HomeMy WebLinkAboutO-10436J--88-35 7 3/23 8 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A NEW SPECIAL REVENUE FUND ENTITLED: "COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GIANT (FOURTEENTH YEAR) y" AND .APPROPRIATING $ 1 1 , 297, 000 FOR EXECUTION OF SAME; AND ALSO APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF $1,045,000 FROM FOURTEENTH YEAR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) PROGRAM INCOME AS APPROVED BY THEE, DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT (HUD) FOR A TOTAL OF $12,342,000; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A'SEVERAHILITY CLAUSE. WHEREAS, it is anticipated that the Department of Housing and Urban Development will award to`the .City of Miami a grant of $11,297,000,entitled Community Development Block Grant Fourteenth Year to provide community development activities for the period commencing June 16, 1988, and ending June 15,_1989; and WHEREAS, the City Department - of Community Development projected that income amounting to $1,045,000 will be generated during the period commencing June 16,, 1988, and ending June 15, 1989; and WHEREAS, the Department of Housing and Urban Development approved the programming of said anticipated income of $1,045,000 to provide community development activities for the period commencing June 16, 1988, and ending June _15, -1989; as set forth in Housing and Urban Development Rules and Regulations Subpart J, Section 570.506, paragraph (c); and WHEREAS, the herein' Ordinance is a proper vehicle to appropriate the aforesaid grant; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA; 104,36 -88-357 3 2:3tBFf ORDINANCE ' NO. 1043 AN ORDINANCE ESTABL S1iING A NE3W PE:CIAI REVENUE FUND ENTITLED: "COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (FOURTEENTH YEAR)," AND APPROPRIATING $1112979000 FOR EXECUTION OF SAME; AND ALSO APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF $1,045,000 FROM FOURTEENTH YEAR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT E3LOCK GRANT, (CDBG) PROGRAM INCOME AS APPROVED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF HOUSINGAND URBAN DEVELOPMENT (HUD) FOR A TOTAL OF $ 1 2, 342, 000; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. WHEREAS, it is anticipated that the Department of Housing and Urban Development will award to the City of Miami a grant of $11,297,000 entitled Community Development Block Grant Fourteenth Year to provide community, development activities for the period commencing June 16,_1988, and ending June 15, 1989; and WHEREAS, the City Department of Community Development projected that income amounting to $1,045,000 will be generated during the period commencing June 16, 1988,,and ending June 15, 1989; and WHEREAS, the Department of Housing and Urban Development approved the programming of said anticipated income of $1,045,000 to provide community development activities for the period commencing Jun'e_16, 1988, and ending June 15, 1989; as set forth in Housing and Urban Development Rules and Regulations Subpart 'J, Section 570.506, paragraph (c); and WHEREAS, the herein Ordinance is a proper vehicle to appropriate the aforesaid grant; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: t?t•i.l nn 1 OW! nk Spec ia1, Peve7,-)ut- Fund hereby established, and resources are hereby appropriated as iet,i�ribePl herein: FUND TITLE: Communi y DevelQPmeht Block Grant (114th Year) RESOURCE: Federal Grant -U. S. Department of Housing and Urban -Development $ 1 1, 297, 000 Community Development Block Grant Program Income (14th Year) --- —.`_� 120 45,000 APPROPRIATIONt Community Development Block Grant (_14th Year) TOTAL $12, 342_,-000 Section 2. The herein total appropriation of $12,342,000 for Community Development refers to those publicly supported physical development activities and those related social or economic development activities being carried out within a reasonable period of time in accordance with the approved Grant Program Final Statement., Section 3. All Ordinance or parts of Ordinances insofar as they are inconsistent or in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance, are hereby repealed. Section 4. If ,any section, part of section, paragraph, clause, phrase or word of this Ordinance is declared invalid, the remaining provisions of this Ordinance shall not be affected. _2- IL0436 �1) 1' TIIQ roI Iowin€- t?ia 1 R v t��s,s �'urt i i. I e t t7?b tali �h�jci rnra resourr r�,, ar°e iier etFy ;pprc?�. ;r �tet� as � dcz-icribe.i hrein: FUND TITLE! Community Development. €31oc k Grarit ( 111t h _Year) RESOURCES: Federal. Grant U. S. Department �rtment of Housing .and Urban Development 1;11.L2g'i,()00 Community Development Hlor.1 Grant Program Income (1rth Year _ $ 1 , U4 5, 000 APPROPRIATION: Community Development Block Grant 1,14th Year) TOTAL, $12, 342_, 000 Section 2. The herein total appropriation of $12,342,000 for Community Development refers to those publicly supported physical development activities and those related social or economic development activities being carried out within a reasonable period of time in accordance with the approved Grant Program Final Statement Section 3. All Ordinance or parts of Ordinances insofar as they are inconsistent or in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance, are hereby repealed. Section 4. If any section, part of section, paragraph, clause, phrase or word of this Ordinance is declared invalid, the remaining provisions of this Ordinance shall not be affected 2 104 6 PASSED ON VII?S`I' READINI BY TITLE ONIN, k:hi.s I4t h dayof 1988 . PASSED AND ADOPTED ON .SECOND AND FINAL READMG BY TITLE ONLY, this _ 12th day o May _ , 19 — f' r 'XAVIE;R L. SUARE;`:, MAYOR :-v MATTY HIRAI CITY CLERK BUDGETARY REVIEW: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT REVIEW: - i..• .:f is C1. .,. •_ � /fit' �, >��®� ttl �.. f:�.� y� FRANK MAY, ACTING J ECTOR FRANK CASTANEDA, DIRECTOR DEPT. OF MANAGqjQl & BUDGET DEPT. OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: FINANCE REVIEW: ROBERT F. CLARK CARL IGARCTA, DIRECTOR CHIEF DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY DEPAITMENT OF FINANCE APPROV, S TO FORM & -CORRECTNESS: LU A. D GHERTY `CITY ATIOR Y i, liattti [lirai, ('It:?; r, t`t� C;it. or Nli:llni I'Ec>ticidt hemAy Cato; th"I OIL 0 tmE11 "wv W,; 'i.,.' .! •;i I':1 t.'ry _- U: ..ll I t. •l1,3li' ! ;i'?( ,ti��.. ? t ..i !. t:a r lti!' ;r tfa_ctz Itiit� jt tt, ;�i�! �1V ill. {i! " 11! j ,'1 :. t1I Ui li:.i !l:� iill tl!• �. : i f'i �t, c: ,wk _. _ 26 cirY OK MIAMI. FLOML?A INTt:-0-01rFICE MthiOnANOUM .� The Honorable ilayor and -)„r V I,�, VILE Members of the City Commission ?u 14th Year Community Development Block Grant #::.. (CDBG).Application ? OR N nEf•rPEtIr:ES .. Cesar Odio �1 Commission Agenda item City Manager 'V er,-t�5t,ryf April 14, 1988 — f E RECOMMENDATION: 1 It is respectfully recommended that the City Commission approve the attached ordinance and resolution, appropriating Community Development Block Grant funds (Fourteenth'Year), authorizing the City Manager to; submit a Final Statement to the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) requesting fundsin the amount of $11,297,000 for the proposed Community Development Program during 1988 1989, and further authorizing the City Manager, upon approval of said grant by HUD, to accept the same and execute the necessary implementing contracts and agreements. It is further recommended that the City Commission approve the programming, of the expected program income of $1,045,000 to be allocated to projects in accordance wi.