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J-89-117 1/27/89 RESOLUTION N©.39-1'r A RESOLUTION 1AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT, IN SUBSTANTIALLY THE FORM ATTACHED, WITH ARTHUR ANDERSEN & CO.* CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS, WITH THE PARTICIPATION OF MINORITY -OWNED ACCOUNTING FIRMS OF SHARPTON, BRUNSON & CO. AND VERDEJA, IRIONDO & GRAVIER, TO ANALYZE THE FINANCIAL VIABILITY OF PROPOSALS TO BE SUBMITTED IN RESPONSE TO THE REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR THE 2640 SOUTH BAYSHORE DRIVE UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT PROJECT; AUTHORIZING COMPENSATION FROM FUNDS AVAILABLE IN THE PROPERTY AND LEASE MANAGEMENT ENTERPRISE FUND, TO BE REIMBURSED TO THE CITY BY THE SUCCESSFUL PROPOSER UPON EXECUTION OF A NEGOTIATED LEASE AGREEMENT, FOR SERVICES NOT TO EXCEED AN AMOUNT OF $45,000, TO BE DETERMINED BY THE NUMBER OF RESPONSIVE PROPOSALS SUBMITTED AND ANALYZED, PLUS OUT-OF-POCKET EXPENSES NOT TO EXCEED AN AMOUNT OF $2,500, FOR THE PERIOD COMMENCING UPON EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT AND TERMINATING UPON COMPLETION OF ER PROVIDING PROFESSIONAL SERVICES; FURTH THAT 22.5% OF THE FEE BE PAID TO EACH OF SAID MINORITY -OWNED SUBCONSULTING FIRMS PARTICIPATING IN THE ANALYSIS OF PROPOSALS FOR A TOTAL OF 50% OF DUE AMOUNT. WHEREAS, the City Commission adopted Resolution No. 88-992 on October 27, 1988, authorizing the issuance of a Request for = Proposals for a Unified Development Project of the 2640 South _ Bayshore Drive property for the development of a full -service boat yard facility, marina, and ancillary marine -related retail - uses to be located on approximately 12.57 acres of City -owned, '- waterfront property including 6.36 acres of upland located at AN Al 2640 South Bayshore Drive, Miami, Florida; and the WHEREAS, Section 29-A(c) of the City Charter requires City Commission to select a certified public accounting firm to analyze proposals based on certain specific evaluation criteria ka defined in the Request for Proposals and to render. a written ,,. xeport.of its findings to the City Manager; and WHEREAS, by. the adoption of Resolution No. 88 L 24 October 27, 1988, the City Commission further selected the:4}''`" 1� For City Clerk reference, there is an attachment to this Resolution as; _ herein stated. - — —I r_TTv caMMIS8I©N 1 I 77 A RESOLUTION 14UTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT, IN SUBSTANTIALLY THE FORM ATTACHED, WITH ARTHUR ANDERSEN & CO., CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS, WITH THE PARTICIPATION OF MINORITY -OWNED ACCOUNTING FIRMS OF SHARPTON, BRUNSON & CO. AND VERDEJA, IRIONDO & GRAVIER, TO ANALYZE THE FINANCIAL VIABILITY OF PROPOSALS TO BE SUBMITTED IN RESPONSE TO THE REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR THE 2640 SOUTH BAYSHORE DRIVE UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT PROJECT; AUTHORIZING COMPENSATION FROM FUNDS AVAILABLE IN THE PROPERTY AND LEASE MANAGEMENT ENTERPRISE FUND, TO BE REIMBURSED TO THE CITY BY THE SUCCESSFUL PROPOSER UPON EXECUTION OF A NEGOTIATED LEASE AGREEMENT, FOR SERVICES NOT TO EXCEED AN AMOUNT OF $45,000, TO BE DETERMINED BY THE NUMBER OF RESPONSIVE PROPOSALS SUBMITTED AND ANALYZED, PLUS OUT-OF-POCKET EXPENSES NOT TO EXCEED AN AMOUNT OF $2,500, FOR THE PERIOD COMMENCING UPON EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT AND TERMINATING UPON COMPLETION OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICES; FURTHER PROVIDING THAT 22.5% OF THE FEE BE PAID TO EACH OF SAID MINORITY -OWNED SUBCONSULTING FIRMS PARTICIPATING IN THE ANALYSIS OF PROPOSALS FOR A TOTAL OF 50% OF DUE AMOUNT. WHEREAS, the City Commission adopted Resolution No. 88-992 on October 27, 1988, authorizing the issuance of a Request for Proposals for a Unified Development Project of the 2640 South Bayshore Drive property for the development of a full -service boat yard facility, marina, and ancillary marine -related retail uses to be located on approximately 12.57 acres of City -owned, waterfront property including 6.36 acres of upland located at 2640 South Bayshore Drive, Miami, Florida; and WHEREAS, Section 29-A(c) of the City Charter requires the City Commission to select a certified public accounting firm to analyze proposals based on certain specific evaluation criteria a defined in the Request for Proposals and to render a written report of its findings to the City Manager; and r x. WHEREAS, by the adoption of Resolution No. 88-992_on October 27, 1988, the City Commission further selected the i For City Clerk reference, there is an attachment to this Resolution as herein stated. .