HomeMy WebLinkAboutM-88-0578city ot" MIAW, t-LORIDA iNttrt-olr lct MIEMOhAN0UM to 11nnntnbl.e MAynt and Members 0Atr Tune 7.3, 1988 rll.r of the City CoMmisstnn Status ltepart e Small Business Development Pilot Program for Model City rhoM Cesn r 11 . Od t n � "t'l—/V +rnlct.; C1 ty Manager rMcl U Itpt BACKGROUND: On October. 22, 1988, the City Commission passed Resolution No. 87-922 and 87-923 authnr.tyi.ng the implementation of the Small Business Development Pilot Program (SRDPP) for Model City. T.n addition, this resolution further allocated five hundred seventy- three thousand dollars ($573,000) for this program. The Martin Luther King Economic Development Corporation, Inc. (MLKRDC) served as the coordinating agency for this program and the Certified Public Accountant selected for this program was Ron Thompkins and Associates whose contract was subsequently terminated. The loan committee consisted of five (5) persons, each appointed by the Commission and representative of the community. A total of seventy-eight (79) applications totalling one million nine hundred fifty thousand dollars ($1,950,000) was submitted for consideration. Thirty-three (33) applicatinns were considered and of Lhat amount nineteen were approved totalling five hundred seventy-three thousand dollars. CURRENT STATUS: To -date, fourteen (14) of the approved nineteen (19) loans has been clnsed and funds disbursed. A breakdown of said di.sbur.sement per each merchant is attached hereto (See Attachment A). In addition, two (2) loans, inclusive in the aforementioned number of loans approved, were re -submitted to the Loan Committee because the debt: owed by the business was far greater than when the Loan Committee approved the loans. Based on the information presented, the Loan Commtttee reversed its action and denied one loan totally and reduced the approved amount to the second business. A01-1 ,fiitit? 230 1988 The llnnornble Mayor and flemhera off' the City Commission page 2 fiii response to the fifty Commission's regitest, Community Development staff met with the owner of the Caribbean Conch Shell Restaurant to see if spine arrangements could be. made with its creditors and thereby give the business an opportunity to operate and stabilize. Consultants from l:lorida tnternati.onal. University's Small Business Development ltistitute were retained to provide technical assistance to the business owner and to develop an operating budget that would stimulate profits. Upon completing these efforts, the loan was again presented to the Loan Committee for consideration. The Cnmmittee again denied said loan. As a result of the above actions, there is approximately seventy thousand dollars ($70,000) available in the pool fund for disbursement via the Model. City Small Business Development Pilot Program. Also, attached is a detailed report from the Loan Committee on its loan approval. and/or denial process. Attachments: 2 qS-5 7h? w SMAt►L 9"StNR89 _DE MLOPM MT PILOT PROGRAM LOAN REPORT LOAN RECIPIENT: Mr. Arthur .1. *hooks RUStNESS NAME: Uncle Arthur's Grocery Store ADDRESS: 5900 N.W. 7th Avenue Miami, Flortda 33127 TOTAL, LOAN AMOUNT: $15,000 TERM: 5 Years @ 3% CLOSING DATE: ,January 6, 1988 FIRST PAYMENT DUE DATE: Jtt1.y 1, 1988 LOAN FUNDS DISBURSED FOR FOLLOWING PURPOSES: INVENTORY: $ 5,000.00 RECORDING FEES: -0- WORKING CAPITAL: 2,849.25 F.QUIPMF.NT: 3,066.50 ADVERTISING: -0- TOTAL. FUNDS DISBURSED TO -DATE: $10,915.75 BALANCE TO BE DISBURSED: $ 4,094.25 (as of 6/13/89) fl s_J17 H 0 PACE 3 LOAN RECtPtRNT! belphine Murray %UStNESS NAME! n. & 1). Coin LattihdrY MIMS! 666 N.W. 62nd Street Mi.atfti, >:lorida 33150 TOTAL LOAN AMOUNTt $10,000 TERM: 5 Yeas @ 3% CLOSING DATE: Match 11, 1988 FIRST PAYMENT DUE DATE: October 1, 1988 LOAN FUNDS DISBURSED FOR FOLLOWING PURPOSES: INVENTORY: $t0,000.00 RECORDING FEES: -0- WORKtNG CAPITAL: -0- EQUIPMENT: 10,000.00 ADVERTISING: -0- TOTAL FUNDS DISBURSED TO -DATE: $10,000.00 BALANCE TO BE DISBURSED: -0- (as of 6/13/88) q S--517 H 0 w PACE 4 LOAN RRCIPt.RNT: Aby 1.. 6 Troy fiharfi RUSINESS "AMR: hAVIA RtAtailrant ADORE55: 157 N,W. fund Street Miami, P16ridn 33150 TOTAL, LOAN ANOUNT ! $ 4 0 , 00 0 TERM: 10 YeAra @ 3% CLOSING DATE: mArch 11, 1988 FIRST PAYHXNT DUI: DATE: October 10 1988 LOAN FUNDS DISBURSED FOR FOLLOWING PURPOSES: INVENTORY: $ 3,000.00 RECORDING FEES: 123.75 WORKING CAPITAL: 4,602.75 EQUIPMENT: 3,846.00 INTBRIOR/BXTERI.OR REPAIRS: 3,117.50 ADVERTISING: 1,500.00 TOTAL FUNDS DISBURSED TO -DATE: $16,190.00 BALANCE. TO BE DISBURSED: $23,810.00 (as of 6/13/89) 63 i PAON 5 LOAN RgCtPtRNT! JoAti P. c.1a5ettfi 6 Marie Thntne§ HUStNRSS NAME! 1'ttrtiiture Palace W.