HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-88-1103--T- J-88-1102 11/17/88 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION, WITH ATTACHMENT, APPROVING THE TERMINATION OF THE 14TH YEAR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GPANT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF MIAMI AND WYNWOOD ELDERLY CENTER, INC.; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH HOLY CROSS DAY CARE CENTER, INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF $132,578 FOR THE PERIOD OF OCTOBER 7, 1988 THROUGH JUNE 30, 1989, IN THE FORM ATTACHED HERETO, FOR THE PURPOSE OF MAINTAINING SERVICES TO THE ELDERLY IN THE WYNWOOD TARGET AREA OF' THE CITY OF MIAMI. WHEREAS, the City of Miami entered into agreement with Wynwood Elderly Center, Inc. to provide multiple services to elderly residents of the Wynwood target area with $186,424 of 14th Year Community Development Block Grant Funds, $1,607 of 13th Year Community Development Block Grant Funds and $8,111 from the Special Programs and Accounts, Contingent Fund; and WHEREAS, the Department of Community Development, acting on _ behalf of the City of Miami, notified Wynwood Elderly Center, a i 3 Inc., in writing, on September 19, 1988, that the City was terminating its agreement with the Agency for cause, specifically i that there is a pending IRS Levy for failure to pay payroll taxes, employees are alleged to have embezzled money from the organization and the Agency had not made rent payments to Metropolitan Dade County and was in default of its lease; and WHEREAS, at the time of the termination, an amount of $132,578 of the Ci_ty's allocation to the Agency had not been expended; and WHEREAS, there is a critical need to maintain services to elderly residents of the Wynwood target area; and WHEREAS, the City Commission adopted Resolution No. 88-955 on October 6, 1988, which allocated the aforementioned unexpended allocation from Wynwood Elderly Center, Inc. in the amount of $132,578 to Holy Cross Day Care Center, Inc. and further ATTO, G 01 W ` CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF NOV17 1988 RESOLUTION No`Q"-' 1103 REMARKS: r r authorized the City Manager to negotiate an agreement with said Agency to maintain services to the elderly in the Wynwood target area; and WHEREAS, the administration has negotiated an agreement with Holy Cross Day Care Center, Inc. to maintain services to elderly residents of the Wynwood target area; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The termination of the 14th Year Community Development Block Grant agreement between the City of Miami and Wynwood Elderly Center, Inc. for the period of July 1, 1988 through June 30, 1989 is hereby approved, effective September 19, 1988. Section 2. The City Manager is hereby authorized to enter into agreement for the amount of $132,578, in the form attached hereto, with Holy Cross Day Care Center, Inc. for the period of October 7, 1988 through June 30, 1989, to maintain services to the elderly in the Wynwood target area, subject to the conditions and limitations contained herein and in the City Code. Section 3. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption pursuant to law. PASSED AND ADOPTED this ATTEST: TTY HIRAI CITY CLERK 17th day of November 1988. XAVIER L. S REZ, MAYOR COMMUNITY DEVEJ,,qPMENT REVIEW: F CA NEDA, DfRECTOR DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT -2- 88-1103 mk BUDGETARY REVIEW: MANOHAR S. SURANA, DIRECTOR DEPARTMENT OF BUDGET FINANCIAL REVIEW: CARLOS E. GARCIA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: ROBERT F. CLARK CHIEF DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY APPROVED AS( O FORM AND CORRECTNESS: JO E L: FE NANDEZ CIT ATTOR Y RFC:bss:M888 4w -3- 88-1103 a�if 1 11— y 1W WX CITY OF MIAMI SOCIAL SERVICES AGREF,MEN'r hi s day })f , 19_, hq+ .a+?nn the city nf '1 amp , a municipal corporat ion of the State of f't,,r ; l•�, (hctr�� n<ifr } r T_ fVt- l r C, rI5 the "( ITY" ) , -lnd Holy Cross i)ay Care Center, Lrrc. , a V1 ori.da not for prof.i.t. corporation, (herei.nafter referred to as the "GRANTEE") . UUNDING SOURCE: Lath Year Community Development Block Grant. Funds - $2, 332, 14th Year Community Development. B1-ock Grant. Funds - $122,660; and Special Programs and Accounts: Contingent Fund - $7, 386 TERM OF 'r1iE AGRELPIENT: October 7, 1988 through June 30, 1989 AMOUNT: $132, 578 VENDOR UUMBE'R: 040444 TAX IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: 59 1837325 NOW, THEREFORE, i.n consi.derat.i.on of the mutual covenants and obl.i.gati.ons herein set forth, the parties understand and agree as fol.l.ows: ARTICLE I. As a necessary part of this Agreement, the GRANTEE shalt provide the CITY wi.t.h the fol.lowi.ng: 1.1 Corporate Resolution authori.zi.ng execut.i.on of this Agreement.. 