HomeMy WebLinkAboutM-88-05286 0 �r Assault Brigade 2i; BAY OF PIGS VETERANS ASSOCIA71ON P.0.80X 350653 WERSIDESTA. May, 13, 1988. MAIMI, FLA. 33135 Mr. Aurelio Perez Lugones Miami City Hall Pan American Way Miami, Fla. Dear Mr. Perez Lugones : 92 .-1.4 1 15 F;; • c3os�eaaarlo The board of Directors of the Bay of Pigs Veterans Association hereby-submitt to you this request to be included in the nearest possible Agenda of the City Commision. The item in question that we would like to be heard of, is of assistance and concern of our present finan cial situation and future operation of the Museum Libra ry. Please let us know as soon as posible the date and time that we would be heard by the Miami City Commision. Sincerely yours. MODESTO C6,$TAf4ER ARMANDO L. CA4TN Presid nt Secretary EDUARDO LAMBERT ADMINISTRATOR MUSEUM - LIBRARY. P.O.BOX 3506.'i3 RIVEfmDE Sill MAM, RA. 33135 t Assault Briga BAY OF PIGS VETERA r] ale 250 i_ „�r i W �.:� cl 27 NS ASSGCIAMON 0=604M P R O P O S A L P i A►ssa�it 8 rigade 2506 May ls, 19ee: 006604M 1WiMiili� Honorable Mayor Xavier 8uires Honorable Vice Mayorliosario Kennedy. Honorable Con dsioner J.L. Plummer Honorable Commisioner Killer Dawkins Honorable Cosmisioner Victor De Yurre Honorable City Manager Caper Qdio', IV Deis. P4&nAe Ws'tpe newly elected mambers of the Bay of Pigs, Veterans Association would like, to extend our most sincere gratitude for your continuos support in our quest to ' mautaiu our memories; and to honor our dead in our museum - Library of the Bay of Pigs. . In this endeavor that we all have participated for the bona fit of the City of Miami, the great State of Florida, our ins titution and our community as a whole; we have encounter fi- nancial short falls 'that used your assistance to prevail as a perpetual exhibit for the whole world to see, learn and reins_ bar. Without your conticwui juppoct we illl not- ba able to fina- lise this project, and the expose to the public would be far from.a feasible task. We are proud to announce that we have received innu marous congratulation for what was done in our combined efforts In creating this landmark 1A 94s 6it'., Let us jointly work together to mantain with pride what was created and mean so such to both cubaa and amsrican history. We are always appreciative of what has been achieved with your support and we thank you and send together a wars salute. IDUARDO LAMBBitT ftOUISTUTOR 18189U - LIAMU s BB-52 F I PROYECTED__12 MONTH ASSISTANCEPETITION 06/30/88 through 7/01/89 EMERGENCY FUND Electricity ......................:.....:.$ 4.600600 Phone.,** ... 6* ..... a.............:..... 1:200.00 Office Supplies........... 6.............. 7.800.00 Printing & Publications .................. 9.300.00 Buildings Maintenance and Repairs........ 56600.00 Postage.....................0.....6...... 1.300.00 Insurance ................................ 3.000.00 Property taxes ...............0.6.......0. 3.600.00 General cleaning gardening ............... 3.500.00 Computer System .......................... 9.560.00 Payroll .................................. 41.100.00 Museum Lighting & decoration ............. 25.000.00 Furniture & Accessories.................17.000.00 $1326560.00 (ONE HUNDRED THIRTY TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED SIXTY DOLLARS) 819 5 215 I Assault Brigade 2506 BAY OF PIGS VETERANS ASSOCIA't10N P.O-BOX 350553 RURSDE sta MAIM. FLA. 33135 P R 0 B L E M A T I C S It is with deep concern that we, the newly elected board of Directors of the Bay of Pigs Veterans Associa tion notify our commision and City Manager, that after closing our books for the Fiscal Year of 1987-88, our accountant has informed us of his findings. That we are in a financial crisis, due to the last efforts in- vested in the recent inauguration of the Museum Library; therefore it is imperative to us that an emergency fund be granted by you to support our efforts to mantain this landmark open to the public. As you all know this proyect was conceived to honor our dead and to keep our memoires alive for future gene- ration. It was achieved through your contribution and our community involvement and donations. We ask you solemnly to help us mantain and develop this great institution. It would be a set back to us and to our community if inmediate help is not provided to mantain this Museum - Library open to the public because of lack.of funds. se-50-H