�is. Lire d1,,: i information. BACKGROUND: The Department of Community Development has prepared the appropriate legislation for a public hearing on the 14th Year Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program scheduled for April 14, 1988. This will be the only hearing at the City Commission regarding the proposed' allocation. The City's _ Community Development grant has been reduced by 5.39% as a result of a federal budget cutback approved by Congress last December. This reduction in federal monies will be effective June 16, 1988, when funding of the 14th Year Community Development will begin at a level of $11,297,000 which is $643,000 less than the grant amount received for 13th Year. In addition, staff has anticipated that $1,045,00,0 in program income will be received during the coming year from mingle and mu `; •-family housing rehabilitation loan repayments. This supplement to the City's grant amount brings the toga' amount. of funding available to $ 11 , 742, 000. With this amount., however, funding sti'.1 remains n a-deq u-a to t'J meet f_'{.".mmunity tie?e+7S. - - a 26 (:IfY Or MIAMI. FLUWDA IN?F14•0FF1Ct MtMORnNDUM -o The Honorable Mayor and Q,,,r 1MAP I•ILE Members or the City Commission ��, 1F,-,t 14th Year Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Application RF F.r pEflr; f.S Cesar Odio �� Commission Agenda Item City Manager April 14, 1988 RECOMMENDATION: It is respectfully recommended that the City Commissionapprove the attached ordinance and resolution, appropriating Community Development Block Grant funds (Fourteenth Year), authorizing the City Manager to submit a Final Statement to the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) requesting funds in the amount of $11,297,000 for the proposed Community Development Program during 1988 1989, and further authorizing the City Manager, upon approval of said grant by HUD, to accept the same and execute the necessary implementing contracts and agreements. It is further recommended that the City Commission approve the - programming -of the expected program income of $1,045,000 to be al_1.ocated to projects in accordance wii,h iIN information BACKGROUND: The Department of Community Development has prepared the appropriate legislation for a public hearing on the 14th Year Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program scheduled for April 14, 1988. This will be the only hearing at the City Commission regarding, the proposed allocation. The City's Community Development grant has been reduced by 5.39% as a result of a federal budget cutback approved by Congress last December. This reduction in federal monies will be effective June 16, 1988, when funding of the 14th Year Community Development will begin at a level of $11,297,000 which is $643,000 lessthan the grant amount received for 13th Year. In addition, staff has anticipated that $1,045,000 in program income will be received during the coming year from single and multi -family housing rehabilitation loan repayments. This supplement to the City's grant amount brings the total, amount of funding available to $12,342,000. With this amount, however, funding still remains inadequate to meet community needs. 1043C � The Honorable Mayor, and Members of the City Commission , Page, -2- It is the recommendation of staff and the C.D. Advisory Board that funding be concentrated on those activities which will have the greatest positive impact. Housing Public Service Programs . Economic Development As in previous years, the 'fourteenth year Community Development planning process has been a difficult one for staff and Community Development Advisory Board members alike in making recommendations for projects funding. Requests for Community Development allocations from the community as a whole have greatly exceeded anticipated_ resources. During the past year, members of the Community Development Advisory Board have become more involved with all issues affecting their respective communities and they are better able to advise the City on decisions affecting their neighborhoods. RJc ?rr? 1 rcrp the Community Development Advisory Board concurs with recommendations made by staff regarding the use of funds for loth Year activities. I. HOUSING Since 1978, a major portion of the City's annual CDBG allocation has been earmarked- for the provision of low -interest loans and direct grants to low and moderated income homeowners for the purpose of financing needed home repairs. To -date, over $11,800,000 in rehabilitation financing has been provided to 759 qualified homeowners citywide. Loan -repayments are rolled over into the program and used to provide additional loans and grants. In addition, the CDBG funded multifamily rental housing rehabilitation financing program provides rehabilitation financing for needed repairs to rental housing projects located in the City's 'Community Development target areas, at interest rates and terms whichwould not require major rent increase burdens to be passed on to the low income tenants. To date, over $11,400,000 in CDBG rehabilitation financing has been provided, which has leveraged over $8,500,000 in private monies, resulting in the renovation of 49 rental housing projects containing 1,309 dwellings. t r The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission Page i3 f 3 i The Community Development Advisory Board has recommended refunding of both the Single Family and the Multifamily Rehabilitation Loan Programs through the 14th Year Community Development Block Grant Program at funding levels of $1,7121914 and $2,261,251, respectively, as a measure to continue to upgrade the City's existing housing inventory. Other programs recommended for funding through the 14th Year CDBG Program that are directly or 'indirectly related to housing includes 1) Continuation of the City's Substandard Structure Demolition Program $150, 000 2) Continuation of the citywide Historic Preservation Program, entailing the inventory of sites of historic and architectural significance within...... the city, and the development of programs for their preservation $35,000. 3) Continuation of the Overtown Historic Preservation Program which serves to conserve the history and culture of the Culmer-Overtown area by identifying, collecting, organizing, and processing historical records pertaining to the development of the Culmer-Overtown area and making the collection availableto the 'community - $31,000. 