-,Oottnt ADDRESS: 6145 N.t4. 7th Avenue TOTAL LOAN AMOUNT! $ 2 0 , 0 00 TERM: 5 Mears @ 1% CLOSING DATE: April. 12, 1988 FIRST PAYMENT DUE DATE: November 1, 1988 LOAN FUNDS DISBURSED FOR FOLLOWING PURPOSES: INVENTORY: $16,749.25 RECORDING FEES: 139.75 WORRtNG CAPITAL: 1,340.25 EQUIPMENT: -0- ADVERTISING: 1,248.20 TOTAL FUNDS DISBURSED TO -DATE: $19,477.45 BALANCE TO BE DISBURSED: $ 522.55 (as of 6/13/88) 8& -5'7�! m PACH 6 LOAN RRCI.PIRNT Seech & 1'attline Crapp %USIN9S9 NAM9t Sefch TV & Radio Rep.Alt=fi ADDRESS: 5060 N.W. 7th Avetttte Miami, Florida 33127 TOTAL. LOAN AMOUNT: $13,000 TV. ttN: 10 Years @ 3Z CLOSING DATE: March 11, 1988 FIRST PAYMENT DUE DATE: October 1, 1988 LOAN FUNDS DISBURSED FOR FOLLOWING PURPOSES: INVENTORY: $ 1,250.00 RECORDING PEES: 87.25 WORKING CAPITAL: 2,412.75 EQUIPMENT: 1,250.00 ADVERTISING: 500.00 TOTAL FUNDS DISBURSED TO —DATE: $ 5,500.00 BALANCE TO BE DISBURSED: $ 7,500.00 Os of 6/13/88) 88-5 1 i El PACE I LOAN RgCtPISNT! Robett S. ti-t-A, pteatdetit 909INR55 NAME! PoptlYe'a Ftl ed Ch#cketi ADDRESS: 5534 N.W. ith Avenue Mlarni, IPlotida 33121 TOTAL LOAN AMOUNT! $25,000 TERM- 5 Years @ 3% CLOSING DAT8t March 23, 1988 FIRST PAYMENT DUE DATE- October 1, 1988 LOAN FUNDS DISBURSED FOR FOLLOWING PURPOSES: INVENTORY: $ -0- RECORDING FEES: 138.25 WORKING CAPITAL: -0- EQUIPMENT: -0- ADVERTISING: -0- TOTAL FUNDS DISBURSED TO -DATES $ 135.25 BALANCE TO BE DISBURSED: $24,961.75 (as of. 6/13/88) s8--!;,m ■;. PACH A LOAN RRCtPtRNT! Livi_til;ston r,. h t iiet YAp austNKSS "AMR! Leaaa tndustri es CompAny, , t.tst= ADFiRRSS: 6tO5 N.W. 6th Coutt Mi AMI, 1 tortda 33127 TOTAL LOAN AMOUNT: $754000 TRRM 5 Years @ 32 CLOSING DA`CR: MAY 2, 1988 FIRST PAYMENT OUR DATE:_ Detember 10 1988 LOAN FUNDS DISBURSED FOR FOLLOWING PURPOSES: INVENTORY: $43,350.92 RECORDING FEES: 181.25 WORKING CAPITAL: 3,830.75 EQUIPMENT: 3,400.00 ADVERTISING: _0— TOTAL FUNDS DISBURSED TO —DATE: $50,762.92 BALANCE TO BE DISBURSED: $24,237.08 - (a5 of 6/13/88) S8-57h PACE '9 LOAN RRCtPIRNT: Oloria & RAl1,h vAckinEliari RUStNESS NAME: AlAlheo§ llairstyle§ ADDRESS: 1100 N,W. 54th Street Miami, Plorida 33121 TOTAL LOAN AMOUNT: $1CfiGQO TERM: 5 YeArn @ 3% CLOSING DATE: MArch 11, 1988 P199T PAYMENT DUE DATE: October 1. 1988 LOAN FUNDS DISBURSED FOR FOLLOWING PURPOSES: INVENTORY: $ 3,927.75 RECORDING FEES: 72.25 WORKING CAPITAL: 750.00 EQUIPMENT: 2,231.30 ADVERTISING: _0_ TOTAL FUNDS DISBURSED TO —DATE: $ 6,981.30 BALANCE TO BE DISBURSED: $ 3,018.70 (as of 6/13/89) 0 PACK 10 LOAN RgCtPtRNTt Alt-ted & M;ity Lloyd #"SINRSS NAMEt Alfred tinyd and Sons 5800 N.W. 7th Avebqe, finite 204 Miatt, Vtotlda 13121 TOTAL LOAN AMOUNT: $22,61.5.54 TERM: 5 Years @ 3% CLOSING DATE: May 11, 1988 FIRST PAYMENT DUE DATE! December. 1, 1998 LOAN FUNDS DISBURSED FOR FOLtOWINC, PURPOSES: INVENTORY: -0- RECORDING FEES: 99.29 WORKING CAPITAL: -0- EQUIPMENT: -0- INSURANCE: 22,576.25 ADVERTISING: -0- TOTAL FUNDS DtSRURSED TO -DATE: $22,675.54 BALANCE TO BE DISBURSED: -0- (as of 6/13/88) 88-571.4 4 PACE 11 LOAN REOIPIRNT: Vdward Allen BUSINESS NAME: JL-weity by Kota ADDRESS: 5651 N,.W► lith Avotttit M#.ami, Fiotidn 33142 TOTAL LOAN AMOUNT: $10,000 TRRM: 5 Yeatq @ 39 CLOSING DATE: Match 23, 1818 FIRST PAYMENT DUE DATE: October 1, 1988 LOAN FUNDS DISBURSED FOR FOLLOWING PURPOSES: INVENTORY: $ 3,730.97 RECORDLNG FEES: 80.50 WORKING CAPITAL: 1,378.00 EQUIPMENT: 699.00 INTERIOR/EXTERIOR REPAIR: 455.52 ADVERTISING: 1,000.00 TOTAL FUNDS DISBURSED TO -DATE: $ 7,343.99 BALANCE TO BE DISBURSED: $ 2,656.01 (as of 6/ 13/88) 110 PANE 12 LOAN RkCtPtENT: Thoteaa h. t o"jA itn, A. 1 . rt ny & A. StireuP BUSINESS NAME! Thomas ten.j am1 n'G filuribtnP,, Inc. ADORK99: 1271 N.G1, 54th Stirect Miami, Pint:ida 33142 TOTAL LOAN AMOUNTt $35,000* TERM: CLOSING DATE: FIRST PAYMENT DUE DATE: LOAN FUNDS DISBURSED FOR FOLLOWING PURPOSES: INVENTORY: RECORDING FEES: WORKING CAPITAL: EQUIPMENT: ADVERTISING: TOTAL FUNDS DISBURSED TO —DATE: BALANCE TO BE DISBURSED: $35,000.00 (cis of 6/13/88) * No closing as of said date. Oft PAGR 13 LOAN RRGIPtENT: Vilite Et R Myt-tI6 Gnihnim Amite L: L(ae ifMNESS NANK: King the Taylot ADDRESS! 