HomeMy WebLinkAboutO-10472J-88-854 8/31/88 ORDINANCE NO. 10472 AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A NEW SPECIAL REVENUE FUND ENTITLED: "WAGNER- PEYSER 7(b) DISCRETIONARY FUNDS (FY 88- 89)" APPROPRIATING FUNDS IN THE AMOUNT OF $65,000, FROM THE STATE OF FLORIDA, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT SECURITY; AND FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ACCEPT THE AFOREMENTIONED GRANT AWARD AND ENTER INTO THE NECESSARY AGREEMENT WITH THE STATE OF FLORIDA IN SUBSTANTIALLY THE ATTACHED FORM; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. WHEREAS, the State of Florida through the Department of Labor and Employment Security has awarded the City of Miami. $65,000 of Wagner.-Peyser. 7(b) Discretionary Funds; and WHEREAS, this award will enable the Department of Community Development through its Neighborhoods Jobs Program to provide specialized employability skills training and job placement services to approximately 100 ex -offenders in the City of Miami; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The following Special Revenue Fund is hereby established and resources are hereby appropriated as described herein: FUND TITLE: WAGNER-PEYSER 7(b) DISCRETIONARY FUNDS (FY 88-89) RESOURCES: STATE OF FLORIDA THROUGH THE DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND EMPLOY- MENT SECURITY $65,000 APPROPRIATION: WAGNER-PEYSER 7(b) DISCRETIONARY $65,000 FUNDS (FY 88-89) Section 2. This appropriation is contingent upon funding by the State of Florida and the City Manager's acceptance thereof. Section 3. The City Manager is hereby authorized to accept the grant as set forth in the preamble to this ordinance and to enter into the necessary agreement to implement this grant with the State of Florida in substantially the attached form. f f�, Section 4. All ordinances or parts of ordinances insofar as they are in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. Section 5. If any section, part of section, paragraph, clause, phrase, or word of this ordinance is declared invalid, the remaining provisions of this ordinance shall not be affected. Section 6. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency measure on the grounds of urgent public need for the preservation of peace, health, safety, and property of the City of Miami and upon the further grounds of the necessity to make the required and necessary payments to its employees and officers, payment of its debts, necessary and required purchases of goods and supplies, and to generally carry on the functions and duties of municipal affairs. Section 7. The requi.r.ement of reading this ordinance on two separate days is hereby dispensed with by a vote of not less than four. -fifths of the members of the Commission. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 8th day of September 1988. XAVIER SUAREZ M O R ATTE Y HIRAI, CITY CLERK FINANCIAL REVIEW: GwG CA GARCIA, DIRECTOR FIN CIE PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: ROBERT F. CLARK CHIEF DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY BUDGET REVIEW: RA—NO11AR SVYLANA, DIRECTOR MANA ME10 AND BUDGET DEPA TMENT APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: 4JOR'E ERNANDEZ CITY ATTO EY 14 a-=•o PPVhATM1rN't;• of t•huon ANa wboymeNT Secullxvy ozymoN or LAoon, VMPLOVMZMT ANP TRAtHUG CONTRACT PACK4%a4 4TPA Title 1, alder XnUOduala dTPA Title IXx, Pieloeated Workers MA Title TV-ct Veterane Programs GoVernQr' a VlAgner-peyser 7 (u) pibcrationary Funds _ CONTRACT No. GRANT NO. PROPOSAL No, mopirICATION NO. Cotlttect/MvdifWAtIon is between the State of Florida, pep4Vtajent of 14130y an4 employment Security, pivtgton of LAI)or, UI JAym9nt 4n4 Training heieinaft-OC referred to As "PLIVs whose 44 ro64le4v 132 Mei�ni,lFiosdCenter Priva, Tallal►a6Uee, Florida 32399-066 i *114 hero nafter referred to as "Contractor , w lose address is 1145 N.W. 11 Street, Miami Florida 33136 gorform4nco Un4ar thta Contract/Modification shall Uu9tn no ®ar31er than Sept. 8, 1988 or the data on which tha contract has aesn WnO by aQt part as, whichever Its later, And ahall bH complated no later thon ,,_,. All entrees into unsu13aial2:e4 employment M%4§V AcaNr on.or before the last day of thin contract. V144 Contract/Modification (r) initiates ( ) increAaas a 4sare4sea ) does not change the c4ntx4ctual obligation b 4 total amognt not to e.Kceed 4�0 Which hAi pa�� Ty the PI•ST for tha provis*Qn of aerVices as outlined in AttAghtnent4 A 4114 S and in Accordance With Att•acliment C, attaclled 110raw 4t14 10444 a pert of Chia contract, The partial agree to eotuply with all t1le terms and provisions Gf thtp Contract/Modification including and -incorporating herein the apaeifie4 ottachments listed balgwj x I Attoolunent A - aG4totuent of Work '"•' Attachment - psrf4rmant:e Standards 07 "° Attachment C Activitylpayment SchadNle ifi' AttaobMent P - Cash A4vanca ftgucOt 97" Attachment S - Signatory Authority for Invoices Attachmont F - Bonding StatementlFidelitX Bond Attacluaent o - General provisions A► xaahment it -- Grievance procedurea -1- Modification 05/80 3 t0472' AUG-3 1-g ?_l!E 14 2c- 'J'ha NAM04 1'Nt't110r Acltpu that. r•a•icl C:uttlltY attail 1,r t:hc: Yena�d or OR IC941 .cation apt -wee- a the parv-Iep, and t1141; tiltiA cP0r4vW1Q4McAt c)n 0141l Ua r044c 4114 uut�ptt'yed it► Acaordanc o w4lt thn laws of the staip u>: norida, IN WITtirlsS WWKt;kMAT.-, the pArtsua hereto have axec►tted t.hi a Cunt 4" MudilicAtion attd in signitly, thet'el,y validating this eanttac:t/Moclifler;tlott, the parties Also certify that %bath possesaen legal aNthot:ity to contrAc.•t:uully Hind than' ruNpc:ctive orgataixationt; tR their capaoity 44 a signatury 4F 0441. CONTRACTR t P1~'t'AwrMnil. or I hDolt Atin cilly OF KTN41 fr'MvWYMEN11, SMURT'CY, 1145 N.W. IMI STREW DIVISION OF L1000, MTAMi, VL 33136 6:14PLOYMEN11, AND 111RI1MMG Pyl sign�tttrA cmk ti,. COTO S I (Inee t. l e CITY MJ' IAGEn PAta; --2 - Hy t _ tyt•a Typed tiame rf��ln 'J'lt'le; utrec:tor D4't o t y IL04'72- ALIa T1.1E ! 4 e2S 'Vile PqMlA9 (►Irt {1ur at 4C4a th4t 1-0011 COLD 1 y a{lAl l ha the VvIlt1d of Ally 1�9AI,Actloti Puvwr-oll Gila paFulasl 4144 1:114r. thli Coll tr•4Ct/Mp41ftoo tlon 411011 uF r0441 lrltorpr'eted, 410 conatrmud ill AQCOr4OIlCQ wtttl tho laves of L1114 OtOte of 1'lurl•ia IN wimss wHmwom.', tho p4rtiati i►etaLo have exibcotea th! Contract/MudMCgtIOn 4114 it► Signally, tilerel�y vdliAAtil11j thin Contract/14o4if$Cationf thb part:los also certify t:11At aaal► possesses 10941 aWthority to colltv4vt4414Y t)lrld their respective orgNnizationo In t11e1 44p4c4Vy A4 A aiyllacury Offlctal, CONTRAO'!'AR i y Pi~'l'Att`t-Mean, or 1-mloi< ANO CITY OF WAMI V:mI I.UYmeN7' SIXUpITY, 1145 N.W. 11711 STREET DIVISION or I'Atioll, MIAMI, FI, 33136 EMPLOYMENT' ANO TRA�IIIC1K: I Ply; �tgnA�utq cmt 11. 0010 fffW4NAmA oU s gnee w T 1 t o 1 CITY MANAGER Patel , -3- I �i�,tnac�it'b Typed Name Of s i Iilee Title: sitector PA to 14472- AUG--A- 0--ee TUE 1 4 C 26 9elie parttas fug; they agree that Loon County small be the veime of any legal action betwaei: the patties, aril that, this ccnttaci/fsadiEication shall ue read, interKeted, and cars$trued in Accordance with the lawb of the Stelte Of Florida, IN WITNESS WHEREFORE, the partieu hereto have cxeeuted this Contrdct/Modification and in signing, thereby validating thin COntrAct/Modification, the parties Also certify that each possesses legal Authority to contractually bind their respective organizations in their c:apacily As Al signatory official. C�NTRAcTOR= PEPtOVIMENJI Or LAuott AND CITY OF MIAMI EMPLOYMENT 69CURITY4 1145 N.W. 11TH SrREBT DIVISION of LAHOR, MIAMI, FL 33136 EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINTUG by; Sigi►4tui� Typed Name of signee 7'1 t x r t CITY MANAGER Date;- ---- - -4- ;iS�natu4'e Typed 11ame or signed Title: Director Date I__ _ 14472 I AT ACIIMlsN'1' A ,I l . S'rATVM!, N" Ub . H01tK � A. OV'Su'lUPTION UV 1'ICUJI4:C'l' AC"I'lYl'1'll:S The prujut:L Will kucuel u14 µ►1au►lJluyiscJ t=x -uirsrlldc ra !'ruw L11e CiLy uk Miami. The City Of Miami tllruutll► iL13 U4V4rL1uI;:lM of COntlim11ity Ouvaluvolellt, Nuityllljurlluucla :1t1u23 kroyr•au1 (Nav) iliLe11drr to recruit ex-oitelldera tllrotlyTl the Medid, the ju(lic:ial klyatle11 owl coilullullity kj4sl.4 Org4tliV.4Liullar 'Pita City of Mi4wi has 404iylled t1►ia projuct to tri)eci fic:ally (Haut Li1r; r1e44 u Lhi:a t�t��uLud l�ol�uldtioll of lay providing L11uu1 with bolid, �rudit,lu, uvi(Aulluw L1wL L1luve ure jut) UJIpuvi-mil Liva u11t1 elul)layulJi lily bkil to L114L Wuuld ulWIJlu Lbulu L.0 euc:t.lCu uulkluyuwllt . ii . ft'111000LOGY t'011 COM1'1 VVION Ole' AC'1'i V ITl l:S 111110 NJ I? will eatal.)lioil lluK"gt:a With am-woprittta 44LhQf44Ya in Vile j►ciiettil ay5tum, colluutlrlity t)a.4ed ur441444Lru11a autvitty Lllu ux-Uf ft:lldcr- 1.,uvuluLiuu, a11d Ll1e Oily uk Midwi Vuliu+, uepqvL111ettt Lu reuvtlit ex-oixur►dure Lu Yar'ti4il�ute ill L'l1e fJCQjt:QL. SLukt' will aleu Laryet wil)04:iLy with beyvy u011ut-.11tvatiu11t1 of 4110111VlO.YL-4 yunLlt 4414 adult ex-o ic:11t1ur19. NJi' aLi will diLriUuLe flyers# i11 L1►L. ut-4iy111,ur1wod,,J witit Llte i4seiatQil0t3 of 441t1 vu1141tteers • 1'ly04'0 will IJO puc;{ 044 ill VC044441dslL luugL. Or1:4 (N11uif1u�aea, c11t1rt=lla.41 cu111111444tLy to 111uat a> auLivelX infor.'111 Lhe oollwwoity Of uvgi101e 5uvview'4, V401 a MWVVv ce 40lIUMlGelut:nLtr will µlac;► lit; uit•'ed LU Pu-LLav •illfur•tll the cutcullmlity at tewjta of prujucL aerviuea. After 0401 c(3luplete ut41' dl��licuLiu11c3 1110 uliullt Will tle clivall ct 11t11110e47 to call Lu cjuL d1r 1114-LO-44te 4L4tWb rt:k)QVt call l)eillg tlev,,:lo1)e(i i11 theiv I)Uh4lk, Or i4pp 'oNrl4t0 to Wlliull they are Nei11y rt, Vilt'�'ad, ultc( 1#Le11q lu u4C4_'y ut1L Lu I-MCUuu Llttre3 A Iv441 osltl Lu culuOuttt L114 rucilliaiLe f)4fJuVWL4•1c. -5- 7 10472 M a• MI:'l'llouul.oGY volt compt'v'riotq ol'' AC'Plvl'rlLs (cuutillued The proyr4m will oe at4trud with >:tall-tilrte blip jot) dev,mloperq/1)lacuuta►lt att1d all►pIoy4Pility alkilltl Lrailtillcl paraatetlel, tmpuevviaed uy t l►u wilpluylltellt allci '1't'aininci Cooriii►►atur Of the Nip, 'l'heiia perbumlel will cyrry Out tltt3 re:l►liaite outreach attd raUfWiLmuuL wcLiviLiUS ire tilt- t4rcJUL tie icll►liurlluudaf amployaljility skills Lraitlillg, Apecialized juO devalopment tllld p14ce:tllellt as tlueded, anti will ►nailltain 4 caseload of oliullta LO placu, Coyllat:l, sled follow "p . Suitt will 4saist 0401 participont to help aiucure a juU. Vollowillq plac:eulenL, 41:aff will ll►airltelite c:ulltacL with tl►u olio=elt aucl aukurviaui t114:014911 tl►u t'iraL axxty (60) days Of tsn►plUy►tluu4 Lu itla►at:e that the cliarlL rul ailla t:utployutent. State will Lalepholle 4114 visit employers eixty (60) daya gtLar tilt; dElLe Of eutplOyt►eent LO cutlfirnl pertlla►tullt rtllpluymerlL. L. I:1.1U1UI1.1'1'YC4tl'1'4J(JA .ANP ADDI'1'loNAL QUA1.1b'1CA'1'1014S TO Ott uli9iPle kOr I-W L icip4tiOtt ill Ll►i5 pro(Jraut, gpplicgtltri lawbt lgcet Li►u 011owiu4a criLuri�l. '!'ties ul►IaL Net - l:x-uffelui�l.`a - A9u4 16 ut►cl ol►ier - Ullumpluyucl 4114 irlLdlut�tai� i►t re►:t:.ivielca elul�loyl►tc:llt 4"Ui6L4llUQ. - Pi4cU4V49ed Uy 11140il�ty to kicld wuv. , u• COUltu1NA'1'luN 1/1'1'll 'flit: Jail S91tyIcU PIC ANC oT1i='-ORGANIZA`l'IONS Attyc)ied i4 Lila JOLLOr of irlt a11t Witle the Jul) Service alld Privtltc: 111d►Iatry Coµ(►cil Lv i1111)JeIIlu4lL LWA l,rUjL-CL. 'file jUitlt Will Na t:AdUktl•t:ti ►►1'Ot► 4pl)4:OV41 of Llle 9174111 . 1 1•. 1I::SC01141sD VI(1VA` 14 SI:CTM( INVUI.VI.MLN'1' The City Of Miauti. 