HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 1988-12-15 AdvertisementA` }' '< 3 1 It 1p l A 1t ah r r% r-• - - -- .. U hli'6"_ being discussed is bounded by South Dixie Highway, South BayshoreLovelsouth Miami Avenue, S.W. 17 Avenue an a Dade tvounty We Museum. The specific traffic control mea being p�a�e ' IF (1) One-way street patterns in the Natoma Manor neighborhood. (2) Restriping southbound South Bayshore Drive to provide an additional right turn only lane between Alatka Street and S.W. 17 Avenue. All interested persons are invited to appear and may be heard concerning the traffic control measures. Should any person desire to appeal any decision of the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at this hearing, that person shall ensure that a verbatim record ofthe proceedings is made, including all testimony and evidence upon which any appeal may be based. MATTY HIRAI CITY CLERK MIAMI, FLORIDA O — ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CONTROL BOARD AGENDA Date: December 8, 1988 Meeting Metro -Dade Center Place: 111 N.W. First Street 18th Floor, Room "4" Time: 1:00 P.M. GENERAL 1. CONTINUED: CARMEN MULLER - Request for a variance from the uir e of Sections'24-TT4)(a) and 24-13(6)(b) of the Code of Metropolitan Dade County in order to allow the operation of a carnival equipment storage maintenance and repair facility at petitioner's property located at the southeast corner of S.W.252nd Street and S.W.142nd Avenue, to be served by an on -site potable water supply well and septic tank. 2. NTINUED: MR. AND MRS. FLORENTINO E. AMARO & MR. AND MRS. LIRAHU - Hequest for a variance from the requirements o Sections 4• 3(4)(a) and 24-13(6) (a) of the Code of Metropolitan Dade County in order to allow the construction of a 10,783 square foot addition to an existing industrial warehouse at3301 N.W.71 Street, Dade County, Florida, to be served bbyy a public water main and septic tank. 3. CONTINUE(): FELIPE DUGROT &RUBEN GUERRA MERCEDES Ci( r enCaballero de aLuz) - Request for a variance from t o requirements of Sections 24-13(4) and 24-13(6) of the Code of Metropolitan Dade County in order to allow the construction of a lodge for the Fraternal Order Caballero de la Luz, located at N.W. 159 Street and N.W. 45 Avenue, Dade County, Florida, to, be served by an on -site well and septic tank. 4. EDWARD A. McCARTHY, AS ARCHBISHOP OF THE ARCHDIOCESE OF theZ:ode of Metropolitan Dade County in order to allow the construction of an 18,287 square feet expansion to the St. Louis Catholic Church complex located at 7270 S.W. 120th Street, Dade County, Florida to be served by a public water train and septic tank but lying within feasible distance of a sanitary sewer. S. RED BIRD ASSOCIATES LTD. - Request for a variance of Section 24- I o t e etropo itan ace County Code to allow the installation of a Beauty Salon in an existing shopping center located IS.W57th Avenue and 40th Street, Dade County, Florida. Section 24-13(4) (b)(i) of the Code allows a maximum sewago loading of 1,500 gallons/day/care for non residential projects utlizing a public water supply and septic tanks. The proposed use will exceed the code limitations. 6. KI LIAN{NVEST�OrrRS-CrORP.-Requestforapariancefromtherequirements o e on of tt a Code of Metropolitan Dade Countyin order to allow the operation of an automobile service facility generating hazardous waste located at 10874.10878 S.W. 104th Street, Dade County, Florida, and lying within the Average Day Pumpage Wellfield Protection area of the Alexander Orr -Snapper Creek -Southwest Wellfield complex. 7. WEt ER KILLI N PLACE HOMES - Request for a variance of Section 24- o the etropo marl a e ounty Code to allow the development of 33 sing a family lots utilizing septic tanks in conjunction with a public water supply. Section 24-13(7) of the Code requires connection to a sanitary sewer force main when available in an abetting public right-of-way. r r r t t t OTHER MA RS at the discretion of the Environmental Quality Control Board. Tf runner n ormation is desired call 375-DERM, "A pawn who deddes to appeal any decision made by any board, aggoruy, or commlasion with respect to any rrhilter CpM1daW at its meetng or hearing, will rood a rocord of the proceedi yya. Such person may need to emus that a varbalim record of the proceedings is made, including the testirthorhy arW evidence upon which the appeal is to be based." METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA r nr rr ar'p1-G A �rr['Arr or VF[ruls aI .A�Ii1AI1rRtIm16L�Al�t I NOTICE OF LOCAL INIF�ROVEMENT MIAMI RIVER CANAL SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT SR-5555-C All interested persons will take notice that at a meeting of the Commission of the City of Miami, Florida, to be held at 11:10 a.m. on December 15,1988, in the City Commission Chambers, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida, their objections will be heard to the confirmation of Resolution No. 88-1019 passed and adopted by said City Commission on November 3, 1988, ordering the construction of sanitary sewer improvements located at or near the centerline of N.W. 20 Street from N.W. 27 Avenue to the Miami River Canal, at or near the westerly right of way line of N.W. 27 Avenue from N.W. 20 Street to the Miami River Canal, or in the alley south of N.W. 20 Street parallel to and 85 feet west of N.W. 27 Avenue, or the alley 160 feet south of and parallel to N.W. 20 Street; said improvement shall consist of laying an 8- inch or larger vitrified clay and/or polyvinyl