HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 1988-11-03 AdvertisementA01111111- A L MIAMI Pk --VIEW • Published Daily except _—_,day. Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami. Dade County. Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared CITY Octelms V. Ferbeyre, who on oath says that she Is the CI e i OF MIAMI Supervisor of Legal Advertising of the Miami Review, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, MOTILE ltLt�RIDA A published at Miami in Dade County, Florida; that the attachedOF In the of matter of copy rtement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice PUeL1C uZAR'NM CITY OF MIAMI A public hearing w111 bti bill by NOTICE O F PUBLIC HEARING the Commission of the City of a on Thursday, November 17, 1988 Mal f�bt, at 2�Do 0asn. In jNVqZ&vvnIWW C h ntbefif at City Mill, WIN Pan Airieflos w OHM, Mlaml, Florida, for rite pu"W.01 onsWorina rhea In the ...... X... X.. x.......................... Court, '— the raqupa"tantsfor fonrM4MWXd was published in said newspaper In the Issues of b10a for WnWWW MOM to 00' November 3, 1988 oa""��'804and� eaNNoation of the city trlttffW% at done to enter into SagfM�ob to aft.ct said rspvie.'r1�,1.�n�,t be it tOtl"li�dW not Afflanl further says that the said Miami Review is ■ toe Ifrtetest * +�- on nervepaper published at Miami In said Dade County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously to apfllt n A1044,. published In said Dade County, Florida, each day (except aa�1(�'vopONd Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and has been entered as second class mall matter at the post office in Miami in said a Dads County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding' the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and elan ;ff1aWKE offlant further says that she has na aid not promised any dBlfat41a1�;p 1AM t1i11 . 1_.' person, firm or corporation an seou ,rebate, commission �Ia� a/MIfN Nltir/16�tNf1 or for the purpose o wring Is advertisement for pu in th aid no a r e*WrAln�iail 1Mh10et thiGhll(►tanyRt-MOW •bid .. .... � $fv�G6�rA! satbtgrlbe before me this }tg 3..... d oF. Nov mr - 88' . . ba .. - , lip. ts.... ttMaflrii, F9orldtl ffl9 .. not oRez 0 Not a u c, State orl t Large (SEAL) ��i� R • ' • • •q �````�. My Commission ex�jr�s 011, % MR 13l ItIIIW%tt r . 3La Parton ll.K V.. II .1'1 vi 1f.. '' .<M fM 1 [I. r.v I• 1393 S.W. Primers CoUt - P. 0. Box 350661 Rimside Sbtion, Miami, Florida Tel6fonoe: 649-9952 - 649-6447 -LA NA,7I0N. - FSTADO DE LA FLORIDA. CONDADO DE DADE. ANTE LA ABAJO FIRMANTE AUTORIDAD, APARECE EN PERSONA EL SR. JACOBO SAIF, QUIEN BAJO JURAMENTO, DICE S'-R ADMINISTRA DOR DE LA NACION, PERTODICO SEt MANAL QUE SF P11BLICA EN MI AM , FLA. , Y QUF LA MITESTRA DE ANUNCIO ,AQUI ADJUNTA,, ES UN ANUNC70 EN RELACION A LO SIGUIENTE: �; G FUE PUBLICADA EN DICHO PERIODICO EN LA EDICION DE LA SIGUIENTE y L V d 11 l G to 1, / e s t e .2� — dia de �//•cs�bfe 1988, en Mi4mi, Fla. NOT RY PULIC STATE CF rLCRIDA NY COtimiS;in:, EXF. OCT. 4,iB91 - - — BONDED TNRU GENERAL INS. UtiD. Notario PG b 'o ( Sello ) propiedad de una empre- saj va a subir su cotizaci6n produciendoic una ganan- cia. Tambi(n piensa que si tuviera el su5ciente dinero c:ompraria 1(0) acciones en ve7 de Wt Entonecs it pide un prestamo a la Agencia do V`alores v esta da el 5G por cicnto de la compra, co- brcndolc comts16n a inte- reses. de operadores que espe- culaban a la baia, utilizan- do motivations baldias y otras no baldias, hizo de golpe que la economia arnericana inesperadamente cayera. La c067Aci6n baj6 508 puntos en una sofa sesi6n. Las acciones pignora- das que originalmente va- heron billones de d6lares, tuvieron que wriderse a All 0 ,J;L Jag Amomio Alvi = Y COMPARE •.'• CASA VIDA AUTO YATE NEGOCIO Abierte baste tar 8 P.M. — LUNES A NEVES Viernes 9 a 6 SSbados 14 a 3 554=4959 2664 S.W. 87 Avenida MIAMI "You re In Good Hands With Allstate'" AVISO AL PUBLiCIO k ionwim- e rude laws t,(monas imcresadas qut la muni6n rcguiar d( la (-unusion do Miami, scnalada para Noviembre 10, 1`lM! s N,,v,cmt�rc 24, 1()M, t,.an lido cambiadas, y sc Uevarin a abc., ct, hovtemhrr_3. 19ih y Novitmbre 17, 198b, respec- tivarnctuc; ccn to (:amara do la Comisi6n de It Ciudad, 3500 Pan nicncan Drive Miami Fla Marty Hirai Ambi City Clerk zu City of Miami, Flonda. La FPL, su compaiiia de electricidad. Llamenos y le dare- mos informacion sobre docenas de toplcos desde cOmo ahorrar energia pasta seguridad• u+M� wit o�� GRM FAiviaremos un especialista en energia de la FPL para revisar sus puertas y ventanas, sistemas de calefaccion y aire acondi- cionado, aislamiento en el atico y equipo de calentar agua pars asegurarle que economiza toda la energia posible. Si no es asf, haremos recomendaciones especificas de las mejoras que se pueden placer y ademas le ofreceremos incentivos econo- iriicos, si es elegible y decide actuar de acuerdo con dichas recomendaciones. ILUMINACM K SEGUNDAD Conozca sobre el plan Assurance Lighting" Una ma- nera prdctica de embellecer su hogar, ademas de protegerlo. Podemos realizar la instalacion de luz exterior con un contratisfia aprobado por la FPL y los pagos pueden extenderse pasta 12 6 24 meses, sin inter -es. 0 puede alquilar la iluminacion de la FPL. PLAN K CUENW NnIRADAS Si usted es elegible para este plan, sus pagos mensuales reran basados de acuerdo a su promedio anal de consurno, no solamente to que usted use el mes anterior. De esta manera sus pagos seran aproximada- mente iguales todos los meses. Llame hoy mismo para mas informacion sobre estos pro- gramas. 0 flame y pidanos folletos gratis con detalles de los reembolsos econormcos de FPL y consejos para reducir los gas- tos de la calefaccion o el aire acondicionado, de calentar el agua, la importancia del aisla- miento y econorn ar energia en casas moviles. Preguntele a quien mes sabe de energia. Llame a la FPL, al (305) 442-8770. Esta linea esta "dida las 24 horas del dia, 7 dias a la selnana. 0 v Getty .lames plans to stick with n good thing Judge limits Perot ventures AssorinrM Prra. _ WASHINGTON — A Mate judge ruled that Ross Perot cannot enter ant, profitable drats that cnmPcte v,-ilh Electronic Data Systrms, but said he can compete with his former company in ventures that make no profits. A judge in the circuit court for suhurhan Fairfax, Va., issued an injunction yesterday against the hillionairr° h111.it) mnn, soviVg profilahlo rcnturrc \ti mild t iidalc the agreement Perot sipncd in )ate 1986 not to compete with EDS until late 19R9. .Tudge William G. Plummer said the ban covered "the business of providing to customers data pro- cessing or other services of the nature Provided by EDS on Dec. 1, 1 986." DISPOSAL BY LEGAL AUCTION SALE AS ORDERED AT CARGO WAREHOUSE, EX-U.S. GOIWT. BONDED FREIGHT IMMEDIATE AUCTION DISPOSAL 43 Bales Altalla Cargo Airway Bill #015-96642173 RE: LATE ARRIVAL - UNPAID 6 ASIAN. TURKISH. AFGHANISTAN ETC. CERTIFIED AS TABRIZ, KASHAN, GUM SILK, BOKHARA, KASHMIR SILK, KAIAK, SHIRAZ, MANY HUNDREDS MOREI U.S. GOVERNMENT CUSTOMS CLEARED. CERTIFIED SITE EVALUATION APPRAISAL APPRO. XIMAT10N$ IN ACCORDANCE WITH REGULATIONS EACH CARPET WILL BE LABELED GENUINE HANDMADE AND SOLD PIECE BY PIECE AUCTION AT - A-1 FARGO/MAYFLOWER MOVING 6 STORAGE 7700 SW 100 STREET U.S. HWY. 1 S.W. 100th ST. 5 BLOCKS FROM DADELAND SHOPPING CENTER MIAMI SUN. OCT. 23rd AT 2 PM PREVIEW AT 1 PM TERMS: CASH, CHECK, VISA OR MASTER CARD AUCTIONEER LICENSE #A-W43 ORIENTAL RUO. UOJDRYUS EACH RUG COMES WITH A CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICITY CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING A public hearing will be held by the Commission of the City of Miami, Florida, on November 3, 1988 at 5:00 p.m, in the City Commission Chambers at City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida, forthe purpose of hearing any objections by the City Commission from any interested parties affected by this proposed closure: PROPOSED RESTRICTION OF VEHICULAR ACCESS TO S.W. 26 STREET AT S.W. 26 AVENUE The proposed closure would restrict vehicular access to S.W. 28 Street at approximately S.W. 26 Avenue and not allow through tratic between S.W. 22 and 27 Avenue on S.W. 28 Street. All interested persons are invited to appear and may be heard concerning such traffic restriction. Should any person desire to appeal any decision of the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at this hearing, a that person shall ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, including all testimony and evidence upon which any appeal may be based. Malty Hirai rM521 City Clerk P'1, . ihr I;,n;rcr Aftrr rrrr it ctr,:�irrS the 1tr,i „r in 1'h�lr2rirlc t, p!I,rd,.. lt!tc 1pl than. 1 rolled a onir along 1 thl one it nnho1v rice She n(,edn't ha Armorv�lrstion, it opt in 90 mintttec U.S. & World Gold Coins PCGS Market Maker. 1, , �, 7Yeasure Coins G Precious Metals. ( �"'+• SOUTH MIAMI dI1% SWAM 661_ AThe Bakery CerItre 'fULMO 5745 Sunset Dr. CERAMIC TILE AND CASH & CARRY Large Quantities To Choose From Installation Available Bring Your Own Measurements 5205 N.W. 74th Ave. 4774506 Open Mon,-Sat.104 Chr ti • The Miami Herald f'uhlishin ; Company Before the undersigned author- ity pers.onal.l, apF.L-'Fwed Les>li Masur who on oath says she is the A-cea Sales ='f The Miami Herald arid The Miami published at Miami in Dade Cou.Clty, Floc ides. She further says that the :1dvertisement ''-or �Q r"YLI(jY""j was published in the i 53Ue oi- i 3SUE---2S G'f for the above publication (s) as per the attarhed Affiant further states that the said THE MIAMI HEhAL.D/NEWS are newspapers published at Miami, in the said Dade �.. County, Florida, and that the said newspaparia have here -to -fare been cantinously published in the _a- id D-ode County, Florida, each day, and have been entercad as second class mail matter at the F'ost Office in Miami, in the said Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the advertisement. yg"�- MOJ3� Le 1 i MaSuT- Sworn to and SL(bs r ibed to Pef -e ,ne this day of [r� A.D. 19-Ef Notary ""Pub .4 (SeakfARY PUBLIC STATE OF FL=A OOIOED TiAJ � � , �i • - _t 171—:14„ 441 nn 1Ln0 /'']nCl 4Cn 7111 .rr p .1-0 Cf1Y OF MIAM . FL Vo'*N NOVICE OF PUBLIC 1. G gibe hale by the Comandsmon of the CRY bf i�0' "O""' oa � stbeliPm.idtbe c � fysdmCh=vbmatp HA35W � p�srpae ofday wrienow by > Intasetcd piurtlei rerected by t1►ia ptopoeed olollumt .. ACC M 10 S.W. 9e >iT Ort AT . add acoeu to S.W. 