6129 N&W, 7th Avenue MI Amt i P16rid 33 i 2� TOTAL LOAN ANOONT! $304000* TERM: GLOS M DATE: FIRST PAYMRNT OUR DATE: LOAN FUNDS DISBURSED FOR FOLLOWING PURPOSES: INVENTORY: RECORDING FEES: WORKING CAPITAL: EQUIPMENT: ADVERTISING: TOTAL FUNDS DISBURSED TO -DATE: BALANCE, TO BE DISBURSED: $30,000.00 (es of 6/13/88) * Loan has not been closed as of this date. 0 mi PACE th LOAN ARCtPtRNT: Math & Cltatieg 'Shetret & Stewrt r lAdsden %U9tNESS NAMIt ghetter & lhettet Acemin'ttng S—orvtce AbflRpSrt: 6011 N,W6 7th Avenue Miami, Ftnttda 33127 TOTAL LOAN AMOUNT: $151000* TERM: CLOSING DATE: FIRST PAYMENT DUE DATA: LOAN FUNDS DISBURSED FOR FOLLOWING PURPOSES: INVENTORY: RECORDING FEES: WORKING CAPITAL: EQUIPMENT: ADVERTISING: TOTAL FUNDS DISBURSED TO —DATE: BALANCE TO BE DISBURSED: $15,000.00 (as of 6/13/88) * Loan has not been closed as of this date. 88-- 27 t! co MOO 15 LOAN REUtPtENT: tserby A Willie Porker R StNESS MANE: Porker Setvtees Corporation A6fiRESS: 1701 N,W, 54th Street Miami, FteridA 33142 TOTAL LOAN AMOUNT: $45,000 TERM: 10 yeseq @ 3 CLOSING DATE: MArch 94 1988 FIRST PAYMENT OUR DATE: September 1i 1988 LOAN FUNDS DISBURSED FOR FOLLOWING PURPOSES: INVENTORY: $20,000,00 RECORDING FEES: 156.75 WORKING CAPITAL: 2,733.75 EQUIPMENT: 15,239.00 ADVERTISING: _0_ TOTAL FUNDS DISBURSED TO -DATE: $38,129.50 BALANCE TO BE DISBURSED: $,6,870.50 (as of 6/13/88) 88-- 576 PACE 16 LOAN 9RctFtRNT! 1,affiat- & botl to Llvilig-4fnti RUStNESS NANK! RbAdbtotkg; tot. AbbRRSS: 6002 N.W. 6th Avenue Hlitmi, Fiotrid.4 TOTAL, LOAN AMOUNT, $15,000 TERM: 5 Years 0 3% CLOSING DATE: .itfnp 8, 1988 FIRST PAYMENT 009 DATE: JA nuary 19 1g59 LOAN FUNDS DISBURSED FOR FOLLOWING PURPOSES: INVENTORY: $ 4,240.00 RECORDING FEES: 94.25 WORKING CAPITAL: 1,431.25 KQUIPMKNT: 4,558.00 INSURANCE: 1,957.00 ADVERTISING: -0- TOTAL, FUNDS DISBURSED TO -DATE: $12,280.50 BALANCE TO BE DISBURSED: $ 2,719.50 (as of 6/13/89) 88-5,714 I I l LOAN RRCtiPIRN`I; t'el i tie 6 Matta Savoury MISINESS NAMRt Catibheatl Cntitli shell ReAtautant ADDRESS! W2 W.W. 7th Avetitir Maml, Ptotlda 33122 TOTAL LOAN AMOUNT: $2b.000* 'GERM: CLOSING DATP.: FIRST PAYMENT OUR DATE: LOAN FUNDS DtSAURSPD FOR FOLLOWING PURPOSES: INVENTORY: RECORDING FEES: WORRTNG CAPITAL: EQUIPMENT: ADVERTISING: TOTAL FUNDS DISBURSED TO -DATE: BALANCE TO BF, DISBURSED: (as of 6/13/88) * Subsequent to loan being approved, Loan has been rejected by the LoanCommittee. S$---57h 4 PAOR Is LOAN RSCtPl9NT: vernnn outran A vernnten rr ene t08tNXS9 NAME! 2 StAt PAghlnhs Af16RE; 5: 6220 N.W. hth Avenue Mf atfll., l�eide 33150 TOTAL LOAN AMOUNT: TERM., 9 Years 6 Months CLOSING DATE: tmeember 9, 1987 FIRST PAYMENT DUE DATE: July 1, 1988 LOAN FUNDS DISBURSED FOR FOLLOWING PURPOSES: INVENTORY: $25,000.00 RECORDING FEES: —0- WORKING CAPITAL: 6,000.00 EQUIPMENT: 1,700.00 RENT: 6,799.59 ADVERTISING: —0— TOTAL. FUNDS DISBURSED TO —DATE: $39,499.59 BALANCE TO BE DISBURSED: $10,500.41 (as (if 6/13/88) BADE 19 LOAN k8cIPtRNTt . ARper 6 mAry Sweet BUSINESS NAME: jhAper p4iotinS Servlee, tne► ADDRESS: 1368 N.W. 54th 5lfieet Mi:4mi, Florid: 33142 TOTAL LOAN AMOUNT: $5D,C100 TERM: CLOSING DATE: ` FIRST PAYMENT DUE DATE: LOAN FUNDS DISBURSED FOR FOLLOWING.PURPOSESt INVENTORY: RECORDING FEES: WORKING CAPITAL: EQUIPMENT: RENT: ADVERTISING: TOTAL FUNDS DISBURSED TO -DATE: BALANCE. TO BE DISBURSED: Os of. 6/ 13/88) * Loan has not been closed.as of this date. Model city SINall "onihogn bovelopmonl: Pilot Otogram ,,June 14r 1908 Mayor. Xavier 5liarez & Members or city cdmmisnion City of Miami 3500 Pan America, briVP Miami, Plorida 33133 bear Mayor and cr)mmissioners: The voluntpprs who comprise the Model City Loan Committee are concerned abnul- the opinions recently voiced by members of the City comminsion regarding the process utilized to make our. � recommendations for the $513,000 in loan funds made available by the City commission for the pilot program. In oc-,obpr, 1981 we were convened as a body and charged with the responsibility of making final recommendations to the city of Miami. Along with the guidelines established by the City for loan applicationA, we were given the attached resolutions indiratthd that the Martin t,uther Ring Economic nevelopment Corporation had been given the authority for the management of Elie program and that we served At the pleasure of their Board of birectorn. Additionally, we were informed that the firm of Ronald Thompkinsp CPA had been engaged by the city to review applicaflann and to present their findings to the Loan committee which had the final Approval.. Thete was nothing in the documents which we received which indicated that we were bound by/to the r.ecommendAtiona which had been made by the .Screening committee. 