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w J-Rs-556 5/16/88 RX&OLUTION NO a 8". 49 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE MOST QUALIFIED FIN48 TO PROVIDE PROFESSIONAL PLANNING AND DENIGN SERVICES FOR IRRIGATION PROJECTS IN GRAPEI.AND, HADLEY AND MORNINGSIDE PARKS1 AUTHORISING THE CITY MANAGER TO UNDERTAKE NEGOTIATIONS WITH THE MOST QUALIFIED FIRMS, TO ARRIVE AT A CONTRACT WHICH 16 FAIR, COMPETITIVE AND REASONABLE; AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO PRESENT THE NEGOTIATED AGREEMENT TO THE CITY COMMISSION FOR ITS RATIFICATION AND APPROVAL. WHEREAS, the City of Miami has recognised the importance of renovating its neighborhood parks= and WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 10347, the Capital Improvownte Appropriations Ordinance, passed and adopted on October 22, 1967, appropriated $8.31 million for Citywide Neighborhood Park Renovations; and WHEREAS, the City Commission by Resolution No. 87-697, passed and adopted on July 9, 1987, appointed a Park Advisory Board to make recommendations as to the projects to be included in the renovations; and WHEREAS, the City Commission accepted the Park Aftisavy Board's recommendations during its meeting of November 11, 1947o fT,�1 WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 87-556, passed and adopted on June 11, 1987, the City Commission approved the Citywide Neighborhood Park Renovations Projects, which include the t Irrigation Projects in Grapeland, Hadley and Morningside Parks, as a Category "e" Project, and appointed Walter E. Golby, Director, Department of Parks, Recreation mad Public Facilities, as Chairman of the Cow4petitive Selection Committee: mad NRERiAIls A ;solution Me. "-324, WW*" =WW *&*ted CM iMWMh , A r 16, 1988, established a Certification Committee of not less than five (5) professionals, qualified in the fields of endeavor or practices involved, to review the qualifications, performance data and related information provided by those responding to the City's Request for Professional Services and WHEREAS, the City, through public advertisement and direct mailing, solicited expressions of interest from qualified consultants? and WHEREAS, the Competitive Selection Committee along with the Certification Committee, evaluated the qualifications of those firms who responded to the City's Request for Proposals, and selected the firms most qualified to provide professional architectural, landscape architectural and engineering services for this project, all in accordance with the Competitive Negotiations Act as defined in Florida Statutes 287.9S51 City of Miami Ordinance no. 9572 and Section 18.52.3 of the City Code, for the acquisition of professional service*) WN, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COlMI88IOM OF flit CIf! OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The City Commission hereby approves the recommendation by the Competitive Selection Committee of the following firms as the most qualified to provide, along with the designated subconsulting engineers, professional landscape architectural services for the irrigation Projects in arapeland, Hadley and Morningside Parks, as listed in ranked order of recommendations (a) No. 1: Prime Consultant: Laura Llerena and Associates, lim. . Sub -Consultants: " ftilio J. Hospital and Associatos, Ism. } f. . (b) No. 2: Drime Coasal"Mts S Santiago t� and Laubenthal, lac •llro ..p 4 . A t Bub -consultants: Fraga Engineers (c) No. 3s Prime Consultants Falcon and Buono Sub -consultants: None, all professional expertise provided by the prime consultant. Section 2. The City Commission hereby authorises the City Manager to negotiate a professional services agreement on behalf of the City of Miami with the firm ranked first in order in Section 1 hereinabove. In the event that the City Manager cannot negotiate an agreement which, in his opinion, is fair, competitive and reasonable with the firm ranked first in order, then he is hereby authorized to terminate such negotiation and to proceed to negotiate with the second most qualified firs. In the event that he fails to negotiate a satisfactory agreement with the second firs, then he is authorized to undertake negotiations with the third most qualified firm. Section 3. The City Manager is directed to present the Ctty'- °"' Commission with the negotiated agreement at the earliest' scheduled meeting of the City Commission immediately following n the negotiation of said agreement for its ratification and approval. