HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-88-1060J-88-1015 10/17/88 RESOLUTION NO. SS -1060 A RESOLUTION APPOINTING A MEMBER TO THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE CITY OF MIAMI FIREFIGHTERS' AND POLICE OFFICERS' RETIREMENT TRUST AS PROVIDED FOR BY CITY OF MIAMI ORDINANCE NO. 10002, APPEARING IN THE CITY CODE AS SECTION 40-202 FOR A SPECIFIED TERM OF OFFICE. WHEREAS, an appointment needs to be made to the City of Miami Firefighters' and Police Officers' Retirement Trust Board of Trustees and term of office specified herein; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The following Individual is hereby appointed as a member of the City of Miami Firefighters' and Police Officers' Retirement Trust Board of Trustees to serve a full term of office which begins November 1, 1988 and expires October 31, 1990: NAME: MARSHALL BARRY Section 2. The above appointment is made pursuant to City Ordinance No. 10002, appearing In the City Code as Section 40-202. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 3rd day of November 0 19 88 ATTEST: /,Lc ///XAVIER L. SUAREI AYOR �'. A TY HIRAI, CITY'OL K � c PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: 'rreTe� r:'1a OBERT F . CLARK , DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: JORG L. F ANDEZ, CITY ATTORNEY CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF NOV 3 1968 )N No.88-1' 11SCMNRI�J: � --J q �< t.jl�litu of (ffTialni MATTY HIRAI City Clerk November 30, 1988 Dr. Marshall Barry 5815 Alton Road Miami Beach, Florida 33140 Dear Dr. Barry: CESAR H. OLIO City Maniger Enclosed herein please find a copy of R-88-1060. passed and adopted by the City of Miami Commission at its meeting held on November 3, 1988, appointing you to serve on the City of Miami Firefighters' and Police Officers' Retirement Trust. Pursuant to the financial disclosure law, Chapter 64-318(3), Laws of Florida, you will be required to file a statement of financial interest with the Dade County Department of Elections (375-5553). Section 2-305 through 306 of the City of Miami Code requires all elective and appointive officers or employees of the City to submit to the City Clerk a complete itemized list of all real property owned by him/her, whether the title be either legal or equitable, whether owned in whole or in part, including corporate real property in which he/she has a controlling interest, or is an officer. Enclosed herein please find a copy of the appropriate forms to fill out. Kindly complete same and return them to us in the enclosed self-addressed envelope. Also, enclosed is a copy of a memorandum from Jorge L. Fernandez, City Attorney, dated October 11, 1988, in connection with formal procedures to be followed on City Commission's appointments to boards, committees, and/or commissions. Congratulations on your appointment. Zatty 'rely, Hirai City Clerk MH:vg Enc: a/s gg -100 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK/City Hall/3500 Pan American Urive/P.O.Box 330708/Miami, Florida 33233-0706/(305) Sn-6065 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO Cesar H. Odio City Manager FROM Dean R. M l e l key Labor Relations Officer DATE October 1 1 , 1888 FILE 67 SUEUECT City of M i am i Firefighters' & Police Officers' Retirement Board Appointments REFERENCES: ENCLOSURES : One Attached for your signature, please find a memorandum to the Mayor and City Commission recommending the selection of a member to the Miami Firefighters' and Police Officers' Retirement Trust Board. This appointment Is required In order to flit a vacancy created by the death of Donald Hickman. Don Teems, President of the International Association of Firefighters, Local 587 has submitted a IIst of six names for consideration by the City Commission for appointment to the City of Miami Firefighters' and Police Officers' Retirement Trust Board. We would request that this be placed on the agenda for the City Commission meeting scheduled for November 3, 1888. DRM/RSW/sw r CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO Honorable Mayor and Members DATE Of the City Commission FILE SUEUECT City of Miami Firefighters' and Police Officers' Retirement Board Appointment FROM REFERENCES: Cesar H. Odlo C•1 ty Manager ENCLOSURES: Recommendation: It is recommended that the City Commission select one name from the attached list submitted by the International Association of Firefighters to be appointed as a member of the City of Miami Firefighters' and Police Officers' Retirement Trust Board of Trustees per the attached Resolution. Background: City of Miami Code, Section 40-202 (Ordinance No. 10002). Provides for the appointment of a nine member board of trustees to administer and manage the retirement system known as the "City of Miami Firefighters' and Police