1.2 Work Program (approved by the CITY). 1.3 Budget Summary, to include: completion of GRANTEE'S Program/Li.ne-Item Budget/Expendi.ture Just i.fi.cati.on, Total. Actual. and Projected Funds Disclosure, and Staff Salaries Schedule (on forms suppl.i.ed by the CITY); budget for program - generated income; copi.es of a1.1. sub -contracts and/or management services agreements funded in whole or in part -- under this agreement. 1.4 Copy of GRAN'rEE's Articles of Incorporation, Charter and By- laws. 1.5 Li.st. of Present Pri.nci.pal Governi.nq Board Officers and Members of the Board (names, addresses and telephone numbers). 1.6 List. of Key Staff Persons, with their titles, who will carry out this program. 1.7 Certificate of Insurance which reflects GRANTEE'S current- 1 - 48--1103 S I 1. i.abi 1 i t y i nsur 3nce, n,)mi ng the CITY as primary or add i.t.ional. insured as lefP-mined by the Law Department of the CITY; current. Workers' �:omrensation i risurance; current Fi.de1.i.ty Bond (appli-cable for all, persons who are authorized to receive -ind di sl�urso Hinds under tlii s Agreement ) ; and other coverage as (IeemPd necessary (i.e. automobi.l.e i.nsurance). 1.f3 Cornpl.et.i.on of Aufliorized Representative Statement. (on form supplied by the CITY). 1.9 Completi.on of Statement. of Accounting System (on form suppl.i.ed by the CITY) . 1.10 A 1 et -.ter from an i.ndenendent. Cert.i.fi.ed Publ.i.c Accountant which expresses the opi.ni.on that. the GRANTEE's internal controls are a(iequat.e to safeguard the organi.zat.i.on's assets. 1.11 Corporate Personnel Poli.ci.es and Procedures. L . 12 Job Descr i.pti.on an,i Resumes for all positions funded i.n whole or in part. under t.hi.s Agreement. 1.13 GRANTEE's Corporate Seal. (to be affixed to Signatory Page, and Corporate Resol.ut;.on). 1.14 Final. Expendi.t.ures Report (to be submitt-ed to the CITY on an approved form no 1 at.er than 30 days after the expi.rat.i.on . of thi.s Ag.reement). 1.15 Certified Independent. Audit (to be submitted to the CITY no later than 120 days after the expiration of this Agreement). ARTICLE II. 2.1 TIME OF PERFORMANCE The term of t.hi.s Agreement. shall be from October 7, 1988 through June 30, 1989. 2.2 CITY AUTHORIZATION For the purpose of this Agreement, the City of Miami. Department of Community Development (hereinafter the "DEPARTMENT") will. act. on behalf of the CITY in the fiscal control, programmatic monitoring, and mod.i.fi.cati.on of this Agreement, except as otherwise provided by this Agreement.. 2.3 OBLIGATION OF GRANTEE The GRANTEE shall. carry out the services as prescribed in its Work Program (Attachment I), which is attached and - 2 - ' �J 88 11U.3 i r or i.ncorporate(I Iler-•-in and mrfde a Dart of +hi.s Agreement, in a l awful , and I-)rop(-r manner, sari sfactory to the CITY, i.n acc,-)r,lan(.:e witl1 f Ile ;,ir,.tten pol icier, Procedures, and requirements is prescribed in this Agreement., as set forth by the llni.ted Stites s.2-retary of Treasury and the Ci*y of MJami. Department. of Cr)mmunif y Development.. 2. c1U Li:IE ITEM BUDGET JUSTIFICATION 4 13UDGET SUMMAIRY A GRANTEE sha11 comply with its Program/Line-Item Budget/Expendi.t.ure Justi.fi.cati.on (At.tachment. II) which i.s .attached and incorporated herein and made a part of this Agreement. 2.5 RETENTION OF RECORDS GRANTEE sha 1 1 re t.a i.n al l f i.nanc i.a l records, supporting documents, stat.i.st.i.cal records, and all other records pertinent. to this Agreement. for a period of three years. The ret.ent i.on period starts from the date of the submission of the final expenditure report-. Records for non -expendable property acquired wi.t.h funds under the Agreement shall be retained for a period of three years after its final di.sposi.ti.on. AM. records retained pursuant to this section shall. be retained beyond the three-year period i.f audit findings have not been resolved. 2.6 BONDING AND INSURANCE GRANTEE shall maintain insurance and bonding coverages acceptable to the CITY's Division of Risk Management. Prior to commencing any act.i.vi.ty under this Agreement., the GRANTEE shall. furnish to the CITY certi.fi.cat.es of insurance and bonding i-ndicating that. the GRANTEE i.s i.n compliance with the provi.si.ons of this arti.cl.e. GRANTEE shall provi.de the fol.lowi.ng coverages: A) Insurance coverage that reflects sound business practices acceptable to the C1'CY's Di_vi.si.on of Risk Management.. B) Fidelity bonding for all. persons handling funds received or disbursed under thi.s Agreement in an amount equal to or greater than the maximum amount of cash held at any one. t.i.me. Compl i.ance with the foregoing requirements shall. not rel.i.eve 3 - HN--110.13 7 Ir 404, ;.j1)i 1 i ty ind nhl igat ions under t11i.s sect ion or In(ler any rather section of thi-s Agreement. . 