�. AT CITY COMMISSION TACERRI MEETING OF y J TS FEB 1 C 0111 T A I IN E 0 RF$ UMON to. 4u certified public accounting firm of Arthur Andersen & Co., with the participation of minority -owned accounting firms of Sharpton, Brunson & Co. and Verdeja, Iriondo & Gravier to analyze proposal submissions; and WHEREAS, the due date for proposal submissions for the unified development of the 2640 South Bayshore property is February 17, 1989; and WHEREAS, it is now necessary to enter into a professional services agreement with Arthur Andersen & Co. with participation of Sharpton, Brunson & Co. and Verdeja, Iriondo & Gravier to analyze the financial viability of proposals in an amount not to exceed $45,000 to be determined by the number of responsive proposals submitted and analyzed, plus out-of-pocket expenses; and WHEREAS, the scope of services includes an evaluation of the financial viability of the development teams, the proposed financing strategies, and an assessment of the short and long range economic and fiscal returns to the City; and WHEREAS, compensation for said services in an amount not to exceed $45,000 plus out-of-pocket expenses not to exceed $2,500 from funds available in the Property and Lease Management Enterprise Fund; and - WHEREAS, all monies expended for certified publicZOO accounting professional services shall be reimbursed to the City NE by the successful proposer upon execution of a negotiated lease agreement; NOI� THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: AM Section 1. The City Commission hereby authorizes the City s Manager to enter into a Professional Services -Agreement, in - substantially the form attached, with Arthur Andersen & Co., certified public accountants, with the participation of minority- owned accounting firms of Sharpton, Brunson & Co. and Verdeja, s _ u Iri+on$o & Gravier, to analyze responsive proposals to be submitted in response to the Request for Proposals for the unified development of the 2640 South Bayshore Drive property whereby the firm will analyze the financial viability of the proposed development teams and financing strategies, assess the short and long range economic and fiscal return to the City, and render a written report of its findings to the City Manager for consideration. Section 2. Compensation for the above services is hereby allocated and authorized to be paid from funds available in the Property and Lease Management Enterprise Fund, to be reimbursed to the City by the successful proposer upon execution of a negotiated lease agreement, in an amount not to exceed $45,000, to be determined by the number of responsive proposals submitted on February 17, 1989, for analysis, plus out-of-pocket expenses not to exceed $2,500, for the period commencing upon execution of an Agreement and terminating upon completion of said professional services; provided that 50%, of the amount be paid to the minority -owned firms participating with Arthur Andersen & Co. in the analysis of proposal submissions./ PASSED AND ADOPTED this 9th day of February , 1989. gig,VIER L. S A Z, MAYCR ATTEST: iin 41 TTAI FINANCE REVIEW: AA f vt. ?b3 - GARCIA, DIRECTOR 3 FINAIUCE DEPARTMENT 2/ s The City Manager is further empowered to'� negotiate .the terms and conditions of such minority participation. pp}} 4 y r y k " j SURAW DIRECTOR DEPARTMENT Or ValbGST k 2 ; , y � � PARED AND APPROVED BYs RAFAEL SUAREZ-RIVAS, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESSs JOR L. ERN EZ, CITY .ATTORNEY '�'iS� }'GPM It.�,_�AT S.iV �'�Y`t 1:• ery s eP '�. i:�"�t��F ii" F •.., S to �_.k x ij a ♦ r.ry 'E F� -w�� f � i'�as %AJ' `X.4"� �`�'$ o- Y ��F-�''S �: r 'r'.. .. _.. _...�....,�d�.t.a_..l,. ,. _«,.>r . . >y t b .. . .,._.... , . .