1143 I)OUtl in tht: uuaitttz-5S Of AN5isLiI1cj itm, seaidetms find jOpS for thirte:au (13) yeara. t)uriiccj thNL,period of Little, we b4ve duvulopad re14tiot►Shil)a4 witlt ilie r► murOua privaLe auuLar employers. lil fcAUL, the City of Mi4mi Wul Wall d IlleltlWar of tht. South !Florida 1•;IltplUY111e41t 4114 '1'rairli.rtCj C01lj047tiut(► :4itlUe iLS illeu-I)L'iull. 1"VOM Ja►t►tl4ry, 19117 Wl�'uu(jh PWQUML)u-I', 1901 thu City Of Midllli Nuijhl»rhuuaa JO S N1:oLjrattl StIcuu:3:ifully pliiuud Over eight 1114114:-ea (glob) irtclividualS ill jullb. '1'1►ia l)cuyt.-ktul Will 1,e 11141kt!Lu4A LU tilt: a4ilie csulpjuyul:s %+ho Ilave p4j:Liaiputucl ill Lite paSL. MA'l'C111NG VUNDS (CASH AND IN -KIND CUN'1'1tI11U,P1Ut4S) -7- I IL0472 p"Ylt�illN ! 1 hN�t1�tM�!�1kN'!,�_hNt1 �1't1AllilNli 1i1?t;lt)I�At� UP't'1l't'� NA4N� �t �3NLJ11►1t-1111�a N}'dpl►► gt"1N111 1C'Y i�x Mlttl►►t/Nu1t►i11�i+r'1►i,i,t1►i ► pt). Ni'Na��N4• '1'It�lal �t±l►�it�x' .luU I'lu�t:ui4nl P!'uc11'a�n ��� 009101141 oft ivo 6..— alr AK f1goeFN(r P#Iow t1ty 401) #VVYWa ovglo 1a1 Ortsua rarrirll►a filet t Ilse fvv1QwvtI 06 pf9povol to 0914vpv YN1•Ylvoo 1141,011n11t FO Vill beta r►Vi'—VVY09f hpv f as 9419114va NY Vill# J014 'I'va1 inq ra1'votf011p d►Avt V1111 J1~�A1�1 plltl t✓atau>Ica 1+s�a4t 1valY atlas l ++ 'bhIf ►+i'Heoval ii pG111►ltitbl►t ltlltl, 41►� ►+l'F�11�f+Fpq 4t►p hwal �Ifll OfP� *) tYVr� 1010 vrol+uwal 4off link cll PIWA4o ohloll►y rarvlvoo or l+ru3140t•q Ill V110 �►'VA 4t,at alN r►11ri�Ill��a CtIV ilaacaig1l �i ' '1't11A �'!!�j+ANibl j+tM11111iCM Nl+gFll M11i1=11 P�'I'�lgi' �Wppullpl'}W ' rug' � IV Ni+�l�Nrt,A pp�v6t=ar 1u t•11►r aarv►c=v �1a11v�arY Nl'Va � t3lylld� i+�� Vt v avly►l v of 1''10 lttta 004101101 ottlNal Mq►•1�t11na '�a ll+��l�' M�r�=1► � 19tlfl Mm 041 lU4" 72 i Helps 'pf 40111I4 lit 01111 /H4 I M11V 1'f'N�1►N1; �lalpl....,�. n; l-?r-�'c�'�{I`�pa If Job PlAcollivot proorom TV v PTI v 171PI,651RU coul (lit folml) W ovilm vViviovo 14111*"%IQIIV 0 tilt No 11of"Moff h011 NY09 of114 T1,111101114 VAMIOV011111 Aljti( volft at 1011tv prPP9491 Wool vigil Of flOM1111V 1-Ilv (foyocoot'lo Goo lo 0110 it Tilt# pfoppoo) 0091 pot dopll.00v 0411141liq 001.0doo or. v1,0941tv III 111v RI've Offa 01 011VOOV 1,91101101))v Of v .9 911 fvf*Y vv lit vil o plyll, 4 114f VIM P1'1Y04 1.11440try vpYli'M ood VOW— re- V, 0 14 19 . —9 �09, 4 19— f es V ()l, I'l•Ol RDA III-Pr11COV11"N'I'(i1: I'411111t AND I'MI'I.14Yn1MT SVCIlit I'I'Y I11YIiU►11 ul ('IIt�►II, IIIII III)FIIIFIII NIHI 11d111111a I.1+flll:ti . .1 (i�L-liull�l1url'il�a ' Miclu►I� r'�Nl'illa '.t:sl:t3 My1'411 �, ��alsli ,� _ Mr. VfAlllti 1j1►w-Fur•' CI FY 14 ,julaq I11-Nt41'4111 1 �'>1� N• tir, � i a4�'F1�N Mlalni, C'ic�►'i�1c1 ��j3ci I�q�i Me: � Cq��gll��lq i TWO 40 {u 41111140f1 AII(I or. 1.111: 010"INll NI' 1�WNuF1 r-ull�ti:ylU�li1 g1141 'I'r'Nillill�a 1L+ yu111.. Yry�jllal'-1'ayr,�l' It11f 'PhroiiVII alit' 114C.t4 AN1' vffof..l;" i:o 1414Y14v 1=IIII�IL►y1H�fll Nl��lu111II111 Il:ii to ttlti �,t't`�11�1u1. 1+014110j1411 ill (LAV 6'OMOY. I'INN:+N VUM414 MY kil I'i1.1- I'L11 N:IFII itiMUO, �ie►uaf;l�iy, � I•I4f'�gi111 1�1F�}}F; 11+=tll��llul MgiIcILJL�{' 04Yi141u1l I�r I Hf�i��, �1„1:I.uYlIlallt c111L1 'i' 1•' A 41111144 (44/m m • _gyp_ 1�2 1-04'72' a , 2, PJAWORMANCE STAUDARDS A. PEScRipvoN OF PiwoltmwE UNIT 15 PI"ce#w,.jiLs $3.50 - q4.28/itc. $650 9,750 -36 PWL;w*wtLt; $4.29 - q4.53/lic. 650 190500 2� NiAcwieats $4.54 - $4.710/fir. 650 = 161250 30 I'lacL4witLs $4.71 - $5-01/hv- 650 19 500 2, Avevage w"cje its $4.51 Per 11041: P. DOCUMENTATION OF aCIIIEVEM�:M (DoctiplentAt toil S1101414 be the r3oule as that whit il is oil the ACt�VitY/PiAyIIIt:(It Schedule) See C -11- 13> f ATTACTWENT C AC*---V!'I'v/?A ME:Y&" SCHEDULE "r 1 f ?SBrrOR�l.�vCE i OA'f' OF I j � -EMIR TO :,A-'- i,"N: ' i NUMB ER COST DEQ ',Jri:"° ACE_ ="� Z:lE�t'r' OOCUMENTa'^_ON 1 3 `1'^SR-,4 COSTS i COSTS ?Lacammit 9 563a ! ..� t T -38 ! -?i. -L04 ---- 1 3,350 i ? t 9 $0,30 ?-L-38 i -Z� .r '-t 0 ?L3c.�nent j 9 So'S4 ?-?-38 !BLS-?1T�-T-LOB _.._ t c', 3 7i2 i 9 650 Z t-38 �aS-Z/=-104 --- 23,100 3Lacemnt j 9 3650 3 3-39 := 2/?'cam L04 � --- I z9,250 � PLaceme_*tt : 9� 3650 4 7--89. ` :92S-Z/L Z04 - 35,:00 9 a650 5 3-39 '_ZLS Z/ET ? 04 — (E 40,950 { 3Lacement ' i 9 3050 � 6-3-99 �S-Z/".="r'_-? 04 — 46,30a ?Lacw t 9 5630 7 3-39 ' !MS--Z/L= 104 - 32,630 ?Lw-.,ertt f 9 So'S0 3-3-39 14Z5-2/rZ-r-104 --- 58,500 I ?Lace+ment ' 0 So'S0 3-30-39 `"SS-Z/ "'?'-LOa i — 551000 F lob 10 it rete►rti an pert ads regu i red to earn aTacemeRt perfarmacrae q ymerrts rrray .� -1,. Tast as Tang as %L days after the Prt(t date af- the cacrtr�Gt.. ATTAC11MlIN'I' U CASH ADVANCE IWQN1~:1'1' WAGNER-RUYSNA 7 (0) ANP d'1'1'6 '1'l'1'1 L. s l, lilt AN1) z V-C rumis nec;iPiellt � � N�au� alycl Address Captractu} ' Willie W1' AP1'11'tiAtil.is CU{it1•aGt AdV411ce will cover Period froul Total Advaice A04"Osted L— _ Cash 'MY411c e H000484 'y "PI.9'1' hexein acjreea to give the cont:i'4o u1: q Cash OdVanc:E: or Rep4pleaL of the 04vonce Shall Cpuunalice. U11 _ 4114 411411 he Wly rep-414 all or UeFoir. c wa mlt1111ed ufI kho ACtivity/pOpletlt $c:l►edula 444che4 ►►eretQ 4s Attac=huie{It C, VA .l►1ra to ddiluv : to thin vop4y aent aQ}'eeluw{It CuNlcl aulJjsct the cuotruct to immedi aLL, ter11�i11at=iul►. CQnt4ct lemon; Name 'l'it:le~' +` Telephone Nuu►}�c:r -- :aynatare pate: Siytlec� -1 5- �s 1.0 4'72' I ` 14UG-A- 0-ee TIDE 14 : 27 P 0C- + �'1'A'1'�M�tt'1' Pr' pit;Nnl�c►It� nu'1'11��1t�'rY r•ul� Irrvul�=�� y'110 iA��RH�(1�� �IIt��Y�dNai td! 1►ap upon aol®yatv�t ai9t►a4c►rf �,tt�l►nfttY tot 014 i'NY11191 r Rp Npat= tad t�a� �ac'manad t►aaw�# co►it(aC.4a O-W$ r'oviti .t?� l� #19114wrols 1'w(l►il r wd o►► invQieg 61pG61111u111' • ` f i � QIIA NFV - --_ l I�l��t•'ot�t�>' t"1t1� ale Maui Wtaont�pire-otor of City of Miaid TRIO iwnt. of ��mw�i t�► t velal���nt _ i -18- 14 i A LI a So e e A�t�v�t+c'tlt9�ti�i� e'' wl�N4� tiG_�'i'A•1' :Mt:N�1�/��rh�t�i�)_Y_t3t►rru CONT tACT no , W)PI t'it'A'1'toii no. To W119111 f F ti'Ay CQAQ91 n 1 Ai'onjo aAgntn 114va Naar► 111440 tear t ho PGrOing of Ovary officer, alrovor owit or owptoyap of ct►a Opntl:4vtor e►yutiey Will) la 4►4tii4r4zu4 to opt on P0141f of tliu Contractor for the PNg)(330' of rec uiving or 49pn§Mol fNndq to i►r4gr4ui account 4 or taOWing flnailetal aocNurenta, 01100ho or Qthor ingt(wile-cits ot: paymont o for prp(it•a►►► coats to provicia pcotaa 4on a94104a 1040, Uflaur pQlIQY nt►iuues N/A with �- as Oro 0911404 for-- tint # 1 me of MitVIIJ is �c:lf-it► riK {� fAn 45"Of bon�T , Tito Amaant of oWr cova+•aya bmtlnswtoi tliu loHar of tilt) toliarr4t►cil (11 �;oG,aoo,o0 �r 121 Tho h191190V AavAnce racatved through cl►ar-N ur dtowdown 44ri,jly V110 preC044119 `it -Ant Y0nr catlalAerlt►g All auk WA41409 i'vrn�rot►#� Apt/Wanea�1?�y��r ?(u1 aot,trac�s Qr� f►ar tietr +�A11Ci Rapt � ► fila 1191100 - A4Y40V9 Orpmgh cheek or dfowdowl) k,lm§4wi for tho Pranrolit y0fi cunnldor#tig All aai�1(i$ Apr ttl�b'A111� A`t�WAyi161t �F'ayscb' 7 (i,) contraRta. A copy of ho lJond 1,11 04 furward0ii to tha Utvidiv►I Ot t.aror. a ► n and Tra nc `AT3naTu �:d as a1n At'I�—nciur�t �fy`Chc� Co►� aka Y underatAli� ttl0 contract s not c:op�� etQ H��11nNt train FoPy qnd 11►Ava aixty (60) Aaya from the data of 1Jl?►)AtNFq Ny Wth Partiaa `Q thla Contract to fticorporAte t11� upii� oa tha Ca+11-b'AG� �� tlWll d11�1 vnlci. A 'i' G,�lur�a,g„ i�a�arttaant:,uf i.aU�?r__.. P1vy N# m4gV111 d n ic, ma �t aeau► i 8, r P ►Yi a t un o. C�aGo '�nr� nk And Ttafnir►�Y___-- _ fgnAt � �'- �gttdt:►►b�a --� 1p"t Ito CPfA Psmo P1'17 o to r M:INf' 11 a _a ...__w_ �T VA tom.._ _ .__ V-01 t—A_.� ___-- -19- 10472 ' 1. 2, I - ATTIlCtiMI:N'1' 4 Gt:Nt'.itAl, PACIVISIUNS COMPLIANCE WITH TIM ACTS Thu Cotitroctur outwrua tiltlt• it will vumply Wit11 the rey►liremeut:s of Vile Jpb TrLiltlialg kartnerullip Act, yl►ci the Waclllt:r-keysev Act, da t mvildedl '(29 U.S.C. 49 NT tioq, )1 hereinafter rci:wrvecl to as the Acto, anti With thu rt=clulatiogs 4114 policies Prull►ulyLite4 there- ulta,r, Tile, Contractor fuvtbtar dgroaa to comply wWi all liu1144g4ullt reviUiolls, uludifioatiwls and att►ewisuuuts to Lht Acts and reyulatiw►a. Failticv Uy the Contrilctor to accept or comply with chdl►yua LU the Acts ot• rtryltltltiuna which attecl the tartla l of thill cootrgc=t, altd Whivil tills N1•eT aha11 pre5ont, ill WCiLiny, 011c►ll b# sufficiallt uaala for tartnivati.uu by the 1I.C.'!'. COMPLIWE WITH VX'VV.RALL S'1'A'1' , LOCAL. AND '1'UL (.11X"r 1.11WuL REGULIVVIONS, RUIXS, DIRE TIVES, ISSUANCVS AND 012DINANCES A, The Contractut• furtllel- auatlr04 that it will -adhere to anti CUlaply with Lilly and all applicabie k'ederal, St4it. , Locc►1 and atattttea, rules, racluldtiulls, directives, issttancus anti ortii i4ocas ill effect or ki'u1t►►;lyaced dtlrilly tile: Lut111 of Ltlis Colltract or 411Y exLow; lalla thereof, and will t:equire ally aubculltractura to do liKowisa, IL ill t=lcpresaly ullcieraitoud and agree:ci Lilac ally ai'Li.alrs, if available atd accuaaibl+:, wi►icll care tilu Subject Lit, or v0g4tvlyd to c tivvy ant cilia Golltrac:t andll bc= ljuruhaaed from 11414 Which le t'he curporat1u11 identified ►411dul: chapter 946, F.S. ill ti►e salve alattner find under tho pruue:dut:es at:t fc,1•th 411 Sae:tiW► 9J6.515 (2) a (4) a 1,',B, 1 d11d fut• the: ill.►I.ljuaua cur t.11la Cw11L1:00L tit" p`l:14ull, tirlll, Cw otilt:r Imuillt:4ti ulak i Ly C:arryinq uuc tills ljl'uv l t11 ull of till ti Calitviwt 01u1 1 bu Llcullu.:(I Cu iju atlbatllut"d l:ut ti►ic; u",luiuY 11►Nul`Nt' uta 4014I iIIIJ wills Utlt%ll uutput'atlull . G. The Gontractur uaderatal►eis and aclrt:as tilat oral colluutl- nicatioll bttweetl tliv. partiets Will slut ba elect=plait in any a►441t cleta1m111akiotl or other altltLtrr it►volvioy, a.I►cerl�rtrLLit:io11 of the l:ules, policy diroctivoof 411d rucaulat.ia115 yc,vur111rt� the of proyt'Nlll dct.iviti.lre under tltiw Cclntrctct, 1SI:A1. 1<t:S!'uNSllsll.:C7'1yl� t'AYMSN'!'S, �'ISC'A1. 11MJ'1'H'1'lUNS ANI) >~ UIREMENTS A. 1114 Culltr4utuv :shall 0at4011414 duel 1114tlltAill Litt audi table oyatt:lll, 414 ocuot'dalluo With }t=cuylllFed AUC;umltiny prLiC:tic:lsa 4114 the: P1WrIe3 racluiraulentp for flecal anti proyrau► v0port4. 111144 411tar11111 u�atlayatuant: c:t:+t1tag14 to t^ Suru t1141=01►t4:4►=tt14l ac:tivitiue and pl:Uprrly and aciuyudt•uly reporcud. 14'110 wllet'acwr Willpl.arl)ara 411c3 901.)111" CoVua•ca tN aallfufillIty With Lhc: Pi•i' l" a c3a�;i(jl14L't:-d forll►c►tO 4114 acllecltllea, 'rills t=ul)44ctui' shall 111aitltttill 1:ueorda 16 . 10472 _t ppe~�:iflt:cl !,y the 0144,l' 4114 vetdln uttch r'epur'ts fol: tliroo M Yearn or ulttil All approyod audit crt l)otll the Ul,ls'i' and Clio Contractor llda Won cou►plovocl, or Nntil 411 liti.gaLiut►, alalltls ut. aticllta IIt1Ye lAeen adttt►tauturily r't:aulved, whicheVel: OCCU:a later•'. The retelitiall period ljt+yi.na upun OLL"l'lo ilppruval at rite CuntrdCW04 cluau-u►rt (final it►void: gild r0port( it app110414e). N• T1.10. Coll troc Cur ayrev-s that payn►elita ttre predicatet.1 upun prupel:ly duuunit:r►ted pl.•uu f of vovfurl11alwe ul►i is complotod III 'Accordance with the torllla of 1:1114 eolttract, and bhall tie paid iu accurdanco with the Autivi ty/1'aYwc:ut nulted1410 111 Attacllu►er►t C, attached hereto 411t.1 tnadt! a part ut this Cuntrac%t. Tile col►tracl-or 011411 sul,lnit an ilwolce for payiwito dui: no later titan 10 cglendar dtryu tolluwing the reporting puviu(l. The Ai,11' Wtall luake p4yr►tentt3 to Ole Cuntrdutor within forty-five (45) days Of wxittel-i receipt and acceptdllcu of edch dt:liverdNlk ljy lt►o 1.11,1:Y' contract ludnager: , r'ailuco to comply with invuW1.119 rL/luarelllents utay vutiult t11 d dwluy of payutent. All 01114 tur' tees or oultur uoatpettaatiun tux• but7yieUg ur expelitieti altdll lit: sti).jInittecl ill datuil aufttuient fur a proper pr't:a.Idi t aria pustaudit to Uc cooducted. 'file: total of all payments to Lite Cuntr,ac:tor 011411 out uxceuci the 49greg4tt: of LlcL- astoultts payalilu for all of this doliveral-lari. 