7 LEVEL OF iI;RV i CE Shoul,.l s*art-iq) ti,no for a program be rE-quired or any delays �n service „-cur, rh,-� r)r�,p;jrtment of Community Development- is to ire not.i fieri in ,jr i t inch imme,3iately, gi.vinq al t pert ilien t tleta i.I s 1AIld i nd i ca t i.ng when servi.c<2 sha I l begin and/or cont.i.nue. It is understood and agreed that the level. of services, activit;es, znd expenditures by the GRANTEE, i.n exi.st.ence prior to tlhe J.niti.at.i.on of services hereunder, shall be continued and shall. not. he reduced i.n any way as a result. of thi-s lgraement. Programs funded through t.hi.s Agreement shall. not. result i.n the di.spl.acementof employed workers, impair exi.sti.ng cont.ract.s for services, or result i.n the substitution of funds allocated under this Agreement for other funds i.n connect.ion with work whi.ch would have been performed i_n the absence of t.hi.s Agreement. 2.8 PURCHASING AIJU INV►st4'rQRY GRANTEE shall. use i.t.s best efforts to obtain all suppl.i.es and equipment for use under this Agreement at the lowest pract i.cal. costs and shall_ so.l i.cit three bids for the purchase of capital equipment. The three bids shall accompany all. requests for payment. All non -expendable property acquired for the program wi.th CITY funds shall revert to the CITY at the end of C1TY's funding of the Program (non -expendable property being propert.i.es which shall. not be consumed or lose i.dent.i.t.y) . GRANTEE shal_1. be responsi.bl.e to CITY for any damage or destruction to said property and shall_ reimburse CITY for such damage or destruction. GRANTEE shal_1. establish and mai.ntai.n a property control system and shall. be responsible for mai.nt.ai.ni.ng a current inventory on all. capital items purchased with CITY funds. All capital expenditures over $50.00 must be approved by CITY prior to purchase. All items purchased remain the property of CITY and are to be i_nventori_ed as such, which shall include a property record 1. i.s t. i.ng t.ite descr i.pt i.on, model, serial - 4 - F110 8fl--3 r f number, dat- .-)f acquisition, and cost. Such property shall be i nventori e,1 spin i.-annual.ly, and an i-nventory report submitted to CITRACJTEF shal l permit CITY staff access to the premi ses ,Jier,� property i s -,eht for the purpose r)f performing inventory moni_tori.ng funct ions. GlZi�NTEL shall_ not ,.li.spose of rnal or personal_ property purchased with CITY funds through 1oan, or rel.ocat.ion without recei.viny prior wri.t.ten approval. of the Ci.t.y Manager. 2.9 MINORITY PROCUREff-11],14T COMPLIANCE CLAUSE GRANTEE acknowledges that. i.t has been furnished a copy of Ordinance No. 10062, the i4i.norit.y Procurement Ordinance of the Ci.t.y of Mi.ami., and shall. comply with al.l. appl.i.cabl.e substant.i.ve and procedural. provisions therein, including any amendments thereto. 2.10 DISCLOSURE OF FUNDS GRANTEE shall. disclose al.l. sources (public or private) and amounts of funds reflecting the total budget whether they be real or in -kind at the commencement of the Agreement period, as well as any changes i.n the amount of funds through program income or the sources received during the term of this Agreement, wi.t.hi.n 30 days of such change. Examples of i.n- ki.nd funds include free rent, labor, and office equipment. 2.11 FINAL EXPENDITURE REPORT A final expendi.t.ure report shall be submitted to the CITY wi.thi.n 30 days after the expiration of this Agreement. This report shall reflect actual expenditures, by line -items, versus budgeted expenditures. All persons employed and paid pursuant to this Agreement are to be l i.sted by name, ti_t.l e, Social Security number, date hired or terminated, ethnic background, and total. salary ref.lecti.ng both CITY and other fundi.ng sources. '..12 REPORTS AND EVALUATIONS GRANTEE shall transmit. to CITY, in writing, in a format acceptable to CITY, quarterly reports regarding current act.i.vi.ty and the progress of the GRANTEE'S activities. GRANTEE shall submit to CITY such additional reports as may 5 RN-110:3 �/ or P. i,L• reyu,�st ecl . 1RANTUE shal l prepat-P, in wri-t.i.ng, i-n a format acceptable to CITY, any reports -)r locument-at-Jon that- may be required by Federal, St-ato or 1,)r=i1 Directives. At t he request �f t ITY, GRANTEE shall. t-ransmi t. t.o CITY written statements of 3RANTEE's offici-al policy on specifi.ed i.ssues r -1 at i nq to -;RANTFE's act.i_vi.ti-es. CITY may carry out !�oni.tori-ng and evaluation acti.vi.t.i.es, i-ncl.udi.ng vi.si.t-s and observations by CITY staff; GRANTEE shalt ensure the cooperat.i-on of i.t.s einpl.oyees and Board members i.n such efforts. Any i.nconsi.stent, i.ncomp.lete, or inadequate i nforrnat-ion either received by the CITY on a quarterly basi.s or obtained through monitoring and eval.uati.on by the CITY, shall consti.tut.e good cause for the CITY t-.o t.erini.nate t.hi.s Agreement. at any time thereafter. 