��....:.._ ..-sa •a...v.�.e. xs.k .,.,. tv ....,,;.;.i.xrV-iw .. �5, .^a ., .X•�.5 MAC— f S— tZg WED 2e3 bEP T - taF' DE'v'PPMEhrT r IpItt3F 5 ,tt�NA1, St.ttViCXS AGRIM.Mrwr Thin Agreeinrint 4.3 into thin tiny of � -_ • 1909, by • alld bet cell t;Tte CITY nr MAMt, n nu►jLCjp;%j corporation of tilt! St%rte of 'Florida, r_arerrree.1 to as "CITY" sttd Arl.htlr. Atrtletrsett & Cu., cNrt-_irtea Pul)1l4 At;cc>untAntg, herei.tin f-trsr ctifnr, retl tU ns �)NSUI.'rAf;T" . t I2 f: C: .i T A 1. S W11F.RLAS, the city oC Miatni Commmission on October 21, 1980# i adopLad Resoluri n No. f3t3--992 .-Attthorizitit3 the City Manager to isnuee .% Requr+nt . ft.)r Prtrl anal rs (afh) Cor a Unified Development Project (UPF) coIr tltu rltrvt!IoL.)merlt or it f►tll-service moat yard fact 1. tt y, mar. inA and anct l lorry m..tri.rrer-rulated rot -Ill. t.tse•:i to I)e loe;%tud otr aj)pro l.matatly 1.2.57 .tc.ct,-4 Of City -owner], waterrronL pcoprrt:y inet.uelir g G..36 ac:re-v of upland and fi.21 acres of bay bottom conti(Juou to the tipiantl located at 2640 South Baysbore Drive, Mimmi, rlo •ida; and WIII:RI:AS, Se l.io►i 29-A(c) c.)f the C.Lty of 1•iiaint Charter >4equiren the City Commission to select n certified ljubltu - z iecounting firm tb .analyze proi')osals to be atrbm.itted in resl)gnse to the± Request for Proposals bnood upon certain sPe u L f Lc: A eva1ti. Lion criteriz Ae[ine(I in the Re quost for Proposal-% rind tO render a written OPUr.t O l.ttt f.tntlirtcJ9 tc") rite City Mant�c�erj and =i W111FRKAS, the City o[ Miami Commission on October 27, 1988, i nelopt:ecl RpsolutioIi No. 98--992 LIla : selected the cer.tifled pubtle - atc:c:ottett:icly ftrtn t f, Arthur AtidPrnen & Co., with minority owned f.irtn Lr:tr.ti.ciirati.r t► tit° SltstrTt_u", flctlnatrn & CO atoll Verdejs I r tondo & Grav ie , hem lna f to r ru Cer rail to as "St113CONSULTANTS, " t (r+ls k to nnalyze propo tc> be submitted on February 17, 1909, for Mulct Unified nave upitusrtt ProjucLs and W11KI :AS, C:1T f' douLroa 4UN:;MA'ANT to conduvt ,in int'lependent ``�? Fttt�sl. �cin awl auaa Y t,rttant ter- each re3B �Onei.va �zu uortl wilttt A ecit'iP ! ! P p .. attCrlt.ign p'>,ict t tlty [ir>anai,�i and economic aspects ofatic3i>i x s }� V9tsp0nea.YO , tsubtnits .ion; and ro :R 34. MraF?- B-B WED 1 2.9 DEPT - 0I= D1-=V PMENT P10z � r +Wtt>:tiIMS, CO�SUbTANT shall. be IlAIA oil n hourly rate paytnetlt SCIieclttle, ImSed ion a pro,jeul.vvl yLafr multudtile and mite AtrucLurA with rc maximum limit not to exceed $45,000 for proCessional eervices, to be kletermitierl by the ntamber or- responsive proposals i to be 7nalyzed, pltt4 exponmes Lo he billed to CITY at co. -It with a r�rtxin lln limiL or $2, 500 with Lite rtrrn submitting an invoice, subjYct to tlhc prior approval of. the 0treCtr-)r or the City of tii.amt Un_veloprnenL, ' arul tmovid.lrry +1 taonttt.ly t1ccgllnti.n7 rspeei';Cyilty Lite naLttr e, r_xt:r_nL, nnel pttrpose of each expenrliLure; A I NOW, 111CREF RE, lit consideration or tiles rnul:uR1 covetlailLn and obl igritiuna tier in conta.inoa, an d Subject_ to the Lerms Mil() cotilli-fAc is bcrrri;tlaft.rar ntiatr+rl, the part.ir-4s hereto att.ptitnt:a, trnc.,jc!t'sitf lld And qr 08 06 follows: r . 'GERM t 1'ht, turrn of this Agreement shall commenve upon execution of aauuy, artcl Shimtl tt:r.-Minat.te upon Completion of CONSULTANT'$ responsibilities :•ts outt tart] bt,-Iow in Srictton II, entitled "SCOPE - Ul` SERVICES. " 11. SCOPE Or SERVIC EU iffPursuant to ;t11#1 i1jet.ates of section 29-A(c) of ills City of Miami CIt:arter, tllis Arir:•(!remeent Mid the Request for Proposals for the 2640 SouLlt Bayshore Drive Property Uttl.f.tr)(l r)uvelUptnetlt i Pru jrsc:t, under tthe gonernl. dtrecLion of. Lite Director or Lila UeparLrnertL or bevEel opmertt, tile. CON5I1t..TANT' S responsibilities are as follows: 1 A. CONSt1t,T1► 1T shalldevelop A modo.1 to summ arize responsive proposal. informal vn. t: #tyG. CONSULTA T shal.l sipecirtcally evaluate Lite viabitof? ' ��-g tile duvolopment L�a 4��r�'. alas and Lhe prt�poaeca i'ir,>trlciny ntrnt:eglr�e, _ aisgl.,i +tssae a camp rnl.i,vely Lhe elloeL artct jorry•-rdra ec:vntipttct trr4ci Citnc:..ct retttcnsg �o t:ha City, proffered in each respotlsl.Ve }�+ ,�q�lytr• p kJ -.1 5 1'- t l2 w ( h t t i ,N.3�.7� �` E� i•; E' ^^,� .. -.iY SSQg.... .RC , t rl_r kL .. 