HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-89-0304RESOLUTION N0. 89--304. A RESOLUTION REVERSING THE DECISION OF THE ZONING BOARD AND DENYING THE APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE FROM ORDINANCE 9800, AS AMENDED, SCHEDULE OF DISTRICT REGULATIONS, PAGE 3 OF 6, TRANSITIONAL USES, STRUCTURES, AND REQUIREMENTS, TO ALLOW THE WAIVING OF THE REQUIRED 8' HIGH WALL TO BE ERECTED ALONG THE EASTERN AND SOUTHERN PROPERTY LINE (SUCH WALL REQUIRED WHERE ABUTTING PROPERTIES IN THE RS-2/2 ZONING DISTRICT) FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 2806 AND 2612 SW 28 STREET (MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREIN) AS PER PLANS ON FILE; ZONED RO-1/4 RESIDENTIAL OFFICE; SUBJECT TO COVENANT WHICH PROVIDES THAT NO PARKING OR STRUCTURES SHALL BE PERMITTED ON THE SOUTH PORTION OF LOTS 3 AND 4, A RECORDED UNITY OF TITLE FOR LOTS 3, 4, 8 AND 6; LANDSCAPE APPROVAL BY PLANNING DEPARTMENT; AND FURTHER SUBJECT TO MRS. GRAY BEING INVITED BY CERTIFIED FAIL TO SHE THE LANDSCAPE PLANS PRIOR TO APPROVAL. WHEREAS, the Miami Zoning Board at its meeting of November 21, 1988, Item No. 4, following an advertised hearing, adopted Resolution No. ZB 148-68, by a six to three (6 - 3) vote granting 'a varianoe as hereinafter get forth; and - WHEREAS, neighboring property owners have taken an appeal to the City Commission from approval of the varianoe; and WHEREAS, the City Commission after oareful oonsideration of this matter and notwithstanding the deoieion of the Miami Zoning Board, finds that there are no peouliar oiroumstanoes affecting this paroel of land nor any praotioal diffioulties and unneoessary hardships whioh would impair the owner's right to the reasonable use of the property without the grant of varianoe as hereinafter set forth; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY u; OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Seotion 1. The deoieion of the Miami Zoning Board in this matter is reversed and the request for a varianoe from Ordinanoe f; No. 9800, as amended, Sohedule of Distriot Regulations, Page 3 of CITY COMMISSION MEETING Off` ', MAR 2S .1988z. . �j? ` •' RES UMN N.4 x R 6 Transitional ilses, Struotures, and Requirements, to allow the waiving of the required 6high wall to be ereoted along the eastern and southern property line (suoh wall required where'- ,= abutting properties in the AS-218 coning district) for property looated at 2606 and 2819 SAP 28 Street, more partioularly r� desoribed as Lots 3 and 4, Blook 2. KING PARK, as reoorded in A; Plat Book 8 at Page 212 of the Publio Reoords of Dade County, — Florida, as per plans on file; zoned RO-1/4 residential'offioe;' subjeot to covenant whioh provides that no parking or structures 4 shall be permitted on the south portion of Lots 3 and 4, a y reoorded unity of title for Lots 3, 4, 5, and 6; landsoape approval by Planning Department; and further subjeot to Mrs. Gray being invited by oertified mail to see the landeoape plans prior , to approval, and a time limitation of twelve months in whioh a ... building permit must be obtained and oonstruotion oommenoed, is hereby denied. �4 PASSED AND ADOPTED this 23rd day of March 1989. ATT x MA HIRAI XAVIER L. II Z, YOR City Clerk t PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: =w w A IRI"AAM SR F Assistant City Attorney APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESSc f r� 3' d0 E L FE ANDEZ �. h,. City Att a Y Tt GMM/ema/M890 iR — _' 2 � t '--•zat ..: �'t�.ii t( '0z tr ? �1-" "4 s zr:.