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 8th day of August , 1988. A : HIRA�CllEM PREPARED AND APPROWD HY: r ., r•: N\i t: a . CITY OF MIAMI. FLORIOA 4r INTtR•OPPIC[ M(MCRANOUM *s Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission ��oM Cesar H • Odi 1 City Manager RECOIM MUDAT I ON : SAM. MAY 3 1 susitct, Authorization to Negotiate an Agreement for Oesign cervices for Irrigation Projects 900"OsulKs, it is recommendid that the City Commission adopt the attached Resolution approving the most qualified firms to provide professional planning and design. services for Irrigation Projects in Grapeland, Hadley and Morningside Parks, authorizing the City Manager to undertake negotiations with the most qualified firms, to arrive at an agreement which is fair, competitive and reasonable, and directing the City Manager to present the negotiated agreement to the City Commission for its ratification and approval. BACKGROUND: The attached resolution was prepared by the Department of Parks, Recreation and Public Facilities. On June 11, 1987, by Resolu- tion No. 87-556, the City Commission designated as a Category "8" project, the City Wide• Neighborhood Park Renovations Project, which included the Irrigation Projects in Grapeland, Hadley and Morningside Parks. In accordance with Florida Scstuces 287.055, City of Miami Code Section 18.52.3 and City of Miami Ordinanceis No. 10062 and go. 9572; advertisements to request proposals for professional planning and design services were sent by direct mail and published in newspapers. All projects were advertised as 100 minority set asides. The Certification Committee and this Competitive Selection Committee appointed by the City hanagtr evaluated the qualifications of those fines which responded aad selected the firms most qualified to provide the professional landscape architectural and engineering services required for this project. The schedule for this process was as follows: March 31, 1988 April 20, 1988 April 28, 1988 A Request for Proposals was advertised. Three proposals were received. The Certification Committee certified the three proposals. I rr s MAY `� �9g! The Cgspetitiv• Selection ���t�c iettft-viewed the dtfign te its recommendations - the tt is � therefore, recom*ftded that he ndinti . wA rre sc�end" theattached t�iveulel�ictiondCo�nsittee . 4 of the Cow+ lumearies of the steps in the selection process and a fact •how on the design team are attached for -your information. , --TM 1= - oti cowavl-TAYT Laura Llsrsna i Associates, Inc. susCOUStULTANTS Emilio J. Hospital Associates TTZM a : pRIME CONSULTANT Santiago and Laubenthal ca�svLTApTS lraga Engiaesrs. , f 11IY��pALB Laura M. Llsrsna Jos* A. Llsrsna Emilio J. Hospital James Santiago Thmas J • L�►ubae►aiw►1 F ,@ ,lea' l x � TE�M 3 w,yir. pRIME CONSULTANT ralcon and Buono Terssita ral► Juan A. SuaDO OUSCONSULTASM Eton*. All professional expertise provided by prime � N consultant.. fi-I In " 1 • f ik L kp ,sq tgE y 'j' M1 7, . :. i. :,.did . ."."a6 s`wY��x �: •.kr�s.�a. �.'.v-,. 6. .. .. CITY Or MIAMI. rLO"10A INYiR-OFFICE MEMORANOUM To Citywide Neighborhood Park Renovations Competitive Selection File ,�7 a a w i park Pia inq Coordinator oarf May 3, 1988 ht t 9veirc. Certification cc u itt*e Report "rr ns mu ro 4NClORVwr4 The City of Miami recently advertised Requests for Proposals for professional planning and design services for seven park projects. A Certification Committee consisting of: Juanita Shearer, Registered Landscape Architect, Hill Rosenberg, Registered Landscape Architect, Gene Pelaes, Registered Engineer, and Armando Caso, Registered Architect, net on April 28 and 29, 1988, to review all proposals received for: a. compliance with submission requirements, b. capability and adequacy of personnel, c. past performance in administration and cooperation with clients, d. ability to meet time schedules and budgets, and e. past experience record. Prior to the -start of the meeting, • tbv - &nwnbers Ili affirmed that they had no vested interest and/or -other financially remunerative relationship with any of the firms or individuals being considered for selection. The number of proposals received and certified for each project ' Al is summarized below: PROJECT African Square Park Renovation Allapattah-Comstock Park Sports Lighting Range/Lummus Parks Security Lighting A PROPOSALS NUMBS s* ADVERTISED RECEIVED RECEIVED CZMIwIXD 3/31/88 4/20/88 3/31/88 4/20/88 3/31/88 4/20/88 Grapeland/Hadley/Morningside Parks Irrigation 3/31/88 4/20/88 3 3 3 3 3 3 N 3 16 aton CoMitteg Report cirtific PAY it" sorcous mum= raw= P �WVM "Orn1n9side park 4/ T/ 66 4/27/68 is 10 Recreation Legion/Virrick Park$ Recreation/" 4/27/619 13 9, suilAing Renovation 4/7 Park &*creation Suilding 14 10 Gibson nsion 4/7/68 4/27/86 - Renovation and Expa cortifyinq PropOG&J's was the • In all caws the reason�oirisi� o specified in the girs,a failure toO"t requireson Request for Propo 4 559 4 S, V Cl" Of MIAM1, PLOW10A INTER-oporict MEMORANOUM r+ Citywide Neighborhood Park o,,,t. May 4► 1968 Renovations Competitive Selection File ,�,�,t�, Competitive Selection Committee Short List Report rwoM• ?Park n McKay ttrtwt►+ct, nning Coordinator. , t1+e�osuw�s As only thran proposals were received and certified for each of the following projects, no short listing meeting was held and all proposers were interviewed: African Square Park Renovations Grapeland/Hadley/Morningside Parks Irrigation Systems Allapattah-Comstock Park Sports Lighting Range/Lummus Parks Security Lighting On May 2 and 4, 1988, the Competitive Selection Committee met to short list proposals received for: Mornin side Park Recreation Building Legion7Virrick Parks Recreation Building Renovations Gibson Park Recreation Building Renovation and Expansion The members of the Committee were: Rursan McKay, Parks, Recreation and Public facilities Juanita Shearer, Development Adrian MacBeth, City Manager's office Teresita Fernandez, Planning Joe Turturici, Finance Roberto Hevia, Building and Zoning Ed Conner, Public Works Linda Kelly (non -voting)., Law All members affirmed that they had no vested interest and/ear other financially remunerative relationship with any of the finis or individuals being considered for selection. Prior to reviewing any proposals, the Committee decided that the short list would include a maximum of six design teams. It also decided that if there was a great discrepancy in scores between the fourth and fifth,or fifth and sixth ranked teams, that it may elect to not include those teams on the short list. rrti: �}-rt litt 3 r:q 4 .L . 