1,4. - 'v) r _ •.T k, ,. _ .Y. x.%.. r2 ¢.,( .}C.:<5{ } .ri9�a¢dx:�ti' P r M.. _ MAP— WED � - 29 DEPi' OF DE4P.-0PMENT P 4 i 1 C. CONSU1,10ANT gha l l nsse+ss mach responsive proposer's I market dnal.yrsis and e-vftlimto thn econrnnic fr ^sibility of the proposerl devolokmleliL.4 lm4ttd (in tnformaLtOrl supplied by the f - proposerv. . D. CONSULT NT Alla1.1. Provide a preliminary iinancint alinlysi.s of each rr_t3pc:,n:tiws ptvL)ume%J. and submitted supplemental rnalnrt-aln to the Revlorw Cc,nunittoct. Said "analysis Shall Include an nsnessmenL df. Llre fimirieinl viability, 1eve1 of financial Conlin i.t1nc2nL, slid i-he financial return Lci tali; CT.TY of Pach propogat bnOQd on illfox mn ion r;upfst it-!f.1 by cif cli proposer. E. CONSUTA NT hhall. attend all of tbo oral. presentations of the rcr3pon3ive src,lsc,:rer'n as may be sehedril.ed by the Review Comm i t t r. e . F. CONSULTANT shal.l. prepare an independent report to be submitted Lo thr., City Manager Lo include without limitation, all .analysis of the (iatn and information submitted by each responsive proposer, based upon Lhe cr.lLurict yl,ec:ltind in the Request For Proposn).o. Spec i1flc,:.�1.ty, CONSM.'t'ANT shal.1 e'vAltinte the following t criteria: (1) Cxperiet co of the proposer r� (2) Capabil ty of the development team () Flnanci t Capability, levot of financial commitment (4) i'inulivi• 1 rettrrri tO the CXTY G. CONSULT T t shall. atterrd muetin s with tile City Manager a { or his cle:,ignee to review the f.i.ndincis. tl . CONSULTANT shall in t Lend meetings with the ci ty Commission , e�gnrdiny Lyra :jetevticsri cif. a proposer. 1 Ill. COMPENSA't'LON ' A. The CITY Shall pay the CONSUUrANTr as maximum, t ao,ape�noatiun for the services perCormeci, a t`esa not to exceed $4!i,900, to be cl terinUied by Vie number oC resort sivo —( to be analyzed, p us out,-of-po-ukei: expets"4H riot to exceed T 't'lles $45,000 maxi lum lee wilt ` be divided among). C:UNSUl.TAN% 4 ` RYPIC 7NSUI TANT ao of lown; C M � F tU't� �. � ;''sal✓S,p a � t'r� "aa'C.f k Xil di y*'.§ aTLy yv 'z t x ?.j 3c 'gK' L"Y.#` #ii?Yr�1b"!m._Q�R i,3..�t �a�+'�_3+'==Awry , ' 1 .i. ./ : r 4 i'y .:f t.,+! �Cl ,f^r-ii..h•'•: ,+7, it it,: sy4r�"�l'g.�n['�f'�a.`-i��t,;r ,�4&''-r�. _ rye .-... - a MAP"- - 8—s3 tJEb i $Eti KEPT - 0F' 1)E 0PMENT 1- Arthur R Co. $22r 900 Sharhtoh. Arunsorr & Co, 11r250 Verde j&'p Itiundo & Cravier 11,250 Total $45, 000 In the Event that the fee pair] CONSULTANT to lees than the $45,000 maximum fee, the CONSULTANT and SURCONSUbTANT 0101 aspl. i t the fee hu i ' nve.-trt. d 1 rig to the following pereantatjes t Arthur- Anderson & ro. 50.0% Sharptot', , Brunson & Co. 25.-0% Verdejaj Iriondo & Gravier 25.0% Total 100.0% 13. The CON4ULTANT's fee shall be determined by CITY within thirty (30) days 'from the submission clate of the proposals and slttttt he determirrI d by the number of responsive proposals to be analyzed and the total hours estimated to complete the SCOPE OF SERVICES. The CONSULTANT fee shall be calculaLed utilizing the fullowicly hourly Date structure And percentages of total hours at each rate struetux1es Arthur Indereen & Co. Proeat Team Percentage of Hourly Rate Total flours Partner $225/hour 171 Manager $.150/hour 43% i Senior Consuttapt $110/hour 40% Tot aL 100$ In the event that CITY and CONSUI1rANT cannot agree on a i fee within thirt� (30) days from the submission date of the proposals to be analyzed, the CITY and CONSULTANT may t-vtminate this Agreement bye written notice to the other party and ouch , s- termination shall be effrectivo in throe (3) clays from the date � F' 1` Y4i�Y of such notice. fin such event, CITY shall not be Liable for any expenditure, damagla, or roiit of the the CONSULTANT. In the event that CITY and CONSULTANT r,yceje oft Lhe :tee to be paid# CONSUt.TAN1T shall gill CITY on t:he hourly bovim t �forth above and CXTY shall only pay CONSUd.' ANT rue autuaI wa � i , MA$-- S—S9 WED LSO DEPT 0F= 3Dr= oPMEm -r P. /Sew • i II Porrorl(w3ml t'cttd bil;Ied in tit) ovrinL will Ct'TY pay CONSUTAANT