqymi Eguarafi Sworn to and Subsc ibed to bef me this day of A.D. 19�� _ RECEIVED fldtary ,Public City of Miami --(Seal) ' - JUN131988 ► _ Z PROCUREMENT 1117AWNBLIC STATE Cf FLORIDA MANAGEMENT Ky CORMISSI011 EV. OCT 24,1988 ` DIVISION @C= THRU GENERAL INS. UNO. 0 , , 1 "m 2 J. J; l Am �; ` fi 0 TALE! SALE! vital Beeper $9900 i Motorola BPA 2DDD a Orhy 11r.50 per Month i e Number Memory a BOW Oublirly 80 Day Wsrr7 . Kara to en a Vna,1 aslarCard, AttEX 442-8200 Sunshine Beeper Co. 62 Madeira, Coral Gables a a124= Monday, May 2, 1989 • The Miami News • 3A 0 85% Loan To Value 17.95 • Loans Available 130 Yr. Amort.1 e • No prepayment penalty III No Application Fee • No Credit Fee ARM I St PEOPLES MORTGAGE, INC. OWE S9SO WashIngton St., Holtywooa OROWARO 621.5000 LIC. A%enokM Su1te 209 961.9999 dy gets around Miami like The Miami News. 1M1, FLORIDA iBLIC HEARING L HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING ON MAY L. 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE, MIAMI CARDING A UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF OFFICE UND LEVEL RETAIL USE ON CITY- IIN THE CIVIC CENTER AREA AT 1145 NLY KNOWN AS THE "MUNICIPAL ITHORIZING THE INSUANCE OF SAID PUBLIC ACCOUNTING FIRM AND tVIEW E TO ONOS TOOTH EITTCITY MANAGERATE AS HARTER AND CODE, SECTION 53(c). t the meeting and be heard cortcernirtg ring will be held at the time and place I any decision of the Commission with red at this meeting, that person shall he proceedins is made Including all peal may be based. MATTY HIRAI CITY CLERK CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING A Public Hearing wM be held by the Com n asion of the City of Miami, Florida on Thursday, 1d�fL12 1988 at 11:10 a.m. in the City Commission Chambers at City Hall, 35d0 pin American Drive, Miami, Florida. The Hearing will be conducted for the PuMOae of considering a waiver of Formal Competitive Sealed Old Procedures for the construction of the "Orange Bowl Modernitatlon Project — Phase I", Said Project includes the renovation of the elevator system and press levels 3, 5 and 6 of the City -owned Orange Bowl Stadium, 1501 NW 3 Street, Miami, Florida. This Hearing will further consider the City Mange written finding of a valid public emergency as It relates to such waiver and the institution of informal bid processes for this construction, AN interested parties are IrMled to appear and may be heard concerning such proposed waiver. The Hearing will be held at the time and place specified above. Should any Person desks 10 appeal any decision of the City Commission with to the= tverbartim rerecord of the Proceedatter consideredet ing IsH made, and Includesalhl testimony lal and evidence upon which any appeal may be based. (CITY SEAL) MATTY HIRAI (,958) CITY CLERK CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA Send what eve "rj m _ gwd other deserves. , r , tb CITY MIAMI ERS YOF NIAMj OOttP?50 ins FA NTNS Vve x 7e00 Ns ALL Fo iT IONS 5li►>i i.... — — — — 3 r T:S:Iensive if peace talks fail 4*V0Ce+et+fns ment we signed in Sapoa.' said contra leader Adolfo Calero. MANAGUA, Nicaragua -- Presi- Calera said he hoped the next dent Daniel Ortega told a May Day round of talks tentatively planned rally his for May 12-14 will be held in troops would Guatemala, the Dominican Repub- launch their lic or Costa Rica because or largest mill- Sandinista restrictions on personal tary offensive freedoms inside Nicaragua. ever if rebels On Saturday, government and do not agree ': rebel leaders ended three days of to extend a talks in Managua without making cease-fire into significant progress. The Sandinis- a permanent ` ' tas and rebels agreed only to meet truce. "We Ortps again, but they didn't set a date or have to place. be prepared because on May 30 if Defense Minister Gen. Humber - we haven't arrived at an agree- to Ortega. the head of the govern- ment, we are going to launch a ment's delegation and brother of large — the largest military the president, aid Saturday there offensive against the mercenary was some progress. He also said forces," he said yesterday. the negotiators agreed to meet No major battle actions have again May 12 at a place still to be been reported since a March 23 decided. cease-fire began. But that was disputed by Aristi- Meanwhile, contra leaders re- turned to Miami from a second i des Sanchez, a contra spokesman. round of stalled peace talks yester- He told reporters Saturday that no date had been set for the next day blaming the Sandinista gov- ernment for reneging on promises round and that the rebel negotia- and creating an oppressive atmo- tors would not return to Managua. sphere that jeopardizes future The contras had insisted the talks in Nicaragua. political talks be held in the "It's obvious the Sandinistas capital, and that was resisted for have gone backward on their months by the Sandinistas. The promises and don't have any discussions are to define details of intention of fulfilling the agree- the March 23 cease-fire pact. V.S. plans to continue Panamanian sanctions Aatd�lN Ifni WASHINGTON — Treasury Secretary James Baker says there are no plans to lift the ban on U.S. payments to the Noriega govern- ment In Panama even though individuals were exempted from the sanctions over the weekend. Baker said yesterday that talks with Gen. Manuel Antonio Norie- ga aimed at seeking his removal from power continued during the weekend, but he declined to be specific beyond saying "progress is being made." Interviewed on NBC-TV's "Meet the Press," Baker said he could not discuss whether Noriega would be allowed to remain in Panama, saying