3r A "* ' s ALI dartifisd proposals for each of the three projects w•r• thf •bared on the following critsrir as described in the Request fOe Proposals: �► - Previous professional experience B - size and capability of team C - Location of office The proposals for each project were then ranked by each cCMittN member. These individual rankio der were then totaled -for each project and ranked in descending The member of proposals below for•each project: Project Morningside Park Recreation Building Legion/Virrick Parks Recreation Building Renovations certified and short listed is smMarised amber Number Certified short GLsted lO d 9 4 Gibson Park Recreation 1QJ 6 Building Renovations Expansion ' The short listed firms were then contacted and requesttd to make a presentation to the Comit%ei or, according to the project. • Jr'a f� $4. Y r-f w u 4 r,e i, tdt ra 7. �,41 x'yr A x � a•'' s �'�» f1,'�0,°�*'� ear: ql,:,' �'.fi _ ..1 �(4tlLt of �ItMlt�tt - WALM E GM1Y ob~ PRBLIC WrIG'! CI1T W .MIANI. R,ORIDA FAWNS PaR pRormtogh , PLAWZW AND MUM Bann Cos MAR N. 0000 01► WANOW The City of Miami. le eeeking the prefessionarl services of gwiified and gmperieneed design professionals for four separate Park Projects as fellowes . A Landscape Architectural Firm to be the Prime Consultant for the ptanninIr and design of the renovation of l &XJSAA_Sq" q..%U1. fi&V aw located at 1400 Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard. This project will empire Landscape Architectural. Architectural and tngineering Services - . An Snpineerinq firm to bi the Prime Consultant for the planninq and design of #ports facilities Lighting for E draw. Lux. This project will require Landscape Architectural and tngineerinq Services. . An tnginesring firm to be the Prime Consultant for the planning and design of Security Lighting Improvements for &Cbal.,if.Jlange. and ;dMWs_,tasks. This project will require tngineerinq and Landscape Architectural Services. . A Landscape Architectural firm to be the Prime Consultant for the planning and design of Park Irrigation Systw for GrapelandChat U. } Iladisv and Mornings�deJ�arkds. 'Chia project will require N*j Land seape Architectural and tnginearinq Services. A11 -ansul -I g Teams will be required to carry riot-lehama=ie- De:i . . Design Development. Construction Documents. Bidding and Construction Administration Phases of a Professional Services Agreement. Interested firma must contact Dianne t. Johnson. Assistant to the Director, at the M y of Miami. Department of Parks. Recreation and Public facilities, 13" VW 7th Street, Miami, Florida. 33123. Telephonp (305)379-4100. for the Request for Proposals Document. This dpeument contains detailed and specific information about the scope of services, submission requirements and selection procedures. This is a 'minority ant -said• project and therefore qualified submissions will only be accepted from teams which include Hispanic, #lack and temala owned firms. Individual Submissione packages for each project must be delivered to the Office of the City Clerk, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami. Florida. 33131 not later that 11s00AM on April 20. 1988. The City of Miami reaerves the right to to be in the best interest of the City. in any proposal. and/ or to reject any re -advertise for new proposals. ADV. No. accept any proposal deemed to wive any irregularities and/or all proposals and to Cesar H. Ofto City ma nag er ' 01PARTMINT OF PARKS. RICRFATItlN ANn PUXI IC FACIUMS 131e N.W. Ak Ut"W INW. Ft 13231. WJ30d) illdlllO/Nti �_,, . . M Al c4tfit of �ittt��itt MMITO t OMIT 0-0 MLIC WrIC= CM OF MIAMI, rL RIDA RSOlfRit pOR pR0lMt01 ►L ►Lalilr2]IO Ailo DUM SlRV cu it CHAR N. OM C"" The City of Miami. is seeking the protessionoi services of q"I Lfied and experienced design professionals for tour separate Park Projects as to L low n . A Landscape Architectural Firm to be the Prime Consultant for i�wiew the ptanninf and design of the renovation of located at 1400 Martin Luther Ring Jr. Boulevard. This project will require Landscape Architectural. Architectural and engineering iorvices. . An tngineering Pir* to be the Prime Consultant for the planning for 4 and design of Sports Facilities Lighting jZt. This project will require Landscape Architectural and engineering Services. . An tngineerinq firm to be the Prime Consultant tot the planning 1• and design of Security Lighting Improvements for &%ba"gJtange, and G jgWWs_parxs. This project. will require tngineerinq and Landscape Architectural Services. . A Landscape Architectural Firm to be the Prise Consultant for the planning and design of Pork