4) Continuation of the Senior Crime Watch Security Program, which provides home security improvements in the form of locks and security screens to low income residents on a citywide basis $55,000 5) Continuation of the Cooperative' Housing Research and Development' Program which entails using Community Development funds as working capital for the conversion of rental properties to cooperative ownership' and the development, of new cooperative housing - $20,000. II. PUBLIC SERVICES 'Support services which complement the physical and economic developmentthrust of the Community Development Program are necessary to assist residents and improve the quality of life in neighborhoods. The public' services programs recommended for funding are tailored to meet the needs of the particular _ neighborhoods and include: meals, elderly services, child care, health care, and special needs. J 1043C The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission Page - 4- 1 e 4 3 Available C.D. funding for public services is limited because federal regulations have placed a fifteen per cent (15$) cap on the utilization of C.D. funds for social service programs. It is anticipated that the 1'4th Year entitlement to the City will be reduced by 5.39%, which will lower the available amount for public services by $96,450, from $11791,000 to $1694,550, Currently, the City directs all but $5,000 of the allowable 15% cap of its C.D. allocation for this purpose. During the 13th Year C.D. allocation process, the City Commission committed the entire 15% or $1,791,000 to social services agencies. However, St, Alban's Day Nursery was unable to meet the City's contractual requirements and the Commission reallocated $23,000 of the $28,000 previously committed to this Agency to Carey Technical Institute, leaving an uncommited balance of 13th Year C.D. funds in the amount of $5,000. The staff recommendation (Attachment I), continues most existing projects at a 5.2% reduction of current funding levels and maintains the service priorities reaffirmed by the City Commission during 'the 13th Year C.D. allocation process (meals, health care, childcare and special needs). In addition,, due to fhP 1 i Mi tarj availability of funds, new Nrupubdis dr II(A recommended for 14th Year C.D. funding. It should be pointed out that, if new projects are funded -or allocations to existing projects are maintained at current levels or increased, then, 'the increased and/or maintenance funding must be taken from other currently 'funded agencies". The recommended reduction is below the 5.39% cut in the City,'s entitlement ,as a result of the transfer of the $6, 397 'allocation to Belafonte Tacoley to the 'budget of the Department of Parks, Recreation and Public Facilities and the aforementioned $5,000 reduction form the St. Alban's allocation _due to the Agency's inability to contract with the City. During the 13th Year allocation process, the City Commission directed that Belafonte Tacolcy be funded through the budget of the Department of Parks, Recreation and Public Facilities. The recommendation also maintains a small contingency fund of $7,582 which may be used for public service projects. y The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission Rages- - It should also be noted that, during the 13th Year allocation process, $58,293 was allocated to social service 'agencies from the available balance of unexpended 12th Year C.D. Funds for — public services. These funds were awarded to the following four (4) agencies: Centro Mater ($200000), Miami Jewish Home and Hospital for the Aged Douglas Gardens ($32,178), Association for the Useful Aged ($2,265) and the Lions Home for the Blind ($3,850). The staff recommendation for the 14th Year does not consider these allocations.,- rather, it considers only a 5.2% reduction of the actual allocation from 13th Year funds. Once stuff is able to determine the available balance of unexpended 13th Year funds for public services, the City Commission will have the option to redistribute these funds accordingly. Staff has received several new proposals for considerationas well as requests for increased funding from several existing agencies. Included in the new 'requests are proposals from three agencies which were referred by the City Commission to participate in the C.D. funding process. 1). The Hope Pre -School, Inc., submitted a proposal in the amount of '$166,400-to operate a child care program in the Edison Little River area for 115 children ages 2-6.` 2). Carey Technical Institute submitted a job placement assistance program proposal for consideration under the economic development portion of the C.D. grant in the amount of $115,000. However, as indicated earlier, the City, Commission awarded a portion of the request ($23,000) through the available public services pool, thereby reducing the request to $92,000. In order to maintain continuity, the proposal has been considered with public service requests and has been includedinthe staff recommendation for the 14th' Year at a 5.2% reduction of the $23,000 '13th Year allocation` ($21,804). As _discussed earlier, due to 'budgetary constraints, funding is not recommended for new, proposals or increases to existing projects. Ook The Honorable Mayor and 3 Members of the City Commission Page -6- s 3). Representatives from Cure Aids Now, Inc., also made a, public appearance before the City Commission requesting funds to maintain home delivered meals to homebound aids patients. This Agency has received twenty (20) meals per day from the City r supported home delivered_ meals program operated by the Senior Centers of bade County which ended January 31, 1988- The } Commis-sion referred the Agency to participate in the C.D. funding process. Staff has linked the Agency up with Jewish Family Services to continue the meals service. Jewish Family Services received Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) funds specifically to address this need Attachment A clearly overviews C.D. funds allocated by service category and the impact the 5.2% reduction will have on each service category if the _staff recommendation_ is approved. Following is a brief summary of the impact of the reduction on each service category: 1. C.D. Meals Agencies Funding would decrease by $50,654, from '$974,113 to $923,459; 2. C.D. Healthcare 'Agencies Funding would be reduced by $4,805, from $92418 to $87,613; 3. C.D. Childcare Agencies Funding would be cut by $13,988, from $269,000 to $255,012;_ and 4. C.D. Special -Needs Agencies Funding would be reduced by $29,584, from $450,469 to.-$420,885.- III. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT The Department of Community "Development presently funds twelve (12)'CB01s, eleven at a level of fifty -thousand dollars ($50,000) and one at a level of seventy-five thousand ($75,000) for the 1987-88 fiscal period.` These 'funds provide for administrative and programmatic operational support. Based on the 1987-88midyear contractor's evaluation report (see attachment 2) staff is recommending that all twelve (12)'CBO's be awarded contracts of fifty thousanddollars($50,000) each for a one-year period. IL0436 The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission y Page -6. 