the talks were "sensitive" i and were going on "as we talk." Panama's commerce minister said yesterday that drug traffick- t Ing charges must be dropped t against Noriega before serious a tions can take place. U.S. approach in the Norie- nagyo�dVatimalso ways- criticized by Sen, .Richard iYtigarf a� top R4publl an foreign po y e7tt , the Senate, and by anti-Noriega ambassa- dor to the United States, Juan Sosa. Baker said he expected the U.S. goal of removing Noriega to be met, but declined to predict when or under what circumstances. "I don't think it would be helpful for me to ... get into hypothetical questions about leav- ing power, staying in Panama or leaving power and getting out of Panama," he said. He said the announcement Sat- urday that the 40,000 Americans living in Panama could pay utility, garbage and other bills to the Noriega-controlled government so services could be resumed was not a lifting of sanctions. He said such exemptions were contemplated in the original orders cutting off public and private payments to Panama. Lugar, a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said the United States should keep open the "military option" for charging Panama's government, but should not use force or make a deal with Noriega without support from Panamanians and other Latin Afnerlaw countries. ALE! SALE! *Rol Beeper $9900 4y � �Sti 5a tier 1Aort++ f+o° ; ��a=°so.�� "2-82M l sunthtne Beeper Co. CITY OF NOTICE OP THE MIAMI CITY 12, 1988. AT 2:00 P.M. AT FLORIDA TO TAKE REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS AND/OR HOTEL INCLUDING OWNED PROPERTY LOCAT® N.W. 11 STREET MORE JUSTICE BUILDING P REP; SELECTING A CERTI APPOINTING MEMBERS OF PROPOSALS AND REPORTS REQUIRED BY THE CITY OF All interested parties may such Request for Proposals. specified above. Should any person deaftt; respect to any matter to be ensure that a verbatim testimony and evidence upon 2.1 0 e 85% Loan To Value e Loans Available 130 Yr. Anton./ i No Prepayvt ftnalty 0 No Application fee • No Credit Fee 1 St PEOPLES MORTGI� WE 5950 uc. MV. St ­moles 621.SOM Suite 209 gets around Miami like The Miami News. M1AM1, FLORIDA CITY OF MIAM19 FLO PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE OF PUBLIC H A Public Hearing will be held by the ��n tM t�MIMIIS810f1 VKL HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING ON MAY a t2 i9all at t 1:10 a.m. in the City 4�Ty L.= PAN AMERICAN DRIVE, MIAMI on Thursday, � American Drive Miami, Florida . TESTMOt1Y G A UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT at City Hall. 3 � purpose of considering a WAKW of FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF OFFICE conducted id Procedures for the construction of 11ND LEVEL RETAIL USE ON CITY- phase I". Said Project kniudi Wifli1HTHE CIVIC CENTER AREA AT 1145 Modernization Project -" levels 3, 5 and 6 of the; COMIMbNLY KNOWN AS THE "MUNICIPAL the elevator 1501 NW 3 Street, Miami, Florida. This' ROpERTAUMOWNG THE INSUANCE OF SAID Bowl he City s written finding of a valid RED PUBLIC ACCOUNTING FIRM AND ronsi s to Such waiver the institution of informal der t A REVIEW COMMITTEE TO EVALUATE FOOINGS TO THE CITY MANAGER AS construction. parties are invited 10 appear and may SSIAMf CHARTER AND CODE, SECTION 53(c). All interested waiver. The Hearing will be held at and be heard concerning such proposed appwat qts meeting Pied above. - � TIN hai>Mnp will be held at the time and place sP� desire to appeal any decision of ttw d Should any Person t0 alppMi any decision of the Commission with respect to any matter considered at this hearing, that I CanMdietd l ehis meeting, that person shaft that a verbatim record of the proceeding is made, and NI which any appeal may be based. record OFihe proceedins is made including all and evidence upon MATT W* jQpeal may be based. (CITY SEAL) CRY ( (4959) CITY( MATTY HIRAI CITY CLERK CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA -1 N Send what every cod mother deserves.......... . . r i f M Mother's Day' is Sunday, May S. So makeyour -1 N Send what every cod mother deserves.......... . . r i f M Mother's Day' is Sunday, May S. So makeyour M Mother's Day' is Sunday, May S. So makeyour tht AiRmt, litrab 1 THE MIAMI NjE ws A KNIGHT-RIDDER NEWSPAPER A COX NEWSPAPER two editorially independent newspapers, printed, sold and distributed by TIME MIAMI HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY 1 HERALD PLAZA, MIAMI, FLORIDA 33132.1693 a (AREA CODE 305) 350-2111 I � . Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Roymi Eguaras who on oath says that she is the Area Sales Manager of The Miami Herald and The Miami News, daily newspaper (s) published at Miami in Dade County, Florida. tt She further says that the advertisement for was published in the issue or issues of - %"-1I � i Z� for the a-bovIe nutil icatidn (s) as per the attached t'(.l i ,y L1 r {,_( i; Affiant further states that the said THE MIAMI HERALD/NEWS are newspapers published at Miami, in said Dade County, Florida, and that the said newspapers have here -to -fore been continuously published in said Dade County, Florida, each day, and have been entered as second class mail matter at the Post Office in Miami, in said Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the advertisement. r r' Ro i Eguara Sworn to and Suc bsabed to bef me this day of A.D. 1411 Vhitsry ,PuTblic --(Sea3) RJTARY'PMIC STATE V FLORIDA !:P CONNISSI011 EXP. OCT 24,191t DDIMAi0 THRI! GENERAL INS. UND. RECEIVE)"') City of Mia JUN13198PROCUREMENMANAGEMENDIVISION j i .. r !17 A i k e r r.. ie' 7. YRN 53 .. . who wants to buy