Irrigation Systems for 0rapsland, Qagles Hadla and ft=JnV9JLda__YArlta. This project will require Landscape Architectural and tngineerinq Services. J:il c__rsult::g Teams will be required to carry **A -schematic- Detiv. Design Dovelopment. Construction Doenments, lidding and Construction Aiiniatration Phases of a Professional Services Agreement. Interested fines must contact Dianne t• Johnson. Assistant to the Director, at the ZieY of MiamL Department of Parks. Recreation and Public Facilities, 13" WW 7th Street. Miami. Florida. ]]12S, Telephone (30S)S79-4100. for the Request for Proposals Document. This document contains detailed and specific information about the scope of services. submission requirements and selection procedures. This is a minority set -&aide project and therefore qualified submissions will only be accepted from tan@ which include Hispanic, Slack and Female owned firms. Individual submissions packages for each project must be delivered to the Office of the City Clork, 3SOO Pan American Drive. Miss&. Florida, 33131 not later that L1:OOAJ/ on April 20, 1966. The City of Miami reserves the right to to be in the best interest of the City. in any proposal. and/ or to reject any re -advertise for now proposals. accept any proposal deemed to wive any irreqularitass and/or all proposals and to Comer M. Odio City Manager WARTAAEN* OF PARKS. Rtt'RIATION AN" P!)UI IC FAt KMIS I M N.W. fih S1rsu/Mi80i. it 12UM M30 L7940MGM a". t � 4 M+,ti fir' 6 Sooj 10a t110fO&VA • s20MAL SMILCU ' f>b fM1C 2XXIpi1T20. SYRT':m f RDJtCT . WX =Y AMD NDISIMSIM PAW aRAflLk� t Cr" OE tlLAN CITY XAVtn L• SUAREZ: mayor WSARZO KSMM I)y, Viceimioor ner may,;. -J . DAWKINS. Coss► f VICTOR H. 09 YURRE nsrnnr J• CKSAR M. ODIO, City Manager } n F elf. t for p�pppsals Iswads lrrCtl 31• 19� s 988 �s�issioos Due Dates April later ma MO later t� 11 s 00" ` Submission times City Clerkow Office sub■sissioo Locations City of Hiani: 3300 fan A*Wlcmo► �w Miami, Via. 33133. "park ZrrigaticS Sysk subisiasion Identifications Project" must appe wrapping/envelope in which l�. proposals are subrsittad` .A S 7 r r n h h r i W NwrsC= 4 II woPz oir SZRVICZS R s I22 "B"Iss"m Niavllti 'S `: IV scw=ION PNoCZbuuv Lt !'oR CONSULTANT SZL=CTIOM Ll V TZNTATIVZ SCMUX AWITIONAL itzoulR=mgNTS POR SZL=CTZD T=AN 11 VI 11 VII DoG'� mmm AVAILASL= UPON n .� ♦ 33.4 h H t b r ;„ :. :+ r k =�'+je _• tl �, is ;�: :� � t i...;."- .f 7 w'F• �r - '� <r'y�'�,i �' ��,� �1 ..;.r •{ M d icy b Y M • 1 � f �y � I++ ,RytY , _ '�G4 t Y Y r '. 1 i:f+ � v'Y�J� •-'"� " .d. '���te4 . -. y:. �. _.. nhav .•T..r1v `�` ti.c',�aev�.h JOW I. MLZC NOTICta CITY or MtAW , rwaIDA nom Volt PIROFMIONAL SUVIC" r01c PAW IRRIGATION SINTlLW PROJUCT . GRAPUAM" CHARtL&B HADLEY; AND MORNIRICSIDt PARKS The City of Miami, is seeking the professional services of 'a qualified and experienced Landscape Architectural Firm to be the Prime Consultant for the planning and design of Park Irrigation Systems for Grapeland, Charles Hadley and Wrningside Parks. The projects will require Landscape Architectural and Engineering Services and the Consulting Team will be required to carry out Schematic Design, Design Development; Construction Documents, Bidding and Construction Administration Phases of a Professional Services Agreement. Interested firms must contact Dianne E. Johnson, Assistant to the Director, at the Zity of Miami Department of Parks, Recreation and Public Facilities, 1390 NW 7th Street, Miami, Florida, 33125, Tilephone (305)579-69OO.r for the Request for proposals Document. This document contains detailed and specific information about the scope of services; submission requirements and selection procedures. This is a minority set -aside project and therefore qualified submissions will only be accepted from teams which include Hispanic and/or Black and/or female owned firms. Submissions packages must be delivered to the Office of the City .` Clerk, 3500 .Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida, 33131 not latgr than 11#00AM on April 20, 1988. The City of Miami reserves the right to accept any grt�p. deemed to be in the best interest of the City, to waiipr4 irregularities in any proposal, and/ or to reject any and/or.,*t proposals and to re -advertise for new proposals. r� ADV. NOt Y ^1 Cesar H. odio City Manager -3- r r s•rviCos of A SER�ICZSI Firm to ba the rofarsi0nal $Ot% of • professional Irrigation. SI• e••king rchi park is ca • A design 0f ti ,fie city ° nd experienced L&ndscplanning and qualified ultant for the 37th Avsnu• 1550 IM g0th Street Timm for three parksX located at at 13 is SYO Glop d R.dl•Y park located �S0 ignt an dev*loy"* cos elan �aningsids 4arkic�a ir►cludin'9 d inGering Mornings. 9 at $3id,00 to nc' V out Fundi. 9 for estimated Architectural d d Landscape requite. Documents is currently require Land will be Will a professional rojact a consulting phases of services an Daei9nAdministration Schematic Daslg truction Bidding andrea°aent• S dd ices A9 t¢�'TSs a Otiations SESSION RECU2RB Competitive N 19.52.3 0f 'U as will follow th �•055, SaCtion III• Statutes 2S g5?2' rocadur No• I. s selection P Florida Ordinance City 0f dam Thead in and �.ro-}tct as difin aml er the Act the City °f as P This r sale of required. 