a fide gi:dALer tit<tin $4 ,000, or looser ninnunt: tisa dot ertnitted by thin Suboac�tinn. c. Out -of poukeL expetiat,s will be billed to CITY at cost# wi.tli n maximum I #nit; of $2, 500. Reimbursement Shall be 1 !tnited Lo wnottnts which nre3 substantinted by receipts, Allowable cinder 8"utl.utt 112.061, Florida StnLutes (1987), caned subjeet to tit* npproval or tht,; hLTr-!t Lur uC r_1ce City- of Miami Department of Uevelopmont. IV. COME— IANCI: V urn FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL LAWS 130th parLi 6 all a1.1. comply with all. applicable Laura# ordinances and codes of federal, state and local governments. V. (31-MEMAL CONDITIONS A. All notices es or other coimnunic:Ations which shall Or may _ be given pura►tant to this Agrentnent shalt btu In writing tend shall be delivered by parsonal. no-rvice, or by registered mail addroused to the otter part aL Li13 address i.ndicnted her#elti ur as the game _ may be changed from time to tttne. Such notice shall be deemed given on the dray on which pernonatl.y served; or, if by snail. on = the fifth clay after being posted or t1ju cicttte caC eauLual receipt, whichaver is crcrl er. - CITY OF MIAMI CONSt1L'1'ANT Department o . neveto�nnent Arthur Andersen 6 Co. 300 Discayne Boulevard Way one Biscayne Tower Suite 400 Suite 2100 - Miami, Flora a 33.131 Minini, Florida 33131 y' 1V ` ts. Title and pnrncjrHph headings are for convenient 1� reference and am not a puc t of Liti a Agreement . C. In the event o E conflict between the terms +of � rr llyreetnont in j and niq terms or conditions coiitaltied ` ` -r)tsc;um4stit tpo, tlto to rma in W'tis Aejroamettit abaI1 ru►lo. i+ t i2� 1 j, %<' j ) t v r ` - J t r yi'�Y` i�`����R•�i ��T i h�f•� � Z � t�. Z � l [� zf `� - si �i a�`��J7'`�-�SR r w..- _.. ` MA e3-8'4 4►Erit=ti?MEfJt P. 0"� fi r j b. No wain r or brootult of pity provision of this Agreement shall constitute a waiver of any Subsequent breach of tale same or tiny prov.ieion It reuf_, and no waiver $1t2t11 be affective unless mnde in writing. F. Should piny provisit,�na, paratjr-aphs, sentonceS, words or plirnmea coi _a tn* i.n this Ay►�rt.-mo►tt he. determined by a cotlrL of competent jurincic:tion Lo be tnva1.0, 11.1eyn1 or otherwise un"fiforceabte uritler, the laws of tile. Matted States, Statty of rloridet, County f Dade, or t1►u City oC Miami, such provisional paragrnplts, sent ncess, wt.►cde or phrases shall be deemed modified to the extent nec:os►sary in order to conform with siaclt laws, or if not modifiable L)p c;ctinruLn, with stic11 laws, t1lan same shell. be deemed n(svexable el and lit t! i.tbar tweet, the remaining terms and provisions of. th.1S AcJrteuinent. shalt remain unmodified and in Cull force and aefect. Vi . OWNi:ltSU P Or DOCUMENTS al All, cloeusnerik'ee cleveloped by CONSULTANT under this Acjroe ment shalt be del.iverdv to CITY by CONSULTANT upon completion of the , narviceaes required JWcsuHrtt to Sect•_i.otr II hereof, and shall become: f the property of e^{ TY, wLthouL- restr.ictiort or limitation on their use. CONSULTANT agrees that any Arid all documents maintained and gesnernted pursuant to Lhit; c:uritriietufal relationship between CITY -^ and CONSULTANT all 11 be sub jecL to A Ll provisions of the Public =► i Records Law, Chapt,er 119, Florida Statutes (1987). I it. is furL-hrt iitid erstuucl by and between the parties tltat: arty documents which a e given by CITY to CONSULTANT Pursuant to this r _ Agreement shall n � all times remain the property of the CITY and shall not be used by CONSULTANT for any other purpose witatsoove�rr- - 1•C - a without the wriLL ►i ucanat ri of CITY. r �d i Vx I . NOW-DELEGA1i 1 LL IVY k :The obligati no undertakers, by CONSUVrAN'P pu,rauant . Ag 'or3tl►eret 011,1411. no s» be elaleegatvti or aesiynerl to any Qf:he ' pewee 3i (other Lhain the two specified minority SUBCONL3UI;rANTS ident.i�'�t��� tob. r. ill this Agreement) e,,t firm uttl.nes CITY :',11,+1.1. first. consent In writing to Lite l.erform+tnca or asslytlennflt Of such services or Any prim thereof, by atiouter person or firm. #_ `'{ V i I I . SU IiCON.tit) 6TANTS "- Nutw1019tan ing tile? provisions OE Section VII, the obligations untie