HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 1988-12-15 Marked AgendaI • MAYOR VICE MAYOR • COMMISSIONER I COMMISSIONER COMMISSIONER At XAVIER L. SUAREZ VICTOR H. DE YURRE MILLER 1. DAWKINS ROSARIO KENNEDY I.L. PLUMMER, IR. CITY CLERK CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: December 15, 1888 CITY HALL 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE CITY ORDINANCE NO. 10087, AS AMENDED, ADOPTED MARCH 18, 1986, GENERALLY REQUIRES ALL PERSONS APPEARING IN A PAID OR REMUNERATED REPRESENTATIVE CAPACITY BEFORE CITY STAFF, BOARDS, COMMITTEES AND THE CITY COMMISSION TO REGISTER WITH THE CITY CLERK BEFORE ENGAGING IN LOBBYING ACTIVITIES. A COPY OF SAID ORDINANCE IS AVAILABLE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, CITY HALL. The C I ty Comm 1 as i on has estab I 1 shed a policy that the lunch recess will begin at the conclusion of deliberations of the agenda Item being considered at 12:00 noon; further, that Commission meetings will adjourn at the conclusion of deliberations on the agenda Item being considered at 8:00 PM. (Resolution No. 87-115) This meeting shall convene at 9:00 AM. Any person who seeks to address the City Cammlsslon on any Item appearing on this Agenda Is Invited to do so and shall as soon as possible Inform the City Clerk of his/her desire to speak, giving the City Clerk his/her name. At the time the Item Is heard, that person should approach the microphone and Walt to be recognized by the Mayor who presides over the City Commission Meeting. CONSENT AGENDA Items 1 through 27 have been schodulidto be heard In the numbered sequence or as announced the Commission. CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORTS Items 28 through 34 have been scheduled to be heard In the numbered sequence or as announced by the Commisslon. i M carr COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: December 15. 1088 PAGE NO: 2 2ENERAL LEGISLATIVE ITEMS ------------------------- Items 35 through 67 may be heard In the numbered sequence or as announced by the Commission. SPECIALLY SCHEDULED ITEM ------------`--------`-`- Item 68 has been scheduled to be heard at 10:50 AM. The City Commission shall consider this Item at the specified time or thereafter as may be announced. PUBLIC HEARINGS ------------------------- Item 69 has been advertised to be heard it 11:00 AM. s Item 70 has been advertised to be heard at 11:05 AM. Item 71 has been advertised to be heard at 11:10 AM. Item 72 has been advertised to be heard at 11:15 AM. Item 74 has been advertised to be heard at 11:20 AM. Item 73 Is a companion Item to Item 74 and may be considered at this time. The City Commission shall consider these Items at the specified times or thereafter as may be announced. PERSONAL APPEARANCES ------------------------- Items 76 through 91 have been sehedu l ed to be heard—after 3:00 PM . The City Commission shall consider these Items at the specified time or thereafter as may be announced. 0ISCUMS1ON ITEMS Items 72 through 07 have been scheduled to be heard after 4:00 PM. The City Commission shall consider these Items at the specified time or thereafter as may be announced. CITY COMMISSION A VESTING DATE; December 16, 16!30 PAGE N0: PECIALLY 8CHEDULED PUBLIC HEARING Item 198 has been advertised to be heard lfter 6:00 PM. The City Commission shall consider this Item at the specified time or thereafter as may be announced. SPECIALLY SCHEDULED ITEMS Items 106 and 110 have been scheduled to be heard afti 6:00 PM. The City Commission shall consider these Items at the speclfled time or thereafter as may be announced. Should any person desire to appeal any decision of the Miami City Commission with respect to any matter to be considered at this meeting, that person shall insure that a verbatim record of the proceedings Is made including all testimony and evidence upon which any appeal may be based. 9:00 AM INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE A. Approving the minutes of the Planning and Zoning City Coamlesion Meeting of September 27. 1988. e. PRESENTATIONS t PROCLAMATIONS NOTE: The City Clerk's Office Is the source of all legislative history references. DELIVERED NOT TAKEN UP SEE SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: December 16, 1088 PAGE NO: QONSENT AGENDA Unless a member of the City Commission wishes to remove a specific Item from this portion of the agenda. Items 1 through 27 constitute the Consent Agenda. These resolutions are self- explanatory and are not expected to require additional review Or discussion. Each Item will be recorded as Individually numbered resolutions, adopted unanimously by the following motion: •...that the Consent Agenda comprl 1 throuch 27 be adooted...' The Mayor or City Clerk shall state the following: •Before the vote on adopting Items Included In the Consent Agenda Is taken. Is there anyone present who Is an objector or proponent that wishes to speak on any Item In the Consent Agenda? Hearing none, the vote on the adoption of the Consent Agenda will now be taken.• (CA) 1. RESOLUTION - (J-88-1160) - (AUTHORIZING DONATION) Authorizing the City Manager, or his designee, to donate approximately fifty (50) pair of discarded fire fighter safety shoes to the homeless through the Barry University School of Podiatric Medicine, said discarded shoes to be used by the organization in Its efforts toward caring for the homeless In the City of Miami. (CA) 2. RESOLUTION - (J-88-1161) - (AUTHORIZING ALLOCATION OF FUNDS) Allocating an amount not to exceed three thousand two hundred dollars ($3.700) from the City of Miami Law Enforcement Trust Fund to cover the costs_ associated wlth purvaule ieazop Computers, for use at Mobile Command Posts, upon such costs having been approved by the Chief of Pollee. R-88-1140 MOVED: KENNEDY SECONDED: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS R-88-1141 MOVED: KENNEDY SECONDED: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: December 16, 1086 PAGE NO: 6 CONSENT AGENDA CONT'D (CA) 3. RESOLUTION - (J-88-1182) - (ACCEPTING BID) R-88-1142 MOVED: KENNEDY Accepting the bid of DEI/CD, Inc. (a black SECONDED: DAWKINS vend for the furnishing of office UNANIMOUS systems furniture and refurbishing of existing furniture to the Department of Fire. Rescue and ie,xpectlon Services at a total proposed cost of $118,863.84 allocating funds therefor from the Capital Improvement Protect No. 313019 Account Code *289401-840; authorizing the City Manager to Instruct the Chief Procurement Officer to Issue a purchase order for this equipment. (CA) 4. RESOLUTION - (J-88-1163) - (ACCEPTING DEFERRED BY RENEWABLE BID) M-88-1158 MOVED: DAWKINS Accepting the bid of Friden Alcatel (a SECONDED: PLUMMER non -minority vendor) for the furnishing UNANIMOUS one (1) folder/Inserter for the Department of Finance on a lease/purchase basis for five (5) years renewable annually at an annual proposed cost of $2,786.28 allocating funds therefor from the 1988-89 Operating