'le B r*K at WAft i{1V:adM011" ia+�t�dn traffic laa►SN►.33as . i��tlr � iotiatd� ode% • � 4 w 900 NW 54th STREET • MIAMI, FLORIDA 33127 (305)757-1147 Published Weekly Miami, Dade County, Florida STATE OF FLORiDAI SS COUNTY OF DADE PROOF OF PUBLICATION Before the undersigned authority personally appeared MOHAMED HAMALUDIN, who on oath says that he is the Managing Editor of THE MIAMI TIMES, weekly newspaper published at Miami, Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement was published in said newspaper in the issues of: October 20, 1988 Affiant further states that THE MIAMI TIMES is a newspaper published in Miami, Dade County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Dade County, Florida each week and has been entered as second class mail matter at the U.S. Post Office in Miami, Dade County, Florida for a period of more than one year next preceding date of publication of the attached copy of adver- tisement; further affiant says that he has neither paid nor promised any firm, person or corporation any dis- count, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in this newspaper. Sworn to and subscribed before me on this, the 17 day of 9TARY PUBLIC STA'I'E,6F FLORIDA 2T LARGE. My commission expires: Ntltuy POW Stale of Florida My Commission Expires May 18, 1992 Managing Editgpr )LECOVED City of &jjQM nV 2 Cs i rtvl Val �r ti r ty_ The AiantiTimpo Qt1t1 NW 541h STREET • MIAMI, FLORIDA 33127 3051 757-1147 Published Weekly Miami, Dade County, Florida STATE OF FLORIDA I S4 COUNTY OF DADE J " PROOF OF PUBLICATION Before the undersigned authority personally appeared MOHAMED HAMALUDIN, who on oath says that he is the Managing Editor of THE MIAMI TIMES, weekly newspaper published at Miami, Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement was published in said newspaper in the issues of: October 20, 1988 Affiant further state that THE MIAMI TIMES is a newspaper published in Miami, Dade County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Dade County, Florida each week and has been entered as second class mail matter at the U.S. Post Office in Miami, Dade County, Florida for a period of more than one year next preceding date of publication of the attached copy of adver- tisement; further affiant says that he has neither paid nor promised any firm, person or corporation any dis- count, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in this newspaper. i Managing Editor Sworn to and subscribed before me on this, the 17 day of _Nov . A.D. 19 8 8 `1; �• ARY PUBLIC STATE LORWA T LARGE. My commission expires: iN)t&y puNc State o, Florida My Corot ttsidn Expires May 18, 1992 CITY OF 11IIAAtiIR F. )RWA NOTICE OF PUBLIC h[EAIt]a1Ttt Npublic heartr►g at be held by the Cam mission of the City of M1tun1. l'lai1. 8 500 at 6�a p.m. Irr the City CoMmtsskm Chambe rs at Cj' the City CommissionDrive, efrom enoy In -i� any Obkctions by closure: by this proposed i26 AVENUE PRRESTRICT' ONOFVEWCULARACCESS TOS.W.28WREETATS.W. the proposed closes world restrict vehicular access to S.W. 28_Street at aPPr0'd+ately S.W. 26 Avenue and not allow thr o o traffic between S.W. 22 and 27 Avenue on S,W. 28 Street, All t rater sated persona are; Invited to appear and may be heart concerning such traffic restriction. Should any parson desire: to appeal any derision of the City Co MWMonwIthntspecttoanymattereonsidemdatthisheating,tbatppeetson,hail costae that a vv ��� of the � is made. Including an te�mooly and evidence u any appeal may be based. t � - '�N Ott: n -- 4M NW 54th STREET • MIAMI, FLORIDA 33127 --^-_----------`__- (3051 757-1147 Published Weekly Miami, Dade County, Florida STATE OF FLORIDAI 5S COUNTY OF DADE J ' PROOF OF PUBLICATION Before the undersigned authority personally appeared MOHAMED HAMALUDIN, who on oath says that he is the Managing Editor of THE MIAMI TIMES, weekly newspaper published at Miami, Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement was published in said newspaper in the issues of: October 20, 1988 Affiant further states that THE MIAMI TIMES is a newspaper published in Miami, Dade County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Dade County, Florida each week and has been entered as second class mail matter at the U.S. Post Office in Miami, Dade County, Florida for a period of more than one year next preceding date of publication of the attached copy of adver- tisement; further affiant says that he has neither paid nor promised any firm, person or corporation any dis- count, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in this newspaper. ! / Managing Editor Sworn to and subscribed before me on this, the 1 7 day of V , N ARY PUBLIC STATE O RIDA LARGE. any commission expires: No*y-fubk State at Florida My Cm)ssioa Expires May 18, 1992 _NOTICE TO THE P'we"M win taw ,.1C •pwa► t:+i y a 1t„ey .dto Ukep pkp@lovrinb�M 10, 1!?di, and Nsirombr tip Mva tom, J" an City ewurAisjon � p �xT, t9,"*"0" = catty 1i11iA1 f t:11y Cwk Cky of Whom, FbMe,* r TI)p Miami Timm; QMN%%'54thSTREET • MIAMI. FLORIDA 33127 (305 � 757-1147 Published Weekly Miami, Dade County, Florida STATE OF FLORIDA) SS COUNTY OF DADE PROOF OF PUBLICATION Before the undersigned authority personally appeared MOHAMED HAMALUDIN, who on oath says that he is the Managing Editor of THE MIAMI TIMES, weekly newspaper published at Miami, Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement was published in said newspaper in the issues of: October 20, 1988 Affiant further states that THE MIANII TIMES is a newspaper published in Miami, Dade County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuouslN. y published in said Dade County, Florida each week and has been entered as second class mail matter at the U S. Post Office in Miami, Dade County, Florida for a period of more than one year next preceding date of publication of the attached copy of adver- tisement; further affiant says that he has neither paid nor promised any firm, person or corporation any dis- count, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in this newspaper. 4 II i' Managing Editor Sworn to and subscribed before me on this, the 1 day of _Nov . A.D. 19 8 8 rARY PUBLIC 91 ►TL'O)+ FLOR LARGE. My commission expires: Nobity Public State of Florida My Contmiision Expires May 18, 1992 NOTICE Of: PUBLIC f '.RING SW NORTH SmSION WILLEi� a�C�►Rlt> -DRIVE- tAw�pEtTY MM _WQ gam. AT 8A0 P.M. AT CRY HALL, 3500 PAW ANIERICAN DRIVE, FLQFW^ TAKE � �y RWARDWG A tIINIWG �/ NT REG LIEST FOR PROPO- SALS ( FOR TEE. PLANNM AND OESK>W- COI+tSTRU MM' MASIWG AND MM"E1JENT OF AN APPRO)MMTELY .75 ACRE Offy--OWNED, RNERFRONT PARCEL LOCATED BETWEEN SW 2ND AND 3RD STREETS ON SW NORTH RIVER DR#C—RELAY D RREETAILANAND RECREATIONALIDA. FOR RESTAURANT AND USES; AUTHORIZING THE ISt3IANCE OF SAID RFP; SELECTING A CERTIFIED PU13LIC ACWUNrM FIJW AND AEp=S AND ININGSS TO THE CITY MANAGE AS fEWRED BY THE CITY �OF MIAMI TER 'SECTION 204 tcl AND CODE SECTION I &W S. IriWg&1od WW may Wpa v at die rrreeanp mid be heard =Werninp such PAX jkWt fa Pwposo. The heafft Witt be treed at the time and pkm spsoihe'd abatis. $i1t11Nd arty pew w do** ID appeal arty dsdd0n d dra C t Canurriasiorr fMhh 60 anY a is mode including an wonww aMM wWen" q= ~ wN oppeW mq be L CITY M PC - The Miami Fierald i"uhh,,hint; Company Before the undersigned authority personally apprared Lesli Masur who on oath says she is the Area Sales of The Miami Herald and The Miami News,, daily. I-)-w _,pEkPC•I- i published at Miami in Dade County, F lorid<-t. She further says that the advertisement far 1�- Ccl� pf (�'1 WAR ni I 1 i SFwfwl i 1-. t'hd= i i I" r.t- i -f Zx4- z-x4- Affiant further states that the said THE MIAMI HERAI_.D/NEWS are newspapers published at Miami, in the said Dade County, Florida, and that the said newspapers have here -to -fore been cant i nauSl y Published in the said D'Ode County, Florida, each day, and have been enter(.�d as second class mail matter at the Fast Office in Miami, in the said Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the advertisement. Qou CY, Less I i. MaSUI.. _Sworn to and Subscribed to befog me this Oda of A. D. 19 �d� Notary Public (Seal) One Herald Plaza, Miami, Florida 33132-1693 (305) 350-2111 M 11111� Aum "to AULM I 7=—JO P0011 I IM 3"J PTU 1411,* Rulfll ttI t4iiiiftM poppaid -S-n jxpa Pill ')QrM ON -appovoi M Aq *VIA] pwloj "XIA vow P" sialplop apt jaillp *Putuimu IXAU M" p"" Amp AJNM PPOI !*I "M P" aTxroq pwapick ajokm n"OqjOOq-,K PUT np" PRI �Pfd .4 10MV It t p;vujir unifrilro row; lirr, 10 IRITHru lu 1V;1U upill p;)jJj.j0jjIjfI Aj )%)tj. .1 It m1pilod ;Itli U, Pa)­­I­ I'll" 1);,.jurull pur pAmr.n iixi,i o*ti 11 ]alter) cattin .1noll cl 1.irjnmi ial agreement drug legislation Dected today ,jisWm wort, fast to go home sion of, tht 066'ToN — Faced witil 8 slant, sa)C Uha.-* Quartrrmain. kw:islatztT- affairs cli-vclo- of the cM2ffv2tiv40L 00111Vft' — U-bextv Fede-vuon, formeriv the attached anu-ob- Mo_j"'M&jo_ PrOV11111011015 to & COW4111170- The bjli — .A hich would autho- bill so the measure can 10" COaVe" CBS rize sorne $2.5 K lborin new ant; -drug money — is an ambi- f'7y HOaae 'SPeakfr Jim bons attempt to deal with all aspects of the drug problem. VrOdICW IM OiW 001 including law enforcement. treat- -- ' wouid OPP,Tve the -"Raw apreemen on the soft. OW cautioned Met meat,rebabilitalim education and help for authorities in drug -pro - hinsma" coum not — 7 ducing cogntrim New initiati%vs would include 8- 01 &L The bill is the M&JDT up to S10.000 in civil fines for those might with personal -use keOPIM C409rie" il amounts of drugs; a federal death Maradm Meeftfs by penalty for killers in drug -related crimes: and denial of some federal � 8"o"Ators, Wright VIM the Majority aw benefits to convicted drug offend- ers , inchsang users. leaders of both houses — In other business yesterday: to tackle the unresolved nipt. 'thOrillest 11 Legislation providing up to among them SI-3 billion in assistance to the SiD be Setiate-passed tan- nation's homeless was sent to the federal govern President Reagan following a .1ve new Powers to combat voice vote in the Senate. v In the day, rank -and -file Congress has given final ors stripped the language - approval to two more bills provid- drug bill after liberals ing new rights and benefits for that the government's veterans, sending the measures to IDUld be too broad. President Reagan for his expected ere threatened with a approval. The bills grant veterans by conservatives, said the right to have courts review who admitted he began denial of benefit decisions and ng an embarrassing floor provide a series of cost -of -living wryuld destroy his effort increases in a variety of VA berals and conservatives, payments. and Republicans, be- 6M that could help all V Firearms capable of passing through detection devices without r of conservative setting off alarms would be out• ass intense last-ditch !awed under legislation approved sautupw. ga to win Inclu- by the House and on its way to the Senate. CITY OF WAVIi z. - -j;jC,1 I NOM CW Nltu: 4--4;lful-z A public hcoi, iN00k t* 'V,Q IN Miaryll, Flot'AA, e*'i '.