rtcrke,rr ljy tttti CONSULTANT shalt include the employment of Lim rutiowi.riy two ini.norit.y--owned certified public accounting firms a9 suBc 1Nsui, rANTS t �l. Sharpton, nrunson k Co. I2. Ve3rda jn, Iriondo Gravie3r Nothing cor twined herein sl►a l,l be deerned to create a contractual rel Lionslrip lretwetm CITY and the above -named SUBCONSULTANTS. Any SUBCON.S LT ANTS Of CONSULTANT shall be tbo sole rerspurrs3.bili�ty of CONSULTANT. CITY pertaining IX. AUDIT RIGHTS reservIs the right t_o audit the records of CONSULTANT to any billings to CITY for t^ linu or expenses at any times during Lite p rformance3 oC- Lhi s Agrettme rit and for a period of av »1 one year after fl cdt pay,nent is inade ernder. this Agreement.a 74:4 X. AWARD OF AGREEMENT CONSULTANT warrants that it has riot emj)10y0d aK retilined ally ; r i,errouet ernplcrye:c9 ty CITY r.ea uoti.cit or secure this Agreement And °r that xt has not v fure d to prey, paid, or agreed to pay any person =P� IN employed by CITY any fee, conunission percenLage, brokerage fe,*� got: gift: of any k Del cuntincyent erpon ear resulting from the a►wawr�] v>` thi+e Agreeamont Y I . CONSTRUCTION OF Agnta SENT: g lIlis- •.Agi`owita t shall, be construed ano Onirorcq, `e�te� F1�x �.lA V. P I � 6:a K����`�}aL*^t•5V ��, 1 ' 1. � x' ., S.. z '.��� tr ,1�1�t�r'�r,-}.:� 't� � -- r4� s'? k`t s,:. ¢ ;vj '�1 t av: *•4 7 .i "'''k JX'.ri.•+.1#'�E3i?: d°i_.�r...w.J�S°`:_— MKiFR— S—W-ED c752 1)EP•T OF I]E 0 P M E N T P.log f t — t XiT.. .SUCCUSSORS AND ASSIGNS �— 'Chic 1%green e-tet mlintt, be binding t.tpon the parties her"tti, their Beira, ex cctturs, Legal representatives, auocesstsorti, aril"! Authortgod etesigilmo X1It. iNDEMNIrichTioN CONSULTANT Oiall tndemni.fy AAnc1 save CITY rnnd its officials bArmlerse from 11114.1 itgdin'it +any rind AtI claims, ttabilitiest ' 103rtOs, and caul s oC acL.lan, which may arise out of CONSUL;fANT's iparfe-Prrctrince under the Nrovteions of this Agreement, inciudi.ng all actin or QnAeuiond to etQt on the part of CONSUbTAN111, including any per. eon performin • WOOL' this Agreement fur or on CONSMA'ANVO -� behalf, providetl LhaL• any nuc-h claims, liabilities, losses and i 1 caueas of Ruch auti.on are aLLributabtu to the fault of CONSULTANT, and Crom and agnInst any orders, Judgments or i - decreee which May be entered and which may result from CONSULTANT's perCor.cnactc:e eluelesr this Agreement, and from and agatnat all costs, aLLortteya' foes, expenses and liabilities incurred in the efanso oC aiiy auQii c:laiin, or the investigation thereof. If CITY vhuune -s to defend ally action on behalf OF itself, iL shall be iir Its own costs. of ctafansee and if the .. provisions of thii indemnity provision are applicable, CONSULTANT ® Obal.l, itidamnity CITY accordingly. xtt any event, CITY shall - promptly notify C NSUfLTANT au soon ao iL bris notice of any matter - for which this 1.041ellifilty itruv.lsinn may be applicable. � i XIV. CONFLICT OF .tN'!'ERF5T I l CONSULTANT covenants 3 tUat no person under it$ employ, Who presently exercises fifty ftunctiuns or responsibilities in.. conlIeation with Lhie Agr esement haes any personal financci.a7. . 'Cnt:or.,eeL, direct or indirect, in the work product CONSUI.ArANT f Lirtber Covenants < fAlatf in the Q",CtOK' IApfC ti'fe• xgra� �neitL rt _WXIIi pernon having such . colifttutinw. into 3t I'AtA� i' 10yed !►nlr: ` ouc1t LnLerutst,g, Barr s:tha rart-lot C-ON>34i1,,'�,AN� f PA! dt � 4r '�° ��d� # y 9 { %= •-3 a _- = r a S q Y � T� �d,,� �•. 4 ) 4tf �(j�K a � 1 _— �� t.`F4]*4 .. Y•'y yak Si �,.L.-h.'vrs d` •..• .,. .i.: .,..,. :.. .. .. ,. •... '�' .. ., n, .. a _.. . �... 'tn:• rzi.