Budget Account Code •260301-880; authorizing the City Manager to Instruct the Chief Procurement Officer to Issue a purchase order for this equipment and thereafter to renew this contract annually at the same price, terms and conditions subJect to the availability of funds. (CA) 6. RESOLUTION - (J-88-1184) - (ACCEPTING Big)) R-88-1143 MOVED: KENNEDY Accepting the bid of Motorola, Inc. (a SECONDED: DAWKINS non -minority vendor) for furnishing two UNANIMOUS radio consolettes for the Department of Fire. Rescue and inspection Services at a total Proposed cost of $9,484.00 allocating funds therefor from the 1981 Computer Aided Dispatch Capital Improvement Account Code •313212-289401- 840; authorizing the City Manager to Instruct the Chief Procurement OffIcer to Issue a purchase order for this equipment. s i_ i f I CITY COMMISSION A89 -10A MEETING DATE: December 18, 1986 PAGE NO: B (CA) 6. RESOLUTION IDS) CONSENT AGENDA CONT -D the (J-68-1166) Ids of R.B. sndor) in Murrav E 1 i (ACCEPTING Froman vendors In the proposes amount or JPS) for the to the Depart Administration ment of eenerai estimated cost of $48.777.00 allocating funds therefor from the 1988-89 Fire, Rescue and Inspection Services Department Project No. 313232 Account Code •289401- 840; authorizing the City Manager to Instruct the Chief Procurement Officer to Issue a purchase order for this equipment. (CA) 7. RESOLUTION - (J-88-1168) - (ACCEPTING BID) the bid ani lo, Inc. (a 1 20 headset t of Fire. proposed cost of $7.000.00 allocating funds therefor from the 1988-89 Operating Budget Account Code •280401-907; authorizing the City Manager to Instruct the Chief Procurement Officer to Issue a purchase order for this equipment. (CA) 8. RESOLUTION - (J-88-1167) - (ACCEPTING BID A AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF CONTRACT) the Department allocating funds therefor from the 1988-89 Operating Budget Account Code •290301-040; authorizing the City Manager to Instruct the Chief Procurement Officer to Issue purchase orders for this equipment. R-88-1159 MOVED: DAWKINS SECONDED: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS R-88-1144 MOVED: KENNEDY SECONDED: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS R-88-1145 MOVED: KENNEDY SECONDED: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS A A' CITY COMMISSION UENDA MEETING DATE: December 16, 1088 PAGE NO: 7 CONSENT AGENDA CONT•D (CA) 9. RESOLUTION - (J-68-1168) - (ACCEPTING BID i AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF CONTRACT) the amount Of 554.617.00, Dase Diu of the proposal. for Fire Station No. 9 Reroofing - 1988: with mon Ias therefor allocated from the 1989 Capital Improvement Ordinance No. 10510, Project No. 313018 In the amount of $54.617.00 to cover the contract cost; and authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with said firm. (CA) 10. RESOLUTION - (J-88-1169) - (APPROVING PURCHASE) Approving the purchase of three (3) street p sweeers from Metro -Tech Equipment Corporation (a non -minority vendor) under an existing City of Coral Gables O i d No. 87-306 for the Department of General Services Administration at a total proposed cost of $194,940.00; allocating funds therefor from the 1988-89 Operating Budget Account Code No. 420901-850; authorizing the City Manager to Instruct the Chief Procurement Officer to Issue a purchase order for this equipment. (CA) 11. RESOLUTION - (J-88-1170) - (AUTHORIZING LEASE/PURCHASE OF COMPUTER EQUIPMENT) Iz� Ino the lease/purchase of two (2) oasis for a period of five (6) years from Unisys Corporation. under an exlst1nn nsdA — — ••... .vva rvr sna a+�ParimCni OT Publle Works. Stormwater Utility Sect Ion at an annual cost of $2.664.32; allocating funds therefor from the 1988-89 Operating Budget Account Code No. 311001-840; authorizing the City Manager to Instruct the Chief Procurement Officer to Issue a Purchase order for this equipment. R-88-1146 MOVED: KENNEDY SECONDED: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS R-88-1147 MOVED: KENNEDY SECONDED: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS R-88-1148 MOVED: KENNEDY SECONDED: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS UENDA MEETING DATE: December 15, 1888 PAGE NO: 8 CONSENT AGENDA CONT'O (CA) 12. EECTION OF AGREEMENT) 1) (AUTHORIZING XU Authorizing the City Manager to enter Into ! lease agreement In substantially the attached form, with Cade County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, said lease term to commence upon approval by the Board of County Commissloners and terminate on September 30, 1889. without payment of any rents for pepnrtment Llalson Program, for an area or approximately 972 square feet of air conditioned office space on the third floor of the Metro Justice Building, 1351 NW 12 Street, Suite 301, Miami, Florida. (CA) 13. RESOLUTION - (J-88-1172) - (AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT) Authorizing the City Manager to execute a professional services agreement, In substantially the form attached, with John E. Held and Associates, Inc. to provide Interviewing and Interrogation techniques seminar for the City of Miami Police Department, with funds therefor allocated In an amount not to exceed $10,850.00 from the Law Enforcement Training Trust Fund. (CA) 14. RESOLUTION - (J-88-1173) - (AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT) Authorizlno the City Manager to enter Into an agreement, substantially In the form attached, subject to the City Attorney's approval as to form and correctness,- for professional planning services with Marilyn P. Hatt and Peeov L. Demon. In for a five month period from January 2, 1888 to June 30. 1989, for a total fee of $40,000 with funds available from the State of Florida. R-88-1149 MOVED: KENNEDY SECONDED: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS R-88-1150 MOVED: KENNEDY SECONDED: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS R-88-1160 MOVED: PLUMMER SECONDED: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS e ' CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: December 16, 1988 PAGE NO: 9 QONSENT AGENDA CONT'D (CA) 16. RESOLUTION - (J-88-1174) - (AUTHORIZING R-88-1161 ALLOCATION OF FUNDS i EXECUTION OF (AS AMENDED) AGREEMENT) MOVED: DAWKINS SECONDED: PLUMMER Allocating $91,000 from the FY '89 General UNANIMOUS and Operating Budget of the Department of - Parks, Recreation and Public Facilities as grant to the Belafonte Tacolcy Center, Inc., for the operation of said Organization's sports development program through September 30, 1989; further authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement, In substantially the attached - form, between the City and said ornanlzatlon for said grant. (CA) 16. RESOLUTION - (J-88-1175) - (AUTHORIZING R-88-1151 INCREASE IN CONTRACT AMOUNT) MOVED: KENNEDY SECONDED: DAWKINS Authorizing an Increase In the contract UNANIMOUS amount not to exceed $10.000 In the contract between the City of Miami, Florida and D.E. Gldl and Associates. Inc. for the Japanese Gardens Renovation, authorized by Resolution No. 88-922, COP Project No. 331317, with funds therefor already provided for the project. (CA) 17. RESOLUTION - (J-88-1178) - (AUTHORIZING R-88-1152 EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT) MOVED: KENNEDY SECONDED: DAWKINS Authorizing the City Manager to execute an UNANIMOUS agreement, In substantially the form attached hereto. with Image Network In an amount not to exceed ten thousand dollars ($10.00 0) to provide a state-of-the-art marketing tool for the Southeast Overtown/Park west Redevelopment Project with funds therefor allocated from the Department of Development's 14th Year Community Development Block Grant allocation. (CA) 18. WITHDRAWN O � n Ciff COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: December 15. 