it." "How the hell is the army supposed to stop that?" he asked in a question as rhetorical as the drug war has proved frustrating. In the heat of an election year and the frustration of seeing little success elsewhere, many policy makers are once again asking why the Pentagon doesn't use more of ^ its resources in the battle against narcotics. Vice President George Bush has suggested that, as president, he would use more of the military's assets. Former President Richard Nixon said recently that if he had it to do over again, he would call out the armed forces. The gover- nors of many border states have asked for military help. in Con- gress, debate is raging over the limits of Pentagon involvement. AIDE, from 1A Skipper, had not checked out last night, the hntei said. Calls to their rooms writ unanswered. A source said Pappas was eating breakfast at the hotel with the two when he excused himself, told them he would not attend a scheduled meeting, and left for his room, where he wrote the poem, then jumped, The (Baltimore) Sun reported today. He landed on an eighth -floor roof, police said. In yesterday's front-page story ARMSr from 1A But the administration's overall master list gives a much more comprehensive picture of the mag- nitude of arms sales and how they are used as an instrument of foreign policy. Under federal law, the president is required to submit such a list to Congress once a year, but it rarely has become public. The biggest gainers include Egypt, which bought $378 million of American military equipment last year and is listed as a potential buyer of $2.7 billion in arms this year. Most of the increase results from a big sale of M-IAI tanks. Pakistan, a staunch ally of the United States in delivering aid to the Afghan guerrillas, also could get a big increase. Its purchases last year totaled $138 million, and it is listed as a potential buyer of more than $797 million worth of equipment this year. By contrast. sales to the Philip- pines would decline to $45 million from $108 million, despite previ- ous requests from the government of President Corazon Aquino for more American aid to combat the communist insurgency. The $45 million is for helicopters and light naval patrol vessels. This year's list differs in several ways from such lists in prior years, according to administration officials and members of Congress. The 1988 list gives more attention to the needs of countries in the Persian Gulf, they said. Overall, the list contains fewer sensitive items than in the past. .t Last week, the House Rules JO mittee disallowed consider - I of amendments to the new u%, pse spending hill that called for the military to do more, while another subcommittee reinstated $60 million to the Coast Guard for its part in the war. More action — including funds to place additional Coast Guard personnel on Navy warships — has been called for in the Senate. "Drug smugglers are as great a threat to this nation as any foreign invasion," said Sen. Dennis De- Concini, D-Ariz. "Unless we clear- ly define our objectives and mobi- lize all our military and civilian resources against them, I'm not sure we have a chance of stopping them. In fact, I don't think the contest will even be close." Under prodding from Congress, in the Post, Dyson staffers said Pappas had taken control of the office from the 39-year-old Demo- crat, and that Pappas pressured male staffers to socialize with Pappas. One staffer quit and another was fired after they refused to attend a private party Dyson held at a Maryland hotel suite last November, the newspaper report- ed. Staffers told the Post that Pappas, who was divorced, told One reason, according to Demo- crats, is that Reagan does not have the political strength to force his will on Congress as he once did. In addition, administration officials said they wanted to avoid contro- versies that would detract from new efforts by Secretary of State George Shultz to achieve a com- prehensive peace in the Middle East through negotiations. The 1988 list includes Stinger anti-aircraft missiles for six coun- tries; an advanced data link that would permit Saudi AWACS planes to communicate directly with United States Navy ships in the Persian Gulf: new weapons to shore up the defense of Kuwait and other countries along the gulf. Maverick missiles for Morocco and Egypt; an airborne early warning plane, like the E-2C, for Pakistan, and nearly $2.8 billion worth of helicopters and F-16 jet fighters for Israel. In providing the list to Congress, Deputy Secretary of State John Whitehead said it was "highly sensitive" and contained "the most accurate information currently available." While the total value of the list is higher than actual arms sales in the last few years, Whitehead noted some of the potential sales could be deferred, "some price estimates will change, and circum- stances could dictate the need for rapid action on requests currently unforeseen." Administration offir;^ *we the Pentagon's role in the drug war bar. AWrply increased in recent ve specially in the job of interdict ... g drugs before they reach U.S. shores. The move began in earnest in 1981 with an amend- ment to the Posse Comitatus Act sponsored by Sens. Sam Nunn, D-Ga., and Lawton Chiles, D-Fla. The act had banned the use of the military in any civilian law en- forcement role. Under Nunn's amendment, the Pentagon was allowed to use its intelligence -gathering skills to help law enforcement agencies. By fiscal year 1987, the Pentagon's role had grown to include the loan of more than $303 million in equipment, 52 personnel perma- nently