�'.r,: Ss�r .,i _ employees Must lie dj.sclosetl hi writing to CITY. CONSULTANT] in IOC 4Aitt pqrformni-kc", 01.1.8 htiv(NMetit, nball be fitibJect to the more restrictive Inw atli.1/or ytiltleljiteti regarding conflict Of ttltOC66t prorntitgnted by ftcleral, sLnLe oc local govPrnment. CONSULTANT is nware Of. Olt-, COnfl-tct Of I"IterPst laws OE the City Of Pliftnit (0ty OC jil.,,jint Cr.)ele Cliapter 2, Article V), Uade Cotitity Florldn nda county Cr)(l*,, Section 7-11-t) and the State of Vtoridm, and act *--e" tlicit it will. E%311y comply ill all respects with the terms o saLd 1-awn. i xv. INDEPEUDENT CONTRACTOR coNSULTANT Fkil(I j.t.q eillpl.oyees, SUBCONSIRMANTS, and agents nhnit be deerrind 0 1j,3 J. ct(ji-q)tt rill(;, tit cojltrlCLr>rq, and not: agents or employcos of Lli CtTY, t1liti ishni.1 not ntt-.;%jn any rights or bonefiLn tinder 4e Civil Service or. Pannion Ordinances of CITY, or any rights jetlel7ally at -forded ebissified or linalX-981fied employes; ftirtilerntut-e, it-3 agents or lumployeen sliall, not be doomed entitled to the FlorldA Workers' componsation benefits as nn employee of C1 Y. !XVI. TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT CITY retatns�' the right to terminate this hfjroetnelit at nny time prior to t1lei complet;iuri (.)C 0-to services required pursuant to Section 11 hernoCi wiLhout. pfiriiulty to CITY. Irn that evont, notice ci of Larmilintion �f th I s Agreement shalt be iti writing to CONSULTANT wbo, ah'all be L)ALd for Lbose nervices performed prior to the date of I a reuelpL ur t1le notice of termination. In no case, however, W 11 CITY pay CONSULTANT all amount in OXCOSS or Tot the totnl sum provided by Oils A(JI.eemiirtt. .� It is hereby understood by and between CITY and CO NJ;ULTAt4T ' thAt ally Pftye"011 IlleltSection`. tw- la lit ac:curdnnce with thte CoNstamANT shall !be made, otay iC said CONSULTANT is noC: M o; d dethutt kinder tiveemr � Lrs othin Ag reamen t I C CONSULTANT 'is In -40 f ftul t, CITY slid gated and shall, I in no way be ob 11' t pay t he CONSULTANT ny ElirLljer sum whatooeve,r etnel, 064,11s be linp q tv o a t raimb reed for 'tiny past payments. MAP-- B-i3 W'ED .'SS DEFY- or Dr=WoPMENT It is Cur6ior LhAt• 8110111A CONSULTANT ]nil to perform any of ,Lhe mervlron under this Agreement, CITY agtraeg 1 LhaL CONSl11,TANTentire tiablAtty and Ll•CY's sole and exclusive - rotnody rur c1nilns in connect_it)n with or artaing out of this Agreement, Cor Orly eautie whnt:tsonvor, and reyar.dloes nC the form - ' oC nct.lon, obatll bo CITY's reen ttnrler this Agreement, Ailch r"Olk were received b ICONSUhCANT. i XVl t - N0ND15C(t [MLNATX0N CONSUMANT 4green I -bat it shall not discriminate an to race* sox, color# creed, age, nnttonnt origin, or handicap, in connection with Ls perturiwiuc.e trcidom this; Agreement. XVi I. t4iNO11tTY PROCUREMENT COMPWANCF, CONSULTANT . cknowledges that it liar been furnished n copy of Orel inatice NU. 3.0 62, Lhe Minority .and women nits ines s Affairs and ProcuromenL Ordir atice of, the City of Miami, alit.] agreos to comply with all nppli able ttllbstail tivil and procedural provisions t borain, includl, cg any ninatulmatiLs thereto. I XIX. CONTINGENCY CLAUISP,' Funding for Rhin Agrciament is contingent oil the of funds and in huhIncl. to Of fulidn' rit: real, lat,ionts . In the autt ori�ation, i •"imeridrneerlt or termination reduction or runcls, nntl/or change in i Xx. DEFAUI;r PROVISION event that CONSULTANT shall fail to cc)iinpiy with each, and overy Lerm Kiia c ocia It ivil of this Agreement or fails to PcrfOcrn .any oC ite Lcsrntg anti csonr]itlori,l c:etint(t.ined herein, Cherti:: k { CITY, at Itssol option and upon written notice t4_CjCOft$UI�'x1faN'C� mriy cnnCal, and torillinal:a this Agreemaiit, Mtn all Patyme�<<e� v '.,tdvurtc:ear� � Vtotita c compensation pai4 to comsuLTANT by CITY Wftt' dotnult a the provisionow berealn I ref: #rneil to CITY provided t»ON$UJ�T4@1 `7 tip- 1) i O, i,Gµ fi ' b f#. t G t4 e' t writ -ton nut ices of tough tWimulL• and the ttpporLutilty cb c atlet� tbtt tte� but failed to CIO go. a t XXt • tsnt•tlitt At3tlM-011r.NT This instx:ttltent nnt9 II.C; att.-Aahm"rit n crynattlatte the cnle and only Agreement r the par•ttres htet-OLU rolaLlrui Lo eaLd tierrricaa mid earractly so for the Lhe rights, dut b-,u, nrid obligations or onell to the u i to t as t7 [ t Le tIn t_c . Any prior ageoements r promises, negot: .•ations, ryr rupretienLiiLions not expratonly set Cvrtlt in thlu Atj umttuttL arty oC no Cords or effect. XXIX - AMt;MIENTS No atnendmen�a to th Le Acjreement steal l he binditry on ei_ther'= party unluuts wr.t irty •tutl si�Jne�] by Uoth p+►rtitsa. F � ' f r WE;, � :t >2 �` e,r�i g,,r•,$ �' - of 1` a x [ ' '{ c f• � � I:. 