1w �.,..6� • ad p -090 the Code is of Participation I'fram; Y set-as;es' .+1i. h includ81sC''�° of minority rtOcyreacen = tease icIfirlo 1+lin0r1tY dssi911ated bsasce ptsd �°s steips�lerO`'m "jas an and 0f iberoto� • tl lrae SY as Qf r. tY'Ownadth, thO City 30S) S?!- foll0uring mino Mac tor. •t Written teals t. ad i%lfis 'istair �s os� s f� tii p of 4c . city to each susSias car d •n Susin data dad by as t t P Mom ssi0n sub- . be PrOvi a minority and • to rev'. s 6365r Prior to ificas ��essfuthe require Pr the WJ"O tie roof of P upon of rovident not b• P vidual firm the C mershiPthan those P need indi is • Firma th for ProP s' Docum apP16 as onlf!M consulting bs PArt of a Florida o• consul this Rsq the State °f FS Chapter required owned firms to tare d required by an minority °wn tion is Arc'hitec req 81rpart II Landscape and Professional considersd per .0 ChaPtsr ussted will not be ,,action process• q71 Engineering' req Sel°c tsd' Aaks than those time during tal ssiecedstto the other ittsd at any be Vaterials be subs► b• soliciitts8fie+ lone may materials ma should not �ic►is 0r pAditional na . No a Presentatio J 0 =y'rVi z . .•uv .%` I2. BCOtt 0! MVICM The City of Miami, is seeking the professional services of a qualified and experienced Landscape Architectural Firm to be the Prime Consultant for the planning and design of Park Irrigation System for three Parks Grapeland Park located at i5S0 NW 37th Avenue CharLsi Hadley Park located at 1300 NW 50th Street Morningside Park located at 750 NE 53th Terrace Funding for this project; including design and development costs is currently estimated at $328,000. The project will require Landscape Architectural and Engineering Services and the Consulting Team will be required to carry out Schematic Design, Design Development, Construction Documents, Bidding and Construction Administration Phases of a Professional Services Agreement. Ill. SUB MI SS IOU REQUI RL MENTS s The selection procedures will follow.the Competitive Negotiations Act as defined in Florida Statutes 287.0550* Section 18.52.3 of the Code of the City of Miami and Ordinance No. 9572. Minority participation is required, as per the City of Miami's Minority Procurement PLograrai Ordinance No. -10062. This project has been designated as a minority sat -&aide. Qualified proposals will therefore only be accepted from teams which include two of the followin`q three types of ownerships Hispanic, Black or Female owned firms. Said minority --owned and female -owned fixua mat preregister with Ms. Adrienne Macbeth; the City of Miami's Minority and Women Business Affairs Coordinator; at (305) 579- 6385 prior to the submission date for this project. written proof of pro -qualification will be provided by the City to each individual firm upon successful review. The minority set aside applies only to the ownership of the required prise and sub - consulting firms. Firmi other than those providing the expertise required by. this Request for Proposal Document need riot be minority owned firms to be part of a Team. Professional registration is required by the State of Florida as per FS Chapter 481 Part II Landscape Architecture and FS Chapter 471 Engineering. Materials other than those requested will not be considered and should not be submitted at any time during the Selection Process. Additional materials roe be solicited from teams selectvd 'to'make presentations.' No a�tious or modifications may be roads to the "T • ft proposals and the teams they represent, subsequent to the submission deadline. Respondents must notify the City in writing immediately of any farm or individual presented in their original submission :+ho is unavailable to continue od the team. Any such changes' may result in the removal of that team from consideration. Sub -consultants may submit on more that one team; however prime consultants or those firms which may joint -venture or associate to form the prime consultant may only submit one proposal and may not be a sub -consultant on other teams. Questions which nay arise must be directed to Ms. Dianne E. Johnson. City of Miami' Dept. of Parks Recreation and Public Facilities, 1390 UK 7t1Street; Muni; Florida; 33125; (305) 579-69b0. A. Contents of Submissions Interested firers must sub+nit one (1) original and ten 10 copies of their Proposal, which must contain the following documents, in the manner in which it is requested: (i) A Letter of Interest addressed to Walter E. Golby, Director, Dept. of Parks Recreation and Public Facilities; City of•Miami; 1390 NW 7th Street,. Miami, Fla., 33125 generally describing the consulting team and its interest in performing the required professional services. (ii) Standard Form 255 for the entire consulting team. (iii) Standard Form 254 for each irm. (iv) The Team Identification�orm which is attached. (iv) proof of current professional registration to practice Landscape Architecture, and Engineering in the State of Florida; in the form of legible copies of current licenses as issued by the State of Florida; Dept. of Professional Regulation. (A current letter from the Dept. of Professional Regulation may be used if the other documents are unavailable.) Firers practicing as corporations or partnerships must provide proof of registration as such. (v) The Previous Professional Services form which is attached. (vi) The Personnel form which is attached. (vii) The Previous -Relevant Experience form which is attached. (viii) Proof of Minority Firm preregistration for each firm; with the City of Miami. (obtained as a result of preregistration with Ms. Macbeth, as indicated above). a. Schedule for Submissions Impost for Proposal• issueds Submissions true Dates Submission times Submission Locations Submission Identifications March 31, 19" April' 2©. 