88--5'7h- Model City 8mal1 "Itsinean bevelopm€►nf: pilot hror3ram June 14, 1908 Mayor Xavier Silara,z & Members nr. City Commission City of Miami 3500 Pan America. Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Dear Mayor and commissioners: The vnlunteprs who comprise the Model City loan committee are concerned ahnul- the opinions recently voiced by members of the City commission regardinh the process utilized to make our , recommendat:ivns for the $573,000 in loan funds made available by the city commission for the pilot program. to octohar, 1987 we were convened an a body and charged with the responsibility of making final recommendations to the city of Miami. Along with the guidelines established by the city for loan applications, we were given the attached resolutions iodinating that the Martin Luther King Economic Development Corporation had been given the authority for the management of the program and that we served At the pleasure of their Board of birectorn. Additionally, we were informed that the firm of. ttonald Thompking, CPA had been engaged by the city to review applications and to presenL their findings to the Loan committee which had the final ApprOVa1.. There was nothing in the documents which we received which indicated that we were bound by/to the recommendations which had been mAde by the screening committee. 88-57 fi 1'Ac�A j MAyot xavier Altarey wp initially received twenty-seven (27) applications from the .crrepnind committee with recommendations, differing from the amounts Applit'd tot in SOMA rarest for loan Awards totalling the amount nC the pro gram's fiend. to the process of reviewing these ir, ApplAt.infl4, wP began to rind out process impeded by poor and/nr nonexistent r.rn di.t ratinga for many of these merchants which raitspd the CPA firm to have to conduct further credit invPSticlat.inns. in addition# :several unfavorable press Articles stimulakpd fpcieral and state authorities to indicate that they would frppzo the loan proceeds of some of these businesses with nutst.andinq debt to their agPnci.es. As a result, therefore, we instit.ittPd A rPquirpmpnf: that: bijainesses would be hAve to provide work nut paympnt plans prior to their loan closings. we sought and received city approval fot this policy. As a result of discussions held at your. December commission meeting, the program was put on temporary hold because the City Commission requester] that we appear before you to discuss our process As it related to severely distressed merchants in Liberty City whom wP had CPCOmmended for loans. At our appearance in .January, you gave us the authority to continue using our best judgement in makinq recommendations which we felt would positively impart the economic, conditions of the community= i.e. improve or increase the provision of goods, services and/or jobs to nur community. In addition, you agreed that the City Commission would handle all appeals to our. decisions. As a result of this excl Mr. Thompkins to cont-An twenty-seven (27) app.l Committee, but also t applications, even thos Screening Committee; to goods/services: and jobs anti which appeared to be of this process, we wet, had been terminated and the reviews of the ptesentations to the Loar ange, at our next meeting we instructed in his on -site review of the original .cants recommended by the screening review the balance of the loan which had not been reviewed by the brinq those which appeared to offer from which the community would benefit able to make repayment. In the middle informed that Mr. Thompkins' contract that city of Miami staff would conduct application packages and make the Committee for its review. 