3). Representatives from Cure Aids Now, Inca, also made a public appearance before the City Commission requesting 'funds to maintain home delivered meals to homebound aids patients. This Agency has received twenty (20) meals' per day from the City supported home delivered meals program operated by the Senior Centers of. Dade County which ended January 31, 1988. The Commis -Sion referred the Agency to participate in the C.D. funding process. Staff has linked the Agency up with Jewish Family Servicesto continue the meals service. Jewish Family Services E received Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) funds - specifically to address this need. fi Attachment A clearly overviews C.D. funds allocated by service category and, the impact the 5.2% reduction will have on each service category' if the staff recommendation is approved. Following is a brief summary, of the impact of the reduction on each service category: 1 C.D. Meads Agencies - Funding would decrease by $5.0,654, from $974,113 to $923,459; 2. C.D. Healthcare Agencies - Funding would be reduced by $4,,805, from $92,418 to $87,613; 3. C.D. Childcare Agencies - Funding would be cut by $13f9889 from $269,000-to $255,012; and 4. C.D. Special Needs Agencies- - Funding would be reduced by $29,584, from $450,469 to'$420_,885• III. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT The Department of Community Development presently funds twelve (12) CBO's,` eleven at a level of fifty -thousand ' dollars '($50,000) and one at a level of seventy-five thousand ($75,000) for the 1987'-88 fiscal period. These funds provide for administrative and programmatic operational support. Based on the 1987-88 midyear contractor's evaluation report (see' attachment.2) staff is recommending that all twelve '(12) CBO's be awarded contracts of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) each for a- one-year period. : 10436 i i The Honorable Mayor and ' Members ofthe Commission Page y7. In view of the 5.4% cut in Community Development Fourteenth (14th) Year budget allocation<amount, it is recommended that no funds be appropriated for Metro -Miami fiction Plan (MMAP) program. a In addition to the aforementioned budget cut, the overall program ` objective of MMAP does not conform to the new ,guidelines set t forth by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) which regulate the use of Community Development Block Grant i funds. ' In addition, staff recommends providing funds in the amount of $120,000 to Miami Capital Development, Inc., to provide technical and financial assistance to small and/or minority owned businesses located in the City of Miami target areas. Likewise, staff proposes continue funding at the existing level oC $500,000' the Revolving Loan Fund for Business Development which is used to provide low interest loans to small and/or minority owned businsses located in the target areas. Also,, staff_ proposes maintaining the existing allocation, of $300,000 for the Community Rehabilitation Assistance/Facade Improvements project whereby owners of buildings located in selected commercial areas are, provided with financial assistance to make cosmetic improvements to business facades. r'urther�,.orc, :.t io alo-:; rc'cvuuucuucu that� funding in the .amount of $700,000 be kept for the Target Areas Economic Development and Physical Improvement Projects Pool to provide financial assistance in the form of a grant or loan to physical' improvements or economic development projects within the target areas. Staff also recommends funding the City of Miami Neighborhood Jobs Program at a level of $376,192 to provide job development services` for local area residents by contacting public and private employers for job placement. Representatives of the Allapattah/Wynwood C.D. Center, Inc., were not presented at the Community Development Advisory. Board Recommendation Meeting, and when they found that their project had not been included in the Board's recommendations, they - proceeded to poll the Board and obtained a favorable recommendation for this new activity from eleven of the; eighteen members of the Board'. Staff recommends: that no new community' based: organizations be funded with Community Development monies. JoAlt(; 1 Y The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission Page j The Community Development Advisory Board has recommended that Greater Miami United (GMU) receive funding at the same level of one -hundred thousand dollars ($100,000`). Due to the 14th year budget reductions, staffisrecommending the GMU be funded at a level of fifty --thousand ($50,000) to continue its implementation of the program Development Institute designed to provide hands on technical assistance to the neighborhood community based organizations. It is also recommended that the Local Initiative Support Corporation not be funded during the fourteenth (14th) year due to the aforementioned-CDBG budget reduction. The Community Development Advisory Board made the recommendation to the City to identify other funding sources to provide the financial resources necessary to acquire land in downtown Miami for construction of the New World School of the Arts. The funding requested from the City is $1,250,000 over a period of two (2) years. Metropolitan Dade County and the State of Florida would provide matching funds to the activity along with a $2.5`' million contribution from the private sector. Staff concurs with the recomimandiation Trade by the Board not to Lt�:'li'�� c^^;^�^it,•- Development monies for this project. IV. ADMINISTRATION We are recommending that the level for administration 'be maintained at the ,same level percentage of grant funds (20%) as last year. Administration funds are utilized to cover general administration 'costs of the program, planning activities and indirect cost contribution to the City. The reduction in Community Development allocations resulting' for the federal budget cutback has forced the Department of Community Development to face substantial budgetary constraints to maintain' its normal level of operation while providing the same quality of community services to City' residents. g 11t��C'}1ttta11t: t 11`Fit YEAtt P001,1C 5ERVICG A COMMM)ATtoNS T/A A(IPRCY 13t1t YEAR I7tlf YPAtt 1`gnhOCE1) C.b. C:.h. cAh tY- totAt, C.b. 14til YEAR AM,OCATtnN oVPtt ttAI.ANCt F1JNDtN(1 F1INDI"d, ---- ---_- CID, MEAt,$ AGt"CIES A AI.I,APA,PrAH COMM, ACTION S270, 222 $27Gi, 222 5256, t 7n CW END w0pt,l) 111/LAGER 5 15,000 S 15,000 S 14,220 lit FIRST UNITED MET11, C1IURC11 5 1A, l'1. $ 1.0, 113 $ 1,776 Et, h IIACAO-17001) $ 5h, 000 $ 50,000 5 47, 4011 CW .tt8CA <I01.,412 $1G31,41), $ 96,119 CW L.11, ACTIVITIES r. WiTtit- $265.570 $265, 510 $251, 760 TtON CENTERS OF DADt COUNTY CW MIAMI JEWISH ttO14E A. 11oSPt- $ 12, 178 $ 12.118 TM FOR VIM AGM CW SOUTHWEST SoCIAt, SERVICES $ 64,947 $ 64.941 5 61 , 570 W WYNWOOD E;OMY CENTER $196,650 $196,650 $186,424 MEALS PROGRAMS SUb-TOTAL $974,113 $1,006,291 $923,459 _a••••=�aE•aaaa3r�aa3edaaaa�_tee-==zaaa==a5_�•xaa-==_as=a===tz=tea=ate=ar_�-=atr�__�_ ILEALTHCARE AGENCIES CG 'COCONUT GROVE FAMIt,Y Ct,IN. $ 62,127 $ 62, t27 $ 5n,896 CG H1AMI'MENTAL 11EALTH CENTER $ 30,291 $ 30,291. $ 28,716 HEALTHCARE PROGRAMS SUB -TOTAL $ 92,41.8 $ 92.4tn $ 07,613 ---- -- - ------ C1111,bCARE AGENCI85 CATllOhIC COMMUNITY SFnVtCESt I'll UNTRO HATER ClltLD CARE $ 70,000 $ 20,000 $ 9(1, mm $ 66,360 W CENTRO