chloride pipe sanitary sewer, 6- inch cast iron and/or polyvinyl chloride pipe laterals, manholes, connections to existing sewers and other appurtenances, relaying street pavement, sidewalks, curbs and/or gutters where such relaying is made necessary by this improvement, which improvement is designated as MIAMI RIVER CANAL SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT SR-5555-C (Centerline). Special assessments for a portion of the cost of said MIAMI RIVER CANAL SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT SR-5555-C shall be levied upon the lots and parcels of land which abut upon the side or sides of the above mentioned streets or alleys. Plans, specifications and estimatesof cost of said improvement are on file in the Department of Public Works,275 N.W. 2nd Street, Miami, Florida. All interested parties may appear at the meeting and be heard with respect to the proposed improvement. Should any person desire to appeal any decision of the City Commission with respect to any matterto be considered atthis meeting, that person shall ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made including all testimony and evidence upon which any appeal may be based. (5061) a+ •ti, iMatty Hirai City Clerk e City of Miami, Florida olid y Fax & Ce ,a MITSUBISHI 95 ARM� • Highest receive strength AM • Lightest weight (4.3lbs) • 2 hr. talk, 28 hr standby •Easy -to -use features - Expanded Spectnun • Packed with features • Optional hands -free S75.• Hands -free ti • Comes complete with • Includes Install tlon - Alphanumeric Me Cig. lit. adapter, rapid 1" • Optional Automatic) charger, carry handle. $395 Great or meet • Includes Installntio� $1295 or meet any advertised price any advertised price G an f MITSIMISHI EA-15M Transportable , MTT�i1BISHI I�'A-2150 _ Facsimile Machine �-'- Desktop Fax New a • Light on weight, heavy r , • Compact upright on features -" �.. design • New & improved List $1395 saie $875 List $1995 Sale $1495 • Export available • BdSouth 1111"ty (u, MEW ' Open Saturday 10.2 • rr n� ®1® rVcW*ihry 1e W COMUkir • Fully trained factory technicians • - Major credit _ Cellular • cards accepted • ,�MrTSUBISHI 0 'imp III,- act after receivint. „ nu.rrr said her mr tn•ttt f mcecutinn. ould think «•hat the fi-!:Oc ha 1 <it i ;ttrit is }:rr it r, v,'ho I clone to her father is lief;rihlt'. "I ! ,vtl it It f-vvi-' fiber of tny don't kno\v hwx it,ng it �� ill 1;0.•The iu'I_. li;id heen ailowed W sleep to reconstruct our lives. ll'� been ituntil �,hc• died," Rosier said in a nightmare." Felice cracking with emotion. Arabs to introduce resolution to move U.N. moat to Geneva AsseclsW Prof UNITED NATIONS — Arab diplomats said they would intro- duce a resolution today to move the General Assembly to Geneva so PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat, barred from entering the United States, can address the body. The United States last night refused the assembly's request to grant Arafat a visa. Arafat planned to speak to the assembly about the Palestinian situation. A diplomatic source who saw the United States' response said it was "extremely negative." It came in reaction to a General Assembly resolution that urged the United States to reverse itself on Arafat and gave it 24 hours to reply. The resolution passed 151-2 Wednesday, with the United States and Israel opposed. An assembly tote on the resolu- tion to move would likely come early next week. CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING A public ng will be held by the Commission of the Ci Miami, Florida cember 15, 1988, at 5:00 p.m. in the City fission Chambers at City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Flor , for the purpose of hearing any comments by the City Commission from any interested art us af`eLtC,' I-y i' 9, t: aii,rn� Marinr Tr11fiC ` W'illr"i being discussed Is bounded by South Dixie Highway. South Sayshorave/South Miami Avenue, S.W. 17 Avenue angWke Dade County ce Museum. The specific traffic control mea being (1) One-way street patterns in the Natoma Manor neighborhood. (2) Restriping southbound South Bayshore Drive to provide an additional right turn only lane between Alatka Street and S.W. 17 Avenue. Ail interested persons are invited to appear and may be heard concerning the traffic control measures, Should any person desire to appeal any decision of the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at this hearing, that person shall ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, including all testimony and evidence upon which any appeal may be based. MATTY HIRAI (5(5063) CITY CLERK MiAMI, FLORIDA 1. PUBLIC HEARING ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CONTROL BOARD AGENDA Date- December 8, 1988 Meeting Metro -Dade Center Place: 111 N.W. First Street 18th Floor, Room '14" Time: 1:00 P.M. GENERAL 1. CONTINUED: CARMEN MULLER - Request for a variance from the r r e oT Sections 4- 4)(a) and 24-13(6)(b) of the Code of Metropolitan Dade County in order to allow the operation of a carnival equipment storage maintenance and repair facility at petitioner's property located at the southeast corner of S.W. 252nd Street and S.W.142nd Avenue, to be served by an on -site potable water supply well and septic tank. 2. C NTINUE0: MR. AND MRS. FLORENTINO E. AMARO & MR. AND MR . equest 16r a variance from the requiremen s o ,Sections 4 a) and 24-13(6)(a) of the Code of Metropolitan Dade County in order to allow the construction of a 10,783 square foot addition to an existing industrial warehouse at 3301 N.W. 71 