88-5"7fi 0` k Mayor ltavit,r. Throughout this proresfi, howpvr►r, wp oorrespnnded with OP City of Miami and the Scr.erninq Commi.Upt, regArdinn each step we were Ulk inq And PMi h re(.'OMM ,ndat i nn mach, ).very business which had marle An ApIll i cnH olt war, also advised along the way as to the hI,nl-itr: of ili"i•r Applical:ion. This is all to say that, contrary to what may have hegn sl,atr'd at the recent. commission mpetinc3 by inclivicivaln who appeared hvtorrs you, we have attempted to mAke III is peaces as fili r anal open As possible. As it rnlater, i:n those loans which were not reviewed by the Srreeninrl Committee, hilt which we recommended for loans, we nlr+rt:e�l I:o review Addil:innAl applications which in our judgement indicated that they met i:he application criteria , provided needed .jobs, goods and/or, services to the community And indicated A prohAhility or repayment which would we felt wan crucial to keeping the, funds revolving and ultimately serving a larger number of businesses in the community. Por your further information we are enclosing a copy of the close not rnpnr.t which we sent to the City of Miami showing the status of every application which was received. Should you have further r;uesl.inns or require additional information, we will he available at yrn.tr meeting of June 23, 1988 at the scheduled time, 2:00pm to respond. y V-n rf.f Chai rmatt B8-5 7h w� r Nntlpl �i.tji small Mu»inean »ovelopmotlE Pilot Program Loan Committee Mr. Edward nut:tie, Chairperson Vice -President Capital hank - Ms. Dorin Reed Administrahor Miami -Carol City Senior high Mr. Johnnie Williams SUS i nessman Mr. Lawrence Crawford Principal Poniciana Park elementary School Ms.Lor.i Weldon Chairperson Rdison-Little Haiti Community Association ty r Nlodol. tri ty Ama l 1 fAUAJ he§t bevelOPMerit Pilot Program pploved Loans Ousinest _Name -. bate_ hpb.r.ov,ed_ AMOUht harksr. Ser.vl,rr, Corporation 11/20 $45rOfifl 1701 N.W. 54 Street Mr. to voy Parker .Ssrvics Stat: i on Uncl.s ArHmr`s rr.ocery 51:or.e 11/20 $15000 5900 N.W. 7 Avenue Mr. Arthur nrookn Grocery ,tore ,Seven Star. Fnghions 11/20 $50000 6220 N.W. 6 Avenue Mr. Vernon psi n Retail cinthi nq Stor.s Poppyss Fried chicken 11/25 $250000 5534 N.W. 7 Avenue Mr. Robert ner.q Fast rood chain A.lf.reri Lloyd & Sons 12/9 $75,000 5R00 N.W. 7 Avenue Mr. Alfred L.l.nyd Paving/hAmoli.tion COnttaCtOC bavia Rostaurant 12/9 $40,000: 957 N.W. 62 Street Mr. Roy Spars Soul food Restaltrant R8-57N i 7 Pago P h�i Abu r1 1+t)An,4 lh k tt Coin l,AIMlry 663 NiW, 52 8tfpr+l: MR, bolphlhO Milrray Coin LAltnclrOMAt P11rni Hire i+AlM-.e ni!gC0110. 1./27 $2�1►ilhh 6145 N.W. 1 AVen11e Mr. .ipan P. rAsA(3 q Retail Pllrnil.UtO .-00te Roarl t;lnr.kn► tnv. 12/$ $15►000 6002 N.W. 6 Avenue Mr. T,amAr t,i vingAt:nn ttar.racarlo Mgf. k Rental.g Rarheed'r� Ct.nt:hing/Jewelry 2/5 $20►000 6040 N.W. 7 Avenue Mr. Prentice Rasheed Retail Clothing & Jewelry Jewelry by Kota 2/5 $10,000 605 N.W. 45 Street Mr. Edward Allen Jewelry Mfg. & Sales Serch's TV ry Radio Repairs 2/17 $13,000 5860 N.W. 7 Avenue Mr. Ser.ch Crapp TV A Radio Repairs/Parts Thomas Benjamin Plumbing, inr.. 2/17 $35,000 1277 N.W. 54 Str.eet Mr. Thomas Benjamin Plumbing & Fire Protection Contractor Sherrer & Sherrer. Accounting 3/2 $15,000 (NTK) 6011 N.W. 7 Avenue Ms. Maria Sherrer. Accounting Services 88-5'76 _' I t 1'ati@ h�5�r t�v�rl 1h�lti:� tt�ir�l:ylt?� 1,y lticlin� �;�� ��t1�i�C� liititl N.t�1. 54 fit.r��1: M�► G1.e�r i a k��tk i nghat� 11tiiS��t fyr+a�tf:y Shtvi rh5 � �ttf,l �.it±, ki hg Thp m.•rylor.' / $3r 00f1 61.29 N.W. 7 Avpnup Mr, Willih Calhoun �'�ylori ng fr it�t:ai l c:lt�thir , Caribboan Cnnrh Shell Pp!;:, 3/2 $ trh0t3 4102 N.W. 7 Avenue Mr. i'Ql ipp ovollry WnSt in�9i.n i'no�l itnatAu�,�n`.. tIacper. Painf:ing SerVi `ne. 3/ $50,000 1368 N.W. 54 SErpet Mr. .lacper ";wAAf: Painting Contr.Artor. Leona Indtistripq Corr,.- Inj 3/2 $75o000 6103 N.W. 6 Court Mr. George Yap E±ood Production 6 W.i,)lesale Siles TOTAL $5730000 88-~57f * II�i 1. 11i1.R;j' hOh§ DOVOIOPtnehL lii ant f�tbt�t�itl Loans Not Con0ideted Ponds WiAUSted prier_ to Cen8ideratinn Mr.. nenniA n. vauhhan $48,0f)b VW Tool Company 641. N.W. 6o St:reat: Miami/f inridn/33121 Mr. WADI. Tnrres $30,000 ramily Meat Corp. , 6101 N.W. 11 Avenue Miami/Florida/33142 Mr. Linkon It. Sherwood $32,000 .1.S. Miscount aeverageo Inc. 6025 N.W. 7 AVAn11A Miami/rlori.da/33127 Mr. Sidney ,Scott $ 3#000 Scut .Salvage 4864 N.W. 15 Court Miami/Florida/33142 Mr.. Alexander Pope $20,000 5O111 Choice 700 N.W. 54 Street Miami/Plor.ida/33142 Ms. Mary Critten $15,000 Mar.y's Cette PoseUe Beauty Snlon 6131 N.W. 7 Avenue Miami/Florida/33127 c t` p 1�fiatt.