'flit= Atvitjiut► of 1.gWr, Employment altd Trair►in(j will Vori€Y ilttul<utiiti.ull reported Oil trlvuicilul ducuitletits oil a 1110(ttltly uasia, Tile suuluit•tal of false may Lie conaldt:rtrd as fraud a1►d Could result 141 tt►e tltu►t<+diatt 1:001411utiolt ut lllo Colltrac-t, 'file Colit.ractur is littWe tov the ri~paytlic:ut of fulldt► that were paid Uy fol: repul—VuLl plaut:nti:l►tn 4*10/u1:• ott►er Perfurinuncc units suij:iecittur►tly dnter'tclinod l,y the 01,14,11' through Lite veritio4ti.ut► pvocetis to l)e tttvalid, Owpayutt:nt Ittay lie l,y deduotiult fruut auus."quent ilrYoicea ur 11) tilt: furul of a chuck for tilt: 411luunt owt:d it the pruLJCalu llas olldecl, JWwOlutiun 111145t. occur within thil:ty (30) days, C. Con rac:turu fut►ded to l!�uvidu sorvlt:es t_;_a ��ut .i �ttt►ta atubtf, utaintai'n a Proportionate level of 1��.o.rfurutat►ur: with reu3ect: to at least the 60% of funds alloa�ecl for �lacelnt:nt and duraticm of-pllaacceluellt 4114 fin more than 40%c)'f tht: fund fo_ prepIaceiiient activities over tile fill dur•aliurj of tlty contract. P• 'l'ho Plyttliol► of hapur, MlyloyllivI) al►d 't'l.'ainir►c3 c'm withhold paymel►ta €ul:' till pl=rtormoliv# thoC. doVs nuL uunrur.ut to tit leant tho 6011 cril:t:r'ia u►tLil t11e c0114+'00tur'5 vo✓-fufmolwt+ tsa wttllin the Ou/iut oritc:4.14. ' 4 Iq IL04'72 4. i:' 'i'ha colltractur will repay tile cosh adval►ce within Lhe t:ilat: fialue il►dicated oil tile Autivi►;y/Payulellt Schedule' t;e94rdle4o of wht=thel: ur 1101; ally activity auctul'i:c:d. r'dilure to repay Lhe wish advdllce- withitl the tiltte lari:acl'iut;d Iauy aul)ject thti cultti.'tict to illullttdidto Ver110114tiull. r'. ilivia.4 1 , 111, lV-C avid Wataner-Poytior 7 (U) cull 1:vac Lurs will tiut►►tlit Lilt= filial 4:rsput:1,/invuice Within 45 days ut cuull,lt=Lilly l:ho.lasl'• pt:rfurtltaltca unit. G. ill drdt;r to qualify for riafundiny ur renewal consi.derdtiol►, all opt=raturs u►uta tiuhiovo 75% of pldttt►ud perforutdiwe. VW14uru►aitca .1uVOls for put:'pusl:a of tllt' 75$ criLt:riul► will Ije lllaasttvod Ott tile= date proposalis art= due and applies to all operators socklllq colttiltuatiott tul-Wil1q, with the exception that oporaturs ill operatiol► lrst+ hall tlix (5) u►ul►tlts on that date: shall lit: exempt. pe:rfurutance luve:l will ul5o lie 6ue4sured 30 days Nftt=r tilt+ end dace of the cor►Lt'uut fua' cultLir►ued culuplial►ee With tho 75s crituvict. OpuX-wLiolls shall Ne preumlled t.0 l,ogia oil t110 date a cuntriwt is tsiyned. MOWIt'1CATION ANU/Olt '1't=:RMINA'1'ION OF TIVIS CONTRACT A. I1, through any catltse t►uL' at:trih►ital►lu to the lll.l:T, tile Culttrac:tuv foils to fulfill ill a til►►uly and propor ln'uttter its WA4.941:10m; ul►dur thitj colttract, (it: if the Cul►tvactor violdLes 411y of tile Oovonants3, ityrerluellts, at.' :;Vipulatiotls of tilit; Contract, tl►t ull4-'1' L!►or'oNNon 11us t1lo t:iyllt At iLa 011ti0tt to tieuWliyate f ll►tls or tovil►iflate thin Culltruct 1)y giving writtE:n 1►utice to the CotltraC= oj: of terulit►ttLiotl ur deGWiyatiul► tstid t;peci.l:yilly Lht, etfet:tiva dtite. jl. It ctut,sVacttial altt:rationti ai' IIIWIL:rial C11411tlet4 art+ Inoue- to 1-11e hulas, reyuliiliul►s, laws u;.• pulicieg to wivich Vile DLL''i' is s►ilijecl: or ill tile dllocdtiuns ur allotilivilt of fuod.'i prpvided to Llle for tl►t= purljust=ts of t11ib t:ul►tt:LIOL, the P1✓4:11' shall havt: the viellit to tt=rntinaVt: this Cuntvat:L. Suuh tarluinatiun tihcill Lal:e e f ft at ilutni:tlittVc:ly upul► 4:L:eUipL of wrlttt:m llo!-4cu of It tjy this C'olllrat:l.c)t', ultlutiti a clitf-.X'ellt' aflocLlvu datio its tipolpifitsd i.11 Lltitl. l►uLicu. C. It Lila l►ivuctur of i ha 01.1 T ciet:armili';-. ► Lhat it i ti 110a44s4V'y to protect the intoyrity ul_ the ftll►t15 ul' enstAr4! pi:uj)ar apef'utiutl of t1101 pt'ocjrdtll, thf. Pi4:Uctut' 1114y il►uuadiatoly tp IlliNatt= ur susi�ellti fillitllt=idl atsgisLdtict; ill Whole of ill pat'1 , if the t euipisnt is yivell pi:*uult.1t rtuLica 411d tIju opportul►iq fuX' a sul;st=ytiet►t 1loit4:in'.l witllit► 30 days afLov such torillWat:iun or s►INpellatoll . 1. -2g- 1 . 020 i' U• 1'.it1►c:x 1�at'ty luny tarmi►►a4+= tl►.lu C01ILr4ut fav collva►liul u I,y yivilly lhe: uli►er fit? days 11ut•ica priul: tG 0-bo attoutivv. dote» of talu►i►tatiol►. The. terluin4tiuO rluti•ce: 111u.4t l,u iu wvitillcj 411e`! authuvixwd dycllt of the teta►falutiny party. luring the iutuvilll 1jetwee:ll the notice of vorulinratiull and data Of tOranlllation, tha 149,1.' will pay only thease cost:; incurred ursuallt to I1O1,111al averotiolla as Oat Out ill rim, contract utwoen the. partiaa. 1.'. i•€' l:1le: C-'ueltrNc:t is tarl►1inAtad as l:ruvicie:d il► k�ac'Nc.1a'�►1'hu 9•R'•,e 9 •�• + 9.�'. + ox 9.1y. + paYr►u=r1t �hNll i,c= d•:lu,-1ui11c�i >,dsac3 Un the pertot'luu►►►e unite; cou►pletud 4s spocitiocl il► tiler tr•Ontraut.. "� 1!'. '.Vile Coe►tractor is respunAiWo for fultillir►g all ternls tend cou litiuus ut thla Contract. While: tho 511411 rN011itur t11e Culler€u 1,01:1 l pe l,'ful'111?WC s udder the C011tl"ac:t, the volitractov xaluaina fur its purfor•ulallco. '1'1►e= ll�i'a'l' uwnitul•'ln� of the: l:ulltr�lut ce11d/vr p�'uvteliny l•eullllicol asaiatalicu to Vile Lglltl A4lur silceil llut comitll:ute a Wulvor ox' 1l1uciiticatio0 of ally tet'lu ur curldi tiun. TUt'lus a11d colldi tiulla of t11e contract: play 1,u cllangud oirly by 4 Wri ttc:11 t contract ulodificatiou as spe:citied here:ill. G. They ul.l,;T 111cly to Viltillate: t14.9 Corltrac:t Without udv40c=e lrotice if the cuntractur tdila Or refuses to pei'mi l: inapactlon of 1ts 130oks area records 1,y the. ullitod :;fates P0U4:ul4ry Of 1.4l,ur a l altllluctur Geller 41 e the: UL1.''l', or Ally peraall aeakinq 111spoutioll Of the t'ontrael:ur+b reeul'ds pu.'}tllallt to the vlovlclil 1141-llic lteuul-dci LAW, C11Nt,tur 119, f'lul•ldH 5t"t4tes . 11. Tile. U1.E'1' rar;ux'va=s the right to puruhbtie additiarlal ullits at the salue costs Within the tilde: frame of the corltrac:t period. 5 MONITORING A. 'l'1►u t11c= 1114i Wd Statea Sac:retell:Y of 1.400r, t1,u lnaiaVV= UV Gur+u1'cIl of ell.: W. 5. Uc1.1al'tl11c:llL W LC41JUV, t•hu W. 5. CuulNtxullov Qwllurol, Uv the=ir' dersiyl►ul�ct ��1'�: »eirltdl ivua 111,4Y 111011itul: t1113 Colrtr Nutua +a upu1:'4tiull for caruplial►cu with tha te+rins sand collditi.ulla of t11iu uurltl'wc i:. '!'V carry Out this; tunution, officials shall huvu 4cceas to the COntrautur's .rooks and rec:urds At re:eisopal-Ile tiules A114 iocdtiol►b, irluludiug at the corltl•autor+s office Or any other olto tit Which Colltractor 1114Y opur4te-, IuaintNiu offices, or keep hoaka anti vocux'da, ji. 4Nch 11101140tillci May alai► WCludp ull--04e l:esvil=w:, Of pfujere:t c�E�ural;lulla, inspe4iUl► 0114/ur 1:rans4-:v1J4iu11 of Any 0114 Ail pc'U1ect l:•c:purtci, due:uluallta, rNe:ax•clsa, th.r4! patty uclre:e:u+ellts 410 uo4avoe:t4i intKi'vierwa W1111 'any l,elleflcial'y; ut oliborvatiulis ut Ally autiana covore:d undue thc: Contract. V 472 , 6. NONVISCHIMINATION ANU AF'F IRMATIV4 ACTION A. Thu Culltrautur AtiAuruli ttlot, lip peruul► with re:ipc�llsibili- tiAa in the uperdtioll of mly procivallt nlldul: this Contrgct. will ciiAi:rinliilatu with ruApeci. W Ally px:uyr*Nlu p4rtiuij)4I%t ar al►y 4pp110411t for partlotplltion 114 btich program l.tec:a►151: Of rtic:r:, c�•eod, color, niltiollal 4,t1'iqi!►, qex, aye, pulitic.ul 4ifili.- tlti0n ur Wliefs, Mel►tal Ar phyaiQ41 llalldi+=dp. lJ. 7'he eultl'rdutur ftlrthsr AclreeA not to diacriminette ayainst aoy f u�pl�+y►=e or appl icunt for omploymoot, to Uc: empluyud in thy: per foralanca ut this Cootvw:t, with veop :ct to Ilive, tellure, testa, eotlditiotis ur privilecleA of amploymellt, or any Iltatter directly ur ic►diroctly relwted to P-Ilipluylrterit, bc:uausa ut dace, color, fUliyi.ull, 110:4.01141 ()Violin or Al►ca:ltxy. lireauh of tllio covenant Inay be vociat'deci as llwtaridl breach of thin Colltrgct dltd c4tl5a for terin111iltiull. C. 'I'lltl Culitr€lutor further Aclruuli to fur.14511 the= UI.L"r with uutpluyutellt data alld Suuh outer iltfurmatioll as tl►u PLAIT wily ra= 114jVe t'egiAVdilrul the C4I►trautur' li Ilirtlty practicest ill c:ull.lullct ! ull ail th tlli a CollLvtiul . 7. COMP1..AMPS AND GRIUVANC4S The= Cullt►'ac:tOI: will udllere: to Nl►d C:oluply with Ul.P1' Culltl;Jailit 4114 Gri1:v411ue pruue:durea. q. ARTIFICIAL bAJiltlERS ColltrtseOrb sllal.l c:ontribuLe, to the maxilllulll exL'ellt 1:easiblc:, to t110 elimillotioll of artifiuial barriers to eluploymulit Alta oc:o►lpdtlullcll ildVdl�oeluellt. 9. Nr:NUMM A. No culltl.,outor ►Iluy IIJ•t'U d pardon 411 au 4d111110.ats:iILivu uAPOU:I -y, uLutt pugiitiull, or 011-thu--ju1, Ll.'tli•►►iwj pusiC.iUl► J'un40LA ur►elur L110 Auta it 4 malaiier ut hilt: perbUill iuuuetl,iaLe funk ly is encJN�ed 111 an �Icluli111strativu uapac:ity for that roci.pient, utllarecipionl, ut' elnjjluyilua dyellc:y. 'vo t14o extant that art applicable Atate ur lucal le(VAI ruyulruatc:t►t r(dgardiltcj flepUtiuu► itj II101:0 restrictive Lhl111 th11a proviaiun, 44CII atatO ar local x'uyuiruluCnt sl1all ba to lotted. Jl. 14'110 term "ilNlllcdiate fiwlilyto 4 all bt Oorilwd y:i al, indtvidt,al whu i.ta related to the culitvacLur ur a sub- Pootowtor ati f4her, movilor, 001), d'Awihter, lirut:lter, aiutor, uI►ule, aunt, drat VouAin, ou=!huw, niece, ItuSbalul, WIN, Inuther-in-law, liltiter-lrl-law, Iron -ill -law, d4ughter-In-111w, Ovothur--ill-law, titutifat.11e):, atepllwtller, t3tuj�::un, I;tepdauglltel:, btc=l;pt:oeher, alapaiater, !IN'lt-Nrntl►ar, or half-uiSLtr.. i-26- 10472 10. CONFLICT or IN'1'EIMIST Tilt; cootractor will prohiUit: eluployeas tvu1►► ►Jsing tiiui►: pasi- tlol►►i for a p4rpOsr tl►at 1a or gives tilts appearance of iieincl 1qutiy4tod k►y d dsai,re for private gain for theu►selvai or others, partic4larly t.hoaa with w1►o►n they stave fa►►lily, Uusine:ja, Or other fiats. ll. FUND RAISING Olt LOOBYING ACTIVITIES No f41144'1114de 4VAilapla 40dor th4 Acts shall t)v used for lO1A-)yiny or fN114 raiding activitit:s. 1�• UNIONIZATION No fullda undtsr the Acts shall pe 4sed in any way to ei.thec' pVon►ote or Oppoud 41Jioniz4tiull, 13. KICKOACKS No Ufficov, al1►pluytre tar 14c ollt of the coll1 rdctur si►all :;ol tcit or accept �rcJt'43kiea, favors Or anythtpy of 11Ju1'l0ka4:y vulva trou► a4� apt-uul ur .putantial a4uuul►trac:tur'a and/or heir ��:sE��:utiva L1�4{1ttJ 14, SECTARIAN ACTIVITY 8drticipanta in the procarism shall 4lot lie e11►ployed o►1 tile cult-- str4ctior14 operatit,n, Or Illaillterla(1Gs of Ally facility whioll IN 4444 for WTAUTAN i"§4414WI1 04: as a 144ce- Of WOV611ip. 15, CHILD LAMOR All C441tr'dctura sl►all coluply with applicdl)le feaoral, stake, 0" locol child labor 14wa.. 16, CONTINUING RIGHT OF EIOMRCEMENT `i'i►e f4il4rts of the PI9T to strictly enforce any of the: Fravisiulla of this c'alltrgc:t/MUdifit:atiun, Or to recplive atr>3ct �t;rfc��luaJ1G 13Y tuts e:u11t �1LtU� cif any of the: piJ,Uvi:;iuns hereof, 411411 t44 NU wa lie e0114tr'ue4 to ue 4w4iver at such vi('uviaiul►s or 411y ether provLiiuJ1 uouti4il.100 tileraln nor st►ull it i-n a1►y way Offc.c:t the validity Of this coc►tract or any part 1►urt:Of, or waive the rtyht or the I)LEi' to thereafter enforce each and every pruvi:;ton the ruin, 17, INDEMNIFICATION 'rho CP14t1:#Ctur 411411 hold 1► :1111es#, indelmli fy, ar►d de fend the Pl.'"1` fr'U111 cicltlua, a4it or' 4pviolA of Nny ki1►d Wr'iyiny oyt of and 111 Wkk pw4r'40 Of flit: iJ0r'fur'111anc4 of thla CQll1:rac:t/14UL11 Vi.L:4tialj py 1=110 C011triJ444:1r' anti 1)y 4ut10n:1 1,40"911t Oft wlien the sul,4unt►'actuJ of flit; Coll ardc:tuJ: 114 ti►c 004rat= of jJeVfU4:1WA0 e Of MIA Cutltraat/Huai xicdtiani and this p4.-oviaiol'1 shell require -2% v 10472, the C011K4:4otax' to pay rdtturtlery ti fraea, Court Coats, and uliy other fe, ooat.4, dieueerye:a or tines illourxecl in Conn wC.tici�l with de- esfondilly ally Clgilp brought ACJ411W%: the PW> T 49i d result of contract per forlllance. 