SAN Jt)AN DAY CARE $ 25,000 $ 25,000 $ 21,700 LI1 wrrLE IIAVANA CHILI) CARE $ 53,900 $ 53.000 $ 50,244 CW NOTRE DANF, DAY CARE, $ 21,000 $ 21,000, $ 19,?09 W HOLY CROSS DAY-CARE $100,000 $100,000 $-94.000 CHILDCARE PROGRAMS SUB -TOTAL, S269,000 $ 20.000 $7.n9.000 $255.012 avae=a=aaaczaave=aaaaa�--aaa-==zaavaa-aasaeaaaaaz3a=v=---a�a=_a=--==-xnv=aa=>= SPECIAL NEEDS AGENCIP.S�- CW ACTION COMMUNITY CENTER $126, 693 $126, 6n3 $301),hNtA LH :ASSOCIATIC'l FOR TlIF, v" 4 4,676 ,i /., td5 .S 46.944 $ 12,355 11SF,FUL AGED MC BELAFONTF, TACOLCY $ 6.397 $ 6,397 CW CAREY TECHNICAL ' -INSTITUTE $ 23,000 $ 23,000 $ 21,904 Llt LION_' S 11011E FOR THE BLIND $ 49, 710 $ 3,850 $ 53,560 - $ 47,'125 SPECIAL NEPUS --- PROGRAMS SUO-TOTAL $450.469 $ 50,293, $456,584 $47.0,8n5 a=a==.aaaz=�z===aaee-aaa�=zvaa=aa=enaavaaaaaaava�aaaaa-s=aaaazacaa•raa-==aa_-_`�.g TOTAL FOR PUBLIC SERVICES:- $1,786,000 $ 58,293 $1,044,293 $1,686,968' KEY: TARGET ARFASt A=ALLAPATTAII; CG-COCONUT GROVE: CW=CITY-WLDF; DT=DOWN- TOWN; ELR=EDISON LITTLE RIVER; LH=LITTLF, NAVANA; MC= MODFI,-CITY; W= WYNWOOD. NOTE t> 1SPL•CIFIC SERVICES PROVIDED nY SPECIAL. NEEDS AGENCIES: ACTION COMMUNITY _CENTER - 'PROVIDES DFMANI) RESPONSE TRANSPI)RTATION SERVICES TO ELDERLY CITY OF MIAIII RF.S10914TS. ASSOCIATION` FOR T11E USEFUL AGFI) - PROVIDES_ INFORMATION/RF,FFRRAI„ OUTREACII AND FOOD ,DISTRInUT10N TO'FLDFRLY'CITY RESIDENTS. nFLAFONTF, TACOLCY - PROVIDES SPORTS/RECREATION PROGRAM FOR.YOUTHr AGENCY ',FUNI)F.D WITII C.U. FUNDS TlIROUG11 SFPTFMRER '30, .19137. AS or OCTOBER 1, 1988, nFLAFONTE TACOLCY IS FUNDED TIIROUGFI T119 RUDGPT OF TIIF, DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, RECREATION AND pUn1.IC FACILITIES. CAREY TF=IINICAI, INSTITUTE - PROVIDES .I013 DEVELOPMENT/mACFMFNT SERVICES FOR CITY OF MIAMI RESIDENTS. I,ION'S -HOME' FOR T11E nLIND -_ PROVIDES SOCIAL SERVICES TO nl,IND CITY OF MIAMI RESIDENTS. 2IN TIIF,' l4TII C.n,YPAR, TIIE GRANT IIAS nprN- RCDUCPH nY, 5.191l, AND $1,694,550 W1141, 'AK AVAII,ADI.F FOR P11RI..IC SFRVICF.S,,_Tllr AnOVF CIIART' RFFI,FCTS A 5.7.11 ACROSS TIIF noAno RFDIICTION OF 1JTII YEAR C,D, ACGENCIFS AND DnEs NOT CONSIDER 12T11 YEAR CAnRYC)VRR FUNDS, A nAI.ANCF OF $7,5I37. REMAINS UNCOMMITTED AND IS AVAII,AIILF FOR Al,t,n(;ATIr)N, l� / 104,3 i # AttacNtnent II t y_ t HIDYEAR SUMMAkY RXpORT ON RCONOHIC neVR1,OPMpNT COMMUNITY BA513D ORGANIZATIONS .f - INTRODUCTION The following i.s a summary report on the thirteen (13') Community t, Based Organizations (CBO's) ctirrently under contract with the Cttyof Miami to establish and manage econnmir. development programs within their respective neighborhood commerctnt districts. _ThJ.s report provides an enalysis of the CRO'Q rnnrr'irr,tal compliance during the first and second quarters of the 1987-88 contract period. Also, background information on the City's community based program objectives, .nn evaluation, analysis of programs/projects initiated by each contractor. BACKGROUND INFORMATION Beginning with the Sixth (6th) Year Community Development Program (CDP), the City of Miami began to conCract with neighborhood community based organiza-ti.ons for the purpose of implementing its economic development and commercial, revitalization objective, at ehe commercial neighborhood level. 16 r t'hesn ohjec:ttveo involved, but were not 1united to, promotl.ng ;( neiAh1)orhond and commerr.tal redevelopment, assisttng in t I I e e0tablislime nt, prowt11 and/or expansinn of 9ma1.1. husinessec, public/private partnerships, and the attrar.tIon of add itinnal private investments. t, Generally, the target areas of the community based o r g a n 1. z a t 1. o ns k have experienced a declining er.onomic Ease, disinvestment and an exodus of a sktl1ei and edur.ated work 'force, The r.ommunity hased organizations serve as a catalyst in redeveloping these area.G, and in attracting industry and business investment. This includes creating an image for the ;neighborhood commercial district. that will create a competitive advantage with respect to other communities. Inclusive in its Thirteenth (13th) Year objective's, the CRO's have taken on as part of its management objectives such projects as creating` new open spaces; supporting cultural farilittes; restoring and rehabilitating commercial properties; formi.np, partnerships with the private sector; providing creative financing; and emphasizing 'a positive, forward -thinking image of th'e community through task forces, r•ommittees, work gr.nups, effective citizen participation i.n crime prevention,` and nthr.r similar activities. -2- / 1L046 z i Presently, thirteen (I ) CIO are under con tr.a'ct with the r,ity a nF rli.ami and receive Funding for administrative and programmatic_ activities. Since the tnreptton of the CBn stritv..titre hro<:ers, approximately. three mtllion three_ hundred thirty-four thnits And k two htindr.ed fifty dollars ($3,334,250) of C'ommun1.ty Development 1' 131ock Grant Funds has peen expended for thi's pitrpr)se. fin t add it ton the The City funding received, each nrgnni.xation is ;j contractually required to generate idditional income i.n thc' amount of sixteen thousand ftve hundred dottars ($16 500)_. The income generation requirement was mandated to asstSt the contractors in becoming Financially self, -sufficient. In addition to its management objectives, the CB09 also 'adhere to theestablished. CBO Policies` anri Procedures Manual, maintain a strong financial management system and are formally monitored on a quarterly ha91s for both programmatic and F t s c a I contract compliance. Beginning with the Twelfth (12th) Year contract period, the Department of Community Development begnn implementing an evaluation process that identified those contractors whose efforts and/or initiatives had a direct impact on its target area' and the results of such action could be measured in a euant.ItAtive form. Those contractors who were unable to achieve any of its objectives, were either recommended for probation or contract termination. As a result, the CAAs now take a more active role in spearheading development efforts in the respective target areas and provide direct leadership in _those areas. 1 C�N'�itAC'POit`S p111pbt1HANCt; Iti;Vtfi:li 1 Al l CAOs tinder rontrs(-.t i4Lth the C# ty of `11nmt for flgrat year. 1937-58 are 9tib ec_t to contract r.ompli anr_e with four (11) Catagnries. The fotlr vatP_porit?q .1nd t11e Va1t1(? nI at �?r{ tln ear.h r.atpgory are As fOli0W3. 1) Achievement of Cconomic. nevelopment tnttLatty?s - 30 points f 2) Compliance with AdmtnIgtrative and ftar;3 Contrncttlal Requirements - 20 potnte l) Compliance with Income .GeneratLon - I pointy A) lmplementat.ion of Speciat Prnp,rnms/ProjectG and/or nttrac.tton of. _other Grant Funds - 116 points 1+t 4-36 let Its contract performance. The total possible of each CBO as it TElateF to p-ovi des a scaring - Thf !ol7nLin4 t hundred summfr}' ('100) p oints . fnT ths evflustion S one (core = v& COMMUNITI BASED ORGANIZATIOF 1987-19897 EVALUATION • I Development/ Compliance' with Implementation of compliance with Achievement Administrative cal Contract Special Programs b Income Gene:e:YonlAmount To:el of Tconomic b Proiect Grente ScOTe Initiatives Reau:rements ReQ 1C w GOmmlinitT Ifeced GT 8nirati opt 6Q: 5 10 15 A11$pattrh Fusiness Development 10 Authozit.