Street, Dade County, Florida, to be served bv a public water main and septic tank. 3. N FELIPE DUGROT R BEN GUERRA 6 MERCEDES RNMILZ - (Orden Caballero' e a UZ) - Hequestfor a variance from the requirements of Sections 24-13(4) and 24-13(6) of the Code of Metropolitan Dade County In order to allow the construction of a lodge for the Fraternal Order Caballero de la Luz, located at N.W. 159 Street and N.W. 45 Avenue, Dade County Florida, to be served by an on•site well and septic tank. 4. D Mf ARTHSr AS ARCHBISHOP OF THE AR Hb10 F equest or a variance om t e requ remen's o action 4- o e de of Metropolitan Dade County in order to allow the construction o an 18,287 square feet expansion to the St. Louis Catholic Church complex located at 7270 S.W. 120th Street, Dade County, Florida to be served by a public water trraln and septic tank but tying within teasfble distance of a aanita►y sewer. 6. -RED glee 30 tATE3. LTD. - Request for a variance of Section 24- 4)tb)(i o e etropo Ian fide County Code to allow the Installation of a Beauty Salon in an exialing shopping center located at S.W. 57th Avenue and 40th Street, Dads County. Florida. Section 24-13(4)(b) (i) of the Code allows a maximum sewage loading of 1,500 gallons/ ay care for non-residential projects utllizing a public water supply and septic tanks. The proposed use will excaed.the code limitations. 8• �9R$r�ORE -Request for a variance from therequlrements on 1(5) jai of the Code of Metropolitan Dade County In order to allow the operation of an automobile service facility generatin hazardous waste located at 10874-10878 S.W.104th Street, Dade County. a. end ,ylnoin the Avefage Day Pumpage Wellfield Projection area of the gAWian%derOir-Sna r Creek -Southwest Wellfield complex. HOME - Request for a variance of Section 24- e a e un Code to allow the developftterttof family lots utilizing septic .tan in cortluncikm.Ad;i, as .. "1 assume the pr'c �idrne �' al a difficult time, caught between the needs to con- struct for the future and meet the needs we ha*4 today." Salinas yesterday took the oath of office and received the tri-colt ored presidential sash from outgot Ing President Miguel de la Madril as Latin American presidents an -4. °'F'"t" ",7F:',x54!'r€' `tltiiitpAttUti v+ e pt esidency. The political opposition charged that Salinas did not win the Jttly 6 election and that his 50.7 percent electoral total was the product Of widespread fraud. The opposition walkout by a coalition of three leftist groups appeared to nullify an earlier agreement signed by all the politi- cal parties that they would not disrupt the inauguration ceremo- ny. "We had to walk out. He is not the legitimate president as reflect - These Goods Cnnlracfed and Imporifd I`r(,m Iron Before the Trade ErnharRo IN Arrni-dance u•tfM U.S. (;,,,rt Regulations. THE S111PMENTS 1tTRE NOT AC y!'TF.D BY THE i)ISTIM11,7011S 0710 AND OTHER 1:ILtIABLB AANDlMAlIF ORIENTAL (:ARPE7*5, CON:9IST (IF U P(-RE s►J, i OUME, HERF_AF. C,"'AIIAN, TUSIXISB. ALL SIZES - SMALL & LARGE THE RUGS WILL nE AUMONED IN SINGLE FwL'CF:S vv OROFR TO RELEASE. LMMF.DIATE CASH To F17LF-ILL THE ORLIGATION AND LIARtLI E.S. Ii FRF. NOT AIET PRO.MM.VA S AGRF.ICD. A CTIoN .1T A-1 FARG61MA)'FLOWER AtOVINI; & STORAGE 7700 S.W.100 STREET C.S. Hal'.) S.R. 11 5T.18 RLOf.AS FH(tM !Jill ►:►_;Nr• Ir•Pl.'�t: rr.`,I Eit MIAMI 3Oj PR6YIF: R'AT t t'sf ,S If OA'F.£.R F.D IYALJL IJe Y.,� •F: t:.r t nUnu3 TFRM4 f1 �N, I:HI r A. r� r .rx •• ALL I.,a=dir 7'a • ,. fryer r. er .rni n.�A - - R(/G DRYUA c.• ir�".�n�lsrt�r�fttrfiTRG17E OiA NTICI7Y _. s M 11 A NOTICE OF LOCAL`IMPROVEMENT MIAMi RIVER CANALSANIITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT SR-5555-C All interested persons will take noticothat at a meeting of the Commission of the City of Miami, Florida, to be helcl`et 11:10 a.m. on December 15,1988, in the City Commission Chambers, 3500,Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida, their objections will be heard to the *firmation of Resolution No. 88-1019 passed and adopted by said 044ornmission on November 3, 1988, ordering the construction of sanitttty1ewer improvements located at or near the centerline of N.W. 20 Streetlrum N.W. 27 Avenue to the Miami River Canal, at or near the westerly right of Way line of N.W. 27 Avenue from N.W. 20 Street to the Miami River Canal, -or in the alley south of N.W. 20 Street parallel to and 85 feet west of N.W. 27Avenue, or the dlley 160 feet south of and parallel to N.W. 20 Street; said improvement shall consist of laying an fl- inch or larger vitrified clay and/or polyvinyl chloride pipe sanitary sewer, 6- inch cast iron and/or polyvinyl: chloride pipe laterals, manholes, connections to existing sewers and other appurtenances, relaying street pavement, sidewalks, curbs and/or gutters where such relaying is made necessary by this improvement, which improvement is designated as MIAMI RIVER CANAL SANITARY: SEWER IMPROVEMENT SR-5555-C (Centerline). Special assessments for a portion of the cost of said MIAMI RIVER CANAL SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT SR-5555-C shall be levied upon the lots and parcels of land which abut upon the side or sides of the above mentioned streets or alleys. Plans, specifications and estimates of cast of said improvement are on file in the Department of Public Works, 275 N.W. 2nd Street, Miami, Florida. All interested parties may appear at the meeting and be heard with respect to the proposed improvement. Should any person desire to appeal any decision of the City Commission With respect