1988 PAGE NO: 10 SMENT AGENDA CONT'D (CA) 19. RESOLUTION - (J-88-1178) - (AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT) Authorizing the City Manager to execute an !or_ eemenj. In substantially the form attached, between the City of Miami and Personnel Decisions. Inc. to Conduct a not to exceed ninety thousand forty dollars ( 9= 0.040), with funds therefor allocated from Special Programs and Accounts. (CA) 20. RESOLUTION - (J-88-1178) - (AUTHORIZI EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT) Authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement In substantially the form attached. with Positive Thought Enterprises. Inc.. for the purpose of providlno management and professionalism training at a cost not to exceed $50.000 _ with funds therefor allocated from Special Programs and Accounts. (CA) 21. RESOLUTION - (J-88-1150) - (APPROVING REDUCTION OF SECURITY FUND) Approving the reduction of the cable television security fund that Miami Tole - Communications, Inc. Is required to maintain on deposit with the Department of Finance from $1,600.000 to $1.000.000; provIdlng7 for the Director of Finance to release $500,000 from the security fund to Miami Tele-Communications, Inc. DEFERRED TO JANUARY 12, 1989 MOVED: PLUMMER SECONDED: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS D ED TO JANUAR 89 MOVED: PLU SECONDED: DAWKI UNANIMOUS RECONSIDER PRIOR DEFERRAL BY M-88-1171 MOVED: SUAREZ SECONDED: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS R-88-1172 MOVED: SUAREZ SECONDED: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS R-88-1153 MOVED: KENNEDY SECONDED: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS (CA) 22. RESOLUTION - (J-88-1180) - (DESIGNATING R-88-1154 PORTION OF WYNWOOD AREA AS -OLD SAN JUAN") MOVED: KENNEDY SECONDED: DAWKINS Oeslonatlna a portion of the Wynwood UNANIMOUS Target Area, formerly known as -The Great Neighborhood- with boundaries specified by map. as -Old San Juan-; directing City departments and agencies to utilize the designation administratively and excluding City maps and subdivisions, and containing an effective date. CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: December 16, 1088 PAGE NO: 11 CONSENT AGENDA CONT'D (CA) 23. RESOLUTION - (J-88-1168) - (CORRECTING SCRIVENER'S ERROR) recting a scrivener - adopt r 3. 1988. Trustees of the City of Miami Fire FIchters0 and Police Officers Retirement Trust_ as provided for by City of Miami Ordinance No. 10002, appearing In the City Code as Section 40-202 for a term of office which was erroneously specified and should have reflected a term ending September 30. 1989. (CA) 24. RESOLUTION - (J-88-1181) - (RATIFYING ACCEPTANCE OF PROPOSALS) Ratifying, approving and confirming the _ acceptance of proposal of Edward waronker. Property Consultant. Inc. and Gene Kelly, Appraisal First. Inc. both members of the American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers, at a fee of $4.900.00 and $5.100.00, respectively, to appraise for a fair market value the easternmost portion of a property known as Munlclpal Shop Tract located at the southwest corner of NW 20 Street and 10 Avenue, containing approximately 216,167 square feet of land (4.96 acres) Including Improvements thereon. (CA) 26. RESOLUTION - (J -68-11e2) - (AUTHORIZING STREET CLOSURES i ESTABLISHMENT OF AN AREA PROHIBITED TO RETAIL PEDDLERS) Concerning the _Three Kings Day Parade to be conducted by Three Kings Parade, Inc. on January S, 1989 authorizing the closure of deslonated streets to through vehicular traffic subject to the Issuance of permits by the Departments of Police and Fire, Rescue and Inspection Services and the requirement that the City will be Insured against any potential liability; further establishing an area prohibited to non festival 'stall peddlers during the period = of said event; conditioned upon the organizers paying for the necessary costs Of City services associated with said event beyond any funds allocated by Festival Ordinance No. 10206. R-88-1155 MOVED: KENNEDY SECONDED: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS R-88-1162 MOVED: PLUMMER SECONDED: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS R-88-1156 MOVED: KENNEDY SECONDED: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS I. CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: December 16, 1988 PAGE NO: 12 CONSENT AGENDA CONT•D -s (CA) 28 IIESOLUTION - (J-dd-1183) - (AUTHORIZING STREET CLOSURES. PERMISSION TO SELL BEER AND MINE & ESTABLISHMENT OF AN AREA PROHIBITED TO RETAIL PEDDLERS) _ Concerning the Walters Race/Taste of the drove to be conducted by the Taste of the Grove Co= I ttee on January 14-15. 1989 fluthorizing the closure of deslonated streets to through vehicular traffic Subject to the Issuance of permits by the Departments of Police and Fire. Rescue and Inspection Services; authorizing a two-day permit to sell beer and wine in connection with said event subject to the Issuance of all permits required by law; further establishing an area prohibited to non - festival retail peddlers during the period of said event; conditioned upon the organizers paying for the necessary costs and the requirement that the City will be Insured against any potential liability. (CA) 27. RESOLUTION - (J-88-1184) - (AUTHORIZING STREET CLOSURES. ESTABLISHMENT OF A PEDESTRIAN MALL 6 ESTABLISHMENT OF AN AREA PROHIBITED TO RETAIL PEDDLERS) Concerning the King Orange Bowl Jamboree Parade to be conducted py the Orange Bowl s Committee. Inc. on December 31. 1988 providing for the closure of designated streets to through vehicular traffic and establishing a pedestrian mall subject to the Issuance of permits by the Departments of Police and Fire. Rescue and Inspection Services; further establlehlno an area prohibited to retail peddlers during the period of the event; subject to and contingent upon the sponsorls compliance with such conditions and limitations as may be prescribed by the City of Mlaml. Including assurances that the City will be Insured against any potential liability. END OF CONSENT AGENDA R-88-1165 MOVED: PLUMMER SECONDED: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS R-88-1157 MOVED: KENNEDY SECONDED: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS AGENDA CITY COMMISSION. j MEETING DATE: OecWnber 15, 1959 PAGE NO: 13 DOTE: NOTE: 25. 