19"; Yo later than 11 tG"X City Clerk's Office City of Mismsi; 3300 Pan American Drive Miami, lia.- 33133 1. •lark Irrigation Systems Project' must appear on the wrapping/envelope in which the proposals are submitted. submissions will not be accepted after the submission time and they will not be accepted at any other location. IV. SiL=106 P20CzDUPM S In accordance with .Florida Statutes 287 -055, City of Miami Code, Section 18.52.3 and Ordinance No. 10062 and No. 4572, the Consultant Selection Process will be carried out in three sequential phases: A) Certification B) Initial Evaluation C) Presentation and Interview A. Certification Phase. During this,` process a Certification Comamittee consisting of. a registered landscape architect; a registered architect and a registered engineer on the City of Miami's staff will be joined by a registered landscape architect and a registered architect, both •of whom shall be in private practice, to review each submission for compliance with the requirements of the Request for Proposal Document and the requirements of the applicable legislation. The private sector members of the Certification Committ-ee are to be appointed by the City of Miami Park Advisory Board. Certification Committee trlimbers are prohibited from discussing the proposals or the Committee's activities with anyone with, or related to the proposing firms, or with other Cosmaitte♦ members until the City Commission awards the contract- Certification Committee members must have no vested interest and/or other financially remunerative relationship with any of the firms or tau individuals being considered for selection. Members of firma and teams shall not contact Certification Membere i6out this selection process. The members of the Certification Committee will verify submission correctly indicates the following: proposiny Committee thaL each (i) Each firm is currently and respectively registered to practice Landscape Architecture and Engineering in the State of Florida, in accordance with FS Chapter 481 Part 11 and Chapter 471 respectively. (Li) Valid Proof is presented indicating that the prime and required sub -consultant firm are minority owned businesses, by the presence of the preregistration docum*nt issued by the City of Miami's Minority and women Business Affairs Coordinator. (iii) A Standard Form 255 has been completed for the entire team. ( iv) Standard Form 254 has been completed for each firm on the tears (v) The required number of copies of the submission are received on time, by the deadline and at the correct location. Submissions failing to meet any of these requirements will be eliminated from the selection process at this point. Ordinance No. 10062 also requires that the Certification Committee determine that the teams presented in each proposal favorably demonstrate the following: (i) Capability and adequacy of personnel for this project. (ii) Good past performance in administration and in cooperation with former client#-. (iii) Ability to meet time schedules and budgets. (iv) Good fast experience record. Teams failing to most any of these criteria will be eliminated from the selection process at this point. Teams which moot these• and the previous requirements will be certified for this project: The Certification Committee will provide a report to the Selection Committee indicating its finding and those teams which are to receive further consideration. B. Initial Evaluation Phase: The Consultant Selection Committee, established in accordance with Ordinance No. 7295 will receive the submission packages of the certified teams in preparation for making their lnitial -7- evaluation, and holding the Presentations and interviews. Selection Committee ttembers are prohibited frrm discussing the proposals or the committee's activities with anyone with, or related to the proposing firms, or with other Committee members until the City Commission awards the contract. Selection Committee members Faust have no vested interest and/or other financially. remunerative relationship with any of the firms or individuals being considered for selection. Members of proposing firms and teams shall not contact Selection Committee'. Wobers about this selection process. Prior to discussions related to the proposals and voting the Selection Committee will establish a maximum number of teams which may be "short-listed" for the next phase of the selection process. The actual number, which must be at least three, may be less than the maximum if a substantial disparity occurs between the ranked scores of the firms that fall within the maximum, after scoring. The criteria used for evaluation at this stage fall into four general areas. Topic Previous professional experience; related to successful completion of projects of similar complexity and scope ............................ Size and capability of Team an4 its range of expertise, ...... Lc-rosf!l t%n %f . -office;. decreasing value for of Miami, Dade County, w4..th points awarded in location of in the. City Broward County........... Total: Naximum Value 4u 45 Each evaluator will score each team based on a maximum of 10 points and then rank them, giving the team with the highest s*orr the rank of one (1). All the evaluators ranked scores are then complied and at least the top three firms will be invited to make a presentation and•bo interviewed. Ranking and scores do not carry over into the next phase of the process. Those teams selected to make presentations` will be contacted by Susan McKay, park Planning Coordinator, no less than 5 calendar days prior to the presentation and interview. -8- a! C. Presentation and Interview Phases All Presentations and Interviews will bo held on the 4th floor Conference Wow of the City's Department of Development, 30u Biscayne Boulevard Way, Suite 400, Dupont Plata Center, Miami, Florida, 33131. Presentations are tentatively scheduled for Mty 4, 5, 6, 1968, however the time and date of each presentation and interview will.be specifically indicated upon notification of selection. It is recommended that a representative of each first and/or area of expertise indicated in the teasm's proposal be present and participate in the presentation. Unless specifically requested by the City, no material may be provided to the Selection Committee by, or on behalf of the Teams. The total time allocated to each firm will be limited to 45 minutes, allowing 30 minutes for the presentation and 1S minutes for the interview. Each team is responsible for bringing their own equipment including slide projector(s), stand and easel if so desired. The north wall of . the conference room is used as a screen. The Teatm's presentation must cover the following areas within the time limits (i) Method of Approach Based on the scope. of services described herein, the presentation should be a factual dissertation 'of the Team's organization, including any joint venture or professional associations; the identification and qualification& of all profss9inn^1..in4 suuport staff including those of the sub -consultants, that will b4i assigned to this project; support capabilities; and an outline of activities that will be undertaken by the professional and support staff; tiine schedules for accomplishing the activities; a susramary of procedures and methods developed and used by the Team to coordinate and control projects and assure delivery of the finished work product on time and within the budget. It is not intended nor acceptable that the Team solve any specific problems, provide consulting services, discuss or display any type of design ideas for this project at this time, but rather that the Selection Committee be presented with information about how the entire team would function on this City project. 3 (ii) Previous Experience Having given the selection Coaenittee an overview of tits team's method of apprmech, at least three recent projects which the members of the team have completed should be presented, preferably in slide form. The examples should include design services for appropriately related projects which should be presented in terms of the project objectives, users, operational constraints, design and construction schedules, budgets and maintenance. (iii) Minority participation You are requested to describe all levels of minority ownership and/or participation in your team.' (iv) mathod-of Compensation The. purpose of the presentation and interview does not include negotiating fees. However, the City's policy is to contract for design and construction administration services on a lump sum, flat fee basis. You are requested to cosement on this method of payment if you foresee any problems with it. The Consultant Selection Committee will use the information provided in the submission, during the presentation, interview and may contact past clients, to evaluate each team in four general areas. Topic Maximum Value Demonstration of Creativity and Skill 25 Professional experience; -in yieac.er detail than before including previous collaboration with public agencies. Preference will be given to those firms ' with no previous agreements• with the City by proportionately deducting a maximum of 10 points for professional fees contracted for with the City of Miami as a prime or sub -consultant. 30 Firm Organization and Assigned Staff; including the information provided at the presentation and interview - Capability of Firm," in greater detail than before, related to the actual individuals assigned to the projects, their expertise, work load, and related professional skills 30 Total: 100 -10- 45 u T h: ' F*�?ANIF +,Y Y .xt After the presentations and interviews, each evaluator will score each team based on a maximum of 100 points and then rank them, giving the tram with the highest score the rank of 1. Prior to the presettations and interviews, the Stl.