14. LIABILITY FOR DAMAGES HotwithatandW(j any term or oonattioll of thin contract to the oontrory, , t110 Cal►troctor 411411 not W. relieved of llauility to t)le PL91r, for' dauiayea sust4illed lay tho PIAkT Py virtue of any !preach of till Contract by the Contractor. 19, PONUING Tha CQntract'or shall Inaintaill the, required bonding in force for tho period of t1►ia' Contract, and shall give the: PI'wr written rlotIco (15) lrorlc days prior to tile, holed laeang reduced or cance✓llod frum <he: uriglnal lilllita atgtw(l can the. Wosldtliq duuuem:clt (a) . 20, TIRTT OR EMBEZZLtALINT OF EMPI.OYM1aN'i' AN) TRAINING _FUNDS 'Z'tic Conti ctor sr►dll ber liable for prosecution under the crilli}ilqj provision of the 18 U.S.C. 665 for theft or eleepexzlelnent of V111ployulellt and Trainiuca funds. «l f AVAII.A131LITY OV_FUNUS The P1.g'i'ea uullyatiotla under thin Contract are: conditioned upon the availdUilil.y Of funds dppropriatcsel Uy the Fedc;x'al Goveflmkollt. 22, ObLIGhTIONa OF THE DIVISION OF LABORt EMPLOYMENT 6 TRAINING 'i'he PWl,'Ts tl►rough duly authorized shall have the ouligcltio(l to; A. Notify the Contractor of any Chdtujes ire such Acts, re~clµlatiul%, rule and law thwt is spec:i.ii.cally named and inoorpor4te4 into this Contract which may affect: the: Colltrgetox''s pevforlIiaieoe udder tllc= tercels and conditions of that+ contract., R, Provide to the Contractor reporting forms, 410119 with written inatructio►1* acid proc:eciureta, requiredi by the Pi.ls'1', 23, TKAVEl. 'Pile Col►tractor Puitller 44s4rea th4t it will Adhere to and Comply with tile travel Vaquiremel►t re;ferenLed ill tlle: Florida Stdtue;s, Chapter 247.0581 Coret.r4ct Pouument*, Sec=tiUl► 0) (l)) . aY In Attuc:hu+enl ti JQ0 TRAINING PA0TNWHS11IP ACT/WAt1NNlt-P1';YS1:lt 7 (1j) COM4AINT AND GRIWVANC PACleuDuplra CO MP1•A1NT6 Compldirita of diacri1l1i1111t1oil all thw grounds of race, color, 1taLloli4l vV44tu, age.,. able, re=liyioll, political Atfiliatioll ut ueylief, and as pprapriata, C.iLi4ellsilitJ irl viuldtluu at $ectiou 167 of the Act shall liesera dil'ectly to the. U. S. Pepartmeut of LaiJor's Otficu of Civil ltighta withiil 180 Jaya of the al.leyed discriuiirialiult, These Complaints should uS1,. VWirwc:tor of Civil lights 200 CP110t4Ntloll Avtrrtue Northwest W40110tiV.001 ()X. 20210 Cou1pl4t1lV4 41le:gittg iaa:ed of) 11411dicap S11411 tie fi.lad in l CC01:4cillce Witil 29 Q'A 32.45. Under 0w.4u I;.1roce=dureti, c:ulupi-dioulats inust: tile. with t1►e aujive4ipjul t with"11) IOU dayu of the ulltt(jud diae:riminat;toll, All investitautiuil ltlust Pe vullducted lly the auprac:ipierlt 4114 A dec:ialall rv-11deve-4 411 writing La the 00111plaiu4clt dlld tite other tIm4ve.4ted peirtie:s wiLhiii 60 days. IF diaa"tisl:ied wilil tl►c re:sulutiorl, WIC Complaint4fit tcliiy ti-W with Wit: AugiStdllL Secretary Of I. -he u. S. Po Ming Arttllvilt pt b4l`ul' within 30 ddyw Pf tale deciaioll, or 90 days horn the ing of tho complaint, whichever is earlier~. GRI RVANCI:'S P901NITICN Of" G1tIRVANCX. A grieYe.lice i.s a titat:e=uleltt at �1iw:�ar.laFactlort W111011 14 41e.4 with -the-, wherlc:ver it Ili Oul.iuve+d thdl a vtulottar► of tho oc't, retlu14tiup5, grslrlt, or other Agl.'eelt►e:llts under the APt 1100 0c:c:4Vru4 Which 4fNCV6 thy+ illte.rt=Eit of the fillwi pol:q (i.eli) . PLACN AM) '1'IP11r 1.1141TATIOW; 1-'t�11 FILING G1tIeVANCF.S. 4rlevallces 111146t pe M-4 with tile In wi-7 tirccl wFF,1- tail►: ye:ai'' of tilt elllege:d vtAl4vion, f 4capt f04: gClavwllt:e:S Alle.94119 fraud ur C:Piluilldl actiVity. 11RA� RM PROCRuultl ANP oRDLORS (1) At► 11111)4rki4l potty Shull lie= s4400ted to heal' the. tjvie:vanca. (2) Thu aul,t'ool0till t .01411. mQ1te:014lu a haor'ilty Lu lit- Multi wit:llil) thi.t-ty 00) ddys of tililty Of a grleiv4l'lctr. The OffiVa of Civil )tights 01141.1 prOVide wt:atx 04ppovt anti tocliilWal wasistalle=e: to tiler aupraciFit=llt 14kv11 47a+W45t. 'file OffJCe Of Civil 010ba resel` V" the: right to sit ill on ttc:ariltgs . auNre:ci.Pi.e.11t 011411. aeud tlatice of the lie41'.1119 lit Wr"itirtt3 to all Nt11't l�rl�, �.c3., GU111k�litli)tAilt, 'ek�patld�clt, Nttu�'i'leyd, WiL11t~�tieS uiltt Ui'tt. i~e.rtttie.ct uluililltl i«+ ri:t:antlut l►dacl. 'flies 1►otivwi s11?411 clearly -29- a5 10472' W NAte- a{ld llo"v of Chu, 1{ear'4r{cj1 (13) #'lcte:e: Of the lleur tllu ; (C) k►rrpoae of 1:11e !►eavirlcl arid u stutemUl'lt of iswues ar►d pertinent baatiorlei of tl►e Act or x'ay►rldtianu involvedr lu! )'roe:adt{res t:u ue followed In thu housing; tat ',Advlse as to Whe-rr= f4vt1rar ir{fUrµlc►ViU{1 or asaistar)ce 1114y Po pNtai{►e 4; ar,el (N) 0PPQVWllity to Alliel►d the cuwplalut prior tO a hoar my W14 t)►e uppurtur►lty for all infur►ual bet t1e=lner►t prior- to the hearing. (9) (A) Tile hearing shall be conducted in€orwally, unnec asuary technicalities 514411 bs avaided, (�li 'i'u usurc t11dt tl►r: riyhta ux W10 pat'tiea c1r a safegLAar•ded, the. )►e-arlr►cl proc:eduraa ahu11 3n►=1udc: the folluwin�.1: 1. The: x'ight of ull. pac'ties l•u l,L re=presuf1ted by counbe:l or other represerrtatives of their cl►ogsiny or to lie aelf-•represe{lteaj 1. Irlte right: of all pax•Vie-s to preuent their views to t11c: haarir►y guard, eitlwr ur:'ally ur in wr.itil}c.{. �. Tile rigla: La 411 i►ovv.iPg t:u Eirese{rt ►:viclurlca. (C) The iu,par'ti.ul !Judy al►411 take ►{eott5sury actin►► to l►'1silve t:iiat Ole heur•il►g prorseeda .i►1 yu ecl4it411e, Orderly, ur►d expeditious ulpnrlwr. (P) 'file iu►l►artial body way at ally ti{ue durirri:; t11e cuurse of t)ie he-aYltr9 (114e-:4t.io{► tile- pirrties 41r1d their wi.tr►c:5se4 u11 any facto W)40)1 It claeos 11141;a i.41. altd rolevullt to the allege: i{I►prope>: dp: iAl{. IN '1'1{d luipax•tial l)ucly sl1411 aVVetupt to r►e90tiate a se=t:t:lNlner►t laetween tile pwrtiep at any ti{11e px'iur to tile, conelur;lur► of the lrepr i ng . ( ) (A) Tha iuipurtid l l,udy sl1411 luake d r.ec:auunc:{rded dc:ulsiorl r►o lut or t)rdq ointy (60) dayu 4fuer Vile #ili;'►c,; of a gvievanc:u, Tile l{upax'tlsrl Pody shall fovward lta rocolmnonded ciucipi.on to all p4rt400 0-4.1 co{{►)�lrii{►a{iVc vvopundejlt, ixVtpxnaysa wltriessepr 411d 00A wiVhin reveal ('11 oale-ndar' Jaya ortov t.hu ►lue date for Wo dUL0iun, (Ir) Tiles dacl.uion 151101414 I,e w4:1t4al lr► clear.•, ai{uple: nun-tc:c11{ilea! 14lig4oge a{►d 41'►uuld include the fol-lowing infuri{►atior►; -30- 0� 10 4'72- 1, A statement that a h04.VIny wtaei held ill whi-uh tile: involved parties, their reprdoeiltativoa and witna6sas were given Ali upportut►ity to pveaoilt oral ur writtoli evidance iri auppurt of their puaition; 21 A cloor Wnct aoouiaa #tato►Re nt aF the issuers; . Tho fi►►dii►y►s of tact-, waskd on the etitira ;:eoord, as �disclosed at tl►o hearillg i 9. The opinion and reasa►►a for tl►e dar.-iuion, eased oft ► ote:riral ar►d the 4pplici4lile aection of tt►e Act ur. 809u14t:iolitil 5, 'Vile roco►►ui►e►idatio►l of the i►►►pax'tial Uady, udaed oil the findl►tya of fact, co►►cl"atott De 14w, and tlee evidence AddVC04 at' tile hearing, (C) Ail parttas sha11 uo copy of the rec:o►uulet►ded decision, iP) The votiro 11040ncl shd11 lie: reecnrdsct ele:ctrunival].y, Oil tape. Any party recluastii}y a copy of tile3 tra►tacriptio►l 4114111 pay 41.1 coats �;►aut'rad 4-11 f41►till►ing tile copy of the trar►sc=ripl:ia►►. i (k) Whe;:e possiulo, the idelltity of a►ly parS011 Who has NVIUslied ! iniaril►gtia;i rolating to, al: assisted in ar► investiyatioe► of a powaiule violation of the Act, will he: hulei in cu►lfidence, i (f') A stateluc:nt of tiler griova►►t's right to reyue:st. in writing a review of advorbo avoioions, it applicat,l.e, upol► pnhauat.iun of file suux'oe:ipiontw grievance proceatire withuut j dec=ioiun or wl►ere tl►e3 SeCrotary of i,dljur gild -'mployuietit !3ec4 'itj' (44 tiler Govornoref► du:sig►tatc:d reprosontative) 1ioliovos that tl►f': au1►rocipiellt is foilinq to cv►►►ply with t1►o reyuir'e:n►E:nta of the Act, thw Sac:rotary of Latour and t'.mployu►ent Suo4rity ► s GCR snail 411yoptiy4to the 411"94vion and make a datc:riuir►atiaiz within thirty (30) Jaya. 2, 1t► tit# avont that a aPA doatgion is not mode: within ainty (60) days Pr a 4t-iova►'it WiWWA to appoal A 4@ter111i1►4tiO0 11144a lay a aNlarteuiple-Ot, lien Or 44110 104y request a review 1ay the .9acreti►yy of halaur and Villpic>ymulit se=ctlrtty at the oddve:414 lioted 1rel.ow; 2590 usocutiva Conter c 4uto, lase uttK 209 044: olo 1�utldi►1g 1'µ '1li�haswo-0r'1o3 , 4 32)99-?152 Tile re9uaat fur r'eviow shall ue tilt:d within toil (10) days of rauotpC Of 41►o adverse de:c:istan ur t011 (10) days fVuin t:!►e= clots✓ oil i wClic�h t110 grievant ahut►lA have received a decision, 'vile searertary _31_ 27 10472 I ' pf 1•0ucar and 41ployluont Sel:urlty ariall iaauo # ciociaipo Within thlrt 0o) Jaya. 'l'11f. Sooretary of �Macar and Pnlployment Septivity' a cloa i Q on IN f W41. If trio Sa4rotarl of i.alacx and 1Jn►p]c► Il►ant bocluAty fdfl.a to pravige a kvlalpn With n trio aQ-day tlnle l ullt:, trio grievant 1114y ve9k4r-' t< a dotormivattort lay trio Socvotdry of trio unit-od st:at e.4 uakartment of rialaul` dK ,trio Oct raaa ll.ated uslowi Socrptary, u. S. Aepartment pi Y+alaor ltooul 5 2 A) � 2AA UQnstituttcan AvenNe Nprthwoat i:'xancia perkilaa riµtidilac� Walillill�taa� D.C. 20210 �`he �oclNf:st p►N�t No filed In writing wi-thin lA days fcolu the. dat:o pn WhIch trio Qrlovdnt alwuld have reoolved a ducialan, mooltoriny of the yrievooCe eayatolu will No trio roaponailailit:y of trio affloo of Civil ltigrita, yph LOCAL UN11rVANCE Imou.l tttr'M nvi ODA Grant Tociplentb lnuAt estapliah local procoduroa for receiving 9vtovallcoa glad ol;colotirltj thou► to the. otato ve:vtow levol, 'rhepe pVQcQ4"x, as faro to pe aupuitte(3 with trio juYa training pl4i). l'drtic.ipantp will Ottoat to Wotr underl3talaAiny of theiso prpceduroa lq aigning in trio aa pt'opridto apgfc # can the •I't'1'A Intake lipplivAtiall form, A copy of t:hia 0 jpt~d tom 011411 he vetaillect lay trio kuprecipient And a copy f►arr►ilillad tp trio participant, (NUS' 1 Griovoncoa arisirlcj f :P111 apticataa takoll lay the. atgt-'e/Gpvernar Audid Pipollowelr►c:u13, Sdnctionfal 111vof;t:iQ4t4Ofi4j muoitpring, ot:a' ) Will No 044rtr0404 13Y the Uiviaion of rial,ar► PRIVIoymolat d!►d TJ:4i1131'19, i M. 1447 ' MIAMI REVIEW Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Dade County, Florida, STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Octelma V. Ferbeyre, who on oath says that she Is the Supervisor of Legal Advertising of the Miami Review, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami in Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice In the matter of # 5 0 2 6 CITY OF MIAMI ORDINANCE NO. 10472 In the ......... X X X .............................. Court, was published in said newspaper in the Issues of Sept. 14, 1988 Affiant further says that the said Miami Review is a newspaper published at Miami In said Dade County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Dade County, Florida each day (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and kas been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in Miami in said Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached cop of advertisement; and afflant further says that she has neat p Id nor promised any person, firm or corporation any count, rebate, commission or re d for the purpose of wring t s advertisement for publ aUo In the Bald news r. ..... errdy;Xl Vbed before me this i 14 .`��P • O e'�1Q ' '' .88 . 