•,_lnc. 20 70 2 0 20 trconut Grove Loct) Development IU CoT7,oTation, Inc. 30 - BO 20 20 II Downtowt) Mlami Bus4-ness S • AuthoTIT , Inc. 0 Boulevard �5 20 2� '6LTeateT F+1sceTne lnc. 10 C'h:ambrT of Commence, 15 GreatrT Y.iaml Ur,iteL, Inc. 65 20 0-0 3: 10 85 _ _20 20 30 Iisitinr Iafk Tozce, Inca 15 t 50 15 20 Little 1lrvsnt Development 10 AothcrStr, Inc. 25 r � 70 20 15 .; �aTtin Luther ping Economic I0 Development coTposation, Inc' 10 New 3�ashington iifights Community SS 15 20 Development Conference, Inc. I c V( rtlacasl Mi flu! Chamber 60 20 20 - la 10 Qf Conver:C.f.. Inc.. Sz. John CCommunityDevelopment 65 20 20 15 la Gcr�ora:inn, lot, Small Business OpppTtunitY E5 20 20 35 10 CenteT, Inc. i:sniood Communitc Economic 55 20 - 20 15 0 �I or ation Inc. Development Corp. 1, 11967, and will not be required to meet the fifty—one percent (51.) scoring requirement * A new organi:atIon since July for -a funding recommendation. 30 20 40"` 10 mAlitiUH SCORES: I _6_ r V. ;1 3 getout, i, a sytin s s of a-Arh of the 1hnvq ritegory areas in which the CAOs were ev.ilunted r, A) Achievement of P.conomic tnitl.atl-ven l;r.onornir- In itiatives :ore deFtned as ar_tivitie that result in the rreAtton of new joba, expansion of existing husines,ns, creiti.on of new hit sinesses and development or major capttal. pro.)e<'ts� 11 Compliance with Administrative and Fiscal Requirements This area evnIo teg the organtzntinns ndmtn(strnttvp ability to comply with the terms of its contract and" adhere to the established CBO Policies and Procedures and maintnin a sound fiscal operation. C) Compliance with Income Generation This contract requirement wa,a initiated to assist the CBOs in identifying a means of generating additional. income For its Programmatic and administrative objectives. to addition,` the City views this objective -is a means to graduatty decrease ndministrative funding, thereby assisting the agency in becoming self- sufficient. _7- 104,ic t; Yam, n) tlevO1gt,nent/tMpleffientatton or Spee`ill. rtogtatna rind s p>`t�;�ect Gt:�ntg This area measures tihe nrRanizatinns ability to deveIor and/or to Implement Apectnl prngttims/rrn{erts tint r-< enhnnca_ its present - oh{PctIvefi, and the 0r9nni7Atl(Ins ability to ohta1,n nddlti.onal- Funding for its programs and/or projects. ALLAPATTAII DUStNRSS DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, tNC. (ARr)A) - Administered the Commercial Facade Program. - Received approval to extend itsproject bnUn(In r1,e8 to include more businesses in the All.npnttah District. - Participated in television and radio news' programs that featured stories on the developments in the AIInpnttah - Successfully Implemented the Second Annual. Allapattah Fair— The Tnternational Salsa Festival.- - Continued to Increase membership For the Allapattnh Chamber of Commerce. - Submitted funding proposal to the State of Florida Department of Community Affairs. - Complied with the administrative and fiscal. requirements of the City of Miami contract. - Began publishing the Allapattah USA quarterly;maRazine'. 10436 CbCONUI GROVpLOCAL DVVPJ,OPMEN,T COEPokATtON► tNC. (CGIAC) f- Admirtigtgred the Commercial r;irAde program in the tJpst' Grove Austness histrir,t. _ a - Admtnifiter.ed the Ctty's residential paint pr.rrram, Received contract hid from the City of Miami to provide maintenance service to area parks. The Ct+LDC i.s i presently- subcontracting n portion of the work out to a s local minority firm. - _Received a grant from the State of Florida Department of Community Affairs. - Presented proposal for the devetopment of the Four. Corners Project along Grand Avenue and nouglas Road. - Complied with the administrative -and fiscal 'requirements of the City of Miami contract. DOWNTOWN HIAHI BUSINESS ASSOCIATION, INC.'(DMBA) - Developed a strong marketing and promotional advertising program for the Downtown Business Center- in which the merchants participated and realized an i.nc.rense in business activity. - Generated additionalrevenue from its membership duPs which was used to offset administrative programmatic: operations. - implemented a "Special F,vents Program" designed to promote downtown and attract people to the Downtown Business District.. E 7 Conducted severer workshops and nars an ee.on0Mic ' development matters for c.o+imlinity stinns. 4 provided t�?r.hnir.al :�asistance to , ommunity nr anizattons thrnugh i.ts Professional Development Institute ;r HAMAN CASK FORC%t INC. (1tT>:) Received administrative >ant from Ford Foundntton for r predevelopment costs as•soctat'ed.w.ith the Cartbhesn Market Plate, hundred fifty tho+is2nd ($150,000) City _oF - Obtained one Miami loan for the construction, of the Caribhean`Market Place. - Conducted several business related seminars in the Little area for the purpoce o,++ f }* hoer �naolnnmant. nd - Continued to publish the Agency's quarterly newsletter. Received thirty thousand($30,000) grant from the Local Initiative Support Corporation (LISC). - Received one hundred fifty thousand dollar ($150+000) grant from the Office Of Community Services (OCS)- - Complied with administrative and programmatic contract requirements.' LITTLE HAVANA DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, INC. (LIIDA) Administered the Latin Quarter Commercial Facade Program. Assisted off -Street Parking Authority in the development' and construction of three (3) new municipal parking, Eaciti.tieg in the little 111vann Latin Qiiar.ter District. 11- , , 1046 - Obtained Commi:astrim aphrovai Fnr the renpeninp ni t11e Domino park to he operated by Littl.a_ ItavanA DeveInpment Authority, Inr., as A Commtrntty L`ltfh. PArttcipAted to the Lntth Quarter Review Iloard, w11tch approves regttests tot new c.onstructton and rehaht1.ttit ton within the Latin Qiiarteir District. - Obtained 2 grant from Metropolitan Dade County For Physical Improvement projects to the Latin Q11art.et Dtstrict.- Complied with the fi.scat and ndmtni.strati.ve requirements 4 of the City contract. 1 - Working towards the implementation of the Aayside - Latin Quarter Trolley Route. MARTIN LUTHER RING ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT'CORPORATION,=INC.'