� Nol: Cotifi.rlptpri Mt. Grarynry Wi 1 l i Afn i5 i 6iii Wi 11 iamn tlecotrl!; 5619 N.W. 17 1►VONI ± Miafhi/r1or. irla/3.11�7 MA. ontnol:t `CCCA 1;ai nt i ncl/tAWn MaihEehanrp 5NP N,W, 7 Avpnite ' Mr. Verdi.p Pickett# tit. $13,Onn Rose PInhintls 11nn N.W. 54 Street Miami /Ploridn/3.11.42 Mr, 17erotno r«A n11 $44000 .lerry'a snAck t;nr & Game Room 738 N.W. 62 Strop Miami/Plor.ida/331.50 Mr. Ponalrl Mi.rkens $75#000 itasool Sports Weer 6301 N.W. 7 AVen11t? Miami/Flor.ida/33155 Mr. Tom Arthur Sanrlerg $30,000 Woodcraft by nesign 5994 N.W. 7 Avenue Miami./rlor i da/33127 Mr. ,7oe Nathan cilpson _ $25,000 Gi.pson Servir_a Station 1501 N.W. 62 5treaE Miami./Plokida/33147 Pago j L'OWq Not: Votis i t1gr.0d Mt, William t, tngeahai $ j000 "Ill'a wwp gprviesa 552 N,W, 71 .9trppt MS.Ami/lrior. i da/3 �156 Ms. Yvonne ". POW011 Maxwell WOOD tvp bressps 6101 N.W. 7 Avpnuo Miami/PloridA/:13142 Ms. hefty J. 40poph sunshi np R SUnfipf hay CAte 4119 N.W. 7 Avpntta Miami/Florida/33127 Mr. hobert 81lis $14,500 nob .Shoe Pair 11 N.W. 54 Strept Miami/Plotida/33142 Mr. John Cheevpr $410000 Cheever Air Conditioning 5244 N.W. 1 Avenue Miami/Florida/33127 Ms. Vera ,lack $75,000 Club Montego 726 N.W. 79 Street Miami/Florida TOTAL $678t000 MOA01 city .�m�.i itt�$ine�� hevpl��ateht Pilot Ptodtam Loan Appit.!;atioets Retuthe but-o��n !ia Mt. fitc,bwrt: SnAy 36P l N.W. 7. AVanue Miami/rI orida/3.1127 Mr - Wi I iam aimr� COVington tfarttnn Wor1(1 of flail 1771 N.W. 175 St:rAht Miami./Flor i tia/33056 Mr. Wi 11 ie .7ac..kson Jackson's UniSPX narber shod 6225 N.W. 22 AvenuA M i.Ami /Plor ida/3 3142 Mr. nennie t,nn Smith Wilson's Gr.ocor.y 6n75 N.W. lA Avenun Miami/rlor. irla/33147 Mr. Robert .1ottgh i na Aquarius nenuty Supply 3535 N.W. 17 Avetwe Miami/PIor. i(Ia/33142 Not in Business one Year Mr. Thomas MarQhall Shahad & Company, Inc.. 5671 N.W. 17 Avenue Miami/Plorida/33142 i tt)Ati APPI i.rA1: ibhl4 ItrAlI ti@8 Nqt .ifs. "q8iniotts_One Yeat (froni't_) Mr. ,fears SafnuP1 h0b,�rt 1 AAW Oh A ,AhOP 1100 N, W. 54 fif_ rer't Miami/Plorirla/� ilAy.' Not Avotoved by Screening CriMMULee Mr.. Charles .5hnrr.ar. TAke One Sturlin 6011 N.W. 1 AVPhlte Miami/Plor.ida/33127 Mr.. NArl T. tlAtnes Ash-13 Mobile Car C,leahihq S?rViCP_ p. C. Box 16n).33 Miami/Plnr ida/331:?7 Mr.. Rddie c;ardner lhstronic f.Abg 6825 N.W. 11 Avenue Miami/Plorida Mr. Jahil Muhammad t1roker. Jim, inr. 5240 N.W. 7 Avenue Miami/Plor.ida Mr. maalib Abdoll.ah Ahmad Cons riir.ti.on 4220 N.W. 7 Avenue Miami/PI or. ida Mr.. James F;. tmonard Mop City Rarber Shop 6105 N.W. 7 Avenue Miami/Ploy.idd Mr. Gregory WAshington Washington CIPAhprA 1342 N.W. 62 Street Miami/Plorida modol cl-tv filiftine§ft bovelopmehE Pilot Pto4tc'm Itoann Hot— . . Ave�d By_! oan Committee pp _LqL_ Ms. Anwi Hall bills ri7xa-lmo A Ice Cteam shop 5401. N.W. 17 Avenue Fast Pond A Tce Cream Mr. WAIbPt -7ohnSoh Walter Johnson service 1615 N.W. 49 sttee(-. Lawn Maintenance Mr. LpovprHirn Gordon Mea I -A-Mihil I'. � 690 N.W. 62 St ' rpO. WeSE Indian Pood Restaurant Ms. Linda Morgan Crystal A Carla Unisex salon 4606 N.W. 7 Avenue Hair Care And Retail Clothing Mr. Manuel Torres V A M MpaE Market, Inc. 5700 N.W. 7 Avenue MPAE & Grocery Market Mr. Willie Crpenp Greene Shop Repair 660 N.W. 62 Street .7 shop Repair & Sales Mr. Mohamnd Hammond Milano, inc. 6016-18 N.W. 6 Avenue Automobile Repairs toohli9 1461: APvtbvtd ny tjOA,h "tommit:t to Mr. OtA t,eo� ,t% Di sr:� ukt. fit€!tief Aq t~ rht� r s 5125 N.W. I hvehuft �riiCpri Mr. tsatrir.ia Rhiclltt: CAtfipCi riyesha 1s Vati ety PrAgtAhCO 61no N.W. I hventir bits R tnrensp Mr. tternArd Oyer. Thi. r.d World Media 6025 N.W. 6 Court Newspaper rublishing h hist•r.ihutibh Mr.. Willie Richatct Willie's Welding, Inc. 1134 N.W.5 Strpat Welding & br.namental tron thst:at.l.Ation Ma, t,eacy Wi l 1. iAms LQary's APAHFV 5a10rt 672 N.W. 62 Street nentsty parlor Ms. Psther J. Ward Jnyce's not:i.que 6 3o l N.W. 7 Avenue Women's Retail ClOthing Ms. Snywnn Rohin.aon The Gap 659 N.W. 62 Str.eet Discount npverageq b''taattndry .Supplie's a-67-bht it) IAiWt ho..Ithl.tl'ttoo we), A i1Pgh1.lttitlN n► Tpif riTY cnHNtpAthN ON 11VAIAWAttNG tTA totITIOP WARRANT) IN NOTION On. 67-600. AtxlttRtl APPTUTIVA 04. 10M At1.Attvll to IMPIANPNtAttoN OP TAR ARAM, t111PtNPAp hPV91,nPHRHT PI1,n ' pA0rt1AM IN T1111 NOhAI. CITY APPAL MIATRPR At'PAOVIN(i Tit* OC17011PA 00. 107 ARPOUITION OP T1111 WAhTr)t t.ht111?R k1`11n NVOtIOMIC hRVP1,MPM1%NT COAVOAATtON (N1.1tR[xl). IN T11R WIN ATTAr.11P11, PAPOLTIN(i IN THR IHt11.V.Hk11TATT0V OP TPR AHAT.t, 1111A1NRAA hkVW)l,Nv..Ht Piim tntlr:RAN IN TI19 knhRi. CITY AAVA IN TAX NANNAR 1111 hNSPRO TRPhRtH. 