%kW*.CV 1;� - Commission Miami, 1`101 IM 14V City s(N proposed clomv# PROPOSED MYWT" -F J1F_4#L-JL*A S.Wq It STW. 4- i.M. Ti W E The proposed Mury to S.W. 28S1r99&tam-:wTr--rfa V not allow throtlqp� rlffic 21-wei-cr" ., V Avenue on S.W_ ZSS!net. All interested persons ir-! M`rP;J __ IMM;!29 F-11 7'zl heard concerning such Tv'�c -n5ZtfZ-%17 MV desire to appeal rw 6E4:*4(-.r. _-T -tie vi-T7 ,AM&, respectloarN -,Tartw -,:]TT1Zj:jPTrF1 - !I -9 T IS --,1, T �;R that person sl*-ml 3"5urri -nn i Fit the p"xieedrgs s -I-rdap- -ic:umitj v'L—_tTrTTunv ;n, and evidence -Xr.TT NnICI IM, WIMP Tr —IN It! rl based. M m!? -i ral (5051) ry e­� My OF MUM. FLZMGA NOTME OF PUBUC MEARUM A Public hearing will be held =y the zr -tra :,,v :T Florida on November 3. IM ar - - 0_5 Lm. rT -" :-,,v Chambers at City Hall, 35W to Amercar :mva. Warn, ;--:crTc& -cr -tree purpose of hearing any obllacaws .7:y -tre -_'Av Tr-M oty interested parties affecWd&yj2'ns:m0mvP_mem is completed work: CITYWIDE SANIT, AMM Er -'-us, C M MF=C \1 EMEN*_ - 5 AVENUE IN Q_a,%VM Shirt-.1P, IMPROVEMENT DISTAICr - %, Aii _ v.j=_N4_E Wit - The work included 00"Wurtrx -t -ii-11 J 4F, lxerj Vr-_q-r_jr :jay. pipe, 112'of6"extra hWjUw rt�r -r-L. jEw,-�Bs- se _cqwt-er vitt- 3jj necessary appuneriaty," ;n i4,,o , 4wirLe :erweer, N.w, Streets. All interested per it are '416;r 'C F-X_'a SrC irj ZLI 'eij4% concerning this Item 6rwAm;A!i«1 5isf-Dr wv _: - ZEC-4cr zt the City Commission with mtis -es-rC. that person shall 0n a u i e jfqj q vq-&,at�, r- ­i;cz r - :3, "-r- z r_, ciz e.0 r ctj S - au�__ including all testimony firod r,t it C.r, sot-lcn 3-N, la.cea -a:t: ZdL;;t-:. C171f CL:___:4K (5045) �1� - . �' 7 IF 2- U.-TTLM4%1A1L%MlLT-# ILI IM _�XMMU% UMMMMMMIM_MMMMFMT��= •(s�CnA ayl) „soyanu�nw cn .. �;?�?'RA�tlS 1Cttew ltsyl t�utJR 7urstrad P. I�IITR r till U111A M palifri "q JOPRMRS 13 01 plr Alrlllilu Jo pack; a legl t+R1 a41 ullM stuJal m �Aglilfim loapmaild .S.n lxau ayl ')gnop ON aPfspili aq1 Aq 8uiXI punni aJam peg sialpim a41 Jalir 'Atlluaoln Ixau 'ITUPOOqs aql PJPay Aay) AJagm pr(1J '-**I MM poe awoq paJapin a.lam asnnulooy:ls )"JMtga Poe slinpe aql 'W'd 4 lnogr iv _-cJaUlntrl Ilaul pllr CJall)rt paAIJJr tloilmirrl rngit ali;a aril Ir' cIa!Plnc 'n act ilrr!� UrC �n lallllrll alll ill °Irlr,ata Ina?a.) F It(1 ,)npr!�lr� irr� Jran WWI paluJnllun �q tulle aJam cli,rrrad ill �la:,�1 Ic 'll trRr al(i()a(I F11 1ciilrr?r liini nj ltnRay cru fit) ,r upJopr.�lrs aut irm cJraddr )i '.�lajrnnlJnitt 1 ApNlj,alac pur os op llalt) ilt8 fay] lJayM alil tiruinu Jot l:+ad­J 10 ccalllnl� n ip willfod atll ill patP.nnpa pur Salr7G pillar) alij ail paJUrlttl pllr patitrii uaaa cry Il owil tli `r.M 1i urgi JaAJri G?llli] Jnn, GI �Jrllllm lir.)nnr,llrr alll Srpn I T The Miami News • Friday, October 21. 1988 -al agreement drug legislation ,_pected today .gislators work fast to go home sion of the anti -obscenity provi HINGTON —Faced with a sions, said Diane Quartermain, legislative affairs director of the uy conservatives, congres- Liberty Federation, formerly the leaders attached anti-ob- Moral Majority. provisions to a compro- The bill — which would autho- ug bill so the measure can rize some $2.5 billion in new d the 100th Congress can anti -drug money — is an ambi- a tious attempt to deal with all aspects of the drug problem, Predicted last night . P B that including law enforcement, treat- _4ms would approve the "final agreement" on the ment, rehabilitation, education and today, but cautioned that help for authorities in drug -pro - ducing countries. _*nity language could not ed down" until lawmakers New initiatives would include J it. The bill is the major up to $10,000 in civil fines for I those caught with personal -use ;)n keeping Congress in amounts of drugs; a federal death marathon meetings b Y Penalty for killers in drug -related crimes; and denial of some federal 1-file negotiators, Wright benefits to convicted drug offend - with the majority and ers, including users. • leaders of both houses — In other business yesterday: to tackle the unresolved 4t night. ✓ Legislation providing up to thorniest among them $1.3 billion in assistance to the to be Senate -passed ian- nation's homeless was sent to `. give the federal govern- President Reagan following a -*d new powers to combat voice vote in the Senate. .Y• In the day, rank -and -file ✓ Congress has given final -ers stripped the language approval to two more bills provid- e drug bill after liberals 1 ing new rights and benefits for that the government's veterans, sending the measures to [Would be too broad. President Reagan for his expected `were threatened with a approval. The bills grant veterans by conservatives, said the right to have courts review who admitted he began denial of benefit decisions and Ong an embarrassing floor provide a series of cost -of -living -t would destroy his effort increases in a variety of VA berals and conservatives, payments. s and Republicans, be - iits. bill that could help all ✓ Firearms capable of passing through detection devices without Wition of conservative setting off alarms would be out- rcgan an intense last-ditch lawed under legislation approved campaign to win inclu- by the House and on its way to the - Senate. r�ss ng 2s work its own., hands { i�r l rn * rf i i (,.inncat i•r°ra?7 )n-j cat,i II`rtl, ,i!,tr,l•,,-. pl'r ..'r'I111;It ji�plrar cr.c •II rtr,till:') IRsilrJ7cill T lipr J:-jir.l ,,q 1. eprrihc [l1r7i, :.r r�•,. radi.iril 'nnljrinflod ` illv,(oF :,1)) 411'n1• l- �jJnM ja(iat 4!!Inp c11r II IIr •llallr F. tnnj ;a)r; ct)jin,r;t aTtl!�1 lnn.i.j /,.IrIN�',ln(naai! ?IIrJ?r�inarl ai71 lr' Pn1)ra.!? aril Jnj 1c91rlr­l au) nmr?aq rilr'p -rinrlf au) nj pir .S.rri!jiill d ,jo r7) i.,jJr,l 7Uaplca.)rj pager pru ?tnl3q gvToilr a'11 4,url oij y. -Illrry Jr?c(t (Jnyclgt{?.iv palrfltccrccr cIajn+njcrlJrllc o iri'141uI.IJ '0-, (Fj 'f,'_ u:irr, , I,O-I)Jal1j paiap)rilll CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING A public hearing will be held by the Commission of the City of Miami, Florida, on ovember 3 1988 at 5:05 p.m. in the City Commission Chambm at City all, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida, for the purpose of hearing any objections by the City Commission from any interested parties affected by this proposed closure: PROPOSED RESTRICTION OF VEHICULAR ACCESS TO S.W. 28 STREET AT S.W. 26 AVENUE The proposed closure would restrict vehicular access to S.W. 28 Street at approximately S.W. 26 Avenue and not allow through traffic between S.W. 22 and 27 Avenue on S.W. 28 Street. All interested persons are invited to appear and may be heard concerning such traffic restriction. Should any person desire to appeal any decision of the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at this hearing, �zv f ti, that person shall ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, including all testimony o and evidence upon which any appeal may be * r� based. Malty Hirai (5051) City Clerk CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING A public hearing will be held by the Commission of the City of Miami, Florida on November 3, 1988, at 11:05 a.m. in the Ci Commission Chambers at City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, londa, for the purpose of hearing any objections by the City Commission from any interested parties affected by this improvement as to the acceptance of the completed work: CITYWIDE SANITARY SEWER EXTENSION IMPROVEMENT- N.W. 5 AVENUE IN CITYWIDE SANITARY SEWER EXTENSION IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT - N.W. 5 AVENUE $R-5546C The work included construction of 585' of 8" extra strength clay pipe, 112' of 6" extra heavy cast iron house laterals together with all necessary appurtenances in N.W. 5 Avenue between N.W. 33-35 Streets. All interested persons are invited to appear and may be heard concerning this item. Should any person desire to appeal any decision of the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at this hearing, that person shall ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, including all testimony and evidence upon which any appeal may be based. MATTY HIRAI CITY CLERK (5045) Io tiiir cr a?rl(I r pn( cr cl 7narnptiaU.)f- 1c:rl4 aq,l praq r mr p!rr 'a1!'! aul rnrlp nj a•.r[1 nrrt Infi captlJ? "1110c J )jrilari ulrap aril jSi!tr9r aq �rtn l plrr au 'a.rnq cjaa,l7r uMnp pnr do rcri,tr-) -rp Rr.tp plir '7r.nnttta(l {xx r -,q ua,,IJp 9.,n.11 dnll:itd Im-alallIV to pnnA r piny- nnl al t do Ilnu RTIIJI� uaq l i11,11np 11114 10nuS., — No ( pino,m ]uaTuuFillr jrl{ M 'at Jrl Rul4rd Inntjlim Jadrd rJlxa ur asf nj pain pnr cJall)r)c Jadmnq rinr) ull.m M inJ1 dnl}a COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK FUNDS NOTICE OF FUNDING AVAILABILITY The City of Miami Housing Conservation and Development Agency announces the avallahility of funds for rehabilitation of financing under the Community Development Block Grant Program. The program will provide funds to supplement private rehahilitation financing secured for the renovation of substandard multifamily rental housing properties of five (5) or more units. Owners of multifamily rental properties located in Miami's Community Development Target Areas (See Map Below), who are interested in per- tic,pating in the program. should contact Jacques Jean, Senior Housing Loan Officer, Housing Conservation and Development Agency, 300 Biscayne Blvd. Way, Suite 401, Miami, Florida 33131, (305) 579-3336. There will he a processing fee for each application submitted. Applications will be accepted until 5:00 p.m., November 4, 1988, #0I1lQW_k4TMJ WYM I t { COM11101111LAWry CW\A9LX3P16 L" TAFK'fET Aq�A� AD #4713 Hard-hitting sports coverage. Every day in The Miami Mews. �4 ff+ t Y T � fY g SyL �• — i , i� ll, az3�Z' ra 3-32=•232 9 M H 1'C' 4 . . 00 The Miami Herald Publishing Company Before the undersigned authority per s:ona3.1y apf ed LP.- I i Masur who on oath says she is the Ar ezA Sales 1`1;-iviagcr or The Miami Herald acid The Miami Newsa, daily ri-.ws.r aper 15) published at Miami in Dade County, F-101-idat. She further says that the .advertisement for 1 hc C4-41, pl (L ►'- ; w was published in the issue or iusue of '►� �, 1'�; c..,,.... c�..c.".� � 2c`,v+ J o 1 a ► oe r+- � 3 ti y �o p� r �{ a S; z� 1-X 4A I lE `t ,4 `car.. c� w�. N ► > S c`an o a-" �(' { 4 c S rya.. !� i u Z- X T for the atiove pub1icatiolq,,_(3) as pe)) the attached Affiant further states that the said THE MIAMI HERALD/NEWS are newspapers published at Miami, in the said Dade County, Florida, and that the said newspapers have here -to -fare been continously published in the said Dode County, Florida, each day, and have been entErod as second class mail matter at the Post Office in Miami, in the said Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year ne;ct preceding the first publication of the advertisement. Leis l i. Masur Sworn to and Subs ribed to befor me thisday of A.D. 19 4V Notary Public (Seal) T Ik L. 'L. One i Jerald Playa, Miami Florida 33132-1693 (305) 350-2111 � • e It I lnmv.� wn. rii srvtritu 1= ll 0110©� q low 4F i IJ o n, i'Jr»'t, t Fnddy octot)er 21 1988 Final agreement n druglegislationo expected today Legislators work fast to go home A"IKw*0 -roll w'' _-' !NGTON — Faced with a revolt b) conservat'Ves, congres- siolidi leasers attached anti-ob- scerut� provisions to a compro- mise drug, bill so the measure can pass aue ttie 100th Congress can gu home. h House Speaker Jim Wright predlcted last night that butt, house, N'uule approve the leacet, Etna; agreement" on the drug bill tuca.