(MLKEDC) - Successfully participated to the Commercial Facade f Program - Coordinated- the Special. Model City Small Business Development Pilot Loan Program. - Continues to work towards the development of the Model City Police Sub -Station. -' Received an administrative grant from the State of Florida for'FY 1987 - Continue to operate and oversee the management' of the Lincoln Square Office Building. - Successfully negotiated the lease for the Miami -Dade' Community College Model City Annex.' Complied with administrative and Prngrammattc contract- r requi.rementn. -12- 10436 s NEW WA.g11tNrt#JN IMMITS COMMUNtty DPWVILOPNANT 'CONPrRFNCp, tNC. (NW'It,Con) = Received twenty-five thourthnd doll and ($25,000) from the Off -Street PAtkina At►thotit y (OSPA) excess revenue f►►nds for administrative nurro9e. - obtained the a I r development rights from OSPA for the coostr.uttion of the Days tnn Motel - Complied withadministrative and programmatic-cantrnct rehuirements. NORTHEAST MIAH1 C11AMR,ER OF COMMERCE,, INC. (NF.MCC) -; Received a grant for. admInI.strAtIva_ and programmntic.' Operations from the State of Florida Department, of Community Affairs. - Obtained additional financing from the State of Florida for the completion of. the Garden Cove Mall. - Negotiated and obtained several leases for the Garden' Cove Shopping Center." - Complied with fiscal and administrative contract requirements. Y DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION ST. JOIIN COMMUNITY E , INC. (SJCDC) -' Received administrative I;rant from the Enterprise Foundation for housing development. j - Received seventy-five thousand-($75,000) grant from"the d Office of Community Services (OCS). Developed- proposal for the expansion of the Overtown Merchants Co-op Program. -1 3 - 1043 77 Received twenty-five thousand ($25,000) r;ram t from Off - Street Parking Authority (OSPA). - Coordinating with the Prtvnte industry Co+ime, il (PI ) to establish and employment, training and job fair pr.op,ram and exploring the possibility of establishing employment training in the restaurant field. - Complied with fiscal and administrative contract requirements.- SMALL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY CENTP.R, tNC. (SAOC) Administered the Commercial FncAde Program i_n the 1,tttle 11avana Business District. - Obtained a contract from the -South Floridn Employment and Training Consortium (SFF. C) for jobplacement and training. - Received one hundred thousand dollar ($100,000) grant from the Office of Community Services (OCS). - Conducted' several business related seminars in the Little' Havana area for the pur'pose of business development. - Complied with administrative and -programmatic contract' requirements. - Established a new program fromVolunteersin Service to America (VISTA).` - Received approval, for a one hundred fifty` thousand .H ($150,000) City of Miami loan for the implementation of the Trade Center of the Americas' Project. Obtained fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) from the of f-` Street Parking Authority (OSPA) exregs- revenue Rinds -1 4- / 104*36 - Received twenty -Give thousand ($25,000) grant from off- Street Parking Authority (h.�PA), - Cori tdinating with the Private Industry Council (PIC) to establish and employment, trntning and job fair prop,rnm and exploring the possibility of establishing employment training in the restaurant field. - Complied' with fi�lcal and administrative contract requirementA. SMALL RUS.INESS OPPORTUNITY CENTER, INC. (SAOC)' - Administered .the Commercial_Facade Program in the Little Havana Business District. - Obtained a contract From the South Florida Employment and Training Consortium (SFEC) For"' job" placement and si t raining. - Received one hundred thousand dollar ($100,000) grant from the office of Community Services (OCS). Conducted several business related seminars in the Little Havana area for the purpose of hnsiness development. Complied with administrative and programmatic, contract a`. requirements. -`, Established a new program from Volunteers in Service to America (VISTA). Received approval for, a one hundred fatty thousand R; M ($150,000) Cityof Miam' l loan for the implementation of M the Trade Center of the Americas Project. Obtained fifty thousand - dollars ($50,000) from the Off - Street Parking Atithortty (O.SPA) P.XC.P.R$ revenue funds. -14- '27 WYNWOOD CONMONITI tCONOMtO _nhVf t,0PMfttNT C0kPORAT1-()Nt (WMC) S►thmitted pr6pngnl to Netrnpolttnn bade Cott Tit fnr community invotvement prn,}ec.t complied with ac#mini.etrativp and nro ;immnttr r�ntr+rt requirements. — Negotiated the retocatton of the 'gorinvien 11ealth Center to the Wynwood Target Area. COMPLIANCE WITH REVENUE GENERATION One of the critical program objectives which the CHO undertakes, is its ability to generate additional income and/or programmatic objectives. Under the terms of the Twelfth, (12th) Yehr° Agreement, each agency is required to generated sixteen thousand two - hundred and f i f t y dollars ( 16,250) . The total amount generated by -each ap,eircy is listed hetow; ,a Amount Contractor Generated Allapattnh Business Development 100,000 Authority,' Inc.` Coconut 'Grove Local Development R5,000 Corporation, Inc. Downtown Miami Business 20,000 Association, Inc. Greater Biscayne Boulevard 6,609 a Chamber of Commerce, Inc. Greater Miami United, Inc. 175,000 ;F 1: Haitian Task Force, Inc. 50,000 M " Little Havana Development 63,750 Authority, Inc, S —1 5-� IL046 �r�' y Martin Luther King Economic 85,000 Development Corporation, Inc. New Washington 11eights Community 64,000 Development Conterence, Inc. Nor-theast Miami. Chamber of 85,000 Commerce, Inca St. ,John Community ,Development 50,000 Corporation, Inc. Small Business Opportunity 39,504 Center, Inc. Wynwood Economic Development -0- Corporation, Inc. RECOMMENDATIONS Based upon the C130 midyear contract performance evaluation, those CBO's scoring at least fifty-one percent (512) or more will he considered for funding during, the Fourteenth (14th) Year 1; Community Development B1.ock Grant (CDBC) -Program. Tn an recommending those agencies to be fundedduring the Fourteenth N Set s. Sec Dac the (14th) Year contract period, -the: Department of Community pars or r, Development looked closely at those organizations ,that have been PVbf able to achieve- its economic objectives as well as leverage F addttinnal funds. (SEAL) My con MR 114 -16- '� MIAMI REVIEW Published Daily except Saturday. Sunday anC Legal Holidays Miami. Dade County, Florida, STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Octelma V. Ferbeyre, who on oath says that she Is the Supervisor of Legal Advertising of the Miami Review, a daily (except_ Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami in Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice in the matter of CITY OF MIAMI ORDINANCE NO. 10436 RE: "COMMUNI.TY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (FOURTEENTH YEAR),," in the . , .: :. X.. X..X..... ............, Court, was published in said newspaper in the Issues of May 18, 1988 Atftant further says that the said Miami Review Is a newspaper published at Miami in said Dade County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Dade' County, Florida, each day (except i_ Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in Miami in said Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that she has neither paid not promised any person, firm or corporation any di 1, rebate, commission or rate d for the purpose of ring his advertisement for publi t n in the id new { � I �� (� . • Sworn fq djid sybscribed before me this 18; day..�,:. A.D. 19... 