� }1.1 ' � 3 ,}+� " r-7��'y '�'- +�:.r` i ,� y ''� sue; .. fi � .— _�=:. �= e'` r MW ZONING 80AttD At its tweeting of November 21, 19sa, the coning Board adopted Resolution 18 146.689 by a 6 to 3 vote, approving the above. Nine proponents and three opponents were present at'the meeting. Ten objections were received by mail. APPEAL. Letter dated December 2, 1988, fray Robert V. Fitzsimmons on behalf of the Coconut Grove Park Homeowners Association. CITY CORliISSION COissia tc ntinuednthe abovelto9itshmeeting' 1 of February 239 1989. At its meeting of February 23, 1989, the City 3 Commission continued the above to its meeting 1 = of March 239 1989. HISTORY Zoning Board Meeting 1/12187 REQUEST Change of Zoning from RS-2/2 to RO-1/4. planning Department Approval with the SpI-3 overlay to be applied to lots 3, 4, 5, and 6. Zoning Board Recommended approval with the SPI-3 Overlay District. - Letter from applicant 3/9/87 Applicant confirmed voluntary profer made at ZB on 1/12/87 to include in request SPI-3. ;? - x City Commission 3/31/87 Passed on First Reading as amended. ' •t4a FF City Commission 5/28/67 Passed on Second', Reading. Ordinanea 10277. Voluntary. Declaration of Restriction COve4a3it.= 20' buffer zone and 5' -min. height- CBS wall: Authorized the` restriction'. of vehicular 'access to Jefferson St. at SW 28th St, Resolution 87- 518. v. EME Class-C=87-807 Special Permit REQUEST To allow offices in Ro-1/4 with SPI-3 overlay. Planning Department Approved. per plans and subjectto the 5' foot _. CBS wall according to the Voluntary`DeclaratLou of Restrictions Covenant on 11/16/87. 9/27/88 City Commission - ' is � r1r�• Modification of Covenant Approved by: Res. REQUEST- ' 854. -' r t r t✓z dd� g- S 1 3 An��� . }2L 94, J � L }jrky �Ty€ q� fib` '��T _.._ ��'�.�c�H>t'.-brsc+: "^�+a `:+E+zt:ar-a k<r+m''..uz,«. ' ta•+,.rFs%4'x :.r• r,cl:x.�-td*nr,«r�ti? ^�:t C+d'rr5„�yy.S 4 � �t + 3 •4 j C. dy h" R ' t}Ta S xvy 7 Jti>� k HISTORY; '.Board Meeting 1/12/87 Zoaing f f ti ' _ Ila. t , REQUEST Change of Zoning fro"IS-2/2 to .1t0-1J4. the at. .a .. to be applied tb f , �" M. rr Manning Department lots�3a14with and 6pI-3„oyer aq a "Zoning Board �Recommended� approval with the SPI.3 Overiar ., Letter from applicant 3/9-87 Applicant confirmed vQ1uatary profer made at ,yt ? tlA t : to include on 1/i2/87 is request SPI City Commission 3/31i81 Passed oa Fi:rst Eeaditig as,.amended. ;Ordinance 3027. 'Yfi {CitqCommission'S/28/87 Passedt On :Second Readings q„ " "Voluntarq Declaration of Restitction Cgvemants 20'a bufferlone and CBS wal� �.• ..: Authorised the restr3ctiou` of vehicular access` F i h luMon, 87- x to'Jefierson St.. at .:SW 28th St. Reno , N ' 1t a's'a C-87407' Special Persit } r HEQUBST To; alicut offices: is ,Rp-1/4 with SRI-3 overp+ t` Plainaiug Aepartmeat. Approved ,per plans and subject to ° chns �* fopZ, p` ion f CBS wall according to the:oluritary DSCla;rst of Reetarict.ions . CoXenaat City;Commissioa 9/27/88�,{ ' { � � 1.. ` ■ I !'. -1 ,T .. 'Y :�. t � fr v "id 1 ,P 'REQUEST P�odificatipn pf Covenant Approved ^��. 7 h .y '' 5. '14i 3 • 3 { 1 }�. u�s'� � a's' �+�. Mf t r :. Nt� r^i ky tt'rr Muv e7<xn rry .+. c s, , '•. 1 4, Ff ' Y4 ,k 4.,s5_'y }•l�{I ar ,t yR �f.x ''y t r"J.Ya,+r s yc a• t6 3 c oY 1}s.'Y a:L r {ice-'& ? •h r _ x ` ;f 5++ r ✓ ,4,' S t b . (.. 