�, but cautioned that the obscenity ii nguagt could not br ' na,led cowsuntil lawmakers re tekre it Tr,e bill is the major iegis,atlun t_eepu;g, Congress in sessior.. After marather, meetings by rank-aria-flle negotiators, Wright — alu, L. wet: the maturity and nununt� leaders tit both houses — batheree to taCk:ie the unresolved i-suCa last night. Ttie th.,rRiest among them l;ro�ea br ornate -passed ian• guagc to gt�t tI,e federal govern meat broad ❑e A powers to combat obacer,ll) Li ruer ir; the cat,' rank -and -file law makers stripped the language t.r,n• the drug bail alter liberals iis;stcc that the government's 1){1Krr, V,-iru1C tom100 broad. ,tireaiened with a rrvul'' ti COnSerlati\eS, said V'r:ghiwho aerrutted he began trvisk,n;r,g art embarrassing floor fidt,t the v.ouic destroy his effort ti, unite Lber3is Line Conservatives, 1)a �,ucrat ane Republicans, be- hihd u,r b:ii that could help al, incun,ber,ts h. cualitiun of Conservativii group: began an intense iast-ditct telt•pt,one zarripaign to win inclu sion of the anti -obscenity provi- sions, said Diane Quartermain, legislative affairs director of the Liberty Federation, formerly the Moral Majority. The bill — which would autho- rize some $2.5 billion in new anti -drug money — is an ambi- tious attempt to deal with all aspects of the drug problem, including law enforcement, treat - merit, rehabilitation, education and help for authorities in drug -pro- ducing countries. New initiatives would include up to $10,000 in civil fines for those caught with personal -use amounts of drugs; a federal death penalty for killers in drug -related crimes; and denial of some federal benefits to convicted drug offend- ers, including users. In other business yesterday: ✓ Legislation providing up to $1.3 billion in assistance to the nation's homeless was sent to President Reagan following a voice vote in the Senate. ✓ Congress has given final approval to two more bills provid- ing new rights and benefits for veterans, sending the measures to President Reagan for his expected approval. The hills grant veterans the right to have courts review denial of benefit decisions and provide a series of cost -of -living increases in a variety of VA payments. ✓ Firearms capable of passing through detection devices without setting off alarms would be Jawed under legislation approved by the House and on its way to the Senate. CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING A public hearing will be held by the commission of the city of Miami, Florida, on November 3, 1988 at 5:05 p.m. in the City Commission Chambers at City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida, for the purpose of hearing any ob!'ections by the City Commission from'any Interested parties affected by this proposed closure: PROPOSED RESTRI 1ON OF VEHICULAR ACCESS TO S.W. 28 S ET AT S.W 26 AVENUE The proposed closure would restrict vehicular access to S.W. 28 Street at`approximately S.W. 26 Avenue and not allow through traffic between S.W. 22 and 27 Avenue on S.W. 28 Street. All interested persons are invited to appear and may be heard concerning such traffic restriction. Should any person desire to appeal any decision of the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at this hearing, orti, that person shall ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, including all testimony a »• »•. o and evidence upon which any appeal may be o based. Malty Hirai (5051) City Clerk CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING A public hearing will be held by the Commission of the City of Miami, Florida on November 1988, at 11:05 a.m. in the City Commission Chambers a i a , 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida, for the purpose of hearing any objections by the City Commission from any interested parties affected by this improvement as to the acceptance of the completed work: CITYWIDE SANITARY SEWER EXTENSION IMPROVEMENT -N.W. 5 AVENUE IN CITYWIDE SANITARY SEWER EXTENSION IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT - N W. 5 AVENUE SR-5546C The work included construction of 585' of 8" extra strength clay pipe, 112' of 6" extra heavy cast iron house laterals together with all necessary appurtenances in N.W. 5 Avenue between N.W. 33-35 Streets. Ali interested persons are invited to appear and may be heard concerning this item. Should any person desire to appeal any decision of the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at this hearing, that person shall ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, including all testimony and evidence upon which any appeal may be based. 4, _ MATTY HIRAI CITY CLERK (5045) COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK FUNDS NOTICE OF FUNDING AVAILABILITY The City of Miami Housing Conservation and Development Agency announces the availability of funds for rehabilitation of financing under the Community Deveiopment Block Grant Program. The program will provide funds to supplement private rehabilitation financing secured for the renwabw of substandard multifamily rental housing properties of five (5) or more urdb• Owners of multifamily rental properties ktcated in Miami's CommlxtiN Development Target Area (See Map Below), who are intarseNd is par- ticipating in the program, should contact Jacques Jsan, S+rtiw Housirtstoan officer, Housing Conservation and Development Agency, 300 Ghwzyft Blv(L Way, Suite 401, Miami, Florida 33131,1305) 519-3336. There will be a processing fee for each application submitted. Ap k@1111 rrwill be accepted until 5:00 p.m., November 4, 1988. AD a471 Hard-hitting sports coverage. Every day in The Miami News. ltl' pm,z LA NACiON, ViERNES 21 DE OCTURRE DE IM / t3 SEMLLI-RO DE NOTAS r=0"w1w IUKAM NO& i.`A'!<'liN N CAMBIOS EN SORTEOS DE LOTE- RIA La senadora Ileana Ros-Lehtinen va a presen- ter un proyecto de ley re- gulando la distribuci6n do premios del Lotto a fin de aumentar el n6mero de ga- nadores y de elcvar las oportunidades de una per- sona de convertirsc en un millonario instantaneo. El proyecto fija un If - mite Para el primer premio que permitirfa varios ga- nadores millonarios en ca- da sorteo. La senadora Ros-Leh- tinen escucharA las suge- rencias que le hagan por el (904) 487-5109. 00000 L.efmos una in- formaci6n escrita por Aricl Remos de que Xavier SUA- rez apoyaba el English Plus. Lo aplaudimos con =a reserva. LEI apoyo es de vccdad? REDUCE TARIFAS . 4 -M:"-!-':77'lgr ,I'lt;i1`, Los votantes del Dis- trito 113, "satisfechos:. La Pequeiia Habana ha sido ganadora en Tallahassee y as( se puede eonstatar, no s6lo hablando con activis- tas de esta area, lino tam- bift repasando el "Informe Legislative" que enviara el Representante Luis Morse a Jos votantes y el tabloide donde aparece quienes le apoyan en su reelecci6n. El premio a su trabajo pro - cede de todos los sectores do la comunidad. • r . Nos dijeron que el Ad- ministrador Avin6 estA dis- puesto a meterle mano a las inconveniencias que cxisten cn el HUD, es de- cir, las casas. Y nos siguen diciendo que Aviiz6 quiere entrarle a cste capftulo, uno de Jos bochornosos del Condado, do frente y con to manga al wdo. Si esto es asf. Y no tencmos el por qu6 du- darlo, serfa el mas sonado aplauso que el administra- dor Aviii6 se ganaria de nuestra parte. AcWc Avin6 cn esto de las viviendas. Hay tela por donde cortar. Preguntele a Jos viejitos, a Jos que su- fren, no a Jos funcionarios. LRE11RADOS ANTES DE TIEMM? El Proymma de Em- PATROCINA EL BARNETT CURSO PARA CHOFERES El Barnett Bank patro- cina un Seminario en es- panol ofrecido por la AARP para conduc Cores de autom6viles mayores de 50 antis Jos dfas 5 y 12 de noviembre de 10:00 a.m. a 2:00 p.m. al costo de $7.00 pagadero a la AARP. En el Seminario se ofrecersn nuevas habilida- des de conducci6n y les otorga el derecho a recibir un descuento en sus prtmas de seguro de autos. CIUDAD DE MIAMI, FLORIDA AVISO DE AUDIENCIA PUBLICA Una audiencia ptlblica seri celebrada por la Comisi6n de la Ciudad de Miami. Florida, cn Ng:j=bre 3, 1%81 a tar, 5:05 P.M.. en la Camara de Is Comisi6n, en el City Hall, 1-W, Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida, con el pmp6sito de que to Comisi6tt de to Ciudad, csr,che 1a,; objeciones de cualquier grupo afectado por esta propuesra: PROPUMA DE RESTRICCiON ACCESO DE VERICULOS EN i,k 28 STREET, &W. Y 26 AVENiDA. Esta prtgtuesta elauwram restringirfa el metes" de vehkulos a la Z8 Street del S.W., en aproximadmnente In 26 Avettida, y tto permitiria trdlicm en to 28 calk del S.W. entre is 22 Ave. del S.W. y is 27 Ave. dei S.W. Se invita a todas las personas interesadas para que Se ptcsenten y x escuchen :u_c preocupaciones sohre estas restricciones del trifico. Si aiguna persona desea apelar r cnalquier decisi6n de to Comisi6n de la Ciudad, con re.specto a cualquier asunto mnstderado -n esta audiencia, dicha persona deberi asegurarse de que un recnM verbal de +odds estos ptoeedimientos scan hecho, incluyendo todos los testimorum, y evidencias cohre la% que dicha a 166n pueda basarse. Matty 11irri (505I) Citv clerk. (5 twla start twat atw. taw maw s, �;�. s� � tta■ w- rwtt � maw � tww s>. tttw sty ate t• +�' mn •• � sw �...... 'Cu PAPA _NA '"'JELACION � VIERNES OCTUBRE 28, 1988 _ 7:30PM 10:45PM ' I]ORA DE TERMINACiON APROXiMADA ' Choy Wong comparte sus secretor pare: ' •Mejorar tus relaciones con to pareja, j famlUares,amigos y compallieros. Choy Wong j t• Crear respeto y aceptacton mutua. Expe-o 'jr Wolver mas calidas tus relaciones con otros i •Comprender y valorizar mas al compaiiero. COSTO: $ 20 j i AMUMoe IDE LOS sscasVras: SE REQUIRE RESERVACiON LIMTTADO.BZCVXM CUPO j ym�A I.LAIHA HOY ! 0001[ iNSPi,1. RAR GRAN APRECIO EN TV szcvro #4k COMO COWMCAR CUALWER COSA SiN OFENDER ( ` C � �/(�NOS a+ �261-5880 NEGOCIACIOIES CON 1U PAMA Ii 261-7334ux COYO ENIWAM Y E8TSC AR 1U VWA SEXUAL la 11acton l�htNy),r tr ♦t'I Nii li�� �.<iN IN �• � 1393 S.W. Primers We - P. O. Box 350661 Riverside Station, Miami, Florids Tek4fonos: 649-9952 - 649-6447 -LA NA"ION.