4 .. daj of ..... ... , ......k.'9 - - - -, A.D. 19...... . ll' J . Z •• �Drjtery;Pul, Slab orFl a at Large (SEAL).. v C L. • . V ``� My CommissiQy�Woes.,lyrip•21,9te MR 115 /10f81p t1"%0%\% CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIOA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission Cesar H. Odio FROM: City Manager RECOMMENDATION: 27 DATE: AUG ,{.iA00� FILE: Emergency �3Ydinance SUBJECT. Appropriating 1988/89 Wagner-Peyser 7 (b) Funds City Commission Meeting REFERENCEsSeptember 8, 1988 ENCLOSURESTwo ( 2 ) It is 'respectfully recommended that the City Commission adopt the attached emergency ordinance which establishes a new Special Revenue Fund entitled "Wagner-Peyser 7 (b) Discretionary Funds", in the amount of $65,000 from the State of Florida, Department of Labor and Employment Security. The ordinance further authorizes the City Manager to accept the grant award and to enter into the necessary agreement with the State of Florida. BACKGROUND: The Department of Community Development has been awarded $65,000 of Magner-Peyser 7 (b) Discretionary Funds from the State of Florida, Department of Labor and Employment Security to provide employment opportunities and services to unemployed ex -offenders from the City of Miami. This program will operate as part of the Department's Neighborhoods Jobs Program. The Wagner-Peyser project is designed to specifically meet the needs of this targeted population of ex -offenders by providing them with solid, credible job opportunities and employability skills training that would enable them to secure employment. It is estimated that 100 ex -offenders will be placed through this program. This is the first time the City has been awarded Wagner-Peyser Discretionary funds. However, it should be noted that the Department of Community Development has demonstrated its ability to consistently and successfully place individuals that have experienced difficulty in finding employment. During the past year, alone, an estimated 800 persons were placed. The proposed ordinance establishes the aforementioned Special Revenue Fund to appropriate the $65,000 allocation from the State of Florida. It further authorizes the City Manager to accept the grant award and enter into the necessary agreement with the State of Florida. The. legislation is presented as an emergency ordinance, to permit staff to serve the maximum number of persons possible for FY'88-89, which` ends June 30, 1989. The Department of Community Development did not I. a Emergency Ordinance Appropriating 1988/89 Wagner-Peyser 7 (b) Funds Con't (2) receive notice of the award until Late July, which did not provide time for City Commission consideration prior to the August recess. Attachments: Proposed Emergency Ordinance Proposed Agreement with State of Florida `�,.'Qi472 1 , I I I I PVVAATMKNT Ok L4HOn AND KMPLOYMC: V 6�:CUIITTY P%YiST0N Of LAOOB r k:MVLOYMLNT AND VtAXNUIG CONTAACT PACKAoK rITPA Tt4lR I, Older lll4tvtduala JTPA Title 11T, Pielocated Workers TPA TWO TV-c( Veterans Programs Covernar1 a 7 (t)) Dihcrct.Wnary Funds , CONTRACT NO. GRANT NO. PROPOSAL NO, MOPIrICATION NO. 10110 Contrast/Moatfi,cat ton is batween the State of Fiorida, Rapartmgnt of 1+41bor an4 employment Security, piviaton or Lal)or, NjiiplAymgnt and Txdintng )reiie:InaftQr veterred to as 11PI.ET", whose $sldroe6 to 1320 ?rXocuttVa Center DrtYO{ Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0667 �P City of Miami, Florida r hers nditer referred to as "Cont:I-aotor , whos—aad-dmea-sia 1145 N.W. 11 Street, Miami, Florida 39136 Pp� faraearlca un4or tnia contract/Modlficat ion shall tae:gin no Cori leer Gran SeAt• 8► 1988 or tile: data on which the contract has been 041194 by Wt part ea, whichever is later, and atlall be con+plete4 no later ttiatl �. All. entrees into unaubaidlze(l employment {qugr ocGt-l;r An or before e last day of this coot -rapt. ThIg OAntT4ot/Modirlcation (d) initiates ( ) increases ( Aeareaseo ( ) doss not ctiangs the contractual obliciation by a tOtal amount not to oxce oci f 65,000 which 0411 Q paid by the P1,F-T for the provision of services as outlined In A1:taQhimto A wO 4 and to 4ccovdancd with Attachment C, attache-4 jlaraw Gild 0144 a peal t of Oita contract, "rho partiaa agree to comply with all ti'►e terms and provisions of this contract/Modification including and -incorporating herein thq BpRctft0 4ttacbments listed belpw: �ARF�APt Modificattc�n X �' Attachment A - StaCBmcAt- of Work Attachment � � Perf4rrnanae Standards ' '�"� Atk�Ghmenk C ^ Activity/kayment Schedule VA" Attachment p - Cash Advanco ftque:et Attachment k - €tgnatory Authority for Invoices Attachment F - sopping Statement/Fi.delity Bond Attaclunent A - General Provisions Attachment ii - Grievaiicd Praceduras ' -1- 05/84 9 1-0472 P . ►_1 .y 011ie POf}� 04 94FI-110r 4(jVteu that I.vr,II CuIII ICy P11411 Iie t:114 Yr:rlua of a►ly ���di 4atien Gat�Haatl t•tla E�ar�1e�, and ghat: ttli� Cuov4ut:/Pic)A4 klcat;lon call ov, rt:44i 1nt urvretGd, atld u01I4 C%4dd iII Aucordani;4 wwi Gtta laws of t im st.akd ur r'lurrda, TN WT'VNPSS tits p4rtiaa hei:et.o hay.r excutit ed Lhi n contract/Modigicdtion 4nd in signing, therHby valwat:iny this cot►tl ar.t/OtndJ �t<c�ttion� the p4rt:ina -llso certify 0i4t sac h tjossesses legal aNttlotits+ to cotltVAeV4411y wind thelf Vucipecttva orgarlixations in kha�t: ca4:,aclGy a� 4 siynatury aik�a}.al, CONTRAcTAPL✓VAIt'1'MI:Nl1• or .I-Amt Arm. CITY Grp (AMI k:MVWYMENT SE:CuRITY, 1145 N.W. 11Ttt STREET DIVIS10N or., L.AHoi't, MTA41, M 33136 EMPLOYMENT AND TRATIMIC, Syt - - -- s�gn•�tiat'A cKwt ry.. oplo Typod Nam; og f gnee 11,41e, CITY MMCM PAt"; -2 - SY t ._._ _____ iatN�e .Typed 14ekiie STCjI-1ia `--- '1'1G1a; t�lrec:t ��r D4tol AU G F4_i-tit= Y 11E ]. .4 2 p 4_i 4 I'llo p4MV4 NI-tht:E 4gv"t: t114V I -Volt 4uynty ai►a<ll t)c the wilt1e of Any d�gwl . eat url tjouwetstl Gila paitlaa, and t:114t• thts CO11t�tt�%G/Mpdti`tQatiQt� b11411 Ira r104d1 and cor�ptrNt:ci in ACCQrdO()OQ WtOl the 14WN Ot thes State. ut VIOVtdd, IN WI't'NEss WNi K1;F'Ol(l:( the p4rtloti lta�al.0 halve excomt:ci1 t-)d s Contr4ct/Mo4if4c4t1Qn and tit sigr►11ly, thet'O y validatillfj 04s CQntr4et/Mo4 Meatier), the parCies al sA certify 014t each t,c►s�esSeEs legal 44tharity to col)tvAcvg41AY lbifld their vespect:ivej orgaflize ivttq in ►:hel} aaNaoiy t3a a slynatnry Qfkiclal, CON�RAO'!'QR r � P�l'AR't'MEN't' o� i.AUOI< ANP CITY OF MIAMI Emil Wym:N'11 Sl;cLjpI'E'Y, 1145 N.W. 111,E1 SIRE ,v PIVISION Of LAW)lt, MIAMI, FT. 33136 EMPLOYMENT ANO TRAIIWIG BY sc8n4f C>rSAIt Ei.. �pTO TYPad Name o Signet+ CITY MANAMA ---------- -3- ti4F4-7:4e Typed Name of S i cailee___._.�._ tIe: _ DiYeQtor-- RA to r V .�s rawwn• 1=i1_IV— _ 0—t-4:� TLIE 1 4 2� _ P - Ey The petrGiea ft4vther agree chat: l.cort County 5hal1 I)e the venue of any legal ' actiop 1 eutwecti the pat lies, ar►ei theit this coil tvoict MOO ication ahall ue 1:0a41 interpreted, Arid cor,$trued in accurdorice Wittl the laws of the state of rlo}ida. IN WI'i'N>✓ss WHEREFORE, the parties hereto have execyted this Contract/Modification and in signiny, thert!by validating this Contract/Modification, the parties also certify that each [possesses legal authority to contractually Aina their respective organizations in their caPciGy as A sigttatury official. CONTRACTOR i PUI' RTPIENT OF LAVOjt Al-10 CITY OF MIAMx EMPLOYMENT SECURITY, 1145 N.W. 11T11 STREET • DIVISION OF LABOR, MIAMI, FL 33136 EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING ay: - Sign4turq CESAR H. M10 Type4 Name of Signee e : CITY MAKrArm Dnt.e; By � S 1 g n a t u 4' e-----�-�----- Typed 1Ia-m of siy�i e Title: niieetor Date r 104714- 2 6 .4\ t1'1"1'f1C11Mis'1V'1' A l , STA'1'EM40'j' UV WORK H. VT ION u1rHMJI::C'1' AC"1'IV1'V1jl S i Thu vCL) juuL Will tout-w ult N4lulitiiluyuci ux- iffulltlu4'Li 1 Cum Lite city ul hliawi The City o1' Mi4m1. Ljl4:UL1cjl1 j.Lli iltapul7 Ljjtt;:tji1 Uf CU11111utl1Ly Ui:vuiUialu�:►1t, 1VuiyU>,u1:'I►out:i4 Jolaa l'c'oljrUnl (lV�!') iutul4<1::s to �tri:>'uit ux-offeltLiara L141:o1lAijh Litt! MuLlid, LI►u jitliiui4l. tjyaLeul auk c:oulnlu4tity I�uai:ci t7Xy411iGittiu4t�, Tilts City of Mi4mi Ito 4eaigIIUii thin 'ujUi:t to 41�auj.1 }i:dlly ttluut LIje. 1.1rr4:tj4 u� tl11a tc41'�juL�:ii j�i�l�itlaLiutl sai un-u�lutt`i�=�� �'Y pCovltlitty L14itu With WC.li.i.l, ut.•1:C1i►.)li:, 4:Y•jiiu47uu L14uL LIii;1.'t! 4ca jut.) UVjju1 Lt4411 Liu3 tttlll u4t411Jay uUili.Ly L114L Wu►tL1►um Lu :suc:►ti'u etnj�l.uyut�=t1L' . f t1. Mlri't1UL►C)LUuY l�'Olt COMPL4"i'1t)1V GV ACTIVITIES '1'1►0 1VJ1' Will �:4L4u1i41► 1i141�c4yC:s Wit14 �1lsl�lulsi iatu 4ut1W1 itl 4 ill Lite ju4iiui4l 6y6Lu4tt, LUjujim4liL.y U1:gc401j;r4L1U44ti Otte L-4—UffeltCic4 a110 tllu pity uk Mi. 4►41i k'uliui: l�u gx'L'ltlut4L to l ui:i'tilt ux-oCl u1t�l�:l 5 Lu V"4 .Liuiljatu ill the ji4'ujui.t. Staff W•il.l altiu Lctl.*JjuL u4i{i�1 ity ttuiyill�tut l'ioucla with 1►t:4Vy cu41ut=4iL�'utiuur4 ul N1ic:4nislayi ii yut4t14 4t1tj aau1 L ux-off t:4111+:4'a . NJV 4L41'i will aiaLVi.UNLtr flye 4 ill 1,1►t: ►t�iyl►1s��1'jtuo�l� With the U1 flejcj111�U1 t4ciUl1 t;1'ij4tli�aLiu11� 411i.1 vulul►Luu4 a - G'lyul't1 Wilt lay: po4ttrt2l ill isruulttluslL 1Uu4Li0114 (tsNg111�=a�ii%4t u1lN�'u11�=4, uU{I1111N111•Ly o1:�j4lli•�4tiu4t:�} tU µtia�t offj4tutivt:ly 1111'u4111 Lhe 0u41111411lity UV 4v4ilal)1u :.1uVViuu-. i'c4i,llu r#��v}u4 41t4wt►iluuntaitL:� Will 414u Uw 4iruLj Lu ►.)ULLUV •julul"tt4 tile CunuutMiLy 4t 141:(jd Of ps:ujtrcL 4t4VViuc:u. After e4u11 1' 4i+liU4L.iu44bi ti►a uli•ellt Will t)e gjVUu 4 Celepliolle 1tu41t1>ur to call tU get, aft gV—Lu-cj4La 4L4tWW Ve1)Ur t Ail OE)eltitly4 1 Wilig 0t=Vu tuPuci ill their I)uh41f, u1: 41sj.)1'pi)4: i4td UVuilillCJW to V41iull LI►c=y a1, j»lll�j lcilc3rl'ut1� 414L1 t4itu•4q i.0 i:4l.'4•'y u41L tU tllutst: lv-yt�q 44ta Lu t:u411iatoll: 1-114 rucjtlj4i•tc ksyl�ux'tYu4'1< "104 d !Ga 1 1 fi il• D1"Vll00uLOGY VOR COON'.-L-TION Ole' ACTIVl'1'II:S (cuuCitluea) The prug 47 am will IJa 0L4li'.eci with i'U11—Limo NJP job j ev,elupe►'e/pl4uuluet►t i111L1 c:111pluy41.)i.IiLy aki11.6 Lt.-iai.ItlIty. pet e(�I►l►el, :sul>c:�vieeci Icy tl►c: lslltl,luy►uellL 4110 '1'1.•i;iIIitl(j CUU4:�il►4LuI: ur Lhe NOP, Thelie will u4r l:'y uUL Llla �'eciUieiLtr ouLre4uli 411LI t'e(:t:UiLl uljL i4c:LiViL'iuti ill Lhu L•4i'geL tlaicjl►bul'1►uucle elliploy4bi11Ly aki116 LCitilti►j, ilpcui4li4ad jOIJ duvelul)IllO"L 4110 iiy l►c:ecicd, 41"d will ut4ill t4il't 4 c:wseloiad Of uliuttLe Lu pIzieu, uol.►t,t3e.1, 410 ful tow "p . SLgtt wilt aasisL t:4611 p4ri;jc=ipdnt to llulp sucut:e 4 julj• I:'ul:lowiuci pt4ueu►e►1L, 4talff wilt OlUillLdiu uu14L4uL with Llju OlietlL 4►tLI tht`(JUgll L►►u t'iVdL eixLy (60) c14y� of e►Upiuy►Ilc►tL Lu iliama LI►aL L'Itu uliuIIL 4-t:tUiIIu c:lliplupoullL. SL4ff will tWleE)hul►t: 4110 viei.L ullipluyuc:i eixty (60) Lj4ya 4XLe47 Lila 04Le of e,uptuyllleuL Lu uuI►L't�'ut pC ►114{)c 11 L uIllp 1uylliuO L C. 141.lUlUlt.lI'1'Y CIUTIO IA Atli) ADDITIONAL QUAl,IVtCA'1110116 N>~CSSSARY_ FOR PROGRAM 1'MV1'ICIPATION � --'-~— Tu Ott uii�jiUtu 1'ur paf'tiuipittiucl i►l Lilts ��Fuc�Xit►It, 4pptic4at 4 olgzsL ultiuL tl►e fiullowiltci urtLeVi4. '1'iley uluSL fie► - k:x-utl:eltciet.';� Agee . 16 it,tc:i older U►►eu,l�tuye�l itl►a i►ttat't=:.►Lath iil �'uc:t::ly it►c,J tr►ul�luy,llel,l i►ti:i i 5 L i/►►u�: 1)i4uuc.l�•4yaci uy i1141,itjLy Lu fillci wurlc P. CO1 M)INA'1'tuN W1'1'll '1IM J013 ti4ftVlCls PIC AND OTHER ORGANIZATIONS - - ALt4L!h LI i5 L11u IeLL04: Of illtullL wiLit Lhe Jul) Sut:Viou illlci k'FivkLe i►lciuSLry Cour►uil La ilul�leutc:I,L tl►ie l,t ujuuL • '1'lte jut►tC agi'eu►uet►t will Utr te4aut4l.t:ci upull 4pp4'uvi4l ul: LIIU gt'il{al' . i o -6- IN ` 0.4 72 1 i 9- DN'SC:1tllslrD VRLVATI1 81-C Ojt 11qVU1,V1:r1Jl-�N'11 The C:i.Ly of Mi4u1i. !hiss 0oell ill L't►1: 1i115i11a5S Of A6.,iisLiw-j iLii..resideilLS find jobs for L1►irLuutl (13) ytrul,5. 1411.,iIly tl►4t period uC Lima, we l►4ve Lievulopell rul4tiu11:S1►ipti wiLll j the tlWIwruu6 pj iv4Le 4uutur el►1pluyer5. III ec4L!L, Lhu Ci.Ly ut Mi4oli 1146 1,eQI1 4 mulllbe:r uE tllu SuuL11 Fluriau J'lkkY1UY1IIUJ1L c111Li TC4it►it►g Cull40t:t1Ulll Jill l]e iL5 il►1.upLiul►. ��'t'ulll •1C►Iluu� y, 19ti'! Lll�'UL4(j1► l)euUn►Uui', 190, Ott Ci Ly ux Mi4111i P4:C)gr41u Uk+uuU641:►tl.Iy L)luuULl over uig11L 1111110cuLl (800) illOiVWL44[i ill julaa. T1►iU(J1.41111 Wilt lie Mi4A.'KuLc:c1 Lu L11a 5clillu eulljluyel.