2.13 AUDITS GRANTEE wi..l..t comply with al..l appl_i.cabl.e federal regul.ati_ons relat.i.ng to the submi.ssi.on of an independent audit from a cert-Af i.ed publ. i.c accountant. CITY wi.l..l advise the GRANTEE, in writing, of sa i.d audit requirement-s within three (3 ) months of the commencement. of this agreement. The GRANTEE agrees to budget suffi.ci.ent funds allocated under this Agreement. to secure an independent audit from a certified publ.i.c accountant. whi-ch must include the expression of an opi.ni.on on the f.i.nanci.al. statements, and a compliance letter which tests whether the GRANTEE i.s in conformity with Community Development Btock Grant. or other appl_i.cab.le regulations. Line Item Change Requests will be accepted to cover the cost. of the required audit. Additional- funds wi.l.l. not be granted [or this purpose. If appl.i.cabl.e, sai.d audit. �ihal l be submitted to the Ci.t-y's Department of Community Development no later than 120 days after the expiration of t-h i. s Agreement-.. 2.14 CPA LETTER GRANTEE sha 1- 1. submit. to the CITY at the commencement of the Agreement a l.et.t.er from an independent Certified Pub].i.c 6 - SS--1103 �0 Accountant ( 'VA .00 c.h expresses t_he opi.ni.on that the ';RANTEL' s act:ount.ing system has adequate internal controls to s;lfequard the jasof s of t he crjan i zat ion. Expenses incurred to secure the CPA lotter ?nay be covere,1 by the CITY grant. and 11111,0 he i nc I ,,]+-] i ;l t ho "Xilen'i it ure just If i cat i poll fnrm of t ho bulge* summary. ARTICLE III. 3.1 COMPENSATION 4. CITY shag 1 pay G(ZANTF.E, as maximum compensation for the services redui.red pursuant to Art.i.cte II hereof, $132,578. n. (.I'CY sisal 1 Dave the right to rev i.ew and audit. the time ,!cowls and ro=t it-o,] rec:orr3s of GRANTEE pertai.ni.ny to any payments by CITY. 3.2 METHOD OF PAYMEtn �. Upon written request. from GRANTEE, CITY may advance 1/bt.h of the appropriated funds to GRANTEE prior to or after the execution of the Agreement. The advance shall be processed when the Agency has submitted the Agreement and al.l. required provi s.i.ons to the City and the Agreement has been approved and signed by the Insurance Management Division of the CITY. CITY sliall_ release the advance upon execution of a Letter of Understanding between the GRANTEE and the DEPARTMENT whereby the GRANTEE i.s bound by all requirements of the Agreement upon acceptance of the advance. The a(lvauce shall be justified as fol lows : one- half (1/2) i_n seven (7) equal monthly installments commencing i.n the second month of this Agreement and conti.nui.ng through the eleventh month of this Agreement; one -Half (1/2) i.n the ninth and final month of this Agreement. This method of justifying the advance may be amended by the DEPARTHE:NT. Funds shall not be advanced by the CITY i.f the GRANTEE i_s in default under this Agreement. B. A.U. other payments shalt be reimbursements for expenditures incurred only during the term of tthi-s Agreement, and in comps i.ance with the previously approved or P i,i.nN-Item i3u pa Such written request sliall contain a statement Ipciarin(j and affJ.rmi.ng ihat all expenditures .dare m.31e i n acc.or(i,311c tN wi.t.h the approve?e] bu,la?t . All locument:i t.i on in support of such r-,hest shall he subject t�3 approval h}- (:ITY a+- the * iine flee request i s made and all invoices are required to be paid by GRANTEE prior to submi ssion. 11 1 reimbursements mus* be i n 1 trie-1.tem form and be in accorrl with t.hi.s Agreement. Al.l. expenditures must be verifi.ed by ori.gi.nal_ i.nvoi.ce wi.t--h a copy of the check which was used to pay that specific invoice. Wi.thi.n 60 clays of submi t t i ng reimbursement request., copies of the cancel led checks shall. be submitted. In the event that an i.nvoi.ce is paid by various func3i.ng sources, a copy of t-he i.nvoi.ce may be submi.t.ted but must. indicate the exact arnount paid by various funding sources equal.i.ng the total. of the i.nvoi.ce. No miscellaneous categories shalt be accepted as a 1J.ne item in the budget. Request for li.ne- item changes are allowable, wi.th prior review and approval. _ by the CITY. A.U. line -item changes must be made prior to the end of the term of the agreement. C. Requests for payment should be made at. least on a monthly basis. Reimbursement requests should be submitted to the CITY within thirty (30) calendar days after the i.ndebtedness has been incurred. Failure to comply may rasul.t. in the rejection for repayment of those i.nvoi.ces wi.thi.n the reimbursement package which do not meet this requirement. D. GRANTEE must submit the final. request for payment to the CITY wi.thi.n 30 calendar days following the expiration date or t.ermi.ncit-Jon date of this Agreement. If the GRANTEE fai.l.s to comply, all rights to payment are forfei.ted and the CITY shall. not honor any request: submitted after the aforesaid agreed upon period. E. Any payment due under this Agreement-. may be withheld pending the receipt and approval by the CITY of all reports clue from the GRANTEE as a part of this contract - 8 - SS-1103 P r and ,any m(_-v,l if, c ;= i- i ons +-liereto. 