29. 30. Items its through 47 way be heard nuinbered sequence or as announced nmmlasIon. rCITY ATTORNEY REPORTS Items ?a through 1e constitute the City Attorney Reports section. This portion of the Agenda is separately designated as being available to the City Attorney for providing and securing City MomeIasIon Information, direction and guidance In significant pending and concluded matters. Legislation may result from City Commission consideration of any shatter herein. Presentation of status report on erlekell Park Iltlastlon. Discussion concerning Discussion concerning the removal of Political signs. 31. Report on the legal status of City parks. 32. Status report on pus bench/shelte Contract award. (See related agenda item 72). 33. Discussion Concerning requirement In vendor ordinance. 34. FIRST READING ORD I NANCE - (J-90-945 511 r Wr�rop vy %ne establishment; requiring retail astabllshments to haner raf"ndft mnA exenances as offered; providing penalties and for civil enforcement measures; containing a repealer provision and a severability clause; providing for an operative date; and providing for Inclusion In the City Code. DISCUSSED M-88-1167 MOVED: PLUMMER SECONDED: DAWKINS ABSTAINED: KENNEDY DISCUSSED DISCUSSED R-88-1169 MOVED: DAWKINS SECONDED: PLUMMER NOES: KENNEDY & DE YURRE FIRST READING MOVED: SUAREZ SECONDED: KENNEDY NOES: PLUMMER ABSENT: DAWKINS EMERGENCY ORDINANCE 10525 MOVED: DE YURRE SECONDED: KENNEDY NOES: PLUMMER FIRST READING MOVED: PLUMMER SECONDED: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS a CITY cMENDA UPPTrMM nATF- December 16. 1888 PAGE NO: 14_ "DINANCES - EMERGENCY 35. QtEROENCY ORDINANCE - (J-08-1213) S VOTE) (FTEs This ordinance Is being requested on an rnergency basis because of the immediate need to Cover the Increase In operational costs and thereby adequately fund the FY 008-09 budget.) Amending Section 6 of Ordinance No. 6145, adopted March 19, 1958, as amended by Ordinance 10398, adopted March 10, 1988, which established fees for building, r repealer provision a clause. n said Section S; containing a a severability ORDINANCES - SECOND READING NOTE: Any proposed ordinance listed as an Item for second reading on this section may be adopted as an emergency measure, upon being so determined by the City Commission. 36. SECOND READING ORDINANCE - (J-88-815) Estabiishina a new special revenue operation of Consistlno , a repealer provision Clause. Lin F: ion; containing a severability Date First Reading: Nov 3, 1988 Moved Comm P I ummer Second : Mayor Suarez (Y) : Kennedy (N) s Dawkins EMERGENCY ORDINANCE 10526 MOVED: PLUMMER SECONDED: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS ORDINANCE 10527 MOVED: KENNEDY SECONDED: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS d M c CONISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: December 16. 1988 PAGE NO: 15 QRDINANCES - SEOOND READING CONT -D 37. SECOND READING ORDINANCE - (J-88-1034) Creatlna a new sDeclal revenue ration In A st l na of nd and Accounts, Matching Funds for Grants; authorizing the City Manager to accept the tyrant award and to enter Into the necessary contract(s) and/or agreement(s) to accept the grant award; containing a repealer provision and a severability clause. Date First Reading: Nov 3. 1988 Moved : Comm Plummer Second : Comm Kennedy Vote : Unanimous ORDINANCES - FIRST READING Any proposed ordinance listed as an Item for first reading on thls section may be adopted as an emergency measure. upon being so determined by the City Commission. 38. FIRST READING_ ORDINANCE- (J-88-1185) Amending_,_ Section 14-28(d) of the Code of The Clty of Mlaml. Florida. as amended. to ORDINANCE 10528 MOVED: PLUMMER SECONDED: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS FIRST READING MOVED: PLUMMER SECONDED: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: December 16, 1088 PAGE NO: 16 QRDINANCES - FIRST READING OONT_'D ST READING MOVE LUMMER - 39. FIRST READING ORDINANCE - (J-88-620) SECONDED: KINS 1 UNANIMOUS Amending Section 22-2, entitled ----------------- oCollection Services, Container usage. SEE RELATED -i Conditions and Requirements for Placement M_88_1175 Location•, of Chapter 22, entitledMOVED: DE YURRE f •Oarbaoe and Trash•. of the Code of the SECONDED: DAWKINS City of Miami, Florida, as amended, to UNANIMOUS provide that all private haulers under -------- ________________ this Chapter give the Depertment Director RECONSIDER PRIOR prior written notice of their Intention to FIRST READING BY — discontinue servlcino a commercial M_88_1176 establishment and that private haulers MOVED: KENNEDY will also mall one notice of SECONDED: PLUMMER discontinuance of such service to the ABSENT: DAWKINS affected commercial establishment; further ___________ amending Subsection 22-32(d) of such FIRST READING - Chapter, entitled •Enforcement and MOVED: R Administrative Fees•, to provide that a SECONDEDD:: KENNEDY Commercial account without waste ABSTAINED: SUAREZ collection service shall be assessed an ABSENT: DAWKINS administrative fee of $250.00 per day; containing a repealer provision and a - severability clause. 40. FIRST READING ORDINANCE - (J-88-1186) FIRST READING _ MOVED: PLUMMIER Amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 10521, SECOND: DAWKINS adopted November 17, 1588, the Capital UNANIMOUS Improvement Appropriations Ordinance. by Increasing the appropriation for North 5 Flacler Sanitary Sewers, Project No. i 351273, In the amount of $165.000; Containing a repealer provision and a severability clause. 0 NOTE: I tan 41 1 s re I ated to I tam ,O and may be i. Considered at this time. I fi G s ' CITY COMMISSION AGENDA YEFTING DATE: December 18, 1088 PAGE NO: 17 QRDINANCES - FIRST READING OONT'D 41. IIESOLUTII - (J-88-1187) - (ACCEPTING BID i AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF CONTRACT) the bid of Doug Brvpvsaa 45"1y611116 VT i*7 WW-.--v.vv0 alternate total bid of the proposal. for North Flaaler Sanitary sewer Improvement; with monies therefor allocated from the 1989 Capital Improvement Ordinance No. 10510, as amended. Project No. 351273 In the amount of $3.989.280.00 to cover the contract cost; and authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with said firm . 42. FIRST READING ORDINANCE - (J-88-1042) Amending Chapter 42. of the Code of the City of Miami. Florida, as amended. entitled •Pollce' establlshlno maximum be charged by business establishments engaged In the practice of recoverina. towlna. are parked on private property In the City 1Mlthout the permission of the owner of the private property having been granted for said parking; providing for the methods of payment thereof; establishing the towing authorization procedures and sanctions for failure to comply therewith; establishing the steps to be followed In the course of towing vehicles; establishing license fees; more particularly amending City Code Sections 42-74. 