•S who 1►uv� i�4rtiui 4Lec1 ill Old 1.)44L. k'. M T1211ING VUNDS (C'AS11 JWD IN -KIND C:UN'1RI13UTIUNS) i- NIA 9 A!►a�:rrulx IIY11lIi1tr U' i•ANOR4_t�bt+ �1�N'C_AtVtt'!'NAl1IlN(a liv. {mm. ttt_rictt. "4114 of 0011141:1114a Pcoill-f W111 ('Illy c,t Mltt►nl/Ivu1��l,laucli��Uclri ,at�la;� ' 111'0100t 'l'LGlgi_.... c:ti at .lulu 1'la�uui+�rl�_Nr'u�ll.uui 1114,11 A 0 0411 A } {a j' : {% q i 1 t i � r ! i ►•, ,V 11.----•-__.___ .-_,.. _ ., _,. _ ._ _..� __ I py POC ligl1 til,vo Wow 019 401) ONvV14o ItayltJllal utt'lt=a Ntjlill►q �11g4 C Ila1! i:i►YINHIia Fll�tl `t`N1�NYp� It> 4414y9v Y4ji-y1oup likii-Ntltllit { V119 We 1101 Ny tIIW �Jtlt+ ! i 41111n► 1'p�'tNVFtlh 11 AAtI 1'�1�, dl••�Ag1 1,nt3 t�t�n�c+ia voollvaly t.ha lGl 1 't'il1M 1►1''c�l�4�ar91 10 Pullrlll4vud Hllho tili� lattaluc�taa Glia 1s►c��1 a+1pn Ct+r 0IM 1 Ili 1- 9 c�1�va{ I►t�r ► u t;4,A a Hna PN)Vtrt�Y001 Tlittl j4ropupal do%# nut MII)IWAty anlWliy Oovvlt.pa Ov vivoJoNtq 111 V119 p1'gp Nhat p!q tNl l 1It+a Cllp Iluptj VII p11t1 • �i t '1�Illtl r�I't�1+AgN1 1►rdts1i11l:N {a{a#N11 HIIINIt �►'1'�sal' I�gNgt�ilgNlq I rNr' the i'�'al�c�rNA tl�►�YLNaa 11► tNla' ualvlt=u tlullvuFY q�yl+V�1 �tiit,• t1 v rctll 11v1'YLsap N� ISLE+��llaa naylull�ll {�tClctcl{ Mg1•101MW !J4I04(if Myt'ult 2, 11011 e ' —8 — m , .f 'w►r1t'? x--1J irvl��'Nt Ht11�+u1a4l1ty ftl�yvltl�A1:1111114?!t'Y_!+_F t��ll�n►t�i��ia�l►l,,,t��tc,u��u :�N1�� let nor'n�t�C�a(yl`uiaAa� r1t111 Ninc'�nit:it� i1'ia+lrtln� `�111'y1Gp p4lllYul'x AI't%0 � j ' '�,. c► „�Iltlllut�}�^l•tat(11�+,� !'u!` at+►4F1{ l''Ic�4'1t1+i '��►��1'�'�c���'��F���'In���+Yl�i�iir_.�._.,I�r��i�ti�iii��a i�4.�llw��t•'��� pY gI1jII �ldvv OvIodw tilt IV 110 list i 4vwv1a vIli 1 pjvpolol vtl 41q11Y+ f oviYloyo 1m1N1 fw1 YR 01 wAyyI w-vvymi ov, A# 9109110vt1 Ily 111v ;I111N 'l'1't1111111y YA1Oloollip hijvl YIlit, yl-M( 91141 P4111t;H1v I'ttv141Yk1y 1 lov-1 �+ '00# pi,opNlpl If {1A11Q1t►tiv111. wivill owl Iqw1liaou V110 1 vol I H ail rof fill ; 4111 liv 01v t�NYv l t14�4 + a Ooo l o a11tt 0141,4vv Y901 � r 10119 proportal tlkv! Ilot At1O WAt v vA too. -Inn ovi'Y 1t1un or I+}094ii t III V119 ova 0141 04,o NI M 111►ta 4119 mood (0 1 s{iti f �1 �6'hs,! �}�o�11u�A� i1F�Yl+ill�a Nt,p1:t �tl►��+It a1�i�t1�i. iv{1441nat�lp jtl} 41iv j+f'HI'tlpY{� vYiY1{+vv 111 ill i4 uuiYl��d t1N11YNty pti1+Ati .. r,,�i yiiV13 tNi• alto i11'1Yo�o 1.n�llty�rY �vu+1't11 +,.-..r. r^.•..rti^^^•"rr''i"'�^'1^r"Ty.,''4r•►*'"M"1^n.f'^t ��i �'�qna'�•"".,.. ,.rl•^^^r•,.•,--�-�.*nTr�jt*T^''►"... t 9- <?1 I Il d'�Iit'1'hll ly'I' 111 1-411111t ANTI (' Y11T11Y(rlMT 4CIII1I'1'Y 141ri.►u►► ul. I ►►k", 1!u111111yolvF1t owl •lkw►up ItP'41 114q 01:1:14.� rr. 1� al:F,wg: , :;I11 ►1: I �G M10110c 1''.IN1'i11u A.1I�'h P1,1 t' u 11 � , 191111 MF'• L`'a'H111ti F'wal:Hua41N� I�i1'+:4:�uE �'� FY lad` M�HmI NNW 11�11I�u111u►,�Iq .�1�,►,q I�F�1.1�.1 a H►u M 1 N ul 1, 1� 11� �' i':1•i a a � � �11i INAV Mv. 044Fpligoq; '1'111q i1'111 El1p Pit 111140f 411(1 C:W) ►;{'ia1. jI)I1 ul' l•114: 1�'11a1'l41u i��Y�Hd�ill I+d� 1�w111a�', I�1111�I�•y1111�11F H11�1 '1�1'N�11111�,1 t.t, yu►1►� hr4►'1111�1 -1'�%yC11-1' lug '1'11�NIi1�11 E,11; :1►,1, aN1.y1�:u u� 1�'�uF'l�yN c,l'Fl1=1=:1, ►rc: �+i 1 I ►:u�,l'11l41HFq All{' 0 l'►�i 4 H 1:t1 140Y 1Ow 1:l►IIjI uYU1►:IIF oppo1 1:1111 ! 1. 11•N t u 1.111; ►ii11�111 WF 11411 III NOW CmIl►4 y 1,17111 14i.:1• Illy ul' I` i►:�: I'��I c►•it11 e�4 c1111-� �1111�Ni:Nly, / ' ltl I;iliJ1i_:, ltl=4li1�i1�,1 P1�411Ny�1' 111 Y I N j 1411 l,r 1 1+(���ti', kllllll uyll►�:Ii1• g1111 TrA41111114 MA/14ow s -to-- A'l"1'Ai=llMl;~N'1' ki 2 , Peilf,'011MANCI' STANDARDS A. DESCRIPTION OF Pl:ItFOITIANCE UNIT 15 PUiuct►i:t►l.s $3.50 -- $4.2E3/!►r. .36 VtituL:i►M:tits $4.29 - $9.53/1►� . 2� VWC..el :ttl.s $4.54 - $�1.`IU/!►i'. iU 1'lauLutoliLs $4.71 - $(35U - $ 9,75U 65U - 00 191500 650 = 161250 650 $t;'atUUU 2, AVL3:�NU W"Ye is $9.51 F-'l: 1w14t: !3, POCUMEN`i'ATION OF ACHIEVEMENTS (QOCUIllel)tdttail should be the 'game as thak which i5 oil the. AcG}V1Gy/Pdynt�tlk Scljedula) See Ail. c:luir 11l C r AT^'ACAMENI T C ACTT- I '*'v/"DAr !EN " SCHEDULE. 'r RFORMANCE _' Vli�!35F. COST �, a �1ri:T ( ACS_E.1 "Emc.:i''_' I 7OCG'�=N A`*'=0N j=�i'r=a=`? C.OS rS ! COSTS ?:acrrex= j 9 ( 50-30 _ ! I 1 I 363 f -� -sa `ES-2/=-Lo., I — ? , , 550 _ ss _�-s-zl -L c� j — n, tao ?Ler<t ( 9 30 3 3-39 t .`-Z/y -L04 — ( 2-9,250 ?L �r�rtt g 50130 1-7�$9 I -Z/ -L 0� - 35 L00 9 50-50 3-3-89 �41S-21y=T-L04 — 40,350 i ?Lacarezt 9 30,50 f I 5-3-99 -MIS-2i/ — 40,300 I I ?�_a rent 9 5630 7-3-39 + _BLS--'_/=-- -104 4 — i 3Z,0-30 I �13c�ertt I 9 So'30 3-3-39 ! `�;;-?; F ram+-? 0-_ i — ( 58,300 10 5650 3-30-39 ( yES-� =-T-L _ � _/�... 0� � — � 65,000 j I , j I j• f *' Joa reterrti are pert ads required ta earn aTacemeat perfarnmace payinem-l-s gray Tast as Tang as gL days &fter- the end Satz ar the carrtraci=_ L4- A'1"1'11C:1lMi:t�'P t� CASH AUVANCL, ;tlr'Qtlt'::. T WAGNEa-['laX LOA 711:j1 ANP :1 rep. '1':C'vwa s 1, 111 , ANu T V-C vuNGS iter:ivi.eflt'ti Halnc: 411CA ALicir6t;a ColltrdcLul.• • � N i111tC Wr A1'E'l.;I: W3LN Advd;lce will cover period xram '1'Pt:41 Advallce lwquetStcd - Cgtltl Ac4Vallue N�:caaaal y kub'; '►PX!'"�� tit= elt1 u(jt'eea to (jive tllo CQl)VI:4 VQ'j' a c4Sh 40VAIic:,�! Of RP-lJ4yp1u11t of 010 ddYallCe :ih4ll CAuullL�cic':: Oil 4AL! alldll I.)e xully VOPO 1 un 04: 4a out:llllec! 0(1 tho Act•ivlty/Nayulellt $(-Iled►.►le �lt��=►tied ll�r�i � At1aullul+:ilC G, Vatltlrts to ddhue ,u to lhiN dymolll= auuject Clle culltlaut tc� i1umC�li��k� �er111111utloll __..__._.� ----- CQi)t4c:t 1'e-xaotl; t�aa►e�� _ .---_.__.__�...__ '�'itle _' __._._ �Pele�hii�ie N►ilulaii' �---- Syriatgre`` Sl<J11c:__._._.._.__._.____ -15 - 1 472 i i N i_t t� - ►i9 - t t= T 1_1 E 1 7 . � F tit A't"l'Ac:Ilmr-4I' '1'l!0 �Ai�ANs�9 �Ilt��Y�ANai t�� trap Nan ao3�yacad �lgriat•url �tit:lt�J�'it:�� �A �11� j'pYlll�{1F ��� N�qF Luc' 1'a�'�a�iiliirlG� Wtiq��1 (:Alit rpt�4� 04'* 1''u►'nt [,�"� .�J.1 tl�l� piytia4ui'pq 1'wyt{�i'��1 Al! lrivo#�k iiu�umUtt4, ram' t� (�� �4:c�4uF rah' t:t�4X u� M-iatni aitatar►c piroctor Of Cl.ty of Mlaini De tlrt�nt. Of c�amw1it:Y neveloFzie-nt M_ air-C IL0472 P . 0 r �►'1"I'Ac'1It71✓t�'3' 1'' c�N'r1zAc'1' NO. • rlc�l�7C'rt'�'1'lcti No. �--- '('a 11t1Wt{I � F n'�Y CQntr�� n t 11i"i'NngGt�l9n�a 1+4v4� IJaart n►gd4 j47r {:11d l�cndllty at: t�VtiF'Y afficc:r ��F��Eur O�t'tlt� ur du�PiuYaa u( t:l+a opliGr4u :ur dcjv(lcy W114) to 40-1lorizeLl to ps:l: an uaholf of tttu cuntrdctar f0v tho V41:1)0:3e• of receiving 04 4 0VO4l�Wy 4404 to Pragrdur ac:co4ni:o or ioewing financlal oucmuents, RlldGhp R Q�IiVF nAtrNu+�nGe or pay++►�nCt3 for program copts tU prc�vlcia prov4lon again4v lo4a, u+)dar pQ14Qy nutulaer � N/A �ritlt wa Oro W11404 for NTA mit i 1 Toxvn a�c A aon��"lje k'if.y of MituIIj ie Scl�-T+isu�c� 'iliN NIfIpN11V A( 04r covofwj,; jgf1tifivo GJtu luwgv or ttte followt-ocil (�� ;�pp,aaQ,00 car 12) Tnv highoov aavance rucelvea ttivot4git clier-K or draNcjown �Vt►�jly V110 prucedirlg canaidaa Wcj all aUN ''raining �'A ' il�i�I1�H Aa�thlA nav-Poygov 7101 ca(gC4c<:4 or, k4)r nevi �AtIt�OF1At<�� t✓hp Il ghaat gdY�tl4a 4lir�+Nyll check or (Irow0um) �ImQ4� for 41+a vrvotmfi qrai1C YoAr=ur+aldarinct All Jot) tllf+y �aalndrahi� �iGGlWdy{I�tr-i'ay�ai 7(la� contract:a. A COPY Of hq launch wl},l lies iorW�ded to the Ulvieinil of I.afi'or cwQon and Traiin�nc �T3nrlU �;d ae nt� Adac:tidum of—th�- tk, i ynde3 1:11e coil ta'act s ilak con►pjek� K�C)+ouC I py And i hAve aixt y (60) 4laXa fro+n tlla data of a191)aturV 4 both partlaa to "Ilia contract 4o incor` orjnA e I+IItQ gopy, or t:tta coavoc� la null 4110 void. 'L' �.+a9 - t?a(aaFlui4=r1G of i.Aooi _ P� �Y N�' iI�W►t� d >~n►k� 1 �u,►�,��t A�V3s�i�n of C,dUal Fill ,oy!ue�t And -Tres �► r►c2_.__.,�._— . VW It, (VTa RAIN PITY t'Yl w.v4t qa cn> Q A k— 9 .�......FA --,- -19- /7 10472- ATTACIIMI:N'1' Ci UIa1114WAL I'l1uYISWNS 1. COMPLIANCE WTTIJ 'fill:: ACTS 'l'hc= Col,lj rift=tuts' 4tjtiure.4 thwt it will c:ualply with Ole iequiiuIlluilt:s c�P tjlt: Jj�i, '1'ruitli►l� karttler�hiP Au1r, ol►d tllG WacJnc:r-1'cyst c Act, 45 wlllt:lld�dr I(29 U.S.C:. 49 9,T, Socl, i r lleleiliul LE:r 1'ulc=l:l'Ccl to ws LI►u Auto, 00d with the rucJulaL'lull s arld Puliciea 1-jlunaalyuLwcl thure- u►►clUV 'Pile Cuntl:duWV tul.'ther wcjreem to cull►1,1y wi.tll all tiillJq�CiNutlt l:eVit'iultar )1ludixivat.iulk6 dill dnleflilulet►Ls to Lim- Acts and �ecJulatiUf►�, Fwilucv. I,)y the Colltr4utu4' Lu ucCept ul: cc)lutjly ►rltlt 0114li(JU4 Lu the Acty ul•' wllicll tat: Cc:c:L l:lle tut'11iti ut t111;4 1=ufltract( wrid wlliull tl►v. I)lakT allall pt,usonl:, ill wi iLiny, ahatl 1.)0 tiLifficiel►L Uoala fur t01:111illati.ul► by the 2. COMPWANCE WITH FEMII:RAL�_STATi:l LOCAL _ANtI_'1'1tL 171.1.'1' 1.AWF;L Rl='GUI.A'!'TONS, RUI.ZrSi_grRCC'r v) s i ISSUANCES_ AND ARD NANCI. S A. Thu Colltractut• further ulatitiraa thwL it will adlieie to 4, 11d C0111 ly with uil.Y gild clll aPPliCalale Fecleiill., SLZctu, local artd 1)1.1-''1' atatuLes, 1'ulc=y, 1�ecJuldt.ic�ns, dit'�:ctivi::s, i:;suatic,c;s �in�i ulaiil3llu06 ill uffeut ul: Pl.'ulli►.tl(jatUcl dl'iVilly thU LU1.111 ul Lll.is Cc)1►trdOt: ut' oily e 4LUJI�i1•u!►tt t11efUL) `., aticl will t:rc,luit'e: oily t uj�cUi►tt cictura to do liKowiae, kl, it ili OK1,>re6gly ultdisrutuuci acid 4y4:UULi LII4L Illy aL Li.c;.lu:4, if uva}lalUle and accwa,silile, wlliclt ace thu SuljjwCL Uf, u17 reyltir�:d to Cal•'1'y uut !hie t=utltrc►c:L t�ltdll t,c: taul:c=ha�ied i't"ou► vj(TAla wi►ic h la tilt~ crivPuroi;loft Identified 1411LIOI: C:huPt'--v 946, C'.S. ill t1►E: Sa1110 11141 ller villa tllldeV L"llw PC(.)CeLI%4V =5 5tL fol'Llt ill Pot:! ull 9J6.51512j c tqt # t'',S, 1 aild ful' t.lic: I,I.itl,ut;uti ur t.hla CU14L4:c►c:t tho l,uitiull, J i-viu, or ul:l►ur l,ua11►ua5 ullt.i Ly ocAv 'yi.l►ca uNt thc. tal'Uv1r.1J.u1► uG thla C:ulttl'wuL ahuJ t Iju Lik:ulliuti t.0 I,u tttlL,atitt.iLud 1°ut. t•hia Wj011uY lllOt,Cai' uos clu141111tj will! utfUll L:U1. t.+U►.'ci t lull . . �%. `l`tic: l:Otlt:lcic:tuY' tllldel' tal►d And c►gVea:) Lliat Ul:L4'1 Cullullli- nicatic�n 1�r:twc=ert the Pwrtie; i w1.1.1 llut I)e gccUi,tc;ci ill arty auc+t dGt:Uzn►.itlwtic�l') of atilev 1114LLel: ii►volv.illy. all of the quit= , Policy dlrectivOP, and l:eYtAl.4t•i.0n5 yuvt:l=lo-liq Fhe iu►l}lUtneritatlutl of �r'o�l'Ntu clativitiwt� undc:t L1►i;; c:c,r►trWrL, �. l'I.SCrA1.lil:SVONSTOII,:C'1':1_J�S,PAY_M:NTS, 1''ISC'AL 1_�:1.M1'l'A'1'1ULY5 ANt) 'RrRQUTit1r`MI-N'1'a 'r - A• The Cul►trwutuv tiliall at►ci ► gil►lwil► un 4u�il.L4)Ie . tlyataln, ii► unc:urdu)►u►; lrltll Pt.:cuyui�ud actiruuntj.ny 1�1�ac:L:Icua allij ilia pi�lw'1" a 1-'Uyui�'t�uiutlttl tc•►r F�=+cw1 al►cl PrucJrant x'uNurta. Thi•"i Inc=ludea rrutaU'liahittcl ltlturi►tt:l ulNlldytmi=ut: ct�l►tttJlti to 0-116t44:0 tliclt t.t�lltr�lc=tN;ll autiVitiuS aru t�loF,c;l'lY alld -wdc cj"4t•wly 1:0vort:i~d, Thts Culltvt;L4ur will. pout,arc: "JiLi ltl�ltl t r►=iju"ti ill wi.tl► Lliu P14,"V a Clu:ii(Jnytc:cl Jc�llllaL� wlld acbudtllea, Thu. C=UI)trgc wt., phall• ttl4lilt4ill rucovd4 1�. IL0472 OVO'Pifl.wcl lJy the U1.14T 411c1 1't~pu4:ts Xul' years or u1►> ii an at)px'uVocI audit of UuLh ti►e pl.t:'1' al,d ti►u ct�nttactor lido lJat:t� ca►ul,leLt±ci, ur until all 11ti.yatian� ulailus Ur auciite !lave lJe1l a�tiaxautUl ily lt:sulvc:d, wh.iclteve� ' c�catl�a latUl.'. The ratentic�tl iJe�'iuci iJe�itltx upur► UI.1:'1" OPjJVaVdi Uf the CulttractOV' p Glusc:—Uut (final jtivajUe acid �, �'�pu>Ft, it atJplic:i�tiJle) . li. '1hV. Cal,tr4ctu4: "(JreVa that 114yu►t:l►La 44'1: predicaLecj Lipuil }c,pt;lly dacumt:nLud proof (it uniLti GumpluLud i11 's�cc:urciut►c �: wiL!