4 c +' ''v' `s„y h %$ °a3r r 1}i * .y W551 P ' t t '4 �, <ra.J t 4 a ^!la.t~ 'X ax%y �„$',�c ", .a• _.,@P 5 A". q •C13i . ' rAwl Ilk sue' '< '� y }�.��� h, •�� ` 1Y:, ';�. �l+_ 1�'• ,fie. v _ ! 3 J�yjpph�a }'+�X`r' y{T �'. �•".M I y71 ��7�yjiZ YJt{� 'y •N!� av � t ��r ' .tea � - F + ' �, 00 ':IM X 41 Svow 1131ji w{ IP 1 !, i� F+,a j�a ,..; y�.+ ♦ w :sSC;i�. F' may '- L A' a� J .^• i.. tit �'�` v".• uk f to y 7fi��t w: � 1'ai'F, � :'. WN � r+�j•3GP'� i4 y,�,,. • K yS 2.7" L - i c py■7 -Y'" F* r��tP��nM► , RoB*1CRT-V. FITZSMUMIS, P.x&.- j-:-. ATT010MY AT LAW TH9 CoUltVOtSIZR CENTRE Sc.T 505 501 BlucxzLL KEY DRIVE MUML FLORIDA 33131 (305)358-7707 FAx (305) 577-8527 -ecember 's. 51 6'r- ia o-v. i _Or d 'ZoninS C)enartment 'A ami: -­uilding an Z v t 'i ion-.. n 2.00 27 5 2 nd S t Zrde t 4 'ZOO '.iami loriO a 3Z 3 17 .' • eall of the- ^variandea heon. '. on Lots 3 and 4, Bloc. of a ..Ovm r 21 1,08.9 ?arkubdivis ion a./!,/a 7406 and 25512 _St`:Ctree vlalbv) 'F 1 or i,�L rox, noticeof appeal of the a .?lease accent thi S latter I as . -: a e"a in, c w! action lby the Zoning '-:oard on lb%ehaif 0;� 'the coconut ?lease find enclosed �!I: ::Z-ove ?ark 'zomeo'wners association ?I e 'en_-- in the'amount , of !our 'nund -ad collarszeprestin.,t! ee,,for t7ne appeal. The anneal js ',-%=seA 1.1ijurn of t a R orth the. C 4 'Yam 116w- - -,;'-Ie viquirements,; set ting _,Is, variance., . ...... i- t eft allcorresnonoence, -,eqar*- ir 1:1%h on' T M 'tru lri%ry r ,o r--r b p OX MAI' _2 3� � �: k� i ! i f7tuavt:a e, a..t.., tr 4�7. ..�hr:.�t� yh$�_4 5t S 2 �..I F• t Y��`j 1„ 7„ i l �W.`IWo 06 Awl r A.F `.T_D A_V I STATE .CF IFIXUI DAI S�. 0ClDNTY OF DADE ) Before iti, the u-ndersigned authority, this day pearsorally appeared LDWARD A. R2=Y who being 1.7 ire fiwst duly swom upon oath, deposes and says: - 1. That he is the owner, :oC Mfr. il: tkw submitting the accc:�nying application for a public hearing as required by Ordinance No. 9600 of the Code of the Cit•,r of Miami. Florida a OWNER'S LIST Owner's 'dame Legurd A. _ Ralby Hailing Address_-2618 S.W. 28th_Street Miami, Florida 33133 Telephone Number 444`5085 Legal Description: loots 3 and 4, Bieck 2, K= PAR:t, according to the plat thereof , recorded in Plat Book 5 at Page; 112 of the Public Records of Dade cb;mty, Florida. 2606 and 2612 S.W. 28th Street G= owner'. s Nane Aii l i ng Address 5 P£ Telephone Number Legal Description. t. 4 Owner's Name Mailing Address — Telephone Number ' Legal Description: ! �A r34i Any other real _estate property owned individually, jointly, or severally by corporation partnership orprivately) within 375'.of-the-subject r ti site i s 'listed ..as follows.:: Street Address Legal Description z Lot 5 2620 S.W. 28th Street Block 2Miami ® FaM PARK , x �t E Street Address Legal Description .3� Lot 6 2630 S.W. 28th Street ray Block 2 s#1 _ Miami- _ f KING PARK ,Street Address: Legal. Description ti Lots 19 and 20 less the Northeasterly�� � w54i3'i s Avenue 10 feet thereof 51jock 2 r a R J= PARK V ,} eqa ➢Y a i ! Si �' � Yt�• t "x F(Tit` •j'l h.mu n IT [ ti. Y'V . rt µ� 7,x5a Y`('r( ' V+ .[. ,^ rNIA )h& a ! i � }F ci .F� �� �' T � '� �In dg{�. F ♦ � �h ''.-B,,h i� ! 5 � i F 1 f } - 7r 4- - 43t ti j k� �.i'�.r. r x h # =4CLGSM OF aNINWHIP 1. Legal description and street address of subject real property: Lots 3 and 4, Block 2, KING P=v according to the Plat thereof,recorded in Plat Book 5 at Page 112 of thePublic Records of Dade County, Florida. 2606 and 2612 S.11. 