1111aaRAa, the city ensmiAMt.en In ooleteitted to the eoonnaie dt!volopmant AnA t114 etrpanhien of trAdn and Aolbt too in the City or NIANI; And VMPAA, the City Comaitanion in dontroull or rAoilitating the Ronnnmto dAVAlopment AnA prodpnrity or PmAli bunt.nawtx, mole ptoptietornhlpA And ttthotity hlleinnnn In general looAtelt V11.11in tho 1464M City TAtgot Arno) in Clio) City of MiaMtl And VRt;ARAA, the City Of Yi&Mt 1A Ahxioan to loptOV6 And better thA gllelity Of MA In the Aaonaminaily dinadvantaged target AteAl1 ldentltiAd by VAriotlll CoMmltnity Developutlnt ProgrAtnA innluAing Nndol Ottyt And VREPPAR. the City CoatllaAlon IN dentroua et Implementing tho Incentive progrAsm. gllidelinas And prormiuree prowilgated by the NRttiA 1,11thAr king 200norlio Development corporation (YISROC), a 00MMIthity bRAA.d Clot -rot prorit pArVloe llgen0y Vhi0h hAM A pattioulAr Arrinity And senpitivity to the naoclk 6t the Model City tnetohAntA And humtneaaaA And Uhn unddratanAow the gnala at thA 60411 I111MIn4411 bAveloproent 011ot progrAnl; And VHHARAS, the Ott? CoAAiRliion IN deairou• of reoeding from the pnatttenA 6wrt0nnA4 in Notion No. Ay -Olin, pAnnod on 6eptealidt AA. 1067. in erdAr to Moilitate and ansint a More ditAot, grAan-rootll dirAtltibn, hopervt.Ainn And MAnage»Ant or the 9"All 1111AInAAn hevAlopmant Pilot PrhgrAM by MIAMt CITY COMMICSION mtv,T1140 Or !.A OCT 92 tget Ct!vl.t►•.::,� 1iQ1lUI1MIMs -- _ ` s—'576 iihv, 't•tit!h pbuft, tR tt wol,,um by fiRN tots ntrltt ot° 'tilt city tip RIANt, t!ihptliAt itAtltlBn i, ThM tihAthl" AAA Ehttitrim ahatkitAd th thh +Ei�RMt,th l5t i,h111 E(•t1R1+1ttl�fl REM bhthby jtahptoA AnA itwobirp6thteA tij� tFtlE1!hhh hhtAlfl. �eat111n �. 'fhh hits tnriMfnfllAn hnrtlhy teEleAti� re-8vAluf►ti,A thM 1PnpttIOhn 01prFhn0101 in ttbttbn NO. A7 Abel, AdopttA bn Roptogimt AA, tt %1, tfOhtivM to thM 1CmR]1 YluminbpM nAvt►1bpnAnb Mot PraprAM. GAbttan O. ?hA City Comathainn hernbp totMAllt ApptOvAll &nd Otptepnno: itA 66hAAnt nt thA Attnbhad rt►nelutinn dUIT Anhothd hV thA IlnAtA nt hl tAntnre of thh uArtttl tuthhr %i nif wobnn"10 hAvOikhrnAnt CatpatAtihn (Nl.ttuh(S) en OotahAE 00, 1087 vhinh IMplbMAhta thh AMA1t pilnineAp hevAlap:ehnt Pilot Pradram for the Nnr101t city ar1!1L. PAR.Mi Atlh AMPTRn this _2211d_ AAy bt October IOAy, Zoe / $AV I RA U. it Atli, ItAYOA All a� _ 11A' Y 1MipA1 CITY C6111K tA►VA0211 AND WPOM NY: IlArAllls W. NUARIZ •AAR ARRIATANT CITY ATTOAMRY AMOVAn AS TO PORN ANb 0011ARCTHM: lei CITY ATTOANAY A9A:Eh:Ms4!) m 8 7'J24 UiY Cp IVIIAfVII CI1Y CURK REPORTS E�tltVt; tillfi�s nrr.rtAt. Nf.Ci•111r./!tCrsr;lmt'.n �n, 1oa1 hJ�t�� w ���.... _ ..�..�__ _..-..._�.... _._.._y.7._..—...-....._......._.. -A HntinN nF 111F. t;iit Ct1HNISSInN Allt'IInAItIHn ANDlbR hiRt•.ctlN(j tilt, AIMINiAInAtinN to tNiiFntATFI.Y t,FFF.C1nATF. tHE tn1I.()W1Nt1 f;sFr.; tN rn)INtf tihN W1t4 tilt APPOOV0 110I4.11tNTAtioN nt 111G kHAt.L pUSiNFc: hFVr.1,nPNFNi' PILOT thonhAll: 1) Ahnrt SNP. ^14AL1, 1111SINV r,14 hI Vf.t.hrHrNt PiLnT PPorpAN, iNcl,nhlwo int 1'RnPnoFn I.nAN r1110E1.103 (AA tlnhf, tm.l.t hlcr.h;.qEli lir.PoPP vir tilt CrntilISA10N ON III I.", DAtt.), 2) EApHARK tIIF tiYF. NUNnAEn toPTY TUnIt;ANh 1)(11.1,AAS (=ghn,ntttt) PRF.SF.NtLY AVA11,ApI.F tpnH f4tA14t CAPItAI. AS W0.1. AS T11RCP NIINhftpD iHf1tIAANh (1.1no,non) ADDITiONAL hn1.t.AR�, rREVIoUC1.Y t..AhNAAKFn Fop THE CIIAIST1AA ItOCP1tAl. PAn,ir.r..t, t0 R hiVIhFh AS F(11,LOw4t (a) IS70,nnn Fnn TO L1AtptY CITY ARFAI AND (b) $P16 000 FnP 1nF Ci1Y At i.Anr.F: 11hAP. CPFCIF1r,ALLi!, FOP TAhOtT AREA: AA bt9t(:NA1F.h nt 141AN1 r,APITAL. 3) ALL(tr.ATE AN AHOUN'r NOT tO Fk(:FF;h TIIiRTY tIIOUSAND ho1.t.ARS (l30,nnn) Fpt)I( COHIIIINITY hF.VF.i3OPHENT hLOCK oAANr tIINnS ton PIInI't)SFA ort (A) illPt.FHFNTM AN tt1hEPFNhF.Nt NtNoRltY C.P.A. FiAll TO ASSIST iN PAF.PAPIN(I AND ANALTI.1114 11IF I.nAN APrl.iCATION PACKA(ltl AND (h) RNPLnY1Nn (:oN111LTANT9 THAT MAY At 11CUPASARY ton SPf.C{AL17.th tF.01NiCAi. ASS131ANr,1; 1FAViCP.S., I'UAT,ltA STIPIII.ATtN(I 1'IIAt TIIF: CiTY r.OHIItS.inN SHALL SFLPCT MR (5) INbIVOUAL.1 AR 111PIR AEhpFSF.NTAt1Vf.S in DFRVF. ON tilt LOAN CoMI11TIF01 ANi, FURTIIP.R AUTiloAl .iN(I THF, MtANACFR to CoiltAtt tllr "Alo A" (,.P.A. PtAiiS, I.hrAl, PUP1,i0PR1VATF Arf:NCIF.1, PpIVAtE nIIAINFSSt,9, F:tC., to ASSIST IN THIS A Wnul lnN ALLOCATION AN AHOUNT NOT t0 t.XCFrV 165,000 FAON THE. "ORANrr. RLns.nN CLAC9IC" ttINDS Tn PR U4F1I FOR PpnIIOtIoNAI. W1,11P S At,t.ATFI) to TIiF 19A7 OAAN11F I1LOS9nN C(.AtgtV, 10 nt? 14F{.tt IN T11P, CITY OF H1Aift ON OCTOAP..R 11-17, 19971 AND PIIATIIF.R A(ITIiOAl2IN(I VIC CITY NANAOFR TO WCUTF. AN AnRF:F.IiF.NT it) A Po011 ACr.RPTAnl.F To VIE C11'Y ATTOANEY NiT11 AAAPAAA CAAP.Y, IN NF.A nFPRPAtNTATIVt CAPACITY AS (,FNF.AAL CIIAIRrF.nr..nN OF, TIIF 198r oftANOP. PLO.5SOH CLA.4A1C EIP.C1111VF M104ITIFB ton ,;Alt) TR().1F.CT, ttIAJFCT To AND CoNnitloltEn UrnN C4HPLiANCF, KITH ;IICN rn11DITiONS AND I.tNITAlinNS AC HAY hF PAF.SCRIAF.n nY 1'11F CITY or NIAMI. APPRnV In: �%/� t C. _--- - - - - - - - - - - `---- ------------------------....