► toile Laving of Lllia Colii:ruct' allLt h1l'AA.1 hu paid ill t►cc:utdanc� Witil the Activi Ly/!'uyluUI,L acltudult: ilt ALtacluttet►L �, att:trched llei:'eLO Ztnil liadu a pcii-L ut Lhis C0ltt4:4ct. The C0441.4etut: pitwll sul.,miL art invalce, fot- l)ayule11tW due no later Lila► lu cttluuclar dttye fulluwiltcl the t::eliovLing put:iud. The lal•i:'1' �11411. make paytuc:nts to HIU C01144utor Witilin Xarty-PivO (45) daya Ut Wt:ittun 411d acc=ctJta{►cu of uttcit dc:liverOlJle tJy L)W U1.1:'1' c:ul,LV4CL ill anacju,: , t''ailura to comply Wit:ll iliyuitui.11y luny i.osulL. 1► a delay ux Naylueltt, 811 Uinta tut.. keen at: ut:i►trl: ootnpellaat.iun fUL t1Ut.•ViUU9 04 extJc nac:a aitail iJU :tulJtuitted ill detail atlfticiel4t CUl: t► pt^optsr Prue dlt ttncl t,usti4UdiL w Ua col-►d►.tcted. 'vile Cunt1 of a1.1 payu►e1,La to thu Cull tLc,c::to,- phall nut dXceukA Litt.- uyyl:'dqatu of t:1,u u,ui,unLa 1)clyi3l,lu fol. all. of L1►a cl�:livel'aUl_cs. '1'he Uivipiull of l.ubut , Emploplient alld TI.'aj.,►joy wj.11 vo i y illful:luaLWO vot)orted ull i.tivoi.cilty ducuWuim'j o►, a Iuurltltly ljasia. The tauuUlil-tal ur f4llio .illfC)rmiAL-Wil may l,u cullsidUt.'t:ci us frond attct cauld lUc iUlt in -the i►nmuclioLe tQf'lnlllaLiul► ul' ti►u Cu{►truct, '1'ilu i'onLtWi Cui' i:s littLjlu Pusthe repaymUll► of J'ut►dti Lhut Were pttid IJy f0l �'�=L�u►: Lu�i plac=t:n,t^nta; aniiiu►.• uC►lui:' pGt:Xat:lnanc:,. ,a11iL,, :i�ItJauyuulttly datR:L'lll�ltucl lJy Like 01.91' Liti:ut►glt ti►e VvVi 1: i c:ttl:iul► i.40c c:6:i to ))a ll,Vttlid, ltolJaylut:nt luny iia !Jy deducLj.u{l l:l'uu4 :.►uUeucluont inyUicos OV ill Litt: xut:m of a clttrck ful:' Lht: tluluunt caWL if fire pl:o9oAlu has lltdecl, Jtc:aul.utiol► utu:il: occur: wi.thil, Li►it:Ly (30) days, c'. C'ol► t duLu�r� l:undud_-to iii.'ovicia ac:�'vlc:us Lo ,a1 t_.ic^ii,u1,L:; u,ust. mttirltain a 13 orior :ici{iate Level of _Jt-rful.�lui4 w4 tit Xc:s to ati ledsL the 60% aiincle a,oWi:cj Fox _,-l.ac::cInunt and duratiol► of V-Idoement_alld no morn tthan 9D% of the Euiici fni jL�aklact_merlt act ivlk Teti over tile. N11. ciuvatiun of contract. - .- P. 'Vito Piyisioll of i•alJul, NlgjluxmUllG and '!';.''►Many udl► witllhulci VCIyluetlt4 xat•' till 1Ji'1:lat^a101104 that daU:i JIUL L;Ujlfut.tu to at 104;4L Vito 60'4 tlli: CcJ{IC�'i�cLot'a k�u, lutluat►cw is Iritllitl 61tu (au/Tuts cs'.il.t:,:ia. �9 .L i13AL.�f� 12 1' , 'file Colltl:autur Wi 11 1'utaay Lhe ewill 440V411ce Wi hill tic: t4ltlu frallle il►ciic:utecl Oil Lilia AuLlvi t,y/PaylllUIIt Schedule ��tli�idl►=�a of whuL.1luv ur lla.l ally aiuLiviLy Failure to vl�v 4y Like cosh advance Wivilitl the Lime pVutic:r'ikltLl Illay pul)ject tla uolsLrgct Lu ilmilvdi'lte t'•erlttitkatiull, 1.1 1., tv-c 411d wwallal:•-1'1.ytsut: 7 (U) cu11t s ucLurS w1 I. t h%AWill L. t.Itc: ti.Ilal vupuL'L/iitvuicta witltir► 45 dUyS ut uuult,iutirly tlt4r' laSL• �:ur'tu4:u►wl►cl= unit, G. III drd04' Lu c1t1f4lify for J.7eft.11►(Jll,y ul: rulluwal cul►5i.devatiul►, 411 upwvt4tu4-'a Must: auldeve 75t ux p1•Nltltc:0 l�cl tc�rinul►c�, j'aX'tuF'ulaltce luvels too: k,uxiw5ea of Lllu 75$ criAu4'i.ull Will be t►taaau4'c=a utl Lite- ciaLe proi;)oai 1t3 aru clue 411LI to 1411 U 4:raFurs 5ee)tl1►ci c ul►tillttcltiolt tulldill(J, With 011Z e:cc:tstAiull L1�4L �t�4 4 aLu1 5 i4t upul.•atlo►► lasri Lhall Six (6) 1uulttl►6 cell that C1 4tu a11'all Uc uxutlipt. verturludlice luvul will a 1.5u tiu ►l►edsurud 3U clays af.L'►:r GIle elld d4d'C of Lille corlLvact fur col►tir►tled complialkee Witl► tho '15% urit-ul:la. 0pul.uLioll!i shall i.)e presullkCd t.0 ljtl3ill U41 thu date a uulkLr'uct: is Sikjllksct. 9. MOIJI ICA'1'IUN ANU/Ult TIOU41NA'1'ION OF A. 11:, through ally cause I1uk Lu tlu 1►i,l!;'1', Like cu14tr1Ac:Luc !:ails Lo Nlti11 ill a tilltuty al)Li t1lut)u1 11%,411►fur its ol:)liqutlurl;; midur Lhia Culltrdc=L', ul: it: Like cdIlLc4c:tot: violates 4ny Of tile. covorwr►ta( uy4c4.luetlt5, Or :aj.putaaim of this CullLl:dct, tlt: P1a14T t!►t✓J:'eNE)ull llas LIlu 1:i(.111L aL' iLs utiLioll to decit) -94te flllllo of, to-villirlc►te Lhi4 vol►t4.'act I)y cjivi-lig Wt 1t tf:{1 1►i�tic u Lu tale Cootractu4: ul I:ermilu4Llull ur. deoklliL,{aLiul► 'And sPecj.tyiltg Like utteotive data. ll. It sui�SLurkLial ul•teratlulls ()4' ,uaturial uhi.►Ilyu;.a 144'0 Illaclu t.cj Like l.'ultrs, ctyulatic:tt5, laws Ur t:ulicit,!4 Lu wlt.iuh tllt: DI.L'1' is of ill the 41-10cGtiV114 u4: allot:►llellL uk fulllls Vt'ovided to the pL1,11' for Lhe VLkt't:u5up at Litie l.ukstFa► L, the, gl.lr'1' shall lltlVQ the rlcallt to Lerlllll►iil:c: Lhi•s CunLvauL. SLIch te�'u►ii►t4t i.ul1 Shalt 1; 41:u c'tff-ct: illuwc:(14l4Luly v1poll i-Uuui.tjL of wr1 L LuI1 llci . l cu ut i L' day Ole dill "tst� a d t C tt:I:'dllt V! lc:cLlvc: dyt.0 i.0 ill t1►14t.. ImLicc:. L'. if tllc: l)irc:uLul ux Like 01,lr1' cietGlnlil►es tl1uL it i.5 lwc=asaal:y Lip 1,ruLect the il►tegriLy of t.hu ft► d!r ui t=1l4l4j:e 0:uVel opt r'utiull 01 L110 t1 o1 !cLul: llwy 4111medi<4tl:l•y tp�l►lill4Le or tsmspelltl fintAllc%iotl i4a:Ilstgllct: ill whula Of ill kt41I'L, ill: L'llu 14:ui�ie4lt i:a cjjve44 ta4:•u14tt,L ItuLice 41%d the: oppartul►i ty tui: a suUseq►4e,lt ht=arill4i Wit11411 30 00y5 dfLo v 6ucl4 t erlUi.11at:iult oI"t4at�l:IlSic�(1. 10472, L �O 4�• 1 i4010V Marty illay Ia4'tlt3ltNlt= Lltiti i:u►ttt,'uc:t cr(,l►volliut,c:u i)y givi►ly the uLliul 30 cluytl IlaLiva l,L•iciv Lu Lht~ Vttt.:uLlVa ciyLts t]t t4r41tilitll'•lull. '1'llr: ttr'litillatlull Ilutl.ue I►ltl'st t.,u III wt-iLinq alto t�iyl►et� Ily an auClturi4ecl dyent ut Lila ternlinext.in.l Marty. Uur:ir►y the ilitt.Vittt Uetwet.11 the ltutiupp of ter'illinaL'iul► anti datt� at t rnlirldtion, the 01,1:'1' Will pz%y only Wlatie costa i.nrurr`(.1 F�ursuant to l►oxnla l �perdtionp all taut utAt ill Mu cul►tvact 5utWeerl tile. 1)44'Liets, 1�• ll' lip CullL•raUt ila tt:lNlil#att=d 44 pruviouLl ill pi4 vi.i4j- vcltill 8 4•A'., 4,0.1 4,C.4 of 4.0., paylituitt 51►a11 Inc: tlut.L.LIII iIt: LI Uased ()It the pertovillailue units uu1111ilutt:d ae slt4:cikit;:ct ill Lilt -- Coll L 4: 14 u t. i'. '1'tlu CUt'1L'raC,toC is rusljuntjii,ia fu1: fUltiliiny all. tE x'n►.i and Col►aitions ut L)lis contract. Whi to Llic: S11441.1 111011itu4: 1:11t: CurlLrtlCtot 1 tr j-)er'1`.UV10aIIUu Linde f t I I U CC) IILViAUt, tItt: Vul►LL'actc,r' r:aluains suloly t'uspomiit.,lu tot: iL:+ pu~ -j,:ut•ula11CU 'i'li� lal•la'1' {Liu{11•tu4.'j.11t� ut Lhc: t:Ulltrac:t etlld/u}� l�r'uv.lcliny � 1c=LlltliUctl• as:liUl'anc:t= Lu the Cu►ittautur shall IIUL cullkiLil:ula a NK�Vt;K ur 111L)LUric4tion of ittly l;el,'ttt LIL' cutiditlult. t'ul'1115 dllci aoridi tiu115 Of 1-he contract MAY l.)e cl►dnyUc) un:ly by a wr'.i.LU411 cut►tl:•act InUdi.lic:at'iolt 45 spt:citied ltur'r:i.n. G, Tild Ui.l:':'1' Maly LUVIttilldtt= ttli-4 CuRtVIAut WithuuL actvgrlce Vatic e it Ll►e Cur{tr aictur tdila ol: vefuses to pal l►liL i1►apact1011 Of — l,tS !looks allcl rt;cclyds Uy Lilt! uni tv:ci :,Lotus ► e-L:v :tal:y of l.uuuj: t 111f4poctol Gt=1►et,41t the l,l,ET, ov ally pefpull suokiny llr:.ip'Autian Of tile l'utltriic:tt�l'ts rUUurcls JAAV4uallt l:o till-- V'I.Ut•lcia V%41 lic: )Zt:c:ul:dy 1•4W, cIIL4jjLur 119, �'�loritia StaLtlLet3, 0• The UL4'1' reecivc.s t.hU r:i.(J:)lt to Pur:ullasir adttil'i011al ulrils ttL thu soul+~ costs within the tillie frame Ulf the Contract Periud. 5, MUNT'1'�lt1:N� A. '1'40 P14;'1', LIIU tlni t0d St4t0li Secr'elary of 1.111)oc, t:ltu 1t►ptivwtu4: Guilurt►i (it tJlu 11, " , PULJ,tl't.tuunL ut gilt: 0. a. Gulluretl, uv L114:1t' tlr.:sty1►alcci l►:�rU.. t+entaKivus ulay towline!: ti►t3 C:ur►t1 Nc=tu{ +s ul�uY alic�lt 1`c,L co{ui�liclllLC With Lho teVille 4114 cl:lticliLi,oliti Of Lll.iti UullLract. To carry utlt tllis tunctioil, Ul ticitlls st►ail l►elvc: acci~;is to LI1e Ccmtrdutovl' i Moults dlld r:'ecords at rt:etso(lal�le Liu►ea anti 1004tiu05, iriul►rdinci of the Colltrautur's utl=ice or any other Otto at which Colitractor 11lay opt.rNte-, lllctilltaill Ufficel;t Ur lset:p Ut•,Ul ti Land t't.cuvdg, Il pu011 111Unil:cl1:1119 Illtty 41Mu ilicil{ti+= 011-01Lu tuVit=WS of pru]t:c:t: op(!1:4l:tull*i i.l►sijt:c:taull slid/ur: ()t 411y olitl All ��.'cr:)ec:� >r't:�u{:ta,.Clc)t::ulNt:nl:ta, rt.t,:at'dt�, t11il:C) (;ia1't,y ayrUc:luelltS al►cl r:Ql11t'at:L's1 i14,pvViuWs With ally Uelleticial:y; uc 0lJ1:iervati0nb Ut al►y autiallo coVurt=ci under the t.:c.ltltract . T � (:P- I IL04'72' b. NONDISC1t1M1NATiON AND AF I1tMA'1'IV4 ACTION A. 'Vile Culttrautul: asallros Chat 110 perauil With reatu11t5itJii i - tiO4 111 tile. UtAi4:4tiull Of 411Y p$:(KjVdltl Gll►der L11ia C.'u11LrdGt Will di:4wrill4ilgte Willi reapect to 411Y PrL)LJT.4111 P4X Licij)al►t or arty applicant for ill t3llcl► tlruJi411I tlLuauau cif f-lw., ci:ued, color, li4tion4l ol:igill, ;4ex, aye, t,uliLj(:ul at'.1ilj. NtWll ur MJali.4t'a, n►e►►tal or pt►Yaival 1141►dia4t1. Il. '!'lie Cul►tractul:, further Ligreeta nut to di:icriluillaLe aydillst ally 0111131byeu or applicltllt for 011ltlloymt:11t, to 1.)U emlJlayva ill tale Elerfor{uatice ul: thia C00tV4L:t, With i:eslJect to hi1_'U, tU'illlru, to:rala, cut►ditioua UV N1.•ivileyea ut v.1ul.1luyluel►t, u►: ally maLLul: difectly ov iltdirectly reiatecl to e111pluymer►t, beuauau of Face, Colol:', ruligiull, 11i4ttoll4l. uricaill ur alluegLI'y. lil:4ach of thin cuvellallt 11►oy tic vocjavded ua luaterial hre4wlt of t:llia colitrdct alul cau5a i:ur tarmlt►atioll. C. 'flip CUtltriactur tul:thev aqrees to ful-lit0l the ll1,t'1' WIL11 ampluplel1t data atld auch other itlfoculatioll a:3 Lhu DIX1' 1114y r►:wivu ruLjal:dirua the Cullti:'aCt'urld hil:'1119 practj.c�:s i►1 cul,Owiutiul; with t11id C011L4:tAut. 7 , C OMKA1N'1'S AND Gltl'ls'VANCk:S 't'llo Cultl:r"(.Lor will adl►efu to 411CI aolut)ly With Ul.t'1' c:c,{ut,li,.11lt dlld Grit=Vatica p1'ucud►4re6, ARTIFICIAL IiM'WIL'11S Cullt actors a!►ali. c:u►ltritluL� , to the luaxillalli► extent tLa5il)lL, to Ole elinlilwviort of artiriCial bal'riera to employmullt altd ot:py�J�til�llcll adVallceulellt. y, IVk:t't�'1'1SM A. No Culit-voctur luny 111-vu a ptsv lul► 1.11 al; adm11►i.dL1 NLivu c:c►�au j { y', "L'Ntt vuait.imi, ol: oil -the:- juh t iaj•1►il;�t l�udi l:l[+l; fulitluLi urtaul: Lhe Audi it a ulelllk►er Lit t11111. iuulludi�►Le tanli.ly is ell�au�ud ill aft a Illlil11sLraL.lvu ua1Jc►CiLy for that rouiviellt, ur empluyil►q agency. To tl'►e extent that ali 4pt1lic41J10 Ptate 01: IUCal layal =quirunlut►t reSardilly i►etJotisln is ulore restl:'ic:ttvu Lha{l ellil� Yrovi�►iu11, arch stag or local d►lull lie: fultuwed. 1l• . The tC4:111 "i1►1111vdiatd fii111i1Y" shall hL 00tltlLLi riti all iltdi.viatlal lvllu it; related to tile- Cuutl:4uLu1: ur d su1J- pootviwoI: as tattler, llultIto r, aul►, aaw,lhter, III: uv..1►ur, aiat;v-i: ( .tlllule, dlilltl irFt Qougill, lluvituvi, 111ecu, 1m61.)a11c1, WlfO, Pattitar-in- 14W, .mUth�r-il►-law, sa.5L1:r-i.n-law, soil -ill -law, d4tA(j1Il:er-1tl-1aw( l,ra1 her ill -law, :►tut,taL1►et , btelJlnul:l►er, 4top:J iutlj sL'apclal4ghtet:, Li uOpt)rotller, atptaaist:er, li�tli-lJt:athai:, or llalt-:►i:.atwt:. . -26- IL04'72 10. CONWLICT OF INTEHL'SIV Tilt;: colltractor Will tlltployeea fl'u1n -uainy vhuit: posi- tiolid for a VLlrpost: that la or yivea tileof Guincl lllotivatod ky a derive for private gain for theulsatve5 or Others, pal',ticultlrly those. With Whom they have. fuulily, Uusirlass, ur utl►ar tiaa. • . ll. FUND RAISING Olt LOOBYING_ACTIVITIES No N1141i' lli-We ctvuilatJlW u11LIUr 01W Acta sllwil I,a used fur lubtlyitlg ni: fultd raining act.ivit.iea. UNIONIZATION No funds Gtrlder the Ants shall Ua used in u►ty way to eiLhet: lIP01110te Oi uppoae Unionization, 13, KICKHACKS No U#tiux, c:ul�luyac: U� aclaitt tte �'utttt :tutul sttnil ;;oll.uiC or dccppt 0V Anythilly of munk�taxy v411u4 fVoul at►Y W, 4:uyl. Ur .l)uLVInCial 0ul.JCOJl4'4CWU 'a anti/U{ t hail: l.