- ESTADO DE LA FLORIDA. CONDADO DE DADE. ANTE LA ABAJO FIRMANTE AUTORIDAD, APARFCE EN PERSONA EL SR. JACOBO SAIF, QUIEN LIAJO JURAMENTO, DICE S'R ADMINISTRA DOR DF LA NACION, PERTODICO SF*- MANAL QUE SF P1713LICA EN MIAMI, FLA., Y QUF LA MUF.STRA DE ANUNCIO AQUI ADJUNTAI ES UN ANUNCIO EN RELACION A LO S I Gil I ENTE : FUE PUBLICADA EN DICHO PERIODICO EN LA EDICION DE LA SIGUIENTE FECHA : jura�i`o y suscrito ante mi, / e s t e ---_.2� d i a de/%Y/C/yypA(a, 1988, erl igmi, Fla. Notarid a lico. ( Sello ) NOTARY FL'OLI' STATE OF FLCRIGA MY COR9I1�110y EYF. QCT. 4,1991 BONDED THIat UhErAL INS. UND. 0 Community Newspaparfr Administrstlon ?or r-F_"P_P!n Ratwlt Advsrtiaing 3Q6 6E7 Classified aOS , BIE SE?'t Editorial Desk A FREE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER VOICE SERVING DADE COUNTY WINCE I t9!!R ?On EE'-7cEan COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER MAILING ADDRESS: TELEPHCMES Post Office Box 43-1010 Administration 66"214 South Miami, Florida 33143 Retail Advertising 667.7481 STREET ADDRESS: Classified Advertising 666.5821 6796 South West 62nd Ave. Editorial 667.7484 South Miami, Florida 33143 Published Daily in Miami, Dade County, Florida STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE Before the undersigned authority personally ap- peared JOAN ROSS who on oath says that he/she is OFFICE MANAGER of Community Newspaper, published daily in Miami in Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertising of Notice in the matter of: CITY OF MIAMI —Ad # 5052 In the CIRCUIT Court, was published in said newspaper in the issue of: October 21, 1988 Affiant further says that the said Community Newspaper is a newspaper published at Miami, in said Dade County, Florida. And that said newspaper has been published continuously for a period of one year preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement: and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in Miami in said Dade County, Florida, and affiant further says that he/she has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation a discount, rebate„commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in the said newspaper. PROOF OF PUBLI ATIO AFFIANT ''�''✓ orn and before me this let day. of Oct D, T efr u is at6 of Florida at Large So I My Commission Expires PROOF OF PUBLICATION CITY OF MIAM I FLORIDA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING public heaby ring will he Commission nteittMiam rida on venw 3. 1998, at 5.00pmihCiy Commission Chambers at City hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida, for the purpose of hearing any objections by the City Commission from any interested parties affected by this pro - Posed closure: PROPOSED RESTRICTION OF VEHICULAR AC- CESS TO S.W. 28 STREi;T AT S.W. M AVENUE The proposed closure would restrict vehicular sixes to S.W. 29 Street at approzimateiy S.W. 26 Avenue and not allow, through traffic between S.W. 22 and 27 Avenue on S.W. 2g Street. All interested persons an invited to appear and may be heard concemt gsuch traffic restriction. Should any person duke to W Pealany decision of the City Commission with respect to any mat- ter considered at this hearingg.. that person shall ettsurc that a ver- ba8m rtxord of the prooeetf RP is made, Inelluding a0 tatlntaly OW evidenoe upon which any apple/ may be based. MAM HIRAI City CLERK WAMI, FLORIDA NOV 91988 Community Newspapers 6796 Southwest 62nd avenue South Miami. Florida 33143 Mailing Addresst Post Office Box 43.1010 South M,am,, Fjor,oe 331 43 Florida Pubi,cat,ons, InC. Publ,sherSc douthelde, South Dada News / Sourh M,am, News / Coral Gables News / South Wast News j Homestesd-Flor,de City News / Kendall News Norahelder North Miami News / North Miami Beach News / Miami Shores News Miami Beach News / H,aleah•M,sm, Springs News / Carol C,ty-0130 Locks News / N. Bay Village News Countywide. Community Newspaper _._ --------------- 211161 E. _ -- — - -y ---- Ltiar6aW1 -_V&r r 0 Community Newepepere Adminietratlon `a[ir . 6Es-fez ^ n Retail Advertising inn ; Fe7.-neI Cleeel/fed 305 , EF6 Se2� Editorieel pesk A FREE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER VOICE • SERVING DADE COUNTY SINCE 9988 3n5 ; gg1 0 e„ COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER MAILING ADDRESS: - Post Office Box 43-1010 South Miami, Florida 33143 STREET ADDRESS: 6796 South West 62nd Ave. South Miami, Florida 33143 TELEPHONES: - Administration 66"214 Retail Advertising 667.7481 Class(fied Advertising 666.5821 Editorial 667-7484 Published Daily in Miami, Dade County, Florida STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE Before the undersigned authority personally ap- peared JOAN ROSS who on oath says that he/she is OFFLCE MANAGER of Community Newspaper, published daily in Miami in Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertising of Notice in the matter of: CITY OF MIAMI — AD Lai 5036 In the CIRCUIT Court, was published in said newspaper in the issue of: October 21, 1988 Affiant further says that the said Community Newspaper is a newspaper published at Miami, in said Dade County, Florida. And that said newspaper has been published continuously for a period of one year preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement: and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in Miami In said Dade County, Florida, and affiant further says that he/she has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation a discount, rebate,, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in the said newspaper. PROOF OF PUBLIOAiION AFFIANT S orn and before me this 1 of`Oct. Ag;^19 8 Notfiry ubpc, to e a ge � My Commission Expires PROOF OF PUBLICATION NOV 9 i9,10 crff OF wwi, FLE3MA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING A public hearing will be held by,�ae Cortamissiotn of the City of MiwW, Florida oA t+Nrll AW 3, t1i988, at i I :13 a.m. in the C ky Commission Chambers at City Hall, 33011 Pon American Drive, Miami, Florida, for the purlloce of beuMs am objeodotu by Ile City Commission from any interested parks erred by this tin- provement as�� GHWAYof the � E.NT (PHASE IV-111145M The work induded eonstruct4 0.8 miter of streets including ekaring and grad. , construction of asphaltic pavement. concrete curbs and or `utters, wncnxe sidewalk. storm sewers and Landscaping. All interested persons are invited to appear and may be heard oustcerinitng this item. Should any person desire to appeal any deci- sion of the City Corrunisison with respect to any matter considered at this harin& that person chat[ ensure that a vtrbatun record of the prooeedirw is made, hichi ins all testimony and evidence upon which any appeal tray be based. MATTY HIRAI CITY CLERK (9(5036) MlAMI, FLORIDA Community (Newspapers 6796 Southwest 62nd Avenue South Miami. Florida 331 43 Mailing Address: Post Office Box 43.1010 South Miam,, Florida 331 43 Florida Publications. Inc. Pubbahers. Southaldee South pace News / South Mlam+ New* / Coral Gables News / South West News Homestead-Flor,de C ty News / Kendall News Northeidel North Miami News / North Miami Beach News / M,sm, Shores News �_ Miami Beach News / Hialeah -Miami Spnnps News / Carol City-Opa Locke News / N. Bey VellegeNews CountywldsI CommunityNewsPsP6r 6T f S1 A1% Ot f L0RIDA . 1 i CM R TY Otf DAD & i personally appeared before re the undersigned, Jorge L. Consuegra, to eye --ell-known, who being duly sworn deposes an4 says that he is Credit Tanager of Diarto Las X-t"ricas, nv spaper of general circulation, published daily except ttoru;ay, in Mi"41, Dade Coonty, Florida. Affiant further says that the ab'ova na.a ed nrwtpapce teas continuosAy puLlish4d daily except ttondays LA Dade County, Florida, for more than cne I -car inrediately preceding first putlication of said Legal Notice or adveetisesent ano was during all such tire and now is entered as second class mail matter in the United States Post Office in Miami, Oade County, Florida, " that the Legal t:otice or Xdvertiscrrent, all cony of which is here to attacked, was published in D t Altl O LAS AVE JRIC AS on the following da: s t Signed Sworn to and subscrited"before me 0 s= t day of in Miami, Dade County, rloriaa. P.O.�s'.3`l !4 ordered t f 1 �`— InvoiCo Znvolce fj+ount e 2LMkS1#CL! d1TACLED { ,cam Notary relic th60�{tii .f oana inundo Yam, aneadas por Crist6bal Collin. t6bal Collin, saliendo tres naves de Santo Domingo - la Hispaniola - haciendo escala en la costa nor- te de Cuba, procediendo a Gua- nahanf, luego a Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, a rengl6n seguido a Palos, y una breve visita al res- to de la peninsula ibclrica. Sofiar nada cuesta... Permf- tannos sofiar que los hijos van a visitar a la "Madre Espafla" y que se aprietan mas fuertes ios lazos familiares. impresas hispanas an Miami y el Consejo de la Heren. egocios hispanos mas grandes del. ta Hispanic Business Magazine de Iles negocios hispanos del Sur de la a el Hotel Internacional Omni, el negocios hispanos del condado de icardf Imports, Inc.; Sedano's Su. erprises, Inc.; Kaufman and Ro. Capital Bancorp; Republic Natio• ternational Coiner; Eagle Brands, ). El precio del cubierto es de $25.00 .ciones deben llamar a Amy Ander. tensi6n 220. El acto es presentado !opr's, South Florida Latin Market MEDICINAS, L��� u s■.any ComiM local prepera actiaidades Para el Ma Naciooal de la UNICEF "The GreMer Miami Committee for Unicef" pre para yp con gran entusiasmo las nctividades que han de tenor luAar el ]tines 31 de oc- tubre pars celebrar el Din Nacional de la Unicef, orga- ni7a66n mundia) que ayuda a la niriez desvalida en los passes subdesarrollados. Ese Tunes 31 los alumnos de las escuelas publicas del Condado de Dade trataran de llenar las aleancias que, especialmente preparadas al efecto, se les entregaran para que con su espontaneo aporte monetario, contribu- yan a aliviar un tanto las ne- cesidades primarias de los nifios desheredados del mundo, que sufren Coda cla- se de calamidades: los nihos que gozan de salud y bienes- tar tendrAn la oportunidad de hacer algo por los que no son tan felices como ellos. Los preparativos de esta colecta estudiantil se inicia- ran con una merienda que la Sra. Hilda Izaguirre, miem- bro del Comit6 de la UNI- CEF, ofrecera a las organi- HILDA IZAGUIRRE zadoras de esta recauda- ci6n, en su residencia, el marten 4 de octubre, a las 4:00 p.m. Ademas de la anfitriona, tomaran parte activa en los preparativos para la colecta del dia 31 de octubre, las se - floras Wilma Tufl6n y Ofelia Tabares de Fernandez. LIBROS EN ESPANOL LIBROS CUBANOS SOLICITE CATALOGOS ORDENES POR CORREO LIBRERIA Y DISTRIBUIDORA UNIVERSAL 642-3234 MI MIS FLORIDA 33135. PM AVISO PUBLICO Se les informa a todas las personas interesadas que las reuniones Regulares de la Comisi6n de la Ciudad. de is Ciudad de Miami fijadas para Noviembre 10, 1988, y Noviembre 24, 1988, han sido cambiadas pars Ile- varse a efecto en Noviembre 3, 1988, y Noviembre 17, 1988, respectivamente en las C6maras de la Comisi6n de la Ciudad, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida. r Matty Hirai p :e City Clark (#5040) City of Miami, Florida. J ,wCJV 1C*Va Aw EIlZ: ITT-0 iT[�T7i tla de La Santa Maria, nao capi- tieftit, a Is que segufan los herm a - oft Ptntrbn, con Le Nitin y LA Pints, Ise otras dos carabelas: "Viernes, agosto 3 de 1492: 019- mos velas en el Puerto de Palos. y procedemos, con buenA briss. hacia Ias Islas Canaries". Desperfectos en el t.im6n de LA Pinta les obligan a quedarse unos dies en la Gran Canaria donde contemplan una erupci6n del Pico del Teide. El jueves s de septiembre toman rumbo lac tres carabelas hacia los domi- nion del Gran Khan. El martes 25 de septiembre: "A Is caide de la tarde Martin Alonso Pinz6n subi6 al castillo de pros pars anunciar que habfa visto tierra.,. En la maiiana del siguiente die se descubri6 que eran solamente nubes. En la bitAcora del 10 de octubre aperece escrito por Collin: "Los hombres: perdida la paciencia, se quejaron de to largo del via je. Les anim6 de Is mejor manera que puede describibndoles los beneficios que iban a obtener".... En Is noche del 11 se vieron fo- gatas no distantes. Rodrigo de Triana a las 2 am. del 12, dio la vo2 de ITierral, Flabia una re• compensa en efectivo para el primero que to avisase. No estA claro si el Gran Almirante re- clam6 tal premio aftrmando que 61 to habfa ya advertido. El pre• mio concedido por lox reyes Ca- t6licos, era una pensi6n vitaUcia anual de diez mil maravedies. Desembarcaron en Guanaha• ni, o San Salvador ese dia 12, Ile. Baron hasta lox descubridOres lox nativos en canoas. Acudian totalmente desnudos, escribe el Gran Almirante: "Segtin suds ver eran muy amistosos y pefc1- bi que podian ser convertidos a nuestra Santa fe persuasiva- mente, en vez de por la fuerza.... Esteban tan desnudos como su madre les par16.... No tenian armas, ni sabian usarlas... Les mostr8 espadas que agarraron por el filo, cort9ndose... r `. Las canoas - explic6 don Cris- tbbal - era troncos de Arbol saca- dos por el fuego. Cambiaron ali- mentos y conchas marinas y al- gtin mindsculo fragmento de oro por barati jas... Y exphearon que mAs al sur habfa tribus que dis- ponian de grandes cantidades de oro, meta de los descubridores. Cuba era "descubierta" el 28 de octubre, y el mundo entodces COMID AYWDA FAMII 1A9 A CURA Cr,•i n,�i< <Ir� ,�n �,i���� .I�� •_..