assigned in administrative and liaison capacities, and thou- sands of man hours in surveillance. one male staffer he would have to perform a strip tease in 1987 at an office retreat in Virginia. The staffer refused, the Post said. The article came as the Federal Election Commission investigates allegations Dyson's campaign dis- closure reports concealed $6,650 in payments to Pappas. Pappas, who was paid $72,200 as Dyson's administrative assistant last year, also owns a company, Pappenbauer Associates, that re- ceived $119,642 since 1980. discussed the list in general terms with a few members of Congress in an effort to minimize opposi- tion. The administration contends that arms sales serve America's Interests by helping friends and allies defend themselves. But Con- gress has expressed growing con- cern about the export of certain weapons, fearing they might fall into the hands of terrorists or spies. Rep. Lawrence Smith, D-Fla., said the United States was relying on arms exports as a substitute for the more difficult work of diplo- macy. "Don't we have any policy other than arms sales and Sting- ers?" he asked. The administration said it was considering selling Stinger mis- siles to Austria, Denmark, France, Greece, Japan and South Korea. Sunday's Cash 3.............880 --- MARYLAND -- -- Saturday's number ............667 Pick Four _........................5179 Lotto ..... ....... .... 2.3,7,10,27,32 _ MASSACNUSETTS _ Saturday's Megabucks 12,14,19,24,29.31 NEW JERSEY Saturday's Pick-3 ...............103 Pick-4 ..............................5095 NEW YORK Yesterday's number.............881 Win Four............................0138 Keno 2,4.5.6,9,10,15,21,28,30, 34,43, 54,55.56,65,66, 75, 7 7.79 Supplementary .......................24 Saturday's Lotto: 15,19,21.25,30.38 Tho Miami News CHO�PAPERS (uSPs 5924") PuNMed deny aap 9u�- day of 1 ►I" Pkm MAWK FI& secow. wa mM =aw"W rbw alvo Pal omw, w.m, rx ADDRESSEES News, editorial rl i Os P.O. Box 615, Miami Fla. 33152 Circulation, promotion depts. P.O. Box 1029, Miami Fla. 33132 NEWSROOM Business news........... 376-3115 City desk ....................376-3131 1 Restyle ......................376-3160 Managing editor ......... 376-3172 NEWS TIPS...M..,3764131 Photo ........................ 378.3717 Sports ........................ 376-3152 Switchboard .............. 378-3100 Display.......................378.2700 Classified ................... 350-2222 CE111 ULAT M Dade .......................... 350-2000 Broward..................... 482.9000 lom_eI No Fore 52 wits. $65.00 124.60 405.60 26 wks. 32.50 62.40 202.80 13 wks. 18.25 31.20 101.40 8 wks. 10.00 19.20 82.40 4 wks. 5.00 9.80 31.20 1 week 1.25 j 2.40 7.80 —SEWOW COPY i 1111m Dade, Broward, Monroe ..... s.25 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON.MAY 1L19B8 AT 6:00 P.M. RELATED TO CITY OF MIAMI PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY CLEANING FEES A Public Hearing will be held at the City of Miami Commission Meeting of May 12, 1988, at 6:00 p.m., at the City of Miami City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, to discuss any and all issues related to the Public Right of Way Cleaning Fees. All interested parties are invited to appear and may be heard. (4itLr of Ai=i Matty Hirai City Clerk (4954) Miami, Florida o, t 900 NW 54th STREET • M1A`MI. FLORIDA 33127 105 1 757.1147 Published Weekly Miami, Dade. County, Florida STATE OF FLORIDAI COUNTY OF DADE I Sc PROOF OF PUBLICATION Before the undersigned authority personally appeared MOHAMED HADiA1.UDfN, who on oath says that he is the Managing Editor of Tilt MiAMi TIMES, weekly newspaper published at Miami. Dade County, Florida: that the attached copy of advertisement was published in said newspaper in the issues of: April 28, 1988 Affiant further states that THE MIAMI TIMES is a newspaper published in Miami, Dade County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Dade County, Florida each week and has been entered as second class mail matter at the U.S. Post Office in Miami, Dade County, Florida fora period of more than one year next preceding date of publication of the attached copy of adver- tisement; further affiant says that he has neither paid nor promised any firm. person or corporation any dis- count, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in this newspaper. , r Managing Editor Sworn to and subscribed before me on this, the ice. day of NAY A,D. 19 88 NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF FLORIDA AT LARGE. My commission expires: tiOlk�Y �';911 S:k•:_ CF FLORIDA NY Cihh: o?:'N :Y? .iC1Y I-E.1991 NOTICE OF PUBUC HEARING. QKMY 12_ tgt i AT, 6:00 P.M. RELATED TO CITY OF ANAAN PUBUC RIGHT OF WAY CLEANING FEES A P A*c Hearing will be twW at the City of WOW n ��D of Akay 72, 19m ai' SW pm., of the ft of Mani ejty "d. 3SM Pan America„ Oriye, to r6acuss any and all leeuea tala & b The Pubic ATOM o(Way Cleanup Fees. All interested W*s are iranoet! b appear and nary, be heard. AU�ttyy�Hl�rayt 1 Mi LTA, Florlds CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING A public hearing will be held by the Commis- sion of the City of Miami, Florida on May 12, 1988, at 11:05 a.m. in the City Commission Chambers at City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida, for the purpose of hearing any ob- jections by the City Commission from any inter- ested parties affected by the proposed restoration and cleanup of the Lawrence Waterway Canal and surrounding streets. LAWRENCE WATERWAY CANAL - CLEANUP & RESTORATION The project will inlcude removing debris and dredging the canal bottom, stabilizing