Officers' Retirement Trust." Of these nine members, one is to be selected by the City Manager, two by the Firefighters (IAFF bargaining Unit) and two by the Police Officers (FOP bargaining unit). Four Independent trustees are to be selected by the City Commission through submission of a list of six persons by each bargaining unit of which two are selected from each list. In accordance with Section 40-202 (F), any vacancies occurring on the board due to resignation, death, removal or otherwise shall be filled In accordance with the provisions for selection of the trustee who has vacated the office. Mr. Donald Hickman, one of the four Independent trustees, passed away leaving a vacancy on the City of Miami Firefighters' and Police Officers' Retirement Trust Board. Don Teems, President of the International Association* of Firefighters, Local 587 has submitted a list of six names (see copy attached) for consideration by the City Commission for appointment to the City of Miami Firefighters' and Police Officers' Trust Board. The names are as follows: 1) Dan Horton 2) John Chin 3) Jack Hofher 4) or. Marshall Barry 6) Thomas Humphries 6) George Jennings An appointment of one name from thIs I1st shot'Id,be made to fI1I the vacancy. DON TEEMS, President 1701 N.W. 79th AVENUE MIAMI, FLORIDA 33126 June 20, 1988 MIAMI ASSOCIATION of FIRE FIGHTERS LOCAL NO.5e7 O t"Num OCTOSER lAGE AVE. - MIAMI, FL 33IN Ini �'Mt IOI�lE:592-7766 AFFILIATED WITH INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FIRE FIGHTERS AMERICAN FEDERATION OF LABOR CONGRESS OF INDUSTRIAL ORGANIZATIONS BILL "SHORTY" BRYSON SOUTH FLORIDA AFL-CIO Secretary-Treesursr PROFESSIONAL FIRE FIGHTERS OF FLORIDA 1701 N.W. 79th AVENUE SOUTH FLORIDA COUNCIL OF FIRE FIGHTERS MIAMI, FLORIDA 33126 Cesar R. Odio, !tanager City of Miami 3500 Pan American Drive Miami FL 33133 Dear Cesar, In compliance with our Collective Bargaining Agreement, court order, and City ordinance, I respectfully submit six names for the Coamission's consideration as appointments to the Board of Trustees of the City of Miami. Fire and Police Pension Trust. It is my understanding that the Commission will select one name to replace Don Hickman on the Board. 1. Dan Horton 19240 Christmas Road Miami FL 33157 2. John Chin 8585 Sunset Drive Miami FL 33143 3. Jack Hofher 8552 Sheraton Drive Miramar FL 33025 sin y, Don ?ems, Presldeat Miami As of Fire lighters Local 587 DT/jr 4. Dr. Marshall Barry, Ph.D. 5815 Alton Road Miami Beach FL 33140 5. Thomas Humphries 1107 San Reno Homestead rL 33035 6. George Jennings 8400 S.W. 89 Street Miami FL 33156 , UNITED IN THE PAOTECTION OF AMER/CAN LIFE, WMI, INDrW RY } ;� F �"YYYYYY 1* V CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA (9) INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO DATE Natty Hirai Ci y Clerk Attn: ylv a Lowman SUBJECT FROM Luoi A . oughert REFERENCES City Attorney ENCLOSURES BILE December 2, 1987 November 13th City Commission Meeting (reconvened on 11/19/87) (1) In connection with Agenda Item i64 of the subject Meeting (Appointment to fill vacancies on Heritage Conservation Board), our review of Paragraph 2 of City Code Section 62-71 confirms that compliance with the provisions of that Paragraph is mandatory. It is suggested that you secure the qualifications in writing of the two individuals involved (Silvio Diaz and Raul Rodriguez). oomply with the Code provisions, and have the City Manager place the matter of these Board appointments on the next Commission Meeting Agenda for reconsideration. The Commission may then adopt a resolution identical in form to the Resolution adopted on November 19th (Resolution No. 87-1032). With respect to the formalization of Motion No. 87-1034 appearing on the Rough Draft of the "City Clerk Reports" for the subject Meeting, Agenda Item 488, Commission consideration of the POP selected representative's. reappointment to the City of Miami Firefighters' and Police Officers' Retirement Trust Board, appears to have been confused with the Commission's informal designation by Motion 87-1034 of a representative of the IAFF to serve on said Board (Rose Gordon). Item 486 on the subject Meeting Agenda provided for only one Board appointment: the FOP incumbent independent member's reappointment (Jesse Diner). Although not on the Agenda. there was another pending Board appointment: an independent public member for a full term expiring September 30, 1989 (whioh appointment is normally made from an IAFF list of six persons). The predecessor member who had filled this position (former Fire Chief Don Hickman) died before the term expired September 30. 1987. Presumably, Motion 87-1034 was adopted by the City Commission at the request of the IAFF and with the support and/or recommendation of the City Manager; however, no action was taken on the FOP appointment (Agenda Item •66). 