3.3 FINANCIAL ACCOUN'iAB11,1TY CITY reserves the right to and i.t the records of GRANTEE at any time rluri mi `he performance of this Agreement. and for a peri.,-)rj of titre- ,•-:irs ift.er fi.nal payment is made under this Agreement.. �RnNTE'E Agrees to provide all fi.nanci.al. and other ,JhpI i.cabl e recor(3s 'Irld locument.at ion of services to CITY. Any payment. theretofore made shalt be subject to reduction for amounts i.ncl.ud(21 in the related i.nvoi.ce which are found by CITY, on the hasi.s of such audit, not. t.o consti.t.ute al towable -2xpetidi.tures. Any payments made to GRANTEE are subiect to re,lucti.on for overpayments on previously submi.tt.ed I1 V() i Ctts . 3.4 RZ'CAPTURE OF FUNDS CITY shall reserve the right. r_o recapture funds when the GRANTEE shalt fail (i.) to comply wi_t-.h the t-erms of this ii,greement. or (ii.) to accept condi.t.i.oris imposed by CITY at the direct i.on of the federal, state and local. agencies. 3.5 CONTINGENCY CLAUSE Funding for t-lii.s Agreement. is conti.ngent, on the avai.l.abi.l i.ty of funds and cone i.nued authori.za* i.on for program acti.vi.t i.es and is subject to amendment or t-ermi.nati.on due to tack of funds or autliori.zati.on, reduction of funds, and/or change in reguIat_i.otis. 3.G SALARIES, FRINGE BENEFITS, JOB DESCRIPTIONS To be el. i_gi.bl e for reimbursement for personnel. costs, GRANTEE shalt subini_t t-o CITY for prior written approval, i.n accordance wi.t.h U.S. Department of Labor gui.det i.nes, a detai.l.ed statement of t.lie personnel, pol.i.ci.es of GRANTEE. These personnel- pot i.ci.es are to i.nc.lude, but are not li.mi.ted to, pay schedules, fringe benefits, resumes from staff, method used t.o compute vacations and i.l.l. t.i.me, worki.ng hours, office procedures, paid hoLi.days, computation of wages, job descriptions to i.nc1.ude qua l_i.fi.cat.i.ons for job, an affi_rmati.ve action plan, an equal employment opportunity st.at.ement, disc►.pl.i.nary procedures and methods, and format. 9 P f for and frequency of employee evaluations. The CITY shall riot rei.mbur ,e iRANTEE for famJ.1.y health care insurance premiums, nor shall the CITY reimburse GRANTEE for employee ret.i.rement_ benefits. ARTICLE TV. 4.1 PROJECT PUBLICITY GRANTEI•; steal l ai)ide by affirmative action regulations i.n i.nformi.ng residents of the geographical. area to be served hereunder and of the services to be offered by ut.i.li.zi.ng any avai.l.able means for advertisement, as necessary for recrui.t.ment. ,and oiit reach. All. literature, advcrti.si_ng, publi.ci.ty or promotion regarding GRANTEE's act.i.vi.ti.es wi.l.l. be submi.t.t.ed to CITY for review and approval prior t,-) release or ji.stri.but.i.on. No press conference slhal.l_ be scheduled wi.t.hout wri.t.t.en notice to CITY. 4.2 NONDISCRIMINATION GRANTEE agrees that. i.t shal.l not: di.scri.ini.nate as to race, sex, color, creed, national. ori.gi.n or physical liandi.cap in connection wi.t.h its performance under this Agreement. 4.3 CONFLICT OF INTEREST GRANTEE covenants that no person under its employ who presently exercises any functions or ' respons i.bi..l.i.t i.es in connection with thi.s Agreement has any personal fi.nanci.a.l interests, direct or i.ndi.rect, with CITY except as permitted pursuant to this Agreement. GRANTEE further covenants that, in the performance of thi.s Agreement, no person having a confl.ict.i.ng i.nterest. shall. be employed. Any such i.nt.erests on the part of GRANTEE or its employees, must be disclosed in wri_t.i.ng to CITY. GRANTEE i.s aware of the conflict of interest laws of the City of Miami (Ci.ty of Miami. Code Chapter 2, Article V) , Dade County Florida (Dade County Code Section 22-11.1) and the State of Florida, and agrees that it shall fully comply in all. respects wi.t.h the terms of said laws. 4.4 INDEMNIFICATION GRANTEE shall i.ndemni.fy, defend and save CITY harmless from - 10 - _ 88--1103 F 0. and against. any and all claims, 1i.ahiIi.ti.es, losses, and causes of act.i.on wlii.ch may arise out of GRANTEE's acti.vi.ti.es under t.hi.s Agreement, includi.nq all other acts or omi.ssi.ons to act on the hart :)f ;RANTEE, including any person act.i-ng ror or on i rs heh.al f; from and against. any relevant orders, judgments, or decrees wlii.ch may be entered against the CITY; ;in(] from and against. all costs, at.t-orney's fees, expenses, and l.i.abi.l.i.ti.es incurred by the CITY i-n the defense of any ,uch cl.ai.ms or i.n the invest.i-gati.on thereof. 