�rLrir �r� ;r• � ���I;,,; , �,I�;�n:� Almacan EL v' �',AN0L FARAG<aN IA :; V' ,:r,�l,r�l_I WIA.. TELF.: 760-1288 RIO PIFPRA., i'Ul RTO RICO. NO LO MENOSPRECIE SU SISTEMA TELEFONICO ES IMPORTANTE METROPOLITAN TELECOM 14 AF40S SIRVIENDO AL CONDADO DADE SISTEMAS TELEFONICOS COMERCIALES (305) 324-8800 Samos [carte rjo Plan de Agentes de Ventas Autowados por Southern Bell Ofrecemos SOIUCiones Anallramos so cuenta de lama distancia sin costo ni obboacOn tiara usted MIEMBROS ® VENTAS CAMACOL SERVICIO BOB SOUtilEiB� FINANCIAMIENTO FLA CHAMBER OF OiJft1 +MceTo.w�w LEASING COMMERCE A MimiaFa e},PFn SfPVICf M"N Of AfLLSOViP CCPOW, —04 AVISO PUBLICO A todas las personas interesadas se les notifica que las reuniones de la Comisibn de la Ciudad de la Ciudad de Miami, programadas para Octubre 13, 1988, y Octubre 12, 1988, han sido cambiadas' para Ilevarse a efecto en Octubre 6, 1988 y Octubre 27, 1988, respectivamente, en las Comaras de la Comisibn de la Ciudad, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida. 45039). Matty Hirai City Clerk City of Miami, Florida RELIGIOSA INC. Visitela y encontrar6 en espanol libros de: APOLOGETICA a ASCETICA: Espiritualidad; oraci6n, meditaci6n y Ejercicios Espirituales. CATEQUESIS • INSTRUCCION RELIGIOSA o ENCICLICAS • FAMILIAS: Padres j6venes, nirhos, educaci6n • FI- LOSOFIA s IGLESIA: Historia de Jos Papas (3 tomos) Espasa Calpe • JESUCRISTO LITURGIA: Misal, Leccionario, Miseales, Devociona- rios, MARIOLOGIA s MATRIMONIO • PASTORAL: Predicaci6n, Homilias, Movimiento CarismAtico, Comunidades de Bases. PSICO- LOGIA • SAGRADA ESCRITURA: Biblias, Comentarios a la Biblia, SANTOS PADRES s TEOLOGIA, Moral y DogmAtica. TRATABOS DEL ESPIRITU SANTO: CASSETTES: Ejercicios Espirituales, P16sticas, Curso de Religi6n, Canciones Religiosas. NUEVO CODIGO DE DERECHO CANONICO — Latin y espahol MANUEL PRACTICO NUEVO COOIGO DE DERECHO CANONICO Hacemos Suscripciones al L'Osservatore Romano, ISeminario oficial de la Iglesia en en Vaticanol. DIRIJASE LiBRERIA DISTRIBUIDORE RELIGIOSA INC. 1 S.W. 13 Ave., Miami, Fla. 33135 TEL.: 642-7686 AVISO PUBLICO Se les informa a todas las personas interesadas que las reuniones Redulares de la Comisibn de la Ciudad de la Ciudad de Miami programadas para Diciembre 8, 1988, y Diciembre 22, 1988, han sido cambiadas para llevarse la efecto en Diciembre 15, 1988, a las 9:00 a.m. (Agenda Regular) y 2:00 p,m. (Agenda de Planificaci6n y Zonifi- caci6n) en las C6maras de la Comisibn de la Ciudad, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida. Malty Hirai City Clerk City of Miami, (#5041) r, ro Florida. EDITORIAL CUBANA, Inc. Luis J. Botifoll, Presidente; Marcelino Garcia, S.J., Vice Presidente; Josh Ignacio Rasco, Secretario; Guillermo Jorge, Vice Secretario; Antonio Abella, Tesorero; Armando A. Alejandre, Rel, P6blicas; Josik A. Garrido, Asesor Legal y Javier Nunez, Auditor. La EDITORIAL CUBANA se propone reeditar las grandes obras de nuestros escritores nacionales que solamente se podrAn adquirir por subscripcibn a precio de costo. Para inscribirse se debe abonar, por una cola vez, $25.00 PARA MAYOR INFORMACION SOBRE LA EDITORIAL Y SU PROGRAMA PUEDE LLAMARSE AL 223-8600. NOMBRE: DIRECCION: TELEFONO: Solicltud de Inscripcift Profes16n: Acompaho cheque por $25.00 importe de mi inscripci6n a nombre de la Editorial Cubana, Inc. 500 S.W. 127 Ave., Miami, FI. 33184 0 AM Thc, %liami Hc't,-ilci I'►►hli,.hint; Comhan\ Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Roymi Eguaras who on oath says that she is the Area Sales Manager of The Miami Herald and The Miami News, daily newspaper (s) published at Miami in Dade County, Florida. She further says that the advertisement for I� lr_ _1� !1► l �,:, '� was published in the issue or issues of " ( �:_._ for the above publication (s) as per the attached 4 , ',_... Affiant further states that the said THE MIAMI HERALD/NEWS are newspapers published at Miami, in said Dade County, Florida, and that the said newspapers have here -to -fore been continuously published in said Dade County, Florida, each day, and have been entered as second class mail matter at the Post Office in Miami, in said Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the advertisement. Ro&i Eguarag I. -Sworn to and Subscribed to before- me this _ 7 day of A.D. 19 5�9 Notary Public (Seal) NOTARY PLOLIC STATE OF FLOROA My CalISSM EXP.00T.24,1992 bOHDEO THW GDOM W3. UND, V One Herald Plaza, Miami, Florida 33132-1693 (305) 350-2111 ° � _ i..>1;•_ .,� 11; i< 'tv:fl+ it (tl,r�,l Shln�I artlid heavy traditiq ,1 1 .1,,1 nl, t! ,,,, 11A 1 i; I:Ii P INT'1+ 1�;• ) ,n1v r 1I ulil �Iil I.,IcI . ;u�r+. 1uIU��t, �,`• 1un1� 1". il;� I r;Il rti rhuul n1LIuTl ami iul� rl nA 1;11( ISFOSAL BY LEGAL, AUCTION SALE f_S ORDErE4 AT Cf11fO WAREHOUSE, EX-U.S. GOV'T. SONDED FREIGHT IMMEDIATE AUCTION DISPOSAL 43 Bales Altalia Cargo Airway Dill 0015-96642173 RE: LATE ARRIVAL - UNPAID & ASIAN TURKISH. AFGHANISTAN ETC. CERTIFIED AS TABRIZ, KASHAN. RUM SILK, BOKHARA. KASHMIR SILK, KAZA ✓., SHIRAZ, MANY HUNDREDS MORE! 1 00V1. RNMENT CUSTOMS CLEARED. CERTIFIED SITE EVALUATION APPRAISAL APPRO- x'1A:.TIONS IN ACCORDANCE WITH REGULATIONS EACH CARPET WILL BE LABELED GENUINE HANDMADE AND SOLD PIECE BY PIECE AUCTION AT A-1 FARGO MAYFLOWER MOVING & STORAGE 7700 SW 1 Do STREET U.S. HWY 1 S.W. 1031h ST. S BLOCKS FROM DADELAND SHOPPING CENTER MIAMI SUN. OCT. 23rd AT 2 PM PREVIEW AT 1 PM TERMS- CASH, CHECK. VISA OR MASTER CARD AUCTIONEER LICENSE #A-U343 ORIENTAL RUG LIQ.,DRYUS EACH RUG COMES WITH A CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICITY CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING A public hearing will be held by the Commission of the City of MiLimi, Florida, on November 3, 1988 at 5:00 p.m. in the City Chun fission Chambers at City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Mali rni, Fl,:uida, for the purpose of hearing any objections bythe Cite Commission from any interested parties affected by this proposed closure: 11-1 POSED RESTRICTION OF VEHICULAR ACCESS TO _S.W. 28 STREET AT S.W. 26 AVENUE TfI<: I;rC71711d CIOSLJle would restrict vehicular access to' .W. 28 Street at approximately S.W. 26 Avenue and nut ijIlow throu3h traffic between S.W. 22 and 27 Avt:nue on S.V 1. 28 Street. All inturested persons are invited to appear and may be heard conccrninrl such traffic restriction. Should any person desire to appeal any decision of the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at this hearing, per son rson shall ensure that a verbatim record of > the proceedings is made, including all testimony and evidence upon which any appeal may be � °OE�o L,aD� based. ; Matty Hirai (5052) City Clerk 1 •, c- MjjF I. - i hht Miami 1ACT-ild f'uhli�'hing cons arl\ c E i; 'i 7 Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Roymi Eguaras who on oath says that she is the Area Sales Manager of The Miami Herald and The Miami News, daily newspaper (s) published at Miami in Dade County, Florida. - She further says that the advertisement for was published in the issue or issues of _ r for the above publication (s) as per the attached F- Affiant further states that the said THE MIAMI HERALD/NEWS are newspapers published at Miami, in said Dade County, Florida, and that the said newspapers have here -to -fore been continuously published in said Dade County, Florida, each day, and have been entered as second class mail matter at the Post Office in Miami, in said Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the advertisement. Rqfmi Eguara Sworn to and Subscribed to before me this day of A4J 1 J A.D. 19 cPX cD notary ublic J`ty (Seal) �. N0TAnY;AJ8LF� SThTE OF FL=A tly Cat-JISSJON EW OCT.24.1992 1 � vN�G ,N Inuu TKtU BEtVAl PC. L D. L 5�� \ One Herald Plaza, Miami, Florida 33132-1693 (305) 350-2111 T"— it 1 tli Baez (nine Iadre (\(rt more )e f!'r istficl it out 1 ve For )m 4.3 i 4.3. 1 I's just )pardy )pardy phe all 1 , in !r p 1 1 1),. .{ ;,, r' A . 1 i r!,t I j `, �l `•l �,. in l.r ., 1 .. 1�i. �!! �rh'Ir 1f�e ,rll, Ill, t.•.rrl�rlli 2f- I ! l I1, 1 alb" I i n j_?, 11�. 1 c r 11111�. '1'L•li11F and Itnt' \Ith<u!t h 1hi tt try are relative• This 1>, "k , 1,Ic r; r v „c on . }{ lnr f-crin trli nil±i( 1'! n!, :,rl(' <trr-,Ic fr,.Int Ihr _l� i�11. ,, 1 � �-- r � rt'•ihirtl it . jn ihic relvlrt I Buy up world drug supply, top GOP contributor says 5, nrr, Npwer0 NP Se. # \\',\!1�iI1NGTON — The biggest single giirr to the Republican li ;;oional Committee this year is calling for the United States to lead a world effort to purchase foreign drug crops now sold to traffickers. Nicholas Salgo. named Sept. 23 by president Reagan to head the U.S. team on property negotiations xvith Bulgaria and China, fervently champions the idea. Her spirit and her strength left a mark on this Earth that will help the healthy and those stricken with the disease. To people living with AIDS today and in the future, she left a few final words of encourage- ment: "Don't give up. Continue to fight this thing. You might not get strong enough to shake it, but you'll be strong enough to mental- ly take it. Don't throw in the towel. I never will." �t"�Iojokfefj t MO CREDITLOW M1IMv NO CHECK U.S. MORTGAGE CO. � rremoul rA►ie tre+uea meows firo!