42-78. 42-78 and 42-79 and adding Sections 42-80 and 42-81; containing a repealer provision and a severablllty clause; providing for an effective date. CONTINUED UNTIL SECOND READING OF AGENDA #40 MOVED: PLUMMER SECONDED: KENNEDY ABSENT: DAWKINS FIRST READING (As Amended) MOVED: DE YURRE SECONDED: KENNEDY NOES: SUAREZ a CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: December 16, 1980 PAGE NO: 1 d QRD 1 HANCES - FIRST READ 1 NKi CONT' D 43. FIRST READING ORDINANCE - (J-88-1163) (tending Chapter 18, entitled 'Finance of thea Code of the City of Miami, Florlda, as amended, by redefining the term `Minority and Women -owned Business Enterprise- and defining the term -Vendor' In Section 18-68; requiring In Section 18- 72 that the ocal of awarding at least f1fty-one percent (61%) of the CItY*s total annual dollar volume of all procurement expenditures to minority/women small businesses be applied to all City of Miami bids and Contracts, whenever feasible; revising Section 18-73 to Provide that all City of Miami Invitations, requests and/or advertisements for bids, proposals. Quotes, letters of Interest and/or ouallflcation statements contain the enterprise (M/WBE) participation requirements pursuant to City of Miami Ordinance No. 10062 - Minority/Women Business Affairs and Procurement Program; requiring that all resulting award and/or Contract documents contain the required compliance forms relative thereto; revising Section 18-73(5) to expand upon the affirmative action requirements for all City bids and contracts; adding ct i on 18- Flnance ry ices Ai au 1 red a Insure compliance with the Code; and further adding Section 18-77 designating the Director of the Office of M/WBE 1nW"1 sWC1"9 ■no reporiing proceaures, Containing a repealer provision and a severablllty clause. FIRST READING MOVED: 'DAWKINS SECONDED: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS e� CITY CONISSION. AGENDA MEETING DATE: December 16, 1088 PAGE NO: 19 RESOLUTIONS department of Community Development ,e. RESOLUTION - (J-88-1188) - (AUTHORIZING EXPENDITURE i INCREASE IN CONTRACT AMOUNT) Authorizing the Department of Community SeveIopnent to proceed with the expenditure of the $200,000 Florida Department of State, Division of Cultural Affairs Grant for the renovation project of the Manuel Artime Community Center as per detailed additive Items list designated herein and other fees necessary for the completion of Stage II of said renovation project, appropriation of funds therefor having been effected via Resolution 88-777 and Ordinance No. 10506 of October 27, 1988 as well as Increasing the contract between City of Miami and MCM, the low bid company In amount not to exceed $170.687.90. 45. RESOLUTION - (J-88-1189) - (AUTHORIZING INITIATION OF LEGAL PROCEEDINGS) Authorizing the City Manager to Instruct the City Attorney to Initiate appropriate legal proceedings and civil action against Mr. Vernon Oulnn and Ms. Veronica Green to recover_ loan funds In the amount of X10 000 to Said Individuals via the Model City Small Business Development Pilot Loan Program; further authorizing the City allocated to the aforementioned nets. Department of Computers -I6. RESOLUTION - (J-88-1190) - (AUTHORIZING EXPENDITURE) Authorizing the exgendlture of $168.617 for the Month of January 1989 by the Department of Computers from the current year's appropriation for said department In accordance with the policy of the City Commission. R-88-1186 MOVED: KENNEDY SECONDED: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS R-88-1187 MOVED: PLUMMER SECONDED: DAWKINS ABSENT: KENNEDY R-88-1188 MOVED: PLUMMER SECONDED: KENNEDY NOES: DAWKINS AIS'' COMMISSION. AGENDA MEETING DATE: - December 16, 1988 PAGE NO: 20 RESOLUTIONS CONT -D 47. RESOLUTION - (J-88-1191) - (RATIFYING ACTION OF CITY MANAGER) (4/GTMS VOTE) Ratifying, approving and confirming by a 4/6ths affirmative vote of the members of the City Coinnlssion, the action of the C1ty Manager In flndina the leasing of 110 eegers to be used by the Police Department 40 be an emergency and 1n author1z1ng the for such service to Tei -Ger corp. ax -a cost of $11,880.00 allocating funds therefor from the 1988-69 Operating Budget Account Code No. 290291-610 ($3.880.00) and Law Enforcement Trust Fund Project No. 690001 Account Code •290904-996 ($8,000.00); and further authorizing the City Manager to extend this contract for an additional one year period- at the same price- terms and conditions- subject to the availability of funds. 48. RESOLUTION - (J-88-1192) - (AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT) Authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement. In substantially the form attached- with Orovites United to Survive. Inc.. •OUTS• (landlord), for the use by locates at ageg arana Avenue- said agreement being for a four year period, without payment of any rents from the City for the use and occupancy of the premises, exceea 633.000 with funds therefor allocated from Special Programs and Accounts. Further providing upon mutual consent of the parties, for additional renewal options at then prevailing market rental rents. R-88-1189 MOVED: KENNEDY SECONDED: DE YURRE UNANIMOUS a CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: December 15, 1988 PAGE N0: 21 RESOLUTIONS CONY O 7 49. RESOLUTION - (J-88-1193) - (ACCEPTING BID & AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF CONTRACT) Accepting the bid of La Mar Construction (a Hispanic contractor) In the propos_d amount of $83.900, base bid of the proposal, for prototypical houslny - Clty of Miami - Wynwood Scattered S!& -e Housing In connection with the constuctlon of two slnale family homes to be developed on City -owned lots 34 and 35 at 49 NW 35 Street in the Wynwood Neighborhood; with funds therefor previously allocated from 'Scattered Site Affordable Housing Development Program` Account, Capital Improvements Ordinance No. 10510, Project No. 321034 to cover the contract cost; and authorizinA the City Manager to execute a contract in substantially the form attached with said firm. 50. RESOLUTION - (J-88-1013) - (AUTHORIZING ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY) the City offer and execute an agreement, In substantially the form attached with the property owner for acquisition of one parcel (Parcel No. 05-01)' within the Coconut Grove Community Development Target Area and which Is more particularly and legally described In the attached Exhibits •A' and 0130, to be used for the and moderate Income families In connection with the City Sponsored Scattered Site Affordable Housing Development Program; cost of said acquisition to be defrayed from previously appropriated 11th Year Community Development Land Acquisition funds In the amount of $1,000,000; further R-88-1192 MOVED: DAWKINS SECONDED: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS R-88-1195 (AS AMENDED) MOVED: KENNEDY SECONDED: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS Q + m a CITY COMMISSION UENDA MEETING DATE: December 16, 1988 PAGE NO: 22 - RESOLUTIONS CONT'O 61. RESOLUTION - (J-88-1194) - (AUTHORIZING ACQUISITION OF PROPERTIES) Authorizlno the City Manager to make an offer and execute an agreement. In substantially the form attached, with the property owners for acquisition of two parcels (Parcel Nos. 03-21 and 03-22) within the Allapattah Community Development Target Area and which Is more particularly and legally described In the attached Exhibits 'A• and 000, to be used for the development of housing affordable to low and moderate Income families In connection with the City Sponsored Scattered Site Affordable Housing Development Program; funds In the amount of $663,700 being available from the original $1,000,000 allocated from 11th Year Community Development Block Grant Funds for acquisition of the subject properties In connection with the said program; further authorizing the City Attorney to proceed to close on the subject parcels after examination of the abstract and confirmation of opinion of title. Office of Labor Relations 62. RESOLUTION - (J-88-1195) - (AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF RENEWAL OF LEASE AGREEMENT) Authorizing the City Manager to exercise a renewal option, In a form acceptable to the City Attorney, to the lease agreement dated November 1, 1984, between the City of Miami and Coconut Grove Bank. for 2.383 square feet of seace In the Coconut Drove Drive, for the period beginning November 1, 1988 and ending October 31, 1989, at a yearly rental of 647,860, with funds therefor allocated from Labor Relations' budgeted funds. R-88-1196 (AS AMENDED) MOVED: DAWKINS SECONDED: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS R-88-1197 MOVED: KENNEDY SECONDED: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS a• M J CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: December 16, 1088 PAGE NO: 23 RESOLUTIONS CONT'D 63. RESOLUTION - (J-88-1198) - (AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT) 1 attached declaration of trust of the international City Management Association (ICMA) Retirement Trust; authorizing the City Manager to execute the attached trust agreement with the ICMA Retirement s Corporation thereby ensuring continuation of the City Employee ICMA deferred compensation program and giving the City of Miami, along with other public employers. the opportunity to nominate and vote for trustees of the ICMA Retirement Trust; further, designating the City Labor Relations Officer as the City's coordinator for the deferred compensation Plan. said officer to receive all necessary reports, notices and correspondence from the ICMA Retirement Corporation, as administrator and to cast, on behalf of the City, any required votes under the plan. Department of Parks, Recreation and Public Facilities 64. RESOLUTION - (J-88-1197) - (ACCEPTING RENEWABLE BID) Accepting the bid of (treater Miami Caterers. Inc. (a Hispanic vendor) for furnishing meals at six (8) day care centers and one (1) pre-school center to the Department of Parks_ Rccrwatinn anri rucioc raciiizies on a contract basis for one (1) year with the option to renew for an additional one (1) year period at a total proposed cost of $50,067-00; allocating funds therefor from the United States Department of Agriculture Grant through the State of Florida Department of Education Account Code No. 680201-710; authorizing the City Manager to Instruct the Chief Procurement Officer to Issue a Purchase order for this service and further authorizing the City Manager to extend this contract for an additional one year period at the same price, terms and conditions. R-88-1198 MOVED: PLUMMER SECONDED: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS R-88-1199 MOVED: KENNEDY SECONDED: PLUMMER ABSENT: DAWKINS p w CITY COMMISSION AGUIDA MEETING DATE: December 18, 1088 PAGE NO: 24 RESOLUTIONS CONT'D 55. RESOLUTION - (J-88-1198) - (AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT) Authorising the City Manager to execute an mareement, In substantially the form attached, between the City of Miami and &rf%#maa1nnA1 Cnnnasslnns_ Inc. for the Football Game at the Orange Bowl Stadium on January .2, 1989. BOARDS AND COWITTEES 66. RESOLUTION - (J-88-1199) - (APPOINTING MEMBER) Appointing an Individual to the City of Miami Heritage Conservation Board. (This Item was Continued from the meeting of October 6, 1986.) 57. RESOLUTION - (J-88-977) - (APPOINTING MEMBERS) Appointing certain Individuals to serve on the Miami waterfront Advisory Board, created and established by Ordinance No. 10159. (This Item was continued from the meeting of November 17, 1989.) 60. RESOLUTION - (J-68-1103) - (APPOINTING MEMBERS) Appointing certain Individuals to serve as members on the Zoning Board of the City of Miami, Florida, each to serve a term ending December 31, 1991. 69. RESOLUTION - (J-88-1104) - (APPOINTING MEMBERS) Appointing certain Individuals to serve as Members _on the Planning Advisory Board of the City of Miami, Florida, each to serve a term ending December 31, 1991. R-88-1200 MOVED: PLUMMER SECONDED: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS DISCUSSED AND TEMPORARILY DEFERRED (ITEM NOT TAKEN UP AGAIN) R-88-1201 MOVED: PLUMMER SECONDED: DE YURRE UNANIMOUS R-88-1202 MOVED: KENNEDY SECONDED: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS a ' CITY COMMISSION UENDA MEETING DATE: December 16, 1988 PAGE NO: 26 ItOARDS AND COW ITTEES CONT'D 60. RESOLUTION - (J-88-1200) - (CONFIRMING REAPPOINTMENT) confirming the reappointment of Leslie oard of the City of Miami for a five year e m expiring December 2, 1993. 61. RESOLUTION - (J-88-1201) - (CONFIRMING REAPPOINTMENT) Confirming the reappointment of Dr. Eduardo Padron to the Off -Street Parking Board of the City of Miami for a five year term expiring December 2, 1993. 62. RESOLUTION - (J-88-1202) - (APPOINTING MEMBERS) Appointing two members to the Board of Trustees of the City of Miami General Retirement Trust as provided for by City of Miami Ordinance No. 10002. appearing In the City Code as Section 40-227 for a specified term of office. 63. RESOLUTION - (J-88-1204) - (APPOINTING MEMBERS) f Retirement Trust as provided for by City of Miami Ordinance No. 10002, appearing In the City Code as Section 40-227 for a specified term of office. 64. RESOLUTION - (J-88-1203) - (APPOINTING MEMBERS) nezirement Trust as provided for by City of Miami Ordinance No. 10002, appearing In the Clay Code as Section 40-227 for a specified term of office. DEFERRED MOVED: DE YURRE SECONDED: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS DEFERRED MOVED: DE YURRE SECONDED: PLUMMER ABSTAINED: DAWKINS R-88-1180 MOVED: PLUMMER SECONDED: DAWKINS ABSENT: KENNEDY a ' car COMMISSION UENDA MEETING DATE; December 15, 1088 PAGE NO: 28 DARDS AND COMMITTEES CONT'D 85. RESOLUTION - (J-68-1205) - (CONFIRMING APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS) Qonfirming the selection of Individuals by certain bargaining representatives of City employees and appointing said Individuals Oka members of the City of M 1 am 1 .ssipma*:vw ectinn Advl:ory Board. 