--------- - Et,, ue � riftA;'N�I DAWKiNS:t 1.IIHNEp llnllI n N1-063 1400.01. rUl"AFA AFCom KENNEhY UNANINoU3 SS-57tj 0 s i�.ULKEDC AIAIt IIN Ito 1oil st kitm VI irmtwtt h1.%I I IWMPNI (ORPifRAII(IN .�. AItA N %k* 11h Mthut. Murhl, (•1P-11118 III)1, t+ItrAAht: (105f f!f•fpll •�wK,�LIU'k-1,SL J tJ11►APA�+ NAfltttt 1.Ut11RA kiN4 f.n,N. 1111.1. AttAtIt TO* AcA/.kNtNG Am 1.004 CAWIttrR Atrn NANf. Af1`1AC►RJWf1 Af 7111.4111 r.M6It1tt1S uhrr►t A110. A1.1. AWINW4 SRRVIItrt At /11A{11h/. A/ t" HARttN I.Ilt1ItR &two rre0M1I(I � f11vtI.011bit coorAAAttnN ANn WR►Ai,AM1 IVA t►Att►t1I1 PUALIC ACC.AIWANt1, At►nkt 11113, GO 10 TUP. HA111`114 I.IITN►A k1t1r, rvowUC ht.VkIWMNNt t(WOW10" ANt1 4iNtAPA4+ 1111 tnAN C1116/1ttRt WILL HAWK Tt1R ►1NA1. 0PCA 11VMAtIVR ' V1011MA to ON Not to IAUv1hR /INn4 A" WNf11tA41 HIA11t C.AtItA1. WILL ACT AS tl.pStM) AtWn A4 WAS, AS AtlCff 611M..R DUtt/1 AS I.At►.A G1VPA tO TRRH AM) WII►AIASt NA1Itt4 t,lltl(Pk R1110 ►r.npttTHtd MYRIAPAr.0 01AP1RAttON VILL, lit tRt tSCROW Af►Nt MR tNR 014RIMRRHINtE 0► flit LOAN! M WRI.RIA41 WWII tAtttAt. VII.1. A►. tWV. TAtlA11t PON R4CRt1N N1ARIYAIRMEN(S 01 IIIAN AMI , tJ11tR1,A11 IIARttll 101`1 ►R rtN7 rCANAIITC 11tVRt.0111o.Nt ChRNINAtt(IN DILL P10V(tl►. ►AR tNR At►ROPAtATS LAAN tALLATLAAI, metil wi.4 AND , 1141011PA41 tttt tA)Q11M rY DRVilf1t11►NI 111At?t:TOA tOR "t CITY O/ HIAIII 14111t Cntlf111t 1.11111 Tttt 141C014trNDAttON Ot HARTIN I.IITIIRR RTH4 /1:nHtV(t(* ntVtt)VkkNt COA►0NAtI0N AS TO WHP."I►.A tMt unRAouRRS ARE 10 AfC.RIVR OR NOT A►CRtVt 'MM LICROU A►tAMAIlR Oil 1111.I4 I.nA114 n/r►.NnINf1 ON NLItt11tR 1110MRlWP11 AAR UAINd Tftt HON[Y AI►RO►AtATRLY At SfAtRn 14 IRA LOAN ATV13CAt1ON, A" 10 COMPLY WITH TIIR RRQUIS110.4 Or In 1`9410011CA1. A-4414TA14CK PROGRAM AM) WIttMA1l NTA1111 CA►tTAt Wtl.t ISSUff iNR InAN C+1M1Tt1ltNT I.RtttR WIP..O AN THE AhVfr.1t Of IIAATIN 1,IITNR11 kiNA EV100IIC nfviln"..Nt COPPARA111IN ANSI TRAT H1AHt CAPITAL, 11II.1. , OR CRAnttOA ON THI WAR twic.1 kt.NTA. ' A u MLKEDCO AIAAIIN 1101011 It kiN14 Of ONO MIt hA%I I IWWNI C01061kAIIfIN +.. A119 N W trh Atthoe. Miami. 11h,ld1 (1016 tolthAnt:11t)tl 151•i01 WlrihlAil 11AhttN LWIPA klN(1. t.n,r.. utt.t. AtftltNT tt1A AcIAPtNtnt. Alm 11.0Ar1 emWittPR Arm HOW A►ttArfNRNt1 Of t11t111 rni4ttlf►RA 1t110t AAP All. AiiAiNllttt URViRd At t1►A1110I. D► t0t 11ARttN 1.IITNPR ktMd Ptn►M111(l htVtl.OfHi)lt CoWpItAtiON AIM tJMiA►.A�I t110. CONttltfl) YVALtt; AtrrtINURVA RP/ttAt NiLt. Cd 10 T". HAAtf4 1,0111PA ktlrr. RcoNo111c Dt.Vk1AtHwIlt CoRfoW10 AND 41NPAP.A/l 1114 InA►1 C04611tTRt WILL /1A1R 111R ►fNAi. Att'f.1F011MIA11bN ' VNPTIIPR td OR Not to tPov1UR 11IND1 AND WIIPAtASI HiA041 CAt1TAL N11.1. ACT Ai 0 nilw; ADfltt AA 1tPLL A! i(d",11 OWFIt Dlfttll A.q I,AIAA t:tVAN tO TI104 AM) 011PAtAMI ilAhtlN I.t)tllPR R1Nd rmno4h, fIRVA(r)14.0 COR?VRAtfom $111.1, At tnR fArAnu ArfAt folk 1Nlk D11A11RAANWIll 0► tllt 14ANI An WR►.110411 141A11f t.APttAt. V11.1. AP. t11f, 1111014tit ?ON IL4(;W 1N 0i110,011IRN1.01(i Of 1AIAN Alm WWRf.A11 1144ttll 1.11'"tPA Wel trmlotttc 1401. ►Hi.Nt CAARIRAtION VILL PPOViDR tOR 114 AftRt)?Rfktt i.AAN CALIATFAAL tMeLkIP011 A)M Wllfnf.tth "I, t4t"I ttY ARvPinnow nimic"A Pal tKA ciTY of MtAltt 1 M111 mleant Vttlt tilt Rfcoww"t)ATTON of HAA1114 1.11TltRlt RTNd tG01,101 , n[Vtt4►NR1)t COA1,011010" AS to KNitltiR tRt %0PA0wjP! AAR To 0fc RtVK OR Not NRCRTV't TN11 t1CROU 1/.TATNA41I ON 111Pi1111 LOAN% n 11`010i0 ON VNttN[R 1<ORhowYA1 AAR U811,14 "t HONRY APPRO►AtAtVV All WWI 111 1YIA LOAN APIi3CAt1nN, A" 10 CAM►I.Y MtTN TIIR WR7tl15i1i.4 Of TRR tfrltNlCAt. AAATiTAiICR FAMMAN AND .y lJlt►AIA1t IIIAilt t.APitAL VIi.L 141139 TRR WAN CANNiTHINt 1.1tiP.R AA1tn 0" TNt ADV1r.R Of t1AAttN L(PtHRlk Y1114 tCtWONIC ttvTIAPtRNt C0RrARAtl0N AND TNAT HIANt CAPITAI, MILI. At CAAD110R ON Till M)AN UUc1rmtt. 0 8-�~�,1A 0.1 '/ 88-5-it* IKW It 1j1R6Mi:ohf tiiAt tilt t+ ob ht MkIk llo" III' 'II0. MWIN 1.111141.0 t1Nh tth1G'jtlil; bktIM1,410.11} COAR AMOK t4 CA11Ntt410.11 t6 PCtlNtlFitf; btvttAtfifut A11b 111A wAkMelo tot AlAt11i-Ott tN tilt ott. tt"IcthtAtr MY ANOA h)t tilt Atttt ROd tit tit# t:61601111ty 11rNtu AND AtA1.Rh tHt1 bi11.Y IIAY tit � •it`s a ,l Yi� i i4 r t 'a • f• > f 1i,