�a.rB.wm (DADE) M Nw 165 Et. IBROYdARt)) 1945-2333 463-55051 TOI.i. FREE 1i�00.6a1•GA$q L s atsa ae raa a®� ar aas a1r rt® NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC All interested persons will take notice that the Regular City of Miami City Commission Meetings scheduled for November 10,1988, and November 24,1988 have been rescheduled to take place on November 3,1988 and November 17, 1988, respectively, in the City Commission Chambers, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida. (F5040) (5Malty Hirai 0 City Clerk City of Miami, Florida 11.S. drug c�perts place the street value ill drugs worldi-vide at about $l50 hillinn a year — nearly $100 billion of which is hought and consumed in the United Stases. Salgo, a millionaire and an official with the State Depart- ment's office of foreign missions, served as U.S. ambassador to Hungary from 1983 to 1986. Salgo said his idea is simple: compete with drug cartels that now buy drug crops from farmers at a pittance of what the drugs eventually are sold for on the streets. the "fR'- 'gonclt" pil! f t+ralicc it hmakc 1 A1.1tornR:irilly" tnce rRt A 'r,r rl• Kt -A R n j c(h_inl i'v rN F-, 181 hnndlna f' p:.^Sc IS A Iocr la'r'oh1 tle( ause 1hr wile alum• AUtOm7hC8!IV reclJCi Ct)v cl minatina dielar-� fat ft �s t00"-• sa'c and nct a d`Ija The fit maonct pills are al`cadv sweepino the cOlJnlry w^th alnwlnp reports of weight loss rrUm lormeriy overweloht people in all walks of Ilfe who `are now chmmer, trimmer and more attractive aaa'�i Now Available to the Public If YOU are tryoci to lose 2'J• r r 100 pounds or moic. you can order your Supply Of these "no-r �,k" high'y successful fat magnet pills d!rect!y from the doctors' exclus've manufacturer only (includes optional calorie - reduction plan for even better results) Send $20 for a 90 pill supply ( - S3 handling), or S35 for a 180 p ll supply (+ $3 handling), to: Fat -Magnet. 9016 Wilshire Blvd., Dept W230, Beverly Hills, CA 90211. 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Lauderdale .... 563-46990 Delray Beach ...... 272•5454 • Hialeah .............._557-4993 • Coral Springs ..... 753.6000• North Palm 6eech..6634M • Brickall .......... ....... ... 372-M? • PlaMation.....__749.0696• Wet Palm Baeh..AM1446 • Kendall.___ 271-6110 • Boaliplrnaar Poirk 426-97730 Lake Worth ..... ...A6I • Cutler Ridge ........ 255.OM • Holly wood ...... „,.961.6033 • Westch"WITio rlarnlbbt•1121 0 1966, O.W,L.C. -Weight Loos Varies wo the Indivkiiial .. a- 4P SIA11k; OF ttroaso�► . CMATY or DAD Personally appeared before re the "ersigned, Jorge L. Consuegras to eye -ell-known, who being duly sworn deposes " says that he is Credit /'ar,ager of Oiarto Gas A,-e`ricas, ne+ spagec of general circulation, published daily except ?Ionc:ay, in Mimi, Dade County, Florida. Affiant further says that the aL'ove nas ed ncwapsper teas continuosly puLlish,E4 daily except Mondays in Dade County, Florida, for cote than one j•ear inrediately prece4ing first puklication of said Legal Notice or advectiser.ent ano was during all such time and now is entered as second class mail natter in the United States Post Office in Mime!, Dade County, Florida, ar4 that the Legal i:otico or Advertiscrrent, all cony of which is hots to attached, was publishes in DIMIO LAS APIF.ICAS on tho following da:-s t i Siyned %��, ;,, - , z-, , , , Sworn to subscri before me this �-L � • day oL- cJ . 19 , in Miami, Dade County, rlorida. -2 P.O. 1 PA ordered tY E� l Invoice NotaryCublio� � Znvolco )V+ount $ /D ;,°�° e TLMkSIOCLI A%TACL[A 51A1L Of ►WFIDA CMe;TV or D,,%Dt ►ana nundo Fe to P�q c11-kr.c� of DiartO Las R norZay, in M1,0,,„ n an ed n e w 8,W c s A Florida, tsar mckwW s li a t Sofiar nada cuesta... Permf- 1 ���= :� a tannos soflar que los hijos van a visitar a la "Madre Espafia" y que se aprietan mAs Werte. 16s lazos familiares. mpresas hisparlas in Miami y el Consejo de la Heron- V.O. , r-gocios hispanos mAs grandes Bel. a Hispanic Business Magazine de les negocios hispanos del Sur de la PA Otdlrad t) el Hotel Internacionai. Omni, el negocios hispanos del condado de cardf Imports, Inc.; Sedano's Su- T r { ,rprises, Inc.; Kaufman and Ro- Capital Bancorp; Republic Natio- 1([1VO�Gt 1�+0 ernational Coiner; Eagle Brands, �. El precio del cubierto es de $25.00 clones deben llam ar a Amy Ander• a T L Aj S 1. "-t •ensf6n 220. El acto es presentado opr's, South Florida Latin Market �!VIEDICINAS, i 1AEDICINAS, lJt w& v e1Ni Comity local prepare actividades pars el Die Nacional de Is "The Greater Miami Committee for Unicef" pre- pare }•e con gran entusiasmo las actividedes que hen de tener lugar el tunes 31 de oc- tubre pars ce)ebrar el Dfa Nacional de la Unicef, orQa- nizacihn mundial que nyuda a )a ninez desvalida on Jos pafses subdesarrollados. Ese lunes 31 los alumnos de ]as escuelas ptiblicas del Condado de Dade tratarAn de llenar las alcancias que, especialmente preparadas al efecto, se les entregarAn para que con su espontineo aporte monetario, contribu- yan a aliviar un tanto las ne- cesidades primarias de los ninos desheredados del mundo, que sufren toda cla- w de calamidades: los nifios que gozan de salud y bienes- tar tendrAn la oportunidad de hacer algo por los que no son tan felices como ellos. Los preparativos de esta colecta estudiantil se inicia- rAn con una merienda que la Sra. Hilda Izaguirre, miem- bro del Comit16 de la UNI- CEF, ofrecerA a las organi- UNICEF HILDA IZAGUIRRE zadoras de esta recauda- ci6n, en su residencia, el m artes 4 de octubre, a las 4-.00 p.m. AdemAs de la anfitriona, tomarAn parte active en los preparativos para la colecta del dfa 31 de octubre, las se- fioras Wilma Tufibn y Ofelfa Tabares de FernAndez. LIBROS EN ESPA OL LIBROS CUBANOS SOLICITS CATALOGOS ORDENES POR CORREO LIBRERIA Y DISTRIBUIDORA UNIVERSAL 'w 3090 S.W. lath STREET- �-044% MfANIL FLORIDA 33135. AVISO PUBLICO Se les informs a todas las personas interesadas que las reuniones Regulares de la Comisibn de la Ciudad de la Ciudad de Miami fijadas para Noviembre 10, 1988, y Noviembre 24, 1988, han sido cambiadas para Ile- varse a efecto en Noviembre 3, 1988, y Noviembre 17, 1988, respectivamente en las Cbmaras de la Comisibn de la Ciudad, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida. 150401 Matty 141181 CNtilark I City of Miami, Florida. z by this improvement t f SI A116 OF MO" Dh • i i Co1Uf4TV Or DADt i Personally appeared before a+e the undersigned, Jorge E. Consuegra# to nee who being duly sworn deposes and says that he is Credit ►'anager of Diario Las xr.'crtcas, ne. spaper of general circulation, Published daily except lton;ay, in Niao.i, Dade Coonty, Florida. Affiant further says that t]'* aDove naa ed ncvspapcc t,as continuosAy puLlist.fed daily except 110ndays iA Dade County, rioctda, for more than one year inrediatcly preceding first puLticatton of said Legal Notice or adv'rctis"cnt ano was during all such tide and now is entered as second class frail matter in the United States Post office in miamA, Dade County, rloriaa, a.r-4 that the G al t:otLce or Xdvectiicrent, all Cot+y of which is hoc* to attacLed, was published in D t Alit O LXS A1:E UC AS on tha following da�-s: 01- Siyned "the Sv o r n to and s ub s c r i �be�foce me s 3 �--� day o f 19�5 , in Miami, Dade county, rloriaa.` M ocdeccd ty Q�� % i� J XY invoice i s y -- invoice Daunt $ 2, �c e 1tallS1:C1! a1TAC1.tA No t o ry stub l i a .v In 11 V The Miami Iicrald f'uhlichingCompany Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Roymi Eguaras who on oath says that she is the Area Sales Manager of The Miami Herald and The Miami News, daily newspaper (s) published at Miami in Dade County, Florida. She further says that the advertisement for 7 i <_ (� ,l•:� (�� -�. was published in the issue or issues of for the above publication (s) as per the attached Affiant further states that the said THE MIAMI HERALD/NEWS are newspapers published at Miami, in said Dade County, Florida, and that the said newspapers have here —to —fore been continuously published in said Dade County, Florida', each day, and have been entered as second class mail matter at the Post Office in Miami, in said Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the advertisement. 90:19� &Zta4� Roymh Eguara Sworn t-P and Subscribed to `bar efare e this % day of A.D. 19 co Notary Public (Seal) lgTARt` pL�Llr 5TATT OF FLOWDA My COM S-,1014 EXP.00T24.t992 �n��'Down J'S� TFfid16LW PAL 04. LUD. One Herald Plaza, Miami, Florida 33132-1693 (305) 350-2111 fights, big turmoil .aks silence to speak of nuns' protest persnnality. issues that just as often rock family life and the corporate world. The barricaded nuns. sworn to a lifPstyle rooted in the 16th century, reached out to a 20th-century news media enraptured by the mystique of the monastery. One recent day, a TV news helicopter circled to film the cloister, while, on the ground, a traffic officer directed TV crews, some from as far as Italy. in and out of the gate. The public perception also was colored by the determination, until Tuesday, of the mother superior of the convent, known as the prioress, to keep her vow of silence and not comment on the protest. "This worldwide attention just knocked Us Off our prayer benches," the prioress, Mother Teresa Hewitt, saidin explaining her decision to talk. By the rules of her order, she spoke through a wrought -iron grate, though she shook hands warmly with a visitor through the bars. "This is all part of an effort to get me to go home," the 72-year-old prioress said. Mother TFresa came to the monastery 14 months ago from Terre Haute. Ind.. where she took her vows 40 gears ago. She was brought by Bishop Frank Rodimer of Paterson to replace the former prioress. The five nuns who took refuge in the infirmary support the former prioress, now in Prance. According to Mother Teresa, the five refused to accept her and had been asked to leave several months ago. The eight other nuns at the Monastery of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel are loyal to the new prioress. When a Vatican envoy arrived, the protesting sisters questioned his impartiality and broke off discussions after one meeting. Bishop Rodimer called the nuns "disobe- dient." That backfired, so Rodimer asked Mother Teresa to speak. Her changes, she said, were completely consistent with the Second Vatican Council of the 1960s, which said even cloistered nuns were supposed to be aware of what was going on In the world outside. CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING SW NORTH RIVER DRIVE PROPERTY THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION WILL HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING ON NOVEMBER 3, 19W, AT 3:00 P.M. AT CITY HALL, 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE, MIAMI, FLORIDA TO TAKE TESTIMONY REGARDING A UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) FOR THE PLANNING AND DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION, LEASING AND MANAGEMENT OF AN APPROXIMATELY .75 ACRE CM.0"ED, RIVERFRONT PARCEL LOCATED BETWEEN SW 2ND AND 3RD STREETS ON Sw NORTH RIVER DRIVE ALONG THE