to any matterto be considered atthis meeting, that person shall ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made including all testimony and evidence upon which any appeal may be based. (5061) ` iMatty Hirai City Clerk P City of Miami, Florida Published belly except Satu, Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Dade County, Florida. , r *11410rl f STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADfE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared A pubfir heerfrid'rt I4 bs'Qi by Sookle Williams, who on oath says that the Is the Vice -rntsbtonbftheCttyai President of Legal Advertising of the Miami Review, a daily NiIsfh1, Flot1da, oh f)egemtltir36 (except Saturday, Sunday and legal Holidays) newspaper, 1168B1111i1iO5.a:ftt: in this city, published at Miami In Dade County, Florida; that the attached Commission Ci�bers at ClWI Jib copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice Pan_ Amerioen f)ffve, Mlamf, In the matter of Fitlflda; for, the puiI of CITY O F M I A M I bbneldering' a proposed wiiW of the, Cfly of -Mleml Conflile -of :assalk "k: b fft h1 i � " `1 $ Interests provisions (CIty of Miami Code'.Chapter 2, Article :V) in accordance with subsection 1302 of said portion of the City Code as such applies to Howard V. Gary as a member of the City's Intematlonal In the ..:.....x.. x .. x...:................... Court,irvtdlnp protessionel �Inanolel' was published in sold newspaper in the Issues of ry iiervifies�es owoe[ ari aideht :bfto ?ionlrat fiery °Kna' ' December 6, 19 8 8nedhrrp°ndteestdr ii�fv(gea ap"(eernsnt;;wit?i ths':7City, +ol;'A�111rfi(�lo prr5vitis ouch atNt+toas`. ioi ttie of Mtatei. F Afflant further says that the sold Miami Review Is a "'AlllOfty n—I'* tedpaitiBearetrft►ltbd`. newspaper published at Miami in said Dade County, Florida, ¢o'8pp6af,art niay be hlbM and that the sold newspaper has heretofore been continuously COtiCerfilRg suCfl pfOpOaed VVaiV!!r� published in sold Dade County, Florida each day (except 7tlellearl' wNibehefdatttf�iimil. Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and has been entered as second class mall matter at the post office in Miami In said atid,placespeciNed.above 1L'kp; Dade County Florida, for a period of one year next procedln0 ShoUld any pefsOn deeire,to; the fl publication of the attached copy of advertisement, and appastl,.wiy.Aded61Oly of the;,City! still f rther says that she has neither paid nor promisea any Conifnlssioq with reapsat=tO any, ps on, firm or corporation any discount, robots, commission rflaifer conel at:this o ref d for the purpose of securing this advertisement for hsarinii:,. bt tion in t saidot �ppfr. that pereon;stiplt erei neuthat-st . %%eQ�L H 49 r''r' lustim' ludlf p 1 top a� tlmon • Bred et{Idence Lpotirwh�Ch aRyF =1 • • Irf A o7d supscrukd before me this 6 ..... di[r of A D. 19 8 $ ... (50fi Matty l tf pt k �!�W. �. �-�--- ....... lair '•if e1 f�-0 Marmsr J , . ,,, �d MQt:r)L QubA�,�`9t�p of Florida at Large t t . ;:• o _ u �� s (SEAL) ' � F F t-O ```�� My. Commission exp'ilUfApAIII 1992 MR.138 MIAMI AE1� publlshed Daily except Satu. nunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Dade County, Florida.i StA`t OF PLORIDA ' : i. i >�1��r�� COUNTY OR DADE: : Before the undersigned authority personally appeared +�MG�,aa�ia�i ■,n s'Vtls�,rw Sookle Vr1111ems, who on oath says that the Is the Vice President of Legal Advertising of the Miami Review, a daily h A publiclic ettrih kill be held by' h (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami in Dade County, Florida; that the attached the City laelon of the Miami, Miami, �fotiEa, on DeoemtC 5,' i, copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice In the matter of 11:Hi a.m. In the City Corn-' mltaton Chambers at City Hall, **M,•Isan American Drive; Miami,; CITY OF M I A M I lrfordilk for the purpose of aonaid- PUBLIC HEARING ering a watrer of the prohibition. a40nat the appaarance by a former RCT+� Ilh d �'r P'n �;988 city officer, official or employee, before the Commission within two years after leaving city employment as tench prohibition applies to Inthe ............. x...x... x................... Court,.._ was published In said newspaper in the Issues of December 5, 1988 Afflent further says that the said Miami Review Is a tpaper published at Miami in said Dade County, Florida, thhat the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously lobed in said Dade County, Florida each day (except May, Sunday and legal Holldeys) and bras been entered as ,nd class mail matter at the post office In Miami in said t County, Florida, for a period of one Year next precedln0 I ublcellon of the attached copy adwrtisemenkk and 1 f rther says that she has neither paid nor promised any on, mY br corporation any discount, rebate, commission it for the purpose of securing this adverisement for tion In the S r�l�tnftl,�irb,cdbed Ssfore me this ........ day dt. . .111�� Y.... , 1 D. 19.. . $. Cb V1.101arrrier s(ay.paale,S t++Qd Florida at Large (SEAL) i4� F F LOt+��+i++++ My Commission expires d'� W 1992. MR 138 3 ` MIAMI RE"W s . Published Daily except Satu. Sunday and )I `siri vP �k Legal Holidays Miami, Dade County, Florida. n. NOTION 60 STATB OF FLORIDA 'Pueuc H1141 10416 COUNTY OF DADE: ° A Public hearing will be Held Before the undersigned authority personally appeared by the Commission of the City of Sookle Williams, who on oath says that she Is the Vice Miami, Florlda,-oh Thuteday President of Legal Advertising of the Miami Review, a daily Debember 15, 1988 at 11:20 an. In (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, ttle..dty Commission Chambers published at Miami in Dade County, Florida; that the attached at City Hall, 35W Pan `American copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice DrWe; Miami, Florida. The hearinq In the matter of WIN be conducted for the purpose CITY O F M I A M I of ,tfoflsidaring a waiver of the PUBLIC HEARING sealed lb d procets for eddu�resffo the '. •� 11i 1 ti "1'3"�9 8 8 procurement of goW* and aawices t ; (construction services, materials; furnishings; and►or equipment) needed for the Atheile Range mark Pool Replacement Project, In the ...... X... X • . X .......................... Court, Range Park using; located °tlt 233i was published in said newspaper In the issues of NW 62nd Strbat, Miami "'Fl6hda." This heart rip will further consider December 7, 1988 Yff.l±w 0 tff a valid publlc . stnergency as tetst' xto aopb walver and proourifnitnt Affiant further says that the said Miami Review Ise - �l intereatad parties are lit%iled newspaper published at Mlaml in said Dads County, Flodda, t0 appeiit8nc� b�i fat}iW conosrrifng and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously suo�l'propoeed WdIYBf and published in said Dade County, Florida each day (except procurement. Tt►e.Heer)rip 1y11);be Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and has been entered as held at the time and piaCaepsc�f)ed second class mail matter at the post office In Miami In said Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the 11 ublication of the attached copy of advertisement; and should s'any pereoh dealra to affian fu her says that she has neither paid nor promised any appeal any deC(sloll of' the Cltj+ Pars t or corporation any discount, rebate, commission Cort{m{salon tit{th'`respeFt't0 ally. ; or re un for the u ae of "curl this advertisement for publl a on in the sal newspaper. tnattei otinsidered' at thls Hw' "a, r •,��Ntf fft ItryP.that person shall enaursi,'that,a i 'verbatim record of the p'rocewi-rog'. • ..� �........... It made, W lncludeal�R testisr►ony .` G.' •-�.p '�� and e�ldence upp Swam t r7m crif be}i1e me this 6 1peel [ryaY be babe i ,, t' ?...., de or = �Che,� l' • = 88 y .��.... may, ......A.D.99....... 01 4✓ .(f'it .t .. "`���ire*!' . .....r ors CHy crerk err ; ; tJa ryl Hr Ma r K X altysof Mt ftli Florida K s ��,tVlllerypubllc, Sta(p otVVW`Q�Ida at Large121i ,:s: pis°.-rir120753A11' (SEAL) !i�'irYT"p 0 • • • 0� My Commission expires�ily�f��il��� MR 136 :cu uculg III - Atlanta since May and undergoing treatment for a heart ailment. lie said he did not return prey^sly ,to fight the charges becausr the treatmht and because his lh..yers had expected notice before the case was decided. He said he was ready to be arrested upon his arrival In Santo Domingo. "I am quite aware that's what they're going to do," Jorge Blanco said. "I am totally prepared." Dominican Attorney General Se- miramis Olivo de Pichardo said in a telephone interview from Santo Domingo that Jorge Blanco was transported to the Preventative Prison of Ensanche de la Fe, where he will be held until an appeal court date is scheduled. The current Dominican presi- dent, Joaquin Balaguer, also was in Miami this week and spoke at the opening dinner of the Miami Conference on the Caribbean on Tuesday night. Balaguer, who is 81 years old and blind, denied that his government was manipulating the corruption case to damage Jorge Blanco's party, the Domini- can Revolutionary Party. "It is in the hands of the justice system," Balaguer said. System 'starved' by drug war Associated Pnss WASHINGTON — The war on drugs is overwhelming a criminal justice system, a two-year Ameri- can Bar Association study con- cludes. "The !ntire system is starved: police, prosecution, criminal de- fense, courts and corrections," says the report by an ABA committee. "It cannot provide the quality of justice that the public legitimately expects and that the people working within the system wish to deliver." The ABA panel said that while courts are - increasingly clogged, the drug problem "is growing worse, and '... law enforcement has been unable to control" it. Need a sec..M�. CORP,TOA Call - Chuichill D. .. 854�3321 SAMCDAY APPROVAC B. :: bc Modgaget . -,NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC All interested persons will take notice that the Regular City of Miami City Commission Meetings scheduled for December 8, 1988, and V*cember 22, 1988 have been je-scheduled to take place tut j}tifaar,;R1988 at 9:00 a.m. (Regtt"agenda)"A 2:00 p.m. (Planning &Zoning agenda) in the City Commission Chambers, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida. fr5o4t) Matty Hirai City Clerk City of Miami, Florida ��VCR Football or Now, 32-97 California Games "m" Prev. 39.97 Pace down the California artrldges for Nintendo coast or call football plaNsl -'ry Hunlr'r -Irr+ HnCkeV MB Our Discount 3897 Price Electronic Battleship Electronic hunt and seek ganle with ro-Mistic Scmnrl ems,` NOW g9f Gotcha Gun Sets Prev. 19.97 Target shooter that fires bursts to 30, target, goggles 8 morel Gotcha Ammo Prev. 5.99 ........ NOW 1.91 PH NOW 692 jewel Secrets Ken [)oil Pwith Jeweled9 bracelets for Barbee tool I&W SALE 2188 Baby GrowsDoll lust turn her handle r growl AgeS 3 8 UP - Shop Monday thru Saturday 9:00 AM 'til MIDNIGHT trrul Discount l I 2997 Price Simon P-nUll, COMIC Voor nir mt w of rrnlnr*, .101 f,01111CK1 I III'! our Discount Price 9997 BabY Heather Talking Doll Eves open 6 Close while she moves her head from left to right$ r�0 CI iOtVG SALE .S97 My l lttie Angel Doil Reg• 9.97 Arms 8 legs bend for pray, ing• Hair can be brusned 8 s[Vted. ` SALE t 2397 eaew .