the canal banks and rebuilding the adjacent streets in the area between N.W. 7 Street and N.W. 9 Street, and between N.W. 17 Court and N.W. 17 Place. AU interested persons are invited to appear and may be heard concerning such proposed waivers and increases. Should any person desire to appeal any decision of the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at this hearing, that per- son shall ensure that a verbatim record of the pro- ceedings is made, including all testimony and evi- dence upon which any appeal may be based. J(-T49City Seal),) MACIRAI HCLERK Juan R. Mataa ARRESTADO MAT, Fuerzas conjuntas de policfa hondurctta y de Agencia Contra las Droj IWICION V 01NER0 SE SOLICITA MIOFE- SIONAL PARA EJE- UTIVO OE VEATAS. NOMBRE 0 MWER. INFYRMES: OffO. g.01 ANUNCIOS: iM-i2E7. ANORRE TIEMPO V DINERO • ENVIO OE OINERO A CENTRO. SUR AMERICA V EL CARIBE VIA ATX. • SU CARTA A LAS PRINCIPALES CIUDADES • AGENCIA DE VIAJES En Poew Minutes. • RENTA DE AUTOMOVtLES 161 Collins Ave. 1099 Le Jenne Road 501 S.W. 71st Ave. No. Miami Beach, Fl. Miami, Florida Miami, Florida 940-0949 642-6339 262-7101 MISTER A \' A D ER Community Newsoapers Administrat.on 3C� 665•E=' Retaiil Advertising =Cf 667•7-E clessifiee _S= 666.5==' Editorial Oesk A FREE 1111OEPENOENT NIFWBPAPEA VOICE • SERVING OACE COUNTY 91Nc& 'I 939 =C= So'7•7_ °= COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER MAILING ADDRESS: TELEPHONES: Post Office Box 43.1010 Administration 665a214 South Miami, Florida 33143 Retail Advertising 6674"481 STREET ADDRESS Classified Advertising 666-5821 6796 South West 62nd Ave. Editorial 667.7484 South Miami, Florida 33143 Published Daily in Miami, Dade County, Florida STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE Before the undersigned authority personally ap- peared Joan Ross who on oath says that he/she is office Manager of Community Newspaper, published daily in Miami in Dade County, Ficdda; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertising of Notice in the matter of: RE: CITY OF MIAMI In the Circuit Court, was published in said newspaper in the issue of: April 29, 1988 it Affiant further says that the said Community Newspaper is a newspaper published at Miami, in said Dade County, Florida. And that said newspaper has been published continuously for a period of one year preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement: and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in Miami in said Dade County, Florida, and affiant further says that he/she has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation a discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in the said newspaper. PROOF FPUBAFFIAN CA O wo to and before me this 2 th d of Anr. AD 1 N&Lfty-Pub"te.ol!FloridlaatLugo i Seal i? C1i4 i1S :. My Commission Expires *'N llx a carts„A: ik:. k !�) PROOF OF PUBLICATION NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON MAY 12, 1988 AT 6A0 P.M. RELATED TO CITY OF MIAMI PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY CLEANING FEES A Public Hearing will be held at the City of Miami Commission Meeting of May 12, 1988, at 6:00 P.M., at the City of Miami City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, to discuss any and all issues related to the Public Right of Way Cleaning Fees. All in. terested parties are invited to appear and may be heard. 3g,� #` Malty Hirai "-'�' City Clerk Miami, Florida (4954) 4129188 Community Newspacers 6796 S=-:rwee: 62mc erne Soutr ': amp.=-orsoa 3 -3 Mailing Address: Post ="-ce S=x 43.1 Scutr •; am,. =.=r-cs 3= -3 = orlda Pub11caGons. Inc. Pubbsners. •outheides S=uth Caoe News / S=-tn vA.amo Nevus Core; �aoies News / Sct- --% vvesc n.e-s momesteso-Fior.ca C.ty News / KenCalf News 111orthsidoo North Mia^• News / Nor:- Yam eea='1 News / V am, Snores Ne^s hi a-n, Beach News / r a earl•Miam- Sorinps News / Ce-=i Cty-==a Locka NeNs i '. Say V-ua;1 %ews Countywide:==rnm.-i,„ty News:,soer ON r ..w �..u. a..... !� 'ti hthwAti�� F b��r fti eiF i. wita.F aL - T NA a Alt: of i LO Eli ti� • COUM Or OADt Personally appeared before re the undersigned, Jorge L•. Consuegra+ to ate well-known, who being duly sworn deposes and says that he i• Credit tanager of Diario Las Amicieas, newspaper of general circulation, published daily except Monr:ay, in HiaA-It Dade County, Florida. Affiant further says that tits above nae.ed ncwspapce has eontinuosly published daily except Mondays in Dade County, Florida, for more than one year inrediately preceding first puttication of said Legal :notice or %dvaetiser,ent ana was during all such time and now is entered as second class :nail matter in the United states Past Office in Hiani, Dade County, Florida, " that the Legal Notice or Advertiscur.ent, all copy of which is here to attached, was publishea in DIAZU01 LA.S APILRICAS cis the following da%-ss t Siyned v � v Sworn to and subscrited before me this �.� �" � day of t9 ____ • -LL44- in niami, Cade County, riocida. Ad ordered ty Invoice f • Li L7 : invoice /a+ount e SLAAShEL? AiTACLED 0 Notary tubkic Referee n elve ";A Referente a sus vidas prival das, Maria Martha Serra se f!Ia casado tres veces y tienty, dos hijos, Patrick de 19 afios y Cecilia de 17. "Cecilia tiene una linda voz, pero no quiero que siga mis pasos, porque Este es un am- biente muy duro". Por otra par- te, dice sentirse muy feliz con AVISO DE AUDIENCIA PUBLICA Todas las personas interesadas tomar6n nota de que una audiencia p6blica se Ilevar6 a Cabo en la Reuni6n de la Co- misi6n de La Ciudad de Miami del 12 de mayo, 1998 a las 11:15 a.m. en las Camaras de La Comisi6n de La Ciudad, 3500 Pan American Drive, para consi- derar la aceptaci6n de la terminaci6n de Construcci6n de Buena Vista High- way Improvement Fase II (Licitaci6n "A1 - H-4506. 