MIAMI RIVER IN MIAMI, FLORIDA, FOR RESTAURANT AND MARINE -RELATED RETAIL AND RECREATIONAL USES; AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF SAID RFP; SELECTING A CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTING FIRM AND APPOINTING MEMBERS OF A REVIEW COMMITTEE TO EVALUATE PROPOSALS AND REPORT FINDINGS TO THE CITY MANAGER AS REQUIRED BY THE CITY OF MIAMI CHARTER SECTION 20-A(c) AND CODE SECTION 18-52.9. All interested parties may appear at the meeting and be heard Concerning such Request for Proposals. The hearing will be held at the time and place specified above. Should any person desire to appeal any decision of the City Commission with respell to any matter to be considered at this meeting, that person shag erwxe that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made including all testimony and evidence upon which any appeal may be based. MANY HIRAI CITY CLERK (5048) CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING A public hearing will be held by the Commission of the City of Miami, Florida on November 3, 1988, at 11:10 a.m. in the City Commission Chambers at City Hall, 3500 Pan American drive.: Miami, Florida, for the purpose of considering the ratification by the City Commission of the waiver of the requirement of obtaining sealed competitive bids for increases in the contract cost and for hearing any objections by the City Commission from any Interested parties affected by this improvement as to the acceptance of the completed work: •Ij aj .y 10 as roj jar jo ;qj lie ws♦ I 701 ncsr8t., a k• E , .. j T-,.Sim �y '�y r-. , 4 N i in Paris stand behind Barriers trying to stop and presented Prern1w Miphel Rocard with the toughest :jnstrators in St. Nazaire in western France yesterday challenge of his five monthia in office. Public service rg a one -day strike for better pay. There were no employees received a 1 percent raise in March and 1 bates on how many of the estimated 5 million civil percent in September. They have been offered a 2.2 ants participated. The strike disrupted public services percent increase for 1989. -s to inspect takeoff alarms on 727s, 737s an alarm may have failed on a Delta Air Lines Boeing 727 that -- The nation's crashed last August at the Dallas - told to examine Fort Worth airport. ,Ing horns on two The alarm is designed to sound most widely used if a pilot has forgotten to prepare ,ulty alarms were an aircraft properly for takeoff, aircraft. such as leaving wing flaps, which is on nearly 1,800 help give a plane lift, in the wrong 737s, which were position. �y by the Federal The National Transportation istration, comes as Safety Board has said there is 'investigators con- evidence, though not conclusively letermine whether determined, that the flaps may not is losing st in AiDS, -j-ates told _, Mexico — The media have run rt-rending human interest stories dly losing Interest in AIDS while still struggle to cure the deadly perts say. .011 be a major topic again when can announce a cure or a Koger Staub of the Swiss AIDS said yesterday at the conclusion of conference on the disease. an 600 researchers, health work- rologists, sociologists and other from 72 nations gathered at this sort for the First International on Education and Communi ica- AIDS. the to lea debated was the aatment of the disease. have been in the proper position cases, the alarms did not work or on the Delta jet, yet a cockpit worked improperly. voice recorder tape shows that the "This condition, if not corrected, alarm did not sound. The safety could result in an attempted board investigation into the crash, takeoff with the airplane in the which killed 14 people, is not improper configuration and with completed. the takeoff warning system inop- erative," the FAA told the airlines As a result of questions sur- in its special airworthiness direc- rounding the Delta accident, the tive. FAA last month ordered a one- The FAA said 29 of the jets with time "purely precautionary" check defective warning systems be - of the takeoff alarms on nearly longed to three airlines: Continen- 1,200 Boeing 727s. The agency tal, with 17; Eastern, eight; and announced yesterday that in 35 Delta, four. AIDS spread alarming in Central America MN,r Ywk tNMs Nom swvko TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras -- The num- ber of AIDS cases has reached alarming proportions in Central America, health officials in the region say, and the virus is continuing to spread rapidly throughout the area. "It's not as serious as in the Caribbean or some areas of Africa, but it's very worrisome," said Dr. Fernando Zacarias, regional AIDS adviser to the Pan-American Health Organization. Prompted by the group, an arm of the World Health Organization, the Honduran and Costa Rican public health ministries have begun intensive public education campaigns and are increasing efforts to screen blood. But because of tight budgets, public health officials said, efforts in the rest of the region are lagging. Nicaragua has done little, while El Salvador and Guatemala are just beginning to collect comprehensive data and identify carriers. The first known case here, that of a homosexual dentist from San Pedro Sula In northern Honduras, was diagnosed only three Years Ago. Dr. Enrique Jose Zelaya, the chief epidemiologist for the Honduran Ministry of Health, said investigators found that the dentist became infected with the AIDS virus in San Francisco, which he visited eight times in the two years before his dfa$11110816, and that he spread it here among 111584xuai partners. Since then doctors have confirmed 182 more cases, about 75 percent of them in the area aroutul the town where the dentist lives. Z41aYA estimated that there could be 14,000 cases within the next three years. CITY OF MIAMI, Ft_IDRVIDA r NOT1CF OF r'tim, tc 4rAFIING -- SW NOPT14 RivFn npivF r'Rr1FrPTY ?4kR r— :i n".r v Al f iT, 1. /,.! ( ... rii ! `J !••L�f f,�.;,l i.� ,n'r. A�' (j ( inii,A Tf - TAkf 7; c7r,af',';v Of (;Ar)f,i,);; A li,�fr I: (ar rR)r,O,,.A I:aFF, irU; tuF ii AN'JINi.- A.�dil (1{�, u. r� (.(�,.,,I Ri I(. 1 IFASINGANDMtNA(;FME147Or.ANAr'rR!'YIwrATFI'i 7i, A<RF('TYOWNFP RiVERFri(?NTrAR(TI Iri(ATE DRFTYJFFN.�W?Nl)r-Ni ?RD5TRFF1GONSYr NORTH RIVFR DRIVE At ON(, 11-IF MIAMI RIVFR IN MIAMI, FLORIDA. FOR RESTALIRAl' T AND MAr4INE RELATED RETAIL ANO RECRF.AT►ONAL USES, AUTHOROW', THE ISSUANCE OF SAID RFF'. SELECTING A CERTlr1ED r UMIC _ AC COI+NTINr FIraM AND Arr'pINTING MER^RERc Or A VIF VIEW COMMITTEE TO EVAI GATE PROPOSALS AND REPORT FINDINGS TO THE CITY MANAGER AS REOLIIRED RY THE: CITY OF MIAMI CHARTER SECTION 20 A(c) AND CODE — SECTION to 52 o All interested pimps may appear at the mpetinp and be heard concerning such Reaupct for Proposals Thp hparino will he held At the time and place specified above. Should any person desire to appeal any decision of the City Commission with rasped to any matter to be considerpd at this meeting, that person shaft eraixe that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made including all testimony and evidence upon which any appeal may be based. MATTY HIRAI CITY CLERK (5048) CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING A public hearing will be held by the Commission of the City of Miami, Florida on November 3, 1988, at 11:10 a.m. in the City Commission Chambers at City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida, for the purpose of considering the ratification by the City Commission of the waiver of the requirement of obtaining sealed competitive bids for increases in the contract cost and for - hearing any oblections by the City Commission from any interested ,;lfucl-d Iry lhls Iruprovenx>nt as to the acceptance of the c�:mlutcc7 vtio)F NC1R7N r`ttvFi�i ()a1ilF HI(;NWAY lhAr�ra()UF1,AF1.1T t�I;TRI(.T N.dS(11 An increase of $22,470.24 in the contract � — Brothers Company to cover the cost of planting 51 Mahogany trees, including root guards, as required by the Planning Department. The work included constructing 0.8 miles of streets including clearing and grading, asphaltic pavement, concrete curb, gutters and sidewalks, decorative paver sidewalk, storm sewer facilities and landscaping. All interested persons are invited to appear and may be heard concerning such proposed waivers, increases and objections. Should any person desire to appeal any decision of the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at this hearing, that person shall ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, including all testimony and evidence upon which any appeal may be based. - MATTY HIRAI (5046) CITY CLERK Are You or Your Child INTERMARRIED? A JEW-BY-CHOICE? THEN THE OUTREAGN PROGRAM OF TEMPLE ISRAEL IS FOR YOU! Join us for these programs: October 21 8:00 PM OUTREACN SNA6DAT AND PANEL DISCUSSION October 24 8:0P . MIAMI REVIEW Published Daily except Saturday. Sunday and Legal Hnlidays Miami, Dade County. Florida STATE OF FLORIDA CITY OF MIAMI, COUNTY OF DADE: FLORIDA Before the undersigned authority personally appeared NOTICE OIL Sookle Williams, who on oath says that she is the Vice President of Legal Advertising of the Miami Review, a daily ■ . ■ PUBLIC PUBLIC HEARING (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, at Miami In Dade County, Florida; that the attached A� hearing "I be hold by tM C Publiche rihN1f11n pj the G of copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice In the matter of Miami. Florida on ThursdaAliffi�r, r' �= CNmill20 ►mat Itp omm Gtsfnbsls CITY OF MIAMI Notice of Public Hearin 11 3 88 q / / _� on at � '��'� liftlban ed' MWM, Florida fa rite ptlrpoes of ROnsidering a wflltrsr of tho rsgskwY OM of obtelilft 'sallied In IPSHUMM0110irtheaoquMMM 1Zhr asnslfi lettllta of an XIYJ Coat tuet.sad 0660014M In the .............X --X...X................... Court, IW spat was published In said newspaper In the Issues of pt�7a�11t.k A October 17, 1988 "II�M�IIiKaa,�f(:�1111+1A11at"�it�l� aahnw.ge , � x�s 1 m111► oolttit9t lialisr�;rl: Alllanl further says that the said Miami Review is aaYU1�1011 tltlplbif ga per published at Miami in said Dade County, Florida, , fat thesoldnewspaper has heretofore been continuouslyitahadina d Dade County, Florida, each day (exceptrday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and has been entered as, second class mail matter at the post office In Miami in said Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year noxt preceding tM Ilnl ation of the attached copy of sivertlsement and affbant rther says that she has neither paid nor promised any person f{rm r corporation any discount, rebate, commission or ref d f r the pu ��pj uring this advertisement for t> p .x0 public tb In t %t1w r1WBp7 f//�` p ......, � � twit �rsolt, sttw �� w► • of - Sworn to and subscrlbilll before me this •. .Oqt0bE' -& E, A.D. 19.$,8... ttlptrtMbased yfeSanci��St j MiMnir T'tOFlda i� ary'PSpIi� 11i of Fge R I D A ���%* (SEAL) 1, NJC1T _ �1011'06M � My Commission expires "Jul ne 21, 1991. MP 114A