28th Street {_ 2. Owner(s) of subject real property and percentage of ownership.' Note: City of Miami Ordinance No. 9419 requires disclosure of all parties aving a financial interest, either direct or indirect, in the subject matter of a presentation, request or petition to the City Commission. Accordingly, question #2 requires disclosure of all shareholders of oorporations, beneficiaries of trusts, and/or any other interested parties, together with their addresses and proportionate interest. Leonard A. Ralby - 100% 2618 S.W. 28th Street s� Miami, Florida 33133 - :1 3. Legal description and street address'of any real property (a)= owned by any party listed in, answer.to_question #2, and (b) located within a- _ 375 feet of the subject real< property. , • Lots 5 and 6, Block 2, MG PARK, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Bock'5 at Page 112 of the Public Pacords of Dade County, Florida. , �8 2610 and 2630 S.W. 28th Street Lots 19 and 20 less:the Northeasterly 10 feet thereof, Block 2, KIlVG.,PARK, accord eof 'as recorded in Plat ..Book 5 Page 112, the.Public.Records' to the-Plat:,ther , . of Dade County, Florida. 2533 Andros Avenue �...• /' 1 :. " p9T�A�T�L �OF FilamA ) ss: 0 Spa n 'alb L�- , being duly sworn, deposes _and says t ne is the t Owner) of the real property* described., in :answer, to question #l, above* . that. he: has : read...the fcragoisu3 x anawera . , . that the aame.; are krue and coaplees and (it: act a$=aktorney for ;owner f ,that he , has authority to execute ,this Disclosure of . Gwnersh p , form on behalf of the owner. �-kk - •' l,/�JJi'"� � ,i' �1 '/tip �-���FM>t11+� ::"r � YX'"�� ��,-. {{�,���..77 before. day o� RISWW T 1 ias 't t aS rP� n`meYr'7' 4' c� �%� NOTARY rpp�t� �r,►r��n f�4���� 4� � �y ,. 3 iTSS t +I: Ss Nr sslo; txrA fax, Sr1Y90 r y j .J i.'F +,Yw s s`9tSjY'Tt j".,i� i`3"it4 rc4 U W.d7" a _ Ft �a"Shut =!M 1 X; Leonard A. Ralby eons a March 21,1988 Ms. Gloria Fox: City of Miami, Zoning Hearing Boards 275 N.W. 2nd Street, Second Floor Miami,<Florida 33130 Re: Voluntary Declaration of Restrictions on Lots 3 and 4. Block 2, KING PARK, PB 5, P 112. 3 Dear Ms. Fox: t'Please`. accept this letter as a request..,.for: a modification N ofahe Voluntary Declaration of Restrictions;-ref estrictions -referenced above, a "copy of which is attached for yourready review.: This r Declaration was proffered to the. City in June; 1.987 'pursuant J' to. Ordinance No. 10277, passed an& adopted 'on Secondheading on May 28, 1987, rezoning the referenced property from RS , to Rb 1 4 with the `'SPI-3 Overlay: District K The Declaration was . ,given to insure "that develo�tdent r` � compatible `with nearby properties would' occur; that ;is,. w:.t i the exception of a five foot (51) high wall, no structure ® ; would A be -constructed. "within:-- -the-- south =twenty --'feet ' each :lot.. Please be assured that this request is.:not..ii�ten�le to:, delete. or ., d1zini sh : the assurance . previously given. modification requested is to permit the, heariig of an application for variance by the,,,. Zoning Board `to considor ?. waiving the requirement for a six foot i6.') h.gk: 'walks ' ' required by the Zoning Ordinance shouldthe.'qity Commission ' approve ,this request. Thy + P �ppl).eation lee for modification o'f the` a Volu�iirar'y`�. Declaration;_ •,:of' Restrictions in the s amount of $400.00 ,enclosed. s r=z z? �# s x°! pit Y � f cserel L6onar Jf r �+•�� . It Y 9r`X t: f ¢ Y .. E:1, s4sKl3` a { `i� I"F.f.,. t4' �i:akMk, traAa#'a• :'s. ...,1, . 