� purr -tenders RepisQullsse Purrs oers�epoftie booklet. PRICES ON SALE ITEMS EFFECTIVE DECEMBER 1 tt SUNDAY 9:00 AM 'td 8PM NOW Hiring! All Positions, All Shi Y r G a40 .. :, 46, The Miami Herald Publishing Company '� Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Lesli Masur who on oath says she is the Area Sales Manager of The Miami Herald and The Miami News, daily newspaper (s) published at Miami in Dade County, Florida. She further says that the advertisement for wa .,published •in the issue or. issues of for the above publication (s) as per the attached _ Affiant further states that the said THE MIAMI HERALD/NEWS are newspapers published at Miami, in the said Dade County, Florida, and that the said newspapers have -, here -to --fore been continously,published in the said Dade County, Florida, each day, and have been entered as second class mail matter at the Post Office in Miami, in the said Dade County, Florida, for a period of one. year neict preceding the first publication of the advertisement. f ' Lest i.. Masut", Sworn to and Subscr ibed- to ca before me this /? day of- A.D. 19 s RECEIVED City oI Mlamt JAN 2 0 9989-® 9 . -- ` P.ROCURCf4Eryr �-�ry -�Na Public PJJANAGEh4ENr MoTia IC STATE OF F=MMA USION nm WOK 1p- r'F is One Herald Plaza, Miami, Florida 331321693 (305) 350-2111 Avenue. All interested persons are Invited to appear and may be heard concernirg1lililip traffic control measures. Should any persogiftire to appeal a ision of the City Commission with respect to after c nsidere this hearing, that person shall ensure that a rbatim record of the proceedings is made, including all testimony and evidence upon which any appeal may be based. tY ° MATTY HIRAI *s CITY CLERK c� MIAMI, FLORIDA _F�°(5063) ENVIRONMENTAL. QUALITY CONTROL BOARD AGENDA Date: December 8, 1988 Meeting Metro -Dade Center Place: 111 N.W. First Street 18th Floor, Room "4" Time: 1:00 P.M. GENERAL 1. CONTINUED:MEN MULLER - Request for a variance from the FEW OAR ctions 4-13(4)(a) and 24.13(6)(b) of the Code of Metropolitan Dade County in order to allow the operation of a carnival equipment storage maintenance and repair facility at petitioner's property located at the southeast corner of S.W. 252nd Street and S.W.142nd Avenue, to be served by an on -site potable water supply well and septic tank. 2. CONTINUED: MR. AND MRS. FLORENTINO E. AMARO h MR. AND MRS. Request for a variance from the requirements o Sections .4• 4 a) and 24-13(6)(a) of the Code of Metropolitan Dade County in orderto allow the construction of a 10,783 square foot addition to an existing Industrial warehouse at 3301 N.W. 71 Street, Dade County, Florida, to be served by a public water main and septic tank. 3. CONTINUED: FELIPE DUGROT RUBEN GUERRA 6 MERCEDES L7i'^^�+1.c3' (r en a a ero e a uz - Request for a variance from t e requirements of Sections 24-13(4) and 24-13(6) of the Code of Metropolitan Dade County in order to allow the construction of a lodge for the Fraternal Order Caballero de Is Luz, located at N.W. 159 Street and N.W. 45 Avenue, Dade County, Florida, to be served by an on -site well and septic tank. 4. E WARD A. McCARTHY AS ARCHBISHOP OF THE ARCHDIOCESE OF MIAMI - equest for a variance trorn the requirements olSection 4• 4 0 Ste mode of Metropolitan Dade County in order to allow the construction o an 18,287 square feet expansion to the St. Louis Catholic Church complex located at 7270 S.W. 120th Street, Dade County, Florida to be served by a public water main and septic tank but lying within feasible distance of a sanitary sewer. S. RER 131RD ASSOCIATES LTD. -Request for a variance of Section 24- I o the etropo Itan Dade County Code to allow the installation of a Beauty Salon in an existing shopping center located at S.W. 57th Avenue and 40th Street, Dade County, Florida. Section 24.13(4) (b) (i) of the Code allows a maximum sewage loading of 1,500 gallons/day/care for non-residential projects utilizing a publicwater supply and septic tanks. The proposed use will exceed the code limitations. 8. KILjANINVESTORSCORP. -Request for a variance from the requirements o ectlon a ol the Code of Metropolitan Dade County in order to allow the operation of an automobile service facility generating hazardous waste located at 10874-10878 S.W. 104th Street, Dade County, Florida, and lying within the Average Day Pumpage Wellfield Protection area of the Afsxander Orr -Snapper Creek -Southwest Wellfield complex. 7. W 11ZER KILLIAN PLACE HOMES - Request for a variance of Section 24- o e Metropolitan Dade County Code to allow the development of 33 sing a family lots utilizing septic tanks in conjunction with a public water supply. Section 24.13 of the Code requires connection to a sanitary sewer force main when available in an abutting public right-of-way. * * * * * * R MATTER•aS at the discretion of the Environmental Quality Control Board. tr R er Information is desired call 375-DERM. ****** "A priori wll-o dock$" to sppesl any decision made by any board, agency, or commission with respect to �Y Riattar OensidIered at Its meeting of hearing, vhll need a record of the proceedings. Such person may ri00d tO W.e that a verbatim record o1 the proceedings is made, including the tostimony and evidence I METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA I ji interested persons will tak the City of Miami, Florida, to t the City Commission