►vtion Committee will have established a method of breaking tits and reevaluating firms when the ranked scores of the top three teams are less than three points apart. Tits final top tilres teems will be recommended to the City Manager for submissions to the City Commission, for authorization to negotiate an agreement, beginning with the teams ranked first. V . TWITATIVLC SCHZDULE FOR CONSULTANT BELWrIOM PHOCZSS s March JI, 1988 Request fc� Proposal Notices Mailed to prospects a prime Consultants March 31, 1900 Request for Proposal Notices advertised April 20J 1968 Submittals received at the City Clerk's office no later .than llsOVAM April 22, 1988 •Certification Committee Convenes April 25426, 1980 Competitive Selection Committee Convenes to create "shor£ list" of Teams to be interviewed May 4,5,46, 1988 Competitivu Selection committee convenes for presentations and interviews May 26, 1988 City Commission considers the City Manager's reem ondations of the most • qualified Teams June 6, 1968 Negotiations on Agretment cowplettd .^ June 23, 1988 City Commission considers City Manaq #" L recommendation to execute negotiates agreement June 30, 1968 Target date for completion of contract ,. execution. -11- F 'y, y t M 3.c 31 ._ .._. .•, L: �..x..s „-q. ..,. -._ _. ..'.�w.va_.. n. ,._, .• i., y.. P .y k katm'�'t...'.r.K. .�:.d..l"'.c+�.�. .%F�dla VI. ADDITIONAL RZQVI]IZMWS FOR THE SILaC?ED CONSULTIM TZhfh K"otiations with the Team ranked first by the City Commission will commence as soon as possible after the City Commission makes their decision. A minimum of $500,000 in professional liability insurance will be required through an acceptable carrier for the duration of the project. For their own protection consultants are also encouraged to maintain this coverage for a-minimumof five years after completion of construction. A breakdown of tasks associated with the project* estimated staff time involved in each task and the resultant percentages of principal/professional/technical support time and their respective hourly rates will also be required during these negotiations. Principals of the Teams being considered are encouraged: to review a standard City of Miami Professional Services Agreement prior to the City Commission action proposed for May 26, 19UG . VZI. DOCUMOM AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST: Please contact his. Dianne E. Johnson with the City's Department of Parks, Recreation and Public Facilities at (305)579-6900 for any of the documents listed below. They will be mailed as soon as possible after a request is received however firms interested in acquiring these documents are encouraged to collect them in person. A. Ordinance No. 10065 passed December 19; 19851 The Minority and Women Business Affairs Procurement Ordinance S. Ordinance No. 9572 passed February 100 1963; Article IV, Purchasing and contracts generally; Section 18-52.3 Professional Services C. Section 16.52.3 City Code of' Miami (this is the same as 8.) D. Blank copies of Standard Forms 255'and 254. E. Standard City of Miami Professional Services Agreement File: <rfp>grapeland/hadley/morningside March 26, 1988 v CITY or MIAm CO SULTAUT SELECTION PROCESS TEAM IDEUTIFICATION FORM Prime Consultants Name@ Addresss Contact Persons Telephones ( ) specialty: Required Sub -consultants Names Addreses Contact Person: Telephones ( ) specialty: Other Sub -consultants Names Addresss Contact Persons Telephone: Specialty: TV&* foregoing is a statement of facts. Signature of Corporate officer of prime consultant <rfp> name and title at. n • .. � ' r� !4a� ,may ,�l. y I I ' �1l ��. l �= � CITY Or MIAMM COM ULTAT SZ12C ION PTA)CS" "XVIOQO Pw rWSI0kML AGlu "! /StxvICSi This form must be completed for the entire teas listing all mew "es all a Prins or sub -consultant for • �llYOf jdami contract /agreeaentsnthat+ats Contract. The list is to include or have been active within the last live years whether you or your fire was a prune or sub -consultant working for any entity of thO. City 41 Muni, • including the Off-Stteet will as thoi�r received�ees listed west include anticipated payments as same of hi ra e gave your Tires participated in any City of MLani projects within the last five years? Yes Rio (please circle one. If the answer is no, pleas* sign the form and include � emit s n n orur submissincludeion. i if youe answer is yes, please fill out 4 submission.) dame of Proiect Administering apt. The foregoing is a statement of facts. ignature o rpori4 a icer WX�nawe a tit s' <rfp> • t :.' y4- `+fir" �i r.S.� lki ...z.L-e'4..k _♦. ;.' t- CITY OF MAW Cam.;ILN'p SUJ C'TIOM PlAcuifflawl PlL POR!! This fptw stoat 10 40 *lstsd for the entire team listing kit &`. ita!g anticipated to work on the proposed prof � �+i. •� ..�.. .. - .. _ ... ,...- :..... «. .. - . -.a. � ...r .,........w-»..-ram Y ....,.w... ...'N"�°`-v�M�W �f�7�.'f � 'fi'F.,.1K - - .« _.< .x�.ar.....xran.ev,:M*+.^a�....d+�?.4nMN�M�a+°wM•L�u'a.�+Wr.jr� .. .,. • _ {s,y�. f 4 4 � Tho foregoing is a stoLewent of facts. qnr► ure o orpora a sect TYPOO natse r�k <rfp), `J y1 A�SY},s..v. }� ! �y 41 Project mans, s Owner/user: Contact Permma Budq�ts Schedules Scopes Project Rases . Owner/Users Contact Persons Telephones( ) Budgets - Sch*dules Scope: _ ... ... F` The foregoing is a statement of facts. igna urn o Corporate -Officer crfp> > nacre and title