5 Y, iC... .d-:rdi:•aL;: 3...,._.... OCi t5 P4147 auttauun eser f:I1Nlt0 t='ORM b113 f f ult-flalm Pad� Fzecuta this day of October . A. D. m S by R�►%BY At t RFAtt PAR tQF"diSi#2P. a Florida general partnership, { flrat j eo A. RATTY Wkese fiosto f f ice address is 3350 SW 28 Terrace, Coconut Grove, Florida second party. iWertev" mN b"s the tet" "rim purer" OVA fine$ "M", sw illeledf tifteebw fled }hlret. brio. kpl of irAkideab, 41W the Weefwn MW rwwiplt. of to:,eret o6w trAftf.er the txlnnt - N�req&ad j�� Thai the said first party. for and in consideration of the own of S in haatd paid by the said secernd rear►.• the rar.irt who"Of is herehy at-knomWood. dn" hemby reml re• Ease and quit4laim Lento the said second party forever. all the right, title. interest, claim and demand te►htclt Ike gaud first party has in and to the following described lot. piece or parcel of land. situate. lying and being to the County of Dade State of Florida . to -wit: Lots 5 and 6, in Block 2, of KM PARK, acoordinq 'j i to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 5, �— at Page 112 of the Public Pewrds of Dade County, Florida. "i i. >r= QUIT CAM4 DE® is for the purpose of the dissolution of the partnership. � :i I - i ' • my steiMs cN /-1 Z..5 Cle.t, IfGYi� 0 A — 10 " But and to Vold. the saute together with all and singular the appurtenaneps thsreunto belonging or in anywise appertaining. and all the estate. right, title, interest. lienegaity,and claim w, I saever of the said first party, either in law or equity, to the only proper rue, benefit and b.hoof of the ,laid second party f or. CEp f r The said first party has signed and sealed these presents the day, and year first abo i ritten. Sig and delivered in presence of: PJQW— AMM Pam' �.. !........................ ........ to al iPax#i= U, *** ...�. Iii�n"�1Tlerij ......................»... 1 ...». ..A.. , ., .... ..P zr MINE TAv.'VrY of DM , } fbWard Irwin s as attrorz>! ljIN " := fact I HLRLDY CLRTIFY thae oa ehis dafr betewa ate► ottiae duly authorincd in the State aforesaid and in the Coon aforesaid to tales aeksowkd a ` t1► t4 pOtsouiU% t> Sharon Allen, as general partner of RUM-AUM REAL ESTA� PA�r �► ' #q ,*t F].o�ida general PasttlershiP� a to nee known to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing . intaunioat assd ; 'r"l:c�it�iiwlai before ate that . She exseuted the umo.: r��.t�r�,r••}•`#��r++ Y WITNESS my hand and official seal in the County and State last #foresail -chit A. D. 19 8j . .' = 5# R�cQtd. end Aft f-17 s' ammmi �tP • •Rl.I�1�F T#',"'�R•�+�q f !}074711R#3' "y �Y� r I Z61 %, � 114 CI I that on this day, before we, an officer duly authorized in the Stag aforesaid and in the CWntY aforesaid to take ackwwledgments, personally _ as attornMY"in-fact for -- I RAINY - _ _ ML FSTP= pArmqEPZVMt a I A. a gerersl partner of Y' person described in and who executed. Florida general. p�'p► me knoarr► to be the per the samte. ackww1a ged the foregoing instr1anent and .,be before me that kg_ executed WTVM my hand and official. seal unty in the Coand State last ' this . daV. f October, 1985. ,.......ff___►,� 9�• �::, k ''� tjota�y pub ,State F � � 1i�. Y/�.�• I, �•• ices• MY • lg Cy RORiDA ,t - ,�. „ IPfewlair 9 use• OU m , �.■r of o►ot ooua�r. I— � � .ce000 vtnnW U IUcIIn� � � CLERK CiRCUI� COttR[ I - _ a 9a' x.h {t ✓a t 2?f , 7 -k t y-'f.'yH yyt �i t�I''FyySaM,�t 7 y fi r