88-106(l 1 Natty Hirai City Clerk Deoember 2, 1987 Page 2 Consequently, ve are forwarding for Agenda plaoement the attsohed draft of a resolution vhioh will be approved by us: (a) upon reoeipt of written dooumentation from the IAFF ref leoting its position that it does not oare to submit a list of six nominees, and (b) upon reoeipt of a written irrevooable resignation by Mrs. Gordon from her present offioe of Trustee on the City of Miami General Employees and Sanitation Employees' Retirement Trust Board. The latter oondition (b) is mandated by the Florida Constitution prohibition against dual offioe-holding (Artiole II, Seotion D(a)). Both of these appointments (Jesse Diner and Rose Gordon) vould then be appropriate for consideration by the City Commission sinoe they are in keeping with the past praotioe of the City Commission's waiver of the City Code requirement that a list of six (6) persons be submitted by each of the employee groups (FOP and IAFF), Code Seotion 40-202(A)(1)(d). Elena Rodriguez, Pension Administrator is reoeiving a oopy hereof so that she may seoure the needed dooumentation as indioated above. LAD:RFC:bss:P473 oo: Cesar H. Odio, City Manager Attn: Aurelio Perez-Lugones, Legislative Administrator Elena Rodriguez, Pension Administrator 88--1060 CITY OF MIAMI CITY C11RK REPORT MEETING DATE: November 19 1987 PAGE NO. AG. #N/A A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY M 87-1025 MANAGER TO PROVIDE 16 SURPLUS GARBAGE TRUCKS AND 8 MOVED: PLUMMER SURPLUS DUMP TRUCKS TO THE SISTER CITY OF SANTO SECOND: DAWKINS - DOMINGO, DOMINICAN REPUBLIC; FURTHER AUTHORIZING AND UNANIMOUS DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO NEGOTIATE A PRICE FOR SAID EQUIPMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE CITY CODE PROVISIONS. AG. #NIA A RESOLUTION ALLOCATING $196,000 FROM THE SPECIAL R 87-1026 - PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS, CONTINGENT FUND TO THE LITTLE MOVED: KENNEDY HAVANA ACTIVITIES AND NUTRITION CENTERS OF DADE SECOND: PLUMMER COUNTY, INC. FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING A LOAN TO UNANIMOUS BE REPAID TO THE CITY FROM THE AGENCY'S GRANT FROM THE STATE OF FLORIDA IN THE SAME AMOUNT TO PROVIDE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS/CONSTRUCTION IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE AGENCY'S ELDERLY SERVICES PROGRAMS, SAID LOAN CONDITIONED ON THE AGENCY EXPENDING THE LOAN AMOUNT IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE AFOREMENTIONED GRANT WITH THE STATE OF FLORIDA AND THE AGENCY AGREEING TO ESTABLISH A REPAYMENT SCHEDULE FOR THE FULL AMOUNT OF THE LOAN IF FOR ANY REASON THE GRANT FROM THE STATE OF FLORIDA IS RESCINDED; FURTHER - AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO THE AGREEMENT WITH SAID AGENCY FOR SAID PURPOSE, IN A FORM ACCEPTAQBLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY. -------- - NOTE: --------------------------------------------------- R 87-1030 appointed MR. CARLOS ARBOLEYA. JR. AND MR. ------------ THELBERT JOHNAKIN to the Code Enforcement Board (Mr. Arboleya. Jr. was nominated by Mayor Suarez, and Mr. Jonathan was nominated by Commissioner Dawkins). NOTE: R 87-1031 appointed MR. BARREIRA AND MR. FAIR to the Health Facilities Authority (Mr. Barreira was - nominated by Commissioner Kennedy, and Mr. Fair was nominated by Commissioner Dawkins). NOTE: R 87-1032 appointed MS. LUISA MURAI. to the Heritage Conservation Board (Ms. Murai was nominated. by Commissioner Kennedy). AG #64 A MOTION APPOINTING DR. SILVIO DIAZ AND MR. RAUL M 87-1032.1 RODRIGUEZ TO THE HERITAGE CONSERVATION BOARD (Note: MOVED: PLUMMER Dr. Diaz was nominated by Mayor Suarez, and Mr. SECOND: KENNEDY ME Rodriguez was nominated by Commissioner Plummer). UNANIMOUS NOTE: R 87- 1033 appointed MR. RON THOMPKINS AND MS. THERESA POLLOCK as members to the Board of Trustees of the City of Miami General Employees' and Sanitation Employee's Retirement Trust. AG #66 A MOTION APPOINTING MS. ROSE GORDON TO THE BOARD OF M 87- 1034 TRUSTEES OF THE CITY OF MIAMI FIRE FIGHTERS' AND MOVED: KENNEDY POLICE OFFICERS' RETIREMENT TRUST (Note: Ms. Gordon SECOND: PLUMMER was nominated by Commissioner Kennedy). AG. #83 A MOTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION ACCEPTING THE M 87-1040 POSITION PRESENTED THIS DATE BY THE GREATER MIAMI MOVED: PLUMMER CHAMBER OF COMMERCE REGARDING THE PEOPLE MOVER. SECOND: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS AG. #78 A MOTION UPHOLDING THE CITY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION M 87-1041 FOR DENIAL OF A REQUEST RECEIVED FROM REPRESENTATIVES MOVED: PLUMMER OF CARE SEEKING SUPPORT FOR THE 3RD WOMEN'S ACTION SECOND: DAWKINS FOR PROGRESS CONFERENCE. UNANIMOUS 88-1060