4.5 CUMPLIANCE WITH FEDERAL, STATE, AND LOCAL LAWS Bot.11 part.i.es ,ha1 i cornpl.y wi.t.h a11. appl.i.cable laws, oreli.nances, and codes of federal., state and 1.oca1. governments. 4.6 AMENDMENTS No amendments to this Agreement. shall be bi.ndi.ng on ei.ttier party unl.esrs in wr i.t.i ng ati;l signed by both part.i.es. 4.7 SUBCONTRACTS GRANTEE agrees to give advance written noti.fi.cati.on to the CITY of any subcontract. None of the services covered. -by this Agreement. shall. be subcontracted without. the prior written approval of CITY. Any work or services sub- contracted hereunder shall. be subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Proper documentation in accordance wi.th the DEPARTMENT and CITY gui.del.i.nes and directives must be submi.t:ted to and approved by the DEPARTMENT prior to the execution of any subcontract. The advance noti.fi.catJon process shall include the following: A. Ident.i.fi.cat.i.on of the subcontractor and services to be provided. B. The proposer] subcontract, together with a complete and accurate breakdown of the price on a component -by - component. bas i.s , and a l.1 bid documents. C. Identi.fi.cati.on of the type of subcontract t-o be used. 1). Summary of .act.i.ons taken t.o select. the subcontractor. Nothing cont.ai.ned herein shall create any contractual - 11 - 88-110.; /.S P P rel <kt i oiishi p hf�f weer CITY And any subcontractor working for GRANTEE. 4.8 UWNERO"H I P 00C111,1ENTG rpod by (-,RA[JTEL: and-r this Agreement. shall_ I)e lel i vere,1 to by said GRANTEE upon compl-etion of the 5t--rvices requi.rerl ptirsuan* *o this Agreement and shall become the property of CITY, without restrict.i.on or l.i_mi.tat.i.on on 1. t.s use. GRANTEE agrees that. a l_ 1_ documents ma i.nt.a i.ned and generated pursuant. to t-.hi.s contractual relationship between CITY and GRANTEE shall be subject to all provi_si.ons of the Public Records Law, Chapter 119, Florida St-.at.ut.es. It i.s further understood by and between the part i.es that any documents or thi.ng whi.ch i.s given by CITY to GRANTEE pursuant to t.hi.s Agreement. shall at all. t-Ames remain the property of CITY and shall not he used by GRANTEE for any other purposes whatsoever wi.t.hout the written consent- of CITY. 4.9 AWARD OF AGRE EMEN,r GRANTEE warrants that i.thas not employed or retained any person employed by the CITY to sol.i.ci.t or secure this Agreement and that it has not offered to pay, paid, or agreed to pay any person employed by the CITY any fee, commi_ssi.on percentage, brokerage• fee, or gift of any kind contingent upon or resulting from the award of this Agreement. 4.LU NON-LIELEGABILITY The oblJgati.ons undertaken by the GRANTEE pursuant to this Agreement shall. not be delegated or assigned to any other person or firm unless CITY shall fi.rst consent_ in writing to the performance or assignment of such services or any part thereof by another person or firm. 4.11 CONSTRUCTION OF AGREEMENT This Agreement shall be construed and enforced according to the laws of the State of Florida. 4.12 OBLIGATION TO RENEW Upon expi.rati.on of the term of this Agreement, GRANTEE agrees and understands that CITY has no obl.i.gati.on to renew this Agreement. 12 - SH--110 3 WA U P Cl31tP1INATIoN I•' )NTJ' /\(-'T CITY retains the right to terminate t.hi.s Agreement. at any time pr i or t o f lie c-ompl et ion of the services required pursuant to this ,lare,�inent without penal ty to CITY. In that. '?Vent-, notice trrminaf ion of this Agreement shal l be i.n wr i_ t i.ng to GRANTi;E, who sha 1 1 be pa i l for those sery ices performed prior to the date of i.t.s receipt of the notice of t.ermi.nat.i.on. In no case, however, shalt CITY pay GRANTEE an amount in excess of the total sum provi.ded by t.hi.s Agreement. It. is hereby understood by and between CITY and GRANTEE that any payment. made in accordance with t.hi.s Section to GRANTEE shall. be made only i.f s3i.(i GRANTEE is not. i.n defaul_t. under the terms of this agreement. If GRANTEE is i.n default, then CITY sha 1. t in no way be ob 1. i.gated and shall. not. pay to GRANTEE any sum whatsoever. 