1#4955). MATTY HIRAI CFEW CITY CLERK CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA AYISO OE AUDIENCIA PUBLICA EL 12 DE MAYO, 1988 A LAS 6:00 P.M. EN RELACION A EL OERECHO PUBLICO POR PARTE DE LA CIUDAD DE MIAMI DE COBRAR POR LIMPIEZA DE CALLES Una Audiencia P6blica se Ilevar6 a Cabo en la Reuni6n de La Comisi6n de Le Ciudad de M' 12 de ma , 1988, a las 6:00 p.m. en as maras de La Comisi6n de la Ciudad de Miami, 3500 Pan American Drive, para discutir todos los asuntos relacionados al De- recho Publico de Cobrar por Limpieza de Calles. Todas las personas Intere- sadas est6n invitadas a asistir y serdn escuchadas. (#4954). MATTY HIRAI CITY CLERK CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA EN EL CENTRO DEL DOWNTOWN A 1 CUAORA BE FLAGLER EN NORTH MIAMI AVE. Tienda al detalle en venta. Exce- lentes ttsrminos de contrato. Espacioso local con atractivos ventanales al frente. Buen trbfico con clientela establecida, apro- piado para joyerla u otro tipo de negocio. No intermediarios. Llame horas de oficina. PRECIOS $95,000 �j"ICOLOF VARIAG 4 PUL.GA! • Seleccione entre amplia Vincas, Impatients, Beg( otras colondas Ilores. r ISOclo SE �i SELECCIONE ENl ru c � �...�•.o � ; • CAPA VEGETA ESTIERCOL -- 0 .PEAT NUMU ; r ri0 SE�CION RTEZA DE CIPRES . COMIE NCE 1 SU JARDIN SACO DE SAC 30 LEIS. 40 L " rjl�ro`�Q�p+ 1.g^4a n i nm n. r : . un emvv � n I�•ul•vl�'Ih:w�j p� 7j1�j __ 1�i I�lit�lrfil/t 1 L1i!►'ll:��E�l AHORA OFRECIENDOSE v L TODAS LAS POSICIONES!! V/SA IRRERA EN AAMBIENTE PRECIOS GARANTIZA RAPIOD ESTIMULANTE Y DE HASTA MARTES GRUPO! iNO ESPERF HAGA 3 BE MAYO BE 1988. SU SOLICITUD HOY! Nm Movy", d Medn a W, CVAy 1)\j©©\ iEN TODAS LAS LOCALIOADFS! CW" f7°"E" P"' °wt'0f k rna r r Ohm is two rgbw 6 nevi h Phan r mr�r rrms arnuot r .ws Ea el nwm a, m rm Mrnm r.. to PW i1 Aw Of T tARi oA 1 C0 94TY Or DADS Personalty appeared before me the undersigned. Jorge to Consuegra, to ate 'well-known, who being duty sworn deposes and says that he is Credit Manager Of Oiarto Las AmIctcas, ne••spaper of general circulation, published daily except Mom:ay, in Niaai, Dada Coonty, Florida. Affiant further says that Use above named newspaper has eontinuosly published daily except Itondays LA Dade County, Florida, tot more than one year inrediately preceding first puttication of said Legal Notice or sdvectiseaent ano was during all such time and now is anteced as second class mail mattee in the United States Pest office in Miami, Dade County, Florida, " that the Legal Notice or tdvertiscc:ent, all copy of which is here to attached, was publishea in DtAltIO LAS AVERICAS on tho following da:'s: Signed Sworn to am subscri ed�beta`teethis �.�Zoo day of S t9 , in !Miami, Dade County, Clorida. P.O. i 1.9 :ems 144 ordered ty �'GHc� � Ted% / G .1. Invoice i Notas� t'uti 30� Invoice fawunt,, 6) e tU1RSGCLT a9=ACY.00 � 7 Referente a sus vidas priva- das, Maria Martha Serra Lima se ha casado tres veces y tieee dos hijos, Patrick de 19 aflos y Cecilia de 17. "Cecilia tiene una linda voz, pero no quiero que saga mis pesos, porque Oste es un am• biente muy duro". Por otra par• ter dice sentirse muy feliz con AVISO DE AUDIENCIA PUBLICA Todes las personas interesodas tomaran note de qua una audiencle pGblics as Ilevara a cabo en to Reuni6n de Is Co- misi6n de Le Ciudad de Miami del 12 de mayo, 1988 a las 11:15 a,m. an las Cameras de La Comisi6n de La Ciudad, 35M Pan American Drive, pare consi- deter Is aceptaci6n de is termin8ci6n de Construcci6n de Buena Vista High- way Improvement Fase II (Licitaci6n „A") . (N495 MATTY HIRAI CITY CLERK CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA AYISO DE AUDIENCIA PUBLICA EL 12 DE MAYO. 1983 A LAS 6:00 P.M. EN RELACION A EL DERECHO PUBLICO POR PARTE BE LA CIUDAD DE MIAMI DE COBRAR POR LIMPIEZA BE CALLES Una Audiencia P6biica se Ilevera a Cabo an Is Reuni6n de La Comisi6n de La Ciudad de Miami del 12 de mayo, 1988, a les 6:00 p.m. an las Camaras de Le Comisi6n de Is Ciudad de Miami, 35M Pan American Drive, pars discutir todos los asuntos relacionados al De• recho Publico de Cobrar por Limpieza de Calles. Todes las personas inters- sodas estan invitadas a asistir y seran escuchadas. 04954). Agdghk MATTY HIRAI on CITY CLERK CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA EN EL CENTRO DEL DOWNTOWN A 1 CUAORA DE IFLAOLER EN NORTH MIAMI AVE. 71enda al detalle en vents. Exce- lentes tdrminos de contrato. Espacioso local con atractivos ventanales al frente. Suen trbfico con clientele establecide, apro- piado pare joyerle u otro tipo de negoclo. No intermedlarios, Llame floras de oficina. 374-6566 PRECIOS 095 000 !�O-COLORE VARIADO �4 PULGADI 0 Seleccione entre amplia varlet Vinces, Impatients, Begonias otras colondas floras. 