'ter �3a4$r �S '�h+y%a{�' "{%�7" - Jk s' ttsy,s �+ yp.. P :, Y >1 i k orgy eri f r L ya ME - �' � , } S I hTT18T: 11IRA Cx'Clt' CLSRK MOE NCF- J. �77 J- a • F: r CITY OF MIAMI. FLORIDA ;. INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO Honorable °A Mayor and Members , .. :3 �, ' ALE of the City Commission sueUEcr : Resolution Authorizing Professional Accounting Services/2640 So. Bayshore Dr. FROM : Cesar H. Odio REFERENCES :UDP City Manager For City Commission Meeting D CLOWREB :of February 9, 1989 RECOMMENDATION: It, is respectfully recommended that the City Commission:adoptithe attached Resolution authorizing' the City, Manager- to enter, intAo-.,a ' r f S: Professional Services. Agreement, in substantially, the -,form 2 attached,- with Arthur Andersen & Co., with the participation e` 'of the. lmi hority-owned accounting firms of Sharpton, Brunson and Verdeja,, Iriondo & Gravier, to analyze the financial viability of proposals to be. submitted for the. 2640 . ,Southa ,'' _ tj Bayshore Drive Property Unified, Development Project • (UDP),..in amount ''not to exceed $45, 000, • to 'be determined by the ,. number responsive proposals submitted February 17, 1989, plus out pocket expenses not to exceed $2,500, further authorizing compensation from funds available in the Property and Le4$4 Management . Enterprise Fund, to ,be reimbursed the City by tha k successful proposer. - a� BACKGROUND: 3x The .`Department of Development recommends that the attached! r Resplution:be adopted authorizing the City Manager to enter nto...rh .. an agreement for the provision of professional. accounting services for the 2640 South Bayshore Drive Property`'proposo a :.submissions due February 17, 1989. ` r= On :October 27, 1988 the City Commission adopted Reaolutiont, - - a�,a; � _ 8I3-992 authorizing the issuance of a Request for Proposals �Yk;f�� for the development..of a ,,full service boat ard', facilit , ; 4 ancillary iaaxine-related. ' retail ��#pPx,QXimately, 1�57 a+�a�Q oaf Cky-owned, wmt+��rIry� >«siing 6. 6 ac�cea. of ups, i�d lo+�atad "at 2640 s�?ut � - -- . Wit. .; wt,_o�.,x..w.Ya__1r.T•.�_! ;.:, s� _'.:. •'.:. :+.. .-�- '1 z �M4 (.5 'tT 'G.' _ F M.su..se.�:ry- - --- :: .. •.s s' k ..:r'.z 3°r '-1j' y d.3 a i s ,gy.F ,y i ,y, �m 4 p , iZi, Wq,.x, .. � E, $ .. i i . y $ +j M z j { A $ • a a`', -its 5't r F F Sr .` t `"�'�x ,�:• tEt . t, e t .r v +� Enh. 5 yd a i` `7 f ti4 "sr•7-7 e - � � � r P` �, r �. �• � ,'s i-{ 3" a 2x fi r r fi 3� h , ,`` � Tt �� Sy^+t.° t tr r ' 6tiotti,6jj,J iaj or.. rangy Members y a of the City, Commission . • ? � .`a ° 4 'i E � �` Sri �K �'?�,��&: 4R,;, F Page a� Section 29-A(c) of the �i ty ` Charter requires $t�alysi'3a' �f ti proposals by a certified public accounting firm. Resolution No'. SS=992`further selected the accounting firm of Arthur Andersen`& Co. to perform the analysis. The minority -owned accounting firms .'..; of 3harpton Brunson & Co. and Verdeja, Iriondo & Gravier'40e selected by the Commission to participate and receive 45% of fees pafd, for the financial analysis of this project's propdaa`1 submissions. The scope of services to be performed by the accounting firws ` 'include an `analysis of `the financial viability of the development "teams,.. the proposed financing strategies, and an. assessment of r. the short 'and long range economic returns to tte' City. Compensation for said services An an amount no `to = eitced 4,5,000, will be determined by the number of proposals submitted , t "February 17 1989 plus out-of-pocket 'expenses in ' an 'amount not to exceed $2,500. Funding is available from the Property and ase Management Enterprise Fund. z_ The successful proposer,' upon` execution'` `of a negotiated,_ lease I with the City, shall be required to reimburse the City. .•t -- -'th'e full cost of professional accounting' services; -as is the Request for Proposals document. s• °' s 52' kv�r*K'� Attachment's; ed Resolution P,ropos Agreement i�:4"F, .{� a yr f $ 1. a ?. t x '• k. t A { „n "#b.. ` a}? a u ' a { $• �{ r,� "'six Pb s v t _ g: 'r t,rl 'tEe s4;zl r,f rE py} F,'6 r, ir, J';iri y m ._:c .., ,. .r i..,.. . 1, •...s•... _ .E _ ..,. ..._..__ S,i sa _„ e•. .r:,v.d?s�"s.,. ...ti.... ._ _