4.14 GENERAL CONUI'r l(-)iJS A. AU notices or other communi.cati.ons which shall or may be given pursuant to this Agreement shall be i:n writing and shall be delivered by personal. service, or by registered mail addressed to the other party at the address i.ndi.cated herein or as the same may be changed from time to time. Stich notice sha 1.1 be deemed given on the day on which personalty served; or, if by mai.1, on the fifth day after being posted or the date of actual receipt, whichever is earl i.er. CITY of MIAMI GRANTEE 3500 Pan American Dri-ve Holy Cross Day Care Center, Iric. Miami., Fl.ori.da 33133 123 N.E. 36 St. Miami., Fl.ori.da 33137 B. Ti.tle and paragraph headings are for convenient reference and are not a part of this Agreement. C. In the event of conflict between the terms of this Agreement and any terms or conditions contained in any attached documents, the terms in this Agreement shall. control. U. No waiver or breach of any provision of this Agreement shall constitute a waiver of any subsequent breach of the 13 - �8-11n:� � r same or any other provi.si.on hereof, and no waiver shall_ be effective unless made in writ-ing. E. Should any provisions, paragraphs, sentences, words or phrases contained in thi.s Agreement. be (let.ermi.ned by a court. of compr-�tnnt jurisdicti-on to be invalid, i l legal or otherwise unenforceable under the laws of the State of Florida or the City of Mi.ami., such provi.si.ons, paragraphs, sentences, words or phrases shall be deemed modified to the extent r.ior(,ss.jry i n or,_ler to conform wish such laws, or i.f not modi.fi.able to conform with such laws, then same shd.11 be deemed severable, and in either event, the remaining terms and provisions of this Agreement shall. remain urimodi_fi.ed and in ful-1 force and effect. 4.15 INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR GRANTEE and its employees and agents shall be deemed to be i.ndeperident contractors and not agents or employees of CITY, and shall. not. 3tt.ai.n any rights or benefits under the Ci.vi.l Service or Pension Ordinances of CITY or any rights generally afforded classi.fi.ed or unclassified employees; further, they shall not be deemed entitled to the Florida Workers' Compensation benefits as an employee of CITY. 4.16 SUCCESSORS AND ASSrc;Ns This Agreement shal_I be binding upon the parties herein, their heirs, executors, legal representatives, successors, and assigns. 4.17 DEFAULT PROVISIONS In the event. that GRANTEE shall fail. to comply with each and every term and condi.ti_on of this Agreement or fails to perform any of the terms and condi.t.i.ons coritai.ned herein, then CITY, at i.ts sole option, upon written notice to GRANTEE, may cancel. and terminate this Agreement, and al- 1-payments, advances, or other compensation paid to GRANTEE by CITY while GRANTEL was in default of the provi.si.ons herei.n contained shall_ be forthwith returned to CITY. - 14 / RB-1103 ! Ok ARTICLE V. GRANTEE CERTIFICATIONS 5.1 GRANTEE certifies that.: A. It poSsesSes the 1e9al .authority to enter i.nt.o this Agreement 1)y way -)f a resoi_ut.i.on, motion, or si.mi.lar act, ion that has heen (luIy adopter] or passe (I ar, an ofIi.ciaI ,-act of GRANTEIV s governing body, aut.horizi.ng the execution of the Agreement, inc Iudi.ng all understandings anal assurances herein, and di.rect.i.ng sand aut.hori.zi.►7g the person ident-J.fi.ed as the offi.ci_al representative of the GRANTEE to act in connection with the Agreement and to provide such addi.ti.onal. i_nformat-J.on .as may be required. B. It shall comply with the provisions of the Hatch Act which limits the po.li.ti.cal activity of employees. C. No program under this Agreement shall involve political. acti.vi.ti.es. D. It shall prohi.bi.t employees from usi.ng their positions for a purpose that is or 'gives the appearance of being motivated by desire for private gain for themselves or others, part.i.cul.arl.y those with whom they have family, business, or other ties. E. Parti.ci.pants or employees in the program pursuant to this Agreement shall not be employed on the construction, operation, or maintenance of that part of any faci.li_ty which i.s used for rel.i.gi.ous instruction or worship. F. Appropri.at.e standards for health and safety i.n work and training situations shall be maintained. G. Persons employed i.n publi.c service jobs under this Agreement shall be paid wages which shall not be lower than whichever i.s the highest of (a) the minimum wage which would be appl. i.cable to the employer under Federal. standards, (b) the State -or.. local minimum wage for the most nearly comparable covered employment, or (c) the hrevai.l.i.ng rates of pay for persons employed in si.mi.l.ar occupations by the same employer. H. It shall comply with the Ci.vi.l. Rights Act as amended. - 15 0 ok I . It shy-11 1 comply with the regul at ions and requirements of t he off ice f Management. and Budget Ci.rcuIar 11-102, "Uniform Administration Requi.rement.s for Grant- in -Aid to State and Local Governments," and Federal Manaqement (.i.rcuI a 74-1, "Pr i nci_pl.es for Determining Costs Appl icabl_e to Grants and Contracts with State and