66. RESOLUTION - (J-88-1206) - (APPOINTING MEMBERS) Appointing certain Individuals to fill three vacancies on the City of Miami Affirmative Action Advisory Board. 67. RESOLUTION - (J-88-1207) - (APPOINTING MEMBERS) Appointing three (3) members of the Private Industry Council (PIC) of South Florida for terms to expire June 30, 1990. 10:50 AM SPECIALLY SCHEDULED ITEM 68. SECOND READING ORDINANCE - (J-88-736) Reoulrina that anv future leases of prescribed language In the lease agreement as set forth In this ordinance, which language mandates adoption and Implementation of an affirmative action Ian by such club, said plan to result In participation by minorities In club membership and activities; also requiring that such future lease agreements Incorporate the provisions of Ordinance No. 10062 related to minority procurement thereby mandating the adoption and Implementation of the annual goal of flfty-one percent (51%) minority -women business participation In the procurement Of goods and services by lessees; further, requiring that such future lease agreements contain a provision requiring that lessees report annually to the City's Office of Minority/Women Business Affairs on the attainment of said goals; containing a repealer provision and a severability clause; and providing for Inclusion In the City Code. Date First Reading: Sept 8, 1988 Moved : Comm Dawkins Second : *Comm Kennedy Vote : Unanimous Date(s) Deferred : Oct 27, 1988 R-88-1205 MOVED: DAWKINS SECONDED: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS R-88-1204 MOVED: KENNEDY SECONDED: DE YURRE UNANIMOUS R-88-1206 MOVED: SUAREZ SECONDED: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS NOT TAKEN UP r Q N CITY coMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: December 1 d. 1988 PAGE NO: 27 PUBLIC HEARINGS t1-• 22 AM -(j-98-1208)- (ACCEPTING d9 . 14E5OLUT ION COMPLETED WORK i AUTHORIZING FINAL PAYMENT) Acceptln» the completed work of M. Vila and A�ssoClate$, _Inc. at a total cost of Improvement - Phase 111 CIP Project no. 341163 and authorizing a final Payment of $19,785.68. 11:05 AM p RESOLUTION (WAIVING PROHIBITION CONTAINED IN CITY CODE) (4/5THS VOTES) 11:10 AM 71. Malvino. by 4/5ths affirmative vote of the members of the City Commission after a duly advertised public hearing, the crohlbltlon against the transaction of business with a City official as such prohibition applies to Howard V. Gary as cresident and owner of Howard Gary and Company. who Is also a member of the City's International Trade Board, for the acquisition of financial advisory services. RESOLUTION - (J-88-1209) - (CONFIRMING ORDERING RESOLUTION) Conflrmino ordering Resolutlon No. 88-1019 and authorizing the Miami -Dade Mater and .Miami River Canal sanitary Sewer Improvement In Miami River Canal Sanitary. Sewer _Improvement District SR -5555-C (centerline sewer); and authorizlno the City Manager to reimburse Mlaml-Dade Mater. NOT TAKEN UP NOT TAKEN UP 8 w Ciff COMMISSION UENDA MEETING DATE: December 16, 1088 PAGE NO: 28 FLOL I C HEAR I NGS CONT' D 11:16 AM 72. FESOUIT ON 40 (J-98-1210) - (WA 1 V 1 NG PROHIBITION CONTAINED IN CODE) (4/6THS VOTE) Waiving. by 4/5ths affirmative vote of the members of the City Com laslon after a duly advertised public hearing, the orohlbl_tlon against the appearance of a former City officer. official or earnlovee such prohibition appiles to Christopher G. Korge of Holland and Knight. who last served as an Assistant City Attorney until June 24. 1988, and who has engaged In providing legal services since that date and who now seeks to appear and represent clients In matters coming before the City Commission for Its consideration. 11:20 AM NOTE: Item 73 Is a companion to Item 74 and may be considered at this time. 73. EMERGENCY ORDINANCE - (J-88-1211) (4/6THS VOTE) (NOTE: This ordinance Is being presented as an emergency measure so that funds are In place for the start of the redesign in December and construction In January. Comp 1 et 1 on of the project Is targeted for the sumer of 1989.) Ioneming Section 1 of Ordinance No. 10160. as amended. adopted November 17. 1988. the Capital Improvements Aoorooriatlons - - -- .� ..o.. c W-ar R - roo 1 Reylacement Project No. 331348 Inn the amount Of $2.100.000; appropriating funds In sold amount for said project from proposed Issuance of debt Instruments containing a repealer provision and a severablllty clause. R-88-1168 MOVED: DAWKINS SECONDED: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS (See related agenda item 32). EMERGENCY ORDINANCE 10529 (AS AMENDED) MOVED: DAWKINS SECONDED: PLUMMER ABSENT: KENNEDY "N" Ib w owng toll talL Comm. Kennedy t VUH of IN perk t1 be 1 a robin; YeS_,....____ a th PAN." CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: December 16, 1988 PAGE NO: 29 PUBLIC HEARINGS ODNT'O 74. RESOLUT 1 ON - (J-89-1212) - (WAIVING FORMAL COMPETITIVE SEALED 510 PROCEDURES) (4/8THS VOTE) v nd Pro ect; ratlf_ylno,, approving and Confirming the City Manager's finding that =n emergency exists justifying such waiver for said project; authorizing the City at sa project; Capital Improvement name, Project No. authorizing the City r the construction is and installation aclllty under said ids therefor In an 2,100.000 from the oJect of the same 331348; further Aanaaer to execute and/or issue the necessary documents, in a form acceptable to the City Attorney, with the successful bidder(*). END OF PUBLIC HEARINGS 5:00 PM PERSONAL APPEARANCES NOTE: Legislation may result from City Commission conslderatlon of any Personal Appearance. 76. Representatives) of Inc. to discuss the r music Awaros (eravo Awards) tentatively scheduled for October 1089. (This Item was continued from the meting of November 17, 1588.) 76. Representatives) of Florida Sunshine State Golden Gloves to request funds In tupport of Its annual Miami Golden Gloves Boxing Tournament proposed to be held In the Orange Bowl, April 5-8. 1989. (This Item was continued from the meeting of November 17. 1088.) R-88-1184 MOVED: DAWKINS SECONDED: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS SEE RELATED M-88-1185 MOVED: DAWKINS SECONDED: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS NOT TAKEN UP CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: Qecember 16, 1988 PAGE NO: 30 PERSONAL APPEARANCES CDNT'D 77. Representative(s) of Tropical Clear Blue Laundry systems to discuss the minl-UDAG program. (This Item was continued from the m"ting of November 17. 1988.) 76. Representative(s) of •Youth at Nlsk• Center,- to reouest a grant from the City. 70. Representative(*) of Develooment Foundatl 80. Representative(s) of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Parade and Festivities Committee. Inc. to request street closures and In-kind services In connection with their Parade scheduled for January 16, 1989. 