6 tom• �.... ,. T< - -' " SELECCIONE ENTRE i �yLCM `7 CAPA VEGETAL, ESTIERCOL .PEAT HUMUS tr SU l\ r CORTEZA log DE CIP E3 COMIENCE SU JARDIN SACO DE SAGO Of 30 LOS, 40 LSS. AHORA OFRECIENOOSE � TOGAS LAS POSICIONES!!IOIGAI T NUN DC CARRERAAMBIENTE PRECIOS OARANTIZAOOS RAPIDO ESTIMULANTE V OE HASTA MARTES GRUP01 ►NO ESPERE NAGA 3 DE MAYO DE 19911. SU SOLICITUD NOV! rw rwns�o, eta• r+�w vnarw M (ID iEN TOGAS LAS IOGAUDA0E5! d� CV**" NWA i "r pefto rr"RweW=—ram. t"rIV" aMnr*wAMgr PON00 arwer # w M a %M" *,48 h ►'nr rir; �v; i uw or ttronox • MATV O! DADC Personally appeared before me the undersigned, Jorge ut Consuegcas to sie well-known, who being duly sworn deposes and rays that h• is Credit t:anA909 of Oiario Las AmFzicas, newspaper of general circulation, published daily except Mortiay, in Miami, Dade Coonty, Florida. Affiant further says that the above named ncwspaper has continuosly published daily except Mondays in Dade County, Florida, for more than one year inrediattly preceding first puttication of said Legal Notice or adviertiseicent an* was during all such time and now is entered as second class Nail matter in the United States Peet Ott ice in 1Mia3i, Oade County, Florida, " that the Legal i:otice or Mvertiscrent, all cotry of which is here to attached, was publishea in 01"10 L.AS AVERICAS on the following da�•s: PP Signed Sworn to and subscrited before me this day of f 19_ , in lliami, Dade county, rioriaa. M ordered ty c���•T ,�- �� �y Invoice i q% Oo Invoice lrount e TE"ShELT a1TACI.00 a Notary rublio .4 DIES 29 DE ABRIL DE 1980 L42rrarl icio de le RU -o, fue objeto de 1al de la Florida :lode la Asocia- de estudios. I de la Universi- la sencilla cere- rnor que experi.- mbre que era el :uba, habia lido On de la Facul- Sociologia, pro- meritisima del s vicisitudes del fad humana y la esos meritos, to ►sociaci6n. On de FW figu. to de Doctor Ho- listincibn de que "porque no soy su vida a to que el conocimiento e ha dado cosas ,mola amistady se le haya reco- rd obra". electual y profe- Marrero en tan deci6 la presen- las Universida- S Ott :oraz6n de Cuba y University en luisito indispen- ;studios, necesI- ,referiblemente a cu:.lquier epo- dicional y plani- rs de Barry Uni- We. Miami, Fla CIUDAD DE MIAMI, FLORIDA AVISO DE AUDIENCIA PUBLICA Una audiencia p6blica sera Ilevada a cabo por Is Comisi6n de Is Ciudad de Miami, Florida, el 12 de mayo, 1988, a las 11:05 a.m. en las C3maras de Is Comisi6n de La Ciudad, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida, con el prop6sito de escuchar objeciones a Is Comisi6n de La Ciudad por parte de cualquier persona interesada que se vea afectada por Is restsuraci6n y limpieza propuesta del Lawrence Waterway Canal y las calles que to rodean. LAWRENCE WATERWAY CANAL - CLEANUP b RESTORATION El proyecto incluir3 extirpaci6n de escombros, dragaci6n del tondo del canal, estabilizaci6n de Is orilla del canal y reconstrucci6n de las Galles adyacontes en el Srea entre N.W. 7 Street y entre N.W. 17 Court y N.W. 17 Place. Todas las personas interesadas est6n invitadas a asistir y ser8n escuchadas al respecto de dichas eliminaciones a incrementos. Si alguna persona deseara apelar cualquier desici6n de Is Comisi6n de La Ciudad con respecto a cualquier asunto a ser considerado en esta audiencia, dicha persona deber8 asegurarse de que un record a verbatim de los procedimientos sea hecho, incluyendo todo testimonio y evidencia sobre los cuales cualquier evidencia estd basada. 1I49511. ��<r o i MATTY HIRAI CITY CLERK roFCITY OF MIAMI. FLORIDA NOT The Cour Chapter 21 County Ct from a qu planning e noise exp ternationa in Federal assisting, tours; ant of noise ports and Current C required. firm's exl to the re this projt Data Shi and arch of Affirm For ques contact t For que: Action F Business Firms d, fression. containe Mli14TY or 01►Dt � Personally appeared before me the undersigned, Jorge U. Consuegra, to a►e r:ell-knowng who being duly sworn deposes and says that he is Credit manager of Diarto Las Amlricas, newspaper of general eicculation, published daily except Morv:ay, in Miami, Dade County, Elocida. 7►ffiant further says that the above named ncwspaper has continuosly published daily except ftondays in Dads County, Florida, tog more than one year inrediately preceding first putlication of said Legal Notice or advectisen,ent ano was during all such time and now is entered as second class Nail matter in the United States Pest office in Miami, Dade County, Florida, " that the Legal I.otice or Advertiscrent, all cor+y of which is here to attached, was publishea in DIAZUO LAS AN:EFICAS on the following da:-s: Signed Sworn to asubscrited efors me this d nd ay of 19 , in Miami, Dade County,.rlocida. P.O. � - M ocdecad ky (c�cr� 1'41/y" - Invoice 1 UP/ / Not rtwti Invoice 1jrount TtAASIXLT a1TACI.CD 1 t 7 N 7�, P:ic. 4-13—DIAR10 LAS ANTE- ZICAS DOMINGO I DE MAYO DE 1988 "RIFI,F,...IiONES" 1.• .iamAs le acepto a nadic eso de que "t00000das las mujeres son iguales"... i Nay que ver en la playa la tremenda desigual. dad que existe entre las flacas, las envuelticas en carne, y las gordas... 2.— Cuando veo llover en un tramo corto, imagino que hay una gotera en el cielo... 3.— Era un aprendiz de pirata. Todavfa no tenia pata de palo, ni parche en un ojo... Con su elegante bata cubana, la rutilante cantante Georgina Granados se ve rodeada de un grupo de amigos, entre los que se hallan Armando Rodriguez, el empresario Victor del Corral y� Kart, con motivo de recibir una distinci6n mds en su exitosa ca rrera. Georgina Granados es otra de las grandes estrellas que vendrd desde Nueva York, para participar en el sensational espectdculo "El Show de los Grandes", celebrando este ado i Los 50 Anos de Teatro de Rosendo Rosell! El elenco es verdlll- deramente impresionante: Olga Guillot, Marta Ptrez, Xioma- ra Alfaro, Orquesta Tipica Tropical, Roberto Antonio, Miguel Herrero, Rolando Ochoa, Pepa Berrio, Estrellita Balzaga, Alex, el pequeno gigante, Josd Le Matt, Chamaco Garcia, Rent Touzet, Irene Farach, Manolo Torrente, Ray Oliva, Ana Maria, Alfredo Munar, Lolita Berrio, Wilfredo Ferndndez, Ana Margo, Rafael Benitez, Dinorah Ndpoles, la actuaci6n especial de Mayra y Silvio "Los Cuba -Rumba", Cdsar Morales, Sita del Rey, y la animaci6n de Pili de la Rosa, Alexis Farf, Eduardo Gonzdlez Rubio, Betty Pino, Lourdes