Chamb their objections'willbe heard passed and adopted by sa. ordering the cons!ruction of near the centerline of N.W.20 Canal, at or near the westerly 20 Street to the Miami River r parallel to and 85 feet west of and parallel to N.W, 20 Street; inch or larger vitrified clay anc inch cast iron and/or pol connections to existing sewe pavement, sidewalks, curbs necessary by this improvem MIAMI RIVER CANAL SANI (Centerline). Special assessments for a poi SANITARY SEWER IMPROVE lots and parcels of land whicl mentioned streets or alleys. Plans, specifications and estin in the Department of Public Wc- interested parties may appear the proposed improvement. Should any person desire to a with respect to any matter to be ensure that a verbatim recorr-- testimony and evidence upon (5061) a MPTSUBISHI 9_ } • Lightest weight (4.31-. • 2 hr. k, 28 hr scene+ tal • Packed with features - • Comes complete wit` Cig- lit. adapter, rapie- charger, carry handle. $1295 or meet anv advertised mice MITSUBISHI lam= FA-150Q Transportable Facsimile Machine • Light on weight, heavy r on features List $1395 Sale $875 - ITLaX IVA %%lfOW Wlufafr .Fj • Opel • Fully train • Major c ® ian OW11 Plud Yte ajapofX11ai jo uoll?iodap aql luauoug t)npapeald aszleog Blag iia plo-irafoyfluaplsaid aql of leadde alnultu•lsel a aKeut aft, a 8ul1puoj AlpaSalle .to;ilnusse lenxos jo palolnt pajiodap aq lou puv dpoisna Sum ogolieO opmleD suol3au(uiBxa olrlalgo; latapaj al ulstnat saaulelap atil iggl 31SB of RUBI il[ 111atztulaA0 3 .talje lU!30S-Ilue ptttaap alam put? sai untoiumop ul dlgspualid jo ga.toy aql le aouaiajuoo pallurl 041 ul sautl.to 10 palolnUO3 uaaq psq anlj [IV ssaid a plaq suslallllod leool lelanas pus IaAluVad 's8ulpaaootd legal tiutr ul aledlall led ol;u vi, wog; IS131U Y 1n cromR delegate but ns n S%l•iSG Police hn%'v SuppeSted Winkler's citizen," said the letter, put -Ported- l:idnnpperc� ma\ ! rvvk to trade him ly - from Peter Winkler. "My for a Lebanese Shiite Moslem government knows what my kid- hijacker arrested in Switzeriand. CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING A public hearing will be held by the Commission of the City of Miami, Florida on December 15, 1988, at 5:00 p.m. in the City Commission Chambers at City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida, for the purpose of hearing any comments by the City Commission from any interested parties affected by the Bay HeightsiNatoma Manor Traffic Control Measures. The area being discussed is bounded by South Dixie Highway, South Elpyshore a/South Miami Avenue, S.W. 17 Averrue and the Dade County S Museum. The specific traffic, control measieing proposed (1) One-way street patterns in the Natorra Manor n(,ighborh.,d. (2) Restriping southbound South Baysho:e Dave to provide an �#tjXtiwer�i� Aiatita Strut and S.W..17 .. >` invited 30 r and may be heard F yti itrttrol miaaaures. hould any parse ire to of the City Commission with respect to after this hearing, that person shall ensure that a I, rbatim Q 3lttte prootledings is made, including all testinony and evidence jpo �: tit any appeal may be based. MATTY HIRAI CITY CLERK MIAMI, FLORIDA (5m) mETR PUBLIC HEARING ..A ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CONTROL BOARD AGENDA Date: December-% 1988 Meeting Metro -Dade Center Place: 111 N.W. First Street 18th Floor, Room "4" Time: 1:00 P.M. GENERAL 1. CONTINUED: CARMEN MULLER - Request for a variance from the requirements of sections 4)(a) and 24.13(6)(b) of the Code of Metropolitan Dade County in order to allow the operation of a carnival equipment storage maintenance and repair facility at petitioner's property located at the southeast corner of S.W. 252nd Street and S.W. 142ndAvenue, to be served by an on -site potable water supply well and septic tank, 2. CONTINUED: MR. AND MRS. FLORENTINO E. AMARO & MR. AND MRS. GIRALDO AMARO - Request for a variance from the requirements of Sections 4- 4 a) and 24-13(6)(a) of the Code of Metropolitan Dade County in orderto allow the construction of a 10,783 square foot addition to an existing industrial warehouse at 3301 N.W. 71 Street, Dade County, Florida, to be served by a public water main and septic tank. 3. CONTINUED: _FELIPE_DUGROT, RUBEN GUERRA & MERCEDES turoen Ga iaiiero ce is LUz) — HegUest Tor a Variance TrOM the Of Sections 24-13(4) and 24-13(6) of the Code of Metropolitan in order to allow the construction of a lodge for the Fraternal iro de Is Luz, located at N.W. 159 Street and N.W. 45 Avenue, 4. EDWARD A. McCARTHY. AS ARCHBISHOP OF THE ARCHMOCESE OF I MI -Request for a variance from the requirements of Section 24-13(4) of a Code of Metropolitan Dade County in order to allow the construction of an 18,287 square feet expansion to the St. Louis Catholic Church complex located at 7270 S.W. 120th Street, Dade County, Florida to be served by a public water main and septic tank but lying within feasible distance of a sanitary sewer. 5. RED BIRD ASSOCIATES LTD. - Request for a variance of Section 24- i of the Mtiropolittn Dads County Code to allow the installation of a Beauty Salon in an existing shopping center located at S.W. 57th Avenue and 40th Street, Dade County, Florida. Section 24-13(4) (b)(i) of the Code allows a maximum sewage loading of 1,500 gallons/day/care for non-residential projects utilizing a public water supply and septic tanks. The proposed use will exceed the code limitations. 6. KILLIANItRELTit R§CO513.