81. Representative(s) of Carrot PA to discuss the claim of I famlly against the City. 82. Representative(s) of Foundation. Inc. to rental fee fnr uscb of t schedu e, 11189. 83. Representative(s) of the Commerce (CAMACOL) to 04. ind Ha 1 ber Id Herring's tter way Iver of the ige Bowl and with their Zr February scheduled for December 16, 1988 of the Implementation - of their Pro ram o Beautlfleatlon of all facades of Flagler Street between 11th and 12th Avenues. Referred to Manager By M-88-1208 MOVED: KENNEDY SECONDED: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS NOT TAKEN UP I NOT TAKEN UP R-88-1193 MOVED: DAWKINS SECONDED: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS DISCUSSED WITHDRAWN R-88-1194 MOVED: DE YURRE SECONDED: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS 4 • CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: December 15, 1988 PAGE N0: 31 PERSONAL APPEARANCES CONT'D 85. Representative(s) of the Super Bowl He Committee to discuss Super Bowl funding. 88. Representative(*) of the Wynwood Community Economic Development Corp. to request In- kind _ services, street closures, restriction of retail peddlers, permission to sell beer and Mine and use of stage In connection with the Wvnwood Festival. 87. Representative(s) of Miami Liberty City Dance Theatre. Inc. to _request $4.500 In support of performances and workshops to be conducted In Inner city areas. 88. Representative(s) of Megerle's Shows to request use of Watson Island for the Purpose of erecting and operating a group of carnival rides on December 20. 1988 through January 15, 1989. 89. Representative(s) of the Miami Coalition for Care to the Homeless to discuss consideration by the Clty of a resolution concerning the homeless. 00. Representative($) of the Coconut Grove Chamber of Commerce to discuss the 13th Annual Coconut drove Banyan Festival. 01. Representative(*) of the Klwanls Club of Little Havana to address the Clty Commission. END OF PERSONAL APPEARANCES 9-88-1177 MOVED: PLUMMER SECONDED: KENNEDY UNANIMOUS ------------------------- R-88-1178 MOVED: KENNEDY SECONDED: DE YURRE UNANIMOUS WITHDRAWN INOT TAKEN UP WITHDRAWN a ' CITY COMMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: Otcamber 16. 1988 PAGE NO: 32 4: OO PM ID I SCUSS I ON LEMS NOTE: Legislation Inay result from City Commission consideration of any Discussion 1 tens . 92. Discussion concerning the Urban Qevelopment Review Board Including length of terns, frequency of obtaining a quorum, number of meetlnos and general effectiveness of the exlsting board. (This Item was continued from the meeting of November 17. 1088.) 93. Discussion Concerning the Youth Center _proposa I . p and r 94. Discussion concerning a report assessing the proposed acquisition of the Alfred 1. DuPont building vs. construction of a new building for use as Phase 11 of the City Administration Building. 95. Discussion Concerning the use of f from the sale of the Watson bull towards the development of phase 11 of City's Administration Building. 98. Discussion concerning re` Huber R. Parsons. Jr. to the M Coordinating Committee. 97. Discussion concerning revising Tele- Communications ele- Communlcatlons Cable Television Ordinance dealing with procedures for handling _delinquent accounts and discussion Concerning a provision where Miami Tele - 98. Discussion concerning the 1989 Haitian Festiva -1. , 99. Discussion Concerning the rote Cha I rmansh 1 n fnr th. u:.... & "' NOT TAKEN UP DISCUSSED liter �;nn�L is x M-88-1173 MOVED: PLUMMER SECONDED: KENNEDY NOES: DAWKINS & SUAREZ M-88-1174 MOVED: SUAREZ SECONDED: DE YURRE UNANIMOUS NOT TAKEN UP NOT TAKEN UP NOT TAKEN UP Referred to Manager by M-88-1210 MOVED: PLUMMER SECONDED: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS NOT TAKEN UP T { .,ice a ' CITY su'USSION AGENDA = am rING DATE: Deernbar 1115- 10138 PAGE NO: 33 015MSSION ITEMS CONT'D 100. Discussion regarding the 101. Discussion regarding the Chalk Airline agreement on Matson Island and Its relationship to the City. 102. Discussion regarding the operatl maintenance of the Miami Sprin Melreese golf courses. 103. Discussion concerning allocating $30,000 In support of the sinter -American Sugar Cane Seminars: Computer, Automation and Management in the Sugar Industry: held In Miami September 21-23, 1988. 104. Discussion concerning the status of the request for proposals for financial software. 105. Discussion concerning Tacol Development CorDoratlon•n 105. Discussion concerning the Qusman Cultural Center/Olympia oulldlna Renovation project. 107. Discussion regarding State Road 112 project. END OF DISCUSSION —1 'TEMS I NOT TAKEN UP M-88-1209 MOVED: DE YURRE SECONDED: DAWKINS NOES: SUAREZ NOT TAKEN UP — NOT TAKEN UP DISCUSSED (At the time Agenda 46 was heard). a ' C COMMI AGENDA MEETING DATE: December 16, 1989 PAGE NO: SA _t ;PECIALLY ICHEDMED PUBLIC NEARING toe. Discussion concerning �ftma2wmft *ft ho :00 11PECIALLY SCHEDULED ITEMS 108. Discussion Concerning the 110. Reprtsentative(s) of the Over Board to discuss movina the station from the Culmer Act1% the Overtown ShoDDlna Center. SEASONS GREETINGS AND HAPPY NEW YEARI Briefly discussed & deferred to January meeting. M-88-1163 MOVED: KENNEDY SECONDED: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS M-88-1164 MOVED: SUAREZ SECONDED: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS (DISCUSSED I I: + i i SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA PRESENTATIONS COMMISSION MEETING : DECEMBER 15, 1988 ISS PRESENTED PROCLAMATIONS: JACQUELINE BERNADEMISSTTE SORKIMIAMiM ,�G00DWILLa MIAMI) FOR HAVING BEEN SELECTED AMMBASSADOR FOR OUR CITY - PRESENTED COMMENDATIONS: TO 13 MEMBERS OF THE CITYD F MIAMICEIRE - DEPARTMENT AND TWO MEMBERS 0 ; DEPARTMENT, FOR THEIR COURAGE AND EFFORTS DURING A RESCUE OPERATION ABOARD THE SHIP 'TURRIALBA, ON OCTOBER 4, 1988- PRESENTED COMMENDATIONS: TO POLICE OFFICERS• KENNETH GRIFFIN AND DAVID MAGNUSSO, FOR HAVING BEEN SELECTED MOST OUTSTANDING OFFICER OF THE MONTH FOR OCTOBER AND NOVEMBER 1988• ' NO APPEARANCE SPECIAL RECOGNITION TO: FRITO LAY_INC. AND THE KIMANIS CLUB OF LITTLE HAVANA, FOR THEIR SUPPORT OF JHE , 'FRIENDSHIP PLAYGROUNDIPIIRCUE DE LA AMISTAD PROJECTS t f. Al il ')'f •Y. H ra.,:.W !:•\ b Y f..rv`,x•.`+- .pr T F"+..a. .rrF lx N�'✓C,^n N' f }--• ,u r Y �y{ >. YR 4Mf.x6'9 p . i! 7 r'rY'zti''2'¢ _.� YYf..'f1''4''�'ti5ltabxbNv ik h'Y&'i-!''wi$-cca at hyxNn ham. a.,p c..•J m..:t _Y,•�:r L T...! pk-rt%i.,r '.X aksYiT+ray.4 an-.+,SMn}'vaTi+oy`+.iil�4sRlu'.i%h117K^A''ifl'�y'R A� f1�ca- . t T 54i '` r fY 4 ,�,q. � � ,�}}``���''��', .'�'�' •#� k�x, # .y.°gr`�, .Tf�f{N �. ry :- b 7jr _yt {., �1^'g,��$?asi`.Sst7�F.t r,�fijh,%iX ,� �q }Ye�i�+i'te-' ,vd.. '.=v�n'�a.a n*-.rind x¢kr FMyfi^i`� ',b�tsyr�jy �vt•�r^+ {ti�'k4��.EFy � ' F i*r'� .c hi �n Yd �,� ytb f Yk�4 f pf �. � afar '�a'- t