Montaner, Aleyda Leal, Marta Flores, y Angelito Martin. Las entradas por el "F6n" 868.3082... y en el Floridita Restaurante, 3 Tiendas Ricky Re- cords, las Agencias Bass, Speck, Pouparinas, y en el Dade County. ;Asegure su entrada al espectdculo mds completo del .. Cesar NO en el prog El program Adelante Miami, qt alas 11:00 en la WQBA La Cubanisi ta, agente de relaciones ptiblicas d, invitado especial al administradt Odio, este domingo 1 de mayo, qu. mas deinterts para toda la con Para mds informaci6n sobre los llamar a Gisela Elgarresta al 1( "Romerm Vareliana" en El comitc organizador del Bicen lebrarA este domingo 1 de mayo zando alas 12dela mafiana en los j. del Cobre (3609 South Miami Av Durante la romerfa se podriin co polio, pan con lech6n, arroz con pie cubano) a precios muy econ6mi Habrfl mtisica y actuaciones arts BaraguA" que estard entre el p, Lo recaudado en esta romerfa s trucci6n de un monumento al Padr Miami. La romerfa finalizard con el rezt ra mds informacift, llamar a lr .it,Yfiiat�9,22�A?`�N?fc:A'�S�tR',R?�7ZOCb:+i9fa. ZLLEGO A Entonces, su retiro no esta mu) Permitame ayudarlo. Manny Rodi Tel.: 82! 1SUFRE USTE CLINICA \ DR. H a C 0 PODI 5799 S.W. 8th St., Miami 637 East 419 St., Hialeah, transpo Ciruifa y tratamiento rompleta,de Juer metatarso caido, dedo rnartillo, espo16i aue califiouen. Medicare CITY OF MIA AVISO DE AUDII LA COMISION DE LA CIUDAD DE MIAf PUBLICA EL 12 DE MAYO, 1988, A U PAN AMERICAN DRIVE, MIAMI, FLOP REFERENCIA A LA SOUCITACION DE PF UNA INSTALACION CON TODOS LO MARINA Y USO AL PETALLE DE A MARINA EN APROXIMADAMENTE,12! MAR DE LA CIUDAD, INCLUYENDO 6 6.21 DE TIERRA SUMERGIDA CONTIGEI4 EN 2640 SOUTH BAYSHORE DRIVE, M DICION DICHO RFP ISOUCITACION D COMPAF41A DE CONTADURIA PUBUCA UN COMITE DE REVISION PARA EVAL RESULTADOS DE LOS HALLAZGOS AJ CARTA CONSTITUCIONAL Y EL COD*( 53(c). N ;jA%% CC Z1+Gal0i1 + i 1 cxia+rt Or DAD pecsonally appeaced before re the undersigned, Jotge Le Consuegcas to eta r:ell-known, who being duty sworn deposes and says that he is Credit vanagec of Diario Las J micicas, newspaper of general circulation, published daily except Honx:ay, in Miaoii, Dade County, Florida. 1kffiant further says that the above named ncvspapcc has eontinuosly published daily except Itondays in Dade County, Florida, foc mote than one yeac inrediately preceding first putlication of said Legal Notice or %dvrctisexcnt ano was during all such time and now is entered as second class mail matter in the United States pest Office in Miami, Dade County, Florida, " that the Legal Notice or tdvertiscrent, all copy of which is hate to attached, was publishea in DIMUO L.A.S AL:ERICAS on tho following da�-s: Signed Sworn to ar+d subscrited before me this �� day of /9 (10�____ , in Miami@ Dade County, .t'locida. Ad ordered ky M-14" Invoice I Invoice /.A+ount /-9-, � TLAASI;C.I.T a1TACi:t7J "7 notary ta.�llie� ' i ! 2` V� 0400 l DE MAYO DE 1988- al de Oracion, 19880 scion Presidenc i"al Esa lecei6n es ar la libertad y de vivir--, el oraci6n. Un>i- ►s todos, a tra- ra. Undmonos s, en hogares y de gobierno y i6n, asi como r donde estdn para defers. 3 por amor de n btisqueda de acia del arre- tndo sus ben - la confianza y por su mano k sobre noso- naci6n, sobre la defensa de los hombres, conjunto del el 17 de abril .miento de un 'ado cada aQo I de Oracibn, a uns amada Ronald Rea. los Estados 15demayode Zonal de .Ora- 66n y suplico a los ciudadanos de nuestra gran naeft a reunirse ese dia en hogares y templos pa- rs drar, cada uno a su manera, por la unidad en el coraz6n de los hombres". Firmado: Hon. Ronald W. Rea- gan Presidente de los E.U.A. CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA AYISO DE AUDIENCIA PUBLICA LA COMISION DE LA CIUDAD DE MIAMI, LLEVARA A CABO UNA AUDIENCIA PUBLICA EL 12 DE MAYO, 1988, A LAS 2:00 P.M. EN EL CITY HALL, 35M PAN AMERICAN DRIVE, MIAMI, FLORIDA PARA RECIBIR TESTiMON10 EN REFE— RENCIA A LA SOLICITACION DE PROPUESTAS DE UN DESARROLLO UNIFICADO, PARA EL DESARROLLO DE OFICINAS YIO HOTEL, INCLUYENDO ESPACIO EN LA PLANTA BAJA PROPIEDAD DE LA CIUDAD PARA TIENDAS AL DETALLE, LOCALIZADO DENTRO DEL AREA DEL CIVIC CENTER EN 1145 N.W. 11 STREET, COMUNMENTE CONOCIDA COMO "LA PROPIEDAD DEL EDIFICIO MUNICIPAL DE JUSTICIA", AUTORIZAR LA EXPEDICION DE DICHA RFP ISOLICITACION DE PROPUESTAS); SELECCION DE UNA COMPANIA DE CONTADURIA PUBLICA Y ASIGNAR MIEMBROS PARA UN COMITE DE REVISION PARA EVALUAR LAS PROPUESTAS Y RESULTADOS DE LOS REPORTES AL MANAGER DE LA CIUDAD, COMO LO PIDE LA CARTA CONSTITUCIONAL Y EL CODIGO DE LA CIUDAD DE MIAMI, SECCION 531c►. Todas las personas est6n invitsdas a asistir y ser8n escuchadas con respecto a dicha solicitud pars propuestas. La audiencia se Ilevard a Cabo a Is hora y lugar arriba mencionados. Si alguna persona deseara apelar cualquier desicibn por pane de Is Comisi6n con respecte a cualquier asunto a ser considerado en esta reuni6n, dicha persona deberA asegurarse de qua un rAcord a verbatim de los procedimientos sea hecho, incluyendo todo testimonio y evidencia sobre los cuales cualquier spelaci6n est3 basada. f MATTY HIRAI CITY CLERK uasSB► CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA ostro V hi '1-110-'s stamos pars minorias. el,Pre'stamos V11'r1usvalia leriean Lending Cor- estA comprometida a los negocios pequedos. ss un miem- na , i minorla nusvAlido, .terano de llAmenos. Le ayyuudaremos a proporcionarle el dinero que necesite para comprar, expander o invertir en un negoeio pequeno. First American Len- ding Corporation. PA Donde los pequeftos negocios reciben una gran ayuda. La nuev, mas ex creado s Una jo 1�►ctll' i