•a: tzu4 iva Uii�llts. 14 , SECTARIAN ACTIVITY k'drticipanta ill the prograltt shall not: lie employed cat► vile coil structior►, operatiuit, or u►aWtonaalca of any fi4avlit:y whi1:11 itl Ngad far SLI'12TAIiIAN ittattutrtiol4 or as a plane of wurship. 1 CHILP LABOR All COljtrdcturs 611411 C0111piy Witil a l�lical�lr federal, :►Late, Ono lucAl Child lat:jUr laws. . l4. CONTINUING RIGHT OF 4,NFORCEMENT `I:'lte fuilur# of the P1,91V t0 striotlY enxorca any Of thu Nrov�.al-ut►a ox tl�ia cuttt:rdsrt/MocliKiUatiun, o>_' to recictive 5t►:lct ��c;l tOilt►arlc:� i)y tl►e Cul►tl:autul: of dlla of vita pi.'uviaiut►s Iterauf f sllali ill nU V4 Ua coll4i;VW04 to Ue G Waiver of auUlt or 411Y ut ,4 pc'OvTaiu►l uolltairlod t 10rain tlut ::1I1411 it ill tiny way at:fc:c:t 1;hu validity Of this C011tr4ct ur 4tny YaL'L ►►L-17UO:, at: Waive the 4:1gltt of the DI'LIr to L11ereafte: elIfOVCe euult and avul:'y l�ruviSio►I tttare:in, 17 . INDEMNIFICATION ThO CPtltr4 0tuj ahwli hula ltarutlaaa, indalnll.l ry, and daf«rtcl tilu 141,"V 40111 clall+la, st.litd off' wwtiowi of any kind ul:iail►y uuL Of and 414 talc; ►.:oLirsG Of th4 p0,F=urllloll04 Of tltia hY CItG Cu11Lre1t�t�X and I)y 4c. ions Pvou,ytic ut1 Y+l►an the of tit►: Col►tiautur ill L11u cogr74 = of i;ttt: buuCUtlt r'z�ct:Ot � a l�c:t'tut mu►►c:c: Of trhia �olltrdot/Muciixicdtionr i:tlld tlis pl•-Oviaion shall reyulrlj m tt►e t'ollti•'autOV to pay at:tui:i►tay l a keuS, cuuX't cunt:(, al►d ally other fe-05, coots, daniaye-s or titles inaUrruL1 ill calillut;tic�ll Witte cle- f#114 ley. ally claim W:oLight ay4tin4t the Pi:WI' dS a result of contract perxoritlanc�. . 1�. LIABILITY FOR UA.MAGES NotwWlStalld.l q* oily Wrill or COR(liti011 of LlIjU Colttr4ct to tle contrary, the Cotltractur ii*1411 slut l,v j:elieved of I tz%tAlity tca the PL9'1', fop dautayes 5ustaitlaa Uy the 131,Lop k y Vii'Gi►e of ally brtsac:tl of ttlt3 COIILVAut Uy the CUlltractor, 19, WNDING i Tho Contractor shall mailltaill ttio requi.l:'ed bnlldinei ill tt)j:ce for the period of this- co►ltreat, aild Shall give 1:11e= PI.ET wrl_ttell 11t toa (15) work day,4 p1:i0 to tht: Uy►id uei(ly i.•eduI:cei or Callet�110d Trull► t(le. uriyinal IimitS it4l;w(A on the Outlditiy ciuc:tilUCllt (s) . 2A, '1'l1EP'1' OR EMSE44L MLNT OF EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING FUNDS '1'tle Cuntr4utor shall uo liable for prosecution under the e=riw$ilai provision of the 18 U.S.C. 665 for thaft or eutui: li:lnellt of Lmpluyment and 'i'railliliq tuuds. AVAI:LM31LITY OV FUNDS The PLJI"V s ot,1tLjLtt:iulta tActdt=q thia Ootjtract art: colldit.i.oned "Poll the availdbi.l.lty of fulld� clppropriatud uy tide puderal Gcvc:1.'tttnetl t . 22, 0131-IG4TIONS Of" THe DIVISION OF I,A13 0R1 EMVL0YMLN'1'_ & TRAINING `Tile PL.,,1', tllruuyit duly autilurixed repreScntettives, shall haveTile the: ohliciatiot'l to: i% Notify the Gantrdcto}•- Of ally c:ltaltcies itt Such bets, rr:elulatiol►, rule alid Jaw tllest is spec"i.fic:411y nemle:cl cited .itlCorporated illto tlli:l C0►1tr4Ct whie:il Ludy f lt:r:l: tl-,e Loth-icluto>'�5 pel••forjl►cll'lL;e Mldt:49 tha tertq� altii UundiClutlS of thin C:otltract.` B, Provide to the Contractor roportirty foruts, along with writtetl il14t04CVioll* atld Procl~a"res, recltiirc:d i,y the 01.4;'1', 23, IVKAVE.L The Contractor 1=urther 4as4x•t:4 tticly it will Adi'tere to coke comply WW1 the trd.vel reg4lirea►ellt vt4feirariced ill the Vlorid" Statues, Chapter 287,058, Contract Puc:uiltailt4, Section (1) (1)) . IL0472 ay L�� . .1 . Attcic:illui:llL' li J013 'rMUNING PAR'1'NVIMS111:N ACT/WAt�iVl~'R-1?lrYSl;tt % (Uy COhi1'l:A'1N'1' AND G1 TINANt. PRL)Cjal)UltlsS COMV IAA 1 N'1'13 Coalpldillta Al oil Oil tali: yruutlde of race, Color, natiutlul uricyillj Aclt~,' 1ibX, 1:U14yiull, 1-)ulitival axf.iliatl()►l Uf Uul.ieY, and Ns C. t:icc116111ij ill viulat:ion of tiuc=l:iUli 167 uk the ilut 1hu1.1 lie Aellt: dit'eGtly ttQ tile U. S. Pel:-)4rL11ent Of L41JUV'a Otficu Of Cj.Vil !tights WWllll l tltl duye Ut tile 41 W(Jed rli sc� i.u1111ct L1uu. '1'hu�u coutl�lailtt:� 51►c�uid USpOi, Uirc:c:tur of �ivi 1 lticllll'a 200 �'atlak{ uGiull Av►a1uu Nc�x'Chwc: aft Walahin(jl-ullt 11,C. �421R Call►p11. tll1 a 411uLj1.ng di Sc1':itaitlatioll 1,)4Aecl pn 1laaldicai? titl4ti ba fi.l.ui1 ill aCCO ddllcu wit'il 29 C1''R 32.45. Ulldel t-!luau pr•uct;:dUret;, must file Witl1 i:!►a 9k0JVL-UtPiLllt Within 18U dilyki ul LhL- aalll:yQd diticir ituitlat1ca11, An iuvu5t"1.(j4Liul► Alt -1st !,u c.ullduutuci by t.11c; �utarac.a.kaierat dlld A dt�Qitilotl vv-ltda x•Ud ill wvikil►q. to the. c:t: mpl4itlanL dud the ut.hor S-llt:4f044 t: Pu�kj.e$ w1.L!►itl 60 aNX:i. It dj UeuLit!'ia=c1 wiLil 01u Xu�uLttt ic�ll, i11� RUIttYi�illgllk May fill with Olt- Aaaiskat►t Suc 1:eL4 y Uf t.1ju t). S. PL"P4Mlll=t►C Of i,AiJul:' W1t:hill 30 ddyw Of the duc:isiull, ur 90 daye from the 411119 of the c amplalrlt, whichove'v 1a earliur. GRT 1-VANC1✓S !�1`~!~''tNd'1'TUN U1�' G1tI�VANCIS. A c1x'i+r:vullca i.a � stat:eanut►t ux c1ia;�at:ia.�uct=.iu11 ;711 4tl j .104 WW1 t Ila aiutal.ewipiellt W11ullovur it 14 ljei•i-t vut full! a YWIAS tA11 of {he, cick, 4}r40•t, Or ol'hul Under the c1F%� )1G1S uc�c:u�'* = wlilo!► atieut k!►is 11lteX'ea t ut Ole xililly PLACk 4111) TIMl.' LIMITATIONS vo t'1'1,IN1; Grievances tt►►aSt. lie )ed withthestlulc:r:l�ei�t'i1i w.t::n41 wil!'al.11 ullu Ye.ax' or t11e Zt1lt:ytrd ytoi4i.iUc1, except: j:o1' allecai•llg l:rauti ut: Crilaillal activity, 11RAPING PROCEDUR14 AND ORDI1111S (l) All 4.1111)4ft141 )J00Y Shu11. 1Je Gl►U yr: if:vanuc:, J`) Thu tiulludw1w W heur.'ili4.l t:u uc.: hold Wi.1.11ill t11i.1-ty (31.1) days uk Xilil►y u1 ct cy4"1ev;11'tGe. 'vhl1 Of fic:e of C1vi.1 ltiyl►ts ah41.1 Provide 4,4ft OLlpp yr NI►d t ul1111�=a1 atialal:ullce to the aS"Pvt �:ipiO1►t: u1�u11 x'ucil►c::iL . The Of Tice (it c ivii 14(jhts �:usel:�vus !Alta-ic.1111 to lit ill can hc:a1111ye. ��) '1'l1�: Nprr~r✓iplt;lir P11411. wellci PX the hQ4vj,tly ill wvit:illca tcl 'All Nf11'1-i�a, i,:.y., ac�l►►1�l.uiliclllK, }'c'►�NAcl�4=clk, i.lt>rc��'llcx�+ YIiLCleatieS clltci WIt• t'Af ifiw4 wzlilillcj 14 x't:aalutnc;lld�.ci. '1'!le llutiuv:i s41414 c:l.t---ttll'iy �i:g1=u i 1.Q4'72 as Pi4o 411LI hoax of tho hu4i:41l(jI plauu. of LIIE! ht;:CA4:i4lCji vpq-)Qsa of L-140 hea;:ij,Jg and a wt4talllerlt Of isalles and pevtillent g0QL4.Orjt3 of the. Act or 1'eyuldtiul►►i involved; to IJU fultowei-I in thl-- 110avi-lig; (4) -jAdvI;4u "4 to whew f4vthor ov omilet4ljce w4y oppuvmvity to wlltt!od tho oullytolat pviuv to a 11ael1:i[Ig 1111d the uppuvtwttt=y for an iiifuvmLtl tieLLIemL-nt pCior to Vile llaax ing Tim tie aring shall 1,)L- conducted inforluAllY; untlece.3,jary Ifo tIktiLAVC-- 014t tile l:i-(Jhtg of tht= p4viiea 4ru SafugLidrdud, the I. The viqhL of ;All. pavtie4 t(-j ije rupru,,uwted lay aountiu*l Or other: j:epvuseiitativua of their C,-11004iny or to Iju ted; The Vi(J-ht of All puvti-ea to pvetient theil... views to the ul: The VitAilt Qf 411 vcivGi0;4 I.-U pve-sullt kevi'lunce. the heac.ilig pvocaedti Llt i4ll eqlAitul)4!, ovdeyly, alld eXpL!Llj,tiotjs 'rile 130dy May At ally tillILI dt4rijlLA the COLIr.9a Of the hoavillci qqomt-ioll tht-t piAVJe:;; 41ld their tiri.tt►c.ssc:s on ally f4ct.9 1jjj+ojj it cJawjvltj 1114i:ov.i4l. 411LI �t:IeVgIlL W LIK! 41109Ud iIIltJV0[)Ltr illyartial t)ckiy S11411 41�t�ewpt to tleyUt4-4tt! a I)Otweell kIle partieti at any tilile to tile CuIwWt4oll of the Illip"vtial WCAY 41wil IIIAxe 4 vec.,C)IIIIIIL-110ed doui6iufl f1c) lator Air'l:-Y (60) C14YLi 4ftev Ole filing of a qvievoflco, The igtE��a Girl PLJLIY IS11411 f0t:W4170 04$ dUCi§Wl) tO 411 C:.4-j U0111144ille4liGf I*V,;ij)0IId0Ilt, 4GLCI1_'WM-Y.4t Nlititeatietif 411(1 Mft tiJtWlill swell (7) 041t:110447 44YO 44t:;f GJju Lik4o date for l4Il9tA4Cje 411d 61-10LAId inclucle the fol-lawiliq .10472 1, A atatemant th4t a 1►044.'11iy wits held its Witch thu. i,t►vul.vc:d partiea, their and witnussc::t weve given an uppol:tuuity to E tc=a ttt: urul uv wfittell tvidt,llue 1►► aul�ljutt .cat'. their vagitiolli L, A Cludl: d114 Quttuitie atat olpotlt of the iaauea; �. 'I'ilt= .kit►ai.tu�a of l:actt Wat3t~ci ui► LI►c= t✓1tt:i1� t_ecui:d, eta di sciu5ad at ttl(: �,�=at:l,tcJ i q . IThe apirliult and reascittm for: the da(;is.lu►►, 1.)4bud u►t uiutet:itl.l wid the applic-aulc: auctiu,l of the- Act ov Re(Jt11aLiur►s ) 5, 'i'he rt-- im teldatioll of the isul)dx:Cial l-►ucly, 1.46aLA 01, thu filldit►ys a1' t�lc%t, c04101"gtUn 01: law, art(I tile evidc:tlou u4dd4c od at tIw ha4l'11-19, ))►Mite shall OU xNr14titlt.4 a copy of the s-eCUuuue►hied decistatl, Tho ontivv IIo44:i.t►c.1 shall tit: roc orcied electrun•ictkIl•y, Cm talc:. Any p4471:y ra(lus:t;tilly a cony of the sisall tidy t►ll crusts $-Ftut.l�'}t+a i1► x►a�',tisititty the cok►y u1: tlttj tt'r�lssc:x'il�tian. i f WtW4: p0tiWiWO, tl►a ide,ltity Of 411y Pet:utl Who has 1`14x'11ishe4 01: Haaikited i•1t em itivetitig"Liurl of a poaa.iUit^ viulaticm of the Act, will ue 11c=1a irl 4Utsl:iLtullee, at:atoment of tile clriovant' a t:icah4 to vecoes it- in wvtLitly a review of dciv, tovwa di:.a�.aioits, l t �tX�l�:licaha.a, 1tFIIV, I1='W Ily '1'111:.' U!?l.''1CLI, (it,, _civil, ItTti,i'1S hpolt w4hactgtiva of tile 40)vooivtol tl; Ci ievanc=e pI:CJcu(ALAI:t: without deQil;iotl aI. whew the 9aCj:0.t4ry of Labut: grid 1r,ttplaytttc:i►t Cl4vity (city t•11 GpYt~r1lar.►s cap:4i(Jt14t'c:c1 E:l�r�s�tll'•atiVt�) l�s=lieVUt; t•i►i1t tltE: pull 't:c:ipia,tt: $s failing to Comply with tile. rt~q►sirc:ruk:ttts al' 1,110 AcCj l t1 = Swc= tts>'y of l.allut: and $LwlArity t a Oc R sltai.l �rlv tatiyat� the 411u latiurl ally usiskc: a cic=tc:rutit►atian wit hi.n ttlit ty PU)ayta.. 2, 1r1 Ktls9 OVVt (,t that a aPA d00iai•ull i.a Wit IWWe within linty (60) (laya pr o qFtaYci,lt wiallea to al)pOai a 1114dk Oy a aN1�rt:s:lia��llt� lie ar mitt= 1114y Faqu04t: a raviuw uy tha Sec: ,etcs,'y of l,ak�u� ilnd 1'�tuplr>a�,ttc=uL 4aCl4 •i.ty i4 the addt't; sW4 lint td t)t--I��; ' 2��.1t1 1%1t1L:4.1tiVl: L.'r:tltes: c�rul.e, r.clttit Saito 209 Iioi:k(=1ey 1344.Wirtci 'l's�i.lahas��:t~, 1'l.uridit 32�99-�J52 '1'hr rogcte4t; f04: ruvit:w tjllall lie filed Witt►it► twit (1.U) -days of rec:eiNl of 1JIW uclvet:'tja Cit:citsiotl of t:s=t► (lU) ciuys fFu►u the: data cell wrtich t114 (-al^ievant tahuuW t'►avt; >,000ived a decision. Thu Sttore= airy 27 � o472, L cw of LA14or and employulent: Saauritx shall il4slue d decision withirl thtft-y 00) days, The SOproWy of 1+auar and g1up1Uyalent Security' a 40010ion is t:i1141. 1k Mir; Ssc):Otarx of I.NpUr and l�iuplQymallt i9004x'ity fiAila tU prUviGlu A d4uiaiPll wit.!►�il t110 3Q-day t 41110 I.iillit, tlla yt.•ieVaIl : luny rectuc:st a cietwrlltivatiUrl Icy thu Secretary of Gh(4 united Statr=rj Dapaxtlllullt of Xaalaur ai; ,the Nddl:`aa liclt:ud t�al.cawi gaarptary, u, S. l3epArtlusrlt of l.au4r l 0011l 5 2 0.18 200 COnatitritic)n Avantio Northwest: Vf4nai.A !'erkir►s 13uildil►4 idat3l'tiilgt:ur►, j),C. 20210 Tho reyNast llm4t pu filed it) wvitintj wi dill) 10 dAY6 from tlla data Oil w14011 the grievant 010414 have reQolvad a dc:c:i.si0► ' Mcriitcarillq of the 9riovallae aystem will ho thu rewponsilailit:y of 010 Offloe of Civil 14911t0, $PA LOCAL G1t: I: M.NCE tit',4uIHUM) NT1 ; SPA 4 4fit= rpcipielltt3 lllwtit astalaliwtl 10041 procodulres for Le-CF;4 illy ��isYallc=r~s 411d wicaliWliq W101(l tU thr» 4t4W review levol" Tlw'4ta pFciaedhx'c:a Ara to Ua 4ul)u►W:a4 with the jute I rt:►irliilq p1All • Porti oiparlt5 wS1i. ai:t:r~131r tU tltt~ir underatal►din� a>^ ttlaaa �racaduxr=s Uy ai.�r)i.rlca .iri the aPNI�NI+ at a OP40 : Un the .!TVA Wt:Aka Appliu4tiUil farm. A copy of l:ili5 p�ylted fQVM 011411 t e- rataillad lay t11e aulare:Uipisnt wild a copy fur•r►i-aliad �A the pal'tir:ipallt, (NOTP 40tIODO t4kutl lax tl►e Stgt'l:/CipYt:rllUr (i'A' j A4rdit W04110walwdti, S41)ctiof)41 11'lveatiy4t tufts, mollitlarirlq, CCU wili 1►a Addrt=Need Uy tti«: i)lviaiurl nl: l,au+a1=, 1~1u1�1Gaylur±llt: �41►d �1'rail,iriy. _a2_ IL04172 am MM