8 8 CWryl H. Marmef �� �� • glary Public,8tate of Florida at Large (SEAL) Ir ,' e • • • * i'������""` My Comet4jfvir ,6n„ ;)E(��{�1�� 1992. MR 114 ' CITY OF MIAMI DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA LEGAL NOTICE All interested persons will take notice that on the 12th day of May,1988, the City Commission of Miami, Florida, adopted the following titled ordinances: I, ORDINANCE NO.10433 AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 1 OF ORDINANCE NO. 10347. AS AMENDED, ADOPTED NOVEMBER 19, 1987, THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS APPROPRIATIONS ORDINANCE, BY ESTABLISHING A NEW PROJECT ENTITLED "ORANGE BOWL STADIUM MODERNIZATION PROJECT —PHASE ", PROJECT NO. 404237, IN THE AMOUNT OF $i,010.000; APPRO- PRIATING FUNDS IN SAID AMOUNT FOR SAID PROJECT FROM l SOURCES AS FOLLOWS, $60.000 FROM FY '88 METRO�DADE TOURIST DEVELOPMENT RESORT TAX, $350,000 FROM FY '88 ORANGE BOWL `EOUITY.IN POOLED CASH,'$100,000 FROM FY '88 ANTICIPATED` ORANGE' BOWL REVENUE, AND $500,000 THROUGH A LOAN FROM THE DOWNTOWN PEOPLE -MOVER EXTENSION PROJECT; REPAYMENT OF THIS LOAN, IN A MINIMUM YEARLY AMOUNT OF $167,000 WITHIN THE TIME FRAME OF FY '89 THROUGH FY '91, BEING PRIMARILY SECURED BY THE t METRO-DADE TOURIST DEVELOPMENT RESORT TAX, AND AS !' SECONDARY PLEDGE THE ORANGE BOWL STADIUM -EQUITY IN POOLED CASH; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND 1 A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. 1 ORDINANCE NO.10434 AN ORDINANCE EMERGENCYORDINANCEESTABLISHING A NEW SPECIAL REVENUE FUND ENTITLED:-"JTPAIOLDER WORKER, FY 87 88' ;'APPROPRIATING FOR THE SAME IN THE AMOUNT OF $il 8D0 FROM THE SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING CONSORTIUM TO PROVIDE JOB DEVELOPMENT AND PLACEMENT ACTIVITIES FOR PERSONS 55 YEARS OF AGE AND OLDER, AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGES TO ACCEPT THE AFOREMENTIONED GRANT AWARD AND ENTER + INTO THE NECESSARY CONTRACT AND/OR AGREEMENT WITH THE SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING CONSOR- TIUM; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A'SEVER• ABILITY CLAUSE. ORDINANCE NO.'10435 AN'ORDINANCE EMERGENCY ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A i NEW SPECIAL, REVENUE FUND ENTITLED: "DHRSIENTRANT j ASSISTANCE, FY '87.88' APPROPRIATING FOR THE SAME IN THE AMOUNT.OF $130,000 FROM THE SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOY- MENT AND TRAINING CONSORTIUM TO PROVIDE jOBrDEVEL- OPMENT AND PLACEMENT ACTIVITIES FOR-CUBANIHAITIAN ENTRANTS AND REFUGEES, AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ACCEPT THE AFOREMENTIONED GRANT AWARD I AND ENTER INTO THE NECESSARY CONTRACT AND/OR AGREE- MENT WITH THE SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYMENT AND TRAIN- iNG`CONSORTIUM: CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. ORDINANCE NO.10436 j AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A NEW SPECIAL REVENUE FUND ENTITLED: "COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (FOURTEENTH YEAR)," AND APPROPRIATING $11,297,000 FOR EXECUTION OF SAME; AND ALSO APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF $1,045,000 FROM FOURTEENTH YEAR COMMUNITY DEVEL- OPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) PROGRAM INCOME AS APPROVED BY THE DEVELOPMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT (HUD) FOR A TOTAL OF $IZ342A00; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILiTY CLAUSE. ORDINANCE NO.10437 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THE MIAMI INTERNATIONAL TRADE BOARD, SETTING FORTH THE COMPOSITION, ANDTERMS OF A SEVENTEEN (17) MEMBER CITY COMMISSION APPOINTED i ADVISORY BOARD; PROVIDING FOR A.OUORUM. Said ordinances maybe inspected by the public at Office of the City i Clelk, 3500 Pan American Drive. Miami Florida Monday through Friday, excluding holidays, between the hours of &00 A M, and 5:00 P.M- MATTY HIRAI + CATY CLERK a<Q967) 'CITY OF MIAM! c L CaPits.a h 18 68 0518761-A MIAMI REVIEW Published Daily except Saturday. Sunday and . Legal Holidays Miami. Dade County; Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Sookle Williams, who on oath says that she is the Vice CITYI OF MIAMI, President of Legal Advertising of the Miami Review, a daily FLORIDA (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, ; NOTICE OF PROPOSED ORDINANCE published at Miami In Dade County, Florida; that the attached Notice is hereby given that the City Commission of the,city of Miami, copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice Florida, will consider the following ordinances on second and final reading I In the matter of on May 12, 1988, commencing at 9:00 A.M. in the, City Commission CITY OF MIAMI Chambers, 3500 Pan American Drive, Mlaml, Florida: ORDINANCE NO. NOTICE OF PROPOSED ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING .A"NEW `SPECIAL REVENUE RE: "COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT -BLOCK FUND ENTITLED. "COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT • (FOURTEENTH YEAR)," AND APPROPRIATING $11,297,000 FOR GRANT ( FOURTEENTH YEAR)" EXECUTION OF SAME; AND ALSO APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF:S1,045,000°FROM`-FOURTEENTH YEAR COMMUNITY - DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (COBG) PROGRAM INCOME AS APPROVED BY THE DEVELOPMENT OF HOUSING AN URBAN in the .......... .... ................ . ... Court, DEVELOPMENT`(HUD)tFOR A TOTAL OF $12,342,000; was published in said newspaper in the issues of CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. April 1 1 2 9 r 19 $$ ORDINANCE NO. Q AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THE MIAMI INTERNATIONAL TRADE BOARD, SETTING. FORTH THE COMPOSITION, AND TERMS OF A<SEVENTEEN (17);MEMBER CITY COMMISSION APPOINTED ADVISORY BOARD;' PROVIDING FOR A QUORUM. Affiant further says that the said Miami Review is a Said proposed ordinances may be inspected by the public at the Office. new�Faper published at Miami In said Dade County, Florida, of the CityCierk, 35M Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida, Monday through and that tha said newspaper has heretofore been' continuously Frida excluding hollda s between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 5;00 P.M: published in said Dade County, Florida, each day (except R Y Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and has been entered as All interested persons may appear at the meeting and be heard,wlth second class mall matter at the Post office in Miami in said respect to the proposed ordinances. The hereinabove ordinances may be Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the subject of City Commission consideration as emergency mass ures the firs licatlon of the attached copy of advertisement; and at its meeting presently scheduled for April 28, 1988. affion un or says that she has neither paid nor promised any pars 1 or corporation any discount, rebate, commission Should any person desire to appeal any decision of the City Commission or r fu for She purpose of securing this advertisement for with respect to any matter to be considered at this meeting, that person pu Ic Ion In the s id newspaper shall ensure that a verbatim record cf the proceedings is made including all testimony and evidence upon which any appeal may be based. �itsttt t f MATTY HIRAi CITY CLERK S (q and before me this CITY OF MIAMi, FLORIDA 2 9 d�'.r'Iir��.l . .`A.D. te: 8 $ 4129 . 88-042903fd JaAe hez f i(ysr81(ya17c, its loilda at Large (SEAL) oe 0�, • . V �� My Commissidiy fcrpe'Jtyrfa'1,Qi�>��� MR i14A