-Request for a variance from the requirements of Swilion era) of the Code of Metropolitan Dade County in order to allow the operation of an automobile service facility generating hazardous waste located at 10874.10878 S.W. 104th Street, Dade County, Florida, and lying within the Average Day Pumpage Weilfield Protection area of the Mexander Orr -Snapper Creek -Southwest Welifield complex. 7. WEITZER KILLIAN PLACE HOMES - Request for a vanance of Section 24- o the Metropolitan Dade County Code to allow the development of 33 sing a farmlIyy lots utilizing septic tan a In conjunction with a public water supply. 8ecfion 24-13(7) of the Code requires connection to a sanitarysewer forte main when available in an abutting public right-of-way. * • * * * * OTNgR HERS at the discretion of the Environmental Quality Control Board. W information is desired call 375-DERM. * A, "Apande W4dacidos to appeal any decision made by any board, agency, or canmisslon with rasped to any I OW Considered ad b mseting or hearing, vAll need a record of the proceedings. Such parson may deed b arwre p,at a vwbatlm record of the proceedings is made, ineluding� and evidence METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA a v111 (/I'+I/;, r.. ItF Ar , r-I1 411-41, ? VF?W rwl r. A ISrr4\', AI: r{NA'Y, er/tr A1. rrtvtnr irnAir.ZR.4 ALL SIZES - 1/ t I I (C LARGE 7111.- fit Y;c tr11.1. nF: 41'C710v►'n 1% FI�Lrr r•rFCr� /Y ORr/f.'rt ro ►t F:LF, 4S6 IWW410147F, CASH 70 F'I 11►*11,1, tI(Wf I Ff t�7 'PN 1F,IL /. 141111. 17IF:S. 11 ERE.'NOT At'(:71(1*% AT A-1 F'4RG0;tiFA1•►-I,()TT7:/i MOI'IV; & STORAGE, t'.S. STREET fill). I s,r. /nT�7.Ait ICAS UROMAAD srtnrrms CENTER WA:vl - �f 6EC- `I Tit AT 2 PM I'REVIF it A7 I RN Al 1 TIOYCI rt F.n K41/1. ►.►rE,Nsur. NAvoryw6n5 "HH'. G/sH, CHrrA. 1'r9.1 On MC. 11 i. I`1t N!�l iN Uf'Rf"711rh lYf fIHFI �TVATr7DJrI-M'R4%rK ! 1/:Fr rot (. f (.+IF S Tr7H 1 1-1ItTrrI1:1Tl. Or 4rTRr\Yvan, NOTICE OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT MIAMI RIVER CANAL SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT SR•5555-C All interested persons will take notice that at a meeting of the Commission of the Cityof Miami, Florida, to be held at 11:10 a.m. on December 15,1988w'w the City Commission Chambers, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florin 4 their objectii4hTwillbe heard to the confirmation of Resolution No. 88-10?J passed and adopted by said City Commission on November 3, 1986, ordering the construction of sanitary sewer improvements located at or near the centerline of N.W. 20 Street from N.W. 27 Avenue to the Miami River Canal, at or near the westerly right of way line of N.W. 27 Avenue from N.W. 20 Street to the Miami River Canal, or in the alley south of N.W. 20 Street parallel to and 85 feet west of N.W. 27 Avenue, or the alley 160 feet south of and parallel to N.W. 20 Street; said improvement shall consist of laying an fl- inch or larger vitrified clay and/or polyvinyl chloride pipe sanitary sewer, 6- inch cast iron and/or polyvinyl chloride pipe laterals, manholes, connections to existing sewers and other appurtenances, relaying street pavement, sidewalks, curbs and/or gutters where such relaying is made necessary by this improvement, which improvement is designated as MIAMI RIVER CANAL SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT SR-5555-C (Centerline). Special assessments for a portion of the cost of said MIAMI RIVER CANAL SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT SR-5555-C shall be levied upon the lots and parcels of land which abut upon the side or sides of the above mentioned streets or alleys. Plans, specifications and estimates of cost of said improvement are on file in the Department of Public Works, 275 N.W. 2nd Street, Miami, Florida. All interested parties may appearat the meeting and be heard with respect to the proposed improvement. Should any person desire to appeal any decision of the City Commission with respectto any matterto be considered atthis meeting, that person shall ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made including all testimony and evidence upon which any appeal may be based. (5061) +Matty Hirai City Clerk City of Miami, Florida F10� Top Score Receives a l-S& Colored Red Rhinestone t r Christmas Trophies Gifts to all Contestants COII IOCal 382-3077 or THE SCOW STOLECHR RAZZ. LOWEST PRICED SCE ^S^ Miami: AAA Moped/R iva World by Yamaha 8985 Bird Rd.. (305) 223.2041 Miami: Yamaha Gold Coast-BMW/Riva 2240 N.W.119th St., (305) 685.8333 I HolldA XT F0 .Y ax & U 1 TBI.SI�,iI ARA 6000 • Lightest weight (4. )) • Highest receive strength AM • Rugge • 2 hr. talk. 28 hr stm ay • Easy -to -use features • Comes • Expanded Spcctntm • Packed with feattres' • Optional hands -free $75 . Hands -free Operation anum, • Comes complete with • Includes Install Hon •Alphanumeric Memory • Option Cig. lit. adapter, rapid • Optional Automatic Message Recorder Spare -- charger' carry handle, Gleat -Includes Installation antenn- $1295 or m $395 or meet Gift595 or meet any advt� cetx any advertised price or meet any a vent c pricy I�ITSUB_ I,SI,II _cpFM- _1 FA•15001ransportsbleM11SUBTSHI TA-2150 Widescan Desktop Facsimile Machine: Desktop Fax New 1 You'll get the whole pJie. • Light on weight, heavy' 1 • Compact upright ° - • Scans prints ovtnttza on features design •New &improved pictures & documents List $1395 Sale $875 List $1995 Sale $1495 without reducing - —_- List s2495 sai $169 O y Showroom L � � available • � Wililiguth ®�® Saturday 10.2 • nonawca p„wimwcl . 2017. W. 62nd SL Full factory technicians • ijliatcah(8 6 oa i22 St.) Po= •`Me cleditcardsaccepted• ,i�MITSUBIBHI S56-9 2 r