Local. Governments." J. It. shall_ comply with the Anti. -Kickback Act, Title 18, USC Sect.i.on 874, and provisions of the Federal. Labor ;.standards, Ti.t 1.e 29. K. It shalt. compl.y with the procedures set forth in the Pol.i.ci.es and Procedures Manual. for Community Based organi.zat.ions. ARTICLE VI ENTIRE AGREEMENT IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the part.i.es hereto have caused this instrument to be executed by the respective offi.ci.al.s thereunto duly authorized on the first date above written. CITY OF MIAMI, a municipal Corporation of the State ATTEST: of Florida MATTY HIRAI City Clerk ATTEST: Corporate Secretary SEAL By CESAR H. ODIO City Manager GRANTEE: Holy Cross Day Care Center, Inc., a Florida not for profit corporation By_ _ Emi.l..io Lopez, President GUARANTEE I , in cons i_derat i_on of the City of Mi.ami.' s execution of the foregoing Agreement, the undersigned, guarantee the performance of the terms and conditions i.n sai.d Agreement required to be performed by the Grantee i.ncl.udi.ng but. not limited to the provisions rel.ati.ng - 16 - 88-11n:; C;� o Ok to default., assurances, and certifications. Dated this day of , 1988. an individual By individually wumEss: APPROVED AS TO INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS: INSURANCE MANAGEMENT APPROVED AS TO FOP14 AND CORRECTNESS: JORGE L. FERNANDEZ CITY ATTORNEY - 17 - R8-.1103 (:: Li t CITY OF MIA MI, FLORIDA 14 INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM The H<.norable Mayor and Members DATE '�?� 7 ' FILE To of the City Commission= ` Resolution Terminating SUBJECT Wynwood Elderly Center, Inc. Agreement and Auth- orizing Execution of an FROM REFERENCES Agreement with Holy Cross Cesar H. Odi_o Day Care Center, Inc. City Manager ENCLOSURES City Commission Meeting November 3, 1988 RECOMMENDATION It is respectfully recommended tnat the City Commission adopt the attached resolution which approves the termination of the 14th Year Community Development Block Grant Fund agreement with Wynwood Elderly Center, Inc. and further authorizes the City Manager to enter into an agreement with Holy Cross Day Care Center, Inc. in the amount of $132,578 for the period October 7, 1988 through June 30, 1989 for the purpose of maintaining services to the elderly in the Wynwood target area. BACKGROUND The Department of Community Development has prepared follow-up legislation to action taken by the City Commission at its meeting of. October 6, 1988. At that meeting, the City Commission adopted Resolution 88-955 which allocated $132,578 of unexpended funds previously allocated to the Wynwood Elderly Center, Inc. to Holy Cross Day Care Center, Inc. The resolution further directs the City Manager to negotiate an agreement with Holy Cross Day Care Center, Inc. to maintain services to the elderly in the Wynwood target area. The Department of Community Development had notified Wynwood Elderly Center, Inc., in a letter dated September 19, 1988, that the City of Miami. was terminating its 14th Year Community Development Block Grant Agreement for the period July 1, 1988 through June 30, 1989 with the Agency. Three specific reasons were given for the termination: 1. there is a pending IRS Levy on the Agency for failure to pay payroll taxes; 2. it is alleged that employees had embezzled funds from the Agency; and 3. the Agency had not paid rent payments to Metropolitan Dade County and was in default of its lease with the County. Wynwood Elderly Center had been allocated $186,624 of 14th Year Community Development Block Grant Funds, $1,607 of 13th Year Community Development Block Grant Funds and $8,111 from the Special Programs and Accounts: Contingent Fund. At the time of the City's termination letter., $132,578 of the total allocation had not been SS-110-01 /Y- I P The Honorable Mayor and -2- Member.s of the City Comma. s sion expended ($122,860 of 14th Year C.D. Funds, $1,607 of 13th Year C.D. Funds and $8,111 from the Special Programs and Accounts: Contingent Fund). As directed by the City Commission, staff has negotiated an agreement with Holy Cross Day Care Center, Inc. for the period October 7, 1988 through June 30, 1989 to maintain services to the elderly in the Wynwood target area with the balance of unexpended funds previously allocated to Wynwood Elderly Center. The proposed legislation approves the termination of the 14th Year Community Development Block Grant Fund agreement with Wynwood Elderly Center., Inc. and further authorizes the City Manager to enter into an agreement with Holy Cross Day Care Center, Inc., in the amount of $132,578, for the period October. 7, 1988 through June 30, 1989 to maintain services to the elderly in the Wynwood target area. Attachments: Proposed Resolution and Agreement S8-110.3 a